#iamp ontario
nakamopapina · 22 days
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I recreated this meme from Just Bins (screenshot of their post to the right) they posted this meme back in April, but I wanted to recreate it with the Provinces. It took forever~~~!
I’m so sorry if the jerseys look a bit off.
The chips Sask is eating HAD to be no name brand. Yes, PEI is in the background.
Sask is wearing this shirt that the RCMP Heritage Centre gift shop is selling, that says “DO NOT PET (before coffee)”
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marsinout · 9 months
they're together
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madam-of-lithuania · 3 months
qcon for the ask game?
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I love QcOn they are my another OTP next to my OTP CanLiet, and QcOn is my OTP from Iammatthewian/Project Canada, I love their relationship and them being enemies to lovers and also they remind me of FrUk and I love it, I just love them I love QcOn the same way just like how I love my OTP CanLiet
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roniebuttercups · 2 years
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Art testing in progress...
Enjoy the doodles~
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acetechne · 2 months
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in true canadian fashion: sorry i'm late
although, in some ways, i'm actually early. You know what I realized doing this ambitious painting? this year is going to be the 15th anniversary of IAMP.
The call for auditions was uploaded September 22, 2009, and if I recall correctly my audition as artist and VA was accepted around October or November of that same year. I've grown a lot as an artist and as a person in that long time and for some weird reason I just can't let these guys go.
anyway, thanks for everyone who participated in the roulette, I know it doesn't seem like a big deal but I really struggle drawing all of these guys without losing steam. it really helped! especially since I don't do a lot of gouache work and I second guessed myself a lot. It warms my heart a little to see you guys engaged in this silly game.
what else is there to say. oh yeah, I put two types of maple leafs. the stereotypical sugar maple is in the upper right of course, but I also put a manitoba maple in the lower left because that's the kind of maple I'm most familar with where I'm from. it's long been my mission to bring the western rep in whatever I do, so it's kind of my love letter signature to my own constantly changing understanding of Who Am I and Where Am I From.
anyway. enjoy :) i enjoyed making it. thanks to ctcsherry for creating these guys
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kakapoto1 · 2 months
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Good luck in the playoffs Canada! 🎉
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imgonnakmsgimmieaweek · 4 months
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ugh i hate tumbler smh
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@flufftober day 8; rainy days
rating; general
fandom; project canada
ship; quebec x ontario :3
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allbeendonebefore · 3 months
weird question but for the sake of fanfic accuracy, how would ralph and oliver like their steaks? my first instinct for ollie is to say well done lol
also this is my first fanfic so i wanna get their portrayals (mostly for ralph) right, as much as i can at least. how do you think they’d interact when it’s just them? personally i see ollie as very reserved/uptight and i feel like ralph would feel awkward bc there’s lots of underlying tension even if they aren’t arguing plus little things ollie says/does that grate on him even if ollie isn’t trying to piss him off.
ah the steak question, the one i always avoid because steak is my least favourite way to eat beef and i know bertie is like. PASSIONATE. about that. I think he'd raise an eyebrow at well done though, i think he is more a medium-rare/medium sort of guy and he is also a fan of beef tartare so the rawness does not bother him but he also wants that sear on the outside, yknow, like the cook put an effort into the Correct Balance. Well done is like. why are you drying out that poor cow, you might as well be eating jerky. [fellow albertans with steak opinions, please by all means tell me]
How they act together is definitely contextual somewhat but yes I agree that Ollie is generally uptight because that's the way he is around everyone, that's the cost of being the Good British Child and the Public Face - and Bertie has this roulette going that will either land on [high strung, take offense] or [make a show of being So Relaxed] because he's the one that Also gets flack for being the Princess Province from everyone, so he is out to prove (both to everyone and to himself) that he's NOT as high strung as OLIVER even though in a lot of ways he Absolutely is. Like, I will be masochistic and tough in situations I wouldn't be in private just to show him what a Real Man (tm) would do. (a real man may choose to buy heated seats for his truck but is not... he's not soft enough to use them... no sir... unless of course YOU want them on, I GUESS. i almost forgot they were there.)
[and like, the implication is that bert is "At Home" in his Element in the comic, which is a little different than Not Being At Home of course. no i didn't specify which airport they're at... oop. entirely depends on the reason why ollie is visiting which i also didn't specify]
Obviously with [gestures at the background radiation of political bullshit] though I think they are both tired. i'm tired. i'm tired of seeing it im tired of hearing it and we all need a break from political theatre. like yes, tension, its real, it's weighing on everyone, i often use it as fuel to vent when i do dumb comics, but its also like. we are in this same bullshit together, like me and my colleagues back in ON watched ford ripping up and selling off the green belt while kenney and smith are still trying to turn the mountains into open pit mines like "same hat". There's a point beyond "you don't get me!!" where it becomes "you get me...", its like, its this assumption that things are never going to change and the assumption about how one is going to react that is the actual crux of the personality conflict, you feel me? i don't know if this makes sense at all its just something i have been chewing on a lot. chewing on it like a dry well done steak
anyway its like. it would feel odd to me if there Wasn't teasing and jabs but for me there is definitely an ironic feeling to it, like they both understand what is actually going on but it's hard to figure out what to do about it and so they kind of get stubborn and stuck in their ways a little, but at the same time its also like "thanks for coming," "you see what i have to deal with," "i picked an activity i think you'd like (i hope you say so, i'm very proud of it even though i pretend its no big deal, this is me actually being very vulnerable and concerned with your opinion, i hope you appreciate it, but also if you did idk how to respond)" or "i knew you weren't going to like this but you should broaden your horizons and loosen up" hahaha...
(you see why i struggle articulating my thoughts, like, how do you Portray that idk man)
like, i do have more to say and im happy to try to be clearer about what i mean or to give some more specific examples or try to detail what i think the [+/- sims friendship points] things might be or those little grating things, I just need to stop somewhere before i stop making sense altogether hahahaha
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nakamopapina · 6 months
Finished him, Ollie in one of those cheesy Christmas suits.
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I think the context is he is hosting a Christmas party.
You can thank Cadmus for the inspiration, he wore the most interesting and craziest Christmas themed suits at the Christmas parties.
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marsinout · 9 months
Oliver will and wants free hugs
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madam-of-lithuania · 2 years
Jean: You forgot the conditions I agree on to stay living with you!
Oliver: I'm not Living with you. We occupy the same cage, that's all!
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roniebuttercups · 1 year
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An drawing I did for art class.
Enjoy lol
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randomoranges · 1 year
have time, will post lamao
more ancient decade old fic. wow. [no im NOT over how OLD these ARE okAY lamao]
Welcome Home
 Another one inspired by a drawing Lomitzz made.
Oliver fumbled with his keys, for a moment, exhausted and looking forward to being on the other side of the door. He had spent the last seven days hopping around the continent, going from one meeting to the next, with dignitaries and ministers alike, changing time zones too frequently, and now, he wanted to be home.
 The flight had been long, he hadn’t been able to sleep much, despite how tired he was, and he had a pounding migraine. On top of that, he was also hungry and the thought of either preparing something, or ordering in and having to wait for the delivery, put him off from the thought of food.
 He finally managed to get the door open and the first thing he noticed, other than the lights that were already on, was the smell of something baking. For a moment, he was convinced he was hallucinating, but then he heard the sound of the television, followed by a very distinct French curse.
 Oliver’s heart leapt, for a moment. He closed the door behind him, and walked in. The television went off and a moment, or so later, he was greeted by his two cats and his lover. Schrodinger leapt at him and Oliver had to take a step back under his weight. He scratched him behind his ears and his cat gave a content purr, before jumping on top of his suitcase.
 Fred decided his leg would make a good place to hang on to and Oliver had to pry her off gently, before she made holes in his pants. She mewled happily in greeting, and Oliver let her rest on his shoulder, which only left him with one person to greet.
 “I… hello.” He finally settled for.
 “Salut.”/ “Hey.” Jean told him, nonchalantly, arms crossed over his chest as he tried to casually lean back against the wall. Oliver made no comment as to the apron he had over his jumper and tried hard to figure out why Jean was here.
 “How did you get in?” He asked instead, hoping he didn’t sound too irritated. He wasn’t, for starters, but he was exhausted and knew he could sound tetchy without wanting to.
 Jean took out the spare key he had given him, what felt like a lifetime ago. In actuality, it had been after the second week he had moved into this place, but that wasn’t the point.
 “Comment était ton voyage?”/ “How was your trip?”
 Oliver wanted to tell him it had been fine and that he could leave now, but something stopped him from doing so.
 “Horrible. Absolutely horrible.”
 Jean nodded and stepped towards the kitchen and Oliver had no choice but to follow him, the cats in tow.
 “Pourquoi tu m’en parles pas, pendant qu’on mange? Ch’t’ai fait à souper. J’ai fait une quiche. Végétarienne, comme t’aimes.”/ “Why don’t you tell me about it while we eat? I made you supper. I made a quiche. Vegetarian, like you like it.”
 Oliver was surprised and took a seat at his table. He found it strange how his kitchen only ever looked, or felt homey, when Jean was in it and when he cooked in it. He brought that certain extra element to it he could never manage to. Even before, in their old house… He shook his head. He was too tired to reminisce. He did enough of that already.  
 Jean shooed Fred from the chair and set the table, before he retrieved the quiche from the oven. He cut up two pieces and brought them back, before taking a seat himself to Oliver’s right. Oliver thanked him and then took a bite of the quiche. It was exquisite and just what he needed. There was always something that hit differently about the first meal back home. Already, he felt a smidge better.
 Once he had made a fair dent in his piece, he told Jean about his trip and the other listened, attentive as always when he wanted to be. Oliver knew, deep down, that Jean didn’t particularly care about what it was that Oliver had done throughout the week, but the fact that he listened was enough.
 The quiche consumed, Jean went to do the dishes, Fred following close behind, while Oliver took care of his suitcase, Schrodinger enjoying the brief reprieve from the other two.
 By the time his suitcase was empty, Jean was putting the last of the dishes away. Oliver stepped behind him and hugged him from behind, resting his chin on Jean’s shoulder. He gave a small content sigh, kissing Jean’s cheek.
 “Thank you.” He murmured. Jean gave him a sideways look and smiled softly.
 “Ça m’fait plaisir.”/ “My pleasure.”
 “If you want… you don’t have to leave right away… you can stay a little longer.” His cheeks coloured slightly and he hoped Jean wouldn’t see.
 “Ça m’dérangerais pas.”/ “That would be nice.”
 They headed to the living room and Oliver curled up by Jean’s side. Jean caressed his shoulder and played with his curls, slowly easing the horrible week from his mind. When he fell asleep, sometime later, Jean easily carried him off to the bedroom and tucked him in. Oliver hugged the pillow close and mumbled something incomprehensible that had Jean still for a moment, afraid Oliver would wake.
 He debated long enough, whether to stay or head back to his own place, and finally decided it would be nice to feel Oliver’s smaller body pressed close to his. He lifted the covers and crawled into his usual place, moments before Oliver sought him in his sleep, snuggling up to him. Schrodinger claimed the foot of the bed by Oliver’s side and Fred perched herself, somewhere close to Jean’s head. For once, Jean didn’t mind and simply held Oliver, closing his eyes and welcoming sleep as well.
 FIN 2
 Started writing: October 6th 2013, 8:02pm
Finished writing: October 6th 2013, 8:37pm
Started typing: December 18th 2013, 11:11am
Finished typing: December 18th 2013, 11:30am
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acetechne · 3 months
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it's a dry cold :)
first digital art of 2024 as usual is something weird. this is based on what happens to me when i come back to Alberta in the winter from out of province (usually BC but I imagine if I came directly back to AB from Toronto this would have happened since my hair was much more curly when I was there too.)
don't worry oliver, hit the shower and you'll get a little bounce back :)
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(me when i returned to AB after living in the mid-western US for a few years) (sometimes sneezing blood is just an annoyance you gotta deal with ok)
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kakapoto1 · 6 months
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Oliver watching the Leafs game rn
My first time drawing a chibi
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