#Prototype Quran
dejahisashmom · 2 months
The Hidden Text of the Sanaa Manuscript: A Prototype Quran? - Historic Mysteries
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light-trio-pokemon · 2 months
Pokémon X Poppy Playtime
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Solgaleo is Dogday, Lunala is Catnap and Necrozma is the prototype..?😶
But yo, Catnap literally killed employees even innocent people and his friends except poorly Dogday leave him suffering because he worship that he call god... Yes I know it save him before but at the end it killed him to use him for evil purpose looks like. Poor him too...
With the world nearing the end of the age, I hope one day you all will believe that: "Your God is ˹only˺ One God. There is no god ˹worthy of worship˺ except Him, Allah—the Most Compassionate, Most Merciful." (Quran 2:163)
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asteroidgalore · 1 year
Waldemath doesn’t get her gifts taken in the Quran. She takes back her gifts! Lol 😂. The wording is the key with Waldemath. That’s why she’s a Lilith prototype. Cunning for sure!
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femboycloudstrife · 11 months
for some reason ive always thought the lost world the jurassic park book was old as hell like frankenstein or the bible even when my bf who is a huge jurassic park head is like no its fairly recent im like this story of dinoasaurs living amongst humans is told through the LENS of a 1980s prototype theme park with cloning science and newman from seinfeld but it actually is like a chapter from the quran its a metaphor. always resets back to that
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hirihulisen · 2 years
Introduction to classes and objects in c++ pdf files
           Simula 67 introduced objects, classes, subclasses, virtual methods, coroutines, discrete event simulation, and features garbage collection. Once the basics of C++ as a procedural language have been covered, we introduce classes, inheritance, and polymorphism---the key concepts in object-oriented C++ syllabus - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read Introduction to Object Oriented Programming (3 hours) C++ V2 C++ Classes and Objects the central feature of C++ that supports object-oriented. Data Abstraction in C++ Data abstraction refers to providing only C++ class overview · Deprecated class methods · CCFXException class Debugging classes reference. WDDX JavaScript Objects Assemble PDF documents.A class is a blueprint or prototype that defines the variables and the methods common to all objects of a certain kind. Class is an implementation of an
https://www.tumblr.com/hirihulisen/697728078147960832/consolidamento-fondazioni-pdf-files, https://www.tumblr.com/hirihulisen/697728200037597184/full-quran-pak-pdf, https://www.tumblr.com/hirihulisen/697727258526400512/pdf-alimentacion-sana-para-ninos, https://www.tumblr.com/hirihulisen/697728078147960832/consolidamento-fondazioni-pdf-files, https://www.tumblr.com/hirihulisen/697728078147960832/consolidamento-fondazioni-pdf-files.
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eli-kittim · 3 years
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The Quran’s Alternative Christianity
By Goodreads Author Eli Kittim
Christianity’s Influence on the Quran
Although polytheism was the dominant form of religion in pre-Islamic Arabia, the Quran was diametrically opposed to this view and superseded it with its own brand of monotheism. The unknown author(s) of the Quran was obviously influenced by the Gnostic religion of the Mandaeans, who are sometimes called "Christians of Saint John," and by that of the Sabians or Manichaeans, who revered certain prophets, such as Zoroaster and Jesus. Despite these strong surrounding influences, however, the author(s) of the Quran seems to gravitate towards the Judeo-Christian Bible, paying special attention to the Jesus story and accepting even some of its more miraculous or fantastic elements, such as the virgin birth and the 2nd coming. That’s a clue that Christianity made a greater impact on the author(s) of the Quran than, say, Mithraism, Zoroastrianism, or Mazdakism! If, on the other hand, the author(s) of the Quran had used Judaism as a prototype of his new religion, then, in principle, he would never have accepted the Christian claims. Besides, Islam doesn’t show strict adherence to circumcision or the Law. And even though Moses and Abraham are mentioned more times than Jesus in the Quran, it’s rather obvious that Christianity had made a deeper impact on the author(s) than any other religion! And just as Christianity accepted the Hebrew Bible, so did the Quran.
A Christian Revolt
Do you really know what the Quran is? Answer: the product of a late *Gnostic Christian revolt* against Byzantine Orthodoxy. No wonder its adherents hated Constantinople so vigorously that they finally sacked it in 1453 ce. What I am proposing is that the *Gnostic-Christian Sects* that were marginalized by Byzantine Orthodoxy from the fourth century onwards didn’t go away quietly but seemingly conspired against the Church during the early part of the dark ages! The result of those efforts eventuated in the Book we now call the Quran. The syncretistic-gnostic elements present in the Quran suggest that it was in fact an amalgamation of heresies that characterized many different Gnostic Christian sects.
The Apocryphal Reformation
After the 4th-Century Church solidified itself theologically and otherwise within the Roman Empire and began to accept certain “canonical” texts while excluding others, those communities that held to the *rejected* gnostic and so-called “apocryphal” works eventually united to form their own Bible. The result was the Quran, which was mostly based on a variety of Jewish and Christian apocryphal and Gnostic texts!
Over time, Islam gradually lost it’s connection to Christianity (much like Christianity did when it broke away from Judaism) and became an independent religion in its own right. It may have been more Christ-centered at the beginning. But in order to distinguish itself from its rival Christian counterparts it would have had to significantly deemphasize its central Christian tenets. So, the first communities that gave rise to the Quran most probably comprised Gnostic Christians. Thus, the author of the Quran may have been seeking to take revenge on his Orthodox superiors, much like what a disgruntled Christian priest would do at a local church. Martin Luther immediately comes to mind and, with him, the Protestant Reformation!
The Beginning of Islam as a Christian Minority Religion
No wonder the Quran reveres the Christian dogmas of the virgin birth and the second coming of Jesus, while putting less emphasis on the historical Jesus, his atonement, and his divinity! And the Islamic traditions begin to make more sense from this perspective, as, for example, when the Nestorian monk Bahira in Bosra foretold to the adolescent Muhammad his future prophetic career. And just as Orthodoxy condemned the Gnostic Christian texts as *heretical* and *uninspired*, Islam must have fired back at them alleging that the so-called “canonical Christian texts” themselves were *corrupt*. It seems, then, that Islam itself came out of these early Gnostic-Nestorian Christian roots! In other words, even though it now openly competes with Christianity for converts, originally, Islam must have been a Christian minority religion on the fringes of the Eastern Roman Empire that was well-aware of all the debates that were raging all around them.
The New Testament Epistles Concur with the Apocryphal Texts that Undergird the Quran
As an offshoot of Christian Gnosticism, with an emphasis on personal existential experience rather than reason or doctrine, the Quran was, perhaps, closer to the truth than the pontifical, dogmatic Christianity of the Roman Empire. Gnosis, after all, was all about knowing rather than believing. And just because the Gnostic Christian texts were rejected by the church does not necessarily mean that they were wholly uninspired. For example, the Second Treatise of the Great Seth and the Gnostic Apocalypse of Peter, as attested in the Quran (Sura 4:157-158), doubt the established Crucifixion story and, by implication, perhaps even Jesus’ historicity. In other words, the Quran picked up Docetic thoughts and Gnostic ideas and asserted that all the acts and sufferings of Jesus’ life, including the crucifixion, were mere appearances. This is a noteworthy observation because, unlike the theological gospels, the New Testament epistles also suggest that Christ did not die in antiquity. Rather, they claim that he will be revealed “at the final point of time” (1 Pet. 1.20 NJB) and will die “once in the end of the world” (Heb. 9.26b). This idea of an earthly, eschatological messiah is also echoed in the pseudepigraphical Jewish-Christian texts, The Ascension of Isaiah and the Testament of Solomon. But it had been subsequently suppressed by Orthodox Christianity, which confused theology with history, and turned prophecy into biography. So, in this sense, Islam was correct in maintaining that the New Testament had been corrupted: not the text itself, but rather it’s interpretation.
However, as time passed, and as Islam separated itself more and more from Christianity, it, too, began to lose touch with the central tenet of Christ’s divinity, while its adherents took too many liberties with the original doctrines and became less and less “Christian”! To the extent that Islam gravitated away from Christ as the focal point of its doctrines, it, too, became corrupt, so much so that the deity of Christ was completely ignored or denied. Eventually, the religion’s deity became more identified with the monotheistic God of the Jews than with that of the Christians. That was the beginning of something new: the birth of a new religion!
Family Feud Among the Abrahamic Religions
To sum up, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are all part of the family of Abraham. Hence why they are called Abrahamic religions. Christianity, which grew out of Judaism, in turn, gave birth to Islam! But in the end, it’s like a dysfunctional family where the grandfather, father, and son can’t get along with each other.
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sebarisjejak · 5 years
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   Itulah beberapa kelas yang terdapat di Skill Academy dari masing-masing kategori, selebihnya kalian bisa langsung mengakses website Skill Academy melalui laptop ataupun smartphone. Jika semua materi telah selesai dari kelas yang diikuti, maka pengguna bisa mendapatkan sertifikat digitalnya.    Berdasarkan ulasan di atas, bahwa bukan lagi kendala untuk meningkatkan skill yang dimiliki. Sebab di era digital ini semua keterbatasan yang ada pada diri dapat ditingkatkan dengan mudah di kursus online seperti Skill Academy, di mana saja dan kapan saja. Dari segi hargapun juga cukup terjangkau, ditambah dengan banyaknya promo diskon yang ditawarkan. Segera tingkatkan skillmu!
Skill Academy #MudahUpgradeSkill !
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Hey Pemuda, Tahukah Dirimu? Tahukah dirimu, jika penemu prototype pesawat terbang pertama kali itu bukanlah Wright Bersaudara seperti apa yng sering diajarkan di sekolah umum. Karena sejatinya, perlu kamu ketahui bahwasanya penemu pertama kali prototype pesawat terbang adalah ilmuwan muslim bernama Abbas bin Firnas yang terinspirasi setelah membaca dan memahami makna arti Qs. Al-Mulk Ayat 19 yang ada dalam al quran Tahukah dirimu, jika penemu ilmu kimia utamanya penemu atom itu bukanlah John Dalton seperti apa yang sering diajarkan di sekolah umum. Karena sejatinya, perlu kamu tahu bahwasanya penemu atom dan ilmu kimia pertama kali adalah ilmuwan muslim bernama Jabir Ibnu Hayyan yang terinspirasi setelah membaca dan memahami al quran. Hal ini terjadi ketika Jabir Ibnu Hayyan menemukan besi, dimana beliau terinspirasi Qs. Al-Hadid. Bukankah besi dalam tabel kimia dengan rumus Fe dengan nomor atomnya 26 dan besi untuk stabilitasnya punya 4 isotof yaitu 55,56,57,58 dan bukankah angka 57 itu yang paling stabil. Darimana didapatkan? Karena terinspirasi makna arti Surat 57 ayat 25-26 yang ada didalam quran Tahukah dirimu, jika penemu “Teori Relativitas” pertama kali itu bukanlah Albert Einstein seperti apa yang sering diajarkan di sekolah umum. Karena, sejatinya perlu kamu tahu jauh sebelum itu seorang ilmuwan muslim bernama Abu Yusuf bin Ashaq al-Kindi atau terkenal dengan nama Al-Kindus yang intinya menyatakan bahwa antara ruang, waktu, dan benda itu relativ satu sama lain dan tidak berlaku sendiri. Dari mana beliau mendapatkan inspirasi? Ternyata dari al quran Qs. As-Sajdah ayat 5, Qs. Al-Mariij ayat 4, & Qs. Al-Hajj ayat 47 Ternyata kenapa Einstein bisa mempunyai inspirasi itu? Karena dia menemukan kitab al basoid karya ibnu sina (ilmuwan muslim) di kemudian hari (Pahami dampak perjanjian perdesilas 1492, yang berdampak dibawanya manuskrip islam ke barat setelah orang islam dikalahkan di spanyol pada saat itu) Akhirnya, begitulah dahsyatnya salah satu mujizat Al-Quran. Pahamilah umat islam (harus) sadar bahwa orang islam sejatinya tidak berlaku perubahan zaman, karena orang islam yg mewarnai zaman dengan inspirasi al quran, bukan sebaliknya. ::) #pemudaislam https://www.instagram.com/p/Blpwwlwjzdy/?igshid=df0n2x2ojrut
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gadisvirgo · 3 years
Rule of the three
Buku yang sedang aku baca malam ini megatakan “How Well do you Manage  Your Focuss?” sesuai dengan judul diatas yaps cara buat nge manage fokus kita dalam jalani hidup ini dengan Rule of the Three seperti buat pendahuluan,isi dan konklusi. Dari buku juga bilang bahwa kekuatan dari rule of the three adalah fokus dan konsentrasi untuk bisa mencapai target setahun kedepan. ya memang sekarang udah hampir di penghujung tahun tapi tidak ada salahnya untuk memulai bukan ? Oke sekarang kita mulai membuat rule of the three gadis virgo ini yang semoga ajaa sampai akhir tahun tetap fokus buat jalanin ini. Ada 3 hal yang bakal difokusin Life,Career,Money penting gak penting tapi penting banget siii oke kita coba tulis satu persatu
1. Life : Menjaga hubungan dengan 10 orang di inner circle sambil eksplorasi mana dari outer circle yang berpotensi masuk jadi inner circle. Menjaga pola makan STOP kopi dan makan tepat 3 hari sekali buat jaga kesehatan soale lambung udah ringkih banget wkwkw. Sholat 5 waktu di awal waktu tanpa megundur2 dan baca quran minimal 1 kali seminggu. 
2. Career : Menekuni kepenulisan mulai dari per KTI an dan Essay, Belajar editing buat bikin prototype buat penunjang karya dan i guest bisa jadi coppywritter but ya kudu ikut webinar dulu sii. oh ya jangan lupakan publikasi jurnal 
3. Money : Merapikan catatan penjualan dan keuangan bisnis kecil ku dan mulai try and eror buat recipe baru, Mencapai target tabungan ku di akhir tahun dan i have a new phone dan aku bisa beli itupake uang ku sendiri. 
Mungkin sampai akhir tahun itu dulu dan i wish akhir tahun ini aku bisa ke pantai duduk di pinggir pantai lihat sunset sambil nge reply semua yang terjadi di tahun ini dengan siapa ? entah let see semoga di hari itu juga aku bisa bilang “i had a good year”
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newstfionline · 3 years
Saturday, September 25, 2021
Biden Assembles the Quad (Foreign Policy) U.S. President Joe Biden is on a mission to project an image of unity and cohesion with three of the world’s largest economies today as he hosts the leaders of Australia, India, and Japan for a meeting of the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue—the Quad—at the White House. The summit, the first in-person gathering for the group since the onset of the coronavirus pandemic, caps a busy few days of Asia-focused diplomacy for the White House following the agreement of the AUKUS defense pact with Australia and the United Kingdom last week. That focus is underlined by additional one-on-one meetings Biden holds today with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga. The summit is expected to conclude with the announcement of several initiatives designed to deepen relations between the four countries including student exchanges alongside plans to counter China’s domination of key industries like semiconductors and 5G networks. China’s reaction to the meeting has echoed the tone it took with AUKUS. Asked about the Quad summit last week, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhao Lijian decried “exclusive ‘cliques’ targeting other countries” and said the group was “doomed to fail.”
Expensive garbage cans (Mission Local) San Francisco is years into an extremely expensive process of buying new garbage cans, with July seeing the Board of Supervisors vote to spend $427,500 on 15 prototypes for the three possible models of new trash can, with a per-trashcan price tag of $12,000 to $20,000 each. At the end of the day, San Francisco plans to buy 3,300 of the cans, and while the initial goal was to buy $1,000 cans, it’s looking like they might end up paying $5,000 a can. All told, the city will have to spend $6.6 million to $16.5 million on the misbegotten project, the brainchild of a disgraced former city official facing charges of fraud and lying to a federal agent. What’s wild is there are plenty of off-the-shelf models they could have gone with, from the $3,900 Bigbelly to New York’s $632 can, Los Angeles’ $449.51 can, D.C.’s $987 can or even Portland’s $1,851 can.
Migrant camp shrinks on US border as Haitians removed (AP) Haitian migrants waited to learn their fate at a Texas border encampment whose size was dramatically diminished from the almost 15,000 who gathered there just days ago in an effort to seek humanitarian protection in the U.S. but now face expulsion. The administration recently extended protections for more than 100,000 Haitians already in the U.S.—many of whom left their homeland after its devastating 2010 earthquake—citing security concerns and social unrest in the Western Hemisphere’s poorest country. But it doesn’t apply to new arrivals. Homeland Security said nearly 2,000 Haitians have been rapidly expelled on flights since Sunday under pandemic powers that deny people the chance to seek asylum. About 3,900 were being processed for possible return to Haiti or placement in U.S. immigration court proceedings. Others have been released in the U.S. with notices to appear in court or report to immigration authorities. Thousands have returned to Mexico. Authorities expect the camp will be empty in about two days, according to a U.S. official with direct knowledge who was not authorized to speak publicly.
Sub snub just one symptom of longtime French unease with US (AP) Liberty and Fraternity, yes. Equality, not so much. Born of a revolution fought for liberty, ties between the United States and its oldest ally, France, have long been fraternal, but they’ve also been marked by deep French unease over their equality. French concerns about being the junior partner in the relationship boiled over last week when the U.S., Britain and Australia announced a new security initiative for the Indo-Pacific, aimed at countering a rising China. The AUKUS agreement scuttled a multibillion-dollar submarine deal that France had with Australia, but, more alarmingly for the French, pointedly ignored them, reinforcing a sense of insecurity that has haunted Paris since the end of World War II. France has long bristled at what it sees as Anglo-Saxon arrogance on the global stage and has not been shy about rallying resistance to perceptions of British- and German-speaking dominance in matters ranging from commerce to conflict. Thus the latest affront, AUKUS, resulted in an explosion of ire, with the French loudly protesting and recalling their ambassadors to the U.S. and Australia while shunning the British in an overt manifestation of centuries of rivalry.
German millionaires rush assets to Switzerland ahead of election (Reuters) A potential lurch to the left in Germany’s election on Sunday is scaring millionaires into moving assets into Switzerland, bankers and tax lawyers say. If the centre-left Social Democrats (SPD), hard-left Linke and environmentalist Greens come to power, the reintroduction of a wealth tax and a tightening of inheritance tax could be on the political agenda. “For the super-rich, this is red hot,” said a German-based tax lawyer with extensive Swiss operations. “Entrepreneurial families are highly alarmed.” The move shows how many rich people still see Switzerland as an attractive place to park wealth, despite its efforts to abolish its image as a billionaires’ safe haven. No country has more offshore assets than Switzerland and inflows accelerated in 2020, to the benefit of big banks such as UBS, Credit Suisse and Julius Baer. Geopolitical tensions and fears of the COVID-19 pandemic’s economic fallout made Switzerland’s political stability attractive.
Evergrande’s missed payment (Foreign Policy) Chinese property giant Evergrande appeared to miss a deadline to pay interest on part of its mammoth debt on Thursday, prompting fears that the company could soon default, causing ripple effects across the global financial system. Writing in Wednesday’s China Brief, FP’s James Palmer outlined the tricky politics at play for Chinese authorities. “The company appears to be doomed,” Palmer writes. “The question that remains is how much of the Chinese economy it will take down with it, and whether its fate is a symptom of much bigger problems.”
Korean War peace treaty “premature” (Foreign Policy) North Korea has again rejected a call for a formal end to the Korean war, which ended with an armistice agreement in 1953. South Korean President Moon Jae-in made the overture in his address to the U.N. General Assembly on Tuesday, but on Friday, North Korea’s Vice Foreign Minister Ri Thae Son said any talk of a peace treaty would be premature so long as “the U.S. hostile policy is not shifted.” North Korea has so far ignored U.S. negotiation efforts, although Moon speculated that the country “is still weighing options while keeping the door open for talks,” citing the relatively low-level provocations Pyongyang has tried since Biden became president.
Taliban official: Strict punishment, executions will return (AP) One of the founders of the Taliban and the chief enforcer of its harsh interpretation of Islamic law when they last ruled Afghanistan said the hard-line movement will once again carry out executions and amputations of hands, though perhaps not in public. In an interview with The Associated Press, Mullah Nooruddin Turabi dismissed outrage over the Taliban’s executions in the past, which sometimes took place in front of crowds at a stadium, and he warned the world against interfering with Afghanistan’s new rulers. “Everyone criticized us for the punishments in the stadium, but we have never said anything about their laws and their punishments,” Turabi told The Associated Press, speaking in Kabul. “No one will tell us what our laws should be. We will follow Islam and we will make our laws on the Quran.” Since the Taliban overran Kabul on Aug. 15 and seized control of the country, Afghans and the world have been watching to see whether they will re-create their harsh rule of the late 1990s. Turabi’s comments pointed to how the group’s leaders remain entrenched in a deeply conservative, hard-line worldview, even if they are embracing technological changes, like video and mobile phones.
Putting a Disturbingly Low Price On Life (BBC, Guardian, National Army Museum, The Conversation) There has been renewed focus on civilian deaths in Afghanistan following the U.S. military’s admission that an August 29 drone strike, intended for ISIS-K fighters, instead killed 10 civilians, including seven children. According to data collected by Action on Armed Violence (AOAV), a London-based charity conducting research and advocacy on the incidence and impact of global armed violence, UK forces are linked to the deaths of nearly 300 Afghan civilians. Through a series of Freedom of Information requests, AOVA was able to obtain Ministry of Defense compensation logs revealing a total of £688,000 was paid out by the UK military for incidents involving 289 deaths, among them 86 children, between 2006 and 2014. The average amount paid was £2,380.      One of the most serious incidents listed in the logs is the award of £4,233.60 to a family following the deaths of four children, who were mistakenly shot and killed in December 2009. Some payments were less than a few hundred pounds. In February 2008, one family received £104.17 for a confirmed fatality and property damage in Helmand province. The author of the research said reading the files was difficult: “The banality of the language means hundreds of tragic deaths, including dozens of children, read more like an inventory.” AOAV estimates 20,390 civilians were killed or injured by international and Afghan forces during the two-decade-long conflict. This is just one-third of the number killed by the Taliban and other insurgents. 453 British soldiers died in combat operations between 2001 and October 2014. During the entire 20-year engagement from 2001 to 2021, 2,455 U.S. service members lost their lives, including the 13 killed by ISIS-K in the Kabul airport attack August 26, 2021; 20,740 American military personnel were injured.
Hezbollah flexes its muscles in Lebanon and provides free Iranian fuel (Washington Post) Lebanon’s new government got off to an inauspicious start this week. As parliamentarians gathered to approve the cabinet lineup, the electricity went out—a common occurrence these days—and the chamber was plunged into darkness. To the rescue came Hezbollah, the militant Shiite movement designated by the United States as a terrorist organization that is also a political party here. Lawmaker Ibrahim Musawi swiftly procured two generators from the organization’s offices. Eventually, the electricity came back on and the generators were no longer needed. But the episode provided a fresh opportunity for Hezbollah to remind the Lebanese who wields real power in their steadily collapsing country. Days earlier, Hezbollah had flaunted its clout by trucking Iranian diesel fuel into Lebanon to help alleviate chronic fuel shortages that have left people without public electricity sometimes for up to 24 hours a day. The amount of fuel imported—just 33,000 tons—was meager compared with Lebanon’s vast needs and was only enough to last the generator-dependent country for a few days. But Hezbollah has milked the opportunity to portray itself as a savior, making the fuel available free to hospitals, charitable institutions, emergency services, municipalities and other institutions that have had services crippled by the lack of electricity.
Jailbreak shines light on mass incarceration of Palestinians (AP) The cinematic escape of six prisoners who tunneled out of an Israeli penitentiary earlier this month shone a light on Israel’s mass incarceration of Palestinians, one of the many bitter fruits of the conflict. Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians have passed through a military justice system designed for what Israel still portrays as a temporary occupation, but that is now well into its sixth decade and critics say is firmly cemented. Nearly every Palestinian has a loved one who has been locked up in that system at some point, and imprisonment is widely seen as one of the most painful aspects of life under Israeli rule. The saga of the six, who were eventually recaptured, also underscored the irreconcilable views Israelis and Palestinians hold about the prisoners and, more broadly, what constitutes legitimate resistance to occupation. Israel classifies nearly every act of opposition to its military rule as a criminal offense, while many Palestinians see those acts as resistance and those engaged in them as heroes.
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dejahisashmom · 10 months
The Hidden Text of the Sanaa Manuscript: A Prototype Quran? - Historic Mysteries
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loadturbo295 · 3 years
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architectnews · 3 years
Prototype X Villa: Aala Qahtani Architects
Prototype X Villa Aala Qahtani Architects, KSA Home, Middle East Architecture Images
Prototype X Villa by Aala Qahtani Architects
5 Nov 2020
X Villa by Architect Aala Qahtani in Saudi Arabia
Architect: Aala Qahtani Architects
Location: Saudi Arabia
The Futuristic Najdi Architecture Found in the Prototype X Villa
In Saudi Arabia, the demographic of the cities is changing as we observe a growing younger population, and a need for more youth-oriented, inclusive structures. Keyword – Inclusive! The concept of architecture relies on art conceived through form, emotion and creativity to build a space for you. By combining practical and aesthetic appeal, the infrastructure is meant to create a volume of memories for its residents.
However, the want for privacy is unmet due to the patterns of the net urban plan found in most of the Kingdom cities. These patterns have been created primarily to restrict integration with neighbors and streets, and other factors, but they do not meet the demand or luxury of privacy. Generally, the old houses interlink with each other for two reasons;
As a response to the extreme climate – True to Najdi architecture, the houses comprise of a two-story house with a courtyard and the exterior walls are usually over 80 cm thick. These houses are usually located within the heritage sites and historical locations within the city.
For the country’s commitment to customs and traditions – Being progressive is fundamental to our current day and age and with the country’s adoption of travel, global exposure and a social media presence, the residents need for privacy still remains an important factor in choosing a home. Due to this, naturally, the beauty and innovation of design was lost and repetition in architecture was implemented; the net was created.
Currently, they operate like a net – everything is connected. The four sides of the house are either street view or neighbors which really restrict privacy for the families but that’s been the norm for years on end.
While ancient architecture is known for its simplicity, it basically mirrors its surrounding desert environment. In Saudi Arabia, an increase in designing medium-to-low-level homes was observed recently, due to their cost-effectiveness but also the lack of response to innovation.
It became time to acknowledge that the traditional methods of housing development will simply not offer the space, innovation or community welfare that is readily available through today’s innovative architecture.
X Villa
The Ministry of Housing in Saudi Arabia launched an initiative to support the design dreamers in the industry. They were offering high-quality designs and architecture prototypes by well-known architectural local firms, some valued at almost 10,000 Riyals, to introduce innovation in the sector.
The initiative is testing the waters to identify ways of raising the quality of life, the standard of housing, and increase awareness of high-quality architectural designs in the Kingdom.
This allowed Project X Villa to be born.
X Villa is a combination of futuristic design, functionality and contemporary art. It embodies an inspiration, innovative home structure in a never-seen-before concept. The prototype will be built to withstand various topographies across the Kingdom.
The aerodynamics within the house are created by the wind passing over the courtyard in the middle. This generates a low-pressure zone that can be absorbed in vortex. The air flows from rooms around the courtyard and can go against the low pressure by escaping through the narrow openings in the rooms. When the sun heats up the courtyard, the warm air (comparatively lighter) rises, which creates a chimney effect and attracts a breeze throughout the rooms. At any point during the day or night, the courtyard’s structure and mechanics restrict the heat and create a cooling atmosphere.
The installation of the plants in and surrounding the house create an aerial cooling system that not only regulates the temperate indoors but also from the outside. The inspiration for the project came from the days everyone spent drawing houses, rooms, buildings as children. Everyone has imagined a perfect home as a child, and tried to encapsulate that in a drawing or a painting. As children,forts were drawn to protect the residents of the imaginary castle from the outside world, much like the privacy-seekers in the Kingdom.
X Villa was also inspired by the great grandfathers of design and architecture in the country; the founders of the Najdi style. While their teachings remain part of the prototype, Villa X is still a futuristic approach to classical Najdi style which can now be implemented anywhere due to its ‘plug and play’, mobile structure. Due to its versatile form, the façade finishing is customizable to each buyer’s unique taste.
Bearing in mind the need for inclusive designs and innovation in the country’s architecture, contemporary and creativity were merged with traditional methods for this project.
Our imagined castle, the first-ever sketch of a perfect home is now a reality with X Villa.
Aala Qahtani, Founder Architect of AALA QAHTANI ARCHITECTS
Aala is the Founder of Aala Qahtani Architects in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, and designs commercial and residential projects around the world. She believes architecture is not about the build or the area, but about how the design makes you feel. Guided by traditions paved by the generations before us, Aala embraces storytelling and a simplicity that enriches the quality of living. Being a quantum physics enthusiast, she embeds the great galaxy into her unique structural ideas, new materials and concepts, which are taking the world by a storm.
Prototype X Villa by Aala Qahtani Architects, Saudi Arabia images / information received 051120
Location: Saudi Arabia, the Middle East
Architecture in Saudi Arabia
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Saudi Arabia Buildings
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whyspeakin · 4 years
Humayun Tomb
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Humayun Tomb
Humayun Tomb or Humayun mausoleum is the final rest place of the second Mughal emperor, was marked by battle and vicissitude. He ascended the throne of Delhi after the demise of his father, Babur, in 1530.
Humayun Tomb History
Near Hazrat Nizamuddin, on the crossroads of the Lodi and Mathura roads, The tomb is 500m from Hazrat Nizamuddin railway station and accessible by #903 bus from Chelmsford Rd by New Delhi station, or pay as you go auto from Connaught Place (₹125). Near the medieval Muslim centre of Nizamuddin stands Humayun’s Tomb, greatest photographed within the late afternoon. Delhi’s first Mughal mausoleum, it was constructed to accommodate the stays of the second Mughal emperor, Humayun, and was constructed beneath the watchful eye of Haji Begum, his senior widow and mom of Akbar, who camped right here for the length and is now buried alongside her husband. The grounds had been later used to inter a number of distinguished Mughals and served as a refuge for the final emperor, Bahadur Shah II, earlier than his seized by the British in 1857. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fCqRiQZgyk0 Humayun's Tomb is the chicest sight in Delhi, and the one the Obamas had been taken to go to after they had been in Delhi. An exquisite instance of the early Mughal structure, this tomb was constructed within the mid-16th century by Haji Begum, the Persian born senior spouse of the second Mughal emperor Humayun. The tomb introduced Persian model to Delhi, however, the two-tone mixture of pink sandstone and white marble is solely native, displaying the complementary merging of the totally different cultures. Numerous components within the design of Humayun’s Tomb – a squat constructing with excessively arched entrances that permit in gentle, topped by a bulbous dome. Humayun's tomb is a marvellous specimen of the best Mughal structure, which was shaped by Persian structure. The tomb was the primary garden-tomb on the Indian subcontinent. Its distinctive magnificence is claimed to have impressed a number of main architectural improvements, culminating within the building of the majestic Taj Mahal and historical monuments around Taj Mahal. The tomb’s sombre, Persian-style class marks this as one in all Delhi’s most interesting historic websites. Constructed of pink sandstone, inlaid with black and white marble, and set on a commanding podium trying in direction of the Yamuna River, it stands within the centre of the formal char bagh or quartered backyard. The octagonal construction is topped with a double dome that soars to a peak of 38m. Although it was the very first Mughal backyard tomb – to be adopted by Akbar’s at Sikandra and, in fact, the Taj Mahal at Agra, for which it may be seen as a prototype – Humayun’s mausoleum has antecedents in Delhi within the type of Ghiyas-ud-din Tughluq’s tomb at Tughluqabad and that of Sikandar Lodi in Lodi Gardens. From the second of these, it adopted its octagonal form and the excessive central arch that was to be such a typical characteristic of Mughal structure – you’ll see it on the Taj, and in Delhi’s Jama Masjid, for instance. Inside the grounds southeast of the primary mausoleum, one other spectacular sq. the mausoleum, with a double dome and two graves bearing Koranic inscriptions, is that of Humayun’s barber, a person thought of to be vital as a result of he was trusted withholding a razor to the emperor’s throat.
Humayun's Tomb UNESCO World Heritage Site:
Humayun's tomb is a World Heritage Site and has reference no: 232 in Unesco's List.
Humayun Tomb Timing
The mausoleum stands within the centre of a 30-acre backyard referred to as the Char Bagh or 4 Gardens. The Persian fashion backyard is embellished with a number of fountains. The building design of Humayun's Tomb consists of many small monuments like the tomb of Humayun's spouse, the tomb of Humayun's barber, Afsarwala tomb and Mosque, Isa Khan Tomb, Bu Halima Backyard and Nila Gumbad. That is additionally the place the final Mughal emperor, Bahadur Shah Zafar, took refuge earlier than being captured and exiled by the British in 1857. The tomb of Barber is a formidable sq. tomb with a double marble dome which is positioned on the southwestern area of the tomb and standing on a raised platform. The tomb is datable to 1590-91, by means of an inscription discovered inside. The particular person interned on this tomb is unknown; the native title of the tomb is Barber's Tomb (Nai ka Gumbad). Contained in the tomb, there are two graves inscribed with verses from the Quran. On the southeastern area, simply exterior the enclosure of Humayun's Tomb lies Nila-Gumbad (blue dome). Nila-Gumbad is believed to have been in-built 1625 by Abdur-Rahim Khan and is alleged to include the stays of Fahim Khan, one in every of his devoted attendants. The Mughal Empire already laid its foundations in India and Humayun needed to suppress numerous rebellions on the outset of his reign. Early success was adopted by extended catastrophe. In 1539 Sher Khan, an Afghan nobleman who dominated over tracts of what's now Sasaram, Bihar, rose victoriously in opposition to him and the vanquished emperor fled the nation. He spent 15 years in exile; a few of them on the court docket of Shah Tahmasp of Persia, and in 1555 returned with a borrowed Persian military, recovered his misplaced dominion and re-established the Mughal Empire. He didn't long survive his return and died on January 19, 1556, after a fall on the steps of his library in Sher Mandal, a monument inside what's at this time referred to as Purana Qila. Humayun was buried in Purana Qila, however, in keeping with some students, the emperor’s stays have been faraway from there to a momentary tomb in Sirhind when Hemu superior upon Delhi in 1556 and the Mughals needed to vacate the town. He was reburied within the Sher Mandal once more when Akbar defeated Hemu and was moved into the mausoleum erected in 1569 by his widow, Haji Begum, often known as Bega Begum, at an estimated value of rupees fifteen lakhs. Students have disagreed over the date of development. Sayyid Ahmad Khan in his e-book AsarusSanadid (1846), Half III, offers the date of its development as AH 973 (AD 1565) and this date has been adopted by all later writers. However an older manuscript of the Siyarul Manazil by Sangin Beg (late 18th century). Humayun Tomb is the most visited tourist attraction in Delhi, India. he was the second Mughal Emperor of India. Humayun tomb is situated near the bank of Yamuna River in Delhi.
Humayun Tomb Ticket Price
How to reach Humayun's Tomb.
Humayun Tomb is located at Nizammudin Area and is well connected with Road, Delhi Metro Rail Corporation. How to Reach Humayun Tomb by Metro? Delhi Metro Train is also known as Metro in the native language in Delhi. Delhi Metro is popular and rapid travel system in Delhi, it is fully airconditioned, and hence you can expect comfortable travel journey in the cheap budget, Bus and other modes of public transport is also available. Reach through OLA, UBER or other driving modes from Airport or Railway Station.
Humayun Tomb Delhi Campus
At current in Delhi’s Crimson Fort Museum, states that the inspiration of the tomb was laid within the 14th yr of Akbar’s reign, that's, 1569. In the same complex, you will Find: Isa Khan's Tomb AFSARWALA MOSQUE CHILLAH NIZAMUDDIN AULIA PURANA QILA   Read the full article
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illusivexemissary · 7 years
What was gabe and michael's relationship like before all the fighting started?
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Oh man I’ve d one LONG meta’s on this before, so I’ll try to summarize this time. So basically, Michael and Gabriel were made with diametrically opposite, but equally important, purposes, and I think it’s interesting that they are often paired together in Judaica and in Biblical lore (and I think possibly the Quran as well? I could be wrong) conducting crucial quests on God’s behalf.  This, I think, is because the Prince of Heaven and God’s Messenger are complementary in ways that SPN often overlooks, mostly because of the centrality of Michael and Lucifer’s feud.  They are respectively duty and free will, in a nutshell, convention and nonconformity, old and young, human-judgmental and human-advocating, law in doctrine and strength in execution.Michael was created first, to be the dutiful and obedient son, the perfect warrior, loyal to a fault, and unquestioning of orders passed down from his Father.  The typical eldest brother, by the way, in the birth order of humans, which SPN dictates to be replicas of angelic filial bonds. Michael is the prototype of the responsible eldest sibling who sacrifices selfish interests on behalf of the welfare of the family unit, a kind of substitute parent in the real parent’s absence.  In SPN at least, Michael also, though he does not set out to harm humans as Lucifer does, still prioritizes angels over humans; casting Lucifer out of Heaven is as much an act of punishment for disobeying GOD as it is an act of vengeance on behalf of he humans Lucifer has harmed.  This also proves true in Jewish and Christian lore.  Michael may “love” humans in the abstract sense, but he rarely goes out of his way to advocate them.  Gabriel on the other hand was created fourth, to be the perfection of free-thinking and rebellion for which Lucifer, created second, was a rough draft.  Gabriel goes out of his way consistently to protect and defend the human race, even when he is punished for the act (see this post on Jewish lore by @jatamansi ) and even when other angels feel it would more appropriately carry out God’s doctrine to punish them.  Gabriel is a destroying angel, which gives him immense wrath for wrongdoing, but one notices that this wrath is aimed at people who worsen conditions of disenfranchisement for others.  This holds true in Abrahamic lore, but also in SPN’s adaptation thereof, when in Tall Tales we see Gabriel going after A) a man who sleeps around with and takes sexual advantage of his students, B) a man who does cruel testing on animals, C) a man who treats his girlfriend abysmally (note that in this case the man is college aged and his wrongdoings are milder, so Gabriel spares his life, but gives him one hell of a warning).  Gabriel stands up for women and animals in SPN canon. Furthermore he ADORES the human race; he chooses to advocate it at the expense of his own life, when Lucifer mandates that he make a decision between Michael and himself, and Gabriel changes the rules, eschews the doctrine and the conventions, by choosing neither.  He is the typical baby sibling, the conflict-avoidant clown whose role it is to diffuse tension by cajoling his siblings to dote on him instead. Unfortunately as time passed it stopped working, home got more toxic, and it was Gabriel who had the strength and revolutionary self-love to say “Enough, this is wrong, and I’m out of here,” and split from heaven. It’s revealing how many people, who’ve perhaps internalized some abuse against themselves, call this an act of cowardice. It was, contrariwise, courageous.  So what kind of relationship does this pairing of oppositions concoct?  I headcanon that Gabriel respected and loved Michael.  I headcanon that Michael saw Gabriel as a precious joyful song to his siblings, worthy of protection.  I think that when Gabriel was very young, Michael was extremely intimidating, and difficult to understand or relate to. Over time, they grew closer, particularly on the field of battle, where Michael was a fieldmarshal and Gabriel was the frontlines messenger, and soon made peace with the idea that Michael was literally not capable of free will (later bitterly coined “an illusion” by his own lips) because he was constructed by God for the purpose of absolute fealty. So Gabriel withheld judgment as best he was able. The breaking point for them cam with the widespread institution of reprogramming, which Gabriel found too morally repugnant to ignore.  
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ibaha · 5 years
Tesla Shares Soar as Elon Musk Packs Profit Report With Positives #Tesla ★Source: *https://ift.tt/2ldLEQZ ******************************************************************* In the name of Allah, the Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful. AL - FATIHAH 1. [All] praise is [due] to Allah, Lord of the worlds . 2. The Entirely Merciful, the Especially Merciful, 3. Sovereign of the Day of Recompense. 4. It is You we worship and You we ask for help. 5. Guide us to the straight path - 6. The path of those upon whom You have bestowed favor, not of those who have evoked [Your] anger or of those who are astray. 7. AMIN Al - Quran. ******************************************************************* Disclaimer: ========= For copyright matters please contact us at: [email protected] ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 💖💖💖 Sponsor And Donations...$£€₹ PayPal - [email protected] Payoneer - [email protected] Bitcoin - 3QF1JScZAd5qG5BCXBe8UhDZJBA2QUzp8k ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ _a tesla car, a tesla driving itself, a tesla truck, a tesla in gta, a tesla model s, a tesla roadster, a tesla model 3, a tesla dancing, a tesla in gta v, tesla battery, tesla burnout, tesla battery pack, tesla boy, tesla bust a nut, tesla bike, tesla battery swap, tesla blows up, teslabjorn, adam b tesla, model b tesla, cardi b tesla, tesla model b truck, tesla b roll, b channel tesla, tesla model 3 b roll, tesla b prototype, tesla model 3 b pillar, tesla b116, tesla crash, tesla car, tesla crash test, tesla come to me, tesla charging, tesla commercial, tesla changes, tesla car in space, tesla model c, tesla a/c system, tesla c, tesla model c review, tesla a/c compressor, tesla model x doors, c&c red alert tesla coil, tesla autopilot c, c&c tesla coil, tesla dog mode, tesla driver, tesla dance, tesla delivery, tesla drifting, tesla drag, tesla driver asleep, tesla dyno, tesla driving, canon in d tesla coil, initial d tesla, david d tesla, tesla p100d, tesla model d, tesla p100d acceleration, tesla d, tesla 100d, tesla p 85 d, tesla p100d drag race, tesla engine, tesla earnings, tesla enhanced summon, tesla easter egg, tesla earnings call, tesla electric car, tesla engine swap, tesla elon musk, tesla exhaust, tesla explodes, formula e tesla, class e tesla coil, model e tesla, whip a tesla, einstein e tesla, e tron vs tesla, tesla vs audi e-tron, tesla ebike, tesla e cycle, tesla e scooter, tesla factory, tesla fart, tesla fire, tesla features, tesla full album, tesla full self driving, tesla fail, tesla fsd, tesla factory tour, tesla fart mode, axel f tesla coil, model f tesla, f150 tesla radio, tesla vs jaguar f type, tesla f150, tesla vs ford f 150, tesla gigafactory, tesla games, tesla gun, tesla greatest hits, tesla gta 5, tesla gigafactory 3, tesla girls, tesla gravy, tesla generator, tesla gettin better, tesla g force, tesla vs g wagon, tesla g force acceleration, tesla song, tesla love song, tesla p100d g force, tesla roadster g force, g wagon vs tesla x, tesla model 3 g force, tesla model g, by X World
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