dindargenclik · 6 months
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sdkhaber · 2 years
Kıyamet Suresi, okunuşu, anlamı ve fazileti
Kıyamet Suresi, okunuşu, anlamı ve fazileti
Yeni eklenen Kıyamet Suresi, okunuşu, anlamı ve fazileti son dakika haberini aşağıda okuyabilirsin. Tüm zamana, tüm evrene ve tüm insanlığa gönderilen  Kur’an-ı Kerim’de Allah (c.c), her suresiyle ve her ayetiyle insanlara ışık tutar ve yol gösterir. Bir Mü’minin aklına takılan tüm soruların cevabı, Kur’an-ı Kerim’de vardır. Mü’mine düşen görev Kur’an-ı anlayarak okumak ve onu kılavuz…
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socksandbuttons · 4 months
May we have some bean eclipse pls just a little angst with mixed with some wholesome and fluff plssss you don't have to this is your blog
Also love your art and your whole blog in general make sure to take care of yourself like drink plenty of water and eat plenty of food and take brakes and relax ok👍
I will say I do have comics planned, I have two in progress. Both are thumbnailed... One is Solar Flare and Eclipse and the other... *Stares at the amount of panels* Thats gonna be a long while actually. I might end up making another because thats how it be. But lifes uh being quite interesting right now so. Might be a while. But thank you very much, this did remind me to drink some water. Here's the gang havin' cake for now.
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yakazakalb · 10 months
يا إلاهي اَنّ۪ي مَغْلُوبٌ فَانْتَصِرْ
"Ya İlahi! Ben yenildim. Bana yardım et!"
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nevzatboyraz44 · 3 months
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Recitation of Surah Al-Ikhlas
1- Servant huvellahu ehad
2- Allahussamed
3- Lem yelid and lem yuled
4- And the whole world is blessed
1- Say; He is the only God.
2- Allah is complete, samed (All beings are in need of Him, but He is not in need of anything).
3- He did not give birth and was not given birth
4- There was no equal to Him.
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demvakti · 9 months
رَبِّ اجْعَلْن۪ي مُق۪يمَ الصَّلٰوةِ وَمِنْ ذُرِّيَّت۪يۗ رَبَّنَا وَتَقَبَّلْ دُعَٓاءِ
Ey Rabbim! Beni ve soyumdan gelecekleri namazı devamlı kılanlardan eyle; ey Rabbimiz! Duamı kabul et!
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rookeryyy · 3 months
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:D aka a gift for my buddy @triffany-lottablog of their bugsnax oc for getting me cattails: wildwood story and don't starve together <333
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dindargenclik · 1 year
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unluckyprime · 1 year
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looks like SOMEBODY isn’t over the deez nuts joke that happened like 30 years ago 🙄‼️
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ilmiyyat1453 · 7 months
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"Yâsîn sûresini çokça okuyun, zira bu sûre de çok hasletler vardır."  Hadîsi Şerîf
Hadîs-i şerîfin şerhinde şöyle denmiştir: - aç olan kimse huzuru kalb ile okursa Allah onu fazlından doyurur - korkan kimse okursa Allah onun hüzün ve korkusunu giderir - fakir olan kimse okursa Allah onu dininde halis kılar - ihtiyaç sahibi okursa Allah onun ihtiyacını giderir - sabah okuyan kimse akşama kadar Allah'ın emanında olur - hangi beldede okunur yahut tefsir edilirse Allah oradan surenin hürmetine belayı, kıtlığı, enflasyonu, taunu, vebayı ve hastalığı kaldırır - akşam okuyan kimse sabaha kadar Allah'ın emanında olur - ölünün üzerine okunursa azabı hafifletilir
Hammâmizâde, Yâsîn Tefsîri
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elbezr · 10 months
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Tüm telaşları alt üst eden ayet:
“Herkes yarın için ne hazırladığına baksın!”
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novelconcepts · 5 months
the truly problematic thing about having insanely vivid dreams just about every night--and i mean the kind of vivid where you remember details days or even weeks later, like it's just another normal-ass memory--is that you wind up losing track on an emotional level of what's real. like. i know that was a dream. obviously it was a dream. but some part of my brain misses it like it really happened. i am painfully, achingly nostalgic for people i've never met, places i've never been, shit that literally could not ever happen--but i feel as though i remember. which is just the most unhinged thing, right? like, i remember going on a run that took me over a fence into Disneyland, and i remember having to take a shortcut through a Chinese restaurant, but it was fine, because Erika Ishii was there, and they'd done this before, so no worries. right? no! obviously not! why do i remember this with such visceral clarity three weeks later?
oh, what's your favorite episode of this TV show? the one i dreamt. yeah, don't worry about it, it didn't make coherent sense, but it was in the feelings, right? my ship had the best fucking scene. no, of course i can't explain it to you, that's madness. it involved a rocking chair. don't worry about it. it's fine. it's super important i don't accidentally reference this in a fic someday, though.
this shit is deranged, dude. missing people who are quite literally my own brain's invention with an actor's face. missing places that are a meld of a movie i saw once, my childhood bedroom, the second floor of my high school, and inter-dimensional space. like. no! no, this shouldn't be a thing! is, though. the clarity of it. just fucking bananas. this has been happening to me my whole goddamn life.
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femmelunee · 2 months
أَيَحْسَبُ الْإِنسَانُ أَن يُتْرَكَ سُدًى
İnsan, kendisinin başıboş bırakılacağını mı zanneder.
Kiyâme, 36
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nevzatboyraz44 · 2 months
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De ki: “Sizi yaratan, size işitme duyusu, gözler ve kalpler veren O’dur. Ne az şükrediyorsunuz!”
Mülk Suresi 📌 23.Ayet
قُلْ هُوَ الَّـذٖٓي اَنْشَاَكُمْ وَجَعَلَ لَكُمُ السَّمْعَ وَالْاَبْصَارَ وَالْاَفْـِٔدَةَؕ قَلٖيلاً مَا تَشْكُرُونَ ﴿٢٣﴾
Say, “It is He who created you and bestowed for you hearing and sight and redemptions. Little do you give thanks.” (Mülk Suresi: Ayet: 23)
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kalbenli · 1 year
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symptoms-syndrome · 5 months
I don't know how to say this elegantly, but if we are acknowledging that mental illness does not inherently create abuse/abusive people, in my honest opinion we need to extend this to people with pedophilic disorders.
I think earnestly that recognition of pedophilic disorders and the people who have those urges/attractions will reduce child abuse, because more open-ness about it not only helps in accountability (it makes me think of the struggle of staying sober from an addictive substance when no one knows you're addicted, vs when people around you know and can help. I.e. not bringing your friend struggling with alcoholism to a bar, or reminding your friend quitting cigarettes not to buy them when they want to) but also because there will be less shame in seeking help. Most people who perpetuate CSA were victims themselves, and I think that with proper coping skills and treatment, we can prevent people with those urges/attractions from acting on them.
I'm also personally of the belief (as in, I have no source to back this claim) that a lot of CSA happens not because of an attraction to children, but because of opportunity. For example, I think that some the people who took advantage of me as a teen simply couldn't connect with people their age. It was wrong of them to do what they did, but I think it could have been avoided with more social support for those individuals.
I think being able to recognize and acknowledge that part of someone before they perpetuate abuse is just really important.
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