#Paras Hospitals
lgbtpopcult · 5 months
Watch Some Soap Storylines Girl Please
To be clear soaps are famous for going on for ever, most couples and romances don't last that much 😂
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Amar en tiempos revueltos, Spain
Valor de vida, Portugal
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Thuis, Belgium
The Rich Man's Daughter, Philippines
Jogo doplo, Portugal
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Neighbours, Australia
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General hospital, USA
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4 estrellas, Spain
Nadie como tu, Mexico
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Perdona Nuestros Pecados, Chile
emmerdale, UK
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Las estrellas, Argentina
Young and the restless, USA
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Edificio corona, Chile
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Demente, Chile
Coronation street, UK
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Shortland Street, New Zealand
Salkkarit, Finland
Amar es para siempre, Spain
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jhekser · 11 days
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—Além da Máscara
📅 19/05/2024 📝 pedido pelo ImaginesLand 🎨 arts by starbite (official arts - Batman: Wayne Family Adventures) & resources by freepik ⚠️ inspirado em uma capa da @xmaeve 🤍
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astridhansleyy · 1 year
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Where: Aurora Bay Hospital
Who: @cristian-valdes
After receiving the worst call ever, Astrid walked out of the coffee shop, apologizing to her PI before heading to take Victor and Isabella to Cristian's house to leave them with their babysitter and then drive to the hospital. She couldn't get there fast enough. Victor, of course, was so pleased to see Astrid but he kept asking where his daddy was and all Astrid could say was that he'll be there soon. Astrid simply didn't want to freak the kid out as she didn't know what happened herself. After leaving the kids with the babysitter, the blonde drove as fast as she could to the local hospital. She ran through the doors, feeling pure panic "Cristian Valdes, where is he?" She asked the nurse at the front desk, still trying to catch her breath. "Who are you? A relative?" The nurse asked calmly "I am his emergency contact, please tell me where he is? Is he okay?" The nurse checked in the files and pointed at one of the doctors "There's Doctor Morales, he's the one treating Mister Valdes, go to him." The nurse said "Thank you," Astrid said giving the woman a small smile and a nod before approaching the doctor. "Doctor Morales! We talked on the phone...I am Astrid Hansley, Cristian's emergency contact, can you please explain what happened to Cristian?" She asked feeling herself getting more and more anxious. "Yes, Miss Hansley, please sit." Please sit? Fuck, that's never good..."Cristian was at the beach surfing when something happened that made him fall, his surfing board broke and hit his head while he was underwater...the lifeguard tried to do CPR but, he didn't wake up...we stabilized him...but, he's still unconscious and we don't know when he'll wake up." Astrid's heart was about to explode hearing this. "Where is he," Astrid asked as she could feel the tears in her throat. "Come after me" The Doctor replied as he got up and walked with her to room 308. As the door opened she could see the man she so dearly love looking like he was just sleeping. He looked so peaceful even though a huge white bandage covered his beautiful curls. "Can I have a moment alone with him, Doctor?" She said as the doctor nodded and walked out of the room. "Cris..." She said as she took a seat by the bed, taking his hand into hers. "Please come back to me." She said as she burst into tears. "Please, I love you..." She said as she placed a soft kiss against his forehead. She held his hand and didn't want to let go.
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tinynebula · 2 years
those reddit stories that are like "aita for being mad that my dad gave my college fund to my sister to pay for her cancer treatment and now my life is ruined because I have to go into debt?" and realizing some people just live their entire lives in a hellish dystopian reality where your kids have to compete for money that could allow them to live or have an education like jesus fucking hell how have they not burnt down the entire system and had a revolution the entire rest of the world doesn't live like this it doesn't have to be like this people start cutting heads IT'S TIME
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aubreymillerx · 8 months
Where: East Haven Memorial Hospital
Who: @maxdiaz
After what had happened with Leo, he was in police custody and Aubrey needed to place a statement before she could go to the hospital and be with her actual boyfriend. Aubrey felt super guilty for everything, she knew that none of it would've happened if she just listened to Max and went straight to court but, part of her wish that Leo really changed...the redhead rushed to the hospital, right into Max's room. "Max??" She said as she entered the room.
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kenzakikazuma · 3 months
to keep it real I think something happened to me back in like. January or something because I have not been normal since.
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rp-partnerfinder · 3 months
26 year old nonbinary. 🙈 Looking for someone 21 to roleplay as a doctor in a historical mental hospital setting where I would play a 21 year old patient in an adult ward. Please dm me on Tumblr if interested. Oc x oc and 3-5 paragraphs preferred
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callie-everest · 1 year
After a long night of little sleep trying to get Matthew to relax, Callie had woken up to a disgruntled and anxious man who was eager to get back to hospital. She’d forced him to sit and have some cereal, but he hadn’t lasted long before darting back off to see Yash, and so she’d let him go reluctantly, knowing he wouldn’t relax until he was back by his friend’s side. Callie was worried too, but she knew too many people crowding around Yash’s bed wouldn’t be good, and so she wanted to leave space for her closest friends to visit instead.
After feeding Chuck and taking him for a quick walk, she’d gathered her things and headed to the pet shelter. Despite all the uncertainty and the weakness the supernaturals around her were feeling, she had an appointment to pick up her new puppy. Now that she knew her friends were safe, she felt okay to go and collect Matilda. She was filled with nervous, excited energy as she pulled in and headed through the front doors, asking for Doctor Corey before taking her seat, foot tapping with anticipation. 
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elifalvey · 11 months
4:26 AM. June 30th, 2023. Providence Peak Memorial Hospital.
Elijah wakes up uncomfortable and sweating.
The first thing that he feels — outside of frustration, since this is at least the third time tonight that he's woken up this way — is a throbbing ache in the back of his neck, and he reaches his left palm over his right shoulder to rub the area in hopes of alleviating some pressure.
Stupid fucking hospital chairs.
He groans quietly as he adjusts, moves his head to search for his phone that he left on the small table within arms reach. A giant, bold 4:26AM stares back at him as he finds it and unlocks the screen, along with a recent photograph of Aslihan and Alex in the sunroom back home, taken probably no more than three weeks before they came here that he set as his wallpaper immediately upon taking it.
He stares at the combination groggily for a long second, like all of his thoughts are still buffering and getting used to his new state of consciousness, and he takes a deep breath.
One that immediately feels as though it gets sucked back into his body as a wave of adrenaline washes over him, and he practically jumps up out of the seat before he can fully register what exactly he's doing. He takes a half-step towards Aslihan's bedside, sees her sleeping there, and stops in his tracks.
Thank God.
Relief. He gives breathing another go, and although it's considerably more successful than his attempt before, it's still shaky and full of leftover uncertainty.
Why wouldn't she be there? He thinks. Don't be a fucking idiot.
He doesn't make any effort to move closer to her bed, nor does he make any to stumble backwards to the makeshift bed of his own — he just stands there, in limbo, feeling uncomfortable and sweaty and a little bit ridiculous now. His eyes, momentarily focused on the rise and fall of her chest, drift to the monitors slightly above her head. He squints as if he can read the numbers, as if he knows what any of them really mean in relation to the health of his girlfriend or his baby.
They're alright, he tries to convince himself. Nothing is wrong.
"Just go sit down," he mumbles softly, like it's a thought that slips past the filter in his head. Despite his own reassurances, though, he can't bring himself to listen — he can't move, can't stop staring, can't convince himself that Aslihan won't disappear from thin air the second he turns around.
A different machine from the hallway faintly beeps in the distance, effectively startling him as he jerks a little in place.
"Fuck off."
Obviously, it doesn't listen. It beeps once more.
Stupid fucking hospital.
Breathing still isn't doing all that much for him, and ironically, he wonders if a cigarette will help — not that it has in the past two weeks that they've been here, when this exact scenario of on-and-off-panic-and-sleeping has become something of a routine for him under the moonlight, but he figures it's worth a shot (he says that frequently).
Finally, he moves in a middle direction. Not towards Aslihan's bed, or towards the chair, but towards the table to grab the pack of American Spirits he left there beside his phone. He gets as far as the doorway before he stops mid-movement again. He can feel a similar sort of adrenaline from before building up in the pit of his stomach, like anticipation, like when something bad's not quite happened yet but you're expecting a tornado to touch ground at any moment. He tries to ignore it, but for the second time, he finds that he can't move.
A drop of sweat falls from his forehead, cascading down his temple, and he wipes it away with an annoyed huff and turns around.
You can leave, he thinks. You've left before, you can leave again.
The rational part of his brain is clearly working overtime to compensate for the lack of cooperation from his body, but it's proven to not be enough to overpower him as a whole; a sinister, unwanted part of him chimes in.
What if she's gone when you come back? What if you leave, and she's not there?
He swallows air, feels another bead of sweat, and decides.
No, I can't leave.
Dark hues settle on Aslihan, and she hasn't moved an inch, hasn't even rustled underneath the thin blankets covering her, but he imagines his worst fears all too vividly. He imagines leaving, even if only for a minute, and returning to an empty hospital room. No, no. He imagines leaving, even if only for a minute, and returning to a room filled with nurses and doctors and beeping machines and so much yelling he doesn't know how to digest it all. He imagines her being here, physically, yet being gone at the same time.
The longer he stares, the more her silhouette morphs in his mind.
Her petite frame turns shorter, more muscular, and long, dark locks get traded for messier, looser curls. Brown eyes somehow become darker, almost black, and her skin looks rougher too — Elijah's looking frantically, still frozen, trying to make some sense of this.
The faint beeping that came from outside the hall gets louder, and more frequent, like the frantic sound of medical equipment that popped into his mind without warning before. It gets louder. And louder. And louder. The silhouette only becomes more detailed — the vague outline of a man becomes more personalized; he can see a crooked smile, and a splotchy birthmark, and a thin, pale scar just above a bushy eyebrow.
Fuck, fuck, fuck.
Elijah realizes that he's seeing Harrison in the place of Aslihan, sprawled across the drab hospital bed, attached to wires and machines and Jesus fucking Christ, why the hell is he sweating so goddamn much? Everything is so horribly clammy, and he reaches down to grab a giant fistful of his shirt. It scrunches between his fingers but he gains little relief from the motion, and the next time the sinister devil chimes in his mind it sounds a bit too much like him.
Don't leave.
There's a damp sensation — not just on his temple, but all over his face — and he's unsure if it's sweat, or tears, or an overwhelming mixture of both. His chest feels much, much heavier than it did just a few seconds ago and once again, before he even registers what the hell he's doing, he all but leaps in the direction of the chair across the room. He settles as far away from the doorway as possible, distress looming over him, as his knee bounces in agitation. He sits there for awhile, just tapping his foot on the tile, rubbing his palms against his legs, forgetting every single breathing exercise that he's ever been taught in his life, with his eyes trained to the bed only a few feet away.
I'm not leaving, I'm not leaving, I'm not fucking leaving —
"Is everything alright, Mr. Falvey?"
His attention snaps up to land on the door and he sees the young, sweet nurse standing at the threshold. He can't remember her name — Melanie? Tiffany? Kelly? — but he recognizes her face, having seen her more times than he can count with how much he's been awake at night. She has a smile etched into her face, innocent and unsuspecting of the chaos rattling against the cage within him. Her words are genuine, he can tell, and he almost feels guilty upon the realization that he can't exactly answer right away.
Glancing from her, back to the bed again, he notices that the silhouette looks more normal. More like Aslihan. More like she's actually in front of him, and not some sort of transformed manifestation of the fears he's been holding onto for years. It looks like she's sleeping. There. She hasn't gone away.
"Early morning, isn't it?" she speaks as the silence ticks on.
His attention snaps once more, but instead of silence, he nods.
"Y-Yeah, mhm," he interrupts himself with a cough, momentarily forgetful of his sleeping girlfriend. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. All good. T-Thank — yeah, thank you. Uh —" he squints to try and see the badge attached to her scrubs, but his eyes feel puffy and his vision is slightly blurry and he gives up way too easily. He nods again, like a final thought, and forces a smile to stretch on his lips. It must look horrendous given the state of him, but he can't bring himself to care. If she's suspicious of his answer, he can't see that very well either.
"Alright. If you need anything, just let us know."
With that, she turns on her heel and exits into the hallway, hopefully to check on some other patient's room somewhere, and Elijah . . . sighs.
He's not too confident that he can stand without an unreliable wobble to his legs at this point, so he just sinks further into the chair he previously placed himself in. He feels better — not good, or calm, or normal by any means, but better in that he's not actively hallucinating the figure of his dead best friend anymore. So there's that.
From the window behind him, he can hear birds chirping, the tiny creatures settled into the branches that nearly brush up against the glass. Soft sunlight slowly trickles in through the curtains. He has no idea how much time has passed since he woke up in the first place, but there's no shot that he's going back to sleep any time soon. He knows that much.
"Stupid fucking hospitals," he grumbles, arms crossed over his chest. The back of his head thwacks against the wood of the chair as he throws the weight of it back, unable to even muster a whine of pain as the ache returns in the back of his neck.
As it turns out, therapy might not be the biggest waste of his time after all.
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diegomartinezz · 1 year
Where: Aurora Bay Hospital
Who: @cristian-valdes
Diego literally just came back from New York, figuring out what Cristian had requested from him about his new enemy-Harrison. The male even arrested Harrison as a few new revelations came to light. He couldn't wait to tell Cristian all about it but...life happened and his best friend was laying in a hospital bed after a very serious surfing accident. Diego made sure Astrid stayed with the kids before rushing to the hospital. As he entered room 308 where his best friend was laying he saw a huge white bandage covering Cristian's head and the male was still unconscious. "Fuck me," He said as he let out a sigh "Jesus man...you look awful." Even though Cristian wasn't awake he was sure the male had heard his teasing. Diego didn't know what to do "Man, you gotta wake up and hear this...don't be an idiot." He said as he sat down. He never cried but seeing his best friend like this defiantly made the male cry.
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violet-lamerton · 1 year
Even though Violet was avoiding going out as much as she good, she knew she needed to go in and check on Santiago. She’d visited him when he’d been in hospital but hadn’t really seen him since - thankfully, she’d gotten his older brother’s number at the hospital and so he had been kind enough to let her know that his younger brother was now staying with him. She’d checked in to see if it would be okay to stop by, and once he’d confirmed, she’d gathered up a care package with a bunch of wild-flowers from her garden, a few healing and soothing potions and salves, some home-made cinnamon rolls and a bottle of elderflower cordial she’d also made herself. With her basket of goodies hung on her arm she stepped up to the front door, knocking lightly a few times before waiting for someone to answer. 
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astridhansleyy · 1 year
Where: Aurora Bay hospital
Who: @amayapowers
After the storm the first place Astrid found herself at was the hospital. Cristian, Amaya, and Diego were there, each for a different reason. After checking up on both Diego and Cris and making sure they were okay, she tried to see Amaya. The nurse totally refused to let her in as she wasn’t Amaya’s immediate family which was a total bullshit, they were much more than that. She yelled at the nurse to let her in and when she finally did, Astrid didn’t waste another second standing in the hallway. She entered Amaya’s room, looking at her sleeping, looking almost like an angel. “Oh god, Amaya!” She whispered as she got closer to her bed, and taking a seat beside it. Astrid kept looking at her, not really knowing what happened to her best friend. She felt a few tears already dropping down her cheeks as she kept her eyes on the woman.
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havenbsinclair · 5 months
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Timeline: November - December of 2023 Mentioned People: Lake Sinclair, @julianxheywood, @kanyonwebb, Marie Sinclair, @summercassidy (brief recap of the thread), @riverxjackson (brief recap of the thread), @noahsinclaxr, @norasinclair (Some of the threads are still being written on the dash so I summarized what I imagine will happen.) Notes: All research in regards to this self-para was done via Google. It is in no way intended for this self-para to be harmful, nor misinforming as I simply used the internet and my imagination to develop a scenario and instill some development within my character.
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Note: Colored writing is dialogue by NPC's. Yellow is Lake, pink is Haven's mom
November 15th, 2023
"You know, Mom, that stuff you put on my cut didn't fix it like you said it would." It wasn't typically normal for Lake to be argumentative in this sense, but, to say that Lake had been 'normal' recently was almost the wrong word to use. Things with Lake had been rather tense since he'd started spending time with his dad, Kanyon, and while Haven was almost too concerned with it, she let it going; after all, Lake was at that age where growth spurts, mood swings and puberty were all possibilities. While she was convinced it was anxiety ridden from the change in his environment, she knew that he would talk when he was ready, and until then it was her job to help him. Raising an eyebrow as she listened to her son's words, Haven turned from the stove where she was making a fresh batch of mac and cheese for Thanksgiving and looked at the spot on his arm that had popped up what felt like two weeks ago. "It's still not heeled?" she questioned, letting herself turn towards him and examined it as he lifted the band-aid that he'd been picking at for nearly an hour it seemed. "Well, if you'd leave it alone, Lake it would probably do better." she spoke, though, she couldn't deny the thought that something about it not healing completely yet seemed suspicious. "Let's maybe try something else and keep it covered for a few more days, but someone may have to eat some more vegetables to keep his bones nice and healthy and his scrapes healing up properly." she laughed, offering her son a playful wink as she heard him move to the bathroom to grab some other medical supplies, the faintest 'bleck; leaving his lips in disgust. With a chuckle, Haven shook her head as she washed her hands, following her son to doctor up his injury before dinner.
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November 23rd - 26th, 2023
Thanksgiving morning started out like all the other mornings in the Sinclair household. Just like she'd done many time growing up - and especially when she'd moved to college and only really got the comfort of home for the holidays - Haven turned on the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade and cuddled on the couch with a cup of coffee in her hand. She had biscuits and bacon in the oven - upon Lake's request - and was spending as much time with her boy as she could while they awaited the presence of Julian and time for Haven to start cooking her portion of Thanksgiving dinner. Haven wouldn't get too many of these, so, she was trying to soak it up while she could; if she blinked too hard she'd find herself watching her son drive off to college or something just like she'd done to her parents, and the thought made her heart hurt a little. So, just like she often did, Haven leaned over in the moment, cuddling with Lake who was laying on the couch, but instead of being greeted with an eager and enthusiastic child, she was met with an attitude that reminded her a lot of herself in her younger days. "No, Mom! Get off of me. I don't want to cuddle you." The remark it's self wasn't what seemed to take Haven back; it wasn't unusual for Lake to not want to cuddle her in his older age, but rather it was the attitude, the way that her son seemed to be talking to her like she was his worst enemy. This wasn't like him, even when he was mad or upset Lake had never snapped at her like this. Nodding as she moved, Haven sat up, moving from the couch in an attempt to distract herself - the only thing she really wanted to do was cry - she checked the food in the oven, setting a timer for the remaining time limit on the oven and sipping the glass of water she poured herself and awaited her boyfriend. At least he wouldn't yell at her and tell her he didn't want to cuddle..
"Well, sweetheart, he's a growing boy. You know, you weren't exactly the nicest child when you were going through puberty yourself." The sound of her mother's statement sent a shutter down Haven's spine at the mere thought that Lake could be experiencing signs of puberty. He was almost twelve after all; but, Haven hadn't expected for this to happen for another few years. Sure, it was an unreasonable thought, she knew that, but, the idea of her son being her 'baby' for just a little while longer had become such a comforting feeling to her that she wasn't quite ready to face that things could be changing for him. With a sigh she nodded as she looked over at her son who was carelessly playing video games on the living room tv and nodded, despite the fact her mom couldn't see her. "I think that's it. Or at least I hope." she added. "I was talking with Julian and Kanyon about it and Kanyon said he noticed it too, but, I'm trying to just be positive." she sighed. "I wonder if he's a little anxious about all the changes and such and that's why. I mean, he went from having just me and our family to having to share me with Julian and share his time with his dad too, I just think it's a lot." It had been a few days since the Thanksgiving get together with the Sinclair family, and just like the morning that he'd snapped at Haven, Lake's behavior was back to him being snappy. It was consistent, and thankfully it wasn't just at her anymore, however, the feeling of not doing or being enough for him seemed to be overwhelming her more and more as each day passed. Though, something about listening to her mom made he smile, and Haven nodded when she heard the voice of her mom reassure her on the other end. "I just don't know where it's coming from. I wasn't ready to deal with this yet, but if this is a glimpse of what it's going to be like raising a teenager, I'm not ready."
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November 30th, 2023
It was a tradition that Haven and Lake get a real tree every year, just before the start of December and decorate it once they got it home and situated. And this year was nothing different, only difference is they were going a little earlier in the year than planned, but Haven didn't mind that. With Kanyon now in the picture and her splitting time with him for the holidays, she wanted to do as much with Lake early so that they didn't miss out on their traditions. And much like with other years in the past, shopping for their Christmas tree ended with a night of grocery shopping and picking out a new Christmas movie to watch, but much to Haven's surprise, Lake picked out far more snacks than normal this year. But, she didn't say no; she couldn't. The part of her that was holding onto her son's childhood was enough for her to nearly give into any random request; from Christmas cookies to the holiday trail mixes, slowly the cart started filling and Haven smiled. These were the nights she'd been looking forward to the most when she'd found out she was pregnant; carrying on holiday traditions and creating new ones with her children some day. Dinner had been pizza - much like years passed - and Haven had been shocked at how much of the pizza Lake had eaten. Eight slices of a medium pizza at one point had been enough for the two of them for dinner, and lunch the next day at least, but, tonight had been different as Lake had managed to eat nearly the entire pizza in one sitting and was asking for more. With a small shake of her head, Haven laughed at her son watching as he devoured the last bite of pizza. "Sorry bud, but I don't have any more pizza but I can make you something." she smiled, looking at her son for a moment before she tussled his hair. "Or we can dive into the snacks?" she watched as Lake began scanning the snack spread that was on the counter and she laughed, looking at him with the smallest smile. "You feeling okay, bud?" she questioned, but watched as Lake nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah, I'm just hungry." he shrugged, opening a bag of trail mix and moving towards the living room. "Can we watch Elf next?" he asked and Haven nodded. "Sure thing, get it ready and I'll get the hot chocolate." she smiled, making herself a mental reminder to be sure to buy Lake the next size up in clothing. Between the energy he was exerting into sports and his age there was probably a growth spurt happening with this amount of food he was consuming, and she wanted to be prepared for it just in case.
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December 7th - 13th, 2023
With Lake's emotions in full pre-teen swing, Haven was thankful for any attention he was getting outside of the negative attention he'd been getting from her recently. She didn't like putting her foot down or being strict when it came to discipline, but, his behavior and attitude recently had been something she couldn't ignore, much less when he was around other children. It was one thing for him to be hateful or snappy with her, but, for him to do it around other kids seemed unusual, though, just like most of the things Lake was doing these days, that didn't stop him from being a kid. The mother and son had been at the park for nearly half an hour already when Lake was reaching for a bar on the monkey bars and completely missed, falling to the ground. Obviously concerned Haven checked on him, only to be told that his vision was a little blurry, and concerned that he'd hit his head, she'd made the child sit which had resulted in 'worst mother of the year award' she was sure. Because no child wanted to be sat down at the park, much less one Lake's age. Though, as Lake and Luke played once Summer and Luke arrived, Lake's mood shifted - more so confirming with Haven that her fears of being the worst mom ever were in fact proving more to be true by each passing second. That was something she'd definitely have to work through, that was for sure. But for now, she was focused on watching her son play and while he was still young at heart she wanted nothing more than to watch him be a child.
"Lake, man, you keep rubbing your eyes." Haven spoke, looking at him as he came back from the lane rubbing his eyes again. "Are you sleeping okay?" she questioned. "Do we need to get you some allergy meds or something?" she placed her hand on top of his head as she often times found him eager to do whatever his mind was set on instead of stopping to listen to her. Though, just as she assumed Lake shook his head. "No, Mom. I'm fine." the child spoke, looking at his mom, rubbing his eye again and then closing it, looking at her now with one eye. Though, shaking her head she looked down at him. "You say that, bud, but, you rubbing your eyes like that has me concerned." she spoke. "You still seeing things blurry?" she asked, looking down at him. With a small nod and a quick glance at River, before shrugging. "We'll keep an eye on it, use some drops and maybe talk to your teacher." she commented. "But maybe go clean out your eye, see if that helps and then come back." Nearly five minutes later Lake did just that, nodding at his mom. "That was a good idea Mom, it worked!" he excitedly explained, taking the glass of water he'd poured for himself and chugging it, before returning to the bowling lane. With a small smile and a nod, Haven laughed. "Glad it helped, bud." she smiled, looking back at her son and then at River, shrugging before they joined him on the lane.
The week had been long, and Haven felt like she'd been running around like crazy. Between the playdate with Summer, bowling with River, holiday shopping and all of that had taken a toll on both of them. So, when Lake had decided to nap after school on a Wednesday afternoon, Haven hadn't thought much of it. He'd had a dentist appointment just after lunch, and once he'd finished his homework, Haven had found him sleeping and while she put dinner in the crockpot for that night, she let him rest. Though, at 5 o'clock when he was still sleeping she went to wake him having him get dressed for his horseback riding lesson, though, the second she left the room Lake was asleep again. And when she got distracted with a meeting, she didn't quite realize it until it was already after six, and when she rushed into Lake's room to get him to leave, she found he was sleeping again. "Sorry, Mom, I'm just tired." Though, being tired didn't warrant an apology and Haven shook her head at him. "You don't need to apologize for being tired, Lake." she smiled. "Your rest is important. If you want to skip practice today you can stay home and rest. It's flu season so, I don't want you to risk it. If you need sleep, stay home and rest." she reassured, but made a mental note to keep an eye out for any other symptoms as she left his room.
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December 18th - 22nd, 2023
Haven had noticed enough about Lake to be concerned and had already tried calling to get an appointment with his doctor who didn't have anything available until the middle of January. She'd notified his teacher, curious if they'd noticed anything to which she'd been told no. Though, when the last week of school before Christmas break came around, she'd gotten an email from his teacher, explaining that this week he'd been easily distracted, unable to focus, very moody and also was needing to take frequent bathroom breaks, which was really beginning to disrupt his learning. Replying to the email that she'd talk with him over break and try to get him in with the doctor, Haven sighed, letting herself really think about all the things that she'd been experiencing with Lake. What could they mean? What was going on and why did it suddenly not feel like this was pre-teen hormones anymore?
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December 29th, 2023
Waking up that morning had been nothing short of normal; Lake had stayed the night at Noah and Nora's place and Haven had gotten some much needed alone time after some holiday plans. She'd planned to go to their house for lunch, spend the day with them and bring Lake home to have some quality time with her son - she was hoping that some alone time with him would help his attitude recently - as she knew these days were limited. Lake was growing before her eyes and she wanted to hold onto every part of his childhood that she could. He seemed to be growing right before her eyes, and she hated every moment of it. She was enjoying the peace and quiet though, watching a Christmas movie she'd been meaning to catch up on, a bottle of sparkling water on the coaster beside her and a bar of chocolate in her hand. She still had a few hours before lunch, and in true Haven fashion she'd missed breakfast so this was her first 'real' meal of the day. She hadn't even realized that she left her phone on the island in the kitchen, and only stood to get it when she heard it buzzing, watching as the screen changed from a call to a missed call and she saw that Nora had called her twice now. Growing concerned, she lifted it to call her back just as Nora was calling her a third time, and Haven answered, but before she even had time to speak she was hit with the news that felt like a punch in the gut. Lake..passed out.. conscious.. loopy... Noah and hospital. were the only words that seemed to resonate in her ears and she nodded, quickly, feeling her breathing begin to quicken as she felt herself begin to panic. She couldn't even remember if she said anything to Nora before she hung up the phone, grabbing her keys and leaving her home abandoned. She could barely even remember getting from point a to point b, her heart pounding in her ears as her wallet and phone were thrown into the passengers seat and her car was thrown into reverse, backing out of the driveway as her mind went through all the things that had happened recently. The mood swings, the intense hunger and thirst, the blurred vision, the fatigue, his behavior at school along with the constant bathroom breaks, and lastly him passing out, was it all connected? Had she missed something that she should've seen a long time ago, something that was a key part in why Lake was on his way to the hospital now? She didn't have time to think, she didn't even have time to cry, yet, somehow the tears that she didn't even know she was holding in had escaped, running in streams down her cheeks. Wiping her cheek and her nose with the back of her hand, Haven put the car in drive and began the drive to the hospital, flashers on and foot on the gas; her baby needed her, and there was nothing and no one that would stop her from getting to him.
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groriatrevi10xx · 1 year
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-Ciudad Holwe/Holwe City-
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aubreymillerx · 11 months
Where: East Haven memorial hospital
Who: @romanrhodes
Aubrey wasn't told a lot about Roman's state, all she knew was that the male was hurt at the 4th of July event and now he was in the hospital. She didn't know if he was awake or how bad his injury was but she was already rushing to the hospital. She parked the car and literally ran to the front desk asking where Roman was. Since she wasn't his immediate family she wasn't told a lot and just pointed at his room. As she walked to his room she saw in what state he was and she broke into tears "Roma..." She said as she sat down next to him.
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marsdenlee · 1 year
Location: Opulence General Hospital With: @opheliasflood
He probably looked like an oversized delinquent, rolling down the hallway in a 'borrowed' wheelchair with a metallic 'Get Well Soon!' balloon tied to his wrist, streaming and bobbing behind him, all covered in tattoos and wearing black sweatpants with skeleton legs, visible white socks pulled up beneath their hemline, black Adidas slides on his feet and instead of a leather jacket he wore a black hoodie that was too big for him because it wasn't his own. Another 'borrowed' item, this time from Ryden. If he couldn't be with his buttery croissant then he at least wanted to have a piece of him around.
"Mind getting the door for me?" Mars would ask some random person in the hall outside of Ophelia's room, inclining his head in the direction of the door that would lead to her and they obliged, "Thanks," -- which sounded more like 'danks' -- and he gave them a single flick of a finger gun in their direction before he rolled in.
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Marsden greeted, wheels of the wheelchair squeaking a little as he rolled toward the edge of her bed, "Dis a fucked up game of tag we playin' right now but," he untied the 'Get Well Soon!' balloon from his wrist and handed it over to Ophelia as he said, "Tag. Yer it, an' no tag backs." He didn't look any better than the last time they saw each other when she'd visited him in his apartment, still appearing fatigued with deep dark circles around his eyes and despite sounding a bit more energetic there was still a lingering heaviness to his voice, a low gravel he couldn't quite shake, and a dullness to his somewhat dry skin.
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