#Prompt: magic
elucienweekofficial · 11 months
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Commissioned by autorabjuliachs and artist rockieartt
The event has permission to repost
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acourtofthought · 11 months
The Magic of Restoring a Land
While Elain and Lucien both have homes, SJM seems to be hinting that those current homes are a temporary thing:
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(not to mention Elain was notably absent in the crossover)
Combine those hints with the following:
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and it seems clear to me where Elucien's journey will be taking them.
I am enamoured at the thought of Elucien as High Lord and Lady as Day but I struggle to see it anytime soon because of Helion being such an important character to Rhys, to the LOA, and hopefully Lucien.
I wonder if SJM was being sly with the wording above:
"permanently station him at the Spring Court"
"The Spring Court had been made for someone like her"
What if she literally just told us that Lucien will permanently remain in Spring? In ACOFAS we know he wanted to return to living there but was unable to because of the lies Feyre spread. What if his good name was restored and it could once again be his home? What if he and Elain could turn it into the court he once hoped life in Tamlin’s court would be? I'm sure centuries down the line he'll play his part in Day (he could even travel there as emissary while living in Spring) but until then, Lucien isn't the type to sit and wait around to do something. And even Feyre said, "you enjoyed its pleasures and diversions. But don’t pretend you weren’t made for something more than that.” He's never going to be someone who waits for something to do, he wants purpose.
Also, when something is made for someone, there's a sense of belonging associated with the phrasing.
It wasn’t a guarantee that a High Lord’s firstborn would be his heir. The magic sometimes took a while to decide, and often jumped around the birth order completely. Sometimes it found a cousin instead. Sometimes it abandoned the bloodline entirely. Or chose the heir in that moment of birth, in the echoes of a newborn’s first cries.
“There are no High Ladies.” His brows furrowed, but he shook his head. “We’ll talk about that later, too. But yes, Feyre—there can be High Ladies. And perhaps you aren’t one of them, but … what if you were something similar?
I know some feel Elain can't be chosen as High Lady but why? Rhys tells us there can be High Ladies and just because there hasn't been one prior to the series doesn't mean it can't happen now that the Archeron sisters are having their stories told. Rhys made Feyre his High Lady so she wasn't exactly chosen by the magic but Feyre is still unlike anything that ever existed before. Elain as High Lady does not negate that Rhys and Feyre will most likely remain the most powerful fae in their lands.
Tamlin never wanted to be High Lord, it was never a fitting role for him, what if the magic always knew he was simply a place holder until the "moment of Elain's birth"?
What if Elain is made High Lady of Spring and Lucien stays by her side as interim High King (until the war is over)?
A major problem that Feyre and Nesta have when it comes to Elain is holding her back from doing more, from being unable to imagine her in certain situations. But I wonder if all the things they once doubted will come to pass-
I’d do it mostly to keep Elain from ever going to the Spring Court (a hint that Elain WILL end up in the Spring Court?)
I shook my head, trying not to imagine Elain subject to that … fire. (a hint that Elain WILL end up with Lucien and possibly perform in Fire Night with him?)
"Elain would faint to hear such thoughts." (Fire Night is very voyeuristic event, imagine if she were the main act?)
Being this is the current state of the Spring Court and it's manor -
Distant—because on the estate, nothing bloomed at all. The pink roses that had once climbed the pale stone walls of the sweeping manor house were nothing but tangled webs of thorns. The fountains had gone dry, the hedges untrimmed and shapeless. The house itself had looked better the day after Amarantha’s cronies had trashed it. Not for any visible signs of destruction, but for the general quiet. The lack of life.
A tomb. This place was a tomb.
No whisper of sound behind him. On any acre of this estate. Not even a note of birdsong.
Hunting for dinner—because there were no servants here to make food. Or buy it.
And though he roams these lands, he does not see or care for the neglect he passes, the lawlessness, the vulnerability.
- it seems so fitting that Elain and Lucien, two characters who are full of light and sunshine, who are extremely social, who make friends wherever they go and are able to convince anyone to do anything with their words, would be able to restore Spring with not only their personalities but the magic of their union.
"the magic that we create helps regenerate the land for the year ahead.”
With Elucien, the Spring Court could again be a place of light and happiness, filled with laughter and sound and as a result, a place of strength and an ally for the rest of Prythian.
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strawbrerian-writes · 11 months
Dreams That You Dare to Dream
for @elucienweekofficial
Everyone's been too sweet! I love you all.
For Day 2: Magic
It's raining. The sun hasn't risen. Thunder and lightning roll through the sky. And maybe, just maybe, Elain's dreams are coming true.
Thunder rumbled in the distance, like great boulders tumbling down the high mountains. Fat drops of rain pelted the roof of the lanai. In the corner, Lucien sat in a long chair, golden brown skin radiant in the low fae lights, his long wine-red hair pulled into a topknot. Their daughter rested in the crook of muscled arms.
Barely a day old, little coppery curls peaked out of the muslin cloth wrapped around her tiny body. Lucien held her with such care. He whispered so low even Elain, who had been watching from the bed, could not hear.
Lucien had brought them here weeks ago, to the little villa in the high hills outside of Alexandrina. He had bought it for them not long after their mating ceremony. They wanted someplace quiet away from the bustle of the city, to grow, to love, to welcome their child into this world. Someplace where they didn’t have to be anything other than Lucien and Elain.  
Labor was everything Elain expected it to be. Hard, aching, with long periods of pacing in the garden between summer rains. She had relished digging her bare feet into the wet earth, breathing deep the morning air as the labor pains swept through her. They were brutal. The first pains swept over her like a wave. Her entire being gave in to the power of her womb. It excited her as much as it frightened her. It was a beginning and an ending.
She chose to give birth privately. Only Lucien and a pair of discrete healers from the palace. Elain told Lucien she didn’t want to bring up bad memories for her sisters, as it had only been a few years since Nyx’s traumatic arrival. She’d tell them in a day or two. He didn’t question her and swiftly winnowed out to grab the healers his mother had recommended. Truthfully, she wanted this moment for herself. So much of her life had been under the scrutiny of others, this she wanted just for themselves.
Their daughter was a late summer baby, born between the seasonal storms that pelted the coast of Alexandrina. She came into the world quickly, less than a day after the labor pains started. Born midday as the sun finally broke through the clouds after a heavy rain. Elain swore she could taste the magic hanging thick in the air the moment she came roaring into the world.
Elain stretched quietly on the edge of their large four poster bed. Her limbs were sore, her womb aching with the leftover cramps of childbirth. The midwives warned her of this, told her to rest as much as she was able. She had always been a touch restless, though.
Her mate was in the middle of a story. His face was animated as he whispered, scar stretching as he leaned down. She padded quietly across the hardwood. He didn’t so much as look up at her, but the twitch of his ear and the quirk of his full lips told her he heard her.
“Filling her with your stories already?” Elain whispered as she came up behind him. She twined her arms around his neck, breathing deep the scent of warm oak and sunshine, and laid her chin on his topknot. Lucien chuckled softly, a low rumble in his chest.  
“Only the best ones,” he spoke quietly. “Like how her mother saved her father from death. How she grows the best gardens in all of Prythian and cooks the sweetest apple tarts.” Elain smiled into his hair.
Oh, how she loved this male. How did she ever go so long denying him?
“How she force-fed me a rotten egg to accept the mating bond until I ruined her Uncle Rhys’ pretty rug.”
“Lucien!” Elain hissed, landing a solid slap to his shoulder. He giggled, the ass. “Maybe I should tell her about how easy it is for her father to vomit, or your philandering past, or your penchant for –”
“We’ll tell her everything, Elain,” Lucien said softly. He stretched his free arm out above him and wrapped it awkwardly around her neck, drawing her down into the crook of his shoulder. Elain melted into his touch.
A minute passed quietly, only the sound of rolling thunder and battery of the rain their companion. They were content to hold on to each other. Elain marveled in the peace of her new little family. All her life, she never imagined she’d be able to fulfill all her dreams: to have a family and adventure. But this male, this sweet, caring, sarcastic, wonderful male had given her everything.
She was overwhelmed by the love in her heart. She’d blame it on the hormones.
“I was telling her all the things I am going to give her as she grows,” Lucien finally broke the silence. His hand trailed down her shoulder until he loosely held her hand, his thumb absently rubbed circles on her wrist. His eyes never wavered from their daughter’s puckered lips.
Lucien nodded slightly, Elain’s chin moving with the effort. “A rug from Sangravah for her nursery. A jeweled dagger from Adriata. A stuffed polar bear straight from Nunavit. A book of spells from her grandfather’s library. The largest collection of tinker toys a child could have,” he listed with increasing joy.
“That’s … quite the spectrum,” Elain remarked. She hid her smile in his thick topknot.
Her mate shrugged, careful not to jostle the babe in his arms. “She deserves the best of everything.”
“Does an infant really need a dagger?” she questioned.
Lucien turned in her arms. He gave her an incredulous look. His gold eye whirred and clicked, almost as if in reproach as she took him in.
“She’s the princess of day court, with two feuding high lords for uncles. She’s getting an entire armory,” he stated drily. He let go of Elain’s hand to gently tap their sleeping child’s slightly upturned nose. “And a Pegasus. Because she’s cute.”
Elain snorted, relinquishing her hold on her husband and moving to sit across from them. The rain whipped at the bamboo curtains. Cool wind weaved between the slats. “Well, at least now I know how full of shit you are.”
Lucien smirked as his eyes looked up from the sleeping bundle. He quirked a brow.
She smiled mischievously as she crossed her legs. “You promised me a Pegasus once too. And have yet to deliver.”       
Lucien threw his head back in a roaring laugh, jostling the babe at his chest. The bundle in his arms squirmed. Her tiny face turned red as she scrunched herself into a ball of pure anger.
“Oh look! You’ve upset her,” Elain admonished. She reached for the baby as Lucien stood. He crossed the room and carefully passed the tiny bundle to her.
“She’s a temperamental little thing,” Lucien sighed as he reached to adjust the strap in his hair.
Elain nodded in agreement. She’d spent her entire pregnancy being bullied from the inside by this child. Her favorite foods turned her stomach. She developed a horrible rash that lasted months, and she’d lost count how many times the child had kicked her bladder, causing her to wet herself at the worst times. Like during a mediation of trade rights between Autumn and Summer. Cresseida was snide, and Eris surprisingly comforting, though it was still embarrassing.
She pulled the strap of her stola down to expose her chest. Her breasts were heavy and near painful. It had been a bit since her daughter had fed, however little she’d done. She drew the babe’s mouth to her nipple. Her daughter rooted but didn’t take. Elain frowned.
“Maybe we should call the midwife back? She’s still struggling with latching,” she said. Worry filled her voice. The baby had fed a couple times already, but only after the midwife had manipulated her breast for her.
“I’ll show her how to do it,” Lucien remarked smartly. She knew what she’d see if she looked up: Lucien’s eyes locked on to her exposed chest, smirk on his face. He might even be rubbing his oversized hands together like a villain in a play.
“I’m sure you would,” she snorted. Sure enough, when she looked up Lucien had his eyes on her chest and he was rubbing his hands together. His face was focused though, eyebrows drawn together as if he were contemplating a battle maneuver not ogling his wife’s breasts. “What are you doing?”
“Warming up my hands,” he offered with a shrug. “I had the midwife show me how to do it too, remember?”
“No, I guess I don’t,” she said softly. She really didn’t. When did he ask the midwife? She’d been fairly out of it, but she thought she could remember that much.
The baby began to whimper into her breast.
Elain glanced back up at her husband. His face was a bit guarded, like it gets when he’s trying not to piss her off. Oh, her sweet mate.
“Do you want me to fetch her? Or may I try?” He asked carefully. Elain knew he was aware of her worry, that she’d been unable to immediately grasp breastfeeding like Feyre had, or like any mother should. He’d immediately shut her down when she’d voiced it, claiming every mother and every child were different, and comparison was the thief of joy.  
“Go ahead. I’d rather have your hands on me than a stranger,” Elain said as she smiled up at him. His hands were held in front of him in a placating fashion. They moved to her chest, resting above her heart for a moment.  
“Good, I don’t like anyone else’s hands on my boobs,” he stated plainly. His hand soothed an ache over her right side, dipping just low enough to brush across the swell of her heaving breast. Her nipple puckered at his touch.
“Your boobs?”
“Yes, they became mine the day you accepted the bond,” Lucien nodded again. He reached down and cupped the breast their daughter was trying to suckle on in a C shape. He guided it to the babe’s mouth and rubbed the pebbled nipple gently in front of her.
Elain jumped a bit when the little mouth latched down. “I’d always thought they took just the nipple,” she said as Lucien released her breast. It felt like half her tit was in the child’s mouth. He sat down on the arm of the chair, chuckling. Both of them watched the baby with rapt attention.
They sat like that for a bit, the babe taking her breakfast while Elain brushed the little copper hairs on her head.
“I wonder who she’ll take after more?” Lucien broke the silence. “She has my hair, and her eyes are blue —“
“They can change.”
“And she definitely has your nose. I can already see it.” He gently touched the tiny, upturned nose as Elain switched her sides.
This time, baby girl latched on with ease.
“Why does she only like the left one?” Elain groaned.
“The left one slopes down and is more reactive,” Lucien provided. She whipped her head at him. He shrugged defensively. “It’s true! A cool breeze has that one hard enough to cut a diamond and it slopes downward more than the right one. It’s easier to get in your mouth if you’re coming from below, which she is the way you’re holding her.”
Elain blinked. Once. Twice. A third time. “Are you fucking serious right now?” She hissed. Lucien threw a finger over his mouth in a shushing gesture.
“Don’t curse in front of the baby!” He whisper-yelled at her. He pointed to his daughter’s delicate, pointed ears.
“You’re the one talking about putting my tit in your mouth in front of her!” Elain retorted, though she did put a hand over the exposed ear.
“It’s the first thing we have in common,” Lucien smirked. “We both love your breasts.”
Whatever Elain was about to say was halted when the baby unlatched and began to cry again. Elain shifted, putting her on her shoulder and began to pat her back. This part was easier.
Her sweet daughter burped, spewing breast milk all over her mother. “You both vomit easily too,” she remarked with a chuckle. She took the edge of her stola to clean up the baby’s mouth.
Lucien sprang into action. He dipped a cloth in the rainwater coming down from the roof and used it to wash Elain’s back.
“I haven’t puked since the egg,” Lucien chided. Once Elain’s back was clean, he helped her to her feet.
They padded across the hardwood floor, back into the bedroom. A small bassinet was set up near the bed, hand painted with flowers and tiny suns courtesy of Auntie Feyre. Elain laid their daughter among the pink linens, tucking her swaddle in. The baby seemed to settle for a moment.
“Can you grab me a new gown?” Elain asked her mate as she began to strip out of the dirty stola. He nodded, turning to get her new clothes when she dropped the soiled gown. She left it in a pile on the floor and stood there in only her underwear.
 It wasn’t romantic, as it might have been before she gave birth. Now she had a stomach that was beginning to sag, and her thick underwear was full of bloodied linens she’d need to change. Still, Lucien stopped to stare at her like she was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen.
His gold eye clicked, his russet one softening. “I love you more every day,” he said tenderly.
Elain felt the tears spill over her eyes. She cried so much quicker when she was pregnant, and that hadn’t seemed to have changed yet.
“I love you too,” she whispered. Lucien made a step towards her. She knew from the look in his eyes what he wanted. Some looks meant a passionate night. Some meant he’d devour her. Some he meant wicked.
This one was gentle. He meant to hold her. His arms were already coming up when a wail burst from the bassinet. Elain laughed quietly.
“I’ll change her, if you’ll find me a robe,” she offered. Lucien stopped his advance but quirked a brow.
“Do you want a gown or a robe?” he asked for clarification.
“A robe, please,” she declared. “I’ll need a quick wash and don’t want the hassle of dressing and undressing again.”
Lucien nodded and padded over to their large wardrobe.
As Elain cleaned their daughter up, she took a moment to really take her in. Fine coppery hair dusted her head. Her nose was slightly upturned, just like her own. She had full lips, even for a baby. Those were her father’s. The fat chubby cheeks? Definitely Elain’s. She remembered all through her childhood how other children would tease and taunt her for them, until her baby fat fell away to soft curves.
They hadn’t yet named her. They’d bounced between several ideas, each with a special or sentimental meaning. Nothing had yet stuck. They knew they wanted it to have meaning. They didn’t want her named after themselves – though Elain had been partial to Lucia. They were taking their time, and then the sweet child had come before any name had been chosen.
“Thalia?” Lucien said softly. He draped a soft green robe over her shoulders as she swaddled the baby. “It means to blossom.”
They’d done this often, since she’d even learned she was pregnant. At random times just deciding to call out a name and see if it fit.  
“Hmmm…possibly,” Elain hummed. The baby was still fussy, though she’d stopped crying. She slid her arms through the robe and tied it before picking up her little ball of fire. She nuzzled her daughter’s soft head, soaking in that intoxicating baby soft scent.  “Soleil?”
“No,” he shook his head. “Perfect as it is for a princess of day, our little one is a child of many courts. Not just one.”
Elain agreed, though now that she was here, they really should name her. The babe fussed some more, her bottom lip quivered.
Maybe it was instinct, maybe Elain was still tired and aching from the slowly dying contractions, but she began to sway. Slowly, back and forth, in a loose rendition of one of the dances they’d done at their mating ceremony. She’d done it so many times while pregnant. Her rooms at the palace weren’t too far from the conservatory, and music would carry up on the breeze. She’d find herself swaying to a waltz in the comfort of her room.
The baby stilled, large deep blue eyes blinking up at her. Elain smiled back. They danced to the rolling of thunder, the room lit by low fae lights and flashes of lightning.
At some point her mate joined her. Long, strong arms wrapped around her waist. His chin nestled into the crook of her neck, placing the softest kiss there before settling into the rhythm. Elain relaxed back into him.
Lucien began to hum. A soft tune, low and deep. The baby watched him, eyes fighting sleep.
“Lucien, keep doing that,” Elain whispered as they swayed. Her mate obliged, humming a bit louder. Soon, their daughter’s blue eyes closed, her little face relaxing in sleep.
They parted as Elain put her in the bassinet. Lucien crossed to open the wide curtains. At some point the rain had slowed and the sun risen. Fingers of soft morning light shone through the now open window, illuminating the crystal mobile dancing above the sleeping child. The crystal split the sunbeam, casting beautiful colors over their resting  daughter.
“Iris,” Lucien whispered reverently. Elain turned to him and quirked a brow. He pointed one long, calloused finger to the mobile. “Rainbows. Iris was said to be a long-forgotten goddess of peace. Her symbol was a rainbow.”
She turned back to her daughter. The tiny face smoothed in peaceful rest after having squalled so fiercely. “I think she might also be the storm.”
Her mate chuckled. “It takes a lot of strength to bring peace.”
“Iris Archeron Spell-cleaver,” she tried the name on her tongue. The tang of magic filled the air, the room shimmering with golden light just for a moment. As if the baby – or the magic of Day – approved of the name.
Elain smiled in her mate’s arms. “I guess it’s decided,” she laughed quietly. Lucien hummed an agreement, hugging her midsection a bit tighter. A thought suddenly came to her. Elain tilted her head, meeting Lucien with a wicked smile.  “I just realized something.”
“You just named your daughter after Eris,” Elain stated mischievously. The arms around her tensed. As close as she was held, she could feel his entire body tense. A scowl formed on his otherwise beautiful face, highlighting the violence of the scar.
“Fuck that,” he spat. “It’s not after Eris. It’s IRIS.”
“Hmmm…sounds an awful lot like Eris to me,” Elain teased as she poked her slowly unraveling mate.
“We’ll pick something else,” he scowled.
Thunder cracked, the room seeming to shake with it. Elain burst into laughter, hand flying to her mouth to quiet herself before their daughter awoke. “I don’t think that’s an option anymore,” she choked through the laughter.
Lucien growled. “I named her after a goddess of peace, not a high lord of bullshit and chaos.”
“You know he’ll claim you named her for him,” Elain remarked. She ran a hand along her mate’s muscled arm. “Rhys will think it too, I imagine.”
A warm chuckle into her neck. “He’ll have a fit. Might even ruffle his hair.”
Elain let out another barking muffled laugh. She loved her brother-in-law, but there was still a touch of tension there. Besides, there was something wickedly satisfying about seeing Rhysand annoyed.
The warm glowing light filled the room once more, briefly, flashing its approval.
“Is that normal?” Elain whispered. Lucien shrugged behind her.
“Whose to say? I haven’t been around many babies,” he admitted. “Did anything like this happen with Nyx?”
“A few times,” Elain nodded. “But he’s Rhys’ heir.”
There was a beat of silence before Lucien huffed a laugh into her hair. “I wouldn’t mind that. I never wanted to be high lord anyway.” Elain turned again in his arms.
He was smiling and glowing, power and magic radiating off of him. There was no doubting who the heir of Day was. Though, perhaps the magic was marking Lucien’s heir. If such a thing happened. Maybe it was the mother, shining her blessings down.
Tears sprang to her eyes, brought on by the happiness shining in Lucien’s face. He peered down at her.  
She was smiling, her brown eyes glistened with unshed tears. A look of worry crossed his features. She shook her head.
“Will you sing to me?” she said softly. She dug in her hands into his forearms. She wanted him closer. He tightened his arms.
“I’m no singer, lady,” he murmured into her hair as he kissed the crown of her head.
“You have a fine voice, my lord. Just sing to me whatever you were humming.” She could feel the rumble of laughter building in his body. His chest shook with it.
“If you say so,” he said mirthfully. He began to hum again, the same soft tune he’d hummed before, a bit faster this time. Elain rocked in his arms. Then he opened his mouth…
“If all of the girls were bells in a tower,
and I were the clapper, I’d bang one each hour – “
“LUCIEN!” she roared, whipping around and out of his arms. Lucien doubled over in laughter with his hand on his stomach.
Iris, from her bassinet, wailed again.
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tallbluelady · 1 year
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With Heart and Steel and Myth and Magic!
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huxloween · 2 years
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Huxloween 2022, Day 18
The prompt for October 18 is Magic. 
Post to your own blog and tag us with #huxloween and @huxloween,  submit your work directly to the Huxloween blog, or @ us on Twitter!
View all the Huxloween 2022 prompts here. 
Universal Ask Box
Huxloween 2022 AO3 collection
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icryink · 9 months
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I wanted to post the prompt list a month in advance so people have time to work on it :)
There are no hard rules; it's just a fun art exercise to draw things that are considered "cringe" by popular culture. Don't stress if you miss a day!!
Even if you don't participate, it would mean the world to me if you just shared the prompt list because it took me a while to make it lol.
I hope you have fun with it!!!
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Danny: Hey guys! Wanna see me pull a rabit out of a hat?
Tucker: I mean, sure I guess
Sam: No, that's lame and overdone. Get me a pet bat.
Danny: One bat coming up!
Danny: *pulls Batman halfway out of the tophat*
Batman: *scowling*
Tucker: *hastily whispering* Shove him back in! Shove him back in!
Danny: *shoves Batman back in*
Tucker: Are we going to get in trouble for this or...?
-Meanwhile, at the batcave-
Tim: *witnessing Batman get pulled halfway into a portal* WTF?!
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britcision · 8 months
It’s a hard summoning. A horrible summoning. The very worst Constantine’s ever been part of, he was expecting a rough ride with an entity of this power but surely this is excessive?
The Ghost King has been known to accept deals for centuries, and yeah the terms are shit but the world is full on ending and the Justice League are out of better options
When the magic lashes out and takes Doctor Fate to his knees, he begins to doubt what they’re doing
Is this really the better option? Really? Sure, Pariah will take the souls of all their enemies into his army for conquest, but if it costs everyone anyway…
Danny wrapped arms, legs, and teeth around the telephone pole in Amity Park, growling against the pull
Of COURSE this had to happen three days after he made a joke about “being the only entity John Constantine hasn’t tried to sell his soul to” to Clockwork
He’s not fucking losing the bet about making it to the end of the week
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fandomfuntimem · 1 month
Dp x dc prompt #10000000000000000000000000000000000¹⁰
Bruce decided to foster this boy he had found. The kid's name is Danny, his parents were arrested for child endangerment and having an illegal lab in their basement.
At first the boy was curt and avoided contact with others. But now, they cannot keep their eyes off him. The moment they look away he is already halfway down the street running like a bat(haha) out of hell. No wonder Bruce had found him wondering the streets. No family could ever keep him in one place.
At first it was easy to catch him and bring him back, "hiring" the vigilantes to find him. But with time he only got sneakier, faster, and angrier. Everytime he got dragged back he was yelling and cursing. Calling Bruce a "fruitloop" he could only assume that was ment to be derogatory. Once he even punched poor Dick in the face. Duke swears that he must be a meta human, and Bruce can't help but agree with that sentiment.
Oddly enough though, Jason was the one to find him the most. At first it was just luck, but the more emotional Danny got, the more it became like a sixth sense to him. Danny disappeared, and Jason could find him. Hell, Danny was calmest with Jason. Still warry, but he didn't struggle as much, or search for ways out when he was set to watch him.
Now though, there were more reasons to keep an eye on him than before. One night he escaped, but he wasn't running from them, he was running to something. When Jason managed to catch him he swore up and down this wasn't an escape attempt, right before he pulled the vigilante down barely avoiding a bullet to the head. It was the Court of Owls. They were after Danny, and they led him into a trap. They barely made it out with their lives. Danny claimed he followed because he saw someone in trouble.
Then later, the League of Assassins made an attempt on his life. Claiming Ra's Al Ghul had plans for him. Ok. Ew. Yet another son of Bruce's the old creep was after.
Then more and more paranormal based groups and cults were gunning it for the poor kid. Now Danny had a new reason to run, and they had a new reason to protect him even harder.
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the-witchhunter · 3 months
DP x DC summoning
So a classic staple of this crossover is some poor schmuck trying to summon Pariah and getting Danny
How this usually goes is Danny either flexes on them or nopes out of there
So in Hellblazer one of the things you want to summon a powerful otherworldly entity is not only their ritual, but their name. The ritual brings them there, the name is used as part of the binding that provides a summoner protection against the thing they just summoned
So just a thought
Danny has that happen a couple times, he’s summoned and he just nopes out of there and either assumes it’s just a halfa thing or just doesn’t notice it’s weird
So imagine the first time someone actually properly summons him
Be it Zatana or John who have or course heard about the change in management and have properly bound the spirit they’ve summoned. Hell maybe it’s someone like Felix Faust and he’s been summoned by a villain
Danny just peace signs and then immediately flies right into an invisible wall and nearly breaks his nose
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ghostbsuter · 2 months
It's not.like he wanted to be here, Jesus.
Not that he'd leave either knowing where they are right now— mind you.
"And who is this, Cap?" Shazam screaming child gives a strained smile, back straight and answers.
"My colleague–"
Danny interrupts, face finally away from the glass that separates him and space. "Shazam over here got grounded by mom, and since he had a JL meeting, I was to come along as supervision."
Batman is eerily still, staring at them.
Poor Billy, he's gonna deal with this alone next time.
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elucienweekofficial · 11 months
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Commissioned by @sanktadu and drawn by @llibiarts
The event has permission to repost.
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acourtofthought · 11 months
This sort of falls under Day 2's Magic Prompt since it's a theory on possible powers for Elain. Contains TOG spoilers.
I was having a conversation with @acourtdelaluna a few weeks back and we were discussing how SJM was very confident in her response to a specific interview question, that there would definitely be more ACOTAR babies.
Something about that didn't make sense to us though. Was she referring to a possible Epilogue she's going to write for all the characters? Or did she mean we're going to see it in an actual book like we did with Feyre? The entire spin-off is building towards this huge battle so how can there be another pregnancy for any of the main characters? It doesn't seem logical to have a pregnant female running around in battle.
But I realized today, Elain is the PERFECT character to end up pregnant in the series.
Rhysand is a warrior
Nesta is a warrior
Feyre is a warrior
Mor is a warrior
Gwyn is a warrior
Az is a warrior
Cassian is a warrior
Emerie is a warrior
Lucien is a warrior
The only main character who has actively turned away from everything to do with fighting in battle is Elain. She did not want a weapon and only accepted one when Feyre reassured her she wouldn't need to use it. And while she did use it to save her sister, she returned it "and didn't look back". She is the only character who was written to completely shun the Illyrian fighting leathers. In Silver Flames, SJM made it a point to remind us that "cruelty bothers her". I could be wrong but I don't think there are any clues that Elain's future is going to be that of a warrior in battle so where does that leave her? When everyone else is fighting in the war, what role will Elain play?
In the TOG series, Yrene was a healer. A healer who understood what plants could be used to create salves to aid in healing:
"Elide finished the tin of salve from her pocket, Eucalyptus, Yrene had said, naming a plan Elide had never heard of, but whose smell - sharp and yet soothing - she very much enjoyed. Beneath the pungent herb lay lavender, rosemary, and something else mixed in with the opaque, pale liniment."
I know it's not a theory many agree with but.... there is the possibility that Elain had something to do with healing Cassian after the Kings attack. We don't yet have proof of this though there are lines that could support it.
Aside from small clues that are maybe hinting at Elain's future, one of the biggest things we know as fact is her love of gardening and gardens aren't just about flowers.
Elain has a gentle nature, war and cruelty bother her, she is a grower of things (plants are needed for salves), and she rushed to Cassian when he was injured while Nesta chose to leave Cassian's side in order to decapitate the King.
I can't think of any character who is more suited to end up a healer than Elain.
Not only was Yrene was a healer (who played an important role in the defeat of the Valg), but in the final book with the final battle, she was pregnant.
Elain also ending up pregnant makes such perfect sense to me because it creates a valid reason for her to not have to fight with weapons while the others do. And if she does turn out to be a healer, that would be her contribution to the war itself.
Side note: In my mind Lucien has a breeding kink, full stop. The male who has such control in every single aspect of his life, not seeking revenge against his father and brothers, restraining himself when there are times he had every right to go off on Nesta, Feyre, Rhys, Tamlin, is going to go absolutely feral when he and Elain finally accept their bond and he's not going to give a damn about contraceptive teas.
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Deep Water Prompt #3138
“They call her sword Belladonna.”
“Is it poisonous?” I asked.
“Not in the traditional sense. Cut someone once though, and the cut will spread unstoppable. One nick is death sentence.”
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puppetmaster13u · 5 months
Prompt 185
No one could get into contact with Constantine. 
Now usually that wasn’t that big of a deal, the man constantly disappeared for a few days at a time doing something or other, but he’d been completely silent and unseen for months. Usually he’ll at least answer a call to tell them to fuck off or something. 
And they really need his expertise and are getting incredibly worried for their grumpy team member. Yes he’s an asshole, but he’s their asshole, y’know? And he has a habit of getting into Situations (sure he also usually gets out of them, but what if he didn’t this time?!) 
So they’re desperate. Kind of really desperate. Desperate enough to use the summoning sigil they found on his fridge. They’d checked it, multiple times, and it should summon the hellblazer. 
“You’re not Constantine.” . 
The white-haired teen in the circle yawned, stretching and blinking at them blandly with familiar blue eyes before sighing. “Actually I am,” he stuffed his hands into his hoodie as he looked down at the summoning circle. “Well, technically just one of the many Laughing Magicians currently in the Realms.” 
He gave a grin, looking more amused than annoyed. “Pretty much every one of us is in the Realms right now for family reunion lol. (Did he just say lol out loud??) So like, you’re gonna have to specify which of us you’re tryin’ to summon. Honestly perfect timing for me thanks, the fruitloop keeps flirting with John and it’s horrific so.” 
… That was probably their John, wasn’t it…
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sleepy-writes-stuff · 3 months
(Time for something a little more lighthearted/found family. Could probably also make this a crack prompt instead.)
(#) = Notes at the end of post
(*) = Just me building off of other ideas.
Visitation Rights
When Danny went to list Dani/Ellie as his heir after she'd come back from her years of traveling the world, he was quickly informed that he already had one in line for the thrown.
"What? Since when?!"
The pretentious, floating eyeball looked like he wanted to be anywhere else other than here, providing information to King Phantom, but explained anyway.
"The day you officially achieved royal status, you permanently linked your being to the Infinite Realms. When this happened, however, a child was in the process of being created with the assistance of ectoplasmic runoff that's been leaking into the mortal world for centuries. As a result of your power being incorporated into the Realms at such a time, this human child retained an imprint of your core signature. The Infinite Realms itself has recognized this child as your offspring. Your... other offspring has yet to be recognized in such a way and would therefore be considered your second heir once claimed."
Danny stared at the Observant with wide, blank eyes that were slowly filling with dread and panic.
"Why are you just telling me this now?? My coronation was over a decade ago!" He held his face in his hands and gave a horrified groan at what he just learned.
"If you really wanted that clone as your heir, I'm afraid it's too late to change it-"
Danny's head shot back up with a snarl and furious green eyes.
"That's not what I'm upset about you walking cataracts! Eleven years! I've missed eleven years of this kid's life!! How could you think I-"
At a loss for words, he growled deep in his chest. Deep enough that it echoed throughout the halls and rattled the floors.
"Who is this kid, and where can I find them?"
Once given the information and learning of the child's other parental figures, he gets to work. A few weeks later, he appears in the home office of a well-known billionaire with a stack of papers that he promptly slams onto the desk in front of the startled man. (1)
"I demand visitation rights to our son, Damian Wayne."
(1) Danny actually visited Talia first to get visitation rights. Needless to say, that didn't go very well. He's still got a couple knives floating around in his chest cavity because of it.
(*) ALSO! I'm not sure how this lines up with the DC/Batman timeline. All I figured out is that if Danny waited to be crowned until after he graduated college as an astrophysicist, which take 5 to 7 years, he'd be about 36 years old when he finds out about Damian. Bruce would be about 41, so the age gap is only 5 years. If y'all wanna make this Danny/Bruce, go ahead!
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