#Tbb wrecker
blackseafoam · 2 days
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Just ordered 50 of these as sticker sheets!!! Will update when they’re in my Etsy shop :) link below
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batterysoup · 2 days
Bad batch as a conversations I've had.
Hunter: "Tech, I hope you don't bully anyone on your datapad. "
Crosshair: "He only bullies me that I know of. "
Hunter: "Well that's alright."
Tech: "I send him hate mail."
Wrecker to Hunter: "Can we make a wig for Batcher out of your hair?"
Crosshair :"id rather spread misinformation then find out what is true"
Echo: "Your never gonna get into lawyer school like this!"
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Take this quick Modern!AU WIP as I write nothing but pain
Echo chuckled nervously. "You don't need to call us," He assured Hunter over the phone. "I have everything under control."
"You sure?" Hunter sounded worried. "I just– I feel awful taking the whole day out, even if it's for a good reason—"
There's a reasonably loud popping sound from the kitchen, several, varying degrees of "shit" screamed, and a strong smell of something burning.
Echo winced hard, but he doesn't dare look. He doesn't want to know yet.
"What was that?" Hunter asked suspiciously.
"Omega.. dropped her AZI down the stairs," A white lie. "Nothing big. She's picking him up now."
The voices in the kitchen are panicking, Omega'a voice is high and stressed- that burning smell had gotten worse.
"She sounds worried," Hunter groaned. "Maybe I should come check—"
"No!" Echo raised his voice. "Everything's alright, isn't it, guys?"
He knew they heard him. Why they didn't answer immediately, he doesn't know, and that scares him.
"Everything's great!" Wrecker called back, like a saint. "Nothing out of the ordinary here!"
"Nope!" Omega chirped, as well. The panic is palpable.
Echo sighed. "See?" He tried to assure anyway. "They're fine. And I'll keep them in line, till you get back." He promised.
Hunter let out a weary sigh, and agreed. "Thanks, 'Cho," He mumbled. "I need this."
"I know," Echo smiled. "Now go enjoy your day."
The line goes dead, and Echo waits all of seven seconds before storming into the kitchen in a furious blaze.
"What's going on in here?!" He asked. "I said 'act natural', not– oh. Oh what the fuck."
Echo stared open mouthed at the once burning oven, eyes finding the metal responsible for the loud popping sound, and then his eyes track the trail of a.. travelling fire. A fire Echo can no longer see.
The smoke is still being cleared by Omega, who now stood alone with a teatowl as she flapped the smoke towards the windows. "Hi, Echo!" She waved.
"Omega–" Echo gaped, staring at their burnt kitchen. "What happened?"
"Oh–" Omega looked sheepish now. "Uhm, I left the fork in the tray when Wrecker put it in the oven..." She sends him an apologetic look. "I'm sorry, Echo, I didn't know it'd blow up."
"That's– fine," He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Where are the other three?"
Did they seriously leave their little sister to pick up their mess? Wrecker and Crosshair, Echo understood but didn't condone- but Tech? He expected a bit more su—
"Oh," Again, Omega sheepishly pointed outside. "Tech caught on fire."
Echo can only stare, and stare, until he catches up with what's been said to him.
"He what?!"
Tech's currently rolling around on the grass while Wrecker and Crosshair work together to hose him down, btw. he's fine. Hunter's sanity might not survive the ordeal, however.
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One thing I adore about Bad Batch is how well it balances presenting two (or more) perspectives while allowing us to understand why each side has that perspective.
Take, for example, one of the most tragic scenes in season 1, where my heart just breaks for Crosshair...
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Come on, Bad Batch, Crosshair has just saved Omega. Even if it might have appeared at first that he was pointing his rifle in Hunter's face, it's now clear that wasn't his intention! Can y'all stop pointing your weapons at him??!? 💔💔💔
And yet... I can still understand and sympathize with where the rest of the squad is coming from.
Months prior, Crosshair had started acting a little bit... off, rambling on about being good soldiers and criticizing Hunter's every move (including the decision to not shoot civilians). Then, the squad was imprisoned; then, Crosshair was singled out; then, as the squad was going to get him, he found them and shot Wrecker and threatened the rest of them. And they had to flee.
Oh, there was talk about inhibitor chips influencing clone behavior, maybe even controlling it; but the squad had precious little information to go on.
And then Rex gives them more information and dire warnings, and they see firsthand the dangers of the chips when Wrecker (of all people) goes all murder rampage, and it's abundantly clear that this must be why Crosshair is acting the way he is.
And immediately thereafter, Crosshair finds them... and when Hunter attempts to talk him down (because now they really understand what's going on), Crosshair "aims for the kid" and then keeps them trapped in an ion engine with the intent of incinerating them.
... Well, Wrecker had just tried to kill them all too, so it's understandable why Crosshair is acting this way. Not exactly ideal - especially since he doesn't want to listen to them and he has Imperial backing - but understandable.
And eventually Crosshair succeeds in actually capturing them. And he goes on and on about being better than everyone else and the value of serving an Empire whose definition of "order" involves terror and subjugation. But hey, apparently he's not trying to kill them this time... Until Hunter says no to joining the Empire and Crosshair makes it clear he considers this to be traitor talk... But then Crosshair helps them defeat the droids, so Hunter tries again to talk to him about the inhibitor chip.
"Wrong," Crosshair says. "I had my chip removed. A long time ago."
Just look at the confusion on Hunter's face as he grapples with the implications:
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And then we are granted Tech's and Wrecker's reactions, with Tech's being more apparent since we can see his eyes - the shocked surprise followed by the eyebrow furrowing that reads to me as Tech trying to fit this revelation into his understanding of Crosshair's behavior:
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(Remembering, of course, that Tech was the first to bring up the possibility of the chip influencing Crosshair's actions.)
"Since when?" Hunter continues in shock.
"Does it matter?" Crosshair shrugs.
"YES," Hunter insists.
"This is who I am," Crosshair responds.
And then Crosshair pulls his rifle (which we know isn't set to stun) on Hunter.
For months, Crosshair's brothers had been giving him the benefit of the doubt even as he repeatedly and deliberately endangered them; but now, he leaves them to wonder - Was Crosshair acting of his own volition when he shot Wrecker and tried to lure the others out that fateful night on Kamino? Was it his own choice to try to roast them to ash on Bracca? Was the chip involved or not when he chased them down as they were trying to leave Bracca?
He apparently doesn't have the chip now, and yet he's gone from holding them hostage to fighting alongside them against the droids to threatening Hunter again, all in the space of about 5 minutes.
And he insists that "This is who I am."
Crosshair is behaving dangerously, violently, and unpredictably, and he's said that he considers them to be his enemies since they won't join the Empire. And he keeps arguing with them every step of the way as they set out to escape an orbital bombardment.
Is it any wonder, then, that his brothers don't trust him holding a weapon, even when he's saved Omega's life?
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b4adb4tcher · 2 days
TCW era Bad Batch Dynamics: Fighting
Hunter and Crosshair fight. They’re both avoidant as fuck and are only able to fight it out in the typical sibling way to get out their aggression however they don’t talk afterwards and act like everything is fine so the cycle of resentment FIGHT remission continues.
Wrecker and Crosshair fight in the same way that a rattlesnake that was discovered by a particularly playful large dog fight. The snake means it and is loud and defensive but only occasionally strikes while the dog is having the fucking time of its life and isn’t actually aware that something is wrong. Dog gets tired and leaves or the snake escapes but at the end of the night the snake is snuggled up to the dog for warmth triassic cuddle style.
Tech and Crosshair FIGHT. They’re twins, evenly matched, and have no chain of command dynamics so it is on sight or on slight. They have to be pulled apart like street cats and will sulk for HOURS afterwards. Unlike Hunter and Crosshair, they refuse to act like everything is okay until 1) they are forced into close proximity together (wrecker has locked them in a closet before) OR 2) an injury or close call in battle scares them into making up again.
Echo and Crosshair do not fight. They’re both equally bitchy and are extremely comfortable just using their words to hurt each other, however having similar temperaments it doesn’t get there that often. They have an unspoken understanding that the rest of their squad does not understand.
Echo and Wrecker do not fight. Wrecker would not dream of fighting his beloved grumpy older brother. When Echo scolds him Wrecker might whine and complain about it but he listens. Wrecker respects him too much.
Echo and Hunter fight with their words. As a recruit to their squad, Hunter doesn’t feel comfortable initiating violence in anger with Echo like he does with Crosshair and Echo would never fight a superior. Echo will, however, bitch and let Hunter know exactly why and how little he approves of his shitty decisions. Hunter is more than capable of dishing it back.
Echo and Tech fight. They are both extremely bitchy and like things done their way and are happy to escalate to violence. They work together more often than not so their squabbles are extremely common. They’re also the only ones allowed to fight on the ship because they’ll fix it anyways.
Wrecker and Hunter do not fight. They playfully barb each other which will occasionally end in a gentle punch or light shove, but Hunter has too much patience and Wrecker loves his big brother too much. They never even have long standing disputes.
Wrecker and Tech fight. Tech knows exactly the right things to say to get under Wrecker’s skin and Wrecker has absolutely no patience for Tech’s antics. Tech is also fearless and will purposefully rile Wrecker up in a way no one else is able to. They always are pulled apart by Hunter and Crosshair although Wrecker would never seriously hurt Tech because he knows his strength. They’re also the only pair that talks it out afterwards because Wrecker feels so guilty that he makes an effort to talk it out.
Tech and Hunter do not fight. Tech is chaotic and a bitch, however he admires his big brother too much to really fight with him and Hunter has ridiculous amounts of patience with Tech’s antics. Even when Hunter is a little snappy, Tech understands it’s the stress from the mission while Hunter knows Tech can’t help his quirks and accepts him.
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yunggoblin · 2 days
I’m at the gym right now and craving 5 Guys and I’m not talking about the restaurant. -👀
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we were robbed in TCW S7.
I want to see Crosshair, Tech, Rex, and Echo's reactions to being yeeted by Wrecker.
Crosshair: This is normal, but that doesn't mean he has to like it.
Tech: Again, it's normal, and is chill.
Echo: This is probably the least weird thing that's happened to him all day.
Rex: Kind of freaking out, but hides it well.
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charliezzzz · 23 hours
Wrecker isn’t dumb, he just has bad memory.
(We’re twinning)
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lightspringrain · 2 days
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It has been 1 month since the finale of TBB. I wanted to thank everyone who has been on this amazing journey with me. The fandom support has been so incredible. Thank you all, from the bottom of my heart! It has mean more to me than you can image. <3 Not to worry. In addition to some original work - I will be back soon with a larger TBB AU project. I will be back with new art AND new writing! I hope you like <3.
All these images are available as prints at my shop and Etsy store.
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cowboylikemorgan · 1 day
Doing a Bad Batch rewatch and the S1 finale really has a moment that summarizes all of the Bad Batch:
Omega: I’m going to do something dangerous
Omega: *does it anyways*
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thecoffeelorian · 5 hours
Echo: If you got arrested what would be the charges? Crosshair: Theft. Tech: Disturbing the peace. Hunter: Aggravated assault. 99: Arson. Wrecker: All of the above. In that order, probably.
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mother-of-lothcats · 11 hours
this the typa guy to float in the air when he smells a pie
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dreamsandrosies · 1 day
I just feel like Tech could have survived if Saw had just given the batch like . . . 5-15 minutes before he decided to blow things up.
Like. Dude. The building isn’t going anywhere. You’re still going to blow it up. Just let the people who are NOT with the empire escape safely before you decide to make it go boom.
That’s literally all you had to do.
Maybe I’m remembering wrong and there was a reason Saw wanted to blow the place up right away and couldn’t wait. Feel free to correct me if that’s the case, but I don’t think there was anything going on that made it impossible for Saw to wait.
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It JUST NOW dawned on me that the rules Omega rattles off in "Rampage" - "Don't wander off, keep my eyes and ears on my surroundings, and trust no one but my squad" - had to have been devised as a direct result of what went down on Pantora with Fennec (when, you know, innocent Omega wandered off, got lost, and trusted a stranger).
Up to this point I kinda figured the rules were just sound advice for managing children that Hunter might have picked up from Cut.
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connecting-the-stars · 10 hours
Im thinking about clones, again. I love them so much. I thinking about clones, again. I love them so much. I love them so much. I love them so much. I love them so much. I’m thinki-
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This month (Maybe more? We'll work on that later) I am imagining weddings for each of our guys. Note: The image is more for the vibe than specifics! Links in the description go to the songs.
Yellow tulips in the early spring. A satin gown, “Waltz of the flowers”. A charming smile as you walk down the aisle. “You’ll be in my heart”, Uj'alayi groom’s cake,  and a buttercream dream.
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🌞Love & Wrecker Hugs🌞
Last Week's Poll Game Master list
I AM MAKING A POLL TAG LIST! Please reply, comment or send me a message that you want tagged.
@moonlightwarriorqueen @kimiheartblade @the-bad-batch-baroness
@spectacular-skywalker @captain-rexs-cyare @wings-and-beskar @nobody-expects-the-inquisitorius
@touchstarvedasclones @mcu-supersoldiers @sleepycreativewriter @isaidonyourknees
@sverdgeir @nahoney22 @coffeeandbatboys @queen-of-many-fandoms @neyswxrld @ireadwithmyears
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