#Refractive Surgeon
trenetralaya · 5 months
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Consultant Ophthalmologist London
Ophthalmologists are eye doctors who treat people with vision problems. They use medical and surgical abilities to examine, diagnose, and avoid problems with the eyes and visual function. You'll do a combination of medical and surgical procedures and handle disorders ranging from simple concerns like cataracts, glaucoma, or squints to infectious eye diseases and chronic diseases like adult macular degeneration.
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Requirements for Admission to London med-college
Your initial move should be to attend medical school. A five-year undergraduate degree in medicine often requires exceptional GCSE results and three A or A* passes at the A level, requiring chemistry. Many medical schools also need biology, while some may demand math or physics. If you already have a certificate, you might pursue a four-year postgraduate degree in medicine.
You must pass an interview and an entrance exam. You will be asked to explain how you represent NHS principles such as respect and compassion. Many med schools want students from diverse backgrounds and regional places, thus your educational and economic history, as well as your family situations, may be examined as part of the registration process.
What is the path to becoming an ophthalmologist?
Following med school, you will begin a two-year paid sponsoring in which you will work in six various settings. Following completion of your certificate program, you can apply for sponsored specialized training to become an ophthalmologist, which will take at least seven years. Part-time training may be possible for health reasons or if you have family or care obligations.
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Abilities needed to get admission to a London-based medical school
·    strong communication skills for managing a variety of interactions with co-workers, clients, and their relatives
·         intellectual fortitude, a cool demeanor, and the capacity to operate successfully under stress
·         collaboration, as well as the ability to lead heterogeneous teams
·         analytical and problem-solving abilities
·         exceptional organizational abilities and judgment call abilities
·         first-rate financial and time management for patients' advantage
·         mechanical agility is required
·         great hand-eye balance, eyesight, and situational awareness
·         physical endurance to meet the rigors of surgery
How much money an Ophthalmology can make in London?
If you work in Ophthalmology London, your payment will be sufficient to support a healthy lifestyle.
When you begin your foundation training following medical school, you will receive your first income. The starting pay is between £29,384 and £34,012. As an ophthalmologist in the NHS, you may expect to earn at least £40,257 per year, with the possibility of increasing to between £84,559 and £114,003 as a specialist.
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eyecareindore · 7 hours
 Maintaining Eye Health Post-Cataract Surgery
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Cataract Surgery in Indore: A New Lease on Vision
Cataract surgery is a transformative procedure that restores clarity to vision by removing the cloudy lens and replacing it with an artificial lens implant. In Indore, renowned eye surgeons perform cataract surgery with precision and expertise, offering patients a chance to regain their visual freedom and quality of life.
Tips for Optimal Eye Health Post-Surgery
1. Follow Post-Operative Instructions: Your eye surgeon will provide specific guidelines for post-operative care. Follow these instructions diligently to ensure a smooth recovery and optimal outcomes.
2. Use Prescribed Eye Drops: Eye drops are essential for preventing infection and inflammation, as well as promoting healing. Administer them as directed by your surgeon.
3. Protect Your Eyes: Avoid rubbing or touching your eyes, and wear protective eyewear, especially in dusty or windy environments, to prevent injury and infection.
4. Attend Follow-Up Appointments: Regular follow-up appointments with your eye surgeon are crucial for monitoring your eye health and addressing any concerns that may arise.
5. Maintain Good Hygiene: Keep your hands and face clean to prevent the spread of germs, and avoid swimming or exposing your eyes to water for the first few weeks after surgery.
6. Monitor for Complications: Be vigilant for signs of complications such as increased pain, redness, or vision changes, and contact your eye surgeon immediately if you experience any concerning symptoms.
7. Protect Your Eyes from UV Radiation: Wear sunglasses with UV protection to shield your eyes from harmful UV rays, which can contribute to cataract formation and other eye conditions.
Experienced and skilled eye surgeons in Indore who specialize in cataract surgery. These surgeons utilize advanced techniques and state-of-the-art technology to ensure the safest and most effective outcomes for their patients.
Cataract surgery in Indore offers patients a new lease on vision, but maintaining eye health post-surgery is essential for long-term success. By following these tips and seeking care from a reputable eye surgeon in Indore, you can enjoy clear and healthy vision for years to come. Don't let cataracts dim your outlook—take proactive steps to protect your eyes and preserve your vision.
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drtusharbhatt · 16 days
Refractive Eye Specialist Near By Satellite - Dr. Tushar Bhatt
Best Refractive Eye Specialist Near By Satellite - Dr. Tushar Bhatt is one of the best refractive eye specialist surgeon doctor near by Satellite. Refractive Eye Specialist Near By Satellite. Online consult with eye doctor near Satellite.
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Google Map:--> https://maps.app.goo.gl/L552eY9wwgFuc9Vx9
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Are you interested in LASIK? 5 guidelines you should know
Who is qualified for LASIK?
If you need glasses or contacts to see clearly, you've probably imagined about what life would be like without them. You've probably considered getting LASIK. You may have also wondered if you were a good candidate. This is an important question because LASIK is a cosmetic procedure rather than a medical necessity. Glasses or contact lenses are options, each with their own set of risks. To determine how to handle their vision correction needs and whether a laser vision correction procedure is right for them, each individual must weigh the inherent risks and benefits.
The surgeon's recommendation, which is based on whether or not a patient is a good LASIK candidate, is an important deciding factor when choosing laser vision correction.
Who is not a LASIK candidate?
It's not widely known, but not everyone who wants LASIK should get it. In fact, between 15% and 20% of patients are considered ineligible for LASIK. However, there have been many advancements in the field of vision correction surgery, which means that even if a patient isn't a good candidate for LASIK, it's very likely that there is another type of eye correction surgery that will provide them with the benefit of having great vision without the need for glasses or contact lenses. People are most familiar with LASIK, so discussions about vision correction procedures frequently begin with it.
Who is a good LASIK candidate?
While each patient is unique, the following are five general guidelines that surgeons use to determine whether a patient is a candidate for LASIK eye surgery:
-Prescriptions that fall within the FDA-approved treatment parameters
-General Health Ocular maturity, prescription stability, and eye health
-Corneal thickness and shape
-Expectations that are realistic
1. Medication prescribed within FDA-approved treatment parameters
Do your prescription glasses fall within the treatable range? Your eye surgeon will look for the following LASIK prescription requirements:
Hyperopia up to +6.00 diopters, cylinder/astigmatism up to 6 diopters
Nearsightedness of up to -12.00 diopters
2. Mature vision, prescription stability, and eye health
LASIK is FDA-approved for people over the age of 18 with ocular maturity.
A stable prescription is one in which your prescription has not changed for at least two years.
Eyes must be generally healthy, free of diseases, injuries, and infections.
3. Overall health
Certain medical conditions and medications may interfere with the healing process, making laser vision correction an unsuitable option. Patients should share their complete medical history with their surgeon to ensure a candidacy recommendation based on all available facts. Determining if you are a LASIK candidate necessitates a comprehensive eye examination that includes a battery of sophisticated tests to screen patients for these issues that may rule you out.
LASIK has several absolute contraindications. Because of systemic or ocular disease, many patients are not good candidates for laser vision correction. Cataracts, diabetes, or autoimmune diseases such as lupus or rheumatoid arthritis may make LASIK and other laser vision correction options unsuitable for some patients. Additionally, certain medications, such as corticosteroids, acne medications, and pregnancy, can have an impact on the healing process. To get an accurate answer to the question "should I have LASIK?" you must be honest with the LASIK surgeon you choose about your medications and medical history.
4. Corneal thickness and shape
How does LASIK surgery work? LASIK improves your vision by reshaping your cornea, which is the surface of your eye that helps focus light to form an image on the retina. You are unlikely to be a candidate for LASIK if your cornea is too thin or misshapen, or if you have eye diseases such as significant glaucoma or corneal scarring. Your ophthalmologist will measure the thickness of your cornea during your initial consultation to ensure that there is enough tissue for the reshaping required to achieve the desired amount of correction.
5. Expectations that are reasonable
Understanding the limitations of laser vision correction is critical for a successful outcome. Patients who have unrealistic or uninformed expectations about LASIK recovery, the procedure, and the results may not achieve their goals with this elective laser vision correction procedure.
Knowing if you should have LASIK involves determining whether you are a good or even excellent candidate for the procedure. Working with a highly qualified surgeon and having a complete evaluation of your eyes and vision is the best way to determine if you are a candidate for LASIK. Then you and your surgeon will have all the information you need to make the best decision for you. Discover what to expect from a LASIK consultation.
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oliviathomas1 · 2 years
Retina Laser Surgery – Iclinix
A laser is a concentrated light source that can be used to target sick tissue with extreme precision. Different types of bodily tissue absorb various lasers. The lens and cornea are examples of non-retinal tissue that retinal lasers can pass through without causing any harm. During the treatment of retinal diseases, lasers are now a widely utilized and very effective technology. Laser beams are directed at the retina using a variety of lenses for minimally invasive surgery.
Thermal laser therapy is the main method used to treat retinal disorders. With this kind of laser, the light energy is absorbed by certain tissue at the rear of the eye and transformed into heat. The retina is only slightly damaged by the heat. The scar helps to treat the underlying retinal illness as the eye recovers from this damaged area. Thermal lasers can be used to destroy aberrant tissue or blood vessels, seal retinal tears, and stop blood vessels that are bleeding.
Motiyabind operation in Delhi is very much possible from the top retina specialists in Delhi. Iclinix is a very popular hospital known for retinal detachment treatments. Even if you only have symptoms in one eye, your doctor will probably check both of them. Your doctor might urge you to return in a few weeks if no tear is seen at the first visit so they can be sure your eye hasn't grown a prolonged tear as a result of a similar vitreous detachment. Additionally, it's crucial to visit your doctor again straight away if you develop any new symptoms.
Non-invasive laser surgery is frequently carried out at a doctor's office. Depending on whatever area of the retina is to be treated, the laser can be applied to the retina in a variety of ways. It's common to utilize a microscope and lens setup identical to the one used to check your eye. Alternately, a laser system positioned on the head of the surgeon might be employed as an indirect delivery device.
Laser treatment is followed by:
1. You will receive anesthesia for your eye.
2. You will experience some flashes of light while receiving therapy, which typically lasts 5 to 10 minutes.
3 You'll have dilated pupils.
4.A separate contact lens will be required to hold your eyelids apart if a microscope is utilized.
5. In case an indirect laser is utilized, you will be placed in a flat position.
Almost always, laser therapy is painless. The majority of people believe the bright lights to be more uncomfortable than the laser's actual intensity. You can experience some sensation during laser surgery if you require more extensive laser therapy.
Things that you should  be expecting after the laser surgery:
1.  Discomfort: After the retinal laser surgery, the majority of patients have little to no pain. An eye or eyelid discomfort is possible in individuals who need more intense laser treatment.
2. Blurred vision: For a few hours after the laser surgery, blurry vision is typical.
If the discomfort keeps increasing, then you must immediately call your doctor.  
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4bworld · 2 years
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Is getting laser eye surgery worthwhile? Learn all about LASIK at @4bnewsworld to read both sides of the debate. Some facts below
In 2016, Pew Research Center reported that 9% of American adults had had laser eye surgery. 
In the US, the average cost of LASIK surgery is “approximately $2,200 per eye or $4,400 for both.”
There’s more at the link in bio 👀
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seo-blogs · 2 years
A surgical treatment called refractive surgery is used to rectify the eye's refractive error. Typically, it is done to eliminate or lessen reliance on spectacles and contact lenses.
The two varieties are lens surgery and laser eye surgery. You may become less reliant on glasses or contact lenses after either type of surgery. The top hospital in Ahmedabad for ophthalmology is KD Hospital. The top cornea & refractive surgeon in Ahmedabad is Dr. Anuja Desai. She is now the Ophthalmology Department Head at the KD Hospital in Ahmedabad.
Her areas of expertise include traumatic cases, ocular surface problems, corneal infectious illnesses, corneal transplant, and laser refractive surgery.
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foursaints · 2 months
i have questions!! how do you think evan perceives love? does he see it as weakness? how does he feel about being in love with barty? is he like "🙄well if i have no other choice" or is he at peace with his feelings?
hm! this is something i touched on briefly here but I'm glad you asked. for my evan, the question of love is fundamentally an interplay between the ideas of Understanding, Conquering, & Relinquishing. love doesn't come naturally to him- it's something he walks into with purpose and he gets it wrong along the way.
i mostly think of that cathryn valente quote: "I will see him with his skin off before I agree to fall in love". much of my understanding of evan is refracted through his role as inventor, doctor, surgeon, and i don't think his love for other people is different from his love for the corpse splayed on the operating table. that's at his core.
some would say that love is just a sustained paying-of-attention, and i believe evan would agree with this. evan's method of Loving is forcefully understanding something, stripping it bare just so he can really Know how it works. but this itself is a method conquering it— evan cannot let something (or someone) exist in their ambiguity, he needs to conquer it by learning and exposing every facet. there is something really grotesque in this kind of love: a bright white room with no shade. its disturbing.
this is why i think barty is a perfect foil for him! ive compared barty to a conch shell or trick staircase (always another turn lurking just out of sight), and i think his ambiguity is part of who he is. you cannot wrench a "real" barty that makes sense from the fractured mess of him. that's where the relinquishing comes in for evan: it's actually unthinkable that he would love something that's impossible to dissect & catalogue. but that's why he does
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arctrooper69 · 1 year
Eyes Like Champagne
"I got a Girl in the War, Paul. Her eyes are like champagne. They sparkle, bubble over and in the morning all you got is rain."
~ "Girl in the War" - Josh Ritter
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Warnings: Reader death. Mentions of blood and violence.
"I can't wait to see you!" You spoke softly into the flickering hologram. The blue light illuminated your smile. Jesse loved that smile.
"I know, me neither. Just a few more days though. I'll be back on base soon."
You shifted, settling into a more comfortable position. Jesse could see the shelves stocked full of medical supplies behind you.
"Are you hiding in the supply tent again?" He asked, unable to keep from cracking a grin.
The guilty smile on your face was all the answer he needed. He sighed and shook his head, still trying but failing to look stern. "You really shouldn't be in there, you know. Someone could see you."
It was your turn to roll your eyes. "Well, no one's here right now. And besides," You winked at him. "If anyone asks, I'm just taking inventory."
Jesse pinched the bridge of his nose. "You're impossible, you know that?"
"Yeah, but you love me anyway." Your breath hitched as you realized what you just said.
Jesse looked down. The dirt beneath his feet had suddenly become very interesting.
"Jesse?" You questioned, eyebrows pulled together in concern. "What's wrong?"
He looked back up at you, "It's nothing...it..." He paused and opened then closed his mouth as if he was going to say something but changed his mind. "It's been a long day for both of us. You should get some sleep."
You were quiet for a moment. Jesse mentally kicked himself. Say something! Tell her!
"Yeah." You replied softly and smiled at him. "See you when we get back? Drinks are on me."
"Same booth at 79s?"
"Of course." You nodded with a smile. "Stay safe till then."
"Yeah," Jesse replied. "You too."
The call ended and Jesse groaned. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid! Jesse cursed to himself quietly. Why hadn't he said anything? Maybe it was just playful banter between friends, but, maybe it was more. Maybe you actually meant it. Maybe you were actually in love with him. What if you felt the same way about him as he did about you?
"Next time." Jesse resolved quietly to himself. On Coruscant in the corner booth of 79s where he first met you. That's where he'd tell you.
Jesse sat beside you on the rooftop under the nighttime glow of the city planet. You were wearing the dress he liked - the red one that hugged you in all the right places. Jesse reached into his pack, procuring a small bottle of champagne. You laughed as he regaled to you what Kix had gone through to find it. That was the moment when he realized that he loved you. The bottle refracted the glow of the street lights, sending crystals of light that danced across your face, sparkling like the golden bubbles spilling from the glass.
Suddenly you sat up, lifting your head from his shoulder as if you'd heard something. Jesse's hair stood on edge. You turned to him slowly, face drawn in a sad smile as you placed a hand on his face.
The smooth fabric of the gloves felt cold on his skin. The drab grey of your surgeon's uniform replaced the crimson fabric you'd been wearing just moments ago. Had the dress just been a figment of his imagination?
He stared into your eyes - they still held that champagne sparkle that warmed his heart, but sorrow clouded the other features of your face.
"Jesse." You whispered, lips barely moving. He shivered as a breeze fluttered through the air and you laid you head on his chest.
"I'm scared Jesse, will you hold me?"
He held you tightly, feeling your body shiver against his own.
"Tell me it'll be okay." He looked down at you and nearly screamed. You lay there in his arms with a smouldering hole in the center of your chest. Blood trickled from so many different cuts and scrapes across your body, staining the grey uniform as red as the dress he'd imagined you wearing before. Terror rose in his chest as you grasped his fingers, but somehow you didn't seem to be afraid anymore. You didn't seem to notice how your blood spread across the floor, turning everything it touched into a heady crimson. You were wearing the dress again, but this time the fabric flowed around you, pooling like blood on the ground, dripping through his fingers.
"Tell me I'll be okay, Jesse."
Jesse woke with a start, heart thudding against his ribcage.
"Jesse get up! We're gonna be late!" Kix was suddenly beside him, shaking his shoulder. He looked around, the barracks were nearly empty. His best friend and brother frowned down at him, hand still resting on his shoulder as he slowly sat up, rubbing his eyes.
"You okay?"
Jesse blinked and took a deep breath, trying to shrug off the cold, heavy feeling of terror that still gripped his waking body.
"Yeah. I - I think so." He stood up, rubbing a hand over his head.
"You sure?" Kix cocked his head at his brother's odd behavior.
"I'm sure, Kix. I just had a really weird dream."
Kix nodded in understanding. They all had odd dreams or even nightmares from time to time. "Well, we're still going to be late for roll call if you don't hurry up."
Jesse shoved a bite of a ration bar in his mouth as he hurriedly threw his armor on. "I'm coming, I'm coming."
It had been almost a full rotation since Jesse had woken up from the nightmare, yet he still couldn't shake the uneasy feeling that something wasn't right.
He entered the small medbay looking around for his friend. "Kix?" Jesse called. "You wanted to see me?"
Kix sat silently on a stool in the corner taking stock of the medical supplies in front of him. Jesse frowned, "You ok, vod?"
Kix turned to face him, pulling his lips into a tight line across his face. He stood up, "Jesse, which Rimsoo is your girl stationed at?"
Jesse rolled his eyes. "She's not my girl, Kix. At least not yet." He paused, taking in Kix's serious demeanor. "Why?" He asked hesitantly, thinking of the dream he'd had the night before. "What's wrong?"
Kix shook his head. "Just answer the question."
"RMSU 14 on Scipio. Sector 1. Why?"
"Our troopers on Anaxes were overrun." Jesse jumped to attention as Captain Rex entered the room.
"At ease, soldier."
Jesse's posture relaxed but his mind still whirred about. Why had he been called here? Had he done something wrong? Both Kix and the Captain knew about the close relationship between the two of you, but had someone else seen something and assumed the worst?
"Captain," Jesse started, then paused when he saw the defeated frown on his face. "Rex, what's wrong? What happened?"
Rex shook his head. "The 401st Battalion was losing Anaxes so their general decided to cut their losses and retreat to Scipio. They took on reinforcements to cut off the supply lines running to Anaxes. In retaliation, the seppies bombed them. Specifically the rimsoo where they knew most of our wounded were being treated."
Jesse felt cold.
"I'm sorry, vod." Kix stepped up to him, "There were no survivors."
Jesse's heart dropped. He could almost hear it shatter. He'd lost brothers before. Hell, it was programmed into them to accept loss and move on. So why did this feel so different? Why did it feel like he'd been kicked in the chest? He stood stiffly, jaw clenched, desperately trying to channel whatever foreign emotion it was that he felt, into rage. Jesse could handle rage. Jesse knew anger. It was familiar. This pain - this kind of heavy grief wasn't something he could suppress and lock away, so he willed it to become something else.
Rex held out a datapad. "I received the message this morning. I assume she rigged it to send once the signal could reach. She recorded this for you, Jesse." Rex's voice sounded far away.
Kix put a hand on Jesse's shoulder. "It may be hard to watch, vod. These are probably her final moments."
Jesse held the datapad with shaking hands.
"Do you want me to stay?" Kix asked gently. Jesse shook his head. "No that's ok. I...I need to do this alone."
Kix nodded. "We'll be right outside."
Rex placed a heavy hand on his shoulder. "I can cover your absence for a few hours," he spoke hesitantly, "But then I need you back in the field."
Jesse could only nod his head as Rex left the room, numb to everything around him save for the datapad in his hands.
Jesse gripped the datapad until his fingers were white. What was so important that you'd send him a message with your last efforts? And why him? He stared at the screen for what seemed like hours until he finally drew up the strength to hit play.
"Hey Jesse." Your voice was weak as you took a shaky breath. "I hope you get this." The light from your headlamp dimly illuminated your face and Jesse could see the blood caked with dust smeared across your face. A tear escaped your eyes and you wiped it away quickly, leaving more blood smeared across your cheekbone. You sniffed, "S-sorry."
Jesse wanted to reach through the screen and tell you that there was no reason to be sorry, and that even the best soldiers cried sometimes.
The image shifted slightly as you gasped, letting out a barely audible whimper. Jesse felt his heart crack.
The screen centered back onto your face. You looked around you and then back at the screen.
"Everyone else is dead, I think." You paused and took a breath, wincing in pain from a wound that Jesse couldn't see. "I'm buried under two tons of rock. I'm not gonna make it outta here, Jess. I'm so sorry." You choked. Despite your attempts to remain strong, more tears flowed down your face carving paths through the bloodied grime.
"I...I dunno how long the charge'll last on this thing but I hope that if someone finds my body, they'll give this to you."
You paused to catch your breath, leaning back against a rock. "I guess you'll have to find someone else to share that drink with at 79s." You chuckled weakly, eyes fluttering closed for a moment. Jesse wanted to jump up and shake you. Yell at you. No, no no! Eyes open, Mesh'la. Stay with me. He begged silently.
You seemed to respond to his demands as you groaned and took a shuddering breath. Your eyes were glassy.
"Do you remember that night on the roof? When we got stupid drunk off that champagne that Kix smuggled out of Felucia for you?"
You smiled, closing your eyes again.
"I meant what I said by the way." You slurred drowsily. "I love you Jesse. I think....I think I was just too scared to say it before."
Your eyes screwed shut in pain as the screen shifted again. Jesse's heart thudded against his ribcage. He felt so helpless, watching the pain drain the life from your skin.
"I...I was gonna kiss you in 79s," you said with a quiet chuckle. Jesse almost couldn't make out your words. You raised your head, looking through the screen, and smiled. There it was - that bubbly sparkle in your eyes that Jesse knew so well. For one timeless moment, he could forget the current circumstances and lose himself in them just as he had so many times before. This time he knew you loved him. But this time he couldn't say it in return.
"You would've been my first kiss." The words came as a mournful whisper.
"I don't wanna die, Jesse." Your voice cracked. "But maybe it won't be so bad. It won't hurt anymore." You let out a shaky breath, fingertips brushing the screen. "I'll see you around, yeah?"
The holovid cut off and Jesse was left sitting alone in the dimly lit barracks, staring at the blank screen. He felt numb, watching as his own fingertips took on a life of their own, brushing the screen of the datapad where yours had been only a few seconds ago.
The door opened and Kix silently entered the room. Upon entering, he scanned his brothers face and knew that his worst fears had come to fruition. Sitting on the bunk beside Jesse, Kix could only muster a heartfelt apology. Not even the best medic could fix a shattered heart.
"I'm so sorry, Jesse."
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@elderberriesandarsenic @bitter1stuff
The abundance of technology and lack of humanity causes a longing for the past makes me feel like a fucking Luddite!
(Continue to read for Gen X bitching)
For the last couple of years, I have not been able to see that well through my current classes prescription. Every time that I would come close to getting a new prescription, I would face another eye surgery.
After the Corneal transplant, my surgeon refused to give me another prescription until a year had passed. Because, he said my eyes were changing too rapidly. In the meantime, I cannot see with this prescription at all. I only live about 7 blocks from my school and yet driving there every morning is. Terrifying, because I cannot see well enough. Every time I would go back for a checkup. I would beg the surgeon for refraction. Finally, the last time I wore the surgeon down and he said while he would not provide it. I was welcome to go to one of those cheap eyeglass places and get a temporary pair.
The place where I live does not have one of those places.
And it takes an act of God to get hubby to take me anywhere. So we waited until we were taking a trip to sea his mom, my MiL, four hrs away during Spring Break. And in an unfathomable display of generosity, he offered to take me on the way back to get my glasses.
We stop in Odessa and as luck would have it, there was a Stanton. Optical across the street from our hotel.
I go in and am given an iPad where apparently I have to write down my entire medical history by answering questions in a font so smallI cannot see it because my glasses are crappy.
It blew my mind that a place that people go to because they can't see was making people fill out their own paperwork on. Technology that was so small.
After playing around with it and having my information LIST 3 TIMES &HAVING TO START OVER, I figured out that I could adjust the font size---- but no one told me this.
In the end I had to just hand it over to my husband and have him fill it out!! All of this would have been completely avoided if they had an option for paper. RED FLAG #1
Because I didn't have an appointment. I waited about an hrs & a half. As people were going ahead of me, I am noticing the very young attendant that is taking them into the exam room is asking every single person the exact same saying set of questions quite robotically.
Finally is my turn and as soon as I walk into the exam room red flags are going off AGAIN because nothing in that room looks like what you would need for a glasses refraction.
As someone who has had to go to an ophthalmologist three times a year since the age of 5 ,I know these things.
So the girl who starts bounding off her questions. Did I want glasses or contacts?
How many hours did I spend in one of the computer?
I told her 5.
About 30 seconds later she says "Okay. So you say you spend about 10 hours in front of the computer?"
I didn't bother to correct her and then she starts telling me about all the different type of lenses they have, so I ask her how much those lenses would cost and she tells me that she doesn't know. But after I get my prescription, I can discuss that with people up front.
So you only have one job --that you do with as much passion as an android and you know nothing about the other parts of your organization?
She then tells me she needs to take a measurement of my eye, which I would understand for contacts but i'm getting glasses and i'm not sure she understood me when I told her this the first time.
So she tells me to look into this machine, which I've looked into many, many times and each time that I have. They have put the picture in focus for me.. This time the picture state blurry
The girl then announces that the machine could only take a measurements of NORMAL eyes and since I'd had so many surgeries & eyetrauma, it could not take a measurement of mine. And I would have to be referred to a doctor.
I'm thinking okay......... well where is he?
"Oh, there is no Doctor actually here because we don't do actual glasses examinations, we just do virtual glasses ambinations.
Anyway, that's when I left.
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marley-manson · 2 months
10 First Lines
I was tagged by @eveningalchemist, thank you! Doing this on my main because only two of them are Berserk. Fics can be found here.
Potter looked like he’d just been told Sophie needed another enema and there was no one available to do the honors for him, so Hawkeye figured he hadn’t been invited to his office for a surprise party. - Army Style
It wasn’t until supper that Casca realized she hadn’t seen Guts all day. - Snowmelt
Less than an hour after Trapper confessed to the disappointment of the century, the O-Club started to empty. - Precipice
Hawkeye placed the next chip of beef atop his growing tower with the precision and focus only a surgeon who hadn’t slept in over forty-eight hours could have. - War Bonds
The tables clattered and squealed as they were pushed across the wooden floor, wheels leaving trails of sticky blood behind them. - Presumed Dead
Hawkeye was on his fourth glass of the evening when Frank stormed into the Swamp looking like a toddler who’d been told “no.” - Under the Influence
His desired was burning for him just over the black horizon, hooked deep in his bones and pulling him closer irresistibly. - Refraction
I only have 7 fics posted but since @eveningalchemist mentioned wips as a possibility, I'll throw in three of those as well, subject to change:
The house wasn't like he'd imagined. - BJ visits Hawkeye fic
It happened on the way back to the Swamp. - disaster Beejhawk fic
The scent of frying bacon caught him when he opened his front door. - sequel to Presumed Dead
tagging: @rescue-ram @majorbaby @undecimber-of-joy @bisexualdawnsummers @pigtailedgirl
@quordleona03 @morewyckedthanyou @machihunnicutt @bornforastorm and anyone else who wants to do it!
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eyecareindore · 3 months
Exploring the Long-Term Advantages of Glaucoma Surgery
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drtusharbhatt · 21 days
Refractive Eye Specialist Hospital Near Nehru Nagar - Dr. Tushar Bhatt
Refractive Eye Specialist Near By Nehru Nagar - Dr. Tushar Bhatt is one of the best refractive eye specialist surgeon doctor near by Nehru Nagar. Refractive Eye Specialist Near By Nehru Nagar. Online consult with eye doctor near Nehru Nagar.
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lasik-surgery-delhi · 7 months
LASIK Surgery In Delhi
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LASIK Surgery In Delhi
Dr. Rajiv Bajaj, MBBS, MS — Ophthalmology — LASIK Surgeon In Delhi
Dr. Rajiv Bajaj is a renowned Ophthalmologist practising in Pitampura area of Delhi. He is the founder of Bajaj Eye Care Centre, a centre equipped with ultra modern facilities that provides solutions to a wide range of eye ailments. The NABH accredited centre known for its professional excellence is present on the panel of leading insurance companies, Govt. Organizations and majority of TPA’s for Cashless Mediclaim Facilities Dr. Bajaj is an MBBS graduate from Maulana Azad Medical College, Delhi. He further pursued post graduation MS in Ophthalmology from Delhi University at Safdarjang Hospital which has added immensely to his surgical experience in the subject.
Prior to independent practice, Dr. Bajaj served at Safdarjang Hospital, Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital, Maharaja Agrasen Hospital and Sant Parmanand Hospital which have been his immense sources of experience in the ophthalmic field. He later established Bajaj Eye Care Centre which caters to patients from Delhi /NCR and beyond.
As a part of surgical education, Dr. Bajaj has demonstrated live surgery of MICS in national level conferences. He is among the first few doctors to incorporate advanced technology such as MICS, Phaco surgery and Refractive surgery in his practice. Dr Rajiv Bajaj has a keen interest in the field of glasses removal techniques and has always adopted the latest technology in this dimension. BAJAJ EYE CARE CENTRE takes pride to install the FIRST zeiss VISUMAX FEMTOSECOND LASER machine — SMILE for flapless, bladeless technique in the whole of NORTH Delhi.
To schedule an appointment with Dr. Rajiv Bajaj, please contact: Name: Bajaj Eye Care Centre Address: 101, Vikas Surya Plaza, Plot №7, DDA Community Centre Road №44, Pitampura, Delhi — 110034 Phone: 011–47024919 / 27012054 Website: www.lasikdelhi.com
You can also search for these treatments Smile LASIK In Delhi, Smile Eye Surgery In Delhi, Smile For Spectacle Removal Delhi, Smile For Glass Removal In Delhi, LASIK Eye Surgery Center In Delhi, Laser Eye Centre In Delhi, LASIK Eye Surgeon In Delhi, LASIK Surgery Specialist In Delhi, LASIK Eye Surgery In Delhi, LASIK Surgery In Delhi, LASIK Eye Surgery Cost In Delhi, LASIK Cost In Delhi
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oliviathomas1 · 2 years
Retinal Detachment Surgery
The retina is the name for the light-sensitive tissue that is situated at the back of the eyes. It is in charge of transforming light rays into impulses that pass via the optic nerve and into our brain, where they are translated into the images we perceive as sight. The retina in the back of the eye is connected to the vitreous gel, the transparent substance that fills the eyeball.
The vitreous may alter the shape and detach from the retina as we age. A retinal tear happens when the vitreous pulls a section of the retina along with it which can be treated with retinal detachment surgery. The retina may lift off the rear wall of the eye after a retinal tear forms as a result of the vitreous fluid that may leak through and do so. This causes the retina to pull away or detach. 
If a person experiences any of the symptoms, he or she should consider retinal detachment treatment from a retinal specialist. Common symptoms of retinal detachment are: - 
You suddenly notice a large number of tiny spots in your area of     vision. These floating specks are another name for them. 
The patient's range of vision also gets smaller as their peripheral     vision gets worse and gets darker.
The diseased eye or eyes give the patient a brief sense of being heavy.
Additionally, people experience photopsia or light flashes in their     vision. Both or one eye may experience this.
Blurred vision is one of the key signs of retinal detachment, just     like it is with many other eye-related conditions.
Retinal detachments can be treated in a variety of methods but make sure you consult the best retina specialist in Delhi out of the many top retina specialists in Delhi. Retinal detachments can be treated in a variety of methods. The usual treatment for retinal tears or holes is a laser (Retina laser surgery) or cryopexy. If a retinal tear is detected and treated soon enough, it can be repaired using either of these methods. Retinal detachments may necessitate surgery to put them back together if they are not caught in time.
If the rip is tiny and simple to seal, pneumatic retinopexy is the treatment that can be performed to treat retinal detachment. An insignificant gas bubble is injected into the eye, namely into the transparent, gel-like material between the lens and the retina, where the injected gas bubble expands and presses the retina to seal the tear. 
Another form of treatment is called "Scleral buckle," and it entails surgically attaching a silicone band or buckle around the eye's equator in order to balance any forces that may be disturbing the position of the retina. 
Diabetic retinopathy treatments might vary slightly as patients have to take extra precautions considering their Diabetes level. The recovery period will also increase in the case of such patients as patients with diabetes require more time for recovering from any type of treatment. 
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