#Tarot card readings
cooki3face · 4 months
what’s going on in your friendships
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message: friendships and close personal relationships have been a significant thing in my life as of late. I have the tendency to self-isolate in order to remain untriggered because I can't control my environment the way I wish I could when other energies are involved. I've never been super outgoing or social, I enjoy conversation but on my own terms and I'm highly selective about the company I keep and how I choose to share my energy with the world. But, you have to be a whole other level of healed in order to remain energetically grounded where your circumstances or environment are eating away at you. When I have close personal relationships they consume me because I am always so heavily devoted or emotionally involved and so they have the capacity to disarm me or put me in hard places when things go wrong or when something is triggering. I've decided to do this reading in order to give the collective insight on what's going on in their friendships and hopefully give some guidance on what needs to be improved or worked on. Enjoy.
There's an energy here about either you or people you were friends with or are friends with carrying the energy of past resentment. In your energy there's an energy of friendship(s) being a touchy subject or something that you've separated yourself from entirely due to bad situations or experiences. In other energies outside of yours, there could be someone or even a few people who hold ill energy towards you or have negative perceptions of you based on a falling out or you outgrowing them. There's energy of betrayal or someone revealing themselves to you or double-crossing you and you having to turn inwards or go into hermit mode in order to recover and swearing off friendships or become more opposed or narrowing your scope for what is acceptable in your friendships. Someone had high expectations already but they're even higher now. I'm listening to the song "Back to Black" by Amy Winehouse. She says in the song, "I've died 100 times." someone has been burned a lot or has a very extensive painful history in close relationships both platonic and romantic that require trust and respect to be equal and held at high regard.
Someone had a friend who was troubled or had a tendency to mess things up for themselves or be deceptive or throw stones and hide their hands I'm hearing. Pile one you may have developed a thing for the underdog or in the past had a subconscious pull to people who had heavy trauma-filled backgrounds or carried with them a lot of karmic energy or karmic behaviors and cycles. This may have been a theme for the vast majority of your close personal relationships for the past couple of years. You constantly ran into people who didn't value themselves and therefore didn't know your value and people who would always have an internal tendency to not know what they'd lost until you'd walked away from them. You may have had to make a difficult decision here that resulted in you letting go of several friends and/ or lovers or significant people in your life that you carried on your back for the past couple of years. You learn lessons primarily through people and relationships and you eventually outgrew or broke out of karmic cycles and behaviors and you had to decide whether or not you wanted a new beginning or not.
You may currently feel a lot of grief or be in the process of mourning past versions of yourself or past versions of your life and the people who were in it although you're done with them now. There's healing that needs to be addressed regarding betrayal and heartbreak regarding your friendships and relationships. Right now you are in a state of recovery here, I'm seeing imagery of someone in a deep sleep or in a comatose like state like sleeping beauty or something, the body has the ability to heal or recover faster through sleep, you may feel somewhat unresponsive towards people coming towards you seeking friendships or companionship.
You're deciding what it is you want in a friendship and doing what you can possible to come into alignment with what that looks like, you've essentially had to start from scratch or build your life and yourself up again from the ground up. You have nothing left from the life you used to live. You've had to and are in the process of manifesting everything that you desire. You are no longer in a state of your life or on the chronological divine timeline where you are having to live with the cards you are dealt and make the best of it or learn the right lessons for what you are given. You have essentially aged out of and graduated out of the divine's guardianship over you as a spiritual minor. Now it's your choice what it is you get to have, what you get to make, what you wanna see, what you wanna put up with, and with whom.
You could feel called to power through and carry on even though you could be experiencing or have experienced significant hardship in your friendships. You may have a tendency to suppress your emotions regarding loss or you have remained in survival mode for years at a time so much so you may be someone who is always in autopilot or doesn't stop too often to process loss in full even if you're a heavily emotionally driven individual who needs time for recovery and needs time to heal so that you can thrive. I just heard someone's a water sign but operates like an earth sign to keep up appearances or maintain a hard exterior or escape the symptoms that come with heartbreak or grief. like if you can imagine the spectral difference between Cancer and Capricorn as a moon sign placement. You may carry a mindset that the entire world has always been against you or that you're not a particularly popular individual wherever it is you reside.
People may make up stories about you, spread rumors, some people fear you heavily while on the other side of the spectrum others may believe you're a coward or deserve to be mistreated or beat down as much as possible. People don't know who you are or know your heart due to some circumstances that were outside of your control and some that were. By the time you'd established or came to terms with the fact that you wanted to be around others, felt isolated, or felt scared and mistreated it was too late because people already had such large negative perspectives and opinions about you. I just heard "you think I want to be like this?" someone has been alienated or is treated like an abomination or as though they are unacceptable. You may also find you have a hard time networking or accessing opportunities you feel you'd have rights to if not for your reputation, not even just work opportunities, social ones as well, people don't want to be around you or people have a tendency to reject you or you feel you aren't able to reach people you love fully due to a lack of self worth or a skewed perception of yourself.
You've lost hope of profound connection within your friendships (you could've had a close friend before that you held onto past a healthy point or even throughout their betrayal or mistreatment of you due to the fact that you felt like if you released them you'd face eternal loneliness. I'm hearing this person could've exploited you for your resources or used you or subjected you to some sort of abuse repeatedly and you didn't/couldn't hold them accountable only the two of you know about this or people know but it's not a well spread secret. I'm hearing this person could've also potentially r*ped, s*xually assaulted you or used you to experiment or fill the void of their own loneliness and desperation.) You could've also potentially lost a romantic connection or loss hope in prospect of love as well or you may have convinced yourself you'll end up unmarried or in short term surface level relationships for the rest of your life.
You could have this large tendency to be so resistant of change whether it's for the best or not or whether it's gonna be in your best interest or not and this has worked against you. You have wounds that have been left open and are gaping because you refuse to stop and get help or allow yourself to heal and recover. You have things that need to be said that won't ever be at your own hand. You won't allow yourself to have anything because other people decided you shouldn't have anything. You could be so happy and so free of spiritual and emotional burden if you would just allow yourself to heal and do the inner work. Return to any avenues and paths you've left unpaved or any loose ends you've left untied and clean up things in order to free yourself. You may have to come to terms with the fact that not everything can be mended, reconciled, or redelivered back to you in the way you want or within the time frame you desire though pile two. You aren't the only person on the planet contrary to your beliefs, the people who were on it with you who you shared your energy with or who you shared your energy with have their own reservations, their own stories or versions of what happened whether they are truthful or not.
You have an unnatural allegiance to losers and it's unlike you. You may have a tendency to make friends or make connections out of necessity or out of fear of loneliness. You are what you attract, you may have a tendency to constantly fall back into karmic cycles or run around in circles in terms of life lessons. you're someone who takes a long time to learn things you need to learn. You could be an air sign or a water sign. You have the tendency to take a lot of short cuts or do things to try and make yourself have an easier time assimilating or blending in after years of rejection from personal places or have people and places that large significance in your life or things you spent a lot of time around, peers at school, parents, siblings, family. You can also have a tendency to be impressionable you might have picked up a lot of nasty habits or behavioral patterns or karmic ties due to the type of people you choose to be around and attract. There's something here about your spirit being young or you being someone who has a tendency to act out or has a difficult time making their own decisions including responsible ones or doing what's best for you when it needs to be done.
You have a parent or parents who play a huge role in the way you process situations and carry yourself in general. You weren't taught or raised up to be an adult or aren't/weren't offered the proper tools to build a sense of self that was adequate for someone who needed to navigate in this world. I just heard the words "hurt people hurt people" you may have the tendency to self destruct and in turn be destructive to others. You carry with you either a lot of guilt or on the far end of the spectrum a large lack of accountability and willing ignorance about the part you played in conflicts or how your actions may have effected someone or a situation. You're constantly feeling very stagnant, burnt out, drained or low on energy and a lot of this is reflective of some of your choices, your choices in company, your behavioral patterns, karmic cycles and even potentially addictions if you've picked up any vices that you should've stayed far away from.
You may be in a place in your relationships where you're at a crossroads about if you should trust your intuition and the divines organization of change and chaos and move forward or do the right thing and allow yourself to fully outgrow and separate from people, things, places, etc. you've carried with you or collected along the way for fear of loss. Behaviors and karmic cycles and habits as well. I say relationships instead of just friendships because you have a tendency to make bad decisions in both your romantic and platonic relationships and connections and your karma is coming at you from both ends. There's fear here though regarding letting go. The deeper issue or root cause of this need to collect things comes from fear of abandonment, being disliked or perceived negatively or not being able to control the feeling you may feel about not having anyone to fall back onto/into.
You could've lost a friend or a person of value that you pushed away or that woke up to something or had some sort of truth revealed to them about you and actions you may have had a habit of committing to behind their back in regards to them. This person won't reconcile with you or you know that anyone of value that you lost along the way or anyone who may bring you solace has walked away. But, spirit has set your revelation or your healing process or tower moment up this way for you so that you have the chance to fully and wholeheartedly see what is going on or what needs to be done. I just heard "you're so far removed from source." The only way out is through and there might be a lot of grief that you may have to receive or make your way through before you can come out the other end changed and in alignment with what needs to be done or what's in store for you. You need to heal or come back into alignment. I'm getting imagery of someone detoxing or withdrawal from drugs or alcohol. this could be something you may have to actually experience or a figurative representation of what the process of healing and recuperation may look like for you because there is a lot that needs to be purged.
But, after all of this, if you do the inner work, there is promised stability and alignment for you.
channeled song for this reading:
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tarot-snacks · 3 months
Free Tarot Readings! Very Nutritious!
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Any time is a good time for some Tarot Snacks! If you’re looking for a free tarot reading, I can do it for you! And yes, it really is free! Just send me an ASK describing your current situation and what you want to know about it and I’ll do a reading for you. Don’t forget to leave your name or initials!
1- Be kind! The cards might indicate something that you don’t like and it’s not my fault. I’m here to help you and I’m doing it for free. The only payment that I require is to be treated kindly.
2- Before you send me an ask, like this post and if you feel like reblogging it, do it, although not required.
3- You need to share something about you with me. You can tell me something positive that’s been going on with your life or you can even share with me things like your favourite colour, music that you’ve been listening to nonstop… Anything positive you feel like sharing with me. 
Much love,
Vini. 💜
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n3xii · 1 year
Energy for the week ahead
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Hey! Today's pick a card focuses on the essence of your upcoming week, where you should be placing your energy and a message from your guide. Allow you intuition to guide you to an item and go to your pile <3 check my pinned post if you want a personal reading!!! I do them same day!
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Pile one
Essence of this week- knight of wands reversed
Delays, setbacks, lack of motivation and energy. You may experience frustrations and blockages to forward movement that cause you to feel unmotivated and restiant to take action, but if you push through those feelings and do what you can to be proactive then this week will have a more positive outcome. Now is not a time to give into frustrations, motivate yourself and overcome setbacks.
What you should focus on- page of pentacles
This card is uniquely about gathering resources, planning, practicality and knowledge. Think about what you need that will help you set this week into motion, think about what resources you now need to sustain your energy. Focus on practicality and getting equipt with the information that will propel you forward with your goals. The delays or lack of energy can be combatted with preparation. Plan outfits and write lists, give yourself something to look forward to every morning so that you are accountable to waking up early.
Message from your guide- storm warning reversed
Your guide wants you to know that dark, stormy times are being you/falling away. You may feel unmotivated and lacking necessary energy because you're still trying to adjust to a new norm. Whether it was external or intenral mayters that were stirrring you up and casuing instability, your guides wants you to know moving forward that this week will be a good one, the bad times are falling behind you and things are improving.
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Pile two
Essence of this week- 5 of pentacles reversed
Acceptance, healing, recovery. You're resoring what was lost and building yourself up again this week. This is a very positive and auspicious essence for the week.
What to focus on- the empress reversed
Your self confidence and ability to nurture yourself will be vital in the next few days. being connected to your "divine feminine" energy will help restore yourself by empowering you to be present and self compassionate. Creative activies such as drawing, painting, designing are fun ways to connect to feminine energy. Also relaxation, being around or even watching positive feminine figures on tv/YouTube as an influence on your energy. The point is connecting with divine feminine energy will unblock you emotionally and help you move forward with the healing process.
Message from your guide- forth chakra reversed
Your guide wants you to be aware that your heart chakra needs balancing and healing. Opening and expanding this energy is helpful in the healing process because it will help extend compassion towards yourself. This is very resonate of the empress message to be honest, but this just further affirms that you need to open your heart and be nurturing of yourself as you recover from what has been lost. Don't block emotions in an attempt to cope as this is creating an energetic inbalance. the vessel of your heart shouldn't only contain space for others but for yourself as well. This will enable emotions to flow and for love to enter and be given.
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Pile three
Essence of this week- nine of swords
Worry, overthinking, insomnia, mental troubles, fear and being in your heads space too much
What you should focus on- high priestess reversed
You're anxious and worried because you don't trust yourself, you overthink because you don't listen to your intution. Anxious thoughts flutter and cloud the subtle, quiet nudge of your intution. reconnecting to that quiet, still part of yourself will immensely help you with your anxiety this week. Being passive and trusting the process will feel unnatural but its a matter of practice. When you overthink, you clutter your mind with thoughts that are loud, urgent, and often untrue, the focus of this week is to quiet your mind and retrain your senses to react to your intution and not the urgent, oppressive voice of anxiety. The high priestess is also about mysteries, you need to allow some things to be revealed over time, it is MORE THAN OK not to know everything right now and you are ok.
Message from your guide-appreciation reversed
The message from your guides is to re-center your thoughts to focus on what you're grateful for, fulfill yourself in what you already have instead of acknowledging what you don't have. Stop thinking about what your missing from life, what you need to do, what you're doing "wrong" and appreciate where you are right now. These fixations on what you wish you had instead of trusting your self are contributing to your anxiety.
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psychictarotlover · 3 months
Come get the best paid reading you’ll ever get . It’s very affordable and I’m doing a discount so it’s going to be even more affordable so hurry up while it lasts☺️❤️❤️
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the-clumsywitch · 4 months
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If you'd like to book a reading click my LinkTree
Please confirm that you've paid before booking!
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iamwinklebottom · 4 months
Santa Muerte La Negra Messages | “Like A Good Neighbor, Santa Muerte Is There”
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sapphyreopal5 · 10 months
Hi there, I have just found your blog and I have found it very interesting.
I was wondering if you could do a reading on Drake Rodger, particularly his relationship to Jensen. Tbh I find it slightly creepy and he seems to be trying to emulate the relationship he and Jared had in the early years of supernatural but the big difference is he is now a middle aged man and Drake is not.
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Hello Anon, thank you for the ask. I also want to say thank you for complimenting my blog, I'm glad you enjoy reading and I hope you continue to do so :) I find your question interesting given the timing you sent this in given there's a convention coming up this weekend that I am attending in Charlotte, NC where both of them will be at! So, with this being said I was told by Loki to only shuffle my deck once, which is quite interesting and is a new occurrence on my part. First I'm gonna talk about the associated keywords with each of these cards and then throw in the interpretation work. This is a bit of a long read so please bear with me, I hope you find this answer insightful and a pleasurable read nonetheless.
In the tarot, the keywords associated with The Moon card include intuition, illusion, dreams, vagueness, instability, deception, anxiety, fear, misconception, subconscious, and insecurity. The 3 of Wands indicates progress, expansion, foresight, overseas opportunities, or possibly playing small, lack of foresight, unexpected delays. The 4 of Wands often can signify celebration, excitement, homecoming, family unity (or instead and frankly more fitting in this case) an unhappy family, cancellations, and feeling unwelcome. The King of Wands in the tarot often represents a natural born leader, an entrepreneur, and a visionary or possibly on the contrary impulsiveness, haste, ruthless, high expectations. The 4 of Pentacles tends to mean either saving money, security, conservatism, scarcity, control or in this case, over-spending, greed, and self-protection. The 4 of Swords connotes to rest, relaxation, meditation, contemplation, recuperation, or on the opposite end of things exhaustion, burn-out, deep contemplation, or stagnation. Of course, the 8 of Pentacles often indicates apprenticeship, repetitive tasks, mastery, skill development, self-development, perfectionism, and possibly misdirected activity.
The card with what I believe to be the most significant one and indicates the overall tone of this reading is The Moon. If you noticed in this particular post when I was initially discussing the keywords for each card I used words and phrases like "or", "on the contrary", "instead", etc. when I mentioned what the keywords for each of the cards are as opposed to just mentioning so called relevant keywords. I chose to do this for this post because a lot of the card combinations based on typical interpretations of such tend to be more positive. In this case however, there was a lot of deception going on with the creation of The Winchesters from start to finish, behind the scenes and on social media which The Moon card confirms.
I think many of the readers here are going to be quite familiar with the so called "Prequel Gate" that happened which started seemingly when Jared Padalecki made a post on Twitter saying "Dude. Happy for you. Wish I heard about this some way other than Twitter. I’m excited to watch, but bummed that Sam Winchester had no involvement whatsoever." and when people thought he was kidding, he responded with "No. It’s not. This is the first I’ve heard about it. I’m gutted." Also, when the show was introduced it was supposed to be "an epic love story". Instead, the big climax of the show and the highly anticipated tidbit ended up being the return of Dean Winchester on the screen. I feel a relevant movie to bring up is Bewitched with Nicole Kidman and Will Ferrell starring, which is the movie where the remake of Bewitched is being filmed. As a synopsis, the show gets really poor ratings initially, as Jack Wyatt (Will Ferrell) made Darrin get most of the lines initially and the so called unknown girl Isabel Bigalow (Nicole Kidman) as Samantha got barely any lines. It's when Isabel calls Jack out on why the show was getting poor ratings and threatened to quit is when Jack comes to his senses and when he finally listens, the show ends up getting better ratings. See why I also included a photo of the movie's cover below?
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The location of the King of Wands (man on the elephant) being below the 4 of Wands (a crown) is interesting because we know that Jensen has a crown tattoo on his lower inner arm by his hand (which funnily enough was a topic of interest due to a photo edit "oopsies" some people saw on Twitter and here on Tumblr). Both of these cards showing up in the orientation they are is very interesting and definitely points to Jensen as I'll discuss here why. This particular quote stands out to me and sounds very relevant to Jensen regarding The King of Wands: "The King of Wands represents pure fire energy in its masculine form. Unlike the other Wands court cards, the King is not so interested in creation and creativity, or in dreaming up ideas and implementing them himself. Instead, he is more inclined to take an idea and then enlist others to help him actualise it." Also another interesting tidbit I saw from this same site about the King of Wands: "At times, the reversed King of Wands can be aggressive and even arrogant in the pursuit of his goals. Be mindful that as you strive towards your dream, you are not putting others off-side, dis-empowering them or taking their contributions for granted. You need their support one hundred percent of the way."
If you watch this interview of Jensen and Danneel discussing The Winchesters back in October 2022, around the 2:03 marker Jensen says "we've got touchstones that have been laid out in the mothership you know our lore. Maybe we can hit those markers in a way that isn't expected", which correlates with that quote I mentioned above I got from Biddy Tarot regarding the King of Wands talking about being more inclined to take an idea and enlisting others to make it happen. It's also interesting to notate that in this interview, Jensen is wearing velvet, which was often worn by aristocrats in Middle Aged Europe. Velvet has a long history that dates back to Ancient China and Egypt where it was also seen as a luxury and sign of royalty and still is seen as such today.
As I mentioned earlier, Jensen even has a crown tattoo on his lower right arm by his hand that he got the same year he was crowned king in Mardi Gras back in 2019 (The W on the crown apparently stands for Winchesters). It appears him, Jared and John getting this tattoo is a "seers hint" that was missed regarding The Winchesters (don't worry, we all apparently have missed some). Interestingly so, there are 3 cards in this reading with the number 4 (2019 was 4 years ago when all 3 of them got this tattoo) that are diagonal from one another. Oh and the Charlotte convention starts in 3 days this upcoming Friday (I however will be going Saturday and Sunday, or starting 4 days from now). Jensen said also he, John and Jared now call themselves "The Three Kings". Jensen at least prior to the cancellation of The Winchesters perceived himself as a "king". I do believe the King of Wands card quote above stated that the "King of Wands can be aggressive and even arrogant in the pursuit of his dreams", which is 100% fitting in this case. Ironically, the 4 of Wands as I mentioned earlier can foretell of cancellations. If only Jensen had a bit more foresight as the 3 of Wands suggests he lacked.
It seems in his arrogant approach as a so called "veteran" actor in taking away the spotlight from Drake, Meg, Jojo and the rest of the "apprentice" actors he ironically killed his and his wife's project. Perhaps he should've followed Jack Wyatt's approach and listened when fans asked legitimate questions and expressed genuine concerns about the storyline of the show. Instead Jensen chose the path of not listening to anyone else and even said something along the lines of "if people don't like the show, were they ever fans to begin with?"
So... to answer your bottom line question about Drake and Jensen's overall relationship. This reading 100% states Drake needs to trust his own instincts more. It also indicates that Drake was side-blinded quite a few times by Jensen and perhaps is not really seeing the entire picture. Clearly Drake sees Jensen as someone to look up to and seek career advice from because "he's a good actor with a lot of experience and knowledge in the entertainment industry". A father figure so to speak, and perhaps sees the rest of the cast of The Winchesters as "a family" and is part of the extended "spn family". However, Jensen quite frankly has talked a big game since he left Supernatural which can be seen in the clothing he chooses to wear and even in the things he's said as aforementioned in this post. Frankly, his career is not on such a high note currently. It seems the failure of The Winchesters may have served as a bit of a reality check for Jensen. Not sure if you agree with me here but lately I believe Jensen's been starting to look a little thin, pale, exhausted, and downright depressed.
As for Drake, he clearly is an ambitious, handsome young man who genuinely wants to succeed in the entertainment industry. He may not have been quite the same as JDM's John Winchester, and was criticized for not having the right personality or look to play young John. Casting Drake as John Winchester yet Jensen expecting a Sam Winchester tie to Drake and therefore placing high expectations on him is perhaps indicated in the King of Wands card. I sense Drake has been contemplating on his time on the set of The Winchesters in a more nostalgic way and is in a bit of a recuperation period, which I think is reflected in his reblogging this post on Twitter. It sees he was quite thrown off guard and shocked about the announcement of Jensen and Danneel's Chaos Machine Productions entering a deal with Amazon and Jensen. Jensen has withheld a lot of things from Drake I suspect but also has given some good advice to Drake at the same time based on what he said in an interview Drake did in April.
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I know this was a longer answer and such but I hope that you found this insightful and interesting. Thank you again for this ask!
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notoriousbeb · 9 months
This reading on Harry Styles and Taylor Swift from Sept. 7 is a looong one. I recap all four parts (they’re linked in the description) below.
Bottom line: The reader believe their relationship was karmic and fated, because there were lessons they needed to learn from it.
Two things I didn’t love about this reading: 1) the reader says they’re dissimilar people (“not two peas in a pod”) and were abrasive with each other and there’s still some of that energy between them and I just don’t see that, and 2) the reader points out a couple times that they were together for a “very short time.” Anyone who knows the lore knows that’s not accurate.
Anyway, to the highlights….
From the jump, the reader says she’s hearing “impossible,” and guesses maybe one of them said this a lot in the relationship (“Like, this is impossible”).
Areas where they grew while they were together:
- They explored a lot of things that were not seen or heard by people on the outside of the relationship
- Their pairing seemed simple to outsiders, but was actually hugely transformative to each of them and was meant to show them something about themselves
Their relationship aura:
- There is great passion (very fiery) but their relationship started off with an emotional blockage
- Someone was trying to sow seeds for something to grow, but not seeing the manifestation they wanted
- Someone felt left out in the dark and disconnected toward the end of the relationship
- It was painful for each of them
- They weren’t a united front together
- There were some abrasive words toward the end
- Numbers 26 and 16 coming through
- Taylor would trigger Harry somehow with things she’d say
- They were a little too flippant about what was going on between them, which they should have addressed
- They kept pushing off addressing the issue between them
- They were very playful, but needed to be more serious and less reckless
What should they have paid more attention to?
- Their passion and love; their connection and dynamic (they got too into their heads or were too focused on their careers instead of each other)
- They were meant to redirect their energies toward something else, but rather than doing that they ended up butting heads
- They doted on each other but there was a big gap between them they weren’t addressing or trying to bridge
- One party was reluctant to put a label on things and them never talking about that issue broke them up
- They felt pitted against each other somehow or were somehow competitive (reminds me of “argumentative antithetical dream girl” and “I’ll call you out on your contrarian shit”)
- There wasn’t enough balance between the two of them
Present energies between them:
- Reader hears “secrets” and feels the energy of crying
- Healing and enlightenment; openness to learning about what happened between them and what lessons they learned
- Beautiful energy compared to where they ended
- Their dynamic is very intuitive
- Hopeful energy is coming through
- Understanding and maturity; they recognize what they did and took accountability, especially Harry
- Reader believes it feels as though they’ve communicated this to each other (maybe six months ago)
- Harry wants to restore things
- They’re still trying to understand each other when they communicate, which happens but not super often
- They still have the “we just want to have fun” energy
What areas of the relationship need more attention?
- Reader calls out that there’s some connection to these areas that need attention and the outcome of their relationship
- There was defensiveness (walls up) and conflict when they were together
- They need to pay more attention to how their competitiveness brought out the worst in them
- They need to focus on being a team, a united front
- Focusing on building something together
- They addressed the above points earlier with each other and then walked away (maybe the six months ago conversation), but they need to readdress it because there is still more clarity and communication needed
- Taylor may have been too biting with her communication in the past. And there’s still a dynamic of that coming through, even though they’ve both grown
- Taylor needs to let go of control and just let it flow moving forward
- She’s still very careful with him
- They still have a tendency to make too many assumptions about what the other is thinking
- They need to take more time to initiate something
- Hard work will be necessary if they want their relationship to work
Most likely outcome:
- They achieve the balance that they needed when they were together
- They talk now when there’s something to celebrate (weddings, parties, awards, etc.)
Overall energy:
- They both have ongoing concerns about the end of the relationship; they both want to understand what happened
- They’re both starting to recognize what they truly want in a relationship (like whether that’s marriage and babies and whatnot)
- They’re not super close at the moment; but they will have a lot of opportunities to connect in celebration in the future
- Reader thinks their relationship was meant to happen, teach them a lesson in their formative years and then meant to end. She doesn’t believe they’ll get back together.
- She thinks it was the culmination of a karmic contract and they’ve resolved that karmic contract in his life (see my thoughts on that here)
- Reader thinks both of them have to go through more karmic relationships before they settle down
Healing messages:
- They weren’t able to communicate to each other the truth of what they wanted in their hearts; but now there’s an energy of truth between them
- Taylor is looking at this from a new perspective
- Their free will could dictate that they’d decide to come back together, and spirit is saying anything is possible, but the reader feels like they won’t be interested
- For Harry, at he’s retreated from the situation and determined not to go back to past troubles
- Their shared goal is pursuing emotional fulfillment
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crisps-craft · 1 year
readings :)
hi everyone,
readings are now open for tarot or astrology related questions. if the inbox doesn't work or isn't open, please let me know and i can try to fix it again (sometimes i get confused)
please no death, health, or future spouse related queries! im happy to answer relationship questions, but when everyone asks about their future spouse i cant read them all
please include initials, zodiac sign, and some emojis that you resonate with :) luv u all, take care
& if u can repost this to get the word out, i would appreciate it lil souls 🧿💜
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cooki3face · 4 months
I wish I could get a tarot reading from me from outside of me. I don’t know many tarot readers who share the same style as me or have similar spirit guides. I have a tarot reader cousin who came into divination a bit after me but her reading style is completely different and I need to be cussed out ❤️
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For anyone who likes tarot card readings
I recommend Madame Liz. You can see some of her free pick a card tarot readings on Youtube. Her Etsy shop is https://www.etsy.com/shop/MadameLizTarot?section_id=30884445
Madame Liz Tarot on Etsy. Check her out.
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psychictarotlover · 3 months
Come get a psychic reading done by me I’ll give you the best reading ever and you can ask me about anything I don’t care about what it is literally anything I swear I’ll do it for you :)😅❤️💓💕
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iamwinklebottom · 4 days
Tarot 📿PICK A CARD🌼: “June 2024?” Fast Fame, True Love, Asking For Help, & Clarity
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chloeadrianne · 9 months
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Hello All 💚 I am now offering Tarot Card Readings!! 😁🔮🧿
⭐I have been doing tarot card readings for myself the past 3 years and now am finally offering readings to everyone else!
💚If you or someone you know is interested, please send me a DM! I can accept payments through Venmo ➡️ @chloeadrianne
💚I am also offering these readings through my Etsy Account Here
💚Each question is $10, and I will pull 3 cards for each one and send along my interpretation of the cards that I pull for you.
✨Please note that yes/no questions do not come with clear answers from the cards. Tarot card readings are not meant to define your future actions, but they will provide you with advice and guidance.
💚You will receive your tarot card reading in 2-3 days, sometimes sooner.
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tarot-snacks · 3 months
Hello ! Namaste 🙏🏼 how are you ? May divine bless you and your family ♡
My question- what should I do in order to create the life I desire this year?
My initial-H
My Zodiac- capricorn
My favt color- blue 💙
Thank you for the reading ! I will leave a feedback for sure ♡
I can see that even though you're ambitious, you still have settled for less that what you want right about now, and I feel like you have done that because you've been waiting for perfect opportunities. Yes, you do have to be ambitious, but that doesn't mean you have to push the small opportunities away. Even though they might look small at first glance, they might develop into bigger things later; and even if they don't, you're gathering experience, which is still great! Be careful with how contempt you are with your life right now. Wanting something isn't the same as doing something to achieve what you want. Manifesting might be meaningless if all you do is just wait around. To sum it all up, the Universe wants you to engage more with life itself and learn to appreciate the little things.
Good luck!
Much love,
Vini. 💕
Rules for tarot readings
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