#Steve Desmond
adamwatchesmovies · 7 months
Knock at the Cabin (2023)
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M. Night Shyamalan entered the scene as a hot director before falling from grace and recently, has been redeeming himself with a string of well-made mid-to-low-budget thrillers. Knock at the Cabin continues the trend. This film will have your stomach in all sorts of knots as its impossible dilemma makes you wonder what you would do.
Eric and Andrew (Jonathan Groff and Ben Aldridge) are vacationing with their adoptive daughter Wen (Kristen Cui) when four strangers approach their remote cabin. Their leader, Leonard (Dave Bautista) explains that the family must help them save the world, but at a terrible cost: they must sacrifice one of their own.
A more conventional movie would have turned Knock at the Cabin into a siege film. M. Night Shyamalan isn’t interested in telling that story. Outnumbered two to one, with no weapons to effectively defend themselves and distracted by Wen, Andrew and Eric are quickly overwhelmed. From there, the four strangers try to convince them that they're not insane and why they must sacrifice one of their own. Meanwhile, we learn through flashbacks why this family would never sacrifice one of their members.
The middle is where Knock at the Cabin is at its strongest. Whether you think the four strangers (the last three of which are played by Nikki Amuka-Bird, Rupert Grint and Abby Quinn) are bug-nuts or not, the film will eventually convince you of the opposite. Your mind races, trying to think of ways the family might convince these intruders to go away and get professional help. Or maybe the "prophets" will convince the family to make the sacrifice. What makes the dilemma all the more complicated is Andrew and Eric’s background. Although Shyamalan never shows them kissing (I’m not sure why), Jonathan Groff and Ben Aldridge have great chemistry. You believe neither could survive without the other and the thought of killing Wen is unfathomable. Making all this even more complicated is Andrew. Even if he believed the four strangers, you're not sure he cares enough about the world to save it. After being victimized by homophobes and rejected by his parents, nothing will change his opinion of what humanity is like. It makes me wonder if the reason we never see the couple kissing is to make the film more “intolerant friendly” so that someone who might feel uncomfortable by them would be able to see themselves as the person who caused Andrew to become so disillusioned by humanity.
Like many of M. Night Shyamalan’s other films, I’m unsure how Knock at the Cabin would hold up on a second viewing. Toward the end, you’ll be about 90% sure of whether this apocalypse is happening. Once you know that, the movie becomes entirely about whether Andrew and Eric will come to the same conclusion as you. That's fine - not every movie can have re-watch value. Making the ending more ambiguous might have changed that but it could’ve also made all of the theorizing and anxiety felt like it was a waste of time. I haven’t read the book by Paul Tremblay but it sounds like it leans a lot more in the horror direction than this adaptation. I can see why M. Night opted to change the ending. I’m not sure which I like better. I don’t see this as the kind of film I’d watch again, so I’ll explain why now.
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The conclusion makes it clear that there was, indeed, an apocalypse about to happen and that by sacrificing Eric, Andrew saved the world. Disappointingly, the couple realizes this at about the same time. If they hadn’t, we could’ve had some scenes where a panic-stricken Eric realizes that they are allowing countless people to die by not listening to Leonard. This would have shown them as a less-than-perfect couple, however, so I can understand why the director opted not to take this route. I can also see why M. Night decided to make the ending conclusive, though I think the film would’ve been more impactful with some uncertainty. In a way, this movie is about faith. Introducing this as a more important theme, a theme that gets reinforced at the end by asking the audience what they believe would’ve made it a much more complicated picture. Then again, I’m not a seasoned director, so what do I know?
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Knock at the Cabin presents us with a Gordian knot of a scenario that's tense to see play out. While I don’t think this is the kind of film that will have much re-watch value, it accomplishes what it sets out to do, which certainly makes it worth seeing. (August 10, 2023)
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reppyy · 9 months
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vintagewarhol · 11 months
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geekcavepodcast · 2 years
Knock at the Cabin Trailer
“While vacationing at a remote cabin, a young girl and her parents are taken hostage by four armed strangers who demand that the family make an unthinkable choice to avert the apocalypse. With limited access to the outside world, the family must decide what they believe before all is lost.” (Universal Pictures)
Knock at the Cabin hails from M. Night Shyamalan. The film stars Dave Bautista, Jonathan Groff, Ben Aldridge, Nikki Amuka-Bird, Kristen Cui, Abby Quinn, and Rupert Grint. The screenplay, based on Paul Tremblay’s The Cabin at the End of the World, is by Shyamalan, Steve Desmond, and Michael Sherman.
Knock at the Cabin releases to theaters on February 3, 2023.
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guybummer · 7 months
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rhettakins · 1 year
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Now available to stream
Knock at the Cabin (2023)
Dir. M. Night Shyamalan
While vacationing at a remote cabin, a young girl and her parents are taken hostage by four armed strangers who demand that the family make an unthinkable choice to avert the apocalypse. With limited access to the outside world, the family must decide what they believe before all is lost.
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genevieveetguy · 1 year
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Knock at the Cabin, M. Night Shyamalan (2023)
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screenzealots · 1 year
"Knock at the Cabin"
KNOCK AT THE CABIN: M. Night Shyamalan's directorial choices feel as amateurish and contrived as ever in this mediocre, forgettable, apocalyptic psychological thriller.
M. Night Shyamalan‘s legacy as a director began its sharp decline back in 2008 with “The Happening,” aka the Marky Mark killer plant movie. He continued on a path of self-destruction with “The Last Airbender,” “After Earth,” and most recently, “Old.” With “Knock at the Cabin,” which Shyamalan (and co-writers Steve Desmond and Michael Sherman) adapted for the screen from Paul G. Tremblay’s horror…
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floorman3 · 1 year
Knock at the Cabin Review-A Film With a Philosophical Question that is the Key to It's Success
M. Night Shyamalan’s career has been a bit hit-and-miss. Ever since it started with the Sixth Sense back in 1999. He started pretty well with three fantastic films out of the gate but started to falter in the mid to late 2000s with dud after dud. It wasn’t until he put out The Visit in 2015 and partnered with Universal Pictures and Jason Blum’s Blumhouse Productions that he was able to turn…
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jazzandother-blog · 3 days
Chet Baker & Paul Desmond - Autumn Leaves - 1975
ChetBaker (trumpet) 
PaulDesmond (alto sax)
 BobJames (Keyboards)
 RonCarter (contrabass)
 SteveGadd (drums)
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isa-belle1367 · 2 months
His loser personality, sad eyes, and tragic demeanor have bewitched me.
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duckapus · 2 months
Incorrect Quotes (ssenmodnaR Edition)
Now that it's been a while since "It's Gotta Be Perfect," SMG4's once again feeling comfortable with the idea of being more ambitious with his videos. Thankfully he has learned his lesson and won't be striving for perfection, and he also won't be trying to go it alone. Instead, he's taking inspiration from the man he was designed as a self-insert of and putting together a production crew (of actual employees, not enslaved Toads. That's another low point he doesn't want to go back to.
Next up on the applicant list is Baljeet, for some reason, who's been asked to put together a meme compilation as a test of his editing skills.
"Alright kid, show me what you got."
"Of course," he moves to hit the play button, but pauses to add, "I should warn you, however, that it is a bit... strange, at certain points." He hits the button before 4 can ask what he means.
FM: *gestures incredulously at a car* Who parked their car...
*the view shifts slightly to reveal a jpeg of a BLT under one of the tires*
FM: On my sandwich!?
Steve: I did!
FM: *gets so angry he explodes into a coin*
*MarioMario54321 and Tari face each other on a version of final destination, with MM wearing a Duel Disk and Clench transformed to fulfil the functions of one*
MM: You ready?
Tari: *grins* Born ready.
MM: Well then... *starts using the Yu-Gi-Oh! intro Yami voiceclip* It's Time to D-D, DD-D-DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD *D-ing continues as he starts spazzing out*
Clench: 'da fuk?
Elanore: *runs around in an office building, throwing raisins around like confetti* RAISINS! RAISINS! THEY USED TO BE GRAPES!
Meggy: *wandering through what's clearly a Zelda dungeon for some reason*
Random Evil Wizard Dude: *appears from the shadows, pointing menacingly with a staff* Stop right where you are, Maddy.
Meggy: *gasps* How did you almost know my name?
Wizard Dude: I have approximate knowledge of many things.
Desmond: *sitting on a bench, minding his own business*
Franky: *rises up behind him* I can smell you.
Desmond: *jumps up in shock while yelling in Homer Simpson's voice*
Perry: *assumes a fighting stance in the middle of a warehouse while Doof does an evil laugh off-screen*
Doof: You are too late, Perry the Platypus! I am now... *drives on-screen in a forklift* FORKLIFT CERTIFIED!
*this would work better in a visual format, just picture Paige doing the same actions as the music video while Crabcake keeps showing up in the areas they point out in funny poses*
Paige: Now everything smells like salmon!
My shirts!
My couch!
My sheets!
If I had a couple more square feet,
I imagine this would not happen!
Everything smells like salmon!
Straight-up salmon.
Smell it from the bed to the door,
when you're living in a space that's not much more than a cabin,
well sometimes this happens
Everything smells like salmon.
Andi: *epic keyboard solo*
Avatar Kirby: *reenacting Speed of Kirb...through the Showgrounds, while the SMGs watch him through the coffee shop's window with resigned annoyance*
SMG3: I'm not helping him if he pisses off Marty.
*back at the Yu-Gi-Oh! duel, Tari and Clench have resorted to playing against each-other while they wait for MM to hopefully pull himself together*
Clench: ...Well this sucks.
*The Abyss and Juliano are in the middle of a fancy restaurant...for some reason*
The Abyss: I poisoned one of our glasses, but I can't remember which.
Juliano: The way this dinner is going I hope it's mine.
Mario: Fuck you, Baltimore!
Bob: If you're dumb enough to buy a new car this weekend,
Mario: You're a big enough schmuck to come to Big Bill Hells Cars!
Bob: Bad deals!
Mario: Cars that break down!
Bob: Thieves!
Mario: If you think you're gonna find a bargain at Big Bill's,
Bob: You can kiss my ass!
Mario: It's our belief that you're such a stupid motherfucker-
Bob: You'll fall for this bullshit!
Mario: Guaranteed!
Bob: If you find a better deal,
Mario: Shove it up your ugly ass!
Bob: You heard us right!
Mario: Shove it up your ugly ass.
Bob: Bring your trade!
Mario: Bring your title!
Bob: Bring your wife!
Mario: We'll fuck her!
Bob: That's right! We'll fuck your wife!
Mario: Because at Big Bill Hells,
Bob: You're fucked six ways from Sunday!
Mario: Take a hike!
Bob: To Big Bill Hells!
Mario: Home of Challenge Pissing!
Bob: That's right!
Bob: How does it work?
Mario: If you can piss six feet in the air straight up-
Bob: -and not get wet-
Mario: You get no down payment!
Bob: Don't wait! Don't delay,
Mario: Don't fuck with us, or we'll rip your nuts off!
Bob: Only at Big Bill Hells!
Mario: The only dealer that tells you to FUCK OFF!
Bob: Hurry up, asshole!
Mario: This event ends the minute after you write us a check!
Bob: And it better not bounce or you're a dead motherfucker!
Mario: Go to hell!
Bob: Big Bill Hells Cars!
Mario: Baltimore's filthiest,
Bob: And exclusive home to the meanest sons of bitches in the state of Maryland!
Mario: Guaranteed!
*several robed figures stand in a circle around a chained up Teletubby*
Robed figures: Chanting in unison, chanting in unison, chanting in unison... (yes, they are actually chanting the words "chanting in unison" in unison. it's even an actual voice clip from the Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius.)
Luigi: *opens a door to whatever room these guys are in, sees what's happening, and swiftly backs out the way he came*
Hex: *dancing to Buck Bumble's theme music*
fucking Jerry the Goomba kid: Buck Bumble sucks, ya dumbass!
Hex: *the music stops with a record scratch and she slowly turns her head to look at him with a vacant expression*
A Few Seconds Later
Hex: *back to dancing, now with Jerry's burning corpse off to the side*
MM: DDDDDD-DUEL! *finally done, he looks up to see that Tari got tired of waiting and left* Ah, crap.
"...The hell was that?"
"That is what I said! Oh sure, give all the weird stuff to Baljeet! It definitely will not make no sense without context! I do not think some of them are even from our universe, and I am not sure how that is even possible!"
"Well...it's at least well-edited? Might work as part of a "Ssenmodnar" video or something, we haven't had one of those in a while. I'll, uh, I'll get back to you later, alright?"
After he leaves, Baljeet sighs and looks back at the monitor, "I need better clips."
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reppyy · 9 months
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geekcavepodcast · 1 year
Knock at the Cabin Trailer 2
While on vacation at a remote cabin, a family is taken hostage by four strangers and given a choice to willingly sacrifice one of themselves to prevent the apocalypse.
Knock at the Cabin hails from M. Night Shyamalan. The film stars Dave Bautista, Jonathan Groff, Ben Aldridge, Nikki Amuka-Bird, Kristen Cui, Abby Quinn, and Rupert Grint. The screenplay, based on Paul Tremblay’s The Cabin at the End of the World, is by Shyamalan, Steve Desmond, and Michael Sherman.
Knock at the Cabin releases to theaters on February 3, 2023.
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filmjunky-99 · 9 months
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g h o s t s h i p, 2002 🎬 dir. steve beck
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