#Rico Rival
weirdlookindog · 7 months
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Rico Rival - Illustration from Monsters of the Movies #6, 1975.
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browsethestacks · 6 months
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Original Art - Marvel Preview #03 Pg 18 (1975) by Tony DeZuniga And Rico Rival
Original Art + Acetate Overlay + Published Page
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marvelousmrm · 1 year
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Dead of Night #11 (Edelman/Rival, Aug 1975). Hit another wall, had to backtrack into this horror comic for backstory. Jess Duncan helps his family outbid an occultist at an auction. But does he possess the Scarecrow painting, or does it possess him?
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thebristolboard · 2 years
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Original splash page by Tony DeZuniga (pencils) and Rico Rival (inks) from Marvel Preview #3, published by Marvel Comics, September 1975.
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yodeleyewho · 4 months
“I hope they killed her” was kinda crazy 😭
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notmoreflippingelves · 7 months
I'm just saying that the Elena of Avalor fandom does not know how lucky they are that they don't have an active k*nk meme the way the Ace Attorney fandom does. Because I am not sure the world at large is ready for the absolute mad head canons, scenarios, and ships I would unleash upon them if only there was a designated appropriate, still-active, adults-only place to do so.
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chikinan · 2 years
chilean spanish is insane btw
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protoslacker · 8 months
Although the two RICO cases represent rival factions of the political class, the same grand jury that indicted Donald Trump is responsible for indicting those accused of “racketeering” for protesting Cop City. The court system is the central infrastructure for directing state violence; though naïve Democrats may portray it as a check on the aspirations of autocrats, it naturally lends itself to all forms of repression targeting the oppressed, and that is the chief role that it will always play.
crimethinc. Understanding the RICO Charges in Atlanta
A Sweeping Indictment Seeks to Criminalize Protest Itself
A Zine version of this article is available to print and distribute.
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The year is 1926, and Shanghai hums to the tune of debauchery. A blood feud between two gangs runs the streets red, leaving the city helpless in the grip of chaos. At the heart of it all is eighteen-year-old Juliette Cai, a former flapper who has returned to assume her role as the proud heir of the Scarlet Gang—a network of criminals far above the law. Their only rivals in power are the White Flowers, who have fought the Scarlets for generations. And behind every move is their heir, Roma Montagov, Juliette’s first love…and first betrayal.
But when gangsters on both sides show signs of instability culminating in clawing their own throats out, the people start to whisper. Of a contagion, a madness. Of a monster in the shadows. As the deaths stack up, Juliette and Roma must set their guns—and grudges—aside and work together, for if they can’t stop this mayhem, then there will be no city left for either to rule.
i NEVER read ya romance usually but this one KICKS ASS. theres something poignant about a r+j who fell to their family feuds and that makes the plot more unique (it takes place like 5 years after some of the r/j events)... the prose is really good as is the atmosphere, also there's a trans character who's fitted well into the historical setting and the choice of historical setting is also fun
West Side Story is set in the mid-1950s in the Upper West Side of Manhattan in New York City, then a multiracial, blue-collar neighborhood. The musical explores the rivalry between the Jets and the Sharks, two teenage street gangs of different ethnic backgrounds. The Sharks, who are recent migrants from Puerto Rico, and the Jets, who are white, vie for dominance of the neighborhood. The young protagonist, Tony, a former member of the Jets and best friend of the gang's leader, Riff, falls in love with Maria, the sister of Bernardo, the leader of the Sharks.
it is a musical. it is wonderful. it is relevant still today. Shakespeare and Bernstein, Soundheim, and Laurents. iconic
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villainpet · 12 days
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𓄹𓈒   ˑ   ⠀   ⠀ Era  Uma  Vez…  Uma  pessoa  comum,  de  um  lugar  sem  graça  nenhuma!  HÁ,  sim,  estou  falando  de  você  ANTALYA  “LIA”  ERSOY.  Você  veio  de  LOS  ANGELES,  EUA  e  costumava  ser  TIKTOKER  por  lá  antes  de  ser  enviado  para  o  Mundo  das  Histórias.  Se  eu  fosse  você,  teria  vergonha  de  contar  isso  por  aí,  porque  enquanto  você  estava  ANALISANDO  ADAPTAÇÕES  DE  MANHWAS,  tem  gente  aqui  que  estava  salvando  princesas  das  garras  malignas  de  uma  bruxa  má!  Tem  gente  aqui  que  estava  montando  em  dragões.  Tá  vendo  só?  Você  pode  até  ser  CRIATIVA,  mas  você  não  deixa  de  ser  uma  baita  de  uma  TAGARELA…  Se,  infelizmente,  você  tiver  que  ficar  por  aqui  para  estragar  tudo,  e  acabar  assumindo  mesmo  o  papel  de  APRENDIZ  DO  JAFAR  na  história  ALADDIN…  Bom,  eu  desejo  boa  sorte.  Porque  você  VAI  precisar!
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𓄹𓈒   ˑ   ⠀   ⠀ BASICS
Idade: 27 anos Altura: 1,70 Signo: Sol em áries, com ascendente em aquário e lua em leão Traços positivos: corajosa, expressiva, autoconfiante, adaptável e determinada Traços negativos: Volátil, orgulhosa, teimosa, implicante e rancorosa Aesthetic: selfies, câmeras, microfones, mangás/manhwas, cosplay, celular, balança (justiça), Elle Woods, cores vibrantes, café, estética retrô, livros, "design is my passion", fanfiction
𓄹𓈒   ˑ   ⠀   ⠀ FIRST CHAPTER…
O século XXI era uma loucura. Num momento você poderia estar num emprego estável, das 9 às 5h, e no outro estar sendo colocada para fora e decidindo trocar toda sua carreira pela Internet. Sinceramente, Lia até preferia seu novo caminho profissional, pelo menos ninguém poderia demiti-la por “não combinar mais com a imagem da empresa”… Certo, tinha que lidar com o cancelamento ocasional e o spam de haters, mas sabe, nada que a monetização de seus vídeos não resolvesse. Os prós definitivamente superavam os contras, caso ignorasse todas as questões pessoais, como o julgamento de amigos e familiares, a decepção dos pais e as críticas do atual-quase-ex namorado. 
Lia não era uma pessoa sem rumo, nem desocupada, também não precisava de “um emprego de verdade”. Havia se dedicado por quase dois anos ao escritório de advocacia Kraut and Cornell Criminal Defense, somente para ser dispensada por causa de um vídeo de cosplay que foi entregue ao público errado: seu rival para a posição de advogado júnior. É, sua história era digna de fanfic, só faltava um bilionário gato e dominante, totalmente o contrário de seu namorado babaca e metido a rico, derretendo aos seus pés. Uma garota podia sonhar! Infelizmente, a cada dia que passava, parecia que estava fadada a ser a amiga bem sucedida e gostosona — um projeto que começaria na segunda-feira sem falta —, mas solteira. E tudo bem! Não precisava de um homem que se sentisse ameaçado pelo seu sucesso crescente na frente das câmeras e sentisse a necessidade de diminuí-la a qualquer oportunidade dada. 
Por isso, assim que terminasse sua programação de gravação do dia, iria jantar com Connor e terminar o que tinham… Se é que existia algo entre eles ainda. Sabia que fechar esse ciclo oficialmente seria mais difícil do que tentava se convencer, então era uma boa coisa que os vídeos do dia fossem de recebidos. Ah, como ela amava a Internet! Primeiro, começou avaliando as novas edições de Solo Leveling que recebeu — bonitos, mas nem perto melhor que os traços do original. Então passou para os três livros enviados por uma editora nova, só para notar um pacote solto, somente com seu destinatário. Que estranho! Não lembrava de tê-lo recebido, mas entre tantas entregas, sempre acabava perdendo uma outra. Parecia mais um remake de contos de fadas, seguindo a estética vintage de capa dura que vinha sendo sensação no momento, o livro era até que bonitinho. Não a leve a mal, Lia achava legal que quisessem resgatar a elegância e “cleanliness” das obras antigas, mas a quantidade de editoras e autores replicando a ideia, era um exagero. 
Sua opinião mudou completamente quando o livro em suas mãos começou a reluzir e reluzir e reluzir… Que tipo de led usaram naquela capa, não sabia, mas caramba! Tinha que descobrir para colocar em seu quintal, já que chegava a cegar de tão brilhante. E ainda tinha efeitos sonoros! Revolucionário, de certo, mas muito caótico, fez questão de apontar para seus telespectadores, apenas para sua visão começar a limpar e notar que não estava mais no cenário que normalmente gravava. Na verdade, não estava sequer em casa. Só estava ela, sua cadeira gamer caríssima e um punhado de gente abismada, observando-a com os olhos arregalados. “O que é isso? Uma nova cama de tortura…?”, escutei um homem dizer. Um homem vestido com uma bata e uma malha de metal. “E os olhos! Por Merlin, olhos em formato de estrelas!”, depois “E essas roupas, coitada, parece ter sido atacada!”, mas a mente de Lia não absorvia mais nenhuma palavra. A única coisa em que conseguia pensar enquanto seus olhos passavam pelo grupo saído de uma feira medieval era: que merda estava acontecendo!?
𓄹𓈒   ˑ   ⠀   ⠀ SNEAK PEEK
𝑝𝑟𝑖𝑚𝑒𝑖𝑟𝑜𝑠 𝑑𝑖𝑎𝑠...
Lia não demorou a “aceitar” a nova realidade em que se viu presa... Até porque devia ser algum tipo de surto psicótico ou fruto de um coma pensar estar destinada a correr atrás de um homem. Não tinha porque se estressar e lutar contra a própria imaginação, porque não passava disso: pura e distorcida imaginação (devia abandonar os dark romances);
No entanto, mesmo tentando aceitar a nova realidade como imaginação, começou a considerar a possibilidade de estar no purgatório. Não havia outra explicação para ter condenado a si mesma a viver num CCC ou ter se designado como Perdida. Será que estava mais infeliz e desequilibrada do que pensava? E ainda tinha aquele velho mago, que deveria ser sua consciência ou instinto de preservação. Claro que Lia já o odiava;
... 𝑎𝑔𝑜𝑟𝑎
A cada aviso, acontecimento e "perdido" que conhecia, ficava mais difícil atribuir tudo à imaginação. Na verdade, a possibilidade de alienígenas aparecerem do nada parecia cada dia mais provável... Ou a teoria do multiverso, interdimensões, purgatório...
Entre tantos mundos que já leu sobre, com plots semelhantes ao que vivia agora, jamais imaginou que fosse ficar presa justamente nos contos de fadas. Fala sério! Podia estar no meio de The Originals ou… The Villainess Captured The Grand Duke! Ou mesmo Sailor Moon, com o look e cabelos maravilhosos das guardiãs do universo; ou com parceiros que lamberiam o chão em que anda. Por isso, critica tudo do novo universo — e com tooooda razão! Onde já se viu... Sidekick rejeitada de vilão. Jamais!
… Mas também, é como diz o ditado: quando em Roma, faça como os romanos. Podia não gostar do que estava vivendo, porém, estaria morta de verdade se não fosse aproveitar ao máximo a experiência. Era sua chance de ser a S/N, a protagonista, aquela que mudaria o próprio destino e o de todos. Podia não lembrar de todas as histórias de cor, mas conhecia aquelas pessoas, não conhecia? Sabia de suas angustias e desejos, isso tinha que servir pra algo.
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notasfilosoficas · 20 days
“El enemigo más grande siempre se esconderá en el último lugar en el que buscarías”
Julio Cesar
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Fue un político y militar romano nacido en julio del año 100 a.C.miembro de los patricios Julios Césares que alcanzó las más altas magistraturas del estado romano y vencedor de la guerra civil que le enfrentó al sector más conservador del Senado.
Nació en el seno de la gens Julia, una familia patricia de escasa fortuna, su padre Cayo Julio César fue uno pretor que gobernó la provincia de Asia y su madre Aurelia Cota, era una noble de nacimiento.
Estuvo  emparentado con algunos de los hombres más influyentes de su época como su tío Cayo Mario, quien influyó en su carrera política de forma determinante.
Ambos se alinearon a la ideología popular de Roma que favorecía la democratización del gobierno y más derechos para las clases bajas, opuesto a la facción optímate que reclamaba la superioridad de la nobleza y los valores que favorecían a las clases superiores, y, aunque los populares y optímales no eran partidos políticos en conflicto, el hecho de pedir apoyo a la gente en lugar de la aprobación del senado romano, funcionaría bien mas tarde en la vida de Julio César.
Cuando tenía 16 años su padre murió y Julio César se convirtió en la cabeza de la familia, y decidiendo que perteneciendo al sacerdocio, le permitiría tener mayor beneficio a la familia logró ser nominado como el nuevo sacerdote supremo de Júpiter y como sacerdote debía casarse con una patricia en lugar de una mujer plebeya, se casó con Cornelia, una patricia hija de un miembro influyente y de alto perfil de los populares.
Cuando el gobernante romano Sina se auto proclamó dictador, sus enemigos y particularmente los que mantuvieran la ideología populare, fueron atacados y Julio César huyo de Roma quien, por la intercesión de su madre, pudo lograr revocar su sentencia, no obstante, fue retirado de su posición de sacerdote y la dote de su esposa fue confiscada.
Sin medios y para mantener a su esposa y familia se unió al ejército en donde probó ser un soldado efectivo incluso siendo premiado con la corona cívica por salvar una vida en una batalla, siendo promovido al personal del legado militar en Bitinia para asegurar una flota de barcos.
Cuando Sila murió, Julio César regresó a Roma y probó su fortuna como orador, y, demostrando también ser un éxito se convirtió en un orador elocuente bastante conocido.
Una de las cualidades de César era su determinación de cumplir lo que prometía, cuando fue secuestrado por unos piratas, repetidamente les comentó que al momento de su liberación los cazaría y los haría crucificar por la ofensa a su familia y a su honor personal, lo cual los piratas lo tomaron como broma, sin embargo, al ser liberado, César cumplió su amenaza concediéndoles que sólo les cortaran el cuello como gesto de indulgencia al ser tratado dignamente durante su cautiverio.
De vuelta a Roma César fue elegido como tribuno militar y a su esposa Cornelia al haber muerto, se casó con Pompeya, una rica nieta optímate del dictador Sila. Durante este tiempo se hizo amigo del hombre mas rico de Roma, Marco Licinio Craso, quien le ayudó a ocupar el puesto de pontífice máximo en el año 63 a.C. y un año después fue electo pretor, divorciándose de Pompeya por un escándalo de infidelidad y partió hacia Hispania como pretor en el año 61 a.C.
En España, César logró derrotar a las tribus guerreras rivales trayendo estabilidad a la región, lo que le valió la lealtad de sus tropas y fue premiado con un consulado por el Senado, y de regreso a Roma, logro un acuerdo con Pompeyo y Craso, siendo parte del primer triunvirato que gobernó Roma.
Se casó con Calpurnia hija de un poderoso y rico senador populare, y a su hija la casó con Pompeyo para consolidar mas aún su acuerdo.
Reconociendo la riqueza a travez de la conquista se dirigió a la Galia en el año 58 a.C. derrotando a las tribus como lo había hecho en España, asegurando las fronteras de su provincia. Cuando las tribus germánicas amenazaron con invadir, César construyó un puente sobre el río Rhin y marchó con sus legiones como una demostración de fuerza. Finalmente retrocedió y destruyó el puente disuadiendo a las tribus a atacarlos.
Al desintegrarse el primer triunvirato, (pues Craso fue muerto en la batalla contra los partos en el año 54 a.C, y Pompeyo muerto en Egipto asesinado en la costa por la creencia de que César era el designado por los dioses), Cesar proclamó ley marcial en Egipto y tomó el control del palacio real. Mandó a buscar a Cleopatra quien se hallaba en el exilio y habiéndo depuesto a Ptolomeo XIII, se alió a Cleopatra iniciando una guerra entre las legiones de César y el ejército egipcio.
César y Cleopatra se convirtieron en amantes y permaneció con ella en Egipto durante 9 meses dandole a luz un hijo llamado Ptolomeo César (mejor conocido como Cesarión) y lo proclamó como heredero y sucesor al trono.
Al iniciarse una rebelión en el este, César partió para aplastarla, dejando a Cleopatra como gobernante de Egipto. En la batalla de Tapso, (cerca de la actual Tunez), César derrotó a las fuerzas de la facción optímate en el año 46 a.C. y en julio de ese año regresó victorioso a Roma.
En Egipto, Cleopatra esperaba que reconociera a su hijo como heredero, sin embargo, César nombró a su sobrino Cayo Octavio Turino (Octaviano) como su heredero. Aun así César trajo a Cleopatra y a su hijo a Roma, a pesar de seguir casado con Calpurnia. 
Cesar recibió el título de Dictador Vitalicio y contrario a la creencia popular, nunca sostuvo el título de emperador.
Durante su mandato, César inicio varias reformas incluyendo una mayor distribución de las tierras entre los pobres, una reforma agraria para los veteranos y diversas reformas políticas impopulares en el Senado. Usualmente gobernó sin la anuencia del Senado. Reformó el calendario, creó una fuerza policiaca y abolió el sistema tributario entre muchas otras reformas.
Temiendo que aumentara más su poder y que aboliera el senado y gobernar como rey, César fue asesinado por los senadores en el pórtico de la basílica de Pompeyo el Magno. Entre los asesinos estaban Marco Junio Bruto, la segunda opción de César como heredero, y Cayo Casio Longino entre otros, siendo apuñalado 23 veces muriendo en la base de la estatua de Pompeyo.
Marco Antonio, primo y mano derecha de César, tomo después el poder al derrotar a las fuerzas de Bruto y Casio en la batalla de Filipos en el año 42 a.C. y más tarde Marco Antonio se aliaría a Cleopatra, siendo derrotados en la batalla de Accio en el año 31 a.C. suicidándose un año mas tarde.
Tras sus muertes, Octaviano ordenó asesinar a Cesarión hijo de Cleopatra, y consolidando su poder como primer emperador de Roma, deificó a César y como su heredero adoptivo se auto proclamó el hijo de un dios, tomando el nombre de César Augusto, dando fin a la República Romana y el comienzo del Imperio Romano.
Fuentes: Wikipedia y worldhistory.org
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isitbop · 4 months
Just wanna ramble a bit about a few headcanons I have about some of Brawl Stars. I'll probably make more parts when I feel like it so this doesn't get long.
- The only other person Mortis hates more than Dynamike is Colt. He and Colt have been rivals since day.
- After Spike had released the poison gas in 1995, Starr Park had erased most of the brawlers' memories of what had happened and replaced them with new, fake ones. So far, the only brawlers whose memories haven't been completely wiped are Spike, Sam, and Belle.
- When I say the park is huge, the park is HUGE. It's as big as a big city which is why it's able to have all these different areas among it (especially Super City, which has got to be their BIGGEST environment due to it being an entire city.)
- Rik is R-T's more humane side, not necessarily the entire robot. (This one is basically purely headcanon since the chances of Rik being any part of R-T are unfortunately slim :( )
- Chuck is still mad at Pearl to this day for burning his baton.
- Chuck and Sam are best friends! I don't know why I just thought they'd be a good duo.
- The Turbo Theater Trio and Ghost Station Trio are great partners because Chuck is grateful to the three for taking care of Gus during his mysterious disappearance and comes by often. (Buster is extremely scared of him though.)
- Shelly used to be one of the most infamous outlaws in all of the Wastelands. However, she was eventually arrested by Colt. A few days later, she was bailed out by a mysterious person... This mysterious person was none other, but Starr Park's Owner (Name Unknown). They had promised Shelly freedom if she practiced in Brawl Stars.
- Rico and Brock have a strong bond. Brock stumbled into the fight just like Colt and Rico (who then used to go be Ricohet) saved him. Brock insisted on joining him. He thought this was just like an actual video game, and he LOVED it. (Also, Brock is such an underrated character. Give him love.)
- Ricochet ended up getting into a duel with Darryl, which ultimately put him on the brink of death. Brock got him to Pam, who is an expert and building and fixing robots, and thus, Rico was born.
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marvelousmrm · 1 year
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Man-Thing #15 (Gerber/Rival, Mar 1975). A hallucinogenic candle enables a hippie to recall her date with Ted Sallis from years ago… But the powers of the Man-Thing reach through memory and time!
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minijenn · 4 months
Jen Tortures Herself With Every Dreamworks Animated Movie Ever: The Penguins of Madagascar
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We've finally reached another Dreamworks spinoff, this time focusing on that lovable flock of flightless agents from the Madagascar trilogy. It kind of just makes sense to give the Penguins their own movie, ya know? They're really fun characters to watch in short bursts in the original movies, but how well do they fare as the stars of their own film? Let's get into it.
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We pick up after the events of Madagascar 3, with Skipper, Private, Kowalski, and Rico facing the menacing Dave, an octopus who was scorned by the penguins becoming more popular than him back at the New York Zoo. Now, he vows revenge against all penguins, and it's up to our squad to stop his schemes, while clashing with the rival agency, North Wind.
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It's a pretty fun setup with a pretty fun execution, all things considered. It's well-paced despite its fast moving action sequences and its just as quickly paced (and often very over the top) sense of humor. It's tone skews very silly, perhaps even sillier than the already very silly Madagascar 3, and yet... I think it works. The Penguins themselves are already pretty over the top personalities, so putting them in a plot like this and just letting them do their thing works so well to the movie's advantage. Even so, I think it might have just been a little too... ridiculous at points for me, and while some of the jokes are really great, others skew a little... low brow (some potty humor here and there and a few gags that outstayed their welcome).
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Still, I do like the Penguins as characters in this. They're a bit less compitent than usual, but that makes sense; we wouldn't want them as sharply skilled and successful here as they were in the Madagascar trilogy, otherwise we wouldn't have a conflict. The emotional journey here definitely focuses on Skipper and Private, with Private yearning to be viewed as a valuable member of the team and Skipper learning to appreciate him as just that. It leads to some genuinely sweet moments between them, I think. As for our new characters, we have North Wind, and they're just... ok. Not a whole lot to them, each of them are pretty one-note and they're just sort of there to be rivals, later allies for the Penguins.
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As for our villain, I really liked Dave! He's a petty bitch and matches the comedy of this movie perfectly. Since he's an octopus, they were really able to flex with him in the animation department, so not only is a fun antagonist to listen to, he's even more fun to watch in motion.
The animation itself is pretty good. Like I said, lots of fast-paced action befitting the kind of hijinks the Penguins usually get up to. Nothing too impressive here, again, aside from the animation on Dave, which is genuinely unhinged and I love it. The music is also pretty good, with a lot of that snazzy spy jazz you're probably used to from a movie like this.
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So yeah, the Penguins of Madgascar is pretty ok, though I don't think it really matches the quality of any of the other Madagascar movies that came before it. It's just a nice, fun little romp of a film that doesn't really do or say a whole, because, well, it doesn't really need to. It is exactly what it says its going to be, an adventure with the Penguins and Madagascar. And I think it does a pretty good job of being that.
Overall Rating: 6/10
Verdict: Consume a bag of delicious Cheesy Dibbles
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workingclasshistory · 2 years
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On this day, 18 October 1526, a chain of events were set in motion which would soon lead to the first recorded rebellion of enslaved Africans in what is now the continental United States. Lucas Vásquez de Ayllón, a wealthy Spaniard from Santo Domingo (now in the Dominican Republic) earlier that year headed to the North American mainland with around 500 Spanish men and women, 100 enslaved people and numerous horses, doctors and priests. After some sailing mishaps, he eventually landed and established a settlement by a river – probably the Sapelo Sound in modern day Georgia – which they called San Miguel de Gualdape. The enslaved people were then ordered to build homes. The settlers had missed planting season, and so were very short on food, and were also being ravaged by various diseases. On 18 October, Ayllón died from an unknown illness. His designated successor was in Puerto Rico, and so a struggle for power broke out between two rival aristocrats. In November, with the colonists in chaos, the enslaved people rebelled, set fire to homes and fled to Native American villages and lived among them. One group of settlers attempted to move into a nearby Native American village as well and take their food. But the Indigenous people apparently soon ran out of patience, and after feasting with the settlers for several days, eventually killed them all one night. The surviving 150 Spaniards fled later that month. Conversely, the formerly enslaved Africans, continued to live with the local Indigenous people who "welcomed them in as sisters, brothers and family", according to historian William Loren Katz. Pictured: painting of Spanish colonisers meeting with Native Americans https://www.facebook.com/workingclasshistory/photos/a.296224173896073/2112721858912953/?type=3
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shirleyjacksonesque · 5 months
every album ive listened to this year:
sorry by meg myers
make a shadow by meg myers
take me to the disco by meg myers
married in mount airy by nicole dallanganger
steady damage by fit for rivals
ivory by omar apollo
apolonio by omar apollo
channel orange by frank ocean
the money store by death grips
maggot by dazey and the scouts
this is why by paramore
white jesus black problems by fantastic negrito
honey by samia
the baby by samia
so much for stardust by fall out boy
all part of the experience by make out monday
full collapse by thursday
crash by charli xcx
nasty by rico nasty
sawayama by rina sawayama
born to die by lana del rey
good news by megan thee stallion
melodrama by lorde
bob vylan presents the price of life by bob vylan
love me forever by pinkshift
the devil and god are raging inside me by brand new
wildlife by la dispute
memory serves by material
my lover the killer by lydia lunch
laurel hell by mitski
who are the girls? by nova twins
something for thee hotties by megan thee stallion
silent alarm by bloc party
vivid by living colour
bad brains by bad brains
little earthquakes by tori amos
dance fever by florence + the machine
unreal unearth by hozier
under the pink by tori amos
digital ash in a digital urn by bright eyes
morbid stuff by pup
composure by real friends
when the pawn... by fiona apple
the record by boygenius
boys for pele by tori amos
dragon new warm mountain i believe in you by big thief
guts by olivia rodrigo
bewitched by laufey
everything i know about love by laufey
the land is inhospitable and so are we by mitski
pure heroine by lorde
funeral by arcade fire
ask rufus by rufus
suicide by suicide
telefone by noname
worry by jeff rosenstock
hee haw by the birthday party
atrocity exhibition by danny brown
eithor/or by elliott smith
lover by taylor swift
1989 taylors version by taylor swift
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