#Resident Evil 9
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RE9 AU where the game is centered around the winters family with mia as the antagonist trying to bring back ethan and rosemary as the protagonist trying to stop her...
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cenorii · 2 months
Sudden theory about re9!
This time I didn't expect to write this theory, because I saw this thing unexpectedly. And I'm still in a stupor.
Another theory about Wesker, but this time with a screenshot I haven't seen anywhere else... (wow wtf??)
Spread this photo around so more people know about it.
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I found this image when I was replaying re8. There's a red line leading from him to Chris.
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Initially I always thought it was Karl Heisenberg but then I got to thinking… why would he want his own pictures on his own information board? And they have completely different facial features.
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I used free camera to examine this photo and was horrified to find that it was an exact replica of Wesker, only older and with long hair. I also noticed that his glasses are on a string or something. If you doubt that this is Wesker's face, just look closely at the shape of the nose, the distance between the nose and mouth, and then look at the shape of the face and chin. They're identical.
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So, what are my conclusions? Let's run a logical chain to make it easier for us: Karl collected information on all the people who were in any way connected to Miranda. Chris is connected to her because he's been investigating a case involving Mold and Miranda since as early as 2017. And Wesker is connected because he worked for The Connections in the HCF division. It was The Connections that developed Eveline, and Miranda worked for them. It's unlikely that Wesker has anything directly to do with that. He's also connected to Chris, which is why their photos are connected by a red line.
Now let's discuss his face. This is obviously an aged version of Wesker's new appearance from re4r. In 2021, at the time of the re8 storyline, he is 61 years old. The photo is probably recent, judging by Chris' photo. Wesker has long hair here, which is interesting. Of the boring stuff, the glasses are a different shape. There are official hints in the Umbrella Corps game that Wesker is alive, it says so almost directly there. Read my theories if you're interested. Here. And here.
Given all the hints that Wesker is alive, can this photo be considered official confirmation? We'll see.
I really haven't seen anyone else write about it.
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krupiika · 15 days
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dalekofchaos · 25 days
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When all the leaks suggest Chris or Leon is the protagonist of RE9.
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bigboy-lovers-unite · 5 months
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I've been playing resident evil for a bit now and I'm so glad I don't understand this meme yet
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colesabi · 20 days
I’m just going to say this one thing regarding the RE9 rumors going around…
I’m okay with Leon not being the protagonist,
He needs to show up somewhere. I need to know what he’s being doing. It’s been, what? 6 years between DI and Village and if the rumors are true about RE9 taking place in 2025… that’s now 10 years. What the fuck has Leon been doing?
Is he playing Suzy Homemaker with Chris? Did he become a necromancer and revive Luis? I need to know!! Give me something! Don’t screw this up Capcom.
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tyanis · 23 days
Poll: Assuming Leon is in RE9...
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ovaryacted · 28 days
CW: Discussions about Resident Evil Leaks
Been seeing posts about these Resident Evil leaks surrounding RE9 and a possible RE1 remake. If Leon Kennedy is somehow the lead character of RE9 (which I don’t believe), I will either scream or cry but I don’t know if I’ll be a good reaction or a bad one. Either way, they’re gonna milk him till the end so let’s see what they come up with, especially when you consider how the face models and voice actors are treated by “fans”. Pero jajaja.
My only request is that if Leon is relevant to RE9, they should make him older and give him longer hair. If they can give us Chris when he’s like 40 something and graying, I want the same for Leon. GIVE HIM THE GRAYS! I also am secretly hoping that eventually, we get Leon having a breakdown. Idk, after all the shit he’s been through I need him to do some manic shit and have a cathartic moment where everything comes crumbling down. I want to see that man haunted by his demons and come back like a phoenix even if it’s one last time.
I love Leon to death, I do, but I also don’t want him to be the main character of the next installment lowkey. I also don’t really know if that makes sense considering they just dropped RE4R last year with Leon, and the context of the Winters family is allegedly supposed to be a trilogy so RE9 can be a conclusion to Rose & Ethan AND possibly Chris to figure out more about how he got involved in the first place or what happened to make him go rogue from the BSAA. We already know Capcom is remaking the prior RE games, we just don’t know in what order or what games they’re prioritizing. I would kill to have a Code Veronica or RE5 remake, or having something regarding Jill and Claire because I want them to return to the franchise as the important characters they are but Capcom just hates the RE female characters so we’ll see.
I never really trust leaks cause I just don’t think RE9 is anywhere near done and considering the inconsistencies in the RE “canon” timeline anyway, we just have to wait and see for any real announcements. But, I will continue to manifest the RE5 remake, I think a complete overhaul of that game and a reintroduction to Wesker, Chris, Jill, and Sheva would be so cool. Again, I don’t know shit, this is just me speculating but I don’t think those leaks are real either way so snooze fest. 🤷‍♀️
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According to a trusted insider, the game is going ti be called Resident Evil 9: Revenant Shadows and it is already up for pre-order on Play Asia.
The game is rumored to be focused around Leon Kennedy during the Ethan Winter and Chris Redfield storyline.
Not only that, but we also have a rumored confirmation of the remakes for Code Veronica and Resident Evil 0. Those both will possibly be available for PS5. Resident Evil 5 is also rumored to be made for PS5 but not remade.
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lawtistic · 6 months
since biohazard village and re9 are meant to be chris' last big character arc if they dont include the 2 people who have been with him for his entire life, who risked their lives to save him multiple times and are inarguably the 2 most important people in his life (jill and claire) in re9 i will be Angry
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mysteriousanderfels · 10 months
So in the timeline of the franchise we don't hear about Leon since Death Island which happens in 2015.
And the last events we were left off with Village were in 2021.
There is no account of Leon's whereabouts in-game or in the lore about where he could be.
If we take in the fact that Leon is by this point pretty fed up with the government's bullshit, pretty angry at being used and abused from the beginning, that he's burnt out and starting to question everything for some time now, what if! Leon has gone to join Chris' side through out all the the Romania operation!
What if he's working with him and secretly helping him uncover his suspicions about the BSAA by being a secret member of his Hound Wolf squad!
If there is one person Leon can trust with his eyes closed, it's Chris Redfield. Whether he'd do it because he came across evidences himself or because he's finally fed up with the manipulations from agencies and institutions that always seem involved in the evil they send them to fight, or we could even envision that he became a compromised agent in need of hiding, either ways, there are many objective reasons for him to join Chris on his quest to uproot the evil from within once and for all (this time doing it their way).
I have this imagery in my head... of a Hound Wolf soldier entering Chris' tent - the latter leaned over blue prints and reports, the soldier taking off his face camouflage and it's revealed that it's Leon!
Chris slowly smiles, Leon adjusts his hair and slowly smiles back.
Leon S. Kennedy is AWOL for a some time now, and we finally found out where he's been.
Well, I'll stop here because what I have in mind for what follows goes slightly in an smexy direction~
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cenorii · 1 month
Generalized theory about re9
I'm looking forward to re9 as much as you are, and I have a lot of logical conclusions about what kind of story we'll be greeted with in it. But Capcom is good at surprising people, so my thoughts on this installment may just be a grain of sand in the sea or a half-truth.
In this theory I will give my view on the plot of re9 and give my arguments, so sit back, there will be lots of facts and pictures!
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Let's start with the fact that back in 2016 Capcom threw in an interesting plot detail for us called Umbrella Corps. I can't call it a real game, it's more of a story DLC for all games.
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The plot: the main character is an unnamed mercenary nicknamed 3A-7. He is part of the Umbrella Corps, a secret corps that belongs to Blue Umbrella, an organization that "reformed and got on the right path". Didn't it seem like a lie back in re7, right? The purpose of this corps is to search for bioweapon samples in quarantined areas that the BSAA has failed to sterilize well. The main character is involved in an operation called "The Experiment" but survives every step of the way due to his combat experience. The plot glimpses an unknown Corps Leader (Executive) who even his subordinates know nothing about. One man who sent 3A-7 on missions once wondered why this Executive was so feared, why he was so intimidating, and why he knew so much about the events in re4, as if he had been to that island himself. But only two men survived the events in re4 - Leon and Wesker. A male subordinate attempted to get the Executive's DNA, but disappeared in the process. He was killed for wanting to know the truth and was replaced by a woman who also knew nothing about her boss. At the end of the story, the main character survives even after the most difficult challenge and is contacted by this mysterious Executive and told that he has plans for 3A-7. The main character is voiced by D.C. Douglas, just like the Executive, whose voice can be heard in co-op mode at the end of the missions.
His phrases: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pe7LEaA7em8
Albert Wesker is also voiced by Douglas. So why would Capcom take on such a recognizable voice? Why voice two characters at once with that voice? It can only make sense if the Executive turns out to be a suddenly alive Wesker. If you listen to his intonation, it's safe to say it's him, or his clone or twin brother.
We now know that Blue Umbrella are no longer the honest people they try to make themselves out to be in re7. In the "Not a Hero" DLC, Chris says he doesn't trust them. He has good intuition. It is in re7 that it is revealed that the Blue Umbrella are using Wesker's designs to create weapons effective against biological threats. Various firearms signed as "Albert W." are now being used by BSAA soldiers. Isn't that strange? No matter how good these weapons are, naming them after a bioterrorist and enemy of humanity is a strange move, isn't it? Someone secretly respects him.
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Chris's trust in the BSAA dwindles to the point where he creates his own small unit, the "Hound Wolf Squad". Once again, his intuition doesn't let him down. At the end of the re8 storyline, Chris discovers an unpleasant truth... The soldiers the BSAA sent into "village" to contain the Mold have turned out to be biological weapons. They are creatures completely indistinguishable from humans, and look just like Chris. They have his face.
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But why? Why Chris?
To answer that question, we need to go back to the Umbrella Corps storyline.
The mercenaries in the Corps have been collecting bioweapons samples for the mysterious Executive with Wesker's voice. The Corps is owned by Blue Umbrella, who cooperate with the BSAA and supply them with their weapons and medical supplies. It's safe to say that the Corps is also cooperating with the BSAA. These three organizations have created a new bioweapon indistinguishable from a normal human being using Chris' DNA. Hero DNA.
Why would the Executive want a bioweapon with Chris's appearance? Chris to Wesker has always been someone he considered his equal. Chris is "one of his best men." Who else but him would have thought of that? Who else besides him will speak in the voice of Douglas and hide from people? All of these details blatantly hint that Wesker is alive and involved.
Another interesting detail that also hints that Wesker is alive. Yes, it's my old theory. In re8 on the Heisenberg board this photo can be found. I originally thought it was his own photo, however why would he want his own photo on his own information board? The person in the photo is clearly older and has different facial features.
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The red line from this photo leads to Chris. Heisenberg sees a connection between the two men, but who is this mysterious old man?
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It's Wesker.
I'm 98% sure of it. Look closely at the points of interest: facial features, the shape of the nose, the distance from the nose to the mouth, the shape of the face, and the shape of the chin. Heisenberg knows from somewhere that Wesker is alive. But judging by the insignificance of this photo on the board, he doesn't think it's true or anything important.
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Putting all this information together, we get a picture of a possible re9 plot:
Wesker is again the antagonist\anti-villain, but perhaps not the main one. He operates from the shadows, running Umbrella Corps. He's obsessed with Chris and hides his existence from everyone, killing those who try to figure out his identity. Perhaps in the plot, Chris will meet an unnamed 3A-7 who is connected to the conspiracy between Blue Umbrella and BSAA. A major upheaval of all these organizations is coming and unexpected secrets will be revealed. Perhaps Ada Wong will be involved, as her concept is in re8 and the idea could still be realized. Wesker must have become very weak after the events of re5, or something happened to his body, which is why he can no longer maintain his standard image and his hair grows a lot. The plot will not be tied to defeating him, because he is not the main evil in this story.
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If BSAA has a big conflict brewing, then Jill will be affected. She could team up with Chris again, or she could get her own unique storyline (or DLC). Also, I think Claire might help her brother in some way by using TerraSave's resources, because that organization fights for human rights and in this case, Chris' rights were violated when his DNA was stolen. Looking back at this picture of the story, I'm starting to believe the rumors that the game will get very large scale and maybe even get an open world.
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However, all of this can be forgotten and discarded at Capcom's will. As logical as my re9 story picture looks, the writers may do something completely different that will surprise us all. Would I be upset if they scrapped such a logical and cool plot? A little bit. I'll be interested in playing and seeing what OTHER plot they come up with. I'll still be interested in what Capcom will try to surprise us with. Re9 is definitely a very important game for the whole story, because a lot of things will be dotted here. And even if they end up scrapping the idea of a living Wesker, it won't make re9 a bad game in my eyes. I will love these theories and the various AU's with alive Wesker even after the release of this game.
If you're wondering how Wesker survived in volcano, then I suggest you read my theory, in which I delved into this issue so much that I figured out the melting point of his clothes. It's here. Also in this theory there is a detailed analysis of the bioweapon-Chris, possible ways to understand the plot of Umbrella Corps and etc.
Thanks for reading!
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sapphire-weapon · 23 days
so i looked into these "RE1 is getting remade again" rumors, because this fandom is fucking insane and never gives me a moment's peace.
the "leak" is attributed to two different inside sources: DanielRPK @ Patreon and PRE_Alarabiya @ Twitter
i coughed up the 2 bux for dan richtman's patreon, and this is all that he has to say about it:
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compare this to his other leaks:
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now, to be completely fair, all of his RE leaks are pretty bare-bones. however, he speaks with a certainty in his other RE leaks that isn't present in his RE1RR leak. not "i hear" but "is":
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no fucking shit, dan. a 10-year-old could've told you that.
though this one was interesting, only because i haven't heard anyone mention it yet:
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that was the same studio that did the paul ws anderson live action movies and welcome to raccoon city, so who the fuck knows what that's about.
so let's look at the other source. this is just an arab fan community for RE, similar to our own survival horror central here in the west. they independently confirm DG's leak about leon in fake singapore for RE9, and then talk a little about a possible RE1RR.
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this leak is actually super interesting, because it seems to imply that leon's not the only playable main character in RE9, which then lends more credence to the "RE9 is a leon and jill game" theory -- though it also sounds like they'll be in two separate locations, which is also interesting.
but the takeaway here is that even the people who are "leaking" RE1RR don't really seem to be sure that it's true or even really think that it is true.
so temper your expectations accordingly.
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dalekofchaos · 3 months
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colesabi · 6 days
Its Rant Time
Alright so I have got to talk about this:
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I’m pretty sure at this point it’s been confirmed to be an AI fake but I feel the need to rant.
Apparently this monstrosity has been making the rounds on social media ever since Thursday. I had sent it in to @highball66, mainly to make fun of it but apparently it’s still available for pre-order on playasia. (It is still up, I confirmed)
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Now, I don’t now much about that platform but first and foremost, we do not have a date for release for RE9 or even really an actual confirmation (we know it’s coming but just, like when is the question). Also: if something were going to be put on pre-order I would think they would at least have some sort of professional or official graphic attached. Not this AI generated monstrosity and that isn’t even taking into account the little banner for the item description.
What? You guys couldn’t find another obscure graphic of Leon and Jill? Had to use 2R Leon and RE1 Jill? (I’m not even going to discuss the potential plot for the game either because that’s just a whole different issue and might get a separate post)
Now let’s move onto the actual game title and graphic because this thing is a mess. I’m 99% sure someone just took DI Leon’s model and just plastered a bunch of shadows over his face. It seems like the generative AI was probably given the prompts to take the last known appearance of Leon (DI) and age him up, and then for shits and giggles, give him a cybernetic arm??? (Like what the fuck is going on with that left arm - a bad blend job? intentional? Or just trying to fill in a blank since I’m pretty sure the main inspo was taken from this image below. Notice how his arms are real skinny in the RE9 graphic because the below image has them cropped? The AI probably was trying to fill in the blanks there)
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I honestly feel like they took this and adjusted his posture and gave him (from what I can tell) a very weirdly rendered face that looks nothing like the graphics in the RE engine. It’s just bad all the way around.
And don’t even get me started on “Jill” (supposedly in the background). Doesn’t even look like her, though granted, her face is completely blocked out but the body shape just looks like some generic video game/anime girl. Whoever did this didn’t even give us like any identifiable clothing to figure out its Jill. I honestly thought it was Ada at first.
Then you have the name. As @highball66 says, it’s just a switcharoo of Shadow Revenant from Apex Legends. Now unless Capcom has just decided to enter the ‘fuck it’ stage of development, I would be shocked if that’s the name.
I really hope no one has fallen for this and paid money because this just looks to be a scam trying to take advantage of a clearly popular franchise that is just itching for updates. Hopefully we’ll get more official confirmation soon or something but these rumors are starting to get a little out of hand.
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tyanis · 16 days
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