sir-crocodile-slut · 2 years
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Before and after y’all. Can you see why I wanted surgery so badly?
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And yes I love this stupid pic so much because I thought I could smell before but I was WRONGGGGGGGGG
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icepixie · 1 year
The fact that the longstanding infection surgically evacuated from my sphenoid/ethmoid sinuses grew freakin' MRSA is...well, really, I suppose such exoticism is just par for the course for my health.
(I had a septoplasty in addition to all the carpentry and remodeling done to remove the infection/open my sinuses and am doing much better than I expected for four days post-op. Hail prednisone.)
The best thing for MRSA is apparently to drain it, so I've got that covered; I also have one of the big anti-MRSA antibiotics going orally and will probably get more or another once the lab fully cultures the bacteria and finds out which drug will kill it best. Now that I've done a speedrun through PubMed on the subject, I'm very carefully not thinking about things like "what if it got into the bone where antibiotics don't penetrate real good?" and "what if after getting into the bone it gets into the brain?" because they are extremely, exceptionally slim possibilities, but yeah, every headache from now on is probably gonna make me a little nervous.
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xx-pixiegutz-xx · 2 years
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people-and-blogs · 7 days
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How the Best Septoplasty Surgeon in Bangalore Transformed Lives
Have you been experiencing breathing difficulties, snoring, or sinus infections? If so, you might have a deviated septum. But don't worry - there's a solution that can help you feel better and improve your quality of life: septoplasty. Septoplasty is a surgical procedure that corrects the position of the septum, the wall of cartilage and bone separating the two sides of the nasal cavity. The right septoplasty surgeon in Bangalore can transform the lives of such individuals who encounter these symptoms, as it might be the best means through which they achieve relief from their maladies.
 Dr. Athira is a highly experienced septoplasty surgeon who can provide relief from these symptoms. Her extensive knowledge of otorhinolaryngology and advanced expertise in septoplasty make her an ideal choice for patients seeking a solution to their nasal issues. Dr. Athira's approach to septoplasty involves a comprehensive evaluation of the patient's medical history, symptoms, and overall health status. Based on this assessment, she creates a personalized treatment plan that addresses the specific needs and preferences of the patient.
 Here are some factors that encourage you to seek help from a qualified surgeon
Enhanced Breathing and Quality of Life: 
The main factor patients consider when getting septoplasty procedures is their breathing status. A work of a crooked septum may be able to block the flow of air through the nasal passages resulting in congestion, inability to breathe and snoring. With septoplasty, designed to straighten a deviated nasal septum, Dr.Athira relieves patients from nasal obstruction, and nasal congestion, and enhances their health. The patients feel an increase in the airflow, have a better sleep quality, as well as a reduced risk of sinus infections, and other complications that may occur.
Reduction of Snoring and Sleep Apnea: 
Snoring is a common sign of a deviated septum too, because it may affect the breathing passage and result in the disruption of airflow during sleep. In grave cases, snoring may be present in patients suffering from this condition called obstructive sleep apnea which is characterized by pauses in breathing. 
The competency of Dr Athira in the septoplasty is, for this purpose, of great importance: she can eliminate the snoring and the sleep apnea through a correction of the nasal septum deviations. With nasal airway optimization and impedance to nasal obstruction reduction, patients experience far less snoring and sleep apnea symptoms, consequently, the person sleeps better and is healthier. 
Relief from Chronic Sinus Infections: 
A deviated septum remains a cause of recurrent sinusitis because of the misalignment of the nasal septum the drainage is prevented as well as the mucus, bacteria, and allergens get stuck. Recurrent sinus infection disease sufferers usually encounter facial aches, pressure, nasal congestion and other symptoms that impair their daily activities. The septoplasty procedure that Dr Athira performed targets the correction of a deviated nasal septum, improvement of sinus drainage, and reduction of chronic sinusitis. Through correction of the primary structural defects, more patients receive treatment for recurring sinus issues and experience better overall sinus function.
Improved Nasal Aesthetics: 
The surgery can be functional and also can be part of an aesthetic approach. The cardinal feature of a deviated septum is that it can result in an asymmetry or deformity of the nasal tip, bridge or overall nose shape. Dr Athira's meticulous surgical skills and attention to detail are beyond words. Not only she can remove the deviated septum but even better, she reconstructs the nasal aesthetic aspect leading to a more balanced and appealing nasal appearance. In most cases, patients of Dr.Athira obtain a balanced and attractive nose shape after septoplasty surgery which helps to build their self-confidence and improve their dissatisfaction with their look.
Personalized Care and Compassionate Approach: 
By utilizing a holistic caring approach, Dr Athira became the top surgeon in Bangalore specialising in septoplasty. She provides individualized treatment plans that are moulded around each particular need, preference, and goal of every patient. Dr. Athira spends ample time with his patients, understands their concerns and clarifies their doubts and support for going through septoplasty surgery. Besides manner summarized in compassion and empathetic communication style with enthusiasm from the surgeon allow patients to trust and feel supported and confident.
·         Cutting-edge technology and Advanced Techniques: 
While being the best professional septoplasty surgeon in Bangalore, Dr.Athira applies updated technology and novel surgical methods to get his patients the best possible solutions. She remains informed about the newest T&A procedures as well as the most advanced forms of endoscopic septoplasty and minimally invasive approaches to guarantee patients safe, effective and lasting results. Dr Athira`s prowess in using sophisticated apparatuses and surgical equipment results in less unpleasant sensations, reduced symptoms, and good aesthetic and functional surgery results for her patients undergoing the septoplasty procedure. 
Long-Term Success and Follow-Up Care: 
Dr Athira not only commits himself to his patients during and after the operation but takes care of them even during the postoperative care and long-term follow-up to ensure the success and satisfaction of the septoplasty procedures. She provides patients with care instructions after the surgery, observes the healing and deals with questions and obstacles that may occur during this healing process. During continuous follow-up and support care that Dr Athira provides, patients are guaranteed to have sustained nose functioning, fatigue, and general well-being after the surgery.
Overall, the leading and the best septoplasty surgeon in Bangalore, Dr Athira, has helped many patients regain their lives through advanced surgical skills, individual treatment plans, and compassionate care. Through septoplasty, Dr Athira enables people to breathe easier, reduce snoring, alleviate sinus congestion, improve their facial features, and generally improve their quality of life. Her commitment to perfection, cutting-edge technology, and patient-focused approach enable him to be regarded as a well-liked and respected ENT expert in Bangalore by those who come to his to attain optimum nasal health.
“Kindly note that the information provided here is intended solely for knowledge purposes. If you have any inquiries or concerns regarding diagnosis and surgery, we highly recommend reaching out to qualified medical professionals, such as doctors and hospitals, who can provide you with accurate and personalized guidance”
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alvinrabin · 1 month
Information of Septoplasty Surgery
Septoplasty surgery’s aim is to align or straighten the bone and cartilage dividing the space between your two nostrils, called septum.
Your doctor may take pictures of your nose before the procedure to compare it after the surgery to assess the improvements.
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A septoplasty takes anywhere from half an hour to 90 minutes to complete, this all depends on the degree of the complication. Read More at - Septoplasty Surgery
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downoutcold-blog · 2 months
Let’s Talk
anyone share my interests and want to talk about your experiences or desires?
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neuromessy · 3 months
when my card declines at the therapist office and they bring out the first week after my nose surgery
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vvaerae · 3 months
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a drawing I started last year while high as fuck on painkillers after getting a septoplasty. Finally finished it almost a year after starting it lol
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✏️Note: Turkish🇹🇷,English🇻🇬,German🇩🇪,İtaliano🇫🇷,French🇷🇺, Spanish🇪🇸,Russian🇷🇺 and Arabic🇸🇾 description ❗️
🇹🇷🇹🇷🦋Alerjik Rinit ve Burun estetiği (Rinoplasti) ameliyatları❗️
✏️Burunda şekil bozukluğu nedeniyle rinoplasti yapılacak hastaların bazılarında alerjik rinit de görülmektedir.
✏️Burun kıkırdak (septum) eğriliği (septum deviyasyonu), burun etleri (konkalar) büyümesi, burunda polip, kronik sinüzit gibi problemler rinoplasti ameliyatı esnasında düzeltilir.
✏️Bu problemleri yaşayan hastaların bir kısmında alerjik rinit de görülmektedir. Rinoplasti esnasında bu problemleri düzeltilen hastaların bir kısmında alerjik rinitte düzelme görülmektedir.
✏️Alerjik Rinit; saman nezlesi de denir. 3 alt tipi vardır;
1)Mevsimsel alerjik rinit ( saman nezlesi):
2)perenial: tüm yıl boyunca görülür.
3) Karışık (miks): Yukardaki iki tipin karışımı.
✏️Alerji yapan 300 civarında etken saptanmıştır ( polenler, ev tozu akarları, kimyasallar vs).
✏️ Allerjik rinitin kesin tedavisi olmamakla beraber yukarda sayılan problemler rinoplasti esnasında düzeltilirken rinit şikayetleri de azalmakta veya bazen yok olmaktadır.
✏️Alerjik rinitte semptomatik ( burun akıntısı/tıkanma, hapşırma, gözlerde sulanma/kaşınma gibi) tedavi olarak antihistaminik, dekonjestanlar ve steroid içeren ilaçlar ile burun spreyleri verilebilir.
✏️Alejik rinit medikal tedavisinde son yıllarda aşı uygulaması (immünoterapi) WHO (Dünya Sağlık Örgütü) tarafından önerilmektedir.
✏️Ayrıca rinoplasti esnasında alerjik riniti olan hastaya burun boşluğunda bulunan ve burun akıntısı/tıkanıklık gibi problemlere neden olabileceği düşünülen ‘vidian sinir’ e cerrahi müdahale ( ablatif diod lazer veya kriyoprob kullanarak) yapılmaktadır. ✏️Tanı:Alejik Rinit ve burun deformitesinde hasta öyküsü (anamnezi) ve fizik muayane çok önemlidir.
Ayrıca gerekli görülürse direk röntgen (X-Ray), paranasal sinüs tomografisi (BT), alerji için kan testleri, IgE ve deri prick testi, rinomanometre.
✏️Özetle alerjik rinit ve burunda şekil bozuluğu, kıkırdak/kemik eğriliği, burun eti (konka) büyümesi, sinüzit ve burun polipleri olan hastaya aynı ameliyatta ayrı ayrı uygulamalar yapılabilmektedir.#alerjikrinit #alerjikastım #alerjikrinittedavisi #alerjikrinitbulguları #fonksiyonelestetiktanponsuzburunestetiği #doğalburunestetiği #rinoplasti #rhinoplasty #naturalrhinoplasty #drazimetozdemir #plastikcerrahi #estetikcerrahi #plastiksurgery #nişantaşıestetikdrazimet #şişliestetikdrazimet #istanbulestetikcerahdrazimet #turkeydrazimet #istanbul #turkey
✏️Note: Turkish🇹🇷,English🇻🇬,German🇩🇪,Italian🇫🇷,French🇷🇺, Spanish🇪🇸,Russian🇷🇺 and Arabic🇸🇾 description ❗️
🇻🇬🇺🇸🦋Allergic Rhinitis and Rhinoplasty surgeries❗️
✏️ Allergic rhinitis is also observed in some patients who will undergo rhinoplasty due to nasal deformity.
✏️Problems such as nasal cartilage (septum) curvature (septum deviation), nasal turbinates (turbinates) growth, nasal polyps, chronic sinusitis are corrected during rhinoplasty surgery.
✏️Allergic rhinitis is also observed in some of the patients experiencing these problems. Some patients whose problems are corrected during rhinoplasty experience improvement in allergic rhinitis.
✏️Allergic Rhinitis; Also called hay fever. There are 3 subtypes;
1)Seasonal allergic rhinitis (hay fever):
2)perennial: seen all year round.
3) Mixed (mix): A mixture of the two types above.
✏️ Around 300 factors that cause allergies have been identified (pollens, house dust mites, chemicals, etc.).
✏️ Although there is no definitive treatment for allergic rhinitis, the problems listed above are corrected during rhinoplasty, and rhinitis complaints decrease or sometimes disappear.
✏️ Antihistamines, decongestants, steroid-containing drugs and nasal sprays can be given as symptomatic treatment for allergic rhinitis (such as runny nose/stuffiness, sneezing, watery/itchy eyes).
✏️In recent years, vaccination (immunotherapy) has been recommended by WHO (World Health Organization) in the medical treatment of allergic rhinitis.
✏️In addition, during rhinoplasty, surgical intervention (using ablative diode laser or cryoprobe) is performed on the 'vidian nerve', which is located in the nasal cavity of the patient with allergic rhinitis and is thought to cause problems such as nasal discharge / congestion. ✏️Diagnosis:Patient history (anamnesis) and physical examination are very important in Allegic Rhinitis and nasal deformity.
Additionally, if necessary, direct x-ray (X-Ray), paranasal sinus tomography (CT), blood tests for allergies, IgE and skin prick test, rhinomanometer.
✏️They allergic rhinitis and nose in the nose, cartilage/bone curvature, nasal meat (turbine) growth, sinusitis and nasal polyps can be applied separately in the same surgery. #naturalrhinoplasty #drazimetozdemir #plasticcerrahi #aestheticcerrahi #plasticsurgery #nişantaşıestetikdrazimet #şişliestetikdrazimet #istanbulestetikcerahdrazimet #turkeydrazimet #istanbul #turkey
✏️Hinweis: Türkisch🇹🇷, Englisch🇻🇬, Deutsch🇩🇪, Italienisch🇫🇷, Französisch🇷🇺, Spanisch🇪🇸, Russisch🇷🇺 und Arabisch🇸🇾 Beschreibung ❗️
🇩🇪🇩🇪🦋Allergische Rhinitis und Nasenkorrekturen❗️
✏️ Bei einigen Patienten, die sich aufgrund einer Nasendeformität einer Nasenkorrektur unterziehen, wird auch eine allergische Rhinitis beobachtet.
✏️Probleme wie die Krümmung des Nasenknorpels (Septum) (Septumdeviation), das Wachstum der Nasenmuscheln (Nasenmuscheln), Nasenpolypen und chronische Sinusitis werden während einer Nasenkorrektur korrigiert.
✏️Bei einigen Patienten mit diesen Problemen wird auch allergische Rhinitis beobachtet. Bei einigen Patienten, deren Probleme durch eine Nasenkorrektur behoben werden, kommt es zu einer Besserung der allergischen Rhinitis.
✏️Allergische Rhinitis; Auch Heuschnupfen genannt. Es gibt 3 Untertypen;
1) Saisonale allergische Rhinitis (Heuschnupfen):
2) mehrjährig: ganzjährig zu sehen.
3) Gemischt (Mix): Eine Mischung der beiden oben genannten Typen.
✏️ Es wurden rund 300 Allergieauslöser identifiziert (Pollen, Hausstaubmilben, Chemikalien etc.).
✏️ Obwohl es keine definitive Behandlung für allergische Rhinitis gibt, werden die oben aufgeführten Probleme während der Nasenkorrektur behoben und die Rhinitis-Beschwerden nehmen ab oder verschwinden manchmal.
✏️ Antihistaminika, abschwellende Mittel, steroidhaltige Medikamente und Nasensprays können zur symptomatischen Behandlung einer allergischen Rhinitis (z. B. laufende Nase/Verstopfung, Niesen, tränende/juckende Augen) verabreicht werden.
✏️In den letzten Jahren wurde von der WHO (Weltgesundheitsorganisation) eine Impfung (Immuntherapie) zur medizinischen Behandlung von allergischer Rhinitis empfohlen.
✏️Darüber hinaus wird während der Nasenkorrektur ein chirurgischer Eingriff (mittels ablativer Diodenlaser oder Kryosonde) am „Nervus vidian“ durchgeführt, der sich in der Nasenhöhle des Patienten mit allergischer Rhinitis befindet und vermutlich Probleme wie Nasenausfluss / Stau. ✏️Diagnose: Anamnese (Anamnese) und körperliche Untersuchung sind bei allergischer Rhinitis und Nasendeformität sehr wichtig.
Zusätzlich bei Bedarf direktes Röntgen (Röntgen), Nasennebenhöhlentomographie (CT), Blutuntersuchungen auf Allergien, IgE- und Pricktest, Rhinomanometer.
✏️Allergische Rhinitis und Nase in der Nase, Knorpel-/Knochenverkrümmung, Nasenfleischwachstum (Turbine), Sinusitis und Nasenpolypen können separat in derselben Operation angewendet werden. Oplastik #natürlicheRhinoplastik #drazimetozdemir #plastische Cerrahi #ästhetische Cerrahi #plastische Chirurgie #nişantaşıestetikdrazimet #şişliestetikdrazimet #istanbulestetikcerahdrazimet #türkeidrazimet #istanbul #türkei
✏️Nota: turco🇹🇷, inglese🇻🇬, tedesco🇩🇪, italiano🇫🇷, francese🇷🇺, spagnolo🇪🇸, russo🇷🇺 e arabo🇸🇾 descrizione ❗️
🇮🇹🇮🇹🦋Interventi di rinite allergica e rinoplastica❗️
✏️ La rinite allergica si osserva anche in alcuni pazienti che si sottoporranno ad un intervento di rinoplastica a causa della deformità nasale.
✏️Problemi come la curvatura (deviazione del setto) della cartilagine nasale (setto), la crescita dei turbinati nasali (turbinati), i polipi nasali, la sinusite cronica vengono corretti durante l'intervento di rinoplastica.
✏️In alcuni pazienti che presentano questi problemi si osserva anche rinite allergica. Alcuni pazienti i cui problemi vengono corretti durante la rinoplastica riscontrano un miglioramento della rinite allergica.
✏️ Rinite allergica; Chiamato anche raffreddore da fieno. Esistono 3 sottotipi;
1) Rinite allergica stagionale (raffreddore da fieno):
2)perenne: vista tutto l'anno.
3) Misto (mix): Una miscela delle due tipologie sopra.
✏️Sono stati identificati circa 300 fattori che causano allergie (pollini, acari della polvere domestica, sostanze chimiche, ecc.).
✏️ Sebbene non esista un trattamento definitivo per la rinite allergica, i problemi sopra elencati vengono corretti durante la rinoplastica e i disturbi della rinite diminuiscono o talvolta scompaiono.
✏️ Antistaminici, decongestionanti, farmaci contenenti steroidi e spray nasali possono essere somministrati come trattamento sintomatico per la rinite allergica (come naso che cola/ostruzione, starnuti, lacrimazione/prurito agli occhi).
✏️Negli ultimi anni la vaccinazione (immunoterapia) è stata raccomandata dall'OMS (Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità) nel trattamento medico della rinite allergica.
✏️Inoltre, durante la rinoplastica, viene eseguito un intervento chirurgico (utilizzando laser a diodi ablativi o criosonda) sul "nervo vidiano", che si trova nella cavità nasale del paziente con rinite allergica e si ritiene causi problemi come secrezione nasale / congestione. ✏️Diagnosi: l'anamnesi del paziente e l'esame obiettivo sono molto importanti nella rinite allergica e nella deformità nasale.
Inoltre, se necessario, radiografia diretta (X-Ray), tomografia dei seni paranasali (CT), esami del sangue per allergie, IgE e prick test cutaneo, rinomanometro.
✏️La rinite allergica e il naso nel naso, la curvatura della cartilagine/osso, la crescita della carne nasale (turbina), la sinusite e i polipi nasali possono essere applicati separatamente nello stesso intervento chirurgico. oplastica #rinoplasticanaturale #drazimetozdemir #plasticcerrahi #aestheticcerrahi #plasticsurgery #nişantaşıestetikdrazimet #şişliestetikdrazimet #istanbulestetikcerahdrazimet #turkeydrazimet #istanbul #turchia
‎✏️ملاحظة: الوصف بالتركية🇹🇷، الإنجليزية🇻🇬، الألمانية🇩🇪، الإيطالية🇫🇷، الفرنسية🇷🇺، الإسبانية🇪🇸، الروسية🇷🇺 والعربية ❗️
🇸🇾🇦🇪🇰🇼🦋جراحات الأنف التحسسية وتجميل الأنف❗️
‎✏️يلاحظ أيضًا التهاب الأنف التحسسي لدى بعض المرضى الذين سيخضعون لعملية تجميل الأنف بسبب تشوه الأنف.
‎✏️يتم تصحيح مشاكل مثل انحناء الغضروف الأنفي (الحاجز) (انحراف الحاجز)، ونمو القرينات الأنفية، والزوائد اللحمية الأنفية، والتهاب الجيوب الأنفية المزمن أثناء جراحة تجميل الأنف.
‎✏️يلاحظ أيضًا وجود التهاب الأنف التحسسي لدى بعض المرضى الذين يعانون من هذه المشاكل. يعاني بعض المرضى الذين تم تصحيح مشاكلهم أثناء عملية تجميل الأنف من تحسن في التهاب الأنف التحسسي.
‎✏️التهاب الأنف التحسسي؛ وتسمى أيضا حمى القش. هناك 3 أنواع فرعية.
‎1) التهاب الأنف التحسسي الموسمي (حمى القش):
‎2) معمرة : تشاهد على مدار السنة .
‎3) مخلوط (مخلوط): خليط من النوعين السابقين.
‎✏️ تم تحديد حوالي 300 عامل مسبب للحساسية (حبوب اللقاح، عث غبار المنزل، المواد الكيميائية وغيرها).
‎✏️ على الرغم من عدم وجود علاج نهائي لالتهاب الأنف التحسسي، إلا أنه يتم تصحيح المشاكل المذكورة أعلاه أثناء عملية تجميل الأنف، وتقل شكاوى التهاب الأنف أو تختفي في بعض الأحيان.
‎✏️ يمكن إعطاء مضادات الهيستامين ومزيلات الاحتقان والأدوية التي تحتوي على الستيرويد وبخاخات الأنف كعلاج لأعراض التهاب الأنف التحسسي (مثل سيلان الأنف/الاحتقان، والعطس، وعيون دامعة/حكة).
‎✏️في السنوات الأخيرة، أوصت منظمة الصحة العالمية (منظمة الصحة العالمية) بالتطعيم (العلاج المناعي) في العلاج الطبي لالتهاب الأنف التحسسي.
‎✏️بالإضافة إلى ذلك، أثناء عملية تجميل الأنف، يتم إجراء التدخل الجراحي (باستخدام ليزر الصمام الثنائي الاستئصالي أو المسبار بالتبريد) على "العصب الفيديان"، الموجود في التجويف الأنفي للمريض المصاب بالتهاب الأنف التحسسي ويُعتقد أنه يسبب مشاكل مثل إفرازات الأنف / ازدحام. ✏️التشخيص: تاريخ المريض (سجل المريض) والفحص البدني مهمان جدًا في التهاب الأنف التحسسي وتشوه الأنف.
‎بالإضافة إلى ذلك، إذا لزم الأمر، الأشعة السينية المباشرة (X-Ray)، التصوير المقطعي للجيوب الأنفية (CT)، اختبارات الدم للحساسية، IgE واختبار وخز الجلد، مقياس ضغط الأنف.
‎✏️ يمكن تطبيق التهاب الأنف التحسسي والأنف في الأنف والغضاريف / انحناء العظام ونمو لحم الأنف (التوربينات) والتهاب الجيوب الأنفية والزوائد اللحمية الأنفية بشكل منفصل في نفس الجراحة. #istanbulestetikcerahdrazimet #turkeydrazimet #istanbul #turkey
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medfirstentcenter · 4 months
Septoplasty Surgery - Explained by Dr. Rajesh Bhardwaj (Award-Winning ENT Surgeon)
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Septoplasty At ENT Delhi
Septoplasty is the surgical procedure to correct a deviated nasal septum (DNS).
Nasal Septum and DNS – Deviated Nasal Septum
The Nasal Septum divides the nose into the right and left nostrils.
It is made of Cartilage (malleable tissue – anteriorly), and Bone (Posteriorly).
Though ideally the Septum should be straight there is some deviation to either side in some individuals.
Causes of Deviated Nasal Septum
The child may be born with a deviated Septum due to pressures in the womb.
Injury- while growing up, or as a child while playing games, or sometimes after and accident.
Pressure of swelling like large growth/ polyp on one side of the nose can push the septum to the other side.
Nasal Blockage
Recurrent Nasal bleeding
Snoring and sleep Apnoea
As an approach or access to Nasal Surgery like FESS or skull base surgery
To repair a nasal septal deviation
Anaesthesia for Septoplasty
Local Anaesthesia – after discussing with the patient – only Local Anaesthetic is used along with some sedation
MAC- Monitored Anaesthesia Care- the anaesthetist gives pain reliving drugs intravenously, along with sedation.
General Anaesthesia – Full General Anaesthesia where the patient is completely unconscious.
The decision regarding the type of anaesthesia to be used is taken following a discussion between the ENT surgeon and the patient.
Septoplasty is a very commonly performed surgical procedure.
In the Operation Theatre, after cleaning and draping the patient 2 % Xylocaine with adrenaline is injected into the septum so as to lift a submucosal flap. Cotton patties with 4 % Xylocaine and adrenaline are sometimes placed in the nasal passage as well to help shrink the mucosal swellings.
Depending upon the nature of the deviation an incision is made on the Septum and mucosal flaps are lifted and joined together – the septum is now standing freely and unattached.
The Septum is then brought to the midline using various techniques, including thinning out duplicated parts, straightening and morselization as well as using a hammer and gouge to remove bony spurs.
Once the septum is brought to the midline parts may be sutured – either at the caudal (lower) end or sutures to approximate septal flaps together so as to prevent haematoma formation.
Nasal packs are placed in the nose which are kept in situ for a day or sometimes longer.
The post operative period is usually uneventful – the patient takes rest for a day or two. We recommend to work from home for about 5-7 days or till the wound has healed.
Normal diet is recommended- simple regular home food.
Lying propped up in bed is usually helpful
There may be some pink/ blood soaked discharge from the nose for a few days
Do not blow nose
No steam inhalation in the immediate post operative period
Must come for regular follow up visits as asked for
Though a safe and well tolerated surgical procedure, Septoplasty can lead to some complications.
Bleeding – in the immediate post operative period, or sometimes after a week to 10 days- a well known complication called Secondary haemorrhage. Treatment is usually simple.
Infection – every surgical procedure can be followed by a local infection in the affected area- a good antibiotic is usually enough to treat this.
Nasal Septal Perforation- in spite of all precautions sometimes there can be a septal perforation due to flap necrosis.
External nasal deformity- sometimes, if excessive supportive tissue is sacrificed the nasal pyramid may be affected – usually in the form of a supra tip depression.
Recurrence- though airway improvement is predictable sometimes the septal deviation may spring back either as a result of fresh trauma or due to strong tissue.
MedFirst ENT Centre Advantage - Septoplasty with Health Insurance and TPA Support
MedFirst ENT Centre specializes in septoplasty and is committed to providing a seamless experience for patients seeking this medical care. They facilitate the financial aspects of septoplasty treatment through affiliations with leading insurance companies, with a dedicated Third Party Administrator (TPA) team well-versed in handling septoplasty claims. Whether patients require care under a group health insurance plan or individual/family health insurance for their septoplasty, MedFirst ENT Centre’s extensive network and TPA team ensure smooth processing of septoplasty health insurance claims, relieving patients of administrative burdens.
Understanding how health insurance policies and TPAs can assist in covering septoplasty costs is essential. Septoplasty, a procedure aimed at correcting a deviated nasal septum, is often a medical necessity to improve breathing and overall health. To ensure a smooth and cost-effective septoplasty experience, proactive measures include thoroughly reviewing insurance policies, selecting specialized ENT clinics within the insurance network, and collaborating with TPAs for efficient claims processing. This proactive approach ensures that patients can undergo septoplasty with confidence, knowing their insurance covers the procedure, providing peace of mind during the septoplasty journey.
With the advent of the endoscope ENT Surgeons are now performing minimal 
access Endoscopic guided Septoplasty surgery. You must discuss this with your 
surgeon- not all septal deviations can be corrected by endoscopic septoplasty.
#Septoplasty #ENTProcedure #NasalHealth #DrRajeshBhardwaj #ENTCare #SurgicalCorrection #SeptalDeviations #HealthcareExpertise #ENTSpecialist #MedicalProcedure #NasalWellness #SeptoplastyExplained #HealthcareExcellence #SurgicalInnovation #PatientEducation #ExpertENTCare #ENTInsights #ImprovedBreathing #NasalSurgery #AwardWinningSurgeon
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A Deviated Nasal Septum (DNS) occurs when the thin wall between nasal passages is off-center. This can lead to breathing difficulties, congestion, and sinus issues. Septoplasty, a surgical procedure performed by an ENT surgeon, aims to straighten the septum, alleviating symptoms and improving airflow. The surgeon repositions or removes obstructing tissues, restoring nasal function. An ENT surgeon's expertise is crucial in diagnosing DNS, assessing its impact, and performing precise septoplasty for effective correction.
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medfirst-entdelhi · 5 months
Deviated Nasal Septum (DNS) occurs when the nasal septum, responsible for dividing the nasal passage, experiences misalignment. While mild deviations are common, pronounced ones result in various symptoms. Symptoms include nasal blockage, occasional bleeding, and pain if the deviated septum affects sensitive structures. Surgical intervention, typically through Septoplasty, is necessary for correction.
Septoplasty, performed with nasal endoscopes, is a minimally invasive procedure conducted under local or general anesthesia. The surgery involves raising flaps, bringing the septum to the midline, and making adjustments such as trimming cartilage, removing bony spurs, and straightening or reintroducing deviated cartilage. Post-surgery, patients may have a nasal pack for comfort, and recovery is monitored through postoperative visits.
While Septoplasty is generally safe, complications like bleeding, infection, perforation, adhesion formation, and external deformity may arise. Revision cases carry higher risks. Overall, this common ENT issue requires surgical correction, and when performed with care, Septoplasty proves to be a successful procedure, occasionally necessitating additional adjustments for complete airway correction.
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alvinrabin · 3 months
Septoplasty surgery’s aim is to align or straighten the bone and cartilage dividing the space between your two nostrils, called septum. Dr. Kanwar Kelley is located at Orinda California and if you need septoplasty, don’t hesitate to make an appointment (925) 254-6710.
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downoutcold-blog · 5 months
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Breathe Easier with Septoplasty Surgery in Hyderabad
Septoplasty is a surgical procedure aimed at correcting a deviated nasal septum, which can often lead to breathing difficulties and other nasal issues. If you're seeking a solution for your nasal obstruction or other septum-related problems in Hyderabad, this blog post will provide valuable insights into the importance of septoplasty surgery and the excellent medical facilities available in the city.
Understanding Septoplasty Surgery
The nasal septum is the thin wall of cartilage and bone that divides the nasal passages. When it deviates from the center, it can cause nasal congestion, difficulty breathing, frequent sinus infections, nosebleeds, and other issues. Septoplasty is a surgical procedure designed to straighten and realign the deviated septum, thus improving nasal function and overall quality of life.
Why Choose Hyderabad for Septoplasty Surgery?
Hyderabad has become a prominent hub for medical services, and septoplasty surgery is no exception. Here's why Hyderabad is an ideal destination for your septum-related concerns:
Experienced Surgeons: The city is home to skilled ear, nose, and throat (ENT) specialists and surgeons with expertise in septoplasty. They are well-versed in the latest techniques and technologies.
State-of-the-Art Facilities: Hospitals and clinics in Hyderabad are equipped with advanced facilities to ensure that patients receive top-quality care.
Affordability: Septoplasty surgery in Hyderabad is often more cost-effective than in many Western countries, making it an attractive option for those seeking high-quality healthcare at a reasonable cost.
The Septoplasty Procedure
Septoplasty is typically performed as an outpatient procedure under local or general anesthesia. The key steps involved in the surgery include:
Incision: The surgeon makes a small incision inside the nostrils to access the deviated septum.
Septum Realignment: The deviated portion of the septum is repositioned, often by trimming or removing the misaligned cartilage or bone.
Closure: The incisions are closed, and the patient is closely monitored before being discharged on the same day.
Recovery and Aftercare
Recovery from septoplasty is usually straightforward, with most patients experiencing relief from nasal congestion and improved breathing immediately. Some swelling and mild discomfort are common and should subside within a few days. Patients are typically advised to follow post-operative care instructions, which may include using saline nasal sprays and avoiding activities that could strain the nose.
Choosing the Right Surgeon
The success of septoplasty depends significantly on the surgeon's expertise. It's essential to select a qualified ENT specialist or surgeon with a proven track record in performing septoplasty procedures. Consultations with multiple healthcare providers can help you make an informed decision.
Septoplasty surgery in Hyderabad offers an effective solution for individuals struggling with breathing difficulties or other nasal issues caused by a deviated septum. With experienced surgeons, modern facilities, and affordable options, Hyderabad is an excellent choice for this procedure.
If you're considering septoplasty to improve your nasal function and quality of life, consult with a qualified surgeon in Hyderabad to discuss your specific condition and goals. The path to easier breathing and better nasal health begins with the expertise and care available in this dynamic city.
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