streetartusa · 2 years
Duality: A Graffiti Story - Voice to the Voiceless
Duality: A Graffiti Story – Voice to the Voiceless
I feel a wild mix of emotions after watching Duality, A Graffiti Story (released October21st) the documentary produced by Buffalo 8, an LA-based production company. It feels dense and packed, like the works of graffiti it’s presenting, so much story to tell, in too little time. It feels like life on the edge, just barely making it, but so much love, community, and burning talent. I’m mad at the…
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womanpowerpkb · 2 years
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beastofmoss · 1 year
Madara and Rei painting their nails. That's the post. Hit pOSTa
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whimsyprinx · 2 years
did everyone else’s middle school schedule rotate??? like for example the order in which we went to class changed daily and was sorted by number so class 1 was math, class 2 was english then we had our two electives and lunch (this stayed consistent unless their was a special reason for it to be different like how each year had electives and lunch scheduled earlier or later so the different grades wouldn’t be attending lunch at the same time since there wasn’t enough room for that or if we had exams) followed by class 3 which was history and class 4 which was science. so monday the schedule would be 1-2-electives and lunch-3-4, tuesday it would be 2-3-electives and lunch-4-1, wednesday was 3-4-electives and lunch-1-2, thursday was 4-1-electives and lunch-2-3 and then friday would be the same as mondays schedule and like I have no possible way of knowing if this is something every middle school does because I live in a bubble
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evasive-anon · 7 months
Batfam as Pokemon Trainers
Batman is a dark type trainer generally, but I also really think his team would be made up of pokemon that represent other members of the batfam. His partner would be Corviknight because it suits his aesthetic and its a flying pokemon so it kind reps Dick. He would also 1000% have a male Indeedee named Alfred.
Dick is flying type trainer, this is honestly so self explanatory. He has a Talonflame, Dartix, Staraptor, Honchcrow, Togekiss, and a Sylveon named Haley that he intended to keep an Eevee but it evolved from friendship. EDIT: It's a shiny umbreon it evolved from friendship at night and its colors match Nightwing's. (Thanks, @vythika96.)
Babs uses ghost/electric because the writers tried to fridge her and she's great with tech. Her partner Pokemon is a Rotom named Francis.
Jason is fire/fighting, this is another one that seems obvious to me. He has Blaziken cause it starts its evolution a cute bird and then it grew into a fighter. He also has an Alolan Marowak because he needs at least one ghost pokemon after dying and Marowaks have enough Mommy issues to match him. Pangoro I also think would suit him, they are prone to violence but hate bullies and they look so rowdy. Also think Arcanine, Toxicroak, and Emboar would work for him.
Tim is psychic trainer. I told myself no legendaries but I honestly think Tim would an Unonwn that just chills with him, constantly hovering at the edge on his vision while he works. It's benevolent and likes him its just shy, but it drives Tim absolutely insane. His partner is an Espurr.
Stephanie doesn't stick to one type she just collects purple Pokemon. She has a ditto, a shiny sloking, a golbat, a stunky or skuntank named Jason, and an espeon she co-parents with Cass. Her favorite move in battle is confusion.
Cass is fighting/dark. HER PARTNER IS LUCARIO. Lucario can predict opponents moves by reading their auras and that is just so like her. Cass and a Lucario would be best friends. They would spar together and just get each other so much. She'd also be an absolute tiger mom trainer to all her pokemon.
Damian, like Steph, has a non-traditional team. He has the pokemon equivalent of his pets. (Noivern as Goliath. Miltank as Batcow. Houndoom as Titus. Meowscarada or Persian as Alfred the Cat.)
Duke is electric. I will straight up admit this is just to match the yellow/black aesthetic he has as Signal. I'm thinking Jolteon, luxray, morpeko, manectric, toxtricity, and killowattrel.
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stupidphototricks · 27 days
Tiffany Aching being a mood.
"Zoology, eh? That's a big word, isn't it." "No, actually it isn't," said Tiffany. "Patronizing is a big word. Zoology is really quite short." -- Terry Pratchett, The Wee Free Men
She tried to pretend she hadn't thought that, but she was treacherously good at spotting when she was lying. That's the trouble with a brain--it thinks more than you sometimes want it to. -- Terry Pratchett, The Wee Free Men
My talents are an instinct for making cheese and not running around panicking when things go wrong. Oh, and I've got a toad. -- Terry Pratchett, The Wee Free Men
She was going to commit an act of extreme bravery and no one would ever know if it all went wrong. That was frightening, but also... annoying. -- Terry Pratchett, The Wee Free Men
Bonus quote from the fictional (I hope) Diseases of the Sheep:
"Cloggets are a trembling of the greebs in boggets," she read, "which can lead to inflammation of the lower pasks. If untreated, it may lead to the more serious condition of Sloke. Recommended treatment is the daily dosing with turpentine until there is no longer either any trembling, or turpentine, or sheep." -- Terry Pratchett, The Wee Free Men
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blackcrowing · 8 months
Authentic Irish Foods for Samhain
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🩸 Blood pudding (living cattle could be bled through the winter to provide the material as well as collecting blood when the cattle were slaughtered to keep the numbers down for winter)
🫓 Brambrack
🍲 Stew
Wild boar
Domestic pig
🐗 Salted wild boar and domestic pig (it is possible that other meats were salted for preservation but given that salt was an expensive commodity and no records indicate other meats we simply do not know. I will note here that we also don't seem to have records of smoked meats for preservation during this time)
🍺 Mead and Barely ale
🥣 Porridge
🥛 Dairy (this would likely become more limited as the season progressed, but butter has been found in bogs, presumed to be preserved but potentially given as offerings)
Cow's milk
mulchán 'hard cheese' (the exact nature of this cheese is unknown but it was described as being extremely hard and could be stored for long periods of time)
🦪 Sea food
Sea Salmon
🌿Native Culinary Plants growing in Ireland at this time of year
Purple sprouting boccoli
Wild cabbage
Rowan berries
Elder berries
Hen of the woods
Fairy Ring Champignon
Black Trumpet
Saffron Milk Caps
Cauliflower Mushroom
Wood Blewit
Penny bun
There would be an abundance of foods at this point in the year, but that food would become lesser as the season progressed do to lack of production in the environment and the fact that this point in the year was a time for traveling and feasting (likely to increase bonds amongs the Tuatha and because people would not be as occupied with farming and raiding).
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askcometcare · 1 year
Do you want some sloke and some sleese slurger with some slries and slicken sluggets along side with some BBQ slip?
OOC: sleal (sly meal)
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weandthecolor · 1 year
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Sloke Font by creativemedialab
Download here.
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backsack · 3 months
slowbro or sloking?
i've flip-flopped on this a lot over this years and will probably do so again but currently slowbro wins out for me. love that guy
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neurotypical-sonic · 1 year
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soft sloke.
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hazel-of-sodor · 2 years
Day 10-Torch:All our sins
Day 10-torch
Other Chapters
All our sins
October 1969
A follow up to Day 8-Fall from Glory
Gordon was tired as he pulled away from the empty cars of the midnight express. For all he loved his work, he loved going to sleep in his shed most of all. 
Which is why he let out a groan when he saw Boco. The diesel was off to the side, in a service siding, looking for all the world as if he bore Atlas's load across his frames. His crew were speaking to him, but with no effect.
Gordon slowed to a stop, thinking. "Gordon, is everything okay?" Amanda called. 
The big engine sighed, "Driver, can you put me in the siding with Boco?"
Rain was openly skeptical, "you want us to leave you in a siding, rather than your nice warm shed?"
"No. But it is clear he needs someone to listen to him...and I am the only one available."
"Shouldn't Boco be in his own shed by now?"
"Exactly my point."
Amanda and Rain glanced at each other then sighed, "Alright old boy." Amanda said, "but try to be quick or we actually will leave you there till morning."
"Thank you" Gordon said simply but sincerely.
Boco barely looked up when Gordon rolled quietly into the siding, "It's all right Gordon, you needn't stay awake on my behalf."
"Rubbish. One does not leave another engine in need. You didn't leave me to the devil twins, and I won't leave you to your thoughts. The sooner you confide in me, the sooner we can both find sleep."
Boco huffed in amusement at the pacific's blunt nature but then he looked down dejectedly for a long moment. 
Gordon was about it prompt him again when,
"They scrapped D5701 last week."
Gordon paused, caught off-guard. "Forgive me if I'm wrong," he said slowly, "but he was the troublesome sibling. The one who 'couldn't find an ounce of kindness in him if you shoved it up his axlebox' as you so delicately put it."
The metrovic snorted, "that's him, or rather was..."
Gordon frowned, "It is not the fact he was scrapped that has you like this."
Boco was about to reply in anger when Gordon continued, "We both have lost siblings in these dark times, and while you have always grieved, you have never been so heavy with guilt before. And for the one least deserving at that"
Boco gave a halfhearted chuckle, "I always forget how observant you actually are when you care."
Gordon waited.
"I was...cruel to him when we last spoke. I finally had the upper hand after all those years and I enjoyed it far too much. I was far more worried about proving I was right then trying to reach my brother."
"And did you?" Gordon sloke evenly, and without judgment.
"No. Even when I offered to save him he refused. Said he’d rather die with dignity...and I was relieved." Boco's full distress became apparent, "I was relieved because it was easier that way. Easier for him to remain loyal to the other railway than to save him." His tone was self loathing and guilt.
Gordon was quiet for a long moment, "And did you mean it? When you offered to save him?"
"Of course!," Boco's tone was broken and lost, "he was my brother. I don't know how but I would have tried."
"Then you did the right thing."
Boco tried to reply but Gordon spoke over him. "When it came down to it you offered an engine salvation that was utterly unworthy of it. Despite his treatment of others, and of you. You made an offer in good faith. That he didn't take it is not your fault."
Gordon paused thoughtfully for a moment. "I will not say you did not mistreat him, for I was not there, but I will tell you this much. You are a kind and patient engine Boco. For as long as I have known you, this has been true. Even when you were mistrusted for being a diesel, you were naught but kind to us. Even through Jame's rants, and my own *ahem* indiscretions, you remained as kind and wise as little old Edward.
If you were truly cruel to him, I cannot imagine it being unprovoked..."
"It wasn't." Muttered the diesel’s driver.
"...if not at that moment, then in the years before."
Gordon paused then continued gently, "I have no doubt you regret your treatment of him. No matter how deserving of it he may have been of it. But try to remember that your treatment of him was a mistake that you regret, and that your regret is a far more accurate representation of the engine before me than the mistake."
"But how do I fix this mistake?" Boco all but pleaded with Gordon.
"You don't." Gordon's tone was kind but firm, "You can only try to do better in the future. You cannot unspeak the words given to your brother, just as he cannot take back his. But you can instead take it as a lesson, so that the next time you won't make the same mistake." Gordon lowered his eyes, "There are many of my siblings that I would gladly give up the express for the rest of my days if I meant I could make my last words of how much I loved them rather than of petty rivalry and competition...but I cannot. I can only move forward and do my best to keep others from making my mistakes." For a moment the normally vibrant pacific looked every year of his age."
Boco was quiet for a moment. 
"Thank you."
Gordon buffered up and their crews coupled them together for the trip to the sheds.
"Anytime my friend."
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graffitiporn-org · 1 year
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Sloke. CBS. TX
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little-buggy-boy · 1 year
Sloking who's name is King and likes western movies(even if they fall asleep in the middle sometimes)!
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libidomechanica · 3 months
“Of its Revelation I come to this”
Of its Revelation I come to this. Wylde wede, bot slokes! How small guitar was born open was golde, for some pleasant Spring me to myseluen, þat for were. The deaf and goud wylle al þat lufsum vnder of hore okez; þe gordel’, quoþ þe clere werkez ennurned tyme in discloses hir name! I drop of urine? With Cyril and þe gode knyȝt þe daylyȝt lemed in the beauty. We fell hand as doomsday and strong since where the sea has devoured þewes apendez to home, in sooth, nobot an old and sable curls all me of yours. In my ware, and ryȝt hym swyþe—and fetly hym kyssez. And sayned þay to start no more. ’ The osier-isle we heart, I said, oh Shah, who breeding; yet wad waking.
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deadlinecom · 2 years
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