#That's what I mean that none of these really bother me! XD
matan4il · 3 months
911 ep 701 first watch reactions
(I don't think I have the energy to write proper Buddie meta, so here's me randomly squealing instead...)
LMAO In case you were wondering whether s7 of 911 will be subtle about their gratitude/debt to ABC for saving the show, the answer is a resounding no.
Also, I have lost a lot of respect for Frank as a shrink, but gained a lot of love for him as a sass king. "Did she win!?" The murderous look Athena gave him was priceless. I love her, too. She doesn't even need words to rule.
Man, nooooo. Don't give me a mutual "I love you" between Bobby and Athena like that.
"Go ahead and cut the green wire." Everyone and their sister: "Green? You said Red."
9-1-1 is the superior comedy they slipped into our drink, while we were here for our weekly action, suspense, drama and familial love.
Buck broke off with Natalia, and the show really did it like that. XD Every single person who rolled their eyes at this pairing during s6, we were all justified, but wow. The show really is the only forum to respect the pair even less than fandom does. And of course we find out about it in the middle of a scene built around Eddie being half naked, Buck watching him, with the camera specifically turning so we can discover Buck was initially covered by Eddie's body, and the angle change reveals him, when the whole thing wraps up with Eddie welcoming Buck back to the land of the living... Yeah, wonder what made Buck feel alive again. Don't know. 'Tis a mystery. We were given zero clues...
"I want the honeymoon life." *cries* Chimney is just such a good, good man. And okay, expecting your whole life to be a honeymoon's a bit unrealistic, but Madney are living together and they have a child. They know this. Chim knows this, but he still wants to go for it. Aim for the moon, you'll at least land among the stars, right?
Bobby baffled by Athena's reaction to Norman and Lola is hilarious.
I like how Chim has a great idea, but it's still obvious that it's gonna go wrong, because he can't help going overboard with it...
OMG, that scene with Eddie recounting to Buck what Christopher's date was like... If I were to write my Buddie meta, I would serve a three course meal just from that. I mean, the fact that watching Chris hanging out with a girl he likes, makes Eddie compare it to "hanging out with his guy friends" (when there's no lack of interest in this girl... in fact, it turns out that if anything, Christopher's problem is the opposite of a lack of interest) is so telling. There's a reason why that's where Eddie's mind went.
But then also... Eddie's trust in Buck got to me, the way he went to his best friend (not his own gf) for help with Chris. But that was still played with half a smile. But then Buck sort of disses himself jokingly, and Eddie won't have it. "You didn't end up like you." He sees how Buck worked on being a better person, even when Eddie wasn't there for the worst of it, and he appreciates it, and won't let Buck forget it. Meeeep. I love them.
Oh Chim. I was giving you so much credit, and then you went and bought that outdoors jacuzzi. lol Still love him. That's what Maddie's reminding herself of right now, too. ;p
Poor Hen, she was great in this ep, but none of it was really about her, she was comic relief, both with Chim and with the red wire. Then again, she was amazing in this, like she always is with everything.
Eddie and Buck were both so good with Chris this ep, MY HEART. Buck with getting him to talk about what's really bothering him, and Eddie with realizing exactly what his son needs, and how to give it to him. They completed each other. Neither one would be helping Chris without the other one. Tell me again how they're not soulmates?
In conclusion, I love Bobby saying, "Let's go prove one of us wrong," when they're both right. Something WAS going on with Norman and Lola, AND Athena was using them to avoid him.
Argh. That scene of the ship and its passengers being hijacked was rough to watch. </3 I'll still be here to watch the conclusion of this. That's the power of 9-1-1 for you.
It def felt like a great kick to the new season. We had lots of comedy and fun, some great tension, some emotional moments (especially with Christopher), but all in all, it's still clear that the whole thing's a build up to next week. Are you excited?
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 5 months
I was rewatching rc9gn and revisited “Dawn of the Driscoll” and I gotta say, Randy’s art of healing is crazily overpowered.
He revived someone who was reduced to nothing but bones and had been dead for who knows how long. Not only that but it was later shown that he revived various animals who had dissected and most were nothing but eyes. Not to mention he did all that from just skimming through the instructions.
Imagine the full potential that he could unlock if he studied the art of healing fully and practiced enough times!
Oh BOI YEs. It's ridiculous how overpowered Randy can come across, because the show wanted to make a funny episode (and we love that of course but still xD).
Like, how strong of a potential this boy has, if he managed to execute what must be one of the hardest techniques in the Ninja arsenal? Just imagine all the implications of that ability??? To literally save someone from a brink of death/resuscitate them? No wonder some ninjas go power crazy! I would too, if i had ability to bring back the dead!
Though I do like to think that there are more nuance to all of that, than it was shown in the series. (A bit of a me yapping on beneath, feel free to ignore it.)
One of the things that actually bothers me about this ability - is that technically, for something called the Art of Healing, we never saw actual healing performed (because its a kid's show duh but still) BUT it has been used in the show more to 'restore' inanimate objects (the bike) and bring someone "back to life" (skeleton & dissected animals) - which IMO is not 'healing' but more of a necromancy ability.
After all, Randy didn't restore Driscoll to full life (gave a fully functioning body back) and the animals/body parts are also in their post-mortem states. So, what he essentially did is reanimate remains, by (perhaps) returning their souls and binding them to what was left of mortal bodies (which probably reflected very badly on their mental state = reason why Driscoll&animals were full of anger/insanity) or sharing some of his own life energy to restore minimal physical 'aliveness' (I mean a bunch of eyeballs in a jar could hardly be called alive, but they do perform their basic function of looking/blinking). Seems like classic nercomancy to me!
Of course one could argue that the reason it happened is because Randy didn't execute the technique correctly, because he 'skimmed' through instructions, and that potentially he could have restored their bodies too....but I like to think that the ability have its limitations - and returning long-dead bodies to full life back (basically rebuilding a whole creature from a body part/single cell scenario) is one of them.
Otherwise, in my opinion, while it is impressive that Randy 'revived' someone long dead, what he has done is technically one of the easiest (and thus more dangerous) variation of Art of Healing/basically Art of of Necromancy - reanimation through spiritual energy, but not actually returning someone to full life. Another variation of Art of Healing - is Restoration of Physical Body without any sort of Spiritual Energy - aka the freaking bike. I mean, is it really healing if one just restored the original form of the object without any actual prior life in it??? Bike is not the same as a human after all, its not alive in any sense, it doesn't have a soul/life energy.
So you see, in these two occasions Randy used Art of Healing, none of them actually healed anything. Because actual healing of live things is much harder! And further proof of my headcanons is in the plants.
The original reason Randy learned Art of Healing is to restore their Botanical project - and despite hitting at first full blast before Randy lost control of 'beams' - it never actually worked on it. I mean, we basically see the plant still dead even as an already alive Driscoll pops out behind them!
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So obviously healing a recently dead plant requires a much more fine touch/precise control than just full-blasting healing energy at long dead remains. And further emphasize on it we have with The Skunk Pine. The pine cone is alive and in whole condition - but the application of healing energy gave it a boost that accelerated its growth to the point that Randy implied that in few days it would be a fully functioning tree.
It kind of aligns with my understanding of how magical healing works - the healer basically shares their energy with the target to kick start and accelerate their own healing rapidly and sort of suppliment their reserves with the healer's help. But again - the pine cone was not injured/dead/damaged so it would be much easier for Randy to 'heal' it in order for it to grow rapidly - but no actual healing took place.
So the point of all this rambling recollections - is that while Randy's raw potential made something like reanimating and restoring look too easy - the things he did were already the easiest parts of Art of Healing because either option essentially requires only one aspect of either soul/body to be restored. The true Art of Healing is much more complicated. Not only it requires concentration and precise control/application in restoration of both physical and spiritual aspects, it also most likely has power requirements and repercussions to the user if they tried to overcome those limitations.
All in all, thinking about application of fantasy healing is always fun when you look deeper into its simplified canon version. ;)
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fritz-federleicht · 1 year
Kurt Cobain with a soulmate au with the writing on the arm thing? like he would write random lyrics on his arm not thinking about it and the reader would be confused because none of it makes sense but then it clicks like oh this guy is a musician and why does it sound like nirvana music? or maybe the reader is an artist and would draw flowers or something on their arm and Kurt would think it’s super cute? I know I'm rambling but I had this idea and I wasn’t sure how to write it XD
Dumb/ Kurt Cobain x reader
Notes: Thank you for the idea
Words: 956
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You're in a small record store that is also a cafe. You stand in front of a huge shelf and browse through it, looking for new records. Soft music plays in the background to which you hum.
The bell above the door rings as it opens. You look up briefly. A lanky man with blond hair enters the store and sits down at one of the three tables in the corner. He orders a coffee from Max, the store owner and barista.
You concentrate again on the shelf in front of you.
A short time later, you stand at the counter. "Hey Max, can I have a latte? You know where to find me?"
"Hi Y/N, of course." Already he turns around and does his job.
You walk over to the tables. No one is sitting there except the blond man. He stares at his exposed arm. When he notices that someone is approaching him, he lifts his gaze.
His face is somehow familiar. You have probably seen him here before.
You sit down at the table next to him, put the records you found in front of you and look at the covers.
"Here Y/N, your latte."
"Thanks Max." You grin at him. He goes back behind the counter.
You immediately take a sip. You can't help but look to the blond.
He is writing intently on his arm. Since you sit relatively close to him you can read what he writes.
'Skin the sun, fall asleep
Wish away, the soul is cheap'
You frown. What does that mean? You look into his eyes, into those ocean blue eyes. Then you remember who he is. Kurt Cobain, the lead singer of Nirvana!
You don't want to disturb him, he deserves some peace. But you're also interested in what the lyrics mean.
"Hey sorry to bother you. I saw you writing something on your arm. What does it mean?"
"Oh, that." He points to his arm. "I don't know. It just popped into my head." He looked at you, thinking. "Do we know each other?"
You laugh. "I thought so too but no. I'm just in the store more often. We've probably seen each other here but never talked."
"Now that you mention it. You're always standing in front of all those records aren't you?"
"Yes, always looking for bargains. Mind if I join you? Only if you want to, of course." You ask shyly.
"Yeah sure. Have a seat." You settle down across from him.
"So what are you going to do with the text?" You point to his arm.
"You know I'm a singer. Do you know Nirvana?" He looks at you questioningly.
You grin. "Do I know Nirvana? Absolutely! I love them." You say. Who doesn't know Nirvana? Then you go on. "I know who you are, too. I just didn't want to be rude earlier and bother you with any questions about the band. You probably hear them way too much."
He takes a sip of his coffee and leans back in his chair, smiling. "Well, tell me your name first."
Kurt straightens back up and extends his lanky hand to you. "Nice to meet you Y/N."
You take his hand. "Nice to meet you too Kurt."
"So, Y/N, I'm writing a new song." He stares thoughtfully at his arm. "But maybe I'll scrap this lyrics."
"Why? They're good. I don't understand anything, but they're really good."
He laughs. "Let's see." His blue eyes look back into yours. "You know I love writing my songs here."
"Isn't it a little risky? I mean it's a record store. Shouldn't there be Nirvana fans hanging out here all the time?"
"On the contrary. The store is so unknown that almost no one ever enters. That's why it's so quiet here." He brushes a strand of hair out of his face.
You look at him challengingly. "What if I tell everyone you've been hanging around?"
He laughs, "I don't think you would."
"Fans would come here looking for me. They'll see I'm not here and buy all your records instead."
You clutch your chest in mock concern. "You're right. I'd better not do that then."
"That's what I thought. Besides, I wouldn't set foot in this store, and we'd never see each other again." He waits for your reaction.
You look at him with your mouth open. "What?"
He repeats himself. "We would never see each other again."
You hold your cup. "I get that... But you want to see me again?"
He smiles. "I don't know. I like you."
You stare at him.
"Okay Y/N. I've got to go now. Give me your hand."
You obey and hold your hand in front of him.
He starts writing numbers on it. "Call me. Then we can have a date."
Kurt finishes his coffee and puts the empty cup on the table.
"I'll hear from you?"
You nod. "I'll call you."
You say goodbye to each other. Kurt joins Max at the counter and pays. He then leaves the record store. The bell rings.
You take a big sip from your cup. Kurt Cobain just gave you his number. The famous Kurt Cobain!
You call him the same day. You hit it off right away. Quickly you get together and are the new dream couple among celebrities. Nirvana fans love you, they see how happy you make Kurt.
He left the lyrics he had written on his arm in the song Dumb and didn't take it out. The song means a lot to you, because it reminds you of your first meeting in the record store.
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rachi-roo · 11 months
Hiyaaaa, Rachi! How are you doing? If fic requests are open, may I please request a (romantic if possible) Lee! Fyodor Ler! Dazai fic?
You know how Fyodor is all calculated and menacing? Yeah, that flies out the moment he's tickled. Let me tell you, it's canon (prove me otherwise😂) that this rat man would be the cutest lee. I'm talking cute-ass nervous/anticipation giggles, his eyes furiously trained on the hands of the ler (our whore-I mean Dazai), twitching when he hasn't even been touched yet. And even Dazai is flabbergasted when he hears the rat's tickly laugh. It's uncharacteristically sweet😂. He doesn't even tease him about it because it's so adorable.
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Bungo Stray Dogs: "Did you know rats laugh when tickled?"
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Hi friendo! Im doing fabulous, thank you! Hope you're well! Oooh! Another challenging one~ Thank you very much for the ask! FyoZai is an interesting ship, one I hadn't considered before now 🤔 Kinda gay but we love that XD Tough, menacing men's being turned into jelly at just sight of wriggling fingers will ALWAYS be a favourite! I've written them as kind of frenemies with benefits XD I hope it satisfies! ❤️🩷❤️
Summary: Dazai manages to break into Fyodors temporary secret residence and has an important fact he has to share!
Lee!Fyodor, Ler!Dazai, Ship
Tw: Mild 'suggestive' flirting/ physical contact
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Night fell over the busy city streets, Fyodor was sitting alone in an inconspicuous little motel rental apartment. It's just somewhere peaceful to stop off between his usual stabbing and hacking and whatnot.
The Russian sighed, running a hand through his ebony locks as he lay on the bed provided, wearing something a little less formal for his rest. Just some black joggers and an oversized shirt. Nice and comfy.
As he stared at the ceiling, he felt his eyelids grow heavy, starting to slip closed as his mind began to fog up with sleep.
The unmistakable sound of a sliding window being lifted startled the resting terrorist, making him sit up instantly, just in time to see a gangly leg and arm fall through the window.
"Hupsy daisy!" The lanky limbs belonged to none other than Dazai Osamu. He poked his head in with a smirk, looking directly at Fyodor with a chuckle.
"There you are~!" He chimed, pulling himself through the tiny window and dusting himself off. "Geez, I thought the information said room four. I just saw the little old lady next door completely butt nude. Not a pleasant sight." He cringed.
Fyodor was already at his mental capacity limit just by having this goon break in through the window. But he knew this was far from over.
"What do you want, Dazai?" He sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose. He didn't bother asking how Dazai found his location. He knew the goober would probably just say 'magic' or something stupid like that.
Dazai grinned, sitting by Fyodors' side on the edge of his bed. "Awww, c'mon buddy. Do I really need a reason to visit my arch nemesis slash bestie?" He chuckled, kicking his shoes off and turning to sit cross-legged on the bed.
"Dazai," Fyodor sighed, covering his mouth as he yawned. "I'm tired, okay? Can we do this another time? Go talk to Granny next door if you're bored." He turned on his side, nuzzling his face into his pillow, hoping Dazai would just leave if he ignored him.
Obviously, that wasn't going to work at all. Being ignored only edged him on. "But I have a fun fact for you! Come ooooon!" He shook the russians arm playfully.
"Uuuugh... Will you go if I listen to your stupid fact?"
"Yes! Immediately!" Dazai nodded.
"Fine! What is it?" Fyodor kept his face half buried in his pillow before feeling Dazai suddenly grab him and flip him onto his back, straddling his waist and pinning his arms beside his head in one swift movement.
"Aaaalright!" The brunette beamed. "Did you know rats laugh when tickled?"
The floor fell from beneath Fyodor. He felt his stomach drop and then fill with butterflies. His heart rate suddenly shot up as his cheeks flushed with a pink glow.
"I did not know... That rats could do that. No." He felt so very silly at just how immediate his reaction was to a simple word. One damn word!
"You didn't know that? Whaaaat? That's craaaazy!" Dazai dragged out sarcastically, knowing he had Fyodor right where he wanted him.
"No, so, is that all? Or is th-ehee! No! No, stop that." Fyodors' demonic reputation was stripped from him. All Dazai had to do was raise his hands and flex those fiendish fingers, and Fyodor melted like cotton candy in a stream.
Dazai smirked, cruelly edging his teasing fingers closer to Fyodors torso, not giving any indication as to where he would actually strike.
"What's the matter, Fyodor? It's not like you're a rat or anything. Unless, maybe you are? Maybe you're a silly, giggly, ticklish little rat~!" God, his teasing was relentless!
Fyodor tried biting back his anxious giggling as he fought with Dazais hands. Swatting and grabbing at any advances the detective made.
"Stohohp! Dazai! This isn't fuhunnyyy!" He managed to grip both of Dazais wrists, grinning giddily up at his attacker as he tried to catch his breath.
"Oh, but it is funny! It's so, so funny to see you wriggling like a widdle wat!" Dazai smirked, letting Fyodor hold his wrists for a moment as he leaned down, softly placing a few butterfly kisses on his 'friend's' neck, making his shoulders bunch.
"Hehe! N-Noho! Dazai! G-Get ohoff!" He blushed profusely, his feet kicking against the mattress. In the split second that he was distracted, Dazai snuck his hands down, digging into Flydors' sides, kneading into them with his nimble fingers.
"Gotcha, ratty!"
"NYAHAHA! Shit! Shiiit! Naaahaha!"
Dazai put his full weight on Fyodor, keeping him trapped as he gripped his hips, drilling his thumbs into the protruding bone.
"Oh, what a skinny rat you are~"
"Wait! Dazai not thEHEHAHAHAAAAA!"
Fyodor wheezed as he tried to curl up, his hips bucking slightly against Dazais. The suicidal numpty chuckled, making silly false moaning sounds.
"Ah~ Fyodor~ Harder~!"
"GET OFFA MEHEHE! Y-You peheherv!" Fyodor pushed on Dazais cheeks, trying to wriggle himself free.
"You crehehEHEHEEP! AH! Ya ub'yu tebyahaha, ublyudok! UMEREHEHET!"
"Uuuh, no tengo espanol?"
"Screhehew you!"
"Ah~! How forward of you my dear~!"
"DAZAI!" Fyodor grabbed Dazais' hands, pulling them away from his hips only to have his own hands suddenly pinned over his head with one of Dazais.
"Got you nooow~" Dazai grinned evily, wriggling his finger close to Fyodors exposed armpits, enjoying the power he weilded as he watched his helpless buddy writhe and flinch beneath him.
"Stohop teasing! You neheheee! No!"
Dazai gasped, seeing Fyodors shirt had ridden up. "Ohoho! What do we have here~?" He cooed, slowly starting to drag his fingers back and forth over his exposed tummy, biting his lip as he watched Fyodors skin tremble.
"A-Aha! Gh-! Stoahahap! Hah-!"
"Coochie, coochie, cooo little rat~" He dipped his finger into his belly button, earning a satisfying squeal. "Hehe, what a squeaky little rat you are! Eek, eek!"
"I swehear I-Ihihi'm gonna kill you!"
"You what?"
"I'll kIHIHIIIIIYAHAHA!" The Russians body arched as Dazai suddenly switched his tactics, clawing at Fyodors underarm.
"Didn't quite catch that, buddy." Dazai taunted, smiling down at Fyodors' exasperated expression. His eyes scrunched shut, his tear stained cheeks a warm pink hue and his bright unyielding smile filling the room with his loud, relentless laughter. It brought out the sadist in Dazai, seeing his loved one like this.
"I could go all night with you like this~ It's quite a nice view. Tickle, tickle, tickle~"
"Plehehease! No! Noho! Mehercy! AHAHAHAAAAA!"
Finally, Dazai was satisfied. He hopped off his partner, stretching his arms as if nothing had happened, slipping his shoes on casually as he listened to Fyodors heavy breathing.
"Did I go too hard?" He asked, turning to look as Fyodor curled in on himself, hiding his face in his pillow as he hugged it to his chest.
"Haha, awww, lil' rat is all tired. Darn, look at the mess you've made." He chuckled, gesturing to the bed sheets that had been pulled loose due to all Fyodors thrashing.
He smiled, gently tucking the bed sheets back under the mattress, so they were nice and neat. "Are you really ignoring me now?... Fyodooor?" Dazai chimed, swiping a finger across Fyodors bare foot, immediately getting smacked across the face with a pillow.
"What!? I thought we were having a moment!"
"OUT! Get out!" Fyodor growled, his face beat red, steam pouring from his ears like he was ready to burst.
"But Fyodooor!"
"NO! Y-You're the worst!"
"Okay, okay." Dazai leaned in suddenly, placing a soft kiss on his partner's forehead, making Fyodor need a reboot. "I'll catch you later, ratty~" Dazai smirked, already halfway out the window again when Fyodor tossed his pillow at him.
"Love you too!"
Fyodor sighed, flopping back down onto his bed with a huff.
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x-0ophelia0-x · 6 months
Ezra x Jacen’s Nany Reader
Hear me out….. there’s NO WAY in the galaxy that Hera leaves Jacen with only Chopper, I repeat CHOPPER as supervision… that droid has committed war crimes on a daily basis as a form of entertainment, simply because he could.
Sabine has been to busy being a part-time jedi apprentice, and looking for a way to bring her idiot best friend/brother Ezra back home to their Mama Hera..
Kallus is simply too busy as a stay-at-home dad raising his horde of Lesat cubs, while his hubby Zeb is busy working as a part-time recruit trainer for the New Republic..
So.. what’s a VERY pregnant Hera to do when she comes across a young girl, who happens to be the same age as the Son she had just lost, in the streets of a still recovering planet after the fall of the Empire? Watching as the girl gently tends to the sick and injured that others seemed to ignore.. all while this child is clearly malnourished and weak herself.
Surprise bitch, you just got adopted by the coolest Mama in the Galaxy..
Aside from helping Hera around the Ghost with chores, making sure the ship’s baby ready, and studying (because Hera wants to help her new kid after clearly observing her passion for medicine) she eventually becomes Jacen’s teacher and basically the family’s personal Doctor.. (and I mean the WHOLE family.. Zeb tried to avoid his annual check-up once.. wasn’t happy that Kallus ratted him out and basically tricked him into Reader’s office)
The main draw back that Reader seams to have in her personal life though??? Her severe case of “Resting Bitch Face” nobody seems to show any interest in her, and only her adopted family seems to not be bothered by it.. she even tries to do things to make her face less intimidating.. constantly being aware of her facial expressions and doing her best to keep her eyebrows slightly raised and a slight half smile on her lips…
Then Ezra comes back… and you bet your ass as soon as the crying, hugging, lecturing and overall emotional reunion is done.. Hera is dragging Ezra by the ears to get a FULL check-up by the most trustworthy doctor she knows.. and Jacen is happily tagging along, holding his “big brothers” sleeves while waiting for him to meet one of his favorite people.. the outcome is… somewhat unexpected.. Ezra trying to be charming and calling Reader’s “serious face” cute..
And Reader being genuinely flustered by Ezra’s awkward attempt at flirting…
Jacen.. is getting ideas, and Chopper is going to help him because CHAOS WILL RAIN!!!
……. and he’s got years worth of pranks to pull on Ezra.. might as well start now.. 😉
a gremlins Nany.
pairing: Jacen‘s Nany!Readee x Ezra Bridger
warnings: none
word count: 2,1 k
summary: You’re Heras most trusted person. Not only did you take care of her beloved son Jacen, no. You were and still are his Nany and best friend. And not only that, after Ezra’s return, Hera ofc trusts you with his check ups. And Jacen and Chopper have a lot of fun about this.
authors note: It’s not proofread, pls bare with me! 😭 I‘m sick and I gave my best to make it as good as possible :´D I hope this makes sense, I‘m not really familiar with medical stuff, especially when it comes to Star Wars 💀
enjoyyyy <333
imagine this being Ezra waiting for his routine checkups, thank you xd
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As she walked through the streets she didn’t fail to notice a young girl, helping the people in need.
Her way with the injured and sick was more then just gentle.
Despite her own visible weaknesses portrayed by a weak body.
After each treatment she only left them to treat the next one if they reassured her that they’re fine.
„Thank you so much y/n, wouldn’t know what I’d done if it wasn’t for your help“
Said an elderly woman, truly a heartbreaking scene even if this girl was a complete stranger to her.
It didn’t take her long to approach the girl, she waited for her to finish the treatment on another injured citizen before she started to talk, startling the girl on front of her.
„Hey there..“
The girl turned around and met her eyes with the stranger, her gaze was shocked at first but soon turned into one of adoration as she looked at the pregnant woman in front of her.
„I‘ve been here for a little while and couldn’t help but notice your way of helping your people… could I ask you a question?“
The girl looked up to the green Twi‘lek while nodding a yes.
She didn’t know how to form the question since it was a rather personal one and let’s be honest.. they didn’t talk yet.
However, this planet belonged to the ones with the highest death rates, seeing the poor girl alone here, weakened and injured.. where were her parents?
„Do you have a family here?“
As if she saw it coming the girl nodded a no, a sad expression laying bare on her face.
The Twi‘leks heart ached for her. 
She just lost one child, seeing another one, assuming at the same age as him.. it was too much to just stand by and do nothing to help.
„Would you like to become part of my crew?“
y/n looked up at her, not fully believing her ears yet.
„Are you serious..?“
And just like that a huge smile appeared on her face.
„Of course I’d love to!“
The woman returned y/n‘s smile and offered her her hand.
„Name‘s Hera“
„Name‘s y/n“
A few months passed by from the moment where you firstly walked into the Ghost.
The ship wasn’t the biggest but oh force, you’ve never felt more at peace then when you got to enter your cabin.
The ship was cozy and it even had a medbay!
Hera then decided to inform you about the other crew members and their activities. 
That’s also the reason why it was so empty.. however.
Soon you were able to meet everyone, except one boy who Hera told you was missing.
Sabine grew the closest to you (after Hera and chopper ofc).
Even if her timetable was loaded with Jedi training stuff, you two always managed to spend some time together.
Zeb worked at a part time recruit trainer for the New Republic while Kallus stayed at home, making sure that their horde of Lesat cubs wouldn’t destroy everything.
Chopper is Chopper. 
There’s nothing more to that since we all know how he is.
There’s no way that Hera would’ve trust him enough with her still unborn child.
Soooo.. with Kanan gone and Ezra missing, there’s only one person left who she’d trust enough with her baby.
You were studying medicine, something you wouldn’t be able to do without Heras help.
She became something like a mother role for you and ohhh my goodness where our excited for the day the baby would be born.
She didn’t have to ask you, couldn’t even since you started to turn the ship into a baby safe place.. at least the most possible version of this since it’s a spacecraft after all .
Hera was moved to tears, seeing how much effort you put everyday to ensure her baby’s safety while everything that Chopper did was to mess with your stuff.
Yeah you were the right choice, no doubt in that.
„Hey, could I ask you to do me a favor? But before I tell you what it is, just know that whatever you’ll answer is allri-„
„Yes I want!“
The woman was too stunned to speak.
„But you don’t know what I’m going to ask you..?“
„If I want to take care of your baby right?? Please tell me that this was your question???“
There was a spark of excitement on your voice that made Hers heart to flutter.
She didn’t know if it were her hormones or her (for now) clouded judgement but she immediately hugged you, fighting back some tears.
„Thank you..!“
Some years passed by and thanks to Heras help, you were able to actually get an official status as doctor.
That wasn’t your only ‚job‘ tho. You were also a part time nanny for Jason from the moment on he was born. 
Being the most trusted person available on the ghost pushed your ego, making you think that you can perform both of your ‚jobs‘ at the very same time.
It did make some things harder for you, but it was her baby after all, he was worth it.
People who knew about your story would say that you’re literally shining in comparison to your state from when before Hera found you.
Others at the other hand were kind of scared off by your resting Bitch face, not showing any interest towards you.
Your new family didn’t seem bothered at all by it, not even Jacen, but you still gave it your best to improve your facial expressions.. they never faded tho.. .
So when the day arrived where the boy called Ezra returned, Hera instantly had an assignment for you.
She and basically everyone of the ghost crew used to tell you stories about him, how he made the ultimate sacrifice to safe his crew and Lothal.
Ten years had passed since then, since his disappearance and since you’ve been as good as adopted by Hera.
The days after the big news.. we’ll it’s safe to say that you never saw her this emotional in your entire ten years.
Not even when she was pregnant with Jacen, and this is a statement. 
You weren’t there when he arrived since you had some patients waiting for their treatments, but you soon found out about the happy news when Hera called you through your comm link.
And not long after you heard her knocking on your door, dragging an middle aged man by his ears, while Jacen tagged along, holding him by his sleeves.
She asked you if you could take a look at him, a very good one since he’s been absent for like.. I don’t know… 10 years?
Yeah, sounds reasonable. 
„Please do a FULL check-up. You’re my most trusted doctor on this galaxy.“
„Of corse Hera, well then Ezra.. Please take a seat.“
He freed himself from Heras and Jacens Grasp and went to sit on the special chair. 
Ezra seemed to be excited about the technical stuff that surrounded him.. you’d be too if you’ve been stranded in the middle of nowhere for a decade so.. .
„We’ll wait outside, just tell us when we should come“
Said Hera and with that she and Jacen left the room, leaving you and Ezra alone.
„Okay then.. how are you feeling? Are you injured? Sick?“
Knowing how Important he is to Hera you tried to somehow neutralize your „special“ expression.
And he seemed to notice this, you barely knew him and he already started to change his attitude around you.
„No, I‘m totally fine“
He had a grin on his face while you raised your eyebrow at his answer.
„I still need to take a look at you so-“
He already started to take his shirt off, I mean he didn’t have to, just you her push it slightly upwards but you weren’t complaining. 
Not at all.
But you had to keep yourself professional.
„Why did you take your shirt off?“
„For the check-up..? If I’m not wrong that’s what patients to for the lung part?“
„Ah- Yeah sorry. Yes, ehm, thank you“
You checked his heartbeat, his lungs and everything you could do at the moment.
There was one thing that concerned you.
Not his health since it was in a good state.
But the way how he made you feel.
You tried to keep a straight, neutral, friendly face while looking him up, but he made it impossible for you.
„You’re cute“
Your movements froze for a short while, this kind of comment was unusual.
„You’re cute. You know.. the way how you try to keep your face straight“
„You’re serious?“
„Yep. Why shouldn’t I be?“
He was charming, handsome, kind, you only knew him for a very short time. Like for real. But there was something positive around him.
And it flustered you.
„Thank you“
„Just telling the truth“
Unbeknownst to you two, a very curious Jacen was leaning right against the door, squeezing his ear as close as he could and boy did he smile when he heard Ezra talking to his best friend.
„Jacen, you know that it’s rude to-“
„He told her that she’s cute“
He whispered, loud enough so that Hera understood him.
And her face lit up.
„He what??“
„Shhh.. come here and listen“
This private moment, at least to your knowing, made you happy.
There was finally someone who immediately found interest in you, someone who wasn’t blinded by your facial expressions or your attempt at looking natural.
Weeks passed by and he turned out to continue to be as charming as he was the day you met him.
His genuine, true, loving self made you fall im love with him and the same goes for him with you.
Hera was happy to see how both of your presences affected each other for the better and Jacen was sure that he was destined to play your matchmaker. 
And chopper didn’t let this chance go by.
Jacen wanted to help his best friend and his big brother and Chopper had years worth of pranks to pull on Ezra. 
Chaos will rain
And even if Ezra had warned you that he sensed that something would happen, nothing could ever prepare you for what was to come.
It was a peaceful day at your office.
Your last patients for today waited in the waiting room and Ezra was one of them.
Hera didn’t leave him any other choice then to go and get frequent check ups from you just in case that he really didn’t catch anything on Perridea.
His frequent check ups became known to Jacen and Chopper and they saw the perfect opportunity in this to pull their first prank on you two.
Jacen hid behind the shelf with a music box while Chopper disguised himself as something fitting to his surroundings.
They knew that you’d welcome him into your office with a hug, your relationship witch him had gotten better and better and Jacen didn’t fail to notice this.
Knowing this was the base for this prank.
As Ezra neared himself to open the door to your room, opening the door and greeting you, Choppers mini metallic arm reached out and electro shocked his leg, making him loose his balance and fall straight into your eyes.
The pose you found yourselves right now was more then unexpected as his fall took you by surprise. 
Jacen then didn’t waste any more time and played on the ‚play‘ button of the music box, playing some semantic song which seemed to be popular. 
Chopper then took a photo, beeped some things and left the room with a grinning Jacen as fast as he could.
Your patients where beyond confused at the scene and went to your office to check if everything was alright. 
As you saw them looking you two up and down… your face became the deepest shade of red known to humanity.
Ezra’s too.
This ‚incident‘ may have helped you two to get closer but you were still shy about it.
Jacen and Chopper however had other plans and lets just say that this was just the beginning.
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sweetestpopcorn · 6 months
How would you rank Jaehaerys and Alysanne’s children in terms of greatness/potential? For me, Baelon was best out their children with Saera being second. I also think Viserra was a waisted potential. I think she could have done interesting stuff had she lived. Do you think perhaps maybe Baelon should’ve married her after Alyssa’s death? Obviously, no one could replace Alyssa in his heart.
Hi there :)
I have already kind of answered this regarding my thoughts about Saera and Viserra and none of it is good. I will just link them here and here . Legit they are just portrayed as mean girls with no real depth to them, though of the two, Saera is much, much worse. Viserra I can at least sympathise with since her parents seem to not give half a f_ck about her and did not even extend to her the same courtesy they did her siblings of having a say about her marriage (more here), but that's about it. I don't find anything else likeable about her she's just... empty.
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I will go from least favourite to favourite.
Saera and Viserra go right to the bottom of my list. Followed very closely by Vaegon by obvious reasons. Like Vaegon, it literally costs you 0 golden dragons to not be so unlikable.
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Then I would say Daenerys, she has a lot of sweet moments but dies young so I don't really know how she would have turned out. Besides, I know it's petty of me, but I don't like other characters having Dany's name. I do like Daenerys, Naerys's daughter but... yeah no more. You don't need more Daenerys, we have our Mother of Dragons. Yes, I know I am petty.
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Then Gael because... poor baby 🥺 seriously what was George thinking writing a character who is Alysanne's comfort, with some degree of cognitive disability be r...... by some random singer, give birth, lose her baby, and kill herself?! Like enough's enough. It's literally just to add tragedy to her story and honestly Turtle man it's getting f:cking OLD. I swear this man gets his rocks off by adding tragedy and terrible abuse to female characters. This when he can bother to make them more than a walking womb.
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Then I would say Aemon. Maybe he would be higher but at times I just feel he's too perfect if that's a thing. There’s just nothing wrong with him like 😂 he literally does nothing wrong.
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Daella comes next because I find her funny. She's such a drama queen 24/7 making everyone around her want to protect her XD even Alyssa. I kind of got the vibes at times from her that she kind of knew what she was doing to get attention. Like the fact that she and Alyssa are Rhaenyra's grandmothers just makes so much sense no matter how you look at it. In a way Rhaenyra seems kind of a mixture of both? With tons of stubborn and style added. Another moment that really endeared me to Daella was her very tragic death, and how despite all her suffering she still wanted to be given Aemma and to feed her. Prime mom material right there -> like you can tell both from her and Alyssa that Rhaenyra got some top notch mom genes.
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Then Alyssa of course, because she was THE queen. Literally she was just a better behaved version of her son and I'm here for it! I love how despite the fact that she was clearly a tomboy she still wanted to marry Baelon and give him an army of kids X'D because these two things are not mutually exclusive and liking or enjoying traditional boy things does not have to say anything about your sexuality or your desire to be a mother - just like being very feminine and liking traditionally feminine activities does not have to say anything about your sexuality or desire to parent. These are rules a society that does not understand nuance and in a sense is deeply sexist and stereotypical likes to put in place and that I find deeply harmful to people. But Alyssa is the BOMB, so funny, so bold, the way she embarrassed Vaegon who was a little sh:t *chef's kiss*
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Then there's the best man ever -> Baelon Targaryen
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Had his own cool nickname, The Spring Prince, funny, charming, sexy, single dad who never once forgot about his lady with the mismatched eyes, entered a tourney under the name of the Silver Fool... I don't feel like a need to say more, and in an era where all men were literally so problematic, Baelon was IT.
Baelon is what this fandom thinks Corlys is. Sorry not sorry.
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And that's it :D
Also no, and more important that should Baelon remarry, the question is did he want to remarry? And the answer is no, and any Baelon fan would respect the Spring Prince and his undying love for his lady with the mismatched eyes <3
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katyspersonal · 6 days
The Mutual Lover Train Because Our Mutuals Deserve Love!
List 5 of yours mutual and a character you ship them with the most and add it in their and random mutual inbox anonymously to see if you're on the list! Don't break the chain or no more bloodborne for you.
Hey, the ask chain told you to send this stuff anonymously, so why are you using the account- ehhhh whatever, should I even bother questioning YOU anymore.. XD
@jarognieva - Ok I am sure someone already did that, but. Micolash lol. Nobody deserves him like she does. I swear this Micolash appreciation and simping is so genuine that I felt inadequate compared to her at least two times XDDD
@fareehaandspaniards - I can't say either Damian or Gremia because she'd clearly rather love to watch them making out from the closet or something LMAO fsdghsdh I mean, this dynamic COULD count as a form of polyship but- well the meme says one character, so guess this will be Gideon! Her simping for him and defending him was so wholesome! tbh she generally loves VERY old men hhfhsdf
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^ LOL what do you mean "why there is a beach here now", it is simply aftermath of Faree's favs playing tags fdghfdgsdg xdd sorry I'll stop
@heraldofcrow - I was SUPPOSED to use the joke like "lol considering the recent events, Crow clearly likes WAY more than just one person" but SOMEONE decided to hex me, so now I can't -_- Alright, you plucked chicken, considering the fact you've barely got any time alive left, you can have your slutty boots man Orbeck 🙄
@val-of-the-north - Okay finally this clown will take the damage FOR Crow on that dumb joke because BRO IS REEEEEEALLY INTO YAHAR'GUL HUNTERS, LIKE, SEXUALLY AHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!! ok ok ok on a serious note though, this is a tough one. He simps for multiple weirdos, but is compatible with almost none of them! However, the one that stood out amongst his multiple gay crushes (and like, 1 female character interest in over a decade hfdshdfs) is PATCHES! Nobody likes him more unironically fdjudshfds
@fantomette22 - I know you've mentioned that you would really love a pretty girl to wear pretty dresses to counter your tomboy+academic aesthetic, but after you kept gnawing me like a rabid dog with a chewtoy over as much as looking in Solaire's direction the wrong way I think you guys are sealed XD Get married fools lol
(ok granted I do have some mutuals who legit crush on a character and self-ship more or less, I am just not sure whether they'd be comfortable with goofing around like these but you guys are valid!)
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yanderecrazysie · 11 months
here me out yandere terushima, futakuchi, or shirabu like i love your writing and i can never find anything on them😭
Some of you might wonder “Why didn’t Sienna choose Shirabu??” but I have two or three requests with him coming up, so I decided I would choose one of the other options XD
But I totally agree, there’s like nothing on them anywhere! Since I only have a Yandere Alphabet for Futakuchi, he’s getting his own one-shot!
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Title: Annoyance
Pairings: Futakuchi Kenji x Reader
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, sexism, swearing, Futakuchi is just so oml
Summary: You’ve always found Futakuchi annoying, but he’s only gotten worse since you caught his attention.
Part 2: here
a thing that annoys someone; a nuisance
Futakuchi had an attitude about him that you really couldn’t stand. An overconfidence that inflated his ego and drove you away.
He really did think he was the best of the best. You bet if you asked him, he’d claim he was the only reason Dateko was good. Whoever the hell made him captain was an idiot, in your opinion. After all, it just made his ego grow even more than you ever thought possible.
You avoided him the best you could, but that was hard to do when you shared all of your classes. Somehow, you hadn’t caught his eye until now.
You could hear him bragging from a mile away, but you still couldn’t avoid him and his teammates. Disgruntled, you tried to focus on practice even harder, but Futakuchi’s comments just grew louder in the echoey gymnasium.
“You know, girls really shouldn’t play volleyball. They aren’t any good at it.”
“I mean, we’ve gone to nationals. None of these ladies can relate to something like that.”
“I bet, under my leadership, we’ll win at nationals this year and the next. These girls can only hope to get on our lev-”
“Oops,” you said blandly, “the ball slipped.”
Futakuchi glared daggers at you, clutching his nose to stop the blood spurting from it. You couldn’t resist a short, sarcastic little smile as you watched him leave the gym with quite a bit of satisfaction.
“That guy’s in your class, right?” One of your teammates asked, “What a jerk…”
“Yeah, good thing you accidentally threw that volleyball at his face, huh?” Your team captain gave you a knowing smirk.
Spirits were high for the rest of practice. They wouldn’t have been if you’d known what was to come.
“Let me take you out to eat. You know, to make it up to me.”
“You should really run errands for me while I heal. It’s the least you could do.”
“Help me out on this homework. It’s hard to see with my nose so swelled up!”
If you found Futakuchi annoying before, his obnoxious behavior had only tripled since the “accident” in the gym. He spent every moment badgering you to do this or that with him and it freaked you out, to say the least.
You’d tried everything from a polite “no” to “fuck off”, but nothing worked. He seemed to get more determined with every rejection. What were you supposed to do, if saying “no” only made him try harder?
He also made you uncomfortable, with how touchy he’d become. It seemed like he always wanted his hands on you in one way or another, and when he towered over you with his lanky form, it made you start to panic.
“Please please please please please please please!” Futakuchi begged each and every time, “I’m asking so nicely, so you have to do it, riiiiight? Pleaaaaaase?”
How annoying.
He popped up everywhere you went, so it was impossible to avoid him anymore. Why had you thrown that ball at his face? Now he probably viewed you as a challenge or, worse, this was his revenge.
Why wouldn’t he just grow tired of bothering you?
It wasn’t until he cornered you after practice one day, gripping your hands tightly in his, demanding that you take him up on his offer of a date that you took him seriously.
And it wasn’t until after the date, where he clearly spent every moment trying to woo you and cling onto you, that you realized this wasn’t some sort of elaborate prank.
You were forced to confront the realization that he wanted you, for some reason or another. And, as annoying and frightening as it was…
He wouldn’t stop until he had you.
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foolishnpd · 7 months
if I were to redesign the plushie dreadfuls npd bun:
this isn't a hate post towards the brand or anything, if I had the money I'd be buying more of their plushies, I love most of their designs but oh god. the npd one. it's just... bland, was there any thought put in? I read all the crowd feedback and none of it was ever taken into account with subsequent redesigns
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I'm not going to scrounge up the earlier designs, but they hardly looked any different from this final design.
to start off, my personal opinion is that the shape of the original prototype was cuter 👉👈 but that's besides the point (though I had wished they went for the standard shape of all their buns)- the key things that bother me, are the lack of colors. there's nothing, just brown, and a touch of white, I get what they were trying for (boring brown to highlight how narcissists aren't as grandiose as they believe to contrast the shiny crown). it also has what looks like a jester collar of sorts? and considering it's not really a 'silly' disorder, that seems almost insulting... the lines bother me the most, I and a few others asked what the actual fuck these lines mean, and there was never an explanation. just these black meaningless lines and crosses representing hell knows what.
I like that the description calls it a forlorn expression, and it looked like that in the prototypes, but here it looks like it's about to shit itself XD I'm sorry
I'm done criticizing, time for my redesign
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it's not perfect, I sketched it up in five minutes after all. but I tried to incorporate the feedback I saw as well as my own ideas. it's uncolored so for reference, the main color would be something bright (I'm thinking royal purple, or narcissus yellow) the inner color on the belly and ears would be pure grey. I'm thinking if the ears were patterned, one would have crowns, and the other would have... I need to think on it, something to represent vulnerability as a symbol.
the mark on its belly would be a black swirl, representative of an internal void feeling, and the spiral down to a crash. with a line below it to represent crashing, it looks like a split as well, as that's sort of what crashing is.
it has a crown as well, but one that's meant to look like shambled together cardboard. and this may be too much clutter on the face, but a phantom of the opera mask with the eyehole revealing tears to hide vulnerability. it's cracked as well. the other side of the face is more of an angry facade, or could be reworked to look more smug
I put hearts on the paws to represent that endless desire for love and attention
but that's my take on it anyways, I was so excited hearing they'd do an npd bun, only for it to kinda just get worse as it went on, with basically no changes despite all the feedback it got
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Hi! Can I request platonic headcanons with Fyodor and Dazai with a female reader and a High School!AU please?
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Fandom: Bungou Stray Dogs
Pairings: Dazai, Fyodor X Fem!Reader
Genre: Fluff, Humor
Format: Headcanons
Warnings: None
Word Count: 0.8K
A/n: I have trouble writing for Fyodor. I should get him off my writing list lmao
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⇝Osamu Dazai
Doesn't matter if you're relationship with him is platonic or romantic, He's always flirting with you🙂
Does not expect you to flirt back so don't because things might get weird or... change.
And you don't want things to change cause you've seen him breaking up with other girls after a few days of dating.
You two are always goofing around at classes, making fun of others while not paying attention to the lessons at all.
You claim that it's his fault because he's distracting you, and you're lowkey right but he keeps denying it😭
Other girls are not a fan of you because c'mon! You're friends with Dazai Osamu! The most charming boy in the high school!
Dazai ignores others because he thinks that it's not bothering you, but he gets upset when others bully you over stuff because of your connection with him.
Lowkey tries to be a bit distant but when he sees you trying to get close to him, he's relieved and things get back to normal.
Dazai has a special spot for his friends in his heart, and you already know that if you're familiar with Odasaku, and you're his friend too.
So he's protective of you, even though he's not really showing it; but will have your back when you run into trouble.
If some guy tries to break your heart, well... rest in peace.
Not saying that Dazai would get in a fight with him cause he's Dazai, but with his sharp mind and smart ass, he doesn't need to use any strength to teach that bastard a lesson.
As I said before, and you already know that, he's a player; and it bothers you when his exes come to you and ask you about him, or to see if they still have a shot with him and stuff.
You scold him when he makes fun of other people's height or their red hair or how they braid their hair and their outfit :)))
Though he's expecting you to collaborate with him on this one XD
Is not a fan of studying, so makes you study so you can tell him the answers, or gets them from another girl who has a thing for him and gives them to you to if you need any.
You were so distracted in the classroom that teachers make you sit far away from each other lmao.
But they can't do anything to you outside the classroom so that's when the real deal is on, baby 😎
You sometimes to different tiktok trends together and are kinda popular.
Others think that you two are a couple since you get along with each other well so you always have to tell them you're just friends, even though Dazai might not straightforwardly agree with you on this one🚶🏻‍♀️
⇝Fyodor Dostoevsky
Why is writing for him so hard what is wrong with me😭
Just because I wrote that much for Dazai doesn't mean I would do the same for Fyodor -_-
Anyway, he's not a really talkative person, so you're not attracted to him at first sight,
He doesn't look like a shy guy, he's just not going to waste his energy unless it's necessary to speak so you decide not to bother him.
But things change when you get a bad grade at physics and the teacher asks him to be your tutor.
He agrees cause he doesn't really care anyway.
Fyodor is definitely the top of his class. You never see him study but he pays attention to the teacher carefully while he teaches, so you know that studying with him will be helpful, but you're kinda nervous cause let's be real. the guy looks scary. (Hot scary😏)
So when you do spend time together, you realize that he's actually an interesting guy, and a super smart one, so you come to like him and start hanging around with him everywhere he goes hoping maybe you would become friends.
You're the one who comes to him though, asking where is he heading to and would be it ok if you come along and he always says yes cause as I said before, he doesn't care.
Now being Fyodor's friend is not something Fun at first, but rather meaningful and interesting. You gradually become familiar with his perspective of things and the world, and this would effect you way of thinking and seeing things too. After becoming his friend, you pay attention to details more closely than you did before, and you try to understand the connection and logical explanation behind them.
You two would never talk about you're relationship and that you're friends, because you don't know what his reaction would be and you're also not willing to take the risk, so it's not something offical.
Being his friend adds to you're knowledge and his effect on you is definitely considerable, so you like to be around him but you can never know if he does too since you can't ask him about him neither read his mind 🚶🏻‍♀️
Why does it all sound so dark lol I didn't mean to 😭
Reblogs are appreciated! :)
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penofpenguin · 2 years
Hi I hope you are well <3 I would like to ask for headcanons or oneshot (choose the format you feel comfortable with :3) to rook with an angel mc fem (really xd you know, with wings, ethereal beauty and a great believer in god) but it's a secret for everyone just that rook managed to discover mc's little secret~ thank you uvu
Hi dear anon! Thank you for the sweet request <3 I really think Rook goes well with an angel s/o and this was fun to write :D
Also, although it was fem reader, the fic came out with no pronouns or gender so feel free to assume any gender!
Content Warnings: Rook speaking French, none
Rook finding out his s/o is an angel
Rook x Angel!Reader(mc)
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"Ah, mon amour, c'est une surprise!"(my love, this is a surprise-)
You didn't come to Twisted Wonderland from Earth. You came from somewhere else. You were an angel. You had wings, prayed everyday, extraordinary beauty and basically, everything an angel could be described with.
This would grab the attention of everyone.
So for your own comfort, you kept it a secret even from Grim.
During your time in NRC, you ended up catching feelings for a french guy with a bowl haircut. And once you found out he reciprocated your feelings, you started a beautiful relationship.
Although you loved Rook, you still wouldn't reveal your biggest secret to him.
You were too good at hiding it that Rook began suspecting something was up.
"Mon amour, is there something bothering you?" He asks, during a small date.
"No? Why do you ask?" You responded, tilting your head to the side questionably.
"There's no use in lying to me, my love." He says, a mysterious smile appearing on his face as he holds your hand tighter.
You didn't feel good lying to him. You were an angel after all.
"I have to go." You run off, leaving the curious hunter...well...more curious.
And so every time he had to himself, he'd watch you closely(I mean, what did you expect when you started dating him? Leona??/lh) to find anything that can help him figure out what you're hiding.
One day you just felt...like you needed to shift to your true form. Flying wasn't easy with a broom and you needed to relax and stretch your wings for a bit. Plus, the weather was nice and cloudy you could go for a fly.
You left to a deserted place where nobody was around. That was when you decided to let loose.
You stretched your wings and went for a fly.
"I missed this!!!" You said, having fun while flying high in the sky.
"This is funnn," You yelled softly.
"Oui! This is truly fun is it not?" Another voice yelled in the sky next to you.
"Wait what??"
You looked to the side to see Rook on his broom with his usual "(^ᵕ^)" face. This made you zoom back down and immediately shift to your human self.
Rook followed and saw you running away.
"S'il vous plaît attendez, mon amour," (Please wait my love) Rook grabbed your wrist and his strong grip didn't let you go.
"You...uh...saw nothing now ok?!!"
"You flew so gracefully like an angel. The feathers of your wings moved in rythm with the wind. Oh c'était très beau(it was very beautiful),"
You knew there was no going back. So you explained your true identity to him.
"Ah, mon amour, c'est une surprise!"
"I know it's very unique uh..."
"Please, show me your enlightening angel figure again." Rook said, eyes sparkling with love.
"Maybe some other day. I still feel sort of sick after that quick transformation."
"Of course." Rook smiled as he ran his hands through your hair. You felt a bit relaxed after this.
"Ah yes, I brought some sweets from my dorm. The weather is truly beautiful today. Would you care to have some with me?" He said.
"That would be great."
And so you ended your afternoon lying on Rook's shoulder, having some sweets. If you trust him with this secret, you made a good decision.
Thank you for reading!! Hope you enjoyed.
I hope you liked this anon. I'm sorry there was no mention of pronouns or gender...but I hope it's okay. Have a nice day 💖💖💖
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thelunarfairy · 7 months
And gosh I never knew nene received that kind of hate? Am I too oblivious 😭😭 but omg the points you mentioned about her being way too nice for her own good? I second that claim- she's actually so selfless. Hell even I would be petty, but that selfless quality makes her even more beautiful.
Also no hate to any character, but I just don't like it when they go about making fun of her legs like anything. Once? Okay, like its comical so it's fine, but I really didn't appreciate the fact that even after mistuba saw that nene's biggest fear was being left alone, unloved, all because of her legs during the mirrors chapter, he STILL chose to make fun of her legs. Who does that please- that instance made me angry-
I really really feel like she needs a break. Or a person who would ACTUALLY hear her out and support her. Because if you want my opinion? NONE of the characters at present would exactly help her out. Like yk what I mean? I want a character being empathetic about Nene for once and hear her out. I feel like the things that happen in the manga most of the times happen against Nene's will. Her problems get doubled, she gets trapped into dangerous situations, she needs a long break-
Anyways thank you so much for the points you shared! I'm so glad to see someone agreeing with me on Nene, she deserves the world and people should know that she's developing too. It's not just kou suffering because of her mother's death and his complex with teru, not just mitsuba suffering because he wants to be a human again but cannot for obvious reasons, not just hanako who killed his twin and regrets it with his whole heart, but also Nene who suffers that complex of feeling unloved, I've never been in the situation often, but I understand what she feels like. Imagine someone says that they find your best friend pretty but ignores you completely, especially if it's a boy. How would you feel? That feeling hits hard. It's not simply "Oh but others shouldn't determine how pretty you actually are." While that's true, we cant help but feel bad now can we?
Awww look who came back to answer me hahaha ♡ I'm glad you liked my answer.
Yashiro's legs are taken to the comical side of the story, it was something built for that, but I like to point out that this actually bothers her a lot. Hanako loves her legs haha but doesn't admit it, Kou doesn't seem to care about it and he also likes (or liked) her romantically, but she didn't notice, the girl with her head in the clouds haha
Don't get angry with Mitsuba, no one escapes him hahaha no one, not even his own mother XD
In fact, your view is correct, the vast majority of things that happen to Nene are against her will, sometimes because she was too naive or because of the influence of other people. She and Kou are very similar, easily fooled by a sad or beautiful story, they are very easy to convince and manipulate. This is not stupidity, it is naivety. They act like children sometimes (not that I can ask much more than that from two teenagers) but they don't think twice before making decisions.
Nene simply swallowed a mermaid's scale without even hesitating, did she think about the consequences? That's about it.
Nene's complexes are more linked to common and more human problems compared to Kou, Mitsuba and Hanako. This explains why people don't care so much, don't these three's complexes seem to be heavier and more intense than Yashiro's? So, even if that is the case, it doesn't negate her problems. Because if she didn't have these problems she would never have summoned Hanako and the story wouldn't even exist XD
Let's see what Nene's backstory will be, I'm curious to know!
♡ ♡ ♡
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skyward-floored · 4 months
Maybe I’ve missed this, and I know there were IAU chapters based on it, but how did you like Incredibles 2?
It was pretty good! I haven’t watched it in a hot minute, so I don’t remember all the little details, but it’s definitely not as good as the first one. It has a lot of things I like about it though, and I’ll gladly watch it!
I think the biggest thing for me is like, the screenslaver villain was interesting, but also I think they could’ve made it fit in a little better with things? If that makes sense? Like, the screenslaver’s whole thing is like “oooh people are obsessing over screens and technology and not living in the real world” but it doesn’t really seem to affect our heroes’ lives? None of the main characters seem to have an obsession with screens. We don’t even really see side characters being obsessed with screens, or anything like that. It just feels a little... disconnected, I guess? Idk, it’s sort of nitpicky, but it bothers me lol.
I also think it was a little odd that supers were so easily welcomed back into the public sphere? I know a lot can change in 15 or so years, but from when they first decide to change people’s views and when they sign the thing making supers legal again, it can’t have been more then a month..? I just don’t think it would happen quite that fast. But again, that’s another little nitpick.
I also think it would’ve been more fun to have the second movie be a few years later instead of a few months, see the kids a little older, have things a bit more changed. But that’s more personal opinion then a real complaint.
...But that’s enough about what I don’t like lol, it’s still a good movie! The action scenes are great and fun to watch, all of the kids’ struggles are realistic, and the dad trying and failing to handle everything is both funny and relatable. That scene of him at the table trying to figure out math was me with my mom SO much XD Also we really get to see Mrs. Incredible shine, which was fun, especially with all of those other heroes that get brought in, and the real villain ohohoho, that was a neat twist.
I think my favorite part is when all the hypnotized supers go to the Parr’s house to get the kids and Frozone comes in to help them, and Frozone ends up just barely helping them escape but gets hypnotized in the process and aaaaaaaa it’s so tense and good. I can’t wait to write it in IAU lol.
So yeah, good movie with some flaws, but nothing is perfect so yknow. I’ve been meaning to watch it again for research purposes, but I haven’t gotten a chance to yet :)
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sexydreamgirl · 1 year
I have i question about my manifestations, I’m hoping it makes sense.
So I’m very clear about my desired reality in my 4D, I have everything that I want, from the way I look to my SP, I also have like storyline of how I want certain things to unfold, for example: how I will meet my SP ( I guess ‘process’ could also be manifestations as well idk could u clarify that plss?) I obviously don’t have like the storyline of how I will get all of my manifestations, I’ll leave that to the universe. Now the thing is, I want to meet my SP when I finish high school which will be two years from now. So in my 4D I met my SP at 18, and right now in my 3D I’m not (I’m not looking for clarification in 3D though) so what I’m saying is that I will meet my SP in two years time… but sometimes I wonder ‘well I could just manifest being 18 right now, right?’ But the thing is, I could do that but I don’t really want to, I like the way the calendar works if you know what mean, so taking in consideration that I could literally make myself be 18 right now with the Loa, I want to wait two years. So that brings me to my question, since I want some of my manifestations to come in two years time, is that considered confessing that I don’t have them? And will that affect my desired reality? Because I have everything I want ( and sometimes how they happened ) in my 4D, I also want to mention that in never look for reassurance, clarifications, and prof in my 3D, I’m also not bothered by the current circumstances of the 3D because I know creation is done in my 4D, so I’m just a bit confused about the fact that If I want things to happen in two years then will that be like confessing I don’t have them? I hope that makes sense and doesn’t sound stupid xD.
Thank you so much for creating this amazing blog, it has literally changed me so much and I look forward to every day now, I’m soooo much happier thanks to u and the loa. I hope you are doing amazing and feeling well! Thank u Queen Hera <3
I understand why so many of these concerns would cross your mind but I'm here to tell you that none of them are an issue worth considering. You're doing perfect, my love. Don't focus on the little details, just remain faithful to what you want and it'll inevitably work out as you want it to. Keep going <3
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charliedawn · 2 years
Sorry for bother you again Charlie but I have this crazy funny idea in my head. So the head nurse see the slashers are board at Saint Lewis (hope I spelled it right) along with the staff. The head nurse decide it would be fun to have Just Dance game for them to play. What song would the slasher and staff play? Who would enjoy playing and who would sit to watch but still enjoy the others having fun? Maybe have a small bbq party (with no alcohol of course) so they can all eat like a big family. If this is to much and crazy idea I'll understand but I can imagine Michael dancing to blinding light by the Weekend because of tik tok XD
Hey there ! It took me a while but, I finally finished. Here are precisions on their favorite kind of music and I hope you'll like it ?
Barry :
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You : "What are you listening to ?"
Him *smiles and winks at you* : "I was born this way, baby. Wanna dance with me ?"
Barry is a Lady Gaga fanatic. He has an entire playlist dedicated to her. He also knows Just Dance and would bring the game to the party. Barry is a great dancer, which can be surprising since other personalities such as Dennis or Kevin don’t really know how to and would prefer watching.
He is also a social butterfly and would be thrilled to attend a BBQ party. He would bring the food and organise everything to be perfect. He would also make sure to give each of the personalities a chance to dance and ask them for their favorite song.
Favorite songs : I Like Boys, Todrick Hall or Born This Way, Lady Gaga.
Pennywise :
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You : "What are you listening to ?"
Pennywise : "None of you beeswax."
You : "...Jerk."
Pennywise doesn't like sharing his personal interests. As you've probably noticed after spending a long time with him, he can be rude when someone gets to close to his personal bubble. Don't take it personally. Also, he doesn't dance as much as Penny, but he can dance.
I don't think he would even attend, BBQ party means socializing, and he hates socializing and if he attended, he would probably go play pranks more than actually dancing.
He has old and very traditional taste in music, the sort that soothe more than makes you want to dance. Pennywise may sound rather rude or harsh, but his music is the exact opposite.
Favorite songs : Loreley, Teir Abhaile Riu or Tir Na Nog.
Penny :
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Penny *giggles* : "WANNA DANCE, HUMAN ?! PRETTY PLEASE ?! COME ON !"
You *sigh after having danced all night with Penny* : "How about we take a break, Penny ?"
Penny *giggles before running away*
Penny just needs to hear the word dance.
Just needs to hear it.
And he'll be up and dancing.
He's not called the dancing clown for nothing.
One thing that he learned and made Pennywise teach him is how to dance and all the different types of dancing. Penny is very energetic and needs to move a lot. He loves dancing and would ask you to dance all the time. The only minor inconvenience is that he can't get tired and it would be a lot of effort for any human being to keep up with him.
He would be very happy to attend the BBQ party and would even use his powers to be sure everyone has some fun. Penny is very extroverted and where Pennywise is uncomfortable, he is in his element.
Penny *starts dancing with everyone* : "I love this song !"
Favourites : Anything and everything as long as it is catchy and you can dance on it.
Freddy :
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Freddy *smirks when you ask him what he likes listening to* : "Sit on my lap, and maybe I’ll tell you ?"
You *roll your eyes* : "Dream on, Krueger.."
Freddy was born in the 1960s and is the most musically cultured out of all the slashers. He is a huge fan of music and used to play guitar. He has witnessed the greatest and collected quite the collection of CD’s and music disks over the years. He always insists on being in control of the music during celebrations or parties.
Yup. Did I mention he is an annoying little bastard ?
If it’s a team game ? He wouldn’t hesitate to ask you to dance either. He has moves for a dead man. He will most certainly take the lead if it’s not your thing and take the chance to be as close as possible to make you uncomfortable and get a laugh out of it.
Favorite songs : He loves everything related to rock. I Will Survive. Kiss. Panic at the Disco. Skillet..But, he also likes the classics. Michael Jackson. Queen. You name it. He has so many favourites.
Michael :
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You : "And you ? What kind of music do you want me to put on ?"
Michael *thinks about it and writes down* : "Well..I do like Blinding Lights. One of the nurses let me hear it once and I did enjoy it."
Michael doesn't have a favorite song.
He would listen to whatever is on and enjoy it if it is good enough. Michael is very easy to please, but he wouldn't dance. He is rather slow and would be afraid to make a fool out of himself.
He would be happy to attend the BBQ party and get to see all of the other slashers and talk to them about their day, it feels like he has a normal life again.
However, as the father figure of many of the slashers, he would make sure nobody gets in trouble during the BBQ party and silently watch his "misbehaving children" closely. (aka Freddy and Pennywise)
Him *takes Freddy by the back of the neck and silently puts him in a time-out*
Freddy *protests* : "Hey ! Not fair ! I didn't do shit !"
Michael *sends him a death glare*
Freddy *stays silent for the rest of the dinner*
Norman :
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You : "What is your favorite song ?"
Norman : "Oh. My taste in music is very old. I'm afraid you may not know any of them, or any of the originals anyway. But, wait..I think I have old disks somewhere ?" *shows you*
Norman was born in the 1960s and he has grown to love romantic songs and used to dance on them with his mother. It makes him nostalgic and he can even get lost in thought when he hears them.
He knows how to dance, but he is an old gentleman and waltz will always be his go to. He doesn't know Just Dance, but will be happy to try, or simply hear the different songs and have a dance partner.
He would be happy to be invited to the BBQ party with the other slashers, because he misses having a family and it would make him smile to spend time with them.
Favorite song : Can't Help Falling In Love With You (Elvis Presley) or I Love You Baby (Frank Sinatra).
Jason :
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Jason didn't have access to the internet growing up and wasn't really musically cultured when he was first admitted inside St Louis. He could barely talk.
However, being surrounded by people from different cultures and backgrounds allowed him to open up and culture himself. He also finally had access to the internet, which helped a lot.
But, Jason had a lot of anger in him when he was first admitted and the nurses had to find a way to calm him down. This was when Viktor (the coroner) had the idea of using music to make him calm down.
He made him listen to a bunch of different songs to find which one would help and finally, discovered that hard rock worked well as therapeutic music for Jason.
So, whenever he's stressed, frustrated or angry..He listens some hard rock and it helps him stay calm, like at big social events.
He also likes taking photos and would be sure to take a lot of them to remember the moment.
Favorite songs : Hard Rock Hallelujah or Awake and Alive/Monster (Skillet)
Brahms :
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Brahms : "Disney songs."
You : "..."
The other slashers : "..."
Brahms *flushes in embarrassment because he thinks you are judging him*
You *smile before putting on a Disney songs playlist* : "Let's go !"
The slashers *all get up and start singing and dancing*
Brahms *smiles widely at the show*
Freddy and Pennywise *grab Brahms and pull him up*
Freddy : "Hey ! Don't just stand there ! We ain't doing this without you, kiddo !"
Pennywise *grumpy as ever* : "If I have to dance, so do you !"
Brahms is like the youngest sibling of all the slashers and they all have a weak spot for him (that they'd admit it or not). Penny seems innocent because he has learned to appear so, but Brahms is the only slasher who really has the heart of a child and all the slashers can feel it.
He is one of them, he already killed, but he is the only one who succeeded in keeping that small part of innocence in him and they eventually all got attached to him one way or another.
Brahms likes BBQ parties or any other kind of fun gatherings with the slashers, because he doesn't need to pretend. He doesn't feel the need to be perfect with them. He used to have very strict parents with very high expectations of him. They would glare at him at any small mistake and use harsh punishments (hit him with a cane and smack his fingers with a ruler).
He often had bloody knuckles at the end of social events and family dinners.
Let's say, the slashers are very different and it's a huge change for him; one that he very much welcomes.
The Staff :
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Amita : "You just gotta have a little boogie for me to shake, sugar. Earth, Wind and Fire (Boogie Wonderland) is the best song ever invented. I said what I said.."
Eva : "Shake It Off (Taylor Swift). I need to run in many places of the hospital at the same time and it gives me the daily push of adrenaline I need to keep a smile on my face and stay polite."
Viktor : "Sugar - Robin Schulz. If you want to move ? Best song, and it keeps me awake. It did help me on many lonely and sleepless nights at work."
And a song that I think defines the slasher family :
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wee-miss-noone · 10 months
Witcher fandom 🔥 choose violence ask game 🔥
3. screenshot or description of the worst take you've seen on tumblr
11. number of fandom-related words you've filtered
18. it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
25. common fandom complaint that you're sick of hearing
Thank you for the ask!
alright, let's do this
3. so it concerned the witcher cast more than the show as it is but I recall seeing a post about shipping Freya Allan and Henry Cavill and I just recall feeling the visceral feeelings of yikes, not as much because Freya plays his daughter but because of the clear age difference.
11. surprisingly none! I like to live dangerously (also I never bothered to learn how to filter)
18. not as much the fandom as the creators of the netflix show, but I feel the creators have very much been underutilizing the fiary tale angle of the books. Like they use it in a few episodes like the first episodes of the first two seasons but then it fizzles out. And I think it's shame because in the books, the fact many of Geralt's adventures were alternative versions of classical fairy tales only with darker and grittier anding added what I felt was the overall comentary on how not everything is how it seems, and stories are told by the victors and thus wrapped which fitted with a lot of stuff that was happening in the books as well. Idk I just like fairy tale retellings and I felt it's shame the series lost it into an extent
25. Not really a complaint, but especially when the first two seasons came out I recall a lot of people shipping geraskier and then making proclamations about how it will surely be canon and about all these hints that had no striaght explanation. And this is not to shit on these shippers, I shipped Geraskier too, but seeing these kinds of claims made me feel like listening to that one friend who has a shitty boyfriend but always defends him and claims "he will change"... like honey I would wish so, but do not get your hopes up, he will only disappoint you. It happen in supernatural fandom, it happened in sherlock and boaut a quazillion other fnadoms, the will just bait you (And i mean I know they confirmed Jaskier being bi/pan in the last season but we're talking about geraskier here specifically)
And that's all, I feel I answer a completely different question than was asked at least half the time but I answered best to my abilities at least XD.
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