#So I'm sorry for dominating your dash like this but it had to be done
I have long said that Hitori is the most well written character in Hatoful, and I'm right. But most well written ARC goes squarely to Sakuya. Sakuya is possibly the most dynamic character in the game. Sakuya on day one of the game, and Sakuya in the epilogue of BBL are entirely different people.
That's actually part of why I don't usually talk about him all that much. Sakuya has a complete character arc. That's not something that you can really say about the rest of the cast. They all definitely HAVE arcs, but one of the things that keeps me constantly coming back to the series is how none of them feel quite complete. Like they're all still hanging open, their arcs stopped just short of coming around to their proper conclusion. Characters in Hatoful Boyfriend are often just left bleeding. You watch them grow and get torn down by the world around them, and then they come to stop, still hanging and bleeding, neither patched up nor bled out. And it's this incompleteness that makes it stick in my brain. I keep searching for that last note needed to close out the movement, and it's just not there.
Hitori's story is a revenge tragedy, but we never reach the revenge, or the natural conclusion of the tragedy. Both he and Shuu are alive at the end of the story, with nowhere to go. They've backed themselves into a bloody corner, and the story has just left them there. There isn't a resolution. Their narratives can really only end in death, and they don't die at the end, so instead it's left open and incomplete.
Ryouta just gets slowly torn down throughout the narrative. Misfortune after misfortune pile onto him, and he slowly runs ragged. Hatoful Boyfriend is chronicling his descent. From the most normal, cheery member of the cast, to the most broken and miserable. But at the end of BBL, he's just left waiting. Waiting to die or for someone to come back with a cure. Left in a sort of eternal stasis. He's left open and bleeding, without a proper conclusion either way, hopeful or tragic. In Holiday Star he keeps being pushed to confront his abandonment issues, and he just keeps refusing to do so. He never really confronts them despite how many times he's faced with these issues, and again, we're left without a real satisfying resolution to his character arc. He goes most of the way through an arc, and then stops just short of completing it.
Shuu's story is this grand tale of hubris. He so clearly lines up his own downfall with every decision he makes. From how many enemies he makes, to how much he underestimates those enemies. Following Shuu is like slowly going up a rollercoaster headed towards the big drop. It's all build up for either his grand plan going off in this spectacular act of genius, or else his great failure, going out in a big blaze of glory, falling into all of the holes he left for himself, that he thought were too small and unimportant to worry about. And the way he ends is... Neither of those things. His terrible decisions do come back to haunt him, but the price he pays for it is ultimately so small compared to all that he's done. It's underwhelming, and leaves me feeling like I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop, and for him to finally get his dues, and it just never comes. It's all build up, and then a sudden jarring stop just short of the grand crescendo promised.
Yuuya's arc is a lot like Ryouta's. It's a descent. It's his unraveling. Unlike Ryouta's thought, we do see him putting some of these pieces back together, or at least trying to. The game explores a lot of the consequences of his hero complex, and he fully faces the consequences of his act of revenge, and spends the rest of his arc looking for redemption from this guilt he carries. It's hard to call Yuuya's story a redemption arc. Redemption is the thing he's seeking, but I don't think he's ever really condemned by the narrative even before seeking this redemption. It's more like what Yuuya's arc is about is seeking forgiveness from himself, and seeking to repair his relationship with Sakuya, which is what complicates his arc for me. If it was a straightforward quest for redemption "I took vengeance once, and I am paying for my sins. I seek to redeem my soul" then you could see him taking that scalpel for Sakuya as a conclusion. But the fact that it's never really treated by the narrative as though Yuuya's act of vengeance was actually wrong instead makes it feel less like Yuuya is seeking forgiveness from the universe, but instead like he is seeking forgiveness from himself. In which case, his self sacrifice is a step backwards. It's more of Yuuya devaluing himself, more of him prioritizing others to an extreme. If we take the egg incident to be Yuuya's biggest sin, then BBL is just him repeating those same mistakes again and again. It's him choosing Sakuya over everything to a destructive degree. He chops up Hiyoko's body and covers up her death, to protect Sakuya. He throws away his own life, to protect Sakuya. It's just a loop of Yuuya doing something terrible in Sakuya's name. There's no redemption found in there, only a further spiral. And further reinforcing Yuuya's guilt, and self hatred, and this steady creeping towards the place Hitori is in. And he doesn't really deviate from this path. He continues onward, repeating his mistakes, and slipping towards the same cliff that Hitori plunged off of. Again, it's left unresolved. He keeps starting to learn, starting to heal, starting to confront his flaws, and then not quite overcoming them.
I'm.... Honestly not sure what Anghel's arc is? I know it's about coming to terms with his complicated identity, and being understood by the people around him, but it's hard to say how much progress he really makes on those fronts? Anghel is sort of just... Perfect as he is? He serves very effectively as a plot device, and he's loveable and compelling without having an especially dynamic arc. Anghel is somewhat static, but I don't think that's really a bad thing on him. I'm not sure if he just doesn't have a whole lot going on arc wise, or if I'm just not seeing it right now, but oh well. I'd love to hear someone else give their takes on him, see if I can't find a new perspective to come at him from. But as it is he's just my funky little guy that I love so so much, but in a sort of no thoughts head empty kind of way.
Nageki is the hardest to talk about for me, which is why I saved him for last. He has so much going on. Nageki's route is famously emotionally moving. I cried for it, I think most people did. And I'm not sure exactly how to approach it from a meta perspective. Nageki is almost a sort of... Messianic figure. Nageki died to save humanity, despite all the ways that it had wronged him. You could say Nageki's arc is one of taking back power for himself. He was weak, and unable to do anything for himself or for anyone else either. He felt like a burden, and so when he found an opportunity to do something for someone, to protect people, he threw himself into it regardless of the cost. Even though it cost him his life. He made this selfless sacrifice. But while that was something of an arc of him finding power for himself, I hesitate to call it a full arc. Nageki had always been that selfless. Nageki pre-Hatoful House massacre would likely have been just as ready and willing to give his life for others as he was in the end.
Was it him losing hope then? Nageki being beaten down by the treatment he recieved at the St Pigeonations clinic? In the end succumbing to the misfortune that had haunted him all his life and killing himself? That doesn't feel right either. Nageki dying is, strangely enough, never actually a change for him. Nageki was dead from the beginning of the game. But more than that, Nageki was always going to die. From even long before the game began, Nageki had this clear path to an early death laid out before him. Nageki was ALWAYS going to die. There is no other way for him to go, this was always how it was going to be. And it's how it went. He accepted his fate, embraced it, and leaned into it. He took ahold of his incoming death for himself. It's very difficult for me to identify what exactly is going on with Nageki because it feels like he has SO MUCH going on. Nageki sits nestled at the heart of all of it. Both games orbit around him. I know that Ryouta is the unofficial main character. And I know that you can trace everything that happened in the series directly back to Ryuuji. I know that Shuu is the driving force behind the plot and that he laid out all of the pieces and players for this whole game, that it was all his doing. But Nageki feels, to me at least, like the true heart of the issue. He's your first introduction to the fact that something is truly genuinely Not Right in this world. So much of the plot is all of the living characters chasing after Nageki. Trying to unravel his secrets. Following his trail. Trying to find him. Nageki stands ahead of the crowd, several paces up, and every other character is tripping over themselves running after him.
Nageki is the axis upon which the story rotates. Hitori's entire character revolves around him. Orbits him. Ryouta's downfall is so tightly intertwined with Nageki. At the end of the day, one of Ryouta's most important roles in the plot is simply as a vessel for Nageki. It's carrying a piece if him inside of him. Ryouta's place in the narrative is sometimes as a sort of second coming if Nageki in a way. Shuu's fate was sealed the moment he chose Nageki as his victim, and he has been paying the price for that decision ever since, in little increments. Almost every character has their moment where they serve as a parallel to Nageki. The King's entire thing is RIDDLED with parallels, they are established as sort of foils to eachother. Two ghosts, two sad little birds who died unfortunate early deaths, two people that Hitori feels so responsible for, the two shadows that haunt him. And so much of Holiday Star is about how they handled this differently. How The King used his fire to draw others in and trap them, to make himself feel better and to have company in his misery. And how Nageki, the scorpion, burned himself to ash to free them. It's the scene in the lighthouse, how he was prepared to burn to death all over again. Sakuya is also often cast in parallel to Nageki as part of Yuuya and Hitori's parallels. With these two sets of brothers you have two stories of selflessness and giving as a bad thing. They're about self destruction, and living your life exclusively in service if someone else, and how unfair that can be to the person you are trying to help. How in the end, for all of Hitori's selfless sacrifice none of Nageki's wishes came true, and how for all of Yuuya's selfless sacrifice he wound up hurting Sakuya more than anyone else. And both of them, in this single minded quest, choosing one person above the entire world, leave this trail of bloody mistakes behind them. This parallel casts Nageki as Sakuya's mirror.
In a way, that's really Nageki's role. He's a mirror held up to each member of the cast. And in that reflection you see the worst of each of them. Nageki is sort of perfect, and the narrative stands each other character next to him to show you their flaws. What does Nageki do wrong, ever??? I can't think of a single thing. He doesn't make any real mistakes, so I don't know where to find an arc in that. There's nowhere to go, there's no change. Nageki really does thrive in his role as a ghost. He's sort of intangible, impossible to catch, impossible to hold on to. He's an impossible goal to be chased after, and ultimately, be left unreached. So much of the plot is just looking for Nageki. Looking for his secrets. Looking for his remains. Looking for anything he left behind. Looking for him. Looking for Nageki, and instead only finding your own reflection. I don't know how to discuss that, really. Which is why I usually don't. The story of Hatoful Boyfriend is this massive downward spiral, pulling everyone in, and down to their lowest point, and curled up right in the center of it all is Nageki, with every other story element orbiting around him, but never actually managing to reach him.
But after all that, looping all the way back around to my actual point. Sakuya.
Sakuya's arc actually finishes, and it finishes beautifully. In a story full of people getting worse, chasing unachievable ends, and being left eternally swirling around and around never quite reaching a proper conclusion just getting more and more damaged with each go around, Sakuya actually improves. He has this perfect, solid character arc.
Sakuya starts out as an egotistical bigot, living under false pretenses, with high ambitions of becoming a great leader. Through the story he faces every single flaw he has, confronts it, changes for the better, and grows as a person. And with each one he approaches his goal of being a great leader. Sakuya begins as a good leader, and ends as a fantastic one. He confronts his biases. He confronts his fears. He confronts his beliefs. He confronts himself, his identity. And he comes to terms with all of it, and rises from it stronger, and wiser, and more worldly. Sakuya walks out of the BBL epilogue a hero, and an incredible leader, having made good on all of his promises, and made significant good in the world. He's also quite possibly the least self destructive character we have, save for maybe Okosan, but I'm not going to even touch Okosan here. Sakuya learns from his mistakes and doesn't repeat them. And he achieves all of his goals. Sakuya is the only character not stuck in this downward spiral. And his character arc is just so perfect. It's such a nice clean arc. Sakuya starts out the first game as a genuinely kind of shitty guy. Every time I've introduced someone to the game I've said "It's totally okay not to like Sakuya. I like Sakuya, but when you first meet him it's hard to do, I get it. But just hold on, he gets better, I promise."
Sakuya has a Zuko tier redemption arc. The way that he learns to respect Ryouta more and more throughout BBL, the way that he starts to really think for himself and escape out from under his father's expectations in his route, the way that he was completely untouchable by The King's attempts at manipulation. Sakuya just fuckin THRIVES.
And this is sort of why I haven't really talked about him before today. That unfinished feeling to everyone else's story arcs eats at me. It sticks in my head. I can't stop talking about them because they're COMPELLING and they feel UNFINISHED and now I'm sort of obsessed with it. I'm caught in the loop with them, hunting for an ending that isn't there. The imperfections in these arcs are what keeps me speculating about still, 8 years down the line. I'm still trying to find that ending. But for Sakuya, and Nageki too actually, the only thing there is for me to talk about is why they work so well. And in Nageki's case, I'm not especially sure why, and so I don't have a lot to say on him. He's sort of a mystery to me. But for Sakuya, it is just so apparent to me why he's such an incredibly well written character. It feels sort of redundant to go through it. His arc is clean, and perfect. Just look at it! There's no holes for me to obsess over and write endless essays on. And there's no mystery to how effective it is. It's clean, and simple, and utterly perfect. I don't need to puzzle over how it works so well, because you can just take one look at it and it's all laid bare. He has the ideal redemption arc. The platonic ideal of exactly what his type of character should be. It's perfect. I don't feel like I can contribute much of anything to it by discussing it, further than just shining a light at what about it works so incredibly well.
So I don't.
Simply put, Sakuya has the most well written arc in Hatoful Boyfriend, and I would consider him the second most well written character in all.
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minhio22 · 2 months
Can I please request 13. Dandelion from the flower prompts for Kanata??? 🥹💕 Thank you, hehe~
Thank u sil for being my first request 😭😭 🫶🫶🫶 sorry it took a while. Im not sure if i captured kanata well enough but i hoped you enjoyed
Dandelion - finally hearing the other person laugh after a period of hardship
A small trip was all it took for your arm to land itself in a cast. Let's back up a little shall we?
You were on your way to visit Kanata at his house in the slums and there were a bunch of stairs as there usually were. You had almost reached his place when Kanata had just exited from his house and you were just so excited to see him you might've just ran your way to him. Unfortunately for you, you had forgotten that you were on top of a flight of stairs and tripped when you were dashing your way towards him.
Kanata was surprised when you called out his name but even more so when you were falling down the stairs. He darted from his place trying to catch you but unfortunately he didn't make it in time hence why your arm is now stuck in a cast.
It's been a few weeks since that happened. Were you embarrassed? Yeah sure maybe a bit. But most of all you were frustrated because the hand that you broke was your dominant hand. It rendered you useless to do most daily things.
When you came to hang out with the twins they could tell that you were gloomy. You had been like this ever since your trip down the stairs. Kanata was worried about you. You hadn't been smiling all that much nor have you cracked any of your corny jokes around him anymore. He might not show it much but it frustrated him to no end that he couldn't do anything to help you.
“Kanata you're frowning again.” Nayuta nudged his brother out of his thoughts.
“No I'm not.” Kanata denied lying even though it was evident on his face.
“If you're that worried you should do something.”
“Like what? Most of the things I've tried all they've done is smile politely at Nayuta.” Kanata sighed.
“I don't know but that flower field near the outskirts of the city looks good.” Nayuta casually mentioned, trying to give a hint to his brother who's quite hopeless sometimes.
Kanata's eyes widened in realisation at what his brother was hinting at. You absolutely adore flowers so bringing you to that flower field might just do the trick. He had gone there before so he knew that it was what you needed.
Needless to say you were weirded out when Kanata uncharacteristically brought you to the outskirts of the city one day. You had come to visit him after you ran some errands and he quite literally dragged you out of his house without saying anything. Even Nayuta seemed a bit surprised at that but he had a knowing grin on his face when you guys left.
“Close your eyes.” Kanata told you when you were nearing the outskirts of the city.
You had complied not asking too much of him about his suspicious behaviour. He held your hands and you just followed him wherever he was leading you.
You could feel the change in the air. There was a soft gentle breeze and the air felt a bit fresher. The ground you were stepping on became softer as you could tell that you were no longer walking on asphalt but on soil. The birds were chirping and indeed the air smelt a bit more aromatic.
When Kanata told you to open your eyes you did and you weren't ready for the sight that stood in front of you. You were surrounded by dandelions. A field full of yellow flowers and some matured ones here and there. To see that you were in awe was an understatement. You definitely won't forget this anytime soon.
Kanata had been tense, gauging your reaction from the begging, when he saw you smile he relaxed a bit as he pulled you deeper into the field.
You took a dandelion in your finger, you blew on it making a wish like they always would on tv. You plucked another one and brought it to Kanata’s face.
“Here blow on it and make a wish, Kanata”. You told him holding it expectantly in front of his face.
“Hah? Isn't that a bit childish?” Kanata exclaimed.
“Awww come on. Just this once?” You pleaded with him.
“Fine….” Kanata begrudgingly took it from you. He supposed he could entertain your antics since he did bring you here to cheer you up.
He did as you told, made a wish and blew on it. Funny thing was that the tiny fruits of the dandelion didn't go in the direction he blew it in and instead went into his face due to a sudden breeze. It went up into his nose and he sneezed quite loudly, might I say.
You couldn't help yourself and laugh at his predicament. Kanata was about to berate you but he stopped himself when he saw your face and he heard you laugh. His features softened as he relaxed and smiled softly at you while you were still laughing like a madman. To say the least that your laughter was music to his ears after a long time of being absent.
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hhghgnm i am back. again. for a different thing. i hope you don't mind, i feel like i've talked a lot lately and yet here i am again :'] this will be a bit of a ramble, if i need to apologise at all, then i am doing so now (if not, thanks for your continued patience?? i know my tendency to ramble probably too much too often)
so. you've awakened the dormant single braincell dedicated purely to pokemon stuff. specifically with that one art for childe and zhongli (no surprises there). congration you done it. i thought it might be more considerate to collect my rambles into an ask here rather than leave a hefty tag ramble on a reblog so here i am, because i desperately need to talk to you about it- or at least ask,, no really i would love to talk about it more but that's very up to you
before anything else i want to let you know how much i internally screamed and cried that you gave childe a lantern. tears of joy. no jokes there. you're absolutely right it's perfect for him. also, it's been ages since i read pokespe especially gen 3 and 6 (if gen 6 is relevant? bc gen 3 remakes? my memory is too hazy so i have to include it just in case,, and beyond that i may not be caught up at all, as i haven't had the opportunity to play the games beyond gen 6 and so kinda fell out of stuff since then except for clinging to the stuff i already knew,,) so i need to reread those, but at least personality-wise the thought that struck me was... childe has some gold vibes?? is that. is that just me or. their general attitudes- i can't unsee it,, anyway, i also love the attention to detail with the pokeballs and alternate colour gigalith. thank you. if you apologised for pokemon nerd shining through, this pokemon nerd is rejoicing in what it sees. however dormant it may've been, pokemon was basically the thing that dominated my childhood interests so hahah,,, it's quite strong. also with the titles aside ace trainer and gentleman so true, so true indeed.
so uh.... here's the thing where i ask.... you gave them 5 each, but.... 6 is a full team, so.... :) :) :) any thoughts on, if they had a 6th, who/what it'd be (this question of full 6 pokemon teams also extends to the twins and xiao, not just childe and zhongli. should i be sorry?? i am sorry?? i would hate to think of such things mostly bc i would have a hard time because of overthinking it but i don't know what it's like for you for things like that-)? and eheheh,, can i ask permission to try teambuilding the teams for real. do you know of/use pokemon showdown? i semi-casually use it (with a hint of seriousness, but like. nothing compared to some people) every now and then mostly because testing teams is much easier there,, not that i have anything to stop me from making a team in one of the actual games, it's just. slower. and more of a process. but i really want to try it for them,, if you wouldn't mind, of course. the only thing that would annoy me in such an endeavour would be that shiny gigalith isn't actually amber-coloured. sigh. i don't even have to include not knowing gen 7+ things on that note because it's nothing a lil research and experimenting wouldn't fix, but alternate colours? sad that i can't do much about that one. ah, while I'm at it, not to be super finicky with details or anything,, haha, but hypothetically, for teambuilding, just as a question in general, what would their battle format preferences be...? just the usual singles, or...? if there would be any different preference, i am curious about
hopefully i didn't miss anything but then again, this is probably long enough as it is,,,, whoops
my dear we're on the EXACT same boat holy fuck.
i'm going to put the rest below a read more to spare everyone else's dash, bc you kinda enabled my pokemon floodgates lmao
i too followed pokespe up till the start of gen5 and then kinda lost track of it, but since i'm a hoenn sucker i went back to read the oras chapters (for steven. it was all for steven). if you're wondering- i remember the story being quite decent? take it as an extra chapter for the rse arc, that's basically what it is. sadly nothing will ever top everything surrounding the first 3 regions + dpp (they get extra points for the giratina ordeal), but it was aight.
and you're absolutely right, childe has gold vibes. not an exact 1:1 but there's some things that are just too similar to overlook. alternatively, he's like an unholy mix of red and gold.
i honestly can't remember why i only gave them 5 each- i think in my mind 6 has always been far too many creatures, but 4 too little, so i always fall somewhere in the middle;; as for showdown,
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that's where i planned the teams. that's literally where i went to sort thru all pokemon and pick and choose the ones that better fit. i'm a bit of a random team match enjoyer, never been one for building functional competitive teams but i do like playing so random has always been the go-to option.
if i had to give them a sixth slot, it'd probably be: for childe either a pawmot, luxray, or gengar. i feel like his team needs a bit more electric to honor his delusion beyond lanturn, or alternatively some poison or ghost to represent the Abyss. i'd also lowkey give him a nidoqueen, he seems like the kinda guy who'd have one. for zhongli it'd be either rhydon, tyrantrum, aggron, or maybe bastiodon? steel types would fit as steel comes from the earth, ultimately. claydol i could also sorta see, like some sort of living relic. if i allowed myself to pick from the starters, torterra (bc azhdaha). as a joke i'd give him drampa. i feel like almost no dragon types would fit and it lowkey frustrates me lmao for xiao i feel like another flying type would be overkill, so maybe something like an umbreon or a mightyena? he has an absol already, he'd absolutely have a mightyena. if not, then maybe a crobat? if childe has gold vibes then xiao most definitely has silver vibes, although i don't think he'd really mistreat his pokemon at all. i could also see him having an ariados or shedinja ngl for aether and lumine i gave them five bc eevee was like their childhood shared pokemon and then they sort of got matching duos, so they kind of share all five? but strictly speaking they're two different trainers. idk. if i had to give them like another shared pokemon, it'd be castform. or maybe something like a kecleon, sawsbuck, or togekiss. if we count them as separate trainers then i'd give them a pair of indeedee, to follow tradition with the meowstics and ralts line. that'd make it seven mons but it'd still be possible. i honestly don't have the brain rn for six for each tho lmao plus since they kinda share them i think they'd stop at seven. like three each to make six + eevee. if not then i lean towards castform. aether would dress it up like those images where the cloud bumps are boobs and lumine would hate him for it.
as for their battle performances, the twins would absolutely fight doubles. like you could catch them one on one but most of the time it'd be either both or neither. xiao and zhongli would be used to fighting doubles as team partners, but it wouldn't be like their main mode. i think both would've kinda gone their own ways and now fought singles, but wouldn't be against doubles on their own. childe would be singles all the way, OR triples, if only for the chaos. also childe would lowkey go into contests. i mean he has milotic, he kinda has to have been there at some point. maybe tonia wanted to see it so he agreed for his princess. or like- tonia was being bullied by mean girls for it and he decided he'd curbstomp them with a feebas.
anyway aaaaaa,, i went on a ramble again, this is really just my pokemon nerd speaking. i hope that was useful! it's nice to know i'm not the only one on this bandwagon hahah;;
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thepenultimateword · 2 years
Wrote this because of @a-dead-lake's writing prompt #11! They come up with such fun ideas, and I always want to read stories based on their prompts, so I decided to write one myself! You can see their original post HERE!
Hero stopped straightening the salt and pepper shakers for the 15th time and looked up into Villain's wide-eyed face. The criminal was usually a master at hiding their emotions but now, despite an obvious effort for otherwise, their face was a convulsion of changing expressions. Shock. Confusion. Fear. Betrayal. Disappointment. Embarrassment. It was like watching someone's grieving process on double speed, and Hero was being dragged along behind.
As they settled into embarrassment alongside their nemesis, Hero itched to remove the forest green beanie meant to identify them to their date. But what would that even help? They'd already seen each other. This disaster had already been set in motion.
The mechanical brace on Villain's lame leg snapped as they shifted heavily to the right, as if trying to hide the leg behind them. A permanent injury bestowed upon them three years ago by Hero themself in a fit of stupid, righteous rage.
"I wasn't trying to catfish you," Villain said, staring at the floor. "You just look different in your pictures."
"Oh, so I'm the catfisher. I went through all that effort, doctoring my pictures, carrying on hours of disarming conversation, and painstakingly organizing this meeting, because I wanted to date you." It left Hero's mouth automatically. A reflex developed from years of ugly banter and taunting.
Villain flinched, barely a sharp twitch in their shoulders, but Hero was familiar enough with their tics to recognize it. "That's not what I meant."
Hero knew that. They understood exactly what Villain meant. It should have been obvious. Villain had done as much to hide who they were as Hero had, which was nothing. But their presence in their profile photos was so different from the one in front of them now. Was it the civilian clothes? The awkward smile that had never made a real-life appearance? Or maybe a photo could simply never capture the cold, domineering aura that Hero had come to associate with their nemesis. An invisible signature inked on every step they took, in every word they said, left on everything they touched.
Perhaps Villain took Hero's silence for dismissal because they reached into their coat and quietly placed a flower in front of Hero's tightly clasped hands. It had more stem than blossom, and the petals had smushed together in Villain's pocket, but the type was clear. A red carnation. Just as they'd agreed in their text messages last night. Villain flicked their gaze up to Hero's, hesitant and pained and surprisingly earnest. "I'm sorry."
What were they apologizing for? For being who they were? For not being able to do this? For having the same fragile hope as Hero and dashing it to pieces for each other before it ever really had a chance?Hero had suffered blows from Villain before, but this hurt.
Now they were walking out the door, and Hero hadn't had a proper date in over a year, and the thought of going back home to that empty apartment in their freshly pressed clothes and newly bought shoes made them want to cry, and they had already shoved their weekend plans in their stupid coworkers' faces, and they couldn't bear to see their smug smiles when they found out about their inevitable failure, and they were just so tired of searching and...and...
Villain jerked to a stop, nearly toppling forward as their leg brace locked up at the suddenness. Hero came around in front of them and pressed the red carnation back into Villain's hand, letting their fingers linger on their knuckles. "We don't have to cancel."
Villain's eyebrows shot up. "What do you mean?"
"Maybe...maybe the app matched us for a reason. Even if our ideals are different, even if all we do is fight, I know you. I know that most of your life is consumed with a battle over the city that never seems to end. I know that you feel weighed down with a burden that you can never share. I know that you feel isolated and lonely, but have trouble connecting with others because there is a piece of yourself you always have to hide. I know you have a hard time disconnecting the you in civilian clothing from the you in costume. I know that today felt like the light at the end of a long, impossibly dark tunnel, but it was snuffed out too quickly. I know it because that's also me. We understand each other like no one else ever has or can. So we accidentally catfished each other? Maybe there's more to us than our alter-egos, and the app knows it. Maybe we should give it a chance."
Hero clenched their fists and looked to Villain anxiously for their answer. They were slightly out of breath from so much rambling and sort of already regretting their outburst. Villain was going to laugh weren't they? Or ignore them. It would be just like Villain to spout a bone-chilling one-liner and walk right out that door.
"That's a lot of faith in a dating app that only got 3 stars," Villain said.
Hero choked out something between a laugh and a cry. "I know. I'm literally making stuff up. I just really don't want you to leave."
"Hero." Villain put their hand over top Hero's, the one still pressing the carnation into Villain's other hand. "We don't have to do this. I was excited too, but we're not each other's only options. We'll be ok."
Hero heart sank. They started to slide their hand out of Villain's sandwiching grip but then froze. "No... No! This is exactly what I'm talking about! Where do you get off being this nice to me? I didn't know you could be like this! We don't know this can't work! And it's not like I've ever hated you or anything, so can't we just try?" They looked into Villain's face pleadingly. "Please?"
Villain glued their eyes to the flower in their hand, spinning it between their thumb and forefinger for a long time. Finally, they attempted a smile as awkward and endearing as the one in their profile picture. "Well, I've never really hated you either, so why not? Should we go back over there or...? Cause I mean everyone's staring at us now, so maybe we should find somewhere else to eat."
"Didn't you mention once that you like gyros?" Hero asked.
"When we were fighting or over text?"
"When we were fighting. It was late at night, and I think you missed dinner or something because it just sort of slipped out."
"Ah. Yes. It was raining. I always crave gyros when it's raining."
"Well, it's not raining, but I know this great little Greek place 2nd."
Villain hit the hinge of their leg brace to unlock it and spread their arm out in front of them with a flourish. "Lead the way."
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fernweh-writes · 3 years
Hello, it's me again ! I hope that you know I'm calling the police because you possess an unlawful amount of talent.
🦋 characters 🦋 ~ Michael Myers x reader
✨ prompt ✨ ~ short fic please
🌸 details 🌸 ~ okay so if you are comfortable with writing for anxiety, I would like to request Michael Myers x reader. Reader has a bad anxiety or panic attack and they just end up shutting down. They hold their breath until they end up passing out in his arms and like how would he react ?
🍃 alternative ask just in case you're not comfy with the first ask 🍃 ~ Michael Myers reacting to reader who's quiet af ( like quieter than him) ps; if you are comfy with the first ask, you can ignore this one. this is in case you aren't comfy with the first one.
☁️ message ☁️ ~ you are amazing and appreciated thank you and I hope you have a great day !!!
Thank you for being so patient with me luv! I’m sorry this took so long, I was just dealing with some major writers block. Also I did kind of stray away from the prompt a little bit but I think you’ll still like it! And as always, I just like to make a disclaimer and say that the way I write anxiety largely revolves around the way I personally experience anxiety. It is different for everyone and this is in no way meant to discredit anyone. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and everyone’s feelings are valid <3!
Word Count: 908
Warnings: anxiety, panic attacks, and a dash of nsfw if you squint
The old house had never felt more empty than it did right now. Everything you had done to distract yourself had failed, leaving you to finally face the feelings welling up inside of you. The silence seemed to mock you, doing nothing but let the panic overwhelm you.
Taking deep breaths you tried to ignore the way your lungs felt like they couldn’t get enough air as that all to familiar ache began spreading through your chest. You felt hot and cold all at once as the bedroom walls closed in around you. Wiping your trembling hands on your pants you glanced at the alarm clock on the night stand. Red numbers let you know it was past midnight, usually Michael was home by now.
Usually Michael was home by now.
Your thoughts began to spiral once more. What if something bad had happened to him? Had he been caught? Or worse, he could be injured somewhere, struggling to make it back to you. What if he had finally met his match? A victim that had somehow been able to fight him off, to finally end him. What if, what if, what if…
You weren’t sure when exactly you had begun to cry, all you knew was that you couldn’t stop. As you sobbed and gasped for air, the taste of salt hit your tongue even though you were constantly wiping at your face.
Looking back, you should have been able to hear the front door close and heavy foot steps make their way up the steps towards the bedroom. But you were so caught up in your own thoughts and panic you hadn’t known he was there until he grabbed you. You let out a small yelp as you were swept up into large, familiar arms.
Michael was covered in dirt and sweat, but neither of you seemed to care as he sat on the edge of the bed with you in his lap. At first you squirmed, feeling trapped and confined within his embrace. But he was so much larger, so much stronger, your attempts at escaping were futile. He only held you tighter and closer the more you thrashed until you finally relaxed.
After the feeling of being trapped subsided you finally wrapped yourself around him. Now you couldn’t get close enough to him. Burying your face into the crook of his neck you finished crying. Only when you were finally able to take deep breaths did you pull away to look at him.
A large hand cupped your face, emotionless eyes looked over you as he gently tilted your face side to side. He took notice of your swollen bottom lip that had been bitten raw, one spot slightly bleeding where you had bitten to far. Your puffy eyes were still red and dried tears stained your cheeks. You looked like a disheveled mess, and under his intense stare you were suddenly very aware of that fact. Scrambling to smooth out your hair and swipe the remaining evidence of your tears, you did the best you could to make yourself look more presentable.
Michael silently watched you as you fussed over your appearance. He wasn’t sure why considering he was covered in dirt and sweat. Luckily, you hadn’t seemed to notice the blood on his coveralls that was soaking into your clothes yet. But as you regained your composure, he knew it would only be a matter of time before you finally realized and began to panic once more.
He did the only thing he could think to do to keep you from noticing. He kissed you.
Usually Michael kissed you like he was trying to devour you. But this time his lips gently pressed against yours, offering comfort rather than conveying dominance. When you finally pulled away, you looked like you were about to start crying again.
Your arms wrapped around his neck, tightly embracing him. “I thought that I lost you. I thought..I thought that this time, you wouldn’t come back to me.” This time when you pulled away you were the one looking over him, making sure that he wasn’t harmed or seriously injured. That’s also when you finally noticed the blood that had now soaked into both of your clothes. With wide eyes you gasped, “Are you hurt? You should have told me!”
He shook his head, rubbing your back soothingly. Picking you up he carried you to the bathroom and you both stripped out of the soiled clothing. Michael got in the shower, knowing you would never let him dirty up the clean sheets even if you had just had a panic attack, and managed to coax you in with him.
Once the two of you were cleaned up and dressed in clean clothes you climbed into bed. You were so used to Michael staying on his side of the bed that it surprised you when he wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you firmly against his warm chest. It wasn’t like you were going to complain though, relishing in the warmth and comfort he provided. The warmth he provided and the smell of him drowned out everything else. Add in the intense crying session you just had and it was no wonder you drifted off so quickly. Before sleep finally pulled you under though you heard the softly spoken words from the man that had wrapped himself around you.
“I’ll always come back to you.”
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Just curious, how many shower thought (response) blogs are there? I just dived into this side of tumblr (not gonna make any posts its fun to read though) and I'm already losing my mind
Well there is
The. Literal. Sun.
S p a c e
The void. It shall consume ALL.
A typewriter incase anyone wants to write their will before they die
Also some ink, not related to the typewriter
Also some words, I wonder who'll use them
A hat with no maker and a maker with no hat
The pen is mightier than the sword. It just so happens that this one is evil. Luckily I can summon multiple
Anyone order some coffee?
Ooo, an author
The literal embodiment if of fanart
A fork, nom noms
B҉ r҉ o҉ k҉ e҉ n҉ 
Soap(for hair)
Bath mat
One (1) bath boi
Some M͓̽o͓̽l͓̽d͓̽ (anybody got some strong disinfectant?)
Nvm, the mold has already caused a plague (gettit?) (although user misspelled it)
Nevermind, there's already a parasite here
Some curtains
A denim jacket
✨ Magic ✨
*Tree poses to assert dominance*
(obviously me)
I think popeye dropped a tin of spinch and it became sentient?
Hummus. dip tost?
Criss Cross applesauce
Wibbly wobbly Wibbly wobbly jellyo
Mmmm océan s o u p
Some poison, a great addition for my soup
Smol bean
Shower magpie who I haven't seen in a while
Bird (brain)
Frog(×2:Electric Boogaloo)
An axolotl!
*looks at smudged writing on hand. Squints. * a raccoon
Stinky bastard man (I just had to put the two next to each other)
Becometh crab 🦀 (x2: Electric Boogaloo)
Edgy Nya~
Tripod of dog
Nina i found one of your neurons (if you understand this reference, good job you)
A rotted brain, keep it away before it infects us all, I only have 2 braincells left
Did... Did someone drop their spinal cord?
The almighty binch
The titanic
Water based introspection
Existential crisis
Also a pacifier (get it because they're also called dummies and their name is dummy)
A foolish thought to say a sorry sight join the shower community (as you can tell we did Shakespeare in English so many times i pretty much can recite everything lady macbeth said)
Anxious 🥺👉👈
Some edgy bastard
A person of culture I see (although obsessed with tweed for some reason)
1 Dapper boi
All smiles and sunshine
HAPPY! (why isn't there yellow 😔)
Affection (Derogatory) (I'm sorry I just felt like it)
Chaos and Order
Op is on drugs
All the F s
And F-general
Get out of the shower
Shower responses
The horny and the simp
Shower sins
Thower shoughts
I take quick showers
Shower thots
Last responder *countdown music*
You have shower thoughts?
Your shower thoughts are stupid
Wtf shower thoughts
Another shower responder
Just shower responses... responses
Response shower
NO SHOWER! only thought (×3)
Mmm, showery
Penny for your thoughts?
Hello darkness my old friend...
furry OwO
A Pigeon got in through the door, who left it open?
I'm feeling devious
You're looking glamorous, let's get mischievous, and polyamorous
Gay is stored in the ass
*opens door and walks through with you exaggeratedly* Fellas we got the whole LGBTQIA+ community right here
Hahaha gender go brrr
Someone who thinks it funny to clown around
Joker (derogatory)
Haha straight
Dead inside
Some supervillain idk
News. Literally a shower news style responses
I cannot believe that I forgot Her Greatest Majesty, the Queen. All Hail Royal
Isaac newton?
M megamind?
Some Phoenix Wright kinnie
What is a Dean Winchester and why does he have a tentacle fetish?
Well well well, if it ain't a homestuckian
Did someone kill/rob The Doctor or something, their TARDIS was left behind and its blocking my pretzels that I left in the shower
Mined crafts uwu
Well well well, if it ain't- *accidentally makes eye contact and is then killed by some unknown shadowy creature holding what seems to be some sort of cube of dirt*
Gen Z and ready to throw hands with OP
Not puki
Nom noms
Dip dap
B͓̽u͓̽n͓̽g͓̽e͓̽r͓̽ ..........
Someone broke their space bar or something
It's time to d-d-d-d-d-dshower
The magical deity of sleepovers
The muffin man genuinely left drury Lane for this
Moonlit nights on a winters day, stars glimmering gently
A child?
The fae. Just all of them. Every single one.
Crocus? (What on earth does that mean)
*sings* baba blacksheep have you any wool? Because if not you will be killed (this fits the tune perfectly. If not I have failed in everything)
The theatre itself is here... Somehow
REEEE- *epic geometry dash gameplay to DanTDM's old intro music*
Yardale, not to be mistaken for riverdale and differs to lawn ale or front porch ale or even meter ale
I'll finish this list later
It's gonna be a long one folks
I'm including a ones that haven't spoken since ages ago because
Boy howdy there's new ones tell me who I'm missing now
Please stop thank you very much this is too many i keep having to add to this any new responder must kill a responder to continue the purge shall claim y'all as I will win i recently started watching Danganronpa
Seriously though everyone after mirror must have a battle royale it's too much i doubt all of you will even last longer than today also happy birthday me -dated:28th- do you even realise what sort of commitment you've made to sell pieces of your soul for entertainment and ability to make such epic retorts each and every post?! I sacrifice many souls DAILY to be throwing such bangers into this stuff y'know?
We have a tap guys we can finally wash our hands of all the blood of our enemies
Seriously though who left the door open I don't want a Pigeon pecking at me (the mishapocalypse got them lol)
So many responders so little time before the end of the world
If I'm missing someone please tell me very thank
There are not enough colours for me to assign a different one to each person 😔 also, wtf is on there twice on purpose
WorldHealthOrganisation IS MISSING (note: you may have a joke in place of name or under a category of names)
So there's lore without me?
ALL HAIL THE LIGHT *moth noises*
Okay now there's alternate timeline versions of responders for the benefit of myself they ain't going on the list bud
There is an incorrect role play blog quotes blog and I am crying. Not of laughter. Just wiuwhdhsjhshjxjabjsjdhdjsj
If any new people join I will go back to causing shower wars for the sake of killing you all I'm done I have snapped my laptop is updating 3 times in a row
I will commit crimes.
Does being a shower responder or role-playing seem encouraging to people to join this "community"? Because I'm pretty sure it's the latter
659 notes · View notes
bereft-of-frogs · 3 years
I always find it odd how broadly speaking, MCU things do well with gen audiences, like Loki got the highest critical scores out of the three MCU shows so far but then for each project there seems to be some really passionate hate too from certain internet corners. Like, I heard someone say Black Widow was awful and I'm like... really?... awful?
Presuming this ask is from me talking last night about I wish the Loki series was the worst show I’ve ever seen, because god I’ve watched some bad shows - Black Widow certainly had its flaws and I wouldn’t count it in the top of the MCU by any means, but again, good god I wish it were the worst movie I’d seen this year alone.
I think the reason general audiences rate these things higher is contextual. Most general audiences go in knowing roughly what they’re going to get out of a high budget tentpole film. They’re going in expected to be entertained and not expecting to have to really think so much so they’re largely satisfied because their expectations have generally been met. Good rating. Boom. Done. And then they don’t think about it until they’re looking for the next thing to do on date night.
The two groups of people who hate these films loudly, consistently, vocally tend to be: the people who think Marvel is ruining all of film and culture and is a moral blight on the world because people aren’t watching Citizen Kane anymore or something. That was a pretty extreme generalization of their viewpoint, I’m sorry haha, and they do have half a point - Disney is fast reaching a terrifying monopoly status in the industry, and their distribution model is really hurting smaller cinemas, and it’s hard to get started as a filmmaker nowadays, just to name a few problems with how dominant they’ve become. But also no, you, individual moviegoer who just wants to watch some pretty people fight each other with good special effects, are not responsible for the death of all culture, and also these people are around for every mass popular phenomenon and surely will be to the end of time.
The second group is the diehard fans who are constantly analyzing and building up expectations, sometimes for years, and are disappointed when those expectations aren’t met, even if otherwise the thing is well constructed. These are people with a personal investment and possibly some...unrealistic ideas about what Marvel Studios is actually able to do, and also have sort of lost sight of what general audiences would want, so they’re crushed when the narratives they’ve built up over time aren’t actually done. I mean, I think sometimes that they’ve even lost sight of what other diehard fans would want, and assume that their singular vision is of universal appeal. I just remember a lot of the most dominate ‘the Loki series better do [this]’ stuff had me going ‘oof I kinda hope it doesn’t...’
But yeah, I think the hate comes from passion and...building up unrealistic expectations and losing sight of how and why these movies appeal to other fans or general audiences.
And I can certainly sympathize, because that was definitely Endgame for me. I think the difference is I can recognize that Endgame was a fairly well produced film, even if I was personally really disappointed by the tone and plot decisions, and I got why people liked it. I think we should really make more room for people to be like 'personally, it was really bad for me, but I also understand how others can like it'. I also often cite Kingsman: The Secret Service as a movie that I personally hated. I really hated it. I had a huge problem with it (and similar to Endgame was also going through some personal stuff that may have colored my experience) but I can still recognize why people enjoyed it and it was a ‘good’ movie.
I also think a lot of the really extremely online fandom types that get this upset over Marvel movies/series...don’t watch a lot of TV. And that’s not me just making stuff up, people talk about that! There are so many posts nowadays where people specifically talk about not being able to get into any new things, or only caring about Loki, or only reading fanfiction. And like, do whatever, I don’t care, but I do watch a lot of television. I make time and space to watch a good deal of television, and I feel like people who are watching more have more of a grasp on the highs and lows, shall we say. Aka, there’s a lot of shit to filter through and when you watch a greater breadth of TV (or film...I’m more in a TV phase right now, but same for film) I think it’s easier to recognize quality and be able to sort things into ‘objectively good’ ‘objectively bad’ categories. (And the related ‘good but I didn’t like it for personal reasons’ ‘bad but I did like it for personal reasons’ subcategories.)
And I will say, I can also sympathize with feeling really confused when you really don’t like something and then it gets a bunch of positive reviews. The true worst TV series I watched this year, Amazon’s Dark/Web, has a good blurb from Den of Geek and a few Emmy nominations (though I’m assuming they were technical...I have to assume they’re technical lol). My so-far least favorite film, Pieces of a Woman, has a 7.1 on IMDB and got good reviews. And it does kind of suck when you’re like ‘hey what the fuck, how is everyone not seeing how bad this is?’ but...I think that’s only solved by watching a lot of TV/movies and getting a sense for your own tastes and different levels of quality, and our society opening up more space for people to feel comfortable saying things like ‘I really didn’t like it, but I can see that it’s well-made and I’m glad you enjoyed it!’ or vice versa. (Which, given how we can barely get people to stop looking for moral reasons to hate something when they just don’t vibe with it...I don’t have a lot of hope lol.)
Disclaimer: not everyone, etc etc, and obviously I’m not talking about the people who say things like ‘eh it wasn’t for me’. That’s a perfectly natural response! It’s okay to not like things, obviously. What I’m specifically referring to is the people who say whatever new Marvel thing it’s the worst show/movie they’ve ever seen, which thus far seems to be no more than a handful, but their posts occasionally make it to my dash and I do think of them every time I’m watching an objectively terrible TV show like ‘god I wish that were me’ XD
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xuxishortcake · 3 years
Tumblr media
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 : you are an undercover agent, still fairly new at the job & on the search for two notorious con men, who might be part of a gang in the mafia. it's your job to figure out what's going on but oh my, are they more dashing than expected.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 | 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐬 : switch!reader sub!jungkook dom!taehyung smut , cursing, forced into s*x , cream pie , fingering , blowjob , double penetration
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 : 3k
hello everyone! this officialy my second fanfic I've written, so pardon if there are any mistakes, grammar errors, etc. feedback is appreciated greatly! hope u love the fic!! ^_^
✧༺🍷༻∞  ∞༺♥༻✧
you wore a black suit that was nicely tailored to your body. you were driving around in San Francisco because you were assigned to work there for the day. all you knew so far was that you were after two con men who might've been involved in serious Mafia activity. you kept your ears on alert, waiting for more information from your agency. finally, you got an incoming call on your watch.
"hey y/n, it's seulgi. so I've found the house you need to go into, it's in the Presidio Hights neighborhood. I'll send you the full address. " *ding* came in the address & seulgi continued on. "the two men are Korean with the names Jeon Jeongguk & Kim Taeyhung. remember, be careful, we have no idea what these two are capable of, there's evidence pointing to them being in the Seo-bang Faction group."
"don't worry," your replied. " I might be one of the newer agents, but I've been taught well. "
"ok. we're counting on you. we have backup, but it'll take about 10minutes to get to the mansion since we don't want them to discover us. "
"gotcha. I'll call once I'm done." & you hung up the phone.
you pulled out the message with the address, put on your navigation system & started driving towards your destination.
thirty minutes later, you arrived & parked nearby the grand mansion you were to go inside of. you scouted far away with a special type of glasses to find an entry way. there was easy to open windows on the second story & you made your way to the mansion. going through the window, you stepped onto the plush, maroon colored carpet. finally inside, you walked as quietly as you could, your shoes were designed anyways to be as quiet as possible but it was better to be safe than sorry. it was surprisingly quite minimalistic with decor, the decor itself though being very ornate. you looked down the interior balcony. a grand set of marble stairs led up to the second floor & third floor. you started walking up to the third floor, there were some pretty expensive looking paintings leading up. finally reaching to the top, you walked down the long corridor. checking in each room if there were any signs of life. no luck. where in the hell were they? could it have been possible they knew somehow someone was coming & left? the final room you were about to check was the biggest, the master bedroom. the first thing you took notice of was the huge espresso colored canopy bed with a velvety crimson bed spread. there were also a few shelves with gold items & books on them. you looked through them all, to see if there was anything hidden but there was nothing. you checked in the huge bathroom, nothing. just a beautiful & large bathtub & joint sink. puzzled, you sat on top of the bed. you hadn't a clue what to do next. there weren't any new messages from the agency, so the two must've been in the house somewhere. you started to feel a sudden wave of drowsiness wash over you. was it because of the jet lag? no, this isn't normal. it was probably sleeping gas. you were now barely able to keep your eyes open & saw two figures walk into the room. {shit.} you thought, & blacked out.
what seemed to be hours later, you slowly started to regain consciousness. you were calling out to your watch to call your agency & nothing happened. you now realized you were tied to a chair & stripped of gadgets, weaponry & even your own clothes. you started to turn your chair around the room to find if there was anyone around. in came from the corridor & into the bedroom the two men you were supposed to find. they both were nicely tailored, as to be expected but the thing that had caught you off guard was their visuals. the two seemed to be in their twenties & were very, very good looking. they sat down onto a sofa that was across from you, both staring intently into your eyes.
"well," said the one with particularly long eyelashes "are you going to start talking or no? "
"yeah, we're not waiting all day for an answer. " vocalized the other, looking you up & down.
you felt absolutely mortified. not only were these men goddamn gorgeous, but you were only in the pair of black lace underwear that was concealed underneath your suit, which was now in a bundle in the corner of the room.
"I was sent here to investigate the two of you."
"by whomst?" asked the one with the long eyelashes.
you stayed silent. if these men were really part of the Seo-bang Faction group you could never let them know where you worked at, for your whole agency could be in grave danger.
"still not trying to talk hm? bring out the gun, jeongguk."
your eyes widened, trying to maintain a calm face. jeongguk went out of the bedroom. a few seconds later, he came back in with an old fashioned looking pistol, handing it over to taehyung. taehyung cocked the gun.
"now tell me, with WHOM are you working for? " he spoke watching intently.
"I'm not going to tell unless you tell me about yourself first." you retaliated.
"oh well, suit yourself." he pointed the gun & pulled the trigger.
your eyes we're closed shut & you were sweating bullets until you realized that you were still alive.
taehyung was chuckling. "oh my, you should've seen your face then, it was priceless i tell you, priceless."
"are you going to kill me?" you asked, clearly shaken.
"oh trust me, he could have" jeongguk interjected "we already knew someone was coming here, we just wanted to have some fun. there are no bullets in that so there wasn't any way to kill you with it. "
"aren't you concerned I'm trying to report about you two? your members of that gang no? "
"haha, no. I can assure you we are just simple, cunning assholes, who like to do frauds, maybe a few scams here & there, but we're not involved in some huge Mafia group."
"do you expect me to believe you?"
"yes, I guess. after all, what else can you do now that you're stuck here?"
"so...what do you want from me then?" you asked.
"like I told you, fun."
"what do you mean exactly? "
"to put it simple, a real fun, hot fuck. we haven't had one of those in a while. sure, you can get a prostitute & we have no problems getting any person that we want, but this, this is much more interesting. " jeongguk said smirking, crossing his arms.
"if you do it, we'll let you go. "taehyung added, fidgeting with the rings on his fingers.
what the hell were you supposed to do in a situation like this? sure, you had been in difficult situations before, but not like this. this....what were you supposed to tell your agency? you were forced into sleeping with two men who were possibly in the mafia? there had to be another way out of it...
"listen, unless you have super powers & can magically weasel yourself out of very tight rope, there's no other way for you to get out of this. " taehyung said almost as if he could read your mind. "so is it a yes?"
you gave a slow nod.
"hmmm, ok great. well, not that you had much of a choice anyway but I promise you won't regret it. " taehyung stated confidently. "jeongguk, untie her."
& he untied you. rubbing your sore wrists, you looked up at the man who untied you. god, he really was good looking.
"so, what now?" you asked slowly standing up.
"we need to know three things." said jeongguk. "one, are you dominant or a sub, or both? two, what is your safe word? I know technically what we are doing isn't legal, but it's no fun if you're uncomfortable and lastly, three. can you take two cocks at once? "
"I'm a switch, & hell, I bet I could take two. for a safe word...." you looked around "gold."
"ok cool, let's get started then." jeongguk said while pushing you onto the bed.
taehyung stood up from the couch & walked over. the two now standing over your smaller frame, like two foxes staring at their prey hungrily.
"you suck on him." said taehyung pointing at jeongguk. "I'll take care of you."
jeongguk started to unfasten his belt & you, still on the bed turned so you were horizontal,in a dog position. only pants down, you palmed him through his boxers. you finally pulled them down & revealed his half hard on. he was in your hand & you gave a few quick strokes & took him in vigorously. he let out a low groan, you could feel him already growing in your mouth & started to move while you were sucking. he put his hand on your head, keeping you at a steady pace. meanwhile, taehyung was behind you, on the other side of the bed, palming your ass. the feeling of the cold rings on his fingers squeezing your flesh made you gasp. he traced his fingers over to your underwear & pulled them to the side. he ghosted over your slit, collecting some of your wetness onto his fingers. gently, he prodded a finger up your pussy. slowly moving it, in & out & added another one. you moaned, vibrating against jeongguk's cock.
"oh shit, do that again." he said head thrown back a bit, holding onto your head tighter.
taehyung inserted another finger; now three fingers were knuckle deep into you. you could hear how wet you were by the way your pussy was squelching. you had muffled moans for jeongguk kept your mouth full. you had difficulty not crumbling under taehyungs touch, his hands working like magic. he pulled out of you & you whined, desperately clenching around nothing.
"pull out." taehyung said to jungkook while licking off his fingers. jungkook nodded. "y/n was it? go put that brat in his place & do not let him touch you. "
taehyung walked over to a piece of furniture, rummaged around a drawer & came back with a blindfold & handcuffs.
"put these on him." taehyung said as he handed you them.
"aw shit really?? why can't I see?" jeongguk whined, giving a little pout & took off his top.
"because you were having a little too much fun over there. plus, you like being a sub anyways."
jeongguk & you went towards the headboard. you snapped on the handcuffs & tied the blind fold on jeongguk "don't worry," you whispered to him, starting to pull off your panties & bra. "I'll take care of you real good." & it sent shivers down his spine.
you positioned him to your entrance & sank down on him. you both moaned in unison , the stretch feeling incredible. his hips had already starting to move; you bounced up & down on him, hips sometimes twirling. you gave attention to his neck & started to lick & give damp kisses.
taehyung felt his hard on press tightly against his pants & started to undress. he went back to the same drawer from before & he brought out a bottle of lube & got onto the bed. he poured a considerable amount of lube onto his fingers & sat behind you. he took to your neck & started leaving kisses & bites on it, causing you to softly moan.
"do you need to be warmed up? or do you think you can handle me now?" he asked against you, stroking his cock in anticipation.
"I mmm think I can take you." you said, moving yourself a little so you were in an angle that he could get inside of you.
"can I have the blindfold off please? I really want to see this." jeongguk said, hips grinding up into yours.
"ok, take it off of him y /n." & you went & did as he said.
taehyung didn't waste any time, he moved his cock over your unoccupied hole,teasing you for a bit, & finally slid in. you moaned out loud, tears starting to form in your eyes. taehyung felt girthier whereas jeongguk was longer, you felt so full & it was wonderful.
"fuck." taehyung groaned against your ear "you're so damn tight." & started to thrust.
you & jeongguk didn't move as much anymore because you both could feel him thrusting into you. taehyung thought he'd take it up a notch & slapped your ass. you moaned out, surprised & had tightened around jeongguk.
"oh my god, I'm gonna cum." he cried out, thighs starting to shake a little.
"I only want you to come when she does. " taehyung said as he thrusted deeper & deeper into you, slapping your ass harder, winning another lovely moan out from you.
taehyung bent over you now & cupped one hand around your tit & the other snaked down to your clit. between the deep penetration in your pussy, the thrusting in your ass, one of taes hands playing with your nipple & the other rubbing circles on your clit, you felt your climax approaching you.
"oh fuck- I'm about to cum." you moaned out, barely able to stay in position, feeling as if you were about to break.
"go then. you can go now too jeongguk." taehyung said, his own thrusts starting to get sloppier.
you clenched around the both of them, moaning out. jeongguk moaned out right after you, finally releasing, shaking beneath you. which triggered a somewhat chain reaction & made taehyung release right after, filling you up to the brim with cum. the three of you rode it all out together. cum was dripping out your pussy & ass, glistening on both of their cocks. you all were panting on top of each other, taehyung pulled out & went to grab some tissues in the drawer of a night stand. you pulled yourself off of jungkook & unchained his hands from the bed. you flopped in the middle of the bed, chest heaving with probably the most fucked out looking face ever. taehyung cleaned the two of you off & then himself, then slid right next to you, eyes starting to close. 
you had no idea how long you slept for, but you could see that it was still light out. then you remembered you were supposed to let seulgi know if the two were suspicious. "shit!" you exclaimed & hurried out of the bed. you picked up your watch from the corner of the room & frantically searched her number to call her. she picked up.
"hello? y/n are you ok?" seulgi asked with concern. "you were off the radar for hours, we were about to send some people over because we weren't get any responses from you."
"oh, no no I'm fine! I think maybe I went offline since I didn't see any incoming messages until now. " you said as you tried to make up something.
"hmmm, that's odd. did you find out anything? "
"sadly no, there's no evidence of their involvement it seems like."
"well then, I'd suggest you leave. we have another place for you to check out. tell me once you're on the road."
"ok." you replied. "I'll talk to you later on." & you hung up.
you went back to the bed & realized taehyung was gone & jeongguk was awake. "you're leaving already?" he asked, with a tinge of disappointment in his voice. he then reached his into the drawer of the nightstand & pulled out a pack of cigarettes.
"yeah. I need to continue working or they'll think something is suspicious. " you said sliding into your pants.
"awe, that sucks. do you want one by the way?" he asked, lighting a cigarette.
"no thanks, I don't really smoke." you said, collecting all your stuff & putting it onto the bed.
"well, do you want some red wine maybe?"
you paused. "sure." & sat down next to him, taking the glass of wine he had on top of the nightstand.
"by the way, you were amazing. I don't think I've had that much fun in a good while. " he looked at you with his pretty round eyes, releasing a bit of smoke out of his mouth.
"thank you. I don't think I've ever had that much fun before, ever." you replied taking a sip of the wine. "especially with someone rumored to be in the mafia."
"yeah, pretty crazy isn't it? I don't think you expected any of this at all." he smiled. "we need to do this again, if you're up to it."
"I think I would be." giving him a little smirk. "it's not everyday you find two incredibly hot guys willing to be fuck buddies. I might have to fly back to San Francisco just to fuck. "
you heard footsteps approaching the room & finally saw taehyung, standing in the door way in a cream colored robe with a glass of red wine in his hand.
"so, you're finally awake." he said coming into the room. "how was it?"
"I liked it very much. I just told jeongguk I'll fly back to San Francisco just to fuck you guys." you giggled.
taehyung laughed, getting into the bed with you two. " I hope that is true because I'd love to do this again sometime. " wrapping an arm around you.
"definitely. I have to go now though." you said disappointedly. "I'm expected to continue working."
"hmmm, that's a shame." taehyung said sipping his wine. " I need to give you me & jeongguk's number."
"sure." you two exchanged numbers. "well, I've got to go sadly; wish I could stay longer. today was very enjoyable." you said, buttoning up your blazer.
before you walked out, jeongguk called to you "I hope you can come back! " he said, him & taehyung smirking. you smirked back, waved at them & left.
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jafndaegur · 3 years
Happy Monday!!! And Happy start to your week!! I hope it’s going well so far?? It’s time for your fluffy ask of the week?? Out of you and Jumin whose the more protective of the other?? ♥️
Hey Lea^^ happy Monday 💕 sorry I haven't answered last week's yet, I just moved and now I have my own place *w*
So the short answer is I think I'm probably more visibly protective of Jumin (but he probably has more influence when protecting me). Not a lot of people know but I can be very aggressive and physical when it comes to my loved ones😅 I have gotten into fights for them sooooo I have a fun drabble that I thought of for this prompt!
TW: brief strong language
"Three hours," Jumin promises and pats my arm as we make it through the foyer attached to the ballroom. "Three hours and then we may return home. This is only a courtesy appearance. Once I'm done greeting the hosts and VIPs, we'll be free for the night."
"Don't worry about me, Juju," I chirp with a weak smile. "It's a free open bar tonight."
He snorts softly. "Of course you looked into that."
"Expect nothing else from me," I giggle.
A gentle smile eases on his face and he gives a slow stroke to my cheek after he glances me over with an appraising look. "You look rather dashing tonight, my dear. I fear you've stolen the breath from my chest."
I shake my head and give him a quick kiss to the cheek. Recently I had started wearing more and more suits, not because I disliked dresses or skirts but because I felt more comfortable in a suit. There's a sensation of power and dominance that came with a pair of slacks and matching jacket-vest set. And that made me more comfortable in my own skin. This would be my first debut at a gala in a suit though. And as nervous as I was, the small triumphant knowledge that Jumin had picked out my three-piece set to match his made me feel as I could conquer this party. Even if it was for a tedious three hours.
"Well, my very loving husband picked this outfit out for me," I grin.
"His taste is impeccable," Jumin pokes back before straightening out his cuff links and then mine. Of course those are matching too.
"Into the fray?" I ask, teetering back on my heels for a moment.
"I'm afraid so," he feigns fear. "Put on your best battle mask, Jaf."
I laugh before following him arm-and-arm into the ballroom.
There's twangy swing being played by a live music group, and the lighting is warm and ambient. Our presence is immediately picked up and announced to the hosts. I give a quick and polite greeting while Jumin dons a placid and neutral business expression. Once it has been hinted that I may leave, I excuse myself from his world.
Making a beeline for the bar, I fully intend to make use of the free liquid courage before going off to socialize. While I'd prefer to avoid conversing with people like the plague, I know it's good for Jumin's image—or ours—if I pretend to take some interest as well. And I want what's best for us, so I'll brave the Janis-faced and sweet snakes for a bit if it'll be good PR.
The bar tender takes my order quickly, a whiskey on the rocks, and passes my drink over.
I take my time to enjoy the woody notes and the fragrant musk of the liquor.
"Did you see what Director Han walked in with?" A voice whispered from beside me at the bar, it sounded as though we were sitting back to back.
I lifted a brow, my cheeks flushing hot. Talking about someone at a party? Classy.
A second voice chimed in. "Tch. That woman's infuriating."
"The fact that he's tied himself to her is absolutely idiotic." The first voice nearly growls, nails tapping along the wood of the bar.
Well thank you, I allow a small smirk over the rim of my glass before ordering a double.
They move on from the subject, momentarily, which gives me more time to enjoy my drink. Regrettably the respite doesn't last long as the two decided Jumin and I were optimum gossip. They continue.
"It certainly does nothing for him." The second agrees. "I'd go as far as to say he's less desirable now—as any sort of partner."
Now wait just one minute. I grip my glass tight.
"He needs someone elegant and pristine, like him. Someone who can sweep through a room with ease," the first complained in exasperation. "Instead what did he get? A masculine broad trying to walk side by side with him. His choice isn't just disrespectful to the people around him but to his family as well."
"Has he no respect for himsel—"
"I wonder if you two have any self-respect, gabbing in the open like this." I push myself away from the bar, having had enough of their conversation.
There's sharp intakes of breath as the two women turn to look at me. They're both wearing typical and gaudy cocktail dresses, with overly done hair and make-up to boot. Their expressions are mixed between incredulous and outraged.
"How rude!" The first snaps. "Eavesdropping on a private conversation, have you any manners?"
There's a swell of conflict that rushes my chest, a fight between my social anxiety and my sense to punch the daylights out of her plastic nose.
"Oh, only a few manners," I step closer. "But that's certainly more than you."
She garbles out an incoherent string of words while her friend butts-in.
"You!" The second squawks like a bird. "You're just going to keep soiling Director Han's public image aren't you?"
There's a snap in my head, like a wire being cut or a fuse being short-circuited. Before I know it, I grab her by the front of her dress and pull her forward. A growl tears past my throat.
"Now you listen here," my voice is low and furious, snarling through grit teeth. "My deeds have ruined only my own fucking appearance, kay? Nothing, not a goddamn thing, about Jumin has been ruined. My own flaws and problems are my own. Not his."
She stutters, taken aback. And her friend gawks with words dying on her tongue. Their silence morphs into squawky panic. I smirk.
A hand slides across the small of my back and I nearly stumble back as Jumin draws me against his side. I release the woman quickly, allowing myself to be herded to his warmth with only a half hearted protest.
"Darling, I see you've acquainted yourself with the Gim sisters. Their father owns the textile company C&R works closely with." He states very matter-of-factly.
"We were just introducing ourselves," I grumble, wondering why it sounds like I'm the one getting scolded.
The other two women seem equally enthused about our supposed introductions.
Jumin continued. "Yes well, since both sisters are here, it's a phenomenal opportunity to let you two know C&R will diverging from our partnership with Gim Textiles."
The woman again were rendered speechless, mouths open like fish gasping for water.
"After all, I would hate that such an undesirable partner like myself and my company be partnered with yours," he smiles sweetly and I feel myself practically preen with glee. "Consider this an extension of generosity and consideration."
Jumin guides us away from them with a call over his shoulder. "I do hope you two enjoy the party. Let your father know he'll hear from my secretary concerning the contract nullification process."
I giggle, trying to hide the laughs behind my hand. "Oh my God, Jumin!"
"Hush," his lips quirk up even as he tries to maintain his cool exterior.
"You're just as bad as me!" I squeak in delight.
He lifts a brow. "I overheard the last bits of the conversation. I could not abide them talking ill of you."
"They were talking shitty about you first," I grumble. "Me nearly throttling her doesn't really help disprove what she said about me."
He's quiet for a moment before he smiles genuinely. "I disagree. How heroic it was for you to come and defend me when I could not."
"Okay, now you're exaggerating," I laugh as we walk aimlessly through the party.
"Hardly." The timbre of his voice is tender and proud. "It was quite attractive, seeing you so...passionate."
"I think the word you're looking for is agressive," I huff, before resting my head against his arm. "But I'm glad you liked it."
He gives my waist a light squeeze. I know we won't leave the party yet, we both have obligations to fill. But as far as anymore rude chatter about Jumin's choice of partner, that was left well enough alone. We'd both made our stances on the matter well known.
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thekatfuzz · 3 years
"Welcome Home, Sir"
TVA!Loki x Fem!Reader
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A/N: this fic is VERY naughty and is 18+!!! Read at your own risk. All characters are 18+ and both are in a consensual situation.
Loki had been working with (sometimes against, depending on the day) the Time Variance Authority for a couple of weeks now. It was the first time your husband Loki, the God King, had a job--if you could call it that. Yes, it was work trying to keep all the timelines in order, arresting people who alter them (as Loki once was, on the other side) attending meetings, hearings, etc, etc...
It took a toll on you, too. You weren't used to him being away this much. It was especially worse when you were lonesome and longing for him-his touch, his body, his dominance. The relationship you two had was respectable (and consentual) and kinky, to say the least. Some days you just couldn't help yourself. You had to have some release. Your Master, as you called him, wouldn't mind if you touched yourself while he was away, right?
You looked down at your phone. A message from Loki lit the screen. Was it a good or torturous thing that came from teaching Loki how to use a cell phone?
You read the message from Loki:
"Long day. You know what I need, don't you, darling? Be ready when I come home."
You didnt even blink an eye as your heart rushed with excitement and your body with arousal of what was to come. You dashed into the bedroom and got ready. The white lingerie set he bought you, a matching collar and chain leash and a cat ear headband.
You laid on your back on your shared bed and thought about him. Everything about him... and how he takes you. You began to touch your sweet spot until you were wet and ready for his return...
Later that evening, you heard footsteps as Loki came into the doorway. He made his way to the bedroom, and you crawled to the edge of the bed, kneeling.
"Well now," he grinned mischievously As he entered the doorway. "It looks like you did well to follow my instructions?" You took in his stature: flowing black hair a little ruffled in his TVA uniform: a crisp white button-down with a thin black tie, khaki pants, a tawny coat with an orange TVA logo on the left breast, and even a belt with the logo at the buckle. He could wear the ugliest outfit known to man and still look hot.
You could tell he was tired and happy to be home, to see you. As if the bulge in his pants wasnt proof enough.
He got closer to you, still fully clothed, and ran his hands down your bare arms as he kissed your forehead.
"Welcome home, sir." You purred softly.
Loki smiled and gently lifted your chin with his fingers.
"Thank you, my darling. What a wonderful sight." He began to caress your cheek, sending shivers down your whole body.
"Busy day?" You asked.
Loki hummed. "It was. But I'm glad to be here now with you."
Loki began to kiss you softly, rubbing your shoulders and upper arms. His hands moved down and cupped your ass, possessing it. His lips felt warm and soft, comfortable and safe. You began to feel heat growing inside your core.
Loki pulled away from the kiss making you pout. He chuckled as he walked over to a nearby chair and sat down, legs spread wide. You got off the bed, and crawled towards him. This wasnt your first time doing this with him. And he knew that if you didnt want it, you'd tell him, of course. And he'd listen.
But you did want it. You wanted him. You crawled over to him, kneeling before him. He took the leash in his hand as gently as he had caressed you, and looked down at you. "My beautiful little pet." He praised, petting your head. "So good to your Master."
He nodded and you began unbuckling his belt and working on unzipping the fly. He stopped you there with a firm tug of the leash. He waved his hand and your hands were magically bound behind your back.
"Sorry kitten, but you know how I like it. No hands." He said.
He took out his erect cock, and guided it towards you. "Show me how much you've missed me, pet. Pleasure your master."
Without a second thought you began to take him into your mouth, sucking on the tip and earning a satisfied groan from him. It was a little hard for you to keep balanced, but you managed. You were enjoying this as much as he was.
You began to take more of his length as Loki sighed. "Good girl. Such a pretty mouth..." his praise sent waves of arousal down to your thighs. You hollowed out your cheeks and took him deeper.
"Ah...yes. That's it...keep sucking. Good girl."
You kept sucking him at a steady pace as he held your leash in one hand and supported the back of your head with the other. You took notice of the only sounds in the room being his growl-like moaning and the wet sucking noises you were creating. He sighed and moaned deeply from his chest as he played with your hair. You loved the way he praised you, and the way you made him feel. And so did he. You got as much pleasure servicing him as he did from you giving your mouth to him.
You began to quicken your pace and you felt Loki tug on your leash, pulling you closer and gently forcing you to take him deeper. You held there for a moment as he moaned and took a fistful of your hair, and then you pulled back to take a breath.
You didnt even realise how you looked until Loki chuckled and leaned forward a bit so his face was close to yours. He still held the leash, and with his other hand he smirked at you and ran his thumb over your bottom lip, taking some of your saliva with it.
"Mmm." He hummed. "Such a good little pet. And just for me." He leaned down to kiss you, pulling the leash behind him to pull you in closer, arching your back a little.
He broke the kiss and stroked your cheek.
"Doing alright, my dear?"
You smiled. A little tired, but ok. "Yes, sir."
"Good." He smirked with a mischievous grin and got up, and helped you up.
He was still clothed in his white shirt and tie; cock springing out from the flap in his khakis. He pulled your body close and began to rub up your hips, kissing your neck.
"Tell me, kitten..." he started, his touch barely a ghost on your skin. You felt his hardness press against your exposed skin.
"Did you miss me today? Did you touch your sweet cunt thinking of me...? Your esteemed Time Variance Authority agent?" He began to fondle your ass in his large hands.
"Y..yes Loki."
He gave you a slight slap on the ass and looked at you sternly.
"Yes what?"
"Yes, sir."
He grinned and kissed your forehead. "That's my good girl."
You looked up at him, trying to put on your poutiest face. "Are you going to punish me for touching myself, sir?"
He thought about it for a moment as he led you to the bed, his hand possessively on your lower back.
"That depends. Did you cum without my permission?"
You hummed as he sat down on the bed. You straddled his hips, bare pussy rubbing against his cock ever so lightly. You saw his jaw clench and his eyes close tightly. He held you there as you wrapped your legs around his waist. You put your arms around his neck and pressed your forehead to his.
"No, sir." You purred, finally answering his question.
He smiled. "Thats my girl. So obedient..." He kissed you deeply again. "But..." he began.
He suddenly snapped his fingers and your arms were once again bound behind your back. He looked at you, green eyes clouded with lust.
"Don't get too comfortable being a little tease. Remember princess, you're mine. I'm in control."
He wrapped his hands around your arms and began to push you down onto his hardened cock as you let out a moan, feeling his thickness stretching you.
"Do you understand?"
He began to push and pull in and out of you, using you to his satisfaction.
"Mmh...yes, sir."
"Good girl." He praised. He kissed your neck more as he began to thrust harder up and into you.
"Such a sweet, tight cunt for your master. So nice to come back to after a long day..."
You mewled as you nuzzled your head into his shoulder, feeling your cheeks began to heat up a little.
"If only the rest of the agents and Chronomonitors could see us now.... seeing me take whats mine. How beautiful you are like this."
He began to quicken his pace, earning louder moans from you.
"Ohh...oh Loki... master..."
He laughed lightly. He must have known you were close, because he slowed down on purpose, and began to use a free hand to rub your clit.
"Are you enjoying this, pet? Do you enjoy what I do to you?"
"Aah!! Y..yes sir. I'm your little slut. Ahh....thank you my king."
You felt him twitch inside of you. Ooh, he liked that. And oh fuck. So did you.
"Yes you are." He said darkly. The next thing you know, he had flipped you onto the bed so you were on your stomach, chest pushed into the mattress and your ass up. You heart a faint rustling as he began to rip off his tie and shirt, throwing his shirt to the wall and exposing his handsomely toned chest. He grabbed your hips and plunged himself inside you once again and you screamed.
"Yes, thats it..." he panted. "Take my cock, little one. That's it.... you're mine."
You moaned louder and so blissfully as he pounded into your wet cunt, the sound of slapping skin and slopping noises harmonising with both of your moans filling the room.
"F..fuck..." you moaned, barely able to think about anything but reaching your orgasm. "S..sir... please let me cum."
Loki loved it when you begged. When you begged for him.
Loki thrusted a few more times into you, and then you felt his hand go to your neck as he held you in place.
"Beg me for it."
"Please Loki, ugh please sir!! I..I've been a good girl for you... please let me cum on your cock.."
Loki grunted with satisfaction. "Good girl. Cum for me."
With that, you screamed as you began to tighten around him; feeling him rut and spill himself inside of you, filling you up and marking you as his just like he'd done many nights before.
He stayed inside a bit before pulling out gently; his cock leaning against his inner thigh. You rolled onto your side as he pulled you into his arms, kissing you.
"Are you alright, my dear?" He breathed, moving a strand of hair from your face.
"Oh yes." You said. "That was amazing as always."
"You're amazing." Loki smiled. You could see the affection and trust in his eyes as he looked at you.
"I did't hurt you, did I, kitten?"
"No, sir." You giggled. "It felt good. You always make me feel good." The last sentence came out as a yawn, receiving yet another chuckle from Loki.
"Good." He whispered. Seeing as you were getting tired, he used his magic to clean you off and to put some clothes on you. He pulled the covers up and over you. He kissed your head and got up, retrieving his shirt and putting it away.
"Yes my love?"
"You're not going to come sleep with me?"
Loki smiled and winked at you. "Of course I will. I always will"
He then changed himself out of his own work clothes and shut off the light, and came to snuggle against your body.
"I love you so much, my king."
"I love you more, my dear."
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lunapaper · 3 years
Album Review: 'Justice' - Justin Bieber
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So did Justin Bieber change direction? Will he do his latest album... justice?
Released a mere 13 months after the bland and tiresome Changes, the Canadian singer delivers yet another set of mawkish love ballads and Top 40-baiting pop to remind us all once again that he really, really, truly, madly, deeply loves his wife Hailey Baldwin and of his commitment to God.
On ‘Deserve You,’ he admits: ‘When I'm in my thoughts sometimes/It's hard to believe I'm the person you think I am/The person that you tell me you love.’ He’s even ‘off my face in love with you,’ replacing one vice for another as he finds himself stoned after one touch of Mrs Bieber. On the skittering, soaring ‘Ghost,’ he vows: ‘If I can't be close to you/I'll settle for the ghost of you.’
Bieber also pledges to die for her, to walk through fire ‘even if your kiss would kill me,’ on ‘Somebody,’ be the shoulder for her to cry on, and even calls he ‘the only good thing I’ve ever done’ on ‘Anyone’ as they dance under a sky full of diamonds.
‘Love You Different,’ however, leaves nothing to the imagination: ‘Under covers ain’t no rubbers/ On this planet I’ll treat you like a mother/ Let’s make babies.’
If it was just a couple of love songs dedicated to his wife, it’d be fine, but one after the other, at this level of co-dependency and self-loathing from a now 27-year-old Bieber, is just suffocating and kind of frightening. Then again, Homer did say complete and utter dependence is a ‘wonderous, marvellous thing’...
The breezy ‘Peaches,’ meanwhile (ft. Daniel Caesar and Giveon) is carefully tailored to be a potential Song of the Summer, this time praising Georgia-grown produce and California weed alongside his wife. It’s like a more grown-up version of that ‘you gotta keep your head up, oh-woah’ song, with just a dash of Maroon 5’s ‘Sunday Morning.’
Then there’s previous single ‘Holy’ (ft. fellow wife-lover, Chance the Rapper), a sweeping gospel pop ode sampling, of all things, Elvis’ ‘Can’t Help Falling in Love with You,’ that sees Bieber ‘runnin' to the altar like a track star.’ But this goofy eagerness for The Lord is outmatched by some even goofier lines from Chance, like this one: ‘Life is short with a temper like Joe Pesci.’ As both an Italian and a music lover, I just can’t abide. Then again, Chance really doesn’t like criticism, so that probably explains its first draft-like quality....
Look, I have no problem with religion or spirituality of any kind (Except for Hillsong, ‘cos fuck Hillsong, fuck Morrison and fuck prosperity gospel). I don’t even consider myself an atheist. It can help provide guidance and comfort in troubling times, as it’s done for Bieber. It’s also quite ironic that I post this review on Good Friday... But like a lot of born-again types, he must espouse his religious beliefs at every single turn, in the most preachy and insufferable way possible; there's just no in between.
Justice also sees Bieber attempt to restyle himself as some sort of humanitarian – by sampling the powerful words of Dr Martin Luther King Jr.
But rather than use them to speak out against racial injustice or police brutality, they’re merely used to prop up Bieber’s overwrought declarations of love on piano ballad ‘2 Much’ and on an interlude halfway through the album... which is immediately followed by ‘Die For You’ (ft. Dominic Fike), dedicated yet again to Hailey.
Although he admits that ‘I know that I cannot simply solve injustice by making music, but I do know that if we all do our part by using our gifts to serve this planet, and each other, that we are that much closer to being united,’ Bieber’s social conscience rings hollow, nothing but a gross, vapid, self-indulgent attempt to capture the cultural zeitgeist. It's corporate brand wokeness; the bare minimum when it typically comes to celebrity activism. Or maybe this is some weird way of atoning for the awfulness of ‘Yummy’ and trying to game the Spotify algorithm. That he didn’t anticipate such backlash in the first place is also pretty galling.
Even the album’s title is perplexing: What justice is Bieber fighting for, exactly? The right to bone Hailey Baldwin? The right to dedicate soppy ballads to her?
But, like Changes, there are a few diamonds in the rough.
The hazy, drum-powered atmospherics of ‘Deserve You’ could’ve easily sat alongside Purpose’s biggest hits, like a softer, slower take on Jason Derulo’s ‘Cheyenne.’ ‘Unstable’ (ft. The Kid LAROI) is sparse and ghostly with those ‘Another Day in Paradise’-like vibes.
‘Die For You’s intensity is matched by punchy 80s synths. ‘Somebody’ (produced by Skrillex) is also urgent and feverish, given some extra grit with some power pop riffs and murky percussion, while the glitchy ‘Love You Different’ (ft. BEAM) is as bold and vibrant as ‘Sorry,’ combining garage-inspired beats with dancehall swagger.
If Bieber had just stripped away all the cheesy ballads and stuck with the 80s synthpop, he probably could’ve turned Justice into his very own After Hours (not nearly as good, mind you, but still better than... this).
Justice is not nearly as profound as Justin Bieber thinks it is, his latest album once again let down by cheesy, uninspired lyrics and a lack of focus as he relies on a grab bag of styles: early MTV-style New Wave, tropical pop, RnB, pop rock. Although the acoustic ballads are, thankfully, kept to a minimum and the production is just as slick, with much stronger collaborators for the singer to bounce off (Then again, just about anyone is an improvement on fuckin’ Lil Dicky...)
Like Changes, it’s also about five or six tracks too long. Hell, there’s no less than four deluxe editions of Justice: The Target Exclusive, The Walmart Exclusive, The Alternate Version (featuring one extra track), and The Triple Chucks Deluxe. It’s so fuckin’ shameless, but what do you expect from the guy who released ‘Yummy’?
His quest for TikTok notoriety blew up in his face. His attempt to ‘continue the conversation of what justice looks like’ is hollow and plain tone-deaf. His syrupy, obsessive odes to his wife have more than grown thin at this point. If he doesn’t gain some self-awareness soon, then It’s hard to know just where Bieber goes from here...
- Bianca B.
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Trust - Yvette Short Story
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(a continuation of Empathy)
"The largest cell in the human body is the female egg while the smallest is the male sperm. Now, I..."
I sigh boredly, my ears automatically tuning out the professor's blabbering. I have decided to return back to medical school after the whole assassin versus demon thing. It was an interesting experience to go through and a definite wake-up call for me. Seeing Wrath and her troupe protecting people from demons reminded me of the reason why I had joined medical school; which is to save lives.
Oh please MC, the last push to go back is because of Yvette's interest in biology too.
Speaking of her, it has been more than two weeks since that fight between Wrath and her happened. Things eventually go back to the way they used to be; with no more demons to chase after me, no more powerful assassins to protect my weak ass; no more chaos. I should be happy that I don't have to live in fear anymore.
But somehow, that feeling just never comes.
Instead, I'm stuck with a longingness in my chest, for a certain green-haired girl that has probably forgotten about me. Her gorgeous features ingrained in my memory, there is never a time when her face doesn't pop up in my head.
I doubt Yvette's gonna bother you anymore after getting what she wants. You can go back to your normal life now. Wrath's previous words sink in my head, and I release another breath of defeat.
"You okay?" Serena, my classmate, asks. "You've sighed like fifty times today."
I sigh again. "I'm just...tired. The class is so dry."
"I know, but what do you expect from studying in a medical school?" Serena offers an apologetic smile. "Just hang on for a few more hours."
"Ugh, I can't wait to graduate."
"Feeling's mutual."
When the bell rings to signal the end of school, I mutter a quiet 'yes' before packing my stuff into my bag. Saying a quick 'bye' to Serena, I head back to my dorm.
Being in medical school means there's a need to understand rich content from a heap of thick textbooks, so I'm required to lock myself up in my room and revise daily. Tedious, but it will be worth it in the end.
As I inch closer to my dormitory, a dark trail of green catches my attention. Out of curiosity, I follow the path.
It leads me through a narrow and dimmed alley, taking me further and further away from the sunlit pavement. I take a right turn, stopping in my tracks when I reach a dead end. The strange trail discontinues too, with no other traces in sight.
I decide to examine the green goo, racking my brain for answers as to what has caused this. A faint memory resurfaces, causing the blood in my veins to run cold.
Could it be...?
My stomach churns sickly at the first thought that comes to my mind.
Demon's blood.
"But how?" I mumble to myself, so deep in consideration that I don't realise that I'm not alone anymore.
Heavy footsteps can be heard behind me, and I turn to be met with two strangers. They block the only pathway, leaving no available space to escape.
"Uh, can I help the both of you?" I ask, apparently talking to the walls since they refuse to reply.
A smile spread across their faces; too wide for me to feel comfortable in their presence.
They start to approach me.
"Stop right there!"
They do as I say, still wearing that abnormally large smile. Their eyelids begin to stretch out, revealing huge eyeballs that threaten to pop out. Thin, green veins emerge into sight, spreading far and wide on every inch of skin. Saliva dripping down their mouths, they let out a loud, aggressive growl.
Ah shit, here we go again.
I yell for help when one of them dashes towards me, shoving me hard. Tumbling backwards, my head hits the wall.
Pain penetrates my head like a bullet; darkness engulfs my vision.
I wake up to the feeling of a soft mattress underneath me. Lifting my hand to my forehead, I feel the material of gauze bandage.
Wha-what happened? Where am I?
"I told you to bring her here, not break her fucking head!" a female voice booms, the familiarity of it igniting every muscle in me.
It's her.
My body snaps up, the quick motion causing a spike of pain to pierce through my head. I gasp, my hand instinctively flying to the back of my head.
The mattress sinks as two warm, gloved hands hold my shoulders to guide me back to the bed. "You need to rest MC."
Obliging, my head rests on the soft pillow again. The tension between my brows leaves and I slowly open my eyes. Air leaves my lungs as my vision clears.
It's none other than the girl that has been running through my mind for the past two weeks.
Seeing her in real life sure relieves the yearning feeling in my heart, and the pain in my head slowly dissipates. I don't hold back a wide grin.
"I...thought I'd never see you again," I speak, a little out of breath.
She smiles endearingly, shrugging. "I thought so too. But here we are."
I stay silent, taking the moment to admire the view before me. The girl's healing from her encounter with Wrath, which is a good sign. A cut on her lip and a square bandage on the right side of her head are still visible, but other than that, Yvette is beautiful as ever.
A cough breaks me out of my trance, and the green-haired girl's not looking at me anymore. A hint of pink colours her tanned cheeks.
Oh my god, she's so cute. Wait, stop it MC, you're making things awkward!
"Sorry, um, It's great that you're healing well."
"Yeah. Now it's your turn." Yvette offers a sympathetic smile. "Sorry about your head. I couldn't contact you or find you at the bike shop. So I sent them to search for you."
"Well, my phone broke after the whole incident, and I've decided to go back to medical school," I explain, sputtering the next sentence unintentionally. "I thought you wouldn't need me after you got the charm."
Yvette blinks at me. "You'd think so lowly of me?"
"No! As in...I thought you would forget about me eventually."
"I would never. Especially when you've helped me immensely."
It's my turn to blink blankly. "I didn't do much though. I was like a damsel in distress."
Yvette strokes my hair out of the way, offering a lingering look that makes my heart do somersaults. "You defended me when no one else would."
"I had to! You looked close to death when you were on the gr-"
"You helped drag the time while I was catching my breath!" the girl defends her ego, in which I roll my eyes amusedly.
"Sure Yvette, whatever you say."
She lets out a laugh, one that sounds so melodic and lovely that it makes the temperature in the room warmer. It is surely a tune that I would love to hear everyday.
"Do you want anything? Water or some snacks?"
"A glass of water sounds nice."
Yvette turns her attention to the regretful-looking demon who pushed me previously. "You heard her. Get me a glass of water. Now."
The demon straightens his posture and nods his head, quickly leaving the room.
"Do demons actually have feelings?"
"Of course. Remember? I'm a demon too," Yvette reminds, a sad smile settling on her face.
Way to go MC. You just made your crush sad.
"Right, I should just keep my mouth shut. Or you could just throw me out now."
A teasing smile returns on Yvette. "I could never get rid of a cutie like you," she teases, pinching my cheek lightly.
I fluster.
"Wa-err," the demon utters, his quiet entrance startling me.
Indifferent, Yvette takes the glass and shoos him. She then aids me in sitting up as I drink my water. The domestic gesture warms my heart.
She's not that horrible person Wrath have described to me. In fact, Yvette's caring nature reminds me of a kind doctor who takes care of her patients dutifully.
"Thanks doc," I playfully comment. "I could get used to this."
"Taking advantage are we?"
I smile innocently. "Just a little."
The woman reciprocates the smile and puts away the glass once I'm done. I shift myself so that I can lean on the bedframe, and Yvette does the same as well, our shoulders brushing against each other.
"How's school so far?"
I update Yvette on the modules I'm currently taking and the upcoming tests I have, not failing to mention that much memory power is needed to survive medical school.
"If you like, I can tutor you," the girl offers.
"Really? That'll help a lot."
I hand my new phone to Yvette for her to enter her number. This reminds me of the first time I successfully asked a girl for her number; the experience both nerve-racking and exhilarating.
We then move on to more serious topics; of the reason why she needed my charm.
"That...I can't tell you. I've agreed to keep this deal with the demons strictly confidential," Yvette explains with a frown. "But I can assure you that your charm will help me greatly."
Hopefully my charm isn't some key to demon domination, or the troupe will come for my head. But Yvette said that it will benefit her, so maybe...it will get rid of the demon essence in her?
Yvette's deepening frown brings me back to reality. Her eyes are studying me, wary of any change of emotions. "Look MC, I'd love to give you an explanation, but-"
"I understand," I cut off the girl, offering a reassuring smile and daring to hold her gloved hand. "I trust you."
Silence fills the air. The girl gazes at me, her eyes a mixture of wonder and vulnerability.
At times like these, where the girl is just silent, I wish I could know what she's thinking about. What she thinks of me. Her impression of me.
"You do?" she asks, tone full of uncertainty.
I ponder.
Do I? Yvette's an intelligent person, and I trust that everything she does, is for a logical reason.
The only concern I have is the intensity of it; of how easily I let myself to trust someone I don't know well; someone with intentions that I have no clue about. It might be to my demise, or benefit; whichever rules out the other.
Returning the gaze, I see myself in Yvette's emerald eyes. The sight of white bandage around my head reminds me that the girl has been nothing but kind to me.
...I'll take my chances.
"I do."
Yvette releases a breath, as if she has been holding it for a while. She interlocks our fingers together, sparking a connection between us. A smile tugs on her lips and her eyes are bright with gratitude and hope.
"I'll make sure that it won't die down."
We spend the rest of the day bantering happily.
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World War III
1. I said "there's a remote" at least 10 times because I'm not a control freak but I'm also not trusting either. So i know i put an alternative to a satellite on land and I know I put a remote in case who we trusted didn't use the missle.
Now she remembers how i told her to turn the MISSLE on and off because i expected people to trust me and allow me to speak and not tell me im too stupid to not create a remote for a missle on NORTH KOREA when i lived in NEW MEXICO, USA.
Im not gonna say how. But there was also clue words this week to help her remember. But okay
2. So instead of saving the world, the world learned How to save itself. And that's better.
Our last war. And the whole world joined in. We are now completing WWIII. The best war ever!!!! That we finally are winning. The First World War that every country joined to fight and protect the world. 🌎 it was a real world war not a prissy fit over having the most money or the kings and queens (gods and goddesses) in the world.
3. The remote. I gave to the one person in the world that i knew for a fact that would kill her clone sister. No description no nothing. An active missle and it would be done 100%
4. The remote had no labels. I requested that it just look like an old hearing aid type device which i was told it was but was really a listening device we had in the cup above our sofa in NYC. But i didn't live with my parents and I didn't speak to my Uncle unless it was about is son or something wrong with the living conditions. I got my parents and neighborhood involved. I knew the consequences. So i never spoke about my days or nights and what i done in secret except on walks wirh our mouths covered or turn around and point at something random or look at the ground with our hair covering our faces, we coded/hid everything my friends and i did and even said.
4. She tested the first button then called North Korea to see what happened. The satellite had a little door which was unimportant. But it would indicate the sare was off. She was trying to figure out the turn on code which would been simple enough in a frustrated move.
5. As it was North Korea was invaded by Trump. 20 minutes into her struggle. So Kim Jong-Un unplugged it as per his instructions.
6. She understood the invasion but we needed the missle more than ever. So she tried to get him to turn it on. He refused because the satellite door closed. So they thought it was Broke. No. Its a dam on and off switch. Look its on!! look its off! SIMPLE look out the window!!
7. He wouldn't turn on the missle which would then turn on both the missle and satellite by default. SIMPLE.
8. She couldn't figure out the remote! They said it didn't exist! And no one would tell me what was going on. And the remote wouldn't plug in a missle launcher!! Im fucking sorry world!! 🌎
9. She had no instructions and no labels. She was to tell Kimmy she was experimenting. So he could tell her how to label it if she felt it was safe. With a number system only she remembered. But he wouldn't answer the phone because he got a new phone number for the missle room. She didn't know -- it just rang and rang. By the time she figured it was safe enough to interrupt the missle Trump invaded and Kimmy went to the bunker!!
10. She just tonight hit the button that notifies him what is happening to the machine which she hadn't had a chance to do before he unplugged it.
11. Everyone thought the priority was to fix the unbroken satellite. While holding hostage the Trump invader.
12. I can protect Ethan with falling planes that I wreck into with a Chinook i use my palms to propel on the dash board. I can run a war from a bedroom with nothing but my heart and soul and heal millions of dead. BUT I DON'T KNOW HOW TO LOCK DOWN A MISSLE LAUNCHER INTO REMOTE MODE to go out for tea OR TELL IF A SATELLITE IS NOT BROKE. that is what i was told multiple times. And not by North Korea. My own fucking team that has studied every fucking thing I've done and seen i make Plans A - D just to walk myself to the bathroom. And assures me in the midst of a war that i am being throughly researched so we win. "Go get 'em champ!"
13. So last night i found William still working on the fucking satellite who said the piece was being made and it was 10 fucking days. For an on and off switch that was cosmetic and the actual switch was 1 foot inside the satellite in a bullet proof box that could never break. And hes begging to doubt anyone was actually making it.
14. This is bullsjit i said. Its not even fucking broken. I'm having a fit. Look at this fucking shit and i magnet in 18 satellites. "Get what you want" scream at one guy inside an old 1980s one i called Direct TV because it had a 2 way camera on it. So I use part of his to make a bullet shooter because this shit... Was on my last nerve. And i shoot EVERY GODDAM thing i can't see.
15. People from other people were calling the International Space Station asking "does she have a problem today?"
16. Yes And every galaxy was losing their evil. Cause Fuck i needed help so did they.
17. William finally finished not fixing the satellite and I propped open the button to turn it into a two seater. And we went to find out who i killed in the International Space Station. 45. So the 2/3 unhappy due to 10% were happy we found.
18. Truth or Consequences would take 5 and a half minutes to complete. Now it takes 6 and a half seconds. William sped it up. And set it to the core.
19. My GPS range is only 105 miles. Now 102.
World War III is almost over. It will be over -- should be -- by the time that the last time zone enters 2020.
Its been Hell.
We can all see that while us world leaders and I the smartest and bravest of any galaxy can still be overtaken by one troll.
Which is why we must always remember to work together.
My plans had no flaws. It was prepared for absolutely everything.
20. Even air war. The planes were all bullet proof and battle proof except the Pilot Windows. I designed the eQ2 fleet. Convinced her that they would open the windows like WWII planes for fun and should. Because nothing in the world would be better so don't waste money on extra bullet proofing. We gained one jelly filled body, only lost one good one arm and one jelly filled body (due to water and Tree healing) and millions of evil and clones. And I also used those planes to protect Ethan as they crashed and William protected Logan's twin today as i was busy.
21. I also designed the Chinook since 1998 in 2008 i made upgrades.
World War Three was a success for Planet Earth, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus, Jupiter, San Frensesno, and Pluto plus many more including Mars and Venus.
And it was only fought on Earth all others remained Peaceful.
And each planet saw how to protect their planet so now in the future they can be as protected as us. I asked them not to intervene as i don't know their planets. Except in dire emergency. They didn't. So we did a fucking good job.
22. Pluto we designed War assistance together so we knew them. Since 1994 they have been here to protect us. That is why it became uncategorized as a planet.
So Happy New Year. I'm sorry NYC I missed it once again. It's only 10 pm here
Im down to 98 miles.
What have I said?
Our plan of defense and protection failed.
We continued to defend as we were attacked and successfully protected.
We failed at working together. So we got more people to help us. And when that was scary, we called Pluto and gave them the honor they deserve. And they loved it.
So ask for help.
"Hey babe help me with the dishes" and talk about your day you'll probably end up in giggles if you talk about me.
"Hey babe. Finish reading that paperwork I was sent on missiles will you" and you may just end up saving the world.
"Hey doofus, remind me every once in a while that you died in 1998. That would help me a whole lot to figure shit out on my own and beat amnesia because i been beat in the head too much" and you may Just never know to fucking say that!!! So don't let your soulmate trick you into saying something stupid!
So ask for help when you know you need it.
The world knew how much they wanted to help. Did y'all know how much we needed it? In the end... We really didn't. But the world needed to help. And we needed to help them. Us.
My Twin Brother doesn't drive 362 mph on training days because we like to take the slow lane.
We wanted every one to be happy and safe as fast as possible.
That was a downfall as soon as Gary Trump found out how to regrow the penis I shot off in 1984 on purpose, cause he is a pervert. He thought he could finish taking over the world with his greed.
And what happened class?
He began to. And we dominated him. We would gotten to the satellite and we would still fought the way we had even if he was still alive. But the healing and damage would been much greater.
We could have handled it easy. We had mild shit. Y'all if I25 had air war which did until I announced no GPS or lights and the neighborhood commander retreated and admitted defeat and announced surreandered.
I could had had the planes fall to protect y'all. And still had time for Wichita Texas with brothers Ethan, Logan and Ezekiel.
I pulled William and Matt out for their sakes. They needed a break, anyway. It wasn't punishment it was to protect them as they were targets. Sure its easy to heal but come on. Why for when your mom and dad are here for the first time in thirty years? Don't go to work. It's safer and healthier on Earth... Or was supposed to be for William.
Yet a bad thing worked fine in the end.
Because we all began caring in ways we hadn't before or in a long time.
For the first time Mr McNabb lost a child. Before he never had the loss his children did when he was taken in as a hostage then human trafficking victim. So he finally learned the sadness his children felt all their lives when thinking about their parents. The craziness he thought he saw was actually beauty of the mind and heart working together not to just survive but help others as well and to help them heal. And now he sees his sons not only as fierce fearless warriors but also as healers that are gentle and kind. And he can recognize the sadness and fear he kept hidden all these years. And finally let it go.
Tonight if you have Pluto with you. I am on the west mesa near the Belen airport.
Up here your loved one will stay the longest.
If you are evil. Your last moments can be spent here and may be finally for once your greedy heart can begin to grow. Much like the Grinch and you have a chance to save your soul
I am the only Jesus you will ever know.
I am at 70 miles range now. At 1050 pm
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Crush - Chapter 13. No Control
Pairing: Eric/OC *Abbey* Fandom: Divergent Rating: M
A memory from Eric’s past plays tricks on him. And it’s all about the girl, Abbey Ainsworth.
A/N: Things start to get a little hectic. 
Tags:  @iammarylastar  @badassbaker  @pathybo@mimigemrose@frecklefaceb  @beltz2016  @ariwolff14  @lauraaan182 @kenzieam  @tigpooh67@elaacreditava@equalstrashflavoredtrash@murmelinchen @feminamortem
Eric's hands that are tying the laces of his boots are unusually reluctant. He frowns at the leather embellished gloves, flexing his fingers in the small strip of blue light from the moon. Peering up, he squints through the darkness, taking a minute to soak in the coincidence of her nickname for him.
Glancing over at the unique woman in his bed, curled against his pillow and completely unaware he's dithering over whether he actually wanted to leave or not, he debates waking her. But if he woke her, she would only share his reluctance and no doubt his departure would be drawn out.
He leans down and plants a kiss on the side of her cheek, pushing some of the hair away from her face. "I'll be back soon."
Pulling his collar to shroud his face, he opens the apartment door and the corridors artificial light floods in. Max stands humbly waiting for him, his eyes cast to the floor as Eric takes one last look back.
"You ready?"
Eric smirks at him, "As always… You coming?" He strides the hallway, taking the stairs double, and takes great pride in the way Dauntless rally when needed. They arm themselves in the Pit from rows of tables, lined militantly, a sense of excitement but also nerves drifting through the air.
Max stops him on the metal grated steps before he can descend down. "I've got to stay back." His dark eyes linger out to the crowds, then back to Eric who leans up against the railing, assessing the progression. "We do this quickly, cleanly. There's no time for fuck ups."
"Fuck ups Lauren's middle name…" Eric tries to laugh it off then turns, but he looks morbid. "Earlier-"
"Forget it. I'm over it." Max still observes the crowds. "I'll watch Abbey while you're gone."
"If something happens-"
Max snaps his head back. "I said while you're gone, man. Meaning I know you're coming back. Anyone in their right mind would," his humor plays on his lips, but it's not enough for an efficient smile. "You kill that motherfucker, twice, for me and you."
"I plan to." Eric pushes off the railing and descends into the shuffling bodies while trying to figure out if Max had meant because of what Mark had done to Johanna. However, by one of the tables, he spots Lauren and she beckons him over. He wanders over slowly, feeling the eyes of the men and women around following him.
"I'm coming with you," is all she says, giving no time for a debate. She only looks up at him when he doesn't reply. Usually, a casual quip or a tell-tale gesture was waiting for her, she receives nothing. However, she was ready to go, the organizing of the soldiers was just a Leadership gesture of presence to boost morale. - Not that they were going to need it. "Noah!" she calls out. "Luka!" They hit shoulders in greeting once they approach. "You look absolutely badass!"
"Trying to pull some chicks before the big showdown." Luka's eloquent and confident tone was fool-proof. He glances to Eric, "Hey, don't worry, I got your back."
"Fuck off." Eric spends one more minute assessing the progression, then signals, "Let's go. Time?" before beginning to head towards the trucks.
Lauren checks. "12.30."
"Let's get this done by 1.30. I want to be home at a decent time."
"Because you got a nice piece of ass waiting for you," Luka sneers from behind.
"The best piece of ass, and one more than you'll ever have with that shrapnel face of yours."
"Eric's on top form tonight, ladies and gentlemen!" Eric flicks him the bird from behind his back. "Let's see some action!" Luka barges shoulders with Noah.
Even if they were the goofiest pair of morons, they certainly lightened the unknowing shadows they faced, and Eric couldn't be more thankful for it.
Mark sits behind his desk, he still hasn't called it a night yet. He had too many things actively playing on his mind, but it was almost comparable to anticipation, the buzzing feeling dominant and flowing through his arms and into his fingers. The twitch was back with a vengeance.
"Mark!" someone shouts from the stairs, and he waits patiently till they hit the top step to lift his head. "There's movement at Dauntless! The trucks are leaving with countless Dauntless. Armed. Hearsay is they are coming here. We've been given the signal."
"Tell my brother to stay put until I say so," Mark says nonchalantly. "Put the word out. Get the men ready and onto the tracks, we'll ambush from the treeline." He stands slowly. "We have just under an hour."
"Er, of course. Sir, are you fronting the men? It would sit well."
Mark pulls up the black case and flips the locks, staring down at the simulation gun. "Yes, you idiot, I'm the only one that knows how to use this damn thing! What do you think?" He places a reinforced vial into the back of it and clicks the safety off. "Rally the Amity folk. Tell them the factionless are coming. They will be too caught up to know any better and retreat."
"Certainly," the soldier nods then peels off down the stairs.
"It's time to flaunt your stuff, girl." Mark peers at the liquid, thickly congealing inside the insert. "It is time…"
Eric drives with his foot to the floor, his face etched into a permanent squint trying to see beyond the truck's headlights. The trees flash, shooting past either side of them, the forest deep and pitch black beyond the road.
"I'm glad you found Abbey," Lauren nudges him from determined thoughts. "I'm… I'm sorry. I shouldn't have underestimated her."
"Forget it."
"I majorly fucked up."
"You looking for a heart to heart? Because you won't get one." He now throws her a look, but one that's not as nearly as fierce as it usually is. "Get your head in the zone, Lauren." They hit a pothole and they jolt around in their seats ungracefully and he eyes the young boy against the furthest window, guessing if whether or not he really wanted to hear what was going to be said next. "If I was Mark, I would already know we were coming, so why is there nothing here to meet us?" He holds a palm up to the dark and quiet roads, then peering out the side window. Amity lights flicker further in the distance, beyond the woodland. They would be arriving soon.
"I would say he doesn't know."
"I wouldn't put anything passed him. We don't know what he's capable of. I've got a bad-"
But it's too late to swerve, and with the tire bursting from underneath the truck, Eric throws the wheel into the skid, losing complete control. It flips and crashes onto its side throwing them like ragdolls and his thoughts go to the Dauntless in the rear. Neither one of them would've seen it coming, and neither one would be buckled to the benches.
The truck seems to slide for an unaccountable amount of time, and only his belt holds him dangling above Lauren who's braced herself against the dash. The side-window being scraped along the ground pops, and the crunching of metal piercing through them as the side gives way. The young Dauntless cries out.
When they come to a stop it's quiet, just the hissing of the engine. Then Eric realizes it's not the engine hissing in his ears, it's his ears that are actually ringing, and he claps a hand to them. Shaking his head, the noises seem to accumulate as one deafening siren of havoc beyond the tin-can they are strapped too.
"Lauren?" he splutters, choking back the painful constriction in his chest. "… Lauren?"
Whatever wakes her is not natural. The whole bed shakes from underneath.
It takes another rumble for her to sit up straight, listening. It's a particular sound that clacks into an echo, sometimes multiple times in a row. Naturally, her fingers find the sheet and she pulls it higher around her as if it would somehow protect her.
"Eric?" Abbey says to the darkness, eyes wide and darting around the room. Then everything begins flooding back to her. Eric wouldn't be here.
The place rumbles again and it's enough to push her into action. She grabs at the nearest clothes, pulling them on violently and kicking her feet into her boots. Small winces and mumbles of uncertainty just roll out of her mouth, "Ohhhh, not good." Her jacket is last and she braces her hands to her head as the whole compound shudders. "Oh, oh, oh…"
Her clothes are uneven and the collar of her jacket tucked in on itself as she throws her body out the door. Someone runs passed her and it makes her pick up the pace, following them, but truthfully to see where they were headed as she didn't have clue.
The noise only gets louder until she finds herself at the Pit. It's not loud enough to say that anyone was inside the building, but it was happening nearby. Very nearby.
Just by the sight of the guards holding their guns ready at the door, it's enough to throw her panic into overdrive. Somebody shouts and it forces her to squeak in surprise, then slap her hands to her mouth. This was no place for her, she knew that, and if Eric was gone, she would need to find Max.
If only she knew where to find him.
"Lauren?" Eric's hands drop down to where she was sitting. If he can't hear her, perhaps he can feel her. Maybe his hearing had blown? He knocks something with the back of his knuckle.
"Ow," she weakly grumbles.
"You bitch, I thought you were fucking dead." He coughs, groaning as the seatbelt cuts into his chest and stomach.
"You'll… have to try harder… next time." Her breathing becomes erratic and the cab creaks from the shift of her weight as she comes to. "Holy shit, he's dead! Eric, he's dead!" Her boots shuffle against the dash, trying to push herself away and Eric sighs as he guesses she was talking about the young boy with them who was sitting up front.
"I'm getting out," Eric's voice is hoarse. Gunfire is going off around them and he'll be damned to not cap a single person this evening. "Cover your eyes," he orders coolly, then slams his elbow into the side-window. The pieces glitter around them and thud off their jackets. He chips the lasts pieces out with a gloved hand before bracing himself up against it and loosening his seatbelt. Thank fuck he wore one tonight.
After pulling himself out of the turned truck, he lies on the door, reaching back inside and Lauren grips him with one hand as she unclips her seatbelt. The jolt from her body makes him wince. "C'mon. Up you come, fatty." Once he safely pulls her through the window, he drops down, noticing up the track the tufted holes and indentations sawn from the crash. It was only because of a small rise of ground from a ditch that stopped them from fully hitting the trees and once again he thinks himself as one lucky son of a bitch.
Rounding the way to the back, Lauren limps beside him trying to keep pace. Eric ignores the pain in his chest from the jolt of the belt, the slight wheeze that leaves him sweating profusely. He opens the back door and it slams down from the angle. Inside is a mass of bodies, but some move, thank fuck.
Just as he glances to find backup, a truck barricades them, reversing up in-line with their tipped vehicle. There's a particular thud and ding where shots bounced off around them, it was enough to unnerve the most brutal of men, but Eric realized that if he was going to be shot right now, there was not much he could do about it. He was completely disorientated and slightly detached on the goings-on around him.
Dauntless jump out and begin pulling people from their truck and a woman with a shaved head ducks to position herself next to him. "Sir," she says and Eric ignores her at first as he watches the bodies being offloaded. Was it guilt? Was this his fault? Maybe if he'd thrown the wheel in the other direction they wouldn't be in this situation.
"Sir! There's word from Dauntless." He turns and glares at her. Was this really a time for a stupid instruction or message from Max. "Sir, Dauntless is under attack."
Abbey followed a small group of men who seemed to know where they were going.
They approach an armored door and press some type of code into the system. Before the door can shut, she side-steps into the room, feeling like she's entered a whole new world.
Four is huddled over multiple screens endlessly talking into his mouthpiece and then switching to another, the table in the middle has soldiers attentively pointing and arguing among themselves, and Max seems to swing from one side of the computerized room to the next. It's only when he leans on the back of Four's chair that he peers over to the door, spotting her and his eyes harden. "No, you can't be here." He takes a few steps towards her but she ignores him and walks to Four.
"Are we under attack? Have you heard from Eric? What's going on with Amity?"
"You shouldn't be here," Max says from behind her. She turns on his words, trying to keep her composure and fend off the urge to burst into tears.
"I'm not leaving until I know Eric is okay." Max sighs at her and looks to Four, and she eyes the shift in mood. "No. Don't… don't you dare."
"The truck he was driving…" Four pushes the mouthpiece away. "…It crashed. We haven't heard anything else yet."
"No!" Abbey all but shrieks. "You're lying! You have to be lying!" She hits the back of Four's chair.
"Abbey!" Max spins her, shaking her slightly as she flails wildly for a second before focussing on him. "Eric is one hard bastard to kill. I have every belief he survived. Our communication is locked because of so many incoming reports. The factionless are at the checkpoint just outside Dauntless. And if you want to stay here, you have to keep quiet." Max turns for the door after running a hand through his shaved head.
"W-where are you going?" Abbey stutters.
"I'm going to show the factionless…" To one side he grabs a rifle out of a lock-up, clicking the safety off. "…Why they don't fuck with Dauntless."
Eric caps a guy right between the eyes.
His body collapses into the brush, and another is shortly replaced in his position. They look Amity, all of them. He can't decide if whether he was actually shooting true Amities or disguised ones. But either way, it was them or him.
Using one of the trucks as coverage, he scans the treeline, then drops an indifferent look to Lauren beside him, "Can you see Mark?"
"I can't make out who anyone is."
"Fuck." He fires again, only to be met back with ground kicking up next to him from the return. "That bastards hiding at Amity."
"We need to go back to Dauntless." Lauren winces as she stretches her back out. "You need to call it in."
"I'm not leaving till he's dead."
Lauren grabs his arm harshly, "You're not thinking, we'll either lose our entire team here and not make any difference, or we suffer considerable loss at Dauntless. We risk complete infiltration."
"Dauntless don't run," he growls, throwing her arm off him.
"We're not running, Dauntless needs us. Our home needs us… Abbey," she finishes, far more determined than when she started. "If you don't call it in, I will." She winces again from her back. "You can penalize me all you want afterward."
There's that fucking word again, Need.
"Damn it!" He stands abruptly, ducking from a few shots, then pelts across the track to another truck. The woman with the shaved head stands with the piece against her ear and he rips it roughly from her head. "Four," he shouts over the chaos around him, glaring to the woman, daring her to undermine him. There's a muffled reply from Four he can barely hear, so regardless, he talks over him, "We're heading back." He points quickly to the woman, "Everyone back in the trucks, we're going back. Now!"
Eric watches as the order ripples. He keeps the headpiece on and runs back to Lauren. "Four, give me the run-down at Dauntless," he says while turning behind it and grabbing Lauren from the floor. She holds a hand to her stomach and Eric finally realizes she's more hurt than she's letting on.
He catches brief words from Four over the obsessant noise and struggles to make sense of the pitted sentences that would sometimes drop. "What the fuck are you saying?" he shouts, then ducks as gunfire rings out. "Max, what?" The cab door opens and Eric begins pushing Lauren up and inside. Stepping up, he looks briefly over his shoulder. "Signals bad, what the fuck are you-"
Something sharp and white hot floods through his left leg, not once, but twice, and he all but falls forwards into the cab, hissing as he braces himself on an elbow.
"Eric!" Lauren shouts. "Eric, you hit?!"
Eric throws the earpiece to the floor of the cab, then peers down at his leg which feels heavier than a ton of lead. Much to his relief, he sees the darts. "It's just darts." He rips them out and throws them out the open window. With a huff, he keeps his voice relatively calm, "I can't move my leg. I'm paralyzed."
"They didn't want you dead."
"Probably bargaining." He's trying his hardest to wriggle his toes. He smirks even under the prickling of his leg, "Better luck next time."
"What do you mean 'the line is now dead'?" Abbey furiously crosses her arms.
"He was talking, then… I think something must've happened." Four taps some buttons. "They're on their way back. He will be fine, I'm sure."
"You wanna bet your life on it?"
Now Four truly sees the definite similarities between her and Eric. He holds her stare and she doesn't waver. "He was in the truck, that's the last I heard. Threatening me isn't going to change that." But unlike Eric, she softens and he sees the fear and pain behind those usually resolute eyes. "How do you put up with him?" It was stupid to ask, but he'd rather change the subject and distract her.
"We put up with each other." Her shoulders slump a little and she takes a seat just a few feet from him. A flicker of a dismal smile threatened to emerge from her lips from time to time as she speaks, "We can be very… nasty to each other sometimes…" She looks away is if embarrassed. "But when I think back, it's always been like that… But now it's different. He's my best friend and at the same time the person I want to spend the rest of my life with. However, I also really know how to tick him off…" she chuckles lightly to herself and is surprised Four is still listening intently. "So I guess it just sort of works." She stares up at one of the monitors for a second. "Usually you're meant to leave the past behind, but without my past, I wouldn't be who I am today. Without Eric… I'm half the person I am."
Four drops his eyes to the floor as he notices a small tear dripping down her face. "I don't like him, but I don't hate him. And you are incredible for putting up with him."
She smiles, properly this time. "Yeah, I'm probably an idiot. But he's a bigger one." She leans back on the chair and Four goes back to work.
Under her breath, she says to herself. "And I'll always forgive him…"
After the climatic show-down, Max is surprised to see the factionless pulling back to the road. It happens so quickly and precisely, he finds himself shouldering his rifle and standing straighter. Ten of the bastards, ten of those bastard factionless met an untimely death to his hands, and he was proud of it.
"Aid the wounded," he says to a young Dauntless passing by and they nod, scampering on his command. He pulls his phone and dials security. "They've pulled back."
"Yeah, because the trucks are arriving," Four answers, no doubt having caught a glimpse from a camera, and it makes him squint out into the distance, further up the road.
No doubt Four was right. The first lights beam towards them and the rumbling of the procession finally reaches his ears. "Make way for the trucks!" Max points and even pulls on someone's jacket whose dithering outside the checkpoint booth.
The trucks are waved through and skid to quick stops near the entrance of Dauntless. The first soldiers jump out and the real depravity of the situation seems to hit him fully in the chest. It was an ambush, a decoy, but to what effect he didn't know.
"Where's Eric?" he asks of the first few, but from beside him, he sees Lauren jumping down and then reaching out as Eric all but falls into her. He jogs to them. "You been hit?"
"I've been darted," Eric furiously replies back.
"Let's get you inside." He shoulders Eric's arm and notices the way his whole left leg doesn't move. "Paralytic?"
"Looks like it."
They are barely through the entrance as Max sees Abbey peel down the metal steps towards them, not stopping, and Eric pushes him away as they roughly embrace.
"Are you okay?" Eric pushes her hair back, then pulling on her face to check.
"I'm fine." Eric stumbles somewhat and she grabs harder onto him. "What's wrong? What's happened?"
"Nothing, don't worry that pretty little face of yours," he smirks, but it's half-hearted. His head swivels to Max over her, "You got this from here?"
"Yeah, go." But Max is already walking away, surrounded by multiple conversations and waving at people to move and take a step back.
"Let's go back, Ab's." Eric pulls her, hopping, and she moves to under his arm.
The walk back is long, and he tries not to bear any weight on her, using the walls and barriers as leverage. Unlocking the door, she takes him to the bed and sits him down, crouching down in front of him. "Get these off," he says while unbuckling his belt and she nimbly helps him, yanking his trousers down.
"Shit, Eric…" Abbey says to the purple bruises of the dart. "Shouldn't we go to the infirmary?"
"No, it's a common dart. We use them from time to time, usually when we want to capture than kill."
Her eyes flick up to his face and he begins taking his shirt off. "They were trying to capture you?"
"I don't know, but it's my guess.." He yanks the shirt over his head and stares at Abbey who is biting her lips. On his chest are the pronounced seatbelt marks from the crash.
"I thought… for a second… I thought I lost you." She's still crouched in front of him, her arms resting on his legs, then her snappy characteristic form is back, slapping him on his naked thigh. "Don't do that!"
There's amusement in his voice as he begins pulling her up to the bed, "Lie with me?" And their limbs are a tangled mess as she easily flops next to him.
For a second she nuzzles somewhere in his chest. – Which he finds rather explicit for a second, until she raises her head. "Did you get him?"
"Who Mark?" His eyebrows raise and then fall into a frown of annoyance. "Didn't even see the bastard. He was hiding."
"Does this mean-"
"Not now, I'm fucked." He winces as she touches along his bruise, "Ab's, stop it."
"Maybe you should see a doctor?"
His fingers dig into her back and she fidgets. "I just need five minutes, five minutes and I'll be good." But his tone is groggy, his words slurred as his eyes close all on their own.
"Eric?" she questions sitting up, but it's too late.
In his head, Eric suddenly realizes something is terribly wrong but he can't move. The sound in his ears begins as a dull tone of white noise until it furiously takes over and becomes unbearable. He wants to yell, but he doesn't so much as flutter his eyes and every sense of awareness has vanished as he sinks into the black…
Abbey pulls back from him, unlacing her arms from his body and stands, a little hunched over, a sudden prickling of fear rising on her skin. "Eric?" His breathing is shallow. She comes to the decision he's either truly hurt or something is not right, but there is a heady, ghostly warning that emerges from deep within. - The flight sensation mainly.
She grabs his jacket from the floor and goes through his pockets looking for his phone. It lights up from inside of one as she accidentally touches it, and then she pulls it out, unlocking it quickly like she's seen him do a hundred times over.
She finds Max's name first and her thumb hovers over the green button…
Her elbow is knocked and the phone jumps from her hands across the room and skids to a halt beside the door. In a natural instinct, she ducks from the presence behind her but falls onto her ass, pushing herself with her arms to back up against one of the counters.
"Eric, what are you doing!?" Her tone is panicked and screeching from the fright.
Eric's face twitches, his fingers spasming momentarily on stiff arms. But gone is the usual life in his eyes and replaced by a glazed over bleakness.
He steps forwards and she crawls on all fours into the kitchen space and under the table to get away from him. Eric's pace doesn't increase of decrease, it's robotic. With one quick flick of his hand, he throws one of the chairs before gripping the table and completely flipping it, exposing her from her hiding place.
Abbey cries out, mainly a squeal, with her hands to head, staring up at him in complete and utter terror. There was only a wall behind her now and she was trapped. Her lip slightly trembles as she tries to mutter a form of persuasion, "P-please…"
He grips her ankles, pulling her toward him, and she screams.
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