#Saturn transit rising
youmeandthestarsss · 1 year
🫧Astro observations pt.3🫧
🫧Saturn in the 1st house individuals may have or had some insecurities surrounding their teeth since Saturn deals with bones. ( This can range from having a chipped tooth, a gap, overbite, underbite, crooked teeth, etc.) This may also be said for individuals with Saturn in their 2nd house since the the 2nd house is associated with the mouth
🫧Harsh aspects between Chiron/Mars or Chiron/Saturn may have dealt with or are just more prone to breaking their bones. Mars rules the 1st house(the body) and Chiron is about our “wounds”. And with Saturn it’s about our structure(aka the bones)
🫧Mercury in gemini people were the types of kids in school that the teacher had to tell to lower their voices or tell them to stop talking all together. They are very chatty
🫧Mercury in Leo people TALK SO DAMN LOUD!!!
🫧When a Saturn transit aspects your rising sign you may get acne, body acne, or just start noticing changes on your skin. This mainly goes for harsh aspects like the conjunction, square, or opposition
🫧When Jupiter transits your 1st and eventually your 2nd house, you’re very prone to gaining a lot of weight or just develop binge eating. Jupiter is about expanding things and the 1st house is the body. The 2nd house is associated with pleasures and our senses so essentially our taste and food
🫧4th house ruler in the 1st house individuals wear their heart on their sleeves. I think this because the 4th house is our emotions because it’s ruled by the moon and when it’s ruler is placed in the 1st house, which is how we present ourselves, these people may often have a hard time hiding their emotions from others
🫧Chiron conjunct Saturn or Chiron in Capricorn may have and dads that didn’t approve of their physical appearance, their style, or their careers
🫧The Leo degrees (5°,17°,29°) don’t always indicate fame imo. You have to examine the entire chart first. But whatever planet it’s on may gain recognition for that planet. (Ex. If it’s Venus the person may get recognized for their style, attractiveness, money, or material things. If it’s the sun then the person may get recognition for their talents, hobbies, or anything that makes them stand out from the crowd)
🫧Mercury in the 12th house or in Pisces may deal with intrusive thoughts from time to time
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black-lake · 2 years
astro observations 6
Heyyy, here's another observation. ☆ This is a lighthearted one, I hope so. I've done so many hard aspects/healing observations ik, and so lets have fun with this one! This post focuses on the ascendant and physical traits, but anything that comes to mind really. 🦚 🦚
Highlights: ascendant, virgo, gemini, leo, aquarius, pisces, all risings, moon, saturn, neptune, uranus, pluto, celebrity ascendants, degrees.
🐉 If something happens to your teeth or jaw, check your Saturn transits or solar return. You may get braces or aligners during a significant saturn aspect transit. Check the transits if any bones you have start acting up. You may feel like getting cosmetic treatment, surgery or anything of that kind. Stepping up your aesthetic game. I got my aligners during multiple saturn conjunction transits, a pain in all aspects of life lol, wasn't expecting less from it. It's a good time to break and restructure solid things in general, in your life, body, and mind, it will have a lasting effect.
🐉 If you have ascendant-pluto aspect transit or in your solar return, especially ascendant conjunct pluto, you may change many things in your looks/aesthetics. You could fix something you wanted to fix in your appearance, change your wardrobe, your style, dye your hair, or go through a major glow up. You could also change the way you express yourself and show up to the world. Any aspect of your ascendant will undergo some kind of transformation, even the way you view yourself.
🐉 Virgo risings are easy to spot for me, they have small features that are defined but soft, think Emma Watson, Timothée Chalamet, Chris Jenner, Kurt Cobain, and Emma Chamberlain (which I believe is a virgo rising not approved, but the vibes are strong). They kind of have a perfect look yet they don't care about it, cuz idealists ya know. They are effing beautiful. They want to appear natural, remember. Sometimes I notice they talk about doing the least to their appearance and keeping their natural hair/beauty, even tho it is so evident that they take good care of themselves and that takes effort and time. But they also do it effortlessly. If you compliment their natural beauty you are a keeper. Never tell them they're trying too hard, ouch. They care about using natural/vegan products, and encourage others to do so. Again Mercury influence does give off a swag vibe, wether in how they dress or appear, cool girl next door, fast talker, intelligent af, sweet but honest, hard worker. They dress in a professional, comfortable and clean way.
(I can't decide, but it might be my fav rising, y'all win).
🐉 Gemini risings look much like Virgo risings, their features are small and elf-like. But they are harder to spot imo. They have morso a fluid look, not giving too much feminine nor masculine energy or mannerism. They can be soft, but can be many other things at once. Their skin looks youthful. They have charming smiles. They are easy to spot not in the face but with how much long and flexible their body is, especially hands and feet lol. (trust me I'm a Gemini rising, hypermobility at its finest). They move kind of effortlessly fast. Their vibe is childlike, dechated, swag, quick, nonchalant, noncommittal, and intelligent. They can and want to change their aesthetics, but the quick wit and youthfulness are always there. Their fashion style is casual, trendy, may like to wear silver jewelleries and chains. The way they match their clothes and create completely different looks everytime makes them trendsetters. They dress in the way they want to talk, like their communication influences their style. They move their hands a lot and they may get compliment on their hands. 
🐉 Leo risings of course, with the typical hair like a lion's mane, thick and beautiful. But I noticed it doesn't have to be that, there's just something striking about it for no reason sometimes, like the hair is brown but never boring brown, it's shiny or has many shades in it, either way it catches attention. They have noticeable and gorgeous smiles. With the Leo Aquarius axis, their looks can be very individualistic, like there isn't something particular in the face that give it away, their features are simply just them. But with the Sun influence, it brightens an aspect of their physical looks, like bright hazel eyes, natural sun-kissed highlights or skin, warm complections. They like to appear confident and in charge. They want to be seen for whatever they value. They dress in a glamorous, colorful way, depending on other placements of course. e.g. Blake Lively, Vanessa Hudgens, Justin Timberlake, Selena Gomez.
🐉 Other risings that are easy to spot for me are Capricorn, the sharp jaw, bone structure, big straight teeth, and prominent collarbones. Their model-like features and calm unbothered aura makes them trendsetters. Aries, very bold but in a youthful and childlike way (whichever is dominant depends on other placements), athletic bodies, something masculine about them. They dress in colorful or sometimes just dark clothes. The way they match clothes makes them different, bold trendsetters. Scorpio, the darker hair and shadows in their face, their gaze, overall intense vibes. They can have the dark aesthetic look, tights, skirts, bold makeup. The way they give off the idgaf look and also their sultry energy makes them trendsetters. Cancer, round face, full feminine bodies, dimples. They dress comfortably, baggy clothes and comfy fabrics, light-colored clothes, feminine dresses that compliment their bodies. They can be trendsetters with the naturally cute vibes they have, but if other outer planet aspects support it, like uranus and neptune.
🐉 Now Aquarius and Pisces risings are tricky, sometimes I get them right sometimes I'm surprised to find out. Aquarius can have a distinctive look and features that are just simply them, so it would be hard to guess based on just that. The hair, face shape, spaced-out and bright eyes, distinctive features, lean body and sometimes brighter skin can stand out. But again rather than features, it's the vibe and mannerism that I notice right away, they can be unconventional in the way they dress. They of course set the trends with their originality. It's so easy for me to spot aquarius placements in general, but rising is tricky. They appear intelligent and friendly, sometimes rebellious and too individualistic or both. They have an innocent and nonchalant charm. 
🐉 Pisces risings are somewhat easier to spot, because their features tend to be noticeably dreamy, watery, big and again very spaced-out eyes, even looking high lol. Can have downturned, sanpaku eyes or a striking eye color. They have milky smooth skin and small teeth. They give off a flirty yet innocent look with their slow but smooth expression. They kinda look like they've been daydreaming for the past 7 hours. Now the way they present themselves is the tricky one for me, even the way they dress, it can be changeful and meld into other inner placements. Like they might dress boldly if they have aries or fire somewhere, or dress casually and trendy if they have air. Whatever they dress like, it's always unique and inspiring. Major trendsetters because they give off an immaculate and irreplaceable vibe. They can also look like anyone's dream, or create their own dream appearance that becomes iconic, especially if they have neptune-ascendant aspects. 
🐉 The harder ones to guess for me are Sagittarius and the Venusian risings, Libra and Taurus. I don't know whether it's because I don't have these signs in my chart or that I haven't met many venusian people in general. Taurus risings have this natural earthy beauty, that doesn't seem to age. Their face has a glow, full lips, healthy looking skin, naturally beautiful hair, distinctive face shape. Their style is comfortable but luxurious. They choose their fabrics with attention. Natural expression, giving the I don't have to try hard. For Libra they tend to look kind, treat people well and smile a lot I noticed. They again don't seem to age. They have balanced features that just work well together and create a beautiful look. They like to dress in a girly and classy way. They want to appear likable, so they look like they're extra, trying hard. Not the type to create trends but follow them but won't go unnoticed. Sagittarius risings dress in whatever way makes them feel free, positive and alive. Their style can have bright colors, flowy clothing, suits that are never boring, and accessories. They have unique hairstyles and hair colors and they change their style a lot.
🐉 A reminder that you won’t look 100% your Ascendant ever, other placements and aspects do influence the look a great deal. Sometimes the ascendant isn't even apparent in your physical look or expression because other placements are dominant in the mix, especially if you have planets conjunct or oppose the ascendant, major aspects to personal planets, or you have a stellium in a different sign. Your venus and mars and their degrees are especially important. e.g. Kendall Jenner gives me strong Scorpio vibes in the way she expresses herself and dresses, even though she only has sun in scorpio but has Aries moon and ascendant, and a lot of sagittarius. She has venus conjunct pluto and venus, pluto, and mars 10° in the 8th house so scorpio and pluto is the dominant energy for her. Her style is a mix of scorpio, capricorn and aries. She has a minimalistic but polished style, prefers daker/neutral colors (scorpio sun and capricorn mc at 8°). But she still has the aries and sagittarius playful influence, yet not as strong. Even her house gives me strong capricorn and scorpio vibes and a bit of aries. 
🐉 Another example is Ariana Grande, she doesn’t dress so much like a Capricorn rising. She has taurus venus in 4th, libra moon, neptune and uranus conjunct ascendant, scorpio MC with pluto 10th, mars 8th, and cancer sun and mercury. All of this influences the way she dresses, but the venusian signs, cancer, scorpio, neptune and uranus influence is strong. Let's break it down. Her style is comfortable and girly, oversized sweaters and heels, pink and lavender colors (taurus venus in 4th, sun and mercury in cancer, libra moon). Flirty dresses, short skirts and knee-high boots, wanting to appear sexy in her video clips and many of her looks, her social media having a dark aesthetic, (scorpio MC, pluto 10th and mars in the 8th). The way she expresses herself is very known to the public, the iconic long high ponytail and long boots style being her brand which many people try to copy (neptune conjunct ascendant at 0°). Again her aesthetic is distinctives and unique (uranus conjunct ascendant at 0°). Her style wouldn’t be a big deal if she didn't have major outer planets influence. Now the capricorn ascendant still comes out in the way she works extremely hard, cares about her money and reputation, is professional with people, knows how to lead and make good business decisions. And of course, her face shape, sharp long jaw, prominent teeth and collarbones scream cap rising. 
🐉 Moon conjunct Saturn can give downturned or sleepy eyes. Now this is especially true if there are other earth placements, especially moon, or other strong saturn aspects. Wise looking eyes, mature look, commanding respect because they earned it, they likely went through a lot. Grounded and down to earth, trustworthy, hard working and serious. e.g. George Clooney, Cate Blanchett, Emma Chamberlain, Timothée Chalamet. 
🐉 Moon conjunct/opposite Jupiter is a great manifestation aspect. Of course if you are aware of it, work on it, and develop it continuously. But there are other manifestation aspects I noticed. Jupiter and Neptune aspecting NN, Mercury conjunct/opposite Jupiter/Saturn/Uranus or Neptune. Venus aspecting Moon/Jupiter/Neptune especially conjunctions/oppositions. Sun or moon conjunct/opposite Jupiter/Saturn. Pallas or Vesta conjunct/opposite inner planets or Neptune and Uranus. Doesn’t mean that individuals with these aspects get things easily, it just means that if you are conscious and make efforts things are very possible. 
🐉 One aspect I wish I had is Mars or Mercury conjunct/opposite Uranus and Neptune. The artistic talents these aspects give, man it's a huge blessing if you have it, work with it. Two magical and colorful outer planets (neptune and uranus) joining your mind and body personal planets (mercury and mars) is a huge blessing imo. Could give talents in dancing, performing, writing, acting, inventing things, many varieties. And actually it makes the individual multi-talented. I do have mars square both uranus and neptune, and mercury sextile neptune, but the conjunctions are so powerful. 
🐉 A cardinal sign at 0° is an important placement. I heard Pam Gregory once say that a 0° of a cardinal sign and within two degrees of both sides (28°, 29° mutable and 1°, 2° cardinal) is on the world axis or a critical public point. How this will manifest depends on the planet and the house it's in. I have a 0° aries Mercury in the 11th and I find it fascinating to observe because when I think about it, it already went through Pisces the last sign of the zodiac and 29° the last degree of the cycle, it ended both the sign and degree cycles and it's completely new, it's really interesting!
🐉 You won't feel like the planet acts completely like the sign it's in. The 0° doesn’t just have the fresh energy of the sign but the wisdom of the previous sign and remembers it vividly, because the cycle wrapped not long ago. It's not like "new" and "unadvanced" at all. It has an important thing to share with the world, but it's on a new journey of discovery with the sign it's in. So in my case, it needs to develop the qualities of that sign (aries) in order to share the wisdom it already possesses (pisces) with the new attitude it has (aries). I felt like I grew into my 0° aries mercury eventually, saying exactly what's on my mind without hesitation. At first it felt like my communication style wasn't discovered yet, I would hesitate, until someone pisses me off then I go off on them lol. My words become honest and cut throat. But it does feel like I have some of that pisces mercury energy sometimes, speaking with metaphors and symbols, being compassionate, talking softly, and in two minutes I'm already screaming, like fight me lol. The aries energy can act on impulse when angry, I can cut people off if they hurt me, thinking I don't need no one, this is where we work to develop the sign. 
🐉 The way I think about it in general, 0° of a sign means that just before you were born, the planet already ended a 29° cycle of the previous sign. You gained wisdom through trials and errors and now have the new energy of the current sign. You have to share what you learned with the world. In the 0° cardinal example, and within two degrees both sides, it's more public, like the information can spread widely. It should develop and use the assertive energy of the cardinal sign the planet is in (aries, cancer, libra, capricorn) and initiate action somehow. Keep in mind that you will have similar energy with the mutable 28° and 29° (gemini, virgo, sagittarius and pisces) since it's almost already the end of a cycle, it's like going through your final test, so time to use and share your talents and knowledge. The difference here is with the 28° and 29°, you need to use the energy of the sign the planet is in fully and wisely. But with the 0°, 1°, and 2°, you need to develop the new energy as you go and share what you already know using that new energy. Now of course the sign the degree represents should be taken into consideration, e.g. with 28° embodying cancer energy (a caring, nurturing but assertive way), and 29° embodying leo energy (confidently ruling and shining). With 0° you have a lot of freedom to embody and create your own values, still working with the sign it’s in. 
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crystalsenergy · 3 months
Navigating transit Saturn in Pisces: for Piscean natal placements (ASC to Jupiter)
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It is important to know and firmly fix in your mind that Saturn is an energy, not a pure consciousness, and as energy, it is manipulated by ourselves, whether we use it for something constructive or negative.
Thus, if the Saturnian energy is used for maturation, the experience will be less burdensome. If your experience with Saturn in Pisces is unconscious, involving escapism, or guilt, with much weight placed upon yourself, Saturn's influence will seem harsh, heavy, hostile. It is us who act, we are the ones who hold the power and influence over our own lives, not simply "the universe."
Some observations for aspects/manifestations of Saturn in your personality at this moment:
Saturn touching, in conjunction...
...Ascendant in Pisces:
a strong moment that will bring various situations regarding yourself. Situations where you may have a more rigid self-view, or others may demand a closed-off stance from you or appear very harsh regarding how you (should) present yourself. Regardless of who you are, Saturn touching Pisces on the Ascendant aims to bring maturity to your personality, making you a Master in the art of what comes in and goes out, of what affects you and what shouldn't.
We say this because the Ascendant in Pisces is like a parabolic antenna constantly in connection and reception with the universe - the universe in the sense of everything that comes into contact with the person.
That being said, it is important for the individual to separate the wheat from the chaff in their life, what nourishes and what drains, what elevates and what reduces vital energy, vibration. It is important for the individual to build maturity regarding the energetic exchanges they engage in and their own functioning. An intuitive being who does not know this side of themselves becomes a slave to their exterior, and therefore, Saturn ends up seeming too harsh, bringing you back to earth, making things heavy.
However, we can look at this moment and ask ourselves: how did I act before everything seemed so harsh in my relationships and exchanges with the world? How is my relationship with myself? Did I pay attention, intuitively but also wisely, to what I felt when I saw and was close to X person, Y environment? How much do I control my own mind?
These are interesting questions that can guide you to a path of greater clarification regarding the somewhat harsh energies that may seem to be surrounding you. It is also important not to punish yourself too much for past mistakes, as guilt is one of the lowest frequencies that exist (the Hawkins Scale demonstrates this very well) and brings self-criticism and a weight that seems to burden us for a long time.
We need to understand, as I have already said, that Saturn is energy, not pure consciousness, and as energy, it is manipulated by ourselves, whether we use it for something constructive or negative. Thus, in an influence like this, if you use Saturn's energy to blame yourself for past "failures," the process will indeed become heavier, and the planet will not be the "guilty" one.
...Sun in Pisces:
Doubts may arise regarding your individuality. Sensitivity may be heightened, quite evident. You may feel something that "hits" very intensely, causing doubt and self-criticism about who you have been. As Saturn and Pisces don't converse so well, the Piscean Saturnian lessons come in a harsh, austere language, where it may seem like the problem lies within, when in reality the issue is how much Piscean vibrations have been integrated into life - especially the life around you (society). The lack of Piscean energy and the integration of what Pisces represents in collective life brings us this feeling of emptiness and that there is no space for our existence here. But of course there is!
...Moon in Pisces:
Here, Saturn's harshness over Pisces touches on internal and emotional issues.
Internally, you may be very rigid, not quite understanding your emotional demands. You may feel a need to emotionally respond to life, to yourself, and to emotional matters in a rigid, closed-off, overly practical manner. But that's not the best way of dealing with Saturn.
With Pisces, Saturn brings us an earthly energy that is put on the table in a practical way, but the things brought to the table for us to face are immaterial, psychic, abstract. Therefore, even in aspect with the Moon, we see a possible emotional difficulty in navigating Piscean matters without a feeling of self-censorship.
The advice for those with the Moon in Pisces is to try to navigate Saturn's need for closure with wisdom, seeking emotional maturity and improvement, seeking to structure their internal lives rather than falling into the traps of avoiding the unconscious and emotional issues, thus ending up building more debts with oneself.
...Mercury in Pisces:
Mercury in Pisces in the natal chart represents much of the search for what the environment and people around us have to say. Even if you don't realize it, a person with this placement has immense ease in reading the environments and the people around them. When Saturn touches this aspect of your personality, it brings the importance of grounding what you read from others.
Because it has an energy of seeking utility and practicality, Saturn tries to tell us that all the sensitivity felt by the mind, which by the way, is not easy to handle (Mercury in Pisces is an exiled position), can indeed be very useful and practical.
However, because it is a language that Mercury in Pisces is not very accustomed to - it is more abstract, intuitive, and indirect - it can be a bit challenging to understand what to do and, ultimately, that you are being led to do something with all the intuition felt.
An example of practical action for a highly intuitive Mercury in Pisces, impacted by others: noticing how much the energy of the environment dictates the energy of your day while you are there [and sometimes even after you leave the environment]. From there, you can take actions to avoid such an environment if it harms you and is possible, or start looking for ways to protect yourself so that only your energy remains with you.
...Venus in Pisces:
Venus in Pisces can be likened to a manifestation of sacrifices within relationships. It can also be seen, in some cases, as a reflection of a person who lives very much in their unconscious in relationships - reflecting fears and traumas in friendship and romantic choices. Yes, this can happen to anyone, but some people bring certain patterns more strongly with them because they live in constant contact with their unconscious, but not in a present manner. Venus in Pisces can have various facets, be beneficial or detrimental, as everything will always depend on the individual and their level of self-awareness and consciousness.
Either way, I see that when Venus meets with Saturn, both in Pisces, they bring a search for relationships that reflect your unconscious in a conscious manner (it sounds ambiguous, doesn't it? but it is very possible to look at what our unconscious brings us in a clear and present manner, that is, conscious of what affects us).
This importance of seeking clearer relationships and less "unconscious" ones will appear in different ways, depending on each being, chart, and life story. But I see that relationships will certainly require more concrete actions and less distance from each individual's consciousness, thus it may shake up the relationship area a bit, whether romantic or friendly, as it will bring you back to earth until you develop an awareness that you are rich in contact with your unconscious mind. However, the contact needs to be wise and transformative.
...Mars in Pisces:
Saturn with Mars can signify the limitation of Piscean energy, the limitation of Mars energy that would come through actions and reactions. However, it can also signify a moment of greater responsibility and maturity regarding how much your actions and reactions have been based on consciousness and something beneficial - to you and to those around you.
Saturn limits, makes things practical, complicates things a bit when we deal with him and Pisces together, for the reasons we've discussed before, but still, we see in this transit an immense potential to learn to act wisely with your own intuition and energy.
Learning to see, responsibly, your needs that were previously unconscious and starting to heal them or indeed attend to them, within what is important and healthy.
Mars is action, seeking self-satisfaction, independence, survival instinct, and reaction. When we see Mars in Pisces, we see unconscious instincts very much governing this being's life - be it the unconscious of others, our own, both... Saturn can be an important catalyst for changes and for using your intuition/energy/empathy in a wise and constructive way, instead of wasting it in any situation, person, or environment.
...Jupiter in Pisces:
Saturn brings to those with Jupiter in Pisces the importance of centering and focusing energies, having a healthy action, and not simply expressing empathy, the search for connection, and something immaterial without limits or consciousness.
Saturn represents focus, centering, materialization, and practicality. In this sense, it brings the energy that Jupiter needs to understand that not everything is just about experimenting and experiencing; we also need objectives, focuses, and a search for results. And that the value of things cannot only come from experience but also from analysis and organization.
Because when we plan and organize ourselves, we direct energy towards it and little by little, plans are built and succeed. In terms of what Jupiter in Pisces tends to deal with, Saturn will bring some "brakes," which may come in different ways. Brakes through difficulties, or through limitations.
An example: brakes on intuitive, energetic, or spiritual experiences (whether conscious or not), which may be done excessively or even without the native realizing they are doing them.
Brakes on how much you overly engage (Jupiter) with others' energies (Pisces). Saturn will bring the importance of reflecting before acting, of measuring where you are directing your immense empathy and giving, and at the same time, it will seek to bring you the energy to act and transform what you want to do, rather than at the first opportunity show what you have, without seeing if that is the right time.
Finally, in the case of beings with Jupiter in Pisces representing immense victimization, manipulation, or other more negative nuances, Saturn brings a certain harshness, unfortunately, because it is a way for the native to realize that this is not the best way to proceed with the strong energy of Jupiter in Pisces. This will happen in a movement of action and effect.
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kubrickscube · 1 year
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Some mini shit. As always, other aspects, placements, and signs might affect the ones that are mentioned here and it may not resonate with some of you.
Want to pluck some good stuff? At least mention my name and let the others know I influenced you in whatever it is that you're going to write.
► The yassification of Saturn in 1st House natives after their Saturn Return is something I will be always surprised by.
► Why is it when someone mentions something on a post (I've seen this on TikTok mostly) these Scorpio rising peeps would insist that they should be included? I've seen them argue that they are the ones who carry all of the Zodiac signs when the OP is talking about the Cardinal signs. I love y'all, just calm down.
► Pluto in Sagittarius generation (especially first decans) are unhinged. Keep up the good work, one day when those Pluto in Capricorn generation become adults you'll have someone to annoy with your values and views of the world.
► Speaking of decans. Yes, there is a HUGE difference between signs who are born in a different month (December Capybara - January Capybara, May Gemini - June Gemini, and so on) and it all depends on the decans.
► I just know Pisces risings are suffering with the transit Venus conjunct Saturn in their 12th House now lmaoooooo same.
► For those studying astrology for a long time now, try to dive into Zodiacal Releasing. If you are financially able to, take Chris Brennan's course. If not, there are tons of free resources floating on the net that talks about this.
► Not sure why you're attracting people with similar placements to one another? Try looking at your father's birth chart (or your mother's, if you identify as masculine). OR, You can also check the signs of asteroids related to relationships and whatnot. Don't talk to me, I've married a Moon in Cancer man and my father has this placement.
That's it for this post. Not really an observation isn't it? Oh well. My ask is open for questions, and my replies are as well if you want to correct me or add insight to this. Thanks for reading!
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thebeautyofanoracle · 25 days
... saturn is transiting my 7th house, I'm a virgo rising, and my 7th house is in pisces
all the marriage proposals that I'm getting these days, either that person is pisces or has planets in 12th house
daddy saturn wants me to get married I guess
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loveemagicpeace · 1 year
Saturn in Pisces Transit
🪐It will bring more spirituality, dreams. You will go deeper into the things you do. Saturn in Pisces is the perfect time to look inward. Connect with that daydream of writing a book or opening a business. Clear the mind, breathe and enjoyment. This is the time to gather up all those details we've imagined and plan out how to make things happen. This is a great time to cultivate inner calm: meditate, go for a walk in the woods, breathe deeply. Things will become easier, more dreamy.
🎨I use placidus system of houses. Here it depends how big your house is, because with some rising signs saturn can stay in the same house for awhile.
🔥Aries Rising—> Saturn in 12th house You can take a break from your career, work and everything. You can move away from the public and not be so exposed anymore. You will start to connect more with your subconscious. Many things can be karmic at this time. This is the end of an old cycle. This is a period of self-discovery where you’ll withdraw from the expectations of others in order to find out for yourself who you are on the deepest level. You can meet many karmic people who will teach you something. Saturn wants you to let go of your past way of doing things and define new values and ideals for the future. Everything that will happen to you during this time will represent some meaning behind it. You’ll be left with the things that really matter to you. Maybe the path can seem scary at times, but in the end you will get through it. I remember my saturn transit, which was chaotic, strange, crisis, I ended many friendships and also one relationship. But in the end I experienced a big transformation of myself and many beautiful things happened.
⚡️Taurus Rising—>Saturn in 11th house
You’ll have to face up to the reality of the way you’ve been living: what you’ve done, what you’ve failed to do, and what you should do in the future, especially in relation to other people and society in general. How you treat others will reflect back on you now. This transit helps you to gain insight into your expectations of others, and theirs of you, and any hidden agendas or motivations behind your social commitments. It’s a good time to explore your personal objectives and define who you want to be. Your friendships and associations may be tested and you might change friends if the old ones no longer share your sense of purpose.
🪴Gemini Rising —> Saturn in 10th house
You will deal a lot with your career, what you want to do, what interests you. You might gain recognition for your work and achieve your long-term career goals now. But it can also be a time of frustration and anxiety, and you may feel weighed down with duties and obligations in your work even if things are going well. This transit will help you to discover what works and what doesn’t. There may be both gains and losses, success and failure, some people will help you, while others put up obstacles. You’re taking a leap of faith into the unknown and the results will be unpredictable. You may question your purpose in life. This transit is about rising to the challenge of becoming you and finding a place where you belong in the world.
🌸Cancer Rising—>Saturn in 9th house
Saturn can bring you a lot of distrust in your beliefs or questions about life. Maybe you will start to wonder if the path you are choosing is the right one and if the life you are living is the way you wanted it to be. You will start to take life and the world around you seriously. Saturn will encourage you to investigate and face your ultimate beliefs and test them against reality to see if they serve your highest goals. Everything that you’ve been through and learned can now be transformed into wisdom. This transit is good for learning and studying and deepening your understanding of life.
🌹Leo Rising —>Saturn in 8th house
You will go through a profound period of yourself and your emotions. There can be a lot of connection with inheritance, other people's money, investing. You’re challenged to transform and redefine yourself down to the most basic levels of identity. It’s about ending old life patterns and letting go of desires and attachments to whatever is holding you back. Saturn will force you to confront whatever you’ve been denying or avoiding. You might need to face your darkest fears so you can finally let them go. Your experiences now could bring questions about the meaning of life and death. You can explore a lot more, delve deeper and do things in the shadows.
🧜🏼‍♀️Virgo Rising —>Saturn in 7th house
You can enter into a serious relationship or attract more people who are serious and have serious intentions with you. You must reconcile and balance your needs, goals, and habits, with those of the people closest to you. You can attract many romantic relationships or persons into your life. At the same time, you can start a relationship with someone who is destined for you. You meet people who make you look at yourself in a new way. All your relationships will be tested now, but it’s most likely to affect your closest or most significant partnership or marriage. Saturn makes you more aware of your relationship needs, limitations, and duties. What do you want and what you need. You will also have more realistic view on relationships. Only relationships that aren’t based on something real and sustainable will fall apart.
✨Part 2 is coming soon✨
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isiscelestia · 7 months
These are my predictions and advice for the Saturn in Pisces transit. This is my first time posting a transit interpretation for each rising sign, so please be nice! I hope you all enjoy❤️
- Aries rising (Pisces 12H): Lucky for you, Saturn enjoys being in the 12th house. Prepare to go on some deep self discovery. Saturn in Pisces will be helping you with introspection into the dark, unseen parts of yourself. Think about the parts of yourself that you keep hidden from the rest of the world. I recommend doing shadow work during this transit because you need to do some soul searching. Find out what you love and hate about yourself and your past. Learn to embrace not just what you like about yourself, but all aspects of you. This is a wake up call, a new journey is about to embark and a different (a more mature you) is coming out on the other end. Your subconscious wants structure, improvement, an overall better you mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Be careful with substances, drinking, or other things you could be addicted to (food, social media, etc).
- Taurus rising (Pisces 11H): You are beginning to reevaluate your role/position in your friend groups and community. Take the opportunity to strengthen your boundaries with people. Who around you is beneficial and who isn’t? Who enables you? Who adds structure to your life and who adds confusion? These are some questions you may be asking yourself. Don’t be afraid to retreat or go into hermit mode to really decipher who you call your friend and your community. Your relationship with the internet (social media perhaps) will also be causing some strife. Learn how to limit your time on social media and do not let it distract you. It is time for you to learn how to stop letting your habit/obsession with social media be the blockade for your goals and manifestations. Take the time and put in the work into your aspirations! Don’t feed into peer pressure, learn how to add structure into your social life, and remember to stay on top of the work you need to do to accomplish your goals.
- Gemini rising (Pisces 10H). I don’t know if you know it or not, but people will be having their eyes on you! I need this group to push their creative image. Whether you do music, art, write, or others, this is a great opportunity to showcase this side of you to the world. Even if it’s not creativity, it could be your emotions, your dreams, or even your interest in the occult. What you decide to show about yourself is becoming your reality. Prepare to add some discipline in your life, this is the push you need. Be careful with getting side tracked from your goals and remember to stick to your plans, but remember to not go overboard. Remember that other aspects of your life need focus too, not just your career and image.
- Cancer rising (Pisces 9H): Are ready to embark on a deeper spiritual journey! This transit is about to have you asking the right questions about your faith, what do you believe? If you are in school you may be questioning why you’re there, or you may start getting impatient about going to the next level after school. My advice is to not rush anything, you need to dot your i’s and cross your t’s. This transit is great for introspection into religion, spirituality, and philosophy. Thinking critically is a big theme during this transit, but be sure to use discernment. Stay away from the fakes and the zealots! Also stay away from the “holier than thou” people and don’t develop that rhetoric either!
- Leo rising (Pisces 8H): Be ready to start building financial wealth and fortune! It will not be an easy feat and you will have to stay on top of what you need to do for material gain. This transit will also help you connect in a deeper sense; just know that secrets will be revealed. You are about to go through some transformation and inner growth, especially when it comes to being comfortable with your shadow self. Make sure that you are careful around bodies of water, especially the ocean. Learn how to trust your intuition, especially if you are putting more work into your spiritual journey and practices.
- Virgo Rising (Pisces 7H): I see someone is about to be reevaluating their personal relationships. I want you all to be upping your standards in this department because the people in your life are about to show you who they really are, and no this is not just about romantic relationships! Even thought it can be about a romantic relationship, your relationships in general are about to change. Stay away from friends and partners who are not clearly communicating with you, and if their intentions with you are not clear then maybe you need to reevaluate that relationship. Things could get mucky here because you may experience your boundaries being crossed or you could have trouble with discernment in your relationships. My best advice is to trust your gut on this, and take off the rose-colored glasses. This is the time for you to try and see who people really are because if you don’t it could turn into a situation where you will be dragged down with them.
- Libra rising (Pisces 6H): Take extra care of your bodies! What you put into your body is important and how you treat your body is important. You may be noticing that certain foods/substances not going well with you, or you may even be thinking about trying new things for your health. Physical wellness is taking a forefront in your life. If you are working, your job will be testing your patience and I say that this is a good thing you should experience. If you don’t learn patience in the workplace/patience when working with others during this transit you will crash and burn. Add structure into your daily routine because this transit will be teaching you about responsibility. As long as you stay vigilant and patient, in the end you will come out victorious. Be sure to take care of your immune system during this time and beware of foot injuries.
- Scorpio rising (Pisces 5H):During this transit you have to learn how to limit how much you are partaking in your pleasures. Overconsumption could be an issue during this time because we all need to learn that too much of a good thing could be a bad thing! Being spontaneous will not come easy but my solution to this is being open to things you weren’t open to before. Please don’t over analyze your productivity because it will affect your self expression and creativity. Right now you should be working on creating an environment and a lifestyle that truly reflects you. You may be attracting older romantic partners or your love life may feel slow/inactive, but be sure not to rush any connection. Stay away from people who hinder your self expression and people who refuse to see you for who you truly are.
- Sagittarius rising (Pisces 4H): What truly makes you feel secure? What makes you comfortable? To answer these questions you need to look back at your roots. You will be going through some life-altering changes when you do look deep into your family history. All of you won’t be moving but you will feel the need to reorganize your space for your own comfort. If you are moving or reorganizing your space, be sure that you are prepared to take on that responsibility. In this capitalistic world, your home should be where you feel safe. If you don’t feel comfortable or relaxed in your own home, then how can you get adequate rest? Also, building your safe haven won’t be done in a day or a week. Just know that it will take time, but be sure to put in good effort.
- Capricorn rising (Pisces 3H): The way you think and the way you speak is going to change for the better. Move away from close/mindedness and learn how to do some real introspection. This is not the time to only think at a surface level because it is not fulfilling and it’s hindering your growth. Work on being able to communicate clearly and openly. During this time you may be getting a lot of brain fog or feel like your brain is being overactive. Learn how to not overthink and jump to conclusions because the things you see and hear may not be the way they are. This is why I said earlier that you need to learn introspection and think outside of your usual viewpoint.
- Aquarius rising (Pisces 2H): This transit is going to be all about finances, material, and self-worth. I think this group should learn to not associate their self-worth with the material they have. I think this group is going to learn how detrimental it is to put all their time and effort into financial and material growth only. Yes adding structure to your life and being responsible (this means not being frivolous) should be helpful to your pockets, but this should not be where all your validation is coming from. Your finances should not be the only thing you’re putting all your effort in. Sit and think about why your self worth comes from material and unpack that. Beware of people in your life who are using you for material because they are not presenting themselves that way on the outside.
- Pisces rising (Pisces 1H): The rose-colored glasses are coming off and you will truly see yourself for what/who you really are. Do you like yourself? Do you like what you’re becoming? Take your time when you are deciphering what changes you want to make to yourself and your appearance. You may even begin to be self conscious but in the end you should learn how not to be so self critical and superficial. Let go of what you think you should be/look, and focus on what makes you feel good. During this time you should be working on erasing the illusions that you have because it is not beneficial for you, and in the end you will be coming out a new you! Beware of being delusional and not being real with yourself. Inconsistency in your life should not be tolerated at this time either, people who love themselves are consistent!
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damianstarbradley · 8 months
saturn in pisces
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saturn in pisces has been delaying our plans in 2023 despite a strong desire to move forward. take these perceived setbacks as blessings in disguise, an opportunity to tie up any loose ends and make sure you are truly good and ready to move onto the next chapter because big changes are coming! Pluto has been bouncing back and forth between capricorn and Aquarius for the majority of 2023, giving us a glimpse of the profound changes the future holds. we may think we are ready to leap forward but saturn and mars are telling us there is still work to do.
if you have an early degree pisces rising (0-5°) saturn has been teetering on your ascendent for some time in 2023. if you are unhappy with a certain aspect of your life, you are being forced to confront it. any conflict will leave you feeling frustrated and wanting to withdraw from others. you find it exhausting to socialize during this time and prefer to be alone. you may appear more tired and thinner than usually.
with saturn opposing your descendent, pisces risings, you may be feeling overburdened by those around you. if you are not getting what you are putting in with a particular person or persons, chances are you will get fed up with tolerating it. if there is someone in your circle whose loyalty you have doubts about, the relationship will cease to exist. any relationship that isn't built on steady grounds or meeting your needs will come to an end. if your romantic relationship makes it through this transit, congratulations you've got a keeper.
your responsibilities during this time are increasing and you don't have time for anyone that doesn't add value to your life. take comfort in the fact that anyone who leaves your life at this time is meant to. you will reap the rewards of your efforts in due time.
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middlenamesage · 3 months
My free affirmations app sent me this appropriate message when the Pisces New Moon was at essentially exact newness. It’s appropriate for me because I’m a Pisces rising, coming out of some real shit Saturn on ascendant transits that saw me in my deepest desperation, but now feeling stronger and more sure of who I want to be for it.
I want to be someone that spreads love. That’s exactly how I’ve articulated it to myself recently. It’s the only appropriate way to use some of my dispositions and abilities.
And I think I really am getting better at acting from empathy, and desire to help or to inspire other to help themselves lately.
But being a person that spreads love necessitates also having enough self love to know your boundaries with people who don’t reciprocate the love you give, for your good and for theirs.
You owe it to yourself so that you don’t waste your precious energy, and you owe it to the other, because demonstrating graceful boundaries for lack of reciprocity is actually the kindest thing for them. They won’t ever change without it, and not changing will keep them not happy. 💗🫶
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bxtxnx · 5 months
Scorpios (Sun and Rising), did someone give you money today (January 8)?
The Moon in your 2nd house is conjoining Venus today, so you are very likely to have someone just give you money without expecting it back. However, don't expect any big or crazy sums, since Saturn is joining the party via a square, which brings a dose of realism and stinginess.
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justitia269 · 1 year
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Virgo ascendant living the 6th house transit of Saturn.
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secretsofiety · 7 months
In tropical, my 10th house ruler (Saturn) is transiting my 12th house and finding a new job has been hard as fuck. I just got a rejection letter from a job I really wanted and I cried cause I really wanted to work there and I need a new job so bad.
I had 3 interviews. the first two went really well; the moon was transiting my 10th house and 11th house. The last one was when the moon was transiting my 12H and I could tell during the interview that they weren’t feeling me.
So if you’re reading this, do not schedule an interview when the moon is transiting your 12th house.
I even applied to a grocery store, which i have experience with, and they sent me a rejection letter without even requesting an interview😭
I give up😭 I’m going to just suck it up and stay at the job I’m at now.
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libra-stellium · 4 days
no bc I have beef with Uranus omg
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this whole time I've been like saturn saturn saturn meanwhile uranus has been sifting through my life with her dirty little fingers!!
Once upon a time on March 6, 2019 Uranus entered Taurus and took a vow to be a nuisance in my life for the next 6 years!
Tomorrow Uranus is going to be exact on my 3H until June 15 and I'm expecting something to happen with my neighbors that is going to be the most annoying thing I've ever dealt with. Now I could be right or it could be something worse because i'm expecting the neighbors issue and uranus is unexpected shit smh
ALSO on May 21, 2024 I started my Uranus trine Uranus transit and one of the things for it is "you may be inclined to throw over an existing personal relationship in order to liberate yourself from the restrictions it imposed" and I feel like I'm gonna have to go no contact with my aunt as well bc she's making the choice to be on my mother's side. Literally on May 21 she shared pics of my trip with my mother without my consent and I specifically told her multiple times don't talk about my business with this person i'm no longer in contact with and now my mother knows where I was, when i was there, what i was doing, who i was with like what the fuckkkk??? and my aunt had the nerve to be like "oh I'm tired of lying to my sister she was sad and asking for you so i showed her" YOUR SISTER IS A MANIPULATIVE NARCISSITIC BITCH and you can get cut off too!! Her and her sister with their aqua moons in my 12H are probably gonna be completely out of my life next year and that's insane to think about!! I literally won't have any immediate family in my life after that......bc they cannot stop themselves from fucking me over.....just wow
But Uranus isn't done with me!!! I've got a lovely (derogatory) Uranus opposite Pluto transit June 25 2024 - November 10 2024 and what can I expect??? "Change may come through persons with upsetting surprises" G R E A T bc my birthday is right in the middle of that with all the Libra transiting my 8H
It's not all bad (I guesssss) bc I just finished a Uranus sextile Saturn transit from April 14, 2023 - May 18, 2024 in my 1H and it was:
opportunity to make creative changes through a system
I tried many different routines during this time to work on my physical body and my mental health
superiors will be impressed with innovative ideas, you may be rewarded with a higher position in that particular system
Stuff at work came pretty easy and they did end up seeing me like someone the other staff could go to for questions
I also have a Uranus trine Neptune transit right now ending July 1 and that one is cute it's about being more involved in spiritual studies, working hard with others to actualize beliefs about how the world should be and try to help loved ones grow and that's honestly the norm for me lol I'm always looking up something for astro and tarot or literal religion, telling people what I think of the world events (free palestine) and telling friends what they can do to improve their lives!
I still want to throw hands with Uranus bc this is still ridiculous! I have 5 Uranus aspects in my chart I never paid attention to but they would explain a lot!!! I would like a surprise birthday party not surprise traumatic events lmfao
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geminivenusstan · 4 months
The one thing I’ve noticed for sure with Saturn transiting my 11th house is it is SO difficult to hangout with my friends. Like I swear something comes up 90% of the time to make me have to cancel my plans🤦‍♀️ I’ve learned to just let it go, can’t control the weather
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seafoamreadings · 8 months
i’m currently been a month in for my last year of my undergrad and by december next year i have to be completely licencsed and move out the country to officially start my career and i’ve been having such a hard time beating old “lazy” habits. i’m a gemini rising with saturn transiting my 10th house how exactly is this playing out for me
woo congrats on being almost done! 🎉
saturn in the 10th is harsh. it requires humility and discipline. lazy is definitely punished with that vibe. however rest is always necessary - that's not lazy, that's good and proper maintenance. so the right balance is crucial.
gemini rising loves stimulation and intellect so avoid boredom at all costs. whatever you're working on, find ways to make it fun or at least interesting. a drag won't do.
for help with habits and routines look to your 6th house!
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catmarlowastrology · 2 years
⚡ Transits | The astrology of Leonardo DiCaprio & Camila Morrone’s break up
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Leonardo Dicaprio and his girlfriend Camila Morrone reportedly broke up this summer. Here is a short breakdown of how Leo's natal chart is being impacted by the current transits of Uranus, Saturn, and Jupiter.
⚡ Uranus-Venus-Saturn T-square
Saturn and Uranus have been retrograde for the previous few weeks, producing squares and oppositions to his Sun and Venus in Scorpio. 
Under a Uranus-Venus transit, we experience erratic shifts in how we feel about ourselves and others. Our feelings are unpredictable and constantly changing. The individual snoring next to us drives us crazy when we awaken one morning; we feel very affectionate toward them two days later. It's a perplexing period when we're not sure what we're feeling and what to do. It's not like Neptune, though. During a Neptune transit, we struggle to identify our desires and feel confused but don't know why. With Uranus, we are aware of what is happening but are unable to reach a conclusion. We also fight against the growing desire to be free of all restrictions.
Saturn-Venus squares cause us to reevaluate our connections and makes us wonder if we still experience feelings for our partner. Because Saturn is a heavy planet with a tendency toward endings rather than new beginnings, our view is more gloomy and negative, and we often end up cutting ties. 
This is a time of personal upheaval because both transits are significant, slow, and uncommon. Due to the lack of positive energy in the mix, both planetary transits are usually lethal for relationships.
These emotions have been lingering somewhere for a while since this type of energy has been present in Leo's chart for a few months.
⚡ Jupiter in Aries transiting the 7th house 
Jupiter is currently transiting Leo's Aries 7th house and making oppositions to all his planets in Libra.
When Jupiter is in the 7th house of relationships, we experience a greater sense of trust, confidence, and optimism about our capacity to create intimate and close relationships. 
The Aries energy boosts our self-assurance even more and empowers us to take chances in this area. Someone who has always been timid may suddenly feel more confident approaching strangers and striking up conversations in bars, for example.
Aries is also a sign that is more interested in making new relationships than maintaining old ones. With Aries, we move forward and avoid dwelling on the past. 
Leo's Libra planets are being activated through an opposition. Jupiter's influence on his Ascendant makes him appear more enchanting, flirty, and approachable when he meets new people. His desire to appeal to others is greater right now.
More: Curious about the hidden powers of your natal chart? You can purchase unique and insightful readings on my website, www.catmarlow.com!
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