lonestarflight · 4 months
Cancelled Missions: NASA's October 1977 Space Shuttle Flight Itinerary
"Soon after President Richard Nixon gave his blessing to the Space Shuttle Program on January 5, 1972, NASA scheduled its first orbital flight for 1977, then for March 1978. By early 1975, the date had slipped to March 1979. Funding shortfalls were to blame, as were the daunting engineering challenges of developing the world's first reusable orbital spaceship based on 1970s technology. The schedule slip was actually worse than NASA let on: as early as January 32, 1975, an internal NASA document (marked 'sensitive') gave a '90% probability date' for the first Shuttle launch of December 1979.
In October 1977, Chester Lee, director of Space Transportation System (STS) Operations at NASA Headquarters, distributed the first edition of the STS Flight Assignment Baseline, a launch schedule and payload manifest for the first 16 operational Shuttle missions. The document was in keeping with NASA's stated philosophy that reusable Shuttle Orbiters would fly on-time and often, like a fleet of cargo airplanes. The STS Utilization and Operations Office at NASA's Johnson Space Center (JSC) in Houston had prepared the document, which was meant to be revised quarterly as new customers chose the Space Shuttle as their cheap and reliable ride to space.
The JSC planners assumed that six Orbital Flight Test (OFT) missions would precede the first operational Shuttle flight. The OFT flights would see two-man crews (Commander and Pilot) put Orbiter Vehicle 102 (OV-102) through its paces in low-Earth orbit. The planners did not include the OFT schedule in their document, but the May 30, 1980 launch date for their first operational Shuttle mission suggests that they based their flight schedule on the March 1979 first OFT launch date.
Thirteen of the 16 operational flights would use OV-102 and three would use OV-101. NASA would christen OV-102 Columbia in February 1979, shortly before it rolled out of the Rockwell International plant in Palmdale, California.
As for OV-101, its name was changed from Constitution to Enterprise in mid-1976 at the insistence of Star Trek fans. Enterprise flew in Approach and Landing Test (ALT) flights at Edwards Air Force Base in California beginning on February 15, 1977. ALT flights, which saw the Orbiter carried by and dropped from a modified 747, ended soon after the NASA JSC planners released their document.
The first operational Space Shuttle mission, Flight 7 (May 30 - June 3, 1980), would see Columbia climb to a 225-nautical-mile (n-mi) orbit inclined 28.5° relative to Earth's equator (unless otherwise stated, all orbits are inclined at 28.5°, the latitude of Kennedy Space Center in Florida). The delta-winged Orbiter would carry a three-person crew in its two-deck crew compartment and the bus-sized Long Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF) in its 15-foot-wide, 60-foot-long payload bay.
Columbia would also carry a 'payload of opportunity' - that is, an unspecified payload. The presence of a payload of opportunity meant that the flight had available excess payload weight capacity. Payload mass up would total 27,925 pounds. Payload mass down after the Remote Manipulator System (RMS) arm hoisted LDEF out of Columbia's payload bay and released it into orbit would total 9080 pounds.
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A page from the STS Flight Assignment Baseline document of October 1977 shows payloads and other features of the first five operational Space Shuttle missions plus Flight 12/Flight 12 Alternate
During Flight 8 (July 1-3, 1980), Columbia would orbit 160 n mi above the Earth. Three astronauts would release two satellites and their solid-propellant rocket stages: Tracking and Data Relay Satellite-A (TDRS-A) with a two-stage Interim Upper Stage (IUS) and the Satellite Business Systems-A (SBS-A) commercial communications satellite on a Spinning Solid Upper Stage-Delta-class (SSUS-D).
Prior to release, the crew would spin the SBS-A satellite about its long axis on a turntable to create gyroscopic stability and raise TDRS-A on a tilt-table. After release, their respective solid-propellant stages would propel them to their assigned slots in geostationary orbit (GEO), 19,323 n mi above the equator. Payload mass up would total 51,243 pounds; mass down, 8912 pounds, most of which would comprise reusable restraint and deployment hardware for the satellites.
The TDRS system, which would include three operational satellites and an orbiting spare, was meant to trim costs and improve communications coverage by replacing most of the ground-based Manned Space Flight Network (MSFN). Previous U.S. piloted missions had relied on MSFN ground stations to relay communications to and from the Mission Control Center (MCC) in Houston. Because spacecraft in low-Earth orbit could remain in range of a given ground station for only a few minutes at a time, astronauts were frequently out of contact with the MCC.
On Flight 9 (August 1-6, 1980), Columbia would climb to a 160-n-mi orbit. Three astronauts would deploy GOES-D, a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) weather satellite, and Anik-C/1, a Canadian communications satellite. Before release, the crew would raise the NOAA satellite and its SSUS-Atlas-class (SSUS-A) rocket stage on the tilt-table and spin up the Anik-C/1-SSUS-D combination on the turntable. In addition to the two named satellites, NASA JSC planners reckoned that Columbia could carry a 14,000-pound payload of opportunity. Payload mass up would total 36,017 pounds; mass down, 21,116 pounds.
Following Flight 9, NASA would withdraw Columbia from service for 12 weeks to permit conversion from OFT configuration to operational configuration. The JSC planners explained that the conversion would be deferred until after Flight 9 to ensure an on-time first operational flight and to save time by combining it with Columbia's preparations for the first Spacelab mission on Flight 11. The switch from OFT to operational configuration would entail removal of Development Flight Instrumentation (sensors for monitoring Orbiter systems and performance); replacement of Commander and Pilot ejection seats on the crew compartment upper deck (the flight deck) with fixed seats; power system upgrades; and installation of an airlock on the crew compartment lower deck (the mid-deck).
Flight 10 (November 14-16, 1980) would be a near-copy of Flight 8. A three-person Columbia crew would deploy TDRS-B/IUS and SBS-B/SSUS-D into a 160-n-mi-high orbit. The rocket stages would then boost the satellites to GEO. Cargo mass up would total 53,744 pounds; mass down, 11,443 pounds.
Flight 11 (December 18-25, 1980) would see the orbital debut of Spacelab. Columbia would orbit Earth 160 n mi high at 57° of inclination. NASA and the multinational European Space Research Organization (ESRO) agreed in August 1973 that Europe should develop and manufacture Spacelab pressurized modules and unpressurized pallets for use in the Space Shuttle Program. Initially dubbed the 'sortie lab,' Spacelab would operate only in the Orbiter payload bay; it was not intended as an independent space station, though many hoped that it would help to demonstrate that an Earth-orbiting station could be useful.
ESRO merged with the European Launcher Development Organization in 1975 to form the European Space Agency (ESA). Columbia's five-person crew for Flight 11 would probably include scientists and at least one astronaut from an ESA member country.
Flight 12 (January 30 - February 1, 1981), a near-copy of Flights 8 and 10, would see Columbia's three-person crew deploy TDRS-C/IUS and Anik-C/2/SSUS-D into 160-n-mi-high orbit. Payload mass up would total 53,744 pounds; mass down, 11,443 pounds.
JSC planners inserted an optional 'Flight 12 Alternate' (January 30 - February 4, 1981) into their schedule which, if flown, would replace Flight 12. Columbia would orbit 160 n mi above the Earth. Its three-person crew would deploy Anik-C/2 on a SSUS-D stage. The mission's main purpose, however, would be to create a backup launch opportunity for an Intelsat V-class satellite already scheduled for launch on a U.S. Atlas-Centaur or European Ariane I rocket. An SSUS-A stage would boost the Intelsat V from Shuttle orbit to GEO.
NASA JSC assumed that, besides the satellites, stages, and their support hardware, Columbia would for Flight 12 Alternate tote an attached payload of opportunity that would need to operate in space for five days to provide useful data (hence the mission's planned duration). Payload mass up would total 37,067 pounds; mass down, 17,347 pounds.
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Space Shuttle Flights 13 through 18 would include the first orbital mission of the OV-101 Enterprise (Flight 17), during which astronauts would retrieve the LDEF payload deployed during Flight 7.
Flight 13 (March 3-8, 1981) would see three astronauts on board Columbia release NOAA's GOES-E satellite attached to an SSUS-D stage into a 160-n-mi-high orbit. OV-102 would have room for two payloads of opportunity: one attached at the front of the payload bay and one deployed from a turntable aft of the GOES-E/SSUS-D combination. Payload mass up would total 38,549 pounds; mass down, 23,647 pounds.
Flight 14 would last 12 days, making it the longest described in the STS Flight Assignment Baseline document. Scheduled for launch on April 7, 1981, it would carry a 'train' of four unpressurized Spacelab experiment pallets and an 'Igloo,' a small pressurized compartment for pallet support equipment. The Igloo, though pressurized, would not be accessible to the five-person crew. OV-102 would orbit 225 n mi high at an inclination of 57°. Mass up would total 31,833 pounds; mass down, 28,450 pounds.
Flight 15 (May 13-15, 1981) would be a near-copy of Flights 8, 10, and 12. OV-102 would transport to orbit a payload totaling 53,744 pounds; payload mass down would total 11,443 pounds. The JSC planners noted the possibility that none of the potential payloads for Flight 15 — TDRS-D and SBS-C or Anik-C/3 — would need to be launched as early as May 1981. TDRS-D was meant as an orbiting spare; if the first three TDRS operated as planned, its launch could be postponed. Likewise, SBS-C and Anik-C/3 were each a backup for the previously launched satellites in their series.
Flight 16 (June 16-23, 1981) would be a five-person Spacelab pressurized module flight aboard OV-102 in 160-n-mi-high orbit. Payloads of opportunity totaling about 18,000 pounds might accompany the Spacelab module; for planning purposes, a satellite and SSUS-D on a turntable behind the module was assumed. Payload mass up would total 35,676 pounds; mass down, 27,995 pounds.
Flight 17, scheduled for July 16-20, 1981, would see the space debut of Enterprise and the retrieval of the LDEF released during Flight 7. OV-101 would climb to a roughly 200-n-mi-high orbit (LDEF's altitude after 13.5 months of orbital decay would determine the mission's precise altitude).
Before rendezvous with LDEF, Flight 17's three-man crew would release an Intelsat V/SSUS-A and a satellite payload of opportunity. After the satellites were sent on their way, the astronauts would pilot Enterprise to a rendezvous with LDEF, snare it with the RMS, and secure it in the payload bay. Mass up would total 26,564 pounds; mass down, 26,369 pounds.
For Flight 18 (July 29-August 5, 1981), Columbia would carry to a 160-n-mi-high orbit a Spacelab pallet dedicated to materials processing in the vacuum and microgravity of space. The three-person flight might also include the first acknowledged Department of Defense (DOD) payload of the Space Shuttle Program, a U.S. Air Force pallet designated STP-P80-1. JSC called the payload 'Planned' rather than 'Firm' and noted somewhat cryptically that it was the Teal Ruby experiment 'accommodated from OFT [Orbital Flight Test].'
The presence of the Earth-directed Teal Ruby sensor payload would account for Flight 18's planned 57° orbital inclination, which would take it over most of Earth's densely populated areas. Payload mass up might total 32,548 pounds; mass down, 23,827 pounds.
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Space Shuttle Flights 20 through 23 would include the first mission to make use of an OMS kit to increase its orbital altitude (Flight 21), the first European Space Agency-sponsored Spacelab mission (Flight 22), and the launch of the Jupiter Orbiter and Probe spacecraft (Flight 23)
Flight 19 (September 2-9, 1981) would see five Spacelab experiment pallets fill Columbia's payload bay. Five astronauts would operate the experiments, which would emphasize physics and astronomy. The Orbiter would circle Earth in a 216-n-mi-high orbit. Payload mass up would total 29,214 pounds; mass down, 27,522 pounds.
Flight 20 (September 30-October 6, 1981), the second Enterprise mission, would see five astronauts conduct life science and astronomy experiments in a 216-n-mi-high orbit using a Spacelab pressurized module and an unpressurized pallet. JSC planners acknowledged that the mission's down payload mass (34,248 pounds) might be 'excessive,' but noted that their estimate was 'based on preliminary payload data.' Mass up would total 37,065 pounds.
On Flight 21, scheduled for launch on October 14, 1981, Columbia would carry the first Orbital Maneuvering System (OMS) Kit at the aft end of its payload bay. The OMS Kit would carry enough supplemental propellants for the Orbiter's twin rear-mounted OMS engines to perform a velocity change of 500 feet per second. This would enable OV-102 to rendezvous with and retrieve the Solar Maximum Mission (SMM) satellite in a 300-n-mi-high orbit.
Three astronauts would fly the five-day mission, which would attain the highest orbital altitude of any flight in the STS Flight Assignment Baseline document. JSC planners noted that the Multi-mission Modular Spacecraft (MMS) support hardware meant to carry SMM back to Earth could also transport an MMS-type satellite into orbit. Payload mass up would total 37,145 pounds; mass down, 23,433 pounds.
On Flight 22 (November 25 - December 2, 1981), Enterprise might carry an ESA-sponsored Spacelab mission with a five-person crew, a pressurized lab module, and a pallet to a 155-to-177-n-mi orbit inclined at 57°. Payload mass up might total 34,031 pounds; mass down, 32,339 pounds.
During Flight 23 (January 5-6, 1982), the last described in the STS Flight Assignment Baseline document, three astronauts would deploy into a 150-to-160-n-mi-high orbit the Jupiter Orbiter and Probe (JOP) spacecraft on a stack of three IUSs. President Jimmy Carter had requested new-start funds for JOP in his Fiscal Year 1978 NASA budget, which had taken effect on October 1, 1977. Because JOP was so new when they prepared their document, JSC planners declined to estimate up/down payload masses.
Flight 23 formed an anchor point for the Shuttle schedule because JOP had a launch window dictated by the movements of the planets. If the automated explorer did not leave for Jupiter between January 2 and 12, 1982, it would mean a 13-month delay while Earth and Jupiter moved into position for another launch attempt.
Almost nothing in the October 1977 STS Flight Assignment Baseline document occurred as planned. It was not even updated quarterly; no update had been issued as of mid-November 1978, by which time the target launch dates for the first Space Shuttle orbital mission and the first operational Shuttle flight had slipped officially to September 28, 1979 and February 27, 1981, respectively.
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The Space Shuttle Orbiter Columbia lifts off at the start of STS-1.
The first Shuttle flight, designated STS-1, did not in fact lift off until April 12, 1981. As in the STS Flight Assignment Baseline document, OV-102 Columbia performed the OFT missions; OFT concluded, however, after only four flights. After the seven-day STS-4 mission (June 27 - July 4, 1982), President Ronald Reagan declared the Shuttle operational.
The first operational flight, also using Columbia, was STS-5 (November 11-16, 1982). The mission launched SBS-3 and Anik-C/3; because of Shuttle delays, the other SBS and Anik-C satellites planned for Shuttle launch had already reached space atop expendable rockets.
To the chagrin of many Star Trek fans, Enterprise never reached space. NASA decided that it would be less costly to convert Structural Test Article-099 into a flight-worthy Orbiter than to refit Enterprise for spaceflight after the ALT series. OV-099, christened Challenger, first reached space on mission STS-6 (April 4-9, 1983), which saw deployment of the first TDRS satellite.
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NASA put OV-101 Enterprise to work in a variety of tests and rehearsals (such as the 'fit check' shown in the image above), but did not convert it into a spaceflight-worthy Orbiter.
The voluminous Spacelab pressurized module first reached orbit on board Columbia on mission STS-9 (November 28- December 8,1983). The 10-day Spacelab 1 mission included ESA researcher Ulf Merbold and NASA scientist-astronauts Owen Garriott and Robert Parker. Garriott, selected to be an astronaut in 1965, had flown for 59 days on board the Skylab space station in 1973. Parker had been selected in 1967, but STS-9 was his first spaceflight.
The 21,500-pound LDEF reached Earth orbit on board Challenger on STS-41C, the 11th Space Shuttle mission (April 6-13, 1984). During the same mission, astronauts captured, repaired, and released the SMM satellite, which had reached orbit on 14 February 1980 and malfunctioned in January 1981. Challenger reached SMM without an OMS kit; in fact, no OMS kit ever reached space.
STS Flight Assignment Baseline document assumed that 22 Shuttle flights (six OFT and 16 operational) would occur before January 1982. In fact, the 22nd Shuttle flight did not begin until October 1985, when Challenger carried eight astronauts and the West German Spacelab D1 into space (STS-61A, October 30 - November 6, 1985). Three months later (28 January 1986), Challenger was destroyed at the start of STS-51L, the Shuttle Program's 25th mission.
In addition to seven astronauts — NASA's first in-flight fatalities — Challenger took with it TDRS-B, NASA's second TDRS satellite. The Shuttle would not fly again until September 1988 (STS-26, September 29 - October 3, 1988). On that mission, OV-103 Discovery deployed TDRS-C. The TDRS system would not include the three satellites necessary for global coverage until TDRS-D reached orbit on board Discovery on mission STS-29 (13-18 March 1989).
Following the Challenger accident, NASA abandoned — though not without some resistance — the pretense that it operated a fleet of cargo planes. The space agency had at one time aimed for 60 Shuttle flights per year; between 1988 and 2003, the Shuttle Program managed about six per year. The most flights the Shuttle fleet accomplished in a year was nine in 1985.
Shuttle delays meant that JOP, renamed Galileo, missed its early January 1982 launch window. It was eventually rescheduled for May 1986, but the Challenger accident intervened. Galileo finally left Earth orbit on 18 October 1989 following deployment from OV-104 Atlantis during STS-34 (October 18-23, 1989).
Between the time JOP/Galileo received its first funding and the Challenger explosion, NASA, the White House, and Congress had sparred over how the Jupiter spacecraft would depart Earth orbit. Eventually, they settled on the powerful liquid-propellant Centaur-G' rocket stage.
Citing new concern for safety following Challenger, NASA canceled Centaur G'. Galileo had to rely on the less-powerful IUS, which meant that it could not travel directly to Jupiter; it had instead to perform gravity-assist flybys of Venus and Earth to reach its exploration target. Galileo did not reach the Jupiter system until December 1995.
LDEF had been scheduled for retrieval in March 1985, less than a year after deployment, but flight delays and the Challenger accident postponed its return to Earth by nearly six years. On mission STS-32 (January 9-20, 1990), astronauts on board Columbia retrieved LDEF, the orbit of which had decayed to 178 n mi. LDEF remains the largest object ever retrieved in space and returned to Earth.
During reentry at the end of mission STS-107 (16 January-1 February 2003), Columbia broke apart over northeast Texas, killing its international crew of seven astronauts. This precipitated cancellation of the Space Shuttle Program by President George W. Bush, who announced his decision on 14 January 2004.
The end of the Space Shuttle Program was originally scheduled for 2010, immediately following the planned completion of the International Space Station. In the event, STS-135, the final Space Shuttle mission, took place four years ago (July 2011), three months after the 30th anniversary of STS-1. The Orbiter Atlantis lifted off on 8 July with a four-person crew — the smallest since STS-6. It docked with the International Space Station to deliver supplies and spares and landed in Florida 13 days later."
Article by David S. F. Portree: link
source, source
NASA ID: S77-5784, S77-5785, S77-5758
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azuries · 2 years
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and this is how gay love is gonna save the world
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laundrybiscuits · 1 year
Eddie’s doing some dumb trick with a couple of wooden spoons, clever hands making them move through the air in improbable ways, and Steve’s about to bite his whisk in half. 
He’d thought for sure that Eddie would be going home the first week; Edward Munson, 29, bartender/musician from Brighton with mismatched tattoos and wild hair, seemed like exactly the kind of pretentious asshole who would flame out early with some ill-advised hipster experimentation. If Steve (28, social worker from Indiana, USA) had been a complete asshole, he’d have said that Eddie didn’t have the fundamentals. That he was all sizzle, no steak. 
It’s a good thing Steve’s not a complete asshole, because Eddie’s been blowing the technicals out of the water so consistently it’s actually pretty fucking embarrassing. His signatures and showstoppers are making a very respectable showing too, except for the time he tried to incorporate some fresh pandan extract and fucked up the liquid ratio, leaving him with a dripping mess that Mary’d declined to even try. 
Afterwards, Steve had seen him leaning against a tree and struggling to light a cigarette. Steve went over for no particular reason, flicking on his lighter and holding it out like a peace offering. Eddie looked at him warily, but bent over the offered flame. 
“Can’t believe I made it through this one,” Eddie said after a moment, white smoke curling out of his mouth.
“Yeah, I feel like that every week.” Steve leaned against the tree next to Eddie. It was a big tree, the kind that’s probably been growing in this field since before England was even England. 
“Nah, but—c’mon, you know what I mean.”
“You had some bad luck with your showstopper. Happens to the best of us, man. Your signature hand pies looked sick as hell.” Steve’s own hand pies had turned out pretty well, so he was feeling generous. It had only been the third week; plenty of time for Steve to snag Star Baker, though even by that point, Steve had been getting the creeping feeling that he was being a little too American about the whole thing. Everyone else seemed to think competitiveness was some kind of deadly sin. It was—actually kind of nice, to get the same kind of nerves he’d always gotten before high school basketball games, but know that he wasn’t really fighting against anyone except himself in the tent.
Anyway, the very next week, Eddie had done some kind of kickass gothic castle with a shiny chocolate dragon and gotten Star Baker for the second time. Steve had clapped him on the back, appropriately manly. Eddie had pulled Steve into a real hug, arms tight around Steve’s shoulders and his whole lean body pressed up close and warm. It had only lasted a moment, and then Eddie had bounded over to Mel and Sue, both of whom he’s been thoroughly charming since the get-go. 
Steve thinks that when this season—or, uh, series—airs, no matter where Eddie places, the entire country is going to be just as charmed. Eddie’s going to get whatever kind of cookbook deal or streaming show he wants. Sponsors will take one look at that handsome face and charismatic grin, and a whole world of possibilities is going to open up for Eddie. 
Steve’s not in it for any of that, of course. He’s here kind of by accident, because Robin pushed him to apply, and it’s a goddamn miracle he’s been holding his own. Hell, it’s a miracle he’s in this country at all. When Robin had started looking at the Cambridge MPhil program in linguistics, she’d said wouldn’t it be great if and he’d snorted, yeah right, like I could ever get whatever job I’d need to move to another freaking country, but then—well. Things had happened the way they’d happened, and now Robin’s almost finished with her degree and Steve is taking time off from the London charity he works at in order to be on Bake Off. 
He’s told all this to the cameras, plus the stuff about how baking started as a way for him to connect with the kids he used to babysit in Indiana, blah blah blah. He thinks it’s probably too boring for them to air, but he gets that they have to try to get a story anyway. 
Eddie Munson, on the other hand, is probably going to be featured in all the series promos. Steve is rabidly curious about what Eddie’s story is, but he hasn’t worked up the nerve to just ask. It should be the easiest thing in the world. They’ve got kind of a camaraderie going, the two of them; a bit of a bromance, as Mel’s put it more than once. 
It’s true they get along pretty well, and the cameras have been picking up on it: on the way Eddie’ll wander over to Steve’s bench like a stray cat whenever they get some downtime, how they wind up horsing around sometimes, working off leftover adrenaline from the frantic rush of caramelization or whatever. There’s the time Eddie had hopped up on a stool to deliver some kind of speech from Macbeth, of all things, and overbalanced right onto Steve, who had barely managed to keep them both from careening into a stand mixer. Sue had patted Eddie on the shoulder and said, “Well, boys, that’ll be going in the episode for sure.”
They both get along with the other contestants just fine, of course, but they’re two guys of about the same age with no wife and kids waiting at home. It’s only natural that they’re gravitating together, becoming something like friends, Steve figures. It’s pretty great that he’s getting at least one real friend out of this whole thing.
It would be even greater if Steve could stop thinking about Eddie’s hands in decidedly non-friendly ways. With all the paperwork he’s signed, he can’t even complain to Robin about how Eddie looks with his sleeves pushed up to show off the tattoos on his forearms, kneading dough and grunting a little under his breath with effort. Steve had almost forgotten to pre-heat his oven that day. 
Two benches away, Eddie fumbles the spoons he’s been juggling with a clatter, and he bursts out laughing, glancing over at Steve like Steve’s in on the joke. Steve grins back, heart twanging painfully in his chest, and thinks: well, fuck. Guess this is happening.
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Hello can I please request a scenario where the reader messes with the character by saying “I like you too” instead of “I love you too” with Hu Tao, Furina, UMP45, STAR 15 and Makoto from Persona?? Thank you!!
(Genshin Impact/GFL/Persona 5)
Hu Tao, Furina, Shenhe, UMP45, ST AR-15, and Makoto's S/O messing with them
Adding in Shenhe because I felt like writing her! (As per usual)
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Hu Tao has to take a second to register what S/O had replied with.
"I like you, too"?
Hu Tao halts before her foot is out the door, turning around with a smirk and eyebrow raised.
(Hu Tao) "Oh? We're being like that today are we?"
(S/O) "Like what?"
Hu Tao taps her finger on their nose as she crosses her arms, smiling.
(Hu Tao) "I'm not leaving until you say it properly!"
(S/O) "Psh, no you won't."
(Hu Tao) "Unlike you, I don't need to be physically present at my job today, so I absolutely can!"
S/O had to relent after that. Because she was right, she would prevent S/O from leaving.
And even if they managed to get away, the prank Hu Tao would play as retaliation would probably not be worth it.
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Furina pouts when S/O didn't even say "I love you back". The audacity!
Her hands move to her waist, giving a harsh glare to S/O.
Well, as harsh of a glare as Furina can manage. If anything, it makes her look adorable.
(Furina) "You don't even want to say it back to me, your girlfriend?! Oh, you wound my heart!"
S/O chuckled at her dramatic response.
(S/O) "As if you didn't do this very thing to me last week!"
(Furina) "Hmph! Fine, be that way, for I will not declare my love for you if this is the response I should expect!"
She tilts her head away and begins marching away from the door, still pouting.
It was obvious she wasn't genuinely offended, but two could play at this game!
She could actually keep this bit up for weeks, if prompted.
S/O does not, lest they incur her verbal wrath for the next month or so and demanding a ransom of sweets.
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Shenhe stoically turns to S/O, noticing their lips were trying their best not to break into a full smile.
(Shenhe) "...S/O, did I do something wrong?"
They shook their heads and covered their laughter with one hand.
(S/O) "Sorry, I couldn't resist teasing, Shenhe. I just wanted to see your reaction."
Shenhe blinks and tilts her head in confusion.
(Shenhe) "What do you mean? All you said was that you liked me."
(S/O) "Oh, that's what you're referring to. I figured you were going to ask me why I said 'I like you' instead I love you."
(Shenhe) "That goes without saying, does it not? For us, it means the same thing."
S/O chuckled and couldn't disagree with that logic.
(S/O) "Got me there."
Shenhe, for her part, was still very confused.
What was the joke?
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45 frowns before she turns back to S/O, adjusting the hair out her face.
(UMP45) "Wow, so that's what I get after opening my heart to you?"
Those words were rarely said by 45, even less so when she was about to depart for an operation.
She looked genuinely hurt, which made S/O rush up to try to ease her anger.
(S/O) "S-Sorry! It was just a joke-"
They were interrupted when 45 broke into a smirk and cut them off with a kiss.
(UMP45) "Mhm, and so was that. Now, say it properly this time, would you?"
Both of them chuckled lightly before S/O gave the correct reply.
(S/O) "I love you, too."
(UMP45) "Not so hard, was it?
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STAR pouts when she hears S/O's response, making her face them.
STAR had a hard time saying it without blushing madly, and this time was no exception.
So to get that in response?
(ST AR-15) "Hey, that's not funny!"
S/O barely held back their amusement, making STAR's annoyance grow.
STAR flicks their forehead gently, taking care to not put too much of her T-Doll strength into it.
(ST AR-15) "S-Say it, already!"
With a tight hug around her, S/O gives in, but still laughing.
(S/O) "Sorry, sorry, couldn't resist. Love you too, STAR."
(ST AR-15) "Good..."
She squeezes them back before leaving the room.
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Makoto hesitates on departing, taking in what S/O had replied with.
(Makoto) "Like me?"
(S/O) "It's what I said!"
Makoto looks a bit disheartened at the response.
(Makoto) "I see..."
Before her mind could wander, it was brought back to S/O when she heard them chuckle.
(S/O) "Sorry, I didn't mean to make you sad! I just wanted to tease you."
Makoto's blush crept up on her cheeks for a brief moment before she cleared her throat.
(Makoto) "Ah, my apologies. I suppose I'm still getting used to this kind of banter in a relationship-"
S/O cut her off by giving her a kiss on the cheek, making her face burn red for a different reason.
(S/O) "Don't apologize. You're cute when you blush."
Makoto stammers over her words before simply sighing and smiling back.
(Makoto) "I'll just take the compliment...Next time, I should play a joke like that on you."
Which would be easy, if she had a sense of humor.
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on-this-day-mcr · 8 months
On this day, September 15
In 2022: My Chemical Romance performed their 39th show of the 2022-2023 Swarm tour in St Paul, Minnesota, USA. At this show, Gerard Way wore a Hawaiian shirt with a special effects makeup bullet wound in the centre of his forehead, and "Sounds FUN, I'M IN" was written on the drums. (🖤)
Watch the show here!
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Kassidy Renee Paige
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mikeywayarchive · 1 year
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9/15/22 // Jeff Kunze
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kuntniss · 8 months
byler getting together in their early 20s is also very special to me because they have time to discover more about themselves and i like the idea of them knowing about queerness beyond their own experiences and what hawkins says. whether that’s reading poetry or novels, seeing art, meeting other gay people, learning real queer history… idk. them having an actual idea about who they are + what it all means for their futures. like just. maybe will finding something that describes how he’s felt for so long written/drawn by a gay artist even if it’s sad, at least he can identify that feeling in some way
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space healthcare
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herrscherofmagic · 6 months
Fun fact! If Sirin survived the Second Eruption, then by the start of the game she would've been old enough to be Kiana's teacher at St. Freya :)
so I was thinking about what it might've been like if only Sirin survived the Second Eruption & was adopted by Cecilia and Siegfried, right?
and usually that scenario is depicted in fanart/fanfic as being Second Eruption Sirin alongside Kiana and/or Bianka and/or HoV, and the rest of the cast as we see them later in the story.
Plus Captianverse Sirin is shown alongside Definitely-Not-Bronya and Definitely-Not-Seele and about the same age as them. So I imagine this is the mental image most people have of Sirin when they think "Sirin with the Kaslana family".
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Here's the thing, though! Second Eruption takes place in the year 2000, right?
Sirin was still a kid, my guess is ~12 years old but could be a bit younger or older than that.
But Mei and Kiana were really small children and Bronya hadn't even been born yet!
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So if Sirin DID survive the Second Eruption in the real world... she'd be roughly 10 years older than Kiana, give or take a couple years. By 2015, Sirin would be in her early-to-mid-20s!
What's more: Himeko was a high school graduate in 2005, that means she'd only be like 5-6 years older than Sirin (assuming she's 17 or 18 at graduation). Plus according to a Honkai wiki, Rita was 11 years old in 2007. Meaning... Sirin would be only a few years younger than Himeko and she'd even be a few years older than Rita.
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By the Kiana would've been old enough to go to St. Freya...
Sirin could've gone to St. Freya, GRADUATED, gotten experience as a Valkyrie, and then returned to be a teacher at St. Freya!
Rita would've been old enough to have been a recent graduate (assuming she ever would've gone to St. Freya in such a world), and Himeko would've already been a teacher for a few years at that point.
So if Sirin survived the Second Eruption, Himeko & Sirin could both have been teachers at St. Freya, alongside Theresa and Principal Cecilia- making Sirin both the adoptive sister of Kiana AND a teacher to her, Mei, Bronya, and Fu Hua. and why not Seele too, just for funsies?
just some food for thought~ ^.^
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moonfruito · 7 months
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[untitled - will byers (1989)]
revisiting '86
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abybweisse · 1 month
Anyone else think it's weird that Snake is born on March 15th (Ides of March), while that's when we get our first spoilers for ch210, and now we have the rest of the ch210 spoilers on St. Patrick's Day? The saint credited with getting rid of all the snakes in Ireland....
March 17 is also the day our earl officially gains the title of earl.
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filmjunky-99 · 10 months
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s t a r t r e k d e e p s p a c e n i n e created by rick berman, michael piller [sons of mogh, s4ep14] 'Comparing Weapons'
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Let me ask for a crossover fic Nikke and GFL
Squad counters and Anti-Rain getting into a cat fight over a commander S/O
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(GFL/GoV: NIKKE) Anti-Rain and Squad Counters fighting over their Commanders
Also, the Commander won't be S/O since that'd be kinda hard to implement in this kind of scenario. Unless it was a harem, which I absolutely refuse. We have the serious ones, the catty ones, and the glue eaters for this team matchup.
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Squad Counters entered the room, noticing the squad from Griffin looking far more serious than them.
M4A1 examined the newcomers and nodded.
(M4A1) "So, you're the T-Dolls joining us for this operation?"
(Anis) "The hell is a T-Doll? We're Nikkes."
(ST AR-15) "Hm. It doesn't really matter in the end. Just don't fall behind."
On the other hand, SOPMOD excitedly jumped in front of her two sisters-in-arms, extending her hands.
(M4 SOPMOD II) "New friends! Let's shake hands!~"
Rapi leaned back in slight surprise, unused to SOPMOD's straightforwardness.
Neon however extended her own hand and shook SOPMOD's excitedly.
(Neon) "Hi, I'm Neon! Do you like big guns?"
(M4 SOPMOD II) "What kind of question is that, of course I do!"
(Rapi) ahem. "Rapi, Leader of Squad Counters. This is Anis and Neon."
Anis simply shrugged while Neon waved a friendly hand towards the team.
M4A1 crossed her arms.
(M4A1) "M4A1, leader of the Anti-Rain Team. ST AR-15, and M4 SOPMOD II."
(Anis) "Wow, you guys just name yourselves after the guns? Talk about lifeless-"
STAR frowned at Anis.
(ST AR-15) "They're code names. And who are you calling lifeless?"
(Anis) "I don't know, you were just calling us Dolls a second ago-"
A loud throat clearing from the center of the room caught both team's attention, everyone directing their sights towards the two humans in the room.
(Griffin Commander) "We're being sent to take care of some Sangvis Dolls that are reportedly running around the area with some unidentified at their side. Which, I presume to be yours."
(Counters Commander) "Yeah, the fact that the Raptures haven't taken over your forces or anyone else's is a miracle, honestly..."
(Rapi) "Commander-"
Both of the humans turned to Rapi, before looking at each other in slight confusion.
(Griffin Commander) "Oh, right."
(Counters Commander) ahem "Yes, Rapi?"
Rapi seemed slightly flustered before that expression vanished.
(Rapi) "If we take care of the Raptures, is it possible for us to return home?"
(Counters Commander) "That's the hope, but I have no idea if anything we did was the cause of it...Kind of reminds me of those devil hunters-"
(M4 SOPMOD II) "What, you guys hunted devils?!"
(Neon) "Yeah, we had some super cool people help us out too! One of them could turn into a chainsaw and-"
(M4 SOPMOD II) "WHAAAAAT?! Commander, I wanna go to their place-"
(Griffin Commander) "Absolutely not."
(Anis) "Psh yeah, you softies wouldn't last a day in there."
(Rapi) "Anis."
(ST AR-15) "That is quite the boast, coming from someone who'd get eviscerated by the most basic doll in our world due to lack of armor."
(Anis) "Hey, I'm just stating the obvious. Our commander could beat the crap outta yours."
(M4A1) "Do NOT talk about our Commander that way."
(Griffin Commander) "M4, STAR. Knock it off, both of you."
(Counters Commander) "You too, Anis. We all need to work together."
(Neon) "Well, I mean, Nikkes do sound cooler than T-Doll."
(M4 SOPMOD II) "Nuh uh! We sound cooler!"
Both commanders sighed loudly as the girls of their squad started arguing.
(Griffins Commander) "Sorry, my teams are not usually like this."
(Counters Commander) "I...wish I could say the same. Well, except for Rapi."
Both Neon and SOPMOD turned to the Commander expectantly.
(Griffin Commander) "...Well, I'm glad to see in whatever world, our squads will always be the same it seems."
(Counters Commander) "Is...that a good thing?"
(ST AR-15) "Our Commander has led several echelons to victory against improbable odds."
(Anis) "Our Commander is the improbable odds!"
M4A1 and Rapi looked at their commanders before glaring at each other silently.
(Griffin Commander) "I'm so glad M16 and RO aren't here today..."
(Counters Commander) "They would've made it worse, I assume?"
(Griffin Commander) "I'd say you'd have no idea, but I think you're the only one who could..."
Both Commanders stared at each other with a mixture of respect, and pity.
Only they knew the struggles of their daily lives, trying to herd an entire army of robotic cats around.
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mikeywayarchive · 4 months
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St. Paul, MN // Sep 15th 2022 // Dylan Novacek
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clockworkflicker · 2 years
A is feeling oddly drowsy during the middle of the day, so they curl up on the nearest couch or bed or nonstandard sleeping surface. They ask the nearby B to wake them later so they can carry on their day as normal.
They awaken feeling stiff, their head cloudy and bones heavy. After a moment, it dawns on them that they woke up naturally, not from B rousing them. They look around, and glance over at a clock. They’ve only been out for a few hours; that’s good.
With some effort, they force themselves upright and try to get on with their day, but make entirely too much noise while doing so. The ruckus seems to summon B.
“A! Hey, take it easy. Are you sick? Why didn’t you say anything?”
This is news to A. “I’m fine?”
“You slept for, what, fifteen hours?” B folds their arms and glances down at their watch.
A looks out the window. The sun sits on the horizon, but upon closer inspection, it’s dawn, not dusk. They look back to B, and feel their breath catch in their throat. “You stayed with me for fifteen hours? Why didn’t you get me up?”
“I was going to. But you were seriously knocked out. I tried giving your shoulder a little shake to see if that would wake you, but, uh.” B frowns, remembering the dry heat that clung to A’s skin as they slept. “You seemed feverish, so I figured it would be better to let you keep sleeping.”
“I... seemed feverish..?” A stammers, clearly still a little asleep and struggling to process all this. They raise the back of their hand to their forehead.
B scoffs. “It doesn’t work like that, dumbass. If your head is warm, your hand will be warm too, so you won’t be able to tell.” B closes the distance between the two of them. “Here, let me.” They gently pull A’s hand away, and raise their own hand to cup around A’s cheek.
“What’s the verdict?” A mumbles.
“The verdict,” B sighs, not moving their hand away just yet, “is that you could probably stand to take another fifteen hour nap.”
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fidjiefidjie · 9 months
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Bonjour ☕️🙏 , bonne journée et Fête de l'Assomption
Abbaye du Mont Saint-Michel ⛪Normandie 1950/60
Photo de Albert Monier
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