nakamopapina · 15 hours
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Drew 2p! Nyo! Canada being scolded by Nyo! Saskatchewan for wearing her uniform incorrectly because she should know better.
Rant about how much I dislike 2p Nyo! Canada’s uniform below:
(because the RCMP and their history, (especially with uniforms) is one of my hyperfixations, and I want to speak my mind about, and this way you can just ignore it if you want to)
I personally do not like the outfit that Himaruya gave 2p Nyo! Canada always rubbed me the wrong way because it’s obvious that it’s supposed to be an RCMP uniform, but at the same time, it’s really not, it’s just a tunic with a short skirt, and it really creeps me out because of how short the skirt is.
When I made Nyo! Sask, I made her wearing the real RCMP uniform that had a skirt, (from the 1970s until it was no longer in use in 1981) which the skirt went down to knees, not the thighs, and a different tunic than the other one. Even though it’s no longer in use, it feels more professional compared to what 2p Nyo! Canada is wearing.
Btw, Maddie would get in BIG trouble for wearing her hair down alone. It is not to touch the collar.
I’m gonna stop now before I go further into this rant.
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acetechne · 1 month
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in true canadian fashion: sorry i'm late
although, in some ways, i'm actually early. You know what I realized doing this ambitious painting? this year is going to be the 15th anniversary of IAMP.
The call for auditions was uploaded September 22, 2009, and if I recall correctly my audition as artist and VA was accepted around October or November of that same year. I've grown a lot as an artist and as a person in that long time and for some weird reason I just can't let these guys go.
anyway, thanks for everyone who participated in the roulette, I know it doesn't seem like a big deal but I really struggle drawing all of these guys without losing steam. it really helped! especially since I don't do a lot of gouache work and I second guessed myself a lot. It warms my heart a little to see you guys engaged in this silly game.
what else is there to say. oh yeah, I put two types of maple leafs. the stereotypical sugar maple is in the upper right of course, but I also put a manitoba maple in the lower left because that's the kind of maple I'm most familar with where I'm from. it's long been my mission to bring the western rep in whatever I do, so it's kind of my love letter signature to my own constantly changing understanding of Who Am I and Where Am I From.
anyway. enjoy :) i enjoyed making it. thanks to ctcsherry for creating these guys
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kakapoto1 · 2 months
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Good luck in the playoffs Canada! 🎉
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madam-of-lithuania · 7 months
This is for @hetaween-event Day 3, Witchcraft
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This took me long time to finish and finally i finished it, now i can collaborate with my bestie @kakapoto1 i excited to collaborate with you bestie Cait(kakapoto1)😆😍💖💖🇱🇹🤝🇨🇦💖💖💖💖🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂🫂
New Brunswick is a sea witch, Disclaimer New Brunswick is not my oc she belongs to Ctcsherry
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imgonnakmsgimmieaweek · 4 months
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ugh i hate tumbler smh
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sams-scribbles · 2 months
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More old art! This was drawn in 10/23 as a gift for my friend @allbeendonebefore
I love to have my Texas OC lightly bully her (I mean IAMP/PC) Alberta OC (and then maybe they kiss afterwards?)
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touhou-memories · 1 year
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In Immaterial and Missing Power, Yuyuko’s name appears written as “Saigyouji” in the select screen, but “Saigyouzi” during the actual fight, under her portrait.
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marsinout · 9 months
they're together
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surfingthesealand · 3 months
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Drew all the @project-canada provinces and territories in my new anime-inspired style! I based their poses on the ones in that old height chart that Sherry did back in 2011 or something (now I feel old), but I obviously drew them myself from reference. (I don't believe in tracing.)
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So, to finally post something for Indigenous history month, I made a Cutesy comic with Nanook and Owen.
So the name that the province of Saskatchewan goes by, is a shortened and modernized version of the original word of the Saskatchewan River, Kisiskatchewanisipi, which is Cree for ‘Swift-flowing river’.
Which was what most people called the river.
It is unknown (at least to modern peoples) as to the reason why Government did this when the District was formed in 1882.
Unfortunately not much is known for the origins of the names of the Provinces, and Territories. Some have more info than others.
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@flufftober day 8; rainy days
rating; general
fandom; project canada
ship; quebec x ontario :3
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nakamopapina · 16 days
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I recreated this meme from Just Bins (screenshot of their post to the right) they posted this meme back in April, but I wanted to recreate it with the Provinces. It took forever~~~!
I’m so sorry if the jerseys look a bit off.
The chips Sask is eating HAD to be no name brand. Yes, PEI is in the background.
Sask is wearing this shirt that the RCMP Heritage Centre gift shop is selling, that says “DO NOT PET (before coffee)”
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acetechne · 2 months
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Condensed Milk - A Dirty Money Comic pt 15
[part 1] [part 2] [part 3] [part 4] [part 5] [part 6] [part 7] [part 8] [part 9] [part 10] epilogue: [ part 11 ] [ part 12 ] [ part 13 ] [part 14] [ x ]
apart from this being THE WORST THING i have ever drawn so far (the only context for which is this). I've got no notes so here's something @quatschmachen wrote instead:
I (F, 255) have a friend (M, 414) who has a terrible boyfriend (M, 119), call him Jerk. They broke up three years ago, and I was so happy that this terrible relationship was over... or so I thought.
I decided to come visit my friend, only to find Jerk is there! I have spent the past 3 years shit talking Jerk and affirming to my friend that breaking up was the right decision.
Here is the part where I may have been the asshole. Jerk was serving me tea and pretending to be nice, when I went ahead and vented to him about why he was here and what he was doing. I did not hold back, but honestly, I wanted to make sure my friend wasn't somehow being blackmailed. Me and Jerk ended up in a big fight, and my friend had to separate us. My friend assured me Jerk had apologized but then admitted the words "I'm sorry" did not even occur.
Afterwards I ended up accidentally on purpose breaking Jerk's collar bone... but he deserved it after insulting a literary classic.
User987: hold up, the age gap his how much?! problematic from the start. Are you sure your friend isn't taking advantage of the other person?
User69;): This isn't your relationship. I understand being concerned for your friend, but getting into a physical altercation is too much. ESH
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kakapoto1 · 2 months
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These are the first four portraits in a Project Canada series I’m doing! Each character will be drawn with their provincial flower around them 💐
(4/13) done! (In this post: Manitoba, NWT, NB, Nunavut)
-> And ačiū to @madam-of-lithuania for introducing me to all the characters *^^*
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madam-of-lithuania · 6 months
Here's another art work from my art school
Graphic art + acrylic and watercolour mixture
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I drawn iamp/pc Prince Edward Island
Annie is modelling and promoting a new doll
I got inspired by my art school's doll who looks so similar to iamp Prince Edward Island
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That i even made the meme for this
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They look so similar
Disclaimer iamp Prince Edward Island is not my original character she is Ctcsherry's original character
Art advice and critique are allowed for my art improvements and art learning
Notes and Reblogs are highly appreciated 💖✨️
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allbeendonebefore · 1 year
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Howdy from Dinosaur Provincial Park!
Every time I see cacti I get excited (which is all the time). Hoping to do more little hikes when the tornado warning ends...
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