ghostbsuter · 7 months
Can be read as a continuation of this
.・゜-: ✧ :-
It's been a few weeks, really, since the day he met his biological father.
The oversized hoodie drowned him, a perfect haven while he waits near the entrance to arkham asylum.
The whole week rushed by after the event. His mom, wonderful, black belt, kickass mom had fretted over him the whole time, messaging his therapist not long after and getting an appointment.
His dad had been clingy, giving him bear hugs left and right, it felt nice. Jazz hadn't let him out of her sight for one moment, always searching, always studying.
Man, he loved his family.
"Are you going to visit him?" The gruff voice of Batman asks, and danny shrieks, jumping away as he looks at the vigilante with wide eyes.
"Oh Ancients—! Don't scare me like that!" Danny scolds, hand over his chest and breathing hard.
He can feel the amusement wafting off of Batman. Or something.
Huffing, the child leans against the brickstone pillar holding the gate again.
"No," he ends up answering. "I'm not here to visit... him."
Batman listens quietly, simply standing next to him. He doesn't pressure nor demand anything. If danny thinks more of it, he might get a headache.
"My sister is an intern in Arkham, we're gonna have dinner with Harley and Ivy today." A shrug, and the wind lovingly pushes him.
"Good." The man states, he hesitates a moment before he stretches his arm out towards danny, opening his hand and showcasing the items.
First is a lollipop, famous for being handed over to children after being saved by the bat himself. Second is a pin, in the shape of Batman's signature bat, it had a red button on the other side however.
"It's an emergency alert, in case anything like this happens again." Is quickly explained and Danny takes them, if not a bit tense.
He is unused to the trust the man shows him despite how short their time was spent together. Danny wonders if the bat already snooped around.
His head snaps to the gate opening, brightening up as Jazz runs through and hugs him.
"Jazz!" He eagerly hugs back, thank looks up at her.
"You gotta meet Bat—" He trails off when they turn to the empty spot next to the pair, wind rustling leaves just as he finished. "man..."
Damn batman.
Danny huffs and tugs at Jazz's jacket. "Nevermind then, c'mon let's get a nice present before we visit harley."
Simply bringing her up seems to have Jazz excited. "I still can't believe we're having dinner with THE Dr. Harleen Quinzel!!!"
"And her wife."
"aND THE Dr. Pamela Lillian Isley!!!"
Her enthusiasm is rubbing off on him, he grins, hooking up his arm around hers, and they're skipping towards town, laughing like maniacs.
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kinkforwings · 9 months
If you're writing a Dick Grayson who doesn't wholly love Donna Troy and Tim Drake. Then that isn't Dick Grayson. If you're writing a Dick who isn't the kindest, an asshole, an overworked mess, a BAMF, and just the right amount of manipulative. Then who are you even writing about? Cause it sure as hell isn't Dick fucking Grayson
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phoenixcatch7 · 9 months
'What if I put a clock pendulum in my torso' was the sort of question Bruce had come to expect when visiting Oracle.
"Pendulums are dependant on a stable base," he replied, because the last time he'd assumed they were being unserious Tim had tried to fit a chemistry test lab in his mouth and accidentally leaked the fumes through his mask.
"It'd be so aesthetic though," said Barbara, not looking up from the dozen screens she was surrounded by. "Listen. It would look so cool - Spoiler, robbery on fifth and main - Especially if I put a clock face over my heart."
"I thought you were trying to fit a super computer in it?"
"I was, but progress is slow. It's hard to fit it and enough padding to protect it plus leave enough room for ventilation. If I add the pendulum I might at least get inspiration." She gave a heavy sigh and pushed away from the desk, gliding in her chair to where her doll body was resting on a table, the glue separating the two halves of the smashed torso still glistening. Bruce followed, peering over her at the many scanners and wires hooked into it, flashing and beeping.
"Any luck?" he asked, and they both knew he wasn't talking about the computer anymore.
He squeezed her shoulder, and she leant into it. They stayed there for a long moment.
"I just don't understand!" Barbara finally burst out, hands clenching on her chair arms. "I glued nearly every single piece back together! I made sure every splinter I could find went exactly where it should! I know the contract is still there. She's worked with more missing pieces before. But she's just not responding!"
"It's not you," Bruce soothed. "You've more than enough determination and strength to puppet, and we know the human body's state doesn't affect performance."
"That's the thing!" Barbara threw her hands up angrily, nearly smacking Bruce in the face. There was a chatter over comms, and both reached for their own. "One second," she said tightly, and wheeled back into the glow of the monitors. "Copy. BW, you're nearest? Thanks. Try and avoid the sniper this time. Wing, backup is in five."
She muted again and spun around, pinning Bruce with a heavy stare. "Is there anything, anything you can think of? We've - nothing I've tried has worked."
"Well...." He trailed off, one hand coming up to rub at the chin of his mask - a quiet night meant the opportunity to forgo the practical but muffling gas mask for his favoured plain black.
It was far from the first time a doll had been horrifically damaged. The incident with Bane came to mind - Batman had been in a very similar condition, body shorn clean in two and tossed to opposite corners. It was an awful memory, but the expression on Bane and the audience's faces as his bloodless body fell apart like a rotting tree trunk and then kept moving was a silver lining he'd always treasure.
But he'd been repaired and back on his feet in weeks, if bearing the incandescent fury of the doll for several more. It had been months for Barbara, and still nothing was happening.
"There's something we're missing, and I doubt it's on your side."
"I know THAT-"
"Listen," he demanded, and her jaw clicked shut mutinously. "There's something we're not seeing. Batgirl is in no shape to demand it herself, it seems. So its inaction is something we can't fully rely on."
"You've got the most experience with the dolls of all of us. Can you.. I don't know, sense anything?"
"Nothing more than the usual, with the Patriarch Doll, but we might get more if we return to the doll house -"
"No." Barbara interrupted again, but Bruce did not take offence. "She's not going anywhere. She doesn't want to head back to the cave."
"She doesn't want to, or she doesn't care to?"
"I say she doesn't."
Interesting. This was likely a case of the doll exerting its will. The bats were well versed in avoiding the few lines their wooden bodies drew in the sand, treating them with the wary respect one would give a favorite blade or a highly trained attack dog. They could work together, share the highs and lows of life with them, but never get complacent. The dolls were forever a foreign, inhuman presence, and as with all wild creatures they would never be so arrogant as to assume full understanding. For Barbara to so strongly decide for the doll meant she was most likely not the only one deciding.
Which meant the solution would not be found in the cave.
"Perhaps there are upgrades she wishes to have?"
Oracle paused.
"Maybe," she conceded. "But there's practically a limitless amount of things I could do, and I wouldn't know where to start. And I could more easily do them when she's up and walking."
Not that then. If the doll wanted something to change but not receive upgrades or heal, than what?
... Not heal.
Batman hurried to the table. Oracle watched him with hawk eyes, but another call on the comms turned her away with a final warning glance.
Recovering every single splinter from a damaged wooden object and perfectly reattaching it was nigh impossible on a good day, never mind in the dead of night with a moving target. The dolls always returned to the cave to regenerate scratches and nicks they couldn't buff out, or accepted plaster to transmute with whatever supernatural power guided them.
The batgirl on the table, divested of all covering and armour, was still as chipped and scuffed as the day nightwing recovered last splinter.
The pieces fell into place.
"She doesn't want to be perfectly rebuilt," he realised. "She doesn't want the damage to disappear as it normally does... She wants it to remain visible. A different type of repair, then."
Oracle spun in her wheelchair to face him.
"Why?" she asked, something sharp in her eyes. Bruce chose his next words carefully.
"Perhaps she thinks such damage doesn't need to be hidden away," he said, slowly, and didn't comment when she turned away. Though she put on a strong face, and the doctors had recently released her full time, it would be a long time until the young hero was able to truly heal her mind.
"She doesn't need to do that for me. She's just causing me trouble."
"I don't think she is," he tried. "Dolls tend to reflect their puppeteer even after they accept us. You can't deny your trajectory has been changed."
They both sent a significant look to the enormous super computer taking up the wall.
"You've said you almost feel better able to protect Gotham now, with your reach and skills. Do you really feel that way?"
"I - I don't -" her mouth worked silently, and Bruce waited. "I mean I guess... But a part of me always assumed it'd be temporary, you know? Once I fixed batgirl.. It'd all return to normal." Her voice wobbled, and Bruce didn't hesitate to crouch before her, wrapping her in a long armed hug. She buried herself in his chest, regardless of the chilled metal.
"It's okay if you don't," he whispered into her hair, and held her as she shook. "I'm just throwing ideas around."
"I do though," she rasped. "I think I do feel that way. There's so much that can't be solved by violence, and it feels good to be out there but... I think I can help even more people, this way."
"That's good," he praised, "that's good. You can do whatever you set your mind to."
"You stole that from a parenting book verbatim."
"It's applicable to the current situation."
"Fine," she sighed, and pushed him away to roughly scrub at her eyes. "I'll give the doll another chance. Find some glitter glue or something, I don't know."
"Any materials you need will be provided," he promised. "I wouldn't recommend glitter glue or our usual tar."
He moved to pat her on the hair as the emotions of the moment faded, making sure to keep his unsheathed claws out of her hair.
"Once you fix her, though, I would recommend you puppet the doll during night hours still," he told her. "It wouldn't be good to put your body through twenty hour days."
"I've got a good system set up for now, but thank, B-man."
The computer dinged with another alert, and oracle spun to squint at it with a muffled curse, typing furiously. Batman escaped to the other side of the room, where the folders he'd originally come looking for lay. She waved, distracted, as he left, and although the doll could not smile, he could feel it on his face all the same.
@puppetmaster13u I summon thee dear mutual ^^
#I don't know which of us came up with the kintsukuroi idea but it worked brilliantly#Unexpected discussion of clinging to the idea of normality as something that can be returned to despite thinking you're okay with your#Life altering chronic condition diagnosis 🫠#Off screen nightwing is just not having a good time#I'm still testing out my characterisation of b but I'm pretty happy with him. Good dad b but also pre/no Ethiopia so he's healthier as it i#Oh btw the dolls don't have gender being inanimate the bats are anthropomorphising them#In the same way sailors call their boats she or my mum decided the roomba is a he#Some world building! I stuffed a lot in lol#I like the idea of the bats having different masks. Like the gas mask is for arkham breakouts or gas villains or ivy so it's the famous one#But they also use plain cloth masks or ceramic ones or decorative ones when the occasion calls. They've got scuba ones too#long post#batman#world building#worldbuilding#bruce wayne#possessed doll au#haunted doll#cryptid batman#cryptid batfam#batman au#dc oracle#barbara gordon#batgirl#I'm trying to keep the dolls as mindless but watchful as possible#Like they don't have opinions or ideas or anything. You could do literally whatever you wanted as long as you follow The Rules#I don't think the bats really know about the contracts. I think b has inferred something. But it's more trial and error#One idea I had is that the dolls are powered by the life force of past users mutated into... Whatever tf from all the curses.#So by entering the contract you lose a significant chunk of your ability to enter the afterlife.#Yes this would only be noticed by the jl going to the future and trying to find the souls of everyone or smth for whatever reason#And the bats don't have much of anything. Leading to the further impression that they aren't remotely human
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clorpryro · 3 months
It’s so fun when your two favourite fandoms cross over!!
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sisaloofafump · 1 year
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Peter J. Tomasi (writer) single-handedly trying to retcon all of Bruce's abusive past (I'm so here for it)
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mr-e-nigma · 3 months
Batman: YOU tried to edit Wikipedia for your own gain to win an argument with me. I made you do NOTHING.
Enigma: …
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cheritouu · 1 year
Waylon Jones (Killer Croc) is a character who is an example of how (usually mentally ill) black people in poverty are villainized when they have to turn to crime to survive in a system that’s literally designed to hold you back and instead of being given grace are usually weaponized for someone else’s agenda. Because of their many similarities and paralleling story arcs, being Jason’s next father figure would serve as a way to guide the younger man back into a healthy community as well as help Waylon reclaim some of his humanity. In this essay I will-
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I kinda wish I could properly convey hairstyles to people bc sometimes the styles I give characters say a ton about them.
Like in Harley's main bit in 8-Day Circus (Day 4 and Night 4) she's got her hair half up in a butterfly claw clip like this
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This is supposed to be a normal work hairstyle for Harley in this period of her life.
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spite-and-waffles · 2 years
We've had so many, many Batman movies and none of them have so much as approached how straight unhinged Bruce Wayne is in the comics.
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ziracona · 2 years
Okay so if you don’t walk out to start the confrontation with John in episode 4, and listen to the whole thing, it’s actually less worrying in a ‘is he lying’ way if you hear it all but oh my god; he starts to talk to himself about what if Bruce sent the agents after him to attack him because he’s buddy buddy with the Agency, but is like “No! Bruce would never do that!” back, and anyway, I am trying to play my replay Bruce as very core centered around his relationship with Harvey, so he never doubted John vocally about what happened (although he’s thinking it through seriously of course), and the scene is SO different that way. He never attacks you, he’s not confrontational or aggressive, just relieved and stressed and worried. But also, he talks a little more about what happened, and playing this again, I think from how John describes it all, they also wrote John as someone with a dissociative disorder (though not DID obvious because no amnesia and more drift combo type switching than switch-switching), and that’s really cool because you like. Never see any dissociative disorder but DID at all (and DID itself once in a blue moon and then at least 70% of the time totally warped and demonized) but anyway, fascinating and I like that, but it also is absolutely going to color how Bruce is/will handle everything with John, like, you can ask him if he’s back to his normal self again instead of the him who fought the agents, and John will consider and he’s absolutely not for a second but then is and tries to worriedly assure you that he will not be the other one again and it’s nothing to worry about, and I’m just like it’s ok John don’t even worry I’m not judging or scared about that, but yeah I’m glad my playthrough Bruce picks up that kind of thing so fast. Doing so in S1 really helped me keep Harvey as okay as humanly possible, and damn if I’m not gonna do the same here for John.
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batmanbeyondrocks · 6 months
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volfoss · 1 year
im very normal about media i assure you
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scaryscarecrows · 2 years
Elena likes to think she’s pretty prepared for just about anything life throws at her. Well, maybe not the rabid mutant Nazis–what was that, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Bullshit?--but just about anything else. Certainly mundane things like ‘soldiers slaughtering a drug ring to the last man in the jungle’.
But these guys are, as far as she can tell, a PMC. Their uniforms don’t match any army she knows of, and neither does the weird diamond insignia. They came out of nowhere; one minute she and Jeff had been filming quietly from the relative safety of the trees and the next, jeeps had roared into the place and there had been an awful lot of gunfire.
Talk about a story.
It gets weirder, and better still; not only are these guys (probably) hired to wipe out one of the largest drug rings in Brazil, their commander is some crackpot costumed guy that sounds a little like Darth Vader and looks a lot like Gotham’s Bat.
“You’re getting this, right?” she breathes. Jeff, who hasn’t moved an inch since the shooting started, peels his thumb off the camera in what could be a thumbs-up. Excellent.
Vader Bat (ugh, Nate rubbed off on her more than she would have liked, there’s gotta be something better…) and his men are moving through the sea of bodies, clearly checking for survivors. Some tiny part of Elena thinks they should leave, but she tells that part to shut up. If they can get footage of this guy back…
Someone’s still alive. She sees them moving, hand fumbling for a gun, and a second later the man spits, “Go to Hell, bastard.”
Vader Bat turns, head tilted in what might be confusion, and the man on the ground shoots him in the chest. The shot sends him back a few feet but otherwise seems to do nothing but piss him off royally; he strides over, grabs the shooter’s wrist and twists until the SNAP! echoes through the greenery.
“You pathetic dirtbags are all the same,” he snarls, hauling the man up by his neck. “You think you’re so goddamn clever. Lemme tell you something, amigo, I’ve dealt with bigger, scarier and smarter men than you could ever dream of being–”
He freezes, head swiveling in the direction of their hiding place. When the man in his grip won’t stop making gasped sobs of pain, he doesn’t even look down; he just adjusts his grip to the head and snaps his neck before dropping the body back to the dirt.
Who the hell is this guy?
“We’ve got company, gentlemen,” he says, and Elena’s blood runs cold. Surely not, surely it’s someone else, they haven’t moved, they haven’t even breathed too loudly. One of the men shoulders his rifle, kicks a body out of the way and comes over.
“Spread out and find them?”
“No.” Hysterically, Elena flashes back to Jurassic Park. Can’t see you if you don’t move, can’t see you if you don’t move… “I’m looking right at them.”
She gathers her legs under her to run when the man’s suddenly there, gun in one hand as his other rips the camera out of Jeff’s hands.
“Nice camera.” He hands it off to somebody. “Wipe that.”
“Hey!” Okay, so maybe mouthing off to him is a bad idea. She’s done lots of objectively dumb things and lived. “That’s mine, give it back!”
“When it’s clean, sure.”
“We’re not keeping them, sir?”
“Not worth the trouble.”
“Excuse you–”
Somebody laughs.
“What about recruiting?”
“No.” He gestures for them to come out of the trees. “Run, and I’ll make you wish I’d shot you.”
She believes him. Okay, okay. Maybe she can work with this. Clearly he’s got issues, maybe…maybe he wants to talk. To, you know, someone who’s good at listening. With a camera. Or at least a running tape recorder…
“We’re press,” she says, like the badge on her shirt isn’t clear as day. “I’m Elena Fi–”
“Elena Fisher, former host of Uncharted, current journalist, born March 23rd in…Florida. Not surprised.” The mechanical voice sounds almost bored. “Involved in the El Dorado incident–”
“How do you know about that?” She doesn’t mean to blurt that out, it’s just…nobody knows about that. It’s not like they could go and share about the zombie anthrax or anything.
“I have my sources.” The man hands the camera back. “You’re free to go. Turn up again, though, and I’ll have to kill you.” When neither of them move, he fires a sudden shot into the ground near their feet. “Get going!”
They go, Elena cursing the bastard for wiping all of her footage. Try as she might, she can’t find so much as a whisper about him, either, not for three more years. Then he turns up in Gotham and you know what, Elena is all about crazy shit, but not that kind.
Makes sense, though. She’s heard every ‘Florida Man’ joke there is, even made a few herself, but Gotham is just Like That. There’s a reason she went after Lazaravic over the Bat. Gotham’s just not worth the risk.
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magicalgirlmindcrank · 11 months
I should rank all the batman media, I've seen just about everything now I think.
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brokentoys · 1 year
@vigilaent sent . . . a half awake jim hands eds a massively appropriate american sized cup of espresso while drinking half of his own in one gulp. it is 2am at gcpd hq <3
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whilst he often brought alcohol to the work field ( even though, technically, he wasn't allowed to. ) It didn't last all day long. so, he went through the coffee faster than a racing car. therefore, the espresso was much appreciated. after downing a few gulps, the young man looked at the other & asked, ❝ have you found anything ? ❞
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thinking about it and like. arkham knight jason has to be fucking tiny compared to his revived counterparts. like he never got the pit and dealt with years of malnurishment and torture before like crawling out of hell and hanging around deathstroke for a while. i know the game has him as like 6' or something but realistically he would be like 5'6 and dealing with a shitton of chronic pain
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