#Salvador Paskowitz
xbeezus · 1 year
Dime algo que pueda conservar por siempre y nunca dejarlo ir
-The age of Adaline, Lee Toland Krieger
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lightningstorm003 · 1 year
Appreciation post for the best movie I've seen in a good while. So after about 15 minutes of aimlessly scrolling through Netflix looking for something to watch, I decided on "The Age of Adaline." It's not my typical go-to genre, but it looked good, and I figured "why not," and gave it a try.
Oh. My. Gosh.
This movie turned into my newest fixation and favorite. Beautifully written and a stellar cast, this movie is a 15/10 for anyone who wants to find a movie worth their while.
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dinosaurgiantpenny · 2 years
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The best parts of the mid-80′s surfing comic Wave Warriors are the advertisements.
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I would 1000% buy a Mecha Shark Man comic where he fights Tornado Man.
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whitefoxgirl · 2 years
⏳Ageless⏳ A Namjoon Series {Chapter 1}
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Author's Note: This is part 1 of a possible series, depending on how well it does. It's based on the movie "Age of Adaline" which, if you have not seen it, I recommend it, not because the whole fanfic is that exact thing word per word, but because it's a really good movie! Of course, any criticism and feedback are welcome, don't be shy in leaving those!
Pairing: Namjoon x reader (Female Pronouns) Fandom: BTS Warnings: Ageless Namjoon; slight themes of war. Genre: Fluff, angst Word Count: 2k
Songs that helped me: • "Kujikesou ni Naru Watashi wo Sasaete Kudasai" Your lie in April OST • "Friend A" Your lie in April OST • "Watashitachi wa Sou Yatte Ikite Iku Jinshu na no" Your lie in April OST • "Truth and Lies Piano Solo" Your lie in April OST Next Chapter
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On August 8th, 1953, after the Korean War ended in a settlement a young man was biking from Yeoncheon down to his hometown back in Seoul, his birthname is Kim Namjoon. He had been fighting for his country since the age of 19 and now, three years later after its beginning, it came to an end. As he was biking, something strange happened, it started to snow in the summer. Namjoon, unable to understand the anomaly in front of him, looked up to see if his eyes were deceiving him. Unable to see the rather large branch in front of him, Namjoon lost his balance making him turn his wheel to the left side, where a rather large ditch was located. Kim Namjoon hit his head, limbs, and arms as he made his way down the ditch, his bike landing near his right hand when he hit the ground. As his body succumbed to hyperthermia, the 22-year-old began to think of his short life and closed his eyes as he, without knowing, died. After several minutes, something that most people would consider a miracle happened. Lightning struck the bicycle that touched Namjoon’s fingers. Namjoon’s body received 1,200 volts of electricity, making him take his first breath. Kim Namjoon will now be the first human to experience an anomaly called “The Adaline Effect” discovered in 2307 by Salvador Paskowitz. Kim Namjoon, from this moment forward, will not be able to age.
Most people start to show signs of aging at the age of 30, when gray hairs, wrinkles, and more start to show. This did not go unnoticed by the young man. As his fellow army buddies started to show signs of aging, Kim Namjoon did not even get wrinkles, while his friends had arthritis, joint pains, receding hairlines, and a lot more signs of aging. He attributed his ageless self to good genes and his diet, however, by 1978, at the age of 47, it was hard to disguise what was obvious to him and his parents; he was not able to age. Kim Namjoon, concerned for his parents, decided to stay, and fake putting gray hair so he could spend time with his parents as he knew, their lives were coming to an end. In 1988, after losing both his parents, Kim Namjoon approached a young man named Kim Seokjin, who helped him create a fake identity, this will help him move permanently to the United States as it was a more enormous country and easier to escape. Every decade, Kim Namjoon changes his name and moves, deciding to live a boring, mundane life, unnoticed by those around him who are not paying attention. Kim Namjoon, now in the year 2025, lives in New York, with the current alias, Jung Junseo.
As Namjoon stares out the restaurant window, with a glass of wine, he wonders if there is any hope for him. Namjoon currently, has learned 5 languages and is currently working on his 6th, he works at a bookstore, binding books, however, he feels completely and utterly alone. He has heard rumors from Seokjin, the only one aware of his secret, that his army friends had all lived fulfilling lives, and left this world with their partners, leaving their children behind as their legacy. He looks around the small restaurant and smiles softly as the waitress serves him another glass of wine while he waits for his food. He shifts his gaze and looks towards the door as a woman enters the restaurant. He feels his world stop as he looked at her. She was wearing a black dress; it hugged her body gently giving her an elegant glow. It was an off-shoulder dress, her heels accentuated her legs, and her nails looked freshly manicured. Namjoon, for the first time in 72 years was intrigued enough to break the promise he made himself to keep living a mundane and boring life. As the woman made her way towards the table behind him, he couldn’t help but notice that it was a table for one. He waited for the waitress to leave as he slowly stood up and looked down at his wine glass. He contemplated whether he should approach this woman or not. He slowly looked over his shoulder only to find her staring, then, he pretended to wipe his pants with the clothed napkin. He sat down clearing his throat and undoing his tie gently. He heard the soft clicking of heels coming towards him and stopping next to him. The soft piano that was being played live echoed through the restaurant, it gave her a softer more elegant energy. Kim Namjoon lost himself in the moment as he just stared at the woman and blinked before standing slowly, towering over her. After what felt like a few minutes of comfortable silence, the woman spoke saying
“Hi… I’m Y/N. I just- I couldn’t help but notice that you’re here alone and… I’m here alone too so… Do you wanna… eat with me?”
The woman, whose name Namjoon learned is Y/N, spoke in a soft, almost shy voice. Unable to find his words, Namjoon nodded and pulled the chair for her signaling her to sit, which she did thanking him in a soft voice. After he sat down, he cleared his throat and spoke
“I’m Namj- Junseo…! Junseo…” He chuckled wiping his hands gently on his pants. He blinked a few moments then said “May I ask… Why is such a pretty girl eating at such a fancy restaurant alone?” She smiled blushing looking down, gently pushing her hair behind her ear
“My date just texted me saying that he doesn’t want to see me anymore” he shook his head gently and flagged a waitress asking her if he could have another glass of wine. After the wine was served to Y/N, Namjoon, said
“It’s his loss, sweetheart. Don’t let him ruin your night.” She smiled touching the glass gently saying
“Well, I guess I could thank him because if it wasn’t for him, I don’t think I would have the courage to approach such a handsome man like yourself”
Namjoon smiled at, what he considered now, his date. She was stunned after seeing his smile and couldn’t help but gape at him. His smile was wide, showing dimples that accentuated his cute smile even more, and framed his face like a painting worth billions. She smiled softly and said,
“You have a beautiful smile, Junseo” He licked his lips and smiled softly holding the glass of wine near his lips, and looked at her with a questioned look. She giggled and continued by saying
“Really! I mean it, your smile is beautiful. If you keep smiling at me, I’d feel…” she stopped herself and shook her head grabbing the menu, signaling him that some things are better not said at the moment. He touched his nose gently and smiled while looking down, then he looked up at her. Her face was lightly covered with a soft makeup look, and her cheeks blushed gently, making his cheeks heat up as he started to notice how he was staring a little too much.
After the pair had dinner, Namjoon offered to walk her home, to which she reluctantly complied saying “I’m trusting that you’re not some psychopath” to which Namjoon laughed. The silence between them was comfortable, and soft, as the loud city was beginning to echo out of their ears. To Namjoon, her presence sounded like a soft piano playing in the background, to her, his presence sounded like a soft violin, anybody else walking beside them could tell, that they were in harmony with each other. Namjoon continued walking and stopped once she called out
“Junseo?”, hearing her voice made him turn around and look at her with curious eyes. She smiled gently and signaled at the building beside them, telling him
“This is my building”. Namjoon nodded and made his way toward her, telling her
“You should walk in, I wanna make sure there are no weirdos following you”. She chuckled and looked at him thanking him. Namjoon looked at her hand, it looked soft, his own hand twitched softly but then he closed it into a fist telling himself that it’s better if they just never spoke again. He doesn’t want to hurt someone. Not like when he did when his parents pointed out how he wasn’t aging, not when he told the woman waiting for him to come back from the war that it was over. He wasn’t going to do this again. As she approached him to kiss his cheek, he backed away and smiled gently apologizing. Her smile flattened and she said
“Oh no… Do you have someone? A partner?... I should have known…”
“No! No... It’s not that… I just… I’m moving away soon… and I don’t wanna hurt you if you’re looking for a relationship with me.”
She smiled at this and lifted her chin looking at him directly in his eyes. She spoke
“Tell you what. If we find each other again, ask me out, and take me out on a date. Let’s leave it to fate, right?”
He smiled at this and looked down putting his hands in his pockets. Fate, huh? He looked up at her and got close to her. “Leaving things to fate?”
“Yeah, you don’t believe in it?”
He felt his smile widen then a smirk creep in as he looked at her lips. He sighed gently and licked his own. He nodded closing his eyes and opening them to look into hers. “To fate then,” he said as he backed away slowly. He lifted his chin towards the building telling her “Go in, I wanna make sure you’re in safe” She smiled and nodded.
When he saw her walking into the building, he couldn’t help but blush and smile at what just happened. He stood there, processing everything. Namjoon, for the first time in 72 years, was having his heartbeat faster, his hands sweating from nervousness, and his cheeks reddened. He felt like a teenager again. As he began to walk out, he heard someone yelling out “Junseo!” He looked up at the building and saw a window opened with Y/N’s figure coming out. He smiled gently looking up, the moonlight and streetlight illuminating their figures. She waved at him and said “Goodnight!” He nodded and whispered to himself “Goodnight, Y/N…”
Arriving home, Namjoon called out for his dog, Moni, which quickly ran towards him. He smiled and hugged him then quickly let him down when he noticed that his dog was becoming uncomfortable. He looked at his apartment and looked at his letters, which all contained bills. He grabbed his phone and decided to phone up Seokjin, which quickly picked up.
“Hyung! Are you stopping by soon?” Seokjin asked, which Namjoon sighed and responded with
“Don’t call me Hyung, I’ve told you…”
“It’s weird not calling you that since you’re older than me…” Namjoon looked out his window and sighed responding with a soft “…yeah”
Seokjin spoke gently saying “Hyung… When we see each other, I need to tell you something”
“Did something happen?” Namjoon asked worried, to which Seokjin chuckled and said
“No… Just… I’ll tell you about it later.”
Namjoon looked down at his phone and sighed gently feeling tears in his eyes. He met Seokjin when he was 23; he was a broke college student, who was doing fake ids to get by. Namjoon talked him out of doing his business, which, Seokjin did, with the condition that if Namjoon ever needed anything he would ask him, and so, only Seokjin knew his secret about being unable to age. Seokjin followed Namjoon to the United States, and would hang out with him from time to time, Seokjin got used to saying “This is my friend from college” to “This is my younger cousin” and now, when asked what Namjoon is to him, Seokjin happily responds with “This is my grandson”. Something which breaks Namjoon’s heart. Namjoon is fearing the worse as Seokjin is now 60. He sighed and looked at his bedside table, grabbing a photo album he had. He opened the page and looked at how he has grown from a young child to a teenager, to finally an adult. His final picture being one from the day before his deployment. He was beside his mother and father in one picture, and in the next, he was next to his ex-fiancé, Suyeon.
He remembers that day like it was yesterday, the day he called off the engagement and broke up his relationship with Suyeon. He had asked her to take a walk with him, which she happily did. As they walked near the Han River at night, where he had also proposed. He turned to look at her saying
“I can’t do this anymore, Suyeon… I don’t wanna marry you.” Holding back his shaky breath. Suyeon shook her head and said
“Baby… You’re just saying that because of that thing that soldiers get after the war, right? PTSD? You don’t mean that, right?” There was a long moment of silence, he looked into her eyes, which had developed crow’s feet, her fair skin was beginning to show fine lines, and the roots of her hair had very few gray hairs as she was beginning to dye her hair to hide them. It had been 8 years since the accident, and a now 30-year-old Suyeon was standing in front of him.
“Suyeon… I just… Don’t think this is gonna work… Trust me when I say that I don’t wan-“
“If you don’t want to, then don’t, Namjoon!” She got close to him, grabbing his cheeks, almost begging him to look at her, but he couldn’t. He couldn’t look at the girl that he had been in love with since high school cry because of him.
“Namjoon… Please… Please tell me that it’s just PTSD and you wanna marry me…” Suyeon said with a shaky breath, tears falling from her eyes. As he grabbed her hands and gripped them softly, he looked up at her with a tear falling.
“I’m sorry, Suyeon… It’s over.” He whispered as he slowly let go of her hands. He wiped her tears gently with his thumb and said, “You’ll be happy without me, trust me.”
She shook her head and said, “Can’t I get an explanation, at least?”
He sighed and shook his head, closing his eyes and preparing himself for the vile words that will come out of his mouth “I just… Don’t love you anymore. I can’t be with… you anymore. I don’t feel anything when I see you. It was fun when we were teenagers, but now, I feel nothing. You’re nothing…” A slap was heard, and its sound echoed throughout the river, the sound of crickets and the river flowing were the background of what was happening to them, Suyeon’s hard breathing was soft, but in Namjoon’s ears, it sounded loud. She pushed him as hard as she could and screamed
“Go to hell, Kim Namjoon!” then ran away.
Namjoon touched the picture gently and sighed. Seokjin told him, after finding out about Suyeon, that she lived to be 82 and had one boy and three girls, that her husband was someone she worked with and that they lived without any problems or complications. They were truly in love. He closed the album once he felt Moni touch his leg, he smiled looking down at the dog and picking him up, and putting him down on the bed. He took off his suit and tie, deciding to sleep with just his underwear and to put his clothes in the hamper once he woke up. He looked at Moni and whispered
“You’re gonna love the lake house, Moni. It’s relaxing, and there are not a lot of neighbors. I doubt anyone will notice us” Moni wagged his tail and laid down.
Namjoon fell asleep thinking of his past and how things wholly changed because of his decisions. He often wonders, would he still be normal if he took a different route? Had he taken the bus home, would he still be normal? Should he have told Suyeon? Is it okay to start another relationship? Y/N radiated something in Namjoon he hadn’t felt before, he hadn’t opened his heart completely, not to Suyeon, but with Y/N, it felt different. He doesn’t know what it is, but he wants to explore this feeling before he leaves, and he hopes that fate grants him the opportunity to at least explore it before it’s gone completely.
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thoughtportal · 3 months
The Age of Adaline is a 2015 American romantic fantasy film directed by Lee Toland Krieger and written by J. Mills Goodloe and Salvador Paskowitz. The film stars Blake Lively as Adaline, with Michiel Huisman, Kathy Baker, Amanda Crew, Harrison Ford, and Ellen Burstyn. Narrated by Hugh Ross, the story follows Adaline Bowman, a young woman who stops aging following an accident at the age of 29.
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samreviewsmovies · 3 years
Age of Adaline
Year:  April 24, 2015
Director: Lee Toland Krieger
Screenwriter: J. Mills Goodloe,  Salvador Paskowitz
Actors:  Blake Lively, Michiel Huisman, Kathy Baker, Harrison Ford, Ellen Burstyn, and Hugh Ross (Narrator).
Production Company: Sidney Kimmel Entertainment and Lakeshore Entertainment
Synopsis:  Adaline Bowman (Blake Lively) has miraculously remained a youthful 29 years of age for nearly eight decades, never allowing herself to get close to anyone lest they discover her secret. However, a chance encounter with a charismatic philanthropist named Ellis Jones (Michiel Huisman) reawakens Adaline's long-suppressed passion for life and romance. When a weekend with Ellis' parents threatens to expose the truth, Adaline makes a decision that changes her life forever.
IMDb: 7.2/10
Rotten Tomatoes: 54%
My Rating: 6/10
My Thoughts: It was an okay movie. The idea of it was really interesting. A woman frozen in time while everyone, even her own daughter, goes on without her. The main romance between Adaline (Lively) and Ellis (Huisman) had some good banter but fell a little flat as a romance. Ellis was kinda problematic with his lack of accepting boundaries. The love story between Adaline and William (Ford), Ellis’s the father, was much more interesting than the romance between Adaline and the son. Also imagine the awkward dinner conversations. 
The narratiion was distracting too. I think that aspect was to make it appear somewhat like a documentary for people in the far future. It serves as a tool to explain away the backstory and questions to how someone can live without aging. Perhaps if they had gone with another voice it would have worked, but for me, I found the narration a little distracting and it took me out of the movie.
I did cry when the dog died.
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filmlady · 7 years
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The Age of Adaline [2015]
Tell me something I can hold on to forever and never let go.
                                              Let go.
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marvelmom · 6 years
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Shailene Woodley, Jamie Dornan, Sebastian Stan & Matthew Gray Gubler Lead Drake Doremus-CJ Pic; Protagonist On For Sales — AFM
EXCLUSIVE: Big Little Lies star Shailene Woodley, 50 Shades of Grey and A Private War star Jamie Dornan, Captain America‘s Sebastian Stan and Criminal Minds veteran Matthew Gray Gublerhave been set to lead Drake Doremus’ next movie, which gets underway in Los Angeles this week.
CJ Entertainment is developing, financing and producing the untitled pic with Like Crazy director Doremus, who co-wrote the original screenplay with novelist Jardine Libaire (White Fur). Protagonist Pictures has boarded international sales (CJ will rep Asia) and will launch the buzzy package at the American Film Market in two weeks. UTA Independent Film Group handles domestic.
The movie is set in present day Los Angeles and follows Daphne (Woodley), a thirtysomething woman navigating love and heartbreak over the course of one year. During that time, she will unlock the secrets to her life in a sudden turn of events and in the most surprising of places.
Producing the film will be Tae-sung Jeong, CEO of CJ Entertainment; Francis Chung, CJ’s VP Global Co-Productions and Head of U.S. Production; Doremus; and Robert George. CJ’s Jerry Ko is executive producing. Fred Lee, CJ Entertainment’s Los Angeles-based director of development, and Jihyun Ok, CJ’s Seoul-based director of development, will oversee production Adam Mehr of Pryor Cashman negotiated the producing deal on behalf of CJ, while UTA Independent Film Group negotiated on behalf of the filmmakers.
“The more time we spend with Drake, the more we realize just how brilliant a storyteller he is, and the confidence talent have in his vision and direction,” Chung said. “Shailene, Jamie, Matthew and Sebastian are actors at the top of their game and to see this trio unite for our film, with Drake at the helm, gives us great confidence that we’ll have something very special to deliver to audiences.”
The project marks Doremus’ second collaboration with CJ, Korea’s leading entertainment conglomerate. Earlier this summer, he signed on to direct CJ’s internally developed project Aurora, a sweeping romantic drama with a supernatural element, which Salvador Paskowitz is writing.
Doremus’ most recent film, the sci-fi romance Zoe starring Ewan McGregor, Léa Seydoux, Rashida Jones and Christina Aguilera, debuted at Tribeca this year and was picked up by Amazon Prime. Libaire is currently adapting her novel White Fur as a drama series for Amazon Studios, with FilmNation producing and Doremus directing.
Protagonist’s movies in production include Monday, starring Stan and Denise Gough, and The Education of Fredrick Fitzell, starring Dylan O’Brien and Maika Monroe. Upcoming are The Cradle, starring Jack O’Connell and Lily Collins, and The Sound of Philadelphia, with Matthias Schoenaerts, Garrett Hedlund and Scoot McNairy. CJ also recently launched a specialty genre label 413 Pictures.
Doremus is represented by UTA and Morris Yorn. Woodley is repped by Hyperion, Management 360 and Felker Toczek Suddleson Abramson LLP. Dornan is represented by UTA and Troika. Stan is repped by ICM Partners and Brookside Artist Management. Gubler is represented by CAA.
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strawberrytabasco · 6 years
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Wave Warriors #1
Salvador Daniel Paskowitz
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sheerioswifties · 6 years
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Art parallels//Juxtaposition//Film//Poetry
[The Age of Adaline(2015),written by J. Mills Goodloe and Salvador Paskowitz; starring Blake Lively and Michiel Huisman]
[The Trick to Holding On(2017), written by Taylor Swift]
To hold on, let go.
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mrsalisajones-blog · 7 years
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  Wieczorne seanse dla dwojga nie mogłyby obyć się bez romansów, melodramatów czy komedii romantycznych, uwielbianych przez kobiety. Znakomitą okazją do oglądania takich filmów niewątpliwie są zbliżające się walentynki. Poniżej przedstawiam trzydzieści pięć filmów, które każda kobieta chciałaby obejrzeć. Znajdują się tam klasyczne romanse jak Titanic czy Jane Eyre, jednak nie może zabraknąć odrobiny współczesności, którą niewątpliwie odnajdziemy w filmie Pięćdziesiąt Twarzy Greya czy Zmierzch.
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Miłość przychodzi powoli (2003)
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reżyseria: Michael Landon Jr. scenariusz: Michael Landon Jr.Cindy Kelley produkcja: USA
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reżyseria: Martin Brest scenariusz: Ron Osborn, Jeff Reno, Kevin Wade, Bo Goldman produkcja: USA
      Dirty Dancing (1987)
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reżyseria: Emile Ardolino scenariusz: Eleanor Bergstein produkcja: USA
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reżyseria: Clare Kilner scenariusz: Dana Fox produkcja: USA
      List w butelce (1999)
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reżyseria: Luis Mandoki scenariusz: Gerald Di Pego produkcja: USA
        Jeden Dzień (2011)
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reżyseria: Lone Scherfig scenariusz: David Nicholls produkcja: USA
        Titanic (1996)
Titanic wyrusza w swój dziewiczy rejs. Wśród pasażerów statku są: młody chłopak ze skradzionym biletem, zamężna arystokratka wracająca z pogrzebu ciotki i opiekunka do dzieci o tajemniczej przeszłości.
reżyseria: Robert Lieberman scenariusz: Ross LaManna, Joyce Eliason produkcja: Kanada, USA
      Serena (2014)
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reżyseria: Susanne Bier scenariusz: Christopher Kyle produkcja: Czechy, Francja, USA
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reżyseria: Thomas Vinterberg scenariusz: David Nicholls produkcja: USA, Wielka Brytania
        Duma i uprzedzenie (2005)
Ekranizacja powieści Jane Austen. Życie pięciu sióstr w georgiańskiej Anglii odmienia się, gdy do sąsiedztwa sprowadza się dwóch kawalerów.
reżyseria: Joe Wright scenariusz: Deborah Moggach produkcja: Francja, USA, Wielka Brytania
      P.S. Kocham Cię (2007)
Po tragicznej śmierci męża Holly nie może dojść do siebie. Wszystko zmienia się, gdy kobieta znajduje zaadresowane do niej listy od ukochanego.
reżyseria: Richard LaGravenese scenariusz: Steven Rogers, Richard LaGravenese produkcja: USA
      Love, Rosie (2014)
Rosie i Alex znają się od dzieciństwa. Gdy chłopak wyjeżdża z Dublina na studia do Ameryki, ich wieloletnią przyjaźń czekają ciężkie chwile.
reżyseria: Christian Ditter scenariusz: Juliette Towhidi produkcja: Niemcy, Wielka Brytania
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reżyseria: Derek Cianfrance scenariusz: Derek Cianfrance produkcja: Nowa Zelandia, USA
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reżyseria: Brad Silberling scenariusz: Peter Handke, Wim Wenders, Dana Stevens produkcja: Niemcy, USA
      Zmierzch (2008)
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reżyseria: Catherine Hardwicke scenariusz: Melissa Rosenberg produkcja: USA
      Pięćdziesiąt Twarzy Greya (2015)
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reżyseria: Sam Taylor-Johnson scenariusz: Kelly Marcel produkcja: USA
        Miłość bez końca (2014)
Jade i David zakochują się w sobie podczas niezapomnianego lata. Ich uczucie natrafia na wiele problemów, w tym opór ze strony ojca dziewczyny.
reżyseria: Shana Feste scenariusz: Shana Feste, Joshua Safran produkcja: USA
      Gwiazd naszych wina (2014)
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reżyseria: Josh Boone scenariusz: Scott Neustadter, Michael H. Weber produkcja: USA
      Wiek Adeline (2015)
Historia urodzonej na początku XX wieku młodej kobiety, która wskutek wypadku przestaje się starzeć. Gdy poznaje mężczyznę, zaczyna rozważać wyjawienie sekretu swojej nieśmiertelności.
reżyseria: Lee Toland Krieger scenariusz: J. Mills Goodloe, Salvador Paskowitz produkcja: Kanada, USA
    Słowo na M (2013)
Niemający szczęścia w miłości Wallace poznaje Chantry, z którą ma szansę zbudować trwałą relację.
reżyseria: Michael Dowse scenariusz: Elan Mastai produkcja: Irlandia, Kanada
      Och, życie (2010)
Holly i Eric nie pałają do siebie sympatią, prowadząc całkowicie odmienny styl życia. Wszystko staje na głowie, gdy ich wspólni przyjaciele giną w wypadku, zostawiając im pod opieką roczną córkę.
reżyseria: Greg Berlanti scenariusz: Ian Deitchman, Kristin Rusk Robinson produkcja: USA
      Dla ciebie wszystko (2014)
Na pogrzebie przyjaciela dochodzi do spotkania byłych kochanków. Dawne uczucia i związane z nimi konflikty powracają.
reżyseria: Michael Hoffman scenariusz: J. Mills Goodloe, Will Fetters produkcja: USA
      Zaklęci w czasie (2009)
Henry cierpi na nietypową chorobę genetyczną powodującą nieoczekiwane podróże w czasie. Podczas jednego z takich epizodów mężczyzna poznaje miłość swojego życia.
reżyseria: Robert Schwentke scenariusz: Bruce Joel Rubin produkcja: USA
      I że cię nie opuszczę (2014)
Żona Leo w wyniku wypadku samochodowego traci pamięć. Bohater robi wszystko, by znów się w nim zakochała.
reżyseria: Michael Sucsy scenariusz: Abby Kohn, Marc Silverstein, Michael Sucsy, Jason Katims produkcja: Australia, Francja, Niemcy, USA, Wielka Brytania
      The Choice (2016)
Travis i Gabby, dwoje sąsiadów z małego, nadmorskiego miasteczka w Karolinie Północnej, staje się czymś więcej, niż tylko przyjaciółmi.
reżyseria: Ross Katz scenariusz: Bryan Sipe produkcja: USA
      Zanim się rozstaniemy (2014)
Okradziona kobieta, której uciekł pociąg do domu, błąka się nocą po Nowym Jorku. Pomoc oferuje jej uliczny muzyk.
reżyseria: Chris Evans scenariusz: Ronald Bass, Jen Smolka, Chris Shafer, Paul Vicknair produkcja: USA
      Najdłuższa podróż (2015)
Losy dwóch par, które dzielą lata doświadczeń. Ich historie zbiegają się w nieoczekiwanym momencie.
reżyseria: George Tillman Jr. scenariusz: Craig Bolotin produkcja: USA
      Woda dla słoni (2011)
Po śmierci rodziców Jacob trafia do cyrku prowadzonego przez bezwzględnego Augusta. Wkrótce zakochuje się w jego żonie Marlenie.
reżyseria: Francis Lawrence scenariusz: Richard LaGravenese produkcja: USA
      Wciąż ją kocham (2010)
John i Savannah, choć z różnych światów, zakochują się w sobie od pierwszego wejrzenia. Wkrótce rozdzieli ich wojna.
reżyseria: Lasse Hallström scenariusz: Jamie Linden produkcja: USA
      Zanim się pojawiłeś (2016)
Dziewczynę z małego miasteczka zaczyna łączyć więź ze sparaliżowanym mężczyzną, którym się opiekuje.
reżyseria: Thea Sharrock scenariusz: Jojo Moyes produkcja: USA, Wielka Brytania
       Plan B (2010)
Marząca o dziecku singielka decyduje się na sztuczne zapłodnienie. W tym samym czasie spotyka mężczyznę swojego życia.
reżyseria: Alan Poul scenariusz: Kate Angelo produkcja: USA
          Udanego seansu!  _______________
35 najbardziej romantycznych filmów, które każda kobieta chciałaby obejrzeć Wieczorne seanse dla dwojga nie mogłyby obyć się bez romansów, melodramatów czy komedii romantycznych, uwielbianych przez kobiety.
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dinosaurgiantpenny · 1 month
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filmista · 8 years
The age of Adaline
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I went to see The age of Adaline in the cinema while I was on holiday in Belgium twice, I had watched the trailer a few times and I thought it looked quite good so I gave the film a chance.
However since then I’ve watched it again a couple of times, and my thoughts about the film have changed since then, so I’ve decided to update my old review on it.
The film’s about a young woman named Adaline Bowman (Blake Lively) who was born at the turn of the 20th century, she lived a normal life until she has an accident onde day and after the accident she becomes ageless, because of this she is forced to move from place to place so that no one can figure out her secret and she can’t get too attached to people because in the end she’ll lose them.
One day at a new year’s eve party she meets a man called Ellis (Michiel Huisman), she quickly develops a connection with him and feels tempted to reveal her secret to him, for the first time in ages someone is making her feel alive.
I’ll leave you guys with the Imdb description for it as well:
After miraculously remaining 29 years old for almost eight decades, Adaline Bowman has lived a solitary existence, never allowing herself to get close to anyone who might reveal her secret.
But a chance encounter with charismatic philanthropist Ellis Jones reignites her passion for life and romance. When a weekend with his parents threatens to uncover the truth, Adaline makes a decision that will change her life forever.
I liked this film but I do think that it’s been a little hyped up, before I went to watch the film I liked the storyline, but that changed when I saw it I think the idea of the film is original.
The many inconsistencies in the film started bothering me, though not to the point where it kept me from enjoying the film, in the end I just sat back and enjoyed the ride and ended up really loving it.
I did go to see it twice so that says quite a lot, I’m rarely the kind of person that goes to see the same film more than once when that happens It’s usually because the film did positively get to me.  
I also felt that some of the special effects where a little to much, that they didn’t really add to the film, for the most part they were really quite brilliantly executed.
And now I’ll tell you guys the things that I really enjoyed about this film:
I really like the fact that they chose to tell Adaline’s story in a way that made it seem like a fairytale, however what stood out the most to me in this film is the acting.
Blake Lively’s incredible as Adaline Bowman, her performance is truly very passionate and powerful, the weight of the whole film is on her shoulders, and she carries it elegantly!
She’s a very talented actress and yet her talent is always underappreciated just because she chose some questionable roles in the past, I think she’s proven more than once that she can definitely act. If you still doubt Lively’s acting chops check her out in The town or The private lives of Pippa Lee, she’s fantastic in both roles.
Michiel Huisman was great as Ellis, Adaline’s love interest their chemistry seemed very realistic to me I believed and truly loved their love story, it almost seemed like Lively and Huisman knew each other before filming this, their chemistry came across as that genuine.
I had never seem Michiel Huisman in any film before but I definitely am going to watch some of his films, he’s rather soft on the eye he truly seems to be a rather talented export from Holland to Hollywood, much like Matthias Schoenaerts is for Belgium.
What I also found incredible in this film were the music and the fashion, since the film’s takes place in different eras , there’s a lot of flashbacks and in flashbacks It’s very important to convey the style that people had in that era, and the music they listened to.
In  this case they did this really well, during the flashbacks I could inmediately tell what era they were in, what I liked most about the flashback scenes is that they were never over the top this happens in a lot of films especially bad costume dramas.
I think the direction of this film was great, otherwise the actors could never have portrayed their characters the way they did, it just shows that there was great collaboration there.
I really liked how the relationships between the characters were conveyed, I especially liked the relationship between Adaline and her daughter. The film’s pacing was quite amazing, it moves at just the right rhythm, it never bores you and always keeps It’s audience excited for what’s next.
The cinematography was with the the acting definitely the best thing about it, It has much of the qualities the film’s heroine does, It’s stylish and elegant even glamorous but in a way that comes across as natural.
I really liked the dreamy feel to the cinematography, that paired with the narration makes it come across as a fairytale, not in a childish way though in the most positive sense of the word, It’s like a very sophisticated and It’s not ashamed to of being really romantic and I can appreciate that greatly from time to time! 
I enjoyed most things about the film a lot, even though I have some problems with it. It’s become one of my favourite period dramas and romance films, mostly due to the stunning cinematograph and Huisman’s and Lively’s strong acting and there quite sizzling chemistry.
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“On December 31, 2014, a taxicab traveled through San Francisco, from Chinatown to Marin. The car carried a single passenger: a woman, her birth name Adaline Bowman, current alias Jennifer Larson. This is the first and last chapter of her story.”
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filmesp · 8 years
A Incrível História de Adaline (EUA / Canada - 2015 - 1h52)
Direção Lee Toland Krieger Roteiro J. Mills Goodloe, Salvador Paskowitz Elenco Blake Lively, Michiel Huisman, Harrison Ford, Ellen Burstyn, Kathy Baker, Amanda Crew Gênero Drama, Romance
Adaline Bowman nasceu na virada do século XX. Ela tinha uma vida normal até sofrer um grave acidente de carro. Desde então, ela, milagrosamente, não consegue mais envelhecer, se tornando um ser imortal com a aparência de 29 anos. Ela vive uma existência solitária, nunca se permitindo criar laços com ninguém, para não ter seu segredo revelado. Mas ela conhece o jovem filantropo Ellis Jones, um homem por quem pode valer a pena arriscar sua imortalidade.
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iamjazmine · 12 years
Most parents say 'Go to school. Don't go swimming with sharks, that's dangerous.' Our parents said, 'You can go swimming with sharks, but you're not fuckin' going to school -- that shit's dangerous!'
Salvador Paskowitz (x)
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dinosaurgiantpenny · 1 month
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