#Steve Overland
heidismagblog · 3 months
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videomessiah · 6 months
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jrocksmetalzone · 1 year
THAT METAL INTERVIEW presents Steve Overland of FM, GROUNDBREAKER & OVERLAND  (recorded March 2022). The British frontman chats about his work during the pandemic. He also reveals why FM didn't get to cash in during the 80's. Steve also talks about the band's style and how it's written. PLEASE LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE!      Donate to the channel to help create new content! https://www.paypal.me/thatmetalinterv... That Metal Interview Podcast is FREE and ON DEMAND, stream now on Apple Podcasts, iHeart Radio, Spotify, Anchor, Google Podcasts, Pandora, Amazon Music, TuneIn, Deezer, Bandcamp. Listen to The #ThatMetalInterviewPodcast​​​​​: https://lnk.to/uj7sH3k4 Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/InterviewThat Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thatmetalinterview/ Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ThatMetalInterview Subscribe on YouTube: http://youtube.com/JrocksMetalZoneSupport the show
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Hearing about the Hunger games continuation and thinking about all the Story continuations/prologues I wish we could get for The Underland Chronicles
Gregor's dad
I want To know what Gregor's dad (Who I want a name for... Steve, Lee, Heidi... What is his name? ) first trip to the underland was like. How was he found and brought to Regalia? We know he met Vikus and Luxa's Parents, SO what did he think of them? The Books say he stayed in Regila for two weeks (During which time he was very worried about his pregnant wife, children, and mother) and that he took a BB gun from the Museum. So I am guessing he knew about the war with the rats, but his family was in hell and he felt he had to get back soon. What happened during his capture.
I don't really want to know about his torturous time with the rats, but I would like some on how he was able to keep both hope and his humanity, the interesting relationship he is hinted to have had with Ripred in book 3 (He says Ripred used to feed him sometimes. He also was not scared of Ripred, Even though he was a rat and was "pretending" to attack his son). And lastly I want to know what coming home felt like for him and why, unlike his wife, the experiences did not make him fear or hate the underland.
Speeking of Ripred I want All of his backstory, being a pup and growing up with his litter mates. Going into battle and finding out he is a Rager. How this made him famous all around the Underland, but also made him hated by enemies, and feared by allies, unless they needed him. What was going on when He tried to "Take over the fount with an army of Lobsters"? Seriously the Rat's don't even want The Fount. It is surrounded by rapids and sea monsters! What did was your interest Buddy?
Also I want to see his Mate, their family, and how their loss first broke him then made him change his stance on the war. Him building his relationship with the human side. Going up to the Overland to visit Libraries. His view of his relationships with Gregor and Lizzie and how it feels to him to being taking care of kids again after so long.
Up Next is Hamnet. Solovet and Vikus son, the beloved twin brother to the wife of the King/Queen, Brother in Law to the King (recently reread has me thinking they had more of a business relationship than a familiar one), the Regalian Army's most skilled soldier, and for a long time he was Solovet's heir to becoming captain of the Army, because everyone thought he was just like his mother. This is what everyone thought, but they thought wrong. Unlike Solovet Hamnet felt guilt. Guilt that drove him to speak against his mother in a war meeting to which she locked him in the dungeon for a month. When he was finally let out he went back to being obedient to her and buried his grief down, let it eat away at him, until one last horrible act (As a solider) destroyed him.
But give me Hamnet's complete story. Show him being a ruthless soldier and a fearsome killer on the field of battle, then coming home to be a loyal son, good friend, loving brother, and doting Uncle; becasue that is how many soldiers have to be. Show me him not being Okay but doing his best to hide that because that is all he could do. Then show me when everything went to far, and when he decided to leave Regalia, everything he knew and loved and run to a place that he and all his allies feared, for good reasons. Show me him missing his former friends and family. But also show me him meeting Frill and her deciding to take a chance and help him, him also taking chance and letting her (The books generally imply he wanted to leave his old life but did not expect to make anew one). Give me him learning about life in the jungle. How the animals there do not attack each other and instead employ a method of survival where first you hide, then you try to give a warning, then run. fight last. Show me him finding an overland women lost in the jungle and helping her. With the pair eventually forming a relationship and going on to have a child. Why did she never return to the Overland? Hamnet is a good father to Hazard, but you cannot tell me that he wasn't terrified during the entire pregnancy. Anything about Hamnet has to end where he ended. Having to once again fight in a pointless battle on behalf of Reglia, that the city once again brought on itself and got nothing out of. Our tragic beauty
Speaking again of Tragic Beauties I want Ares to. What kind of Stuff did he get up to to earn the reputation of a reckless, rule breaking, ...thrill seeker?...strength tester? To where he bonded with Henry to be able to get away with more. What were things like in the time HE and Henry were together. I don't think it was all bad. The Books clearly state that what hurt Luxa, Ares, Aurora, Nerissa the most was that they had loved Henry and could remember good things about him. Things that no longer felt the same after he betrayed them, and things they struggled with only becoming memories in the wake of his death. But the also show me his side of his and Gregor's bond, of him coming to love Gregor like he once loved Henry, and how their friendship helped him move on from the Trauma Henry put him through.
This last one will never happen because its not really Susanna Collins style, but since none of this will happen, I want more Nerissa. What is it like for her loving her family and people so much, but knowing with her frailty and the Kingdom consistently being on the brink of war she cannot protect them. Show me what her visions are like for her. Note whatever we learned about Sandwhich I do believe Nerissa is an actual visionary. Her Visions of a bad and mysterious fate happening to Henry, Hamnet living for 10 years and building a diverse family, and Gregor being secretly being hidden away in the dungeon by Solovet...all came through.
Knowing that I have another question: Did she know suspect that Sandwhich was a fraud? Nerissa spends more time in the Prophecy room, analysis them than any other character. Many of the "misunderstood translations" are later "explained" by Nerissa. She got Gregor and the other questors off death row by replacing Boots with the Bane as the aforementioned "Baby" in the prohpecy and telling everyone: "they actually did complete the prophecy, you are are safe from the imaginary threats Sandwhich illueded to. Let them go and let's get back what's actually going wrong." When Greogor sobs about not understanding what the point of the journey to the jungle was (It had no point) and how him fulfilling the prophecy did not make everything better, Nerissa twist the prophecy to being about a war for the cure and reminds Gregor that because of what they discovered in the Jungle the council was forced to give the Gnawers the cure instead. Lastly she loves the one Prophecy that suggest hope for peace, even though its title is the only suggestion of it. On the day of the surrender she knowing her cousin will want to make the wrong choice about how to end this. So when she see's Ripred marked himself with an X (If Gregor and Luxa knew he did it himself there was no way Nerissa did not, she was always smarter than the pair of then) she decided to lend him a hand in getting everyone to believe he is the peacemaker, and they need to have peace. I really love the theory that Nerissa had realized what Sandwhich and the prophecies were and spent the books studying them, so she could try and mitigate the damages they caused.
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two-wheeled-therapy · 2 years
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How have I never heard of this wondrous event before?  Fortunately for me I noted the posting about it on advrider forums.  Upon checking it out, I signed up immediately for the full Overland Experience.  I am hooked! 
I loaded Jipci up for the ride down to Arrington, Virginia and pointed her south on Friday morning.  Arriving at the event, check in was a breeze as the staff of ever helpful volunteers showed me where to go.  Once there I knew I needed to set up my camp ASAP so I could get to the first event I had signed up for - The DART Level II rider training.  Once my weekend home was set up, I set off to find the training. 
It had warmed up considerably and was in the high 70′s as Bill Dragoo introduced his staff and started our training. I have about 12,000 miles experience riding dual sport motorcycles, about half of which was on dirt or gravel roads or trails, but I have never taken any training to teach me how to ride on these.  Let me tell you, there is no substitute for professional training.  Bill and his staff introduced each segment of the training and provided demonstrations of how they were supposed to look.  I, on the other hand, provided demonstrations of how they weren’t supposed to look. When seeing several of the obstacles they presented, I thought “there is no way in hell I’ll be able to do that!” My first attempt often reflected this negative mindset. But putting their patient guidance to use, I surprised myself and actually learned a lot, accomplished a lot, and overcame a lot.  I had originally tried to get in to the Level I course but was told it was full.  Bill told us all that regardless of what the scheduling app said, if we wanted to show up for any of his training while there, providing we paid for the full Overland Experience, we were welcome - Just show up with a proper gear and a positive mindset, and he would let you take the training.,
Knowing I needed more training, I toyed with the idea of making the Overland Expo an entire weekend of rider training.  But I had signed up for a lot of other training, and wanted to visit the vendors and get the full experience, so opted to keep my schedule and attend training on moto-camping, cooking, acro yoga and more.  Wait a second . . . did I say acro yoga?  Hell yeah!  And much like some of the obstacles in the DART training, when I first saw what they wanted me to do I thought “there is no way in hell I’ll be able to do that!” And once again my first attempt often reflected this negative mindset. But the patience and professionalism of Sam and Raquel of yogaslackers shone through and I was able to accomplish new things.  .
People.  That is what motorcycling is all about.  Yes we see amazing landscapes and remember them well.  But its the people that make each journey special.  People like Bill Dragoo, Adv Matt, Chef Corso, Sam and Raquel,and my new friends I met while camping, Steve and Rosita who have been living in their Chevy Colorado for months as they explore the country.  There were two people who really stood out to me on this journey.
The first is Dan of Cycle South.  This is the guy that posted the thread about this event on advrider.  He also is a guy who has ridden his little Suzuki throughout South America and has amazing stories to tell.  The other was Adv legend Sam Manicom.  Having heard about Sam Manicom through watching Adventure Bike TV on Amazon Prime, I had read some of his works and knew a bit of him.  So I signed up for two of his sessions.  The first was “Ask Sam anything”.  It was easy to get to this session as it literally was in the same site as the session I had immediately before that. So I wasn’t surprised when at first it was just Sam and me sitting there talking after we introduced ourselves.  But, not having looked at my watch, I didn’t realize that we had spent the first 10 - 15 minutes of the session with just the two of us talking about life and riding.  Sam was just as interested in my rides as I was in his.  Eventually about 4 others showed up and it really felt like a small group of guys sitting around the campfire after a day’s ride.  The only things that were missing was the campfire and the beers.  The second session I had with Sam was more widely attended as it dealt with moto-journalism.  How to get your story published.  Again Sam was just a down to earth guy sharing his knowledge and experience with other like minded individuals.  If you ever get the opportunity to talk with him - don’t pass it up - he has a wealth of knowledge and experience he is willing to share and also wants to learn from your experiences as well.
For the ride to the expo, I packed Jipci for much more than just a weekend.  I packed her for the 30 day Alaskan trip so I could see how she will do, and identify things I need to change.  I definitely need a bigger tent - the one man tent was just too small, and I don’t like my gear being outside, even if it was in a “vestibule”.  I am also thinking of soft bags for the big trip.  They will hold more which will allow me to carry less.  More on the reverse logic in another post. 
So I checked off my first two nights of moto-camping - One of which got damn cold, leaving frost and ice on Jipci.  But I survived.  The training, the experiences, the people made this all a wonderful event.  Oh and the fact that I was the big raffle winner on Friday night was a bonus too - which more than paid for the entire trip.  I came back with a few trinkets from the expo - One was Sam Manicom’s latest book, Moment Collectors, which is a collaborative book with chapters written by several different ADV riders (Dan wrote chapter 17).  I have read 4 chapters so far and it is a great read. Those who know me know I get stickers from places I have gone.  On the SAC Cycle these stickers adorn the inside of my top case.  This experience made me start another new thing - Stickers of people I have met along the way.  Jipci now has Sam Manicom and Cycle South stickers on her. These stickers evoke memories of great experiences as much as any “destination” sticker can. 
If you’ve never been to an Overland Expo - Go.If you have been - Go again!  I most definitely will be back.
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rockzone · 1 month
FM - Old Habits Die Hard
Release Date: 3 May 2024
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In celebration of their 40th Anniversary, legendary British AOR rock band FM recently released their forthcoming fourteenth studio album "Old Habits Die Hard".
Vocalist, guitarist and founding member Steve Overland says, “the new album encompasses the best melodic elements of the band’s illustrious 40-year spanning career. We really looked at what made the most popular FM albums great and tried to focus on that.”
FM are known by many for their big choruses, twin lead guitars and Steve Overland’s intimate, yet powerful vocals, and clean guitar sound.
Over the past 12 months, during their extensive touring schedule, FM produced the album themselves and recorded the bulk of it at their own Dale View and Electric Pepperland recording studios.
Opening track “Out of The Blue” is a song from keyboard player Jem Davis. He says, “the band love the music of Toto and Foreigner and so I tried to put those influences into one track. Once Steve got involved and started singing it, I knew that we were onto something special.”
The song “Don't Need Another Heartache" draws influences from the band's love for bands like Free and Bad Company. It’s a straight-to-the-point, classic blues rock track.
“Whatever It Takes” and “No Easy Way Out” are typical FM melodic tracks and could fit seamlessly on to one of the bands earlier classic albums.
Old Habits Die Hard was delayed slightly by keyboard player Jem Davis’ cancer diagnosis (thankfully he’s now received the all-clear) and then by the sudden passing of FM’s founding guitarist Chris Overland (Steve’s brother), which hit the band hard.
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theart2rock · 1 month
FM - Old Habits Die Hard
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"Old Habits Die Hard" ist das vierzehnte Studioalbum der legendären britischen AOR-Rockband FM. Das Album wird von Frontiers Records am Freitag, den 3. Mai 2024 veröffentlicht. Sieh Dir unten das offizielle Video zur ersten Single "Out of the Blue" an. Steve Overland, Sänger, Gitarrist und Gründungsmitglied der Band, sagt zum 40-jährigen Jubiläum (1984 - 2024): "Das neue Album umfasst die besten melodischen Elemente der 40-jährigen Karriere der Band. Wir haben uns genau angeschaut, was die beliebtesten FM-Alben großartig gemacht hat und versucht, uns darauf zu konzentrieren", sagt Steve über das neue Album "Old Habits Die Hard". FM sind bei vielen für ihre großen Refrains, die Twin-Lead-Gitarren und Steve Overlands intimen, aber dennoch kraftvollen Gesang und den klaren Gitarrensound bekannt. Nach dem "Thirteen"-Album von 2022 wurde "Old Habits Die Hard" durch die Krebsdiagnose von Keyboarder Jem Davis etwas verzögert (glücklicherweise wurde bei ihm inzwischen Entwarnung gegeben) und dann durch den plötzlichen Tod von FMs Gründungsgitarrist Chris Overland (Steves Bruder), der die Band hart traf. "Der Tod von Chris kam aus heiterem Himmel und war niederschmetternd", sagt Steve. Zu allem Überfluss verstarb der Gitarrist Bernie Marsden, ein enger Freund der Band und langjähriger Mitarbeiter von Jim Kirkpatrick, nur zwei Tage nach Chris". Die Tragödien, die die Band während des Aufnahmeprozesses plagten, bestärkten FMs Entschlossenheit und den Wunsch, das beste Album zu machen, das sie für ihre 40 Jahre im Geschäft machen konnten. Das neue Album ist auch eine passende Hommage an Chris Overland. In den letzten 12 Monaten, während ihrer ausgedehnten Tourneen, produzierten FM das Album selbst und nahmen den Großteil davon in ihren eigenen Aufnahmestudios Dale View und Electric Pepperland auf.1. Out of the Blue (4.21) 2. Don’t Need Another Heartache (4.35) 3. No Easy Way Out (3.54) 4. Lost (5.20) 5. Whatever It Takes (4.37) 6. Black Water (4.52) 7. Cut Me Loose (4.34) 8. Leap of Faith (4.05) 9. California (5.17) 10. Another Day in My World (4.14) 11. Blue Sky Mind (5.06)Steve Overland – Vocals, Guitar Merv Goldsworthy – Bass Pete Jupp – Drums Jem Davis – Keyboards Jim Kirkpatrick – Guitar Lesen Sie den ganzen Artikel
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90secondnewbery · 5 months
Bomb: The Race to Build - and Steal - the World's Most Dangerous Weapon by Steve Sheinkin
2013 Newbery Honor Book
Adapted by Henry H., Dinesh E., Ian K., and Cyrus M. of Trailwood Elementary School (2024)
From Overland Park, KS
Judges' Remarks: I appreciated the fleet storytelling and ingenious special effects of this movie! The efficient script did what it had to do: set up the various scenes of discovering splitting the atom (good use of green screen and a science classroom microscope there), Oppenheimer seemingly single-handedly constructing the bomb (fun sped-up footage in that scene), the Trinity test (portrayed as a rather underwhelming fizzling in a backyard lawn), and the bomb's use in wartime (a model plane dropping a bomb onto the city, with a resourceful and daring use of actual fire there.) I was puzzled at the use of a Christmas song by Sufjan Stevens in the soundtrack, but it somehow seemed to work! A breakneck sprint through the story with lots of ingenious special effects set this one apart.
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ladiesinrock · 11 months
FM: 3 date in Italia a ottobre
Nell’estate del 1984 il cantante Steve Overlande suo fratello chitarrista Chris, il batterista Pete Jupp e bassista Merv Goldsworth formano gli FM. Nel dicembre dello stesso anno si assicurano un contratto discografico con la CBS/Portrait la band vola in Germania per un con Meat Loaf. Ulteriori tour con Tina Turner, Foreigner e Gary Moore accrescono la loro fama. L’8 settembre 1986 gli FM…
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metalshockfinland · 1 year
KINGS OF MERCIA Share Video for New Single 'Sweet Revenge'
Photo credit: Jeremy Saffer/Scott Towns KINGS OF MERCIA have released a video for their new single “Sweet Revenge”. Vocalist Steve Overland comments: “I love “Sweet Revenge”, it’s a very dark sultry track, all centred around a great heavy riff from Jim. Once again great performances from all the band on this track, one of my favourite K.O.M. tracks.“ The debut album from Kings of Mercia, the…
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infraredmag · 1 year
Kings of Mercia Share Video for New Single “Sweet Revenge”
– March 2nd, 2023 – Watch it HERE Self-titled debut album out now Photo credit: Jeremy Saffer/Scott Towns Kings Of Mercia have released a video for their new single “Sweet Revenge”. Vocalist Steve Overland comments: “I love “Sweet Revenge”, it’s a very dark sultry track, all centred around a great heavy riff from Jim. Once again great performances from all the band on this track, one of my…
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ayogikitchen · 1 year
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My Sweetie came home last night after a week away. My heart is back where it belongs. Today was a prep day for the Pizza Party that starts on Friday. So we ran to Overland Park to pick up supplies. We headed to Ruchi Indian Cuisine, our new favorite Indian restaurant. . Our first visit to Ruchi, was for our five year anniversary dinner. Today we went for the lunch buffet. Yum-O. There was a HUGE, delicious selection, We out ate everyone there. We started eating and talking and laughing and catching up. People came and went. We kept eating. Gently the owner walked by and said “Close 2 o’clock. It was 1:56. We’d been eating for almost 2 hours! I discovered Palak Chole, which because I love Palak Paneer so much, I’ve never tried. So creamy and good. @slimzadie tried mango lassi, which was new to him. He’s a big fan and we’ll be making it at home this week! We also both fell in love with Halwa. Picture number 2. I believe theirs is a roasted carrot version. I’m not a fan of sugary desserts and this was light and fluffy and had a satisfying crunch and toastiness to it. After I make a million pizzas, I’ll try to make a version of this for a healthy, gratifying dessert. The mango cake was a little sweet to me, but Halwa is my kind of dessert. I told Steve we could go back tomorrow. It’s that good! Definitely give Ruchi a try. After you order pizza for our Pizza Party fundraiser, that is. 💚 #lunch #indianfood #indiancuisine #indianrestaurant #overlandpark #overlandparkks #kansas #kansascity #atogikitchen #halwa #mangocake #sweetie #love #connection #ease #food #foodporn #mindfulfood #slowfood #lunch #lunchbuffet #indianbuffet #lunchdate (at Ruchi Indian Cuisine) https://www.instagram.com/p/CobHNQFLR4n/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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videomessiah · 6 months
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theotherpages · 1 year
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While the book is named for her younger brother Rahiti - Third Citizen of Dreams, ( https://www.amazon.com/kindle-vella/story/B0BKB3LTJ8 ) - Teora's story carries equal heft both in terms of emotional weight and in terms of adventure and drama. Trained as an emergency medic for Air Rescue flights, she learns two things very quickly: first, that she is afraid of flying, and second, that she will be the only medical professional in a remote area of Australia where the language may cause her as much difficulty as treating her patients.
This portrait was created using a number of drawing and painting software tools including Midjourney AI, Twisted Brush, Paintshop Pro, Corel Painter, and Topaz AI for post.
There are 17 live episodes on Kindle Vella. Numbers 18 and 19 will be out this week, which cover Rahiti's first extended overland venture onto the Antarctic ice fields.
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hard-rock-music · 2 years
Gabrielle de Val (The Val) - Kiss In A Dragon Night 2023
Gabrielle de Val (The Val) – Kiss In A Dragon Night 2023
In March next year, singer Gabrielle de Val (The Val) will release her first solo album “Kiss In A Dragon Night” via the company Escape Music. On the upcoming record, she has invited names such as Robin McAuley, Steve Overland, Mark Boals, Mick Devine and Terry Brock, among others. Further information is expected shortly. (more…)
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emsvehicles · 2 years
Event Medical Consultants
Recently we have been camping in a desert with a leak of Defender drivers when a small sandstorm blew by way of camp all night time. Everyone was depressing except for the genius who had put an ambulance body on his Defender and our family which could sleep in a tent by way of a twister. Said genius was warm and clean and protected behind insulated partitions.
Luckily, these makes an attempt had been intercepted and people vehicles couldn't be registered because there were law enforcement officers paying consideration. The drawback was not limited to Quantum automobiles, nor restricted to taxis. It was very disappointing that the Public Protector had not talked about the ambulances and the remedial action around that. How could this not be addressed at all off road ambulance conversion, when any considered one of them could also be transported in considered one of these ambulances? He was very disappointed in what was seen as necessary and worthy of being included in the report. De Beer advised MyBroadband that in the course of the course of his investigation into illegally-converted Quantum panel vans, he recorded 166 taxi accidents involving the automobiles – most of which have been deadly.
The number of single car Quantum panel van ambulance accidents are, to say the least, alarming. Emergency autos corresponding to these are allowed to exceed the nationwide velocity restrict – most of their drivers have undergone superior driving programs. Advanced drivers don't frequently lose management of their vehicles off road ambulance conversion on clear open roads as seen in the case of “fake” Quantum panel van ambulances. The pricing distinction between a 3-seater Quantum panel van and function built 10 to 14-seater Quantum passenger service is substantial. The pricing variance can be as little as R90,000 and as excessive as R130,000 per automobile.
Rover lover Steves terrible run of health issues meant his dream of renovating a 1972 P6 had been put firmly on the again burner. That was until, behind his back, wife Marie called within the CAR SOS boys to resurrect this icon of upmarket British motoring. When Tim & Fuzz first see the old Rover theyre hopeful the workload will not be too overwhelming, that is until off road ambulance conversion they begin to take the old lady aside. Bit by difficult bit they realize they have unleashed a monster, gradually uncovering many years of shoddy botchery. Despite the relentless strain the lads nurse the Rover again to health. After 3 exhausting weeks the car is unveiled to Steve at the...
That grievance addressed the issue of the widespread conversion of Toyota Quantum panel vans into passenger taxis which had been discovered to be illegal and posed a major hazard to the lives of occupants and drivers. The conversion of the panel vans for the purpose of carrying passengers was illegal,” stated Minister Nzimande. Not all Overlanders prefer to drive removed from the overwhelmed monitor and lots of will never exploit the off-road capabilities of their autos.
The first part should be to determine the complete scope of this concern, since everybody was in settlement that the Public Protector’s report fell brief. There have been many taxis that had affiliation stickers, but didn't have working licences. A individual needed a letter from a taxi association so as to purchase a kombi, particularly if taxi finances were going to be used. Therefore, taxi associations had been additionally complicit in what occurred. The taxi associations were SANTACO and, by affiliation, the NTA was as nicely. The Public Protector’s report limited what could be done.
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