#Power Rangers Mighty Morphin
ninjastormz · 4 months
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Lineage Studios is having a Valentine’s Day flash sale right now 🗣️ they have a really cool Forever Red poster!! by Carlos Dattoli
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marleybee · 1 year
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Johnny Young Bosch Chance Perez Jordon Fite at a Ranger Convention
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Adam: My hands are cold, aren't yours?
Rocky: nah... I'm fine.
Adam: I need something to warm them...
Rocky: put them in your pockets.
Rocky: what?
Billy, an hour later: He was flirting with you.
Rocky: He was WHAT-
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ehud1564 · 1 year
Zordon fucking Sucks.
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fizzyforlifebitch13 · 8 months
"Fern Kwan!"
Fern eyes grew wide when Master Zedd shouted her last name because no one knew she's related to Trini Kwan.
"Wait your Trini's oldest daughter?"
Izzy asks her girlfriend feeling a bit betrayed for not knowing this information.
"Izzy I can explain-"
Fern's words suddenly got caught when Master Zedd teleported beside hee.
"Your coming with me Kwan."
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azurezfiction · 1 year
Character ask:
send me a character and i’ll list: @sentinelofstories
favorite thing about them: The fact he truly loves the Rangers, and Alpha as his own children and always encouraging them outside of rangering, pursuing their dreams and 
least favorite thing about them: Sometimes he isn’t the most forthcoming about things or events that could have been/should have been shared with from the beginning?
favorite line: Too much Pink energy. Need I say more?
brOTP: Zordon and Alpha.
nOTP: Zordon with any of his rangers, Alpha, Evil characters.
random headcanon: The comics aside, Eltar did have their own set of Power Rangers that protected the planet. He was the leader of his team during the war against Rita Repulsa. 
unpopular opinion: I kinda don’t want to see Zordon’s humanoid form? Like it ruins the imagination, but that’s just me.
song i associate with them: N/A
favorite picture of them: N/A
send me a character and i’ll list:
favorite thing about them: He’s evil and knows when to lay down the law. Zedd is terrifying in battle and in the magical arts. 
least favorite thing about them: His floundering.
favorite line: “My name is Zedd! Lord Zedd, not Ed!” I feel this so much.
brOTP: Zedd and Goldar. Neither get paid enough to deal with this.
OTP: Zedd and Rita. Yeah, yeah I know but…c’mon. They accomplished SO much together compared to them being separated. 
random headcanon: Originally, Zedd was a simple librarian that fell into darkness once becoming seduced by the dark arts, and become so terrifyingly powerful due to his combined knowledge and deep understanding of magic, and the Grid.
unpopular opinion: Like I get why they brought him back for Dino Fury, but, c’mon. Let him retire. He deserves to relax on a beach somewhere. 
song i associate with them: Bad to the Bone.
favorite picture of them: Zedd is iconic, okay?
send me a character and i’ll list:
favorite thing about them: He’s capable of being forward, seeing exactly what needs to be said and not holding back. The fact that Chase despite being a flirt, can stand up and say “No. This is stupid, we need another plan” I think it’s great? 
least favorite thing about them: Need more character development imo or at least other character interact. 
favorite line: “I will protect your shop.”
brOTP: Chase and Shelby, Chase and Koda.
OTP: Chase x Tyler. I think they fit together.
nOTP: Chase x Riley. I wasn’t crazy about it in the beginning when the show originally aired, and that continued through Dino Super Charge. But the fans ended up souring my entire opinion on them as a couple. 
random headcanon: Chase prior to working under Kendall and being a ranger, was very much into extreme sports hence the skateboard. He wanted to go Pro, but destiny had other plans in store.
unpopular opinion: Wish we saw more of his handy-janitory side of things. 
song i associate with them: N/A
favorite picture of them: N/A
send me a character and i’ll list:
favorite thing about them: Calvin being handy with vehicles, that he fundamentally understands that school is not the only way to get an education and the fact he tries his best.
least favorite thing about them: He deserved something more than just him being Hayley’s boyfriend, but that’s just me.
favorite line
brOTP: Calvin and Preston
nOTP: Calvin and Hayley. I love Hayley and everything but pretty sure Calvin’s deep in the closet.
random headcanon: Calvin’s pretty good around the kitchen, don’t ask him to do any baking unless you are that desperate. 
unpopular opinion: 
song i associate with them: N/A
favorite picture of them
send me a character and i’ll list:
favorite thing about them: She’s unapologetic about the supernatural, being goofy and enjoying things, but knowing when to be serious.
least favorite thing about them: She deserved a better romance than Ollie. I’m sorry.
favorite line: N/A
brOTP: Amelia and Zayto, Amelia and Ollie. 
nOTP: Amelia x Ollie. Their entire relationship… doesn’t work for me, romantically? That’s just my perspective. 
random headcanon: Amelia is the go to person for Izzy when it comes to advice, the two are rather close. 
unpopular opinion: I do think the times where she take a jab at Ollie can got a bit… too far sometimes? 
song i associate with them: n/a
favorite picture of them: n/a
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lily-s-world · 2 years
I got the opportunity to meet Jason David Frank in a convention a few years ago and he was such a nice person, he smiled so much when I told him I had been a fan of him since I was 6 years old and started watching Power Rangers.
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I'm really sad because we will never know what happened the night he took a fatal decision. But what we do know is that we can create more safe spaces to talk about mental health, to make the people feel safe when they are not having a good time. I personally struggle with depression, and having professional help has changed my life.
I know we joke a lot about mental issue, but at the end of the day is important to understand that people face invisible demons all the time and that we have the ability to create a more open and safe world for them, by just talking, supporting and helping them get help.
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In loving memory of Jason David Frank, Thank you for making our childhoods awesome. 
Rest In Peace and may the power protect you. 
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yellowsyro · 1 month
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1991 and 2017 Trimberly💛🥺
Hell I’m hyperfixated to Power Rangers again
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nerdistraido · 1 year
Power Rangers 30 anos: Vilão clássico retornará pra especial!
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soranatus · 6 months
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Raphael, Leonardo, Michelangelo, & Donatello as humans, By Dan Mora
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cvasquez · 2 years
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Rest in power to Jason David Frank (1973- 2022) What I admired about him was that he embraced the Tommy Oliver character, the Power Rangers legacy and he didn’t take the fans for granted. Thank you for being a part of my childhood.
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ehud1564 · 1 year
Do you like Bulk and Skull?
Bulk is very Clearly a fatophobic caricature. The jokes about both of them are always either bigoted or annoying. I don't like Bulk and Skull.
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fizzyforlifebitch13 · 2 years
R.I.P JASON DAVID FRANK thank you for making everyone childhood rest un peace 😢
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current-comix · 4 months
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artverso · 3 months
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Chris Shehan - Mighty Morphin Power Rangers & Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
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