#Stardew Sam
panamoo · 2 days
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Stardew Valley Bachelors & Bachelorettes Photocards
Photocards of all the romanceable little guys that I'll have with me for upcoming cons <3 If i end up adding them to my shop I'll put the link here ^w^
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frozenrubies · 3 days
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Silly boys :3
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willthespy · 16 hours
I’d love to see you draw Sam and Sebastian from Stardew Valley! It’s only a headcanon, but they’re adorable together
Pride Month Day 03 - Sebastian x Sam
“close enough! welcome back Solangelo!!” - me 2024
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Oughh ty anon. I needed an excuse to draw sam cause I just started a new farm…I hope I did them justice
To anyone unaware (yes, here we go AGAIN), I take suggestions to draw a queer/trans/aro (lgbtq+) character or ship every day for pride month. Anyone can suggest any ship, character, etc. (headcanons or not.) No proshipping obviously. You can always request multiple times! Don’t hide your pride…
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hello!!! i just started following your blog recently and i love your headcanons :] !!
i wanted to request some headcanons about the farmer's first kiss with the bachelors and bachelorettes :3c (can be separate posts if needed! no rush <3)
maybe things like where and when it'll happen, if it's early on or later on in their relationship, if they even have a relationship yet when it does happen, etc. :0
thanks so much for reading this lol, and keep up the good work!!! <3
bachelors' first kiss with farmer || headcanons
sharing such a magical experience with your lover is better than you could've ever imagined! <3 part two here!
warning: alcoholism and self-hatred in shane's part (relapsing), a few kisses without explicit consent. guys, please learn some decency 🙄
requested by: anon! hi, so sorry for the late response! thank you for the request though, i deeply appreciate it! such a cute one too! :) i hope you enjoy, because i had a ton of fun writing it! part two will be out eventually :)
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• Alex wouldn't wait to kiss you, to be honest. It would essentially be right after a love confession, even before you two start officially dating. He's too overjoyed with the fact that you actually feel the same about him, and he really wants to show you. After dinner and the saloon, the night he confessed to you, he walked you home like the true gentleman he is. As he walked you to your dimly like doorstep, he held your hand for a moment. The look in his eyes showed that he didn't want to leave yet, or ever.
• He took a deep breath before softly taking both of your hands in his. “Can I give you a goodnight kiss? Even if it's on the cheek, I don't mind. I want to make sure you're comfortable ... but I also want to make you feel loved. Whatever you're comfortable with is perfectly fine,” he said with a nervous smile. The soft glow of your porch light illuminated you so perfectly, he didn't want to lose this picture of you. You're so perfect in his eyes.
• After you let him know that it was okay to kiss you, he slowly rested his hands on your waist in the most respectful manner he could. Once he noticed you were okay with it, he slowly leaned into your lips. The kiss felt like sparks flew across your yard. It was soft but the passion behind it wasn't concealed. The fast heartbeat in both of your chests sounded like a metronome on the verge of short-circuiting. It was so, so lovely.
• Elliott and patience doesn't seem to pair well. Did we really expect him to wait very long? In all seriousness, it would probably be before the actual confession. He wouldn't do it unless he saw reciprocating signs, of course. You two were relaxing on the beach one night, watching the dark waves under the moonlight. The conversation was deeply poetic and romantic, explaining life's mysteries with metaphors and similes like it was just common knowledge.
• “The moon and the sun are so distant from each other, but they're nothing without the other. The moon wouldn't have its light, the sun would have nothing to show its light to. But once in a lifetime, they eclipse each other for just a moment ... do you think that this moment is an eclipse? You, the sun, and I, the moon? ... I find the idea quite enchanting ...” he said, his eyes tracing your face.
• He locks eyes with you, analyzing your expression with everything he can. He slowly lifts his hand and rests it against your own, almost like a test. When you don't pull away and instead move closer, that's when he knows. He leans into you slowly, so that if you want to pull away, you can. You don't. Your lips connect like the waves crashing on the shore beside you; the moon's heart strings are certainly tied to the ocean. Strong but calming, pulling you deeper and deeper. What a way to end a beautiful night.
• Harvey wouldn't kiss you until you're in a relationship, and it might take a while. He wanted to make it special! He's so unsure about the romantic aspect of life since he's so stuck in his work. So, he decided to make it special! He invited you to the forest after dark, where he had set up a picnic blanket. Candles were all over the area, but you soon discovered that they were fake candles, because Harvey wouldn't be caught dead causing a forest fire. A nice meal was prepared, something Harvey cooked himself. This dinner was for your six month anniversary.
• He nervously asks, “So ... I-I know that this is our sixth month anniversary, and I was wondering if you'd like to dance with me?” You're surprised, but you oblige. He puts on some soft, slow-dance music and offers his hand. He's not very good, but he can sway. You notice the nervous look on face and the slight sweat on his hands as you dance below the stars. You ask what's wrong.
• “... would it be okay if I- ... uh ... kissed you?” Harvey asked with a small, nervous smile. He was so embarrassed, but when you gave a nod, he was over the moon. He cupped your cheek with his hand, staring into your starstruck eyes before leaning in. The kiss was so incredibly soft, sweet, and caring. It felt like you were lifted into the star-studded sky, laying gently on a cloud. It was beautiful and definitely worth the wait.
• It wouldn't take Sam too long to kiss you. Maybe a week or two at most. He likes the romantic aspect of a relationship, but kissing is kissing in his eyes! It's not the most serious part in his opinion, but it's pretty cool, right? It would happen the night of his first concert with you two officially a couple. You stood at the edge of the stage, staring up to watch him perform. The crowd was small, but they were heavily enjoying the music. Specifically, the song he wrote for you.
• At the end of the night after the crowd goes home, you ran to hug him. You tell him how amazing the concert and how you feel about the song he wrote you. “I'm so glad you loved it! I wrote it a little while ago, back when I started crushing on you. It's a sweet little tune. We didn't really start composing the instruments and shit until I realized I was in love with you- ... oh fuck, I didn't- but- ... I love you. I really do love you. More than anything, actually ...” Maybe this was a little more serious than just a kiss.
• Sam's face was bright red, both from the sweat after performing and his bashfulness. When you said it back, he practically jumped for joy. He held you tightly within his arms and pressed kisses all over your face. He hesitated, before kissing your lips. Fireworks, an array of colors exploded as your lips met. The world disappeared while you were in his arms, just every color you could ever think of.
• Sebastian would probably kiss you before you two officially started dating. But, you'd immediately start dating after, he doesn't like loose strings like that. When he showed you his bike one night, he asked if you wanted to take a ride to the city. After he shoved a helmet on your head, you were both good to go. Holding onto the back of him for dear life was enough to make both of your faces flush with color. As you two made it to your destination, he really couldn't get that moment out of his mind.
• You two were on the outskirts of the city, a small park that Sebastian liked to visit. He couldn't shake the feeling of your arms around him ... maybe it was a sign. “Hey, do you wanna go bike riding again soon? I didn't expect to like it so much with company, but I guess you're an exception ... my face isn't red- how can you even see? There are no lights except the stars! ... fine, you win, but it's your fault. You ... there's a lot of things about you that make me blush, okay? ...”
• The two of you sat under the stars in the cold, wet grass as he stared into your eyes. “... you look so pretty in the light of the stars, is this how you look every night? ... can I kiss you?” he asked, his face bright red and his freckles illuminated. When you nodded, he softly pressed his lips against yours. He was gentle, but his hand slowly slid to your lower back to pull you in a little more. The kiss was the flickers of a fireplace, contained but oh so warm. It felt like warmth, peace, and home. Maybe this was where you belonged.
• It would take Shane a while to warm up to the idea of being in a relationship, and an even longer time to kiss you. He's always worried about how serious this will be, and he doesn't want to kiss you if you're just going to end up wasting his time. However, he's convinced in enough time. You two were sitting at the pier at the lake below your farm, and he was a bit tipsy. He had relapsed again, but not by too much. He was only a bit tipsy, but definitely emotional. You two were a few weeks into dating, and he didn't entirely trust you yet, but ... he was working on it.
• He was ranting, severely upset. “I tried so hard this time, but it just got away from me. I don't get it! Everyone tries so hard to stop me but I always find a way to get back to the bottle. You try ... so fuckin' hard to stop me. I let you down ev'ry damn time- I always let you down! It pisses me off how hard you try and how passionate you are! I-I just- ...” he says, his voice beginning to break as he looks into your eyes.
• Your were about to speak before his lips attached to yours. It was as though lightning struck you, his hand resting on your waist as he kissed you with an unprecedented amount of passion. It shocked your body to the core, but you couldn't get enough of it. He was desperate for this, he needed this. Whether it be the liquor on his lips or his sober thoughts, this was the one thing he wanted.
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timdrakesbussy · 1 day
Sambastian is known as Sun/Moon pairing but I bring you: THIS type of Sun/Moon
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I think people like to brush Sam off as this dumb/himbo character or a golden retriever type of guy but like guys… he’s very intuitive and can be serious if he needs to. I mean, he carried the baggage of being the temporary paternal figure for his seven-year-old brother (especially with the constant worry of his dad actually dies in the battlefield) so I definitely think there are some unresolved tensions somewhere in him. I think he’s similar to his mom where both hide and eventually distract their true feelings (Jodi with chores while Sam with his devil-may-care attitude). To me, Sam (and to an extent, Jodi) is like a ticking time-bomb.
So imagine this:
Sam is passionate when it comes to his craft. The label that picked them up a few years ago loved them, but they need to keep up with their demands or else they’d be replaced with another fresh-faced, youthful band. Their previous album sold amazingly, so predictably, this new one needs to be on par or, better yet, surpass it.
It was different now than it was back then. Then, they could mess around with their instruments and have jam sessions to pass time in Sam’s bedroom before Sam even had any ideas for the lyrics. Now? They can’t even be in the same room with him because Abigail and Sebastian distract him too much.
And it wasn’t like they couldn’t help with the lyrics! Sure, Abigail can’t really write lyrics, but Sebastian worked with him on their previous album. Yes, their lyrical styles are different, but variety is a good thing, right? So why must he do it himself?
Sam can’t even take care of himself. It was jarring to see him go outside his room just for bathroom breaks before locking himself in again to write with his new guitar, as the old one was smashed due to his frustration. Sebastian wasn’t even sure he eats, sleeps, or drink for that matter. Sometimes he brought some refreshments for him, but they were left untouched, and the door was still tightly shut.
It was somehow worse when he finally left the room with papers clutched rather tightly. The papers were crinkled, pen ink was smudged on some of the pages, but nonetheless, they had something.
Sam, however, was in terrible shape.
His hair's a mess, more so than usual. His cheeks were hollow, and dark circles formed under his watery green eyes. His figure was gaunt; his long limbs somehow made him loom over the both of them more. It was alarming to see the usually youthful and bouncy Sam being more... well, like Sebastian. Yet, somehow, even more sickly.
But the bright smile and the small crinkle on his nose and eyes were still so Sam. Sebastian then realized just how much he missed seeing those, especially if they were directed to him.
He just wished Sam wouldn't look like a slight wind could knock him down right now.
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kentoscowtie · 2 days
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me trying to fight off the urge to romance sam in a new save file after i told myself i was gonna romance someone different this time
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ruimtease · 3 days
local farmer accidentally flirts with skater boy
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enhypen as stardew valley characters:
⭑ heeseung ⭑
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... as Sam
(They're both man-children)
⭑ jay ⭑
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... as Penny
(They're both very caring)
⭑ jake ⭑
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... as Maru
(They're both science nerd girlies <<333)
⭑ sunghoon ⭑
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... as Harvey
(They both gave up their first dreams to pursue their second ones)
⭑ sunoo ⭑
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... as Haley
(They're both cunty, sassy babygirls)
⭑ jungwon ⭑
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... as Sebastian
(I don't have a specific reason it's purely based off of vibes)
⭑ ni-ki ⭑
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... as Abigail
(They're both very adventurous and fun-loving)
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retquits · 3 months
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hideyoosh · 22 days
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Stardew's Finest Market ☆
bachelors + bachelorettes
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shblackwoodart · 2 months
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friday night <3
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jayhnsl · 2 months
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The A.S.S trio remastered. This time, i wanted to add some details about the designs that cannot be fully appreciated. And some hc's.
- 22 y.o
- has a secret tattoo.
- Emily gave her an undercut, but you can only see it if her hair is tied up.
- she still has her blue bow, but it's tied very at the end of her hair (like a mini ponytail.)
- did her piercings herself.
- her aesthetic wants to resemble both, Seb and Sam, but still being her own.
- she was probably into Haley at some point. But as she got to know her better, she lost interest.
- adopted a stray black cat, which lives secretly in her room.
- she ripped her leggings on purpose.
- very into goth music and fashion.
- Rasmodious secretly gave her her sword. But she never knew it was him.
- sarcastic, a little passive-aggressive, and competitive.
- has dark humor, she likes to tease Sam that she will use him as a sacrifice one day.
- 24 y.o
- has a bracelet with a small toad charm on it.
- has a tattoo on his arm, but it's rarely seen (since he never takes off his sweatshirt.)
- smells like motorcycle oil almost all the time.
- he's wearing socks with cute frogs on them right now.
- probably wears glasses from spending so much time on the screen.
- paints his nails with black marker when he's bored.
- probably the most mature of the group.
- hella shy.
- 24 y.o
- hyperactive asf.
- has many skate bruises and scars (like the ones on his face.)
- his skate tricks never go his way. His clothes are always dirty and torn because of this.
- Jodi gets tired of getting him new clothes or sewing up the broken ones, letting him walk with what he has (he doesn't mind at all.)
- very talkative, outgoing, and sloppy.
- the golden retriever of the group.
- smells like deodorant. Too much deodorant.
- Mikey from TMNT personality.
- He probably tried to integrate Alex into the group sometime, but for reasons, he couldn't.
- gets very invested in whatever catches his attention.
- fingerguns to flirt.
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sofiaruelle · 8 months
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a lil doodle compilation of the SDV Bachelors i’ve done through the year.
Shane, Harvey, Elliot
Sam, Sebastian, Alex
✨check out the Bachelorettes here!✨
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gingersnapped · 6 months
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"Sam is probably my only friend in this town..." emergency sleepover time in the mountains after local small town emo and skater boy played too much solarion chronicles and lost track of time
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inktr0vert · 1 month
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Hey! I finished something! Tried a new color technique with this one, and I had lots of fun with it (and it was waaaay faster than my silly ways). Thanks, artists on Patreon, for taking my money and teaching me things <3
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