#So that Bheem can climb it!
luxshine · 9 months
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I adored #RRR, as you know now. And I LOVED the ending, and #Ramaraju final look. I just thought his hair was a bit too short. So I had to draw him with REALLY #longhair
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rrr-is-gay · 8 months
Hello kids, today I’d like to preach to you about the deep eroticism of The Fight, because warriormale literally lives in my mind and compels me to speak.
When Ram and Bheem wrestle outside the governor’s palace, they are releasing so much sexual energy, it’s actually insane. Hell, even before the wrestling, when they’re exchanging punches, there’s this sizzling tension that they’re both too heartbroken to actually think about, but it comes out subconsciously, in how their bodies react to each other. Bheem takes each punch standing up, then fuckin smacks the shit out of Ram, knocking him to the ground, showing his dominance. Ram whips his head to the side to LEER at Bheem before deciding his next attack.
And what is his next attack? TO CLIMB UP BHEEM’S THIGH and THROW HIM TO THE GROUND so he can MOUNT HIM. Bheem does not kick out of this hold or push Ram’s body away, he ROLLS OVER, TANGLING HIS LEGS with Ram’s, keeping him close. He refuses to go on the defensive, he must stay on the attack, to overpower Ram with the strength of his thighs. This need, this primal masculine aggression, is shared by both men as they continue rolling over each other. It is such an intricate ritual!
They are so deeply, intimately familiar with each other’s bodies. Think of how Bheem yanks open Ram’s legs so he can get right between his thighs. He knows where Ram bends and folds. He’s been here before. Think of how Bheem shoves his hand over Ram’s face to hold him down, covering his lips and nose, feeling his heat and insisting upon his submission. Think of how Bheem LIFTS RAM UP dirty-dancing-style to twirl him around, embraced by his thighs, testosterone spiking like adrenaline.
There’s a raw physicality that is shared between sex and combat that’s difficult to describe to those who don’t feel it. It is so primitive, so base, it defies logic. Ram and Bheem have absolutely no reason to be turned on during this fight. They’re both utterly heartbroken, to a point where they’re basically dying inside. And yet their bodies tingle with desire; the desire to touch, smack, yank, bite, grab, hug, roll, spread, fuck. They can’t help it! That’s why they fight so close and tight, because the magnetism pulling them together is stronger than the betrayal tearing them apart.
Absolutely nobody on this earth can convince me that I’m wrong!
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fangirlshrewt97 · 1 year
RRR - The  Burden of Atlas
An RRR fic after a long while. The last few stories have all been for other Charak movies. 
This one is also a little more intense/angsty than my usual stories, though I did try to give a soft ending. Actually Hurt/Comfort would be a more apt descriptor. Let me know what you think!
The RamBheem here can be either platonic or romantically read.
Bheem's breaths were coming out in ragged gasps as he leapt over logs and darted between the trees, running fast enough to actually feel a burn in his legs. The coil of tension in his chest was wrapping tighter around his chest, compressing his lungs, and further diminishing his ability to breathe.
He needed to run, to move, to expel all this tension so that he could feel better again. And yet, each step seemed to have the opposite effect, blurring his vision as pressure behind his eyes transformed into tears, and the multitude of tiny scraps and cuts from the thorns and branches of the trees he had run past. He finally tripped over a hidden tree root, covered by leaves that had him crying out as he shielded his face from the worst of the fall.
He sprawled on the forest floor, looking up at the tall canopy, and the sprinkles of sunlight that were breaking through the leaves. The air was humid and wrapped like a sweaty blanket around him. Still, the forest was quiet, or at least as quiet as forests can be. There were the calls of different birds in the distance, and the sounds of smaller animals scurrying about the undergrowth. When Bheem closed his eyes, his hearing seemed to magnify, and he could even make out the buzzing of insects, and slithering of critters across tree barks.
Where before he had had so much nervous energy pushing him forward, now he felt as though it had all drained into the soil beneath him, leaving him lethargic and heavy. Given a few years, if he left himself here, would he decay back into this ground. Would his blood go back into the earth and nourish his brethren of wood and leaf? Would his bones turn to roots, and his veins into creeping vines climbing towards the sun? His flesh could feed his animal kin, and the rest could be dismantled by the flowers and mushrooms that littered the forest floors.
He opened his eyes.
Where would his rage go?
His joy?
His sadness?
Would they dissipate into the air, dissolve among the molecules?
Or would his soul drift whole through the atmosphere till it found another living creature to settle into?
A tear made his face down his face, tickling his cheek before disappearing into his beard. He didn't understand why he was feeling this way.
They had all been talking of this raid for months, and it had gone exactly according to plan. Mostly. Jenny had insisted on coming with them, saying no one could provide a more credible distraction than her, and while he and Ram had been anxious, Sita had scolded them both to trust the woman.
There had been a child, just a couple years younger than Malli had been when...
A little boy with a black eye, and bruises across his back in a facsimile of Bheem’s own scars. Jenny had stolen him away when the rest of the soldiers had been chasing Ram and Bheem down.
The boy had admitted his own father had been responsible for the injuries.
Bheem found it abhorrent, but violence from parents was seen all too ubiquitously. No, that hadn't been what angered him.
The boy had confessed the reason behind the beatings were that his father found him too soft. Too weak.
Bheem had entered the hut where the boy had been looked over by Sita and Jenny, hearing only the last few fragments of conversation. He had been his usual self, even if the rage had been simmering beneath his skin. Beneath it...till the boy started screaming at the sight of him. Oh, how he struggled against both women to get away from Bheem.
Bheem had been wide eyed as he froze in the face of the naked terror in those young eyes, not even budging when Ram squeezed in beside him.
Past the ringing in his ears, Bheem was able to decipher the mumblings of the still terrified but halfway soothed boy as him being terrified Bheem would hurt him.
And that... that turned the burning inferno building in his chest into a thorny typhoon instead, each lick of anger a sharp knife that tore through his sternum, breached his ribcage and pierced his heart.
He had turned and ran. Ran and ran and ran till he tumbled here.
"-em?! BHEEM!" Ram's voice was so deep and solid. It reminded Bheem of the hills, of the temple bells as they chimed with clarity and surety.
Bheem blinked heavily as the voice grew louder, barely flinching when the accompanying body burst into the patch of forest he was laying prone in, and dropped to his knees beside him.
A warm hand cupped his cheek, turning his face to the other side.
"Bheema?" Now Ram's voice was low and warm, like the embers of the campfires Bheem would create in the cooler evenings to rest beside.
With effort Bheem blinked heavy eyelids open.
"There you are." Ram said, a gentle smile tugging at his lips. Even the sight of the rare token of happiness on his friend's face did not provide the cool relief it usually did.
Bheem tried to turn away, but Ram's hand was insistent. "What happened?"
Bheem squeezed his eyes shut as tears filled his vision again, whimpering when Ram's thumb caressed them away. "I am so angry Ram."
"I know."
Bheem gasped as his eyes opened. Ram's smile was smaller, but his eyes were now filled with a terrible understanding that Bheem couldn't bear to look at. Ram shifted so that he was sitting by Bheem's head, one left tucked under him as another bent at the knee. He tugged at Bheem till the younger man placed his head on Ram's thigh. Ram began carding his fingers through Bheem's hair. "I don't like this, Annayya."
Ram's heart clenched at how young Bheem sounded. It had been months since he had called Ram by that term.
"What are you angry about?"
"I don’t know! Everything! The British, and the men, and the parents who hit their children and the ones who think they can kidnap kids, and cages, and fists, and, and..." Ram rubbed at Bheem's chest to calm him down.
"I hate that that boy was terrified of me." Bheem confessed. "That even though he was beaten so badly by his father, he would rather go back to him than be treated by me because he has been told we will do terrible things to them."
"You're not capable of hate, Bheema." Ram said.
Bheem opened his mouth to protest, but Ram silenced him with a shake of his head. "To hate is to destroy Bheem. To hate is the fire that is lit and burns and burns and burns. That destroys without regard for what is in its path, and doesn't care who it hurts. To hate is to fire a gun, and be bruised by the recoil. Hatred is a poison that is created in one's heart, from a rot that infects your brain and your perception of the world. You are not capable of that."
"You're so sure..." Bheem said softly.
Ram smiled. "Easiest thing in the world."
Bheem looked at him, a furrow between his brows. Ram reached with his index and middle finger, smoothing out the wrinkles. "You know Bheem, I often think of you are water. Healing and refreshing. Persistent and able to carve through rock given enough time, but also able to douse the raging fires as well as wash away homes if the deluge is large enough. But you are a little like fire too. I didn't know this before, but you will. Forest fires are often seen as these disastrous events but it is actually important that they happen no?"
Bheem was silent for a while, just listening to the forest, and taking in the man next to him. His even breaths, the heat of the thigh beneath his head. The softness of his fingers on his skin.
"Forest fires clear away old trees and detritus, allow for new life."
Ram hummed. "You are just like that. You never destroy Bheem, you clear away space for better things. You nurture, and guide, and protect. That's why you aren't capable of hate."
Bheem took in a deep breath before pushing himself up, shifting to sit with his knees bent, arms hugging them. He tucked his chin in the divot between them. "What did we do to deserve it?"
Ram gave him a confused look.
"The Britishers. They hate us. We didn't do anything. They are the ones coming into our home, stealing our children and our lives, claiming things for themselves that they have no claim over. What right do they have to hate us?"
Ram sighed, raking his fingers through the few dead leaves on the ground. "There is no logic or explanation Bheema."
"Do they even have hearts? They don't just hurt our children, but their own too?" Bheem asked, voice touched by a grief Ram desperately wished to take away.
Ram was silent.
Bheem reached out to grasp his wrist so tightly, there would surely be bruises. "Ram."
Ram sighed and shook his hand to loosen Bheem's grip, turning over his palm to intertwine their hands. He looked up at the canopy before turning back to Bheem. "I know Jenny has been sharing the stories she grew up hearing with the kids here. Have you heard of one about someone called Atlas?"
Bheem shook his head, confused at the non-sequitur.
"There was a civilization, people who lived nearly 2000 years ago in the West called the Greeks. They had this one story, a myth about a god named Atlas. There was a battle between the gods, and Atlas was on the losing side. As punishment, he was condemned to hold up the entire world on his shoulders for eternity."
"Why was there a battle?" Bheem asked.
Ram shook his head. "Doesn't matter. I am telling you this because Bheem, Atlas was punished to hold up the world for eternity. You? You are holding it voluntarily all alone and not letting anyone else help. You aren’t alone though."
"That's-" Bheem started, but Ram squeezed his hand.
"Growing up, I used to have some nights where I would wake up in the middle of the night, and my parents would be talking outside the house so as to not disturb us. My father used to tell my mother about his worries, and how no matter how much we trained, it could never be enough. After he died, I had all this pain and anger. I kept it all inside, didn't share it with anyone, not even Sita who begged me to let her in. I kept the fire inside me so long, I ended up getting burned from the inside out, so that by the time I met you, I felt like a dead man who was just alive long enough to fulfill his promise to his father.
You...you showed me that weapons aren't the only way we can effectively fight against the enemy, but that there are still things worth staying alive for.
But now, I have spent so many nights pouring my heart out to you in ways I never thought I'd be capable of, and you listen to me and help me. Despite all the hurt I have caused you. Despite having every reason to main or even kill me. You more than have the right, and if you ever did attempt it, I wouldn't stop you."
"Ram stop." Bheem said, voice fragile again.
Ram huffed, scratching his neck. "Sorry, I got sidetracked."
The pair sat in silence, staring at their hands. How many times had they held them just like this? How could they fit so perfectly together? Like they were meant to hold each other.
"You didn't answer my question." Bheem said after a while.
"I don't know Bheem. I don't understand how they could have hearts when I see the callous way they treat our people. And of course, there are exceptions, like Jenny, but even she isn't blameless."
"I thought you liked her?" Bheem asked.
Ram shrugged. "She's fine as a person. But can you really tell me you hold no resentment over the fact she did nothing for Malli during her time with the Scotts?"
Bheem bowed his head. "There's nothing she could have done."
Ram moved to sit next to Bheem, jolting their shoulders together. "Yes there is."
Bheem's fists clenched. "Of course there is. She should have done more to help Malli escape. She knew that Malli was there against her will. She was even getting her pretty dresses and toys a a way to appease her. She saw the damn cage they had built for her!"
Ram tapped at Bheem's fist. "I'm not saying this so you get angry with Jenny, but the truth of the matter is while she couldn't have broken Malli out, she could have pointed out to the Scotts that what they were doing was wrong. Or asked Malli if she wanted to leave.
But there's no point in discussing What Ifs. I'm saying that for the Britishers, even the 'good' ones like Jenny, we are little better than animals. It took Jenny meeting you and falling for you to realize that we are people just like them."
Bheem snorted. "She didn't fall for me."
Ram raised an eyebrow. Bheem dropped his head onto Ram's shoulder. "You know I see her as a friend. Maybe even sister."
"Fine, but she definitely liked you."
"And I liked her. Like her. She was one of the few people to show us kindness, and treat us with respect and dignity. That's all there is."
Ram bonked his head lightly against Bheem's. "Not asking you to justify your feelings to me, Bheema."
"I don't like to think about it."
"About what?"
"How Jenny could have helped Malli, but didn't. How I am able to sweep that away and still consider her a friend despite the role she played in that whole fiasco. Does thinking so make me a bad person?"
Ram huffed another laugh. "Bheem, if every person in the world was ranked as a good or a bad person, you would be the very last human to be called bad."
"Malli suffered so much Ram, she still has nightmares."
Ram sobered quickly. "I know."
"And Jenny just goes about her day here without realizing just how horrible things were for her. Is it really just ignorance? Or obliviousness? Does she not hear the screams? Or does she just think those are normal nightmares, rather than caused directly because of the cruelty Malli suffered in that mansion?"
“Where is this coming from Bheem? I’ll be honest there were moments when I thought you returned her feelings.”
Bheem shook his head. “I’ve been thinking this for a long time. Back when she gave me my first clue that Malli was alive, I was so grateful for that fact. And then when she invited me (albeit for very different reasons) to her home. Finally for her help in getting me the blueprints of the prison to save you. But…I don’t know. Do a couple grand good actions make up for months of smaller non-actions that perpetuated suffering and misery?”
"Only Jenny can answer those questions." Ram said quietly. "But you can answer me why you ran out of the hut so fast."
Bheem sighed, burrowing into Ram's shoulder. "It got to be so much. I was already angry at the sight of the hurt child, but when I walked into the hut, the look in his eyes...I saw that same look in Malli's eyes when Scott grabbed her."
Ram wrapped his arms around Bheem's shoulders.
"I wanted to rip the boy's father's head off. Reach into his chest and yank his heart out. It scared me."
“You would never do it.” Ram retorted.
Bheem hunched inward, trying to make himself smaller. Ram placed a hand on Bheem’s knee, knuckles brushing his cheekbones. “You would never do it Bheem. That makes all the difference. With your strength and your abilities, you could be cruel and who could truly stand up to you? But you don’t because you are a protector to your core.”
“I released a truck full of wild animals on innocent people.”
“They were Britishers.”
Ram shrugged, “Even if you did, you also took care to try and protect Jenny when you could have left her to fend for herself. Or what about with me? You had the chance to kill me. Multiple times. And you didn’t. Not just for the sake of our friendship, because even if we had been strangers I don’t think you would have struck the killing blow.
You only ever fight, or kill to survive Bheem. Only resort to violence to achieve a more selfless end. You apologize to the animals when you need to use them. You thank the trees for their bark, and plants for their leaves.” Ram rubbed his nose into Bheem's curls. "Too good for this world Bheema. We don't deserve you."
Ram felt a wet spot forming near his shoulder, where Bheem had started to cry silently. He tightened his embrace.
"You are so full of kindness. You wear it like this armor. It's...it's breathtaking." Ram admitted. "You taught me how to live again. "
Bheem's breath hiccuped.
"But just like me, you are also so full of rage and grief. The difference is I let it consume me till I existed for a single purpose, and didn't care who or what got in my way, I was going to raze them to the ground and go ahead with my plan. You on the other hand, are so determined to do right by everyone, even monsters like me who hurt you, that you pretend that rage doesn't exist. It's choking you from the inside Bheema.
So please. I am begging you. Please. Let me help. Let me shoulder some of the burden, you don't need to carry this weight of responsibility or this anger alone. You are human and you are allowed to hurt and rage and grieve."
Bheem's fist grasped Ram's shirt so tight, he felt a few seams straining to hold on. "What do I do?"
"Can I repeat your advice back to you?" Ram murmured gently.
Bheem lifted his head, showing red rimmed eyes and a devastated face. Ram brushed away the tear tracks, pressing a kiss to Bheem's forehead. "Don't hold everything in. There are so many who care so deeply for you. We would do anything for you Bheem, so please let us help you carry your burdens."
"I'm the Protector." Bheem argued.
"Well then, you protect everyone. Who protects you?"
Bheem's expression shattered. "I-"
Ram gripped his cheek, voice fierce and unyielding as he said, "I do."
Bheem blushed, jaw tightening as he looked to the ground.
"I swear to you, for as long as I have strength in my body, and breath in my lungs, I will protect you. Let me."
Bheem cried out, throwing himself into Ram's hug, clinging to the elder man. Ram held him just as tightly.
Bheem lost sense of time as he clung to Ram. Words poured out beyond his consciousness, days, months, years of worries flowing out. Ram was quiet through it all, merely running a comforting hand down the length of his back and up again. By the time the words ran out, it was twilight, the tiny patches of previously blue skies not turned pink and purple. As Bheem quietened, swallowing deep breaths of air, he noticed several things. First, the calls of the birds had increased, the animals quickly growing accustomed to the new strangers in their territories when it became clear they were not here after them. Secondly, he noticed the bands that had been constricting his lungs as he had ran and fallen here had slackened, each inhale filling every bronchiole. Thirdly he noticed Ram had switched from rubbing his back to tracing designs down his arm.
The last thing he noticed only when he pulled away and sat up to his full height.
He felt a couple inches taller.
Like there had been an invisible weight resting upon his shoulders, curving his neck and compressing his spine.
He took some deep breaths. In. Hold. Out. Hold. In. Hold. Out.
When he opened his eyes, Ram was looking at him with fondness. But also a twinkle of pride that sent a wave of pride and affection through Bheem's blood.
Ram covered Bheem's mouth. "Do not insult me by offering me thanks. Not when I owe you so much."
Bheem shook his head but conceded. "Fine."
Ram rose, groaning when something popped. He bent down to touch his toes, groaning again when something else clicked. "I'm getting old."
Bheem sprung up, laughing when Ram threw him a dirty look for not feeling an effect on his body. "Don't worry Ram, I can carry you back to the village."
Ram scowled, which just made Bheem giggle harder.  
"Laugh it up, when you get old, you're getting no sympathy from me." Ram said.
Bheem laughed harder, throwing an arm around Ram's shoulder that had the man stumbling. "Sounds wonderful."
Ram sighed wistfully, looking at the familiar spark of joy in Bheem's eyes which set his own heart afloat. Bheem should always look this free and relaxed.
The pair made their way through the forest, Ram cursing and Bheem snickering at him the whole way back.
The small scrapes and bruises Bheem had acquired during his initial dash would disappear in a couple of days, and the hurt from the boy's fear would take another few days. But Bheem trusted Ram would honor his word, and really with a protector like Ram, Bheem could sleep easier. He just hoped that if there was a next life, he could spend it alongside Ram, and that it be a gentler one than the cards they were dealt for this lifetime.
After all, a burden shared is a burden halved.
@rambheem-is-real @budugu @bromance-minus-the-b @hissterical-nyaan @obsessedtoafault @hufhkbgg @yehsahihai @rorapostsbl @fangirl-from-discord @fadedscarlets @alikokinav @chaotic-moonlight @rambheemisgoated @rambheemlove @jaganmaya @burningsheepcrown @lovingperfectionwonderland @rosayounan @iam-siriuslysher-lokid @thewinchestergirl1208 @dumdaradumdaradum @ronaldofandom @jjwolfesworld @jrntrtitties @kashpaymentsonly @jeonmahi1864  @stanleykubricks @m3gs1mps4a @tulodiscord @teddybat24 @sally-for-sally @ssabriel @jadebomani @stuckyandlarrystuff @veteran-fanperson @ohfuckoffpls @bheemaxrama​ @chaidrivenwhore​ @gifseafins​ @umbrulla​  
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ramcharantitties · 2 years
Accha lagta hai
(series of Ram and y/n's domestic life, read previous one shot here)
Bheem loved his Ram Anna dearly. The mighty Ram Anna that was brave and strong and smart and can do anything in the world. Bheem knew his Ram Anna was the greatest and he looked up to his Anna's stealth self. Bheem also knew Ram Anna was married, although Bheem himself haven't met her. Bheem spotted sarees and jewellery in his cupboard and the soft smell of Mogra around the house. Ram said his wife was gone to another city for her friend's wedding and will come back in some weeks.
Right now Bheem stood outside the door of Ram Anna's house and he was sure he was at the wrong place. But the belongings inside was of Ram Anna. A woman yelling from inside put him in turmoil, he didn't know if he should go in or not. "i told you I was with akhtar" ram said and Bheem heard the sentence. Maybe he should save his ram Anna. Bheem quietly walked in, to see Ram sitting down on the floor, facing Bheem and the woman standing with her back to Bheem. "Anna?" Bheem called out cautiously. Ram's head snapped up as if his last ray of hope came in. "AKHTAR" ram called and Bheem walked in. You turned around to see this Akhtar your husband has been hanging out with. For most part you believed ram was lying- he made a friend? Impossible.
Ram quickly stood up, and stood near bheem like a child. "This is Akhtar. See I wasn't lying" he beamed and Bheem was confused. Ram looked scared. How come bheem's strongest ram Anna was scared? "Accha?" You said and Bheem took you in. Beautiful, scary, and angry. Like a tigeress. Bheem smiled unconsciously. "Then Akhtar bhaiya, tell me how did you two meet?" You asked, unexpecting of the answer. Ram's face drained of all colours. "NO" he screamed and you looked at him, giving a death glare. Ram shut up, telepathically begging Bheem to shut up too.
But Bheem, oh Bheem. Bheem was happier than ever, getting a chance to recite the eventful story where the action ensued. Where Rowdy Ram and Brave Bheem Dived in a Flaming River to save a Boy from Falling Train Tracks and Drowning. You patiently listened to Bheem's story, from your husband riding a horse to monkey jumping under a falling bridge to jumping in the river. In the back Ram was waiting for the chaos his wife will bring.
When Bheem finished his story, he was bright like a sun. Cheeks up smiling and excited from the ordeal. Unaware, innocent little man. You looked at Ram's pale face, only to pick up the broom nearby and sprint in a chase after him. "Hey mahadev" you cried "what kind of suicidal husband have you gave me" Ram climbed on bed and desks, escaping you. "I'm a good husband" he yelled and you scoffed.
"I went out for a month and you ruined the house, got caught in a riot, jumped from a bridge, and made a friend who instead of stopping you from doing this, did it with you?!" You yelled and Ram looked down, hands behind his back. Bheem took the scene in. The mighty Ram bhaiya was tamed by a mightier bhabhi. Oh.
You dropped the broom and bent down to pick up the dusty piles of book to sort and arrange. "It's not that big of a deal" Ram muttered and you stopped right in the tracks. "You could have died" you whispered lowly, in a stern voice. Ram only saw a screaming, angry wife, throwing tantrums. But Bheem saw a woman who's husband was a madman and didn't care about his life for her sake. Bheem saw the tears stinging her eyes, so she turned around, not wanting her husband to see them.
"Say sorry to bhabhi" Bheem whispered to Ram and Ram's face was taken over by confusion. "What? No" he whispered back and Bheem looked at you, silent. Ram never liked you silent. He liked you talking, chatting, scolding, yelling, moaning, screaming, annoying him but he never liked you silent. Ram sighed.
"y/n" you didn't reply.
"y/n please" "what"
"I'm sorry" you didn't reply again.
"suno na" "fine."
Ram looked at Bheem. Bheem nodded in no. Ram indicated Bheem to get out of room. Bheem nodded and left.
Ram came closer to you, wrapping his arms around your waist, his face in your neck. He took the books from your hand and placed them down. "Y/n that boy could have died. I know my method wasn't the best but that was all I could see back then. I'm sorry" you turned around, keeping your hands on his chest. "You could have gone by a boat" you muttered and Ram thought about it. He grimaced. "Did Akhtar tell you that there was a fire in the river too? In the falling bridge and train parts?"
Ram saw the realisation set on your face. He ran for his life screaming a "AKHTAR IS WAITING FOR ME". You sat down on the chair, your head in your hand. "In all of Delhi, they really found him to get me married to"
Tagging: @budugu @rambheemisgoated @thewinchestergirl1208 @shreyalokesh @bromance-minus-the-b @juhiiiiii @dumdaradumdaradum @chaanv @chaotic-moonlight @aasthuu @mish-ka @kashti15 @saanjh-sakhi @ronaldofandom @bishh-kanya @nyotamalfoy @obsessedtoafault @iamhereforthefanfics @maraudersbitchesassemble @phoenix666stuff @iam-siriuslysher-lokid @infusedchaos @army24--7 @iams99 @booksmartheart @rambheemlove @stuckyandlarrystuff @bitchy-bi-trash @moonyrox @sabi5 @nerdreader @waywardmorgan @yehsahihai
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milla984 · 1 year
Just another rainy day
Summary: Reader comes home after a few days away on a work trip and smut ensues. Sort of.
Pairing: modern AU Bheem x fem!reader (but Bheem still has a nose ring)
Category: smut (NSFW, 18+, MDNI)
TW/CW: kissing, unprotected penetrative sex, mentions of food
Word Count: 2.8k
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You close the front door of the apartment as the noise of the downpour fills the silence with the repetitive tapping of raindrops bouncing off the rooftop. You take off your shoes and socks to leave them at the entrance, besides Bheem’s boots, then you let your bag flop on the floor and toss the keys into the glass bowl at the entrance, producing a loud clink - which should be his cue to stop doing whatever he’s doing to give you a proper welcome back. There’s no answer, though, except for a muffled sound of water splashing in the shower and a delicious aroma coming from the kitchen. 
You hang your coat and scuttle like a mouse across the room to take a peek inside the pot cooling on the stove, lifting the lid to confirm Bheem prepared one of your favorite dishes for dinner. Food is part of his love language, and even if it’s not five-star restaurant quality the simple fact he made it is enough for you to declare all the other biryanis don’t hold a candle to his version.
It takes a moment for you to notice the crumpled mass of fabric lying on the armrest of the couch, in the living room; upon a closer look you realize it’s the nehru jacket you bought him as a birthday present, and a few feet away there’s also one of his shirts. The trail of clothes he left behind points to the hallway and you patiently pick each item up, so you could put them into the hamper. You know he doesn’t expect you to be his maid, since he’s capable of doing his share of household chores, he’s just… Bheem, getting so excited over the little things in life (such as stripping off to have a well-deserved shower at the end of a long day) that you can’t really get mad at him. 
Once you’re done with the laundry basket you walk towards the bathroom and you raise a hand to push the door fully open - that’s when he turns off the faucet, causing you to gawk, speechless: he may be as innocent and impetuous as a child, on occasion, yet you can’t help but stare at the grown man who’s in front of you.
All of him, since his imposing physique takes up half the space in the cabin.
Thanks to the semi-transparent panels you can see he’s tilting his head back to shake the excess water out of his hair and let it roll on his shoulders, down along his spine to his rock-solid ass and thighs. You lick your chops at the thought of the veins climbing up his knee, towards his hip; he could probably choke you with those legs and the fire burning in your core indicates you find the idea inviting. He’s a sweetheart by nature, nevertheless experience taught you his inherent impetuosity leads to interesting results during your most intimate one-on-one sessions.
You jump out of your trousers and toss them behind you, and with only your kurti on you rush to the kitchen to spoon some virgin coconut oil out of the jar and put it in a small bowl. When you go back he’s standing in front of the bed, a towel wrapped around his waist and his muscular calves exposed. 
“Bujji…?” you call him in a soft tone.
“Ammu!!!” he roars, his eyes shining brighter than the stars in the sky. He’s so strong he lifts you up while he greets you. “Are you tired?” he adds, enthusiastically, and doesn’t really give you a chance to reply because he can’t contain the excitement of holding you in his arms. “Hungry?! How was—”
“Kiss me and I’ll tell you all about it,” you cut him off, in the hope that he won’t be tempted to ask more questions. Right now you’re in desperate need of his nose ring pressed against your upper lip, and he obliges.
Kissing Bheem feels like being blessed by a ray of sunshine, warming you up on a cold winter’s morning; his soul is pure as dew glistening on jasmine petals, his embrace is where you wish you could spend eternity.
“I am hungry,” you whisper, “and tired, but I’ve got duties to fulfill.”
He smiles again and nods, kissing you one last time before he sits on the covers; you kneel behind him, using your palms to warm up a moderate amount of coconut until it melts completely. You’ve been dreaming of this for days: you start with a gentle massage on the nape and move up to the crown to distribute the oil on the scalp, then switch to a firmer pressure to play with large chunks of his hair to help him relax.
Calling it ‘a duty’ is a private joke, as far as possible from an old-style, strict interpretation of gender roles within a couple. In fact, you’d never pass up a chance to put your hands all over him and worship every inch of his naked body and it’s definitely a display of desire he’s very fond of.
When you bring your attention to his outer ears, rolling the flexible helices between your thumb and index finger, his head falls backwards and his curls tickle your cheek. You peck him gently on the temple and scoop a larger quantity of coconut oil out of the bowl, repeating the warming process; his hands sneakily reach the hem of your kurti to try and lift it - to no avail, since the back portion of the garment is trapped under your weight.
“Do you want me to stop?” you purr, and his laugh makes something stir in your belly.
No, he doesn’t want you to stop - what comes next is his favorite part.
You start working his shoulders and the pads of your fingers glide on his skin, dampened with the tiny droplets glistening in the dark fuzz he’s never bothered to get rid of; he groans in pleasure and you too enjoy the sensation of his firm muscles being manipulated, the light friction making them even warmer to the touch. They’re so defined you could use his entire back as a living anatomy chart, so you torture your lips in a feeble attempt to suppress the temptation to cover him in bitemarks. After reaching his waist you usually go for a knuckling technique along both sides of his spine in an upward direction, but tonight you have other plans.
Bheem lets out a surprised, short gasp as you tug at one border of the towel around his hips to peel it open. You put your palms flat on his thighs and you slowly stroke back and forth, your chest pressed against his body and the tip of your tongue following a linear path from the base of his neck to the sensitive spot behind his ear. The scent of coconut on his olive complexion drives you insane and you dig your fingers into his flesh; he winces in discomfort, so you release him and use the bed of your nails to graze over the veins you’d be able to find even with your eyes closed. 
He grows impatient soon and grabs your right wrist, dragging it towards his groin; when you’re so close you can perceive his heat you trap his earlobe between your teeth and he whimpers, like a puppy who’s gotten his tail bitten by one of his siblings. You ghost the back of your hands against his ribcage, your chin resting on the crevice created by his collarbone. You look down and the mere sight of his hardening cock hits you so good that the pounding between your legs turns into a wet patch.
“I missed you so much,” you whisper. 
He raises his arm to caress your head and the tattoo on his bicep contracts, sending jolts of pure lust to your brain. “Four days, chinna!”
“Too long,” you declare, resolute, “I want you. I need you...”
In a flash you’re sprawled on the covers, Bheem’s big hands nearly tearing the kurti off of you; he’s propping up on one knee, towering over you to pin your forearms down and rub himself over your panties. You bite your lips again: he’s allowed to do some teasing in return, and you know he likes the idea that spending less than a week apart turned you into a writhing mess, hungry for him. 
His breathing quickly becomes ragged from the fast-paced, rocking motion but the spark in his eyes is absolutely feral. It doesn’t take long before the tension mounting in your lower stomach screams for release, overwhelmed by the bobbing and pressing of his tip on the same, soaked spot. You’re a single step away from begging him to put you out of your misery when he pulls your underwear down. And almost at the same time, the whole room plunges into darkness. 
You both react with different degrees of annoyance - Bheem’s annyoed and somewhat resigned grumble covered by your vocal “No, damn it! Not now!!”
“Welcome home,” he sighs and he plops on his side to avoid crushing you by mistake.
You bang your head on the mattress and whine, as a demonstration the pet name he uses for you sometimes fits perfectly. “I hate when this happens! Hate it!”
“I couldn’t agree more,” Bheem grunts. He stands up and in the blue-ish hue filtering through the windows he walks to the dresser, clearly searching for a pair of briefs in the dedicated drawer.
“Where are you going?” you ask him, perplexed.
He gives you a little frown from over his shoulder. “Uhm, someone should check the—”
“Breaker box?! Like you always do and nothing changes and the power comes back on its own?” you point out, since you have no intention of letting a stupid blackout disrupt your evening.
“It’s just…” he stammers, then he stops mid sentence with the drawer half-open in front of him. 
Finally he turns around, and you see for yourself why he’s got such a mortified expression on his face. The random honking of scooters driving into traffic, in the distance, seem to add a poignant effect to the moment, but you shrug and pat on the sheets.
“I really missed you. Please… stay?”
He rapidly considers the pros and cons of the two scenarios he’s facing and eventually he shrugs as well. Someone else would be in charge of checking the breaker box, for once, so you wait for him to lie at your side; you put your head on his chest, your heart contemplating the power he has over your life. 
There’s so much of him to cuddle that his presence alone makes you feel safe: the worst part about work trips for you is not the consciousness you won’t be returning to the comfort and protection of your apartment for the night - it’s being forced to spend that time alone, in a stranger place without his warmth and considerable weight close to you.
The rain trickles down on the glass and the reflection of the street lamps light paints stripes on his forehead and nose. His body resembles the image of a bear in your mind, so it’s no wonder you often call him that (even though it’s such a special endearment you never use it in public to respect the sacred privacy of your bedroom). Your hand wanders briefly on his sternum, twisting and twirling the fuzziness growing on his pecs; he’s very much used to you doing this whenever you chill out on the couch, watching a movie, and he’s well aware of how good his beard feels when he goes down on you. 
You hug him tighter and envelop his right thigh with yours: the feeling of his coarse hair over your sensitive clit is painfully exquisite, the friction from the grinding movement muffled by the slick texture of your arousal. You’re literally humping the tattoo matching the one on his left bicep and the back of your fingers start brushing over his nipple; Bheem shudders and tenses up, so you wait for another possible indication of uneasiness. He clenches his fist around the messy locks at the base of your neck to offer you his left nipple, instead, and your subtle oral fixation is more than glad to please him. 
You plant butterfly kisses to trace the outline of the areola, alternating between sucking the stiff, tiny bud and blowing warm air on it; you never rush through this stage of foreplay, and he’s a terrible enabler who’s learned to use your weakness to his full advantage. When your fingers leave his chest to trail down to his navel, cupping his reinvigorated erection, he gently yanks your head back to claim your mouth for himself. 
This is without doubt what you’ve been craving all along: your moans roll on his tongue like sweet mango juice, your hearts beat in unison as echoes of an otherworldly dimension of pure intimacy. He then shifts to his side, so that your bodies align perfectly in front of each other; his palm dances on your skin, his skilled fingers unclasping your bra to help you remove it. He’s done waiting and you nod, in a silent confirmation you share the same urgency.
Bheem slips his left forearm under your right knee, lifting your leg up against his chest. He’s got you pinned in an awkward position - your calf resting on his bicep and your forehead touching the bridge of his nose - but it’s the best way to have you ready for him, and you hold your breath as you feel his bulbous tip nudging at your entrance. He’s not fully in control of this new setting, so he hesitates; he slips out as a result and you squirm in pain for a fraction of a second, which prompts him to loosen his grip and kiss your shoulder to make sure you’re alright. 
You smile and let your free hand reach for your folds. This time he holds his breath and you gently guide his head on the right spot, waiting for him to push deeper: a loud moan escapes your throat when he finally does, drunk on the blissful feeling of having him inside of you and the knowledge you belong together. He tries swaying his hips in a rising movement, still figuring out the optimal dynamics, and your lips come closer.
“Bheema…” you mutter, clawing at his muscles.
He growls, a low rumble that reverberates in your ears, and the realization seems to dawn on him: he starts thrusting with his thigh and his pounding gets faster, more confident, a wild exercise in untamed passion. He’d let go of you in an instant if you asked him to, nevertheless you cherish your status as a captive of his powerful hold. Your grip on his skin turns into a primal instinct to further assert your possession rights over him once he sets a frantic pace.
The slapping noise distracts you before you can feel his fingertips kneading your butt cheek: he buries his face in your hair and his last, ferine growl sends him over the edge and he twitches multiple times inside of you while your own climax builds up in response. You throw your head back while a second and third slap land on your ass, your legs shaking and not a single sound from your lips during one of the most intense and satisfying experiences of your life.
You collapse on his chest, panting and laughing with what little breath you’ve got left. There’s a sudden, electric buzz in the air and the lights come back on, as you predicted.
“Are you okay?” he inquires, a tangible trace of confusion in his voice. “Did I do something wrong?”
You snuggle against him to play with the earring adorning his lobe. “I can’t even think straight... you were amazing.”
Bheem blushes and tries to maintain eye contact, but has to look away in the end; he just fucked you into a mind-blowing orgasm, still he’s too embarrassed to talk about it. No amount of words could ever describe or quantify the love you have for him.
“Come on, get up! We must feed you, Pallavi...!” he bellows, back to his usual cheerful self - his smile a beautiful reminder of how falling for him was, indeed, inevitable.
“I know, I’m starving,” you agree, and you retrieve your panties and kurti to swiftly put them on as you get off the bed, “but I’m going to take a long shower, first.”
He nearly throws you off balance when he grabs you by your waist, making you sit on his lap while he stares at you like he’s got a shocking secret to confess.
“I’m so happy you’re back,” he giggles, “three nights without you is definitely where I draw the line.”
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@ronaldofandom, @gifseafins, @ladydarkey, @bheemaxrama, @astrafangs, @ronnoxandlumoss, @rambheemlove, @chaidrivenwhore, @ssabriel, @burningsheepcrown, @busy-bii
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pinkpersonsblog · 10 months
Title: Just a Snake
Characters: Ram, Bheem
Summary: Ram and Bheem are hanging out and having fun when an unexpected encounter leaves them both deeply shaken.
Word count: 2,886
“At first I thought it was just you and Sita’s names, but then when I think back to the forest battle…the way you looked on your horse with your long flowing hair and beard, poised to strike with your bow and arrow…I mean it, Ram, you looked just like him!”
Ram shook his head, rolling his eyes at his much-too-exuberant friend as they sat beside one another enjoying the view atop the hill they frequented. They had come because Bheem wanted to practice squatting, but they’d unexpectedly talked about the battle in the forest. At first, Ram had shown Bheem the scar the bullet wound had left him after complaining that it still hurt a bit…but Bheem had a lot to say about Ram himself, it turned out. Bheem’s eyes were wide and almost pleading for him to believe him.
He could hardly bring himself to meet Bheem’s gaze as he tried to convince him of his argument. Ram felt abashed at the comparison, not seeing what Bheem saw at all. At least not nearly to the same extent.
“Anything you think you saw is purely coincidental,” Ram said, as though he were lecturing someone delusional. “I’m not a reincarnation or…whatever…of lord Rama. If that’s what you’re implying.” Ram tried to ignore the facts about Lord Rama that were popping into his head spontaneously—that he was forgiving, in particular.
“It was like you transcended into something divine...” Bheem continued, ignoring Ram. “And it reminded me of him. If I wasn’t so immersed in the battle, I would have expected to see a halo over your head. You were god-like, at the very least.”
Ram unconsciously brushed aside a few strands of his bangs out of his face. He couldn’t help but feel as though he’d rather hide behind them, though. “Maybe a new person, sure. But not an angel or a god, Bheem. Are you listening to yourself? You sound delirious. We both know I’m far from the pinnacle of morality. You’re lucky I’m not slapping you for comparing me to him.”
“You can slap me all you want,” Bheem said a touch smugly as he nudged Ram’s shoulder with his own playfully. “Because being brave enough to revolt against the Buxtons is pretty virtuous, no?”
“Well, it was inevitable…” Ram muttered, heart swelling as he remembered how it had felt, ending the tyranny with a single bullet. “And necessary. Anyone with half a heart would have done the same thing. Put an end to their nonsense.”
“Anyway, God or not, it was a good look for you. Ram…man of the jungle…” Bheem said dramatically. “You shouldn’t have cut your hair.”
“Can we stop talking about me for a second and get to your squats?” Ram stood up, feeling eager to end this conversation. It was making him oddly uncomfortable…as though Bheem were being invasive somehow, even though he knew his friend meant well. And he didn’t want to ponder the fact that there might be an inkling of truth in what Bheem was saying. Even though it should have been uplifting, it left him ill at ease; It was eerie and unsettling. “I thought you wanted me to help you work out?”
“Alriiiight, if you insist…” Bheem teased as he stood up.
As Bheem crouched down and motioned for Ram to get on, Ram’s mouth curved upward against his will…he loved sitting on Bheem’s shoulders, and it sometimes felt like he was just waiting for his friend to ask him to hop on. As he climbed up and told him he was ready for him to stand, he felt his mood elevate. It felt so freeing siting up there, with his friend carrying him around dependable as he was. Bheem stood slowly, steadying his grip on him.
But as he was standing Bheem grunted a little, making Ram frown.
“What’s wrong?”
“Ugh...have you put on weight?”
“I don’t think so. Why? Am I that heavy?” Ram playfully slapped the top of Bheem’s head.
“Maybe you’ve become too muscular,” Bheem said, and Ram couldn’t tell if he was being serious or joking.
“What? You’re kidding…” Ram flexed his right arm and studied his bicep as Bheem began squatting up and down. He had been working out more often recently, so it was possible he’d put on some extra muscle. He was surprised that it was enough for Bheem to be able to tell the difference. Heat rushed to his face at his friend noticing. They were really that close now, it seemed. Or Bheem was just that familiar with how much Ram weighed after all the times he’d lifted him onto his shoulders.
As Bheem squatted, Ram enjoyed the added height. He saw a few sparrows flit by and into the tree beside them. He felt the sky never looked bluer…the clouds never looked so fluffy. As the wind rustled against his hair, making a few tendrils fall across his eyes, he puffed his chest out and grinned with abandon. Somehow sitting on his friend’s shoulders as he exercised made his spirit soar. The sublime view might have something to do with the surge of elation as well—he could see the ocean from Bheem’s shoulders. A wave of emotion coursed through Ram as he realized not for the first time, that if Bheem were all he had, then he'd have all he needed. Even Sita didn’t revitalize him like Bheem did. A man who was more than a mere friend...he was his other half.
Ram chuckled to himself as Bheem grunted exaggeratedly (“maybe you should consider going on a diet?”). Ram’s eyes traveled to the area just ahead of them atop the hill, where there was a bed of sunflowers. They were so vibrant that he considered plucking a few and taking them back to Sita. As he imagined her beaming face as she accepted the welcome surprise, he was suddenly taken out of his daydream, seeing something moving amongst the flowers. What was that shadow? He tensed instinctively as he expected someone to be hiding and spying on them. But then relaxed as he realized that was highly unlikely. He squinted as he examined what it could be, when a scaly serpent poked its head up and slithered out of the flowers and onto the grass.
A red and black snake.
Ram choked on air and flailed his arms in his hurry to get off of Bheem, just as his friend had stood upright from his last squat. Panicking and crying out as Bheem lost his grip on him, Ram tumbled to the ground onto his back so roughly the wind was knocked out of him. His heart slammed hard and fast against his rib cage, pounding, pounding, pounding, trying to escape…
Bheem hurried over to Ram, checking him for wounds reflexively. “What’s wrong? Are you hurt?!”
Ram tried to speak, to tell him that he thought he might be dying, but all he could do was release a weak gasp.
He couldn’t breathe.
He tried sitting up, but realized his legs weren’t working at all. In fact, it was as though they were numb. All he could think of as he lay there defenseless and in shock, was how it had felt when those fangs sunk into his flesh, the excruciating pain as its lethal venom coursed throughout his body….the violent tremors…his impending demise. He even felt a sharp pain in his right arm.
The more he relived the memory the more he was able to catch his breath. He felt like he was in a daze as his breaths came rapidly…so rapidly it was making Bheem clutch at him desperately, face creased with concern. Bheem laid a hand against Ram’s now cold and clammy forehead, feeling for heat. He clearly had no idea what to do. There was no one nearby who could help them anyway, as they specifically chose this spot to hang out at because there was never anyone here.
“Ram, calm down, I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere, so relax. Tell me what’s going on.”
Suddenly realizing the snake could get him as he lay prone, Ram began trying to push himself up and away from Bheem. “S-snake…” he croaked out between labored breaths, feeling a bit faint. “Snake…over…there. In-in the…flowers. Bheem.” He could hardly harness the strength to make his upper limbs work properly. He was shaking so hard it was like his arms were spasming.
Bheem frowned at the realization of what had happened. "What color was it?" he asked tensely.
Ram froze and thought for a moment. Remembered the vibrant colors. "R-Red and…black stripes."
Bheem quickly stood up to walk over to the flowers. Ram cried out, alarmed. “No! You’ll get bitten, Bheem,” he called out desperately, his speech improving drastically at the thought of his friend endangering himself. “Let’s leave. Please.”
But Bheem was peering into the flowers, pushing them aside. Ensuring he was thorough in his search. Soon, he spotted what he was looking for. To Ram’s horror, Bheem reached in and picked up the colorful snake, held it in his hands without a hint of trepidation.
Bheem smiled at Ram encouragingly as he briefly held the snake up to his face, as though he were studying its eyes. “Ram, this snake isn’t venomous. It’s completely harmless.” But seeing that Ram wasn’t completely convinced, he took the snake and threw it down to the lower part of the hill. He hurried back to Ram’s side, took his hand in his own. Rubbed soothing circles with his thumb as Ram trembled beside him. Ram stared at him awestruck by his bravery…and heartbroken by his own tragic reaction. “The snake is gone. It’s gone, don’t you see? I got rid of it for you.” Bheem tried comforting Ram. “Tell me how you’re feeling. Are you okay? Do you think you can stand?”
“I-I thought I was having a heart attack.” Ram swiped a hand clumsily across his face, wiping some of the sweat that had accumulated in his panicked response. His breaths were still coming slightly unsteadily, but he was at least able to talk. But his legs still couldn’t move…fear struck his heart for a moment as he wondered if he’d injured his spine and become paralyzed. “Bheem…” Ram said uneasily. “I can’t feel my legs.”
Bheem’s eyebrows shot upward. “What? Are you serious?”
“They feel numb, and I can’t get up.”
Bheem touched his leg, poked at it, and asked if he could feel it. Ram said he couldn’t, feeling fear prick the back of his neck. It was a pretty rough fall…
It’s fine, he tried comforting himself. I’m sure it’s nothing.
Without saying anything, Bheem looked down at Ram’s legs. Then he placed a hand on one of Ram’s calves and started massaging it. He looked up at Ram, eyes asking if it was doing anything. But Ram bit his lip and shook his head. Bheem wasn’t one to give up, however. He continued massaging Ram’s calves and thighs, trying to encourage feeling back into them, all the while telling him he was sure that he had nothing to worry about.
“That’s the first snake I’ve seen since it happened,” Ram mumbled as Bheem continued massaging. “My heart froze in fear the moment I saw it and I couldn’t control what happened afterward. I felt the same panic I felt when I’d been poisoned. It was like it happened all over again.” Ram paused, bit his lip. “Is this normal? You don’t think I’m overreacting, do you? I feel like such a baby…”
“You’re not a baby, Ram,” Bheem said firmly as he stopped massaging to look at Ram. He had a pensive expression on his face as he considered his next words. “Now that I think about it, I’ve heard of people having reactions like this before when they’re very afraid. It’s normal. You just panicked and your body reacted in an extreme way. Probably due to trauma. You almost died, you know.”
Ram breathed a sigh of relief. “Trauma…” he said with a bitter laugh. “That makes sense…but, how am I going to get over this fear? Don’t tell me I have to sit in a room full of snakes. Or get bitten by one again. I could never…”
Bheem chuckled as he began massaging a bit more roughly. Ram’s eyes widened with hopeful surprise.
“I feel something. I think the sensation is coming back.”
Bheem looked relieved as he continued massaging. “Good. I was starting to feel a bit worried.”
“So, how did you know the snake was harmless? How can you tell?” Ram had little to no knowledge about the creatures, but he figured Bheem might know more because he lived in a village where snakes were common.
“The stripes,” Bheem said matter-of-factly. “Red on black is non-venomous.”
Ram frowned as he absorbed this information.
“Also, upon closer inspection, I saw that the pupils were rounded. If they were vertical, then it would be a venomous snake.” Bheem seemed a bit proud to be sharing his knowledge with Ram. As though he’d finally been presented with the opportunity to show off a little.
“I’m just glad you were here to ease my mind,” Ram said reverently, eyes swelling with tears. “If I’d been alone, I might have died of a heart attack from the stress.” Ram turned his head away to hide a falling tear, as he remembered their earlier conversation. “I told you I’m nothing like lord Rama. He wouldn’t have been frightened like that.”
“Hey,” Bheem said, placing a hand on Ram’s wet cheek, gently turning it to face him. Smiled softly. “It’s just you and me here. No one to judge. We all have moments of weakness and things that scare us. Doesn’t make you a coward. It doesn’t lessen my opinion of you in any way.” Bheem’s lips quirked upward as his eyes sparkled with amusement. “You’re still the God-like man of the jungle, so long as there aren’t any snakes nearby.”
Ram shook his head and laughed shakily. Remembered how his arm had stung so badly where that snake had bitten him. How he could practically feel the poison coursing in his veins, killing him slowly as it worked its way through his nervous system. He felt that his petrification just from seeing a snake wasn’t completely unpredictable, now that he considered it. “I guess you’re officially my guardian, huh? Always there for me when a snake creeps up.”
“Well, someone has to be there,” Bheem joked. “Who knows what you’d do otherwise. Maybe fall and actually get paralyzed next time.” He paused. “Hopefully before then you can overcome your fear.”
“Hopefully…” Ram said, though he wasn’t entirely convinced it would happen anytime soon. The fear he’d felt had been so intense it had practically blinded him from everything else…the setting, his friend, all other sensations. All he felt was extreme fear—fear for his life, fear of that poison slowly killing him once again. It was alarming how it had enveloped him, so tightly coiled around his body to the point that he shut down physically…to the point of being immobile.
Ram worried now that he would have to avoid going outside as often as he’d like for fear of encountering a snake. He might not be as lucky next time in identifying whether one was poisonous or not. Especially if Bheem wasn’t by his side. He took a deep breath in through his nostrils and gingerly brought his gaze up to meet Bheem’s.
“But thanks for being there for me. For not panicking like I did. You always keep your cool. It’s great,” Ram said, feeling slightly bashful as he realized he was praising his friend more than he usually did.
“Anytime.” Bheem smiled reassuringly as he patted his knee.
Ram felt grateful that he could completely and wholly be vulnerable around Bheem without his friend passing judgement on him. The worst he could ever expect would be some light teasing, which he usually welcomed anyway.
Once the feeling had returned to Ram's legs, they made their way down the hill and back to the city. Ram felt as though even this hurdle—his fear of snakes – could be overcome so long as Bheem was there to support him. He knew he’d do the same for his friend if he ever needed his help in a similar situation.
Ram would have to find a way to face his fear one day, so he could fully enjoy life with Bheem and Sita. He didn’t want to avoid the countryside or grass in general for fear of encountering a snake. Bheem had told him numerous times how brave he is and he wanted to believe it was true, or that he was capable of harnessing that kind of strength within himself once again.
I won’t let this cripple me…
So Ram did his best to enjoy the rest of their excursion without letting his meltdown dampen the mood. In fact, he may have felt even better than before as Bheem would occasionally smile at him encouragingly, as though he knew what he was thinking.
It was oddly comforting.
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Okay, RRR fandom, I know I just got here but I have something to say that I think is important
Bheem and Raju do not have the same skintone
They're similar, yes, but I've just gotten here and I've already seen like 4 fanarts where they have the same EXACT skintone. With the skin to skin contact you can see that the artist is using the same hex code for them both. Literally identical. And they have visible differences. I'm not an artist, so I don't have the knowledge to point this out in depth, but Raju 1- is slightly darker than Bheem; and, most noticeably, 2- has much warmer undertones than Bheem
Here are a few scenes I picked where they are both in the same frame, in the same plane, under the same lighting and filters, and in the same position. I picked the colors from the same parts of their bodies
Both picked from their cheeks:
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[ID: Raju and Bheem holding hands under the bridge, with colorpicked tones put side by side in comparison. Bheem's is a muted brown, while Raju's is warmer. End ID]
Both picked from their arms, near the elbow, in the part that is shadowed:
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[ID: Raju helping Bheem take the child they rescued off his back. He is touching Bheem's wrist and there is a color comparison. In this lighting, both look cool, but Raju's is noticeably darker. End ID]
Both picked from their earlobes (yes, I'm getting specific as fuck):
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[ID: Bheem trying to hold a fish, while Raju tries to grab it. The colorpicking shows Bheem's skin as much lighter than Raju's, closer to pink, while Raju's is light brown. End ID]
Both picked from the top of their hands:
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[ID: The two of them holding the fish. This time the tones are beige-ish, and more similar in tone, but Raju's is warmer, being closer to red, while Bheem's is cooler, closer to grey. End ID]
Both picked from the top of their right cheek:
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[ID: Bheem and Raju holding sticks, getting ready to climb together. Raju's color is a dark brown, while Bheem's is a medium brown. End ID]
Both picked from their necks, close to the part where it meets their chests:
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[ID: The two of them laughing as they walk side by side on the street. Raju's tone is darker and warmer than Bheem's. End ID]
Both picked from their foreheads, in the part furthest from the window:
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[ID: Raju and Bheem eating together. Once again, Raju's tone is darker and closer to red while Bheem's is lighter and closer to beige. End ID]
Both picked from the lower part of their right hand:
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[ID: Bheem squatting with Raju on his shoulders. His tone is slightly lighter than Raju's. End ID]
And hopefully I don't have to keep going at this point
As you can see, no matter the filter, lighting, or setting, there are noticeable differences. They are not so different that they should look like their colors were picked from opposite ends of the spectrum, but they are also not so similar that they should have the exact same color. There are noticeable differences, particularly when you compare the faces, while their arms and hands are closer in shade. And, once again, their undertones are really different. I'm not an artist and it's noticeable to me, so if your work is not in solid colors that should be reflected in your art. Otherwise it really feels like you think that brown people all look the same or that any shade of brown will do, which is. A pretty offensive belief. Brown people are diverse and they should be represented as such
Please be mindful of how you represent POC in your art. You don't want to overdo it and make Raju super dark and Bheem super light either, but you should aim to represent them faithfully, like you would with any other character. And, because of the history of people whitewashing characters, it's important to pay attention to skin tone when drawing POC. Study the characters and colors if necessary, use references, and, when in doubt, you can always colorpick from a frame
Hope that has helped, thank you
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ramayantika · 2 years
The Flower Valley
"Akka, there is no Malli, Valli and Raju. All I can see is Alex, Bets and Peter," said Malli, closing her book with a huff. "Don't you have story books for us, the Gonds? Then we will have a Malli who sings, a Valli who dances and Raju who is very lazy but he helps to bring fruits from the trees, so he is in my group."
Y/n chuckled and patted Malli's head gently. "Don't worry, I will write a book for you. The title will be 'Malli, the bravest girl of the Gonds'."
Malli looked up at Y/n for a while and replied, "No. I will write a book in their language and make all those Alex, Peter and Bets read about us. Valli will write a book in our language, won't you Valli?" Valli looked up from her notebook and nodded her head. 
"What will I do?" Asked a young boy who sat beside Valli, doodling in his notebook, leaving his alphabet alone in the lines. 
"Climb trees and bring fruits for us while we make our tribe famous," said Malli, as she wrote a sentence which Y/n gave her to write. 
Y/n laughed at the kids when Bheem slowly crept behind Valli and made a hissing sound. Valli screamed and jumped up while the rest laughed. 
"Bheem Anna, this wasn't funny." 
Bheem laughed and held his ears, saying, "Okay, I am sorry. Go and do your studies while I take your teacher out on a trip."
"Where are we going?" Y/n asked. 
"A beautiful place."
"Okay, but where is it? How far is it? You know I have to come back to look at the kids. Raju spends his time doodling and hardly studies while Valli gets distracted when I am not there and-" Bheem kept a finger on her lips. "Ssh. The children will be fine. You need a break too, sweetheart."
"Ooh, Bheem anna, what is this? Prema?" Raju, being the brat he was, wiggled his eyebrows at Bheem while Malli hit his head. "Study, Raju!"
Bheem grabbed Y/n's hand and waved at the three children. "Bye bye kids."
The evening sky blushed in hues of red, pink with a slight purple streak as the sun turned to set and make way for dusk and the moon who was slowly emerging with each passing second. 
The two of you lay there amidst the flowers. Bheem plucked a rose and showered its petals on your face while you giggled at him. He then turned around to get some jasmine flowers and carefully placed each one of them in your hair. 
"You make the flowers appear beautiful, Y/n." Bheem paused from adorning your hair with flowers and looked at you, his eyes gently gazing into yours with all the warmth and love he had in his heart for you. "With you, every day feels as if it's spring. Wherever you go, the flowers bloom, when you smile, the sun shines and when you sleep under the sky, the moon hides away because you are prettier than the moon."
Y/n placed her palm on his cheek and traced his cheekbone. "I am not good at giving such poetic lines to my lover, but I love you, Bheem. Sometimes, I wonder what if we both had never met and I would have lost the chance to be friends with you and then I wouldn't have experienced this beautiful feeling of love and affection. You are my spring, Bheem."
Bheem's eyes lit up and a smile curved over his lips as he bent down to kiss her. She had shared her first kiss with him on the night he left to save Ram after learning the truth from Seetha. She did not know if he would come back alive so she decided to tell him about her feelings for him, not caring about her timing and the situation. Bheem that night thus, had made two promises.
The first promise was to Seetha that he would bring back Ram to her and the second promise was to Y/n that he would definitely come back to her alive and then he would kiss her every day. 
Both of them amidst the flower bushes and the grassy plains lay tangled with each other. They had some time left before they got busy to get back to Delhi and join the others and fight for India's freedom. 
Y/n's soft lips met Bheem's who slid his arm around her waist and used his free hand to move his fingers through her luscious locks which he had decorated with flowers. The flowery bushes spread their fragrance throughout the valley and they both were lost in their own world of love and bliss. 
Bheem kept his head on her chest and whispered, "I think jasmines suit you, Y/n."
Y/n ran her nails over Bheem's broad back and sighed, "If you pluck another flower to put on my body, I am going to leave you here now. And yes, I am serious." 
"Yes, you can proceed. I am not going to give you your clothes. Go back like that to the village with flowers, my flower queen." 
Y/n lightly hit his chest and laughed. "And then everyone will know what you did to me in the flower valley. But now, let's rest here. It feels nice."
"Everything feels nice with you. Always."
Wrote this at 12.33 am. I haven't edited and u am too tired to do that. Also jo dimag mein aaya jaise aaya likh diya I don't have my laptop *sobs* I typed it on my phone so this might not be a nice one but I couldn't wait ti write something toh yeh rha kaam.
Tagging: @lil-stark @sivuda @itsfookingloosah @manwalaage @juhiiiiii @thewinchestergirl1208 @maraudersbitchesassemble @raisemybodybacktolife @kalavathiii
Itna padh bhi liye? 🌼✨💕☀️♥️🌻🥀🍫🌸🌺 yeh lo
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jadebomani · 2 years
Meeting you (rrr story)
Rambheemjennysitaxdaughters story
Jaan and Johari are both pre teens here(sorry if the age isn’t accurate to the storyline and canon) and have a wild adventure meeting the young versions of their dads who are like supermen in their eyes. They get to meet them at their most vulnerable and learn more of their journey to who they are now.
JoharixJaan meet young rambheem(1920s) 
Jaan’s point of view
A chill ran down my spine as I looked around my surroundings suspiciously, something was up and I’m not sure if it was a good thing. My eyes scanned the trees and terrain they shifted warily with the breeze and my anxiety increased. 
“Chinnakka(Lil sister)” a voice said from above and I looked to see Malli swinging her legs from her perch in the trees nestled safely. 
“Hey, Mal akkai(big sister)” I called out.
“Rupee for your thoughts?” she asked as I approached her tree. I took off my dress and was left in my corset top, pants and boots. 
I climbed up and sat beside her, giving her a smile in thanks for extending a hand to help me up.
“Now what’s plaguing my Jaan?” she asked pinching my cheeks.
I smiled at one of many childhood nicknames I was given.
Shrugging I replied.
“I felt a change and it feels familiar can you feel it too?” she looked around and nodded in agreement.
“Yeah, it feels like when anna is here. Every time he enters the forest it welcomes him back.” she explains.
“ That’s what scares me Baba is with mama in her and daddy’s village tending to the other freedom fighters and restocking supplies. So how could it be?” I lamented worrying my lip. 
Before she could reply two growls filled the air we looked down to see bheema and raja stalking a small figure with curly hair. A boy! He was taking measured steps back keeping direct eye contact. I quickly climbed down with Malli calling out.
“Bheema, raja no stop!” 
Before I reached the bottom the boy ran and a switch changed in them they started off after him giving chase.
“No!” I screamed and raced after them I swung through vines and ran like a bat out of hell calling after them Malli right at my feet. They met at a grove where he hid giving us time to jump on the panther and tiger’s back distracting them. They tried to wrestle us off gently whining and whimpering.
“No that’s not good, you scared the poor dear to death. No goat for dessert and I'm telling baba” I scolded them getting out their way along with Malli. When raja stubborn like his namesake tried to jump on me he got hit on the head with a rock. 
“Leave them alone” a small voice cried and there was the boy out of his hideout and staring defiantly at the two cats.
“Little one please it's okay their my cats.” I said soothingly patting a glowering panther. I swear he’s really embodied daddy’s spirit and personality. 
“What’s your name, where are your parents?” Malli asked patting bheema who purred and preened at the affection. 
I assessed the boy he was dressed as a gond child and even reminded me of malli’s brother. His eyes are what got us. Wide and expressive just like mommy described all those years ago. With deep emotions and when I heard him say Bheem a chain reaction set off as I gasped. Raja and Bheema put two and two together. “Bheem” did too at their personality switch as the two big cats yipped and stirred in excitement. Geared up he bolted and they took off after him knocking us over. 
“Wait” I called after and ran after them again Malli rushed to catch up with us. I ignored my beating heart and sharp pain on my side as I crashed through the forest.
There’s no way but there he was now standing at the waterfall looking to jump. I rushed over a call of baba as he jumped. once raja and bheema lunged I did too, slipping and tumbling over the cliff after Bheem. Hitting my head in the process the last thing I heard was raja and bheema’s worried roars and malli screaming my name.
@bromance-minus-the-b @burningsheepcrown @eremin0109 @fangirlshrewt97 @gauri-vishalakshi @hissterical-nyaan @iam-siriuslysher-lokid @obsessedtoafault @rajamouli @rambheemlove @ramcharantitties @rambheemisgoated @rambheem-is-real @ramcharanobsessed @yehsahihai
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tedexia · 1 month
Books from India
Chapter 1
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Bheem fortuitously appeared at her window causing the young woman preparing to go to sleep to startle.
- Jenny,” his voice made her look at her door worried that someone might hear him.
- Bheem...” She approached the balcony and whispered looking surprised at his appearance, ‘I thought you would take Ram and leave, it is dangerous to come here, my uncles...’.
It still felt strange to call him Bheem instead of Akhtar, but he confided his real name when she got him the prison map to rescue Ram.
- Jenny... You have to come with me,” Bheem called out to the young woman and suddenly she heard a series of shouts and gunshots... ‘When I was taking Ram, I found out that they organized to come here...’ Jenny opened her eyes.
- What?” Jenny opened her eyes in surprise.
- Not everyone wants to solve this conflict peacefully...- Bheem expressed and saw the young woman turn to leave - The governor and his wife were fleeing in the direction of the eastern base...
- It is not possible...- Jenny denied and felt Bheem's hand holding her so that she would not move away from the window... - They knew I was here...
The young English girl stared at the room for a few seconds, they knew she was here, but it was also true that they seemed deeply offended with her to the point of not speaking to her for the last few days. After Bheem was captured by Ram it didn't take long to spread the report that she took them to the Ymca party, from that moment on she felt judged by every look inside those walls.
- Jenny... we have to go...- Bheem expressed and she let go for a few seconds and then ran to her night table throwing some papers, money and a little black box inside her purse.
Jenny heard some gunshots closer and closer and could see the reflection of fire in the surroundings, she opened her closet and took the first dress and coat she had and threw it in the bag and went back to Bheem.
- Come...- The revolutionary offered Jenny his hand, and as a child trusts her parents she followed every indication he gave her, from riding on his back for him to lower them through a column, to taking shelter in tree after tree avoiding a crowd of people tired of the injustice and violence with which they were treated.
When Jenny and Bheem finally stopped, she was exhausted and discovered that he was going a little further and began to remove some branches from a small, almost rickety pickup truck.
- Where did you get that,” she asked taking a deep breath as her heart practically leapt out of her chest.
- It was abandoned in the garage, we repaired it some time ago, when I rescued Ram I went straight to the garage,” Bheem affirmed and when he finished removing the branches he climbed into the back, ”Anna, can you hear me?
Jenny slowly approached the truck observing the surroundings out of the corner of her eye, she had no idea how far she ran until she could get far enough away from her aunt and uncle's house, she still couldn't believe they left her behind, but in a way, it wasn't a surprise for them, her aunt had been trying for days to get her uncle to give her some kind of reprimand. The Governor was her uncle on her mother's side, and he was a little more kind to her than Lady Scott.
- We have to leave,” Bheem said and discovered the young woman put her bag down on the floor, ”Jenny?
- Thank you for saving me, but I have to stay here,” Jenny said, ”I have a ticket for the ship in three days, I have to go to Bombay in the morning.
- You can't stay here, many people are still angry and can hurt you,” Bheem said taking her bag from the floor.
- I'll be fine, I'll just walk in the direction of the train,” she affirmed and as she was about to take the bag Bheem's hand gently but firmly took hers.
- I have to protect you both, Jenny...” Bheem affirmed and she blinked in confusion.
The confusion left Jenny's mind when she discovered Ram completely dirty and with his hair and beard so long that he looked older. He was settled in the back of the van.
- He... He has a fever and is badly wounded,” Bheem expressed in anguish, ”But that is not all, the people of our village consider him a traitor, I have to take him away from here. I'll take you to Bombay, I don't know how we'll get there safely, but I promise I'll get you there safely.
- Listen...- Jenny turned and looked at Bheem- if he has a fever we need some medicine, and food for the trip. Look for some old clothes and sheets as soon as we get away from here....
Bheem was still slow to understand what she was saying, but his English was more acceptable than at first.
Governor Scott used to tell Jenny that she would have made an amazing doctor, had she not been a woman. Jenny's father was a doctor, and a very good one, but unfortunately she couldn't often demonstrate her inherited gift. But she was sure this was one of those cases where her knowledge would not only save another, but herself.
The young woman was changing the cloth on Ram's forehead while Bheem was tearing to shreds the worn cloth of a sheet. She knew that by medical measures, the English did not approach those who were infected with smallpox or leprosy.
Leprosy was the perfect excuse to keep Ram, and herself, covered. Besides that a leper colony was being built in Bombay, she was inwardly grateful to be involved in charity at this time, although it felt like a false charity seeing all that her country was taking from these people.
The trip was uncomfortable for the young woman, but she was a little calmer because both she and Ram had safely passed three checkpoints, who at the word Lepers, almost threw Bheem out of there.
The young woman observed the ancher after a whole day's journey, they needed to rest.
- He has not woken up since we left the prison...” Bheem exclaimed, wiping Ram's face.
- His fever is very high, I'm afraid,” Jenny dissolved an anesthetic in the water again, ”he may have too many internal injuries.
Bheem was silent and she walked over to where he was sitting next to Ram.
- Let's try to get him to drink some more, he hardly drank the soup on the way,” she said, extending the metal cup to Bheem.
Bheem sat her anna down, and Jenny poured the water little by little into her mouth.
- Jenny...” Bheem called out to her and looked into her eyes where the fire they lit glowed dimly, ”I need you to take Ram with you.
The young Englishwoman put the glass to Ram's lips who slurped with a groan but without waking up, her eyes were full of confusion.
- What? - She gasped.
- I promised to bring Ram back to Seetha, and I will keep it,” Bheem mentioned noticing her expressive eyes, ”But he won't get better here, in England there are good medicines.
- Wait, Bheem it's a three week journey, without proper care Ram won't make it either,” Jenny mentioned turning her eyes to Ram and gathering the water dripping from his mouth with her other hand, ” What am I going to tell him when he wakes up?
- If the mob finds him, or the soldiers, I will do anything to protect him,” Bheem mentioned and his expression turned somber, ”But I would prefer him to live, however he will not be able to defend himself in this state, they can kill me and I would not mind, but I would not forgive myself if I fail to return him home.
Jenny looked at the determination in Bheem's dark eyes, and knew it was true.
- I... I can't promise I'll take him, but we'll find medicine for him and a doctor in Bombay, that I promise with my life,” Jenny affirmed and noticed Bheem's countenance relax a little, ”We need to get some sleep.
As she settled into the back of the van on the mats and precarious sheets, she looked up at the stars shining brightly over the treetops. This was not normal in the life of a young English girl, but for some reason she was not terrified.
Jenny took a quick bath and thanked heaven to find the Watson hotel with the right room for her, it was still uncomfortable to receive those indiscreet looks at her person, it was not normal to receive young women staying alone.
She was finally able to change after almost two days of travel, and stared at her damp hair in the mirror.
Two hours earlier she and Bheem managed to find a doctor to attend to Ram, before they had to explain to him insistently that they were not lepers, that they were only fleeing for their lives. The doctor immediately helped them without hesitation, even giving Jenny a room to remove the cloths that covered her completely.
She still had to return with discretion there, she needed to get some medicine for Ram and leave them money so they could return safely, though in her heart she knew they would not be safe, not as long as their enemies were her uncles and England.
Jenny lay down on the bed for a few seconds and closed her eyes, she would just rest for a few moments and then go to where Bheem and Ram were.
When she opened her eyes again she discovered that night was beginning to fall over the city and she was startled, she reprimanded herself for letting her tiredness get the better of her. Opening her purse she took some of her money making sure her ticket was still there.
The small dispensary had what she needed and she paid without a problem what an Indian could not afford without a month's work. Jenny walked forward avoiding showing too much of her face, many soldiers were coming and going to the Governor's house in Delhi, and she did not want to be recognized.
Jenny took a rickshaw completely against her good manners and explained with great difficulty where she wanted to go, the young man looked at her with confusion but at last seemed to understand when she said: Doctor Ali.
The Englishwoman did not like this kind of transport, in fact she preferred to drive the cars from her uncle's house, they made her feel that she had a purpose rather than just being pretty and submissive as her aunt used to refer to the ideal woman.
Jenny paid for the ride about 10 minutes later, asking for it to wait. She was relieved when she discovered Bheem at the entrance of what was a neighborhood, exactly where they had been this afternoon.
- Jenny...- He was instantly relieved to see her.
- I'm sorry, I was too tired,” she apologized, extending the small bag with medicines ans money for Ram, ”My ship leaves tomorrow at noon Bheem, and I have to leave to prepare everything.
Bheem's eyes danced in confusion as he looked at her.
- I will leave you some money to pay for the doctor's services, and maybe it will help you and Ram get home faster,” Jenny said and watched Bheem extend her hand.
- Jenny, I need you to take Ram with you,” Bheem exclaimed, ”Dr. Ali came back from the market this afternoon, he says that the soldiers are starting to search the houses one by one, it seems that what happened in Delhi is serious.
The young Englishwoman gasped, not knowing what to do.
- Bheem, if they recognize Ram, and if they recognize me as an accomplice, do you know what that means for me? Jenny frowned, she wanted to help them, God she really wanted to but not to be discovered in these conditions would be like a miracle.
Bheem lowered her hand understanding from her expression that in fact being here was a risk to herself.
- Thank you, Jenny,” Bheem mentioned clasping her hands together and she shook her head.
- Thank you for coming for me, Bheem. I don't know if I would be alive otherwise.
She just nodded and before she felt her heart break into a thousand pieces for a reason she couldn't explain, she just turned and walked back in the direction of the rickshaw.
Jenny's eyes widened in surprise when she discovered Bheem at the port, he was with a turban on his head and impeccable clothes that looked like some respectable Indian businessman.
- Bheem...- She tried only to monosyllabize, worried about attracting attention.
- Last night the soldiers searched the doctor's house, I have no safe place for Ram, so we just, we just have you,” Bheem expressed and extended an already stamped ticket in her hands, ”He is in the server section. I registered him as Akhtar
- I am supposed to be carrying a servant...” Jenny looked at Ram's ticket and then at Bheem wondering where he got those clothes from.
- Yes... please, I beg you,” Bheem insisted and placed a moon necklace on the ticket, ”I am entrusting my Anna's life to you.
Jenny felt panic take hold of her and then after Bheem she began to see that some soldiers were advancing and register all the Indians who were there.
- I'll take care of him, you should leave now,” she said feigning as much indifference as she could and put the ticket along with the necklace in her purse.
Jenny didn't turn around once she crossed Bheem's side, but her body was shaking violently, how was Ram supposed to survive three weeks of travel in such a bad state?
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I'm a fan of writing crack ship and have yet to see Ram x Jenny content as a couple. They seem perfect for each other, although I like bheem x jenny, I enjoy imagining her with Ram more, Sorry Seetha and Bheem, I love them too. English is not my native language, sorry for the mistakes.
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fangirlshrewt97 · 2 years
Come Rest Your Weary Head (Part 4)
All right, this section was one of the main reasons I wrote this fic, but ultimately the scene turned out very differently to what I had originally envisioned. The main detail is still there though, so I think the scene is still nice. 
Also, I’m a little sick still so I did my best to proofread, but apologies if I missed any egregious mistakes. 
(Part 1) (Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 5) (Part 6)
“Anna!” came Malli’s voice from the thicket of trees.
“Malli?” Bheem called out, face splitting into a wide smile when the young girl emerged, followed by Ram.
They had arrived back in Bheem’s village a couple weeks ago, and for some reason he could not figure out, Malli had gotten over her apprehension over Ram and stuck to him the whole time. It amused Bheem how much Ram could maintain a stoic face in front of the most brutal type of violence but panicked whenever any child not from his village approached him.
Bheem climbed down from the tree post he had been sitting in, meeting them at the base as the pair came to a stop. “Well, what a lovely surprise. What are you guys doing out here?”
Ram sputtered before looked away shyly. Malli beamed at him, and nudged Ram’s side.
“We came to see you Anna! Ram Anna has a gift for you!”
“A gift?” Bheem asked, confused. When he looked at the man in question, his cheeks were several shades darker.
“Yeah!” Malli shouted in excitement. And then when Ram did not add anything elbowed him hard enough to make him stumble.
Ram scowled at Malli, but Malli glared at him, which immediately cowed him. Bheem bit the inside of his cheek to keep from laughing at the exchange.
Clearing his throat, Ram came to stand in front of Bheem, hesitating as he removed a small parcel wrapped in an old cloth from his waist. “For you.”
Bheem accepted the gift with a wide smile, a similar blush coloring his own cheeks as he became aware of how closely Malli was looking at the two of them. “Can I… can I open it now?”
Ram nodded stiffly, hands clenching and unclenching at his sides. He was nervous. Bheem gave him a side glance as he opened the small ribbon tying the package together. He gasped as the cloth fell away to reveal a delicate little wooden flute in the center. A peacock feather in Malli’s style adored one end of the flute.
When Bheem looked up at the pair, both were looking at him eagerly, though Malli with anticipation, and Ram with something akin to fear. “It’s stunning Ram. How did you know I used to play the flute?”
“I uh… I overheard a conversation last time we were here, but then things got so busy I couldn’t ask you. So this time when we came to visit, I asked Malli, and thought I would try to make one myself. She was a big help, I’d never tried to make a flute before, and I think it turned out decent in the end.”
Well that explained the girl’s change in behavior. Wait …”You made this?”
Ram blushed further somehow. “I’m not an expert or anything but I used to help my dad with repairing the wooden practice weapons, and learned a little woodcarving from there.”
Bheem looked at the gift with new perspective, feeling warmth overflowing in his chest as he clutched his gift to his heart.
“Anna, will you play us a song?” Malli asked as she came close too, hooking her arms around Bheem’s bicep and giving him her best pleading eyes.
Bheem laughed and bent to nuzzle noses with her, making the girl giggle. “For my little Malli, who drew such a lovely design for me? Of course I will. But it has been several years, so I am very out of practice.”
Ram smiled at him. “I’ve heard music is just like dance, the body remembers even in the mind takes a minute to catch up.”
Bheem raised an eyebrow at him. “The body remembers, huh?”
Ram’s eyes widened, jaw dropping as his eyes darted in fear at Malli who was looking between them confused.
Bheem let Ram’s panic continue for another few moments before he laughed, making the other man scowl again and lightly hit his shoulder. Bheem darted forward to press a kiss to Ram’s cheek. “Sorry, Bangaram, I couldn’t help it.”
When he moved away, Ram mumbled something but he was red again, so Bheem figured he was forgiven.
“Why don’t you two come up with me to the post, then I’ll play you something?”
Ram looked at the wooden rungs tied with sturdy rope and the flat platform that made up the post. “Wait, but if you play music won’t it alert whoever might be coming there is a guard?”
Bheem looked at him in bewilderment before laughing. “Ram, we are in the forest, these posts are more to ensure no dangerous animals come too close to the village. If a human were to find their way here, it will be because they are lost or they knew exactly where to come. Either way, playing music would be a good thing.”
“Oh.” Ram replied sheepishly.
Bheem bumped his shoulder good-naturedly. “Ok Malli, me first, then you, lastly Ram.”
Malli and Ram nodded, and soon enough all three were comfortably seated on the blanket Bheem had laid out of the platform.
Ram inspected the post, the hip height railing that ran its perimeter, the small alcove in the tree filled with horns and some basic potions and pastes.
“Up to your standards, Bangaram?” Bheem teased.
Ram scratched his head at being caught but nodded. “It’s sturdy, and the height means you have the advantage. Plus it’s surprisingly big compared to what it looks like from below.”
Bheem nodded. “We build them to be able to hold three grown men if need be. During the night shifts, we guard in shifts of two. See there is even a tarp that can be unrolled for the rainy season.”
Malli having grown tired of the conversation poked at Bheem’s arm. “Anna! Play something!”
Bheem ran a hand over her head. “Sorry Malli. I’ll play now. Will you sing with me?”
The girl pursed her lips as she thought before shaking her head. “Another day?” She yawned. “I’m tired.”
Bheem laughed and conceded. Satisfied, the girl laid down, her head essentially pillowed on Bheem’s stomach, and closed her eyes.
Patting her side once, Bheem unwrapped the flute fully, running his fingers across the instrument. He closed his eyes as he drew in a large breath before he brought it to his lips.
Ram closed his eyes as the first gentle notes started to sound, fingers mimicking the tune against his thigh. It had been such a fanciful thought, the idea of creating an instrument. His hands which had only known violence and hurt, designing something so delicate? So beautiful? For someone like Bheem?
But his heart had persisted, and then Malli. And so, under the little girl’s supervision, and Peddaiyna’s direction, Ram had finished the flute. Which Malli had insisted needed to be made pretty and immediately stolen it away to draw a few designs on.
Of course he had also then immediately stolen it back and hidden it away among his clothes, clueless as to how to present it to Bheem. Malli had been persistent though, and could be very scary sometimes. Basically pushing him here today when she realized he had still not given Bheem the gift. There may have also been some threatening about not to let him sleep peacefully unless he gave Bheem the flute.
The way Bheem’s eyes had shone when he had seen the gift had been worth all the anxiety though. Ram had felt so light, like he would float away from the joy. Now here he was, surrounded by the trees that had raised Bheem, listening to Bheem play gorgeous melody after gorgeous melody. Beauty aided partially by something Ram had created.
When the song Bheem had been playing stopped abruptly on a discordant note, Ram’s eyes popped open, he sat up a looked around for the danger. But nothing caught his sight, and when he looked at Bheem, he was watching him with sadness. Malli was peacefully slumbering on him.
“You’re crying.”
“Cry-?” Ram asked, bringing a hand to his cheek, only to find tears falling. Oh. When had he started crying?
“What happened Ram?” Bheem asked softly as he lowered the flute.
Ram shook his head as emotion lumped in his throat. “Nothing. Please don’t stop playing.”
Ram sighed, “I never thought I would be able to make anything beautiful. Or that my hands knew how to do anything but hurt and destroy and kill. But somehow, I was also able to make this flute from which you are playing such beautiful songs. I am happy. That’s all.”
“Oh Bangaram, come here.” Bheem called out, holding out his hand. Ram took it, letting himself be pulled close till Bheem had him laying down on the opposite side of Malli, head cushioned on his lap.
Ram fought to quiet his sobs as Bheem ran tender fingers through his hair. The last person who had touched him so tenderly had been his own mother. Bheem did not say anything as Ram turned to bury his face into Bheem’s hip. Just switching to stroke the length of his spine.
When Ram finally stopped shaking, Bheem shifted slightly and then the music resumed.
Ram fell asleep like that, pressed close enough to hear Bheem’s blood rushing under one ear, and the beautiful melody Bheem was playing from his instrument in the other.  
Guys, please let me know with even just a word if you like it, your feedback is 90% of my motivation to keep writing and publishing. 
Tagging (Please please work, Tumblr I beg you):  @rambheem-is-real @budugu @bromance-minus-the-b @kafkaesquebestie @hissterical-nyaan @obsessedtoafault @hufhkbgg @yehsahihai @rorapostsbl @bluesolace1 @fadedscarlets @alikokinav @chaotic-moonlight @rambheemisgoated @rambheemlove @jaganmaya @adikavy @burningsheepcrown @lovingperfectionwonderland @rosayounan @iam-siriuslysher-lokid @thewinchestergirl1208 @dumdaradumdaradum @ronaldofandom @jjwolfesworld @percikawantstoread @kashpaymentsonly @jeonmahi1864 @zackcrazyvalentine @stanleykubricks @ronnoxandlumoss @m3gs1mps4a @tulodiscord
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kajaaaaaaal · 2 years
Bheem’s mind goes red when he hears the distinct sound of ram’s groaning. 
He had left Ram to look around the village while he went to collect herbs. It was that simple.
  He was busy searching for a particular herb in a bush, sharp twigs leaving scratches on his body. It was one of the hottest days that summer, he removed his kurta to avoid washing it again. Having it on sounded like a better option. He was humming a song while he had heard it clearly - a sound Ram would only let out if he was in pain.
Who had hurt him ?
He runs in the direction of the sound, strong legs letting him leap to his Ram. he couldn't waste even a second, he had to save him.
He wonders if an animal had attacked him or maybe he had fallen into a trap set up by the villagers, or worse someone hurt him.
His vision blurs for a second before picking up pace and jumping over a log of wood. No that can’t be possible, nothing could hurt his anna. 
He wouldn't let them.
He comes to a clearing in the forest where he sees Ram on the ground, shirt drenched with sweat outlining his muscular body. His hair stuck to his forehead, beads of sweat decorating his tan skin. 
Ram turns back and flashes the most dazzling smile, pearl white teeth on display. 
“...you are not hurt ?” Bheem asks, heartbeat slowing down as he comes closer.
Ram turns red. 
“I was trying to climb the tree and I-” he smiles sheepishly “got a splinter, so I let go.”
Ram holds his stomach as he bellows with laughter.
“The man who rode me like a bull and fought with several officers after starving for days lost to a tree.”
He holds out his hand and Ram pouts. 
He pouts.
His pink lips pursed, shiny spit coating it as he looked up to Bheem, eyes going impossibly bigger and eyebrows drawn together in playful anger.
The outstretched hand’s grip loosens.
 At the moment Ram tries to get up.
The lost momentum makes Ram fall on his back and his sheer strength pulls Bheem on top of him.
Bheem can feel the heat radiating from his unclothed body. He knows he should be embarrassed but when he sees Ram flushed, red hot skin hidden by his flimsy white shirt, now soiled with the dirt, he feels less alone and smirks.
“Anna, are you free tomorrow ?” 
“Yeah why ?” Ram tries to look nonchalant but his habit of biting his lips exposes him.
“I have something planned for us.” he gets up, using one arm to support him while he pushes the long strands of hair fallen on Ram’s face away. 
“I know you’ll like it.” tagging people who miiiiiight like this  @manwalaage @rambheem-is-real @lil-stark @eremin0109 @the-gayest-tree-you-ever-did-see  @dilettantemuse @we-will-fall-in-hell-together
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padharotravel · 4 years
Book for Events and Activities Without Standing in a Queue
Have you wasted your time standing in the queue for hours, to book tickets for activities in a tourist location? Don’t you think this time was supposed to be spent merrymaking? This is a common question during vacation especially if you are visiting a tourist place during the peak season. So here Padharo has a solution to all your problems. To travel hassle-free and make the most out of your vacation, book for events and activity tickets with Padharo.
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Benefits of booking with us
Save you time and energy
If you book through us, you can plan to visit multiple events and activities without worrying about booking the tickets from the ticket counter.  Why waste for the last minute and stand in the queue for hours when all this can be managed simply by clicking on the book button.
What all you can book?
We are present in all the major cities of Rajasthan viz. Jaipur, Udaipur, Jaisalmer, and Jodhpur. You can book for events and activities through our platform. Read this blog for information on the different options available for events and activities.
Jaipur pink run 8th December
The first-ever 12 Hrs stadium run in Jaipur which has events under different categories.
Dunes music festival 22nd December
Dunes are back again with its 4th annual edition of Dunes Music Festival. This year we are launching first-time "Dunes Carnival” where we will introduce you with live music, National & International DJs, Rappers, Delicious food, Fun Rides, Game zones and many more.
Camel Ride
Camel ride takes place in Fatehsagar lake and Sukhadia circle. People and especially kids find it amazing to ride on the back of the camel.
Dharohar Dance show
Dharohar dance festival happens in Bagore ki Haveli which is an 18th-century haveli that has been converted into a museum showcasing the art and architecture of Mewar. Experience the folk music and dance forms of Mewar.
Fatehsagar water scooter
Fatehsagar motorboat sports which involve a thrilling ride in the artificial lake.
Horse ride
Horse ride happens at the Fatehsagar Lake which is a 2km ride for the duration of 15mins for one person at a time.
Jag Mandir boat ride
Located on one of the two natural islands in Lake Pichola, Jag mandir palace can only be reached via boat ride from Bansi Ghat jetty. There are private boats and cruise rides available from the ghat which take about 30 minutes to 1 hour to reach the palace.
Jag Mandir sunset boating
Take a boat from the banks of Lake Pichola to Jag Mandir Palace situated on an island in the lake. The boat ride on the placid waters of Lake Pichola with the setting sun in the backdrop is an experience not to be missed.
City palace light and sound show
This show is conducted every evening at the magnificent Manek Chowk in The City Palace. This show introduces you to the engrossing history of Mewar in the form of narrating a story.
Bheem Bhadak
Get a pick up near the Bhim Bhadak Temple, Kailana Road which involves a training session on rock climbing, rappelling, and trekking, as the guide will explain the basics and the safety measures for the activities. 
Flying fox
Flying fox activity is an exciting zipline adventure in the Mehrangarh fort. It is operated following all international safety standards.
Kaylana Lake boating
Kayala lake located 8km to the west of Jodhpur is an ideal site for bird watching and boating. It attracts people for the solace and tranquility it offers.
Osian Safari
Osian sand dunes are located near the picturesque desert town of Osian on the Jodhpur- Jaisalmer highway. In these camps, they provide overnight camping, camel safari, Jeep safari and visit to the nearby tribal houses
The activity area for paragliding is 40kms from Jodhpur. While gliding to reach a height of 800-1100ft,  above ground level. You will be accompanied by an experienced pilot to ensure your safety and security.
Bishnoi village
Experience the tribal life showcasing a glimpse of the rich cultural life of the state of Marwar. If you are interested in the exotic wildlife and nature then visiting Bishnoi village is a must.
Boat ride
Go for a boat ride in the Gadisar Lake. It is also popular amongst nature lovers and photography enthusiasts. This place is also good to watch the migratory birds during the winters as the Bharatpur bird sanctuary is close by. You can admire the magnificence of the Jaisalmer Fort from this serene location.
Camel safari
Explore Jaisalmer on the back of the camel. Experience the lifestyle of the local people in the most desi style.
Dune bashing
Experience the thrill and adventure of dune bashing in the popular Sam sand dunes of Jaisalmer. High-speed drive over the sand dunes attracts hundreds of tourists from across the globe.
Jeep safari
Jeep safari across the desert gives you every opportunity to witness the landscape and ecology of the Thar desert. A different style of seeing the desert.
Get a panoramic view of the entire landscape from a height. Fly overcoming your hidden fears as your safety and security are ensured by the experts.
Quad biking
Explore the desert on a four-tire motorbike and quench your thirst for adventure in the desert. You will be guided by trained experts as you ride an hour in the golden dunes that will make you feel like a conqueror on a rescue mission.
Puppet Show
The Thar heritage museum which preserves the ancient folk art of Rajasthan conducts delightful puppet shows every evening. This makes quite an interesting experience especially if you have kids in tow.
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melissawsr · 7 years
Ep 3 – Rajasthan and Gujarat – Going Palaces…err places!
And our journey continues. North India is very different from the South in terms of colours, landscape, people. It seems like a very different experience altogether. We’re heading towards Rajasthan. Very honestly, right now we’re not able to feel too much beyond the heat. It is after all the driest state in the country comprising of the famous Thar Desert. Keeping ourselves hydrated becomes very crucial at this point. Giving up is certainly not on our mind right now.
Our first stop in Rajasthan is Kotputli which is near the border.
There is nothing much happening here except the Cows
Aannd there’s more!
After Kotputli, our next stop is Kishangarh. On the way to Kishangarh after finishing with our McDonalds Ice cream, (I’ll agree, it’s good to suddenly spot a McDonalds where you least expect it) we met a 100km Ultra Marathon Runner. He was someone we were able to relate to, after all, we’re all on a similar journey. Though our courses may differ, the motivations seem the same.
I’m lovin’ it!
More love!
The 100km Ultra Marathon Runner
The next morning in Kishangarh, we decided to explore the local areas a little bit instead of riding on. I’m not sure we’d be visiting the same place ever again. It only makes sense to look around a little bit and soak in the culture as much as possible. These are the experiences that we are gathering along our road, things that will remain with us, things we learn from. The gali’s of Kishangarh was rather intriguing. Narrow with rows of houses on both sides, very apt for Bollywood movie chase scenes. We did have people stare at us while brushing their teeth, after all, we did disturb the usual harmony of the morning environment.
Perfect for Bollywood movie chase scenes?
Then we headed off to see the famous Kishangarh Fort. It was beautiful from outside but we weren’t lucky enough to go in because there were people residing inside.
That’s all from Kishangarh. Our journey continues towards Ajmer. We kept ourself full with dal baati churma.
After Ajmer, we kept riding towards Udaipur. En route to Udaipur, we were supposed to make our stop at a place called Bali but unfortunately, we couldn’t find a hotel there so we kept on riding and if was getting dark. Usually, we avoid riding at night but sometimes circumstances lead you to so it’s a good idea to be prepared with proper lights and reflective gear.
The view is however incredible!
Finally, by 9:30 pm, we reached a place called Bheem where we were able to find a hotel. The locals then told us that it’s not a good idea to ride at night because it’s common to have tigers around. We fell asleep to the call of peacocks.
And we identified the source of the noise in the morning!
Next morning, we resumed our journey for Udaipur. We crossed a couple of marble factories. The terrain included a number of climbs, tunnels etc. Most of the time, we were left with awe at the diversity of terrain and landscapes even within short spans.
Udaipur is a land of fancy palaces or “Mahals” as they call it. We had to make our visit to a few since we were in the vicinity. I consider us very lucky to be able to catch a play at Bangor ki Haveli. It was wrapped in culture and traditions with puppet shows, folk dances, local music etc. The most intriguing sight was a 70-year-old woman who danced with 11 pots on her head balancing a plate and on top of broken glasses.
We spent the next day exploring our surroundings and seeing unique sights like palaces in the middle of a river etc.
Gujarat is not far anymore!
Our first stop in Gujarat was Shamlaji. From there, we left at 6am in the morning. The first thing we did was to look for breakfast. We had to settle for Khakra and Papri, I’ll be honest, it made us quite miserable. It was a hectic day on the road with excessive security and traffic because of the arrival of Japanese President Shinzo Abe in Ahmedabad.
The Same day we were able to reach Ahmedabad. The next day we had a workshop in Decathlon Applewoods. We kept eating Khakra and Papri throughout our stay.
Our next destination was Decathlon Vadodara. We were surprising welcomed by a huge group of people. The workshop there was very interesting and interactive with a good mix of enthusiastic people. One of the guys present was building a Tandem that can be fixed to any bike. Our interactions with him were definitely worthwhile.
The next stop would be Surat. On our way, we came across the Smitten Chocolate Factory. I was so excited that I carried a lot of chocolates out of there but in a while, all of them began melting.
Who’d imagine we’d end up at a Chocolate Factory
The road towards Decathlon Dumas Store in Surat is very good and well maintained, I felt like I was riding in Los Angeles. Before our workshop, we had a rest day when we explored the beach and just had a good time.
We ate royally at the Night Bazaar, finally.
It was time to leave Gujarat. 60 people from Surat Cyclists came to see us off.
Next stop – Decathlon Thane 
[Read More ...] http://blog.decathlon.in/ep-3-rajasthan-and-gujarat-going-palaces-err-places/
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enddorgnet-blog · 7 years
EnDD - Travel News
Seven Offbeat Destinations in Maharashtra
What other names apart from B-town, kolhapuri sandals, Solapur’s DJ, and Nagpur’s oranges come in your mind when you think about Maharashtra?
Maharashtra has much more than these things. It is blessed with natural beauty, highly respected temples, monuments, and tourist places. It has something or the other for everyone.
In this blog, I am not going to tell you about the things that are famous in the state, but going to tell you about 7 offbeat tourist places that you must see in your life if you ever visit to Maharashtra.
I have picked these places because I feel you will find it difficult to remove these places from your memory.
Ajanta Caves–
                                    Ajanta Caves
One of the oldest world heritage sites in India, the Ajanta caves date backs to the 2nd century BC. The Ajanta caves include 29 caves that have incredible carvings and paintings, stealing the heart of any visitor and leaving him completely mesmerized. Many artists have tried to imitate the Ajanta paintings. Several writers have written books about the beauty of these caves.
Location– The caves are located in Aurangabad District of the state. Aurangabad is almost 257 KM away from Phaltan and almost 335 KM away from Mumbai. Its distance from Aurangabad central bus stop is almost 85 km.
Ellora Caves–
                              Ellora Caves
With its 100 caves, Ellora caves are the largest rock-cut monastery-temple caves in the world. However, only 34 of them have been opened for public views. In which 12 are Buddhist caves, 17 are Hindu caves, and 5 are Jain caves. UNESCO declared it as a world heritage site in 1983. Entering the caves give an amazing feeling that will fascinate your senses and fill you a new energy in you.
Location – The Ellora caves are also there in Aurangabad District. Aurangabad is almost five and half hours away from Phaltan via the road, and the district is almost 390 minutes away from Mumbai. From the Aurangabad district headquarters, it is just 30 minutes away, and from the Aurangabad central bus stop, it is almost 22 km.
Tadoba Andhari Tiger Reserve-
                                                Tadoba Andhari Tiger Reserve
Tadoba Andhari Tiger Reserve is the oldest and largest national park in Maharashtra. It was established in 1994-95. This is spread in the large area of 1727 square km. Almost 80 tigers have their homes in this large expansion. The reserve allows you to have an experience wild life from very close. You can notice the free movements of the tigers in the park.
The reserve is located in Chandrapur district of Maharashtra, India. This is almost 700 km away from Phaltan and almost 257 km away from Mumbai. The distance between the tiger reserve and the Chandrapur bus stop is almost 30 km.
Chikhaldara Coffee Estate –
                      Chikhaldara Coffee Estate
Chikhaldara is the only area in Maharashtra whereon coffee is grown. The place was firstly discovered by Captain Robinson in 1823. He was employed with Hyderabad regiment when he discovered it. You can find the mention of this place in mythological stories as well. As per the story of Mahabharata, Bheem killed Keechaka a devil here. The sweet fragrance of the coffee plants will start fascinating you as you will reach near the coffee estate.            
Location – The coffee estate is located in Amravati District. The distance between Amravati and Phaltan is almost 586 km and Amravati and Mumbai is almost 661 km. From Amravati, the coffee estate is almost 29 km.
Duke’s Nose–
                          Duke’s Nose
This is known with one more name that is Nagphani. It has been given the name, Duke’s Nose, because of its resemblance with the nose of the Duke of Wellington. The site is known for its amazing beauty and surrounding mountains, valleys, and forests. You can enjoy rock climbing there.
Duke’s Nose is located in Pune District. Pune is almost 113 km away from Phaltan and 148 km away from Mumbai. The distance between Pune bus stand and the site is almost 59 km.
The Falls of Bhandardara–
                     The Falls of Bhandardara
That is an amazing place. Seeing the crystal-clear water falling with great force is a great experience of life. The most heart-stealing fall amongst the falls of Bhandardara is the Umbrella falls.
Location– Bhandardara is located in Ahmednagar. The district between Ahmednagar and Phaltan is almost 158 km, and the distance between Ahmednagar and Mumbai is almost 254 km.
Maybe a question will be running in your mind why we have told you the distance of every location from Phaltan first and Mumbai later. It is not reasonless. I have done it knowingly, and the reason behind it is the area of Phaltan. It is small quite pleasing.
Last year, when I visited Maharashtra, I stayed in the hotel Jakson Inns Phaltan. The hotel was amazing and the surrounding was also. If you want to take the rest any day and do not want to go anywhere, then you will not feel bored at all. The hotel and its surroundings will keep you happy. So, I am recommending this because of my personal experience.
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