#Rayo Kid
browsethestacks · 11 months
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Rayo Kid #011 (1971)
Art Rafael López Espí
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gadflystings · 2 months
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A quick sketch of me and Rayo sitting afk, listening to the sunset.
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elcapitanrayo · 4 months
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| Blog curated by @a-soft-creature​ |
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ranjith11 · 8 months
Cars 3 Lightning McQueen | Rusteze Racing Center | Video for Kids
In Today's Video, Zaccy Plays with Lightning McQueen. We open a Lightning McQueen suitcase and play with Cars - Fun Video for Kids. We create our own Rusteze Racing Center. Here, you can watch your favorite videos featuring Lightning McQueen from the Cars 3 movie. Join us for exciting races and funny adventures as we follow Lightning McQueen and his friends from the Rusteze Racing Center. We have tons of fun activities, games, and videos for you to enjoy. For more watch the video, Cars 3 Lightning McQueen | Rusteze Racing Centre | Video for Kids by Zaccy's Adventures.
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realmadridfamily · 2 months
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Kids of David Alaba suporting Real Madrid during the match against Rayo Vallecano :)
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prettyboywarrior · 5 days
So I wanna start talking more about the Luxia section of the story and with that comes some new ocs
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Meet Wuying Shi. You know me, a new region means new party member. The princess of Luxia, and our groups resident mage. However you'd probably notice she doesn't look like a princess outside the splash of purple (a universal sign of true royalty in this world) and that's because she kinda... Doesn't act like one. She's loud, free spirited, and adventurous but is confined to the castle grounds. A bird trapped in a gilded cage.
Her first glimpse of freedom came when she was a very young kid and Rayos came to Luxia. She had a bit of a school girl crush on him, it's never taken seriously, it's like when you crush on your cool babysitter as a little kid. Bit Rayos opened her eyes to how amazing the world outside can be. And she's where we get the reveal that Rayos' belt that allows him to summon his armor was an artifact belonging to the royal family, and he earned by being chosen as the crowns champion. Something many people in the nation were not happy about.
She takes note when Xaos enters the nation. Yes in part because he's the brother of the coolest guy she's ever known but Xaos by this point has a reputation the legend of the Sleeping Dragon is growing. And Xaos is surprised that a princess could be so... Fun, in a way he can identify with.
At the end of the arc, Novis appears and levels Luxia to the ground and Xaos makes sure Shi gets out of there with them. She is devastated by so much unneeded death, but when the dust settles the group finds Shi takes to adventuring life really well. Plus with all these angsty nerds in the party it's nice to have someone who's a little bubbly and energetic.
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gotyouanyway · 5 days
and i noticed again narvin asked about the completeness of the family unit. he said “what about rayo’s father” the same way he asked about that couple’s kids in ie. idk what to make of it at all
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thethistlegirlwrites · 3 months
“I’m gonna scare them,” Joey says, fingers twisting in the hem of her shirt.
“No you’re not. They’ve seen your fangs on the video calls.”
“I don’t move right anymore. I’m cold.” She looks up at him. “They’ve seen too many dead people already.”
“Yeah, and they got you back.” Nico folds a hand over hers. “You’ve been doin’ all this so you can see them face to face. So you can hold them. And you’ve been doin’ great.”
She shakes her head. “This isn’t…this isn’t like I’m some kind of addict who lost custody. I didn’t do something bad. I am something bad.”
“How many times do I hafta tell ya, Joey. You’re just a vampire. You decide what kinda one you are.” He grins lopsidedly. “Besides, if that’s what you are, what does that make me?”
“Oh. Oh. I’m sorry.” 
“No hurt feelings here. We’re people, Joey. Messy and full of all kinda contradictions. We all gotta live with it.”
“Well, you know, we’re not actually living.”
“That’s the spirit. Now get in there before we run outta visiting hours.” He pats her shoulder. 
Joey smiles at him and then steps through the door, and is instantly tackled by a petite girl with pink ends on her braids. 
“Hola, mi rayo del sol.” Joey wraps her arms tentatively around the girl, pressing her lips to her head before looking up at a curly-haired boy who’s all awkward gangly limbs. “Y mi tortuga.”
“Todavía eres horrible,” The boy says, but wraps his arms around both of them, and the door closes with a hiss of the seal locking it down.
Nico turns away from the glass. He’s supposed to be supervising the visit, but he can still do that and make a phone call too. Their hunter liaison is in the room, even if right now he’s talking to the aunt about something to do with the tattoos spiraling up his right arm.
The number he dials rings through to a voicemail. 
“You’ve reached Ricky Pontevecchio. I’m probably in class or on a dive. Leave your name and number and I’ll call you back as soon as I can.”
The voicemail box is never full.
Nico doesn’t know if that’s because Ricky is listening to his messages, or deleting them outright as soon as he sees who left them.
“Hey Ricky, it’s me. Again. Just wanted to check in, see how things are going. Sounds like you’re doing field work now. The dives out here have gotta be cool, right? Way better than that nasty beach at Coney Island you wanted to go to every year for your birthday.” He looks back through the glass. Olivia is showing Joey her dyed hair, and Mauricio is pulling sketches out of a flat sort of briefcase, all bright colors and sharp edges and huge-eyed characters.
Joey is squashed in between the two of them, smiling and laughing, un-self-conscious about the teeth.
He was right, she just needed to get in there, and she forgot everything she was worried about as soon as those kids accepted her for who she is now.
They’re doing just fine.
“I’d love to hear all about it sometime, if you wanna talk. It’s still 310-555-2876. I’ve got the phone on me at work, and I’m the boss, so I can always pick up and talk to ya. And I’m a light sleeper so don’t worry about wakin’ me up calling during the day, okay?” 
There’s a thud from inside the room, and he whips back to the window. Everyone’s laughing, and Mauricio is holding Joey’s hand up like a wrestling match winner, shaking his other hand out.
He flicks the switch on the wall to bring the intercom online, and hears just enough to realize that Joey just won her first arm wrestling match with Mauricio in four years. 
He turns it off again. 
“Ricky, I just wanna hear how you’re doing. Don’t even wanna see you, if that’s not what you want.” He leans on the wall, sniffing in a breath and wiping the back of his hand over his eyes. “I swear to God,” he coughs when the word burns his throat, “all I want is to know you’re okay. I never shoulda hurt you, and I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, kiddo.” He swallows. “I know why you hate me. I wish I’d never given you a reason to. But I’d like to give you a reason to trust me again, if you wanna…”
The message system screeches in his ear, telling him he’s run out of time. That he can press pound to start the message again or hang up to save it.
He snaps the phone shut and leans on the wall.
His elbow must have hit the intercom, because he can hear Joey singing softly, Mauricio joining in slightly off key, Olivia humming along. 
He looks up just enough to see the time on his watch. There’s twenty-three minutes of visiting hours left. 
He can get himself together before Joey comes back. With any luck, she’ll be so excited the visit went well that she won’t notice if he’s not looking right at her or if his eyes are a little too shiny. He can keep her talking about her family and she won’t hear enough of his voice to notice it’s choked and shuddery.
He turns around, slides down the wall, rests his head in his hands, and lets himself cry.
He can help Joey get her family back. He’s helped two other vampires do the same. He’s good at it. Knows what they need to hear when, how to personalize the ways they learn to control their hunger and instincts. He all but promises them that when they’re done in the mentor program, the people they love most will be permanent, stable parts of their lives. That they’ll have the closest thing to a normal family a vampire will ever get. 
But no matter how hard he tries, he can’t put his own back together.
(You can read this story and more from this universe on my WorldAnvil here!)
@catwingsathena @nade2308 @the-one-and-only-valkyrie @telltaleclerk @ettawritesnstudies  @writeouswriter @whump-place
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gazpachoworld · 6 months
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Rafael Lopez Espí para Rayo Kid n°2 La ley del revólver, 1970. Editorial Vértice. Spain
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bego447 · 1 month
The Bad Batch Reacción episodios 6 y 7, temporada 3
Perdón por la tardanza. No sé por qué he tardado tanto en publicar mi reacción a los episodios del 6 al 9, pero aquí van 2 de esos 4 episodios. Los otros 2 los subiré dentro de un rato.
Riyo 🤩 Reina!
Ahhh la música del principio de TCW
Ahh la música x2, el tema de los clones!!
Wow. Necesitamos una serie sólo de esto. ¡Por favor!
"You're still one of us." 🥺😭 Es que les daría un abrazo a todos
"I don't want to involve them in this." Aww es que.. Rex 🥺🤲🏼💙
"Just like old times." 🥺😂 Wrecker
Aaaaaaaaaahhhhwwwwwwww la mirada y la sonrisa entre Rex y Omega 🥺🥺😭
¿Quiénes son mis dos clones rubios favoritos?
Ay jaja la mirada de Howzer todo el rato 😒🧐 Ay mi chico
AAAAhhhhhhhhhwwwww Echo!!! Ayyy el arma que le ha modificado a Omega 🥺🥺🥺
Rex hablándole así a Omega y poniéndole al mano en el hombro 🥺🥺
"Being defective is in my nature."
Uf, no sé por qué, pero la teoría de que Tech es uno de esos cada vez me convence más… Lo de las gafas y demás… Muy sospechoso
AAAAhhhhh, ha visto a Omega y se ha ido!!! 😭😭 ¿Es porque sabe que la necesitan viva o es porque….? AAAHHHH
Aahh se la van a llevar otra vez!! 😩 Otra vez no, por favor.
Aunque… el siguiente capítulo se llama "extraction" 👀
Ufff qué cerca pasó ese rayo
Vamos Fireball! ¡Haz honor a tu nombre!
Ay dioh mío, menos mal que sé que a Rex no le matan
Siiuu ¡¡FIREBALL!!
Oh genial… Dos naves del imperio 🙄
*aparece un clon con kama y visor en el casco de espaldas enfrente de un clon comando*
Yo tras observarlo un segundo en pausa y sin ver nada más: ¡¡¡¡WOLFFEEEE!!!!
Mira los arañazos en su armadura. Parece que se ha peleado con un lobo de verdad 🐺😂🤩
Lo bueno que el otro ya está 😎🤩
Uy, y esa pausa tan larga…
A vale, nada xD
En los créditos: Dee Bladley Baker as: 20 mil personajes, para variar 🤣🤩
~ ~ ~
ºoº ¡Está vivo! ¡Es porque es Tech! Si no estaría muerto.
Omega preocupándose por Rex me representa 🥺🥺🤲🏼💙
Y Crosshair también ayudándole a levantarse 🥺
"Heh, there's always another way."
¡¡¡¡WOLFFEEEE!!!! ¡Aparición estelar! 🤩
Ayyy, mirando los cadáveres de sus hermanos 🥺
Uy Wolffe, uy Wolffe… Él no va a estar contento con que maten a sus hermanos
Wolffe modo autoritario 🤩😍🤩
Hilo… ¿Es el nombre del comando? 🤩
Y… ¡volvió a sobrevivir a otra caída! xD
Vale, ya he asumido que ese es Tech 😅
Jajajja aww, Batcher dándole besitos a Nemec 🥺🥺 Está feliz de que esté vivo
Jajaja, cuántos de nosotros (en el fandom) desearíamos ser Batcher… 🥺😂😳
A que le roban la nave al otro… xD
Me imagino la cara de Wolffe debajo de su casco, con ese ojo gris cibernético, su cara cabreada y cansada de tragar tanta mierda y su manía de rodar los ojos 🤣🤣 Mientras le echa la bronca
🥺🥺 Crosshair preocupándose por Omega 🥺😌
"You're as dad as Hunter." (sé que dice "bad" pero "dad es más accurate)
"Oh, I'm much worst."
😭😂😂😭🤣😭🤣 No sé si reír o llorar xD
"I've seen how you are with the kid."
Ohh, ahora Howzer se va a ver identificado en cómo trata Cross a Omega y cómo trataba él a Hera (?) 🥺💙
Es que los clones tienen alma de papá. ¡Tienen el ADN de Jango Fett! ¡Por favor! 🥺 Who knew clones were so paternal? xD
Granadas.. Oh de humo. Bien!
Oh, uff, ¿habéis visto cómo ha rodado Howzer para esquivar los tiros?
[Caen los dos al río] 😧😦😯😮
¡Vamos, Rex, habla con Wolffe! Habla con tu hermano. Vais a acabar los dos viviendo muchos años juntos 😅
"Wolffe?" 😭
"Rex?" 😭😭
"I- [exhales sharply] I thought you were dead." 😭😭😭
Wolffe!! Mi hermoso y precioso lobito! 😭🥺🤲🏼
"I lost a lot of good men that day." 😭😭😭
Uff, todo este diálogo entre Rex y Wolffe 😭🥺😭
"Think about what you're doing, Wolffe. I know you've been trained not to question orders, but open your eyes. You're hunting a child. I know that's not who you are." *the clones theme suena de fondo* 😭😭😭😭 "As you brother, I'm asking you to do the right thing." 😭😭
Ahh y Eco llega con Gregor! Primera vez que tenemos a la vez a los 3 de Rebels.
Ayy esas miradas y leves asentimientos con Rex.. 😭 Va a dejar que se vayan 🥺
Eres un buen hombre, Wolffe! UN GRAN HOMBRE! 😭
"Recover their fallen, then we move out."
"But, sir, they're traitors."
"Perhaps… But they're clones. We owe them that." 😭😭😭💙🖤💚😭😭
Ya bueno, y el clon X está vivo… Otra caída a la que sobrevive… 👀
Por favor, la escena… 🥺 Omega durmiendo con Batcher. Rex dolido por sus hermanos y Hunter va a apoyarle 🥺🥺
Este hombre está pensando en sus hermanos 🥺😭🤲🏼💙
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😭😭😭 La última conversación entre Rex y Hunter 😭😭😭
Siempre pensé que Clone X sería un clon random, pero en el momento en el que un montón de escombros cayeron sobre él y no murió pensé "vale, definitivamente es Tech". Y luego todas esas caídas
Cuando Howzer habló con Crosshair sobre cómo trataba al niño, pensé que lo comparó con cómo trató a Hera. Los clones definitivamente tienen alma de padre. ¡Tienen el ADN de Jango Fett! ¡Vamos! 🥺🫶🏻
"¿Quién diría que los clones eran tan paternales?" ¡Literalmente todos nosotros! 😌🥹
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crimsonwing · 3 months
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"Crap! It's old man Neeley! Scatter!" The children ran the moment they saw him, and his own dog got to bark and snarl at that kid's. Rebeca took the chance to slip away. Surprisingly he came to see me, laying on the floor while the old man came to us. He was stern and couldn't see from his right eye. "Tch! Of bloody course! Who else could be causing this ruckus but Amanda's grandchild. What did you do this time?" --- "¡Rayos! ¡El viejo Neeley! ¡Corran!" Eso hicieron: apenas lo vieron se echaron a correr, y su propio perro se puso en contra del que traía el niño. Rebeca aprovechó para escapar. Para mi sorpresa, fue a verme tirado en el suelo cuando se nos acercó el anciano. Era tosco y no podía ver de un ojo. "¡Tsk! Por su puesto. Tenia que ser el nieto de Amanda para hacer tanto escándalo ¿Ahora qué carajos hiciste?"
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muchalucha-art · 7 months
Hello. I have another question about Los Campeones. Which character did you design first and what was your inspiration behind the designs for the main 5?
The first character I created was Dragon Rojo Jr, but I don't know where his look and persona came from...it just happened! To be honest, If I'd have known they were going to faithfully reproduce my mask design for the REAL Dragon, I would have defined some of the mask detail a lot better! For Dragon's persona, I do remember vaguely referencing a luchador called 'Oriental' who was from a long line of luchadores with Asian and Martial Arts themes. Why I did this, no idea! Keith J. Rainville who worked on the script discussed maybe Dragon having an Asian mother, but we nixed this, as we wanted him to be a Mexican luchador who just happened to have an eastern gimmick.
Rayo X was next and his origins are much clearer. Lili and I love muertos luchadores like La Parka. But because Rayo's name translates as 'X-Ray' we reversed his shading to reflect this (His bone pattern was dark, his outer color, light). Keith expanded on his goth personae and came up with the great mortician/chiropractor line. We made his outfit mainly yellow (instead of our original choice of white) because it was the only color that didn't clash with the other characters' color schemes.
Mr. Profesional was based on the US tradition of bad guys wearing masks. They were just plain, no frills hoods unlike Mexican luchadores. This is also reflected in Mr.P's no-nonsense approach. My first sighting of a US masked wrestler was 'The Spoiler'.
Sorpresa! like Dragon, came out of nowhere. I think I came up with the name and just started drawing from there. Thinking back, I think her hood was influenced by Cien Caras...I added some color so she didn't clash with Mr.P.
Tsetse Fly! We wanted a mini in the team. I remember those B-grade jungle movies from when I was a kid where the explorers had to be careful of the bite of the dreaded tsetse fly! Again, I just started drawing and naturally just worked on an insect theme. Getting Candi to do the voice was a very obvious intention on our part to reference The Flea.
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gadflystings · 6 days
I just told my Sky Family i made an exit with the stool. ^^'
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Me: *laughter* I've made an exit
Haru: what exit
Me: A stool xD Through the window
Haru: :0
Rayo: Hit the ceiling)
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Haru: Hugo.. what are you... doing?
Me: aaa... || hem... || A door!
~~~ Btw, the DOOR
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elcapitanrayo · 6 months
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| Blog curated by @a-soft-creature​ |
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sad-little-jester · 1 year
Magmajes kids with frog yay 🥹
(Rayo design belongs to @twiligh-squirrel thank u for this boi <3/pos )
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hlurz · 1 year
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