ministarfruit · 1 year
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day 22: “there is something deeply wrong with you” ♡
(prompt list for femslashfeb)
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shayvaalski · 2 years
Jerk. Unfollowed.
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dreadwedge · 6 months
the problem with fairy portals is they were designed in the 1970s as a stopgap, under the assumption that they would be replaced after the first 10 years, when the Duchess of Loathesome Satin and Splendid Offal's cycle of death and rebirth was due to roll over. The thinking was, her shed carapace would be such an ample source of fine allegorical essence that waiting until then to enact a more durable, long-term infrastructure plan would be worth it, because the next-gen ley ways woulda barely needed servicing and could have run smoothly for the next 1,000 years and 1,000 days, when her vileness's Moribund Arousal would recur and provide a new batch of raw material. But then in '82 when Wee William Prickertoe tricked his mother the duchess into severing her connection to the flow of time and subsequently took the throne for himself, he slashed the TransVeil department's budget and funneled all of those resources into "elixir development" (don't get me started). So basically we're still using portals that are half a century old and weren't meant to last for more than a decade at most. It's really no wonder they're so unreliable these days, the hardware just gets repainted and retrofitted every couple years when some petty aphid-king or other seizes power and invents a new season or wants to give the Old Passages a new look
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sick and tired of people saying everyone who support bucktommy while disliking buck's previous love interests are misogynistic
sure, that is most likely the case for some, however i am TIRED of people refusing to listen to why some didn't like buck's love interests.
let's take a look at why his love interests have been disliked, other than buddie shippers simply not wanting to see him with anyone else:
abby: i actually don't know lol i quite enjoyed her up until the point where she fucking left him and lead him on for months. i guess some people really hated the age gap but they're both adults so it shouldn't matter
taylor kelly: yikes where do i start. in her first few appearances when she's filming at the station she blatantly exploits bobby's relapse and near-attempt. even let's buck believe she's going to ask them not to air it then fights for it to air. she then returns seemingly out of nowhere because not even fox or the writers gave a fuck abt earthquake girl and they couldn't have buck be single for some reason. she became more likable, i genuinely was starting to enjoy them as friends, but then they're thrown into another forced romance. they also did not bother to try and redeem her after the whole bobby thing. she was selfish from beginning to end and would throw anyone around her under the bus to further her career. (a personal and very petty reason for me is also they literally look like siblings i can't handle it)
earthquake girl: i swear i'm not trying to be cynical but i deadass don't even remember her name that's how much of a non-character she was
tinder date: this should go without explanation she was rude as fuck and actively looking for reasons to dislike buck and make the date unpleasant for both of them
natalia: (that's her name right?) we disliked her for the same reason buck broke up with her !! she had a WEIRD obsession with buck's "death". literally would not shut up about his very traumatic experience. and that was it ! her one (1) personality trait was "she's obsessed with death to an unhealthy extent"
personally, i don't even like tommy that much. him making that joke when buck clearly wasn't ready to come out to eddie was vile. i definitely don't want bucktommy endgame, but it gave us bisexual buck ! let us celebrate some fucking representation. celebrating a queer man finally coming to terms with his sexuality is not a personal attack on women. be so fr.
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Y'all I been doing Dazai route in eng for the collection event and I'm just.
I never want off this tragicomedy this is amazing. Just look at this shit:
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There's so much going on here???? I'm in stitches?????
Dazai if you're going to roll with familial obligation PICK ONE ROLE, what is this madness!!!
MC full on out here UNIRONICALLY looking at Charles and going:
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MC: I could make him worse twirling hair around her finger
What's even more uproarious to me is Dazai like "I must. Protect MC from his vile eboy clutches." And MC is straight up like "Dazai if you won't tap this then I will have my hot girl summer." Can you tell I love her so much for this I'm sobbing. Girl math queen of "I want what's bad for me"
Charles. Trying to whine his way into a hot night and Dazai's abrupt "Haha, no." Just imagining the delivery of that line straight up made me astral project, Dazai is feeling petty and I'm LIVING
"NotMyName-san." Do I even need to say it. MC dragging his ass and I'm wheeze--
Aight but that last screenshot. I swear to God that's where I lost my veritable shit. I think I've just gotten so used to Comte and Leonardo being so literal of like "oh yeah that f**ker can't keep his hands to himself, give me a second to get rid of him" that I just did not see Dazai's roast coming. And not only how iconic and subtle a jab that is, but the ENDLESS implications????????????
"He seems like someone who can't keep his hands out of the picnic basket." Dazai was COOKING. He said "boy's got no patience, he can't pace a relationship properly." [Note: Dazai can't pace a relationship at all, so uh, pot meet kettle--]. He said "man's going to get to third base on the first date and that is GAUCHE." I love this bit because of how much it gives him away. Dazai out here like "I'm just a silly silly goofy no thoughts guy! Hahaha!" And then the second Charles tries to drag MC around like a rag doll, Dazai comes out like "what is this. menace doing with a nice young woman. I say, young man, cease this horny shitfkery at once!" The man who sat in bed with MC naked after a month's worth of knowing her and does not explain (though in fairness he was trying to be helpful [?]). Can you tell I love him. Osamu "Do As I Say, Not As I Do" Dazai.
Dazai out here like "I just know he's going to ask too much of her, and that could have grievous implications when it comes to being a vampire." As much as it might be a throwaway line, I gotta say I see that amongst his concerns. And tbh I think he means it both in the sense of bloodlust but also in the sense that Charles is a bit wayward with his self-control (not entirely Charles' fault). Dazai out here like "I know this little shit ain't got an ounce of foresight, and I hate this for my best girl." No beef to Charles, but the man lives in the present (in some ways by circumstance) and I can see how he might not be able to have MC's best interests for the future in mind (he's got a lot of healing to do).
Man can you tell I just can't get over the way Dazai flamed him. It's giving:
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Also for the record no shade to Charles as an LI, I just think it's hilarious how jealous Dazai is and how that makes him uncharacteristically choose so much violence khafjlsjkshgdfjh
I gotta say if there's one thing that gets my ass so bad when it comes to Comte and Dazai it's how they're so like. "Peace and love on planet earth~"
Charles/Vlad: hi
Comte and Dazai:
Comte and Dazai:
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daenysthedreamer101 · 11 days
HOTD S1 Rewatch
Ep 8 - The Lord of the Tides
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Jace's determination to learn Valyrian is so cute.
But also, how did they not learn it before? You're telling me Rhaenyra waited 16 years for him to start learning? 😭
Otto was sooo petty for that cold welcome
Lord Beesbury is a real one. Supporting Nyra and Luke till the end
Nyra's face when she enters her father's room... Sickening, Emma did such an amazing job
I can barely look at Viserys man. I just wanna cry whenever I see him😭
The way Daemon can barely look at Viserys ughhhhh my heart!
Dyana sweetie I am so sorry.
Instead od actually doing something about Aegon's vile behavior Alicent just yells at him and bribes the girl to be quiet, smh
Why is she so violent with him, God? 😭😭 she's always yelling and him and slapping him, wtf
'It was just harmless fun'..... This is your King? Right..
Helaena ughh poor thing 😭😭
Looove the convo between Nyra, Daemon and Alicent.
Luke my little baby!!!
Emma's acting in that scene with Viserys while there's a storm outside, ughhh they're sooo good!
Alicent's kids look sooo disinterested during the petition. Maybe Aemond. But Helaena and Aegon don't look like they wanna be there
Viserys walking down to the throne... God Paddy did such an amazing job. It's a shame he won't be there for the future seasons
I feel so bad for Luke. When Vaemond started yelling at him in open court like omg, he's just a boy, leave him alone 😭
Daemon is sooo ughhh, he's a menace for sure but every thing this man does is iconic
Aegon is so annoying!
Viserys's speech kills me every time I hear it
Not at Daemon laughing at what Helaena said lmao
The way Nyra looks at Aemond when he bangs the table I can't-
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sprout-fics · 1 year
not *necessarily* thotty, but how would König and Maus feel about having kids? like in the distant future? btw gal you have no idea of the obsession I have with your writing, genuinely getting me through it all - don’t let anyone discourage you with petty comments, your work is just stunning 💗
I don't think I've actually considered this before, what a novel idea!
So short answer, the only way I can see Maus and König having kids is a surprise pregnancy. I think they both plan to be in the military until they're forced not to be. Their careers come first, and unless either of them ends up at a point where they can no longer be in active duty, it is doubtful either will seriously consider kids.
Now, shit does happen. Maybe a broken condom or Maus missing her monthly bc injection, or something similar, and Maus starts getting all the pregnancy symptoms. Headaches, nausea, bloating, all of it. At first she thinks she caught something vile on her last deployment, but then when she goes to the doc, surprise! She's pregnant.
I honestly think Maus would be terrified at first. She'd think her career was over, that König will get terrified and maybe leave her, and she hides it until it's Gaz who convinces her to tell him.
König is shocked. To his core. He never once thought he might be a dad. He went through so much bullying as a kid that it never once entered his mind he'd be responsible for one. Yet he sees how Maus's eyes go watery, how her lip trembles and she shakes, and he remembers he would move mountains for her, that he'd shake the earth down to the core of it's foundation to be by her side.
So they decide to keep it, and it isn't an easy decision by any means, and the pregnancy itself is difficult. König has to take time off to make sure Maus stays. put. because she's a terrible patient and having 8 months of leave and assigned desk duty drives her insane. He has to have a serious conversation with her, roping in Laswell because that's the only person Maus listens to without a hint of disobedience, about her risking her health. Finally Maus settles, begrudgingly, and König too can relax without worrying about her so much.
When their kid is born? They both cry like kids, feel immense gratitude to the people in their lives that helped them through this, and know that with the three of them, Maus, König, and their littlest baby boy, the future is only beginning.
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disabledunitypunk · 7 months
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A post reading: Shout out to people who are sleepy guys because they are physically disabled!!!! Life is a game and we are winning sleepiest guys on earth ever. /Pained but light hearted
Also shout out to people who are just dead fucking tired because of their disability. Not everything needs to be a cute little joke, you still deserve recognition <3
(This post is about physical disability do not derail)
This post was PERFECT... until that last line.
Are you aware that significant and even extreme chronic fatigue are HALLMARK symptoms of MANY mental illnesses, to the point that for many they are part of the DIAGNOSTIC CRITERIA?
Are you aware some of us can't TELL if the chronic fatigue is because of the anxiety, depression, autism, ADHD, schizophrenia, etc etc ad nauseum, or the POTS, fibromyalgia, MCAS, severe vitamin B12/d deficiencies, gut health/absorption issues, or malnutrition secondary to those others...
Are you aware that some of us also CAN tell that in fact it's BOTH, COMPOUNDING each other?!?! That our fatigue would be lessened if we had "only" physical or "only" psychiatric disability.
Are you aware that calling it DERAILING for mentally ill physically disabled people to DARE to talk about their experiences is VILE behavior?
Y'all talk about how cripplepunk is about being angry, about not taking shit from anyone about your physical symptoms of your disabilities.
Well I'm fucking furious. You're massively fucking ableist for calling it derailing to take something that is a predominant symptom of ALL disabilities and to say it's "derailing" to talk about anything other than YOUR disabilities because it's all about YOU YOU YOU.
You're literally derailing discussions of a near-universal disability symptom because something being about someone other than you, who has a different experience of their disabilities than you, who is possibly as physically disabled by their neurological and neurochemical conditions than you are by your physical ones in the exact same way - oh but that's not possible, right, because it's not the way YOU experience it.
Just shut UP. Just leave off that last fucking line and turn off reblogs if you're so fucking autocentric that you can't acknowledge experiences other than yours EXIST.
It's not DERAILING that I can't separate my mental illness fatigue and physical illness fatigue, and that in fact they combine into something larger than the sum of their parts, that multiply disabled people EXIST. That we're refusing to toe the party line and be good little crips within the community, because for all you talk big game about standing up to abled people, you're too afraid to tell other disabled bullies (or admit to yourself) how disabling your own mental illnesses are because of how they treat those of us who do.
Or you're just one of the petty bullies who can't understand their experiences are not universal.
Either way, you know how they treat us, because you've facilitated it. Bully or coward, you need to fucking STOP treating other disabled people like they're your fucking oppressors, like we have any fucking systemic power over you. We're over here being locked up and killed by police and killing ourselves over the lack of power with have and specifically the way our autonomy is TAKEN from us, and y'all have the nerve to accuse people who are as or more PHYSICALLY crippled than you of "derailing" by acknowledging our own disabilities.
Fuck off. You're not punk, you're pathetic. You're like that gay republican that was surprised when his party turned on him. You're helping leopards feast on faces by cannibalizing your own, then being shocked when you feel teeth start to break your own skin.
Like sorry, spikes and stickers telling abled people to fuck off on your mobility aid doesn't make you punk, in the same way that being a "mean lesbian/bisexual" isn't activism, it's just being an asshole. You actually gotta walk the walk, and you can't even talk the talk. Punk includes community building, it includes coalition building, it includes fighting AGAINST ableism, not fucking for it.
Might as well start calling yourselves cripplefash, because that punk mask you wear is coming off.
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(Userbox with combined wheelchair/rainbow infinity symbol in black and white, says "This user is PHYSICALLY DISABLED *and* neurodivergent.")
Oh, and btw. If you're wondering why this is tagged unitypunk. Paradox of intolerance, assholes. We don't tolerate ableism in disabled spaces. Not against neurodivergent physically disabled folks, not against solely neurodivergent folks, and certainly not excluding ANYONE from a primary symptom of their disability based on having the "wrong" diagnosis. That's the kind of behavior I'd expect of ableist DOCTORS, not our own fucking community.
You know how the queer community says "don't be a fucking cop"? Don't be a fucking doc. Pieces of shit.
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saw this in the anti tag and i have so many things to say (it's gonna be a bit long):
one: those tweets prove further that the reason taylor keeps coming on billboard hot 100 lists is because swifties are chart obsessed and have no problem streaming her songs all day if it means it'll appear on charts. they've got nothing else going for them except 'she keeps topping the charts' because there is zero songwriting, melody, performing or visual talent in any of her songs or tours.
two: taylor distanced herself from/turned on olivia (i still don't know the details of the deja vu suing case so i won't make assumptions as to what exactly happened between them) as soon as olivia started threatening her fame. in my biased opinion, i would also say that olivia is a better songwriter and overall artist than taylor (i love her guts album), and taylor didn't like seeing that a young artist could potentially outshine her. so they're not friends anymore. taylor then latched on to sabrina because she wasn't as threatening to her career as olivia was, but now that espresso has the potential to top taylor's song on the charts, swifties are turning on her too. and if this continues, i have no doubt that so will taylor. (side note: espresso is such a fun summer bop!)
it's extremely pathetic that taylor feels so threatened and insecure because of up-and-coming 20-something year old artists despite being arguably one of the biggest pop artists in the world right now.
i also feel bad for both sabrina and olivia. imagine just starting out in the music industry, and your childhood idol seeming so eager and genuine in being your best friend, but completely flips around when you show any potential of being successful. taylor is a vile person.
also! you are my fav anti ts blog! i love your takes on all this stuff. keep doing what you're doing queen
“you are my fav anti ts blog!” omg stop 😳 i’m blushingggggggg
sorry this took me so long to respond to. personal life events are occurring and i also have the attention span of a goldfish now for some reason. im going to answer in order of your points:
one: swifties are the streaming farms they keep accusing sabrina of using. also taylor swift herself has probably bought and used streaming farms more than any other person on the spotify top 10 list. its this and taylor is sinister enough to drop new releases to block artists from getting #1’s (she did this recently with billie right?). also swiftie chart obsession just shows how insecure they are??? toxic by britney spears never went #1 and its her most popular song. i’ve never seen a fanbase as insecure as swifties because the way they lash out over even the perception of a threat towards taylor is just…so inappropriate? its such a disproportionate reaction to whatever the “threat” is (in this case, charting). like the fact swifties keep coming into the anti tag just demonstrate how intensely insecure they are. no other fanbase is so fragile they go out of their way to go and bully people for not liking their fave. like its usually the other way around, antis harassing stans. but you have swifties coming into the anti tag (where we appropriately tag and do not engage with swifties) and harassing us? for not liking her? in the anti tag? its really a testament to their insecurity that they must bulldoze anything that threatens them and their fave. which ties into the second point-
two: wasn’t sabrina like olivia’s opp because olivia’s ex cheated on her with sabrina? is that correct? that’s makes it so nasty that taylor went out of her way to purposely befriend sabrina after cutting ties with olivia. and immature! and petty! and just reflective of how low taylor stoops to make people feel like shit! not only that, but someone who is almost half her age! how awful do you have to be to do that? olivia is more talented than taylor and poses a massive threat to taylor because the music they both make appeals to the same demographic of people. the problem is olivia is actually a part of that demographic, which threatens the fuck out of taylor. how lame do you have to be to feel threatened by other female artist success all the time? and not only that, but the same people you know who adore you (and therefore easier to manipulate because you know they will trust every word out of your mouth) because you’re their childhood idol? what a horrible person.
and espresso is a reallyyyyyyy good pop song!!!
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2bhankfan · 8 months
give me your doc headcanons immediately + thoughts on the fact that doc was in on the betrayal at the end of M:PN (he provided the rocket launcher)
okay focusing on the betrayal part first I was gonna be like "he definitely would not ask Hank to try and kill Sanford & Deimos?" and I completely stand by that. But I also forgot Jeb was there too. Doc would ABSOLUTELY tell Hank to launch Jeb's ass off that fucking tower I KNOW he's petty like that even if he doesn't show it.
Doc and Jeb's relationship I think is constantly a petty battle to show which is better. I think Jeb does this by trying to act like he's "above" everything Doc is doing, (attempting in) showing that he has more grace than to send his goons to do his dirty work (<- hypocrite, has already done so with sheriff & hofnarr) and participate in such vile experiments like what doc's doing for revival (<- STILL a hypocrite. while always against reviving people he like, still made some pretty heinous shit like the sleepwalker program.) Doc on the other hand knows Jeb is doing this all to get a step up on him and absolutely is just doing this to be petty (Ex-AAHW and all that, very likely he worked with Jeb at some point even if not side by side) so pointing out his hypocritical remarks ONLY in places he can't defend himself against (so like, important to say doc isn't saying "oh but you were a nexus scientist!" in response to "ghoulish experiments" but INSTEAD "well, you weren't complaining when i was putting you back together" so he like. literally cant come back from that) and fucking with him by letting hank just maul the shit out of the guy is also a really funny and really petty thing to do. "Thanks for helping me achieve my goal, STUPID! MR WIMBLETON KILL THIS CHARLATAN."
i think hank and 2bd probably bond over this a little bit too LOL. they may be opposites in so many ways but they fucking HATE that little prick. entitled, hypocritical, and most of all a pain in the ass to deal with.
okay finally; ETC DOC HEADCANONS
bottom surgery king
u know that thing autistic people do where they look the most bored out of their mind and in reality they're like actually having a really good time. Yeah
i think not only is her house VERY cold but he has like an abysmal amount of coolers, like from all the dead bodies and organs and shit she has to preserve just to perform all this experiments and most importantly COMPUTERS GET SOOO HOT WHEN THEY RUN A LOT & FOR LONG!! HIS ASS HAS SO MANY.
very warm body though (and also probably why he wears a fur lined coat? u saw the live action trailer ...)
i'll die on this hill forever but he fucking loves experimental music and raves and especially shit like bull of heaven and venetian snares and drill & bass music and anything weirdo and light. probably also felix kubin. my friend is Music Pilling Me
dogshit at gaming. still god at puzzles (minesweeper + crossword + picross ...)
i think at times he has to get with skinner to fix hank up and shit like sometimes it's so bad that shit needs to get peer reviewed.
to add onto that: so in canon the goggles he wears apparently has a HUD according to the arena mode description. wikihow "how to do surgery" alongside "grunt anatomy diagram" on the side
i'll probably do another 2bhank headcanon megapost (likely with repeats but no one really gives a fuck abt that part) bc those are pretty much the rest of my headcanons. maybe even just a hank-only post?! hope you enjoyed 🫶🫶❤️🫶❤️
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shikishake · 1 year
ik we're all freaking out about the ruby breakdown, and rightfully so it was an amazing scene but like.
I feel like ruby didn't go far enough, weirdly.
like don't get me wrong she said some nasty shit to her friends and was altogether very loudly not okay but, like, what I REALLY wanted is for her to be inarticularly screaming and yelling and hurling vile shit at her team for failing her or jaune for failing her or something in furious frustration. and we ain't getting that, and I feel like that's kind of the point.
a big part of ruby's character is that she isn't allowed to break down. she isn't supposed to be hurt. she isn't supposed to lose hope, or need help, or need someone to lean on. she's the one who picks the others up when they're down, if she lets herself even stumble then everything will go to shit.
and like the worst part is is she's RIGHT. multiple times she's been the only one that seemed to be capable of moving while everyone else fuckin breaks. the truth about ozpin, brunswick farms, argus, splitting from ironwood at the end of vol 7. every time things go wrong everyone around her breaks and it's only ruby being able to keep going that stops them from just giving up entirely.
ruby isn't allowed to be hurt. she has to bear the burden of making the big decisions for the group, and when things go wrong she isn't allowed to be upset about it. she has to keep going, because if things go wrong and she's not there to pick up the pieces, no one else will.
so even at her lowest, even when she's supposed to be snapping, she isn't allowed to REALLY snap. she bites her tongue, she holds back. because, though she said stuff that wasn't acceptable, the reality is that there were things that came to mind that would have been much worse and much more raw than what she DID say. when jaune gets in her face and blames her for the paper pleasers' destruction, for neo, for the fall of atlas and them ending up in the ever after, she doesn't bite back even though she really, really could have.
she could have pointed out the fact that everyone has pushed the responsibility of making decisions on her for the past few volumes, only speaking up when the choices she's been forced to make or the plans she's cobbled together don't work out. she could have pointed out the reality that even though jaune is also supposed to be a leader, he hasn't held up that responsibility in any major way for a while now. jaune didn't come up with a better plan for atlas. jaune didn't have a better way to deal with ironwood. they're supposed to be equals, but ruby has had to shoulder the responsibility of effectively being ozpin's replacement while jaune gets to just be one of the team.
but she doesn't. because she's not supposed to. her role in the group is to take the responsibility, take the blame, and not to make a fuss about it.
so it makes sense. but I really, really wanted her to throw it back in their faces. I really wanted her to say that if she failed so badly, let's see them do better. I wanted her to say "fuck it, I'm done. you guys figure it out."
because even if she fucked up, even if her plans didn't work out, nobody else was even trying.
edit: for the record this ain't me blaming the rest of the gang. ruby shouldering all the responsibility is just as much because she hasn't communicated her own feelings to her friends as it is that they've been letting ruby take charge. I just wanted to point out that I kind of felt frustrated that ruby's breakdown wasn't meaner, and that it fit.
doesn't mean there isn't a small, petty part of me that wanted her to spit in their faces. but that's my own trauma clouding my judgment.
idk where I'm going with this. I just have a lot of Feelings about ruby and her situation rn I guess.
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philosophicalparadox · 9 months
The thing I like about Berserk most of all, ironically for me, is that the characters are dominantly human.
I usually never like the human characters or root for the human side in Man Vs Monster tropes, cause humans are usually dicks being unfair and judgemental and most man v monster is just Catholics vs Jews or Catholics vs. Protestants, or Catholics vs Heretics of any other flavor 2.0
But Berserk doesn't play by those rules, ironically - VERY ironically, considering there's a whole arc dedicated to the Holy See and Catholic church torturing heretics for funsies.
But that is exactly what I love about Berserk - there's no “man must become a monster in order to defeat one”, no - man is already a monster, plain and simple. Anyone, anywhere, can become a monster in the right circumstances - and those circumstances are A) not at all universal and B) not always tragic or relatable or heroic. They're often vile, disturbing, disgusting. Hypocritical. Nasty. I wont go into detail - if you've read Berserk, you already know.
But that is how it is - everyone has their reasons, everyone has their moments - and they're not always pretty, or justified, or sane. Sometimes the person in those moments thinks so - but often in Berserk you see people, ordinary humans, doing heinous things knowing they are doing something injurious or harmful, purely because they can, or they want to, or because they think they'll be rewarded in some way. Inquisitors torturing innocent people because they think God will reward them is among the least of it. Hell, the Band of the Hawk is unto itself a Mercenary Band. Judeau said himself they had all types of folk in their rank - that they didn't care about pasts, only futures. Criminals, bandits, you name it. Judeau himself was a performer - not a nice thing to be back then - Corkus was a common bandit/petty theif. They had decent folk the same; second sons would have been trained knights without a title, not that being a knight made one at all decent. Plenty of nasty, rapey ones existed.
Point is, the only black and white in Berserk is the colour coding of Griffith and Guts (which is deliberately ironic in multiple ways) and it lays that out right from the start.
Grey. There's so, so, SO MUCH GREY, it's all there is, anywhere, in anyone. There's no virtue without vice. There's arguably the opposite- Wyald comes to mind - but even he is just supremely dark grey. His actions are as despicable as possible, but his reasoning is that of a child. He is so dark he might as well be black, but I still hold that he is just the deepest grey- similarly, Laban is surprisingly very chivalrous, and a genuinely good and honest man. Even in the face of the destruction of everything he knows, he remains virtuous and steadfast. He is mostly white - as white as its possible to get in this story and still be somewhat grey; for even he can't help his humanity and despises those which would assail himself and his country, as a knight ought to I suppose.
What's interesting here, though, is that both our image of the deepest grey and the palest are both side characters. Wyald plays a pretty important role in the plot, but so I would argue does Laban, for what little we see him. He demonstrates that even in a world collapsing, humans can still have hope, and that when calamity strikes is when humans are most keen to band together and support each other in the wake of common circumstances (plague, famine, disaster).
The two main characters however (well, 3 if you count GA Casca) are, despite their respective color palettes, extremely mid. Yes they both do some extreme stuff, but morally they’re both opposite but still similar shades of grey- and personally I’d argue their palettes reflect the exact hues they possess, with Guts actually being the darker, more morally corrupt one. But that’s a post for another day.
Berserk is the ultimate tribute to the Cynic's philosophy. And I am nothing if not a cynical philosopher lol.
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bathsaltsmcgee · 6 months
The Potential Main Villain of Hazbin Hotel
Okay, so as I'm sure many people have already been made aware, the brand new teaser trailer for Hazbin Hotel just dropped yesterday and, like a great many people at the time, I was absolutely over the moon with glee.
After all that time waiting for it to appear, who wouldn't be, in that situation?
So, as I was watching the teaser and thoroughly enjoying myself, I noticed that there was a new character who appeared in the trailer that instantly set off all of my alarm bells.
Now, just so we're clear here, I love villains. I love to watch villains. I love to write villains. Stories need villains to function far more than they need their heroes, and a story without a good villain isn't much of a story at all.
Villains are what get stories started. Villains are who propel the narrative along, and villains are the only reasons the heroes get off their collective couches and retaliate to whatever it was that the villain just did. If there wasn't a villain, then why would the heroes need to be heroes?
Food for thought.
Furthermore, I've never been one for the 'Oh, let's redeem the villain and have them go through an arc where they learn valuable life lessons and become a better person' stories. Those characters, while valid in their own way, aren't true villains. Those are characters who made bad decisions and did questionable things that were not great. Mind you, I'm not saying they're good people, either. They're not. In fact, they can be downright awful, cruel, vicious, dangerous and antagonistic, but they aren't what I view to be true villains.
Villains, to put it bluntly, are not redeemable.
For instance, Sephiroth is not who I would view to be the true villain of FFVII.
Is he dangerous?
Is he a threat?
Also, yes.
Is he an overwhelming antagonistic force that threatens to destroy everyone and everything in his path and has the power to bring about the end of creation?
Without question, yes, to all of that.
But is he the real villain of FFVII?
Hojo is.
True villains are completely bereft of any sort of redeeming qualities at all. They're not the sort of character that can illicit pity from the audience. They just can't be felt sorry for. They are evil, depraved, monstrous, cruel, self-serving, conniving, often violent and manipulative, and there's no possible way to excuse what they do, for there's simply no excuse for it. That's not the point of a villain. Villains don't care about morality, nor have they ever. Villains do what they do because they want to do it, not because someone else is influencing their actions, or they had a sad backstory, or whatever. A villain does is whatever they want simply because they want to, and heaven help the person who tries to stop them or get in their way.
That's a villain.
Sure, they can be entertaining in a way, but at the end of the day, never let it be forgotten that they're soulless monsters who delight in using others and feeding off their misery, mainly because it fuels their primary personal motivation, and also because they can.
Think Professor Ratigan, or the Emperor from Star Wars, or the Other Mother from Coraline.
Fun to watch, but good Lord, what pieces of unholy garbage.
That's also why watered down antagonists don't really work as primary villains in a narrative. They can be antagonistic, sure, they can be horrible and cruel and awful and icky, but they can't be the main driving force of evil in a plot.
They're just not enough of an overarching threat.
When you have a villain in fiction, you better go all in and really ramp up the evil to eleven, and the more depraved they are, the more vile, and self-serving and twisted and manipulative and evil and amoral and petty, the stronger of a threat they'll pose.
Which then brings us back to the matter of Hazbin Hotel.
So, there was this one character in the teaser trailer who looked to be of an angelic persuasion who was smiling sweetly at something, but the reflection in her eyeballs suggested that she was delighting in watching something, presumably Hell, burn to the ground.
Charming woman, isn't she?
However, as I was looking at her, she starkly reminded me of a character that had been scrapped from the 'angels and demons' arc of the original zoophobia comic on which HH is based, who went by the name of Adina.
Adina was an angelic being who allowed her own twisted perception of how sin and morality functioned to corrupt her own judgment so much, she basically drove herself right off the deep end into crazy town. She became obsessed with purging all sinful beings of their sin, for that was the only way to properly 'purify' them of their tainted spirits, and, unfortunately for all of us, that pretty much included everybody who is, or has ever been, alive.
So, she's already veering into serious Judge Frollo territory right from the get go.
Additionally, her favorite pastime is torturing people that she views to be dirty and sinful, so as to 'purge' them of their demonic ways, and she does this by having them relive every single horrible thing they've ever done, all while telling them that 'there's no mercy for the damned'.
Seriously, there's art of her doing this to Angel Dust. I'm not kidding, go look it up.
So, while IMDB says this character's name is Sera, she's giving off serious Adina energy here, which does not bode well, and if she's anything like Adina, then the Hazbin crew are going to have far more problems to worry about than just a yearly genocide.
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weaselbeaselpants · 10 months
PSA but if you see someone say "I don't approve pedo/incest/ect go to jail" who still calls themselves 'proship' -bcuz Idk they like Lore Olympus or Twilight or some villain/hero shit- they are not a pedophile or an endorser of creepy shit just because you want them to be. You are not actually being critical, you are being petty and reactive and not listening to reason
Use your actual fucking reasoning skills, assess what it is they advocate for in fandom and if they clearly are into some Shane Dawson-type bullshit, THEN you can call them out for what they are. Which is a creep. They are a creep. But no a person who just really like Reylo has bad tastes is not an inherent racistpsycho incest lover just because you have decided that's what all the ppl who like that ship are.
This is why I hate the goddamn anti v proship debate; both sides' of this mandated battle line are ignoring the real problem at hand and prioritize their own feelings and trauma over what they're trying to fight for. Understandable? Sure, but that doesn't mean you aren't just running your wheels with other online twits at best:
Antiantis/Pro-shippers: "You're using progressive langauge to be aggressive and gatekeeping other people because of it; let people like what they want stopbeingsosenstive >:( " -> *proceeds to equate internet squabbles to purity culture of the 80s/spends all time shitting on other people's traumas/becomes fandom mom*
Antishippers: "We need to protect vulnerable people and minors and not let vile shit be romanticized! >:( " -> *proceeds to label anyone who don't subscribe to their exact internet standards pedophiles/misuses critical thinking skills to mean 'what I don't like'/becomes fandom mom*
meanwhile, are KiwiFarms or Shadbase or any of those nasty people who post literal csa ab*se and zoo being dealt with? No.
Minors are no safer and boundaries with or about fiction aren't being actually drawn or even discussed. It's just people putting up their own emotional/mental barricades WHILE they throw a nasty blanket on the other side. None of you are gonna believe me anyway and I'm probably gonna get more shit for just tagging both ur guys' tags anyway but I'm telling you:
I've had "antis" who totally admit to loving problematic ships and a lot and really don't like the absolutist dogpiling on Princess Weekes for daring to be a zutarra shipper.
I've known "proshippers" who will block you onsight if they see a hint of incest or legit underage-character advocacy. I know so many proshippers who hate Lore Olympus and Helluva Boss' shipping
You are ALL acting upon your experiences with bad people (probably people going through their own trauma, depression, selfcare, but still) and reacting as tho it's worst case scenario ALL THE TIME. Not cool. I'm not ur fucking mom or telling u how to cope with your own fantrauma and selfcare. What I'm telling you is this is not as mature or brave or empowering as you guys all think it is- you just sound sad.
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tungledotedu · 4 months
i guess this is what passes as humour for the blue maga side of tumblr. what do you even get out of these 'jokes'? it's almost like you people want biden to lose the election.
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(moved my original tags here since this isn't only about the superbowl anymore)
#if you're on twitter how do you not know about the massacre taking place in rafah. gazans have literally nowhere else to go #'had a meltdown' just admit you don't give a shit about palestinians sprinkledsalt #i would have thought your Liberal Civil Sensibilities would maybe make you stop and think #'huh. maybe now is not a good time to laugh at this funny meme edit of someone who has been #condemned internationally for aiding genocide and is being sued for it by his own citizens' #while mocking people who are rightfully upset that the western world has done nothing for them and is turning its attention to entertainmen
(edited on 29 feb to add more screenshots of sprinkledsalt being vile about aaron bushnell)
you have to be heartless to see something as serious as self-immolation in protest of genocide and turn it into a petty dunk about voting.
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and you have no shame in calling people freaks for pointing out the nuance and complexity that liberals are oh so enlightened for worshipping (when it serves them).
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because illiteracy is something to be proud of now. this is incredibly embarrassing enough on its own, but it's even worse considering this is their political side blog where they act high and mighty about how stupid and useless leftists are. 'maybe they're only opposed to extreme acts of protest?' nope, they also think boycotts are dumb and do nothing.
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(hamas and the pflp did release a statement about his death.)
you insult people and call them 'extremely mentally ill' for understanding the rationale and impact of self-immolation. and you expect us to believe you actually care about ableism? not to mention, the idea that mentally ill people cannot make clear-headed decisions out of genuine political conviction is ableist in itself.
bushnell left his savings to the palestine children's relief fund. his last post was to ask, 'what would i do if my country was committing genocide?' he live streamed it on twitch because he wanted his message to be spread. he shouted free palestine even as he screamed in agony. there is a reason he chose to wear a us army uniform in his last moments.
yes, it was an extreme and tragic act, but you don't have to condone it or be personally willing to risk your life to appreciate the reasons behind it. but going so far as to say 'suicide is always bad' is simplistic, lazy, and anti-intellectual. even if you don't agree with what he did, derailing the conversation is useless, disrespectful to his memory, and the opposite of what he would have wanted. it's what the anti-palestine side wants. they want his death to not matter. they want to keep your eyes away from the genocide in gaza.
because that's where you should be focusing your attention. you want to talk about mental health and suicide in palestine? children as young as five are saying they want to die. a 6-year-old boy in gaza almost died by suicide after losing his entire family. later, he died of hypothermia. and this is only one story that made it to social media. we don't even know their names. what happened to aaron bushnell is nothing compared to the unimaginable suffering they've endured.
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delusionaid · 5 months
Salty meme! 😏 ❣ How salty are you feeling right now? (as a preface, you know) ✧ Do you agree with reblog karma or is it forced interaction? ☢ What fads/trends are you so over? ☀ What’s your rp pet peeve? ♒ Thoughts on the fandom you’re currently rping in?
Salt Meme :D
❣ How salty are you feeling right now? (as a preface, you know)
A solid 4/10! Also this turned out quite long so I am putting it under a cut! :D
✧ Do you agree with reblog karma or is it forced interaction?
I like the idea of karma as a general concept - I do think if you are doing nice things, you are more likely to receive nice things, but not out of a magical cosmic reason. It just puts you in people's mind in a positive light when you put yourself out there in a positive manner. That's simple psychology. If you look at it from an rp perspective it happens in the sense of: you send things, which makes you more visible to your mutuals and their followers which might cause some momentum that leads to more overall interaction, etc. etc. Also if you engage actively it motivates others to engage with you in return - sometimes.
That said, I do also think it's forced if people insist on it. I don't want someone to send in memes just to have sent in memes to "earn the right to reblog something from me". Me reblogging memes is an offer to my mutuals in case they want to start interactions, and these memes might not always work for every character. Sometimes there's just no sentence that fits. I don't want anyone to feel obligated to bend their character into saying something unfitting just so they can send something in that they're not even enthusiastic about receiving an answer for. And if they end up reblogging the meme from me, I don't know why I should see that as a bad thing. Best case scenario there might be a sentence in there that works for MY muse(s) to send to theirs!
Tl;dr when we look at reblog karma in the sense of engagement with mutuals to maintain interactions and staying in each other's minds, I approve of it. If it turns into forced interactions that neither party cares about, I don't want it. Reblog whatever you want from me, I expect/demand nobody to send me anything. It's just an offer and a reminder that the opportunity for interactions is open if you're interested.
��� What fads/trends are you so over?
The attitude towards shipping and nsf/w writing some people have. If you don't want to write nsf/w content, you are fine. If you want to write nsf/w content, you are also fine. Let's just respect each other's interests, boundaries and ways of writing. Having a preference for love stories and/or erot/ica does not make you less of a writer than someone who only writes platonic things and vice versa. To each their own!
Cancel / callout culture. I know some callouts are made by people who had serious issues with someone, but many callouts are also made over petty disagreements about ships, characters or other minor things. I firmly believe that nothing positive comes from cancel culture and I reject it wholeheartedly. I've been rping for over 15 years now and I know how much nicer and more welcoming the rp community as a whole was when this was not a thing. I guarantee you all of us have things we don't want to see/read and that is valid. But publicly shitting all over someone because of it and turning entire fandoms against one person with sometimes deliberately exaggerated claims and one-sided "evidence" is equal to a witch hunt and creates a negative anxiety-inducing atmosphere for everyone sharing this space, to the point where people are too afraid to approach new followers, suggest ideas or get into ships with new writing partners. I've seen people get shit for not reblogging a callout for someone they never even spoke to, getting berated for "agreeing with what happened" because they didn't interact with the post. Please stop doing that. Not to mention that many callouts end in vile harassment of the people in question, sometimes to an extent that grossly outweighs the "crime" the person in question is accused of. (Remember, you never know who reads your callouts and what they decide to do with that!) Especially with the thought in mind that callouts often aren't necessarily fair or true, they can seriously damage people's reputation and in some cases this has real life consequences you cannot predict. As a community we must strive to find better ways of dealing with issues than raising a shitstorm each time we disagree over something.
☀ What’s your rp pet peeve?
People who obviously never looked at my rules and then come at me because they suddenly have an issue with something that my rules would have told them in advance.
When I'm trying to plot with someone and they are "cool with everything and anything", especially if I am already giving specific choices to pick from. We all lack ideas sometimes, it happens, but please don't make me decide everything on my own. Everyone has preferences.
People who can't distinguish between a villain character and the human being who writes them. In the same vein, people who think writers of villain muses are obligated to let their "good muse" win if they foolishly attack them since "they would win in canon". That's not how that works; canon cannot save you here.
♒ Thoughts on the fandom you’re currently rping in?
There are some incredibly nice and talented/skilled writers and artists in this fandom and I am happy I've had the pleasure of meeting some of them! No further comment <.<
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