#The Gate to Tomorrow is Not the Light of Heaven but the Darkness of the Depths of the Earth. || Final Fantasy 7 ||
sanguinepeccatorum · 5 months
Tag Dump!! <3
The Gate to Tomorrow is Not the Light of Heaven but the Darkness of the Depths of the Earth. || Final Fantasy 7 || ,
I Was Frozen in Time but Now I Feel as if my Time is Just Beginning. || Advent Children ||,
To Escape from a World of Illusions. I Wonder if it is Better. || Post Dirge of Cerberus || ,
And This. This is my Punishment. || Post Dirge of Cerberus AU ||,
Hearing Your Stories Has Added Upon Me Yet Another Sin. More Nightmares Will Come to Me Now. More Than I Previously Had. || Return to the Turks AU ||,
Our Battlefield is Now Beneath the Earth. || Devil May Cry ||,
Some Rise by Sin and Some by Virtue Fall. || Metal Gear ||,
True Power is Not Something That is Found by Those Who Seek It. || Final Fantasy XV ||,
Civilization Begins With Order and Grows With Liberty and Dies With Chaos. || Final Fantasy XVI ||,
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alvodra · 6 months
English translation if Knecht Ruprecht, found here
I came here from the forest
I tell you, it is a very holy night!
All over the tips of the firs
I saw bright flashes of golden light;
And from above, the gates of heaven
I saw with open eyes the Christ-child
and as I wander through the dark forest
I hear a light voice calling me.
”Knecht Ruprecht“ it called, ”Old man
Lift your legs and hurry! Fast!
The candles alight
the gates of heaven open wide
old and young
shall rest from the hunt of life
and tomorrow I shall fly to earth
as it shall be Christmas again!“
I said: ”O dear master, Christ
My trip is almost at an end;
It is only this one town / where the children are good“.
”Do you have your sack with your?“
I said: ”The sack, it is here;
apples, nuts and almonds
solemn children do enjoy“.
”Do you also have your cane?“
I said: ”The cane, it is here.
But only for the bad children,
to hit their right rear“.
The Christ-child spoke: ”That is good;
So go with god my faithful servant!“
I came here from the forest
I tell you, it is a very holy night!
Speak now how I find it here
Are the children good or bad?
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peachyxin · 10 months
to spend my tomorrows with you
ao3 link • 886 words
pairing: Vashwood
tags: angst, hurt no comfort, grief/mourning, coping, dead Nicholas D. Wolfwood, drabble
cw: major character death, Trigun manga spoilers
Vash copes with Wolfwood's death, while the latter reaches for faith in the void of the underworld. A pseudo-katabasis and the dream of a falling star.
01. six feet under
Vash sits stone-still on the couch, in a daze. He toys with the weight of the Punisher and traces its contours with the pads of his fingers. The cool metal counterbalances the phantom memory of warm hands held and cherished deep beneath his skin. It still doesn’t hit him that Wolfwood is gone. There’s no way he can be. He imagines how Wolfwood would hold the gun; he remembers the cheeky grin that would accompany the confirmatory glance that they shared before charging head-first into battle. He imagines that the warmth that lingers on its handle is real and not just a desperate manifestation of his denial.
No tears fall as he buries him. Shovels full of dirt hit the casket with dull thuds. Repeat, and repeat. Soon, the ground is level, and he is truly gone. No tears, but his whole world falls. In the depths of the night, left alone with his own suffocating thoughts, Vash sobs. He sobs, the force of his anguish sending tremors through his entire being as he clutches Wolfwood’s smoke-infused blazer to his chest so hard his knuckles turn white. I love you . Vash realizes this, belatedly, in the surreal trance of his grief, and the thought shears his heart open and raw, allowing the fears stowed carefully inside to rear their ugly heads, entangled in the depths of his psyche. The ghost of cigarettes may as well be of incense, prayer, and holy reverence. He’s convinced burying the only person so dear to him — the only one who saw him for more than his cheery facade, the only one who could ever pull him out of his head whenever he floated too far — damns him to a life of perdition.
He brings the cigarette to his lips, taking a slow drag. He coughs, sputters, then collects himself and tries again. One more. The poison seeping into his lungs is his punishment and repentance, the temporary antidote for his guilt and self-loathing. He imagines how Wolfwood’s cigarettes dangled effortlessly between his lips. If he closes his eyes, he can imagine that Wolfwood exists instead of him. That he survives, instead of him. Again, again, and again, he invites the smoke into his lungs, willing it to cloud the despair within, convincing himself that the wound is not severe. He wonders if Wolfwood would laugh at him, at how pathetic he is now, destroying his body to quench his searing, parching, and utterly destroying thirst for a memory long past, that can never be relived, not in this lifetime or the next. (He imagines Wolfwood laughing. The lengths he would go just to hear him laugh again.)
02. fallen angel’s ode to the sun
A sinner doesn’t deserve heaven. I turn the other way, not bothering to find out if cruel destiny deems me fit to enter; I am but a pawn in its eternal game. I fight against the tide of apparitions clambering to be first at the pearly gates. The blood staining my skin cannot be so easily cleansed. I descend the steps into the dark, cold labyrinth that marks the beginning of the underworld.
I was in love with the sun, once. He burned — breaking down and recreating endlessly, selflessly radiating warmth through the destruction of his own being. In my hubris, I convinced myself that I could best Icarus. I thought I was doing quite well. 
The sun was my salvation. In his light, I believed that I had escaped the sinner’s path, that I could be reformed, born anew, and be cleansed of my wretched past. Well, that’s why I ended up here, anyway, but I wanted to believe. I still do. I have to.
But, back then, just as my fingertips were about to brush something holy, I was hurled into the unforgiving abyss of the cold sea. It wasn’t supposed to end that way. I hadn't intended to fly far in the first place. All I wanted was to have more, to be closer, to spend all my tomorrows steeped in the sacred rays of his ever-burning light.
I would burn for him a million times, over ten thousand different lifetimes, just to be his priest, his prophet, and his anchor in each one. He was so bright that I could hardly see him, and at times my unenlightened mind even found him foolish, but all that did was make me want to chase even harder, addicted to the thrill of flames licking at my fingertips, just out of reach.
As I descend, an invisible force holds me back. The selfish will of a star. Even in death, I cannot escape his self-imposed martyrdom, the pure deeds that only underline the extent of my defilement.
“Wolfwood?” an echoing and distant voice says. It’s almost a whisper, barely audible, trembling and unsteady. I wouldn’t have caught it if it weren’t for the aching familiarity in its timbre, melancholy disguised by jovial grace. I turn around. I have to believe, but I cannot.
My star burns as brightly as ever, but the farther I run, the more obscure his trembling mirage becomes.
Vash awakes with a start. The faint traces of the fading dream elude his reaching fingers. The star falls, cradled by a single tear, its outline reflecting the flickering oil lamp’s last exhalation, returning to the void of infinite nothing.
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Moonlight Stomp
Dancing away the moonlight staring through stars preying on hope
Listening out on the radio, turning over the chest-shire cat's smile holding
Pause on the dreams yesterday saw death writing home at my pyre
Now I am waiting on the train, leaving everything behind on the tracks
Rack back another round, I am tilling the land now searching down streets
Got a smile in my mind, I can't lose, got a nightmare gone a dream coming on
Screaming on the highway, buzzing in my ears, radio is blasting off the wind
Sin on the memories wailing in the saxophone holding yesterdays in it's breath
Away it goes like a fire, like the cigarette igniting in the dark between alley ways
Fires between the walls listening to everything and catching nothing
Know what man, I am done got it all rolled out, back between my fingers tonight
Night on the television, Visions fed through the sage, page a doctor don't worry
Worry on the window sill, red light flashing neon as they hold back midnight
Coming up, coming down, south to north makes the merry-go-round
Too hot to handle even the piper is getting out of town said the soothsayer
Cleaning up the shattered dreams, broken years, and loose screams tonight
The steps are empty the guitar man is gilded as the fingers burn across strings
Nero stamps out the fires on the walls as the cities blaze across time whispering
Secrets to tell as the devil smiles goodbye
First light new dawn second sight vision in the lake, swimming out for the shore
Never coming round again the end of the world and the end of yesterday all at once
Name the poison and I have tried it man, shook that sugar out on the line of the moon
Saw myself in the reflections praying that the sandman knew better than saint peter
Got the gate, the lock on the block switching heaven for hell in an instant between
Hands on the shake, hands on the invisible pass of knowledge transforming minds
Man know what, I have said it too many damn times before, but I mean it now
I am done loading out the last and turning emptiness on its head, I am out
Caught the streets weeding out the devil's deeds on the demons playing dice on the curb
Wailing off the record machine, grooving between the lines reading the notes on lights
Better then the test, come back from the other side and sold the world a bill of goods
Now I am repenting for all the deeds left on the fence, hence the word is good
I am trailing out like a comet searching the universe for the meaning of life
Posting the notion I am no longer passing potions, I got nothing in my pocket
Tonight or tomorrow, I am on the next train
Nothing to fear, and nothing to tear up, I am praying on the good will
Got one notion, that is a ticket one way up and out no where
I am watching time on the clock passing hours on the good life now
I got no one to wait for and nothing to pause for I ain't got no bars here
I am toasting off the edge, paying respect for stars tonight staring
Living on the edge till the man comes knocking
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thepaisleyreview · 4 months
Science-Fiction. Sorted.
Key: strikethrough means duplicate to be deleted ; bold means recommended ; I have not listened to everything.
Abbott, Edwin A - Flatland (1884) Banks, Iain M - Use of Weapons (1990) Bear, Greg - Eon (1985) Bester, Alfred - The Demolished Man (1953) Bradbury, Ray - The Martian Chronicles Brin, David - Startide Rising (1983) Brin, David - The Postman (1985) Brin, David - The Uplift War (1987)
Dick, Philip K
Dick, Philip K - UBIK (1969) Dick, Phillip K - The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldritch 1964 Philip K Dick - VALIS - 1981 Dick, Philip K - Broken Bubble (1988) Dick, Philip K - Do Androids Dream Of Electric Sheep (1966) Dick, Philip K - Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said (1974) Dick, Philip K - Interviews [ note: unsorted ] Dick, Philip K - Mr. Spaceship (1953) Dick, Philip K - Of Withered Apples Dick, Philip K - Radio Free Albemuth (1976) Dick, Philip K -The Man in the High Castle (1962) Dick, Philip K - The Minority Report and Other Stories (2002) Dick, Philip K - Ubik (1969) Dick, Phillip K -A Scanner Darkly (1977) Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep by Philip K. Dick - BBC Radio
Effinger, George Alec - A Fire In The Sun (Budayeen 2) Effinger, George Alec - The Exile Kiss (Budayeen 3) Effinger, George Alec - When Gravity Fails (Budayeen 1) Farmer, Philip Jose - To Your Scattered Bodies Go (1971)
Gibson, William [note: incomplete - have misfiled some]
Gibson, William - All Tomorrows Parties Count Zero (1986) (96kb mp3) Gibson, William - Idoru Neuromancer (1984) [ note: read by the author ] Pattern Recognition (2003) Virtual Light The Peripheral - William Gibson (2014) Agency Alien III An Audible Original Drama
H - Haldeman, Joe - The Forever War Hamilton, Peter F - The Reality Dysfunction (1996) Herbert, Frank - Dune Keyes, Daniel - Flowers for Algernon LeGuin, Ursula - The Dispossessed - 1974 LeGuin, Ursula - The Lathe of Heaven - 1971 LeGuin, Ursula - The Left Hand Of Darkness (1969) LeGuin, Ursula - The Left Hand of Darkness (Alt Copy) LeGuin, Ursula - The Word For The World Is Forest (1976) Lem, Stanislaw - Solaris (1950) L'Engle, Madelein - A Wrinkle in Time Lewis, CS - Out of the Silent Planet (1938) May, Julian - The Many-Colored Land (1981)
McDevitt, Jack - Chindi McDevitt, Jack - Engines_of_god McDevitt, Jack - Time Travelers Never Die -2009 McDevitt, Jack - Echo- Jack McDevitt McDevitt, Jack - Seeker McDevitt, Jack - The Devil's Eye McDevitt, Jack - Polaris-Jack McDevitt McDevitt, Jack - talentforwar.m4b McDonald, Ian - Hyberabad Days Morgan, Richard - Altered Carbon (2002) Niven, Larry - Ringworld - 1970 Niven & Pournelle - The Mote in God's Eye Pohl, Frederik - Gateway Powers, Tim - On Stranger Tides Powers, Tim - Declare Powers, Tim - The Anubis Gates Powers, Tim - Three Days to Never Reynolds, Alasdair Revelation Space - Alastair Reynolds - 2000
Robinson, Kim Stanley - Aurora.m4a Robinson, Kim Stanley - Mars Trilogy [AudioBooks] Robinson, Kim Stanley - New York 2140 Robinson, Kim Stanley - The Years of Rice and Salt Robinson, Kim Stanley - Three Californias Triptych 01 - The Wild Shore [Rudnicki] Robinson, Kim Stanley- Three Californias Triptych 02 - The Gold Coast [Rudnicki] Robinson, Kim Stanley- Three Californias Triptych 03 - Pacific Edge [Rudnicki] Rucker, Rudy Rucker, Rudy - Ware 1 - Software Rucker, Rudy - Ware 2 - Wetware Rucker, Rudy - Ware 3 - Freeware Rucker, Rudy - Ware 4 - Realware
Sagan, Carl - Contact Scalzi, John - Old Man's War (2005) Shelley, Mary - Frankenstein (1818) Simak, Clifford - Way Station (1963) Simmons, Dan - Hyperion Simmons, Dan - Ilium (2003) Smith, E E 'Doc' - Gray Lensman (1940) Stephenson, Neal - The Diamond Age (1995) Sterling, Bruce - Mirrorshades - The Cyberpunk Anthology
Wells, HG - The Invisible Man (1897) Wells, HG - The War of the Worlds Wells, Martha - Artifical condition Willis, Connie - Doomsday Book (1992) Wyndham, John - The Day of the Triffids (1951) Wyndham, John - The Chrysalids Verne, Jules - Journey to the Center of the Earth (1864) Vinge, Vernor - A Fire Upon the Deep (1991)
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monsooninn · 6 months
Berakhot 2b: 13. "Saturday Night."
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So Ha Shem wields a filament of polymerized light from Sea to Shore, and is called a Shorer. This 'tractor beam' is a Donation that begins with the Offering of the Torah. We know a man becomes a Shur when the experience of Ha Shem becomes an incessant memory during which one actually forgets about the existence of the Torah, having found something beyond the Torah, AKA Ha Shem.
To have nothing after the achievement of Ha Shem is the meaning of the extreme poverty we often refer to as Ein Sof, which takes place after the Emptying. Unlike in the East, where the experience is called Brahman, and is identified with unconditioned light which is darkness, the Ein Sof is pure light.
This is why Ha Shem is likened to a "thorn piercing the darkness". The one who is pierced by the Thorn is said to be poor by the Mishnah because he has nothing left to offer God except his life. The most important aspect of this life is intercourse on Saturday Night= the continual re-creation of the Self:
13 a. And he is a poor man and a priest?
13b. And Reminhu: From my fear of beginning to hear the words of Rabbi Eliezer in Arabin - the holy hour of the day on Saturday evenings.
13c. Rabbi Yehoshua says: It is the hour when the priests are purified to eat their offering.
13d. Rabbi Meir says, it is an hour for the priests to eat their offering.
13e. Rabbi Yehuda said to him: And are they priests because of the day they are baptized?
13f. Rabbi Hanina says that a poor man went in to eat his mouth with salt.
13g. Rabbi Achai and tell her Rabbi Achai says: It is an hour that most of the people of Adam will enter the sev.
The Values in Gematria for these verse are:
13a.: The Value in Gematria is 85-9, ha khat, "to bear down on the lower parts, the younger parts, the obviously visible things and find the ultimate abstraction of the things from heaven and from far above heaven, use combinations of things more relative to the higher things."
13.b: Rabbie Reminhu= "to exalt the teachings of the Apex Pomegranate", Rabbi Eleazar, "learn the kernels, the Elohim, the names of God."
Saturday night is when "Zev" or Eve gets laid and gives birth to Shabbat. If she gets laid with Adam, she introduces a fresh new breath of life; a new era. If she gets laid with another woman, she produces a new goddess of Jerusalem (2496, בדטו, in dato, a new understanding of the Torah).
If Adam partners with another man, this reinforces the noble characteristics inherent to mankind, but are not associated with the Elohim, (1567, א‎הו‎ז‎, ahoz).
We would never, for example say God is Reuben, "a good leader", or Simeon, "whom one hears about, who has honor, a good reputation." These are exchanged man to man not God to man or man to God.
The Value in Gematria is 7122, זאבב‎, "the wolf". The wolf is tomorrow, or maybe not. Without Saturday Night, all we have to look forward to is confronting the Wolf.
13c.: Rabbi Yehoshua= Joshua, to teach about liberation.
The Value in Gematria is 1420, אד‎בב, adbab, "advance to the gate."
Babel =Gate Of God Anointed, SaturatedThrough Production, Through Drive, Through Propitiation.
Gates are:
Judges and officers shall you place in all your gates that G‑d your Lord gives you… (Deut. 16:18)
So begins our Torah portion, which goes on to elaborate upon numerous laws of the Torah. This essay explores the age-old human quest to touch the Divine by explaining the deeper and personal meaning of "judges and officers" and the inner significance of "your gates".
The Hebrew word for "gate" is "shaar". The Zohar, commenting on the verse "Her Husband is known in the gates" (Proverbs 31:23) associates the word "shaar" with "approximation", in Hebrew, "hashara", and "measure", "shiur". The implication is that approximation and measure are somehow "gates." The text of the Zohar follows:
Rabbi Yehuda said: The Holy One blessed be He is transcendent in His glory. He is hidden and removed far beyond all ken; there is none in the world, nor has there ever been one from the day the world was created, whom His wisdom and essence do not elude, since He is concealed and hidden, so that neither the supernal nor the lower beings are able to commune with Him…so they say, "Blessed be the glory of G‑d from His place [wherever that may be]" (Ezekiel 3:12), because He is unknowable and no one can truly understand Him. If so, how can you say, Her Husband [referring to G‑d] is well-known in the gates?The Holy One makes Himself known to every one according to the measure of his understanding…
But, in truth, the Holy One makes Himself known to every one according to the measure of his understanding and his capacity to attach himself to the spirit of the divine wisdom; and thus "her Husband is known", [not in the gates, "she'arim",] but through "hashara" ["approximation"]. (Zohar I:103a-b. Based on Soncino translation)
The Zohar is asking a powerful question. How can it be said that G‑d ("her Husband") is well known, when in fact He eludes even the supernal beings? The answer is that He is known "b'she'arim", meaning not "in the gates" but "in approximation".
There are two general levels of knowledge, known as "yediat hametziut" and "yediat hamehut". "Yediat hametziut" means that you know that the thing exists, but you have no conception of what it actually is. This is called an approximate knowledge, meaning that based on other facts and perceptions that you have, you arrive at the conclusion that a certain thing exists."
13d.: Rabbi Myrrh= To teach the Words of Moses.
The Value in Gematria is 2730, בזק אֶפֶס‎ ‎, "zero flash". The moment our thoughts about a thing and the presence of the thing make a match, and there is the realization the thing itself is there being subject to observation only because of an apparent accident of God, the Infinite is witnessed in a flash. The thorn pierces all other forms of ignorance about the thing and the thinker of the thoughts about the thing.
While this voids all other thoughts for almost all of life's experiences, the opposite takes place in the presence of one's squeeze when one wants to pay close attention to all the apparently non-random details about the other person.
13e.: Baptism in a thing is full acquaintance with it.
Rabbi Yehuda = teach about the Glory of God in things.
The Value in Gematria 4251, דבה‎ א‎, deba a, "to formalize the naming of the experience of a thing; to cause the substantive reality of the thing" also called Alef, to learn the hidden meaning of the thing.
if efes is the infinite zero, then alef is the infinity of oneness. One cannot be learned without the other. Ie, one cannot know what it is like not to have sex until one has sex to begin with. Before one has intercourse one has no idea what it means to abstain or be promiscuous.
13f.: Rabbia Hanina= to teach how to find the grace within a thing, to find favor with it.
The Value in Gematria is 4368, דגו‎‎ח‎, dagoh, "to take oneself to a place of tender reclining."
The root אוה ('wh I) isn't used in the Bible, but an Arabic equivalent means (according to BDB Theological Dictionary) (1) to betake oneself to a place for dwelling; and (2) to be tenderly inclined.
This root's sole Biblical derivative is the masculine noun אי ('i) meaning coast or region (according to BDB: a place whither one betakes oneself for resting, etcetera, originally from a mariner's standpoint).
13g.: Rabbi Achai= teach about the state of pain in the mind.
The Value in Gematria is 4710, דזאאֶפֶס‎ ‎, dzaapes, "This Law should incite intense feelings of peace."
As we know the Mishnah was bound together to create a reference guide to all the commentaries on the Torah. This section provides a great deal of insight on the transition from Day 6 to Day Seven, which are named in Bereshit as the stages of evolution God used to create the universe, the very same we are expected to impose ourselves and create the Self. Who, as it turns out cannot be born without intercourse.
In order to completely understand one must believe in love at first sight but especially the last.
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ancestorsofjudah · 6 months
2 Kings 7: 12-20. "The Plight."
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An entire army disappears, leaving its tent, equipment, provisions, clothes and money behind. A bunch of naked Middle Eastern soldiers running around is what that sounds like! And they were heading towards the Jordan, too! And you know what that means!
But that's not what it means. Military garments, horses, chariots, plunder and spoils acquired after a hostile attack on a neighbor are forbidden, they are not the same thing as resolving one's differences personally and interpersonally during Shabbat.
The Siege made one side of the Argument wealthy, but it impoverished the other. This means lesson not learned. This does not mean it will never be learned, but it was not learned then.
The king sits up in the might, meaning the attempts at repentance and atonement as a result of the Siege, if they took place at all, were not effectivce at easing the conscience or brightening the way forward towards Mashiach, which takes place at dawn of midnight:
"Dark" is a general term for spiritual alienation and harsh judgmental forces, one might think that daylight hours, exclusively, are the most favorable, mystically speaking. In some ways that is true, but in the deepest teachings of Jewish mysticism what is focused upon is the direction toward which we are moving.
Taking this into consideration, we can see that, actually, the "sweet" or "light-filled" hours actually begin exactly at midnight and commence at high noon. That moment of transformation from when the harshest of spiritual forces of the daily clock dominate to the beginning of the shining of the light of the coming day takes place exactly at the midpoint of the night."
As for the real reasons the Arameans are nowhere to be found, read on:
12 The king got up in the night and said to his officers, “I will tell you what the Arameans have done to us. They know we are starving; so they have left the camp to hide in the countryside, thinking, ‘They will surely come out, and then we will take them alive and get into the city.’”
13 One of his officers answered, “Have some men take five of the horses that are left in the city. Their plight will be like that of all the Israelites left here—yes, they will only be like all these Israelites who are doomed. So let us send them to find out what happened.”
14 So they selected two chariots with their horses, and the king sent them after the Aramean army. He commanded the drivers, “Go and find out what has happened.” 
15 They followed them as far as the Jordan, and they found the whole road strewn with the clothing and equipment the Arameans had thrown away in their headlong flight. So the messengers returned and reported to the king. 
16 Then the people went out and plundered the camp of the Arameans. So a seah of the finest flour sold for a shekel, and two seahs of barley sold for a shekel, as the Lord had said.
17 Now the king had put the officer on whose arm he leaned in charge of the gate, and the people trampled him in the gateway, and he died, just as the man of God had foretold when the king came down to his house.
 18 It happened as the man of God had said to the king: “About this time tomorrow, a seah of the finest flour will sell for a shekel and two seahs of barley for a shekel at the gate of Samaria.”
19 The officer had said to the man of God, “Look, even if the Lord should open the floodgates of the heavens, could this happen?” The man of God had replied, “You will see it with your own eyes, but you will not eat any of it!” 
20 And that is exactly what happened to him, for the people trampled him in the gateway, and he died.
We have always tried to view ourselves as complete, just fine the way we are, maybe things will get better, maybe they won't. Our refusal to view ourselves as Ephesus, a continual work in progress has been our downfall.
We are highly technologized but we are essentially still the same savage human race we have always been. We have not used our resources to outgrow our basic animal behaviors and achieve Mashiach. This is a choice, not a learning disability.
Since World War II ended we have known we must achieve Mashiach, and we wrote a few things down about this, but we have regularly decided the lessons learned from then are not to our taste, so observe the many many tanks and missiles and meat grinding machines that are boats, airplanes, and trains on their way to and from Europe and the Middle East. AGAIN this is happening.
The Tanakh, the combined Jewish spiritual library says it is because Israel has no king. This means there is no one with the legal authority or spiritual dimensions sufficient to engage humanity regarding its plight and officially put an end to the Age of Agony and begin the onset of Mashiach.
The onset of Mashiach begins when we kill people like Donald Trump, Mike Pence and their Party for cheating in an election only to attain to the freedom to engage in every immoral act in the book, and this they did, or to watch a pustule of a man, Vladimir Putin kidnap children and young adults and throw them under the mower in Ukraine.
I will be damned if I am going to watch my life end this way when the Religion says we are all supposed to be living in the manner of Mashiach, so these persons and those beast men who populate Gaza have to die. Anywhere there is a tyrant or a tyranny, the presence of the Angel of Death must be known. This is our midnight wake up experience.
The scripture above mentions the King, filled with regret, tries to comes to his senses and he and "an arm" which always means the decision to enforce the Constitution or not, and a debate surfaces: Shabbat as the means to the ends of the National Law, or A Great Flood?
We need to answer: Who gets to live....people like Donald Trump, Mike Pence and Vladimir Putin- Them, or Us?
Just as the besieged people of Israel learn, it is time to pursue the future, the best one we can envision and we need to leave the scum and any hint of another Flood behind:
The Values in Gematria follow:
v. 12: The Arameans are not hiding naked in the wilderness, that is just silly. The Value in Gematria is 12731, יב‎ז‎גא. yevzaga, "What caused Eve to tremble in awe."
Eve was afraid to grow up and leave home. Those naked soldiers by the river must look pretty darn good right about now...
v. 13: A city- with a fivehorses left in it is a person with five senses, five fingers on each hand, a soul and a brain. The Value in Gematria is 10433, יד‎‎גג, yadg, "God's fish." Fish are men who can sense God in three dimensions like a fish under the water can sense everything in its surroundings.
v. 14: Two Chariots are "what I see and what I know in purstuit of one truthful observation. The Value in Gematria is 8457, חדהז‎‎ , "sharp".
Sharp, hadad, refers to the sharpness or iron, or one's Jewishness, which is the same as men of righteousness schooling together for the same elevated causes. Good men and evil men do not share tables with each other, they share nothing in common and the presence of both at the same time is why the world is not faring all that well:
"The verb חדה (hada I) is said to mean to sharpen. It's used only twice in the Bible, both times in Proverbs 27:17: "Let iron sharpen iron, and let a man sharpen the countenance of his friend".
Obviously, a verb that means to sharpen can be easily tied to iron (that's normal), but to stick the same to a man's face is rather curious. It's just as lopsided to figure that the man's face will be gladdened (as is normal), while the iron will somehow be gladdened also (which is curious).
Still, it's also quite absurd to reckon that iron is sharpened by iron. Iron, if it gets sharpened, is sharpened on a stone, not on more iron. In fact, when a sharp iron object meets another one, both objects will get blunted.
And when they meet a jolly tingle erupts, quite like the joy that arises in two friends meeting. Ergo: this verb should probably be translated with to gladden or rejoice."
v. 15: To follow naked men towards the Jordan is the beginning of the refining process called tzimtzum, which empties the mind of all disillusion, which leads to the purest light of reality, which leads to Ha Shem.
The Value in Gematria is 12942, יבטדב‎‎, yabtdev "Trust God, the nuclear force that holds all together, lest all falls apart."
he masculine noun בטח (betah), meaning safety or security (Genesis 34:25, Isaiah 32:17). This word is mostly used as an adverb meaning securely (Leviticus 25:18, Judges 18:7, Isaiah 14:30).
The feminine noun בטחה (beteha), meaning trust of trusting (Isaiah 30:15 only).
The masculine noun בטחון (bittahon), meaning confidence or trust (2 Kings 18:19, Ecclesiastes 9:4).
The feminine plural noun בטחות (battuhot), meaning security or safety (Job 12:6 only).
The masculine noun מבטח (mibtah), meaning (1) the act of confiding (Proverbs 21:22); (2) The object of confidence (Job 8:14, Jeremiah 2:37); (3) The state of confidence (Proverbs 14:26, Isaiah 32:18).
Noun דבר (deber) describes any deadly pestilence, which is a "word" that breaks unstable compounds apart. In nature this occurs via the Weak Nuclear Force. The ability of unstable compounds to break apart sits at the heart of all progress and thus all reality.
v. 16: The People observed Shabbat.
A seah of the finest flower: The Value in Gematria is 1585, י״הלה‎ ‎, "Yes to the Lord God."
A shekel: The Value in Gematria is 139, אגט‎, agate, "A gathering that eats."
Two seahs of barley:The Value in Gematria is 1808, אח אֶפֶסח, "brother ephesus."
A shekel at the Gate of Smaria: The Value in Gematria is 733, ז‎גג, a glazier. "the table gathering."
v. 17: What is a trampling anyway?
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Mashiach is supposed to arrive footstep by footstep. To be trampled to death is to conjoin with a much faster more forceful regiment and put the past behind more forcefully:
"The commentator Rashi takes this meaning of the word "and explains it in context: "If you keep the minor laws which people trample under their heels," then G‑d will give you His special love. So this means, a Jew has to keep not just the major rules, but also the minor ones."
v. 18: As for the Prediction, the Value in Gematria is 8136, חא‎גו‎, hago, "the Nation of the People Who Saw."
v. 19: Officers are legal statutes that cannot be violated. They are always secular, but we teach of their importance through religion. The Value in Gematria is 11145, יאאד‎ה, yada, "to know" AKA, "who knows and keeps the Commandments will know no evil."
v. 20: The gateway is the ear, this is the only way the Teacher can reach us and make a difference. As we learned from the prioer section, the eyes are not enough. The Value in Gematria is 5023, ןבג, nbg, "to listen to the Prophet and be saved."
The root נבא (nb') occurs all over the Semitic language spectrum, always yielding words with meanings like to announce, utter, proclaim or inform. Biblical Hebrew contains four derivations of this root:
The masculine noun נביא (nabi'), meaning spokesman or speaker. In their discussion of this word HAW Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament reads, "The essential idea in the word is that of authorized spokesman". Most often this nabi would be the spokesman for God and so this word is the common Biblical word for prophet. But a nabi could also represent a human. In the scene where Moses confronts Pharaoh, Aaron is said to be Moses' nabi (Exodus 7:1). Note that our noun נביא (nabi') is spelled the same as the Niphal or 'incomplete passive' form of the verb בוא (bo'), meaning to come or bring. This form would thus mean 'he has come' or , 'it was brought' or even 'to be brought about': 1 Samuel 9:7, Nehemiah 10:37.
The denominative verb נבא (naba'), meaning to prophesy (1 Samuel 10:11, Amos 2:12, Jeremiah 2:8). This verb appears to be derived from the previous noun. Various experts list all sorts of possible origins of the concept of prophesying, but the basic idea seems to be a vicarious pronunciation of some kind of message.
The feminine noun נבואה (nebu'a), meaning prophecy (2 Chronicles 15:8, Nehemiah 6:12).
The feminine noun נביאה (nebi'a), meaning prophetess. In the stories that play earlier, the prophetess was someone who was endowed with the gift of music and song, Miriam (Exodus 15:20) and Deborah (Judges 4:4). Later, our word seems to apply to women who convey the word of YHWH: Huldah (2 Kings 22:14), or even someone who happened to be married to a male prophet, such as Isaiah (Isaiah 8:3).
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human-antithesis · 8 months
The Clandestine Gate
Reflected whisper of me, a drowned ruse Shallow dug in a pulsing maze Deafened foe I see- glowing in a labyrinth of waves The aired specter, deception of the light That I follow
Sculpted emptiness of all things Held in shade, cast by the spark Returning veil Hollow specter bleeding on the dark, The fleeting breath in the returning light That I follow
Incessant wheel of Time, Dawn’s bodies Formless waves frozen in night Immutable eyes Stare infinite and squander sight Gaze backwards but the waxing light, That I follow The moment’s hands eluded by that which time astrays Scorch the flames of tomorrows to ashes by today, A lifetime’s shadow Under wingless wind to flight, unborn memory array That echoes in forever, decay bloomed of the light That I follow
The greatest weight, the breathed wind blown gone What innumerable shudders of the recurring past Open ahead What matter of a flown moment shall spread last In blooming decay under the climbing light That I follow
The greatest weight, this recurring dawn The greatest weight, falling glass the rising gate Of a sightless phantom, Sullen butcher, the fleeing horizon that forever escapes Crashing wave of chariots, arrows of the light That I follow The moment, if ascent from the sinking blindness Would remove the barbs from their hold Emerging spring A phantom forest rises in the dawn’s cold Bleeding wounds pulse in the light That I follow
If water could stand, prehensive stone sea An arrow loosed at forever will soon crash As blind waves Climbing rain light throned, the wind shuts Ten thousand gates- mirrored graves of dawn Blinded foe I hear- in walls ravens lead upon Beneath the warless chariot of blinding light That I follow Unhallowed ubiquitous grasp Hold everything to the light That I follow
Dawn shrouding the void to pass That when daylight comes- arrows of birth loose And Death rains
In the imbrued dawn of springs wound Worms pulse the breathless veins Of permeation’s throne Below and above the mountains reign Enfleshing the spineless ribs of light That I follow
No- but striking life, dawns phantom truth Climbing to darkness shedding the light That I follow
Death’s waking crown a blinding shore Breaking waves reaching above The beginning Of the end of night it grew of Stone organ, purging in the light That I follow Purging storm, clandestine gate, the glare escapes Carving mountains, pulsing gale, the light reappears
The world’s worn Skin pile folds, in the distance birth nears In sinking blackness under waves of light That I follow
An edge above time, heaven’s spire The precipitous tip of Death’s sight, soon Still air, unshadow the miser stone, Time, wind into the world of dust Falling, climbing Hold untouched a fleeting breath’s cusp Of recurring eternity, the rising light That I follow
(Tooth of predation) The Down-stroking rapacious eye of doom In the diadem of waves through the light That I follow
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god-whispers · 1 year
feb 15
a preemptive daily (regular daily will follow tomorrow)
is this what we've been praying for?  on february 8th during, a chapel service on asbury campus, at least a hundred young people came forward and fell to their knees at the altar.  it began a mighty campus revival that continues to this day and word has it that it is spreading to other campuses as well.  has the woke young generation finally awaken to God?
we all know that God has a people He wants to rescue from this generation.  only God knows where all this is heading but we know what Jesus said.  "and I also say to you that you are peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it." matt 16:18  no, He is not calling peter the rock but the rock is the revelation that Jesus Christ is indeed the Son of God.
the Holy Spirit is making that truth known today around the world.  religious revivals and growth are happening all over the world.  in sub-sahara africa christianity is growing faster than their actual population growth.  and by the way, sub-sahara population growth is currently the fastest in the world.
the growth of the pentecostal growth in recent years has been nothing less than staggering.  in 1970 they represented only about five percent of christians while today they number about twenty-five percent.  they are projected to reach over a billion by the end of the century.  that amounts to the current population of china.  (of course, i don't believe any of us think there is anywhere near that much time left.)  people today are tired of the old form and ceremony traditional religion has been offering.  they are hungry for more.  the spirit within them yearns for more of the Spirit of Truth Jesus spoke of.
some studies show that the growth of christianity is far outreaching the growth of islam.  by these estimates there will be soon be three christians for every two muslims.  politics and culture have been so impacted by the christian sentiment, many leftist believe the rise of a christian theocracy is trying to establish itself.  (note the recent rise of the prime minister of italy.)  the media and ruling elite actively strive to hide all these things from the people at large.  
yes, darkness is having it's rise but even as the devil turns up the heat, God will be matching it - burner for burner.  the bible says the devil will have his day.  the bible also says, "those of the people who understand shall instruct many; yet for many days they shall fall by sword and flame, by captivity and plundering." dan 11:33
in recent years we have witness zealots for religion sacrifice their lives for what they believe would earn them heaven.  one cannot earn something that is freely given.  it had to be freely given because it's cost was more than anyone could pay.  anyone but One, that is.
"I came to send fire on the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled!" luke 12:49  pockets; pockets around the world.  the match is lit and soon the fire will become a blaze which cannot be contained.  the church will have to be removed for darkness to have it's day simply because darkness cannot overcome light.  it exists only in the absence of light.  do you feel the spark in your heart yet?  feed the fire and watch it grow.  the Holy Spirit has a work to do in these days and i pray we all be a feather drifting wherever He blows.
how long will it be before the secular world takes stringent notice and attempts to "cancel" us out - figuratively and literally?  it may soon not just be words of condemnation we will have to endure.  count the costs today.  decide now how far you are willing to go and whether there be any price too costly for you to pay.
i have counted the cost.  whatever i have was given to me by God and i freely offer it all back to Him.  "finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing." 2 tim 4:8  maranatha.  even so, come Lord Jesus!
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adonis-writes-shit · 1 year
Nevada, 1983.
The rain was pouring down in torrents under the darkened sky, a young man was seen walking along the road near the local cemetery since he didn’t have a car. He had an umbrella above his head, walking with a bouquet of flowers in his hands for his dear brother's grave. The only thing he really had on him were the flowers, his Walkman he used to pass the time and his book bag. Once he reached the gate, he felt the atmosphere was…off, not like it was already creepy enough with all the buried bodies, but instead the tree next to where his older brother's name was buried.
“God…this couldn’t get anymore creepy,” Deimos mumbled and groaned, resting his book bag down while sitting on the cold soaked grass that wet the bottom of his jeans, getting his flashlight due to the county not even wanting to repair the broken street lights. He got back up, going into the cemetery but barely a step in, it felt as if someone was watching him from the other side of where the cemetery was. Deimos spun back, flashing his light into the trees, the paranoia was already getting to him like always. He shined the bright light at the Gates name. Heavens Arce… clever name I guess. Deimos thought before heading in, walking closer and closer to Adonis’ grave as he was quivering, the rain making it worse while the paranoia grew more inside of him, telling him to just leave and put the flowers tomorrow but he noticed something. Someone had dug his brother's grave. He stood there,his face going completely white as his mouth became dry while his heart kept pounding in his chest over and over again, seeing a shovel stuck in a large pile of dirt but deimos was petrified. What if the body… was still there and the coffin was open or if the body had vanished out of thin air. He walked closer to it, getting on the floor as he thought if he looked into the coffin he’d faint and fall into it.
“Fuck…” he spoke out, slowly peaking over into the grave, on the floor and his worst fear had came to life… the coffin was empty. A loud strike of lightning could be heard, heavy rain now falling as he could see a pair of glowing red eyes near the chapel entrance, hidden by the chapel’s dark shadow. The flash of lightning made the figure somewhat visible but he only saw that… whatever it was had horns
“NO NO NO!” Deimos screamed as he got up and dashed to the gate, running home while tears ran down his poor face, hoping whatever was even near the chapel didn’t follow him home, he had dropped the bouquet of flowers next to the now empty grave. As Deimos left, the figure finally stepped out of the chapel's shadow, a smirk growing on his face while he lit a cigarette before fading back into the abyss…
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sanguinepeccatorum · 5 months
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@ceaselxss || LIKED for a STARTER
"You must be desperate - - seeking me out for aid, as you are." Once the final syllable falls from his lips, Vincent chooses to slip into a silence perfectly characteristic of his person, the observations made by the sharpness of sanguine eyes continuing onward as time continued.
His company was unexpected, offered an unwanted flashback to a time where he had been happier. The Turks, even then, had felt akin to a family and the position enabled him to be closer to those he loved the most. What sins he committed under that reign seemed worth it to protect and aid those he adored, but looking back only reminded him of the pains of it all, in the end. He lost everything - his remaining family, his love, his humanity - because of that position.
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"I'm curious--" He speaks again, narrating his lithe movements in stepping further away, his back aligned to the Turk. "-- quite what forced you to track me down? It must be aught of consequence."
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thedjmusic · 2 years
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Traxsource New Electronica 2022-10-15
DOWNLOAD: https://thedjmusic.com/music/traxsource_new_electronica_2022_10_150
DATA: 2022-10-18 TOTAL: 135 GENRE: Electronica
60 Hertz Project - Heart & Soul (Original Mix)
60 Hertz Project, Mr. Romeo - Faithfully (Original Mix)
60 Hertz Project, Mr. Romeo - For You (Original Mix)
60 Hertz Project, Shalati - Right Here (Original Mix)
A Psychic Yes - Blood Moon (Original Mix)
A Psychic Yes - Sugar Today, Tomorrow (Original Mix)
Aalson - Everything (Original Mix)
Abakus - Apricots (2003)
Abakus - By The River (2002)
Abakus - Rainbow Warrior (2005)
Abakus - That Much Closer (2004 Remix)
Ace Ventura - Brave New World (MantisMash Remix)
Ace Ventura - Going Back (Pitch Black's Eternally Happy Remix)
Aleksi Perala - FI3AC2274010 (Original Mix)
Aleksi Perala - FI3AC2274020 (Original Mix)
Aleksi Perala - FI3AC2274030 (Original Mix)
Aleksi Perala - FI3AC2274040 (Original Mix)
Aleksi Perala - FI3AC2274050 (Original Mix)
Aleksi Perala - FI3AC2274060 (Original Mix)
Aleksi Perala - FI3AC2274070 (Original Mix)
Aspetuck - Microscopic Moments Of Focus (Original Mix)
Audhentik - Between Sounds (Original Mix)
Audhentik - Cast Away (Original Mix)
Audhentik - Crackle Dub (Original Mix)
Audhentik - Dictaphone Dub (Original Mix)
Audhentik - Dimmer (Original Mix)
Audhentik - Float (Original Mix)
Audhentik - Hypno (Original Mix)
Audhentik - Infinite (Original Mix)
Audhentik - Infinite Edit (Original Mix)
Audhentik - Period (Original Mix)
Audhentik - Perspectives (Original Mix)
Audhentik - Reclusive (Original Mix)
Audhentik - Ritual (Original Mix)
Audhentik - Static (Original Mix)
Bees - Cricket Stars Of Siq
Bees - Gate Inscription 1
Bees - Gate Inscription 2
Bees - Marble Bridge
Bees - Snowy Day
Bees - Thunderstorm
Bees - Tower
BokkieUlt, Aatman, Mansi - Nasha (Original Mix)
Cubicolor - Easy Mark (Original Mix)
D-Leria - Contatto (Original Mix)
Danny Goliger - You Through (Original Mix)
Desert Dwellers - Dub Sutras (Cosmic Trigger Remix)
Diplo, Seth Troxler, Desire - Waiting For You (Danny Daze Sun & Waves Extended Remix)
Douaa - Haditouni (Original Mix)
Emeralds, Mark McGuire, Steve Hauschildt, Imaginary Softwoods - Magic (Original Mix)
Emeralds, Mark McGuire, Steve Hauschildt, Imaginary Softwoods - Photosphere (Original Mix)
Emeralds, Mark McGuire, Steve Hauschildt, Imaginary Softwoods - The Quaking Mess (Original Mix)
Enrico Sangiuliano - Spatial Perception (Original Mix)
Eusebeia - Becoming (Original Mix)
Eusebeia - Commemorate (Original Mix)
Eusebeia - Cosmos (Original Mix)
Eusebeia - Flux (Original Mix)
Eusebeia - Fulfilment (Original Mix)
Eusebeia - Hopes + Dreams (Original Mix)
Eusebeia - Love + Light (Original Mix)
Eusebeia - Solace (Original Mix)
Frankey & Sandrino - Condesa (Original Mix)
Freddy Be, S.o.U.L. ViBRaTioN - Dance With Somebody (Quivver Remix)
Gabriel Brasil - Midnight Meeting (Gui Boratto's 'La Chapelle' Mix)
Gioli & Assia - Eurydice (Original Mix)
Gota Rai, Andres Vegas - La Isla Blanca (Original Mix)
Into The Ether - Back To Me (Extended Mix)
Jamie xx - Loud Places feat Romy (Original Mix)
Jan Steiner - Father Reads (Original Mix)
Jazxing - Artifacts (Original Mix)
Jazxing - Harbor Dub (Original Mix)
Jazxing - Neu Nostalgia (Original Mix)
Jazxing - Shoegaze Dub (Original Mix)
Joachim Pastor - 17 Virages
Joachim Pastor - 1959
Joachim Pastor - Acension
Joachim Pastor - Asphalte
Joachim Pastor - Cernay Club Racer
Joachim Pastor - Champions Never Give Up
Joachim Pastor - Ecstasy Of Victory
Joachim Pastor - First Victory
Joachim Pastor - Home Heaven
Joachim Pastor - Le Crash
Joachim Pastor - Monaco
Joachim Pastor - Petrol Fumes
Joachim Pastor - Seven Life
Joachim Pastor - Spirit Of Racing
Joachim Pastor - The Winning Line (Acoustic)
Joachim Pastor - The Winning Line
Joachim Pastor - Through The Dust
JODA (UK) - Dark Strings (Original Mix)
John Tejada - Inspired At 606 feat Arian Leviste (Original Mix)
Jorg Burger - Crawling Up That Hill (Instrumental Version)
Kako Martinez - Latin Jazz Club
Khidja - Obsidian (Original Mix)
Khidja - Science of Ghosts (Original Mix)
Khidja - The Future Has Disappeared (Original Mix)
Konsudd - Heilen
Konsudd - Lift Clique
Konsudd - Mossstutter
Konsudd - Schwebende
Locked Groove - Latency (Sunrise Mix)
Maga - Guadalajara Signal (Original Mix)
Martin Badder, Because of Art - All Belongs To Me feat Katie MacDonald (Original Mix)
Mr. G - Full A Love (Mango Boy on a vibe)
Mura Masa, Pa Salieu, Skillibeng - blessing me (Original Mix)
Nils Hoffmann - Silhouettes (Original Mix)
Orlando B - Darkroom Dub
Pablo Bolivar, Sensual Physics - Backen Punch (Original Mix)
Pablo Bolivar, Sensual Physics - Im Norden (Original Mix)
Pablo Bolivar, Sensual Physics - Kleine Freude (Original Mix)
Pablo Bolivar, Sensual Physics - Moonshine (Original Mix)
Pablo Bolivar, Sensual Physics - Retrospective (Original Mix)
Pablo Bolivar, Sensual Physics - Warme Sonne (Original Mix)
Pedro Sanmartin - A Step into the Dark (Original Mix)
Plant43 - Cloud Monolith (Original Mix)
PWCCA - Intro (Original mix)
PWCCA - Outro (Original mix)
Quantaloop - Common Threats (Original Mix)
Quantaloop - Mirage (Original Mix)
Rezident - Resonate (Original Mix)
Rochelle Jordan - Situation (&ME Remix)
Royksopp - Speed King (Original Mix)
Royksopp - There, Beyond The Trees (Original Mix)
Sahar (UK) - The Distance (Original Mix)
Salem Hilal - Ambient Meditation 1 (Original Mix)
Sam Farsio, Djolee - Unsolved Fixation (Original Mix)
Sebastian Davidson - Land's End (Original Mix)
Susana Lee - Transitions feat Mireia Inglés (Original Mix)
The Fear Ratio - Ratio Sound Trials (A)
The Fear Ratio - Ratio Sound Trials (B)
Third Son - Sand In My Eye feat Joe Wilson (Original Mix)
Tom VR - Now the Branch Is Creaking (Original Mix)
West & Zander - Gubei (Original Mix)
Workshop - I Believe I Don't Leave (Original Mix)
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npiyr · 2 years
TW: Death and suicide
When you wake up tomorrow morning You won’t think of me I could die anytime, most people won’t see But I feel okay in the knowledge of that If I would break you apart I would be afraid I would be a thanatophobe for all my days When a star loses their life Their worshippers fall onto the same knife Children are raised without mothers or fathers And I can’t be bothered with that guilt If I lose my life now, no one will give a damn I can be free of being someone else’s man Death would be a mistake for me anyway It’s good to go on and make my own way But I’d rather not be Kurt Cobain, Marilyn Monroe I’d rather be alone when I finally go Live as a king, a prophet for some Stand on that hill, stand by my guns But not be a regent when midnight’s imperious scepter falls Be stopped at not the gate of heaven when it calls
It is not good to leave There is something good tomorrow You may not believe Someone does have to go But it doesn’t need to be you Remember that my friend
When I watched a shooting star fall for the first time I thought I lost my mind It made me so afraid I’d go away some day I ran so far away I wanted not to die the night I wanted to keep the light at arm’s length But I lost all of my arm’s strength And I met death and looked him in the eye And it was strange, to my great surprise  Death was a good guy, his humor so sweet He was a friend in the boiling heat, swept me off my feet He took each day and season, and life within reason He was a friend as he pruned the garden of the gods I helped him, with small life that died around me With flies, and grass, no life can last And each of us must claim a million souls But it’s alright, each second, a second dies And each minute, sixty more start to fly Death is most of life And that is all alright Do not be eager to rush into the good night He is a fool who’d rush into the dark to stop the light Because dark hides fires just the same, and gaslamps And in death just like life, there’s shame
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morienmacbain · 2 years
The Thirty-Six Stratagems of theSenryaku Rendered into tanka by Morien MacBain, esq.
The first winning way
Is to deceive the heavens
To cross the broad sea-
Hide your plans from those above,
As rank does not mean wisdom!
Do not strike his strength,
Besiege Wei to rescue Zhao-
Take the thing they love;
Threaten it both night and day,
And win where he is weakest.
If your strength is low,
Kill him with a borrowed knife-
Trick their own allies,
Or turn their strength against them-
All the world’s weapons are yours.
Chose your time to fight,
Do not battle on his ground.
Conserve your own strength,
But make him run back and forth-
Pick your time and place, always.
Loot a burning house-
When their country is weakest,
When they are hungry,
When they fight one another-
This is the time to take them.
Cry out in the East,
When they turn to see you come,
Then strike in the West-
But make each feint a real threat;
If he does not turn, strike him!
Lies make fine weapons;
Create something from nothing
Like a magician-
Mix light and the darkness
Till all he can see is gray.
Prepare the clear way,
But pass through hidden valleys-
Make your road look long,
Then steal a march and strike hard
While he thinks you are far off.
Watch the fires burn
From across the broad river-
Delay in safety
While others exhaust themselves,
Then finish those still standing.
Charm your enemy-
Hide a blade behind a smile;
Cut deep when you have their trust-
Friendship is easy to find,
Victories are worth much more!
Sacrifice the plum
To preserve your fine peach tree-
Give up things today,
Small prizes that you can spare,
For greater gains tomorrow.
Do not miss the chance 
To steal a goat in passing-
Seize on every chance,
Take every prize, large or small-
Flexibility is best!
Do loud, reckless things-
Beat the grass to scare the snakes-
See how they react!
They will show you all their plans,
And their positions also.
Raise an ancient corpse
To resurrect men’s spirits-
Bring back old ideas
And legends that all men love
To fire their will to fight.
Be a wise hunter-
Lure Tiger from the mountain-
Do not seek his strength
Bring him to your chosen place,
Where all advantage is yours.
To capture your prey
First allow it to escape-
Leave them a safe way,
Let retreat dance before them-
Then take them all as they run.
Give away small things,
Toss out a brick to win jade-
Let them think they win.
Feed their hopes small victories,
The last great one is for you!
Capture their leaders-
Catch the chief to snare them all.
Generals are gold,
When he is taken alive
His soldier’s hearts will leave them.
Steal the fire wood
From under the boiling pot-
Strike at their supplies;
Put raiders behind their lines,
And build fires of your own.
Create disturbance,
Fish in the troubled waters-
Chaos and troubles
Should haunt them by day and night
Like ghosts that wear your colors.
Shed your golden shell
Like a summer cicada-
Wear any colors
To blend in entirely
Or seem to be someone else!
Let him advance in,
Then slam the gates behind him.
That’s how to catch thieves-
Fall on his flanks and rear guard;
Victory becomes a trap!
When making allies,
Choose ones that are far away-
Keep enemies close,
Your new ally can  threaten
While you strike what is nearest.
Obtain safe passage
To conquer the state of Guo-
Use your ally’s strength;
Win victories on his back,
Then take your ally as well!
Tear down his order
Replace beams with rotten wood-
Anything they trust
Change, corrupt, and take away.
Until all his strength is sham.
Point at mulberry
While you curse the locust tree-
Make an example
Even to those you can’t touch
Of what it means to fail you.
Act foolish or mad-
Let them underestimate
Your balance and mind.
The time will come when they see,
But then it will be too late!
Once they all climb up
Take away their tall ladder-
Lure them further on
Into treacherous places,
Then make sure that they stay there!
Decorate dead trees
With false and borrowed blossoms-
Show them a fine prize;
Let them spend much to gain it,
Before they find it’s worthless.
Let guest become host-
The two can exchange places;
Slip in unnoticed
Like a visitor to town.
Soon their strong walls will be yours.
Scheme with great beauties-
Send perfumed women to them.
Men in love are fools;
Soon each will turn on others
For sweet embraces alone.
When he has great strength
Throw open the empty fort-
He will smell a trap,
And waste time searching for it;
Now use that time gained wisely!
If he has a spy,
Make sure they learn what you want-
Then let them go back
And tell the story you made
To sow dissension in camp.
To make him careless,
Scheme with self-inflicted wounds-
Seem wholly broken
So he throws caution away
And rushes onto your steel.
Like at the Red Cliffs,
Chain all his ships together-
Numbers make them slow;
A smaller force is faster,
And remember, ships can burn!
The Last Stratagem:
If all your ways fail,
Choose retreat over defeat;
Preserve your forces-
There will be other chances;
This truth is hard-Run away!
   Tanka is a classical Japanese poetic form (waka).  It was originally developed in the Eighth Century, and its name translates as "short poem," to distinguish it from choka- "long poems." It became the dominant poetic form of Japan within two centuries, and remained so throughout our period.  
    Tanka consists of five phrases.  The first three consist of five, seven, and five on (syllables). These first three lines are referred to as the kami-no-ku (upper phrase), and eventually became the separate waka known in period as hokku (renamed post-period as haiku).  The fourth and fifth lines are composed of seven on each, and are referred to as the shimo-no-ku (lower phrase). 
    The tanka was widely practiced in Feudal Japan.  Notable practitioners include the rival Eleventh-Century poet/courtesans Mursaki Shikibu (author of The Tale of Genji) and Sei Shonagon (author of The Pillow Book). It remains a major literary form in Japan today.
     The above work is my attempt to render the prose of the stratagems into a period Japanese form while perhaps elucidating some of the ones whose meaning might be a trifle obscure to modern readers unversed in the Chinese dynastic struggles of two millennia ago!
     The Thirty-Six Stratagems (Sanshiliu Ji) is a traditional Chinese classic of military strategy that  had a major influence on Japanese military thought. Although its primary authorship is disputed, it dates to the Fifth Century CE  at the latest, and elements of it may be centuries older.  Many passages reference events from China's Warring States Period (5th Century BCE), whereas others allude to battles and campaigns from the Three Kingdoms Period (3rd Century CE).Although many theories as to the originator of these stratagems exist,  it is likely that the precepts accumulated over centuries as part of an ongoing oral tradition of strategic studies, and that no single author was responsible for them all.  
     In Japanese, the title was translated as Senryaku ("Strategies").  It is divided into six "chapters" composed of six stratagems each.  The first three chapters generally consist of strategies for situations which are favorable, whereas the last three contain advice for more difficult and dire conditions. 
The Thirty-Six Stratagems of the Senryaku are:
Winning Strategies-
1.Deceive the heavens to cross the sea.
2. Besiege Wei to rescue the kingdom of Zhao.
3. Kill with a borrowed knife.
4. Wait at leisure while the enemy labors.
5. Loot a burning house.
6. Make a sound in the East, strike in the West.
Strategies for Dealing With the Enemy-
7. Create something from nothing.
8. Openly prepare gallery roads, but sneak through the passage of Chencang.
9.Watch the fire from across the river.
10. Hide a knife behind a smile.
11. Sacrifice a plum tree to preserve the peach.
12. Take the opportunity to pilfer a goat.
Offensive Stratagems-
13. Beat the grass to startle the snakes.
14. Borrow a corpse to resurrect the soul. (Raise a corpse from the dead)
15. Lure the tiger out of the mountains.
16. Capture the foes by allowing them to escape.
17. Exchange a brick for a jade.
18. Catch the chief to defeat the bandits.
Melee Stratagems-
19. Steal the firewood from under the pot.
20. Fish in troubled waters.
21. Shed the cicada's golden shell.
22. Shut the door to catch the thief.
23. Make allies at a distance, attack nearby.
24. Obtain safe passage to conquer the state of Guo.
Combined Stratagems-
25. Replace beams with rotten timbers.
26. Point at the mulberry tree while cursing the locust.
27. Act foolish, but maintain your balance.
28. Remove the ladder once the enemy has climbed to the roof.
29. Decorate the tree with false blossoms.
30. The guest and the host change places.
Stratagems for Facing Defeat-
31. Scheme with beauties.
32. Throw open the gates to the empty city..
33. Let the enemy spy sow discord in their own camp.
34. Scheme with self-inflicted wounds.
35. Chain the enemy's ships together.
36. Run away.
Gau Yuan. Lure the Tiger Out of the Mountains: The Thirty-Six Stratagems of Ancient China. NY: Simon & Schuster, 1991.  978-0671694890
Keene, Donald. A History of Japanese Literature: Volume 1. NY: Columbia University Press, 1999. ISBN 978-0-231-11441-7
Murasaki Shikibu (author), Kencho Suematsu (translator). The Tale of Genji: The Authoritative First Translation of the World’s Earliest Novel. Tuttle: 2018. ISBN-13 : ‎978-4805314647
Sei Shonagon. Arthur Waley, translator. The Pillow Book of Sei Shonagon: The Diary of a Courtesan in Tenth-Century Japan. Tuttle: 2018.  ISBN-13 :  978-4805314623
Yasuda, Kenneth The Japanese Haiku, the essential nature, history and possibilities in English, Charles Tuttle Co., 1957. ISBN 0804810966
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mochikeiji · 3 years
Come Home
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↠ Pairing: Gojo Satoru x F!Reader
↠ Warning: anxiety attacks, pregnancy, manga spoiler! chapter 91 (for those who have not read)
↬ Word Count: 2k
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If death was giving you a sign at this very moment, it would be the cold ticks each second the clock on your empty apartment room echoed. Each second comes an outbursts of numerous emotions. On the first tick sent shivers on your skin, the second felt like small pricks of hair slowly rose up as goosebumps followed after, third was the frantic tapping of your foot on the carpeted floor as you bounced your leg.
On the outside, you would've been labelled as overreacting. On the inside, you were slowly dying.
As of now time felt like a never ending torture. It was a tug of war between trust in your husband or the one in your gut; a battle between mind and heart, to whom should you choose to believe in? How long do you plan on standing at the edge of the cliff not knowing the faith that has been laid out for you and the most powerful shaman? To whom do you concede to?
A critical position for you to be in. If Gojo were here beside you, not only would you have to wince at the feeling of his finger flicking your forehead, but also a round of uncharacteristic scolding about how bad it is to be stressed out or anxious because of the growing life inside of you. Well, none of this wouldn't have happened if he didn't left. But as all married couples are out there, you are one of the majority that did not want to tie their partners down from what they were meant to do. Especially if your partner is the most needed person in the world.
You couldn't tell him not to go out. Not out there on the field you've come to grow as a sorcerer yourself. The deaths of your fallen comrades and innocent civilians, the demands of the elders and powerful clans. Most of all, being part of the theatre death had directed. No one knows who'd be next to live another day or to be at forever slumber. And your husband was one of the main casts in this scene. Someone who'd always be near death's door only to keep taunting the horrifying God.
It was all fun and games before. It was either ride or die with Gojo during your youthful days. But as time progressed, and the upcoming family you both had dreamed of was at its peak, from that moment every thing came crashing down. It wasn't hormones anymore. It wasn't simple.
You were beyond terrified.
"Please come home."
Not even realizing you were already kneeling down from the couch you were seated, hands clasps together hard, the veins prodding out as if they were going to pop. A silent mantra of pleads to the unknown world you were stuck in. Chest heaving harshly, tears and snot mixing as they fell down the cushions. You didn't feel them. You couldn't see anything.
There was no way to describe the gaping hole that had swallowed you to your deepest depths of fear.
"Come home, Satoru.."
Was the last thing that had been uttered out from your lips before the dark hushes turned into soft cooes. The once imaginary prickly like nails that was scraping your body changed into gentle strokes on your back and onto your bulging stomach.
If there was no way to describe your fears, what is there to be said for the immense heart break of your own husband coming home to see you knelt down with cascading despair written all over your features? The image of the cheery, and powerful woman he's had of you now haunted by what he had came home to.
Though Gojo never had the brightest personality to everyone, he would trade every thing he has if it meant for you to be pulled out from where he had dragged you in.
He knew from the start loving you would mean a lot. You were every thing he wanted and yearned for in life. The love he always came home to. Cursing his naive self of erasing the fact that you were only human.
You had your limitations and this was it.
"Hey, wifey, shhh." the warmth of his breath next to your ear made you choke a sob. Having his body shield your smaller one from behind with his hands now trapping your still clasped ones. "I'm here, I'm not going any where. Not now or ever." his white hair tickling the side of your cheek as he rubbed the side of his face onto the your tear stained ones. If there was one thing everyone knew he was good at, it was being overly affectionate. Not that you'd complain.
His thumbs massages the back of your hands, smoothing down the veins in hopes of easing your grip. He should probably thank Yuuji for passing out hours ago, if not he'd be still stuck training the young lad and have you deal with this torment possibly longer. Even so, he was glad he had manage to finish up early. At your 7 month of pregnancy he wouldn't dare take longer. He didn't like being away, he never did. Always cursing at those who demand his presence. All he wanted was to stay home with you.
Home where everything is safe.
"Let's get you up, kay? May I carry you?" it was a shock on how uncharacteristically cautious he's become ever since your pregnancy. No one knew the Gojo Satoru knows when to tone it down on situations. It was all heart warming, you wanted to cry.
You gave him a small nod, feeling your body hoisted up from the floor and nested on top of his lap with ease. Never failing to amaze you how you managed to marry this man. The man you'd devotedly pray to the heavens would come back to you alive.
As his arms finally settled on your waist, moving at an upward then downward motion, he rubs your sides. Slowly coming to the globe of your stomach with a soft hum, he watches you deeply with a soft gaze behind his interfering blindfold.
Sighing shakily, you shifted your position a bit to the side, allowing yourself to lean your cheek on his left pectoral, listening to the rhythm his heart beat, sobs died down into sniffles and hiccups. You twiddled with his fingers placed on your stomach. The anxiety inside you barely disappeared, but tamed for the moment.
A light peck on your forehead was placed, snapping you back from the little world that had consumed you, down back in the arms of your beloved husband as he smiles and wipes away the left over tears, "Hi there, honey."
Focused on the warmth his palm emits, you reached out over his covered eyes, sliding away the blindfold, freeing the captivating azure gaze he possesses as they held nothing but love piercing back to your teary ones. His hair framing his adorning features, yet so perfect and lively he was smiling at you. The image of this man you wanted to wake up to every day. To welcome, to smile with, to live, and to love.
Cupping your cheeks in worry, the serene peace disappearing from him when his brows furrowed with his lips frantically hushing you. Parental instincts kicking in as he eyed your stomach in wonder how your dear child was holding up with the mountain of negative emotions crowding you, "Honey, you need to stay calm. Our little bun in there might have trouble baking you know?" he whispered close to your lips, foreheads leaned onto yours.
"Oh, Satoru." a broken smile formed from your quivering lips, "You're home, you're home." thumbs coming close to stroke his lids softly down to his cheeks. Fragile, that's how you'd describe yourself in touching your husband. Every day from the moment you lived with him are days you two cannot be separated from each other's lingering touches. Even so, on those days it still felt like it was too good to be true to have each other embraced away from the terrors of the world.
"I'm home, I'm home." sealing away your sobs with his lips to yours, letting you feel all of his emotions and unspoken vows within the action of only you two could share forever. The love he never knew he was capable of only for you and your child to be gifted of.
"I'm scared." pulling away as you shut your eyes. The dark hushes returning, coming back to haunt you of what is in store for tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, and so on. The strings attached upon you two, unknowing who was in control of your faiths. "Satoru, I'm scared. Please don't go anymore."
Confessing all of your troubles, he tightens his hold around you. Not a chance, he curses in his head would he allow himself to be defeated so easily and submitting himself to the awaiting gates of death.
"What if you don't come back to me anymore?"
Not a chance, was he going to die after happiness is just within his reach. Longing for something so surreal his entire life. He wasn't going out without having a taste of the sweetness of he now calls home in his life. Not ever. Not when he knows he's the strongest and will continue to reign as he is.
"Honey loves, I'll always come home to you." a vow he seals with the gaze he has locked with yours. The golden band that was proudly worn on his finger from his left hand above your stomach, "I'll always come home to you both, my sweet loves." a vow for only the two people in his life that kept him going. He will always keep his word by heart.
Though it was known that it wasn't enough to fully assure you. The comfort of today was much appreciated and needed for you to finally sigh out one last bit of the sadness, and giving him a teary smile.
"I love you, Satoru."
A melodic sound his heart would crave for every day. Definitely another thing worth coming home if he could hear it again and again.
Smiling mischievously, he reciprocates the feeling by stealing another one of your kisses whilst cradling your body and stomach. He wonders how long would it take for your baby to come meet him. He could hardly wait anymore.
"I love you more."
Was the last thing he had said before his eyes shut close to bask in the warmth and safety of his domain. His and yours little domain. One day to be shared with either a mini you or him between your arms, erupting small giggles into the air.
He couldn't wait to come home to that very day.
Not to wake up another second.
Or was it a minute?
An hour?
He couldn't tell. For time was unpredictable inside the realm he was kept imprisoned.
"Oh, another dream."
An old memory he has with you over months ago.
A breathy chuckle comes out. Was it another thing to mock him of his moment of weakness? Where he could do nothing but lay down and wait for he knows nothing of what could and what was happening?
His bones were on fire. The caged rage inside of him waiting to be freed as he could hear the cackles of his own enemies having to won over him.
"Come home to me."
No, they have not.
The fight was still going. He knows deep down as his faith on his beloved students remains strongly as his love and promises to you. Somehow, some way, he will get out. Like before, time is the enemy. He could only hope that you're holding up for the mean time. It was only matter of time you would be giving birth as well.
And he wasn't planning on missing out the biggest part of his life.
Nor was he planning on letting his enemies run free easily. They were going to pay.
He was going to pay.
"I'm coming home. Wait for me."
Thus begins the string of faith as every thing is set into motion.
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© all content belongs to mochikeiji. Please do not repost or copy, ありがとうございました!! (=^・^=)
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versesforthedew · 3 years
Nanowrimo starts tomorrow. I am not currently writing novels, but I do write poetry, and I think it would be nice to set myself a challenge and write consistently for a month. I love prompts, so I came up with some which are meant specifically for poetry, but can be used for prose too. Feel free to use them, if you want, and tag me if you do! (I will like and reblog from my main blog, @fragiledewdrop)
1. A letter to the dead
2. Healing herbs
3. Heaven, if it exists
4. A silk glove on the ground
5. A solitary candle
6. A memory of light
7. The burden of immortality
8. White night
9. Staring contest with a statue
10. Black lace
11. Message in a bottle
12. A half-remembered song
13. Snowflakes in the dark
14. Waves in a bathtub
15. Winter warmth
16. Forsaken blades
17. Blood on white cotton
18. Ancient stone
19. A legend about roses
20. Three minutes of silence
21. The bells of dawn
22. Whispering trees
23. A solitary rider
24. Winged messenger
25. The language of thorns
26. Fallen hero
27. Forgiven villain
28. Resilient glass
29. Sturdy boots
30. The gates of frost
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