#Strangulation bruises
nomsfaultau · 1 year
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Whose house are they even in???
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Sahota doesn't complain to Vic anymore
T$$ general tag:
@theonewithallthefixations , @violets-whumperflies , @whump-me , @pirefyrelight , @soheavyaburden , @snakebites-and-ink , @whumpsday , @kixngiggles , @echo-goes-aaa , @whumpcateyes
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serickswrites · 5 months
From a Whisper
Warnings: hostage situation, torture, captivity, emotional manipulation, self sacrifice, bruises, broken bones, blood, wounds, strangulation, choking, unconsciousness
"You look awful," Whumper whispered in Whumpee's ear. Their hot, wet breath tickled Whumpee. "Do you think Caretaker will recognize you?"
Whumpee opened their mouth to reply, but Whumper clamped their hand down on Whumpee's mouth. Whumpee swallowed their retort. There was no point in angering Whumper any further. It was hopeless.
"Look, here they come now," Whumper whispered as they tightened their grip on Whumpee's face. They began with their other hand, to press down on the deep bruise on Whumpee's collar bone. Whumpee wasn't entirely sure something wasn't broken, but with the pressure Whumper put on them, it would surely break. Their screams were muffled as Whumper kept their other hand on Whumpee's mouth.
"Let them go," Caretaker's voice carried across the room.
Whumpee looked up, their vision hazy with pain, their heart falling as they say Caretaker was really there. They had fallen for the bait.
"This is a hostage situation. If you're negotiating for their release, you've got to give me something," Whumper hissed, slowly drawing their hand away from Whumpee's mouth and putting their fingers on Whumpee's throat.
"Don't--" Whumpee started, but Whumper's fingers tightened, cutting off all air Whumpee had.
"Stop hurting them, Whumper. I am here like you asked. Let them go." Caretaker didn't look at Whumpee's face. They only had eyes for Whumper.
"Your presence is not enough, Caretaker. Give me something better. And I'd hurry if I were you, they don't look so good."
Blackness encroached the edge of Whumpee's vision. They sputtered and choked, but couldn't get a breath around Whumper's fingers. They shook their head. Caretaker couldn't give up anything for them.
"I will give you what you want, but you have to let them go first! Whumper!"
Whumper smiled and when they spoke, their voice sounded so far away even though Whumpee knew they were right next to Whumper. "I don't have to do anything. It is you who has to do something."
Whumpee gasped, their lungs burning for air. And still there was nothing. Their knees buckled, but Whumper kept them upright, the grip on their throat tightening.
"Jesus, Whumper! Stop! Stop!"
Whumpee wanted to reassure Caretaker. Wanted to ease the fear they heard in Caretaker's voice. Wanted to comfort Caretaker. But as the sounds began to fade and the darkness began to consume them, Whumpee realized there was nothing they could do to stop either Whumper or Caretaker.
And that was the last thought Whumpee had as they fell into the waiting darkness.
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mywaywardcupcake · 3 months
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Wishship Week Day 3/Feb. 21st: Twist of Fate
Day 3 for @wishshipweek. This day ended up being unfinished. It started as a fic which I quickly realized was becoming too big for me to finish for a prompt day so I switched to creating art for it instead and ended up sick and had to do more of a sketchy concept instead. My idea for the fic/art is the twist of fate that lead these two boys together. Jounouchi’s decision to leave the gang and not go with them to Rintama lead him to Domino. Yugi’s decision to continue the puzzle even though he’s struggled with it for 8 years (and deciding to bring it to school one day) that lead to him meeting Jounouchi. In the art piece they are both feeling good about their decisions, even though they have gone through so much darkness and hurt beforehand. Something inside them is tugging on them to continue this path, that this will be the year that things will be different. An invisible string of fate that lead them to each other.
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sourtomatola · 1 year
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Stalker And the puppet (before Charie's Soul took over, the puppet was male. and I like to think that each fnaf game took place one or two years after each other)
All Stalker comics
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askdiscordwhooves · 2 years
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And thus ends this arc. So that I have time to gather asks and script ahead while keeping up a decent queue in order to give guest artists plenty of time to draw more updates, I’m going to take a break on updates for the rest of the month and begin updating again in November.
We’re getting closer and closer to the end, and I think as long as I can keep up the pace with guest artists, I can have Discord Whooves finished by the end of 2023!
Anyways, send your asks! I’m sure you’re dying to see what happens next!
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whumpacabra · 4 months
Day 5: Alt. Prompt - Found Footage
Captivity, bruises, strangulation, abandoned, crying, referenced broken bones [ribs], vaguely implied past noncon
[Directly follows Simon Says]
How did it happen again?
How did he let it happen again?
Why was nothing ever good enough for Smith?
(Because this was the only thing that satisfied him.)
Wolf focused on his breathing - his lungs felt like the only part of his body that was still his, that wasn’t bruised by Smith’s hands. In, out, in, out. He couldn’t breathe slowly or deeply, ribs broken and heart still racing as he came down from the adrenaline high.
He flinched at the soft click, the mechanisms of a camera hissing above him.
Nausea rolled in his stomach, fresh tears springing to his swollen eyes. He knew what Smith was doing - but why?
(Why did Smith do anything that he did to Wolf?)
(Because he could.)
“Hey, look up here dumbass.”
Wolf cracked his eyes open, glancing up at the fluorescent light haloing Smith’s blond hair. He was too tired to be upset with himself for obeying. A boot teased his face, a groan in the back of his throat strangled to a whimper as Smith rolled him over to his back. The boot on his throat was feather-light over the already purple bruises left from Smith’s hands.
“What, no smile? I’m sure your friends would like to see a smile.”
His friends?
Oh god how did he - did Smith know - Ghost - he didn’t want Ghost to see him like this -
There was a click and a hiss, the camera spitting out another Polaroid of his tear stained, hopeless, terrified expression. Another picture of his mangled, violated body. Another physical manifestation of this hell he couldn’t escape, couldn't forget.
“Well, I’m sure your friends would like to see any of these, to know you’re still alive.” Smith crouched down, weight shifting to press the boot down on Wolf’s throat. “Or maybe they wouldn’t care to see these - no one’s come looking for you yet. Seems like you were the disposable one.”
Wolf tried to bare his teeth in a snarl, but he choked on his own breath, blood bubbling on his lips as Smith cut off his air.
“They were ready to cut you loose, throw you away, sacrifice you to save their own skin. And you won’t even tell me their names.” Smith’s blue eyes shadowed in mock pity. “A kicked dog too loyal to its master to know hurt from help. You know we can help you, right?”
The pressure on his throat was relieved, breaths sucked down to spasming lungs as Wolf curled in on himself, crying. He knew it wasn’t true. He knew Ghost was his mentor - friend? - whatever they were to each other, they were partners in their work. Equals. He knew Ghost wasn’t coming for him because that was an agreed upon condition of that work. Wolf wouldn't have come for Ghost if he had been caught.
(Or so he had said. Lied. He hoped Ghost had been lying too.)
That didn’t make the present moment any less horrible.
Wolf’s traitorous heart still hoped for rescue.
(He didn’t want to be rescued. Not like this. Maybe if Ghost had come before - before the Box, before he broke - )
“You’ve got new friends now.” Smith chuckled to himself, snapping another picture. “Same bitch, new collar.”
[Before Liar]
(Part of my Freelancers: Swansong series)
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hidden-dreamland · 2 years
so I just had to draw something
I hand you: art. a sweet doodle of a whumpee having a terrible time.
TW: HEAVY GORE, amputation, blood (a lot of it), disembowelment, strangulation (specifically strangled with their own guts), eye gore (missing eye, gouged out), bruises, cuts.
art below the cut
hope you enjoy
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tagging @painsandconfusion since she inspired me with her lovely gore day posts.
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Walking on branches
This is a piece I paused on for quite awhile before going back to, glad to finish it (●´ω`●)
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agena87 · 11 months
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Kiyoshi: Good morning, sleepyhead. Alfie: Mmm... Five more minutes, please. K: (chuckles and kisses Alfie) What about no? A: (sighs happily) I guess I can see your point. No more sleep. K: Sleep well? A: Uh uh. Except for the human-shaped radiator who got me nearly overheating in the middle of the night. Had some good dream too. K: Oh yeah? Was I in it? A: Of course. Remember when you first came to my house to live? What we did? K: Pillow fight? A: Nah, after. In the corridor, of all places. K: Oh. Those promise rings were so bad quality, I really need to find replacements. Nickel-less, this time. A: In my dream, you did. With the real thing. K: You dreamt of us... getting married? A: Yes. No. Getting engaged. But, yeah. K: I promise you, we'll do that some time. A: Yeah? K: Yes. You and me? It's forever. God, I love you so much. A: Love you too.
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junijwi · 11 months
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sweetandsourstalker · 2 years
Family AU question: would Yen approve of their kids romantic tastes?
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serickswrites · 2 years
Hidden Figures V
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Warnings: pet whump (implied), bruises, choking, strangling, physical violence, hurt/comfort, hurt/aftermath, hurt/recovery, caretaker and whumpee
Caretaker hurried over to the bed to try and wake Whumpee. “Whumpee! Please open your eyes.” 
Whumpee groaned as Caretaker’s fingers delicately cupped their cheek. Caretaker breathed a sigh of relief. Whumpee didn’t open their eyes, but Caretaker knew they were alive. And awake. Mostly. 
Before Caretaker could gather Whumpee in their arms to make the run to the emergency room, the front door swung open again. “Whumpee! Where the fuck are you?” A voice that Caretaker didn’t know called. 
Caretaker froze. Whumpee didn’t tell Caretaker they had a partner. Didn’t say anything. Did this partner do this? Whumpee’s face contorted in pain. Caretaker hovered over Whumpee unsure of what to do. 
“Whumpee!” The voice shouted. “I expect you waiting at the door when I get home.”
Whumpee’s eyes flew open, wide with terror and fear. “Please,” they whispered as they tried to stand. 
Caretaker put a hand to Whumpee’s shoulder and kept them to the bed. “No. Don’t go. Let me handle this.” 
Caretaker stood up, stood over Whumpee, as Whumper came into the room. “What are you doing here?” Whumper spat as they eyed Caretaker up and down. 
“I could ask you the same thing,” Caretaker replied, anger leaking into their words.
“I live here.”
“Whumpee lives here.”
“Because I let them. Isn’t that right, Whumpee?”
Whumpee had been watching Caretaker and Whumper talk. Watching, but not saying anything. They shrunk back into the bed when Whumper addressed them. They closed their eyes against the tears. “Yes.”
“Yes, what?” Whumper growled. 
Whumpee sobbed in response. Caretaker tensed beside them. They did not like this person. Not at all. And they suspected that they were the source of Whumpee’s bruises. And the necklace. 
“I said, yes, what?” Whumper said as they took a step forward. Whumpee sobbed harder and Whumper leapt onto the bed, grabbing Whumpee by the collar with a shout. 
“HEY!” Caretaker roared as they jumped onto Whumper, wrapping arms around them and pulling. “LET WHUMPEE GO!”
Whumpee’s face was bright red as their air was cut off. They made a sputtering choking sound, but Whumper didn’t release them. Didn’t release them as Caretaker slapped at Whumper’s face. Didn’t release them as Whumpee’s choking sounds died down and they began to grow limp. 
As Caretaker saw Whumpee go still once more, they knew they had to act. They grabbed the lamp from the nightstand and brought it down over Whumper’s head. Whumper dropped and released Whumpee. Whumpee took a shuddering gasp of breath, their eyes flying open once more.  
Without missing a beat, Caretaker shoved Whumper off Whumpee and scooped Whumpee into their arms. “We’re getting you out of here. And I’m calling the police.”
As Caretaker carried Whumpee to the car, Whumpee found themself relaxing in Caretaker’s arms. They were safe. Caretaker would keep them safe. Caretaker would protect them. Always. 
Tags: @husbandoenjoyer @ha-ha-one  @whumpitywhumpwhump 
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╰ ☾ ✧ — 𝐌𝐞𝐦𝐨𝐢𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐥𝐮𝐞 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧 !
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╰ ☾ ☆ * : ・ ⁞ — ˗ˏˋ Also just to add to Misha pain. This is more of a meta / something I noticed.
╰ ₊° ☆ . ⊹     ˗ˏˋ Right after Misha was rescued by the chasseurs ( only to be taken to the labs ), he still had visible bruising on his cheeks / his neck. Granted, it was only scratches ( though still a lot of them ) in the anime but the anime also DID tone down the abuse. Regardless, Misha's mother definitely either struck Misha around his neck at minimum. Worse, she was strangling this literal toddler.
╰ ₊° ☆ . ⊹     ˗ˏˋ The most upsetting thing is that Misha is still so deeply in denial about the abuse he faced with his mother and he still NEVER hated her. He'd still rather blame it on demons or whatever imaginary monster he can come up with than accept how terrible she was.
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h3artach3 · 2 years
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day 12 of junicorn! nightmare/corruption, featuring my oc (redesigned) shadowmaker! ill tell his story later :)
list below the cut!
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cemeterything · 6 months
i love stories where the metaphysical crosses over into the physical and becomes more frightening for the confirmation of its reality. waking from a dream of strangulation with handprint-shaped bruising around your throat. a wounded ghost leaving bloody stains on the floor where it first appeared. nightmares pushing at the boundaries we build to grant us a sense of safety, shattering them along with our assumptions about how the "rules" of these things work and spilling out into the waking world.
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