#RRR fanfiction
atlinmerrick · 6 months
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Chinna Vivaralu (Little Things)
There's a whole lot of things Rama Raju never knew about himself until Bheem.
Well, he definitely knows them now.
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ambiguous-sanskars · 1 year
Hey y'all I'm super late to the party but I finally watched RRR and needed to write something~ This is a little canon-divergent post-whipping scene where Ram decides to visit Bheem in his jail cell and tell him everything. First shot at writing anything for this fandom, hope y'all like it!
Read on AO3
Bheem jerked awake at that voice - and then immediately regretted it. With consciousness returned the searing pain coursing through every fiber of his body. His bloodstained dhoti clung to his legs, and for some reason that made it hard to breathe. His chafed wrists had begun to heal, and the clotting blood had glued them to the ropes that bound him. He tried tentatively to move an arm and cried out in pain.
“Shh. Your left shoulder is dislocated. Don’t move,  I’ll help you.”
Ram stepped out of the shadows. Bheem struggled against his chains, trying to move away.
“No, don’t-” Ram’s voice cracked. “Bheema, please.”
Bheem froze. “What do you want?”
“I’m trying to help you.”
“They’ll kill you.”
“You- what about Malli? Why didn’t you-”
“I’ll tell you everything. Just let me untie you for a minute. It will help with the pain.”
Bheem stayed still as Ram knelt at his feet, unlocking the cuffs around his ankles. Then Ram stood and pulled out a pocket knife, using it to slowly peel the ropes away from Bheem’s wrists. Bheem choked back a whimper.
“I know, I know it hurts. I’ll be gentle. Lean on me, Bheema. Take deep breaths. You can do it.”
Bheem pressed his forehead into Ram’s shoulder, breathing through clenched teeth. 
Ram decided to distract him by telling him the truth. By the time the second rope had come off, he’d told Bheem everything - his training, his parents’ deaths, his mission, the atrocities he’d committed in the name of liberation. He explained, shamefaced, how he’d used Bheem as a pawn to get this position. He fought down a wave of nausea as he tried to justify not helping Malli sooner.
And then, when he had cut off the last bit of rope and officially run out of reasons to avoid Bheem’s gaze, he looked up.
Bheem was staring at him in horror. Ram didn’t know what else he’d expected.
“So anyway,” Ram continued. “I’m getting you and Malli out of here. I’ll have to kill the governor to do it. He doesn’t suspect me. If it stays that way,  I’ll survive and return for the weapons. If he puts two and two together…” Ram let out a shaky sigh. “God, Bheema, please say something. Anything.”
To Ram’s astonishment, Bheem got to his knees. With his uninjured hand, he clasped Ram’s feet.
“Annayya,” Bheem choked out. “I tried to kill you. Forgive me.”
“I did not understand your great purpose. I did not know what you had gone through to get here. At every step I made things harder for you, and you still came back for me. You are so merciful, Annayya, so good-”
“Enough,” Ram managed, fresh tears springing into his eyes. He took Bheem by the shoulders and lifted him to his feet, watching him wince at the injuries Ram had inflicted on him not even a full day earlier. “How can you say such things? And after what I did yesterday?” Ram tenderly brushed a hand over the lash marks on Bheem’s side, causing him to shudder. “If anyone should beg for forgiveness, it is me.”
Bheem shook his head, leaning weakly into Ram’s arms. “Annayya, I should have understood you, like I always have. I should have trusted you. Forgive me.”
Ram brought a hand up to cradle Bheem’s head, trying to steady his own breathing as Bheem sobbed quietly into his shoulder. He would get them out of this alive, Ram vowed. And when he did, he would apologize to Bheem properly. He would make sure that as long as he lived, Bheem never knew pain again.
But for now…
“Bheema,” Ram began, hating what he was about to do. “We have to relocate your shoulder, okay? Will you let me do that?”
Bheem nodded, looking at Ram with implicit trust. It made Ram sick with regret.
“Okay, here, lie down. This is going to hurt, Bheema, but you cannot cry out. There are guards out there not twenty meters from us. If they find me here, neither of us will make it out alive, understand?”
“Annayya…” Bheem whimpered, finally letting fear into his eyes in front of Ram.
Hot tears streamed down Ram’s face, but he knew what he had to do. He climbed over Bheem’s supine body, using his knee to brace Bheem’s clavicle. He positioned his right hand over the dislocated shoulder, and pressed his left hand tightly over Bheem’s mouth. He counted to three and then pushed with all this strength.
Bheem’s body spasmed under his, but Bheem did not cry out. Ram quickly clambered off Bheem and crawled on his hands and knees to a corner of the cell, retching silently. He had committed innumerable acts of torture before, but nothing had ever gotten to him like this.
Suddenly, he felt a warm hand on his cheek.
“Annayya,” Bheem said softly, turning Ram’s face towards himself. He shook his head, wiping away Ram’s tears with a gentleness of which Ram felt wholly undeserving.
Ram got to his feet, taking Bheem’s hands and walking him back to the bloodied chains and ropes. 
“Bheema, I need to tie you back up. Not properly, just enough to avoid suspicion. The ropes will be loose, and I won’t lock any of the cuffs. Tomorrow, when they come to get you, you will be able to break free easily, okay? Remember the plan. Wait until you are by the forest to escape.”
As Ram went about securing the chains, Bheem’s eyes filled with tears.
“Annayya,” he begged, unable to bury emotion with reasoning. “Annayya, don’t leave me here. Please don’t leave me.”
Ram made a wounded sound. His hands continued fastening the ropes.
“Annayya, I swear I will listen to everything you say. Have mercy, take me with you.”
“Quiet, Bheema.”
“Annayya, I’m sorry. Forgive my past transgressions. Don’t punish me by leaving me here alone. Annayya, please!”
Ram dropped the ropes in agony, gathering Bheem into his embrace. Bheem clung to Ram’s trembling frame, understanding how Malli must have felt when he left her behind. Understanding how utterly helpless Ram must be feeling now. He took a deep breath.
“Go,” Bheem whispered into Ram’s shoulder.
Ram pulled back, taking Bheem’s face in his hands. He pressed a long kiss to Bheem’s forehead. Then he stepped out of the cell and locked it.
Ram gripped the metal bars and caught Bheem’s teary gaze.
“Bheema, do you trust me?”
“Always, Annayya.”
“Then believe me when I say that this time tomorrow, you and Malli will be free.”
Ram turned to leave.
“Annayya, that is not enough.”
Ram froze.
“Promise me you will be with us.”
“Swear it. Swear it on my life.”
“Please, Annayya. I will never ask you for anything else. Just this. Just you.”
As long as he lived, Ram thought, he would never understand what he had done to deserve Bheem. He reached through the bars and placed his hand on Bheem's head. 
“I swear I will be with you. All three of us will make it out of this alive. And then, Bheema, I will see to it that suffering never touches you again.”
With that, Ram turned and disappeared into the night.
@fangirlshrewt97 your writing for this fandom inspired me to try so I figured you might be interested? Please lmk if you don't want to be tagged!
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pinkpersonsblog · 4 months
Fandom : RRR (2022)
Title : My Hero
Characters : Ram & Bheem
Summary : a poem from Ram’s POV about Bheem
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budugu · 1 year
Ok rrr fandom this girl is back to writing mood again.
I have a small fic plot but idk whom to write for.
So choose for me
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rorapostsbl · 2 years
kiss me better. -rambheem-
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[ continuation of hollow cries of the heart. ]
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it had been a day since the incident — 24 hours since last bheem met ram, could find him through the vast expanse of the city. he'd heard that the riots had calmed down after special forces were appointed to lathi - charge on spot, which led to the crowds dispersing quicker.
water hoses were showered on the fire raging in some parts of the city— and bheem had no clue where ram had been deployed, or even if the elder was still safe from the dangers or no.
he hadn't returned, and won't return, bheem had realised with a sinking heart, after 6 hours of waiting for him to show up.
the sadness slowly turned into anger, despair as he began to start looking around for ram in the city, visiting police stations to ask if ram had been somewhere around. there was no answer.
at last, he went to bed, mind full of worry— his stomach lurching as everything that could've gone wrong ran through him. he'd barely able to get past his dinner, but he did it, for the sake of himself, and ram.
━ ━ 🌟 ━ ━
in the middle of empty, silent streets, lay a body clad in red uniform— eyes barely managing to open up as he fought to stay concious, each push of his knee made his knee throb— teeth clenching tight with the pain that shot through him.
a dreadful thought crossed his mind— 'what if he never reached home?'
blood— everywhere. his clothes are stained, eyes swollen and aching, ears ringing as he struggles to make noise, to ask for help— blood is smeared across his cheeks.
vaguely, he remembers. anger— blinding and burning his way through his rationality, as he charges straight into the mob of violent protestors.
he forgets, that he's one— and he's outnumbered. he fights, with all his might, his anger, his frustration— at himself, for hurting bheem, for being irrational — for taking away the one thing that bought him happiness, after years of finding solace in the dark.
belatedly, surrounded by the crowds that overpower him, screams and protests charging the atmosphere as they hit him and punch him, he realises — what a fool he had been.
to think he could win this war alone, to think he could survive without bheem, alone.
ram is dragged back to conciousness, when he hears footsteps approach him. for a moment, hope flickers in him— in the name of bheem. it dies down when he listens more closely, through the throbbing pain that threatens to overtake him, that the steps aren't as heavy, as calculated, as sure as bheem's are.
he rests his head against the cold concrete, a soothing balm against his burning body, as he lets out one last pained huff, a plea, a cry, a yearning all in one, the fight in him dying out— "bheema."
then, there's hurried footsteps running towards him, a figure, he manages to look through his blurry eyes filled with tears— clad in white kurta, and a face that's recognisable.
"ram?" the voice calls out, laced with panic, "it's me, babai." the voice confirms, arms coming around his torso to lift him up.
ram groans in pain, the relief so strong that it makes him weaker than he felt— he could rest now.
ram shuts his eyes close, ignoring the panicked shriek and the request to keep his eyes open— a quirk in his bloodied, busted lip— with a last thought, his mind finally relaxes.
he'd be able to go home— return to bheem, now.
all throughout the night, bheem shifts uncomfortably on the bed, clutching ram's pillow close to his heart as he tries to force himself to sleep— the howls of the dogs on the streets amplifying the ominous night.
━ ━ 🌟 ━ ━
blinking his eyes open, ram registers the sharp pain shooting through his brain the moment he tries to lift it. sighing, he relaxes back into the makeshift back, moving his legs until he finds a comfortable position.
the situation he's stuck in, isn't new to him — it has been a common occurrence in his life as a cop serving for the british so far — and everytime he thought it was his last day on earth, babai would save him.
he owed the man his life, in the most truest sense.
ram doesn't understand why this time however, it got to his heart more than it should've. each breath he takes, his heart trembles with it, the grip on his throat becoming tighter and tighter.
he realises — guilt washing over him as the tremble in his heart instantly turns into an aching longing for the younger to be here. slowly, he finds himself closing his eyes as he drowns in the memories they spent together — each one more painful than the last.
babai enters the room, trying his best to be silent as he takes note of the surrounding — it doesn't seem as if ram is awake. babai narrows his eyes when he sees ram's eyes shake under his closed eyelids— a tear drop escaping.
unaware of babai's presence, ram lifts his bandaged hand to wipe away the tear, the same time as babai coughing, to make his presence known in the ram.
faster than lightning, ram's hands find themselves in their original place, his eyes shooting open as he strains them to see the elder stand in the corner of his room— looking at him, with a tired expression in his eyes.
he knows the lecture that's about to come— and a second later, sita opens the halfway shut door, humming a melody with a glass of water filled in her hand.
she stops when she sees ram, awake — then looks at babai's tired expression, looking back at ram to see the dried tear track on his cheek.
with the look in their eyes, ram knows, he's doomed. he lets out a groan of defeat, as he knows — that they know, this time, he attempted this stupid stunt not because of his dedication towards his nation, but because of something related to bheem.
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"ouch!" ram lets out a pained hiss at sita's relentless smacking on his head — they're not strong enough to cause more bleeding but brutal— and sita doesn't seem on the mood to give up soon.
"you're an idiot!" she shouts, with one last smack, she gives up, rolling her eyes and taking a seat on the chair set beside his bed.
"babai," ram turns to the eldest with a pleading expression, just for his head to be smacked once again, as sita says, "what babai? he's not saying anything, you're an idiot and you'll apologise to bheem the first thing after you get well!"
she announces, ram turns to babai for help— just to see the man shrug, before letting out a sigh and getting up.
he looks at them both, assessing the situation, before pointing towards sita and commanding, "you— try not to kill him. for the sake of bheem."
and quickly steps out of the door to prepare food for them and ram lets out a frustrated groan— traitors, all of them are traitors.
sita, with the aide of an equally interested babai, had managed to get all of the details out of ram after she asked, "what did you do to him this time?"
ram was defensive at first, to buy himself more time, because knowing your mistakes and letting people you know that you've made a mistake is different.
but it's especially hard to hide infront of the two lone people who've known you for life— and so, ram began, with a defeated look on his face.
sita had met bheem twice. she'd also clearly seen how understanding and accomodating bheem was to ram's trauma. never did once, did she sense ram hide his true personality around the younger.
she'd taken a liking to bheem instantly, after he'd grinned at her, noticing how she'd also asked for a refill with bheem, both on their second plate of biryani.
he'd treated her with her favourite— ras malai afterwards, homemade, mind you, and that was how sita's heart was satisfied — ram was in the hands of a person who was sensitive enough to him and his past.
as for ram, the man couldn't possibly be more in love. their eyes were glued to eachother, sita had seen, with a fond look in her face— and how ram seemed to be attracted towards bheem without even being concious of it— it seemed hardwired in ram to care of the younger in every way—
to the point where he'd lightly slap away the younger's eager hand from the hot pot of biryani, preventing a burn. he'd later kiss the same place he'd hit— a timid "sorry" spoken and bheem, would collect ram in his hands and pepper him with affection.
sita placed a firm hand over ram's one, wrapped in cotton and netted cloth, and squeezed it, it was her way to show that she too, understood.
ram felt tears well up again, and almost felt angry at himself — sita was right. he was an idiot, only an idiot would make a mistake and later cry in regret.
"ram," sita called his name, ram looked up at her, through his blurry eyes, and saw her smile, "you need to understand — this is how love works. bheem isn't burdened by you, when he chose to be in love with you, when he chose to live with you— he knew and accepted every part of you, ram."
once more in life — ram felt that he'd almost breakdown with the sheer amount of gratefulness and relief that flooded his heart. with a rising realisation — he reflected on how frequent showing his emotions, and letting himself cry had become, after bheem showed up in his life.
he no longer possessed the strength to supress his emotional needs— the thought both terrified and relieved him.
"it's okay," sita soothed, patting his hand, "he'll understand." she finally said— and ram, he stuck to her words.
sniffing and wiping away his tears, he shook free his hand fron hers, faking disgust as he turned his head away— it was a pathetic act to cover up the emotions he'd let run free and sita saw right through it.
shaking her head at his childishness, sita felt the urge to land ram in some more trouble— she smirked, standing up and hands going to her hips as she looked at ram, "you want me to call bheem here, for him to lend you a shoulder, perhaps?"
she wondered innocently, a finger tapping her chin as she faked thinking deeply, bursting out laughing when she saw ram perk up, and then dull down— almost as if he was in a tug of war, the need to see the younger too strong, but the guilt and shame equally present.
well then, it was decided. sita would take it in her hands to reunite ram and bheem, again.
━ ━ 🌟 ━ ━
bheem sat outside their home, in a small space— working on a bicycle a random kid had dropped by. it had some issues with the chain, bheem had noticed.
he took the opportunity to distract his mind— away from the constant worry of whether ram was alright or no. he felt betrayed— this wasn't what he deserved. he smacked himself on his forehead when he felt his thoughts diverge once again.
from far away, bheem could make out a fairly recognisable figure cycling towards their home in full speed— his heart lurched in his chest when he could see clearer— and saw that it was babai, heading towards him.
"is ram okay?" was the first thing bheem had asked, without even considering if babai had come to him to ask the same question — how they could both be clueless about ram's whereabouts.
seeing babai pant, bheem felt stupid at his ownself, and rushed inside to grab some water that had been turned cold in his matka— and handed it to babai, watching the older man chug it down.
after a few seconds, babai looked at him, and said "please come with me— ram misses you." he wasn't ths most great at delivering messages related to love, and bheem understood that.
frowning, the younger narrowed his eyes, deliberately pushing down the hope that rose inside of him— the waves of anxiety washing over his stomach. "is ram okay? if he is, then i won't go." bheem definitively said— bent on not changing his decision.
upon seeing babai lost on what to say next, bheem explained— "i deserve an apology from him, besides ram said it himself — he doesn't think we should be together anymore." a tiny bit of his heart cracked when he said it out loud — but he didn't budge, still.
after much convincing, and babai repeating the words sita had told him, "we both know how much of a emotionally constipated fool he is" bheem finally agreed to go meet ram.
━ ━ 🌟 ━ ━
the moment bheem stepped foot into the vicinity of the home— ram could feel him. his heart rate picked up, palms sweating as he twisted uncomfortably, trying to sit up and achieving it with minimal success.
he felt as if he was a parched man, walking without water for hours and finally, he could sense water around him. it could be delusional because of the mind-numbing desperation, but ram waited, on the edge of losing sanity— for bheem to open the door and come.
he'd never say it, but he wouldn't know how would he ever have the courage to confront the younger without sita's help.
bheem waited, anxious, as sita talked with babai about something — before she looked at him, warm and welcoming, and ushered him towards a door. beyond it lay ram, he knew. with one last look at sita, he pushed the door open.
ram's breath caught in his throat as he looked at bheem— his bheem. ram couldn't look away, eyes tracing his face, the younger had turned paler, cheeks sunken in and eyes void and dull.
guilt washed over him again, as he looked away—nervous of what is to come. nothing would come out of his throat — it's as if they shut themselves and refused to work.
bheem's feet moved on their own accord when they saw ram, bandaged up and hurt. in an instant, he was looming over the elder, arms finding their way across his torso, careful of the injuries, as he bent down, meeting halfway into a hug.
it was awkward, tilted, uncomfortable — and yet, they both completely relaxed into eachother, a choked sob sounding out of ram as he whispered a broken, timid "sorry" and lifting his hands to wrap around bheen— tighter, holding him closer, letting himself get washed away in bheem's essence.
they both stayed that way, until bheem's feet started aching and ram's body hurt with how it had been — until ram's tears dried out, repeating the litany of apologies and bheem's voice had gone hoarse from whispering sweet nothings into his ears.
pulling away, bheem gently wiped away the tears of the elder, gazing into his eyes, where he saw a flicker of hope— emerging from pools of guilt and regret.
bheem knew they had a long way to go, too many nights spent talking, understanding, drawing boundaries and sharing comfort. he knew— they'd have to work, on himself, on ram, on their relationship together.
he also knew, it probably wasn't the smartest idea to stay beside ram, where his resolve to maintain a stoic face of indifference to ram's injuries would fail.
yet, bheem couldn't find it in him to care. cradling ram's face in his hands, his eyes watched carefully, every bruise, every swelling, the busted lips.
and ram, ever so delicate, fragile ram— his lips quivered, before he bit them to stop it— and unconscious habit he'd picked up at a young age— hissing when the busted lip split open, metallic taste coating his tongue.
eyes looking into bheem's, he felt the tears rise again as he asked, a request and an assurance— to test if everything was fine. if bheem would accept him in his heart, again.
"please," ram croaks, voice scratchy from overuse — fingers tightening around where it's wrapped in the younger's firm, sturdy hands. "kiss it better?" ram asks, jutting his lower lip out the tiniest bit.
his heart feels lighter when he sees bheem go soft, his expression pulling into one of those where it'd be so obvious he was in love with ram.
"oh rama," he breathed out— pulling ram closer as his lips meet with ram's midway, the blood smearing on their lips as bheem kisses ram— he pulls away momentarily, eyes flickering to ram's before they go downwards, a small curse falling from his lips as he sees the elder's lips glisten, plump and red.
if bheem had one weakness, it would be ram. he urgently closes the distance between them again, hand coming up to cradle ram's face, the elder's lips part, wet and hot, and bheem sucks on his lower lip abashedly.
it feels as if they are entangled for eternity, kissing and falling into the depths of the other — until ram pulls back, the need for oxygen overpowering him.
bheem, leans up and presses one last, quick kiss on his lips, before murmuring, "never, ever do that again."
sita sits outside on the verandah, a plate filled with various foods in her hands as she animatedly talks to babai — and when she sees none of them come out, she smiles, satisfied with her deeds.
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a/n; man this turned out to be so fucking long, i gave up 3 times before deciding that it's either this gets posted today or, it goes untouched for the next three days. it's fucking 2:10 in the morning.
be honest, how do u guys read thru all my mess 😭⁉️
tags; @rambheemisgoated @rambheem-is-real @alikokinav @yehsahihai @bromance-minus-the-b
@sinistergooseberries @thewinchestergirl1208 @jeonmahi1864 @azraelcuror @sivuda @lovingperfectionwonderland @mikabilis @eremin0109 @floating-mushroom @obsessedtoafault @icarus-f4lls @prdnya-blog @kashti15 @jjwolfesworld @iamhereforthefanfics @fadedscarlets @kookiries @fangirlshrewt97 @ursulasteffany
[ if i forgot someone i am sorry 🤧 and lmk if u wanna be tagged in my upcoming rambheem fics! ]
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summer-may · 2 years
Ram × wife!reader
18+. MDNI.
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The air was unbearable, summer had come and the was sun was blazing enough that it could melt you in minutes.
Your skin felt hot every day of the week now. Only nights were somewhat bearable when the air was comfortable enough to sit on the terrace without your skin feeling like it's on fire.
The fan was at full speed, but there was no real difference in the coolness of your bedroom. The wooden panels of the window were wide open, hot breeze entering the room and making you huff at the sweat dripping down your back.
The saree, white with pink border you had worn thinking the colour would cool you down was turning out to be a farce by the looks of it, and you sadly realised it was probably a old wive's tale. The blouse had patches of sweat, and you knew even if you changed, the next set would have the same fate.
The housework was done, by 11 a.m you had hurried to finish off the laundry, cooking and done the dishes so that at least you would be spared sweating off into a puddle in the heat of the brutal Indian summer.
Ram had gone to work early in the morning. He had said he was working on some undercover mission. You had packed and sent him off with his lunch and a sweet kiss on the cheek.
You huffed out a groan of annoyance, waiting for the sun to set and praying for some cool breeze, please jagdambe, let it be cool today, or sleeping would be a nightmare today.
The sun was set, and you lit the agarbatti and put it in the mandir and tulsi vrindavan situated in the front of your house.
You looked across and smiled, seeing the kids finally out and about and playing till their hearts were content. The neighborhood ladies outside; meeting, sweeping, and sitting in the cool breeze before going back inside to prepare for the night. Some men even coming back to their homes after work.
You wondered if Ram would be coming back soon, or if today would also be one of the overtime days. He always insists on completing his given tasks. You always wondered why your husband was such a perfectionist and especially for a job that serves them.
Sighing, you bowed to the tulsi vrindavan and headed back to the house, the windows all open, making you groan out loud in happiness as a gentle breeze caressed your body.
You started making dinner, hmm, looking at the vegetables you decided to make sukka kanda batata ki sabji, along simple dal and chawal. The cooking was done and as you looked outside, it was absolutely dark. The night had settled over the village, houses were lit with lanterns, and families enjoying their time together.
It was now 7:30 and Ram still hadn't come home, you worried he would stay late today but then he would always send someone to inform you. Maybe he was on his way, you mused.
You entered your bedroom and decided to relax till Ram comes home.
As you were lost in your thoughts you heard the tell tale footsteps of Ram, entering the house, "Jaan, mein aa gaya," his footsteps marching forward as he finally entered the bedroom, making a beeline towards you, "aaj bohot thak gaya, dhup ne toh pareshan kar diya!"
His body slumped over your lap, your hands immediately running through his beautiful hair, "I know, Rama, you look tired, mera bechara baccha," his eyes opened to look up at you, the way your saree was now a little loose, pallu almost falling off your shoulders, hair tied in a loose bun, tendrils fanning your gorgeous face, was making Ram not so tired anymore.
His hands caressed your cheeks, thumb running across your lips, "Just looking at you is making me energised again," his beautiful eyes were sparkling with mischief, "idhar aao." he spoke as his hands held onto your neck.
"Ram nahi, you go take a bath first, the waters nice and cold, it'll make you feel better," you spoke while swatting his wandering hands away, "first bath, then change your clothes, and let's eat, you must be hungry," you said, trying to push him off of you.
"Haan, bhook toh lagi hai, but for something else," he got up and pulled you to stand besides him, his hand trailing your waist, lips hovering over yours, "lekin thik hai, I'll bathe first."
The insufferable man, flusters you to no end, you slapped his strong chest, and muttered an embarrassed, "chup raho!"
His laughter rang loud as you got out of his hold, and ran towards the kitchen to set the plates for dinner.
Once in the safety of your kitchen you yelled out, "Rama, your shirt is on the bed, haan?" His answer was a distant, "thik hai!"
The both of you sat down and ate dinner talking about your day, you talking about how unbearable the heat was even in the house, and sympathizing with how he had to work under the blazing sun.
As you washed the dishes, Ram had cleared and swept the kitchen. You looked at Ram and smiled and thanked the Gods that they had blessed you with such a beautiful husband; strong, loving and considerate.
"Jaan, ye ho gaya, is there something else?"
"Nahi, tum aram karo ab," you said to him.
Ram then went and closed off the windows of the hall, switched off the lanterns and closed the main door. He entered into the bedroom to see you changing out of your saree, your pallu on the ground and hands on your pleats, which he quickly caught hold of, "mujhe karne do," his eyes were blown wide, stare on his hands that were pulling the fabric slowly from your petticoat, "kuch toh seva karne do."
You heart felt like it was going to burst out, your eyes meeting his as his hands pulled the pleats completely out and now pulling the rest of the saree off with slow and deliberate motion. The feeling of his fingers on your stomach and back setting you ablaze, "this feels more self satisfying than seva, pati dev."
The saree was now completely at your feet, his hands opening your bun, and one hand holding your luscious locks to pull you close, lips trailing from your neck to your face. "Aur usme kya galat hai, when I serve you, it does satiate me, meri pyari patni." His lips were now pecking yours softly as his hands were loosening your petticoat.
You put your hands on his chest, caressing him, and muttered, "shirt utaro, Rama." His hands pulled his shirt away in an instance. His bare chest heaving, as your hands roamed from his pecks to his stomach, stopping your ministration as you lightly pinched his nipples, smiling mischievously at him as he groaned lowly.
His eyes now twinkling, he pawed at your petticoat, finally loosening the knot enough that the skirt fell to the floor and pooled at your feet and your underwear followed. His eyes now locked onto the white blouse on your heavenly chest, his hands now urgent as they caressed your hard nipples, protruding from the blouse, your moan of pleasure making his brain fog up.
He un-hooked your blouse slowly, his kisses now full blown assault of pleasure, your hands on his pajama, untying the knot and pushing it down with urgency. His strong and calloused hands now fondling your breasts, while nimble fingers pinched your stiff peaks till pleasure shot through your body down to your core.
His sinful lips descended on your chest, licking and biting your chest and you knew there would be marks tomorrow as a reminder. You walked backwards and fell onto the bed, his body following yours and continuing his ministration along your body by his hands and lips.
Ram looked at you, his wife, his ardhangini, his everything. Hair spread like a halo, skin glowing even in the darkness of the room, your body naked to the touch except mangalsutra, the sign of your commitment to him. The symbol of your love for him. He felt himself lower, till he was face to face with you, his eyes shining with love and adoration that could make you weep in happiness.
Once he made sure you were ready for him, his nimble fingers found comfort in yours, your knees bent and feet flat on the bed, with him nestling in between your thighs. He looked into your eyes, and slowing began sliding in, your wetness making him hiss in pleasure. Your eyes closed as you felt the pleasure shoot through you, his cock beginning to give you the relief that you so desired.
"Open you eyes, jaan." Ram murmured, his face above yours, kissing your face as if his life depended on it, "Aankhe meri taraf, mujhe dekho, aur kuch nahi, sirf mujhe." eyes wide open, you stared at him, "Please, Rama, move, please."
"Haan, meri jaan," his voice shook, and hips moved, thrusts calm and calculated and hitting all the spots he knew you liked. His body after years knew your pleasure more than you did. Hell, maybe more than his own.
The pleasure was building by the second, both of you pent up, and ready to combust at any given moment. The thrusts started becoming more erratic, kisses more sloppy, his tongue and yours dancing to the beat of your hearts, fingers tightened, your eyes half closed.
You looked at him as his speed got faster and groans sounded heavily, you knew your were going to come at any second now, and as he spoke, "come on, come on, let go, meri jaan," you came, squeezing him tightly and triggering his own release with a shout. You milked his cock for all it was worth and your pussy still tightened around him.
He fell of top of you, with him still inside of you. You loved his weight on you. His lips finding your forehead to kiss and then slowly kissing your lips softly. "Jaan, ab shodogi mujhe?" His voice came out hoarse with a little smile to his words.
When the words registered, you let out a scandalous, "Rama!" with a slap to his chest, and face planted in his beautiful chest, as if you hadn't just made the man crazy enough and milked his balls dry.
His laughter the last sound you heard as he planted himself on his back and pulled you onto his chest to sleep with the cool breeze making you both drift of to sleep.
Please do comment and reblog, so that I know you'll liked it!
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rambheem-is-real · 1 year
Updated the Jennyseetha fic/Be Still My Foolish Heart sequel! 
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vijayasena · 5 months
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RRR - Rise roar revolt ..
Sangam Tera... [ ram x wife female oc Series ]
1. part 1 tune kya kar dala [ ram x wife female oc ]
[ ram and his wife had an arranged marriage but she matters nothing to him ]
2. Part 2 Naina tere [ ram x wife female oc ]
[ when for the first time he took her stand ] [ ram x female oc ]
3. ankhon ke zarokhon se [ ram x wife female oc ]
[ feelins get stronger as heart craves the presence of the person it finds comfort with ] [ ram x female oc ]
one shots...
1. Teri nazron ne dil ka Kiya ho hashar Asar yeh hua [ ram x female oc]
[ he saw her dancing in the temple and fell in love with her soul ]
2. Bade acche lagte hain [ ram x female oc ]
[ When she wanted more than being friends from him and he somewhere in there also felt the same]
3. Pehli baar [ ram x female oc ]
[ ram meets a woman for the first time in party and can't take his eyes off her]
4. Sheeshe main badle chehre [ ram bheem x friend oc ]
[ when betrayal is the only thing she couldn't stand and he exactly did the same thing]
5. Abhi na jao chod kar ke dil abhi bhara nahi [ ram x wife reader]
[ when your husband loves you too much that it starts to get visible in every action of his ]
5. Mathrubhumi- series [ ram x female oc]
[ where people break each other fix each other only to break one another again]
1.. Prologue and cast....
2.. Chapter 1....
[ when living under the same roof was also turning out to be a struggle ]
3. Chapter 2.....
[ when conscience started eating him alive and he became the criminal in her eyes ]
Dhruva ....
1. Tera hone laga hu [ Dhruva x female oc ]
[ he found his solace in his beloved ]
2. Fanaa ho Sabhi dooriyan.. [ Dhruva x wife oc]
[ when he got engrossed in work such a way that he even forgot he had a wife]
Part 2 - fanaa ho sabhi dooriyan [ Dhruva x wife oc ]
[ he finally realizes what he actually was doing]
Aesthetic- female oc
Bhairava x female oc [ chapter 1 ]
[ Bhairava hears about the unknown woman for the first time and there is an urge inside him to meet her ]
Bhairava x female oc [ chapter 4]
[ there is a strange connection between the two souls slowly burning up ]
A walk through the forest [ bheem x jenny ]
[ when the married couple finally get sometime to spend with each other ]
Dosti [ ram and bheem ]
[ nothing much just two friends being each other's supporting pillars ]
Oh prema ( rocky x wife reader)
[ when for his beloved he is the deity and she is the devotee]
Khwahishein ( dq x reader)
[ when best friends unites after a long time feelings unleashes]
@rambheemlove @akshinayak @amritkimohini @alhad-cleopatra @alhad-si-simran @whimsicalfaeries @willowwhispers01
@whippersnappersbookworm @eenadu-varthalu @rrr-is-gay @ronaldofandom @thelonewolfwrites @thirst4light @tranquilsightseer @trashmeowcan @thereader-radhika @iam-siriuslysher-lokid @irisesforyoureyes @icebearfromnorthpole @o-sahiba @ramayantika @pulihora @sambaridli @deesi-academia @fangirlshrewt97 @gauri-vishalakshi @hissterical-nyaan @hinsaa-paramo-dharma @hum-suffer @houseofbreadpakoda
@janaknandini-singh999 @jrntrtitties @jjwolfesworld @kanyasstuff @kanhapriya @kabhi-kabhi-aditya @kaagazkefool @lil-stark @ladydarkey @livelaughlovechai @lite-teesko @carminavulcana @childofthenight2035 @celestesinsight @voidsteffy
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lakshana-ke-lakshan · 4 months
Ok y'all, imagine a modern AU for RRR. What profession suits our main characters? Idk about ram tbh, I'm not as invested in him as I'm invested in Bheem.
But Bheem
This guy
As we'll think at first glance that he'd be doing some Hard and rugged job, considering his body
Which is correct to a very good extent
Bro has a build of a bear
Like-those arms and not to mention, those ✨ thighs ✨
But what I think, he'll choose to be some kind of a doctor...or a vet all together
Cuz look, this guy(in the movie) , makes a cure, for a snake, that was said to be incurable by a member of his OWN tribe and ram? He fine-
Yes, this might seem that ram has some good GOOD healing system, I agree. But it's good doesn't mean that it'll be able to cure some incurable venom????!!!!!
Or this maybe made me realise that I'm watching a movie 🙂
And yes, lacchu might even have been lying about the- "dead within one hour" part, but looking at the sheer expression of shock and dread filling bheem's face says otherwise.
So yes,bheem whips out some good aa leaves and makes a paste, boom 💥 wound is gone
A good ass doctor.
And like- even better if he's like a pediatrician. I'm sure he gives the best hugs and kids will absolutely love and trust him for sure. And + point, he'd be also very good at consoling the family of patients yk, considering he looks like a big big empath
So ya
But imagine, ram, a detective or some kinda police officer, gets wounded and taken to the hospital where bheem takes care of him.
It's friendship at first sight y'all unfortunately
Then the usual-
"Bhaiya how the hell do you get wounded so much ಠ⁠︵⁠ಠ" while tenderly caring for them wounds and ram just watched him with a smile on his face he doesn't realise is there.
Then suddenly ram realises what he's doing
Getting wounded on purpose just to meet Bheem
This is not healthy (both ways)
So ya, plot develops and 💥
So yes
Bheem= doctor
I rest my case your honor
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ren-nolasco · 1 year
Relationships: Ram/Bheem endgame | Ram/Seetha
Words: 21697  
“How long are you staying?” Bheem asked, hopeful. Ram grimaced. “Not long. A week, at most.” “I understand. You are needed elsewhere,” Bheem breathed out sympathetically. He forced out smile. “The work has just begun.” “We will have plenty of time to plot and plan later. Not tonight. Tonight…” Ram heavily dropped his cup down, crossed his legs, and leaned forward. Tonight, he just wanted to be light. “I've been told you are catching horses now? Did that happen before or after you pierced your nose?” Bheem bit his lip before smiling a real smile, eyes sparkling with joy. Ram felt so light he could float away. In the events following Governor Scott Buxton's death, there's a revolution to be built, wounds to heal, and feelings to explore.
- Ok I couldn't find a slowburn oneshot in this fandom that also addressed Seetha so I went ahead and wrote it. I've noticed more people around here for my fanarts since the Oscars, so, here y'all, take this one too.
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belligerentmistletoe · 10 months
Alternative flogging scene.. Don’t… ask… why …. (But blame the discord server and @luxshine… she made me)
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atlinmerrick · 5 months
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Chinna Vivaralu
Caffeinated Ram
Someone can't not do something no one told that someone not to do, so when Jenny brings Ram more instant coffee, it is dear sweet cranky Bheema who has the regrets…
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ambiguous-sanskars · 1 year
Post-canon fic where Ram fulfills his promise to protect Bheem and they finally talk about the whipping scene. Sequel fic to this one. Hope y'all like it!
Read on AO3
Ram had been trying, unsuccessfully, to apologize for seven months now.
With Scott’s death and the ordeal of Bheem and Malli’s captivity behind them, they had managed to return to their loved ones and create some semblance of a home as they continued the seemingly endless fight for independence. Sita, who had trained by Ram’s side since childhood, turned out to be an even more skilled marksman than Ram; she quickly took charge of instructing their fellow rebels in rifle technique and maintenance. 
Jenny, too, had come back with them. Her courage proved invaluable as she planned and executed back-to-back espionage operations into various British strongholds, accompanied by a handful of comrades posing as “servants.”
After Ram’s scare with the deadly snake, Bheem had taken a special interest in training everyone in the ways of the forest - how to hunt, how to hide, what plants were safe to eat, what herbs were medicinal, how to find potable water, and how to recognize venoms and formulate antivenoms.
Seeing the responsibility that had weighed so heavily on him for so long shared among many capable hands, Ram’s burden was finally eased. Unfortunately, this left him with more time than ever to sit around and think about what he had done.
Several nights a week, he would wake up screaming - sometimes for Sita or Jenny, but mostly for Bheem. They would all rush in to comfort him, to prove to him that they were alive and well, to light the lamps and show him that there was no blood on his hands.
Ram figured he might believe them if he could get Bheem to forgive him. But every time he so much as took Bheem’s name with that intent, Bheem would see right through him and avert the conversation.
It would be one thing, Ram thought, if Bheem just didn’t want to forgive him. The idea that Bheem did not even consider him guilty was unbearable.
One afternoon found Ram particularly unable to concentrate on strategic work. He set his notebook aside and picked up his rifle, intending to exhaust his restless mind into submission by joining whatever drill Sita had designed to push the trainees to their limit today. 
He walked to the living room and sat on the couch to lace up his boots. In their tiny kitchen, Bheem was helping Malli with her math homework as he rolled out dough for rotis. On the woodstove sat a pressure cooker.
“What’s in the cooker?” Ram called.
“Bheem-anna is making dal for dinner!” Malli replied.
“Malli, concentrate,” Bheem chastised. “So to do this sum, you need to carry the one-”
“Bheema,” Ram said, walking up to the kitchen doorway.
“I’m going to the training field. Make sure you put the pressure regulator on the cooker, okay?” Ram indicated the small metal weight by the sink.
“Yes, Annayya.”
When Ram came home a few hours later, he knew instantly that something was wrong. There was nothing in particular that gave it away, just a gut feeling so intense that Ram thought he might pass out.
In the kitchen, Bheem and Malli were laughing, homework forgotten as they danced to a song of their own invention. As Ram rushed in, Bheem picked Malli up, swinging her around playfully. She squealed in delight.
Then Ram’s eyes fell on the cooker in the corner. It looked exactly the same as it had when he had left. 
No pressure regulator.
Ram leapt between Bheem and the cooker. He shoved Bheem and Malli to the ground, sheltering them with his body just as the cooker exploded behind him.
As the hot steam and boiling water scalded his shoulders and back, causing his skin to erupt in red, angry blisters, Ram spared a brief thought for the karmic justice of it all. The arms that had wielded a whip against Bheem deserved to burn.
A scorching piece of metal slammed into Ram’s head, cutting right to the bone. The last thing he saw before losing consciousness was blood dripping onto Bheem’s face beneath him.
It’s not his, Ram thought in relief.
When Ram awoke, he was in his dimly lit room, lying on his stomach with his head turned to one side so he could breathe. He felt small hands smoothing a salve onto his back, so gentle he could have been imagining it.
“Malli?” he rasped.
“Ram-anna!” she gasped softly. She set a bowl down on the nightstand and circled around so they were face to face. “You’re awake.”
“Malli, can I- can you help me sit up?”
Malli frowned. “I don’t think you should do that.”
Ram laughed hoarsely. “Please, Malli. I want to see you properly.”
She relented, propping up a pillow and holding Ram’s hand as he struggled to sit up. With every movement, he had to consciously bite back a shout.
When he was finally settled, Malli let go of his hand and reached for the salve. Her lip quivered.
“It hurts a lot, doesn’t it?”
Ram huffed out a smile, too exhausted to lie convincingly. “Who made this?” he asked instead, gesturing at the bowl in her hand.
“Bheem-anna. He said it’s good for burns.”
“Where is he?”
“He went with Sita-akka to bring us food.” Malli cocked her head to the side and grinned. “All the rotis drowned in the explosion.”
“Malli, don’t make me laugh,” Ram warned with a chuckle. “I can barely breathe here.”
“You ask a lot of questions for someone who can’t breathe.”
“Just wait till I get better. I’ll tickle you so much-”
“You’ll never catch me!”
“That’s fair,” Ram acknowledged. “You’re pretty fast.”
Malli settled herself on Ram’s bed, putting her head in his lap. Ram moved his hand to rest it on her head, gritting his teeth through the pain.
“Malli,” he said after several minutes.
“I’m sorry.”
“For what, Ram-anna?” Malli looked up at him in confusion.
“I- I was there that day when they brought you to the mansion. I should have helped you. I should have taken you back home. I’m sorry it took so long.”
She sat up, observing Ram thoughtfully. “You saw when they brought me there?”
“Did you want to help me?”
“Yes, Malli. More than anything.”
“Why didn’t you?”
Ram squeezed his eyes shut. “I had to trick them. I had to make them think I was on their side.”
“So you could get the weapons to fight them?”
Ram looked at her in surprise. Malli may be a child, but she was sharp beyond her years. “Yes.”
“Then you shouldn’t be sorry. Bheem-anna is right.”
“Right about what?”
“Bheem-anna says that you can do no wrong.”
Ram felt his eyes brim with tears. Bheem said that? After everything that had happened? How had he managed to forget the sting of the whip when Ram could still feel the burn of the handle in his palm?
“Ram-anna, you’re crying!” Malli said, kneeling up on the bed to dry his tears. “What hurts? I can help, I have medicine.”
Ram shook his head miserably. “Where is he, Malli?”
“One second, I’ll go see. They should be back by now.”
Minutes later, Bheem entered the room at a full sprint. “Why are you sitting up?!”
“Lie down, you’ll make the pain worse!”
“Wait, let me re-apply the salve, it will provide some relief and then-”
“Bheema!” Ram seized Bheem’s hands as he tried to reach for the salve. “Breathe. I’m okay. I’m okay.”
Bheem drew a long, shuddering breath. “Annayya…”
“I’m okay.”
Bheem refused to meet his eyes. “Why did you step in front of the cooker like that? It was my fault, I would’ve borne the consequences. I would have protected Malli.”
“I have no doubt.”
“Then why-”
“I made a promise, remember? I swore on your life that I wouldn’t let any harm come to you.”
“Don’t,” Bheem sobbed, bringing Ram’s hands to his eyes. “Don’t keep your promise like that.”
Ram cupped Bheem’s face tenderly, wiping away his tears.
“Bheema,” he began.
Bheem looked up, reading Ram’s intent. “Annayya, let me get you some food from the kitchen. I’ll be right back.”
As Bheem stood to leave, Ram grabbed his wrist with surprising strength.
“Annayya, I’ll just be a minute,” Bheem tried to twist his hand out of Ram’s grip, causing Ram to gasp in pain.
“Stay,” Ram repeated before Bheem could react, “because I need to say-”
“No, Annayya, please-”
“-that I am so, so sorry. Forgive me, Bheema, because God knows I will never forgive myself.”
Bheem sat down on the edge of the bed, unable to speak for several seconds. Finally, he whispered,
“The whip hurt less than your words, Annayya.”
Ram drew an unsteady breath. “You don’t remember. The way you cried out-” The memory snatched the air from Ram’s lungs, making him choke. “The spikes digging into your skin, your blood pooling at my feet - these will haunt me as long as I live.”
“Annayya,” Bheem’s voice cracked. “Why do you torture yourself with such thoughts?”
“You trusted me, Bheema, and I betrayed you. It doesn’t matter the reason.”
“Annayya, I am yours. You were just doing your duty. But even if there was no reason, you have every right-”
Ram silenced him with a steely gaze. “No one has a right to hurt you. You are not a pawn in some greater fight. You are not a sacrifice. You are a person. Forgive me for ever behaving otherwise.”
“Okay,” Bheem buried his face in Ram’s chest, trying not to bawl like a child. Maybe it was a little silly, but after surviving the captivity of colonizers, to be seen as a person suddenly felt overwhelming. “Okay. As you say, Annayya.”
Ram wrapped his arms around Bheem, ignoring the way his nerves screamed in protest. His heart was full, and a laugh bubbled up out of him. His Bheema forgave him. What more could Ram possibly want?
“Jenny-akka wants to know if you both are coming for dinner,” Malli said from the doorway.
“We’ll be right there,” Ram said. “And Malli - thank you.”
Malli put on an exaggerated thinking face. “Mm, okay. I guess you’re welcome. This time.”
As she turned and left, Bheem looked up at Ram in confusion. “Was that a threat?”
“Unclear. She is not to be messed with,” Ram said. “Get up, Bheema, let’s go eat.”
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pinkpersonsblog · 10 months
Title: You Shouldn’t Have
Characters: Ram, Bheem
Summary: It's Bheem's birthday and Ram has a special gift for him. But can he give it to him or will he chicken out? Cute friendship fic.
Words: 2,324
When Ram was a teenager, he’d so cherished the people in his life that he’d jot down in his journal, in vivid detail, every joke laughed at, every complimented bestowed upon him, every minute occurrence. Entire conversations were recorded, word for word. Things others took for granted, didn’t think twice about, were what he looked forward to revisiting on a regular basis. These were memories he latched onto, as if hugging them would make them turn into warm, inviting bodies.
Make them turn into friends.
Ram sat on his bed, holding his journal in his hands, his thumb grazing over its worn edges. A relic from the past had been unearthed today, as he sat there after having considered writing in it for the first time in so long. It was Bheem’s birthday, a day he’d been looking forward to for the past month, just so he could spend it with him. Well, that, and to also hand him the gifts he’d bought for him. He’d considered simply writing about how he was looking forward to giving his friend his gifts and sharing a cup of hot chai with him. But just when he put pen to paper, he’d stopped, hand frozen in place. Something about it didn’t feel right, as though he were about to drop a grape into a bag of raisins.
Ram set the journal aside and checked his watch. It was about time for him to meet Bheem. He picked up the gifts he’d gotten him and felt his heart swell as he examined them.
Bracelets. That was all they were, or at least one of them was. The other was a bit more meaningful than that.
The regular bracelet was beaded with black and silver beads. Nothing fancy, although a few of the beads did gleam in such a way that made it stand out. The other bracelet was threaded and had a fish woven into it. He knew how much Bheem loved going swimming. The symbolism of the bracelet didn’t stop there, however. Ram reached into his pocket and pulled out a third bracelet. A threaded one with the image of a horse woven into it. Ram’s bracelet.
Friendship bracelets.
It was what Ram had specifically been searching for when he was at the stalls on the street, where all kinds of jewelry were being sold. He’d never had the opportunity to buy such a thing before and it was the first idea that came to mind when he’d considered what to get Bheem for his birthday. To be honest, it almost seemed like he was thinking more about himself than he was about Bheem. He had no idea if their friendship meant as much to Bheem as it did to him, so it was a bit risky.
Ram took hold of his keys from the dresser and checked his reflection in the mirror, combed his fingers through his hair. His heart leapt in his chest like it so often did right when he was about to see his best friend. He walked out and was on his way to make his friend’s day.
The weather was splendid and brightly sunny. Outside the café and on the street, people were bustling and enjoying time with their loved ones. A curly haired man stood near the café’s entrance, attention seemingly elsewhere with his back turned to Ram. Unluckily for Bheem, he had left himself completely vulnerable to Ram’s advances. So Ram grinned mischievously as he snuck up behind Bheem and tapped his left shoulder. Bheem’s head whipped to his left, but Ram had already stepped to Bheem’s right. When Bheem turned towards him, he slapped a hand to his forehead and laughed.
“Happy birthday, buddy,” Ram said as he pulled his friend into a warm hug. Its effect was instantaneous—indulging in a cup of hot chai wouldn’t have felt nearly as good. After they parted, Bheem waved a hand dismissively. “It’s just another day. But thank you.”
Ram followed Bheem inside the café as they sat down on a tattered couch and ordered two cups of chai. He couldn’t help but muse on what Bheem had said. He decided it didn’t sit right with him. “Nothing wrong with having one special day out of an entire year, Bheem. You deserve that much, at least.”
Bheem sighed as the waiter walked up and handed them their chais. After thanking him for his, he said, “I never really cared for birthdays. It’s strange to admit, but I always felt guilty when I’d get presents. And I absolutely hate when people sing ‘happy birthday’ to me. I know…I’m weird.” He looked sheepish as he took a sip of his chai.
Ram swallowed hard as he reached into his pocket and felt the two bracelets, his thumb playing with the one with beads. Was he wrong to have bought him the bracelets? What if it came across too strongly and scared him off? He’d just arrived and was already feeling like an idiot. Maybe a card would have sufficed.
“I’ve never had a birthday party with anyone outside of relatives and Sita,” Ram said. “I actually like getting presents, but I never really received anything I liked. It was usually just clothes.” Ram wrinkled his nose, making Bheem chuckle.
Bheem looked thoughtful for a moment as he tapped a finger against his chin. “What would you want to do if you spent your birthday with me?”
Ram didn’t even have to think about it, but he pretended to take a few seconds to think as he took a sip of his chai. He didn’t want to seem like he thought about this all the time. Because he definitely didn’t. Definitely.
“I’d want us to go dancing.”
His hands began to sweat as he instantly realized Bheem might not feel as eager to dance with him again. Maybe it was just a one time occurrence for Bheem. Maybe he’d felt pressured into it by Ram. Maybe he’d rather do it with Jenny instead…
Bheem smiled knowingly, his eyes so soft they could have made Ram melt into a puddle right then and there. “You liked dancing that much, huh?”
Ram wiped his hands on the back of his slacks, not sure why he was getting more and more anxious. How would Bheem react if he knew he daydreamed about it, was so enthralled by Bheem’s skills on the dancefloor that he’d been practicing in private, lest they have another dance off?
“Yeah,” Ram said.
I loved it.
The admission and Bheem’s nonchalant response helped Ram to work up the nerve to pull out the beaded bracelet and hand it to Bheem.
“Before you say anything—I know you don’t like presents, but it really isn’t much. It didn’t cost a lot. I just thought you might think it’s cool, maybe.”
Bheem frowned as he took the bracelet from Ram and studied it, played with the beads. This was only a few seconds, but it could have been a lifetime as Ram waited with bated breath for his reaction. Bheem finally put the bracelet on and smiled at Ram almost regretfully. “Thanks, Ram. But you really shouldn’t have.”
Ram was fully aware it was only one half of the gifts he had bought for Bheem. But he suddenly felt embarrassed for having gotten him the fish bracelet. Like he’d put too much thought into it, that he obsessed over their friendship like some psycho.
Bheem would probably never buy him something like that. He’d probably buy him a cup of chai or a lassi and call it a day. Although he would ignore the voice of reason telling him it wasn’t because Bheem saw him as any less of a friend. Bheem was just a simple guy who didn’t have much use or desire for material things.
Still, Ram wished he could somehow show him how much he meant to him without feeling ashamed of it. Somehow, even just this beaded bracelet made him feel overexposed…like he’d laid his heart bare for his friend to stomp on.
“If you don’t like it, you can tell me. Be honest.”
Bheem shook his head as he studied the bracelet on his hand, from different angles. “I like it. Really. Just hate that you spent money on me.”
“It was the least I could do to make your day a bit more special.” Ram felt overwhelmed by a torrent of emotion. What he was about to say was achingly true. “I’ve never had a friend like you. I care about you. I lo—”
He stopped suddenly, the words dying in his throat. Was he really about to say that? Did he really feel that way about him?
Bheem waited, then motioned for him to go on. It didn’t appear as though he knew what he’d been about to say. What he wanted so badly to say.
But Ram couldn’t say it. His fear of rejection wouldn’t allow it. He fought for words to fill in the blanks as Bheem was staring at him, confused.
“…Like you a lot,” Ram said, instead. The words were technically true and very nice indeed, so why did they feel so hollow, like a pale imitation of his true feelings? Maybe because it fit more with how he’d describe a plate of warm biryani…not someone he’d forgiven for ruthlessly stabbing him in the chest.
Bheem himself looked unconvinced that that was what he’d intended to say, but he had enough tact to not pry.
“I wouldn’t have even accepted this if I didn’t feel the same way,” Bheem admitted, surprising Ram. “Anyone else and I would have forced them to take it back.”
Ram felt elated hearing this. But at the same time, the fish bracelet was weighing increasingly heavy in his pocket. Why couldn’t he give it to him? Why was he so afraid his friend would reject it? Would it make their friendship any less meaningful if he did? Besides, Bheem had just told him he felt the same way…
Ram took a sip of his chai as he fell silent, looked outside the café window to see a couple walking down the street holding hands. Eager to change the subject, he turned back to Bheem. “So when are you going to brag to me about having kissed Jenny?” he teased.
Bheem arched an eyebrow and looked at him funny. “I did kiss her just the other day. I told you, Ram. Don’t you remember?”
At first, Ram felt indignant because he was certain Bheem hadn’t told him and was just messing with him. But then he vaguely remembered Bheem’s voice over the phone excitedly telling him that Jenny had kissed him after he’d told her she has a pretty smile.
"Right...sorry." Goodness…how could he have forgotten? Well, now that he remembered, he had to plan all sorts of romantic future dates for the lovely couple. Ram patted Bheem’s hand, then squeezed it. “Proud of you, Bheem. I knew you two would make a great couple. Even with the language barrier, you’re making things work. How great is that?”
“All thanks to my best friend,” Bheem said, placing his other hand on top of Ram’s. “And your magic touch, right? She couldn’t keep her hands off my hair. Like it was the softest she’d ever felt.”
Ram leaned back and chuckled at the reference to him giving Bheem a makeover. He was happy he’d helped him leave such a positive impression on the woman.
“Well, now you’re just making me jealous,” Ram joked, making Bheem laugh. It made him feel good to hear that she’d liked his hair. Ram had paid extra attention to it, knowing women, in his experience, loved a man with nice hair. And Bheem’s hair was lovely. Just like…well, him. The familiar sting of embarrassment struck him as he remembered complimenting Bheem’s eyes. He’d never said such a thing to another man. It felt oddly intrusive, like he’d admitted to noticing subtleties about his friend that he shouldn’t. Sheesh… The things he endured for Bheem…
“Someone’s lost in thought,” Bheem said, leaning back, looking amused. Ram hadn’t known he’d been watching him so closely. Sometimes he felt their bond was so deep that they could almost read one another’s thoughts. Thankfully, that wasn’t actually true, but at times like this, he almost wondered if it was.
“Just thinking about what a great guy you are,” Ram admitted. He’d intended to make it sound like he was half-joking, but it came out sounding dead serious. God, if he got anymore emotional, he might actually tell him he loved him…
“Shut uuuuuup…” Bheem looked embarrassed.
It wasn’t just because of the gravity of all that Bheem had forgiven him for. It was also because of who he was as a person. Gentle, quiet, peaceful, strong…he was all of this and more.
But most of all, he was mature. His maturity made him so admirable. If only more people were like him, Ram often thought. Then again, if they were, Bheem wouldn’t be as special.
“Sorry,” Ram said, grinning in such a way that he knew said he wasn’t sorry at all. Bheem simply rolled his eyes, accepting his awkwardness like the good friend he was.
They sat together and chatted for a while longer, simply talking about the women in their lives and more mundane things. Ram knew this was the nicest birthday experience he’d ever had, even if it wasn’t his own being celebrated. He realized he didn’t need to record it in a journal in order to treasure the memory. The memory itself was all he needed to feel content. After all, he was always building new ones with his best friend.
And as for the fish bracelet? He wasn’t going to throw it away. Maybe someday he’d give it to Bheem after all.
When the time felt right.
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budugu · 10 months
Ok here me out. Ram in a Roja au. Or a crossover.
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rorapostsbl · 2 years
obstacles. -rambheem-
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[ could've been more angsty, i will probably write a pt.2 ]
anna here is referred to bheem, by lacchu. (the changing names might be abit confusing, sorry for that!)
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they'd emerged victorious. bheem was elated, a bounce in his step, smile gracing his features and in the constant look out for ram.
ram. everytime the name was mentioned, he felt his heart tug him towards the direction of the elder, fall in his arms knowing he'd be there to catch him. butterflies were fluttering around nonstop, his happiness amplifying when he saw his own family, sita and jenny wait for them both, thrumming with anticipation.
he stepped down, about to go greet them before he looked back, eyes catching ram's and again— those goddamn butterflies, wrecked havoc.
in the midst of it all, he was engulfed in hugs and rained with kisses and shouts of victory and soon— he saw lacchu amongst them, smiling at him, he approached the man in question, before seeing lacchu's eyes shift from bheem to someone behind himself.
slowly, the man's eyes widened and for the first time in life, bheem recognised pure fury in his eyes— as he marched, determined, towards the figure. bheem, confused, turned around to see what could've spoiled lacchu's mood so greatly, and his eyes set on his ram.
as if on cue, ram caught him staring and mischievously, threw a sly wink at the younger, grinning when he got the reaction he anticipated. for a minute, bheem forgot lacchu coming up behind him.
lacchu's eyes were trained on the interaction his anna and the absolute heartless being were having and grabbed his anna resolutely and pulled him away, from the crowd and that being—
he saw everyone still around them, but paid no mind, ignored his anna's protests and didn't let go until they were away from the others. he didn't miss the look of recognition in ram's face, nor did he leave the chance to scoff at the elder once they made eyecontact, hatred burning in him.
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"what's your relationship with that brute, anna?" lacchu demanded, feet impatiently tapping on the ground below, once they were outside of hearing reach.
he observed, as bheem fiddled around with his bandages, still confused and disoriented as a slow blush crept up his cheek. lacchu shuddered, in slight annoyance.
he knew, but wanted to hear it from the man himself.
"uh— why'd you ask?" bheem deflected, idly kicking a stone off the ground to somewhere else. when lacchu sighed impatiently, eyes never leaving bheem's figure, he gave in.
"alright— it's, we're— i like him." bheem blurted, before correcting himself, "and he likes me back!"
"you can't like him!" lacchu argues, his voice on edge as the words flurry out of his mouth, and on bheem's bewilderment, he explains—
"that guy is a monster — i don't trust him one bit with you, anna. i don't approve of this, at all. no one from our tribe will agree either if they find out of all his deeds, you hear me?" the younger guy ranted, his voice rising as he clasped bheem's arm and shook it, as if to prove his point.
"don't say that lacchu," bheem frowned, worry slowly creeping in at his friends words. "what do you mean, by his deeds?" bheem questioned again, grasping onto the only anchor he could understand.
ram was waiting on the other side, his heart sinking slowly as lacchu dragging bheem away embedded itself in his mind. it almost felt as if, the gods were punishing him for everything he did.
he tried to stay optimistic, something he'd learnt was the essence of bheem, but the look on his face was enough for sita to be concerned, as she asked him, "what's wrong?"
everything that could go wrong, was going wrong, ram wished to say, as he tried to swallow around the log stuck in his throat.
what goes around, comes around — ram sighed, resisting the urge to sob.
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lacchu won't budge, bheem realised as the twisting knot in his stomach grew, making him feel as if he'd thrown up. he was intimately aware of the wrongs ram had inflicted on their people, heck, even on bheem himself.
but bheem chose to forgive ram, and to embrace him just the way he was— he deserves the love. moreover, bheem wasn't sure if he'd be able to survive without ram by his side, now that he'd gotten a taste, he was addicted.
it was awfully visible to everyone — including lacchu, how in sync, and in love, the two lovebirds were.
but lacchu, was adamant on not letting them develop into something more, something way deeper than just light brushes and stolen kisses.
it was frustrating, and bheem was scared. he didn't know how to tackle this situation, and it was stressing him out, the more lacchu stated his reasoning, albeit in an angry boom.
"you're blinded by love, the son of gonds. you fail to realise the doom that brute will bring upon you— how could he claim to love you while he showed no sympathy for the ones who were destroyed by him on his path to victory? how could you be such a fool to fall for it?" lacchu's words were harsh, as if sword blades cutting through bheem's heart.
despite it all, his heart never doubted an inch of ram's intentions towards him. the faith he had on the elder, was unshakeable.
bheem tried to argue, it was ram who let him and malli run away, but it was useless, as if screaming sense into walls.
bheem had stormed out, not wanting to listen to any more of whatever his friend was saying.
ram, who's eyes had been glued to the place where bheem and lacchu had disappeared to— lightened up as they saw bheem's figure come closer and closer.
the look of frustration and confusion on the younger's face irked ram— he hurried towards the younger, calling his name out, attracting the attention of everyone present.
"bheema!" he shouted, waving at the younger and felt a smile threaten to break out as he saw bheem perk up and increase his pace, and soon he landed right into ram's arms, face hidden in the dip of his neck.
"lacchu," the younger sighed disappointedly— his voice muffled but enough for ram to understand.
soon enough, ram saw lacchu appear from the clearing as well, eyes setting on the couple wrapped in an embrace and frowned, signalling ram to break away.
the elder felt his anger flare up at the audacity — the only thing stopping him from saying anything, was out of respect for bheem's own tribe. the wrongs he had inflicted, would take time to be undone, it didn't mean he couldn't have happiness.
instead, ram held bheem alittle tighter, kissing his forehead when he heard the younger squeak in confusion. a short chuckle passed through ram, as he caught the stare of bheem's uncle smile at them, in agreement.
he chose to ignore lacchu, and his anger.
anyone trying to break this, would have to go through ram first.
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[ a/n; @fangirlshrewt97 is the reason why i could post this fic, they encouraged me 🥺💞 it's shorter than i normally write, but some writer issues have been showing up so, spare me ✋ ]
tags; @rambheemisgoated @rambheem-is-real @alikokinav @yehsahihai @bromance-minus-the-b
@sinistergooseberries @thewinchestergirl1208 @jeonmahi1864 @azraelcuror @sivuda @lovingperfectionwonderland @mikabilis @eremin0109 @floating-mushroom @obsessedtoafault @icarus-f4lls @prdnya-blog @kashti15 @jjwolfesworld @iamhereforthefanfics
[ if i forgot someone i am sorry 🤧 and lmk if u wanna be tagged in my upcoming rambheem fics! ]
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