#Suzuran High School
yemme · 2 years
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Suzuran High School ~ HiGH&LOW THE WORST X
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the-chaotic · 2 months
「— Who fell first and who fell harder 2 」
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「カオス ― This is part two of this post. I saw the first two episodes of The Worst and that was enough to start writing, lol. Just like the other one, everything is based on scenarios in my head and what I think looking at their faces and this one is also bigger than the other . 」
「pairing ― The Worst era + Bonus. 」
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— Oya Koukou ,
Fujio — He fell first but you fell harder.
Tsukasa — You fell first but he fell harder.
Jamuo — He fell first and hardest.
Yasushi — You fell first but he fell harder (Good luck).
Kiyoshi — He fell first and hardest.
Nakaoka — He fell first and hardest.
Nakagoshi — You fell first but he fell harder.
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— Suzuran ,
Raoh — You fell first but he fell harder.
Mercy — You fell first but he fell harder.
Binzo — He fell first and hardest.
Magoroku — He fell first but you fell harder.
Kansuke — You fell first but he fell harder.
Kamui — You fell first but he fell harder.
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— Housen ,
Sachio — You fell first but he fell harder.
Eimei — He fell first and hardest.
Odajima — You fell first and hardest.
Shoji — You fell first but he fell harder.
Shidaken — He fell first and hardest.
Sabakan — You fell first but he fell harder.
Moji — You fell first but he fell harder.
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— The 3 Schools Alliance ,
Amagai — You fell first but he fell harder.
Suzaki — You fell first but he fell harder.
Saboten — He fell first and hardest.
Tsudanuma — You fell first and hardest.
Sameoka — You fell first but he fell harder.
Fujin — He fell first and hardest.
Raijin — He fell first and hardest.
Reiji — He fell first and hardest.
Gandhi — He fell first and hardest.
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「— Bonus Part」
「pairing ― Crows Zero 1 and 2. 」
「カオス ― Of course I would have to bring them here because of the crossover in The Worst X. Furthermore, I recently watched both films with my mum and I was sad to not find any of their content, just a oneshot of Genji and other for Rindaman. So here is my little contribution to this fandom! 」
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— Suzuran ,
Genji — You fell first but he fell harder.
Chuuta — He fell first and hardest.
Makise — He fell first and hardest.
Izaki — You fell first but he fell harder.
Serizawa — He fell first but you fell harder.
Tokio — You fell first and hardest.
Tokaji — You fell first but he fell harder.
Tsutsumoto — He fell first and hardest.
Manabu (Mikami Brothers) — He fell first and hardest.
Takeshi (Mikami Brothers) — He fell first and hardest.
Rindaman — You fell first but he fell harder.
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— Housen ,
Narumi — You fell first and hardest.
Tatsuya — You fell first but he fell harder.
Ryo — You fell first but he fell harder.
Matoba — He fell first and hardest.
Hayato — He fell first and hardest.
Rikiya — He fell first and hardest.
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airbendertendou · 1 year
IN CHAOS NOW! synopsis : your brother and his friends make a small trip to get you from school, only to run into the local gang.
cw ; reader is gender neutral. no pronouns used. [name] in place of y/n. high&low characters implied to be your adopted brothers.
h&l taglist ♥︎ @straysugzhpe @yuken-gf @strxwberrychocolate @star2fishmeg @rouzuchan [if you would like to be added / removeed let me know ♥︎]
song inspo ; frost by txt
if you have a blank blog [no bio, no user, no header or profile pic, nothing reblogged, etc] do not interact with my content. you will be blocked.
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toman + suzuran
“…does that make a little more sense?” The group of five stay silent before letting out a drawn out oh! in unison. You grin at their antics, shaking your head.
“Thanks again for doing this, [name].” Takemichi says. He rubs the back of his neck nervously, a sheepish smile on his face. “Hina gets upset with my grades, and I don’t want to bother her with re-teaching all of us this stuff.”
You ruffle his blond hair, “I don’t mind. I’m just glad I can help.”
“You help so much,” Atsushi speaks as he looks over his notes. Takuya nods enthusiastically, Yamagishi humming between them. “I don’t understand the teacher at all.”
The window leaks an orange haze as the sun begins to set ; a crow caws in the distance.
You tilt your head only to shake it after, hiding your unease with another smile. There’s no way. You look at the boys again, “need help with anything else?”
A loud bang echoes around the mostly empty school, an eerily familiar cackle hitting the walls soon after. With wide eyes, you and the group of five scramble outside of the classroom to see the commotion. A set of black and gold jackets are stood against… another set of black and gold jackets.
You blink, finding who you’re looking for as you walk up to him quickly. “Why are you here? Where’s my brother?”
“Curfew.” Is all Mercy says as another bang hits the wall. He glances to you, “it’s past your curfew.”
“Is it?” You mumble before pulling out your phone. It was past time for you to be home — an hour past, actually. You suck in a breath through your teeth, sending a sheepish grin his way. “My bad…”
A loud cackle hits the area again, “you’re a fun guy!” Binzo steps out of a pile of desks, knuckles bloody and a bruise forming on his cheek. In front of him, a boy with orange hair grins as he rubs his fist against his open palm. Binzo’s eyes widen, “I can’t wait to get rid of you.”
You act quickly, grabbing the wild boy’s ear and pushing his attention onto you. You frown his way, “and why are you fighting in my school?”
“Oh, hey [name].”
“Hi, Binzo,” you deadpan before letting him go. Across the hallway, you can see a boy identical to the orange haired one doing the same as you — calming a fight. Yamaguchi appears out of nowhere, slinging an arm around your shoulders as he leads you away from the fights damage.
Your brother is face to face with a blond, glaring as they stare each other down. They seem equal height wise but your brother has a different air to him ; a monstrous rage hidden he only uses to protect his siblings.
Your small study group follows behind you meekly, Kamui and Mercy behind them. Takemichi lets out a squeak at the sight of your brother, “he’s huge!”
You snicker to yourself and unknowingly catch the attention of a different blond. Smiling to your small group, you place your hand on Rao’s back and step into his line of vision. “Sorry I stayed so late ; I didn’t realize what time it was.”
Rao looks you over, as if making sure you’re okay. You roll your eyes, “I’m just fine, brother.” You point your thumb backwards to the group of trembling boys — their eyes widen at the attention. “Was with my tutor group.”
Atsushi smiles, a small laugh escaping his lips as he waves. “Nice to meet you mister Suzuran, sir.”
“Mister Suzuran,” Mercy laughs to himself.
You send a glare his way before looking at the new faces in front of you — and their matching uniforms. “That’s not a school, is it?”
“Toman!” Takemichi pipes up. He rushes to stand beside you and almost shield you from the group’s view. “My friends. Who are here because…”
“To hang out.” His voice is deep as he speaks, that taller guy. You raise your eyebrows — like you’re impressed — and look to your brother again. The rest of the crows have wandered up and gathered around you by now, shoulder to shoulder as they stood with you. “Why is Suzuran here?”
“You’ll have to excuse my brother and his friends,” you grin sweetly. Your eyes close and the irritation seems to leak from you as you hold the fake smile. “They have no manners. I’ll go get my things.”
The middle school boys follow behind you quickly, like sheep being herded to safety. The Toman boys eye the Crows apprehensively, but stay silent otherwise. You pop back up, school bag in hand as you stand beside your brother once more.
“We’ll go first. See you next week, boys!” you excuse yourself, pushing Binzo out of the school. Rao stuffs his hands in his pockets as your eyes land on him once more. “Showing up at my school just to fight… what nonsense.”
Takemichi is stopped by Mikey, a hand on his wrist as the leader stares at the spot you were just standing at. “Introduce me to your friend next time. ‘Kay, Mitchy?”
The blond can only agree helplessly as he watches a small light of intrigue fall into Mikey’s eyes.
tenjiku + housen
“Housen…” a boy in a school uniform passes by them shakily. “Housen… it was them…”
“Kakucho,” the white-haired male speaks up. He pauses in his step, glancing from the boy to where he came from. “What is Housen?”
“A nearby academy,” Mochi answers instead. He nods ahead with his chin, hands in his pockets as a schoolyard comes into view. “They call them the Killer Corps. Four lower ranks, below the head of the school ; the strongest.”
Shion tilts his head with a hum, “sounds like us, huh?”
“What are they doing in my district?” Izana purses his lips, lilac eyes narrowing at the school in front of them. A small group of five stands there, gray uniforms sticking out from the plaid ones other students wore. He watches as the group is avoided ; people passing by averting their eyes and hunching their shoulders. “Hey. Housen, was it?”
Their heads turn, stone-faced but curious of the red clad group. Shion tries to look as intimidating as he can ; the others just stand behind their king. A blond speaks up, “is there a problem?”
Before anyone can speak, an energetic voice calls through the air. “Oh, what’s this? A surprise visit?”
The next thing Izana knows, the guy with the undercut has another person attached to him. You jump on Kenzo’s back, grin full force and pulling at your lips. “What a nice surprise! Good to see you, brother!”
“So noisy…” Yuken glares your way, but it falls into a soft smile as he watches Kenzo pull you from his back. “How was school, [name]?”
You deadpan, no emotion in your voice as you sigh. “It was school. What do you expect?” You turn to Housen’s leader unexpectedly, melting into something more gentle and quiet. “Hi, Sachio. I didn’t expect you to be here.”
“We all came to get you,” Kenzo speaks up. You swat him away absentmindedly, eyes focused on Sachio. He clicks his tongue, “I’m your brother and you’re paying more attention to him? Hey, don’t get any ideas!”
You face your brother coyly, “ideas like what?”
Yuken snorts to himself, looking to the ground. It reminds him that there are outsiders watching this take place ; other guys wanting to size them up and fight them. His face smoothed out, “right. You guys. What did you need again?”
Izana’s mind is spiraling as he watches you and your brother joke around. You don’t look alike at all ; don’t share a smile or eye shape or laugh. Yet you greet each other joyfully and bask in each other’s company. It reminds him of earlier times ; simplier ones when maybe he would've called Mikey his brother.
Kakucho clears his throat and looks on awkwardly as his king stays frozen. "Just making sure there aren't any problems. Carry on."
Your grin and playful voice lingers on Izana's mind far longer than he thought it would.
haitani's + fujio and kiyoshi's factions
You're walking out with a classmate — Rindou, he said to call him — when he lets out a small laugh. "Seems my brother is here."
"Oh, mine too!" Your brother has dragged Yasushi along with him — of course. The two are rarely separated. What surprised you, though, was the sight of a taller boy facing the two of them. He's smiling with his eyes closed, twirling one of the braids of his two-toned hair. "Looks like he's causing trouble already."
Rindou saunters up to the unknown guy, scrunching his nose at the sight of your brother and his best friend. It makes you giggle — they often received that reaction. A whistle is heard in the distance as Fujio and Tsukasa strut their way to you.
“[Name]!” Fujio grins your way. He holds out a plastic bag to you, shaking it enthusiastically. “Brought some snacks for you!”
“I didn’t realize you’d all be getting me today,” you grab the bag from him. Yasushi peers over your shoulder as you pillage through the snacks, humming at the selection. “Oh, this is my classmate… and his brother, I think.”
The dual-toned boy raises his hand into a wave, his smile growing condescending and troublesome. “Didn’t realize the middle school was so close by.”
Your eyes widen as you see the four boys beside you twitch. Fujio’s smile has fallen ; Yasushi lets out a cackle as he cracks his knuckles. You exchange a look with Tsukasa and step in front of them before anything can start. “That wasn’t very nice, Pippi Longstocking! You should apologize before things get ugly, hm?”
His grin falls flat, mirth hitting his eyes as Rindou lets a snort out at your insult. You let out a sigh and rub your forehead. “Brother, let’s get our friends away from here before a fight breaks out.”
Kiyoshi groans but agrees anyways, slinging his arms around Yasushi and Fujio. The two are still frowning — but a lollipop from you is placed in their mouths in hopes of calming them down.
Looking back to the blond, you wave as Tsukasa waits on you. “See you Monday, Rindou!” You skip up to your group, looping your arm through Tsuakasa’s as you walk.
Ran lets out a laugh as he looks at Rindou’s complacent form. “Catching feelings, brother?”
Rindou shoves him with flushed cheeks and a frown. “You’re seeing things.”
valhalla + senomon
Ryo often walked you home from school. As soon as your brother was in his car, the quiet boy was on his way to you — feeling as if he had some type of unspoken duty to do for you. You smile at the sight of him leaning against the school's wall, stark red uniform standing out against the white building.
A tap to your shoulder brings your attention to a boy wearing glasses. His longer hair is pulled back into a ponytail, a grimace on his face as he side-steps nervously. "[Name]... you don't mind looking over this for me, do you?"
He holds a mess of paper out to you — one you recognize as grammar homework. You glance at Ryo, smiling at him reasurringly as you take the paper. As you read over it, the boy in red takes your school bag and slings it over his own shoulder. "Just a few mistakes this time, Baji!"
"This one? I didn't think it was right," Baji frowns as he looks it over You walk between him and Ryo, messily and hurridly trying to explain everything Baji was confused about. "That one and— 'Tora?"
Outside of your building stands your brother and his following. Kohei's sneer is painting his face — as always — as two other boys face him. One is smoking, tattooes on his hands while the other has an intricate tattoo on his neck, his fiists clenched and eyes narrowed in. Ryo comes to a stop, "Kohei. You're here."
"Of course I'm here," he spits out. He makes his way to you, nose curling at the sight of Baji as he stands in front of you, blocking you from view. "Heard there were delinquents lingering about."
You grin, putting your chin on his shoulder. "And you decided to protect little ol' me? How sweet, brother!"
Kohei grimaces at you, "shut your mouth."
"No delinquents," Baji grins. He saunters over to the strangers, letting his hair down and taking his glasses off. "Just my friends!"
Scratching the back of your ear, you share a look with Ryo. "Well— same thing, really?"
The taller guy stomps his cigarette out, staring stonely at your brother. He breathes out a puff of smoke, "what're some rich kids doin' here? This is our part'a town."
"We don't want any problems." Ryo speaks before Kohei can. It's the best choice —your brother started and ended fights, never putting himself in the middle. He steps closer to you, "just walking this one home. That's all."
Golden eyes hit you, the jingle of his earring echoing at he tilts his head. You meet his gaze, looking away soon after and walking past your brother to Baji. You hand over another paper or two, "don't forget these. Let me know if you need anymore help — I'm still willing to help!"
"Thanks, [name]. See you tomorrow."
You pull your brother from the potential fight, letting him pout and whine as you ignore his words. Ryo smirks at your eye-rolls, nudging you and letting you tease Kohei freely. A golden gaze is still sinking into your skin as you peek over your shoulder, stealing another glance at the tiger boy. He's still staring.
"Tora," Baji speaks up. He narrows his eyes as Kazutora blinks rapidly, breaking his stare on you. "Be careful with that one. Don't want to make Senomon angry."
Kazutora smiles to himself, "wouldn't dream of it. Let's go."
——♥︎—— airbendertendou © do not copy, plagiarize, repost, or translate my content on any platform. if you see my content under any other name than my own, let me know. i only have this tumblr and an ao3 account under the same name.
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simpforchuchu · 1 year
POV You are dating Yuken and you are from Oya High (Todoroki Faction)
Your Insta 🌟
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Liked by fujio,todoroki and 196 others
Y/n How can he be so gorgeous? @/odajima ♥️
|| tsuji eXCUSE ME ???
--》shibaman A RED HEART ???? WHAT THE HELL GIRL ?!?
--》y/n I can explain ehehe :)
--》tsuji Explain then ?
--》y/n or i cant 🤭
|| todoroki Y/n pick up your phone. Now.
--》y/n no you are scary
|| fujio That was definitely unexpected but congrats y/n-chan 🥰
--》y/n Fujioo 😭😭💕
|| yasushi Does that mean that we cant beat those skinheads ???
--》y/n uhm...we can always fight bro dont worry
--》yasushi ok then. Congratulations sis 🤢
--》y/n thanks bro 🤕😌
--》yasushi you little shit
|| shidaken you gotta be kidding... sachio will definitely kill us this time...
--》y/n Sachio-san loves me more than you bro ?
--》shidaken yeah he loves you not odajima...
--》y/n 😶
|| odajima ❤
--》y/n ❤
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Liked by jamuo,fujio and 122 others
Y/n Jamuo sent this pic and told that they are waiting for me... literally like this...
|| tsukasa it is not just them who are waiting for you
--》y/n tsukasa-kuun 😭
--》tsukasa we are waitin...
--》y/n coming 😔
|| binzo they look angry
--》y/n yeah because they are :(
--》binzo they are right btw terrible taste
--》y/n shut up
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Liked by tsukasa,tsuji and 138 others
Y/n they literally interrogated me for an hour but i guess they've accepted it now...
|| tsukasa as long as you are happy....
--》y/n 🥺💕
--》tsukasa 😌💕
|| todoroki if that bastard breaks your heart...
--》y/n i knoow 😭💕💕
--》odajima you know well if i do, she will kick my ass
--》todoroki exactly.
--》y/n 😃😃
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Liked by shibaman,tsuji and 154 others
Y/n literally 5 minutes before tsuji&shiba duo ruined our date 🥲❤
|| fujio what did they do this time
--》y/n shiba ate my apple pie 😭 and tsuji told yuken embrassing old stories 😃
--》fujio at least you are still cute :/
--》y/n thanks? ig...
|| odajima dont worry angel, i still love you ❤
--》y/n ilyt ❤
--》tsuji angel ? NŞHLŞRLDLDLF
--》shibaman do you even know what she does to us when she is angry ???
--》y/n you two idiots shut up or i kill you both 🤗
|| jinkawa dont spoil him too much y/n-chan...
--》y/n how cant i ??? Just look at him HE IS ADORABLE 😭😭😭
--》shidaken 🤮🤮🤮
--》odajima you being jealous 💕
--》sachio yes they are
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Liked by fujio,tsukasa and 123 others
Y/n my biggest supporter 🥺 best leader 😭💕
|| fujio always. 💕💕
--》y/n 🥺💕
|| tsukasa who took this pic?
--》nakagoshi me
|| todoroki because you are dumb and he is dumber
--》tsuji 🤡🤡
--》shibaman ...
|| odajima fujio-kun looks cute here 😄
--》y/n i know ldşfşsşlxşd
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Liked by odajima,shibaman and 144 others
Y/n like old days... ofc todoroki couldnt stand us and left...
|| fujio why
--》y/n cause like i said tsuji&shiba are dumber than us bro 🤜
--》fujio broo 🤛
|| todoroki everday im asking myself why im your friend...
--》y/n so could you find the reason
--》todoroki no
--》shibaman at least he accepted that he is our friend
|| odajima todoroki-kun definetly loves you guys but he will never accept it
--》y/n i know
--》todoroki shut up
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Liked by odajima,todoroki and 200 others
|| todoroki as you can see we are just fishing ? Im not steling your boyfriend calm down 😒😒
--》y/n dude you were literally gonna beat the shit out of me a few months ago FOR DATING HIM ???
--》todoroki yeah he is not that bad
|| odajima babe didn't you like the pic ?
--》y/n no it is not that... never mind... 🔥❤
--》odajima ahsjhwhsjw ❤
|| tsuji y/n-chan definitely will burn the school this time
--》y/n did you know that they went fishing TOGETHER ???
--》shibaman no
--》todoroki it is not a big deal...
--》shibaman you even dont take us and y/n-chan when you go fishing ?
--》y/n but he is taking my boyfriend... 
--》todoroki cause you 3 are too noisy and annoying...
--》y/n mean.
--》shibaman mean.
--》tsuji mean.
--》todoroki ...
|| fujio cool pic 😎😎
--》odajima thanks man
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Liked by odajima,sachio and 243 others
Y/n i cant fix him cause im insane too... happiest birthday to my babe 🥺❤ ilysm ❤ @/odajima
|| odajima ❤
--》y/n ❤
|| tsukasa happy birthday odajima-kun 🙏
--》odajima thanks man 🙏
|| tsuji you never celebrated our bdays like this...
--》y/n i literally made a fckn cake last year for you
--》shibaman we want bday pic
--》y/n im so done with you two...
--》shibaman yeah todoroki says that everyday too
|| mercy it is still weird to see you two dating but happy birthday to Yuken-kun 🍰🌟
--》y/n sometimes it is weird even for us too...
--》odajima thanks bro
|| todoroki when and who took this pic
--》y/n a few days ago and me... why ?
--》todoroki so you were in Housen when i called you ?
--》todoroki i will take this as a yes...
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Liked by todoroki,fujio and 178 others
Y/n because of his old dudes attacked tsuji&shiba, he doesnt let me walk alone... nice to have strong friends :D 💕
|| todoroki  if something happens to you housen will kill us 💕
--》y/n i thought you love me for a second 💔
--》todoroki no i dont.
|| tsuji you didn't have to write it here
--》y/n :D
|| fujio he looks happy :D
--》y/n i know :D
|| odajima babe everyone knows you dont need protection...
--》y/n yeah but annoying todoroki-kun is more fun
--》odajima sometimes i feel really sorry for him
--》todoroki yeah me too...
--》y/n you are my boyfriend... 😭😭
|| todoroki when did you even take this pic ?
--》y/n idk but you look handsome here
--》todoroki thanks.
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Liked by odajima,sachio and 157 others
Y/n he made me his personal photographer but i love him. 😍❤
|| odajima  i look more handsome when you take the photos 💕
--》y/n what can i say... it is a god-given talent
--》odajima yeah yeah whatever
|| fujio i need a photographer too
--》y/n idc find tsukasa
--》tsukasa no, thanks.
--》fujio ☹☹
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ddorokking · 1 year
ryo become a full time cinnamon roll when he is with kouchan
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banqanas · 10 months
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day 253763 of waiting for suzuran to get their own daily lives manga 😔🙏
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darumaikkah · 2 years
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bloodiegawz · 7 months
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guys you don't understand the suzuran high school uniform was a fashion trend
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banananuttrash · 1 year
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Prompt: When Binzo is acting completely out of character, the rest of the Suzuran group follow him to see what is up. What they find leaves everyone in surprise, except for one.
Warnings: fluff 
Request: No
Pairing: Miyauchi Kozo “Binzo” x Female Reader ; Raoh x Sister Reader
Word count: 1.8k
Notes: This was just me having the Raoh faction acting like fools lol 😆
⋈ *. : 。✿ * ゚ * .: 。 ✿ * ゚ * . : 。 ✿ * ⋈
Mashii and the rest of the Raoh faction are sitting in their regular area on the school roof. They are having their lunch and just chatting. However, Mashii notices that Binzo is sitting off the side on his phone, with a hint of a smile on his face.
Binzo’s phone rings and he gets up. He looks at everyone and says, “I have to take this call, I’ll be right back.”
As he walks off, Mashii narrows his eyes and stares off after him, while saying, “There’s something off about him.”
Everyone else turns to look at him. Kamui speaks up first, “What do you mean?”
“I haven’t quite figured out what it is yet, but Binzo is acting differently.”
Magoroku shoots up and says, “I’ve noticed it too! A couple of days ago, I asked him if he wanted to go to that new ramen place that had opened up. We had been talking about it for weeks and then he just up and left me hanging saying that there was something important that he had to do. He never leaves me hanging when it comes to food.”
Mashii lights a cigarette, “I’m not sure, but I think we should keep an eye out on him.”
Later on that day after school, the Raoh faction is heading out. After school, the group usually goes out for some snacks together. Today, it was Binzo’s turn to pick a place to go so everyone looks at him expectantly. When Binzo notices that everyone is staring at him, he rubs his neck and gives everyone a guilty smile, “Sorry guys, I won’t be able to come with you guys today. There are some things that I have to take care of.”
As he walks away, everyone stares at him in disbelief. After the others shake off their disbelief, Kamui asks, “Raoh, do you want to call Y/N over? Can she meet us there?”
Raoh lets out a little grunt and responds, “She can’t make it! She had already planned on hanging out with a friend.” He has a small smile on his face that no one notices.
Binzo makes it just in time to see the girls from Sanyo High School start to come out. He leans against a wall, and scans all the faces until he finds the one that he is looking for.
When he does, Binzo lets out a huge smile and yells, "Y/N!"
You turn around from your friend as you hear your name and see Binzo waving at you. You smile and wave back. Your classmate asks you, "Is that…?" 
You grin, "My boyfriend. I'll see you later!" You both say your goodbyes and depart.
Walking up to Binzo, he stretches out his hand and you take it. You lace your fingers with his and smile at him, "How was your day?"
He smiles back, "Oh you know, the same old. Punching, kicking, yelling, fighting…"
You roll your eyes at him, sarcastically saying, "Ha ha ha, very funny."
You both start walking away from the school when he asks, "Where do you want to go? You can pick today."
"You let me pick every day. But… I really want to go to that new ramen place we were supposed to go to with Magoroku."
"Alright, sounds good to me," he replies, and you start walking to the restaurant.
Thankfully, you arrive before rush hour, so you and Binzo are able to get seats. You get seated near a window and quickly place your orders.
Soon after the waitress leaves, Binzo’s phone rings. He looks at the caller ID and looks back at you, "It's Kansuke. Should I answer?"
You nod, "It'll probably be more suspicious if you don't." 
He listens to you and answers. "Hello?"
You whisper to him that you're going to the bathroom and he nods. You get up and make your way to the bathroom.
Binzo and you started dating about a month ago. Before that, he was just your brother's friend that you had a huge crush on. You would hang around him every now and then when you were with Raoh, and that was just enough to get you to fall for him. While others may look down at him for his crazy side, you loved it. You weren't a big fan of the fighting, but whenever you did hear of one, a small smile came on your face when you hear of his win.
When you finally got the nerve to confess to him, you found out that he felt the same way. When you asked him why he had not said anything before, he answered that he did not want to say anything because you were Raoh's sister and he didn't want to do anything behind his back. So, before he even asked you out on a date, he spoke with Raoh and told him about his feelings and intentions. If possible, that made you fall for him even more. 
It was hard, but Binzo and you decided not to tell the rest of the group just yet. You know how the others are and you wanted to enjoy some time with him. Recently, it has been getting a little harder to hide it from others, but thankfully, Raoh comes through most of the time and manages to help you guys.
You finish up in the bathroom and then head outside to your table. As you get closer you see something and then you freeze up. Even though you can’t see their faces, you see the backs of your brother, Mashii, Magoroku, Kamui, and Kansuke.
You see Binzo peek around them and his eyes widen slightly as he sees you, but tries not to make it obvious as he looks back at the group. You back away and go back to the bathroom not sure of what to do.
Back at the table, Binzo lets out a small sigh of relief when he sees you disappear. He looks back at the guys who are staring at him. He smiles at them, trying not to look as guilty as he is feeling. 
Mashii speaks up first, "What are you doing here? Didn't you have something to do?"
He looks at Raoh, who has a subtle and barely visible smile on his face. Binzo looks back at Mashii and replies, "What am I doing here?" He rubs his neck before continuing, "I was meeting up with an old junior high friend. Yeah! I hadn't seen him in a while, so we decided to catch up."
The others look like they weren't buying it. Before anyone else speaks up, Raoh says, "We should go somewhere else. I'm craving takoyaki."
Everyone looks at Raoh in surprise. He doesn't usually have preferences for restaurants. So for him to say something, it was a little surprising. Binzo knew that he said it to try to get the others to leave, and he was very thankful to Raoh for that.
As the guys leave the restaurant, Binzo sends a quick text back to you and tells you that they are gone. You come back and sit down in front of him and you both start laughing.
Unbeknownst to the couple, outside the restaurant, Mashii turned around one more time and he saw you as you sat down in front of Binzo. Then he whispers to himself, "Y/N?"
For a couple more weeks, it has become more prominent that Binzo has been hiding something. He rarely hangs out with the group and is almost always making excuses about why he can't hang out. Magoroku and Kansuke wanted to get to the bottom of it. They had overheard Binzo say that he was going to meet someone at the amusement park on Saturday morning. Instead of asking him about it, they decided that they were going to follow him.
They told everyone else to meet them at the amusement park on Saturday morning, but didn't tell them why.
So Raoh, Mashii, Magoroku, Kamui, and Kansuke were standing off at the side of the entrance.
Mashii gives a low grunt and asks, "Why are we here?"
Magoroku lifts a finger and says, "We are going to get behind Binzo’s secret once and for all. We know he is secretly meeting someone here today and we are going to figure out who."
Raoh raises his eyebrows at him. To himself he thinks that this is not going to end well. 
Kamui points and shouts, "There he is!"
They all look and see Binzo walking up while talking on the phone. Suddenly, they notice a girl coming from behind him and wrap her arms around his waist.
"Ehhh!" all of them say except Raoh.
"A girlfriend! How does the craziest one of us get one first? It's not fair!" Kansuke says while whining.
"I wonder who it is, we can't see her face," Kamui says, trying to get a look at the girl.
As the guys are still looking, they see Binzo turn toward you and smile. You hold hands and start heading towards the entrance. The guys try to get a closer look at you and, since you are not facing them, they can't see your face.
As you enter the park, the guys follow behind you enough where neither of you notice. You tell Binzo that you have to use the bathroom real quickly before you go on anything. As you turn towards the bathroom, you hear, "Y/N!"
You and Binzo turn around and see your brother and his friends, them staring at you both in shock.
Binzo leans towards you and whispers, "Busted."
About ten minutes later, you and Binzo are sitting next to each other at a cafe with Raoh and his friends in front of you. Magoroku crosses his arms, "How long has this been going on?"
You smile guilty and hold up two fingers, "About two months."
Kansuke pretends to faint, "Two months?!"
Machii looks at Raoh, "I'm guessing you knew about this. Considering how you are not surprised."
The rest of them look at Raoh, who lets out a small smile, "It was entertaining seeing all of you try to figure it out."
Kamui looks at Raoh in shock, "You knew!"
You roll your eyes, "Of course he knew." You look at Binzo and smile, "We didn't want to keep it a secret from Raoh."
"Just from us," says Magoroku, pretending to cry.
Binzo and you roll your eyes. Binzo replies with, "We just wanted to see how it went before we told you guys."
Kamui smiles, "And?" 
Binzo and you look at each other and smile. You look back at them and say, "It's been going really well." The guys look at you for a couple seconds before they start cheering and hitting Binzo’s back, cheering him on.
Raoh stands up and says, "Alright guys, I think we should leave them to their date.
The others grumbled as they stood up. Meanwhile, you look at Raoh and mouth to him, 'Thank you'.
He winks at you and takes the guys with him.
Binzo looks at you and smiles, "Ready for our date?"
You smile back feeling a sense of relief and nod.
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pixaho · 4 months
Oya High With Girlfriends PT 2
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♥ Pairing | Oya High x Girlfriend ♥ AU? No |
♥ Warnings | :)
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Tsuji and you met through a shared love in festivals. You guys had been celebrating Year of the Dragon and bumped into each other. Although he was rude at first, he actually seemed to calm down and got into talking with you. (Tsuji love for some of my Tsujihoes)
BONUS: He SO asks you to help him dye his hair because he can't do the back of his head and he doesn't want to ask a professional to do it.
Usually when festivals happen or when a new book drops at a bookstore / a new game drops. Tsuji loves gaming when you are around and personally loves to read books as long as you are there. (I headcannon this man as a nerd and I will go to my GRAVE with that headcannon!) For festivals, he treats you to all the fun things and will even let you treat him.
Surprisingly no mistakes, although because he lives in an apartment complex where the people next door are older, he put a few pillows behind the headboard so you could have peace that whole night. No he didn't forget protection (be safe out there) but he did leave you in hickeys.
You guys argue over games, books, food, and hair. If he doesn't beat you in a video game, he tends to be petty and tries to screw you up. He's a cutie patootie <3
Literally got jealous of you and Shibaman within seconds of introducing you. For some reason he didn't like how Shibaman was staring at you even though he wasn't doing it weirdly. He was simply looking at you. But he does get jealous. Usually it's a showing off jealous type where he announces to everyone that you are his and nobody elses.
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"Younger" sister of Kiyoshi. Yasushi and you had gotten along when Kiyoshi forgot to tell you that he had a friend over. Despite Yasushi's childishness, you found him funny. Thus began your funny little relationship.
Cuddle dates. He refuses to take you to restaurants and cafes, and instead chooses at home dates aka cuddle and movie time. He buys the snacks of course. He's definitely a bottom because that boy loves sleeping on top of you or being the little spoon.
Your first time with Yasushi lead to accidentally forgetting when Kiyoshi gets home and him walking in on you two. He didn't know at that time that it was Yasushi in your bed and not some random guy and was ready to beat the shit out of him. He still did just not as bad as he would have if it was a Suzuran or Housen person.
Sometimes Yasushi's psychopathic tendencies tends to get in the way so he does things without realizing. Which is also why arguments are common. Kiyoshi is your middleman so usually he resolves things between you two. He doesn't mind, he just likes when you guys argue.
Woooo, jealous little baby! He doesn't like how close the other guys get to you and he will require the help of your older brother to teach a lesson to the guy or guys who were hitting on you. Especially if you said stop or you didn't like it beforehand.
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(The girl is Yasushi and the guy is you. I cant find better gifs ngl)
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He was clashing with Kiyoshi and Yasushi when you walked by, he had almost tripped you by sending one of them flying through the window of the school. You were on your way to see Nakaoka as he still needed to sign a paper. He didn't apologize until his brother smacked him upside the head. He had no choice but to apologize profusely.
Yeaaaah, you don't really have dates. He just takes you with his clan to a hot spot where you and him sit closer and farther away from the others. He usually spends that time, giving other dirty looks but holding your hand.
He made SURE that his brother would be out of the house when he invited you over, he just didn't think it would be your first time as a couple. Well you guys had a bit of Sake while hanging out and drunkenly fucked. When you woke up in his arms, your top and bra missing, you were so confused.
Arguments aren't rare but you both hate doing that. He prefers to fight at school and not in his relationship with you. But he ends up ranting to Nakaoka when he doesn't know what to do to make something up to you such as accidentally ghosting you on your date.
He doesn't get jealous much rather girls are swooning over him weirdly. He stays faithful though and shoos them away, even if its mean shooing. He loves you.
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♥ Mutuals | @talusional @dillpick
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Hi! Just wanna say i really like your writtings and i'd like to make a request only if you dont mind 💖
Could you please make lao x housen! Femreader where they meet each other for the first time (during 3 aliance) and reader was abt to be targeted by reiji himuro but Lao was there taking over thinking she couldnt fight eventhough she shows she's a good fighter at the end. Both shock seeing each other since she only heard bad rumours abt lao and lao dont know this is the girl from housen people been talkin abt. Kinda awkward at first but reader has this easy going but lil cocky persona. They then meet each other for several time unexpectedly and started to like each other secretly.
Anyplot will do cuz i'll leave it to you. Sorry for writing to long to explain the plot that you might take as inspo 😘
Love you 3000 xoxo
Big Mouth
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Character(s): "Rao" Misaki Mario (x reader), Ueda Sachio (slight x reader)
Plot Line: As per usual when Seibang's Kendo team showed up at Housen for practice, the gym was locked. Having to track down the boys yet again for the keys, you run into an unusual male.
Warnings: High and Low Violence
Note: Thanks so much for the request! I didn’t use everything you said because I like to go with the flow when writing (a stylistic choice on my part not your fault) so I hope you like a couple of surprises I sprinkled in.
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“All–” You huff as another student comes barreling towards you causing Jamuo to let out a girlish yelp as he gets out of the way. Quickly, you snap your bokken down right on the back of the guy’s neck chasing him, making the guy instantly collapse to the ground in pain, “I wanted–”
Kicking in the door to a classroom, you see three more Senomon tech students inside–all instantly turning around at the commotion–but no Housen students in sight; more specifically no Odajima. A fact that makes you let out an aggravated sigh as the students begin to come at you,
“--Was the gym keys!”
It was true. That was all you wanted. 
Hailing from Seibang Girls’ High School, your school had a lot of prestige and, most importantly, class. Two elements you tried your hardest to embody when you entered high school as a first-year. Though, it was at times like this even two years later, that you failed miserably at that.
Due to your close relationship with Ueda Yui and eventually the boys at Housen, the girls Kendo team you were captain of often borrowed Housen’s gym for practice. Most of the time caused by the fact the softball team was taking up your original practice space. Which is normally fine until you show up to Housen and no one is there to unlock the gym for you guys. 
Meaning as the closest to the Housen members, you had to go track down the keys. 
“I swear to fucking–” You start feeling an aggravated twitch go through you as someone kicks you in the back. One you instantly return ten fold by kicking the guy in the nuts, “Odajima! When I find your dumbass you are dead! Dead, you hear?!”
You really lost your class in situations like this. Really. 
As Jamuo yelps about some other students coming after you two, you instantly grab the cowardly male by the collar and jump through a window. Landing on the roof of an area down below. Jamuo sputters, attempting to catch his breath after what you just did, but you are more interested in something else.
Based on the black and gold uniforms amongst the red, you could only guess the six males fighting on the ground in front of you hailed from that chaotic and unruly boys’ school. 
“What…” You mumble, already feeling a headache come on as you attempt to wrap your head around the situation, “How the fuck does Housen get in some much trouble…? Oi, Hey!”
Not allowing the Senomon Tech guys on the ground in front of you enough time to turn around, you leap from the roof and onto the group. Kicking most to the ground and hitting a guy in front of you with your wooden sword in the process. 
“Wha–” You jump in surprise, stopping you from going after another student, as a person–a full on person–is thrown past you like a ragdoll. As you turn to your right to look at the source, you see a rather tall and looming Suzuran male standing there; who freezes in his tracks as he sees you, “Oi! Watch it!”
However, it wasn’t in the way the male at first thought intended as you threw your sword, smacking a student that was sneaking up behind him. Quickly, the Suzuran student turns around and chucks the knocked out one through a window; putting him out of commision and out of the way as you get closer to him. Not even bothering to jog to go grab your sword, you take the opportunity to look the male over, beginning to realize that he looked oddly familiar. Not in the way that you have seen this male before but that he looks exactly like someone Sachio once described. 
“Hey, Oi. Pay attention next time, pretty boy.” You say, huffing as you grab your wooden sword poking the male in the chest as he continues to stare at you. Raoh, slightly taken aback by your words and action, seems to freeze once more, “We don’t need you getting injured. I’m too busy today to be kissing any boo boos away.”
“There they are!” Scrunching your eyebrow slightly in annoyance, you begin to curse Housen out in your mind as backup for the opposing group arrives. All armed with pipes and wooden weapons; Kamasaka students. Of course.
When would Sachio be back again? He never forgot to leave the keys at Housen whenever you had practice that day. 
“Oi!” You yelp as while kicking some guy in the gut, a strong arm suddenly wraps around your waist, lifting you up and bringing you around as he spins. It takes you a moment to realize it was this Raoh guy grabbing ahold of you. In his other hand a Kamasaka student, who he swung around before eventually throwing into a crowd of them. 
“A little warning next time?” You say, raising an eyebrow at him as he places you back down on the ground. You can tell Raoh is a bit flustered by your confrontation and sarcastic attitude. However, he was no were close to how flustered he became at your next words, “I like to be manhandled but jeez take me on a date first, will ya?”
Without another word, you kick a metal pipe away from a twitching injured student on the ground and walk off. Leaving Raoh without an opportunity to ask what you mean. Allowing him to just ponder with all the chaos going on around him.
Little do you know the impact you had on him just from the brief moment in time.
“Ow. Ow.” Odajima curses as you continue to look through his pockets. The young man dangling off Jinkawa, quite bruised and battered from the fight. However, you don’t pay it any mind, instead lighting up when your hand comes into contact with familiar metal. You nearly scream with joy as the jingle of keys is heard as you pull it out of Odajima's front pocket. “Oi, watch your hand–”
“Thank you, God,” You yell, cutting the Housen student off from his whining as you kiss the key to the gym. Finally–fucking finally–you got the keys. “I need to call the girls.”
“Oh? Sachio?” 
As you begin to pull out your phone, Housen practically erupts in excitement as they see their leader–Ueda Sachio–at the front of Senomon Tech. A sight you are relieved to see as well. No more days of chasing down the keys to the gym.
“Sachio,” You whine, not hesitating on jogging up to male. Him seeming quite taken aback that you are here, “You need to make a copy of these keys. I can’t keep on tracking down Housen for them. Do you know how long the ride was here?”
At your whines of agony, Housen begins to laugh. Not taking the pain you go through in trying to find them seriously. Even Sachio can’t help but let out a chuckle as he brings up a hand to wrinkle your hair. 
“I’ll be sure to–” Suddenly the smile on Sachio’s face wipes clean as he spots something behind you, “What is Suzuran doing here?”
Turning around, you nearly jump in shock at the group of black uniformed males standing behind you. More specifically Raoh, the boy you were fighting with earlier, that literally was towering over you. 
“Hey– Oh.” You are taken aback as Raoh suddenly pulls out his phone and hands it to you. As you stare at the blank contact on the screen of it, It takes you a moment to put two and two together, “Oh… Do you want my phone number?”
Raoh nods his head, seeming patient despite what you’ve heard as you begin to slowly put it in. All the while Housen and Oya look on confused. Wondering what in the world was going on and how the two of you knew each other.
“Are you free this saturday? At three o’clock?” Raoh asks, his deep voice catching you off guard once more as it is the first time you heard him speak today. With a small and meek nod of your head, the Suzuran man smiles. Though only for a moment before he gently takes the phone from your hands.
“It’s a date.” You let out a small gasp as Raoh leans down and places a soft kiss on your forehead; unable to stop your heart from doing a summersault at the romantic gesture. One of his large hands running down the back of your hair to the tips of the strands as he pulls away; bringing some hair to fall gently back to your face as heat rises to your cheeks, “I’ll pick you up at two.”
As Suzuran begins to walk away, leaving everyone stunned at what just took place, it is–of course–Fujio that breaks the dead silence of the situation. 
“Oh, good job Raoh!” He cheers, giving his friend a thumbs up. While he didn’t understand what just took place or the context behind it, he knew the Suzuran male just asked a girl out. So like every male, he was supportive of the heroics and guts behind it. Well maybe not every male in this situation. 
It is as Raoh gives Fujio a thumbs up back, that everyone else breaks out of their stupidor. Especially Sachio who instantly challenges Raoh. Declaring that you were friends of Housen, thus part of Housen. Even Odajima hopped off Jinkawa to challenge the other students of Raoh’s faction.
It seemed like an all out brawl was about to commence with everyone present.
Well… everyone but you. You, still shell shocked, couldn’t believe getting in a fight for Housen got you a date with the Misaki Mario of Suzuran. You couldn’t wait to tell the girls about this one. They would be so excited. 
Though… Yui might be a little disappointed as she has been trying to set you up with her brother for as long as you remember. 
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yemme · 2 years
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HiGH&LOW THE WORST X  ~ Daichi Henry Mikami - MMA Fighter
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suzakisbbygirl · 1 year
“Messed With the Wrong Girl…” (part two)
Pairing: bf!Tsukasa x fem!Reader
Warnings: angst, kidnapping, slight violence, mild language, mentions of blood, happy ending (almost there lol)
Wc: 1.8k
an: Part two! Honestly i am really loving this, and writing for Tsukasa has been fun! Part three will be coming out soon, stay tuned!!!
Much love ~ ember
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The next day…
Tsukasa’ s POV
“Fujio, we have to go get her, I can’t take it knowing that she is in there alone.” Tsukasa says as he storms into the school. To everyone’s surprise, Tsukasa is showing more emotion than usual. What can he say? He’s a man in love, and the person that he would do anything for has been taken away from him.
“Don’t stress Tsukasa, I already messaged Rao and Sachio. Suzuran’ s Rao faction, and Housen are both on the way. We are not letting her stay there any longer.” Fujio replies, calming his friends mind.
“This giving me dejavu from when they took you. Everything matches up almost exactly. Does Senomon really think that this time will have a different outcome? I mean we only had a fraction of our forces last time and we still kicked their ass. Why are they expecting this time to be different?” Fujio questioned out loud, as Tsukasa listened to his words.
“This time will be different.” Tsukasa replied, earning a confused expression from Fujio, “This time, I’m not tied up. This time they have to deal with me before they beat me up.” He continues, staring straight ahead with fire in his eyes.
How silly of Senomon to think that they could take you of all people, and think that it would be okay. Not only have you made friends with almost everyone at Oya High, you have made friends with Housed, and Suzuran.
Shortly after, there is a commotion above Fujio and Tsukasa. Who else would it be, besides the one and only Binzo, your best friend at Suzuran. Entering from above, the rest of the Rao faction appear from around the corner. Jumping down and joining the rest of them, it is no secret that Binzo is not happy with Senomon for taking his best friend.
“Do we have to wait, I want to get in there and crush some skulls!” Binzo’s normal smile he gets when talking about fighting is absent, telling everyone around that he is on edge, and not to mess with him.
“We will leave as soon as Housen arrives…” Before Fujio could even finish his sentence, in their normal orderly fashion, Housen appears.
“So they got y/n this time? Hmm, I guess they’re really looking for the beating of a lifetime.” Yuken says, cleaning off his glasses.
“Now that we're all here, let's not make her wait any longer.” Tsukasa says, earning a grunt of approval from those around him.
None of them know why, but the charm that you have won all of them over, and gave you an abundance of friends that, quite honestly, you weren’t even really looking for. Fujio and Tsukasa took you to Housen while they were discussing something with Sachio, and you somehow got wrapped up watching a sparring match between two of the other Housen boys. Cheering them on, Yuken decided that you would be welcome at Housen at any time, and that you could call if you were ever in trouble. Reassuring him that Tsukasa wouldn’t let you get into trouble, you would still visit from time to time with the boys, and were always welcomed with open arms. The start of a beautiful friendship.
Suzuran was interesting. Especially Binzo. You happened to be walking down the street with Tsukasa and Fujio, when the three of you ran into the Rao faction. Fujio being Fujio, ran right up to them and greeted them, earning their smiles. You and Tsukasa slowly walked behind him, considering Tsukasa could tell that you were a little uneasy about the group in front of you. Walking up, Tsukasa introduced you to the group, and you gave them a simple smile. Binzo, who had one too many coffees that day, was bouncing off the walls, making himself seem crazier than he actually is. With this energy, he found the mistake of getting too close to you before you were comfortable. Your natural reaction took over, and you gave him a solid uppercut to the jaw. While everyone was taken back by your action, and you were hiding behind Tsukasa, he laughed. “She's awesome! Tsukasa you better take care of her, she’s a keeper!” He said between giggles, even getting you to smile as well, and become a little more comfortable with the situation.
Little did you know that all of the friendships you have made would be needed for a situation like this…
As the three schools made their way to Senomon, the atmosphere was tense. Everyone loved you, though you didn't understand why. You didn't understand that everyone, with the exception of Tsukasa, sees you as a sister that they want to protect. They see you as someone who they can be themselves around, or someone that they can go to in times of need, and that was something that they all were willing to fight for. To you, it was just being yourself. Your natural kind, caretaker persona. The impact that you had on these guys was insane.
As the group neared Sonomon Tech, the tension grew even stronger. Everyone was ready. Everyone was on their toes, anticipation building, hoping that you were okay. Praying that they hadn’t hurt you in any way. Because if they did, it would be their biggest regret.
It felt even lonelier when the Senomon boys were in the room with you. All you wanted was to be back at Oya high, sitting on the roof, with Tsukasa’s arm slung around your shoulders. All you wanted was to be back with your friends. It’s only been one day, but it's the longest you’ve been away from Oya high in months. It’s out of routine for you.
“So, you wanna try listening today? Or are you going to be snippy with me again?” Kohei says, as he slowly walks closer to you, remembering the swift kick you gave him the day before.
Defiance taking over, you refuse to answer, let alone even look at him. You refused to listen to the guy who not only had your boyfriend in the same situation before, but the guy who also has left you with a black eye.
“Nothing to say? Are you sure that’s the route you want to go down?” He says, as he is now inches away from you, knowing that you are uncomfortable with the lack of distance, and that you can’t do anything about it. “So that’s how we're gonna play, huh?” Before he could continue, another guy came running up the stairs. “We’re in trouble… Oya, Housen, and Suzuran are all here.” The guy says with a panicked look, probably remembering the last time that this went down.
A small smile crept onto your lips, as Kohei sent the others to take care of the three schools.
“What’s the smile for? If I didn't know better, I would say that you don't think we stand a chance.” A small chuckle leaving your lips. Finally you look at him, your eyes shooting daggers at his, and he tenses up with your gaze.
“Your first mistake was taking Tsukasa. Your biggest regret is going to be taking me.” You said calmly, maintaining intimidating eye contact. The sudden surge of adrenaline that caused Kohei to tense up quickly manifested into rage. *Smack!* he hits you again, in the same spot as before, this time leaving a small cut underneath your eye. He quickly gets up and backs away from you, trying his hardest to hide his nervousness. “Good luck dealing with them, I think ill enjoy the show from here.” You say with a devious smile, as the blood from the cut rolls down your cheek. With that, he turns and leaves the room.
Outside, the festivities have already started.
Tsukasa’s POV
It’s right there, we're right there. Hang on y/n, we'll be there soon.
As Senomon Technical High appears in the distance, Tsukasa’s heart races. His mind is going a million miles an hour, and his anger is building up. He’s so close. So close, yet he feels so far. He knows that there is an entire school that he has to get through before he gets to you. He wishes that he would be able to just simply walk in, take your hand, and get you out of there, but of course, it’s not that simple.
Before they arrive at the entrance of the school, the entirety of the student body is at the entrance. Waiting in anticipation. Or is it fear? The fear of knowing that they messed up big time with taking you away from Oya. Little did they know of the friendships that you have built with the other schools as well.
Getting closer to the entrance, the group stops. Tension all around.
“Give us the word, Tsukasa.” Rao said in his normal calm tone. Binzo more focused than ever, Yuken angrier than ever, Fujio quieter than ever, and a whole group behind them with the same emotions. Tsukasa takes a minute before he says anything, preparing himself for the fight to come.
“Let’s go!” He shouts at the top of his lungs, and it begins. Both groups run towards each other. One protecting their leader, the other protecting who they love. Punches and kicks flying all around. Yelling that could be heard miles away, as he works his way to you. He doesn't know where you are exactly, but nothing will stop him from finding you.
Binzo creating a rather easy path for him, Tsukasa stays close to Binzo. The rage that was being contained finally able to be released. “I'll get you there Tsukasa, you get her out!” Binzo yells behind him, between taking people out.
Working their way in rather quickly, Senomon continues to appear like roaches living in an old motel. It seems endless, even though Tsukasa hasn’t had to do much work yet, he can’t even imagine what Binzo is thinking. “Bring it on assholes!” So that’s what Binzo is thinking… I should have known. Tsukasa’s thoughts make him chuckle to himself.
Endless punches, kicks and yelling going on all around Tsukasa, yet he can only look forward, cause that’s where you are. Finally, after what seems like hours of fighting, Tsukasa, Binzo, Fujio, Yuken, and Rao make it into the building.
“Check the gym, that’s where they had Tsukasa!” Fujio yells, directing the group. As they all follow Fujio, they round the corner and find Kohei, Suzaki, and a few others. An even match up.
“Where is she?!” Tsukasa yells, no longer able to hold his composure.
“Y/n? Why would I tell you where she is? That’s no fun now is it?” Kohei says coldly, while a smug look paints his features.
Without hesitation, they charge at the other group.
“TSUKASA!” A voice in the distance reaching his ears, stopping him in his tracks. Stopping everyone in their tracks, as it is easy to tell that the voice is coming from the opposite direction. The group of boys all look at each other, and take off the opposite way, leaving the Senomon boys where they are, unaware that they had a faster way of getting to you.
“Y/N!” They all begin to yell out, trying to figure out where you are.
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ozzgin · 2 months
Hiii, i’ve taken an interest in reading the manga series of Crows x Worst from your masterlist. But i’ve noticed that there are sequels to it and the internet is not giving me a direct answer as to what to read first 😭 , it says Crows was the first series published but that Crowz ZERO is the prequel, pls help meeeee.
You have no idea how happy this makes me! ❤ I can absolutely help you, so let me put together a little guide for you and anyone else interested in Takahashi Hiroshi's delinquent universe. Fellow fans can always correct me or add to the list. This is just my personal recommendation. Click on the underlined titles to read it!
Crows x Worst Reading Guide
Crows: The golden classic and first chronological work featuring the Suzuran delinquent school.
Sono Go No Crows: Optional one-shot set after Crows and before Worst. You don't have to read it, but it offers a smoother transition, and you get to know some characters in advance.
Worst: Continuation to Crows, although with a new protagonist and new characters.
Saigo no Worst: Sequel, takes place one year after Worst has ended.
Side-stories/Gaidens/Other works
Crows ZERO: Prequel to Crows, although written years later. Different cast, and you won't find it online because no group has scanlated/translated it. You can watch the live action movie instead.
Crows ZERO II: Follow-up to the first part, and covers the second movie. Drawn by Tetsuhiro Hirakawa (Author of Clover, another delinquent manga I recommend).
Crows EXPLODE: Sequel to the Crows ZERO saga. Also drawn by Tetsuhiro Hirakawa, only found it translated to Vietnamese.
Crows Gaiden - Katagiri Ken Monogatari: One-shot featuring the Crows ZERO protagonist.
Crows Gaiden: Collection of short stories featuring some of the Crows characters.
Crows Gaiden: Linda Linda: Backstory of Crows character Rindaman in his middle-school years.
Harumichi: Side-story featuring Crows protagonist, Bouya Harumichi.
Next Crows Supplementary Story: Crows side-series, not translated. I have the Japanese raws if you're interested.
Worst Gaiden: Backstories for some of the characters (such as the Umehoshi brothers).
We are the Worst!: Character databook. Couldn't find it online, but I have the Japanese raw scans if you're interested.
Worst Gaiden Dokuro: Backstory of Kawachi Tesshou, only the one-shot was translated to English.
Worst Gaiden Mr. Zetton: Sequel about Zetton becoming a high-school teacher
QP: Set in the same Crows x Worst universe, but it deals with actual gangs and not high-school characters.
QP Gaiden: Collection of side-stories
Kiku: Takahashi Hiroshi's first delinquent manga predating Crows x Worst.
Jank Runk Family: Takahashi Hiroshi's newest series (ongoing), a crossover with OREN's survival manga (included it because it does have delinquent vibes).
Crows Ladies: Genderbend AU
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Plus a nice visual guide I found while searching online translations, it has some extra titles I haven't mentioned
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simpforchuchu · 1 year
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ddorokking · 2 years
when they were confess to someone
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