#Satori Tendou Headcanons
vs-redemption · 1 year
We can always talk about our favorites cause I got more ideas😊. Share some your Vday HC on your favorites…cause I can talk about Mattsun alllllll day😁.
Let’s talk about candy man Tendou🤗 You know he calls you “My delight”☺️
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💖Valentines Day Headcanons💖
(Tendo, Hawks, Mattsun, Dabi)
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Valentine’s Day is always special with Tendou because he makes it so great somehow without even trying. He doesn’t have to try and order or buy you the best sweets because he makes them himself and personalizes them to your tastes. He also makes breakfast for you in the morning while singing songs about how much he loves you that he makes up on the spot.
Hawks stresses himself out on Valentine’s Day because he puts so much pressure on himself to be perfect. He agonizes over it for days wondering what to cook or if he should take you out and what flowers you might like and if it’s too much to buy you jewelry or if you’ll be disappointed if he doesn’t. Whatever he does though ends up being amazing because you know he put his whole heart into it.
If you want a lot of romance and a lot of great kissing on Valentine's Day, then Mattsun is the heartthrob for you. It might just be a candlelit dinner at home, but he always manages to leave you breathless and feeling like you just stepped into a real life romance movie. How he is always so smooth is one of the great questions of the universe.
Dabi claims that Valentine's Day is lame and that it's just another regular day, but then somehow finds a way to be glued to your side the entire holiday. He suddenly becomes awkwardly chivalrous, holding doors or carrying bags for you. By the end of the day he even volunteers to cook dinner. He realizes he messed up though once he's in the kitchen and remembers he can't cook to save his life. He appreciates it so much if you rescue him by offering to help, and he'll be extra cuddly and affectionate the rest of the night.
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sednas · 2 years
Hi! Can i please request some wedding day headcanons for Hinata, Kuroo Bokuto and Tendou? Some sfw and nsfw at the end? Thank you ❣️
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hey! thank you for this cute request! (I said while being secretly happy to finally have an opportunity to write filthy wedding smut)
gn!reader x hinata, bokuto, tendou
afab!reader x kuroo
tw: smut parts announced at the beginning (fingering, oral, marking, unprotected sex)
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you can't tell me that he wouldn't be the most hyped person during the whole ceremony
he's practically levitating, jumping everywhere, giggling at the end of every one of his sentence
he can't stay still, kageyama has to physically hold him back to prevent him from seeing you while you're putting on your wedding clothes
you can find him sitting on a chair, kageyama threatening him to tie him up
he's bouncing his leg up and down and runs to the aisle when he hears that you're ready
again, while waiting for you in the aisle, kageyama has to scold him to stop moving so much
I don't think he would cry
seeing you walk towards him is making him feel so proud
his whole face lights up, a big smile adorning his features
the first thing he does is compliment you, it's just a whisper, only for you to hear
not him interrupting the person reciting the vows to say yes 😭
he's glued to you for the rest of the night, frequently calling you by his last name, a warm smile on his lips
he's not subtle at all when it comes to get you alone
by the end of the night he just drags you in a room, and you can tell he's been hard for a long time now
he's extremely excited and full of love to give, spending time kissing your skin and telling you how amazing you are
but after this kissing session he can't wait any longer and he removes your clothes with impatient hands
he's absolutely loosing his mind over the first stroke, squeezing your skin in his hands while whimpering about how good you feel
he would worship your body until the very end of the night
this mf would try to play it cool but would get teary eyes every time you're not looking
he wants to spend the entire night dancing with you so he can have you all for himself
he grinned while kissing you at the end of the ceremony
and you had to pinch his arm to stop him from giving you a french kiss in front of everyone
he still did it after your first dance together 💀
he looks at you in awe during the whole night, getting mad at kenma when he blatantly says how stupid he looks
he also has a smug grin during the entire evening, because he's so damn proud to be your husband
he teases you a lot, grabbing your hips and squeezing your butt at every occasion he has
he really can't keep his hands to himself, he wanted to ruin you as soon as he saw you in your wedding clothes
he does everything he can to make you needy, and once you finally snap and grab him to go somewhere quiet he grins widely while saying that you're such a perv
he wants you to keep the wedding clothes, removing just enough to expose the wet spot between your legs
you slowly lower your hazy eyes to see his ring finger pumps in your pussy in a lazy rythm
"can you feel my ring my love?" he whispers into your ear, just before biting your neck
he has you sucking on his finger after this, making sure you swirl your tongue around the shiny ring
a proud smile on his face, he brags about you to all of his friends while waiting for the ceremony to begin
when he sees you walking in your wedding clothes down the aisle his chest swells with pride
akaashi has to hit the underside of his knee to make him stop giggling and jumping around
he looks at you with sparkles in his eyes, making you feel so loved and admired
after kissing you he takes you in his arms, making you twirl before pulling you into a bear hug
your first song to dance to is probably something like the dirty dancing song or flashdance 😭
you can feel his chest glued to your back during the whole evening, never loosing his excited tone
he's also the one who eats almost all of the buffet
great transition to say that the thing he wants to eat the most is you
late in the night he manages to have you alone all for himself
the first thing he does is to give you a head, making you overstimulated with his mouth, humming when he hears you cry of pleasure
he makes you cum at least fifth time before kissing you
first on your lips, forcing you to taste yourself, then his lips lower to your neck, biting it and licking it
he would mark you everywhere while repeating that you belong to him
his thoughts are filled with "pretty pretty pretty pretty so pretty" as soon as he sees you
while he's wearing his usual mischievous expression he can feel his heart beating faster and faster
and when he finally hears you say yes all the tension in his body fades away, taking your face in his hands to kiss you passionately
he blinks a few times after that, trying to realize that it's really happening, that he just married the love of his life
after that, he is a goner, making you dance until you have to remove your shoes to keep dancing without your feet hurt
while ushijima is standing in the middle of the dancefloor like 🧍
he has grabby hands during the whole night
he even makes you sit on his lap at some point, forcing you to feel how hard he is for you
he makes you yearn for it tho, waiting for the right moment to go somewhere private with you
once he lands his hands on you he becomes feral, you have to slow him down to prevent him from tearing your clothes apart
his hands are everywhere, palming and squeezing every curve of your body
he finally takes a moment to fully look at your naked figure, looking at you like the first time he saw you naked
there is nothing but pure adoration in his eyes
he pounds your hole for a while, making you cum again and again before he finally allows himself to cum inside you
he gives you a sloppy kiss while staying inside of you, saying that you're everything he needs in his life
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a lovely reminder that reblogs and comments are highly appreciated ♡
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oreosmama · 8 months
Voicemails After the Breakup (Haikyuu!! Headcanons)
*GIFs not mine*
A/N: I pity the fools who ignore this a/n bc WARNING, these are hcs without those stupid bullet points bc I have suddenly emotionally decided that they fucking suck. Anyways, I hope y'all enjoy the light angst, for all those survivors who are still vibing in this fandom. Enjoy!
Word count: 1968
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Tooru Oikawa:
“I’m totally and completely over you.”
That’s how the message starts. 
Part of you wonders if you missed something, or accidentally skipped ahead. It’s so immediate, like Oikawa could barely wait for the beep before tearing into you. Like he needed to spit poison the second he had the chance. 
And it’s one of those biting remarks that he wants to let fester—for a while, evidently; he doesn’t say anything else for another five minutes. 
All that follows is a loud thud, like he’s thrown the phone away from him. And then footsteps, like he’s pacing, pacing, pacing back and forth, trying to think of more scathing words by burning holes into his carpet. 
You hit a point where you think you should delete the message, maybe try and not care about whatever else he may or may not say after waiting for so long. You nibble on your nails and tug at the snarls in your hair. You pick four pieces of lint off your sweatshirt and seventeen more off the blanket draped over your lap, and you know how many there are because you line them up and count them afterwards as you wait, anxious, listening to your ex-boyfriend’s panting. 
But a small rustle stirs at that five-minute mark, right against your ear. And a sniffle. 
“Fine.” Oikawa’s voice cracks. “You win.” 
You suck in a breath. 
“What do you wanna hear? That I miss you?” He sniffles again, then scoffs bitterly. “That I miss you so fucking much I can’t sleep at night? That my bed is so fucking cold now I can’t even stomach sleeping in it? That every girl I see I automatically compare to you because I have to—I just fucking have to, all because she’s not you. And it makes me sick.”
His chuckle is sour and crackles harshly into your eardrum. “Am I stroking your ego enough, sweetheart? Because you win. You fucking win.
“I want you back.” 
He sighs, and it sounds like he’s rubbing his forehead. 
“I need you back.” 
More beats pass in the silence. More sniffles, too, but stretched out, like he’s trying to steady his breathing. 
You don’t think it’s helping him any. As you wipe the cuffs of your sweatshirt underneath your eyes, his voice returns, thoroughly raw and wounded. It squeaks out of him, barely above a whisper. His voice is so loud and tender, like he’s cradling the phone against his cheek. 
Your hand against his warm cheek, curled over that pink skin, fingertips inches away from brushing through those soft strands, wiping tears. That’s what you wish it was. 
“I didn’t know…” 
A shaky breath. You hold yours in return. 
“I didn’t know anything could hurt this bad.”
He swallows thickly. 
“Those last few moments after you left—I thought that would be the worst of it. When you just walked out. And I keep seeing you do it, over and over and over, in my head like I can’t help but torture myself with it.
“I never knew it would get so much fucking worse.”
He whimpers a little, and your heart constricts unbearably. You tear at the damn thing buried underneath your sweatshirt, massaging the skin like it can soothe that phantom ache. 
Oikawa must hate you. Maybe he hates you like you hate him: not because of the breakup, but because you can go for weeks without seeing him, holding him, kissing him, and everything still hurts like that last time. 
“Thing is, I could’ve sworn you weren’t always in my life. It’s been two years. Only two years. And yet I can’t remember a damn thing before us. It feels like it was always us. Some fog, and then you, and then everything afterwards. Everything that was us.”
“And I hate that we had it so good, YN. I really do. Because missing you has been the worst thing that’s ever happened to me.”
The frustration in his voice is familiar, a sickening sense of deja vu around it, and you latch a hand over your mouth at how vividly the image comes to you: Oikawa tearing his fingers through his hair, teeth gritted, cheeks flushed and shiny. Like when he lost a game, but different somehow. 
Like this was something he didn’t even know he could lose.
He’s crumbling in a way he doesn’t know how to stop. That ugly part about having something wonderful and new—the moment it’s gone, what the hell are you supposed to do then?
“I just—Goddamnit, I can’t stand how badly it hurts anymore. I can’t,” he cries, desperate and aching, like his hand is fisting at his heart. You can hear the breath hitching in his throat, the hiccuping breaths after his sobs. You can hear every tear, feel it against your own cheeks, a soreness building at the front of your skull. 
Too many tears. Your body is screaming at you, too many fucking tears. 
But it’s him and he was yours and you were his. 
You were his. 
You had no idea how much that single thought could make your entire chest throb. 
Oikawa inhales, and it makes your heart race against the thick wall caging it in, squeezing against it. 
“I need to see you.” 
He says the thought like it’s just slapped him across the face. 
“I need to go see you, I—I have to.” 
He mumbles to himself unsteadily, like he’s rocking back and forth. Debating, really, what he’s supposed to do, if he should do it at all, if it’s right after everything.
You should probably think he’s wrong.
You probably shouldn’t be curled over your phone, eyes wide, mouth open, not making a fucking peep. Waiting to hear what he’s going to do. 
Maybe—just maybe—you shouldn’t be telling yourself that as the voicemail counts down to its final seconds, if he decides he’s not going to go to you, that you’ll definitely be going to him.
“I can’t just sit here. I can’t stay in here, without you. This isn’t right, I—”
Your breath hitches when you hear the frantic jingle of keys. 
Then the sound of a door slamming. 
His footsteps racing down his apartment’s stairwell.
A car engine revving. 
“I need to see you.” 
And the voicemail ends. 
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Satori Tendou: 
The message begins with a scoff of utter disbelief. 
“Is that what we’re doing now?”
He pauses, almost like he thinks you’re going to respond. 
“Heard from someone that I suddenly have syphilis. Yesterday, I had herpes though, so I guess I’m gonna have a tough week.”
A rustle like he’d shaking his head, like he can’t fucking believe it. 
“And sure, okay, I figured that’s fine. You can say all that shit, and it won’t really stick because everyone knows it was us and that it’s you and you’re hurt.”
He sighs. 
“But I saw it, sweetheart. I saw it.” The phone whines like he’s adjusting it against his face, and his voice is suddenly lower, darker. 
“You don’t get to have it both ways, you know. You can’t spread all that shit—all those rumors about how shitty everything was and how we didn’t have anything going for us—and then turn around two days later wearing my sweatshirt. And you don’t get to wear that necklace I gave you for our anniversary and then run away from me the second you see me. That’s just not fair—you’re not playing fair anymore.”
Something swishes around like loose clothing, and a large huff greets your ear from what must be Tendou collapsing into a seat. When his little sounds become quieter, that relentless humming and the excitable clicks of his tongue against his teeth, you figure he must have put the phone on speaker and balanced it on his knee like he always did. Mid-conversation with Ushiwaka, he always used to spin his phone with those long fingers, or bounce the damn thing up and down against his frantic leg. 
And the voicemail came through late last night, one of those dead hours where the only ones awake were Tendou, his scrambling thoughts, and the moths flitting back and forth outside his glowing window. He was always awake, always thinking, always doing something. 
When you’d first broken up, after one long, wrenching fight where you’d both lost your voices and the frustration welled so high you just couldn’t breathe anymore, you’d been thankful for the idea of sleeping soundly for the first time in months. 
You’d been wrong. You weren’t even sleeping anymore; just long, slow blinks where your phone screen would magically turn from 3:45 a.m. to 7:25 a.m., and in five minutes you’d have to get up and slug your way through another day. 
Tendou had been the same. Those naturally wide eyes sagged under the pressure, and the curve of his spine had deepened like he’d been hauling the lack of sleep everywhere he went. 
He must be sitting at his window now, at this moment in his message, pale skin aglow with wispy tendrils of moon. And he’s calling you. And he saw everything you’d done. 
“Not fair. Not fair at all,” he whines, teasing. Always, always teasing, and if you hadn’t heard the slight cripple in his voice on the last word, you’d have gone on thinking he viewed it as one big joke. 
You’re sure he heard the same thing you had—that he couldn’t keep acting like it was all fun and games. His usual, cat-like smile surely fell into a pert little frown, pale lips twisting like he’d sucked on a lemon. 
No fun, no fun, no fun, he must have been thinking. 
“Ya see, I thought we had a little deal,” Tendou drawls. “You’d talk smack and start dressing all pretty just to spite me, and then–and then I’d go ahead and delete all your pictures and put your name as ‘Bitch’ in my phone. And in, like, two weeks, we’d just be two ships, whoosh, whoosh, passing each other on the high seas of life, ya know?”
He breathes a ghost of a laugh. 
“But, sweetheart, you look like shit.” He chuckles for real this time, and it’s disgustingly hollow. “I’m not even kidding. Like someone ran you over three times every morning—it’s horrible, really.”
You curl into yourself even further, and you’re smiling, grinning, lips peeling with how much you’ve cried and how little water you’ve drank after. You hate him; God, you hate how he can make you laugh and cry at the same time. 
“But that’s okay, I’ll give you a pass just this once. I haven’t deleted your pictures yet, so I botched my end of the deal, too.” Tendou tsks his tongue. 
“I won’t go easy on you, though. Here–here, how’s about this: for every day you stop wearing my clothes—because they look horrible on you, sweetheart; really, you’re painful to watch—I’ll delete one of your pictures, eh? That means, in about–uhhdivideby365daysinayearignoringleapyearbullshit–ah, seven years, I’ll have held up my end. S’that good with you?”
You lean your head back, letting the tears flood your hair as he chuckles to himself. 
“Fuck it,” he says after a pause. Hopeless. Breathless. “Fuck it.” He must be gnawing on that pale lower lip, biting and nibbling until it bleeds. Because he lets something go to sigh again, and he must have smacked his head against the wall, and then you think he sniffled. 
“I still want you. I’ve always wanted you. And I’m tired of missing you and wanting you. Doing both hurts too much.”
Tendou soughs.
“So I’m still your Chicken Tendy, baby. Always. And I’ll be here when you're ready, syphilis and all.”
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shoothingstarlie · 10 months
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OIKAWA, keishin ukai, TANAKA, kuroo, nishinoya, bokuto, atsumu, tendou.
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satorisoup · 5 months
#A/N : i have writers block so here take this.
#WARNINGS : cursing.
all photos found on pinterest! (characters are gray)
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KENMA. kunimi.
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KUROO. suna.
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BOKUTO. lev.
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ATSUMU. tanaka. tendou.
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letshaikyuu · 1 month
Who is most likely to remember details?
a/n: your girl is inspired everyone and nothing can stop me
warning: nothing except my Grammarly telling me to rewrite like 20 sentences in this
the cutest little bean ever, who knows every important date for your guys' relationship. he's so lovely like everyone deserves a sugawara in their life. he remembers details, like something you did in your childhood, what's your favorite snack, what types of vitamins/healthcare products you use, and similar. such a sweetheart and he is someone who definitely would not mess up your cafe order and/or what pastry you would like from your favorite bakery.
he's the quietest guy ever who pays attention to detail. even though he's looking at his games most of the time, he still hears everything you're saying and keeps notes, especially when you mention something being your favorite. casually surprises you with your favorite snack or those cute little figurines that are popular now (ngl I totally blanked on the name for those things). he gets super shy and red in the ears if you were to thank him and/or give him a hug or a kiss - definitely.
completely forgot about this legend until I remembered he is my bestie's favorite character. i think his memory is very sharp, but when it comes to remembering things important to you and things you like, he makes sure to buy you all the things you've mentioned recently because I do think over time he'd kinda forget the details? but his short-term memory is amazing; so you saying you like idk a specific matcha ice cream one day, you will be getting that immediately tomorrow.
he definitely has a list of your likes/dislikes because ushijima can't remember all the details that make you special, but he tries ok? if you're feeling sad, he goes to that lil chapter in his notebook: "what you like when you're sad" and makes sure to get something that will certainly cheer you up. also has chapters for when you're happy/gift ideas/etc. honestly, I think it'd be the cutest little notebook ever, and if you were to find it and tease him about it, he will have the darkest red hue on his cheeks you've ever seen.
ngl, the only details he certainly remembers about you is your food preference because he's such a foodie himself. i find that super important and if he remembers such things, he's a keeper. he's also the type to google restaurant/bakery/cafe menus to see where to take you out for dates, so he knows which is the best and fits your preferences. such a sweetheart and gets you snacks almost every day because his love language is getting you food <3
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sleepyomi · 1 year
physical touch with hq!! boys
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a/n: y’all really blew me away with the response to the acts of service post and so here is the next part! it took a second to come out because I’ve been struggling with a head injury but it’s up now! I hope y’all enjoy!
love language masterlist | acts of service | quality time |
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atsumu —
constantly keeps a hand on your waist if you walking together or holds you hand if he’s carrying anything. big fan of low key PDA: holding hands, quick kisses on your cheek, keeping a hand on your waist/lower back. he loves the little touches. when alone he likes to hold you close, have your head on his chest, pressing kisses to your hair. typically only touchy if you’re walking someplace together or at home, but if you initiate he will keep his hand in yours the whole time.
matsukawa —
holds you close anytime he can. likes when you sit on his lap. will take ANY excuse to have you in his lap or to carry you. stub your toe? up you go. this man is hands and shameless. he takes pride in the fact that he can tend to your needs, and likes showing that off by holding you. isn’t super big about it in public spaces like school or restaurants, but his home screen is a picture of his lifting you up in victory after an early volleyball tournament third year.
kuroo —
likes to hold your hand when you go out to eat together. presses small kisses to your hair, your cheek, your ear whenever his face is close to yours whether it’s standing up from tying his shoe, fixing a strand of your hair, or just sitting together. loves to play with your hair and have you lay on his chest, his body, rest your head upon his shoulder. he revels in the close contact and the fact that you trust him with yourself.
tsukishima —
is very shy which his touch, tries to be as discrete as possible but he is just a tiny wee bit clingy. likes to link pinkies when you walk. share his headphones with you and fall asleep with your heads resting together. loves when you relax into him when your tucked up under his arms. is big on giving you kisses when alone, on your forehead, your lips, your hands if your walking somewhere and there’s no one around. he’s not ashamed of you it’s just that akiteru saw him holding your hand and press a kiss to your knuckles and he yet to live it down.
tendo —
this man is a smitten kitten. a complete whirlwind of a boyfriend. likes to come up out of nowhere and smack one on you when you least expect it. enjoys resting his chin on your shoulder when your working on something and watching as you do it. always keeps a hand on your lower back if getting by you but especially if you’re in a crowded area. have to walk through a crowd? hand is secured. having to stand together on the train because it’s full? hand on your back. really just likes to keep you close and safe, and never make it possible for you to doubt his love.
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do not edit, claim, or repost as per @sleepyomi
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skiiyoomin · 2 months
imma do haikyuu for this cause im low-key high-key nostalgic of my 2020 haikyuu phase 🥹
warnings: gn! light swearing
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✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:✧・゚: ✧・゚:
This was it. This was the moment you had been waiting for for as long as you could even begin to remember. All those gruesome hours counting down the seconds until you could dash off to your home were finally over. No more brain exploding math classes or dull history classes that made you want to pass out because of the teachers monotonous tone.
"(Y/N) (L/N)"
Your name was announced and with a proud giddy smile, you walked up the steps and onto the stage. Everything was going spectacularly well. You grabbed your diploma and shook the Principals hand. You began to walk down the steps and when you looked forward, you made eye contact with your friend. Wrong move because the second your eyes shifted from the floor to your friend, you tripped.
Bursts out laughing. Like he´s deadass the type of person who laughs first then worries about you. Has literally no mercy on you. Can and *will* use this to his advantage, will not let you live this moment down for as long as he´s alive. Probably chuckles every once in a while when he thinks back on it and TRUST he thinks about it a lot.
TSUKISHIMA, Kuroo, MATSUKAWA, Hanamaki, SUNA, Atsumu, Shirabu, Tendo, Sugawara
Lets out a chuckle or two at first when everyone laughs but when you sit back down beside him, he asks if you´re okay, geniuenly concerned that you didn´t hurt yourself. When you confirm it was nothing but merely embarrassing, he grins in amusement. Might tease you a little bit BUT, he´s merciful unlike some people, and he quickly stops to save you the embarrassement.
Oikawa, IWAIZUMI, Kageyama, Nishinoya, Tanaka, Hinata, Kenma, Akaashi, Osamu, Semi
Worries THEN laughs. He´s gotta make sure you´re okay and you didn´t hurt yourself. Once you give him the okay he´ll chuckle, replaying the moment in his head and finding it quite funny actually. He quickly lets it go though, which saves you the embarrasement!
Daichi, Ushijima, Goshiki, Kita, Sakusa, Bokuto, Yamaguchi, Yachi, Kiyoko
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honey-blogz · 4 months
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•Texts you two have while in a relationship•
•Kenma x gn reader•
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bleach-your-panties · 4 months
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- how they eat the 😽🎀 pt 1.
-sugawara, nishinoya, yamaguchi, & tendo! all appropriate age/timeskip age. fem reader.
dividers by adia_morbid via glitter-graphics, @/h-aewo, and @/cafekitsune
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☆Koushi Sugawara:
Type of Eater - Slow, Patient, Meticulous
Song: Under - Pleasure P
When Sugawara is eating you out, he most certainly takes his time.
He is a teacher, so his patience is unmatched - especially when it comes to making his special girl feel good.
Prefers more private, intimate settings for oral activities, but is not opposed to eating you out in the teacher's longue at the end of the school day.
"Kou-, wait a second! Is it really appropriate to do this here?! What if somebody walks in?"
*(Both reader and Sugawara are teachers!)
He's kneeling in front of you, his greyish-silver hair slightly mussed, white dress shirt ruffled at the collar from you yanking on it during a heated makeout session, tie askew.
His glasses teeter on the bridge of his nose in danger of slipping off.
Your back arches into the counter behind you, thighs rubbing together in attempt to hold in the slick wetness that's forming between your thighs as your lover looks up at you with those big, round, chocolate-hazel eyes.
"Early-release day, honey." His voice is low and sickeningly sweet while he rubs his hands up your stocking-clad thighs until he reaches the tops.
Rolling them down your hips and over your plush thighs, Sugawara surges forward and grips the fat of them, pushing them up and outwards before letting them close around his head.
Your fingers entangle themselves in his hair as he begins licking you with long, methodical laps of his tongue, up and through your glistening folds. He entire mouth covers your sex as he begins to suck on your clit slowly, swirling his tongue in wide circles.
His fingers tighten on your flesh while he continues suckling on your bud. He presses you open further and his tongue dives deep into your hole.
Your thighs quiver and squeeze around his head while your abdomen clenches and you squirt your orgasm all over his beautiful face.
He leans back and slides his glasses off. Your cum covers him, carefully dripping down over his cheekbones and that cute mole under his left eye.
"Looks like you had an early release as well."
☆Yuu Nishinoya
Type of Eater: Messy, Playful, Eager
Song: Dive In - Trey Songz
He is very eager to eat you out, always. You don't even have to ask him, he just somehow always knows.
You could be reclining on the couch with your knees slightly apart, and when you reach over to grab the remote and look back at your show, there his head is, betwixt your thighs.
Loves for you to ride his face and make a mess on it, too.
Can he breathe? Probably not, but ask him if he cares.
Yuu was due to return home today from a long expedition at sea. He often wishes that you can join him on his sometime-months-long trips around the world, but you have a stable job in Tokyo where you both reside together.
You were on the lying on the couch waiting for him in nothing but one of his old volleyball jerseys and a pair of black lace panties.
When the door clicked open and the sound of his suitcase's wheels rolling across the floor reached your ears, a drizzle of arousal slid down your chunky thigh.
"I'm home, baby girl!" His loud, cheerful voice was right next to your ear. As soon as you turned your head, your lips were engulfed in a sloppy, wet kiss.
Yuu circles his arms around your upper back and lifts you up until your thighs are straddling his head.
"Too late, he's already gotten started. He uses one hand to lift up your (his) shirt and circle his tongue around your belly button before dipping his tongue in.
You nudge his head with your elbow and he pulls back to look up at you with huge chocolate eyes.
"What?" He nips at your side, making you yelp, "You should know better than to wear my jerseys and think that I won't absolutely devour you, right here and right now."
He straightens up, presses you against the back of the couch, and dives right back in.
"Yuu! Yuu, you need to breathe!" You moan and grip the back of his shirt with your nails as he drags the flat of his tongue through your pussy lips and up to your clit before latching on with his lips, sucking hard.
"MmphnoIdonf." He mumbles while continuing to lick, slurp, and kiss through your drenched folds. His forehead is slick with your juices, making his hair flatten down.
He really, really missed you this time.
☆Tadashi Yamaguchi
Type of Eater: Shy, Careful, Inexperienced
Song: Just A Friend - Mario
Tadashi and you have been friends since high school.
You both had a crush on each other, but did that thing where you both acted oblivious to the other's desires.
So after graduating from Karasuno, you both attend the same university just like you both planned.
So with the notion that the only thing the two of you will ever be is friends, you move into an apartment together.
Tadashi is out doing the monthly grocery shopping while you tidy up your shared space. When you finish, he's still not back yet, so you decide to go lie down in your room and peruse social media while you wait for your freckle-faced friend to return.
After what feels like hours of you mindlessly scrolling and liking pics on Instagram, you hear the front door slam closed and Tadashi call your name.
He has a cute smile on his face as he asks you to help him put away the groceries, in which you comply.
A quick, simple dinner is prepared and eaten before you both retreat to your room to watch a show.
Tadashi rests his head on your thigh as usual - nothing out of the ordinary - until he rests a large palm on the inside of it, dangerously close to your clothed pussy.
His eyes move up to your face and his dick begins to stir awake at the soft, caring look mirrored in your own e/c orbs.
'Fuck it' he says in his mind, and with a surge of confidence he moves his hand closer to your cunt.
It's shaking; he's nervous as hell to ask to eat you out, mostly because he's never done it before. But it's you; you'll be patient with him, even guide him along the way.
So, with an unsteady hand, he slips his fingers beneath the fabric and pulls the panties to the side. He pauses, waits for you to stop him - to pull away in disgust.
You're still gazing at him, now with lidded eyes, and you give a little nod.
Tadashi pulls himself onto his elbows and spreads your thighs further apart with his free hand. A soft, surprised 'oh' escapes your lips when he bites down on your thigh gently, nipping the flesh before he licks through the crease, his tongue grazing your outer lips.
You're shivering - did he do something wrong?
But when you thread your fingers through his hair and push his head closer into your warm center, he grows confident.
His little nose bumps your clit as he gives you kitten licks; the action itself is so sweet and sinfully sexy that it has your toes curling.
The speed of his licks increases at your sounds and he grips your thighs to keep you firmly planted in the mattress.
After you finish (which, he can't believe he made you cum), his cheeks are red, making his freckles stand out even more as he gives you the biggest smile ever.
☆Satori Tendo
Type of Eater: Unconventional, Teasing, Mean
Song: Surgery - Peewee Longway, MPA Turk
Tendo is the worst tease on the face of this Earth.
He's mean too, loves to degrade you and make you blush about how well he eats you and how he always leaves you begging for more.
He talks a lot of shit while eating it.
Mans is a menace, fr.
"Satori, please."
You groaned, trying to pull your boyfriend's red head from between your aching legs, to no avail.
"Y-you're killing me...please, 'Tori. Let me have just a little break."
Tendou scoffed and pulled his long fingers from your swollen cunt. A stream of squirt followed them, adding to the soaked towels beneath your ass.
"You act like this is my first time eating you. Man up, Y/N." He cackled evilly and slapped your pussy with the back of his hand, making your hips jerk. He laughed harder.
He kept his devilish eyes trained on you and dropped his long, slender body off the edge of the bed. Hiking your legs over his shoulders, he dove right back in.
Tendou alternated between sucking your lower lips, your clit, fingering you, and slapping your pubic mound.
"Hmm, sweetest thing I ever had in my mouth." He chuckled at his own quip, spit on your pussy, and sucked it right back up before repeating the process.
You mewled and screamed his name, voice only growing hoarser from having already yelled it out so much over the last couple hours. A harsh shiver - another orgasm - racked through your body, making you slump down on the pillows.
Satori licked his lips and looked up at you before smacking your thigh, hard.
"No passing out during a session, Y/N. There's no fun in that. Don't you want to beat your record of squirting five times in a row, back to back?"
Tiredly, you shook your head. You might be saying no, but you only arched your soaked cunt further towards his mouth, making him grin.
As mean as he was, you couldn't get enough of that sinful mouth. He was both your heaven and your hell.
"Too bad for you then. Because I'm going to suck on this pussy until I'm satisfied."
#💗💗🍡°tagging: @prettybraat @cunttani @yuujispinkhair @honeybleed @hoesluvshanti @chrollohearttags @darkstarlight82 @krenee1drful
*let me know how i did y'all!*
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easybrainrot34 · 3 months
He’s the kind of man that not only comes to girl's night out but is fully welcomed. Like POV he’s your boyfriend, you set up a girl's night, and he is fully integrated into girls night. He can be the DD, he can be the man who goes on a snack run, he can be the one who starts the evening by passing out shots like he can do it all. Oh you think you’re the host tonight ? Wrong. it’s him. If one of your friends becomes an emotional drunk, he becomes a therapist. If one of the girls is falling down drunk he’s giving piggyback rides. If it’s a girls night in and the charcuterie board runs low, he’s in the kitchen restocking it.
At least every girl has at least told you twice that they wish they wish there was a clone of your man. But if one of the girls is being suss, you know getting a little too flirty trying to get a little too close to him, he gently reminds them that he is wifey’d up. He also knows all the tea, all the drama, and is fully giving out advice (but if you don’t want advice, he’ll just let u rant).
- Bokuto, Kuroo, Daichi (specifically with him, he’s the kind of man to take everyone’s keys before the drinking starts), Mattsun, Iwazumi (although he has made everyone swear up-and-down that they would never tell Oikawa about girls nights, because he’s just not dealing with that), Ushijima (yes, he’s very stoic, but that doesn’t mean that he doesn’t know how to have fun), Tendou (if somebody tries to mess with any of you at the bar, he’ll fight a bitch) , and of course, Atsumu
‼️sidenote, I typically write head cannons in a genderless way so you don’t have to be female presenting for this it’s just basically anybody but men because the boys night would be totally different lol‼️
Ps my request are open :)
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klwl-truck · 1 year
Tendou: Hey Wakatoshi, would you still love me if I was a worm?
Ushijima: But you aren't one.
Tendou: I know, but I said IF I was a worm
Tendou: If I turned into a worm would you still love me?
Ushijima: In what possible situation would you turn into a worm.
Tendou: I know that! I was just-
Tendou: Oh nevermind it's not that important.
*30 minutes later*
Ushijima: I would make you a terrarium.
Tendou: huh?
Ushijima: If you turned into a worm I would build you a small terrarium, with wet soil and plently of rotting leaves so that you had enough food to eat.
Ushijima: And then I'd put you in a dark corner, so that your skin wouldn't dry out in the sunlight.
Tendou: oh 😭
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loveephia · 1 year
Can you do Bokuto, Tendou Suna, Iwaizumi? So that they see their girlfriend again after she was away for a long time? I love You Work!!💕💕💕💕💕
how some of the HQ boys would react to seeing their girlfriend again after a long time from a business trip. (bokuto, tendō, suna, iwaizumi.)
content: (🦷) tooth-rotting fluff, them being very sulky generally, you guys are married here, suna's is inspired by a scene in the k-drama "true beauty", kita cameo in iwaizumi's, and yes, atsumu says an among us reference.
⚠ warning/s: manga spoilers.
note: THIS REQ WAS SO CUTE WHATATAT@?(# i haven't written for tendō, BUT i love a good challenge. >:3 iwaizumi's ended up being a bit long on accident. 😭 THANK YOU ANON AND ENJOY READING!!!
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when you told him you'd be gone for three WHOLE months, his hair just drooped down, the gleam in his eyes are no longer there, and his childish grin is gone.
baby literally gets so sulky about it :(((
"do you really have to?"
"believe me, kō. as much as i don't want to stay away for that long, i have to."
every day he wakes up (with his arms around a pillow instead of you), he tries to be optimistic
"another day closer to seeing my wife!"
can't have him messing up at practice yk
but when he finally sees you at the airport, gosh, he's just all smiley about it
he picks you up and spins you around like in the movies
"i missed you so, so, so much!" he's pecking your face all over, ignoring the looks from other people, because hIS WIFE IS BACK 😭😭😭😭
"kō.. people are staring." you giggled
"let them!"
"no way—! you gotta be joking!"
"who's gonna be my taste tester then!?" his voice cracks
before you leave, he gives you a free box of handmade chocolates galore to snack on the plane
and, ofc, a little kiss on the cheek
when you open the box on the plane, there's a little note
"don't eat'em all on one go! love yaaa~ :3" HOW CUTEJKSJDKEJDK
when you're finally back from the trip, you stumble into tendō's arms
"oof—!" he says before patting your head, "there, there, y/n."
"what." he deadpans
"i know.. but i have to—"
"no way. i don't accept this. you're seriously leaving me?" he sounds so offended that people may think you two are fighting.
he pretends to be all mad about it, but you know he's just joking around
so when you're gone, suna has to physically hOLD HIMSELF BACK FROM CALLING YOU EVERY SECOND OF THE DAY
"she wouldn't want a clingy boyfr— husband." he corrects himself
yeah, he calls you anyway.
when you pick up, you say, "hello, my tarō! how are you?" in that sICKENINGLY KIND TONE SUNA HAS OH, SO MISSED 😭😭
you've only been gone for three days
"please come home. i miss you. please." did he just say please twice?
when you're finally home, it takes every inch of sanity left in suna so as not to drag you away for cuddles
the expression on his face tells you everything, and you giggle. "i'll just shower first, then we can cuddle." and his face LIGHTS UP
"even oikawa's said some terrible jokes, but this one is by far the worst."
"nope! it's not a joke, baby."
when you're gone, iwaizumi is so upset because you'd usually give him a little kiss goodbye whenever he goes off to work :((
so now he's extra grumpy while coaching the national jpn team.
"oi, hinata! you should've been able to get that one!"
"if you can't hit it right, another hundred laps for you, ushiwaka!"
"suna, stop slacking off, or i'll have that old captain of yours come back and scold you!"
suna knows iwaizumi's threat was only towards him, but that statement got even ATSUMU AND ARAN SHIVERING.
"which one of you is it. come on, fess up!" hoshiumi hisses
"i believe bokuto lost iwaizumi's pen the other day." ushijima states
"wow, are we just throwing each other under the bus now?" suna snickers
"it was an accident! i didn't know he'd get this mad about it!" bokuto tried to defend himself, "come on, tell them, atsumu!"
"i was in cafeteria with grey." atsumu lifts both hands up, metaphorically waving the white flag
"you all are insufferable." sakusa groans
you can imagine how confused the team got when after three months, iwaizumi's mood was no longer grouchy since you had finally come home
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© lowercase intended | loveephia
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i think ushiwaka probably feels the same way about tendou's "guess monster" nickname as hinata feels about kageyama's "king of the court" nickname
like. i imagine when he first heard it, ushiwaka thought it was probably just a cool name he'd gotten for being so unbelievably good at guess blocking. he probably even called him guess monster, sometimes, and tendou didn't say anything bc he was used to people continuing to call him that no matter how many times he asked them not to, so he just ignored it.
until one day someone calls tendou that, but they say it in such an unmistakably mean way, ushijima realizes they don't mean it in the way he thought. similar to the scene where tsukkishima explains to hinata why everyone called kageyama "king of the court". that person probably laughs at ushiwaka's confusion and tells him why tendou got that nickname.
and ushijima just gets furious
at himself for calling tendou that, at tendou for not saying anything about it, at everyone who's ever dared called him that awful name.
he snaps, and after that he never brings up the topic again— no one in the team does. no one's ever seen hin that upset over anything
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9settersoul · 4 months
𝐡𝐚𝐢𝐤𝐲𝐮𝐮 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐬 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞 𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐬
you both share this class and, consequently, it became his favorite one of the day. there was no assigned seating, so he chose to sit next to you. from then on you always helped each other with homework, partnered for projects, and passed notes during class. he'll lean over you, sneakily looking for answers off your worksheet. he'll make you laugh in class. even when it's supposed to be silent. he'll steal glances at your studious face, even though he's supposed to pay attention. but he can't help it.
⋆ ★ ⋆
chemistry: kuroo
language arts: akaashi
history: tsukishima
astronomy: oikawa
culinary class: tendou
biology: ushijima
geography: nishonoya
computer science: kenma
nutrition: kageyama
math: daichi + sugawara
economics: asahi
debate: atsumu
business: osamu
religion: kita
health/fitness: iwaizumi + hinata
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satorisoup · 6 months
#A/N : idk why i thought of this but i did teehee :>
#WARNINGS : alcohol. aged up. drunk people. mentions of throw up.
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the beer drinkers. im sorry. they will down atleast 4 cans and that’s not even enough. they’ll drink any and all beer even if it tastes like fucking piss water. will 100% bring the funnel out, challenge you to a shotgun race, and play beerpong all night.
BOKUTO. ATSUMU. iwaizumi.
the hard seltzer drinkers. doesn’t usually drink any hard alcohol and thinks beer is disgusting. catch them on a good day and they MIGHT take a shot. probably gets called a pussy but in reality they just prefer not to be absolutely slammed the next morning. probably ends up getting a little drunk anyway.
akaashi. kenma. kita.
the shot takers. doesn’t matter if its tequila, vodka, or some random ass liquor. pour them a shot and its down the hatch in 2 seconds. doesn’t even need a chaser. will absolutely take a shot off of somebody’s body or play a game of “how many can you down in 10 seconds”. and they literally just dont stop until they’re basically blacked out.
suna. semi. kuroo. osamu.
the alcohol mixers. will go around taking swigs from anything and everything they can find. be it vodka, beer, tequila, jungle juice, they are drinking it all. they’re honestly fucking insane and are trying their best not to throw up.
tendou. nishinoya. oikawa.
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