musicaemdx · 10 months
A Place To Bury Strangers e MДQUIИД no Musicbox Lisboa. Inesquecível, é o que fica para memória futura
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tecknarn · 4 years
#1 JAB - Just Another Blog
Its true, isn’t it? 
There are probably several million blogs in existance and I won’t promise anything different really. Come on, just go ahead and try something else? Heh if you are still here I congratulate you. 
Sooo, I assume introductions are in order, after all, Who the hell is a me? 
Thankfully you don’t have to worry, because I have no clue. But sometimes I do know about myself. I am a girl, or maybe its more correct to call myself woman now, I am almost 22 after all. I was a girl since puberty started, others might have claimed otherwise but they can sod off. 
Life is rarely easy, I mean I keep having to deal with a lot of shit but it is also what makes those sweet, rare good moments so much better, in the end I am an optimist, a cynical optimist if that even makes sense but still optimistical. 
Why am I writing? 
Well to be honest, why the hell not?
Really, sometimes you just need to vent all of the stuff you need out into space, you want to reflect over the mysteries off life and maybe just why that pancake recipe turned out so poorly. 
I am probably not introducing this in the most serious way, but eventually I will probably try my hand at that too, hopefully not in the middle of the night. Why a blog is great is probably the fact that I can actually share my shit and finish writing stuff without having to feel a pressure to make it super great. Instead of working on my writing doing books that I will never work on over one chapter, I’ll throw out these texts! It might work out better. 
I am glad to try my hand at this though, its better than not doing anything
Finally some true jabs at myself and others
Shit happens. (This is my life motto.)
I keep having ambitions that are never fullfilled.
My art sucks and I suck at creating, aka why there hasn’t been art on here in years. 
The 2020s is actually the future but not very futuristic. 
The Sequel Trilogy is mediocre at best.
Trump Sucks.
Gender Studies are actually fun and interesting, give it a try.
I am currently fluctuating sexuality wise between being a panromantic lesbian and just being straight out pansexual (heh, straight.)
I wish I could be butch without exploding in dysphoria.
Welcome to Nightvale is a tree growing out of your left ear and whispering about greatness and godhood.
I do think people need to learn more history.
We could use a bit more empathy around here.
You should not kill unless you are ready to die. - (Lelouch from Code Geass, yes I like anime at best.)
Agent Stone and Robotnik is the best ship (might not be listening to Where Evil Grows by The Poppy Family.)
People really need to cut down toilet paper consumption.
Lets be honest, cinnamon buns are the best.
and hey, feel free to actually disagree. I don’t mind, and its just good that you have your own opinion. Preferably it is a nice one that also respects other’s ideas and opinions. :)
Okay, nice all of that is out in the open. What now, why bother?
Heh, that is up to you to decide! For me I am going to bed. Maybe someday soon I will actually write again. Hopefully when my one true love, Animal Crossing has finally released. Unless I cease to exist from the face of the Earth.
Maybe some posts will just end up being something a bit more after all, remember always watch your flower pots for mysterious letters. They have a tendency to shriek ancient mantras after all, and do eat all the shrimps around.
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Sleep well readers!
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lacortei · 5 years
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Fotos de perfil e capa para o perfil de Facebook da Pointlist no âmbito do mês de Julho.
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joaomvcanhao-blog · 7 years
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THE MIAMI FLU + ALEX CHINASKEE & OS CAMPONESES + JANICE, Musicbox, Lisboa, by Colado + Pointlist
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vvyrmwood · 6 years
i have blocked ppl for saying they don’t like hatsune miku the block feature is there for a reason and like if someone makes u uncomfy... u can just block... it’s nbd and the internet is what u make it. filtering out the stuff and ppl you don’t wanna see isn’t an attack, ya don’t need a bullet pointlist of problematic actionsto block someone... some1 says miku isn’t the #1 princess of the world? blocked!
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rafael-quem-blog · 7 years
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kayl-design · 7 years
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Immortals - pointilist illustration 
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myprogrammingsolver · 2 years
Lab 9 Solution
MATERIAL COVERED     Linked Lists   Notes:   The three exercises in this lab are cumulative – each builds on the previous one, and they must be done in order. Only one of the three exercises is required, but try to do as many as you can.           A list of (x,y) points     Create two classes Node and PointList which will implement a list of (x,y) points using a linked list.   A Nodeshould…
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edulissy · 2 years
Lab 9 Solution
MATERIAL COVERED     Linked Lists   Notes:   The three exercises in this lab are cumulative – each builds on the previous one, and they must be done in order. Only one of the three exercises is required, but try to do as many as you can.           A list of (x,y) points     Create two classes Node and PointList which will implement a list of (x,y) points using a linked list.   A Nodeshould…
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musicaemdx · 4 years
Os 6 belos anos da Pointlist no Sabotage, temos entradas para oferecer
Os 6 belos anos da Pointlist no Sabotage, temos entradas para oferecer
No próximo sábado dia 11 de Janeiro a produtora e agência Pointlist comemora o seu 6ºaniversário no Sabotage Club em Lisboa com El Señor, Niki Moss, e Hause Plants, e nós temos 4 entradas individuais para oferecer.
Para te habilitares a ganhar uma das entradas disponíveis, apenas terás que enviar-nos uma mensagem pela nossa página 
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felord · 3 years
COMP1020 Lab9-Linked Lists Solved
COMP1020 Lab9-Linked Lists Solved
Linked Lists Notes: The three exercises in this lab are cumulative – each builds on the previous one, and they must be done in order. Only one of the three exercises is required, but try to do as many as you can. Create two classes Node and PointList which will implement a list of (x,y) points using a linked list. A Node should have three private instance variables: two double values x and y,…
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mrleonardolney · 4 years
3 Ways AI Will Enhance Your Customer Experience
I recently attended a webinar called “The future of AI (artificial intelligence) in customer service”.  Experts at both Zendesk and Netomi presented their research findings and answered questions from the audience members. This webinar intrigued me. So, I went on to study the impact of AI on customer experience across industries and solutions. This blog recaps my key takeaways.
What is AI in customer service?
When people think about AI, they often think of Amazon’s Alexa or Apple’s Siri. Can Alexa or Siri help you with your NPS scores? Maybe!
Let me define AI in the customer service realm. In simple terms, artificial intelligence automates customer facing processes that were previously run by people. AI is also capable of analyzing data across multiple locations. This could include your CRM system, billing system and website. An AI solution can identify trends and then act on that information in support of the customer.
There are many benefits of using AI in customer service. These include reducing customer hold and problem resolution times, eliminating business costs and more accurately solving complex customer problems. This combination of benefits can lead to a boost in NPS scores and a lift in customer retention and loyalty.
TCS, also known as Tata Consulting Services, recently completed a global trend study on artificial intelligence. It determined that 32% of companies use AI in Customer Service today. 
“Artificial intelligence can be successfully employed to provide an intelligent, convenient and informed customer experience at any point along the customer journey. ” (Quote by Will Theil, the co-founder and principal product architect at Pointlist. The Pointlist AI solution unifies customer data across all of your touchpoints. )
Here are 3 ways that AI can enhance your customer service and support.
1) Call Routing & Speed of Resolution
We have all had a bad experience getting transferred around a contact center in search of the right person to resolve our problem. Artificial Intelligence can analyze data and information from an incoming caller. Then, it will more accurately route that person to the right department. 
Here is an example. AI tools can scan a customer’s phone number, look into the CRM and other internal systems and gather key information. It can quickly identify the customer’s value, their recent tickets and their current accounts receivable status. Simultaneously, AI tools can look at external data sources such as geographic location or weather. Ultimately, AI can direct the caller to an agent who is the best and most qualified person to work with that customer.
In addition, we can use AI to present the information it collects and present it immediately to the customer service agent. This helps prepare the agent, reduce the call time and improve the quality of the interaction.
2) Real Time Problem Trending & Action
Customer service teams are often large and geographically dispersed. Agents spend most of their time resolving customer problems and are not actively discussing trends with one another. To identify trends in customer problems, leaders most often pull “lagging data” looking at back at the most common ticket types during a segment of time.
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AI is capable of analyzing data sets and identifying trends in real time. It can actively view details logged in your CRM system and also factor in other data sources outside of your company and add details like geographical location, weather and special events.
Imagine how helpful receiving a text that said, “Alert: 25 tickets logged past 15 minutes on software 7 outage, Germany. Weather- Hurricane. Act now.” This would spur you and your team to take immediate action. You could communicate with affected customers and resolve problems faster.
3) Handle customer inquiries with no human intervention
Your traditional Knowledge Centered Support (KCS) and online knowledge bases can be put on steroids with the support of AI and machine learning. AI tools can blend historical information and real time information from multiple data sources. AI can process and learn from historical trends and customer feedback. Ultimately, AI can serve customers more accurate responses to questions.  
Instead of only using your knowledge base for online self help searches, an AI enhanced knowledge base could be used to respond to customer emails and text messages.
Some customers may enjoy interacting with AI powered Chatbots. A Chatbot is a computer program designed to simulate conversation with human users, and is primarily used over the internet and via mobile applications. Per an article in Chatbots Life Magazine, “Chatbots are the fastest growing digital communication trend and one of the strongest tools marketers have at their disposal.” In 2020 and beyond we expect to see an increase in Chatbots used to process payments and Chatbots powered via voice not just text.
Will Chatbots take over the world?  Probably not, LOL!  In an article titled “Top 12 Chatbots Trends and Statistics to Follow in 2020” Snigdha Patel shared that “chatbots, virtual assistants, messaging and other new technologies are helping transform call centers across the world. Bots, without human involvement, can handle simple requests such as changing a password, requesting a balance and scheduling an appointment.” Bots can also be available 24/7/365 and handle multiple requests simultaneously.
Other benefits of AI in customer service
There are many other benefits of leveraging AI and machine learning in a customer service environment and/or part of your customer experience strategy. For example, AI can…
Help you deeply customize communications with customers with the right messages at the right times. AI can help you uncover specific customer needs, buying behaviors, and preferred channels of interaction.
Reduce the number of escalations within your organization by identifying and more swiftly resolving issues affecting multiple users.
Are you using AI to enhance your customer experience? Please add your comments below. Thanks!
You may also like one of my previous posts, “Customer Experience Technology… Friend or Foe?“.
© 2020, Marci Reynolds. All rights reserved.
The post 3 Ways AI Will Enhance Your Customer Experience appeared first on The Operations Blog.
from The Operations Blog https://ift.tt/2W3oVr1
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headlinerportugal · 4 years
Queremos festa brava: Longa vida a’O Salgado faz anos Fest! | Reportagem
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Uma festa de anos que é um festival? Um festival que é uma festa de anos? É esta pergunta que Luís Salgado, programador dos Maus Hábitos (lugar de culto e da cena alternativa do Porto), faz todos os anos. Nunca terá conseguido responder a nenhuma das duas. A razão? Muito provavelmente porque ambas as respostas estão corretas.
Está é uma daquelas tradições que nunca ninguém percebeu muito bem, mas a verdade é que já vai em 7 edições (!!) e que celebra o aniversário de uma das figuras incontornáveis da cultura portuense. 
Para abrir a longa noite que contou com mais de 10 atuações, foi o brasileiro já enraizado em Portugal há uns bons anos, O Gringo Sou Eu, que pela sua música de intervenção em spoken word fez soltar os primeiros passos de dançar e aquecer a pista de dança gigante do 4º piso.
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Um dos palco mais marcantes deste evento, é o palco O Salgado, não só por ter o rótulo de quem o criou mas também de ser o palco de todas as atenções nas muitas noites de concertos, festas e DJ Sets ao longo destes anos. Foi para lá que nos dirigimos para assistir ao concerto da brasileira LaBaq. Uma das novas artistas indie mais badaladas do Brasil, veio apresentar o seu mais recente álbum, ‘Lux’. Este trabalho discográfico foi editado em Portugal pela Omnichord Records.
Do mesmo palco saiu uma banda do Porto, uma banda cheia de noise, sem medos e sem merdas quando tocam ao vivo. Os Fugly são uma das bandas portuguesas com o som mais refrescante da cena punk surf e uma das bandas da família Pointlist que esteve bem presente nesta noite. Aliás, ninguém a poderia representar tão bem como próprio Colectivo Pointlist. O super grupo abriu o palco Super Bock por volta das 22h30 com elementos dos Sunflowers na guitarra, dos 800 Gondomar no baixo, dos Fugly na guitarra e na bateria os El Señor.
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Por volta da doze badaladas fomos assistir à banda de Fafe e com um dos melhores álbuns nacionais 2019 para o HeadLiner. Os El Señor e o seu ‘Suburbs Of Joy’  carregado de atitude punk, fizeram com que o seu baixista Duarte, agitasse as águas da frontline com um mergulho sem medo de ir ao fundo. 
À mesma hora tocava num mundo à parte (mas bem perto do palco Super Bock) a violoncelista Joana Guerra. Digo um mundo à parte, pois no palco Stockhousen o ambiente era outro. Reinava o silêncio onde era preenchido inteiramente pela música. As pessoas deste reino transpiravam serenidade. Praticamente todas elas sentadas, naquela bolha de nome Stockhousen onde o ruído exterior ficava à porta. 
Foi neste palco que assistimos a um dos momentos mais bonito pel’ O Gajo que se baldou o ano passado. Para os mais desatentos este nome artístico (será que é mesmo?) é Samuel Uria, que num ambiente mais intimista faz-se acompanhar apenas pela sua guitarra. Este não seria um dos eventos mais emblemáticos da cidade do Porto, se um dos maiores artistas da música da cidade invicta não estivesse presente. Falamos de Manel Cruz que, em “Lenço Enxuto” acompanhou-o na voz. Quem os acompanhou também na voz foram as dezenas de pessoas que se deixaram apaixonar por aquele momento. 
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Ao mesmo tempo que este momento lindo de tranquilidade se apoderava de uns, no palco O Salgado um outro momento lindo mas de suor e muito punk se apoderava de outros.  A banda de culto dos anos 90, ZEN, foi à festa de anos cantar os parabéns e mostrar que velhos são os trapos com o frontmen Rui Silva, a mostrar o porque de terem uma plateia à pinha e a fervilhar.
No longo cardápio ainda houve espaço para o Luís Salgado subir ao palco com o afro-punk de Scúru Fitchádu e, tocar um reco-reco metálico fazendo assim com que participasse ainda mais na sua própria festa. Sem regras e quase epiléptico, assistir a um concertos deste senhor faz gastar mais calorias que qualquer maratona que possam correr. No bagagem veio o álbum acabado de sair, ‘Un Kuza Runhu’.
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Enquanto n’o palco o Salgado, o projeto de Marcus Veiga encerrava a historia deste, num outro palco o rock tocou-se até bem mais tarde. 
No palco Super Bock a festa fez-se com o suor a escorrer face a baixo. Depois da banda de Braga Bed Legs e o seu incansável vocalista Ferna ter remado por esse público fora, foi a vez de subirem ao palco a banda do país vizinho. Os Favx são uma banda bem conhecida da nossa parte depois de já os termos vivido por duas ocasiões - Oub’ Lá e no Rodellus. A banda Madrilena veio mostrar o seu punk fervoroso. Tão fervoroso que a certo momento a sala transpirava por todos os poros existente fazendo com que o trio espanhol continuasse a festa brava já sem t-shirt. 
O Salgado faz anos Fest! não é para qualquer um. Aguentar esta carga de decibéis no corpo é só para os mais resistentes, e mesmo depois de muito rock ter passado por estes ouvidos, ainda tivemos espaço para fechar com os The Dirty Coal Train. A dupla de Viseu veio apresentar o seu álbum de 2019 ‘Primitive’. As guitarras sujas de Ricardo Ramos, o baixo imponente de Beatriz Rodrigues (fazendo lembrar a figura de PJ Harvey), fizeram a sala praticamente cheia, acompanhar os BPM’s de rock n roll através de headbanging e dos milhares de saltos que faziam expulsar a adrenalina que corria dentro de nós.
A noite fechava com a dupla indígena Venga Venga e os discos de vinil a rodar noite fora de DJ Lynce. 
Mais de 8 horas non-stop a festejar a vivência de um gajo que muitos de nós mal conhecemos. É estranho é, mas a verdade é que ano após ano estamos lá a cantar os parabéns.
 ~ Longa vida a’O Salgado faz anos Fest!
Vejam toda a foto-reportagem pelo Diogo Meira: clicar aqui
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Texto: Luís Silva
Fotografia: Diogo Meira
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misharajpoot-blog · 5 years
Microsoft Outlook is widely used email client in recent times by several users because it offers the liberty to work both online and offline.
If you are regularly using MS Outlook then you need to keep in mind of the numerous errors it shows from time to time. And one such error is “Outlook Unknown Error 0X80072F06″.
But even after this there are many errors that we face in our day to day work
So, now let’s see what this error is and the reason behind this error.
Reason behind error 0x80072f06
The unknown error 0x80072f06 occur when outlook user tries to update the offline address book(.oab) from the Exchange Server.
There could be several reasons behind the occurrence of this error.so, some of these reasons are given below:-
1. Incorrectly updating of .oab file.
2.Window system file damage.
3.Improper installation of ms-outlook.
4.An Incomplete Installation.
5.An Incomplete Uninstallation.
6.Improper deletion of hardware.
Methods to fix Outlook Unknown error 0x80072f06
Various methods to fix this error are:-
1. Restoring the System.
Restoring your system to the previous point will help you to resolve this error.follow the given steps to restore your system to the previous point.
Log in as an administrator in your computer.
Click the Start button>select All Programs>Accessories>System Tools>click “System Restore”.
Select “Restore my system to earlier point”.
After that click next, from the “On the list” option-click on the most recent restore point.
Click restore pointlist>click Next.
After confirmation >click next.
Then, Restart your system.
2.Deleting the existing .oab file
Sometimes the error occurs due to improper synchronization of OAB file with the exchange server. So,if you are also facing the same error so delete the existing OAB file and download the new OAB file from Exchange Server and after that synchronize the new OAB file with Exchange Server so that you will not face the error.
3.Using Reliable OST Recovery Tool
If all the above-given method fails so try this method to fix outlook unknown error 0x80072f06.It is the easiest way to handle this problem and even a non-technical person can try this method very easily.
The Cigati OST File Recovery Tool helps you to retain all your data. You just need to download the free version and use it and it also allows the preview of all your email, contacts, journal, task and many more.
The error 0x80072f06 will interrupt your work.So, this article covers all the methods to deal with this error.
So, it totally depends on you whether you want to do it manually or with the help of an application.
Hope you like this article.
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bagog · 7 years
Dream Broker
Sunlight filtered through the pine-branches and mottled the path with light. It was all like a painting—now pointlistic, now broad bands of color, now thick texture chunks of oil paint, as if the light were not light, but only new colors spilling from the sky onto the scene.
It was the path he used to meet Jeremiah on, and he was full of the sense that the other boy were just around the next bend, and would appear and run to him with a kiss at any moment. In a watercolor splash of new shadows sinking into the canvas of the forest, a wind blew through.
“Cullen,” the voice came from above, and in a world of swirling paint and texture, Someone appeared in the canopy of the trees and slowly lowered down to him. The someone looked not right, more solid than everything else, the sort of solid Cullen had expected—without knowing why he expected—Jeremiah’s face on the path.
The scene seemed to turn, as if Cullen could only glimpse the canvas through squinting eyes. Then the someone lighted on the path in front of him, held out his hand and coiled it into a fist, and the gray curtain that was dimming the forest from Cullen’s view seemed to disappear between the other’s fingers.
“No, no, Cullen,” he said. Each word was long and drawn out, each vowel exaggerated and echoing. “Don’t go. Stay. Enjoy. Keep you here.”
Cullen did not feel alarmed, but it was as if his sense of fear were in the other’s fist with the gray curtain. The other stared into him, great, yellow eyes unblinking.
“Who are you?”
“A passenger,” he replied. “A scavenger. A missionary. I am the Dream Broker.”
Cullen looked past the dream broker, down the path. Was Jeremiah still coming? He wanted to walk and find him. The Broker lifted a finger, and the path began sliding under their feet.
“What do you want?”
“Someone needs your help, Cullen,” the Broker’s seemed not to have teeth, though his voiced hissed as if he did. “Your dream.”
They rounded the corner, or rather, the corner rounded them. Cullen was beginning to think Jeremiah wasn’t coming.
“For what?”
“There are some, Cullen. Badly hurt. They cannot dream, Cullen. And they need to dream to heal…”
“That is my work. I am the Dream Broker. Generous souls—you—donate a dream to those in need.” The Broker looked up into the liquid pine-boughs. “This dream called to me.”
“Wh-who needs my dream?”
“A woman is sick. Very sick. I will give her this dream—if you are generous.”
“But this is my dream of Jeremiah. It’s personal. What could she gain from this?”
“The woman,” the Dream Broker closed his yellow eyes with relish, nodded softly. “She does not need to know the ‘deep’ of this dream. Does not need the story. She will see Jeremiah come around the bend. She will be happy. She will heal.”
“But, what about my dream?”
“Gone, Cullen. This dream will be gone. If you are generous. So generous. It will be her dream. Jeremiah? He is a man. This woman? She is a woman. They will be better: she will be better. With your dream, she will heal.”
“I don’t know.” Cullen swallowed, he wished he could reach between the Broker’s long fingers and pull out the gray curtain that would fade him from sleep to wakefulness.
“Will you be generous, Cullen?”
“Will you save a woman?”
“Will you help her heal?”
“Then we have a deal, Cullen.”
The Dream Broker raised his fist into the air and let the gray curtain slither out like a mist all over the scene, and Cullen could eel himself waking up. He thought he heard Jeremiah’s laugh down the path…
“So many fine dreams, Cullen. So many more. So generous, Cullen. So many to heal…”
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