killuaisaprincess · 2 months
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like-sands-of-time · 5 months
And they were dyads
Oh my god they were dyads
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atthebell · 8 days
oh yeah im despondent btw it's just that i've been despondent like definitely since november and honestly since september so like this is just a final nail in the coffin of well i never got anything i wanted and i just have to live with that
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writingoddess1125 · 8 months
The old men of One Piece finding out they have a child with you. Final Part
Shanks, Buggy, Mihawk X FemReader
Healthy mix of Angst and Fluff.
Support me on Ko-Fi
Author Note at End!-
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Dee woke up first, feeling the scratching of wood on his face. Sitting up quickly he saw they were in a cell- more accurately the brig of a ship. Sitting up quickly he felt his head throbbing in discomfort, he saw Bee also knocked out and shook him hard.
"Get up-" He hissed, smacking Bee across the cheek which snapped him away.
"What the h-" Dee slammed his hand against his brothers lips quickly. Bee noticing were they were and rubbing the side of his head. Dee carefully removing his hand-
"We have to be quiet..."
"Do you remeber what happened?" Bee questioned, Dee shaking his head. It was all too fuzzy for him to remeber.
"Doesnt matter.. we just gotta get out of here" Bee nodded at this and both kids stood up, Dee deciding to climb to the top of the cell greatful he had been in the crowsnest for a while and learned how to climb the mast.
"Hey this ship is old enough, I think if we push in this plank will pop up and we can try and shimmy our way up"
Bee followed his twins lead and climbed up next to him- Both beginning to push on the plank and pry it from its position. Dee greatful they were both skinny kids slipped his way through the open planking the dim space before pulling Bee up behind him. Once in they looked around.
They stared in awe- realizing this is must have been were they were stashing the treasure- it was small just big enough for the twins to stand with an inch of head space above them.
Bee grabbed some gold coins and shoved them into his pocket with a greedy smile. However Dee eyes went to a series of 3 boxes nearly stuck in a corner, kneeling down as he grabbed one and cracked it open seeing some odd looking fruit.
"Did you find food?" Bee said appearing like the Imp he was and peering down at it- it was boxes of fruit. Both boys groaned at the sight, You forced them to eat fruit most the time since they didn't really have a taste for healthy. Bee picked up the first one he saw and held it with one hand and frowned-
"That's it? Just some old fruit? They don't even have chocolate?" He grumbled figuring better tasting stuff was more valuable.
"Just shut up and eat it- We don't know if we will get food again" Dee argued back, Grabbing one from the box as well. Insync the two took a bite of their respective fruits and shivered in disgust as they tasted it. Bee barely able to swallow the first bite and quickly chucked it at a wall-
"What the hell was that!?" He yelled, Dee chewing his own in disgust before his eyes widened as he covered his brothers mouth. But it was far too late. Heavy footsteps quickly marched above them and both boys hit as the secret hatch above them opened- they saw a large pale man frowning as he looked at his secret treasures, he had a big purple fur coat, a wide brim hat that matched, way too small of eyes that made him look squashed like a pug. As he looked around clearly keeping an eye on his treasure Dee unfortunately was not keeping an eye on Bee who had grabbed a gold Dagger from the collection of goods and stabbed the captians hand. The large man yelled and jumped back-
Just like with all things- It seemed improve was Bee's go to!
Like two little rabbits both boys rushed out of the hiding hole and rushed out the Captian's Quarters while the blinged out Captian yelled and yanked the knife from his hand.
Dee and Bee ran through the halls of the ship, This wasn't like their dad's so it was difficult to navigate. However as if luck was on their side they rushed to the Main Deck- there they saw the ship and crew-
It was like they got flash banged by glitter- All the crew mates were wearing sequence in some way while the ship looked like someone had dunked it in cheap glitter and rhinestones.
"Did we get kidnapped by literally the lamest pirates?-" Bee questioned as the crew looked at the twins in shock.
"The hostages are escaping!!!" A crewmate yelled as all hell broke loose, The boys scrambled and darted in different directions. Dodging and lacing through the grown men at best they could- the boys were quite literally running laps around these idiots and having them knock into each other-
"Enough!!" What was assumed was the first mate held a gun up and fired directly at Dee clearly not caring about keeping a hostage for ransom anymore.
Dee stood in shock as the bullet came right at him- Before silence. Bee stood there in shock as Dee slowly looked down, There sat the bullet perfectly stuck to his chest. Carefully he pulled it off him and dropped it to the ground. Shocked just as much as the Crew members.
The Crew yelled before the grown men all charged at the boys- Dee picking up an oar and ready to defend himself. Till the oar didn't come off his hands- he started to wave it around wildly to get it off, Hitting the men in the process of doing so.
"Sorry!!" He yelled as he tried to kick off the oar from his hands but it smacked a guy in his teeth and landed perfectly back in his grasp sticking once again. His feet sticking to the ground as he bent backwards as a guy jumped at him and jumped into the sea around them.
"I-Im sorry!-" Dee cried as he spun around and the oar stuck to him swung and smacked another pirate inbetween the legs.
The oar finally unsticking from his hands and falling to the floor with a unflattering thud.
He looked to hear cackling as he watched Bee have the damn time of his life- He bounced like a spring everywhere, going incredibly fast as he punched different crewmates with the force of the abilities.
It seemed everytime Bee swung a wave of force would come out of him sending men flying at kicks and punches. He laughed loudly at this and looked on at the destruction he was causing.
Once all the crew mates were knocked out the hard steps and laughter from the Lower Deck caught their attention. The massive Captian clapping in praise as he walked up to the Main Deck.
"The Tack Tack fruit and the Bam Bam Fruit- Fitting you two would stumble upon it! One makes you Just sticky enough that nothing on the outside can harm you just stick, while the Bam Bam fruit lets you double your natural abilties every time you hit it twice"
The Captian bellowed as he stared down at the two boys- Pulling off his coat with a laugh revealing the many gold chains on his body and heavy rings on his fingers.
"Behold a true devil fruit! The Bling Bling Fruit!" He yelled as he clapped his hands and his whole body turned into glittering gold before punching the ground hard shattering thay part of the deck, The boys jumped out of the way of the impact.
"Too bad it won't keep you from being crusted to death!!" He yelled as he began to jump and use himself as a human Canonball- The boys barely dodging the attacks, the few times Bee tried to make a hit the mental just hurt his hands and made him jump away.
The Blinged out Captian continue to terrorize the boys, as well as landing blows on them that they barely were able to escape.
The Captian laughed loudly as the two boys were just trying a means to escape at this point, The older man hitting Dee who flung overboard barely able to stick to the side of the ship to keep from hitting the water.
"DANNY!" Bee called out as he rushed to pull his brother up. As he did so he saw the Captian power up and jump ready to crush to two under his weight.
"BLING BLING CRUSSH- OOF!-" He cried out as a Special Muggy Ball suddently smacked into his back exploding and propelled him into the ocean past the two kids. Both boys frozen as they saw The Big Top ship came into View, Buggy at the front as massive hooks came to the side of the blinged out ship and pulled it close.
"DAD!!!" Both boys cried out, Buggy and You rushing from the Big Top to the smaller pirate ship quickly and towards the twins. Buggy using his Chop Chop abilities to grab both twins from so close to the rails and pull them close.
"Oh thank Heavens you're alright!!" You cried out as you kissed their faces, tears rushing down your cheeks as you held them both close.
"How did you find us?" Bee fried out, As you smoothed your hand over his and Dee's face.
"You don't make your ship shiny cause you turn into a sailing Lighthouse thay anyone can track-" Buggy pointed out as he gestured to the glittery ship.
"Are you two hurt? Oh my goodness is that a busted lip!?" You cried as you looked at Dee's face.
"We are okay, we did most of the damage anyway! And the bullets didn't hurt me!"
"Yeah We were beating them all up too! And fought the whole crew with our awesome abilties!!" Bee yelled excitedly.
Buggy froze at this like a record scratch, staring at his sons with the most deadpan stare he could possibly muster as his eye twitched.
"Boys- Please elaborate on what the hell you mean by that?-" He asked as he put one of each hand on his shoulder and kneeled down to their eyelevel.
Bee grinned widely at this as he giggled excitedly, before snacking Dee and his hand sticking to his brothers face. Dee glared at this and yanked him off him aggressively before kicking his brother in the shin- making Bee cry out and hop on one leg, of course after that second jump he shot through the air.
Buggy giving his signature scream in shock before his hands flew out and grabbed Bee quickly before he flew into the ocean.
"YOU TWO ATE DEVIL FRUITS?!" He screamed out as he brought back bee carefully and proceeded to grill them on finding out how and why-
"Yeah the Tack Tack fruit and the Bam Bam fruit!!" Boy boys said in unison.
They ate a devil fruit- both ate a devil fruit... you turned away and felt your body stagger a bit as the words that Buggy was screaming in panic about to the twins was mumbled on you-
Both of them... Cursed to never swim... while you're out on sea... and both of them are pre-teen boys that don't listen...
You didn't remeber your face smashing into the main deck due to you fainting- However you sure as hell felt it when next thing you know Buggy is fanning your face and holding you in his lap in panic. Your boys standing around you as well and a few crewmates with a wet rag for you and a first aid kit.
"Buggy... please tell me your genes did not win and have not one...but both our twins eat a devil fruit"
You whimper out, Buggy wincing at your words a little and nodding that unfortunately it was true-
"Oh dear Gods..." You sigh- almost ready to faint again.
"Mommy I promise we won't cause any trouble" You heard Bee said, his voice softer then normal as he was clearly worried. Dee nodding in agreement as he too looked worried that you were mad at them.
"I know my loves- I... it's just very dangerous"
You say softly, Sitting up with the help of Biggy who rubs your back in comfort. Dee and Bee stand there nervous for a moment, before Dee whispers to his brother who grins and reach into his baggy pants pockets.
"Here Mommy! I have just the thing to show we will be okay- TAHA!" He yelled out as he pulled out two large handfuls of treasure.
Both you and Buggy's jaw drops at the sight. "Where did you get that!?" You yell and Dee smiles at this.
"On that ship we escaped" He said proudly, Buggy started in saying to bring it to the treasure room but the boys refused. Saying it was theirs and they would hide it in the best spot! Running from the both of you laughing as they plotted their treasure spot.
"I suppose a Pirates life is for them" You said with a tired chuckle, staring at the two as they ran away to the lower deck. Buggy helped you stand fully this time, not bothering to chase the kids for their nice lump of treasure.
"They will be amazing pirates for sure- and great men"
Feeling a arm around your waist, glancing up with a raised brow to see Buggy wide grin.
"You know, I haven't gotten that much time with the boys especially in those important younger years. I did miss so much and wish I got to experience those baby years as a Dad"
You slowly raised your brow as your eyes narrowed at the man who continued to grin with mischief in his eyes.
"What if we-"
You sent him a glare that made him smile nervously.
"Hell Fucking No-"
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It had been about 6 months since Shanks had returned into Vivians life. It had been slow going but getting there. The two had days were it was just them together and you could see that spark in Vivian's eye slowly coming back as her and Shanks hung out more-
Today was one of those days, Both having returned from a day out boating and having a picnic.
"Hey Mommy! We're home!" Vivian yelled put holding the empty picnic basket in her arms as Shanks smiled at you.
"Hey you two, How was today's boating adventure?" You ask, Smirking at the proud smile on Shanks face as Vivian began to mindlessly chatter about how much fun she had with Shanks. The man was clearly doing everything in his power to make it up to Vivian.
"I'm glad you two had fun"
As you speak this a wash off a odd feeling it you- You lean against the countertop, feeling lighthearted and dizzy. Assuming you had first thought you may have over worked yourself or not had enough water.
"(Y/N)?.." You hear Shanks call out to you as you felt odd. Closing your eyes as you staggered and fell being barely caught by a panic Shanks who called your name but the words warping before you feel unconscious.
When the doctor had arrived he had done every test imaginable and came out with grim results. An illness that couldn't be cursed and only be drawn out- he did everything he could in terms of medication however you all knew it was grim. Vivian took the news worse then anyone, insisting that you could improve if she did more. You and Shanks both having to slow her down and keep her from having a breakdown at that.
It had been a month since your diagnosis and you knew you were rapidly falling apart. Your legs being the first thing that went- you lips starting to get a sickly shade of blue and pain coursing through your form at all times. Vivian having decided to try and become a sort of care taker for you despite Shanks being there who helped you daily, she was desperate in wanting you to get better and it broke your heart to see-
"It's okay Mommy, you'll get better. Just takes time"
Laying in bed you watch Vivican fuss with your blankets talking about keeping you warm so you could get better. However you knew you wouldn't... your time was approaching and there wasn't anything to be done.
"Vi.. could you do me a favor and run to the market to get my favorite icecream?" You ask softly, watching her nod and run downstairs to do as you asked. Leaving you and Shanks alone, there was a few moments of silence before you sighed.
"Shanks... when I'm gone please take Vivian with you... she can't be alone" Shanks opened his mouth, most likely yo protest you dying but you held a hand up calmly.
"I know what will be happening to me... and in truth, I don't want to suffer either.. which is the second thing I need to ask of you-"
You saw his eyes water at this, bowing his head at the words. You knew you were asking too much of him- But he was the only one you trusted now and needed his help.
"What do you want done?..." He asked softly, his voice barely over a whisper.
"First... I want to have a nice dinner with all of you- And I want to tuck Vivian in... after she goes to bed.. me and you share one final drink together"
You say calmly, reaching over to grab the bottle of pain pills the doctor had given you. Holding the bottle out to him, his resolve cracking at this as tears rolled down his cheeks. Clutching the bottle hard and nodding.
"Okay... I can do that... And after?" He spoke between tears and trying to control his emotions. Tears running down your own cheeks at this point.
"Cremation.. and my ashes spread in the sea... the most beautiful place you can think of"
Shanks nodded at this tears running down his cheeks as he slipped the bottle into his jacket pocket for later.
When Vivian got back she was met with a surprising display, both her parents in the kitchen cooking. You seated on one of the chairs slowly and carefully cutting up ingredients while her father was stood adding it to different pots and mixing it with a spoon.
"Ah Vi, Thank you for the ice cream love. Wanna help us make dinner?"
Vivian smiled widely at this and nodded. It turned into a wonderful time together, the family making a wonderful curry dinner that was filled with laughter and nice stories- You and Shanks talking about your guys dating in the past, Vivian felt like she was in cloud nine. You were smiling and cheerful while Shanks was attentive and kind.
Once having your fill and eating the ice cream together Vivian watched you and Shanks together. After the family time Shanks carried you upstairs to Vivian's room were you read to her, kissing her forehead and tucking her in to the best of your abilities.
That evening once Vivian was put to bed Shanks laid you back in your own, careful in his task as he tucked you in with his hand and added several pillows to make you comforble.
Once laid out he grabbed two bottles of Rum. With shaking hands he added the crushed up pain pills in one and mixed it calmly before handing it to you.
Tears rolling down both of your guys cheeks as you both sat there together. Shanks leaned over and gently kisses your lips, sniffling as tears rushed down his cheek.
"I want to say I love you (Y/N)... and you have blessed me with not only your presence but our beautiful daughter.."
You smile at his kind words, returning the kiss and caressing his cheek.
"I love you too Shanks, you are a wonderful man who made me a Mother to a beautiful daughter.. I know you'll take wonderful care of her"
Holding your bottle up you both cheers and take the first sip of many, At this you two drink that night and for the final time.
When day rose, you were gone. Vivian had been woken up by the sound of the doctor talking, rushing out to see him and Shanks talking calmly his face red from crying. She rushed to him and peered into your room were a white sheet covered your form. Her eyes widening and her body running cold at the sight- She didn't even hear the words from Shanks as he laid a hand on her shoulder.
She stepped forward and he followed silently behind as she took a seat on the bed and touched the outline of your hand. Tears running down her cheeks as she looked on at your covered form, her hand hesitating in wanting to lift the shroud but stopped herself. Instead looking at Shanks who was silently crying while standing there.
"W-Was she in pain?" She asked, Shanks shook his head no at this. Vi nodded softly at this, before standing up from her seat and stepping towards Shanks and pressed her face against him- slowly her sobs began to fill the room as she wrapped her arms around his leg and cried. Shanks placing a hand on her head as he let her, she needed to cry.
The next few days had been a blur, Vivian had said her final goodbyes to you, crying by your side before the doctor took your body to he cremated. Shanks took control, he had organized the memorial, picked up the ashes to bring with him on his journey to sea and been with Vivian every step of the way. Vivian keeping the rights to the house and bakery when she wished to return, as well as packing up her room to be set onto his ship.
It was so much going on and all too quickly, yet it seemed like he was watching it in slow motion. Watching how Vivian looked out at sea or held the apron you always wore, it was hard for her yet she seemed to understand and accept it as well.
"Vivian.. are you ready?" Shanks called out, Stepping into her empty room as he crew took the last few boxes to his ship. She was standing there looking out the window holding your apron. Snapping from her thoughts she looked at him and nodded, folding the apron and putting it in her suitcase before following Shanks silently.
Once to the ship Vivian hesitated for a while, standing there as she watched the ship bustle to set sail as quickly as possible. She turned to look at the island, holding her suitcase still as the wind picked up through her red hair.
Vivian stood there, tears running down her cheeks as she looked out at what had once been her home with you.. her life that she knew with you was gone.
Feeling a hand on her back she looked up to see Shanks, looking as glum as her as he looked down at her. No words would be a comfort to her, they both knew that... but ironically they would only have each other from now on and the memories of you to keep them floating.
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It was like clash of the titans in your home- Ever since you and Mihawk's tumble on the couch.
Mihawk and Alucare seemed to be constantly and silently fighting with each other. While they claimed it was training you were pretty sure Alucare taking a razor to the back of Mihawk's head was not apart of training or the need for Mihawk to quite literally toss his son to the other side of the island as punishment.
However it seemed in some way they were getting along- mainly when the two did real training in the orchard by your home. Since Alucare had a interest in blades Mihaek had taken up to training him- even procuring a curved sword he called a kilij to train him with. Alucare had taken up to this training well and had been getting better everyday. It had genuinely turned into a rather picturesque family envirment for the past few months much to your delight.
Today was just the same, Alucare and Mihawk up at dawn to train- Then silently fighting with each other, you cleaned up from breakfast and right on cue Mihawk walked in having let Alucare leave for school taking a seat at the dining room table.
You two shared a small conversation with each other as Mihawk unwined, you pausing however to take a break.
You rubbed your lower back in mild discomfort, you didn't notice Mihawk's gaze on you. How his eyes lingered on your form as you moved through the house.
"Dinner? Sure we can have dinner together next week, sounds like fun- Oh before I forget let me get you some tea-"
"Let me" You heard him say, and stand up quickly. Gesturing for you to take a seat quickly as he went to make the tea.
"It's okay Mih-"
"You're back hurts. It's more then acceptable to make my own tea and for you to rest.. You shouldn't work yourself so hard" Mihawk says calmly and surprises you by how he just took over the kitchen and sets down a cup of lavender tea, you raised a brow at this since he normally drank black.
"It's just mild back pain-" You pointed out, narrowing your eyes at him. Something was clearly up.
"Let's go to the doctors... if you are uncomfortable it's safer" He insisted as he took a seat and sipped his own tea ignoring your hard stares.
"...You know something don't you?-" You point out adding some honey to the lavender tea. But he stays quiet and continued to sip his tea.
At first you refuses to go to the doctors, hoping to prybit out of Mihawk what he was hiding- However the man just kept pestering you to go. It only took a few hours of his nagging for you to decide to go.
A few hours passing and Alucare returned, Clearly having decided to skip classes again to just return home. Walking in cautiously to see Mihawk in the kitchen and you nowhere to be found.
"Where is mom?" Alucare asked as he saw Mihawk quickly chopping vegetables-
"She will be returning shortly-" was all he said, but Alucare knew that tone. The old man was up to something.
The door slammed open and both men turned in surprise looking like two startled black cats with their fur raised- You were never one to flare your temper but oh boy did you look pissed. Holding a paper in your hand and glaring hard at Mihawk.
"You knew!!" You yelled pointing at him, Alucare stepping to the side out of the line of fire. Mihawk lowered the cooking knife and turned to look at you as you stomped forward.
"What did the doctor say?" He asked calmly, a almost playful tone on his face as you tossed the paper directly to his chest which he caught and began reading through carefully.
"You knew you got me pregnant again! You knew this whole damn time didn't you!!" You yelled, Alucare jaw dropping at the news and clearly now wanting to leave the room.
"I have no idea what you're talking about" He said calmly as he read through the paper, a smirk on his face as he read through it. You snatch the doctors paper from his hands that indicated you were in the early stages of pregnancy.
"You knew!- You ass!" You blush flustered as you hold the papers. Mihawk staring at you blankly and shrugging slightly like he didn't know what you were talking about- You placed your hand on your hips and narrowed your gaze.
"Damn it Mihawk we are both too old for a baby! Besides I can't fit a newborn in this house its-"
"Come move in with me" Mihawk said, this surprised you and Alucare together over how serious Mihawk seemed about this.
"I have missed the birth of one of my children already.. as well as you being forced to raise him on his own- I will not allow it a second time... I want both of you to move in with me" He explained, Gesturing to both of you with his hands. An air of silence followed.
"Mihawk- I couldn't just mooch off of you, I mean what would they think if just a random person moved into your home? I-I wou-" You were cut off again with a raised hand.
"You wouldnt be mooching off of me, you will be my wife and if anyone who dares come to my island has an issue with you as my wife they will learn quickly not to-"
Pause. Wife? Your eyebrows raised at hearing this, your cheeks feeling far too warm and chest fluttering.
Alucare looking slightly surprised by this as well.
"Wife? Since when have you married my mother?-" Alucare demanded as he crossed his arms over his chest.
"I planned on asking next week, however things have changed with the arrival of your sibling. So I'm asking now" He said bluntly.
That's when it clicked, thay dinner that Mihawk had asked you to join him at- That ment he was most likely going to propose then to you and ask you anyway to be his wife-
You covered your mouth in shock at this revolution. Mihawk smiled calmly at this, as he stepped closer to you. Alucare scrunched his face up in disgust at being caught in this sort of emotional situation.
"...If you're still interested I'd prefer to ask now. The ring order won't be ready till tommorow however..." Mihawk admitted as he placed his hands on your hips. Tears welling up in your eyes and you nodded.
"Yes, I will marry you-" You whisper out, Hugging the man you were so close to castrating just moments ago. Mihawk returning the gesture calmly as his hand settled on your waist.
"We will be moved out by the end of this week, it will be a bit of a sail to my Island so I will make sure everything is safe for the journey" He stated calmly, Alucare looking ready to barf at this point.
"I get no say in this do I-" Alucare asked as he stared at both of you.
And that was that.
It seemed Mihawk really did manage to do as said, by the weeks end he had purchased a larger ship since he didn't think the Hitsugibune sea craft he usually used would carry you all comforbly and keep you safe. So he purchased a larger sea vessel, hiring also some local men to pack up the house and load everything onto the ship- Since your house was tiny it didn't take long.
Mihawk hadn't let you lift a finger- when you offered to help move things or even to cook lunch to bring on the journey he had refused and took the task himself. Alucare had also been weirdly okay with this all, he hadn't made a lot of friends in school so he wasnt attached to that- He'd explored all of the island and neighboring islands as well so he didn't care about the area-
Just like Mihawk had said, by the end of the week the small family was ready to depart- everything had been packed, enough food for up to 6 people to last a year instead of 3 as well as every supply imaginable.
You held Mihawk's had as he escorted you on the ship- still helicopering you. One hand on your lower back as he lead you on board.
"Mihawk Dear I'm not made of glass" You giggle softly, seeing the rather focused look on his eyes as he made sure you were fine while on board.
"I'm aware, but I wish for your safety only Darling" He says softly, Making you blush deeply and turn away in surprise. Alucare followed behind and rolled his eyed at the flirting between his parents.
Alucare looked at the island he had called home for the last time, feeling the tug of the small ship as it pulled from the docks ready to set sail.
This was the start of a new life.. and while he would never say it- he was excited for whatever was to come.
Author Note:
WOW! This sure has been one hell of a journey! I'm so glad that all of you have enjoyed these stories and have given me the chance to write for so many of you! These series has gifted me my first 800+ followers to my page and I couldn't be happier!
As a way to celebrate and yelp organize these stories I have organized them and put them on AO3! That and with some extra stories to go with them! They are also separated into individual stories as well!
Twice as Difficult Buggy x Reader and Twins
Memories that Wait Shanks x Reader and Vivian
Copy and Paste Mihawk x Reader and Alucare
Thank you all again and I hope to see you all soon!
Tag List-
@lunanight1021 @lolavegas20 @cuteastrash @thatcharmingmushroom @marsilis @thesadvampire @amecchii @zaphira-san @matronofthevoid @mothmans-left-nipple @hoe4fiction @manyimaginativemuses @alyholmes02 @arianyo @chaoticpercy-jacksonkid @lansy-4 @skeetyeetyote @untoldshortsofthefandoms @dank-memes19 @peachycuptea @kenqki @psycheflame @commanderfreethatdust
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ramons-elevator · 10 months
Everything about his POV was bone chilling holy shit. Also fucking shoutout to the admins for picking Chayanne and Tallulah bc that was a really smart move.
For some context for those who arent Philza watchers:
Tallulah and Chayanne obey Phil. Yes they can be divas sometimes and be dumb and silly, but they arent like their siblings like Dapper and Richas who will just be dramatic and do dumb and dangerous stuff when their parents dont feel 100% okay with it. They will throw a fit but still be respectful of Phil’s word.
Phil said multiple times to them, especially Tallulah, to not go to the dinner no matter what. That as soon as it hits 2pm PST, they get tucked into bed and they can wake up after if they want. Chay and Lullah both agreed bc they both fear dying. Tallulah wants to see her dad and Chayanne knows how hard his dad works to make sure they are safe.
Let me fucking tell you how creepy it was seeing Tallulah walk into the dinner.
Phil immediately questioned her and was like “what the fuck you doing? We both agreed you would stay in bed.” and when ‘Tallulah’ just stared at him and shook her maracas, you could feel the air still.
Personally, it felt like a bucket of ice water got dumped on me. Phil literally froze. Because thats not fucking Tallulah. Tallulah is calculated, gentle, and slow moving. The ‘Tallulah’ at the dinner was shaking her maracas without a care in the world, running around. Also Tallulah will talk to Phil and they check in on each other. The ‘Tallulah’ at the dinner didnt put down a sign once.
Then as Phil was realizing that Tallulah wasn’t Tallulah, then ‘Chayanne’ comes in. At this point Phil realized that both ‘Tallulah’ and ‘Chayanne’ dont have cracks. Phil straight up looks at ‘Chayanne’ and says “You are fake, you arent my son.” Also same thing with Tallulah, Chayanne and Phil check in with each other. They are a well oiled machine. Phil knows Chayanne like the back of his hand and vise versa.
To be fair, Chayanne isnt an egg of many words. He likes action and just nods/shakes of his head when talking. If need be he will place a sign down, but he doesnt talk as much as Tallulah. So it isnt hard to impersonate him.
But the second, ‘Chayanne’ started punching Phil was again bone chilling. Chayanne rarely hits Phil, maybe once or twice from the top of my head. Again, Chay and Lulah are very respectful of Phil. If they need his attention, they do other ways. They dont hit.
And thats when Phil let Fit know that something was wrong. Those werent his kids. That they are fakes. Around that time, Phil runs home and sees that his actual kids are sleeping. He takes a photo, runs back, and fucking shows ‘Chayanne’. Phil lets the fakes know that he knows and he doesnt give a shit.
At some point, Phil and Fit talk again and ‘Chayanne’ runs up and tries to take the photo from Phil. Phil basically said fuck off and went back to his seat.
The part I find so fucking eerie was that Fit and ‘Chayanne’ had a lil talk. ‘Chayanne’ put down a sign that said something along the lines of “My dad doesnt love me anymore”.
That sign literally made me start to freak out because thats the fucking last thing the real Chayanne thinks. The real Chayanne knows that his dad loves him to death. That Phil would burn this server to the ground if anything bad happened to Chayanne. Chayanne knows that Phil does everything in his power to keep his son alive. He knows how much Phil worries about him and Tallulah (both the characters and the admins).
Going back to what I said at the start, the admins were so fucking smart for picking Chayanne and Tallulah to be the ‘Code eggs’.
People outside of Phil, Fit, Bad, and maybe Forever/Cellbit dont really spend time with Chayanne and Tallulah. Yes, other people do care after them and know them, but they really dont know their mannerisms and quirks. They dont know that Tallulah only shakes her Maracas when she is very excited or have something to say. They dont know that, while Chayanne can be hyper, he usually is very obedient and stays close to Tallulah when he can.
So putting them in a party where the attention isnt on them 100% time is so smart. They can run around and people dont think about it. They just see two eggs running around and having fun. They dont know how wrong it is to see them like that.
Then when the ‘Code eggs’ made themselves known, Phil got kicked. Again very smart from the admins because no one wanted to kill ‘Chayanne’ and ‘Tallulah’ even though they were obviously Codes. Even Fit, who Phil told over and over again that those arent his kids, hit the Codes once or twice but stopped because he didnt wanna take that risk. No one wanted to take the chance of hurting an egg. It gave the ‘Code eggs’ time to kill Charlie and try to kill others.
But the second Phil joins back, he is screaming that those arent his kids and to kill them. That they were impostors. Even then, they let Phil kill the Code eggs.
Then when Code Tallulah died, everyone stepped back and let Phil 1v1 Code Chayanne.
Im so impressed with the admins and the people who played the fake Chayanne and Tallulah. They did such a good job of putting a spear of ice through my heart. 100/10 Bravo
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mydearesthrry · 5 months
the morning after - h.s.
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a/n: so its soooo rare that i see what happens the day after a friendstolovers fic sooooo i wanted to make one but have it actually he realistic (lolol) so fhis is what that is. enjoyyy (also wrote this high as shit so if it doesnt make sense idk)
wc: 700 of fluff
Y/N rolled over in her bed, eyes clenched shut as she tried to adjust to the bright light shining through her curtains, her hair a mountain of frizz atop her head. She burrowed herself deeper into her pillow as she tried to hold onto the last bit of sleep she had, only to fail when she remembered what had happened last night.
She kissed him. She kissed Harry.
Her eyes shot open when she’d remembered what she’d done, her heart jumping out of her chest and making its way up to her throat. What was she going to do?
She gnawed on her lip as she got distracted in thought, trying to plan out how she was going to bring it up with Harry. But… there was no time like the present to rip off the bandaid, she guesses
Pushing her covers off of herself quickly, she marched to her door and threw it open before she could even regret it, the loud creak notifying Harry almost immediately that she was awake.
“Hey, princess!” Harry called from downstairs, making her nearly fall down the stairs.
“H-hi, H,” She stumbled, cursing herself when her voice broke. “How’d you sleep?”
“Good, good,” he nodded, eyes still downward, watching the frying pan. “Wha’ about you?”
“Oh, good, yeah,” She cleared her throat, pulling out a stool at the counter to sit on. “Have any plans today?”
She was honestly surprised at how nonchalant she was being, especially with her best friend, who, not even 12 hours earlier, had his tongue down her throat.
“Umm, not that I can remember.” He shook his head, turning his head quickly to smile at her.
“Oh, cool, cool.” She said through a yawn. Fuck. So much for keeping cool. Now he probably thinks she’s bored of him.
A few beats of silence passed before Harry pushed the pan up to the back burners of the stove, turning to face her. “So?”
“So…” She continued.
“Y’gonna come over here and give me my morning cuddle, or wha’?” He held his arms out expectantly, almost annoyed that she hadn’t gone over to him in the 5 minutes she’s been in the kitchen.
“Oh, sorry,” She squeaked, hopping off the stool and making quick movements to get to her best friend. “Hiiii.”
“Hi, lovie,” He sighed, wrapping his arms around her neck tightly in a hug, his nose burrowed into the top of her head, inhaling her scent.
“Sorry I forgot about your cuddle,” She whispered, pressing the side of her face against his chest, her arms around his waist. “Didn’t mean to.”
She didn’t know how quite to feel. The fact that he hadn’t brought it up at all was stressing her out, because she didn’t know if she was supposed to. Or if he was waiting for her to bring it up like she was waiting for him to.
“‘S okay,” He promised, pressing a kiss to her head. “But, y’know how y’can make it up t’me?”
“By givin’ me a kiss. Fact that y’making me wait s’long to taste your lips again after I was nearly insatiable last night feels a little mean t’me.”
“Oh!” She said, pulling back just enough to see his face. “I didn’t know if you remembered that or… or still wanted it.”
“Baby,” He sighed, walking them over to the couch and pulling her onto his lap. “I will always, always want you. I will always want this. Jus’ having you here, close— closer, just how I always wanted to? ‘S a fucking dream, baby,” He murmured, leaning in to just touch the tip of his nose to hers. “You’re a dream.”
And with that, he placed the softest of kisses to her unexpecting lips, humming in content. “I’ll always want you, and I’ll always need you.”
“Til’ the day I die, sweet girl.”
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justagirlwholikesadam · 5 months
The American: Welcome Back!
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Remus Lupin x American! Reader
Summary: Sirius slips out a name that Harry has never heard of before. He wants to get to the bottom of it and wants to know who is this so called, Yankee.
A/n: Not sure of doing more on this. It's up to the readers. I had this idea brewing in my head. Enjoy! -L
Warning: SFW, fuff, angst, tonks doesn't get the hint, Harry finds out he has a aunt, we are with remus because why not, saying the lord's name in vain.
Word Count: 4.1K
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The day was long and Harry was utterly exhausted. There were some days where he didn't even want to get up from bed. He was tired. Tired of everything that had recently happened. Voldemort was coming back and he had an army. He wanted to join The Order of Phoenix, Sirius had backed him up during dinner at Grimmauld Place. The place that once held the Black Family is now used for The Order to have their meeting.
Roaming around Grimmauld Place after dinner, Harry found himself in the room that held the family tree of the Black Family. That’s what Sirius told him when he found him inside looking at the walls.
“My mother did that after I ran away. She was a charming woman.” Sirius told him as he pointed at a burn mark above his name on the wall. Harry can see the sadness and anger in his eyes. Sirius hated his family for their wicked ways and their outdated ideas.
“I was always welcomed at the Potters.” Sirius answered Harry when the boy asked him where he went after he left home at the age of sixteen.
“We all were.” Sirius said as his eyes drifted to the end of the room, there was a faint smile on his face. “Your grandparents were so kind to everyone. Even to me and to Yankee.”
“Yankee?” Harry asked Sirius. His Godfather’s blue eyes widened when he realized he said it outloud.
“Another friend of the group. Remus hasn't mentioned it to you?” Harry shook his head.
“Another secret added to the list of secrets everyone keeps from me. How grand.” Harry said with a huff as he turned away from Sirius. He understood his godson. He didn't want Harry to feel that way. Before Sirius can speak out the front door opens and he can hear people walking inside.
“It's probably the Order. We should greet them. We will speak about this.” Sirius said, placing a hand on Harry’s shoulder.
Sirius walked, Harry was behind him as they made their way down the hall to the kitchen where they saw Tonks and Remus. By the look on Remus’ face, Sirius knew Remus was annoyed. He chuckled when he saw Tonks being a little bit too touchy to his best mates liking. Harry watched as he sat down on the kitchen table as Remus dogged a touch from Tonks and made his way to sit across from Harry.
“Harry.” Remus greets him as he sits down by the far end of the table where Harry sat. Sirius quickly makes his way to the only seat next to Remus.
“Tonks, I believe Molly wanted to speak with you about something.” Sirius said over his shoulder at her, who just then realized she was too late to sit next to Remus. She rolled her eyes but nodded before walking away from the kitchen. Harry kept his mouth shut as he looked at Sirius and Remus who were having a silent conversation with their eyes.
“This wouldn't be happening if you just told everyone the truth, Moony.” Sirius finally said putting his elbows on the table.
Remus took a drink of his tea and glanced over at Harry.
“Tonks is a lovely lass but she doesn't understand the word NO.” Harry knew too well about Tonks' crush on Remus. He had seen the girl fawn over his ex werewolf teacher before. Remus always lets her down gently, telling her he was too old for her and he doesnt think it's a good idea because he's a werewolf.
“Well her and Molly are in the same boat.” Sirius commented, making Remus agree with him since Molly was the first to add the idea into Tonks' mind.
“Maybe Yankee can help.” Harry mumbled as he looked down at the table not noticing how Remus' face changed.
“What?” Remus asked in a deep voice causing Harry to look up. Looking over Sirius who had a grimace look, his heart fell to his stomach.
“Where did you hear that name?” Harry cursed at himself, calling himself an idiot for throwing that name out. He wasn’t expecting Remus’ reaction. Remus' eyes darken for a second.
He did it because he had got annoyed by the fact that no one wanted to tell him anything. He knew it was true because of the look on Sirius’ face when he told them at dinner about what Voldemort wants. Molly had interrupted Sirius, telling him that Harry is just a boy and that he doesn’t need to know any of this.
“My fault, Moony. It came out when I told Harry about his grandparents.” Sirius said, looking over at Remus.
“Didn't we say-” “I know.” Sirius cuts him off.
Before Remus could speak again, Sirius waved his hand at Remus. “Do remember, I have kept it a secret for 12 years. That counts for something and Harry should know about his cool badass aunt.”
‘Aunt? Cool? Badass?’ Harry repeats to himself. Remus takes another sip and looks at Harry over the rim of the teacup. Looking over at Sirius, who is staring at him with pleading eyes to not be mad. Remus lets out a sigh.
“My wife is indeed a cool badass, isn't she?” Remus asked while giving Sirius a smirk. His pal smiled and bumps his shoulders with him before looking over at Harry.
“Wife?” Harry asked, looking between Remus and Sirius. “But you don't have-” Remus brings a hand to his neck and pulls on a golden chain under his sweater and shows it to Harry. There was a golden wedding band at the end of the chain.
“Is she-ddd-dead?” Harry asked in a stutter. Sirius shakes his head at Harry and he doesn't know why he felt relief. “I spoke to her two days ago. She made it safely to California after being stationed in New York for two years.” Remus said.
“In America? New York City, the states?” Harry asked, surprised. The two men infront of Harry nodded, smiling at the young boy's shocked face.
“Why would she leave? She's your wife.”
“She left because she is an American and they needed people. Hence the nickname, Yankee.” Harry still looked confused.
Sirius leans forward. “We aren't the only Order, Harry. Voldemort has gone as far as letting other Death Eaters go to the States to recruit more. Yankee is a member of our Order as well as the American’s Order. She is fighting as we are speaking."
“Wow.” Harry said after a few seconds.
“Does she know about me?” Sirius lets out a chuckle as Remus just smiles at Harry.
“Knows you?! She wiped your behind when you were just a babe. Remus here too.” Sirius smacks Remus’ back then turns serious to Harry.
“As the godfather, I had much more important things to do with you then wiping your behind.” Remus rolls his eyes at Sirius.
“Like buying him a broom when he was just a couple of days old.” Remus said with a laugh.
“Sirius would watch us change you as he stood by the door of your room. Harry, Sirius is willing to do anything for you but he just couldn't change your diaper even if it was with magic. The moment he saw we were done. Sirius would grab you and announce there were official and important things to do with you.” Harry just smiled bright as he listened to Remus' story.
“Yeah! They were important.” Sirius shouts playfully.
“Watching the telly with Harry isn't that important.”
“I would show him quidditch matches, like I said, an important matter.” Their laughter quicked down after a few minutes.
“She loves you so much. We both do.” Remus said softly, dropping his gaze from Harry after Harry caught it.
Years thinking he was alone and the only family he had hated him had taken a toll on Harry. There was so much abuse he had put up with and even when the world around him was crumbling down with everything that was going on. He felt happy that there were people who loved him. People he can consider his family. Harry thought it was only Sirius but he just gained an uncle and an aunt. His little family was growing.
“Why keep it a secret, then?” Harry asked. “It will help to get rid of Tonks” The young boy nodded.
“She’s wanted.” Sirius answered him, making Harry frown. Remus leans over the table. “Yankee is a powerful witch and dont think I'm just saying this because she's my wife but she might even be in Dumbledore’s level of magic. She had gone up with him once and almost won.”
“Who wants her so bad that it must be kept in secret?"
“The Dark Lord himself, at first it was the Death Eaters because she was in their house.”
“She was Slytherin?” Harry asked in a shout as he rose up from his chair. Sirius and Remus glance over at each other knowing all too well of this reaction when people found out what house you were in while you were at school.
“She wasn't like them. Different from everyone. She was the only American in Hogwarts in our time.” Sirius said.
“I don't believe it.” Harry said. Remus stood up and grabbed his empty tea cup.
“She was different from them. That we must say. We say that because she had so many reasons to turn bad. School and her home life back in the States weren’t a happy place for her. If she had gone bad, I wouldn't be angry at her.” Harry let Remus’ words sink in.
“You said she went up with Dumbledore once, they fought didn't they? She almost won.” Both men smiled at Harry.
“That fight was…” Sirius trails off then looks at Remus. “How old are you again?” Remus asked.
“Fifteen.” Harry answered. Remus nods at him. “You were a year old when your parents died. That was 14 years ago.” Harry rose a brow and pointed at himself.
“Fight was about me?” Remus nods.
“Dumbledore wanted to give you to the Dursley since they were your real family. I couldn't do it, I was broken and was sent to Azkaban. Remus and Yankee fought hard for you.” Sirius said looking over at Remus who held his gaze at the ground with the cup in his hands.
“They wanted to adopt you. Dumbledore refused and Yankee lost it saying that they were your real family.”
“She whipped her wand out and pointed it at him. Minerva almost fainted. Had to hold her as they dueled.” Remus said reminiscing the way he held the woman as he watched his wife duel with the most powerful wizard.
“Dumbledore, of course, won. He had more experience with magic and dueling. He was sweating though at the end and had mentioned to her that he hasn't done that for years.” Remus told them as he placed the teacup in the sink and walked back to the kitchen table.
“Wow.” Harry said once more as he smiled at them.
"What's wow?” Tonks asked as she walked into the room with Molly and a few other members behind them.
“Nothing, love. Lets have some tea, everyone.” Sirius said as the members walked inside while Remus put the kettle on with more water.
Harry found himself in Sirius' old room the next day. Sirius allowed him too, telling him to take any clothes he sees fit. Sirius had told Harry after the war they will be able to be a family again. Sirius was going to renovate the house, make it new and make it a real house to be filled with a loving family. Harry found some jumpers to his liking and folded them on the bed as he continued with his search. He looks over at the bookcases and glances over the covers. As he watches the books, he sees a paper sticking out between the hardcover books. The edge of the paper was out and carefully Harry started to pull it with his thumb and index finger, it was a black and white photo. He looks at the back to see black cursive writing on it.
Yankee and Moony’s Honeymoon - NYC 1978
Flipping it over, he saw Remus holding a girl in his arms. Remus looked so young and had less scars on his face. His hair was shaggy and he had a mustache.
Harry had to admit, you look beautiful in Remus’ arms. You were smiling and as the picture moved, you looked up at Remus who then gave you a kiss. Both of you looked ahead and the picture repeated itself. Hearing footsteps coming up the stairs, Harry quickly hides the picture in between the folded jumpers. He was sure Sirius wouldn't mind, if he took a picture of his uncle and aunt. Harry only had his parents’ picture. He would like to add this next to them.
After his charges were dropped for using magic out of school, Harry found himself thinking about Moony and Yaknee as he made his way back to Hogwarts for another year. He wanted to know so he found himself in the library, looking at old yearbooks and even wandering in the hallway of famous wizards and students. He was about to walk away when he noticed a case at the far end. Looking up he noticed it was a case of The Triwizard Tournament, 1976.
Harry thought they shut it down in 1971 due to the death toll being high. Perhaps, this was kept secret. He looked at the items on the glass case and stopped when he saw a familiar faze. It was you, looking at the bottom he read your name out loud. His eyes widened as he saw the picture moving. You were selected to compete in the Triwizard Tournament. He can see the green Slytherin uniform you wore and on the bottom, he reads the rest of the names of the competitors.
Looking at the rest of the photos framed in the case, he froze when he saw the trophy and right next to it there's a picture of you holding the trophy. You look like you've been through hell and Harry could see your clothes were dirty and ripped. Your face was dirty and he could see the dried blood on your forehead. He started to laugh when he saw you doing a rock and roll hand gesture while sticking your tongue out at the camera. It seems you had a happier ending then him. He feels himself down at the thought of Cedric's death.
Flying to London on Thestrals was the last thing Harry thought would happen but it worked. He and his friends, Dumbledore's army, made their way to the Ministry of Magic in an attempt to rescue Sirius Black since he had a vision of it. He had to save his Godfather.
Walking inside Harry recovers the object that Voldemort is after, a bottled prophecy with his name on it. Death Eaters and Lucius Malfoy and Bellatrix, ambush them. Harry felt like crying when Lucius revealed that Harry's vision of Sirius being tortured was a ruse to lure him there, this was a trap and now all of them were being held captive.
“Give it to me.” Lucius snapped at Harry. He tried his best to ignore the taunting Bellatrix gave to Neville as she held her wand to his head.
‘DON’T!” Neville yelled as she grabbed a fist full of his hair pulling his head back exposing his neck.
Harry can hear Luna let out a sob as a Death Eater grabbed her by the neck. Harry didn't want to get his friends hurt because of him. So many people have gotten hurt because of him. Giving Lucius the prophecy, they heard a whoosh sound. Harry's eyes widen when he looks over Lucius’ shoulder.
“Get away from my godson.” Sirius said to Lucius before punching him straight in the face. Harry took a step back as one by one the members of the Order came to rescue them. They fought with the Death Eaters. Remus ran with Ginny and Ron, he lets out a shout as he disarmed the Death Eater in front of him.
“Good one, James!” Remus froze as Sirius yelled as he fought with Lucius. Time seemed to slow down as Lucius was shot back and Remus saw Bellatrix appearing out of nowhere casting an Avada Kedavra at Sirius. Remus can see the spell coming out of her wand as a light casted behind Harry. His mouth dropped when he saw you behind Harry with your own wand in hand.
Sirius was pushed by the spell you caused, Bellatrix’s spell passed him hitting the wall behind them. Harry felt a hand on his shoulder and was pushed back. He looked up to see you in the flesh. You let out a shout and pointed at Bellatrix hitting her square in the chest with a Stupefy.
“LET’S GO!” He hears you scream out loud as Sirius grabs him by the arm. Remus joins them with Ginny and Ron as the rest bring the children to the center while you hit the other Death Eaters covering for them.
Harry felt Remus grab his shoulder as the rest huddled together. You raised your hands up with your wand and shouted, “Traicere!”
Harry felt like he was flying for a second before he was dropped down on the ground like a sack of potatoes. He found himself flat on his face on the concert ground. Looking up, some members of The Order were standing while others were laying on the ground like his friends were.
“Blimey!” Ron shouted as he got on his knees and wiped his face. Everyone turned when they heard Sirius let out a laugh. Harry looks over to see you hugging Sirius as Remus walks behind you.
“Y/n!” Remus said as you let go of Sirius and hugged Remus. “The fuck?!” Harry hears Tonks' curse behind him as they watch you kiss Remus on the lips. Remus held your face in his hands as he kissed you deeply.
“They haven't changed.” Sirius said, walking to Harry and helping him up. Remus held you in his arms, laying his forehead against you.
“I thought you were gone.” Harry said, looking over at Sirius.
“I'm not. Thanks to Yankee.” Sirius said, wrapping an arm around his godson's shoulder.
“Yankee! I want you to meet someone.” Sirius shouted, making Remus pull away as he glared at Sirius for disrupting. Harry watched you cover your face and leaned against Remus’ chest. After a few seconds later and quick kisses. Remus smiled and grabbed a hold of your hand, walking with you towards Harry and Sirius.
“There is someone you should meet.” Remus said as he walked you to Harry.
Harry held his breath as he got introduced to his aunt. “Love, meet Harry Potter.”
Harry saw you smile when you looked at him. It reminded him of the smile you had when taking the picture of your honeymoon. Ron and Hermione watched happily as Harry hugged the you back. He had told them about his cool aunt who used to be in House Slytherin.
Remus quickly wiped the tears rolling his face when he saw you lean down to look at Harry. You cried as you ran your finger through his dark hair before hugging him again. Remus walked to you as you reached your hand out for him. Harry felt Remus hand on his shoulder as he hugged you and him.
Harry saw Sirius walking to them as well.
“We are a family again.” Harry hears you say and it brings a smile on his face as they give him a group hug.
The members of the Order of the Phoenix sat in the kitchen of the Grimmauld Place. That’s where you had taken them. Harry and Sirius sat across from you and Remus as you spoke to them while waiting for Dumbledore.
‘He called me saying Harry was having dreams. We both went to the Ministry of Magic, I help you lot escaped while he dealing with Voldemort.”
“How is it over there in the States?” Arthur asked you, he was sitting at the far end of the table.
“It was bad for a while. Voldemort numbers decreased here but in the States it rose and muggles were being killed left and right. Lost some good friends because of it.” Remus placed a comforting hand on your shoulder and you kissed it as you raised your hand to hold his.
“The last thing we found out were some Death Eaters, we captured in California. They said that their Dark Lord had spoken about mind controlling. He is going to use it on the muggles to think he is some sort of God, to worship and to do his bidding.”
“Jesus Christ, not to mention the dark creatures as well but now hearing about these dreams. I fear he wants something or..” Harry watched as you sighed while looking defeated.
‘Someone.” You finished looking at Harry.
“There was a reason why Barty put your name in the Goblet. They did it to me but unlike you to be killed. For me it was to show them my power. Powers I didn't know I had to begin with.”
“I saw it. You won it.” Harry said with a proud smile.
“Not many people were happy with a muggleborn being the champion.” You said and Harry knew why you had stuck your tongue at the camera when your photo was taken.
“Christ, I would do anything to look at their faces again.” Remus smiled at you. Harry liked the accent you had as you spoke. It was different and the way you pronounce the words was all new to him. He wondered back to Remus' words about having a hard time in school. He wondered if you were being bullied for being different like him.
“Who’s Christ? And what's Jesus?” Harry turns to look at Luna who was sitting with Neville. She looked at you curiously. Remus and you snorted a chuckle before looking over at Sirius who was lost for words.
Harry bites a smile as Sirius quickly answers who this man is and his name. “Muggle God, dear.”
“I remember the look on your father’s face when I taught him about muggle’s religions.”
Harry listened as you spoke when Dumbledore. Voldemort has escaped but the Ministry now knows the truth, Voldemort is back. Harry and his friends were going to go back to Hogwarts when Harry decided to say goodbye to Remus and you. He followed the direction that Kreacher gave him after saying how ridiculous is was to serve a werewolf and a mudblood. Harry just ignored it.
“You're staying, correct?’ He hears Remus ask you as he walks down the hallways to the bedroom were Kreacher said Remus was staying at.
“Yes, I am. I'm not leaving any time soon. I did my duty in America. I want to come back to be with you. With Sirius and Harry. “
“I can't lose you again, Y/n.” Harry hears Remus’ voice crack.
“Oh, baby.” Harry hears you answers and stands by the door. He looks at the opening and sees you hugging Remus, arms around his torso as Remus wraps his arms around your shoulders.
Harry looks away when Remus leans down for a kiss. He’s about to walk away when he hears a soft moan. His cheeks get flustered and he’s about to leave when he hears Sirius calling out for him. His eyes widened when he saw Sirius walking down the hallway.
“Harry!” He looks over at the sound of your voice.
“What’s up? Come to say bye?” Harry nods as Remus comes behind you.
“I was hoping we all get dinner before you leave for school. I’m sure you have questions and I’m willing to answer them for you.” Harry was glad you didn’t treated him like a child.
“I would love that.” Harry smiles as you wrap your arm around his shoulders. “Will you tell me about your time in Hogwarts?” You raised a brow at Harry before looking over at Remus. “It’s not all sunshine and roses, Harry. You sure you wanna know?” Harry nods at you.
“Alright! Fuck it! Let’s go somewhere where they serve beer.” You patted Harry on his back.
“Padfoot! Babe! We are out.” You shout over your shoulder as you walk side by side with Harry.
Both men stood behind, watching as Harry and you walked down the hall. Remus had a smile on his face with his hands in the pockets of sweater as Sirius had his arms crossed over his chest.
“This is going to be an interesting dinner, Moony.” Remus nods at him.
“Yeah but he should know about our Yankee.” Sirius agrees with him on that.
Chapter 2 ->
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heavenlyhischier · 17 days
𝐃𝐢𝐝𝐧'𝐭 𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐫 𝐂𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐫 | 𝐉𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐇𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐞𝐬
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Word count: 1.5k
Summary: Being John's sister and dating Jack even though you were warned to steer clear.
Note: I literally wrote this in like 30 min so it's probably not great and doesnt make sense but I've had this thought in my head for too long I needed to write it down.
Working for the Devils social media team was the first job you ever truly enjoyed, but it definitely kept you busy. For the first couple of months, you were still trying to figure out how you were going to balance working so often while also having a personal life. The idea seemed outlandish and absurd at first, but then a certain player wiggled his way into your life and everything suddenly became much easier. He made sure you were setting time aside to take care of yourself, but he also made sure that you weren’t falling behind on work because it would stress you out. 
Your relationship with Jack was something you kept hidden away from everyone else. You knew that if word got out, you would be seen as the exact stereotype many think women in sports to be, while he would get off with a slap of the wrist. Dating him wasn’t necessarily against any written rules, but it was implied. However, the most important factor of all was your brother, who just so happened to be on the same team.
John was an easy going, passive guy who was never outwardly rude to anyone, choosing to mostly keep to himself. When he found out you had applied to and gotten the job with the Devils, he was elated to have his younger sister in the same city as him again. He introduced you to the team, to his other friends, and showed you around the city. He also made sure to warn you to steer clear of any of his teammates. Though obviously, you didn’t listen.
It was an easy practice day in the middle of a four day break, so you and your co-worker were tasked with making a new TikTok video for the team account. The idea you were given made you want to laugh at the irony, but you went along with it with no complaints. The both of you set up right off the ice where they would walk down to the locker room. She was holding the phone while you stood to the side with a sign that said ‘Who on the team would you NOT let date your sister?’.
Slowly, the guys began to trickle off the ice as practice ended and most of them had stopped to answer the question with willing smiles. Curtis and Brendan said they didn’t want any of the guys to date their sister, a couple others saying they wouldn’t mind because they trusted their team, but overall the answers had been combinations of Holtz, Dawson, and Timo (courtesy of Jonas and Nico).
John was stepping off the ice with Jack following closely behind, and your co-worker briefly tossed you an amused look that you simply shook your head at. She knew nothing about your private relationship with Jack, but she knew about your relationship to John and she found the situation amusing. They both paused in front of the two of you, Jack standing slightly to the side as John chuckled to himself.
“Is all of them acceptable,” He looks into the camera, a teasing grin on his face, “But, if I had to choose, I’d say Jack.”
You could tell that he was picking on the younger boy just because he was there, but his response made you choke on your own spit. Jack’s eyes were wide in slight panic as he subtly steps towards you and John’s head snapped towards you, his hand instinctively reaching over to pat your back as you doubled over. Your co-worked had turned the phone off as she glanced between you and Jack, eyebrows raised in confusion.
“Jesus, are you okay,” John asks, his eyes briefly flitting towards Jack. 
“Yeah,” You wheezed, “I’m great. Just forgot how to breathe I guess.”
“Okay,” He dragged out, “Do you need a ride home today?”
You straighten your back as you try to catch your breath, doing your best to not look towards Jack as you say, “No, not today.”
As the rest of the team came and went, the uncomfortable situation was pushed to an afterthought in your mind. Once you had caught everyone who was willing to participate, the two of you took everything down and made your way back to the office as you talked. She began to upload the video to the computer as you slipped your phone out to text Jack.
“You can head out,” Her voice breaks you away from the screen, “I can get it all done by myself. I still owe you from the other week.”
“Are you sure,” You ask.
“Yeah, of course! It’s an easy one,” She smiles, playfully waving you away, “But hey, if I were you, I’d talk to Andy about Jack. It’ll come out sooner rather than later, and it’ll save you a lot of trouble if he hears it from you.”
You were slightly caught off guard, but you simply gave her a tight-lipped smile and gathered all of your stuff before bidding her a goodbye. You texted Jack when you were on your way to the stairwell, telling him that you got out early and you would sit in one of the more common areas and wait for him if he was still in the gym. Though, he was quick to respond to say he was on his way out and he would meet you by the doors instead.
“Hey,” He called out when he saw you, “You need a ride?”
You couldn’t help but roll your eyes at him before saying, “Yeah, the guy I was supposed to ride with is kind of a jackass.”
He lets out a laugh that instantly makes you smile, pushing the door open so you could walk through. You walked beside him, making sure to keep an appropriate amount of space between you in case someone were to see the two of you. He made casual conversation, asking you about your work day and how you got lucky enough to get out early enough. It wasn’t until you were out of the parking garage that he reached over the center console to put his hand on your thigh.
“You think John knows,” Jack finally asks the question that's been on his mind, “Or was that just him being funny?”
“Honestly,” You let out a puff of air, “I think he was just joking, but I don’t know how much longer I can keep it from him.”
“Yeah, I know,” He sighs, delicately rubbing the inside of your thigh, “I don’t really want to keep it a secret anymore either.”
The rest of the drive you both sat with only the hum of the radio filling the silence. All you could think about was how badly things could end up if your boss or brother were to find out about your relationship through something other than yourself. There was nothing good that came out of that, and you knew that the truth was always unveiled no matter what. You just weren’t sure what was scarier, the risk of losing your job, or telling your brother you had been keeping a boyfriend from him for months. 
When you had gotten back to Jack’s apartment, the two of you were quick to curl up together on the couch with your favorite movie on the tv. You were trying to keep yourself focused and present, but your mind kept drifting towards possibilities of John finding out about you and Jack somewhere that wasn’t you and how absolutely angry he’d be. How hurt he would be. You felt Jack keep glancing at you, but he didn’t say anything until he felt you shudder against him.
“Hey,” Jack whispers your name, his arm tightening around your waist, “What’s wrong, baby?”
“I think we need to tell my brother,” You let out, anxious tears pricking the corner of your eyes, “I didn’t mind at first because I thought it was fun, but I can’t lie to him anymore. I won’t.”
“Okay,” He brought his hand to cup your jaw, “We can tell him. We can do whatever you want as long as you’re okay with it. That’s what I care about.”
Despite your efforts to keep your tears contained, Jack’s thumb wipes away at the few that slide down your cheeks. The way he was so tender, so attentive to your needs made a warmth spread in your chest that you only ever felt with him. Jack had always made sure you knew that everything the two of you did was something you were comfortable with because, as long as he had you, he would do anything.
“I love you,” You whisper, meeting his soft gaze. 
“I love you more,” He smiles, leaning down to place a gentle kiss to your lips, “Do you think I’ll need my gear when we tell Johnny?”
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rrickgrrimes8 · 1 year
Ho, can i just day i love your works! May i request an ellie x miller reader where maybe ellie and the reader get into an argument on the way to jackson and reader is giving ellie the silent treatment. Joel tried to help then resolve it but it doesnt work until they get ambushed by clickers and reader gets lost for a few days or sum. Then ellie and reader make up and kiss!!! Pretty pls
Never Again
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summary: what makes a better lovestory than jealousy, clickers and mourning?
Ellie Williams x miller!reader (aged up) — she/her reader. Joel Miller x daughter!reader
warnings: infected, angst, fluff, making out, fluff, arguments, Dina, minor injury, happy ending
request guidelines (new)
requests are open
thanks for the request! hope this was what you wanted! ;)
word count: 1.3k
You didn’t know how you even got here.
A small fire dwindled in front of you. Your arms wrapped around your chest, sinking into the feeling your own comfort gave you.
How did this happen?
You were just with them, with Ellie and now this… Now you were on your own, again. You wished you could take it back and you were sure, wherever Ellie was, she would agree too.
How could you let this happen?
“You’re not listening to a word I say,” You hissed, trekking, and struggling up a long flight of stairs.
Joel rolled his eyes, a little further up then the two of you for once – the wish to escape this situation outweighing the ache in his knees.
Ellie scoffed, “I listen! I am listening! You’re not even telling me what I did wrong!”
“Christ, Ellie, that’s the problem,” You huffed, turning to face her, “You don’t understand why I’m upset with you.”
The girl’s eyes soften, frowning when she saw your tears, “Tell me then.”
You shook your head, biting your lip, “You flinched, Ellie.”
“What?” She almost laughed.
Joel looked back at this point, stopping to catch his breath but instead getting a front row view of your argument. “Back in Jackson… you and Dina were talking. I came up to you. I held your hand and you fucking flinch.”
“So?” She rolled her eyes, “What does that even matter?”
“It matters b-because of her,” You spat, “Its always her, Ellie.”
Ellie huffed a laugh, shooting a look at Joel, who was not impressed, “Can you believe this? She’s fucking jealous.”
“Ellie,” He warned.
“I’m not jealous, Ellie,” You defended weakly, “I shouldn’t have to be! You’re my girlfriend, not D-Dina’s.”
“I know!” She yelled, patient growing thin, “I know! Christ…”
“You still don’t get it, do you?” You suppressed your tears.
“Get what?” She chortled, “That you’re jealous? And acting ridiculous?”
“Ridiculous?” You repeated, “You think I’m being ridiculous?”
“Yes!” Her eyes blew wide, hands emphasizing her anger.
You gulped, “Maybe if I’m being so ‘ridiculous’ you can got stay with Dina when we get back. What about that, huh? How’s that for ridiculous?”
“What?” She glanced at Joel again, this time more for help than out of amusement, “That’s not what I want.”
“Oh really?” You ignored your father, who warned you to stop, “Because that sounds like exactly what you want! You fucking flinched, Ellie!”
“So what?” She screamed, hands running over her tied back hair.
“So what?!” You exasperated, “You’re my girlfriend and all I can think about is how you want to be hers. And I mean why wouldn’t you want to be… I’m fucked. And don’t deny it, Ellie, I know, my dad knows. And one day, sooner or later you’re going to know. And you’ll end up with her... It will always be her…”
Ellie sucked in a harsh breath; you name falling from her cracked lips.
“Leave it,” You mumbled, pushing passed your dad, who watched you carefully and with concern, “Let’s just get on with it.”
Joel cursed as you stormed ahead of them, turning to Ellie with a scolding look, “Fix it.”
 Ellie nodded, shakily, guilt forming in her gut, “How?”
But Joel didn’t have time to respond. Your scream echoed down the stairwell. The pair yelled your name but all they were met with was infected, clickers, dozens, and dozens of them. They lost sight of you entirely – fearing the worst.
The rest was a blur, you thought. You couldn’t remember how many you killed or how you got out of the building, how you even survived. But you ended up here, uninjured, cold, and alone.
You cursed yourself. Because it was your fault. You picked the fight. You let your jealousy get the better of you. You ran ahead.
And now Ellie and your dad, well, they could be anywhere.
That was the scariest feeling in the whole world.
“She’s not here.” Tommy’s words echoed around Ellies mind.
Her and Joel, somehow, had gotten back her in one piece. Maybe because they had tricked themselves into thinking you would’ve beaten them back – that fueling their energy. But you hadn’t.
“She’s not here.”
Joel’s face switched. His eyes felt so far away. Unshed tears lining them. He looked at Ellie as if she was a stranger. Like it was her fault.
Ellie broke down straight away. She wanted to feel embarrassed about it, but she couldn’t find it in herself to be.
You weren’t here. You weren’t home. You weren’t anywhere.
Joel refused to leave the wall. He told them that they didn’t know anything, that they didn’t know you. That you would be back, you always did. You were Joel Miller’s girl after all.
Ellie locked herself into the room you shared. She hugged your pillow to her chest, her aching burning chest.
This wasn’t right.
First her mom.
Then Riley.
Then Tess.
Not you. Never you.
This couldn’t be how she lost you. You had been through too much for it just to amount to this. For it to amount to nothing.
She couldn’t stop crying. She feared she never would.
All she needed was you.
It took you three days to get back to Jackson. The weather, the infected and a hurt ankle that you had gotten on the way slowed you down tremendously.
You almost cried as you saw the gates. You picked up your speed, sprinting back home now, neglecting your limp.
A horse met you halfway. Joel cried when he saw you, alive. He knew it. He goddamn knew it.
He had never moved so fast in his life. He dismounted the horse and sprinted the short distance to you.
“Babygirl,” He pulled you into his chest, holding you like a porcelain doll.
“Dad,” You beamed, wrapping your arms around him.
“I knew it, baby, I knew you’d make it back,” Joel told you.
You nodded against him, tiredly.
“You okay?”
You pulled away from him, “Fine, jus’ my ankle.” He stared down at it, blood soaking through a makeshift bandage you had tied.
“It’s not-“
“No,” You calmed him, “Snagged it on some barbed wire – wasn’t looking where I was going.”
He nodded, taking in your features, your everything and pressed a kiss against your forehead, “C’mon… someone owes you an apology.”
You chuckled, accepting his help getting on the horse, “She okay?”
He scoffed, “Without you, no.”
Yours and Ellies door was closed when you got back home. You never thought it would look so daunting, until now. A closed door with you on the other side, with Ellie feeling so far away.
You slowed your breathing, limping until you were face-to-face with it. A sighed escaped your lips as you shakily knocked. No movement, no noise. Complete silence.
You frowned, knocking again, harder. You were met with the same.
Your hand found its way to the handle, hating how grating the noise it made was.
Ellie was motionless on the bed. Her body was molded around your pillow, tear stains becoming at once its new style. “E-Ellie,” You breathed out.
She jumped, head shooting up in your direction. Ellie cried out your name, urging you to rush to her. Her arms abandoned your pillow and made their home back on your body, on your skin.
“I’m sorry, fuck I’m sorry,” She sobbed, grip tightening, “I love you. I’m sorry.”
You smiled, kissing her shaking hands sweetly, “Its okay, Ellie. I’m sorry too.”
She shook her head, pulling you closer, as if that was possible, “You were gone.”
“I’m sorry.”
“No, I heard your scream,” She croaked, “I thought… not you. Not you…”
“I’m here,” You whispered, kissing up her neck, “I’m here, baby.” Ellie nodded at your words, accepting your love graciously.
Kissing along her jaw, you finally found her lips. They moved in sync, performing a dance you both knew well but at the same time the tone was different.
Ellie was more desperate. Angrier. Sadder.
You kissed her, nevertheless. Hoping to fight away those feelings.
Ellie smiled against your lips, pulling apart hesitantly. “Never go again,” She whispered, forehead falling against you, “I couldn’t bear it.”
“Never,” You told her, “Never again.”  
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averydayss · 2 months
Look At Me⋅˚₊‧୨୧ ‧
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>>contents: in which Sunghoon becomes jealous of his admirer, y/ns new friend
>>warnings: fluff, angst, kinda cliche romance
>>now playing: Look At Me - Twice
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Everyone in the campus knows of y/ns crush on Sunghoon, its no surprise that she follows him everyday, gives him lunch which he never eats, tries to strike up a conversation which he never answers and so much more. The head over heels girl was so in love with the quiet popular boy that never considered her a choice
"Sunghoon, good morning!" Greeted y/n with a happy smile, after all it was always a good day when she meets sunghoon first thing in the morning
As always Sunghoon didnt answer anything, instead walking away from the interaction. leaving a disappointed but not suprised y/n to stand alone in the hallway
"i don't get why you still chase him y/n, hes such a cold guy that doesnt even appreciate what uve been doing to him for the past months" said Sana, y/ns best friend who saw her interaction with him
"Dont be like that! Maybe one day he would finally see me as a someone, i just need to have patience" said y/n enthusiasticly
Sana only sighed and shook her head before dragging y/n to class
After class finished, Sana, y/n along with Danielle and Hyein all went to the cafeteria to eat. As always y/n prepared sunghoons meal beforehand
The daily routine goes about how y/n would approach Sunghoon to give him his cooked meal only for Sunghoon to give a slight nod and later throwing it away
As y/n was about to approach the cold boy, Hyein stopped her. "I don't think you should do it today y/n. I heard he failed his history exam and is in a bad mood today"
"Nonsense! I do this everyday, im sure by now its a natural occurrence to him" said y/n stubbornly, Hyein can only sigh at the realization that her best friend was head over heels for the boy.
Y/n approached his table, there was him and his other popular friends. "Hi Sunghoon, here's ur meal" said y/n while giving Sunghoon a lunch box which she cooked before school
She didn't expect sunghoon to suddenly snap. "God y/n why can't you realize that i don't like you? Is that too much to comprehend for your stupid and stubborn head? Do you not realize that i never ate your lunch? Do u not realize that i would never like someone as low as you?" Said Sunghoon furiously.
Y/n felt her heart shattering at his words, sure Sunghoon never said thank you to her, but he never snapped at her especially in front of the cafeteria, where everyone was watching
Sunghoon continued to bash her and humiliate her infront of the cafeteria, y/n just stood there trying to hold back her tears, looking at the ground
Danielle and the rest quickly approached the commotion and pulled y/n to the girls bathroom to fix herself. All y/n did was cry, she didn't expect for Sunghoon to humiliate her for the entire school to see, all she can think was the revenge she wants. She wasn't sure of whats happening but she is sure about one thing, she doesn't like him anymore
They comforted her and walked her to her next period
"Listen up students, today we have a new student" said their teacher
"Hello, im Soobin. Please treat me well" said the new student whos name seems to be Soobin
Y/n wasn't paying attention though, she was still in shock about what happened at lunch earlier
"Soobin can sit next to y/n, y/n raise your hand" y/n heard that and raised her hand
"Hi, I'm Soobin" said soobin who saw the gloomy girl
"Hi im y/n" said y/n shortly, again still sad about what happened
Although it turns out, y/n and Soobin seems to have a click. They enjoy the same tv shows, has the same opinions, understands each other's humor, they instantly became close friends by the end of the lesson
The next day, Sunghoon didn't expect her to not greet him first thing in the morning, instead avoiding him. At first he was feeling good with this change, it was one thing off his plate and now he didn't have to be annoyed by another admirer
Y/n was having a good day, she spent time with Sana, Hyein, Danielle and Soobin. The people who appreciates her and loves her for who she is
At lunch time, Soobin and y/n ate at the cafeteria together. Sana and Hyein was busy studying for their history test in the library, while Danielle was practicing tennis at the school field. Which ultimately left them both together to get lunch
Y/n had so much fun, Soobin's jokes were making her mood so happy today.
Unbeknownst to her, Sunghoon who arrived at the cafeteria before her was staring at her, he was confused on why she didn't even greet him, nor did she give him lunch today
"Seems that uve got a staring problem, u like her or smth?" Jay jokingly asked
"No? Why would i like her? Im happy that she's finally not clingy to me anymore, i never liked her anyways" said Sunghoon. Y/n heard that sentence and she feels her heart shattering once again
"Don't say that, she put a lot of effort on ur lunch that u throw everyday, atleast give her some credit" Heeseung, Sunghoons friend said
"Yeah, if i had an admirer that put in that much effort i would be honored, besides she's quite cute" Said Sunoo, who in return received a glare from Sunghoon
"Hey do you know that guy? He keeps glaring at our direction since we've arrived" Said Soobin, pointing to the person not other than Sunghoon
"Hm? I don't know him, he is probably just spacing out" reasoned y/n while trying to drag soobin out of the cafeteria
Sunghoons deathly glare at both of them certainly was a shock to y/n, usually he never even looks at her even if she tries to talk to him, but she ultimately brushed that thought to her just being dramatic
This went on for weeks, Soobin and y/n became practically attached (platonically) and Sunghoon would always often stare at them the whole time
Sunghoon still wouldn't admit to anyone (even to himself) that he misses y/n, her talks, her lunch, and just her being clingy to him. Until one day he finally had enough
It was lunch break, as usual y/n along with her friendgroup was walking to the cafeteria to get some food, Sunghoon knew this and took the opertunity to approach y/n and her friends
"Y/n can i talk to u?" Asked Sunghoon who was still giving Soobin glares. Before y/n can answer Danielle did. "What do you want sunghoon, leave y/n alone she isn't bothering you anymore" said Danielle while the others agreed.
"No i promise it's not about that, can i just speak to y/n privately for a moment? It won't take long" Sunghoon tried to reason. Finally y/n said "Fine, you guys can go to the cafeteria first ill catch up later" said y/n
Once they were finally alone, Sunghoon immediately said "Why do you keep avoiding me these past few weeks? I thought u liked me" said Sunghoon
Y/n scoffed "How do you expect me to keep clinging on to u after what you said? Its true, u never appreciated my efforts. I should've listened to Sana" said y/n with a slight crack in her voice
"What about Soobin, what is with that guy and why are u guys suddenly close? Do you like him now?" Asked Sunghoon bitterly
"Don't bring Soobin in this conversation, you know very well that this is your fault, me and Soobin are just friends, but whatever we would be is none of your business. I thought u hated me anyways? What happend to u having one thing off ur plate?" Said y/n
"I didn't mean it i swear, i was in a bad mood. Im sorry, i genuinely miss all the things u usually do to me in the past, i don't like it when u look at anyone else, look at me" said Sunghoon with a slight pout
"it's okay, i forgive you. Besides i kinda miss making you lunch" y/n said half jokingly
"I promise ill change" said Sunghoon while kissing her forehead
Since that day, sunghoon and y/n ultimately started dating (against Sana, Hyein, and Danielles will)
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💳: divider: @iluvrei & @chilumitos! Other pictures are from pinterest, credits to all the owners
A/N: feel free to send in a request xx
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eqnoiaa · 1 month
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sunscreen. ੈ✩‧₊˚
a/n: this was lowk rusheddd dont pay any mind to the mistakes !!
warnings: slight smut?? sexual depictions, light swearing maybe
"hey jayj, can you rub some sunscreen on my back? i cant reach.." you say whine as you pick up the open sunscreen bottle on the table next to you, the dry pieces falling into the cracks of the dock and into the merky water below.
jj turns to look at you smiling, taking the sticky sunscreen bottle from you. "of course, looks like you depend on me for everything, huh?" he smirks into the end of his sentence, moving closer to you with every word.
you scoff at the cockiness hes displaying, twisting your body so he could reach your lower back where the sunscreen needed to be applied
he was loving this right now, and you could tell by the way he was beaming with glory once he realized what was happening.
you spin around and your eyes lock with his as hes about to begin the application,"jj. be serious, its just sunscreen"
he scoffs. apalled you would even think of him as unserious, i mean, when has he ever displayed immaturity?
"me? unserious? sweetheart you must be mistaken." jj shook his head as he squeezed the bottle and swiped some cream on his two fingers. you have got to admit, his hands that have been working all day, the rings that had the reflection of the sun on it, and the nickname that had fallen off the tip of his tongue were doing things to you. you werent sure if you liked it or not.
"eyes up here, pretty"
he mumbled as he begins to rub the subscreen into your back. his calloused fingers sending shivers down your spine as you held back a low groan in pleasure.
"wheres kie when you need her, am i right?" jj chuckles behind you nervously, continuing to work his magical hands into you. you just laugh in agreement, still trying to hold back sounds threatening to spill any moment
jj moves into the sides of your stomach and hit a tender spot, allowing an errupt moan to fall
"ohh shitt.."
jj smiles and flips your hair over your shoulder to the front, moving his way up your back. "might have to get you to pay me for this since 'm doing so well.." he gloats, shifting his body closer to yours
you throw your head back a little to respond to him. but it hits his shoulder. now realizing how close the two of you were, you begin to feel a redness creep upon your tan cheeks.
"do you know how you could pay me, darlin'?"
he spoke in an almost whisper, still keeping his seductice husky tone that always manages to do something to you. you dont know what to say to him right now.
your hair blows into your face, almost sticking immediately due to the humidity in the outerbanks right now. he pulls away the few strands that got caught, and pulls you closer by his chest.
you wince at the coldness of more sunscreen being rubbed into your shoulders, almost shutting your eyes completely out of pleasure.
jj makes his hands down to the front of your body, inching closer and closer to the waistline of your american apparel underwear.
" 'this okay?" he mumbles against your neck, planting wet messy love bites all over it. marking what was his.
you almost forget how to speak, realizing what was happening. you wanted to push him away because you knew it was wrong, but your body needed him.
so bad.
with your permission he dips his hand fully into your navy blue panties, his thumb brushing across your sensitive clit, making you whimper
all of this, so unexpected, the idea of someone catching you guys on the dock of your bestfriends house made this all so much better, the riskiness of it all turned you on. it turned both of you on.
"what do you want me to do you to, darlin?" jj whispers under his breath, teasing your entrance, waiting for a response. when he doesnt get one, he dips his finger almost in your now soaking pussy.
"everything, anythin' jj, just please do something."
the freudian slip gave him the reassurance he was waiting for, he wasted no time in allowing your walls to surround his fingers. his cold rings inside of you.
a/n: part twooo.??? lmk !!
jj maybank, your bestfriend, has 2 fingers inside of you right now, and youre loving it.
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lev1hei1chou · 5 months
Dentist Calls
Gojo x reader Genre: Fluff Words: 600 Synopsis: Gojo has a cavity. Masterlist
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You were enjoying a quiet evening at the Tokyo Metropolitan Jujutsu High when Gojo Satoru, your lover, barged into your room, clutching his jaw with a pained expression. You've never seen him like this before. His usual confident grin was replaced by a frown as he winced in pain.
"Hey, is everything okay?" you asked, setting your phone aside.
Gojo exhaled dramatically, "Ugh, I think I have a toothache."
"A toothache? What happened? Did someone actually end up hitting you, the strongest sorcerer?" you quipped.
He shook his head, "No, it's those darn sweets. I think I might have eaten too many, and now my tooth hurts."
You couldn't help but crack up at the idea of the mighty Gojo Satoru being taken down by his own love for sweets. "Well, maybe it's about time you reduce the amount of sugar you consume, love."
He pouted, "But sweets are the love of my life… after you!"
You sighed, "Look, if you're in pain, you need to visit the dentist. Just ignoring the pain doesnt make it go away."
Gojo huffed and crossed his arms, "No way! I hate dentists. They're so… dentist-y. Ugh."
Rolling your eyes, you stood up, "You're just being overly ridiculous. We're going to the dentist, and that's final."
Despite all of his protests and attempts to weasel out of this situation he created by himself, you managed to convince Gojo to accompany you to the dentist. On the way, you wondered if he was just an overgrown child while watching how he whined and complained. You almost regretted your decision of bringing him here. However, once you arrived at the dental hospital, Gojo's protests reached a whole new level.
"Y'know Sugarpuff, I think I feel better already. Maybe we should just go get some ice cream instead?" he suggested, trying to use his irresistible charm, hoping you'd agree.
Much to his chagrin, you crossed your arms, giving him a stern look, "Nice try, Satoru. We're here now, and you're getting those teeth checked. You are not escaping." He finally came in terms with the fact that his attempts were futile.
Reluctantly, he clutched the back of your tshirt and followed you into the dentist's office, where he continued to make a show of his displeasure. The dentist, a stern woman with a no-nonsense attitude, took one look at Gojo and sighed.
After a examining thoroughly, she confirmed that Gojo did indeed have a cavity. He groaned, sending you a glare as if you were to blame for this.
The dentist explained the procedure in detail, and Gojo looked at her with pure shock and disbelief, as if she had just announced the end of the world. Throughout the appointment, he winced at every sound of the equipment and complained about the discomfort constantly.
Once it was finally over, you couldn't help but smirk at Satoru's pout as you left the dentist's office together. "Feel better now?" you teased.
He grumbled with annoyance plastered over his face, "I still think ice cream would have been a better cure."
You laughed, "Well, maybe, try not to eat so many sweets. Or at least, floss regularly."
As you entered the car, he shot you a playful glare, "You're enjoying this way too much, aren't you?"
You smiled, "Just consider it payback for all the times you've made my life difficult."
Despite the protests, Gojo couldn't deny that his toothache was finally taken care of. But he'd never admit it though. And maybe, just maybe, he would think twice before indulging in so many sweets in the future. No promises.
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scoutswritingcorner · 3 months
heyy... i was wondering if i could request adam x fem reader where reader gets rlly drunk at a party with adam and when they get home shes like all over him begging him to fuck her and spilling all her dirty secrets about kinks and stuff she has (bondage, masochism, overstim, free use, degradation, etc.) because in reality theyd only fucked a few times since they started dating and she wasnt completely ready to tell him all her kinks and stuff but was planning to do it soon and just accidentally spilled it while she was drunk. shes like literally grinding on him on his lap on the couch and hes trying so so so hard to refrain himself because as much as he wants her, hes never seen her this way and doesnt want to be a complete dick and take advantage of her. she eventually starts crying then falls asleep on him then in the morning shes like "what fucking happened???" and he tells her and shes embarrassed and hes like "its oky bbg i still love u"
so yah thats it, id youre not comfy with this stuff no worries, no pressure. have a good day/night :))
Drunken Mess
Adam x GN!Reader
TW: Talks about nsfw, alcohol and partying
A/N: Hey hey friend! Sorry this took so long to write! I made it into a Gender Neutral Reader as that’s what I’m more comfortable with! Hope it’s not too much of a hassle! It is also a little short, I'm sorry friend!
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He groaned and glared up at the ceiling as he held your hips to a stop so he wouldn’t get the wrong point across to your drunken brain. Lute was going to fucking kill him, he promised to keep his eyes on you. Yet here you were drunk out of your gourd, whispering stuff to him on the couch in your shared home “Babe- c’mon stop.”
You whined out gently kissing his cheek, “Adam..I gotsa tell you a secret..don’t tell anyone.” You whispered as you leaned closer to him, “I’m really really kinky..Like..sometimes when I’m talking to you and we are about to do the spicy tango-” you slurred out shaking your head before moving to get comfortable on his lap, “I want you to tie my hands behind my back and fuck me into the mattress but I chicken out.” You explained before moving to fall down onto the couch, laughing loudly. 
Your legs were draped over his lap as you kept spouting out on how he could’ve overstimulated you all night and you wouldn’t have minded, even going as far as giving him finger guns. He sighed and got up ignoring how you whined at him, he scooped you up into his arms and kissed your cheek. “Oh are we going to bed now?~” You teased leaning your head against his shoulder. He shook his head bringing you to your shared room, ignoring your sexual comments as he helped you get dressed in some pajamas. “Babe- stop kicking me-” He grumbled out finally getting your pants off, your shoes thrown near your closet as he grabbed the pair of shorts you always wore to bed.
“I have a boyfriend!” you yelled out trying to kick your feet at him but realized how he was now moving around to his side of the bed, patting his stomach with a huff as his wings stretched out. You stared at him for a long while before you were now laying your head on his chest, his hand rubbing your back slowly.
When you woke up in the morning, your head was still on his chest as he was checking his phone, your head was killing you. “Adam? Baby?” You called out, making him hum in reply, “I didn’t do anything stupid did I?”
Adam chuckled, “Oh I don’t know? Want me to tie you up and fuck you senseless? Damn I knew you loved my cock but not that much” He teased, causing your face to turn bright red as you hit his chest making him laugh even more before kissing your head. “I love you, babe.” He whispered against your head making you smile and leaned up to kiss him gently. “I love you too…but where is the hangover relief?”
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burnedwriter · 1 year
sitting on their face ft itto,zhongli,xiao
A/n:here are some headcannons while i go through the asks.i recently got bloodborne and elden ring and those game has occupide my time(im addicted) so i might add it to the list with the fandoms i will write.
warnings:!afab reader but with no female pronounce,sloppy pussy eating(itto),overstimulation(zhongli),squirting(zhongli),praising(xiao),69(xiao).
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👹itto is down to try new things with you,he loves spicing things up in the bedroom,as long as what you want doesnt require for him to hit you in any shape or form.
👹so when you offered to him to sit on his face,he didnt hesitated one bit.
👹be careful though itto is a messy eater he will be drowning in your juices,this man eats pussy like he is a starving man and this is the only thing he has to eat just to put it into perspective.
👹if you are hesitant to fully sit on his face,afraid that you might suffocate him,he will pumper you up with compliment and reassure you that everything will be fine.
👹‘‘fuck itto’‘you breathed out grinding yourself on the oni’s face as he drunk and lapped your juices with his broad tongue.
you and the oni wanted to spice things up in the bedroom,so you told him if you could sit on his face this time,which he immediatly agreed and with no hesitantion he position himself under you.
you only heard a groan in response from itto as he slurped and licked from the top to your core with long licks earning more moans from you.
your mind felt hazy the only thing you could do is moan out his name as you held into his horns,his strong arms wrapped around you thighs keeping you up as well as stopping you from twitching.
‘‘itto fuck i’m coming’‘the movement of your hips becoming more lazy before coming to a full as you didnt want to overstimulate your already sensitive cunt after your climax.You were particly drowning the mabunderneath you,getting off of him you sat next to itto,your backs now touching the headboard of the bed,as you both started to talk to eachother.
‘‘how did i do!?’‘itto questioned excited looking at your face waiting for an answer
‘‘‘you did amazing itto,we should do more things like that’‘you giggled happily as he wrapped and arm around you and pulled you closer to him.
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🐉hes around 6.000 years old,so he has probably tried almost if not everything in the book.
🐉he is not hesitant at all,just like itto hes very willing to do it.
🐉he might not be a messy pussy eater but... he will overstimulate you until he knows you are satisfied fully,he puts your own pleasure above his.
🐉if you are hesitant or what to tap out he suggested to use a safe word just in case and he will immediatly stop if he hears it.
🐉he will tease with his tongue ,he will also nibble and kiss your inner thigh as he goes closer to your core,you will be a moaning mess by the end of the night
🐉‘‘zhongli~i cant do this anymore~’‘your voice hoarse from moaning for hours,your legs shaking barely keeping you up.
‘‘come on dear i know you have one more in you’‘zhongli murmured against your cunt as he sucked on your puff clit.
you fet your whole body vibrating as it was getting ready for another orgasm but this time the pressure in your lower abdomen felt a little weird,a feeling you have never felt before that started to grow stronger.zhongli’s tongue touched and licked the right places every time,he was experienced afterall but what made it better was his forked tongue that was due to him having a dragon form.
‘‘im close again~’‘you moaned once again grnding your cunt on his face.
finally reaching your climax your body shook violently as you reached the finish line,the pressure from your lower abdomen releasing into a stream of liquid allover his face,it took you some time to realized whats just happened as you were too busy staring at zhongli in shock.
‘‘im so sorry i-i didnt know that was going to happen’‘you spoke breaking the silence as you stumbled over your words from embarrassment,your face blushing bright red,only to see zhongli with a smug smie on his face.
‘‘it’s ok dear no need to panic’‘he let out a breathy laugh lighting up the mood,trying to reassure you that infact did not bother him at all,instead he started to wipe his face that was dumped with your nectar.
pulling you closer to him holding your hands with his making sure you were ok as he asked you if you need anything for him to bring you.
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🍃😠unlike the other two xiao is not only inexperienced but also very hesitant at your suggestion.he said ‘’thats how people suffocate’’ roling his eyes,making you laugh at his comment a little bit.
🍃😠it took you a long time to convince him and after weeks he finally caved in to your request and agreed.
😠🍃praise him!,when hes eating you out and you start praising him,he will get more confident in his actions and he will want to explore more things if he gets to be praised by you.
😠🍃though it will take him awhile until you try something new just like this one but at the end of the day its worth the wait.
😠🍃‘‘xiao you are doing so great~’‘you praised xiao,for someone who has never done this before he was really damn good at it.
seeing how painfully hard he was getting from this whole thing you decided to shift yourself and now you laid on his chest,freeing him from his pants,precum already started leaking from the tip of his cock
placing him close to your lips,giving him kitten licks tasting his salty precum before your lips parted and slowly starting taking him in your mouth,making him twitch a bit.waiting for a bit you started to bop your head up and down his cock as xiao continued to eat you out,earning a grunt from him.moaning on his cock you feel yourself getting closer to your climax just like he was.
feeling his cock pulse in your mouth but also from his groans that became increasingly more vocal feeling them on your cunt  adding to the pleasure, and with that both of you finished iin eahothers mouths,swallowing his seed as you got off him,you laid your head on his chest,placing his hand on your hair stroking them softly as you came down from your high.
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shankschewtoy · 1 year
asl trio when there s/o doesnt say ily back please? also i luv ur writingg!
a/n - why do I feel like Sabo would just start sobbing. 😭 also I’m adding shanks bec why not 💜
Warnings ⚠️ - g/n reader, Sabo sobbing for 15 minutes straight
You’re supposed to say it back
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- I imagine that shanks wouldn’t really let you get away with it 👀
- “Bye baby! I’m just gonna go to the town to buy some things before we leave. Benn and Roux will help me if I need it.”
- Shanks tenderly hugged you to his chest and pressed a kiss on your forehead, “I love you, I miss you already.”
- “You’re still holding me.”
- You waved goodbye to him, starting to walk away while purposely not saying I love you back to him. You thought it’d be funny to see his reaction
- He grabbed your wrist gently, “Hm- you’re forgetting something?”
- “what?? I have my bag, weapon, and a jacket.. Im not forgetting anything!” You feigned innocence, and you could see his expression dropping down
- depression surrounded the emperor as he slouched over, almost pouting at you, very impatiently waiting for you to say it back to him (before he threw a temper tantrum)
- you laughed, god he was such a baby sometimes
- “I love you too shanks.”
- his face lit up again, and he pressed his lips to yours, holding the back of your neck softly with his rough hand
- “You were hurting my feelings for a second.”
- “It would’ve hurt more than when my arm got bitten off.” 💀
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- The amount of times Luffy says “I love you” throughout the day is sometimes amazing
- when you get up in the morning, “I love you y/n!”
- breakfast: love you!! (Gimme your food)
- randomly walking in on him taking a shit: oh hi y/n! I love youuuuu!
- yeah you get the point 😭
- and you never fail to always tell him that you love him too
- except for today, you thought it’d be funny to see how he reacted
- it was time to go to the town with Nami and Robin, and of course, luffy wanted to go with you guys
- “Luffy- just stay on the ship this time! I’ll bring you some meat back, k?”
- “Ok- fine.. Love you y/n!”
- he always gives you little kisses on both of your cheeks before you go (pls help I’m sobbing 😭💜)
- “Bye Lu :)”
- Even robin was a bit shocked, you didn’t say it back
- hell, zoro even opened his other eye and sanji lifted his bangs up to look at you
- you started walking, and Nami was concerned, did something happen between the two of you???
- “Luffy.. Did you do something bad?” Usopp asked with a wince, whispering in his ear
- Luffy looked angry, but sad, but hungry, but confused
- “Y/NNNNN! Why didn’t you say it back?!”
- You looked back with fake confusion on your face, “I said I love you!” -Luffy
- “I know!! I Heard you! Bye!”
- man sprinted over to you and shook you by the shoulders, smothering you with hugs and kisses
- You were getting dizzy, so you gave up, “Ok ok! It was a joke calm down- I love you Luffy.”
- he laughed, “Shishishi~ love you too! Please bring back a lot of meat!”
- lesson learned, you never did that again
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- ace is the perfect definition of a golden retriever boyfriend
- he needs constant love and affection, and when he doesn’t get it, he kind of melts down in a sense (I JUST REALIZED THATS KIND OF A JOKE)
- “Y/n! Be careful please k? Love you.” He said, pecking your cheek before you nodded with a smile, waving goodbye to him
- Was he going insane? You said that you loved him back right?
- “Hey pops- did y/n say they loved me back?”
- “…”
- Marco was desperately trying to tell Whitebeard to just say that you did so ace wouldn’t go into overthinking panic mode, but the poor guy didn’t seem to understand the frantic hand motions
- “Uh. No?”
- “POPS.” -Marco
- ace started to panic, what did he do today?!
- you both woke up at 2pm, cuddled for another hour, ate food together.. He fell asleep on your lap.. he was writing a letter to Luffy.
- wait. he was writing a letter to Luffy.. AND MAYBE YOU THOUGHT IT WAS TO SOMEONE ELSE?!
- he sprinted after you, tripping over every single rock in his path, pebbles and all
- he skidded in front of you, panting, “Y/n! I promise I was writing a letter to Luffy, not anyone else! I only love you ok? Please believe me- I’m sorry for not telling you!”
- you were concerned and felt bad that your little prank spiraled down into this-
- “Ace it was a little joke- I wanted to see how you reacted. I’m sorry baby- I love you so much k?”
- you ended up taking him shopping with you, and you had a 6ft tall fire golden retriever running around and grabbing things he through reminded him of you 🥺🥺
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- sabo was about to head off to report to dragon, and he was giving you a hug and soft kisses before he left
- “I love you y/n, I’ll be back soon.” He said softly, moving your hair behind your ear
- “Ok, good luck sabo, i know you’ll do great!”
- he was a bit taken aback because he could’ve sworn that you didn’t… Say that you loved him back?
- he waved goodbye with the same expression written on his face the entirety of his walk to Dragon’s office
- “Sabo? You ok?” -koala
- He just started crying, and Koala had to bring tissues to try and calm him down
- he was fanning his face, his eyes puffy and his nose punk from wiping the snot away so many times
- “I don’t know- *sniffle* what I did! Y/n didn’t say “i love you” back to me- *sniffle*”
- pls he’s sobbing rn
- “Koala have you seen Sabo-?” -dragon
- dragon had never left the room so fast (he left faster than when he left Luffy)
- man forgot about the whole meeting- he’s never seen Sabo cry like this before! What the hell did you do??
- “Sabo- im sure y/n loves you! Maybe they just forgot or didn’t hear you?”
- you ended up following the sounds of muffled sobs and had to comfort your poor boyfriend for about 20 minutes before he stopped crying
- “I’m sorry Sabo- I didn’t mean to make you feel bad! It was just a joke.. I love you so much ok?”
- *sniffle* “Now everyone saw me crying- this is embarrassing.”
- he’s now just nuzzling into your chest for comfort, and you decided to never do this prank again because god this was painful
- seeing him cry like that hurt your soul 😭
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a/n - tagging @figgydooo bec I saw your ask 💜💜
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thyln4gf · 4 months
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✞ You're the love of Charle's life, and he hates not having you around... This time, he missed you a little too much.
✞ A short one - 847 words.
✞ I have synesthesia! Here's 5 songs that I associate with this fic: "Older" and "I'm yours (sped up)" - Isabel LaRosa, "Unpunishable" - Ethel Cain, "Trust issues" - Drake, "Masterpiece" - Motionless In White.
✞ Warnings - sexual content, male masturbation.
✞ Charles x reader (Charles POV)
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The days that Charles spent away from you were definitely a torture. And not for him alone - but also Carlos. He'd talk the poor lads ears off. You'd attend the races more often, but studies stopped you. What a shame, right?
Charles was down bad for you. If you have ever seen a guy simp for his girl? Charles was all that and more, multiplied atleast 7 times.
He loved everything about you, but one of his favourite things were... your tits. Yes, thats right. He liked them, maybe a little too much even. He liked to touch them, lick them, leave trails of kisses over them, sleep on them, just look at them in general. All of it. If you ever sat on his lap? You better have prepared to have his hands use your tits as his stress balls (they genuinely helped him relax after a long day). You never complained though - his hands were always warm, and felt pleasantly tingly against your colder skin. So whenever he was away from home for longer periods of time... What he experienced could be described the best as withdrawals - he was addicted to them. And the fact that they were attached to you? It made it all even better.
Charles was in his hotel room after a race, as per usual. But he couldn't sleep - his "withdrawals" today were stronger, and the thoughts about the absence of you and your tits kept him awake. He turned to his other side, again, letting out a frustrated groan. He was even starting to think of asking you to send him something, but he quickly shook the thought off. You were never the one to send nudes over text, but so was he. But suddenly...
He got reminded of something that completely vanished from his mind - something that could offer him a quick fix for his current problem.
He doesnt even have to leave the bed to grab his wallet - it was in the drawer of the bedside table. He starts to open it up, with slightly shaky hands. His fingers find the polaroid that he keeps in it, almost dropping the wallet in the process. He looks at it, and sucks in a breath. You see, the polaroid... was of your tits. It was a beautiful sight - you were laying down on the bed, clearly battling a hangover. Your arms were stretched over your head, covering your eyes from the golden hour sunshine coming through the window. The sheets were messy - a reminder of a fun night for both of you. And your tits were exposed. Charles thought of that moment atleast three times a day - you could definitely call it his "roman empire".
He stares at the polaroid for another 10 seconds, and it takes him maybe 5 to get hard. He wastes no time, because he knows that it would happen eventually. He reaches down into his underwear, his fingers gently teasing along his hard dick, and he breathes in quickly. He then wraps his hand around it, and thinks for a second. He felt a little ashamed, but he was getting rather desperate. He wishes that you were here, doing this for him - but this will also do, for now.
He starts stroking it, and a few soft moans already escape his throat uncontrollably. He is looking at the polaroid, thinking of you and your voice, the way you... feel, and even the way you smell, while getting himself off at the same time. He already knew that he wouldnt last that long, a few minutes at best - but he didnt care.
The stroking picked up pace in a few seconds, him getting more and more desperate to get the release - the thought of you felt way too good, teasing him in a way. More involuntary moans slip from his mouth. Oh, what he would give to hear some of your own right now.
He could finally feel himself getting very close, and he closes his eyes, picking up more pace - to reach his orgasm faster. And he succeeds - a few seconds later his hips are already moving up on their own, shaking slightly - just like the rest of his body. He collapses into the bed completely right after.
The hand that just finished pleasuring himself returns back up, to be able to grip the polaroid with both hands, as he opens his eyes again. The sight of one of his favourite things ever greet him, and he cant help but let a smile appear on his face. The time periods that you spend away from each other didnt matter to him - he was beyond lucky to have you, and wondered what the reason might be almost every day.
The relief hit him, but now the exhaustion followed. His eyes were already starting to close - but the thought of having to clean himself up woke him up again. He groans.
Fuck, chérie... The things that you make me do...
Authors note: dedicated to a lovely human. Thank you darling<3 (you know who you are.)
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