#So much like my dad by George Strait
beelzebubsbois · 5 months
Has anyone ever talked about divorce arc parents music taste?
Because I know we have like.. Dad lore and Mom lore.. but my parents are on the verge of divorce, and they have such varying music.
Mom: Songs about men cheating, female rage and empowerment, fuck society and fuck all men
Dad: begging the girl to stay, not wanting to be alone, trying desperately to tell the love of your life how much they mean to you.
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gravezgf · 9 months
Ain't Nothin' to It - Phillip Graves x Reader
1,159 words, fem reader with she/her pronouns. a bit suggestive but no warnings! My first time writing anything like this so please be kind. Thanks for reading!
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Read under the cut!
You nervously fiddled with the lace waistline of your sundress. It hit your mid-calf, a gorgeous navy blue in breathable cotton, with lace on the waist and along the sweetheart neckline. It was one of Phillip’s favorites, and you couldn’t think of a better way to surprise him.
He was coming back home to you for the first time in a few weeks, where he’d been you had no idea. However, he suggested that you go out and have fun, get a few drinks at his favorite hole-in-the-wall before ending the night in your soft king-sized bed. 
You swear you sensed him before you saw him. The scent of his spicy cologne, the sharp thud of his boots on the wooden floor, his firm hand on your shoulder before he slid in between the stool next to you, offering you a wink and a smile. Oh, how you had missed this man.
“No hug for your best girl?” You pouted teasingly.
“More than a hug, if I get my way,” he pulled you into his arms, holding you tightly against his larger frame.
He released you, only to hold you by the wrists and step back, taking a good look at you. He sighed, pushing you gently back onto your stool before taking a seat himself. He motioned for the bartender to come over and ordered a whiskey for himself and your favorite drink for you. With the social lubricant, you felt your emotions even harder. The joy that leapt in your stomach when he flashed that big smile, laughing freely at a story you were telling him. The flush in your cheeks as he told you for the millionth time about how much he missed you when he was gone.
When Phillip noticed you were good and soused, he grabbed your hand and pulled you out onto the dance floor. You had two left feet, but Phil, he was a dancer from way back. He could whirl you around with the best of ‘em. But tonight, he just pulled you close and swayed you to the old country love songs humming from the speakers. He hummed the lyrics lowly, leaning into you. He exhaled a breathy laugh when your feet got confused, but only held you tighter. 
“Do you have any idea how much I love you?” He said it in almost a whisper as he pressed soft kisses onto your neck.
“I think so, how much?”
“A whole sky full. Probably more,” his eyes shone the most beautiful blue in the hazy neon lighting. You couldn’t help but kiss him, and if you could’ve melted into a puddle then and there, you would’ve.
He had one hand pressed into your back, the other cupping your face, as your arms rested on his shoulders, and you let yourself fall into the kiss. You were almost numb now, in a good way. The smell of that cologne, something cheap but one he had loved for years, the Zach Bryan song tumbling through the speakers, his lips against yours, his stubble scratching against your face. 
When you broke from the kiss, you swore you felt like a kid all over again. You rested your face on his chest, and you swayed there, where it felt like just the two of you, for what felt like hours.
He climbed into the drivers’ seat of the old blue pickup, after buckling you into the passenger seat. The old radio was playing the classic country station, Phillip’s favorite. He hummed to the George Strait song that was crackling through, and placed his hand in yours. He squeezed it tightly.
It reminded you of when you were kids. It was maybe your fifth or sixth date, and time had escaped you both. There you were, racing down those rural Texas roads, praying that time would slow down, just for a few minutes. You both knew well that breaking curfew would spell a grounding for you, and your dad’s displeasure towards Phil. You swear that you can still make out where you began playing with the lose threads of the fabric seats, nervously tugging at the string as a cloud of dust rose behind you. 
That time, much like this one, Phil had grabbed for your hand. He ran his fingers over your knuckles at the red light, cursing quietly to himself. 
Now, all these years later, at the red light, he pulled your hand into his, except this time he gently rolled the wedding band on your finger. Instead of damning the light for not turning fast enough, he hummed contentedly to the song on the radio. The city lights slowly turned into the occasional street light as he drove out of the city. Finally, you were heading home. 
The drive home felt quick compared to the drive from there to the bar earlier. He opened your door like a gentleman, only getting slightly maimed by your border collie, Maple. He walked you carefully up the porch steps, and you rested on the cool wooden planks as he unlocked the door. You had your hair pushed up, cool summer air brushing the nape of your neck, and had kicked off your shoes. Phillip thought you had never looked more gorgeous than you did at this very moment. 
Upon making your way into the house, you made a drunken beeline to the comfort of your bedroom. You had made the bed this morning, and you cursed yourself. You had been proud of the fresh sheets and pressed duvet, but it only made it more complicated for your inebriated self. Still yet, you were snug as a bug by the time Phillip reached your room, shirt off, pajama pants on.
“Wanna get out of your good clothes before you get too comfortable?” He said, yawning midway through. Your only response was an annoyed groan that sounded half you, half Chewbacca. Not getting the hint, or not caring, Phillip gently lifted the duvet and laced his fingers in yours, coaxing you to sit upright. He fumbled through your bedside dresser before finding one of his old shirts. It didn’t take too much begging to get you into it, and you thought about how you’d thank him for his kindness in the morning. 
He tucked you back in as sweet as he could before climbing under on his side. When he proposed drinks before coming home, he didn’t exactly imagine this outcome. Then, he looked down. You looked sweet in a silly way, mouth slightly agape, breaths even. He listened for your breathing, that soldierly part of him that he could never quite turn off. You were asleep, he could tell by the gentle cadence of your inhales and exhales. He tried to match it. In the end, he settled for wrapping his arms around you, knowing they’d be asleep in the morning. He pressed a kiss to your head. He had missed home. He had missed you.
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@indynerdgirl requested: "#1 - werewolf, NFL, or Regency AU"
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|| prompt list ||
prompt: watching their baby/babies sleep while holding each other in their arms
au: werewolf, nfl, & regency
word count: 750
warnings: domestic fluff to the max, dad!jake, some labor and delivery talk
✎……masterlist on pinned
✎……my b for this taking one million years, to make up for it, have a three-for-one special lol
Werewolf AU
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Noah was fast asleep in the co-sleeper bassinet pushed up against the side of their bed. Swaddled up tight in a blanket green as the forests outside. The sun was just beginning to set on his first full day in this world. He would be awake in the next hour to eat again, but for now he was sound asleep under the watchful eye of his parents. 
Jake and Ronnie laid curled up next to the bassinet — her back to his chest. He was propped up on his elbow, temple rested in his palm as he rubbed soothing circles into his Luna’s hip, eyes trained entirely on the rise and fall of his son’s little chest. And Ronnie laid with her head upon the pillow, arms tucked to her chest as she fought the exhaustion pulling at her eyelids. 
She was tired. Down to something inside her that ached along with the rest of her body. Labor had been long and excruciating, but she had done it just how she wanted. At home, no medication, with Jake right there with her and the pack just outside. The pain was worth it. Noah was here, sleeping and perfect and everything she had been praying so long for. 
“You asleep, little one?” Jake asked softly, thumb coming to a rest on her hip. 
“No,” she replied, voice small and barely there. “Can’t stop looking at him.”
He chuckled lightly as he pressed a kiss into the side of her neck. “Me either.”
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Jake hummed the tune of his favorite George Strait song softly as he laid Maddie down for the night. He kept as close to her as possible, bending over the wooden railing to leave her gently on the small mattress. She fussed when he pulled away, lips pursed and a whine catching in her throat. But she settled after only a moment with a sigh.
Not being able to help himself, Jake reached into the crib and rubbed the back of his finger over her soft, chubby cheek. She turned six months old today. He had to wonder where the time went. Pretty soon she would start walking and talking and not need him at all. He wanted her to just stay this little forever. It still hurt, twisted inside him like a knife, that at one point he didn’t want this. That he told Ronnie to just take care of it. His thumb ran over her warm cheek, trailed down her arm to her little hand curled at her side. It opened in her sleep like a flower, and closed again around his finger. All the trust in the world he felt he didn’t deserve. 
“She being fussy?” Ronnie asked quietly from the doorway, making Jake jump. 
“Nah,” he answered, pulling his finger out of Maddie’s grip. “She’s asleep.”
Ronnie padded into the room and came to stand at Jake’s side. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders, pulling her in close as they watched their daughter sleep.
Regency AU
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Miss Veronica always had a beautiful singing voice. But Mr. Seresin never thought her voice sounded sweeter than when she sang lullabies to their daughters. Her tone clear, sweet, soft, and full of so much love as she paced around their rooms with a babe in her arms. And he got to watch from his seat at the end of the bed as her pacing slowed, as her singing turned to a gentle hum. 
Then she stopped all together, a smile on her face as she looked down at the bundle in her arms. 
“Asleep?” he questioned, rising from his seat on the bed. 
“Yes, Papa,” she teased lightly. 
But he paid it no mind as he came up behind her, encircling her and their daughter in his arms. His girls. Two of them anyway. The eldest were already in bed. Lydia was nearly a year old, her hair dark as her mother’s. Of their three daughters, the youngest looked the most like Veronica. 
But it felt like only yesterday they could hold her in one arm. That they felt her kick from within her mother’s womb. Subconsciously, as he looked upon Lydia’s red-cheeked face, his hand drifted lower down Veronica’s frame. Until his palm rested flat against her stomach. 
Jacob felt his wife kiss the side of his neck as he swayed them all from side to side. Then she whispered affectionately, “Do you want another one, love?”
He hummed affirmatively, squeezed her tighter. 
“Alright, let’s have another one.”
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52booksproject · 2 years
Book 20 Founding Gardeners
Dewey gave me 718 Monuments; Mausoleums, Cemeteries. Very interesting subject matter, but a paucity of books forced me to go up to 71X Civic and landscape art. That brought Andrea Wulf's Founding Gardeners. It's an astounding look at how gardening influenced politics and vice-versa during the founding days of America.
The first three presidents, George Washington, John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson, were all avid gardeners and ran farms (*cough*plantations*cough*) back home even when they were in politics. Essentially wanting to get back home to his garden was a big motivator in Washington stepping down from power first at the end of the Revolutionary War and then after his second term as president. Adams and Jefferson, first best of friends, then worst of enemies, finally warm correspondents bonded and rebonded over gardens and gardening. And even fourth president James Madison retired to gardening his estate (plantation) after he retired.
The first chapter starts off with Washington in the direst of straits in the Revolutionary War, but writing to his estate manager about gardening minutia. I started to get itchy; "We know who's really doing the planting", essentially. And sure enough, 11 pages in when Washington gets home there is finally mention of the slaves doing the labor on these gardens. Now, John Adams only owned a 40 acre farm compared to the thousands -of-acres farms the 3 Virginians owned and he never owned a slave in his life. Adams and his son, John Quincy Adams, were the only of the first 12 presidents not to own slaves ever. Now, Jefferson (my friends are probably groaning right now having to hear this yet again) is my lowest of the low for keeping his own children with Sally Hemings as slaves. (He freed them when he died - Thanks so much, Dad). There was a scene where Jefferson was fondly looking out on his garden where his children's children were playing, and my heart just broke thinking about what his other kids must have felt seeing their dad being a real dad to his white children. Anyway, the whole story of these gardens and their owner's devotions to them would be sweet, if it weren't horribly tainted by the fact they were using slavery to build them.
There are some cool moments in the book: the Constitutional convention was deadlocked on the issue of representation in Congress and many members took a trip to a botanic garden. The next vote had enough changed votes that they were able to pass our current system and thus pass the Constitution. The votes that changed that day were all people who had been on the botanic garden trip, likely uncoincidentally. Jefferson (boooo!) was already planning the Lewis and Clark expedition when the Louisiana Purchase came through. It was just a coincidence that we were offered sale of the land beforehand. Jefferson hoped on the off chance that Lewis might bring him home a live mastodon. The design of the White House and Washington D.C. itself is a compromise of the Federalists wanting a grander capital and Jeffersonian Democrats wanting a more modest capital city.
SHOULD YOU READ THIS BOOK: I would recommend it. It's fascinating and gives you some insight into the Founding Fathers as people. The slavery part is uncomfortable, but so is any honest account of history. The secret to British gardens of the 1790s is delightful. My only surprise was that the Royal Society didn't make an appearance in the book!
ART PROJECT: I had a grand vision of a slave as mother earth/Gaea rising out of the earth with a farm on her back, but damn, I can't even begin to draw something like that without a reference. So, I drew the only place I felt comfortable drawing, John Adams' Peacefield. The plants are made from two brushes made of a portrait of John Adams.
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celiaelise · 2 years
Ahhhh I'm at the dentist. So that's good. And my dad said he'd pay, pero I also need help with, like, all my rent for this month 🤦🏻‍♀️😭 at the same time.
Also my tooth probably wouldn't have gotten so bad if I'd come in to get the filling repaired like they told me to last time I was here. (Last time I had a "dental emergency", probably like a year ago idk) But I was like, "nooo I can't go bc I don't have money! 😭" but whatever's happening today is almost certainly going to be more expensive than that would've been. Also tbh I just hadn't really thought about coming back at all? So I am a fool who wastes money, basically!
Also I think this is the most help I've needed w rent so far? So basically I am about to ask for a very large sum 😖 which I hate. (my dad has $ though, I'm not like gonna bankrupt him or anything.)
idk I feel like this whole year has been about learning, (in additional to the usual "capitalism sucks and is fucking us all over") "oh I guess I'm like really kinda disabled and it maybe really isn't the norm to struggle this much, with, like, everyday tasks and just living my life." Which is frustrating because I don't really know what to do to address that. Like, I'm already diagnosed with multiple of things and taking a cocktail of meds. So it's like, maybe I'm just like this. I'm just not capable of functioning on the same level as the average adult.
Also I need to get a new fucking job so I don't have to keep asking for money. But I can't focus long enough to even try. Like, I genuinely distract myself so well that I'll go days without thinking about it. Maybe I should start taking my Vyvanse again? I feel like it makes me anxious, (especially if I haven't eaten well, which lately is most days) but maybe that's just something I've gotta weather in order to get shit done.
Also they're playing George Strait in here. Which I know because my mom went through an intense George Strait phase when I was a kid. I don't hate it, but the nostalgia factor is not really helpful at the moment.
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shawnjacksonsbs · 9 months
A drunk mind speaks a sober heart indeed. 9-9-23
Lyrics -{ I'm gonna walk with my grandaddy
And he'll match me step for step
And I'll tell him how I've missed him
Every minute since he left
And then I'll hug his neck
Yeah, when I get where I'm going
There'll be only happy tears
I will shed the sins and struggles
I have carried all these years
And I'll leave my heart wide open
I will love and have no fear }- When I get where I'm going by Brad Paisley
"Sometimes your heart needs more time to accept something that your mind already knows" - Paulo Coelho
A couple of drinks in and . . .
Am I supposed to say that 1st? Lol
Listening to "When I get where I'm going" and the past about hugging grandpa's neck, and I want that I want it so bad.
Or "a Father's love" by George Strait . . .
I wish.
It does bother me that when I die, I won't be in a place to hug my grandparents, or to watch over my kids and grandkids as they finish on through their lives.
Growing up they way that I did, with that subtle belief, that it's real, and in a way that's comforting makes knowing different now hard at times.
On the one hand, I value more now and why, because I believe that there's nothing after this, so the here and now is far more important. Every little second is more precious than whatever thing could be holding you back from loving or forgiving or accepting forgiveness etc, etc.
Truth is sometimes hard to swallow.
Fairytales. . . Wouldn't it be cool?
I mean. . .FUCK!
Sometimes, knowing I grew up is outstanding. Other times not as much. Lol
I wish the toothfairy was still a thing. I mean I had a lot of teeth pull for my top denture plate. Not as many as a non-meth head, but still. . .a lot. Lol
. . .
That's probably enough for a less than sober Thursday, less than weeks away from my 10 years off dope birthday.
I just got some people I wish I could hug, that if only they could see me now. . .
I'd really like for each new generation to reconcile this earlier and earlier until they don't have to at all. I mean, right? It'd have to be easier on those that don't have to, like from day 1, right?
Am I upset that they sit was drilled into my head at such a young age that now that I'm older. . .
If when I die, I can't hug my grandparents. . .cause it's all bullshit. . . I guess, in that case, another saving grace for those.. . .
Off again. On again. Off again.
I need to speak, outloud, gratitude info the world, into my life.
Tomorrow, though. It's late. And still Thursday. My head keeps going,
"Oh yeah and. . ."
Enoughs enough, tho. G'night guys.
Until tomorrow, or Saturday morning maybe. 🌄
What I can do when I can't hug my grandparents, is hug my kid or grandkids or message or call them and say "I love you!", and how!!
Turn that perspective on its head!
Especially missing the time with my dad. With nothing after, there's no way to make up all those. . .lost. . .years.
Amends were on the way, but slow coming in the arena of real, quality time.
Man, reconcile this already. It's more than a nostalgic hurt, maybe. I don't know.
~I'm back, and debating whether or not to read, and proof the above notes from Thursday evening or just let it be.
I'm pretty sure I'm just going to allow it. Because it pressed my heart enough to write it instead of watching the t.v. with my small head change.
It is what it is, and I said what I said.
Every second here on earth is precious and should be treated as special.
And I do miss my grandparents and my dad. I imagine I always will.
Knowing that I'm not going to see them again, makes me double down on my own being full, and never letting up on those "I love yous".
Hand 'em out like candy on Halloween. If you ask me, that's not even enough.
With my actions finally matching my intent, I'm not leaving any room for doubt to those . . .that I love, even friends, and some acquaintances.
So before I go, remember that I love your love and your laughter and it's half the reason I ask you to share it every week. Please don't stop!
And special shout out Happy Birthday to my momma, who always had my back even against p.o.s and the cops! Lol
Still don't know where I'd be without ya. Love you more than you know, and thank you for everything, always.
Until next week;
"Your heart and your instincts are far more reliable than your brain. When you follow your heart, you can be sure you won't regret it later. Even if you calculate your every move, it's not like life ever goes according to plan." - Nithya Menen
Lyrics -{ When I became a father in the spring of '81
There was no doubt that stubborn boy was just like my father's son
And when I thought my patience had been tested to the end
I took my daddy's secret and I passed it on to him
… I said
Let me tell you a secret about a father's love
A secret that my daddy said was just between us
I said daddies don't just love their children every now and then
It's a love without end, amen
It's a love without end, amen
… Last night, I dreamed I'd died and stood outside those pearly gates
When suddenly I realized there must be some mistake
If they know half the things I've done, they'll never let me in
And then somewhere from the other side, I heard these words again
… And they said
Let me tell you a secret about a father's love
A secret that my daddy said was just between us
You see daddies don't just love their children every now and then
It's a love without end, amen }- Love without end, Amen by George Strait
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at-thestillpoint · 1 year
for the writing asks: dealer's choice on which chapter(s) of you could be the one that I keep - 🎢 🎥
🎢- Were there any scenes you were nervous about? For audience reception or otherwise?
I was incredibly nervous to post the second chapter of you could be the one that i keep. I was trying to write a Natasha-gets-jealous-and-Hangman-finds-that-hot moment, but it pulled a 180 into an examination of ambition and sexism and what it means to be a woman in a male-dominated space. Which is all very valid, very worthy of examination, and something I’m comfortable discussing in offline contexts, but this was Top! Gun! fanfiction! It was supposed to be light and fluffy! So I threw it into the ether not really knowing what kind of response to expect, and everyone’s reactions ended up being so, so heartening. It was really lovely to know that Natasha's trepidation resonated with people, even in this silly little internet corner of mine. Reflecting on it now, I think those responses really opened the floodgates for texas man/california sand, which are fluffy and fun and smutty, but also start to (I hope) deal with what it actually means to put two lives together.
🎥- Were there any tv shows, books, or movies that influenced this verse, if any?
Does pre-aughts pop-country music count? The entire series is fueled by The Chicks, Shania Twain, and George Strait. Other than that—and I fully realize this sounds like a faux deep first-year English major cop out answer—I don’t know that any specific media property influenced the series so much as the sum of my media consumption influenced this series: I think about this as slice of life, and so what I’m putting into it is mostly just…my life, my friends’ lives, the lives I’ve read about, watched on TV, lived vicariously through movies. 
All that said, there is a direct callout to Pride and Prejudice in california sand, and I definitely had Donald Sutherland’s incredulity in mind when writing (spoilers?) The Scene between Hangman and Nat’s dad.
[ask me about my writing!]
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likelylarks · 2 years
maxiel country music manifesto
okay so i just made a maxiel country music playlist and then i didn’t want to just drop a massive playlist so i felt the need to justify all the songs on it? so here’s the list! (and the playlist)
please be so proud of me for not making this playlist SO long by including taylor swift and brandi carlile because then we’d all still be here, i was SO brave and SO discerning for y’all
1. 23 - Sam Hunt
“You’ll always be my first time….in New Orleans” tell me something that doesn’t scream red bull maxiel more than that line? More than this whole song? You can’t! It’s about how no other teammate that either of them have had has been able to recapture the magic! Also max lost his virginity to daniel and that’s that, we’re starting off strong folks xx
2. Amazed - Lonestar
Daniel totally grew up listening to this song and you can’t change my mind :) he wants to slow dance with max to this song at their wedding :) everyone is like oh my god we get it you’re in love and they’re just like yeah :))))) and gaze lovingly into each other’s eyes
3. Are You Gonna Kiss Me Or Not - Thompson Square
What it says on the tin! The will they wont they! The lean in! The slight teasing! The speedrun of the song from first kiss to marriage mimicking maxiel’s internal feelings!
4. Austin - Blake Shelton
Long hair blake shelton singing about a maxiel after daniel has moved to renault and they broke up :( but are still in love and need to stop being stupid
5. Beautiful Crazy - Luke Combs
max @ daniel, no further comment
6. Better Dig Two - The Band Perry
They’re scarily obsessed with each other, max would literally rather die than get divorced, if daniel died he would die (daniel does not think about max dying bc it is Too Scary)
7. Bless the Broken Road - Rascal Flatts
Daniel and max broke up when daniel left red bull :( and it took them years and years and years to get back together :( but they did! God bless the broken road! For it was broken! But it led daniel back to max!
8. Body Like a Back Road - Sam Hunt
They fuck?
9. Break Up in the End - Cole Swindell
They broke up :( but no amount of love is ever love that is wasted, and there is never a world where they could regret being with each other - or they were never together and this is about daniel breaking up with red bull and how he’d still do it all over again because when it was good it was Good
10. Buy Dirt - Jordan Davis, Luke Bryan
This is vineyard au daniel’s favorite country song, loves the land and the grapes and making max happy with what he grows there
11. Check Yes or No - George Strait
Very cute, very sweet! Also can very much see a high off his ass daniel writing a little check yes or no note and passing it to max and looking at him with wide eyes, pupils blown out huge and not looking away from max’s face as max, also high off his ass, checks a box with shaky hands and shoves the paper back at daniel, and daniel looks down and max checked yes and daniel says “cool” and then max has to be the one to kiss him
12. Colder Weather - Zac Brown Band
I love daniel but he is a ramblin man and he aint ever gonna change, he’s got a —- soul to blame and he was born for leavin, i think the first few months, maybe even years would have been really hard because max wouldn’t understand why daniel couldn’t just be happy right where they were all the time
13. Die a Happy Man - Thomas Rhett
Max has an unending faith that daniel will win a c-word, daniel tells him he doesn’t need one (it would be nice but he doesn’t need it) when he has max
14. Fancy Like - Walker Hayes
I think it’s amusing to imagine millionaires going to apples bees (spelling intentional, that’s how i pronounce it to make my dad fondly roll his eyes) and i think daniel would like to pretend that he would be comfortable there
15. Fast Cars and Freedom - Rascal Flatts
“You don’t look a day over fast cars and freedom” daniel @ max and his perpetual baby face, also peak vibes but i can’t describe the vibes you just gotta listen and then you’ll get the vibes
16. Forever After All - Luke Combs
Many things don’t last forever, max and daniel wouldn’t know anything about that xoxo
17. From the Ground Up - Dan + Shay
It’s about building a family and building a life and the safety and security that comes with it! It’s about choosing each other over and over and over for the rest of their lives
18. half of my hometown (feat. Kenny Chesney) - Kelsea Ballerini
No matter how far he goes, how fancy a house he gets in LA, or how famous he gets, there’s always going to be a part of daniel that’s still that goofy kid from duncraig in perth
19. Head Over Boots - Jon Pardi
Did y’all ever see that video of the chick lip syncing this song to her girlfriend while her gf drives? That’s maxiel
20. Highwayman - The Highwaymen
It is my personal belief this song is on daniel’s ancient ipod, i will be accepting no criticism at this time or ever, also it’s about cycles and storytelling and can we ever go back?
21. I Don’t Want This Night to End - Luke Bryan
They’re hooking up! Don’t want it to be over because then they have to acknowledge they just slept with their teammate! Does not stop them from hooking up again and again!
22. I Got the Boy - Jana Kramer
Slightly to the left of reality where max is still with kelly but he did date daniel when he was younger, daniel is sad :( but there’s a part of max that will always be his so he won, he guesses.
23. In Case You Didn’t Know - Brett Young
Daniel @ max when max says smth stupid about how daniel doesn’t need him as much as max needs daniel
24. It’s Five O’Clock Somewhere - Alan Jackson, Jimmy Buffett
I couldn’t resist? Essential listening?
25. I Want Crazy - Hunter Hayes
They’re insane about each other! Max does not realize this is not normal! Daniel knows this is not normal and does not care!
26. I Will Always Love You - Dolly Parton
Daniel leaving red bull, gifting the number one driver spot to max (as much as it was his to give), what greater act of love (for max, for himself) than to leave?
27. Jolene - Dolly Parton
Max @ every woman who ever looks at daniel for longer than 0.3 seconds
28. Just a Kiss - Lady A
Put them wherever you’d like, the vibes are there! Idk they’re in high school and they’re lying in a field somewhere, max pointing up at all the constellations, daniel keeps humming like he’s listening, but really he’s turned over on his side and he’s just looking at max (they planned to go all the way tonight, for the first time), max is the most beautiful thing he’s ever seen, max eventually lowers his arms and looks over at daniel only to find him already looking, “daniel, will you kiss me”
29. Knee Deep (feat. Jimmy Buffett) - Zac Brown Band
I couldn’t resist? Essential listening?
30. Lady - Brett Young
SORRY but max is the most excellent mother, we all been knew, daniel been knew, etc.
31. Live Like You Were Dying - Tim McGraw
is this not the formula one thesis?
32. The Long Way - Brett Eldredge
Daniel showing max around perth
33. Love You Like I Used To - Russell Dickerson
Every day they are more in love! I don’t make the rules!
34. Made for You - Jake Owen
They were made for each other, they were made to be parents, etc. i do not make the rules, i simply find the country songs that reflect them
35. Margaritaville - Jimmy Buffett
I couldn’t resist? Essential listening?
36. Marry Me - Thomas Rhett
In the music video she shows up at the diner where the best friend has run off to and does NOT marry the guy and that’s the plot we’re going with - the vibes are similar to @abedsmessedupmeta ‘s catalog of non-definitive acts on ao3 (washtheseghostsclean)
37. More Hearts Than Mine - Ingrid Andress
Daniel taking max home to perth and everyone loving max and max being like what if we break up and daniel is like well then you’ll make everyone sad so we should just stay together forever
38. My Girl - Dylan Scott
Daniel is stupidly in love with max, hope this helps
39. My Wish - Rascal Flatts
It’s a good song, and they just love each other y’all, they want the very best for each other
40. Night Train - Jason Aldean
Idk put them in the just a kiss high school scenario again or idk i get come on, star boy ( @yekoc) vibes but like while daniel is at bama and max is still in high school, there’s just something about train whistles mixed with cicadas, nothing quite like it, they’d have fun making out to it
41. Nobody But You (Duet with Gwen Stefani) - Blake Shelton
When this song came on the radio i had to one hand drive down the interstate so i could shazam it so i could keep it because the maxiel vibes were so strong, they’re insane about each other thank you for coming to my ted talk
42. Play It Again - Luke Bryan
Max watching daniel dance stupidly at some house party, thinking he’s the most incredible person in the world
43. Remind Me (with Carrie Underwood) - Brad Paisley
Daniel to renault then mclaren, it’s been so long since they’ve been together, they fall right back into as soon as they let themselves, as easy as breathing
44. Sand In My Boots - Morgan Wallen
Daniel meets max while max is hitchhiking through australia? And max says he’d like to see perth but then he has to get on a flight and go back to europe and daniel goes home to perth alone (max comes back to australia, visits all the places daniel told him about hoping to see him, he does)
45. See You When I See You - Jason Aldean
Daniel leaving red bull, promising max they’d still be friends, max curling daniel’s fingers around the fuel scented candle, saying see you later
46. Setting the World On Fire (with P!NK) - Kenny Chesney
Remember that time they saw each other in passing in LA? Idk they met up that night bc they’re in love and young and beautiful and deserve to be drunk and pretty in LA together
47. She’s Everything - Brad Paisley
Daniel @ max, max @ daniel, hope this helps
48. Something to Be Proud Of - Montgomery Gentry
Cannot convince me that daniel did not grow up listening to this song, he hears it again while they’re in austin, while they’re doing that stupid PR video, he takes his hat off and puts it on max, sings under his breath, max is the life he can hang his hat on
49. Speechless - Dan + Shay
Max is the most beautiful person daniel has ever seen ever in his life! Daniel is the most beautiful person max has ever seen ever in his life! Sometimes they get overwhelmed! I would too!
50. Strawberry Wine - Deana Carter
Daniel took max’s virginity :)
51. Take Your Time - Sam Hunt
This is how it starts! Fun! Casual! And then, of course, they do want to take each other’s hearts and call each other baby :)
52. Tennessee Whiskey - Chris Stapleton
Max is as sweet as strawberry wine (see above), but also, there’s a lot of ways that daniel could cope that are unhealthy, instead he goes home to max
53. That Ain’t My Truck - Rhett Akins
54. Think of You - Chris Young, Cassadee Pope
They’re a package deal even when they’re not (“they still call you daniel”)
55. Toes - Zac Brown Band
I couldn’t resist? Essential listening?
56. Unanswered Prayers - Brooks Jefferson (IT’S TECHNICALLY GARTH BROOKS but he doesn’t have, like anything on spotify???? King??? Why???? This is NOT the first time this has been a problem, everyone please go listen to the original, the cover is just on the playlist for posterity)
Idk something about the way that daniel was with his high school girlfriend until 2016/2017 (i can’t remember exactly when they split), and then wasn’t seriously with someone for A While IRL, and then to make it maxiel (bc that’s what i’m doing here), something about how daniel probably really wanted it to work and then he met max and was glad it wasn’t working, and then got to be with max, and years later runs into jemma and is so fucking glad he didn’t try and stick it out because max is literally everything
57. Wanted - Hunter Hayes
I just think there are different ways and different times where they have felt unwanted but never by each other
58. Waves - Luke Bryan
If you ask daniel, max was made for summer and being under the southern hemisphere’s stars; if you ask max, he’d say the same about daniel. And that’s love baybee
59. You’re Gonna Miss This - Trace Adkins
It’s maxiel as parents, it’s maxiel as some of the most established drivers on the grid, it’s maxiel reminding each other to enjoy their triumphs as they happen
60. Yours - Russell Dickerson
They love each other :)
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piratewithvigor · 4 years
My first thought in regard to every band that gets played on my radio station
ACDC: Every dad’s favourite band
Adams, Bryan: Every mom’s favourite singer until Michael Buble came along
Aerosmith: haha they thought Vince Neil was a lady
Alice Cooper: he’s a Game Of Thrones fanboy and I have proof
Alice In Chains: my sister doesn’t like them because she decided AC were Alice Cooper’s initials ONLY
Allman Brothers Band: good music for dropping acid to
Allman, Gregg: That’s too many Gs for one name
Animals: House Of The Rising Sun, or who even cares
Argent: Sometimes Hold Your Head Up is really catchy
Asia: Tuesdays
Autograph: one of the members went on to be a pharmacist
Bachman-Turner Overdrive: There are just so many pop culture jokes about Taking Care Of Business that whatever I say won’t be as funny
Bad Company: with their song; Bad Company, off their album; Bad Company
Benatar, Pat: Always getting her confused with Patti Smith
Black Crowes: I like them for Lickin, but it doesn’t seem to exist outside of one shoddy video on youtube and my old CD
Blackfoot: this band name feels kind of racy
Black Sabbath: Dio was not better or worse than Ozzy; just different
Blondie: I like Call Me, but Blondie confuses me stylistically
Blue Oyster Cult: MORE COWBELL
Bon Jovi: Hello, childhood trauma, I missed you
Bowie, David: Don’t let your children watch The Man Who Fell To Earth, or David Bowie’s will end up being the third penis they see in life
Browne, Jackson: Another musician ruined by Supernatural
Buffalo Springfield: Jack Nicholson was at the riot they sing about
Burdon, Eric: no ideas, brain empty
Bush: ditto
Candlebox: ditto once more. Who are these people?
Cars: This band feels so gay and so straight at the same time, I can only assume they’re the poster children of bisexual panic
Cheap Trick: I played Dream Police on Guitar Hero so fucking much because it was the only song anyone who played with me could keep up with
Chicago: Chicago 30 exists, but they do not have 30 albums. Fucking riddle me that
Clapton, Eric: 6 discs in one Greatest Hits is too many. That’s called “re releasing your discography”
Cochrane, Tom: For some reason, everyone thinks Rascal Flats did it better
Cocker, Joe: Belushi did it right
Collective Soul: who?
Collins, Phil: If his biggest hits were done by MCR, they would be emo anthems, but because he’s 5′6″ and from the 80s, they’re not
Cream: *Vietnam flashbacks on the hippie side*
CCR: *Vietnam flashbacks on the war side*
CSNY: David Crosby; meh
Def Leppard: the only music for when you’re a heartbroken bitch but also a sexy one
Derek And The Dominos: Clapton and ‘Layla’ broke up
Derringer, Rick: Tom Petty if he was from the midwest
Dio: You thought it was an anime reference, but it was me, Dio
Dire Straits: You can tell how bigoted a radio station is based on how much of Money For Nothing they censor
Doobie Brothers: I have yet to smoke weed, but I listen to the Doobies, and I think that’s pretty close
Dylan, Bob: I take back everything I said about him in my youth
Eagles: Hotel California isn’t their best song, but the memes that come from it are second to none
Edgar Winter Group: @the--blackdahlia
Electric Light Orchestra: Actually an orchestra and sound a fuckton like George Harrison
ELO: I really hesitate to ask what happens with the 7 virgins and a mule
Essex, David: no prominent memories of him
Fabulous Thunderbirds: cannot spell
Faces: Who on earth thought that was a good album name?
Faith No More: I got nothing
Fixx: One Thing Leads To Another is a damn bop
Fleetwood Mac: I ain’t straight, but I’m simply not enough of a witch to enjoy them to full potential
Fogerty, John: He got sued cause he sounded like himself
Foghat: Slow Ride slowly becoming less coherent feels like a drug trip
Foo Fighters: He was just excited to buy a grill
Ford, Lita: deserved better
Foreigner: dramatically overplayed
Frampton, Peter: a masterful user of the talk box
Free: dramatically underplayed
Gabriel, Peter: leaving Genesis changed him a lot
Genesis: if someone likes Genesis, clarify the era, because yes, it does matter
Georgia Satellites: sing like you have a cactus in your ass
Golden Earring: Twilight Zone slaps, but it doesn’t slap as hard as this station thinks it does
Grand Funk Railroad: Funk
Grateful Dead: I like their aesthetic more than their music
Great White: there are so many fucking shark jokes
Greenbaum, Norman: makes me think of Subway for some reason
Green Day: the first of the emo revolution
Greg Kihn Band: RocKihnRoll is literally the most clever album name I’ve ever seen
Guns N Roses: They have more than three good songs, but radio stations never recognize that
Hagar, Sammy: I’m still trying to figure out where he lived to take 16 hours to get to LA driving 55 and how fucking fast was he driving beforehand?
Harrison, George: He went from religious to rock, and if he had continued rocking, he would have gotten too cool 
Head East: I respect people who use breakfast foods as album names
Heart: Magic Man and Barracuda are played at least once every goddamn day. They’re not even the best songs!
Hendrix, Jimi: I have both a cousin and a sibling named after Hendrix references
Henley, Don: Dirty Laundry gives me too much inspiration
Hollies: Somehow sound like they’re both from the 60s and the 80s at the same time
Idol, Billy: he’s doing well for himself
INXS: Terminator vibes
Iris, Donnie: knockoff Roy Orbison
James Gang: too many funks
Jane’s Addiction: if TMNT had a grunge band representative
Jefferson Airplane: *assorted cheers*
Jefferson Starship: *assorted boos*
Jethro Tull: The only band to make you feel not cool enough to play the flute
Jett, Joan: icon
J. Geils Band: I requested them on the radio once and it got played
Joel, Billy: he really did just air everybody’s business like that
John Cafferty And The Beaver Brown Band: literally wtf is that name
John, Elton: yarn Elton sits in my basement, unstaring. Please someone take him from me
Joplin, Janis: Queen
Journey: Stop overplaying Don’t Stop Believing. It takes away from the rest of the repetoire
Judas Priest: literally started the gay leather aesthetic
Kansas: another fucking band Supernatural stole
Kenny Wayne Shepherd: the man confuses me to the point where he isn’t in the right place alphabetically
Kiss: Mick Mars and I will simply have to disagree on the subject
Kravitz, Lenny: runaway vibes
Led Zeppelin: Fucking fight me if you don’t think they’re the most talented band (maybe not the most talented individually, but collectively, no one comes close)
Lennon, John: My least favourite Beatle for reasons
Live: I got nothin
Living Colour: slap a decent amount
Loverboy: do you not get TURNT the fuck up to the big Loverboy hits? Who hurt you??
Lynyrd Skynyrd: Sweet Home Alabama is a Neil Young diss track
Marshall Tucker Band: no opinion
McCartney, Paul/Wings: Power couple
Meatloaf: I have nothing but respect for a man who willingly named himself Meatloaf
Mellencamp, John: voted cutest lesbian of 1987
Metallica: I liked their appearance on Jimmy Fallon
Midnight Oil: I get them confused for Talking Heads a lot
Modern English: who?
Molly Hatchet: Hollies vibes, but also Georgia Satellites vibes
Motley Crue: Stan Mick Mars and John Corabi. They’re the only ones who deserve it
Mott The Hoople: no one loves them except for David Bowie
Mountain: props for naming an album ‘Climbing’
Nazareth: I want to make a John Mulaney joke here, but I can never come up with one
Nicks, Stevie: witch queen
Night Ranger: I get them confused with Urge Overkill
Nirvana: Kurt Cobain was the ally grunge needed
Nova, Aldo: he’s Canadian, at least
Nugent, Ted: *serves a ghost as jerky*
Offspring: nothing here
Osbourne, Ozzy: this bitch crazy
Outfield: Your Love is kind of a sketchy song, but it slaps hard
Palmer, Robert: low quality Eddie Money
Pearl Jam: *grunts in Eddie Vedder*
Petty, Tom: I have so many feelings about Tom Petty and they are all good
Pink Floyd: which one is Pink?
Plant, Robert: solo career is a crapshoot, but his voice is unparalleled
Poison: I want them to write a song called ‘Alice Cooper’
Pretenders: I want to say good things, but I have nothing to say
Queen: A doctor of astrophysics, a screaming girl, a disco queen and a diva walk into a bar. It’s Queen; they’re there to play a gig
Queensryche: neutral opinion
Quiet Riot: they got big because of a song they hated. I love that
Rafferty, Gerry: the second-sexiest sax opening in all of music
Rainbow: Ritchie Blackmore created something very magnificent
Ram Jam: one good song and they didn’t even write it
Ratt: I’m sure they have more than Round And Round, but I don’t know it
RHCP: funky, but if you have paid money to hear them, you’re going to The Bad Place (I don’t make the rules)
Red Rider: basically Golden Earring
Reed, Lou: Walk On The Wild Side would be such a cool song if it wasn’t so dull
REM: American Tragically Hip
REO Speedwagon: Props for having a dad joke as an album title
Rolling Stones: Never in my life could I imagine the drummer being named anything but Charlie
Rush: How to make being uncool the coolest fucking shit
Santana: The world needs more Santana
Scandal: There’s something really funny about The Warrior being my brother’s “song” with his girlfriend
Scorpions: Was Wind Of Change written by the CIA? Only the spotify podcast I got an ad for once could say
Seger, Bob: A different variety of Eric Clapton (frankly a better variety, but that’s just me)
Simple Minds: we ALL forgot about you
Skid Row: Sebastian Bach is prettier than all of us
Soundgarden: music that makes you feel like you dunked your head underwater
Springsteen, Bruce: my arch-nemesis. Maybe someday, he’ll find out about it
Squeeze: according to my friends, the stupidest band name ever, but they’re theatre kids, so you know
Squier, Billy: If he can make it through 1984 alive, you can make it through whatever bad day you’re having
Stealers Wheel: Yet another band who I always mistake for George Harrison
Steely Dan: my house’s nickname for the Robber in Settlers Of Catan
Steppenwolf: Either makes me think of Jay & Silent Bob, Jack Nicholson, or that time I had to cut 6lbs of onions
Steve Miller Band: when you’re in the right mood, they slap hard
Stewart, Rod: my soundtrack to summer 2015
Stills, Stephen: Love The One You’re With Is Catchy, but the lyrics are questionable
Stone Temple Pilots: the only band to write a song about goo you smear on yourself
Stray Cats: an obscene amount of merch is available for them
Styx: Supernatural would have ruined them for me too if I hadn’t been into them previously. 
Supertramp: I hunted for Breakfast In America for two years and it was worth every hunt
Sweet: I will never understand my two-month obsession with Ballroom Blitz when I was 15, but it was legit all I listened to
Talking Heads: you may find yourself in a pizza hut. And you may find yourself in a taco bell. And you may find yourself at the combination pizza hut and taco bell. And you may ask yourself; ‘how did I get here?’
Temple Of The Dog: I keep confusing them for Nazareth
Ten Years After: somehow still relevant
Tesla: not the car or the dude
The Beatles: Evokes a lot of opinions from people. Mine is that I love them
The Clash: I showed my sister the ‘Lock The Taskbar’ vine ONCE and it still kills her
The Doors: evokes teenage terror from deep within my soul
The Guess Who: Canada’s answer to confusing question-themed band names
The Kinks: kinky
The Police: wrote the theme of 2020 and everyone somehow forgot it was about a teacher resisting becoming a pedophile
The Ramones: playing all of their songs in a row wouldn’t take more than 2 hours
The Romantics: you don’t think you know them, but if you’ve seen Shrek 2, you have
The Who: If someone can explain Tommy to me, I’d be glad to hear it
The Zombies: I think they happened because of the 60s
Thin Lizzy: Could the boys maybe leave town?
Thorogood, George: blues, but make it modern
Toto: the most memed song behind All Star
Townshend, Pete: just makes me think of the end of Mr. Deeds
T-Rex: Mark Bolan is an icon
Triumph: The no-name brand of Rush
Tubes: like the yogurt
Twisted Sister: they did a christmas album and my mom does NOT hate it
U2: U2 Movers; we move in mysterious ways
Van Halen: RIP Eddie
Van Morrison: honestly, who’s named Van?
Vaughn, Stevie Ray: Steamy Ray Vaughn
Walsh, Joe: The Smoker You Drink The Player You Get
War: Foghat, but even groovier
Whitesnake: the most successful band to be named after a penis
Wright, Gary: the 90s thanks him for writing the song every movie used for the “guy sees cute girl and it’s love at first sight” scene
Yes: To Be Continued
Young, Neil: The best part of CSNY
Zevon, Warren: the album cover of Excitable Boy makes me deeply uncomfortable for reasons I don’t understand
ZZ Top: has been the same three guys since 1969. Lineup unchanged. 
3 Doors Down: They feel a little modern to be on a classic rock station, but whatever
38 Special: Why 38?
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catlynhoss05 · 3 years
Home Sweet Home Ch. 1 P. 3
Meeting The Farm Family!
Tumblr media
Pairing: OC!baureader x Emily Prentiss x Criminal Minds
~starts in season 4~ (also, check out the links to see what Remi’s abs look like and to see what her arms look like when she flexes as well.. The links are all on the HSH masterlist.) (Click here for song when cued)
Chapter Summary: After the team finishes up with the case and return back to Remi’s childhood home, the team are in for an eventful evening. However, when the following day comes around, Emily’s in for a BIG surprise that makes everyone -herself included- say, “ABOUT TIME!!!”
     After everyone had finished up with supper and the dishes were all cleaned up, Remi had excused herself so she could go and check the chickens. What Remi wasn’t expecting was that Asher had let the mean chicken -that only hated Remi- out of it’s cage to roam around the coop. The mean chicken liked everyone EXCEPT for Remi and Asher knew that. When she had left the house to go to the chicken coop, Asher turned back to the rest of the boys as everyone was just lounging around and started grinning like a fool.
     “Asher, not again. You do remember the last time you messed with her, right?” Benjamin asked with a smile. “Oh, I remember. I still have that scar, but it’s totally worth it though.” Asher laughed. The team looked at each other with confused looks. “What’s going on?” JJ asked. Before anyone could answer her question, everyone heard Remi scream for Asher, and she sounded BEYOND pissed. “Oh God. She’s pissed… Remove anything glass and/or any valuables and BACK UP.” Harris explained, him and his brothers grabbing every piece of glass that was in view and hurrying to put them out of the way before Remi came back inside. Once everyone was backed up out of harms way, Remi had appeared in the patio doorway covered in feathers, a few broken eggs, and some chicken feces. Her fists were tightly clenched, and her face was red, which Emily was really turned on by seeing Remi so riled up. “You bastard.” Remi muttered. “If you two are gonna fight, take it out back so you don’t get everything dirty.” Carol insisted.
     Nolan had pushed Asher out in the middle of the room to wait for his impending doom that is an angry Remi. “Rem-Remi, look. I am sorry, but we have not seen each other in a few months since you left for D.C. and I-I was just messing with you, okay? That’s just what we do.” Asher tried reasoning with his sister. However, that did not help much because that’s when Remi started charging at Asher, who decided to make a run for it out the front door. As Remi chased Asher around the house and to the back yard, everyone that was left in the house had all came out onto the patio to watch the scene. “So, uh… You two are okay with letting them fight it out?” Morgan asked Carol as they all looked on. “Since we have a total of 12 kids and Remi being the youngest and the only girl, we let them figure out their issues/problems that they have with each other on their own. Sometimes, depending on the situation, they fight it out and if the fights get way to out of hand, that’s when we have to intervene.” Carol explained, earning understanding nods from the team. 
     Remi had finally managed to tackle Asher in the middle of the yard and ended rolling together for a few seconds. Once they stopped rolling and were both laying in the yard on their backs, they started laughing and Remi had forgiven him. They both got up off the ground and made their way back up to the house. “Hey, hey… Both of you, shoes off before going inside the house. And take a shower after showing your team where they will be staying, Remington.” Joseph, Remi’s dad, ordered. After Asher and Remi kicked off their shoes, they had both followed everyone back inside the house. Remi went to grab her bags by the front door before turning to face the team to decide where everyone would be staying. “Okay, so I’ve thought about how the sleeping arrangements will be until Will, Henry, Jack and my doggo, Louisa, get here. So, until then, I have a double bed that has a mattress in my old room that is set up so JJ, Penelope and Emily can stay in there with me. You three ladies can borrow some of my old clothes and a pair of boots if needed. Uh, Hotch… You can stay in Asher and Eli’s old room. Rossi, you can stay in Sawyer’s old room. Derek, you can stay in Ryker’s old room and Spencer, you can stay Dallas’s old room.” Remi decided.
     Hotch and the team all came over and grabbed their bags from the entryway and followed Remi upstairs to the rooms. Once Remi showed the men to their rooms, she then led Emily, JJ and Penelope to her old room that was down at the end of the hallway. “Okay, here we are. Oh, and about that secret that I had mentioned about earlier.” She paused as she worked on picking the lock to her bedroom door. “Ha, there we go, got it.” She chuckled, standing back up and turning towards the 3 women. “I-I finally got the lock picked… Anyway, the reason why I had said that I would show you ladies that secret of mine is because, well…. Come in and see for yourselves.” Remi suggested with a smirk, opening the door, and walking into the room. Emily, JJ, and Penelope followed her into the room a bit cautiously; not knowing what to expect exactly. When they took in some of the contents that were hanging on the wall nearest to the doorway, they were not expecting what they were looking at. “Oh wow. This is your secret, Remi? A collection of awards, newspaper clippings, plaques, ribbons, pictures and big trophies?” JJ asked. “Well, sort of…” Remi trailed off.
     “What do you mean ‘sort of’?” Emily asked, confused. Penelope gasped after reading one of the many framed newspaper clippings on the wall, her gasp scaring Emily and JJ. “If you looked closely at the stuff on the wall, and I am quite sure that Penelope hit the jackpot on what my secret is, you would’ve read that I’m a two-time world record holder for bull riding. And before you ask what I mean when I said ‘two-time’, the first time that I broke the world record for bull riding was when I was 25 and the second time was when I was 29 and broke my first record time.” Remi explained to her female coworkers. JJ, Emily, and Penelope were all standing there in her room, starring at her with their mouths agape, as they tried to take in the information they were just told. “I’m also one of the top 5 best rodeo riders in the world.” Remi had finished explaining.
     “I have a question to ask, and they probably do as well. Anyway, I could not help but notice this newspaper article of yours that is about Saddle Bronc Riding. What is that exactly?” Penelope asked, pointing at the article on the wall. “Saddle Bronc Riding is, in a way, sort of like bull riding yet it’s not. Bull riding is where you are obviously on a bucking bull, where as Saddle Bronc Riding is where you are on a bucking horse, or a bronc horse, earning the name Saddle Bronc Riding. However, there’s also Bareback Bronc Riding which I personally think is more difficult then the other.” Remi chuckled. “That’s interesting and awesome.” Penelope and JJ laughed. “And fucking hot.” Emily admitted aloud, silencing the room for a few seconds before Penelope and JJ started laughing again and making Remi blush a deep red and become bashful.
     “That’s why my files are classified and why you couldn’t find any information on me or hack into my said files. Or even do a simple background check on me, Miss Penelope.” Remi laughed as she picked up her go-bag off the floor and putting it onto the cot bed. “How’d you know that I did that? Oh, and have you met any famous people?” The bubbly tech genius laughed as well as the other three women. “Honestly, I did not until you just admitted to doing so, but I did have my suspicions though. And yes, I have actually.” Remi laughed as she grabbed some clean clothes out of her bag before turning around to face Penelope. “Who all have you met, Remi?” Emily asked, setting her bags by the cot bed. “I have met George Strait a few times.” She smiled, then excused herself so she could go and shower before going to bed.
     After Remi had left the room to go and shower, Emily, JJ and Penelope had all changed into their pajamas for bed. When Emily had finished changing her clothes, she turned to face Penelope and JJ and sat down on the cot bed. “Why do you the two of you get the king-sized bed for?” She asked quietly. “Because we got to the bed before you did. Plus, you need to get a move on with the whole crush on Remi situation. And yes, that means sleeping in the same bed with her if that’s what it’s gonna take.” JJ whispered. After about 20 minutes or so and after everyone got ready for bed, Remi had returned to her room wearing only a white Calvin Klein sports bra, matching white Calvin Klein’s boy short underwear with only the waistband showing and gray sweatpants that rode a bit low on her hips. Her hair was damp and askew from her somewhat drying her hair with a towel. Emily was still sitting on the cot bed while JJ and Penelope had already gotten comfortable in the king size bed.
     Remi started to chuckle as she took in the state of the two in the king size bed. “I see that you two already made yourselves comfortable.” She laughed. “Well, it is pretty comfy.” Penelope laughed as well as JJ and Emily. Remi turned her attention back to her belongings that were still on the cot bed and moved them off the bed, setting them down in front of her closet. When she turned back to face Emily, she noticed that the raven-haired beauty was gawking at her and she smirked. “See somethin’ you like, Prentiss?” She asked as she moved a bit closer to Emily. “And if I do, are you gonna do something about it?” Emily quipped, leaning back onto her elbows on the cot bed. Remi just chuckled and moved to get a pair of socks to put on before getting into bed. “Are you gonna do anything, Remi?” JJ asked, wiggling her eyebrows at the young agent.
     Before Remi could do or say anything to JJ, they all heard some whispering coming from the other side of the closed bedroom door. “You’ve gotta be kidding me. Every fucking time I have a girl in my room and the door just so happens to be closed.” Remi muttered, finishing putting her socks on before digging through her closet. “Nice looking ass you got there, Remington. But what are you looking for exactly?” Emily asked, hearing Remi bump her head on something and hearing her murmur a quiet ‘fuck’ under her breathe. “Aha, found it. And must you call me Remington?” Remi laughed as she pulled out her old red whip. “Wait, are you actually going to use that on them?” Penelope asked, sitting up in bed. “Oh, heavens no… You know how bad that would hurt them?” Remi asked. “They’re all scared of my whip. I would never hit anyone OR any animal with it. I only keep it around just to scare my brothers off if they’re buggin’ me.” Remi explained, walking over to her door quietly and made sure that the ladies stayed quiet.
     Remi opened her door and shouted ‘HEY’ at Colten, Oliver and Nolan who were eavesdropping on their sister and her female coworkers. The three boys took notice of the red leather whip that was in her hand and started to run back down the hallway and down the stairs as well. Remi started to laugh as she went back into her bedroom and closed the door. “Oh man. That was great and tickles me every time.” She smiled, walking back over to her closet, and putting her whip back in its place. “Hey Remi.” Penelope spoke up. “Yes?” “What is that on your inner left bicep?” She asked curiously. Remi lifted her left arm to see what the tech genius was talking about. “Oh, that’s just my birthmark.” She explained, yawning, and stretching her arms above her head. “I think it’s time for us to get some shut eye.
     Remi crawled onto the other side of the cot bed furthest away from the door since Emily already made herself comfortable. They all said their good nights to each other before drifting off into much needed sleep around 10 p.m.. Sometime around midnight, Remi had woken up because she had to go to the bathroom but had realized that she could not get up out of bed. “Uh, Emily?” She whispered. “Emily…” She whispered again but harshly this time. When the raven-haired beauty did not respond or make any attempt at moving off her, Remi decided to fix the problem herself. In one quick motion, Remi thought her plan would go smoothly as she wanted it to. And boy, was she wrong about that. She was hoping that she could smoothly roll Emily off her just enough for her to quickly jump up off the bed. However, when Remi had managed to roll Emily off her and back to her side of the cot, Emily started to wake up when Remi had her hips straddled with her knees and both of Remi’s hands on either side of her head.
     “Uh, hi.” Remi whispered nervously. “If we’re going to do this, Remi, we’re going to have to be fast and quiet.” Emily whispered, grinning up at Remi. “As much as I would love that right now, we can’t. Plus, you were sleeping on top of me, and I have to pee.” Remi chuckled, getting off Emily and making her way to the bathroom. Once she came back to her room, she closed the door and then crawled back into bed to go back to sleep. “Night, Em.” She whispered. Emily smiled sleepily at the nickname that she used. “Night, Remi.” Emily took in her coworker’s sleeping figure and absolutely wanted to devour every inch of her and to be devoured and loved by her as well. But she knew that it was not the time or place to do that. Around 4 a.m., Remi’s alarm on her phone started to go off, waking up the young agent. She hurried to grab her phone to turn off the alarm so it would not wake up the other 3 women.
     Once she got the alarm turned off, Remi carefully got out of bed and started to get dressed before leaving the bedroom, trying not to wake up her sleeping coworkers. As she made her way downstairs to get something to drink and to do a few morning stretches, she noticed all 11 of her brothers cuddled up together in the living room, chuckling to herself. Remi put on a pair of her old cowboy boots that she wears for whenever she’s home and works on the farm, grabs a few trays with a bunch of egg cartons on them and she heads out to collect eggs to make breakfast for everyone. About 2 and a half hours later, around 6:30 a.m. or so, Remi was relieved that she was finished with cleaning the chicken coop, feeding the chickens, and collecting eggs for breakfast for everyone. Grabbing the trays of filled egg cartons, she heads back to the house to start making some food. Remi kicks off her boots on the patio before entering the house and was greeted by a few of her brothers, Hotch, Rossi and Spencer awake and sitting at the island in the kitchen.
     “Good mornin’, carbon-based lifeforms.” Remi greeted, earning some groans from Spencer and Rossi. “Well okay then. I got some eggs to make for breakfast if y’all are hungry.” Remi offered, watching Reid, Hotch and Rossi perk up at the mention of food. “Got any coffee?” Hotch asked. “Pfft, who do you think I am!?” Remi and Hotch laughed. “Yeah, it’s over there on the counter.” She pointed out. The rest of the team, Remi’s brothers and her parents started to wake up and make their ways downstairs to the kitchen and out of the living room for some food and coffee. Everyone got a plate of food and some coffee before sitting around the kitchen and living room and enjoying a nice, hot meal together. After a while when everyone was finished and just sitting around talking and drinking coffee, Sawyer spoke up from his seat on the couch. “So, Remi.” He paused, taking a sip of his coffee. “What, Sawyer?” She called out as she was filling up her coffee mug.
     “When are you gonna make your move?” He asked, everyone else also chiming in. “What move?” Emily asked confused. Everyone, including Remi’s parents, were smiling at Remi, and waiting for her to say something. Remi came into view of everyone from the kitchen, looking like a nervous wreck. “Uh…” She cleared her throat. “We can do it now if that’s alright with everyone.” She suggested, getting a ‘yes’ from everyone except for Emily. Emily was sitting at the island along with JJ and Penelope while the rest of the team and Remi’s brothers were sitting around on the 2 sectionals in the living room. Remi came over and stood in front of Emily with something behind her back. “You’re going to kill me, aren’t you?” Emily asked, making everyone laugh. “No, I’m not gonna kill you… I have a surprise for you though. Well, technically two surprises. Anyway, these are for you.” Remi smiled, revealing a bouquet of beautiful red roses, and handed them to Emily. “Oh my gosh, these are gorgeous flowers, Remi. Thank you.” Emily smiled.
     It was still noticeable that the raven-haired beauty was still confused on what the second surprise was going to be. Remi smiled, offering her hand to Emily. “C’mere. I still have that second surprise for you.” Emily took her hand and followed her over to the grand piano that was in the den. There was also a violin, a drum set and an acoustic guitar that were also set up in the den as well. Remi had motioned to Harris, Elijah, and Wyatt to come over as well. Remi had pulled out the piano bench and had let Emily sit down first before sitting down next to her. Once the three boys were ready for Remi’s cue, she had slightly turned to face Emily before they started playing. “Emily, I’ve had the biggest crush on you ever since the moment we had officially met the moment you had accidently spilled your ridiculously hot coffee all over my shirt on my first day at the BAU.” Remi explained, laughing at the memory. She turned her body back to face the piano. “Emily Prentiss, this song is for you.” Remi smiled.
(Cue Song)
(Harris plays violin; Elijah plays drums; Wyatt plays guitar; Remi obviously sings/plays piano)
You don’t have to go now, honey
Call and tell ‘em you won’t be in today
Baby, there ain’t nothin’ at the office
So important it can’t wait
I’m thankful for the weekend
But two days in heaven just ain’t gonna do
This is gonna take forever, darlin’
Girl, I just got started lovin’ you
 What’s the point in fightin’ what we’re feelin’
We both know we’ll never win
Ain’t this what we’re missin’
Let’s just stop all this resistin’ and give in
Let me wrap my arms around you
You know you don’t want to leave this room
Come back and let me hold you, darlin’
Girl, I just got started lovin’ you
   Everyone, especially Emily, were all enjoying hearing Remi and her brothers sing and play the song. They’re also relieved that Remi finally had told Emily how she felt about her and was finally doing something about it.
What can I say, I’ve never felt this way
Girl, you’re like a dream come true
After all the love we’ve made
It sure would be a shame
If we let this moment end so soon
So won’t you lay back down beside me
Girl, just like I know you’re wantin’ to
Trust me when I tell you, darlin’
Girl, I just got started lovin’ you
 I ain’t gonna stop
Oh yeah
 What can I say, I’ve never felt this way
Girl, you’re like a dream come true
After all the love we’ve made
It sure would be a shame
If we let this moment end so soon
 I’m thankful for the weekend
But two days in heaven just ain’t gonna do
This is gonna take forever, darlin’
Girl, I just got started lovin’ you
Come back and let me hold you, darlin’
Girl, I just got started lovin’ you
 Gonna hang out all week long
Laughing, loving, kissing, hugging baby
      After they finished the song, Remi turned herself so that she’s facing Emily and her cheeks started to turn pink as well as the tips of her ears. “So, will you be my girlfriend, Emily?” She asked bashfully. “Yes, I would love to be your girlfriend and it’s about time you asked.” Emily laughed as well as everyone else. Remi beamed, cupping Emily’s face in her hands and leaning forward a bit to kiss her sweetly. Everyone started to cheer, and Penelope decided to shout, “ABOUT TIME!!!” The new couple broke apart from each other and started laughing at Penelope’s excitement when she shouted. Remi and Emily had both stood up from the piano and moved so Remi could put the bench back where it was before exiting the den. They stopped in front of the team when Hotch spoke up. “You both do realize that you’re going to have to go Strauss and tell her, right?” Hotch asked in all seriousness. “Yeah, about that. She already knows.” Remi smirked. “How does she already know about you two getting together?” Hotch asked, clearly confused as his eyebrows furrowed together as everyone else’s did too.
     “Remember that rare sighting of Strauss smiling and being nice to me last week?” Remi asked. “Yeah.” Rossi spoke up. “That’s because she had pulled me into her office and asked when I was going to ask Emily out. And how do y’all think we got 2 weeks of paid vacation time to spend here in Nashville after the case?” Remi chuckled, receiving shocked looks from everyone including Hotch. “For some odd reason, Strauss actually likes me. I don’t know why though.” Remi paused. “And don’t get any ideas about having me asking her for more paid vacations… MORGAN.” Hotch and Rossi laughed, watching Derek putting his hands up in surrender.
     It was around 8:30/9:00 a.m. when there was a knock at the front door. “I’ll get it.” Colten said, getting up from his spot on one of the sectionals. Everyone else was just sitting around together enjoying each other’s company for the time being. Remi and Emily were sitting together on a couple bar stools at the island in the kitchen. “You know, the way that you’re sitting right now is giving me the perfect view down the front of your shirt.” Remi grinned happily, making Emily blush a little bit. “See anything you like!?” Emily asked teasingly. “Oh, very much so.” Remi played along, leaning into kiss Emily. Before the two could kiss, Colten came back into the living room – there is a big opening that connects the kitchen and living room together – and had a few guests with him. “Hey, look what the cat dragged in.” Colten chuckled, moving out of the way to show everyone that Will, Henry, Jack and Louisa had arrived.
     JJ, Hotch and the rest of the team had gotten up off the couch to greet them. “Louisa… Hey sweet girl.” Remi called out as she crouched down so she could greet her dog. Louisa practically ran over and jumped into Remi’s arms and immediately started giving her kisses. “Okay, okay. That’s enough for now. Can you sit?” Remi asked, watching Louisa do what she asked. Remi stood back up and turned to Emily who was smiling at her. “Should I be jealous!?” She asked sarcastically. Remi rolled her eyes at her girlfriend with a smirk. “Emily and the rest of the team, this is my 2-year-old German Shepard, Louisa… Louisa, this is my team that I told you about and this is Emily.” Remi said. “Louisa, can you say hi to everyone?” Louisa barked and nudged Emily’s leg with her paw. “She wants you to shake.” Remi smiled.
     “Hi, Louisa. I’m Emily… I’m your mom’s girlfriend and coworker.” The raven-haired beauty smiled, shaking the dog’s paw. As Louisa made her way around the room to each team member – also including Jack, Henry and Will – to shake hand and paw, Will looked between Remi and Emily before turning to JJ. “Wait, girlfriend?” He asked, earning a nod from everyone. “About time the two of you finally got together.” He laughed.
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lady-whistledowns · 3 years
tag 9 people to know more about their interests, hobbies, etc.
i was tagged by @violareys
fav genre? - pretty much anything but I’m not a huge fan of rap or R&B although there are certainly good songs in both categories.
fav artist? - Taylor Swift, Ed Sheeran, & George Strait
fav song? - As Long As You Love Me by The Backstreet Boys
song currently stuck in your head? - Wannabe by Spice Girls but that could just be cause it’s the one currently playing.
fav lyrics? - “Like a river flows, Surely to the sea, Darling, so it goes, Some things are meant to be” also the entire chorus of Country Roads by John Denver you can’t be from West Virginia and not get homesick just hearing it. And pretty much almost anything Taylor Swift or Ed Sheeran have ever written.
radio or your own playlist | solo artists or bands | pop or indie | loud or silent volume | slow or fast songs | music video or lyrics video | speakers or headset | riding a bus in silence or while listening to music | driving in silence or with radio on
fav book genre? - Historical Fiction
fav writer? - I’ve never really thought about that.
fav book? - Pride & Prejudice
fav book series? - A Song of Fire and Ice (and yes I’m resigned to the fact he will never finish it)
comfort book? - I don’t have anything specific. Just whatever I’m reading at the time.
perfect book to read on a rainy day? - literally any book?
fav characters? - Colin Bridgerton, Penelope Featherington, Fitzwilliam Darcy, Luna Lovegood, Jon Snow, Daenerys Targaryen, Jo March. I could go on but I won’t.
5 quotes from your fav book that you know by heart? - the only thing I can think of is the opening line of Pride & Prejudice “It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife”
hardcover or paperback | buy or rent | standalone novels or book series | ebook or physical copy | reading at night or during the day | reading at home or in nature | listening to music while reading or reading in silence | reading in order or reading the ending first | reliable or unreliable narrator | realism or fantasy | one or multiple POVS | judging by the covers or by the summary | rereading or reading just once
fav tv/movie genre? - any
fav movie? - Titanic
comfort movie? - Pride & Prejudice
movie you watch every year? - A Year Without A Santa Claus at Christmas, Sleepy Hollow & Corpse Bride at Halloween. Star Wars when I need to see my favs again.
fav tv show? - Smallville and Game of Thrones (we don’t acknowledge Season 8 in this house)
comfort tv show? - Smallville. My dad and I would marathon it all the time. I haven’t been able to bring myself to do it since he passed away but it’s been on my list of things to accomplish.
most rewatched tv show? - probably Smallville again. Or NCIS.
ultimate otp? - Jon Snow & Daenerys Targaryen, Ben Solo & Rey
5 fav characters? - Jon Snow, Ben Solo, Daenerys Targaryen, Evan Buckley, Thor Odinson
tv shows or movies | short seasons (8-13 episodes) or full seasons (22 episodes or more) | one episode a week or binging | one season or multiple seasons | one part or saga | half hour or one hour long episodes | subtitles on or off | rewatching or watching just once depends
TAGGING: @pegsccarter, @afirewiel, @bestintheparsec, @oberynmartell, @teamnick, @perfectopposite, @nickblaine, @star-wars, @bencsolos
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quentineliot · 3 years
Country music. Everybody's favorite. Right? ;P
I grew up in the Southern US. "The South" people from the area would more affectionately call it. I've moved, and done a lot to separate myself from not only the so called culture there, but also it's music.
And I LOVE music. Sang in the car to every song that came on the radio from the age I could make sound, to 21. My mom always tells this story about how I would cry as a baby unless Vince Gill was playing on cassette.
It's been around 7 years since I've turned on a country radio station. But because I grew up on the music (and classic rock like zztop) occasionally a country ear worm will stop by. And being a fully realized transman, it makes sense looking back at the lyrics of many of these songs, why I didn't notice sooner. And why telling my parents was incredibly terrifying.
Not EVERY song uses the "sweet girl with an overprotective dad that just a good ol boy wants to marry and raise a family with" formula. But it's a Lot of them. And if it's not a song about a guy just wanted to settle down with a pretty girl who can cook a good meal, it's about jealousy. And how (typically) women act in these songs is sung at the top of your lungs, about how she'll fuck up his car, steal his dog, or murder him and his mistress.
Miranda Lambert has a song about burning everything down and lighting it on fire. Which, is honestly a mood. But having been In The South, people don't think it's hyperbolic. There are a LOT of people that, if they were willing to bring Dixie Chicks back into their hearts, would be doing some Goodbye Earl's of their own. (Though, this song is a better example of justice taken, and of all the references so far, I think I'm most comfortable with this one.)
Take a look at these lyrics from Shania Twain's "Any Man of Mine"
"Any man of mine better be proud of me
Even when I'm ugly, he still better love me
And I can be late for a date that's fine
But he better be on time"
Okay so I'm with you on the first two lines. Great start. But you're saying you don't want your man to be late but You* can be late. Double standard and not okay. This was music I absorbed as like, idk, a 6 years old? I'd need math and Google and I don't feel like it. Moving on.
"Any man of mine'll say it fits just right
When last year's dress is just a little too tight
And anything I do or say better be okay
When I have a bad hair day"
First two lines, personal preference I suppose. I'd rather be told if I don't look good and change my clothes. Not everyone is me, a lot of people would much rather get "yes baby you look amazing!" always. Top two lines, good.
I mentioned Carrie Underwood's Before He Cheats earlier. All you really need is the chorus. I don't need Google for this one.
And I dug my key in to the side of his pretty little suped up four wheel drive
Carved my name into his leather seats
I took a Louisville slugger to both headlights
Slashed a hole in all four tires
Maybe next time he'll think before he cheats
TLDR: he cheated on me so I destroyed his car. And while this song was a fucking Anthem when it came out, any woman who exhibited even slightly agressive behavior was Shut the fuck Down. Make it make sense. The song is about criminal activity so, clearly, anyone who does this should be charged. So why wouldn't people let women and girls show anger in a productive way?
Trisha Yearwoods "She's in Love with the Boy"
Is literally just romanticizing getting married at 16 or 18 or to your first love.
Faith Hill's "This Kiss" gets a pass but only because of "Cinderella said to Snow White, how does love get so off course?" And I thought they were in love with each other 😂
I can't even begin to unpack Fancy by Reba McEntire. And Reba is legendary, she's been making music since before I was born and I love her. It's just, that song.. Eugh. Yikes.
I've been trying to find other songs that absolutely put "go find a nice boy and have babies" into my brain at an early age, and I stumbled on George Strait and I know a few of his songs by heart. Oceanfront Property. All my exes live in Texas. Check yes or no. Amarillo by morning. I can't find anything wrong with any of his music. So it CAN be done.
I'm just salty about the amount of redneck inspiration porn I was made to sing as a child. (my mother made me sing at parties. I preferred singing alone) No other genre of music does this. Rock music isn't over here all "look pretty, shut up, and find a good husband" 🤨
I feel I should mention that there have been recent songs that defy this formula. ",This ain't my momma's broken heart" by Miranda Lambert. Taylor Swift has a unique writing style so I'm sure she's written SOMEthing that's not just trucks beer women muddin or whatever else today country is about? There's a couple about whiskey I think. It's always whiskey or beer..
Country music is like all about family, or something sad and mourning that loss. Heaven, angels, wings, gods watching over you, memaw is watching over you, you're not alone I'm there with you even tho I'm on a truck 100 miles away, think of me when you hear the wind blow kiddo🙃
Finally, to be clear, I don't hate any of the songs Ive referenced or pulled lyrics from. They were my entire childhood. Lonestar was my shit, I choreographed a dance to Shania Twain's "Man I feel like a woman" and did it in front of an auditorium of people, I still know every word of Suds in the bucket by Sara Evans and anything Martina McBride I've sung hundreds of times. It's beautiful music. But dang does country music and the south know how to brainwash people. It's scary.
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Chapter 8
Eden and Chase headed back to Dawsonville after Chase did his media and such. It was almost Chase's 25th birthday and Eden was planning a huge surprise for him. Chase loved backyard barbecues at home so that's what they were doing.  She knew how much he loved Eric Church so she was having him perform there. She invited his family and close friends.  
Finally the day was here it was Chase's birthday. Eden woke up before he did. She put on his shirt and headed down to make him breakfast. A little bit later she takes it upstairs.
"Something smells so good." Chase says sitting up.
"Breakfast in bed for the birthday boy." Eden says.
"Hmm can I have what's under my shirt?" Chase asks.
"Hmm maybe if your a good boy and eat all of your breakfast." Eden says kissing him.
"Okay." Chase says.
Eden had made all of his favorites including Honey Nut Cheerios. They ate together and then Chase set the trays aside. He pulls her into his lap.
"Chase." Eden moans feeling the tip of his hard on rubbing her entrance.
"No underwear baby and so wet for me?" Chase says.
"Always wet for you." Eden moans.
"Good ." Chase says as he pushes up into her.
Every inch of skin was touching as they moved together.
"God baby." Eden moans as Chase kisses her neck sucking on it.
"Mmm." Chase moans deep in his throat.
They move together kissing and touching any skin they could.  
"Chase oh god." Eden calls out as she cums hard.
Her orgasm rushes through her.
"Eden baby." Chase moans as he cums inside her.
They ride it out.   They end up going at it a few more times before laying in the bed wrapped around each other.
"Happy birthday baby." Eden says kissing his chest.
"Thank you baby.   Best way to celebrate wrapped up with you." Chase says.
"You would think as much sex we have been having these babies would come." Eden says.
"I know but I guess they are just stubborn like their daddy and their mama." Chase says.
"True fact." Eden says laughing.
"We better get up.   I have to head out with my dad and Ryan." Chase says.
"Yes to do boy things.   Why I head to your moms to help plan your birthday dinner." Eden says.
"Yeah I know.   I am so happy you will finally get to meet Brittany and Starr." Chase says.
"I have met them before." Eden says.
"Yes but as my best friend princess not as my wife and mother of my unborn kids." Chase says.
"True." Eden says.
They both get up and get dressed.    Chase heads out with his dad, Ryan and a few other guy friends.    Eden got dressed and headed to his parents house.     Eden walks in.
"Surprise!" Cindy says.
Brittany, Starr, Amy Earnhardt, Abigail Kahne, Samantha Busch, Chandra Johnson, Ingrid Gordon, Emily Johnson, Shannon Gustafson and a lot of other wives in the racing circle were there.
"What is this?" Eden asks.
"A little baby shower for you lil Chase and Casey.    Then we will clean up and turn it into a backyard barbecue for Chase's birthday." Starr says.
"Yes welcome to the family Eden.   I always knew  that you and my brother would end up together." Brittany says.
"Thanks guys." Eden says hugging them both.
"Yes welcome to the family." Cindy replies joining the hug.  
They they usher Eden to her chair.    They make her a plate of food and then everyone gets a plate as well.
They chat as they eat.   They then play a few games before opening gifts.    They really spoiled the heck out of the twins.    They then clean up from the baby shower and decorate and get ready for Chases party.    Eric would he there soon as would Chase and the boys.    They were in the kitchen helping the caterers get set up.
"Oh god." Eden says clutching her stomach.
"What's wrong?" Cindy asks.
"My water just broke." Eden says.
"Oh no." Starr says.
"It's okay guys I'm going to get Abigail she is an OB doctor and can help." Brittany says.
"Okay we will take Eden into the living room and get her comfortable." Cindy says.
With the help of Starr and Cindy Eden made it into the living room and they got her laying down on the couch.    A few minutes later Brittany returns with Abigail.
"Guys can you go get blankets and some other things." Abigail says.
She gave them each a list of things to get.
"Eden I am going to slide off your under wear and do an exam to see how far along you are okay?" Abigail says.
"Okay." Eden says.
She then screams out as a contraction hits her.   Abigail quickly takes the underwear off and does the exam.
"Okay Eden looks like it's show time you are 10 cm's." Abigail says.
"Oh god." Eden says as another contraction hits her.
Cindy, Starr and Brittany come back with the stuff.    They then each take their spot beside Eden.    They coach her through birth.   A few minutes later Eden brings a healthy baby Boy into the world.     They didn't have much time before she then delivered her little girl followed by the placenta.    Brittany and Starr get her cleaned up.   Abigail and Cindy got the babies cleaned up and Eden was able to hold them.    
"I can't believe they are here." Eden says kissing their heads.
"They both look just like Chase when he was born." Cindy says.
"So precious." Brittany and Starr says.
Eden was relieved to hear Cindy say that but she knew without a doubt they were Chases but now it was confirmed.   They got the babies laying in their little number 9 race car carrier.
"I need help getting dressed." Eden says.
"For?" Cindy says.
"Chases birthday party." Eden says.
"We are still having it?   Aren't you tired?" Starr asks.
"Yeah shouldn't you go to the hospital?" Brittany asks.
"The babies are fine no need for a hospital.   Just take them to see their pediatrician soon for follow up." Abigail says.
"In that case let's get ready to celebrate the birthday boy." Eden says.
Cindy and Brittany help her get into her dress and her shoes.    They then take her down and she attempts to feed the twins for the first time.   She does well and they both latch on.   Once they finish eating she changed them and out then into their new outfits.   She then takes them out into the backyard.    The rest of the guests pass the twins around.   Finally it was almost time for Chase to come.    Eden took the twins back.    Chase walks through the gate with the rest of the guys.
"Surprise!"  Everyone says.
"For me?" Chase asks.
"Of course for you!   Happy birthday son!" Cindy  says hugging him.
"Thanks mom." Chase says returning the hug.
"Happy birthday ace." Bill says.
"Thanks dad." Chase says.
He goes through the line until he reaches Eden who was holding the twins.
"Happy birthday daddy." Eden says.
"Oh my god you had them?" Chase asks shocked.
He sits down beside her.
"I did baby.   With the help of your sisters, your mom and Abigail." Eden replies.
She hands him their daughter.   She looked just like he did when he was a baby so there was no doubt he was their father as his son was also a spitting image of him when he was a baby.
"She's beautiful just like her mama." Chase says kissing her head.
He then leans over and then kisses his son followed by Eden.
"I love you Clyde.   Meet your daughter Casey Leeann Elliott." Eden says.
"Oh baby you named her after Casey." Chase says.
"Figured you would like to honor him and I did too." Eden says. 
"I love it, and I love you so much." Chase says.
"And this is your son William Clyde Elliott the third." Eden says.
Chase just smiled.
"Best birthday gifts I will ever receive." Chase says.
They mingle around the crowd.   The had pulled pork barbecue, ribs, barbecue chicken, baked beans, macaroni and cheese, chili and cornbread.     Chase opened his gifts from Eden and friends and family and then they had watermelon and cake.    It was awesome.
Finally the night wound down.    Cindy was holding the twins getting all the snuggles she could.      Eden leads Chase over to the make shift stage.   
"I have a huge surprise for you Baby." Eden says.
"Even bigger then you having the twins?" Chase asks.
"Well no but it is still a huge surprise." Eden says.
That was when Eric Church walked out onto the stage.
"Oh my god." Chase says.
"Happy birthday Clyde." Eden says.
Eric starts to play.   He played his biggest hits including Talladega, hell of a view, Srpingsteen, Smoke a lil Smoke, drink in my hand and many more.    Everyone was having a hell of a time.   The alcohol was provided by Dale Jr and whiskey river.     To end the show he had a special dedication.
"Okay Chase and Eden I want you to take the center of the dance floor." Eric says.
Chase and Eden come front and center.   Chase pulls her close to him and Eden wraps her arms around him laying her head on his chest.
"Okay now this song is for you from Eden with lots of love.   Happy birthday." Eric says.
He then starts to play Love your love the most.
"I love sleeping in on Saturdays
And I love college football games
I love not acting my age
And good barbecue
Yeah I'm a fan of Faulkner books
And anything my mama cooks
Small mouth bass have got me hooked
On Sunday afternoon
Yes I love good cold beer
And mustard on my fries
I love a good loud honky tonk
That rocks on Friday night
And hell yes I love my truck
But I want you to know
Honey I love your love the most
Man I love how Redman tastes
And damn I love my Nascar race
Any song sung by George Strait
Is country at it's best
Yes I love good cold beer
And mustard on my fries
I love a good loud honky tonk
That rocks on Friday nights
And hell yes I love my truck
But I want you to know
Honey I love your love the most
I love
Yeah I love scuffed up cowboy boots
And broken tore up jeans
A four wheel drive, eight point bucks
And rocky road ice cream
And hell yes I love my dog
And Jack D in my coke
But honey I love your love
Yeah I love your love
I love your love the most
I love your love the most" Chase sings with Eric as they sway back and forth.  
Finally everyone starts to leave.   Eden and Chase head home with Fletch and the twins and everything they had from the baby shower and his birthday.
"I will get it in the house later." Chase says.
"Okay baby.   I am tired too." Eden says.
"I bet you are baby." Chase says.
They then take the babies into the house and get them fed, changed and settled into their nursery.   Fletch made himself at home in the center. 
"Guess he's going to protect his siblings." Eden says.
"Yup big brother on duty." Chase says.  
He flips on the baby monitor and him and Eden head into their room.   They get changed for bed and then climb in.    Eden snuggled against Chase and he held her tight.
"Good night baby I love you." Eden says.
"Goodnight baby I love you too.   Thanks for the best birthday ever baby.   Lil Chase and Casey are the best gifts ever." Chase says kissing her head.
They snuggle together falling asleep.
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Chase and Eden were up off and on throughout the night taken care of the twins.   Chase had taken the last wake up since they just needed to be changed.
Eden woke up a little bit later finding Chase laying beside her with Casey snuggled up on his chest.     It warmed her heart.    Eden got up without waking either of them.   She slips on her bedroom slippers and her robe and heads down to the kitchen.   It was Thanksgiving day and they would be going to Bill and Cindys later for dinner.    Eden was making a few dishes to take with them.      She makes her corn casserole, green bean casserole and her famous pecan pie.    She ended up making three one she could leave home because she knew  Chase loved it.     Once everything was in the oven she started to make breakfast.    That was when she felt arms snake around her waist.
"I love seeing you barefoot in my kitchen." Chase says kissing her neck.
He was still wet from the shower. 
"Only thing is I'm not pregnant anymore." Eden says.
"For now baby." Chase says.
"You are going to knock me up again once the six weeks are up aren't you?" Eden asks.
"Damn I have  to wait six weeks?" Chase says.
"Well six weeks before we can have vaginal intercourse but there are other ways." Eden says.
"Yes there are thank god.    And to answer your question, yes I plan on knocking you up as soon as I can." Chase says.
"Figured as much." Eden says turning to face him.
She runs her hands on the sides of his face.  Chase leans into the touch.    He was wearing just a towel.
"I love you Eden so much.   I am so thankful for you.   You are my best friend and my soul mate, mother to my babies and love of my life." Chase says kissing her.
"I am thankful for you too Chase my real life Superman, my hero, soulmate, best friend and father to my babies and most importantly love of my life." Eden says before kissing back.
"Come back to bed baby." Chase says.
"I have to make sure the food is out of the oven. Not trying to burn down your house." Eden says.
"Our house baby. Everything I own is yours baby including my heart." Chase says.
"Aww." Eden replies planting a soft kiss on his lips.
Chase pulls her closer to him. He was unbelievably hard. Eden rubs her thigh against him.
"God don't tease baby." Chase moans.
That was when the timers went off.
"Let me grab the stuff out of the oven and I will take care of you." Eden says.
Chase nods his head and then helps her get the stuff out of the oven. They put the two casseroles in the fridge. And they cover the three pies and put them off to the side. Eden shut the oven down. Chase comes up behind her picking her up throwing her over his shoulder.
"Back to bed we go." Chase says patting her butt.
"Clyyddeee!" Eden squeals.
Chase grabs the ice bin out of the freezer and then heads up to their room. He sits Eden down on the bed.    Eden kneels up in front of Chase.    She kisses his stomach.
"Eden baby." Chase moans.
She takes the towel off throwing it.   She flicks her tongue out licking the tip of his cock.   She then sucks the tip sucking away the pre cum.
"God baby please." Chase begs.
Eden licks a circle around the tip then down the under side of his cock before taking him totally in her mouth.    She slowly works him in and out little by little.
"God baby that's it suck my cock baby." Chase moans grabbing her hair.
He runs his fingers through it as he pushes her head further on him.   He starts to thrust a little fucking her mouth.    Eden hallows her cheeks.    She switched it up between her mouth and her hands.   But the whole time her smile never left her face and her eyes never left Chase's.
"God Eden do you know how hot it is to watch you suck my cock." Chase moans. 
"Mm hmm." Eden moans against him  sending vibrations through him.
"God baby gonna cum." Chase says.
Eden gently plays with his balls as she nods her head.    She takes him all the way into her mouth running her tongue up and down his shaft.
"Oh fuck Eden." Chase groans as he cums hard right down her throat.   
Eden swallows down every drop.   She then slowly works him out of her mouth licking him clean.    She then kisses up his stomach and chest to his neck.     She  sucks leaving marks.   Finally she kisses his jaw to his lips.    She drops a bit of cum into his mouth letting him taste himself as she explored his mouth with her tongue.
Chase breaks away.
"Whats wrong!?" Eden asks worried.
"Nothing baby.   That was amazing baby." Chase says kissing her head.
He then lays her back on the bed.
"Remember baby no vaginal intercourse." Eden says.
"I know baby.   But I'm going to worship your body and make you cum using my mouth." Chase says.
"God please baby, I am so turned on and need release." Eden begs.
"Do you trust me?" Chase asks.
"With my life." Eden says.
"Good." Chase says.
He picks up a piece of ice putting it in his mouth.   He then kisses her lips letting her suck it out.   He gets another piece and moves along her jaw , down her jawline to her neck down to her chest.    He gets another piece running it across one breast and around one nipple before heading to the other one repeating the process.
"Chase." Eden moans.
Chase grabbed another piece of ice.   He then kisses down her stomach the hip line.     He continued down to her slit.
"Oh god baby." Eden moans putting her fingers in his hair  pushing him down onto her further.
"Mmhmm." Chase moans against her.
He pushes his tongue inside her and starts to lick and suck and twist it around.   He was eating her like a man starved.    They never broke eye contact and he had a huge smile on his face.   It was such a turn on.   
"God Clyde baby that's right eat my pussy so good baby." Eden purrs out.
Chase added a finger inside her stretching her gently.   He bends his finger inside her hitting her g spot as he sucks on her clit.   That was it.
"Clyde oh god Clyde." Eden calls out as she cums hard orgasm rushing trough her.
Chase kept going letting her ride it out.   He licks her clean.    He then kisses her body following his ice in reverse.    He finally reached her mouth.     He drops a little of her cum onto her mouth letting her taste herself off his tongue as he devoured her mouth.    
"God that was amazing." Chase says.
"It was baby.   It's always good with you." Eden says.
"I am glad." Chase says kissing her head.
"Now we should get up and get ready." Chase says.
"Can we go get the twins and snuggle and watch the parade first?" Eden asks.
"Yeah baby that would be perfect baby." Chase says kissing her head.   
Chase goes and gets the twins carrying them into the room.    He hands Lil Chase to Eden.  He then sits down with Casey.    They were both still sleeping.  
"They are so precious and beautiful and I can't believe they are here." Eden says as she lays back with Baby Chase on her chest.
"I know right Daytona was a great night, won the biggest race of the season, got to make love to my princess for the first time and these two were conceived." Chase says snuggling closer to Eden with Casey laying on his chest.
"Best decision I ever made.   I don't know why it took me so long." Eden says.
"I don't know either but you were worth the wait.   I would wait as long as it took." Chase says kissing her.
"I love you Clyde." Eden says.
"I love you more." Chase says.
Chase turns the parade on and they lay there watching it.      It was a little different without the people in attendance but it was still amazing to watch.     It finally got to Santa Claus.
"Wow Christmas will be here so soon.   I haven't done any shopping." Eden says.
"We can shop this weekend catch the deals from Black Friday and Cyber Monday." Chase says. 
"True." Eden says.
"I have a little surprise for you baby." Chase says.
"Okay?" Eden says.
"After Thanksgiving is over we are going to pack and head to Aspen." Chase says.
"Really baby?" Eden says getting excited.
"Yes I bought us a log cabin cottage out there." Chase says.
"I love it.   Will the family come out there for Christmas?" Eden asks.
"Yes and New Years.    When I will marry you in front of family and a few close friends." Chase replies.
"A New Years wedding.   I love it." Eden says.
"Yes when I kiss you at midnight it will be as my wife." Chase says.
"I'm your wife now." Eden says laughing.
"I know but you know what I mean." Chase says.
"I do." Eden says.
They finish watching the parade.   Then then get up and take care of the babies.   They then get ready to go to Cindy and Bills.
"Pack a bag baby cus we are staying over tonight. I will probably be to drunk to drive a and you will have wine." Chase says.
"Okay baby." Eden says.
She grabs a overnight bag and packs a change of clothes for her and Chase. She then packs the diaper bag for the twins with a few outfits and diapers. She made sure she had her pumping machine and the pack and play.
She then gets dressed it a black red and white plaid dress. She comes out and sees Chase had put on a red white and black plaid shirt a jeans.
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"We are twinning baby." Eden says.
"Yes we are and didn't even plan it." Chade says kissing her head.
Chase takes the stuff out to the truck. Eden takes the babies downstairs in their carrier. She then grabs the food having it ready. Chase takes the babies out and buckled them in. Eden puts the food in the back and then goes and gets Fletcher. Chase gets in with them.
"We will be able to take the two puppies home with us." Chase says.
"Aww okay." Eden says.
"Ready to go?" Chase asks.
"Yes baby." Eden says.
Chase pulls out to the drive and heads towards his parents house. A little bit later they arrive and he pulls into the drive. Eden gets out with Fletch. Chase gets out and grabs the twins.
"I'll come back as grab the food and the bags." Chase says.
"Okay baby." Eden replies.
They head into the house. Eden gets the twins settled into their swing. Chase went and got the bags and food. He comes in and hands the food to Eden before taking their bags down to his childhood room. Eden heads into the kitchen. Cindy, Starr and Brittany were already in there.
"Hey guys." Eden says.
"Yay you are here." Starr says
"I will take the casseroles and pies and put them aside." Brittany says.
"Okay where do you need me?" Eden asks.
They work together and get all the food made and set the table so they could eat. Everyone gathered in the dinning room.
"Man this food looks so good. You girls out did yourselves." Bill says.
"Yes it looks so good." Chase replies locking eyes with Eden.
"Well let's sit down and eat." Cindy says.
"Yes I am hungry." Starr replies.
"I am too." Brittany says.
Everyone sits down. Eden was sitting across from Chase.
"Before we dig into this amazing food. We always sing we gather together." Bill says.
"Eden honey you always had a pretty voice, why don't you lead us off." Cindy says.
"We gather together to ask the Lord's blessing; He chastens and hastens His will to make known; The wicked oppressing now cease from distressing; Sing praises to His Name; He forgets not His own." Eden sings.
Everyone sang with her. They then dig in. Eden takes her foot and starts to run it up Chase's leg going up to his thigh. Chase starts to cough.
"Chase honey are you okay?" Cindy asks.
"Yeah just something stuck in my throat." Chase says.
He glares at Eden as he took a sip of his beer. Eden flashes him a smirk. She knew what she was doing. She hand her foot wedged between his legs rubbing his cock. She felt him growing harder. She was loving it. Somehow Chase made it through dinner and desert. He got roped into dishes and clean up. Eden went and took care of the babies before laying them down in their play pen in Chase's room in the basement. She heads up stairs finding Chase in the kitchen drying. She grabs a dish towel.
"Need some help there stud?" Eden asks smacking his butt with the towel.
"Yes the faster we get done the faster we can go to bed." Chase replies looking at her with love and a whole lot of lust in his eyes.
"I am not tired Clyde." Eden says.
"Who said anything about sleep." Chase replies kissing her.
"Oh would you too get a dang room." Bill says.
"Sorry dad." Eden says.
Bill smiled hearing her call him that. With the help of Eden they got the dishes down pretty fast. They head to the living room. Chase and his dad share a few more beers and Eden and the girls had wine.
"Okay it is getting late so Eden and I are going to turn in." Chase says.
"Are you guys both sleeping down in your old room in the basement?" Cindy asks.
"Yes Mom I mean we are married and have twins together so its a known fact we sleep together." Chase replies.
"None of that in our house." Bill says.
"None I promise besides I can't I just had twins remember." Eden says.
They laugh and bid each other goodnight. Chase takes Eden's hand and leads her down the basement. He had a key to lock the door and keep everyone out. Fletcher and Daisy were down there with the puppies but that was okay.
"God I have never been in your room before." Eden says.
"I know baby." Chase says pulling her to him.
"God it sucks we can't have sex, sex." Eden says.
"I know because I want nothing better then to fuck the hell out of you in my bed like I dreamt about so many nights as a teenager." Chase says.
"Hmm William Clyde Elliot Jr did you jerk off thinking of me?" Eden asks.
"God yes many many times. Wishing it was your mouth or god your pussy around my cock making me cum." Chase groans.
"And here I thought you were a Georgia Peach." Eden says shocked.
But in reality it was such a turn on hearing him talking about how he masturbated to the thought of her.
"I am but damn I wanted you for so long." Chase says.
"Well I will let you in on a little secret there Clyde. My first dildo was just as big as you are and I used it pretending it was you. I called it my Battery Operated Chase. I never acted on it because I didn't want to loose our friendship. But then in Daytona I just realized that." Eden says.
"God baby." Chase moans kissing her.
Eden pushes him back onto his bed to where he was sitting. She climbs into his lap kissing him.
"God baby I have an idea. Do you trust me?" Eden asks.
"With all I am baby." Chase says.
"Good." Eden says.
She unbuttons his shirt in a hurry. She then takes it off throwing it. She then runs her fingers down his chest to his jeans. She undoes them and frees his rock hard cock.
"God baby please." Chase begs.
"I am getting there baby. " Eden says kissing him.
He Chase kisses back. His hands roam down Eden's body slipping up under her dress. Eden runs her fingers down his chest playing with his nipples.
"Oh god Eden." Chase moans.
Eden takes his mouth with hers so he didn't let everyone know what was going on down there. Chase rips her panties running his finger along her slit feeling how wet she was. They were in a serious make out session. Eden starts to grind her hips against his thigh.
"Oh Clyde damn I wish it was your cock inside me. But this will have to do." Eden moans.
"God baby." Chase groans.
"Go head baby touch yourself. Let me see how you would make yourself cum." Eden says.
"God really?" Chase says.
"Yes really baby. I wanna watch you get yourself off as I ride your thigh." Eden says kissing his neck.
"God okay." Chase groans.
She looks down watching as Chase wraps his hand around his cock and starts to pump it.
"God that's it baby. Pretend it is my mouth baby." Eden purrs in his ear never taking her eyes off him.
Chase closes his eyes breath hitching as he starts to stroke himself. Eden moved harder against his thigh.
"God Eden your mouth, I love fucking it." Chase moans stroking harder.
"That's it baby." Eden says.
"God baby that's it suck my dick. Just like that. God I just want to bottom out balls deep inside your sweet pussy baby." Chase moans.
"God Chase I want that too." Eden moans.
"Oh fuck Eden." Chase calls out as he cums hard splattering it against his stomach.
"Clyde baby. "Eden moans as she cums all over his thigh.
They sit there breatheless riding the high from their orgasm.
"God that was just wow." Chase says.
"Better then your fantasies?" Eden asks.
"Yes baby much better." Chase says.
Eden gets up and drops to her knees.
"Can't let all that cum go to waist now can we." Eden says looking up locking eyes with Chase as she licks the cum off his stomach.
Chase kisses her as he picks her up off the ground. He leads her towards the bathroom shredding the remainder of their clothes as they did. They end up in the shower Eden gave Chase a blow job and then Chase returned the favor by eating her out. Finally they showered and headed to bed after cleaning up. The babies woke up and they take care of them. They then climb into bed and snuggle under the covers until they fall asleep.
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firstdegreefangirl · 4 years
Eddie Week Day One: Eddie and Chris
Word Count: 1105
Original Pub Date: 15 June 2020
Relationships: Eddie Diaz & Christopher Diaz, Eddie Diaz/Evan Buckley
Author’s Notes: Country radio went and did another thing, and then I screamed at @hearteyesforbuck about it, and she screamed back long enough that not only am I writing this, but I think I’ve been talked into full participation this week. So if you hate this, remember, it’s because of Eli. And also because of George Strait and Love Without End, Amen.
Read on ao3 here
Tagging the usual suspects: @eddiediazweek @rebeccaofsbfarm @thisissirius @hearteyesforbuck @dramamineontopofme @twinien @meloingly Lemme know if anyone else wants on the list!
Christopher’s eyes are watering almost as soon as he’s through the door after school. It’s a dramatic shift from how he normally acts – even if he’s had a bad day – so Eddie notices right away, looks over his shoulder at Buck, who shrugs as he sets Chris’ backpack down.  
“Rough day, kiddo?” Eddie picks his jacket up from where he’s tossed it over the back of the chair and hangs it in the closet, then picks the backpack up and starts thumbing through the homework folder.  
There’s nothing unexpected: a math paper with an 89 written at the top, an A on a book report, a permission slip for the history museum trip next week, a spelling test marked 2/10, a reminder about the upcoming book sale …
A spelling test marked 2/10.
Eddie flips back a couple pages, looks more closely. Sure enough, there’s a bright red failing grade at the top of the page.  
He peers over the top of the folder at the way Chris is staring at him and chewing on his bottom lip.  
“Hey Christopher? What's this spelling test in here?” Christopher takes a deep breath and Eddie sets the folder on the coffee table as he opens his mouth and stares at his sneakers.
“I … um … we started the test an-and uh … there was a truck outside! A-a really loud truck! And I couldn’t hear the words, b-because of the truck. It was … it was yellow! A yellow truck, um, w-with big tires! And I couldn’t hear the words, so I didn’t know how to spell them a-and I tried my best but it’s hard to spell words you can’t hear, and the truck was really, really loud, Dad, so she, uh, she didn’t hear when I asked her to say the words again more closer. And that’s why I didn’t know how to spell the words!”  
He finishes with a loud sigh, rocking back and forth slightly on his heels while he waits for Eddie’s response.
It’s a lie, he knows it’s a lie. And he can tell that Christopher knows that too. It’s not even a good lie; it’s hardly plausible, the details are in all the wrong places and he still hasn’t looked Eddie in the eye. But Eddie knows that his kid is brutally honest, so if he’s lying, there must be a reason that he didn’t think he could come clean.
So he lets the silence hang between them for a moment before he says anything.
“You’re sure it was a big yellow truck? Because I don’t remember studying with you very much this week.”  
He wasn’t trying to make Christopher cry, he swears. But suddenly, he’s bursting into tears, the big, fat kind that roll down his cheeks while he coughs and sniffles.  
“I-I didn’t know the words! ‘M sorry, Dad, p-puh-please don’t be mad! I wasn’t trying to make you mad, I-I just don’t want you to not l-love me an-anymore!”  
Eddie’s heart cracks when he hears that, clean in two down the middle. He can’t imagine a world without Christopher, can’t fathom anything that would make him stop loving his kid even for a second. With everything they’ve been through, it kills him to hear Christopher think that Eddie might not love him, especially over something as trivial as a spelling test.
He kneels down, reaches out to rest his hands on Christopher’s shoulders and waits until he looks up and meets Eddie’s gaze. His eyes are still watery, his whole chin wobbling with the force of holding back his sobs.
“Hey, you want to hear a secret?” He waits for Chris to nod, jerking his head up and down robotically. “When I was around your age, I got in trouble at school too. I got in a fight, and I didn’t want to be in trouble, so I hid it from your Abuelo. But he found out. Because dads? We always find out.  
“And you know what he said? He told me it was a secret, but I think it’s time to let you in on it too. Think you can keep it between us?”  
This time, when Christopher nods, it looks a little less forced. Eddie smiles at him and squeezes his shoulder when he sniffles.
“Here’s the thing, kiddo: daddies don’t just love their children every now and then. It’s not something we turn on and off like a sink. Do I love that you tried to hide your bad grade? No, and we’ll discuss that later. But I will always love you, forever and ever.”  
“Even if I fail my spelling test?” Christopher’s voice is small and fragile, like he wants to believe everything Eddie is saying, but isn’t quite sure.
“Even then.” Eddie feels a lump building in his own throat, swallows against it as his eyes gloss with tears. “Even if I don’t love the things you do, I will always love you. Got it?”  
Christopher nods and this time, it’s like sutures putting Eddie’s heart back together. He hasn’t ruined anything, he’s still got a good relationship with his son. Next week, they’ll study a little more for the spelling test, put more effort in and try for a higher score.
Together. Because whatever they try, they try it together.
“Good. Now get over here.” He leans forward and tugs Christopher toward him for a hug. He buries his face in Eddie’s shoulder, and Eddie presses his nose into his curls. He relishes every moment he gets to spend here, knows the day is probably fast approaching when Chris will be too big for him to hold like this. They’re pushing it as it is, but Eddie isn’t going to give it up any sooner than he absolutely must.  
And he’s not going to dwell on that now, not when he’s still able to kneel down and pull his son in for a big hug, the kind of embrace that can squeeze all of the problems away.
There’s a sniffle from behind Chris that makes Eddie look up, just far enough to see where the noise is coming from.
It’s Buck, wiping a stray tear from his cheek. When Eddie raises his eyebrows, he waves him off with a hand, sends his focus back to Chris.  
He turns his head back and the world narrows again, beginning and ending with the small hands clinging to his neck. The most important parts of his life are here, in this room, and he knows that nothing could ever change how much he loves either of them.  
Not even another failed spelling test.
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vegetasleftsock · 3 years
A Devil’s Smile (Chapter 6)
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Read the entire work on AO3 here -> A Devil’s Smile
Catch up on previous chapters:
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 |
Authors note: This chapter is particularly meaningful.. lots of great angst and more background about Milla.
Thank you to @minyapaws​ for helping me with concepts and editing. I feel like my work really transformed after our conversation. Please go read her story, "Ox Queen" if you haven't already. It is FANTASTICALLY written and so well thought out.
If you've read this far, thanks for sticking with the story! Find me on AO3 @vegetasleftsock​. Leave your feedback and thoughts in the comments! I love to read them :)
Here’s the link to the song mentioned in the chapter  “Amarillo By Morning” - George Strait  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IZBf16B5vhs 
Chapter 6 - Promises and Pride
A tall, thin waitress with curly red hair and a bright smile approached the high top table where Milla and Vegeta sat. She was wearing a tight, navy blue, v-neck t-shirt and ripped skinny jeans with a black apron tied around her tiny waist. 
The attractive waitress shone her blindingly white smile at the pair and handed them each a menu and a set of silverware. 
“Hi, guys! Welcome to Umai Ramen! My name is Amy and I’ll be your server today.” She glanced back and forth between Vegeta and Milla before clapping her hands together. “Can I get you two started with something to drink? We have soda, beer on tap, and sake.”
Milla stared at her intently as she spoke and gave her an earnest smile before starting to order. “We’ll both have whatever craft beer you’re into at the moment,” Milla said, batting her eyelashes and still smiling softly at the redhead with her cheek in her palm. 
Vegeta glanced up from his menu and watched the interaction silently. He raised an eyebrow and questioned to himself why Milla seemed to be laying it on thick with this waitress. 
“Actually,” Vegeta started, causing the waitress to stop the scribbles she was making on her notepad and look up towards his voice. “You can get me a water.”
The woman awkwardly smiled and nodded her head. “You got it. I’m going to go ahead and put these in for you guys while you take a look at the menu. Be right back!” The waitress said with a polite grin before striding away.
“She’s so pretty,” Milla said nonchalantly while her eyes glazed over the long, creme colored, laminated menu. 
Vegeta scoffed and looked mildly disgusted. “She looks like she could be crushed with a gust of wind.” 
“If you don’t think she’s hot, you’ve got some fucked up taste.” Milla shrugged while still glancing over the menu. 
“Ha!” Vegeta laughed, setting his menu down on the wooden table to cross his arms across his chest in a gesture of confidence. “What does that say about yourself-”
In the middle of speaking, Vegeta had realized what he just admitted to, but it was too late to take the words back. 
Milla sat in silence, staring, burning a hole through her menu. Without moving her face, she glanced to the side and then looked up to meet Vegeta’s gaze. 
She analyzed his face and saw him trying to play it off, but the color in his face was a dead giveaway. It was the same face he had made the night they had met, when Milla had used her finger to lift his face towards her while she performed. 
Milla rolled her lips in, trying to hide her smile and spare his pride but she couldn’t contain herself any longer. She burst out into laughter at the sight of him. His wide-eyed reaction sent her even further into her laughing fit until she buckled over from the cramps in her side. 
She was flattered, but the look he gave her after he slipped was what made her lose it. Had Vegeta not acted like a little kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar, Milla might have entertained the conversation in a different way. 
“Hoo!” Milla breathed while wiping a tear from her eye. “That was fucking hilarious.” She said, still slightly chuckling. 
Before Vegeta could respond, the waitress reappeared and started to set cardboard coasters on the table, followed by their drinks. 
“Alrighty, guys. Are we ready to order?” The waitress said, pen and pad ready. 
“Yes,” Milla said, regathering herself. “Can I please get a black tonkotsu with the thicker noodles?”
“Sure can. And for you?” The waitress asked, looking to Vegeta.
“Uh- I’ll have the same thing,” Vegeta said, realizing he hadn’t finished looking at the menu.
“Awesome! We’ll get that right out for you.”
“Thank you,” Milla beamed. “By the way, your hair is just so gorgeous.”
Vegeta rolled his eyes and looked away, refusing to watch as Milla flirted with the taller female.
“Well, thank you! That’s so sweet,” the woman said, shining her big, bright smile and happy eyes at Milla. “Let me know if you guys need anything else!” She nodded towards them before walking away.
“So, I’ve never asked,” Milla said, trying to revive the conversation. “What do you do? Bulma told me that you like, fight and protect the Earth and shit, but is that all you do?” She said before taking a sip of her beer. 
“Is that all I do,” Vegeta derided her question, almost mocking her. “Saiyans are warriors meant to pursue greater power. It’s not some silly little Earth duty. In fact, I’ve neglected my training by being here.” 
Milla pursed her lips and nodded. “Not a silly little Earth duty. Noted.”
“I can’t imagine what kind of dull positions Earthlings hold anyways.” Vegeta stated plainly.
“For your information, not all of them happen to be dull,” Milla said, rolling her head to the side a little bit, her eyes looking up and appearing to question her own words. “My day job just so happens to be kind of bland, but it makes ends meet.”
“My point.” Vegeta said.
“Guess you got me there.” Milla laughed, her arms crossing on the table. Her sleeves were pushed up to her elbows, leaving her tattoos on display.
“What’s the reason for these?” Vegeta asked, his eyes set on her body art.
Milla looked at him, eyebrows raised. “My tattoos? I’m guessing that’s not something people have where you’re from. They’re all stories, things I find beautiful, or am attached to.”
“This one is a date,” she said pointing to a roman numeral on the side of her wrist. “My mom and dad shared a birthday. My mom passed not too long after I was born and my dad, Leo, would honor her memory every year on that day by continuing to celebrate as if she was there. It helped me feel connected to her, even though I never really met her.”
Vegeta sat, quietly listening as Milla continued to explain the story behind each of her bigger pieces.
Milla pointed to another tattoo, the one on her forearm. She laid her arm flat on the table to show him. 
“This one is my childhood dog, Pinto. I grew up with him and he’s easily one of nicest dogs I’ve ever known. It was hard to lose him, but I got this tattooed so I could always see his sweet face wherever I go.” She admitted, a small smile crossing her lips as she remembered her black and tan Labrador. 
“Have you ever had a pet? You don’t seem much like an animal person.”
The first thing that came to Vegeta’s mind was Nappa. Having to babysit him was the only thing he could relate to in terms of having that kind of responsibility. He just shook his head in response. 
The waitress returned to their table with two large ceramic bowls. “Okie dokie, we have two black tonkatsu with udon noodles. Is there anything else I can grab you? Everything looks good?”
“Looks fantastic. Thank you.” Milla said.
Vegeta and Milla continued to learn more about each other over dinner. There were even a few moments where both of them shared small laughs. Milla liked being able to make Vegeta smile, even if it was just for a quick moment and even if it was only because she said something sarcastic about someone he disliked.
After they paid the bill and left a substantial tip, Milla convinced Vegeta to follow her back to her apartment despite his resistance. 
He was spending a lot of time away from his training- too much time. He feared he was becoming too comfortable in his situation and that it would put him behind in his progress. The thought itself was unacceptable, but he pushed the feeling into the back of his mind - at least long enough that he could enjoy the events that ensued once they returned. 
Vegeta tested her limits, and she tested his patience in a way that only further motivated his lust towards her. They ended only when they were both completely spent, which is a state that landed upon Milla long before Vegeta - but not something she was going to willingly admit or display. 
The pair stayed where they were at to sleep for no reason other than pure exhaustion, but it’s not something that either of them were upset about.
 Milla enjoyed having his warm presence in her bed and felt herself starting to let her walls down just slightly. Her chest clenched when she thought about it. Lust was one thing, friends with benefits was another thing, but commitment was not something she was ready for or even consciously interested in. 
She thought about one of the values that her father always drilled into her.
Milla’s father, Leo, sat in the driver’s seat of the car. His blue eyes remained on the road ahead as he spoke to her. He was average height and build, wearing a black t-shirt, loose fitting jeans and motorcycle boots. His hair and goatee were silver and it had been that way since she was a little girl. He told her once that he started graying at 18 and that he was completely gray by 20. He was heavily tattooed, with almost his entire torso filled with art. Leo left his hands, neck, and face empty so that he could still look professional at work, but now, on his day off, his tattoos laid freely on the parts of his skin that his t-shirt left exposed. A single tattoo adorned the pinky side of his fist, a squashed insect, which represented a story from his childhood. 
“You have your whole life to settle down, have kids, and do domestic shit,” Leo said. “Travel. See the world. Pursue your biggest dreams. And if you’re still dissatisfied after that, THEN find a partner. It’s not worth it before that point.”
Milla pouted her lip out. As a young girl, she always wanted to date like her friends did. At this time, she was 12 and in middle school and Leo still forbade it. 
“I don’t understand why I can’t find someone I love and travel the world WITH them,” Milla said, looking at her father who frowned at her response. “Wouldn’t that make it more fun?”
“It’s hard to understand this now, but when you meet someone you love, your world stops. It starts to focus around them and you don’t feel the need to put your effort into other things. That is until that initial bond fades and you’re left with regrets.” Leo said, gaze unmoving from what was in front of him. “You fall in love, you get married, you settle down and before you know it you have bills and kids who need and deserve all of your time and attention. It’s not fair to them to be selfish.”
Milla looked down at her hands as she twiddled her thumbs. She didn’t want to believe her dad. She wanted to love and to be loved by someone so bad. 
“Milla,” Leo said, glancing over at her. “If nothing else, promise me you’ll see the world. I know I’m asking a lot of you, but there’s so much out there past this little town. All the foods you and I try, you’ll love them more in person. I want you to feel whole whenever you do find your partner and I know this is the best way to do it. Promise me, Milla.” 
Milla looked up towards her father, her only family in the whole world, and saw him as a parent, pleading with his only child to not make the same mistakes he made. As it often did, her heart hurt for him.
“Okay, dad. I promise.” Milla said, running her father’s words through her head, almost as if she was recording them for safe keeping. 
“What if i’m afraid?”
“It’s okay to be afraid, but remember. You have to let your confidence win over that fear. Never let it overpower you, never let it win.” Leo said.
Milla clenched her fists, battling a list of fears in her head: the fear of being alone, the fear of not fulfilling her father’s promises, the fear of failure, the fear of being hurt.
She looked down at her hands again, nails digging into her palms. “I won’t dad. I won’t ever let it win.”
Milla heaved a deep sigh after replaying the memory in her mind and thumbed over the date on the side of her wrist. Her mom’s date. Her dad’s date. 
Her heart felt like it caved into her stomach. It had been five years since she heard her father’s voice. The father that made her who she is. The reason why she performs, the reason why she lives outside of the norm. He was also the father who broke her heart and her spirit. She kept this brokenness shoved deep inside where no one could ever see. No one was ever going to see her hurt, her fear- especially not her father. Not after what happened between them. 
She looked over to Vegeta laying next to her. He was either asleep or pretending to be. His face usually looks so angry, but now she thought he looked strangely relaxed. 
Milla stared at the ceiling and wondered what exactly she had gotten herself into. Regardless of what she felt for Vegeta, and regardless of how her father hurt her, she was never going to give up that promise that she made him. 
Early morning came and Milla carefully lifted herself out of bed, doing her best not to awake Vegeta from his sleep.
 She brushed her teeth and washed her face before going out to the kitchen. She decided she probably couldn’t keep as quiet as was necessary while cooking, so she crept back into her bedroom, grabbed her headphones and closed the door slowly until there was a soft, ‘click’. 
Milla started to pull pans and ingredients out from her cupboard and put an earbud in each ear. She switched to her dirty pleasure playlist- country music. It reminded her of home and though she would rather die than admit she had an affinity for the genre, it was her favorite music to cook and do chores to. 
Milla started by mixing the dry ingredients: flour, sugar, baking powder, salt.
Then the wet ingredients: eggs, milk, and melted butter. 
As she combined the wet and dry ingredients into a batter, she sang along to the music softly. 
“Amarillo by morning, up from San Antone. Everything that I’ve got- is just what I’ve got on…”
She turned on the stove and pulled a cup of chocolate chips out of a container. 
“When that sun is high in that Texas sky, I’ll be buckin’ at the country fair…” 
The lyrics reminded Milla of small town dances, sunsets rising over fields of endless corn, the smell of morning dew and rich soil. 
Milla was always the odd one out. She remembered an incident her freshman year of high school. Her basketball team told everyone to wear boots, but the only boots Milla owned were knee-high Doc Martens. She had assumed it would be okay since it was all she had. When she showed up, everyone was wearing western boots except for her. The seniors on the team zeroed in on her and made sure she knew that she was the black sheep of the team. This was just the start of a long line of incidents that occurred through her time in her tiny Texas town. 
It took years of separation and a strong sense of nostalgia to bring her back to listening to country music. Now, she was confident that she could push those who alienated her to the back of her mind and focus on the good memories that the music was a soundtrack to. 
“Amarillo by mornin’, Amarillo, I’ll be there.” 
Milla grabbed a pat of butter from the fridge and tossed it in the pan. The heated pan sizzled on contact with the butter, and she rotated the pan to coat it. 
“They took my saddle in Houston, broke my legs in Santa Fe. Lost my wife and a girlfriend, somewhere along the way.” 
She remembered cooking these same pancakes with her father on Sunday mornings.
 It was her grandmother’s recipe- the same one who gifted her the emerald earrings she wore every workday. 
Leo was an amazing cook. Before Milla’s mom passed, he had aspired to become a chef and go to culinary school. Although taking care of Milla became a full-time job as a single father, it never stopped him from experimenting with new dishes and teaching Milla as much about the culinary arts as he could. 
“Look Milla,” Leo said. “It’s all in the wrist.” He grinned widely before flipping a pancake up into the air and back into the pan.  
“Wow!” Milla cheered, clapping for her father. “I wish I could do that.” 
“Practice makes perfect.” Her father said, tearing a piece of the pancake off and feeding it to Pinto, who was wagging his tail happily at the offering.
 Milla turned the volume up on her headphones, hoping to drown out the thoughts that made her miss everything she used to have. 
She grabbed a spoonful of batter and poured it carefully into the pan before methodically placing chocolate chips into the raw, gooey pancake.
 “But I’ll be looking for eight when they pull that gate- and I hope that judge ain’t blind.” 
Vegeta woke up in an unfamiliar place. He realized he was still in Milla’s bedroom. He had stayed the night. Fallen asleep. Trespassed his boundaries for himself and everyone else. The discomfort with his current situation swelled inside of his chest. He needed to leave - now. 
Vegeta hastily put his clothes back on, looking around and trying to figure out where Milla had gone. He was hoping that she had already left for work. The last thing he needed was Milla looking at him with those dark brown eyes and questioning why he was rushing. It would only be a greater waste of his already poorly spent time. He heard her singing from outside the door and came to terms with the fact that she was fully awake and home. This was not going to be easy, but Vegeta was not going to play a coward’s game. He had his pride. 
He walked out the door and stood a couple of feet behind her and leaned against the wall, arms crossed. He listened to her sing for a moment, allowing the peace to remain for a few seconds more. As she sang each word, her accent was more and more apparent. He thought that it must be a quality that she chose to suppress. 
 “Amarillo by mornin’, Amarillo’s on my mind.” 
Milla placed the golden brown pancake on top of the stack that was growing on a plate next to her and turned to grab another pat of butter from the fridge. 
When she saw Vegeta out the corner of her eye she jumped, startled. Her face turned bright red while she wondered how long he had been standing there. 
“You just love to sneak up on me, don’t you? Take a seat,” she gestured at the kitchen table with her spatula. “There’s enough ready that you can at least have a first serving.” 
“That won’t be necessary,” Vegeta stated plainly.
 “Oh yea?” Milla said, plucking an earbud out of her ear. Her heart sunk a little at the thought of being left alone with her feelings. She didn’t want to address how she felt about Vegeta, but his presence was still comforting. “Got somewhere you have to be?”
 She held her confidence in her throat, knowing at any moment if she took a deep breath, it would come tumbling out and break her facade. 
“Yes,” he said, looking towards the window where the sun was peeking out into the dark night sky, creating the tip of a sunrise. “This is the last time we can do this.” 
He turned his face towards her and their eyes met. He watched as her face contorted with confusion and what he recognized as a hint of anger. 
“Do what, exactly?” Milla asked, her tone sharpening. Her eyebrows furrowed and she blinked like it would somehow correct the words she was hearing. 
“Be around each other in this situation. I know you’ve grown close to some of those inside of the small web of people I know, so I don’t expect to not see you. But never again in private.” 
If looks could kill, Vegeta would be long gone.
Milla sat the spatula down and turned the stove off. 
“What the actual fuck, Vegeta?” She growled under her breath while clenching her hands into her fists like she would every time she was scared as a little girl. Her fingernails dug further into her palms as she seethed.
“This has been a waste of my time.” Vegeta said, his stare matching her intensity.
Milla’s forehead bunched up and she threw her head back and laughed. 
In the back of Vegeta’s mind, the laugh reminded him of unsettling memories from his past. Her laugh was fueled by pure rage - he was sure of it. 
“A waste of your time, huh?” She said with one hand on the kitchen chair, tapping her foot in rhythm with her racing heartbeat. 
She walked up to him and shoved him back by the shoulder. He barely moved, but the action made him stumble slightly out of surprise. 
He glared at her, hoping she’d let it go, but it seemed to only fuel Milla further. 
“Since we’re sharing our feelings, do you want to know what’s a waste of MY time?” Milla snapped. “YOU. Thinking you can literally barge your way into my fucking life like some rouge bulldozer. Honestly Vegeta, what kind of fucked up are you that you literally had me thinking for EVEN A SPLIT SECOND that I might have cared about you? You took care of me, took interest in me, LITERALLY admitted your attraction to me and led me on to think you cared and now you’re just going to act like I don’t exist? Because why, Vegeta?” 
She pushed her chest against his brick wall of a body shoving him back slightly, looking up at him as he looked straight past her. 
“HUH? Look at me.” She demanded in a low tone. 
He flipped his glare down to look her in the eye. The more time he spent here, the more damage would be created and he was well aware of that. 
“Because why, Vegeta?” she repeated, getting close to his face. “Because it’s too much for you? Is the brave Prince Vegeta too afraid to face his own fucking feelings?” Each word she spoke was like venom. “Just as I thought initially. Fucking. Pathetic.” 
She held eye contact with him for another full moment before shoving herself away from him. She turned around and started walking towards her bedroom. 
“Get the fuck out, Vegeta.” She said. 
Vegeta stood where she left him, his blood boiling at the brim of each insult that cut into his pride. 
He didn’t have his father, he didn’t have his people, but he had his pride. 
“And you think that you can get off acting like some little spoiled brat?” He laughed, smirking at her as though her words left him unaffected. 
“Vegeta. Shut the fuck up and get the fuck out!” Milla yelled. 
“How could you be so dense as to think that I would be interested in commitment with a dirty little Earth brat like you? I wouldn’t dare destroy my royal bloodline by choosing someone like you as my mate.” Vegeta said, lying through his teeth. 
“Dude, you are seriously fucked up! Get the FUCK out of my house, Vegeta!” Milla shouted, pointing at the door.
He took a couple of steps towards Milla and locked eyes with her, their staring contest commencing once again. 
“I expected more from you, Milla.” Vegeta said, cupping her chin. Her eyes went wide when she heard those words, and a shock went bellowing through her entire body. He was saying things out of pure spite at this point, choosing anything he could say that would hurt her. He scoffed and left without another word. 
Milla stood motionless, eyes still wide as saucers. Her facade crumbled and her knees gave out beneath her as tears streamed down her face. She didn’t feel like she was crying, but the warmth of the little droplets running down her cheeks told her that she was. 
Her body was frozen, those words echoing in her head. 
“I expected more from you, Milla.” Vegeta said.
 “I expected more from you, Milla.” Leo said. 
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starrybethany · 4 years
Pierre Engvall: Rewind by Rascal Flatts
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Word count: 2331
Music video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WPcASvgb7yg 
Lyrics link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2LEJRDWJYG8 
Wish I could reach up and reset that sun
Reverse these wheels go back and re-pick you up
Went by so fast, oh, so sweet
Make me wanna remake a memory
“Y/N! I didn’t know you were working today,” my co-worker squeals excitedly as I walk into the quaint coffee shop.
“Yeah, my plane landed yesterday,” I inform her, pulling my apron over my head and yanking my hair out of the strap.
“How was Sweden?” She asks.
I know I could tell her so much. I could tell her about the beautiful weather and how my classes were so informative and how the culture is just so amazing.
But I also just want to tell her about one person who made the whole experience perfect.
The one person who could convince me to avoid my responsibilities and stay in that foregin nation for the rest of my life, the person who I could stare at forever without noticing the sun rising or setting.
I could tell her about how he would pick me up from my host family’s house to go to the bar at night in his expensive little convertible and it would make my host dad shake his head and laugh and my host sister smile with jealousy.
Or how he would push me on the swings at the park practically every night and would tell me all about his hockey team in Canada and funny stories about how stupid his teammates are.
I snap out of my thoughts, remembering her question. I don’t want to tell her any of those things. I feel like my relationship with Pierre is too personal to spread around- I want to remember him intimately.
“It was good. It was really, really good.”
Wish I had me a time machine
Oh, I float the moon back up in the sky
Put a cork back into that sweet red wine
Put your midnight hair back up
So you can let it fall one more time
“2012.” He squints those brown eyes that I spend too long looking into at the bottle, reading the label.
“You spent $200 on red wine from 2012?” I raise my eyebrows at him.
“Well it’s from France.”
I laugh at that and he cracks a smile, popping the cork and holding the bottle out as an offering. I hold my glass out towards him, watching as he begins to pour.
“Pierre that’s too much,” I giggle as he pours practically half of the bottle into the glass.
He laughs himself, pulling the bottle away and giving himself half of what he’s given me.
“It’s like you’re trying to get me drunk or something,” I tease.
“Or something,” he repeats, watching as I take a sip. “Can I braid your hair?”
“What?” I ask, confused by the sudden question.
“Can I braid your hair? I’ve just always wanted to try and your hair is so pretty.”
I can tell he’s becoming nervous by my delayed response so I nod, turning so my back is to him. I tug my locks out of it’s loose ponytail and ask, “Do you know how?”
“I can figure it out,” he answers. I can feel him move behind me and the Swedish music he put on to ‘cultivate me’ as he put it, becomes distant as his fingers grip my hair.
I lean back into his hands, closing my eyes and enjoying this moment of the two of us together. I don’t know how many more moments like this I’ll get. I have to leave to go back home in a couple of months and I don’t know if I’ll ever see Pierre after this.
It’s a summer love kind of thing.
His hands move to rest gently on my shoulders as my hair rests down my back.
“It’s not working,” he says in a hushed voice.
I hum in response, just enjoying the feeling of his company in mine. He lets it happen.
Untouch your skin
Unkiss your lips and kiss 'em again
“I used to be obsessed with astrology when I was younger,” I admit, staring up at the stars.
“Do you remember anything?”
“Um,” I point up at the stars and feel Pierre’s burning skin on my own as his hands slide down to grip my waist. “Do you want to know where the stars are or do you just want to fondle me all night?”
“I can do both,” he replies, planting a gentle kiss on my cheek. I laugh in response.
“Do you see that bright star, right there? Follow it down and there’s the Big Dipper. And where the Big Dipper is the Little Dipper is.” My eyes scan the sky as Pierre squeezes my waist, mumbling something quietly to himself.
It takes me a while to focus but as soon as I locate the constellation I light up. “To the right and down is the Little Dipper.”
“What about, uh, Halley’s Comet?” He questions, leaving a kiss on the back of my neck.
“Babe, Halley’s Comet comes once every seventy five years,” I tease, turning around in his arms to face him. His arms slither to rest on my lower back loosely and he leans forward, connecting his chapped lips to my own.
I will never get over kissing Pierre. Everytime we kiss it feels like the first time and I could live with that feeling for the rest of my life. He pulls back and smiles at me, brown eyes gleaming in the moonlight. Then he gives me a kiss. And another one. And another one.
So good, so right,
This is one night I'm wishing I could rewind
“I hate to end this,” I mumble into his chest. “But I have class early in the morning so I should probably sleep before then.”
“Or you could just pull an all-nighter,” he suggests, tugging me tighter into him.
I grin. “If I pull an all-nighter you won’t be seeing me tomorrow night.”
“Then let’s get you to bed,” he responds, holding his hands out to help me rise to my feet. Our hands stay interlocked once I’m stable on my feet and they stay that way during the walk to the car.
I turn back that radio dial re-open your door,
Try to talk George Strait into giving us an encore
“Oh, a gentleman,” I tease as he opens the passenger’s door for me. He rolls his eyes but waits until I’m seated in his car, closing the door and running to the driver’s side.
“Are you going to play some more of what we were listening to on the way here or are you going to switch it up?” I question.
Pierre likes to put on a Swedish singer whenever we’re in the car to educate me on how many talented people come out of Sweden. I’m aware of it already since plenty of NHL players, including him, come from this nation but I don’t mind listening to music so I don’t say anything.
“Let’s change it,” he decides, “Have you listened to Avicii at all?”
“Only the songs that they play on the radio,” I admit.
“Oh, he has a lot more hits than that.” I watch as he pulls up his Spotify, smiling secretly to myself as I see his ‘Y/N’s hits’ playlist. I didn’t even know that he made a playlist of songs that I like. I wonder if it’s songs that I said I liked or if it’s just songs that we listened to together that I said that I like.
‘Wake Me Up’ begins to blast through the radio and I comment, “They play this a lot on the radio.”
“Then you have to sing along,” Pierre demands, beginning the drive back to my host’s home.
“Only if you sing too,” I protest.
“Y/N, I don’t sing.”
“Well, then I’m not singing,” I cross my arms as if to prove my point.
He gives me a look and sighs. “Feeling my way through the darkness…”
Re-spin you around
Replay that sound
Of you laughing when we hit the ground
“What are you doing?” I squeal as he pulls my door open and tugs me out of the car.
“I didn’t know I was lost,” Pierre sings along, wrapping an arm around my waist and gripping my other hand in his like we’re ballroom dancing to the song we’ve been listening to on repeat the whole car ride. “I didn’t know I was lost.”
He picks me up, gripping my waist and twirling me around, chuckling as I squeal in surprise at the action.
“Pierre!” I giggle as he continues to twirl us around. Finally he sets me on my feet and I’m laughing so hard I have to lean into him, too high off of life and love to be able to stand properly.
I can see it now how 'bout we
Float the moon back up in the sky,
Put a cork back into that sweet red wine
He leans down, pressing a soft kiss to my lips. His lips ghost over mine as he says in a hushed voice, “I think you’re about to get in trouble.”
“What do you mean?” I ask, confused.
He pulls back, nodding his head towards the front door of my host family’s home. I follow his eyeline to see my host father standing on the porch, arms crossed, but a fond smile on his face.
“I guess that’s my queue.” I kiss his cheek, a tradition we’ve started since he first picked me up at the beginning of summer. “Thank you for the wonderful night and the delicious wine.”
“Thank you for educating me on constellations,” he teases, kissing the back of my hand.
I roll my eyes at his gentleman-like behavior, giving him a final wave before walking up the sidewalk and stepping past my host father into the house.
“Don’t say a word, papa,” I warn him lightly.
“Young love is beautiful,” he tells me, ignoring my words.
 Put your midnight hair back up
So you can let it fall one more time
Untouch your skin
Unkiss your lips and kiss 'em again
“I love your hair, it’s so much longer now,” my coworker snaps me out of my daydreams once again, brushing a hand through my long locks.
“Yeah, thanks,” I tell her, pulling it back behind my shoulders. Everything in me is telling me to fight the urge but I can’t help it as I begin to French braid my hair, pretending my fingers are Pierre’s.
It seems like a pointless act because as soon as the braid is perfected, I let it go.
So good, so right,
This is one night I'm wishing I could rewind
I wanna re-fall and re-fly
Baby, re-live this night
“Do you remember when we went to that museum and saw that painting of that woman without her top on and you said that your boobs looked exactly like hers, and then didn’t  show me your boobs so I could agree or disagree? The nerve,” he shakes his head.
I smile, watching him drive. I know he’s trying to get my mind off of my plane ride home and the fact that I’ll probably never see him again. Our whole relationship has been based off of teasing and lust, so he’s just helping me the best way he knows how to.
“And then you spilled your drink on my shirt to try to get me to take it off,” I continue, causing him to nod.
“I wanted to see them titties.”
I snort, leaning over to shove his shoulder. He jokingly swerves like I caused him to do so with my push and I squeal, not expecting it.
“That was a good date,” I mumble, sitting up and suddenly remembering that a date like that is never going to happen again.
Pierre doesn’t respond but reaches his hand over the center counsel, gripping my hand in his gently and raising it to his lips, leaving a kiss. It’s enough for me.
Float the moon back up in the sky,
Put a cork back into that sweet red wine
Put your midnight hair back up
So you can let it fall one more time
“Why did you have to book a nighttime flight? I’m so tired,” he yawns dramatically as he pulls my suitcase out of the back of his car, holding out his hand for me to grip as we make our way into the airport.
“So I could sleep on the plane. Let me remind you that I didn’t know you when I booked the ticket home, I thought my host father would bring me back to the airport.” I try to bump my shoulder into his shoulder teasingly but hit his arm instead because of our height difference.
“Well, you got something better,” he responds, stopping at the check-in station.
We face each other and he pulls me tightly into his arms, squeezing me like he’ll never let go. I’m not sure I ever want him to let me go. My arms wind around him in return and I grip him as close to me as possible, savoring the last few moments we’ll get together.
“I’m sorry I didn’t get you a goodbye gift,” he mumbles into my hair. “I was going to get you some red 2012 wine but I completely forgot when I was at the store, if I’m being honest with you.”
I laugh into his chest. “I couldn’t even bring it on the plane with me, babe.”
“Oh, that’s right,” he pulls back, gripping my shoulders, “American customs and all.”
He gives me a fond smile, leaning in for one, last, passionate kiss. We suck all of the air out of our lungs before he pulls away, pushing me jokingly towards the counter. “See you later.”
“Yeah. See you later.”
Untouch your skin
Unkiss your lips and kiss 'em again
So good, so right,
This is one night I'm wishing I could rewind
The door chimes and I look up from the counter I’m wiping, freezing once I see who stepped in. It couldn’t be- no. Why would he be here, in America? I thought he played on a team in Canada? He stops once he sees me and I watch him for his reaction.
A smile beams across his face and he practically skips over to me, ignoring the questions that the boys he’s with are asking him.
“Hi,” he breathes out.
“Hi,” I repeat. I watch as his eyes flicker all over my face, from my eyes to my nose to my lips. They stay on my lips, the lips he’s kissed so many times.
I feel electric now that I’m in his presence again. I feel alive, like something left me when I left Sweden and is now coming back now that I’m with Pierre again.
(Float the moon back up in the sky)
I'm wishing I could rewind
(put a cork back into that sweet red wine)
I wanna re-live this night
So good, so right
“I never thought I would see you again,” he confesses, reaching up to sheepishly rub the back of his neck.
“Yeah, me neither. What are you doing here?” I question.
“We’re visiting the hockey team here.”
“This city has a hockey team?” I ask, bewildered.
His laugh rings through the small coffee shop. It’s a beautiful sound that I haven’t heard in a long enough time.
“Do you maybe want to go out tonight? And get some dinner and drinks and just catch up?” He suggests nervously.
“I would love that.”
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