nakamopapina · 3 days
1800s AU, but Ralph is about to lose it, and just wants to be left alone.
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TBH, I have no idea about the proper context, so it’s up to the viewer. Go hard.
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acetechne · 2 months
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in true canadian fashion: sorry i'm late
although, in some ways, i'm actually early. You know what I realized doing this ambitious painting? this year is going to be the 15th anniversary of IAMP.
The call for auditions was uploaded September 22, 2009, and if I recall correctly my audition as artist and VA was accepted around October or November of that same year. I've grown a lot as an artist and as a person in that long time and for some weird reason I just can't let these guys go.
anyway, thanks for everyone who participated in the roulette, I know it doesn't seem like a big deal but I really struggle drawing all of these guys without losing steam. it really helped! especially since I don't do a lot of gouache work and I second guessed myself a lot. It warms my heart a little to see you guys engaged in this silly game.
what else is there to say. oh yeah, I put two types of maple leafs. the stereotypical sugar maple is in the upper right of course, but I also put a manitoba maple in the lower left because that's the kind of maple I'm most familar with where I'm from. it's long been my mission to bring the western rep in whatever I do, so it's kind of my love letter signature to my own constantly changing understanding of Who Am I and Where Am I From.
anyway. enjoy :) i enjoyed making it. thanks to ctcsherry for creating these guys
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madam-of-lithuania · 10 months
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I drawn myself as New Brunswick from iammatthewian/project canada
I taken a quiz which iamp character i am, and i got New Brunswick
Disclaimer! New Brunswick is not my oc, New Brunswick belongs to Ctcsherry
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battle-of-alberta · 9 months
Alberta is often called the Texas of Canada. But have you instead thought of it as Texas being the Alberta of America?
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I've been letting this sit in the ask box for well over a year for which I apologize, so I guess I put a little more effort into fleshing it out to make up for the wait. I started really overthinking it and I wanted to do a lot more reading than I was ultimately able to and decided, screw it, I'll just take a little chunk of the question.
Texas (Stella) belongs to my dear Texan friend @thisnameisquitequeer who has been a sympathetic ear over the years to my ranting and raving and who has been a part of numerous conversations about the frustrations of being in the state/province constantly being painted in a stereotypical loud/dumb/redneck fashion.
Initially I wanted to talk more about that (including my frustrations with people here appropriating symbols like the Confederate flag for dumb reasons) in this ask but I decided to just narrow the scope to say that Texan culture and reputation, obviously, precedes whatever passes for those things here by quite a lot. I have done a little reading on ranching history in Alberta, but I need to read more about the relationship via the growth of the oil industry to say more about that.
Some more explanations and notes below.
tldr but I don't think anyone thinks of Texas as anything but Texas
"not so much for pretty" is a quote from Charlie Russel, famous cowboy painter that Calvin is high key obsessed with, describing the difference between the two types of cowboys on either side of the Rockies.
fun fact: the cattle that eventually became Texas longhorns were dropped off in the areas by the Spanish in the 1500s- by the mid 1800s, these free ranging cattle were rounded up and driven northwards (with some obvious interruption during the American Civil War). Usually, they would be sent upriver to Missouri and reach Fort Benton, Montana before they were sold to Alberta ranchers.
Alberta ranch land was relatively "untouched" compared to the devastation in Montana and Utah, so a few ranchers including McIntyre mentioned above took the risk to drive their cattle across the border.
(by untouched y'know i mean having the people and the bison forced off it, but here we are.)
I got to visit John Ware's cabin this past June, which was a treat! The park obviously is not the cabin's original location, but you can still get some idea of what it might have been like back then.
"American cowboys, coming to work on Alberta ranches, shed their six-shooters at the border like leaves in the fall" is a quote from Pincher Creek area rancher F.W. Godsal
Some other famous Texans in Alberta included John Lamar, who was a legendary gunman and cowboy and got in a famous gunfight with John McKay in the streets of Lethbridge. Lamar shot McKay twice before McKay had a chance to aim, and then turned himself into the authorities (who ultimately decided he was in the right and let him go). There was also Johnny Franklin who was considered "the greatest bronc rider in the province", and Lige Abel, a black cowboy and famously strong, winning a bet that he couldn't walk a mile with an iron rail on his shoulder.
Anyway, to settle the question, ask random people where they think the biggest rodeo in the world probably is and see how many of them say Texas even though the answer is Alberta :) our reputation is still in its infancy, I guess.
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So, to finally post something for Indigenous history month, I made a Cutesy comic with Nanook and Owen.
So the name that the province of Saskatchewan goes by, is a shortened and modernized version of the original word of the Saskatchewan River, Kisiskatchewanisipi, which is Cree for ‘Swift-flowing river’.
Which was what most people called the river.
It is unknown (at least to modern peoples) as to the reason why Government did this when the District was formed in 1882.
Unfortunately not much is known for the origins of the names of the Provinces, and Territories. Some have more info than others.
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allbeendonebefore · 1 year
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You felt the old bridge weigh us down / let's try to turn our love around / and take the dethbridge out of town
Hello from Lethbridge, thank you and good night! I don't know that we will have WiFi in Dinosaur Park so you may have to wait a while for trip updates.
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@flufftober day 8; rainy days
rating; general
fandom; project canada
ship; quebec x ontario :3
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roniebuttercups · 2 years
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Art testing in progress...
Enjoy the doodles~
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berrymarais · 1 year
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This was one of my favorite screenshots from Dominion Day -- Ollie is recently engaged to Jean and he has some very mixed feelings about the whole situation.  Meanwhile Annie expresses her reservations regarding the “72 Resolutions.”
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dragoncatzombie · 2 years
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Haven’t drawn him in a while. I need to get back into province stuff, maybe states too if I get the motivation to make some
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attichoney4u · 2 years
The following drawing is for a special event, called #Monmongary, where we have to draw or write stories about a special ship consisted of the ocs of Étienne, Ed and Cal.
Since I'm more into the ÉtiennexEd ship thanks to @randomoranges, I chose to draw Ed and Étienne with a bit of Cal there.
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Sorry, for it being rushed. I just wanted to finish the piece before the prompt was closed.
So, I got this idea when I read a fanfic from @randomoranges, where Étienne poses to a hockey magazine… in nude. I originally wanted to draw both of them naked, but I didn't know if the Tumblr guidelines would agree, so I put them clothes. Cal is looking from afar wanting to join them.
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed my drawing as much as I had fun making it and have a lovely rest of your day (or night, depending when you see this post)! Bye! 😘
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nakamopapina · 22 days
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I recreated this meme from Just Bins (screenshot of their post to the right) they posted this meme back in April, but I wanted to recreate it with the Provinces. It took forever~~~!
I’m so sorry if the jerseys look a bit off.
The chips Sask is eating HAD to be no name brand. Yes, PEI is in the background.
Sask is wearing this shirt that the RCMP Heritage Centre gift shop is selling, that says “DO NOT PET (before coffee)”
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acetechne · 2 months
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Condensed Milk - A Dirty Money Comic pt 15
[part 1] [part 2] [part 3] [part 4] [part 5] [part 6] [part 7] [part 8] [part 9] [part 10] epilogue: [ part 11 ] [ part 12 ] [ part 13 ] [part 14] [ x ]
apart from this being THE WORST THING i have ever drawn so far (the only context for which is this). I've got no notes so here's something @quatschmachen wrote instead:
I (F, 255) have a friend (M, 414) who has a terrible boyfriend (M, 119), call him Jerk. They broke up three years ago, and I was so happy that this terrible relationship was over... or so I thought.
I decided to come visit my friend, only to find Jerk is there! I have spent the past 3 years shit talking Jerk and affirming to my friend that breaking up was the right decision.
Here is the part where I may have been the asshole. Jerk was serving me tea and pretending to be nice, when I went ahead and vented to him about why he was here and what he was doing. I did not hold back, but honestly, I wanted to make sure my friend wasn't somehow being blackmailed. Me and Jerk ended up in a big fight, and my friend had to separate us. My friend assured me Jerk had apologized but then admitted the words "I'm sorry" did not even occur.
Afterwards I ended up accidentally on purpose breaking Jerk's collar bone... but he deserved it after insulting a literary classic.
User987: hold up, the age gap his how much?! problematic from the start. Are you sure your friend isn't taking advantage of the other person?
User69;): This isn't your relationship. I understand being concerned for your friend, but getting into a physical altercation is too much. ESH
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madam-of-lithuania · 4 months
I have some thoughts
What it PC: Nunavut who also go and take over Sephora and other make-up shops like all other girls her age *10 year olds*
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battle-of-alberta · 9 months
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Battle of Alberta Timeline pt. 1: 17th-19th Centuries
[ Alberta Story ] [ part 1 ] [ part 2 soon ]
This was an ambitious little project for such a short time period.
I don't have much to say about it other than that, it is just supposed to be a crash course in the broad strokes of what Alberta considers to be its history. It glosses over a lot and is mostly about the foundations and incorporations of the characters (i.e. the municipalities that I have personified thus far) and a few contextual clues to the worlds they grew up in. It's basically a big cheat sheet for me since I'm both a stickler for consistency and also very inconsistent... Of course, each character could easily have their own personalized timeline on top of this, so I tried to leave room for that possibility.
(missing is St. Albert, who would be featured at 1861 if I ever intended to draw him)
And, of course, it's supposed to provoke your curiosity a little since it is of course an ask blog, I can't just explain everything down here much as I would like to :)
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project-canada · 1 year
[wades out of the tags in a hazmat suit]
hey gang, i’ve been noticing a lot of bots in our tags these past couple of weeks. and not just the annoying blank blogs ones but the full on nsfw stuff. it’s really really annoying and so if you do see them, please remember to flag them as spam/bot and block.
Obviously if you don’t want to see that, maybe avoid the tags for a while, I will go and pull any fanworks out and post them here as I see them. We have enough in the queue to last about a month- as always, feel free to send anything you think I might have missed directly to me here or @allbeendonebefore and I will make sure it gets queued up for you :)
- Hapo
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