#Raph was really like “no you serve ME”
cambion-companion · 5 months
Mephistopheles "giving" Haarlep to Raphael in order to "distract naughty son".
It's just...a really shit thing to do, obviously. It strips Raphael of agency and power to a degree.
However, Raphael turned the situation in his favor as much as he could, and took his power back.
Which is another reason I LOVE the character. He really knows how to make the best out of a bad situation.
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bearhugsandshrugs · 6 months
Raphael's visitors in the HoH: Clones, Immortality, and other Planes of Existence
Crackpot time again! Yay!
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I randomly browsed through my screeshots when I found Raphael's guest list for the House of Hope. And boy, is it interesting.
We have Halaster Blackcoat, on a social call. The only truly friendly visit, considering the other voluntary one is Zariel's auditor/inquistor. Now, Halaster is a wizard rumored to be older than Elminster even, and he usually lives in the Undermountain, where he collects all sorts of magical stuff. He's insane. Oh. And also: He's known for making contingency spells and even clones of himself so he wouldn't die in battle. Interesting social call, Raph!
I'm going to skip the auditor and go straight to the first unwilling visitor: Sylvira Savikas (from Descent into Avernus). What is she skilled in, you ask? Oh, just the different planes of existence and magical puzzle boxes. Puzzle boxes like the one that has the contract between Zariel and Thavius Kreeg in it but which can hold any item safely inside, really. Kreeg, who, as you might notice, is another unwilling guest of Raphael, and in theory damned to live in Avernus due to his contract with Zariel, which dragged Elturel to the Nine Hells. He also owned that infernal puzzle box mentioned above.
And then we have Sir Bluto sans Pité. A bit more difficult to find stuff about, but tl;dr, he was rumored to be seeking an object called the Octych, which belonged the Power Mages of Suel (basically completely OP mages with their own demiplanes), and which was said to be able to unlock new planes/worlds.
So our guy Raphael is meeting with:
His friend who has the ability to clone and create contingency spells to make someone immortal
An archmage that is knowledgeable in various planes of existence as well as magical puzzle boxes
The guy who caused Elturel's descent into Avernus with an infernal puzzle box that holds his contract with Zariel, but can hold any item inside safely
A knight who used to serve an evil (arch)mage and who was seeking the key to unlocking planes with even more magical power
Look at our devil boy meeting all those archmages and magical experts. And you're telling me Raphael wasn't scheming a backup plan and was instead overwhelmed by Tav/Durge and thus simply killed in Avernus? Yeah.... I don't buy it.
That man has had a backup. Whether it was a clone or a contingency spell, who knows. He had a backup and bigger plans than just the Crown of Karsus. He has delusions of grandeur and I fucking love him for it.
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I keep thinking about how angry Donnie looks when Raph get’s ‘eliminated’ from his Battle Nexus New York challenge
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Mikey: Raph’s hibernator move...
His eyes are shadowed & he’s gritting his teeth it looks like he’s barely holding back his emotions & his immediate reaction to Raph getting ‘eliminated’ also looks angry as well
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Mikey, Donnie & Leo: Raph!
I’ve noticed that each of Raph’s brother’s have a slightly different reaction to Raph getting ‘eliminated’ from his Battle Nexus New York Challenge
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Leo: No!
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Leo: Raph...
The initial reaction that Leo has seems to be panic & horror, he almost seems frozen until his argument with one of the Sandro brothers forces him to focus on his own Battle Nexus New York Challenge.
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Mikey: Oh-Mi-Gosh!
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Mikey: I can’t believe Raph is gone
With Mikey’s initial reaction like Leo, Mikey is horrified by Raph getting eliminated but in a scrapped scene found on Ashe Jacobson’s twitter, it shows that Mikey is slightly more emotional about Raph’s elimination. While Leo seems to almost freeze up in horror, Mikey starts acting on his emotions & declares he’s going to make a farewell dish in Raph’s honour
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Mikey: I can’t serve this! It’s no good! It isn’t what Raph would’ve wanted!
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Donnie: No!
With Donnie we aren’t shown much past his initial reaction but I think it’s interesting that Donnie is the one to yell at Big Mama when she congratulates him, Leo & Mikey for winning their challenges
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Donnie: We played your dumb-dumb game now give us your dumb-dumb orb so we can go back to our dumb-dumb lives! Wait that last part wasn’t right
When Raph gets eliminated Leo freezes & panics, Mikey gets emotional & Donnie gets angry which is really interesting when you compare it to how they reacted when Raph got captured by the Krang. Though the focus is primarily on Leo’s reaction to Raph getting captured we can see that Leo, Mikey & Donnie have similar reactions to how they acted when Raph got eliminated in Battle Nexus New York when Raph gets captured by the Krang
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Leo: Raph?
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In the movie Leo’s initial reaction to Raph getting captured by the Krang is similar to how he reacted when Raph was eliminated in Battle Nexus New York, its panic & horror that causes him to freeze before he’s able to react to the situation again.
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Mikey: We don’t have a plan!
Similar to how he acts horrified when Raph gets eliminated in Battle Nexus New York, Mikey is scared & horrified when Raph gets captured by the Krang though in contrast to how he acted in the scrapped scene from Battle Nexus New York where he’s openly displaying his emotions when Raph gets captured by the Krang, Mikey seems to curl into himself.
The difference might be because in Battle Nexus New York, Mikey thought there was a chance that Raph would be okay while in the movie Mikey has no idea on whether Raph would be okay or not 
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Donnie: Shouldn’t we talk about this before we run off all half-cocked, willy-nilly, pell-mell?
When Raph gets captured Donnie’s reaction is interesting because he acts frustrated & slightly passive aggressive which makes me think that Donnie wants to act angry like he did in Battle Nexus New York but he doesn’t because he doesn’t want to direct that anger at Leo. Donnie is fine with directing anger at Big Mama who is an enemy but he doesn’t want to get genuinely angry at Leo who is his brother so he forces it down into frustration instead.
Leo, Mikey & Donnie’s initial reactions to loosing Raph are the same in the movie as they are in the episode Battle Nexus New York: Leo freezes, Mikey gets emotional (though whether he openly displays his emotions or curls up into himself depends on the situation) & Donnie gets angry.
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moxfirefly · 6 months
"I'm not letting them go. They're mine. They've always been mine."
For a bestie mikey who is jealous, someone's taking readers' attention away from him?
These quotes are hard to work with XD
Ray, my beloved. Always coming in clutch 🤌
Rated Mature (suggestive themes)
Mikey felt a stirring next to him that prompted him to open his eyes. The midnight nap he’d decided on when you had sat next to him was disturbed and he wanted to groan displeased.
“Sorry Mike, I gotta use the bathroom be back in a sec.” That gentle hushed tone only served to help him drift back, almost at least. Woefully he accepted his best friend having to leave for a few minutes.
It was something of tradition at this point, falling a sleep next to you during movie nights. Mikey had wordlessly cemented the fact that he got to sit next to you and you had reinforced it by always finding your place next to him.
He took the second to stretch out, enjoying the pops of each achy limbs, patrol had been a bitch a few hours ago. He saw Leo konked on the armchair, Donnie in the kitchen making more popcorn as a sleepy April scrolled through Netflix to find something else to play.
“—Well im gonna need you in a bit to measure again, probably tomorrow too”
Raph’s voice rang from behind where he was sat on the couch. Mikey looked back to see him talking to you and holding your arm extended.
“Remind me why I’m doing this again?” He asked mocked annoyed as he used his pointer and thumb to measure your arm.
“Because I wanna win $100 bucks at work” You laughed when he moved to your other arm to do the same.
“What fucking weird job makes an ugly Christmas sweater competition?” He used both his hand to grab your waist, using it as reference for the torso of the sweater.
Mikey raised a brow ridge, why had he felt a pulse of something when he saw his brother man handling you.
“Hey if I win you’ve got $50 waiting for you, so make it as ugly as possible.” You arched your neck when he wrapped a hand around your neck and mumble something, clearly mapping out the measurements in his head.
That, yeah that felt really weird in the bottom of Mikey’s stomach. Why did Raph have to loom over you, hand around your pretty neck and smiling to himself.
“Well come by this week, I’m gonna need you while I’m making it.” He finally let go of you, and it took a second of trying to think straight to not jump Raph.
“Mikey and I are playing that new game where you romance all the hot people—“
Donnie piped in, “Baldur’s Gate.” You threw him a finger gun for the assist.
“Well ya think you can detach yourself from numb nuts for a few minutes at a time?” He asked playfully.
“Well you’ve got her measurements what more do you need, dude?” Mikey finally spoke up, making Raph and you turn towards his groggy annoyed face. “I got an idea but I gotta re-adjust or re-make whatever don’t come out right.” He spoke matter of fact, his gaze was mocking him.
“I can’t just take breaks between.” You offered to ease the sudden tension in the air.
“I’m sure Mikey can survive five minutes without ya, right buddy?” He clamped both hands on your shoulders and smiled at his youngest brother. “Man quit being handsy with her.” It came out before he could really assess what his mouth had vomited out. Under a different tone of voice it could’ve been taken playfully but this was the full opposite.
“Chill man, I ain’t stealing ya girl.” He chuckled and if Mikey could blush he would. He glared at Raph, not noticing your own blush creeping up your cheeks.
“Looks like it since you wanna keep her all week.” He was getting up now, less groggy and more peeved than anything.
“Mike—“ Your voice was gentle trying to ease the fast approaching boiling tension in the air.
“Aww, Mikey’s worried his bestie’s gonna be my bestie all week? Man just let it go.” Raph wasn’t even remotely serious poking fun at his younger brother.
“Im not letting her go. She’s mine. She’s always been mine.” He shot a deep glare at Raph, who face quickly fell upon hearing those words.
It took a few seconds for Mikey to fully comprehend what he had said and the implication behind it. His eyes went wide, landing on your own wide eyes and the blush that scattered itself further down your chest.
Fuck, what had he done?
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doughliciousfrosting · 6 months
What was it like for your Transfem Leo to come out to her family?
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Oh my god I love this question. I LOVE ANY QUESTION ACTUALLY. Personally I've been debating on whether Leo would come out as transfem before or after Splinter's death. I've decided before for the simple reason that I really want Splinter to have a nice moment with her as her daughter yk? I guess I'd have to start off with how Leo realized she was transfem. I'm gonna be honest prior to this ask I hadn't given it much thought so I'll try my best to figure it out here right now!! If my initial headcanon for this changes I'll make an update post on it later.
Leo realizes she's transfem:
I'd imagine the turtles themselves don't really have a strong sense of gender, since not only are they turtles, they've also spent the first 15 years of their life in social isolation in the sewers. The only idea of gender they really percieve stems from Splinter, and from their perspective I imagine they kind of just interpret Splinter as a ninja and nothing else. So I think Leo initially tries her best to mimic Splinter and his behaviors. I think Leo's view on herself completely shifted when they met April, because she was an entirely new person. I think Leo at first didn't think much of it because April was human, but then when they met Casey she didn't feel the same kind of envy YKWIM?? Like Leo took one look at April and was like "idk what that is but I wanna be that." I feel like this internal dialogue came to a climax when she went to visit the tea girl from S1. I headcanon she still visits and they have cute lil tea parties lol. So the little girl says she wants to give Leo a makeover, and at first Leo is like "haha no." And the girl is INSISTENT she's like "if you don't let me I'm going to scream and get my dad over here" and Leo caves finally, she's like "OKAY OKAY 😰😰" so the girl dresses her up with what she can (obviously the little girls clothes wouldn't fit Leo who has a huge ass shell on her back LMAO) and she tries to do Leo's makeup. Leo looks in the mirror and thinks like wow.. something abt this just clicks for me. And it kind of makes Leo realize like, this is what she had been wanting since she realized there were genders outside of her rat dad LMAO.
Coming out:
With this in mind, I think that Leo wouldn't exactly have a word for what she is? And frankly I don't think she'd immediately take action either. I think she'd go to April for help, and after telling April what she felt, April would be able to explain what Leo is experiencing. So I guess unintentionally, she came out to April first LMAO 😭 and after Leo realizes she might be trans she's kind of like ermrmmm what do I do abt it now.... So I imagine April gives Leo help on where to start! I think she'd recommend Leo come out to her family members one at a time (if that's what she wanted). So Leo thinks on it for a couple of days or weeks.. (Let's be honest, months). And after finally mustering the courage, she picks a sibling to talk to.
I don't know if this is surprising to some people or not, but I feel like Leo would come out to Donnie first. Mainly because Donnie wouldn't yell (Raph) and would be less likely to accidentally tell other people (sorry Mikey..) Since the 2012 turtles aren't as in touch with emotions as the ROTTMNT turtles, I think that it would definitely be very awkward, but Leo would try to approach it as scientifically as possible. Which serves a double purpose of not being confusing and also being a little more devoid of emotion. I think Leo would start like "you know how gender is a social construct and etc.." And then after blabbing over her words Donnie would be like "hold on are you trying to tell me you're trans?" And Leo would be like "erm.. Yas? Unless u think it's weird because then no.." I think Donnie would know what trans means bcuz Donnie studies human society and stuff. I don't think he'd know how to respond, but I think he'd def question Leo on it out of curiousity, not malice. So after a thorough interview so Donnie can collect data LMAO Donnie kicks leo out the lab is like "cool thanks sis," and that's the end of it.
I think Leo would go to Mikey next because I dont think Mikey would care much BAHAHA. I imagine it's just Leo pulling up next to Mikey (whos doing something like hanging out with I.C.K. or practicing skateboarding) and I imagine the convo goes somewhat like this:
Leo: "Mikey?"
Mikey: "Yeah bro?"
Leo: "uhh I'm not ur bro, I'm ur sister it'd be cool if u could call me that from now on"
Mikey: "cool sis."
Mikey and Leo: "...."
Mikey: "do I still call u Leo orrrr?-"
Leo: "Leo is fine! I have to go train now so uhh bye?"
Mikey: "k bye Leo!"
Mikey would be so unbothered I think LMAO
I think Raph would be last, why? Because any sort of convo with Raph regarding emotions tends to be very heavy for Leo and Raph together lmao. I think Leo would STRESS OUT, after telling Mikey she 100% has to tell Raph soon before someone else says something. I think Leo would ask to speak to Raph while Raph's in his room. After knocking and being allowed inside, Leo would sit on raphs bed completely silent and withdrawn. Raph would realize the serious atmosphere and give Leo his full attention. After a little awkward silence, raph would get over it and I think the convo would go something like:
Raph: "Whats up leo? You kinda just made urself cozy in my room. "
Leo: "I..... need to talk to u abt something"
Raph: "well yeah I figured that much"
Leo: "right...."
- more silence -
Raph: "so?? -"
Leo: "Raph. Do you hate girls"
Raph: "WHAT???"
Raph: "are u asking me if I'm gay???"
Raph: ".... Are *YOU* gay???"
Leo: " WAIT NO.."
Raph: "cuz it's fine if u are this is just a rlly weird way to say it"
Leo: *sighs*
Leo: "okay I like girls right?.. But I dont just LIKE girls, I also like um.. BEING a girl."
Raph: "huh???"
Raph: "wait so.. youre saying that youreeeee a girl?...." (Brain processing)
Leo: "yes...."
Raph: "....so are you gonna like wear dresses and tiaras now?"
Leo: "dude. Have u ever been around a girl?? U don't see April walking around in dresses and tiaras!"
Raph: "I was just asking jeez!!"
Leo: "well don't ask dumb questions!! And to answer ur dumb question no, I will not. I'm a ninja first, I don't think doing flips and Parkour around the city in a big poofy dress is very practical.."
Raph: "righttt.... so when are you gonna tell everyone else?"
Leo: *cringes* "emm I kind of already told everybody else besides splinter? ":)"
Raph: ".........."
-- end scene LOL --
I don't exactly have dialogue for this one, but I think it would definitely be the hardest one for Leo to do. I think Leo would feel like shes ruining splinters expectations of her or something yk?? So she starts off on this big ramble about how she'll always be splinters kid and she hopes this doesn't change anything. I think she'd come off as kind of hysterical so splinter would shut her down and straight up ask what's wrong. So Leo would blurt it out and splinter would 100% be accepting. I think splinter would tell Leo that back when he first named them, he assumed them all to be boys bcuz he didn't want another daughter at the time since he was still mourning Miwa and didn't want to feel like he was replacing her. Splinter would tell Leo he's honored to have her as a daughter now, and then ask if she wants another name that suits her. I personally think Leo would decline, I think she'd want to keep it because it's the one splinter gave her and she doesn't have a problem being called leonardo lolol
Firstly, this was a long read so if ur still here thank u for listening to my word vomit!! Secondly, I'd like to give a disclaimer here.. **I AM NOT A WRITER** HELPMEAHSLAH I don't know if thats clear or not. I have a vague idea on how these events would go, but I can't always articulate them correctly. I hope this was somewhat comprehensible. And lastly, to the person who sent the message thank u for the asking!! This was very fun to answer and it made me give thought to something I hadn't before!
Edit: WAIT LAST THING I FORGOT TO ADD. I AM NOT TRANS!!!! So if the way I describe this experience for Leo doesn't seem right please let me know 😭😭
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devildom-moss · 7 months
I got one!! Lucifer with a GN MC who gets one of those silly chibi plush of him (in-universe maybe Raph made it) and he's low-key jealous they spend more time with it than him. (sfw please!)
I'm going to be honest, there is probably less MC (and Lucifer x reader interactions) in this than expected, but I hope you still like it! It's got a bit of fluff and a lot of jealousy. (Who doesn't love Lose-ifer being all jealous and stupid?) There's also a decent serving of Raphael in this. Oops.
Lucifer being jealous of a plush version of himself
(Lucifer x gn!MC)
Word Count: +1,000
Raphael knew what he was doing, Lucifer convinced himself. That wicked, lousy, no-good, rotten angel was doing this as revenge for something. Maybe leaving him behind during the war? Raphael was aggressive – but petty? Maybe not. No, perhaps he was just charmed by you, too. Now, Lucifer was being replaced.
Oh, no, not by the angel himself, but by some handmade plush – no bigger than a foot long – designed to look like Lucifer. Raphael had given you the plush last week, and while Lucifer had to admit that it was well-made, he didn’t appreciate that you had been carrying that small, poor excuse for a replacement around all week.
 It was embarrassing that Lucifer found himself so foolishly jealous. It was just a doll that looked like him, so why was he so upset about it? If anything, he should have been happy that the doll was crafted in his image. You could be carrying around a small plush effigy of Solomon. That would really piss him off.
What was Lucifer supposed to do with his childish jealousy? Set aside his pride and confront you about his desire for more attention? Admit that he wanted your eyes on him and the fact that you clung to a doll that someone – Raphael, no less – had made for you left him annoyed to the point that he had considered hiding the doll on three different occasions and burning it once – if only the opportunity to pry it from your adoring arms had presented itself? Could you just hold him in your arms for one night instead of that damn doll? Of course, Lucifer thought himself to be above all that honesty nonsense and decided to attack the secondary source of his irritation.
“A minute of your time, Raphael.” Lucifer physically blocked the exit from the House of Lamentation. The angel had been kind enough to drop some fabric scraps off for Leviathan. “Care for a glass of Demonus?”
“Do I have a choice? Are you interested in trying to drink me under the table again?” Raphael looked Lucifer up and down. “Sure.”
Lucifer brought Raphael to his study and poured the alcohol into two glasses. He had selected something a bit bitter – not that Lucifer expected Raphael to be opposed to something bitter.
“Here you are,” Lucifer hummed. There was an off-putting elegance in the gentle motions Lucifer contorted himself into when handing the glass to Raphael. While Lucifer was typically a class act, Raphael picked up on the exaggerated sweetness of it. Lucifer even offered him a polite smile. The Devildom could go through another deadly cold spell before that disingenuous smile would fool Raphael, who waited patiently for Lucifer to take a seat across from him before he responded.
“Thank you, Lucifer.” Raphael smiled and took a sip of his drink. Not half bad. It could be a bit more bitter, though. Then again, perhaps Lucifer is bitter enough. “I take it you have something to discuss with me?”
“About the doll,” Lucifer mused, trailing off to open the way for a confession – to what, he wasn’t sure.
“The one I made for MC?”
“Precisely.” Lucifer set his glass down and crossed his legs.
“I noticed MC has been paying it a lot of attention. What’s the matter, Lucifer? Are you jealous?” Raphael questioned him in a straightforward tone, but Lucifer understood that this constituted teasing.
“Is there a reason it looks like me?” Lucifer slipped around the question.
“That was my intention. It’s obvious that MC clings to you. They adore you. I figured a Lucifer-shaped doll would allow you a bit of space and keep MC from feeling lonely when you are too busy to pay them any mind.” Raphael’s words stung in Lucifer’s ears.
“How considerate of you. Mission accomplished.” Lucifer wished he had put a curse on Raphael’s glass – nothing deadly, just something that would make him feel a bit better about the honesty from Raphael. If only he had pulled a page from Satan and Belphie’s book.  
“Is it serving its purpose too well for your liking? Don’t tell me you’re honestly jealous of a doll, now. Isn’t envy supposed to be Leviathan’s whole shtick? You’re going to give him a complex.” Raphael let out a small laugh and cut it off with another sip of Demonus. “They’d never pick a doll over the real demon himself. Even I know that. As I said before, they adore you.”
Lucifer’s face flushed – and it wasn’t from the alcohol. He was moping, but he needed Raphael’s blunt delivery to knock some sense into him. If only Lucifer had asked, Raphael would have been more than happy to knock sense into him with a spear. That would have been less embarrassing.
“Sorry, Raphael. I forgot that I have business to attend to.” Lucifer stood up and smoothed his vest down. “Please be on your way.”
Raphael’s eyes widened. “I didn’t finish my drink.”
“A shame.” Lucifer smirked. “Next time, perhaps.”
“Based on today’s conversation, I take it that won’t be for a while.” Raphael stood up, glass in hand, and downed the rest of his Demonus. He exhaled sharply at the sudden, mild burn. That was not a chugging drink. “Until next time. Give MC my best.”
Raphael headed for the door, stopping just short of leaving. “You should try honesty next time. It might save you a glass of Demonus. It was good, though. Thank you.”
With Raphael safely out of sight, Lucifer pulled out his D.D.D. and went into his messages. He couldn’t resist smiling when he noticed the last thing you had sent him was that flapping Blackjack with hearts sticker.
Lucifer: MC, come to my room when you get a chance. I require your presence to put me at ease. I would also like to provide you with a bit more attention than you can get from a doll.
MC: Are you jealous, Luci?
Lucifer: Perhaps. What will you do about it?
MC: I’m on my way, you big baby. I’ll cuddle with you for as long as you wish.
Lucifer: Does the offer extend to kissing as well?
MC: We’ll see.
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Lucifer broke into a large grin, melting at your replies. Maybe while you were cuddling, that plush could just get lost somewhere. Who knows?
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tmntxthings · 2 years
Okay okay okay that love potion Leo you just wrote. I’m screaming could you maybe do one with Donnie but instead of him pretending it’s still in effect the reader at one point saying something like “ I know you hate being touched but this has been kinda nice” and when it wears off he remembers that and he starts being slightly more affectionate and or tells reader he likes them too??
Started with a Spark
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author’s note: thank u for the request anon c: i’d like the dedicate this one to @maximuslyqueer & @cochineal-tanto for leaving me motivating comments <3 that rlly helps me write more than you know, so thank you and I hope everyone enjoys~~~
warnings: slight angst, abundance of fluff, maybe some cursing
> leo’s < > raph’s < > mikey’s < > casey’s <
“Leo before you do possibly drink poison, let me run it past my far superior senses,” Donnie said grabbing the glass that contained the pink, bubbly substance. Leo rolled his eyes, “I know for a fact without you looking and sniffing at it that it’s not poison,” Leo claimed.
“And what brings you to that conclusion?” Donnie asked as he brought down his goggles to run a scan, seeing that it had a bunch of mystic ingredients that Donnie was unfamiliar with. “It’s pink and we’re at Hueso’s restaurant! Ya think he just lets people serve poison as a beverage?” Leo said as if it was obvious.
Donnie used his free hand to push back his goggles so they rested on top of his head. He brought the drink closer to his face, intending to smell it to see if it had any poisonous aromas. Donnie didn’t notice the smirk that spread on Leo’s face but you did. You narrowed your eyes wondering what the blue twin was about to pull.
Everyone had thought it was high time for you to try some of the best mystic pizza around. So they had dragged you to their spot at Hueso’s. Raph sat on the end of the booth then Mikey and you. Across from you sat Donnie and Leo to his left.
When the glass was close enough, Leo reached out quickly tipping the glass and the drink spilt all over his brother. It went down Donnie’s nose and some of it into his mouth as he sputtered and choked. “What the fuck Leo?!” Donnie managed to gasp out. You shot Leo a glare as you reached across the table with a napkin to help Donnie. Leo and Mikey were snickering as Raph shook his head, covering his mouth to hide a smile. “Told ya it wasn’t poison!” Leo said triumphantly.
Donnie’s eyes were squeezed shut, still trying to regain composure, more than slightly embarrassed. “Thanks Y/n” Donnie mumbled, blinking a couple of times as he reached for the napkin you had been trying to hand him. When your fingers brushed his it was like electricity passed between the two of you!
Both of you recoiled in surprise and Donnie looked at you finally, “Are-“ he had been going to ask if you were okay. But as soon as his eyes focused in on your figure it was like something happened. You looked so luminescent, he had always secretly admired you but what he was seeing now was otherworldly. “Donnie?” You questioned, looking at how his expression had changed from concern to something like adoration. Your voice gave him chills, he closed his eyes at the sound. Everything about you was just perfect. “Oh my Galileo~!” Donnie breathed out in wonder.
Everyone at the table was looking at Donnie with worry. “Uh Donnie” Leo said tapping on his brother’s shoulder, wondering whether the drink really had been poison?! “HAS ANYONE SEEN A PINK DRINK???” Hueso shouted as he came out of the kitchen. The whole restaurant quieted as Raph groaned. “Yeah over here!” Mikey said waving his hand high for Hueso to come over. The bone man came running, grimacing as he noticed it was the turtles. He just knew this wouldn’t be good. “Dónde está?” he asked looking all over the table and noticing that only one glass happened to be empty. Leo was sweating bullets, “Señor Hueso, please tell me that drink wasn’t poisonous!”
“Eh? No no it wasn’t poison but it was a potion!” He reassured the blue turtle. Leo let out a sigh of relief but Raph glared at his brother shaking his head, “What kind of potion???” Raph said hesitantly. “A love potion,” and everyone’s gaze went back to Donnie. He had been ignoring anything and everything that wasn’t you. He had this dreamy sort of look about him as he stared at you. “It’ll wear off,” Hueso mumbled, upset that the drink had been wasted. He left the table going back to the kitchen. “Well at least it’s not poison right!” Leo chirped like the whole thing wasn’t his fault.
You didn’t really know what to do. No one did. Hueso said it would wear off so the answer was to just wait. The pizza came and the whole thing was kind of brushed to the side. Donnie was usually quiet so it wasn’t a big deal. But no one else knew how his feet had inched closer and closer to yours until they were resting side by side. Your eyes had widened in surprise at the feeling, and even more when you looked up from your plate to see him not flustered but smirking. His smug expression stayed there as he leaned his shell back into the booth and his foot went up to your calf, going up and down gently.
Your face heated up immediately and before you could stop yourself you kicked him. He winced under his breath, causing Leo to give his brother a side glance before he went back to eating and talking to Mikey about new skateboard tricks. “Get it together Don,” you whispered as you took another bite of pizza. “Get what together?” He asked leaning forward on his elbows, ignoring the food. “I mean, I know you might not realize but this love potion has definitely messed with your mind!” you kept your voice quiet as you explained.
“I don’t know, I think that drink just opened my eyes to how absolutely adorable you are~” Donnie said following your lead and keeping his voice on the quiet side. You blushed at that shaking your head, “Donnie you’d never say anything like that in a million years! Much less voluntarily touch me!” you tried to reason with him. “But I like how you feel,” he said reaching out with his hand to grab yours. Now that had everyone else’s attention. His three brother’s raising their eyebrows in surprise. “Guess it really does work!” Mikey said in amazement. Raph frowned, “Y/n just let me know if this is making you uncomfortable.”
Your gaze tore from where Donnie’s hand had held yours. “Hmm? Oh yeah I will don’t worry, I doubt it’ll get worse than this though,” you joked. Leo laughed and Raph nodded, they all knew Donnie wasn’t touchy. But that had Donnie narrowing his eyes, at your comment and how Raph made it sound like he had done something so horrible. He squeezed your hand, wanting your attention back on him instead of his brothers. You obliged without realizing his intentions, just noticing how his grip had tightened. You rubbed your thumb on Donnie’s skin and his breathing stopped. Sensations like this were heightened to him when it came to you (and because of the potion).
He had to hold his breath until you stopped seconds later, not wanting to make a scene aka turn into a churring mess in front of his brothers. Donnie held your hand the whole way back to the lair. And when you were standing around in the living area with Donnie glued to your side, feeling awkward about what to do now, he just pulled you with him to his lab. “Guess I’ll see you guys later!” You hollered over your shoulder to the rest of the brothers. “Donnie’s totally gonna flip when that thing wears off” Leo said to no one in particular.
“Soo what do you wanna do?” You asked once in the lab. You’d been in here multiple times before. Usually whenever you were bored you would come and listen to Donnie talk about his latest and greatest inventions or builds. He’d go on long tangents and you would smile listening and looking intently at whatever blueprints or finished products he would show you. “Hmmm let’s dance!” Donnie said enthusiastically, as he typed something into his wrist tech and music surrounded them.
“Dance?!” You said incredulously. You were surprised as he pulled you closer. He nodded, “I love dancing,” he smiled down at you, starting to move to the music and you followed his lead despite your reservations. “Really? How come I’ve never seen you dance?” You asked curiously. He shrugged, not explaining any further as the two of you twirled around the lab. He was a great lead, and you could tell he was enjoying this. His hands moved from yours down to your hips as a slower song came on next. “I’ve always wanted to do this,” he whispered into your ear as he leaned his head closer to yours.
You smiled, “we’ll have to dance again then once the potion wears off!” You wondered if Donnie would remember any of this, if he would want to dance once the potion faded. You had a crush on the purple clad turtle since who knew when! It had crept up on you one day and ever since you couldn’t help but stare whenever he would enter the room. But you hadn’t felt confident enough to confess, plus you were a really clingy type of lover. If you did start actually flirting you probably wouldn’t be able to keep your hands off of him, which obviously was a no go. So you kept your feelings to yourself waiting for them to just silently fade. And yet here you were in Donnie’s arms.
You just knew you’d be thinking of these moments long after the potion wore off. It hurt your heart to think that way but you needed to come to the realization that maybe you and Donnie weren’t meant to be. You weren’t a selfish person, you wouldn’t force him to be someone he wasn’t, do something he wouldn’t want to do like hug or hold hands. So this love potion thing was like a living fantasy something that had happened only in your dreams.
“You promise?” Donnie’s voice brought you out of your thoughts. “Hm?” You questioned. “Do you promise that we’ll dance again?” The look on his face was so loving, “of course!” you promised, even if he didn’t remember, you’d say anything to make him happy in this moment. “I know you hate being touched..” as if to prove you wrong he nuzzled his face into your neck. You giggled, “but this has been really nice,” you sighed and you swore you felt his lips kiss at your neck.
[One week later]
Donnie woke up with a start. He sat up in bed heaving, looking around as if he had just ran a marathon instead of just waking up from a dream. A pretty damn life-like dream. It involved you, every second had been with you, dancing in his lab, following you around, napping together, limbs twisted over and under each other, holding your hand, tears in your eyes as you hugged him tightly, whispering something to him. He strained to remember what you had said. “Ugh!” Donnie laid back in bed.
He was up after a few seconds, it had just been a dream.. right? He walked out of his room heading to the kitchen, stretching as he made his way there. “Oho! Look who it is~~” Leo called out as Donnie passed his twins room. “Sooo how ya feeling??” Leo said catching up to Donnie and walking alongside him leisurely. “Tired.” The purple turtle said giving his brother a side glance. “Remember anything ya did last week?” Leo said smugly getting right to the thick of things.
Donnie scrunched up his face thinking… but all he could remember was bits and pieces of the dream. The dream! He looked at his brother in shock, “what happened??” Donnie asked not even understanding why everything was so fuzzy to begin with. “Leo dumped a love potion on you and you and Y/n were inseparable for a week until last night!” Mikey said in passing like it was old news.
“YOU DID WHAT?” Donnie yelled into Leo’s face who blinked and gave a sheepish smile, “right I forgot how that had all started, heh!” His brother turned back to escape into his room. “We’re not done here Leonardo, I was under a love potion for a week?!” Donnie followed after his blue brother not letting him get away that easily. “Yeah yeah, shouldn’t you be heading to Y/n’s and talking about how you couldn’t keep your hands off of them??” It was a distraction tactic but it worked. Every single moment of contact rushed into Donnie’s mind, replaying. It hadn’t been a dream, he had held you in his hands, put his on your hips and twirled you around, hugged you, kissed you!
He whipped out his phone. Turning away from Leo who readily used that moment to escape from Donnie’s wrath. Text or call, Donnie questioned. No none of that, he had to see you, now. The tears, what had you been trying to tell him?? None of it made any sense and he had a sinking feeling he was forgetting something important. But he was blinded by all of his unusual behavior, mostly the fact that he had felt comfortable enough to be glued to your side for a week straight. He knew he had a crush on you but did his feelings run that deep? He needed to see you!
Three knocks could be heard from your bedroom window and you rolled out of bed. Wondering which of the turtles it could be cause none of your human friends used anything but the front door. “Donnie?” you gasped as you pulled back your curtains. You opened up your window and Donnie hastily climbed inside your room. “Apologies for the intrusion I just-“ he fumbled with the right words, “this past week” and you looked at him hopeful, but as he looked at you helplessly, not knowing what to say, you nodded. “It’s okay, I know you were just under the influence of the potion..” you said but you had been telling yourself that for a week now and you still couldn’t seem to make your heart agree with your mind. You turned away from him, “no y/n,” he reached for you like it was second nature. When his hand met your arm he stilled.
“Please, just explain what happened, my mind is so foggy,” he said as he let his hand fall away from your arm as you turned to face him. You could tell he was confused with his body as he stared down at his hand in shock. But as you explained from the very beginning he looked up and listened to every word. You were blushing and he was blushing it was a whole blush fest when you recounted the way he flirted. “I can’t believe I did that!” Donnie would say, hands coming up to his face to cover it embarrassed by his love-potion self’s actions. “Well..” you had started to say but you swallowed, realizing if you said what you had been thinking Donnie would definitely know your secret. Your undeniable crush on him.
When you didn’t continue Donnie moved his hands away from his face, “Yes?” He asked wanting you to continue and you shook your head nervously. “Oh c’mon Y/n, now I’m curious!” He called after you as you went back to your bed. “Trust me you’ll only be burdened once you do know,” you said with contempt for yourself. Donnie sat next to you, again shocking himself as he reached for your hand. But this time he didn’t pull away, “I doubt that” he said smiling softly at you. “…I enjoyed it.. all of last week” you breathed out hastily, squeezing his hand. Donnie’s eyes widened, “r-really??” and you nodded.
“I’ve had the biggest crush on you for some time now Don,” you admitted, if you were gonna confess you might as well lay it all out on the table so he could reject you properly. Donnie’s heart stuttered, then kicked into high gear. “That makes two of us,” he whispered. Your mouth dropped open and then you hastily closed it, “are you sure? don’t you think it’s the side effect of the potion somehow?” you sighed thinking the worst before letting your hopes get too high. “I’m one hundred percent positive, because I liked you before the potion Y/n,”
You jumped up to your feet suddenly. Running over to your record player. “What’re you doing?” Donnie laughed, watching you flit around the room as you dimmed the lights. “Setting the mood!” You turned and winked at him seductively and his mind went blank. It must’ve shown on his face because you giggled and came back to him, reaching for his hands hesitantly, “I made a promise, would you like to dance?”
Donnie met your hands, your fingers intertwining with his. He rose to his feet, the music started playing and the volume climbed until it was all he could hear. It was like a movie, he was in a romcom, and he was enjoying it. He smiled, “I love dancing” he said as the two of swayed to the beat. You smiled up at him, a twinkle in your eyes as if you knew something he didn’t, “we’ll just have to do this again sometime then!”
It was like he was experiencing deja vu and he connected the dots. Finally it was like his mind cleared and he could remember everything clearly without having to be told. He knew what to say next as he smirked, “you promise?” and you laughed seeing the recognition in Donnie’s face. “Of course! I can’t imagine dancing with anyone else,” and the two of you moved closer together, enjoying the moment, feeling more than giddy. “I like you,” Donnie said kissing your temple, you flushed, tilting your head upwards, “I like you too so so much!” You gushed and surged forward capturing his lips. His hands moved up to your face, cradling it carefully, he was so gentle, so loving. It was everything you had dreamed of and more~~~
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Love your bay children series! Can you please write how the bay turtles are as uncles and how their nephews and nieces are with them <3
Du skriver även jätte bra! Puss och kram
The Kids and Their Uncles (Fluff)
Bayverse!Turtles x reader
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A/N: I’ve made these with the focus on you and said turtle’s childrens’ relationship with one of the uncles. Hope that makes sense, lol. Oh, btw, the advice Leo gives Mini is actually one my psychiatrist gave me. Hopefully it also works for others💚
Og mange tak! Jeg har også øvet mig længe💚
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(D/W/N) = Donnie’s wife’s name.
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Warnings: None💙❤️💜🧡
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“Uncle Mikey!”, 16 year old Romeo called out, holding his odachi high above his head, gleaming with pride when Michelangelo entered the dojo. “See what I can do!” What followed was a series of fast movements that ended with him posing with his odachi just in front of him, shining in the light.
Gerardo let out a sound of amazement, while Marcello rolled his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest. “Show off”.
“Wow, when did you learn that?”, Mikey smiled, knowing how hard his oldest nephew had trained, since Master Splinter first gave him his odachi at the age of 15.
“I learned it myself”, Romeo said proudly, before swinging the odachi in a manner that reminded Mikey of a teenage Leonardo. No doubt that was the oldest son of the fearless leader. “I’m going to show dad later. Do you think he’ll like it?”
“You’re asking if your father will be happy to see something you have learned yourself?”, Mikey asked, his serious tone breaking with his smile as he ruffled the top of Romeo’s head, letting his nephew know that he was joking. “Of course he will. That’s the kind of stuff that will make your old man proud”.
“Me too!”, Gerardo yelled out, mimicking his oldest brother’s moves, but without any weapon in his hands.
“Leo! Is that you?”, Mikey asked jokingly, making the 10 year old laugh loudly, before Romeo put his weapon away, so he and Gerardo engaged in some light hearted sparring, their laughter echoing loudly through the dojo.
Mikey turned to find his other nephew sitting in the corner of the room, watching his brothers run around with a small scowl. Mikey was no stranger to Marcello’s tempered episodes, having been present to many of them, or at least within ear shot. So as he made his way over to the 13 year old Marcello, he knew exactly what was going on. But he would let the young half mutant have a chance, at explaining what he was feeling.
“Hey there, big guy”, Mikey said, taking a seat on the floor next to the grumpy teenager. Marcello shot him a look and greeted him with a small hey, resting his chin in his hand. “Why are you sitting over here?”
“Because those two are taking up the whole dojo”, Marcello mumbled, nodding to his brothers. “A guy can’t get space around here”.
Mikey watched Marcello have his brothers for a moment, before he decided to stand, turning to his nephew with a smile. “Well, guess we then have to make some space”, he said, Marcello looking at him in curiosity. “Ever tried nunchucks before?”
“No”, Marcello answered, unable to hide his smile as he stood up. “Can I try yours?”
“Of course you can”, Mikey said, pulling his nunchucks from his belt, holding them out in front of Marcello, watching his face light up even further. And Mikey’s next words only served to make him smile even brighter. “Time to show your father something the others can’t”.
Raph had never really been good at meditating. He had never really liked it, and he generally had a hard time keeping his mind calm for so long. But he did really want his children to learn it. Or at least get familiar with it, should they ever get to a position where they would need it. And therefore Raph asked Leonardo for help. Leo had always been a natural at meditating, and had for the most part successfully taught his own children to do it, so maybe he could teach Raph’s children the same.
And that was how Leo ended up in the dojo with his nephew and two nieces, helping them clear their minds, the same way that had worked for his own children. But Leo soon found himself facing a difficult situation - these were his nieces and nephew, the children of his hot-tempered and at times inpatient brother. And that much was obvious, from the way the three children had a hard time sitting still, almost refusing to go too far into their own heads.
As Leo spoke about slow breathing, keeping their eyes closed, and bringing their thoughts to focus on the said breathing, only Joan seemed to be able to sit still, wanting to get this over with, so she could go back to whatever a 13 year old teenage girl liked to speed her time with. But her younger siblings weren't finding it as easy. 6 year old Ragnar had a hard time concentrating, his attention being grabbed by every sound outside the dojo, creating all sorts of images in his head. All from his mother and father watching television, to a monster breaking through the entrance of the lair, making him uneasy. Minerva however, just couldn’t sit right. Her legs kept falling asleep and her skin kept crawling, her knee impatiently bouncing in its bent position, pushing up against Joan, drawing an irritated sigh from the frustrated teen, who had just managed to empty her head for a short moment.
“Mini, stop moving your leg”, Leo said without opening his eyes, causing Ragnar to look at him in amazement. How did he do that?
“But, uncle Leo”, Mini said, laying down onto her back, stretching out on the dojo floor. “Meditation is so hard and boring”.
“If you shut up, it maybe wouldn’t be so hard”, Joan mumbled, shooting her little sister a look that made Mini sit back up.
Leo opened his eyes, taking a moment to study Mini as she still couldn’t sit still. “Can you say why it's hard and boring? It’s okay, there’s no right or wrong answer”.
Mini sat for a moment, chewing the inside of her cheek, thinking her answer through. "It's hard to empty my head”, the 9 year old mumbled.
Leo looked at Mini and thought for a moment, before he finally smiled at her, noticing the relieved expression on her face.
“That’s okay”, Leo said, adjusting his legs. “It’s very hard to just empty your head, especially when you’re used to thinking a lot. What you can do instead, is to notice your thoughts. Take note of them and let them be. Don’t fight them, but let them flow naturally. Hopefully that will feel easier”.
Mini nodded with a bright smile, before folding her legs once more, actually being able to sit still this time. Smiling at the sight, Leo turned his attention towards Ragnar, noticing how he kept throwing glances at the dojo doors.
“Do you want to sit next to me, Ragnar?”, Leo asked, holding out his hand to the small boy. Ragnar nodded before making his way over next to Leo, taking a good hold of his hand, before he sat down next to him with his legs crossed, for once not looking towards the door, when he heard the small sounds coming from the other side.
Sometimes it just happened, and Raph wasn’t really sure how. He would walk into a room, find his nephews and nieces playing with something, either with or without his own children, and suddenly he would be sitting down with them, playing along, all full of life and energy. And today wasn’t any different.
Raph had found his 10 year old nephew, Galileo at the kitchen table, scribbling away at pieces of paper with thick colorful crayons, and a concentrated expression on his face - one that very much reminded Raph of Donatello, whenever he was in deep concentration inside his lab.
Raph had asked Gali about what he was drawing, and soon he sat with his nephew at the kitchen table, drawing all sorts of stars and action heroes, causing Gali great amusement, as they took turns adding to the drawing. However, as the two of them continued their drawing game, they were soon joined by Marie and Dorothy.
The two 5 year old girls sat at the table, grabbing their own pieces of paper and a handful of crayons, only for their attention to be fully caught by Gali and Raph’s drawings. And of course, the two girls wanted in, wanting to join their older brother and their uncle.
“Can we play too?”, Dorothy asked, trying to touch the paper with her pink crayon, only for Gali to turn to her with a dirty look. A look that even Raph has seen many times, whenever Gali felt like his sisters crept in on his personal space.
“No, me and uncle Raph are busy”, Gali said, doing a hand movement, as if he was trying to shoo his sisters away.
“But we want to play!”, Marie whined, her green crayon in hand.
“I said no”, Gali said, turning his back on his sisters, pushing his paper further away from them. And of course, this action caused tears to gloss over the girls eyes, looking longingly at the paper he and Raph had been drawing on.
“You know what?”, Raph suddenly said, catching the attention of the three children once more. “I have a better idea”.
Standing from the table, Raph grabbed the stack of paper, before splaying them out over the kitchen table, until the whole surface was covered in the white paper. The three kids, seeming to understand what Raph was doing, looked up at their uncle with wide smiles, grabbing onto the crayons with excitement.
“Let’s draw the biggest drawing ever!”, Raph said, watching with a happy smile, his nephew and niece smiled at each other, before turning their attention towards the many papers in front of them.
As Raph and three kids continued their drawing, the other kids slowly came to the table, taking a look before adding onto the large piece themselves. It didn’t take long before all the kids of the lair sat around the kitchen table, drawing until there was almost no crayons left.
1.5 year old Luis had been sick for a few days now, crying for both you and Mikey at all times. The poor little guy was teething, and with that came sickness and pain, and so, you and Mikey was hung up, spending most of your time with your crying child, trying to soothe the pain in his gums. And this left Sunny BORED. Ever since Luis had gotten sick due to his teething, Sunny had been a bored and sighing mess. She wandered around the lair, waiting for the moment Luis got better, so either you, Mikey or maybe even Luis could come play with her. But until then, she would have to entertain herself, or find someone else to do so. And that was how she ended up in the lab with her uncle, draping herself over a small table on the other side of the room, with a small installation of the solar system on it.
Donnie saw his niece enter the lair, and spoke to her without looking away from his work. “Hey, Sunny. How’s it going?”
“Bored!”, Sunny groaned, resting her chin on the table, her eyes staring at the small earth in front of her. “Luis’ sick, so there’s nothing to do”.
“That doesn’t sound good”, Donnie said, turning his chair so he could watch Sunny, making sure she wasn’t getting her fingers into something she shouldn’t. She had a tendency to touch whatever she found interesting. And just as Donnie had thought, she was now poking at the miniature solar system. “Have you asked Gali if he wants to play?”
“He’s reading with aunt (D/W/N)”, the girl mumbled. However, her flighty attention and curiosity was very soon taken by the miniature she was playing with. “What is this?”
“That?”, Donnie asked, rolling his chair over to her. “That’s the solar system. The one you’re touching right now is earth”.
“Earth”, Sunny repeated, her attention jumping to the small white ball beside it. “What’s this?”
“That’s the moon”, Donnie answered.
“The moon?”, Sunny asked, her eyes shining with excitement. “Like the one in the sky?”
“Yes”, Donnie smiled. “Like the one in the sky”.
“Do there live fairies on the moon?”, Sunny asked, pushing the moon spindle, so it made a rush of circles around the earth.
Donnie chuckled at her question. She was truely Mikey’s daughter.
“Do you want fairies to live on the moon?”, Donnie asked, watching Sunny study the solar system. His niece looked at him and nodded. “Then in that case, there lives moon fairies on the moon. But they are hard to find. They neither like robots or beings that aren’t fairies themselves”.
“But I’m a fairy!”, Sunny exclaimed.
“You are!?”, Donnie asked, acting surprised. He looked around, acting as if he was thinking, making Sunny laugh. “But we’re in my lab! There are robots! Come on fairy, let’s get you out of here and find some of your fairy friends!”
And with a loud giggle, Sunny ran out of the room, waiting for Donnie to close the door to the lab behind him, before they continued their fairy game in the living area.
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Sup! Can you do a rottmnt turtles x male reader (seprately ) where the reader is a natural flirt but when they flirt back he absolutely Loses his shit and becomes super flustered?
Yes! yes omg yes! I can totally do this! tysm for the request Anon!
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Rise Boy's With A Flirty Male!Reader
Raph isn't the flirty type.
Most of the time he just says cute shit that makes you all happy inside.
You however,
Are one flirtatious son a batch.
You're usually carrying the relashonship in that aspect.
So one day, while the two of you are spending time together,
When you make an offhanded flirty comment,
You expected the usual stuttering and mumbling,
You were not expecting him to flirt back.
You literally did a spit take and whipped your head around like,
Excuse me?
What did my baby boy just say?
And why did I kinda like it?
Raph immediatly goes into panic mode at your reaction,
He legit thinks he did something wrong.
He calms down after you explain to him he didn't,
And that you were just surprised.
He starts flirting back alittle more after that,
But his most common response is his usual flustered state.
It's no secret that Leo is the flirting KING.
So your guys' relashonship is pretty much a challange to fluster the other.
And you have zero clue who's winning.
But you guys will go back and forth with flirty comments for hours.
Much to the utter dismay of literally everyone around you.
You are positive you have the upper hand in your latest battle of flirtatious comments.
Leo proves you incredibly wrong however,
When he renders you completely speechless.
And this mf is cocky as hell about it too.
"Who's winning now, huh, hottie?"
You are literally hiding your face so he doesn't get the satisfaction of seeing your blush.
That doesn't last long,
Since he literally pulls you face up for a smooch.
Donnie is the stoic bad-boy.
He likes to think that nothing gets to him.
But as his boyfriend you know that's not true.
He's not as good at hiding his flustered state as he thinks,
But he's never attempted to flirt back.
He mostly just complements you if he feels like it,
But never straight up flirts.
Well, until today.
It was the usual day hanging out in his lab,
Him tinkering away while you talked,
With a flirty comment thrown in here or there.
You honestly thought he wasn't paying attention.
That's why when this smooth mf responded to your flirting with some of his own.
You literally short circut.
You just freeze and stare at him,
Your face is so red you might as well have stolen one of Raph's masks.
And this asshole just smirks at you, before returning to his work.
You have no idea how to react,
It takes like ten minutes for you to process that event.
Mikey is your ray of sunshine.
You would do anything for him to be happy,
Which is why you flirt with him so often,
Because his face lights up everytime.
He never really flirts back though,
Poor boy doesn't really know how.
So he doesn't really try.
That's why you practically passed out when he delivered the smoothest line you had ever heard.
Even you didn't have that rizz.
Mikey straight up thought you had somehow died when you just kinda stood there,
Blushing like an idiot.
He went and got his brothers for help,
Leo literally doubled over laughing when he heard what happened.
Donnie mumbled something about time waster's,
Raph just kinda chuckled and pat Mikey on the shell.
Mikey had no idea what to do to snap you out of it,
So he just waved a cookie under your nose.
You snapped out of it pretty quick.
Your ask is served Anon! I hope this is written to your liking, and have a wonderful day!
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cambion-companion · 7 months
I cannot concentrate on my work (ironically as a TA writing up my phd thesis) because I read your intelligence 8 tav x raphael fics and now I am shaken to the core and all I wanna do is daydream about being a clueless little slut in the house of hoep
please saer can I have some more
hahaha I'm so glad that brain worm took root, intelligence 8 Tav is delightful. I also wanted to incorporate this lovely ask as well and express my gratitude for the support you all have given me this month. All is well! Enjoy a drabble with a Tav/reader utterly oblivious to the true nature of a cambion...to them he's just a tiefling with wings! how cool!
Raphael + reader (gn) drabble
(I'll probably write another that's more romantic/cute but this was too funny to pass up)
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"You have an uncanny talent at getting into the most outlandish situations." Raphael pinched the bridge of his nose between thumb and forefinger, inhaling a deep breath.
You looked around at the decadent room he'd rented for himself, steam rising from two baths and flower petals ornamenting the lush red carpet. "I wouldn't think a devil-guy would be the sort to have tulips thrown about."
"Roses." Raphael corrected, his hand clasping firm about your upper arm just in time to save you from slipping on the wet tile and braining yourself. "I would wager a hefty sum of gold your mind does not entertain too many thoughts at one time."
"Thank you." You murmured, touched. You allowed him to escort you to safety upon a chair and watched with vague interest at how his lips twisted in bemusement. "I should thank you for saving my bacon back there. Wasn't expecting to survive that. But Shart always gets Withers to bring me back when we run out of those glowy scroll things."
"I do believe I sense a migraine coming on." Raphael squeezed his eyes shut briefly before crossing to pour you both a glass of dark brown alcohol.
You took the fancy crystal glass and downed the drink with gusto, only realizing your mistake when the scorching whiskey had passed into your gullet, and you burst into a coughing fit. Raphael sighed and gave you a solid couple thumps on your back as you struggled to breath. "There now. Death by imbibing spirits too eagerly is no way to enter the afterlife. Not until you've served your purpose, at least."
"I'm concerned for your well-being, dear."
You wiped your eyes with your sleeve. "That's really nice of you, Raph." He winced at the nickname but just barely managed to keep a pleasant neutral expression. "I don't know why everyone else threw such a fit about you, you're not a bad dude."
"I'm flattered." Raphael almost felt a sense of annoyance at how easy this was. He enjoyed a challenge, and this mortal was certainly not bringing it. He drained his glass fluidly and returned it with a clink to the table. "Now, your person is more or less stable for the time being."
You looked around, checking behind you. "What person?"
"Your body has been plucked from the peril you so naively flounced into." Raphael clarified, a slight edge to his words now, he was running low on patience. "Be a good mouse and run along, fetch me the crown and we can part ways amicably."
"I never imagined mice to be much good at fetching." You mused, rising to your feet as Raphael practically pushed you from his room. "That seems more a dog's forte. Oh, we have a most wonderful dog back at camp-"
The door closed in your face, so close it almost clipped your nose. You stared at the dark wood for a moment, then smiled and shrugged. You spoke a little louder so he would be able to hear through it. "His name is Scratch! What was I saying? Oh yes, dogs fetch crowns and balls better than mice! Maybe keep that in mind when giving people animal nicknames!"
No answer.
He must have gone to take a nap. You were sure cambions probably did that often since they seemed to act much like cats in every other way.
Smiling to yourself you departed, convinced that you and Raphael were now bosom friends.
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oleander-nin · 1 year
I'd like to request a little sister turtle reader.! If you have seen @buggy-cj, I have requested a little sister reader from her.! And she did an awesome job, and I've just read and seen most of your posts. And WOW.! People know how to create masterpieces, really-
Little sister is 12, and has a dark green mask. And unlike her brothers, she doesn't have any markings on her body. She's just a regular pond turtle. So she feels really insecure from being different from her family. Since she's the only girl, and she isn't very special in her opinion.
Thank you for reading this.!!
A/N, not important: Sorry this took so long, I struggled pretty badly with it :/. ASLO, I'm going to be gone for the next week, and will be unable to look at tumblr from Sunday, May 28th, to Thursday, June 1st. You can still talk to me all you want, but please be patient when waiting for my response. This is my last request I needed to get done with before I could start working on the 100/200 follower special. Any criticism is welcome, constructive or not. This is supposed to be a gender neutral reader, so if I screwed up somewhere, please tell me.
Tw: crying, reader being kind of cold to their siblings, feelings of self-doubt and inferiority, my writing
Words: 1623
Summary: Your confidence was shot, and the self-loathing was seeping in. Sometimes, all you need is a hug from your father to get it all to spill out.
Curled up against the corner of the subway cart where my bed sat, I read my book, headphones on but no music playing. My eyes run over the same lines over and over, my brain not processing the words. I groan, flitting back a page so I could understand what was going on, trying to ignore the turbulence of my emotions, just as I was ignoring my brothers. I wipe my eyes again as another tear escapes my hold, holding my breath until the uncertainty and sorrow slips back down my throat. I take a deep breath, glancing at the mirror Mikey helped hang on my wall, making sure there wasn’t any sign of my tears.
A knock at the metal walls of my room startles me, my book slamming shut in my hands. I flip through the pages with gritted teeth, trying desperately to find my page. I glance up at Leo as he enters, his hands on his hips as he smiles down at me. “Ah, sorry. Did I scare you?” Leo’s voice floods my ears, his presence bringing up the feelings of inferiority I was trying to shove down.
I grumble a bit, marking my page before setting my book down, glaring at my older brother in annoyance. Leo just grins at me, his teeth showing as he laughs slightly. Leo starts to pull me by my arm, trying to drag me off my bed. “C’mon, Mikey made dinner. He wants everyone at the dinner table, pronto!”
I groan but slide off the bed, grabbing my green mask and tying it on before letting Leo drag me towards the kitchen. We both hurry to the kitchen, sliding into the chairs right as Mikey sets a big pot of stew on the table. I silently thank him, nodding my head as we all start to serve ourselves, Raph and Donnie having already been seated. I eat my food, mindlessly listening to the conversation flowing around me, only giving input when specifically prompted. I tried to ignore the way Raph stared, the concern in his eyes growing. I pretended to not notice the side glances Donnie and Leo gave me at my non-committal answers. I avoided Mikey’s worried eyes.
I silently chew at the chunks in my stew, staring intently at the grain of the table, as if it were the most interesting thing in the world. Raph clears his throat, trying to get my attention. I ignore him. 
“(Y/n),” Raph starts, his voice low, care and sympathy mixed with agitation. All other conversation goes silent, everyone staring at Raph and I. I glance up at Raph, but don’t respond. He sighs, leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms. “Are you okay? I can’t help but notice you’ve been… Distant, lately. Raph’s worried. We’re all worried.”
I pick my head up, bringing my spoon to my mouth and loudly slurping the contents of the stew. Raph’s eye twitches as his chasm deepens.
“He’s not kidding, (Y/n). We’ve all noticed your… Lack of energy. We just want to know what’s going on.” Mikey chimes in, stirring his bowl of stew absent-mindedly. Leo and Donnie nod, agreeing with what Mikey said.
Leo shifts in his seat, leaning in close to me and slinging his arm around my shoulder. He tugs me closer, a sad smile on my face as he noogies the top of my head. I huff, pushing him off and fixing my mask after he knocked it crooked. Leo smiles softly, patting my head before I could pull back. “You know you can talk to us, right? We’re your older brothers, not your enemies. We can tell something’s wrong.”
They all look at me expectantly, as if they thought their words would magically get me to spill everything out. I take another bite of my food, chewing obnoxiously long. Raph’s eyebrow muscles furrow, his mouth opening as if he was about to say something, but I cut him off. “I though this was dinner, not an interrogation.”
Raph glares at me as I continue to eat my dinner, picking my bowl up and drinking the rest down. I felt bad, guilt starting to swirl in with the rest of the misery and feelings of inadequacy. I wipe my mouth with the back of my hand when I finish my stew, standing up and punishing the chair back with the back of my legs. “I’m going back to my room. Have fun.”
“We’re going on a patrol, actually.” Donnie corrects, scrolling through his phone. I look at him, frowning.
“Not going. Have fun.” I say, dropping my bowl off in the sink and starting to wash it out. Leo stands up as Raph sputters, Leo patting Raph on the shoulder and whispering something to him before joining me at the sink with his own bowl. He nudges me to the side, taking over the sink and washes the bowls out before silently handing them to me to dry.
“Why don’t you want to go?”
I look at Leo, drying the bowls with the towel before setting them on the counter. I shrug, not sure what to say. Leo hands me the next bowl, turning around and leaning against the counter. 
“You know you can trust us with anything, right? We’re not going to get mad if you’re upset, or if  something’s wrong. We just want to help you.” We both ignored the hushed arguing coming from the table.
I look away from Leo, putting the bowls back away. Leo lets out a breath, patting me on the back. “You don’t have to go. I’ll talk to the others.” He says quietly, letting me escape to my room. I smile gratefully at Leo before slipping out of the kitchen, the others too busy arguing to notice my escape.
As Leo promised, I was able to stay in my room, the sound of the four older turtles leaving the lair reverberates across the concrete walls. I curl up against the corner of the wall where my bed sat once more, trying to get through my book despite the thoughts racing through my head. I shift on my bed, frustrated. I through my book across my room, curling my knees to my chest as I bury my face into them, sniffling slightly. Everything I had said at dinner, being that crass towards my brothers who only wanted to help, to know what was wrong. It all just added to the mountain of emotion building upon my shoulders.
I rip my mask off, throwing it to the floor as well, tears leaking from my eyes faster then I could wipe them away. I jump slightly when I feel a hand on my shoulder, a small pressure from weight. I wipe my eyes, looking up to see the face of my father, his eyebrows furrowed in worry.
“What is wrong, Green?” He asks softly, moving to sit on my bed. I skooch over, still siting with my knees to my chest and my arms crossed over them. I look at my dad before looking back at my covers, wiping my eyes on the rough, scaly skin of my shoulder. “Why aren’t you with your brothers? Blue told me something was wrong.”
My bottom lip quivers slightly and I look away, not meeting my fathers gaze out of embarrassment. It takes all but one glance at Splinter’s worrisome expression before I start spilling my heart out. All the feelings doubt, self-loathing, and every insecurity I felt came tumbling out of my mouth before I could stop, my father sitting next to me as he silently listened.
Splinter nods, his arms reaching out for me, hesitating for a moment before pulling me into a hug. He rubs my shell as I cry, whispering soft words of encouragement to me. 
We sit there for what feels like hours, Splinter only holding me tightly in comfort. It was clear he was not sure what to do, and I couldn’t help but feel grateful for how hard he was trying. Once the tears end and devolve into nothing more than small hiccups, my father speaks. “Thank you for telling me this. I- Your brothers are worried, and if you’re okay with it, I think they should know as well. You are not a burden to them, (Y/n). I promise you that.”
I let out a wet scoff, my throat still swollen with tears. “Everyone else is special though. Their powers work, and- and I don’t even have markings! I’m not special, or as strong, or as fast. I can’t do everything they can.”
“Raph doesn’t have marking either.” Splinter says softly. “And Leo struggled with his teleportation for years. You’ll get better with time, you just have to work on it. I’m sure your brothers would be delighted to help. Raph especially, if you want to train.”
I nod, frowning slightly. Splinter stays quiet, not sure how else to help. He continues to rub my back, being a silent rock to hold me steady in my storm. My head perks up and Splinter’s ear twitches when we hear a intelligible shouting and laughter coming near the entrance of the lair, signaling the return of the other turtles. Splinter looks at me, silently asking my permission to talk with them. I nod again, too choked with tears I was determined to hold back to talk.
Splinter picks my mask back off the floor, wiping the wet trails from my face before carefully tying it over my eyes. He holds my chin, rubbing my cheek softly as he tries to soothe me. I lean into his palm, appreciating how hard my father was trying. “Let’s go talk to your brothers.”
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brightlotusmoon · 2 months
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Hey, guys? Stop doing this. Authors are not going to acquiesce to demands like this. We're just going to shut you down. It only serves to show examples of what not to do.
If you really want to see a whole fic showing 03 Raphael as his soft insecure cuddly baby boy baby side, either pay us, or write it yourselves. Actually, just write it yourselves, I would miss deadline. I'm tired and in way too much pain to negotiate.
Also, taking bets on if this anonymous Guest is the same anon who threatened me on Tumblr over my essays on the Lead Pipe Incident. Because I didn't talk about Raph being so babygirl and Mikey being his bully, because I related Raph to bullies in my youth. And this particular fic here is a 2003 AU of my own 2012 AU. In which everyone goes through necessary therapeutic catharsis in ways canon never did. It's Alternate Universe Turtles all the way down.
(I even wrote my own crossover with 03 in my own 12 AU at my co-author's request which inspired her to write this fic. It was a neat circle. If that isn't commitment to the bit I don't know what is.)
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I saw your witchy s/o post while looking into the tmnt tag and I'm so freaking happy someone finally wrote for a reader that practices witchcraft!!!!
If it's alright with you, and if you accept asks (I tried to look for rules but so far saw what you don't write) could I have the tmnt bois (especially Leo) with a witchy s/o that works with deities and dragons?
If not then it's totally fine! Hopefully Tumblr doesn't eat my ask so have a good day!
abso-fucking-lutely!!!! this is so fun and as a folk practitioner who works with deities this is right up my ally. If it's ok with you, I'm not gonna include dragons as that's not a practice I'm familiar with and I wouldn't want to get anything wrong. But deities I can do! I'll switch up the deities each time so there's something new with each of these as well.
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"Can't, sorry, Loki said the vibe is off" you begin to leave the room and Leo is just following you like "What vibe? Who's Loki? Why is he telling you no?"
you're shuffling tarot cards and the fool pops out so you say, looking up, "I get it babes, please don't interrupt my reading like that, though" and Leo is so confused like "I din't say anything" and you just say "Not you, Loki"
eventually he tries to play into it like "Would Loki be ok if we didn't smoke cleanse the house today?" and you're just like "...yeah, I guess. But if you start feeling ill soon you'll know it's because he's pissed at you"
Leo does start feeling sick so you tell him to make an offering
he's never felt more stupid that when he pours wine into a glass on your alter but he soon feels better again and it freaks him out that it worked
"So he's a trickster god?" lots of questions like this and each time you're just like "Yes, he's a trickster, no he isn't going to hurt me, yes he fucks with me sometimes but it's all in good faith"
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You wake up from a really bad nightmare
"I thought your Goddess was supposed to have power over dreams?"
"She does, something must be wrong"
you look in your offering cup and the wine has fucking moulded
"ah shit, it's mouldy. Better get her a new one"
after that you have peaceful dreams
you come home with a bunch of white roses and Raph is all "are those for me?" and you politely have to let him down and tell him they're for Selene
any time Raph has a bad dream you joke that it's because he's fallen out of favour with the Goddess for how he's treated you
fast forward to a time you and him get in a big fight and he has the worst sleep/dreams of his life for a week straight.
he comes crawling back to you practically begging you for forgiveness.
Selene gets a big offering after that
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You're clearing a space in his room for your alter since the two of you moved in together
"I need a large space, Hades like a big alter"
"What's he compensating for?" Mikey jokes
and you just shoot him this look like "Don't fuck around when it comes to him"
not even 10 minutes later one of his drums breaks
you're just like "serves you right"
you come in one morning with a cup of coffee and Mikey gets all excited like he's about to get breakfast in bed and you have to tell him that it's for Hades who likes his coffee black.
kinda freaks Mikey out when you hold a funeral for each of the dead rats you find in the lair but you have to remind him "I'm a death witch and I worship the lord of the underworld. What else am I meant to do?"
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honestly he mostly just leaves you to it
he's pretty good with his hands so when you told him you worship Artemis he made a clay stature of her for your alter
you told him he'll be in her good books after that
that night Donnie caught 10 foot clan soldiers
"well, she is the Goddess of the hunt... I told you she was happy with you"
He really takes an interest in your devotional activities
always asking questions about why you do that or the significance of this
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moxfirefly · 1 year
you've unleashed something with this and you already know I want my leader in blue going feral for reader
[ REMIND ] for our muses to have passionate sex meant to remind one party who they belong to.
❝ i want everyone here to see that you’re mine. ❞
❝ are they making you uncomfortable? i can do something about it. ❞
❝ you wanna lose a limb? beat it, fucker. ❞
Tried to stay in the limit, can't wait to see you work your magic!!
Friend you never disappoint 👌
Let’s do this,
Rated Explicit (18+ only)
“Once I start, I cannot stop myself”
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His peripheral alerted him immediately.
Because Leonardo always had some part of him keyed into your moods and their various shifts.
Right now he could tell you were bothered, annoyed.
Naturally once he saw the reason for said annoyance he could empathize.
Vern Fenwick wasn’t everyone’s cup of tea.
Yours and Leo’s thing had started a few months back and the two of you had opted to keep a low profile. So of course Vern didn’t know which meant he thought he had the go ahead to pathetically flirt with you.
And that little nugget of information had nested within Leo’s stomach in the worst of ways. The basket ball game felt like a thing of the past now, Casey and Raph’s bantering far away. Mikey and April’s hushed laughter white noise, Splinters even breaths as he meditated a simple hum.
He doesn’t quite remember getting up from the couch, his large frame standing at full height had been your alert. Your eyes going back and forth between his approaching steps and Vern’s close proximity.
Something screamed in the back of your mind the second that Leo was behind Vern. All you could envision was the large terrapin suplexing the Falcon into the eighth level of hell.
“So how about it? You and me, a flight to the vineyard and a bottle of rosé?” Vern’s smile faltered the second he felt a large none human hand fall on his shoulder. There was a little jump but soon a sigh of relief. He must’ve thought Leo was Raph, who wasn’t too fond of him either.
“Hey Leo-oomph!”
Vern was not so gently shoved behind him. Leo’s she’ll serving a shield for privacy.
In a hushed whisper he simply asked, “is he making you uncomfortable?” And Christ, Leo had never looked this serious before. Not just serious but downright mad.
“Hey Blue, I was in the middle of something here with Y/n, you mind?” Vern’s eyeroll could be heard more than seen.
You huffed at his words, to which Leo added.
“I can do something about it”
Stern. Truthful. A vein on his forearm more evident as he fisted his hands.
You didn’t want conflict, any moment now everyone would look over and nothing about this screamed ‘friendly banter.’
But Vern naturally had to fuck things up further.
You didn’t hear it, Leo’s large frame was in the way but the way his eyes widened and the way he turned to face Vern was very telling.
“Run that by me again” Leo’s voice was in what everyone joked as ‘leader mode.’
Vern audibly gulped and whispered closer to Leo.
“I said I’m trying to get something going here with Y/n, be a pal and let me close the deal here will ya?” there was a little scoff and laugh as if trying to keep his cool but that quickly went to shit when Leo leaned down closer to Vern’s face.
“You wanna lose a limb?” Was the simple question Leo posed.
“E-excuse me?” Vern visibly shrunk.
“You have two working ears, you heard me” whatever looked Leo was casting at Vern had the man turning pale as a sheet of paper. You felt a small exhilarating rush.
“Well of course not, no-“
“Beat it, fucker”
Oh shit.
It dawned on Vern, the warning bells rang and before he could come to the conclusion to what really was going on here, he had scurried off to the living room like a robot.
“Holy shit Leo-“ Before you could finish your sentence his lips had found yours. A three finger grip on the back of your neck kept you in place as he kissed with every intention of everyone finally knowing.
When he released you, the gang (sans Splinter who was deep in meditation) was staring and blinking. Your nervous smile faltered when Leo grabbed your hand and pulled you in direction of his room.
You didn’t miss Mikey’s “good for them” as the door closed.
“Jesus is it spring or are you really this upset?” You smiled and laughed nervously some more once Leo backed you up against the wall.
“No, but if I ever see anybody talk to you like that, I’m going to break their legs” His fingers found the button of your jeans, he undid it and knelt to roll the fabric down vast your knees. Your face heated, pink and red and hot at the sight of his hands giving your underwear the same treatment.
“Leo everyone’s here, they’ll-“
“I want everyone here to see that you’re mine”
The words knocked the air out of you.
Before you could fathom an excuse he used stuck a digit into his mouth and wet the appendage. He found your clit and drew circles. Knees buckling and lips twitching you forgot what sentence you were creating. “I’m going to cover you head to toe in marks…” He stood back up, finger never seizing its movements.
“When you leave this room, you’re leaving smelling of me, on you, in you…” A finger slipped inside of you, thumbs continuing to circle your clit. The action made your hands shoot out to grab at his plastron. “Oh f-fuuuck” You muttered out, a hand slipped to grab his wrist.
Leo’s other hand cupped you’re face, a loving stroke across your lips made another gush of heat pool at his knuckle.
He smiled.
“Please-oh-Leo!” You squeaked as he turned you around and pressed you against the wall.
“Everyday, if I have to remind everyone everyday from now on, I will” His teeth found your shoulder and sunk, hard enough to see the indentations of his teeth on the flesh. “Is that a pro-promise?” You smiled against the concrete wall, stuck out your rear and relished the growl like churr that escaped him.
The rustle of clothes made you bite your lip.
You felt him, inch by excruciating inch.
Felt the desperate need to claim you overtake him as he wrapped an arm around your waist and fucked you.
His mouth found your neck and sucked a bruise onto it, hips rhythmically slapping against your rear. The finger that had been rubbing teasing circles was now in your mouth. Your eyes fluttered, palms against the cold concrete, his heated body a delightful contrast.
He muttered praises at your ear, the ones that with each syllable made you stand on your tippy toes as that familiar pressure overtook. He boxed you against that wall, his massive body pressing up against you wantonly, deliberately, with every intention of your orgasm bouncing off of the concrete against his very soul.
It was a rush, everything weightless and then so very heavy when it hit you. You bit down on his finger and felt your bones turn to jelly as he held you through it. The shaking alone made Leo smirk as he continue to thrust, to push as much of his essence into you. Your drool dribbled down his finger, his own seed doing the very same down your inner thighs.
You felt your world spin as his teeth found another spot on your shoulder.
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opossumloverr · 1 year
The turtle bros spend valentines with the reader!
None! Just fluff
Y'all, I'm so sorry I haven't posted in uh, a month? take this as an apology. This was supposed to be posted on Valentine's Day, but I had a lot going on during that week, so I postponed it. Sorry guys 😓(Romantic and gender-neutral reader)
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Valentine's day, the day of love
Assuming that you're Raph's first partner, he would be stuck on what to do and what to get you.
Should he give you chocolates? No that's so cliché.. should he just give you a card? No that's too boring...
Man's stressed
He knows you would love anything that you give him but he just can't help being torn apart on what to do
He asked his brothers for help, I told you he was stressing
But they didn't help either, infact they just teased him about it!
In the end, he ends up following his heart instead of overthinking (he's just like me fr)
Buys you a colossal-sized teddy bear holding a heart
He loves them so he thought you would love them too
Of course, you did (if you don't, I will actually find you)
And if you got him something? He will be so blushy
"Awe..thanks Raphie, it's so cute!" You spoke, holding a HUGE teddy bear Raph gifted you, you put the teddy bear down for a second to find something buried inside your bag "I actually got you something too, it's not much but it's something right?" You pulled out a heart-shaped chocolate box you got from the Dollar Store, and you watched as Raph just stared at your gift, you felt a little nervous thinking he didn't like it,
"it's okay if you don't want it I'll just-" before you could finish you felt yourself get lifted up by two big arms.
"I LOVE IT! THANK YOU SO MUCH!" He squealed, blush brushing his cheeks.
Doesn't have a hard time picking out a gift for you
Since its valentine's day, he's 20x smugger now
Not even a second will go by without you hearing a flirty comment coming out of his mouth
He's got them locked and loaded
Will take you out on a dinner date!
but not to those fancy schmancy restaurants, he don't got the money for that, plus will they really take a mutant turtle?
He'll take you to Hueso's pizzeria, cheap and they serve some great pizza.
y'all share a whole pizza, romantic right?
then for the rest of day, you guys have fun, taking strolls around the city, looking at what NYC has to offer, and then at the end of the day, you guys settle down at a random buildings rooftop
He will be overjoyed if you bought him a gift
"For me?" Leo giggled at the little teddy bear, one hand over his heart as the other took the gift, he looked at it in awe before looking at you
"Yeah, I had so much fun today! I know that it isn't all that but this is literally all I can afford" you chuckled, Leo then looked at you with an offended glare,
"How dare you? this teddy bear is more than enough!" you laughed at his response, engulfing him in a heartwarming hug.
I feel like gift-giving is his love language
So he's going all out
Will give you a butt load of gadgets and trinkets that he spends all night making just for you
He's never really celebrated Valentine's Day before, so he doesn't know how to act
Should he be more affectionate?
Or more romantic?
forces a personality, but you figured out quickly
you tell him it's okay and he doesn't have to put on this 'romantic' persona cause you already fell in love with his original one
He felt cupid shoot an arrow through his heart with that one
you spend the day in his lab, he just wants to spend some time with you and only you
doesn't know how to react if you give him a gift
he's flattered though
"Hey Donnie" you spoke, breaking the comfortable silence in the room, Donnie turned his chair to face you,
"Yes, love?" he questioned
"Today has been amazing! I really enjoyed your gifts," You started, not noticing the blush that was creeping up on his face "And I really wanted to give you this" You pull out a coffee mug you got custom-made for him,
"Oh, I, uhm"
"What's wrong?" you got worried, thinking that he didn't like it
"Thank you... i- hah! uhh" but then you figured out that he's just, y'know, malfunctioning, you snickered at this, getting up to give him a soft kiss on his snout
"You're welcome"
Probably has it marked on his calendar
With red hearts all over it
Just like Donnie, Mikey would gift you a BUNCH of stuff
Teddy bears, chocolate, cards, gift baskets, you name it, he got it
He would also make you an art piece of you and him
You hung it up on your wall
I feel like he would give you origami (he watched a YouTube video)
He's so proud of it
You guys spend the day just hanging out together, doing everything you guys come up with, baking, painting, playing video games, anything
after all of those blood-pumping activities, you guys snuggle down on the couch, Mikey putting on your favorite movie, sharing a big bowl of popcorn
somewhere in the middle of the movie you decided to give him the gift you bought him, and let me tell you, mans was jumping for joy
You and Mikey cuddled with each other, watching one of your favorite movies, it was perfect, he was perfect, "Mikey," you mumbled,
"Mhm?" Mikey responded, not taking his eyes off the projector
"Thank you so much, this has gotta be the best valentines day so far, and to show how much I appreciate you, I got you this" You take out a bouquet of beautiful scarlet roses seemingly out of nowhere, he turned to look at it, his facial expression changing so fast,
"OH MI GOSHHHHH!" he jumped up, flaring his arms everywhere, "YOU GOT THESE FOR ME?"
"Yeah! you like them?" You knew he did,
"OF COURSE? THANK YOU SO MUCH BABY!" he lunged at you, kissing your face before nuzzling his snout into your neck, you smiled as you patted his shell,
Okay, I know that this was not posted on valentine's day, actually far from it BUT it's the thought that counts guys, I mean at least I posted it in February, and so sorry guys I'll be doing your request as fast as I can! love you guyzz 🥳
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fire-fira · 2 years
Okay, I’ve been meaning to do this for a while but kept getting derailed. Thankfully I’m fully caught up on Rise (though it took me forever) and I was able to mostly sort out the in-universe order for the episodes.
Because fun fact-- something I noticed way back in season 1-- is that the episodes weren’t released in in-universe order. This was true on cable, this has held true on netflix and hbo-max paramount+ (I goofed, oops), and while [turtlepedia] does have them listed in tv broadcast order and has the episode production codes listed, neither of those entirely match up with the various in-episode context clues for what order things happen in.
And believe me, some of those context clues, those in-episode “signposts” are subtle enough to be blink-and-you’ll-miss-it details (like the fact that the background video for Donnie and Mikey in Hypno! Part Deux! implies that it’s happening at the same time as Repomantis). Needless to say it’s taken a lot of work and a lot of paying attention. And thankfully season 2 wasn’t as all over the place (mainly due to more of the episodes not having any distinct signposts beyond things that made it obvious they took place after season 1).
(I’ve done my best to get it as nailed down as possible. Episodes that occur at the same time are listed on the same bulletpoint in recommended watching order.)
So good news if you’re like me and you’d like to watch the episodes in in-universe order, because this is that list!
Without further ado, I give you:
The In-Universe Rise Episode Timeline
Season 1:
Mystic Mayhem
Origami Tsunami
Donnie’s Gifts
Smart Lair
War And Pizza
Repomantis & Hypno! Part Deux!
Down With The Sickness (Due to not really having any more than one possible signpost, this one could take place either before or after the previous point or The Purple Jacket. I don’t think it’s any later than that, but it’s debatable.)
The Purple Jacket
Minotaur Maze
The Longest Fight
The Fast And The Furriest
Stuck On You
Hot Soup: The Game
Mascot Melee
The Gumbus
Shell In A Cell
Pizza Pit
Bug Busters
Mrs. Cuddles (Like Down With The Sickness this one has very few signposts, only two that I spotted and one of those is debatable, but it does take place sometime after The Fast And The Furriest.)
Al Be Back
The Evil League of Mutants
Late Fee
Portal Jacked!
Mind Meld
Nothing But Truffle
Warren And Hypno, Sitting In A Tree
Shadow Of Evil
You Got Served
Operation: Normal
The Mutant Menace
Sparring Partner (This is another one where the placement isn’t entirely certain, but it is after Origami Tsunami, The Fast and the Furriest, and Shadow of Evil.)
How To Make Enemies And Bend People To Your Will
Mystic Library (This is another one where there aren’t enough signposts to be sure where this one belongs exactly, but this was my best guess.)
The Purple Game
Jupiter Jim Ahoy!
Cloak and Swaggert
Man Vs. Sewer
The Ancient Art of Ninja Hide and Seek
Turtle-dega Nights: The Ballad of Rat Man
One Man’s Junk
Snow Day (Yet another one where the time placement isn’t certain and this is my best guess, though it does take place sometime after Late Fee and possibly Jupiter Jim Ahoy!)
Insane in the Mama Train
End Game
Season 2
Many Unhappy Returns
Todd Scouts
Goyles, Goyles, Goyles
Flushed But Never Forgotten
Lair Games
Breaking Purple
Repairin’ the Baron
Air Turtle
Pizza Puffs
Sidekick Ahoy!
The Hidden City Job
Always Be Brownies
Mystery Meat
Donnie vs. Witch-Town, Raph’s Ride-Along, Hidden City’s Most Wanted, Bad Hair Day
Fists of Furry
The Clothes Don’t Make the Turtle
Battle Nexus: New York
Finale Part 1: E-Turtle Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Finale Part 2: Shreddy or Not
Finale Part 3: Anatawa Hitorijanai
Finale Part 4: Rise
Rise of the TMNT, the movie
Go forth and enjoy!
(And if anyone wants my rationalization on any of this, just hit me up and I can go in detail.)
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