#The Office of Missing and Murdered Black Women and Girls
coochiequeens · 1 year
Currently, “national statistics tell us that over 60,000 Black women are missing, and Black women are twice as likely than they appear to be victims of homicide,” - Brittney Lewis
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Minnesota state lawmakers are moving forward with a bill that would establish the nation’s first office to investigate cases of missing Black women and girls as tens of thousands of women of color remain missing in the U.S.
On Feb. 20, the Minnesota House voted 110-19 in favor of advancing House Bill HF55. “And it is on the fast track this year to be signed into law,” Rep. Ruth Richardson, DFL (Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party), the bill’s author, told Yahoo News. “This is part of the governor's budget, and it's one of his top priorities. So we are excited to be at a point where we can finally get this across the finish line.”
In previous years, similar bills passed in the Minnesota House but failed in the Senate. If the legislation is signed into law it would require the Bureau of Criminal Apprenticeship to operate a missing person alert program for Black women and girls.
The Office of Missing and Murdered Black Women and Girls would review missing persons and cold cases, and the first-of-its-kind project is expected to cost roughly $2.5 million.
In the United States, Black women only make up 13% of the female population but studies found that they make up 35% percent of missing women in the country. In 2020, during the pandemic, nearly 100,000 of the 250,000 women that went missing in the U.S were women of color.
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Currently, “national statistics tell us that over 60,000 Black women are missing, and Black women are twice as likely than they appear to be victims of homicide,” Brittney Lewis, co-founder of Research in Action, told Yahoo News. “In the state of Minnesota, Black women are three times more likely to be murdered than white women in Minnesota.”
According to the state report completed by Minnesota’s Missing and Murdered Black Women and Girls Task Force, created in 2021, Black women are less likely to receive media attention when they go missing.
“What we’re finding is that people are disappearing for a number of reasons: sex trafficking of our young girls, increase in domestic violence, mental health reasons, and there are a lot of systemic reasons,” Natalie Wilson, co-founder of the Black and Missing Foundation, a nonprofit organization that brings awareness to missing people of color, told Yahoo News.
Wilson says she is working to bridge the gap so that all missing women have the same media attention and resources. “We’re trying to eliminate this barrier because what we’re finding oftentimes with our communities [is that] race, zip code, where you live, education, your economic status — all of these things are barriers,” Wilson said.
In 2016, when 21-year-old Keeshae Jacobs went missing in Richmond, Va., her mother said she faced barriers that made her feel like she was the only one searching for her child.
“Sometimes I feel like I'm the only one fighting here,” Toni Jacobs, Keeshae’s mother, told Yahoo News. “When I went to go file the police report that she was missing, it felt like the police officer didn’t believe me.”
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People [said] ‘oh she had a boyfriend. She just ran out. She was pregnant and she was scared to tell me.’ I mean, these are the first things that come to my mind and I’m like this is not fair,” Jacobs said.
According to experts, cases that involve missing Black women and girls stay open four times as long compared to other cases involving white people.
“People are taking them because they know they’re not getting attention,” Jacobs said. “I shouldn't have to wait six years and I honestly believe I’m fighting by myself to bring my daughter home.”
In 2014, 8-year-old Relisha Rudd went missing in Washington, D.C, and still has not been found.
“If a white girl with blond hair and blue eyes goes missing every light comes on. [But] when a black girl or black woman goes missing you never hear about it,” Dr. Verna Price, founder of Girls Taking Action, a nonprofit organization in Minnesota that mentors young girls, told Yahoo News.
Experts say this is known as “‘missing white woman syndrome” — a term that refers to the unequal amount of coverage that white women receive compared to women of color.
In 2021, MSNBC host Joy Reid called the coverage of Gabby Petito a prime example of missing White woman syndrome. “Why not the same media attention when people of color go missing?” Reid asked.
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According to Lynnette Grey Bull, founder of Not Our Native Daughters, “White people were more likely to have an article written while they were still missing,” she said on MSNBC.
Price says this is not just a problem in Minnesota as Black women and girls have been targeted nationwide.
“In this country, Black women since slavery have been dispensable and it is high time that we protect us,” Price said.
Richardson and supporters of the legislation said they are hopeful that the bill will pass and spur other states to take action on the issue.
“We believe that this is a blueprint for a national response,” Richardson said. “We are hoping that we can help to lead the way to ensure that Black women and girls are extended the same protection and the same support and the same energy that we see in coverage of other cases.”
Jayla Whitfield-Anderson
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atinylittlepain · 4 months
Split Seam
steve harrington x f!oc
part of the girl boy series
18+ allusions to smut, stuffy family dynamics, overall just a fun time tho
a/n | marriage done the standy way, this was fun to write :')
It’s raining in Philadelphia and chocolate hearts are on sale at the CVS down the block from his apartment. Valentine’s cards too, pink and purple and red and everything must go. He buys a bottle of seltzer and a chocolate rose. When he gets to the station he unwraps the red tinfoil and takes a large bite out of the bloom. He’s starving, didn’t get lunch at the office today with the usual end of the week scramble of numbers and numbers and suits and numbers. But he’s only got an hour and change on the train. He can hold out, Hershey’s aside. 
He’s done this train ride sixty-two times now. This is number sixty-three, but he’s not keeping track. All he knows is that it still feels like relief when he’s seated and the train starts moving. It’s always felt like a relief to be moving in the same direction as her again.
They’ve gotten this right, he thinks. As right as they possibly could, at least. The first year of what Andy called moderate-to-long distance was hard. Awkward phone calls with long swaths of silence, calls that were missed altogether, crossed wires, cataclysmic blowouts that were and weren’t about the things they argued about. But they’ve made it this far, nearly two years of this perpetual back and forth ache that’s only soothed with train rides, with closing that gap. 
There’s been three apartments in New York, and he’s pretty sure he likes this last one that she’s in the best. Greenwich Village, old brick and pock-marked sidewalks and tall windows that wash warm over lightwood floors, and he likes being the one making this trip because he likes getting to see her in a space that feels like her. And he likes this too, the same as the first sixty-two trips, she’s waiting for him at the station, that brief moment, miracle, within which he sees her but she doesn’t see him. Checking her watch and running a hand back through her hair, in her brown leather coat, sharp and smooth and too cool for a banker from Philly, but she’s here for him, smiling big, smiling everything when her eyes finally catch his. 
This always the same too, a soft, sweet rejoining, her hand curling at the nape of his neck, other arm slung over his shoulder and here, here, she presses her lips to his cheek, her nose sliding in line with his and hi, baby, another kiss, quick, and he’s home. 
“They have you staying late again, don’t they? Or did you get all dressed up just to see me?” Little tug to his tie as they thread through throngs of people, out into the cool damp night in as close of a tangle they can be without getting heckled for it on the street. 
“Catch-up from the holidays, or at least that’s what everyone keeps saying.”
“Right, right, crunching numbers and murdering secretaries American Psycho-style?”
“You think you’re so funny, don’t you?” Little squeeze to her hip, little mean as they continue their walk back to her place. Her grin gets lit up by the neon creeping into the oncoming night. 
“Kidding, your colleagues however, well, yeah.” Well, yeah, Andy had come into town right before Christmas to go to his company holiday party with him, and had gotten into not one, not two, but three verbal altercations with his co-workers about the invisible labor of women, as well as the recession. Not that he would admit it, but he had been impressed, and maybe a little flustered, watching her hold her own amongst the suits. They had left early on account of said flustering, as well as the little snap he had given to one of the suits who told him something about needing a muzzle for that one. The partition in the company-ordered limo was raised when they got back into it, the green velvet of her dress hiked up and up and up exposing sheer black nylon and skin, and they both had forgotten all about the suits and the snap by the time they got back to his apartment. He still gets a little hazy, sweet gauze in his mind when he thinks about it. 
“How are the feminists this week?”
“Oh you know, angry, hairy, generally awesome and oppressed. I turned in my third draft on Wednesday.”
“That’s amazing, honey. It must feel good to be almost finished.” 
“It feels good to finally get my advisor off my ass. Bigger and better things, et cetera, et cetera.” He knows not to ask after bigger and better, having made the mistake once of asking if she had heard back from any of the PhD programs yet. She had smiled a watery thing, and promptly dissolved into a pool of sound and tears, too much, don’t ask. She’ll tell him when the news comes in, he knows, though there still remains a selfish slice of him that hopes and hopes and hopes UPenn comes back with a yes, and she answers with a yes too. But for now this is enough, here, and stopping her on the stairs up to her apartment to press a curved kiss to her mouth, so proud of you, honey. She beams, scoffs, thank you, and it drips with sheepish sweetness, her eyes rolling up to hide the truth of it, but he still catches it, lets her believe he doesn’t when she tugs him into her apartment. 
It’s true what they say about absence and fondness, at least in the case of Sylvia, who lately has been greeting him with a desperate peel of cries, twining around his legs with such a fervor that he has to try hard not to trip over her. No petting though, she still likes to scratch if it isn’t on her terms. 
“Nice flowers.”
“Thank you, someone sent them on Valentine's day.” A veritable flame of roses sits preening in a vase on her kitchen counter. He had asked for the biggest, the best, no expenses spared because he’s making money now, real money, and any gifts for her have to be a sneak attack because of it. 
“Oh yeah?” 
“Mmhmm, you better watch out because it looks like you have some competition from another suitor.” She lays the accent on thick, her family’s accent, soo-tah, throws in a waggle of her fingers, ring glinting for good measure. The ring, and the whole ordeal of it. There had been no family heirlooms left to ask Frank and Kitty Broder permission for, just a nervous conversation the day after Thanksgiving, the one before last, sweating hard beneath his collar and hands shaking. Because while Andy is anything but traditional, Steve picked up pretty fast that this was not quite the case with her parents. A fiance of the second oldest had clued him in on as much the first time Steve was brought home to meet the family, summer break and a big reunion, plenty of hands to shake and names to forget. And the second oldest’s fiance had sidled up next to Steve with a sloshing glass of prosecco and the grin of someone who had figured this whole production out. Somewhere between the mafia and the Vatican, you do the math, man. 
Frank was unmoved, tolerant of the idea at best, considering him over the dark rims of his Buddy Holly-esque glasses, a stylish man, tall and thin man with a slick of gray hair and a thick gold ring that could blind you if it flashed the wrong way. He only had one question for Steve which, mercifully, he could answer correctly. Yes, he told Frank, raised Roman Catholic, though he left the non-practicing part out. Meanwhile, Kitty was already designing the invitations in her mind. 
And that wasn’t even the hard part. Because yes, hasty by some judgements (Eddie’s), and unlikely by other judgements, given Andy’s views (Robin). But he knew, he knew, spent a few months looking for a ring in the evenings when he’d get off work. When he did find one, he didn’t even wait a week, letting the black velvet box burn a hole in his pocket on the train ride to New York that very same weekend. And the proposal itself was simple, no fuss or fanfare, if not a little nerve-wracking. He spoke honestly, plainly. He spoke love. And he’s never known relief like he did when she smiled and told him there’s no one else I’d ever say yes to, baby. So maybe it’s hasty, and maybe it’s all skewed a little unorthodox. But it’s theirs. 
“They better act fast then, got that appointment tomorrow and all.”
“Did you bring all your documents?”
“Driver’s license, social security number. We’re set, honey.”’
“I’m still not changing my last name.”
“No, I know, I don’t care about that.”
“My mother is pissed about it, apparently so is yours.” 
“I think when all this is said and done, those two are gonna leave their husbands and move in with each other.” 
“God, that’d be good for them, or maybe terrible.” 
“Little of both, probably.”  One of the stranger outcomes of this whole wedding thing, the alliance that’s formed between Diane and Kitty. Though maybe not that strange, he thinks, certainly plenty of common in between them. At the very least, this wedding wouldn’t be happening next month without the pair of them leading the absolute battle charge of planning they’ve accomplished. Kitty’s words, knowing my Miranda, she’d be happy with a shotgun wedding in Reno, and Andy hadn’t disagreed, happy to leave all the cake and the flowers and the tulle up to their mothers. Steve was more than happy to stay out of the fray too.
“You didn’t eat lunch, did you?”
“How can you tell?”
“Steve, you never eat lunch. I ordered Thai before I left to get you,Tom Kha Gai and egg rolls, the usual. It should be here soon.” 
And the rest of the evening is very boring, very mundane, a third-floor window lit up warm, and framed inside of it, them on the couch with a smattering of takeout boxes. His tie undone and hanging loose around his neck, top three buttons of his shirt popped as well. Warmth and salt and sour sating him, he goes slack when she tries to teach him how to properly hold his chopsticks, moreso enjoying the feeling of her hands fidgeting with his fingers, her careful concentration. He goes right back to using a fork when she’s finished, grinning at the roll of her eyes. And afterwards, stomachs full and eyes heavy, worn weary from their respectively long weeks, they get into the shower, all kind touch, simple pleasure, her fingers kneading back along his scalp and his hands soaped and slipping over her skin, working into the spots that he knows ache, satisfaction in her sighs. 
Soon, he thinks, hopes, this won’t be a thing they have to ration, all this touch, all this sense, all this closeness. This will simply become the thing they do every night, getting into bed together and talking about things that don’t really matter while their bodies relearn one another. He wants these things in a near dizzying way, big, bold, brazen want that simmers and sighs in her presence, tired kisses, and it’s enough, her hand in his hair, and it’s enough. 
He wakes up the next morning bleary-eyed with want, eager for this early morning appointment at the county clerk’s office, because this is another step, big step, making it even more real step. They both seem to feel it, quiet over the rims of their coffee mugs, smiling, and what? What? What’re you smiling about? It’s a big day, isn’t it? Yeah, nervous? No, you? Not at all, no. And he means that when he says it. There are few things in his life that he has been so certain about. 
And yes, maybe they had a romantic idea of how this would go, but it really is just paperwork in a dimly lit cubicle, and signatures here and here and yes, wedding will take place within sixty days. Steve tries to make a joke about cousins, and is only met with a blank look from the clerk, and a swift side-eye from Andy. 
But when the paperwork is signed and there’s a manilla envelope with their wedding license in his hand, there is a lightness, a lift, a giddy kick, like kids getting away with something when they leave the office. Tucked in close to each other, a little oblivious, and maybe a little obnoxious, and a man walking the other way lets them know as much, bumping right into Steve’s shoulder and watch it! And without missing a beat, Andy’s head whipping around and hey, fuck you, we just got married! Which, well, technically not, but it still makes them both laugh a breathless thing, wild, wind-bitten smiles. And they’re still running on all that flare and fluster when they get back to her apartment, open-mouthed kisses and greedy hands and she has to hold him back by the lapel of his coat to grin an awful thing and you wanna see the dress? 
“You have it?”
“Like, here, right now?”
“Yes, Steve, it’s been fitted and everything. Locked and loaded and ready to blast me off into marital bliss with you, et cetera, et cetera. Now, do you, or don’t you, want to be the first, the very first, to see it on me in all its matrimonious glory?” 
“Isn’t that bad luck?”
“Baby, please.” She groans, pressing her forehead against his, and really, he’s just giving her a hard time, because he knows what this means to her, beneath all the snark. The first to see it before anyone else, before the rehearsal, and the aisle, and all the family that neither of them really care to have present. A moment for them, just for them, and no one else. 
“You really want me to see?”
“Mmhmm.” Quiet, crackling murmurs, whispered between smiles.
“I’d like to see.” 
“Go sit on the couch, I’ll be right back.” And so he does, a little shake in his hands, a little burst and batter of his heart against his ribs. Nervous now, and he’s not sure why, the ticking of the clock pulling taut and loose all over like melted taffy. And then, and then, the padding of bare feet, and the hard rush of blood in his ears, and the sweet exhale when he does finally see her. 
“Honey.” Bordering on pained, the word is said with a sigh, and he’s not going to, no, no, just a little flush of heat behind his eyes and in his throat and Andy’s baby, don’t cry makes him sniff hard and swallow, his hand settling on her hip when she steps closer between his legs. Smooth white silk and simple, and her hair is still gathered in the clip she tucked it up into this morning and she’s still wearing a smear of Vaseline on her lips and she’s the best thing he’s ever seen, he thinks. Tells her as much and she smiles big, chin tucked down and her thumb stroking along the column of his neck where her hand is loosely curled. 
“Well, thoughts?” 
“Wow, just wow, yeah, no other thoughts.” He knows she’s going to start wilting under any more compliments, never one for them, a warbly Steve that makes him smile, squeezing at her hip, coaxing her to c’mere, c’mere, even as she resists his pull.
“If you fuck up this dress we’re gonna have a problem.”
“Not gonna fuck it up, just come a little closer. I wanna, uh, look at the stitching.” 
“You’re so full of shit.” Even as she says it, her smile is starting to slip and spread, another shuffled step closer as his hands splay across her low back, and lower, and lower, and a squeeze that’s just a little mean, making her laugh while he starts to hike all that silk up and up into his hands. 
A few weeks later, when he’s met with the sight of her in that dress in a very, very different context, all he can think about is that afternoon. No one will ever know that he got to see her first in that dress, before anyone else. Nor will they know that they spent the rest of that afternoon splayed on her living room floor with the fabric of her dress bunched up around her hips and his hands curled into the plush of her thighs and his mouth, open and taking, watching the dip and fold of fine fabric, the arch of her back, pleasure for pleasure’s sake. No one will know that in the after, his hips stilled and flush against hers, both of them panting and preening into each other’s kisses, they found the smallest tear at her hip, and that she couldn’t be mad about it, not even a little, when he sunk back down between her legs and laid his apology at the open hinge of her hips. 
He’ll find that tear again, when the vows are said, and the family and friends are clapping, and they’re walking down the aisle together, his hand on her hip. He’ll find the tear then, the perfect secret shared between them in a quick glancing smile.
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fanficonly · 1 year
Wenclair -Detective AU Part 2/4
Yeah I had to continue this lil story I got inspired! Thanks again @henribellani here's part 2
Detective Addams had spent the better part of 14 hours delving into the world of the Sinclair Family with insatiable curiousity. She had followed leads out in the wild, researched online and even stalked the entire family during this time.
The Missing Women in question, the Mother, seemed to be more or less a lonely woman who gripped onto her children and nursed them into submission to appease her own wishes. Now if that wasn't a motive she didn't know what was, considering the idea of suffocating affection caused Wednesday's entire body to cringe.
Now as abhorrent as Wednesday found technology in her line of work it had become a necessary resource which she would use on occasion and this case in particular needed it.
The Sinclair's were not rich, not plastered across the media, little information in any ancestry books and no current overview of them at all. So she turned to social media where, fortunately for her, the so called innocent Enid Sinclair posted an amalgamation of dangerously detailed information on her entire life. "Ridiculously incompetent" the detective found herself muttering at the screen on multiple occasions.
Her Murder board had grew 3 sizes with connections to people, last known whereabouts and police reports plastered across the once plain whiteboard. She had papers haphazardly strewn about her desk and floor and honestly her brain began to hurt with the amount of information she had found.
Wednesday would occasionally find her eyes drifting to the photo of this Enid Sinclair character and would unwillingly smirk at it. She couldn't tell whether the photo peaked her interest because of her obvious attraction to the woman or if it was her budding suspicion of her. But either way Wednesday right then and there decided she would pursue this lead first before her curiosity ate her alive.
Luckily she didn't have to wait long for this to happen
Later on that night Enid could be found creeping towards the door of Detective Addams' office suspiciously. She looked around before removing a Bobby pin from her hair and effortlessly using it to unlock the door. With a quiet click the door unlocked and she opened it, silently sliding inside the room and closing the door behind her.
She ran towards the board with hast shining her phone light across all of the information that hadn't occupied that space earlier. Her eyes scanned the material worriedly attempting to determine how far the Detective had come in her investigation.
"Find what you were looking for?" The voice appeared as if from thin air and Enid gasped stumbling backwards as she looked towards the corner of the room where Detective Addams sat. A disapproving look covered her face, her arms crossed over her chest, an eyebrow quirked upwards in a questioning manner.
"I uhh I-" she stammered out stepping backwards in a feeble attempt to remove herself from this incredibly awkward encounter. Wednesday didn't answer and instead let the girl incessantly stumble over her words while she took pleasure in the reaction she had caused.
"ummm-" Enid scrunched her nose in annoyance pulling at her black leather jacket and adjusting her posture "What are you doing sat in the dark?" She questions Detective Addams in an attempt to deflect suspicion away from her.
She had obviously failed.
"I'll ask the questions" Wednesday sprang up from her seat and moved towards Enid at an alarming speed. This made Enid practically gulp with guilt and fear as she leaned back in an attempt to avoid what she thought was about to be a physical altercation.
But the detective just stopped abruptly Infront of her.
"What are you doing snooping around MY office, in the dark aaaaat" she raised her arm to glance at her watch "1:15am" she spoke " Night owl are we?" She smirked again, tilting her head, awaiting an explanation from the apprehensive woman.
"I often enjoy a little night time stroll?" Enid smiled nervously along with her own sarcastic and obvious lie. She flitted her eyes between Wednesday's own and her surroundings, suspicion starting to invade from her aura.
"Me too." The detective spoke flatly "Care to accompany me on one?" Wednesday immediately responded, looking at the blonde expectantly, her voice dripping with sinister undertones.
"Sounds oddly threatening" Enid's smile faltered and she balled her hands into fists in an attempt to hide her anxious state.
"It was supposed to" Wednesday flicked her eyebrow up and stepped closer to Enid, drawn to her like a moth to a flame.
Enid let out an audible "Heh" involuntarily letting the detective know she was nervous. "I'm a little busy right now maybe later?" Enid asked rhetorically.
"I can see that" Wednesday flicked her eyes towards her murder board then back to Enid's guilty, but beautifully blue, eyes. She refused to tear her own eyes away from her for longer than a second, this woman was a slippery one. One wrong move and she could see herself ending up like Esther Sinclair if she was not careful.
"Well you seem awfully busy" Enid said taking a small step back and turning to leave "So I'm just gonna go-" Once facing the door she had scurried along towards it but her voice was cut off in its tracks when she heard something whizzed past her ear.
Her eyes squeezed shut as she heard a sharp Thud! And a scoff from the detective behind her. When Enid opened her eyes, they immediately went wide when she saw a beautifully crafted pointed blade sticking out of the door.
Wednesday threw a knife at her?!
"Are you crazy?!" She practically screamed turning back to Detective Addams to scream at her.
"Possibly." She agreed "but clearly I'm severely out of practice which is a much more pressing issue that requires my attention" she looked on at the knife protruding from the wooden door in annoyance.
"You threw a knife at me?!" Enid yelled again while Wednesday ignored the panicked women in front of her.
"Yes" Wednesday admitted, as if that wasn't an incredibly dangerous thing to occur "and I missed" she seemed disappointed in herself "I must be more fatigued than I realised." She pursed her lips at the knife then stared back at Enid.
"You're ..." Enid's face twisted into one of confusion "You're not like other detectives" she observed, shaking with the thought of Wednesday committing attempted murder on her.
"I'd be inclined to thank you if I held anything you said in high regard" Wednesday smirked. Of course she actually felt flattered by what Enid had said but showing this was not in her nature. She's lucky the words thank you were even present in that sentence.
"Okay what do you want from me?" Enid breathed out looking at the knife , fearful of her life if she was not to cooperate. When her eyes returned to Wednesday she frowned.
Detective Addams walked past her to retrieve the knife and as she wiggled it around and yanked it from its place she turned back to the blonde woman with a sinister smile.
"The truth" she used the knife to point at her and Enid huffed out a sigh of relief. To think Enid actually found the Detective attractive after her initial interaction, rude but attractive nonetheless. And now she was about to be her victim... 'wow bad taste much' she scolded her inner monologue before getting back to her current situation.
And then she composed herself and smiled ready to give Detective Addams exactly what she wanted.
"That's rather vague but sure ..." Enid held back a pride look as she began "Once in the 10th grade I cheated on my finals and no one ever found out. Then when I was in college I totaled my car but put the blame on another person, I felt incredibly terrible of course but at the end of day I-"
"Stop." Wednesday demanded, knowing exactly what Enid was up to.
"Oh but..." She innocently twirled he hair with her finger and pouted at the detective "I thought you wanted the truth" she up-played her ditsy nature, knowing full well it would agitate the Detective.
"You know that is not what I was referring too" Wednesday shook her head slightly, trying to squash down the urge to give into her anger.
"Oh and what was it you were referring too?" Enid asked, forcing back the proud smile that threatened her lips.
"Don't play games with me Miss Sinclair" Wednesday warned.
"But I love games, I'm very good at them, I play them all the time" something about her change in tone, caused Wednesday's guard to fly up.
"Yes well I'm obligated to inform you that I have never lost a game in my life." Wednesday spoke stepping up to challenge the blonde woman.
"Me either, I always win" She found a spark of confidence and followed suit stepping towards Wednesday. "You have no idea the kind of tricks I have up my sleeves" Enid informed her.
"Tread lightly" She lightly threatened the intruder. She wasn't quite sure whether it was to warn her of how guilty she seemed if she were to place that sentence over her current case or if it because the Woman was actually getting to her violent side.
"Ooo another threat I'm terrified" she waved her hands sarcastically, emitting a somewhat childish energy In front of Wednesday.
"You should be" the way Wednesday said it was dark and dripping with sinister undertones. Enid immediately retreated feeling the air in the room shift, and her nervousness made an unwanted appearance once again.
Enid shook her head and placed her hands on her hips, she couldn't believe the audacity of detective Addams right now. So she went straight into her defensive mode and attacked Wednesday with her words.
"Ummm you are like... Scary scary, morbid even I should be questioning you about a murder not the other way around" she spat at her with an irritated scowl evident on her face. And there it was the defensive nature peaking its head into their conversation.
The detective had been waiting for this.
"I'm not questioning you about a murder" Wednesday furrowed her brow " I'm questioning you on a missing persons case Miss Sinclair" she spoke and Enid visibly looked uncomfortable, letting her arms drop to her side and her eyes widened slightly with realisation.
"Unless" she paused tapping her chin with her index finger almost comically "You know something I don't" she quirked and eyebrow up. She had caught her out no doubt about it and she was ready to use this uneasiness in Enid to force a confession from her.
When Enid didn't immediately respond Wednesday stepped forward to apply pressure to the woman.
"Wellllll?" She asked again, now up close and personal with her just staring accusingly at Enid with morbid delight.
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rabbitcruiser · 1 month
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National Day of Awareness for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls
Advocating for justice, honor, and remembrance, ensuring visibility and action to address the safety and rights of indigenous women and girls.
A serious problem has been going on for many years surrounding the high statistics of indigenous women and girls who go missing or are murdered each year in Canada, the United States and other countries. Indigenous or native women and girls have a much higher vulnerability to violence, particularly in relation to crimes such as sex trafficking, abuse and more. 
From 2001 to 2015, the homicide rate for indigenous women in Canada was almost six times higher than for other women. In the United States, native women are at least two times as likely to experience violence than women from any other demographic. It is also estimated that the murder rates for native women are ten times higher than the national average. 
In recent years, many activists, journalists, law enforcement officers, charitable organizations and others have been calling for more attention to be paid to these inconsistencies. The desire is to increase public awareness about the issues while improving access to the urgent support that these women and girls so desperately need.
History of National Day of Awareness for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls
An important impetus for the National Day of Awareness for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls came through a Canadian artist named Jaime Black. In the early 2000s, Black used her influence to start the REDress project as an art installation to call attention to the epidemic of missing and murdered indigenous women in Canada and the US. This artistic expression led to hundreds of red dresses being donated for use in future installations and also was the start of REDress Day being celebrated on May 5. Each year, many different important spaces house REDress installations, including the Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian in Washington D.C. in 2019. 
The official campaign for the United States to declare this as an awareness day was started in 2017 by two senators from Montana. In 2018, the US declared this same day that had started as REDress Day, but the name was adjusted to the National Day of Awareness for Missing and Murdered Native Women and Girls.
How to Observe National Day of Awareness for Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls
Get involved with this important day of awareness by participating in some of the following activities:
Learn More About Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women
One of the most important ways to participate in this national day of awareness is to commit to getting more educated and informed, and then sharing this with others in your sphere of influence. Learn more about the statistics and needs by visiting the website of the National Indigenous Women’s Resource Center, the US Department of Indian Affairs or other important resources.  
Read the Apology to Native Peoples
In 2009, the United States Congress issued an acknowledgment and apology to the Native peoples for the way the US government has treated them with depredations and policies that were to the disadvantage of native and indigenous peoples. Access this apology online and read through it in observance of the National Day of Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls. 
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benandstevesposts · 1 year
For nearly a year, the family of three Black girls found dead in an Atlanta, Texas pond have sought justice in their loved one’s case. The investigation into their death has progressed from an accidental drowning to a homicide.
Over the past three years, up to 60,000 Black girls were reported missing by the FBI’s National Crime Information Center. Three of them include 9-year-old Zi’Ariel Robinson-Oliver, 8-year-old A’Miyah Hughes, and 5-year-old Te’Mari Robinson-Oliver, who went missing on July 29 last year. Their cousin, caring for them, then reported their disappearance to the police. The very next day, they were found in a pond. Initially, reports said the incident was a drowning. However, an autopsy in March showed evidence that the three were strangled and suffered lacerations to the face, per the Cass County District Attorney’s Office. Now the police and the girl’s family are looking for who is responsible for their death.
Now advocates are stepping in to demand answers. On April 3, Minister Quanell X, the leader of the New Black Panther Nation, traveled four hours from Houston to hold a press conference in Cass County and demanded that the FBI and Department of Justice step in to investigate. The FBI has not responded to a request for comment from Yahoo News.
Quanell X stood beside the mother of the Oliver sisters during the press conference. “She was told that they drowned, but she always had a suspicious feeling that the girls did not drown. Well, her suspicions were confirmed by the autopsies,”
“She was told that they drowned, but she always had a suspicious feeling that the girls did not drown. Well, her suspicions were confirmed by the autopsies,”
Many supporters of the Oliver sisters believe this investigation was delayed because the girls were Black. Historically, the cases of missing and murdered white girls and women receive more attention by the media and the police compared to their Black counterparts. The Black community has led the push to get the story out about the three girls, including social media posts from celebrities like Viola Davis and Niecy Nash.
Because this investigation has come so long after the girls’ death, it may be even more difficult to find who is behind it, authorities say.
“A child killer. A serial killer is on the loose. One who was not afraid to murder three children. And if you kill three you will kill more. Especially when you believe you will get away with it like this perpetrator has,” said Quannell X. 
The Texas Rangers and Cass County Sheriff’s Office asks the public to contact Texas Ranger Josh Mason (903) 255-5727 with any information or tips on the case.
You can find the original report on this story here XXXX
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richincolor · 2 years
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New Releases
Four new books to round out the month of June, just in time to take to the beach.
The Dream Runners by Shveta Thakrar Harper Collins
Seven years ago, Tanvi was spirited away to the subterranean realm of Nagalok, where she joined the ranks of the dream runners: human children freed of all memory and emotion, charged with harvesting mortal dreams for the consumption of the naga court.
Venkat knows a different side of Nagalok. As apprentice to the influential Lord Nayan, he shapes the dream runners’ wares into the kingdom’s most tantalizing commodity. And Nayan has larger plans for these mortal dreams: with a dreamsmith of Venkat’s talent, he believes he can use them to end a war between nagas and their ancient foe, the garudas.
But when one of Tanvi’s dream harvests goes awry, she begins to remember her life on Earth. Panicked and confused, she turns to the one mortal in Nagalok who can help: Venkat. And as they search for answers, a terrifying truth begins to take shape—one that could turn the nagas’ realm of dreams into a land of waking nightmare.
The Black Girls Left Standing by Juliana Goodman Feiwel & Friends
Sixteen-year-old Beau Willet has dreams of being an artist and one day leaving the Chicago projects she’s grown up in. But after her older sister, Katia, is killed by an off-duty police officer, Beau knows she has to clear her sister’s name by finding the only witness to the murder; Katia’s no-good boyfriend, Jordan, who has gone missing. If she doesn’t find him and tell the world what really happened, Katia’s death will be ignored, like the deaths of so many other Black women who are wrongfully killed.
With the help of her friend, Sonnet, Beau sets up a Twitter account to gather anonymous tips. But the more that Beau finds out about her sister’s death, the more danger she finds herself in. And with a new relationship developing with her childhood friend, Champion, and the struggle to keep her family together, Beau is soon in way over her head. How much is she willing to risk to clear her sister’s name and make sure she’s not forgotten?
Godslayers (Gearbreakers #2) by Zoe Hana Mikuta Feiwel Friends
The only way to kill a god is from the inside...
The Gearbreakers struck a devastating blow against Godolia on Heavensday, but the cost of victory has been steep. Months later, the few rebels who've managed to escape the tyrannical empire's bloody retribution have fled to the mountains, hunted by the last Zenith--Godolia's only surviving leader. Eris has been held prisoner since the attack on the capital city, which almost killed her. And she begins to wish it had when she discovers Sona--the girl she loves, the girl she would tear down cities for--also survived, only to be captured and Corrupted by the Zenith. The cybernetic brainwashing that Sona has forcibly undergone now has her believing herself a loyal soldier for Godolia, and Eris' mortal enemy. With the rebellion shattered and Godolia moving forward with an insidious plan to begin inducting Badlands children into a new Windup Pilot program, the odds have never been more stacked against the Gearbreakers. Their last hope for victory will depend on whether Eris and Sona can somehow find their way back to each other from opposite sides of a war...
Bad Things Happen Here by Rebecca Barrow Margaret K. McElderry Books
Luca Laine Thomas lives on a cursed island. To the outside world, Parris is an exclusive, idyllic escape accessible only to the one percent. There’s nothing idyllic about its history, though, scattered with the unsolved deaths of young women—deaths Parris society happily ignores to maintain its polished veneer. But Luca can’t ignore them. Not when the curse that took them killed her best friend, Polly, three years ago. Not when she feels the curse lingering nearby, ready to take her next.
When Luca comes home to police cars outside her house, she knows the curse has visited once again. Except this time, it came for Whitney, her sister. Luca decides to take the investigation of Whitney’s death into her own hands. But as a shocking betrayal rocks Luca’s world, the identity Whitney’s killer isn’t the only truth Luca seeks. And by the time she finds what she’s looking for, Luca will come face to face with the curse she’s been running from her whole life.
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gravityslingshot · 25 days
Her blonde hair was free and uncut, hung down in the way it brushed just past her shoulders and would suit her even if it got longer. It was clean, shining clean in the light, almost like velvet. And there were her always youthful, withdrawn eyes looking at gaear. She sat at the table, reserved, filled with understanding, with a vague kind of entrapment which said:
 I am here for you.
Where she grew up, her father used to hunt rabbit and deer all the time. It was weekend trips with him to the mountains, walking around with dickersons over their shoes; big, black rubber boots pulled over their footwear and tightened with a zipper. Sexy. In the spring they had trout and turkey. So when PETA came after her in Hollywood for wearing fur, she was surprised, but not really. Those people would mourn anything if it walked.
These days, she’s busy. It may look warm and slow-paced in her home, with a few images for inspiration on her latest project blown up on a board, but that’s décor. She’s been having meetings in every small-time deli and cafe near the recording studios.
Someone wants to pick up one of her stories in a movie adaptation. But she’s in the works of another; a writer, Sandy Eagan, writes about her previous murders in crime novels, misses the palanca but her friend from school, an academy winning director takes it to his producer. Beefy old man, slumps in his office like a hotdog, with locked drawers of scripts and brown box clutter stacked high against the walls. Only the important people see him. 
Catherine was a writer; the real talent. Let all the actresses battle on piles of each other, thousands of girls with their dignities high up when they were back in school brought low in the real world, that male producers called ‘fuckable’. They’re the real women. They’ve got to make the sacrifices to get noticed before their windows started to close at her age.
Call it pursuing a big dream. Nothing was wrong with that, or working two jobs and walking into restaurants with a piece of paper stuck beside the door reading ‘help wanted: waitress’, knowing that these are the places that don’t pay so well, when diners left without tipping and the owners took a cut from the jar.    
Men here just want to fuck you. You’re really nothing more than that. You came here because you liked the lifestyle, and the glamour of how wonderful it all was, having the greatest talents and professionals surrounding you not just in film-making or the arts, but in every possible area. It oozes from every crack, every crevice of every porous brick that laid up the buildings from berkeley to sports to that walk-up condominium that someone is struggling in. You’ll never find that life. The humble life where the right people happen to fall into your path.
Last week at the beach, her lace cover up and sunglasses were stolen. She’d only had her swimsuit on. Congratulations. They got away with a piece of Catherine Tramell’s belongings, a touch of minor unautographed fame just for the sake of it.
‘ Ah. ‘  or, uh. Just a tiny scratch that barely made it out of her voice box.
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‘  I’ve never been to Minnesota before. Why’d you move?  ‘
How much did Gaear know about her? He wouldn’t care, how could he, when he didn’t fawn over the allure of stardom. She still takes off her clothes in front of him. Lets them fall off her skin so smoothly it needed to be kissed. Not because she has to for any director or producer.
But because she wants to. 
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pyladeshungover · 3 months
intro post
Tara // 29 // Australia
she / her / hers
oops i got into hockey sorry guys
my url is from approximately 2013 when I was a les mis blog, and my pfp is athelstan from vikings in a flower crown because that was cool in 2015. title is from the boat that rocked. I've been here forever.
i'm very not normal about sidney crosby, matthew tkachuk, and travis konecny
i'm slightly more normal but still unhinged about claude giroux and jamie drysdale
i do occassionally lb the hockey - pens lb, flyers lb, sometimes panthers lb
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23/24 stanley cup bracket (hope not belief):
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tag lists also i do tend to be pretty good about tagging everything so if you blacklist nothing should slip through
I did not realise you can only access that page on desktop but also the hyperlinks won't work in this post so here's the list:
my face; sort of - my face and my thoughts
university life - university/college experiences
adulthood - attempts to function as a successful adult
millennials - the Adulthood Experience™ specific to millennials
life is hard - depression tag
so not straight - i am queer
mine - shit i’ve made or drawn
tumblr - i’ve been on this godforsaken website since i was 15 and i hate everything about that
blessed is he who comes in the name of the lord - christianity
jc and the boys - jesus and the apostles
jc and the girls - ladies of the disciples
upon this rock - history of, stories about, and images of the church
do not be afraid - angels 
your kingdom come - prophets, saints, and the apocalypse
the old gods are dead - graeco-roman mythology
folklore - local folk and fairy-tales 
straya - things about Australia
auspol - Australian politics
uspol - US politics
i’m a pathetic history major - general world and cultural history
who likes bad jokes - especially awful attempts at humour
words - poetry, quotes, literature
reclaiming the women - feminist re-tellings of fictional women
humanity - the good and incredible things about humans and community (also includes human and alien speculative fiction)
christmas - i love christmas
covid 19 - self explanatory
2020 - see above
2021 - mamma mia, here we go again
2022 - we’re three years into The Great Loneliness
fandom / fanfic
# - 911
A - abfab
B - brooklyn 99 / black books / beauty and the beast / birds of prey /buffy
C - criminal minds / code black
D - dirk gently / doctor who / disney / derry girls
E - elementary
F - firefly / fresh off the boat / friends / fleabag
G - great british bake off / grace and frankie / greys anatomy / galavant / game of thrones / gilmore girls / the great / the good place
H - holes / hunt for the wilderpeople / the hobbit / hannibal / hamilton / harry potter
I - inside llewyn davis
J - jurassic park / jesus christ superstar
K - kingsman / killing eve
L - lethal weapon / lucifer / lotr / les mis
M - moulin rouge / mamma mia / moana / mad max / the man from u.n.c.l.e. / mindhunter / miss fisher’s murder mysteries / the marvelous mrs maisel
N - narnia / nhl
O - the office / the old guard / oitnb
P - pushing daisies / parks and rec / the princess bride / psych / the prince of egypt / the parent trap / pirates of the caribbean / pride / prodigal son / phantom of the opera
Q - queer eye
S - spn / star wars / scrubs / the song of achilles / schitts creek / santa clarita diet / six the musical
T - teen wolf / twilight / to all the boys i’ve loved before /
U - umbrella academy
V - vikings / venom
W - what we do in the shadows / the witcher / wonder woman
X - xfiles
Players (i’m in the process of switching old tags to initialsjerseynumber and have to wait for my queue to go through before they’re complete) -
the rituals are intricate (n-h-is-for-for-homosexuality-l)
they’re so stupid 🥹 (memes)
hockey narratives
hockey art
hockey poetry
hockey vid edit
include but are not limited to: am34 auston matthews / an39 nedeljkovic / ao8 ovi / bm63 brad marchand / bt7 brady tkachuk / cb98 connor bedard / cg28 giroux / cm97 mcdavid / ek65 erik karlsson / em71 geno / jd9 jamie drysdale / jh86 jack hughes / jj68 jaromir jagr / js1 jeremy swayman / kl58 letang / ld29 leon draisaitl / lh43 luke hughes / maf29 flower / mt19 matthew tkachuk / mm16 mitch marner / nh13 nico hischier / np19 nolpat / qh43 quinn hughes / rg27 ryan graves / sc87 sid / tj35 jarry / tk11 travis konecny / ts91 seguin / ts18 tim stutzle / tz11 trevor zegras / wg99 wayne gretzky
Other player tags - hughes bros / love thy goalie 
Ships - tknp / sidgeno / drygras / mattdrai / brioux / mike likes jeff but jeff loves mike / swaymark
Teams - bruins / ducks / flyers / gritty / leafs / oilers / pens / sens / stars / yotes
Liveblogging semiregularly - pens lb
Liveblogging very occassionally -  flyers lb / sens lb / panthers lb
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kudosmyhero · 5 months
Daredevil (vol. 1) #110: Birthright!
Read Date: April 26, 2023 Cover Date: June 1974 ● Writer: Steve Gerber ● Penciler: Gene Colan ● Inker: Frank Chiaramonte ● Colorist: Linda Lessmann ● Letterer: Artie Simek ● Editor: Roy Thomas ●
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**HERE BE SPOILERS: Skip ahead to the fan art/podcast to avoid spoilers
Reactions As I Read: ● Gene Colan is back! ● when is a decent villain gonna show? ● I’ve missed Gene Colan’s art <3 ● kitties!
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● a baby with fangs is… terrifying ● I’m here for Mandrill and Nekra ● lol, DD telling an officer to shut up ● 👏👏👏
Synopsis: Returning back to New York following their battle with the Black Spectre, Daredevil learns how the Thing saw who their leader really is, not a woman, but some kind of thing. Thanking Ben for the info, Daredevil jumps from the Fantasticar and swings to the ground below. Along the way down he spots members of the Black Spectre gang.
Battling one of their number, Daredevil knocks her out and removes the helmet and reveals, as he's suspected all along, that the members of Black Spectre are all women wearing padded costumes to conceal their gender. What Daredevil doesn't see, and isn't told until he brings the woman into the local police station is that she has a facial tattoo. There is he is told that they are going to be released due to the fact that they have not committed any crime that they can be booked for. Before they are released Shanna the She-Devil arrives with her pets to charge them with accessory to murder when suddenly the holding room explodes, and they realize that the members of Black Spectre have been rigged with explosives.
Aboard Black Spectre's ship, Nekra takes the Black Widow to their leader and he orders her to go to New York City and collect Daredevil, whom he intends to also make his slave. While back in the city, Daredevil calls it a night and when he arrives home he finds the leader of Black Spectre waiting for him. Unmasking the leader turns out to be the apish mutant known as the Mandrill.
The Mandrill explains his origins: That years ago a white nuclear scientist and a black cleaning lady were both working in an atomic lab when they were both bombarded with radiation. The radiation caused their children to be born mutants: The black woman giving birth to a chalk-white baby, while the scientists wife birthing a black child covered with hair. As they grew they continued to mutate and they were mocked and ridiculed by their peers. Eventually the man abandoned their boy out in the desert, and the girl ran away from home. They would meet and become friends, riding the rails and learning by stealing books and listening outside of classrooms. Eventually, an angry mob would attack them and this is when their latent mutant abilities to manifest would come into play, the Mandrill's ability to control others, especially women, and Nekra's strength and durability being fueled by others hatred. Realizing the power that they now wield, they would vow to destroy the institutions that caused them so much pain and misery.
Daredevil attacks the Mandrill who throws the hero out a window. As the two begin to fight it out on the streets, a crowd of onlookers begin to crowd around, and the police are called. Afraid to get captured the Mandrill makes his escape, and Daredevil is unable to track him with his radar sense due to the noise caused by the crowd and oncoming police cars.
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Fan Art: Daredevil and Black Widow - Chris Samnee by tofuthebold
Accompanying Podcast: ● Josh and Jamie Do Daredevil - episode 17
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coochiequeens · 2 years
Restructure the police and restaff the force with cops that actually listen to the concerns of the community they are supposed to protect and serve.
A 22-year-old Black woman in Missouri who escaped after a white man abducted, tortured and held her captive for weeks in a basement has said several other Black women were killed by her captor – less than a month after police dismissed community concerns about a serial killer as “completely unfounded”.
The woman, who has not been named, escaped on 7 October after about a month in captivity, still wearing a metal collar locked with a padlock that authorities had to remove.
She told Kansas City police that 39-year-old Timothy M Haslett had imprisoned her in a basement room in Excelsior Springs – a city just north-east of Kansas City – where he whipped and raped her repeatedly. She escaped while Haslett was dropping his child off at school, and she sought help from neighbours whom she told that her friends “did not make it out” and were killed by Haslett.
Around the time she went missing, several prominent community leaders raised concerns about the disappearance of multiple Black women and girls. Last month, the Kansas City Defender, a nonprofit newsroom, published a video of Bishop Tony Caldwell saying that he had received information that the missing women had all been kidnapped from Prospect Avenue in Kansas City.
The police dismissed the concerns outright as “completely unfounded”, saying in a statement that “there is no basis to support this rumor”.
In fact the survivor, who is referred to as TJ in court documents, said Haslett picked her up on Prospect Avenue in early September.
Haslett, a scruffy looking white man with dark brown hair and a greying beard, was detained and last week pleaded not guilty to charges including rape, kidnap and assault.
Excelsior Springs police are now investigating the possibility that at least two more women were similarly victimized.
Bishop Caldwell told the Defender: “That was the description of the guy we were talking about and that was the location we said they were being taken from. That’s exactly what we were telling people. I’m sorry people didn’t act on it sooner, and it’s absolutely tragic that the other young ladies didn’t make it. It’s horrible.
A lot of times we are even trying to give the police information so they can act on it, because the people in the street don’t trust them and now we can see that’s rightfully so.”
The case is just the latest example of a predominantly white police force refusing to take seriously reports of missing and murdered Black, Brown and Indigenous victims – especially women and girls.
Furthermore, the US justice department is currently investigating Kansas City police department for alleged racism against Black officers.
Details of the woman’s ordeal are harrowing. According to the Clay county, Missouri, district attorney’s probable cause statement, TJ reported that “Timothy had kept her in a small room in the basement that he had built. He kept her restrained in handcuffs on her wrists and ankles.”
In addition, Haslett “whipped her while she was restrained,” leaving wounds “on her back that were consistent with this description,” the probable cause statement added.
After escaping about 8am on 7 October, TJ sought help from neighbours, who wrapped her in a blanket, gave her food and called the police.
According to court documents, “Upon the [police] officer’s arrival at the residence, they found TJ. She was wearing latex lingerie and had a metal collar around her neck with a padlock, and duct tape around her neck. TJ advised that a man by the name of Timothy picked her up on Prospect [Avenue] in Kansas City at the beginning of September 2022.”
Kansas City police have defended their response, claiming that they were right to dismiss the concerns as rumors because they had not received any formal missing person reports. In a statement to the Defender a spokesperson said: “We do still maintain that there is no indication that what you guys reported was accurate and there was no indication that there was anything that supported that claim.”
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dnaamericaapp · 9 months
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Rep. Ilhan Omar Announces The Brittany Clardy Act For Missing And Murdered Black Woman And Girls
On Sept. 20, Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar and New Jersey Democrat Bonnie Watson Coleman introduced the Brittany Clardy Act. The bill would establish an office dedicated to missing and murdered Black women and girls within the Department of Justice.
The new legislation was named after 18-year-old Brittany Clardy, a Minnesota teen whose body was found frozen in a car at a Columbia Heights impound in February 2013.
“The crisis of missing and murdered Black women and girls demands urgent action,” Omar told Teen Vogue about the historic effort. “This is not just a piece of legislation; it’s a beacon of hope for Black women and girls across the nation. By creating a dedicated office, we are not only addressing the alarming disparities in violence but also reaffirming our commitment to ensuring that every Black life is valued and protected.”
While African American women and girls make up 7% of the population in the state, they represent 40% of domestic violence victims. Black women are nearly three times more likely to be murdered than white women in Minnesota. -(source: newsone/vogue teen)
DNA America
“It’s what we know, not what you want us to believe.”
#dna #dnaamerica #news #politics
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blaqsbi · 1 year
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Post: Minn. opens office to investigate cases of missing, murdered Black women and girls https://www.blaqsbi.com/52Fq
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carolinedbook · 2 years
[PDF] The Black Girls Left Standing - Juliana Goodman
Download Or Read PDF The Black Girls Left Standing - Juliana Goodman Free Full Pages Online With Audiobook.
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  [*] Download PDF Visit Here => https://forsharedpdf.site/58484149
[*] Read PDF Visit Here => https://forsharedpdf.site/58484149
Sixteen-year-old Beau Willet has dreams of being an artist and one day leaving the Chicago projects she's grown up in. But after her older sister, Katia, is killed by an off-duty police officer, Beau knows she has to clear her sister's name by finding the only witness to the murder; Katia's no-good boyfriend, Jordan, who has gone missing. If she doesn't find him and tell the world what really happened, Katia's death will be ignored, like the deaths of so many other Black women who are wrongfully killed.With the help of her friend, Sonnet, Beau sets up a Twitter account to gather anonymous tips. But the more that Beau finds out about her sister's death, the more danger she finds herself in. And with a new relationship developing with her childhood friend, Champion, and the struggle to keep her family together, Beau is soon in way over her head. How much is she willing to risk to clear her sister's name and make sure she's not forgotten?
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publishedtoday · 2 years
The Black Girls Left Standing - Juliana Goodman 
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Sixteen-year-old Beau Willet has dreams of being an artist and one day leaving the Chicago projects she's grown up in. But after her older sister, Katia, is killed by an off-duty police officer, Beau knows she has to clear her sister's name by finding the only witness to the murder; Katia's no-good boyfriend, Jordan, who has gone missing. If she doesn't find him and tell the world what really happened, Katia's death will be ignored, like the deaths of so many other Black women who are wrongfully killed. With the help of her friend, Sonnet, Beau sets up a Twitter account to gather anonymous tips. But the more that Beau finds out about her sister's death, the more danger she finds herself in. And with a new relationship developing with her childhood friend, Champion, and the struggle to keep her family together, Beau is soon in way over her head. How much is she willing to risk to clear her sister's name and make sure she's not forgotten?
tw: all that comes with a police shooting of a Black woman
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laughing-with-god · 3 years
The Unsaid Vow (Prologue)
Synopsis- You always knew when you weren't wanted. And the way things are going in your marriage with Jungkook, a divorce is looking more and more likely. While he's getting closer to a woman at work that you're certain he's having an affair with, you're planning your escape with your four-year-old son. However, five years of marriage did not expose you to a certain side of your husband. A side of Jungkook that only gets triggered when you try to leave and break apart your perfect 'family'.
Warnings- Yandere behavior, graphic language, violence/murder, women bashing on other women, heavily implied infidelity, bad parenting, absent father, broken family vibes, very slow buildup bc Jungkook doesn't really snap until you leave him so just give him a min lol, inexperienced author writing for a four-year-old (I never wrote for a kid before pls gimme a break), also I chose my future son's name for this fic but pls feel free to name him whatever you want :)
Slow burn Yandere Husband Jungkook
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Word Count; 5.4k
Unlike the vast majority of married couples, neither you nor Jungkook donned wedding rings.
Never in your five years of marriage did you regret this decision, given it was brought upon by you and your husband’s lack of funds for fancy wedding bands at the time of your rushed marriage.
Well, you were never annoyed....until tonight, that is.
The scene before you was exceptionally intimate, so much so that you felt the instinctual need to look away in respect of the two before you.
The woman was gorgeous, effortlessly attracting all the attention the small conference room had to offer. In addition to this natural charisma spurred on by her borderline enchanting looks, her short and skin-tight red dress showed off her pleasantly curvy body. Her long, silky, and jet-black hair was pulled back into an elegant ponytail that provided a simple background for her darling features. Utterly doll-like was her face; petite, creamy in complexion with bright doe eyes and berry-pink lips.
Such a beautiful woman was currently in the arms of an equally, if not more so, attractive man.
He was tall and slender, yet not at all lanky given his sturdy build that was a testament to his strict workout regime. His olive skin was complimented with occasional tattoos, a mix of faded and fresh ink that you knew like the back of your hand despite only the tats on his hand currently showing in his crisp Valentino suit. His mid-length inky black hair was down to frame his sharp face, and indeed it was a very handsome one consisting of full eyebrows, bow-like lips, a fleshy yet impish nose, and two large, yet seemingly bottomless, raven orbs.
This man had his arms encircling the middle of the mysterious woman, her expression lifting into a light-hearted giggle as she leaned forward to whisper something in his ear.
Whatever she said must’ve been amusing to the man, given his usual stoic facade briefly melted away as he allowed a small smile at her words, his pearly round teeth peeking out for a split-second appearance.
If you didn’t know any better, you would have thought that these two were lovers.
But there was only one problem with this scene.
That was your husband, Jungkook.
And that woman in his arms was not you.
As if sensing your distress and wanting to soothe your well-founded suspicion, Jungkook pulled away from the woman and ran his gaze across the room- only stopping when he spotted you. Your spouse then gestured at you, the girl following his line of sight and landing on you and your pitiful spot by the snack table. Her joyful expression briefly dropped for a blink-and-you'll-miss-it second, but she quickly plastered on another grin and nodded. The two then strode their way over to you, barely giving you enough time to steel your nerves and muster a polite purse of the lips.
Before you knew it, the woman was right in front of you with your partner at her side instead of yours. Much to your dismay, she was only more attractive up close, and you narrowly held back a grimace as she held out a hand in introduction. You took it and shook it lifelessly.
“Hello, you must be Mrs. Jeon. I’m Sana, Jungkook’s colleague.” Even her voice was pretty, musical and light to the ears.
“H-Hi, nice to meet you but please call me Y/n.” A brief and awkward pause as Sana briefly sized you up and down. “Um, Jungkook has never mentioned you….” you trailed off, side-eyeing your husband in hopes he would intervene and add context to this random goddess he’s thrust upon you.
Jungkook gracefully took his cue and explained, “Sana transferred from another branch out of the city and has only been with us for five months. I’m her case supervisor and have been taking care of her, showing her the ropes and whatnot.”
Sana didn’t even spare you a glance as she fondly looked up at your husband, coyly biting her lip and saying in a much softer tone that could've been just for his ears only, “And he’s been really good at taking care of me.”
You didn’t consider yourself a jealous stay-at-home wife who obsessed over the tiniest details between her husband and other women, but the double meaning behind her badly-whispered comment was enough to make you splutter in disbelief. However before you could even gather up the courage to ask just what the hell ‘taking care of me’ consisted of, two new faces waltzed up and joined the conversation.
“Are you all enjoying this fabulous Christmas party?” A tall, broad-shouldered but nice-looking man asked in a tone of familiar amicability.
You thankfully smiled up at him, having met him many times before.
His name was Jin, and he was the one who got Jungkook this job.
It occurred about five years ago when you first told Jungkook that you were pregnant. Being the romantic but overall good guy that Jungkook was, he insisted that you two get married so that your child could have parents who were at least husband and wife. In addition it would also lessen the judgment in your two families, which at the time was extremely appealing to you. You had agreed to marry on one condition: after running to the courthouse you two would need to move in together in a decent apartment with a room for the nursery. But getting an apartment would mean month-to-month rent, and Jungkook’s tattooing gigs weren’t stable enough to ensure that.
Jin was originally a friend of Jungkook’s older brother, but when he heard through the grapevine about the issue, he bought Jungkook a couple of suits and offered him a job at the corporation he worked at.
Now Jungkook made more than enough money to support your little family, and it was all because Jin took a chance on a college drop-out and his knocked-up girlfriend.
You opened your mouth to respond but were cut off by the unknown lady beside Jin.
“I’d say a little too much fun if anything. Sana and Jungkook, we get that you're the infamous office couple but maybe tone it down a bit, huh?” She joked while raising her brows at the close proximity between the two.
A long and tortuous silence swept the scene.
Jin glanced at you, pity swimming in his usually carefree eyes.
Not trusting your voice to say anything and desperately wanting to hide your face from the piercing eyes, you distracted yourself by taking calculated sips of watered-down eggnog.
“Daehyun...this is actually Y/n, Jungkook’s wife,” Jin told the lady in an uncomfortable voice.
You didn’t know what stung more, the fact that this stranger thought that there was more chemistry between Sana and your husband than with you, or that it was Jin who corrected this mistake and not Jungkook himself.
“O-Oh, well it’s nice to meet you.” Daehyun awkwardly said to you while avoiding direct eye contact.
You offered a tight smile, “Pleasure.”
Whatever gratitude you could’ve had for Daehyun’s clear embarrassment quickly vanished when the woman went on to continue, “I’m sorry. Jungkook never mentioned being married and he doesn’t wear a ring so I didn’t even know. I bet it must be interesting for his housewife to meet his office wife though, right?”
She laughed, not realizing that she only succeeded in putting a foot in her mouth right before stomping it all over your pesky little heart. The group didn’t seem to share your uneasiness, all three of them politely chuckling along to the lukewarm joke at your expense. Once again, you focused on your dwindling beverage to avoid the burden of speaking or even facing them directly, too scared that your miserable expression would be unanimously inspected.
“Well, we just came over to recruit you all for some karaoke!” Jin cheerfully announced, clearly trying to change the subject, “There’s a machine in the break-out room and it’s more fun to sing with a group.”
“More like you want an audience.” Jungkook wittingly teased, a handsome smirk on his face as Sana playfully scolded him with a push to the chest.
“I’ll take your jabs now Kookie because I know they stem from your insecurity that I can actually upstage you in the vocals department.” Jin rebutted in good nature, even letting your husband’s old nickname slip.
Daehyun and Sana both guffawed at this declaration, exaggerated disbelief present on their faces.
“Jungkook is the best singer in the office. He’ll upstage you without even trying.” Daehyun said in a tenor of utter confidence.
“Only one way to find out!” Jin brushed the comment off, pointing to the direction of the assumed breakout room, “Karaoke anyone?”
The so-called office wife nodded enthusiastically, taking your husband’s arm and looking up at him to plead, “Can we do a duet of that one song we like?”
Jungkook, for the first time in seemingly hours, shot you with a questioning gaze.
Be married to someone for a while and you’ll learn how to decipher what they’re trying to say with just mere looks. Your husband was wordlessly inquiring if you were going to join, if he should go along with the group or if you two should break away and do something else.
The ball was finally in your court.
Not wanting to be rude but needing to get away from these people before you lost your cool, you decided on a subtle excuse.
“I need a refill, but maybe we can meet you all later?” You said, shaking your empty paper cup as if to prove your case.
“Oh, well the drinks are right behind you.” Sana condescendingly pointed out, tightening her hold on your husband and began steering him towards the exit, “We’ll save a seat for you.”
Bewildered, you watched as Jungkook obediently followed her lead with the Daehyun girl trailing behind.
He didn’t even spare you a glance.
You wanted to be angry.
You wanted to storm up to your husband, yank him out of the clutches of his colleagues and practically drag him back home under the premise that he would never speak to Sana ever again.
But instead of a righteous rage fueled by the marital vows you two took, utter exhaustion bestowed upon you and prevented any instigation on your part.
Maybe earlier in your marriage you would’ve fought for his attention, but now you simply just wanted to go home and lick your wounds with the help of a Ben and Jerry’s ice cream while self-obsessing over Sana’s outrageous attractiveness. After all, who could blame any hot-blooded man for choosing that goddess over you? What could you possibly do but lean back and accept that she was the obvious choice?
Other than her being a knockout beauty while you were merely average on your best day, she had other qualities that made her a more appealing catch. She was most likely younger than you, obviously fit, more ambitious and professionally driven than you, and presumably has no kids.
Meanwhile, you were just an old stay-at-home mom who lived off of her husband’s paychecks while he fucked his coworkers behind her oblivious back.
Before you could draw more detailed comparisons between Sana and yourself, you felt a large hand place itself on the middle of your back, successfully guiding your attention to the only person who bothered staying by your side.
Jin smiled sadly at you, sympathy shadowing his expression as he gestured with his other hand to the empty cup still in your hold. “Let’s get you some more eggnog.”
You nodded wordlessly, still speechless from the interaction, and allowed the taller man to guide you towards the snack table. Jin then took your cup and refilled it himself, providing you the opportunity to pick at the catered food in some cheap attempt at stress eating. By the time Jin came back with a full cup, you were halfway done with a sugar cookie and eyeing the meatballs next.
“Here ya go,” Jin said as he handed over the drink to you. You took it and nodded in thanks but kept your eyes glued to the food, not wanting him to see just how defeated and tired your face probably was. But, Jin wasn’t going to let the whole thing go. “Y/n….I know what you saw and heard looks really bad but trust me….nothing is going on between Sana and Jungkook.”
You snorted. “It doesn’t just look bad, Jin. It was like they were practically rubbing it in my face. Him having an affair isn’t the problem, it’s the way they’re not even bothering to keep it down. The least they could do is be discreet.”
Jin’s jaw slightly dropped, “‘Him having an affair isn’t the problem’? Y/n, do you even hear yourself? Of course that would be a problem! Do you not care about your own marriage anymore?”
And there it was.
The big question.
Did you truly even care about this marriage?
Well, let’s look at the facts.
One: The disrespect of his alleged mistress was more offensive to you than the fact that she was a mistress.
Two: Jungkook dragging you along to this office Christmas party was the first time in over a year that he bothered to take you out.
Three: You two had humble beginnings and could barely afford food, much less wedding bands when you first got married, but now he was a very wealthy man and had no excuse for not buying you or himself a ring. Unless, of course, he enjoyed acting single around other women.
Four: And on top of all this, it had to be factored in how distant he has been with overwhelming work hours that prevented any alone time with your husband. Sex with Jungkook has been off the table for almost a year now.
But did any of this really bother you until tonight? The answer was a resounding no. You were willing to take all those burdens in stride but tonight it wasn’t just about the fact that you were the unwanted wife Jungkook got sacked with, it was the fact that you were humiliated and forced to face the type of girl Jungkook should’ve been married to all along. That was all you were truly upset about.
The conclusion that you indeed didn’t care about your marriage and haven’t in some time now hit you in a sudden wave, but in no way were you shocked.
Voice shaky and brittle, you allowed yourself to be vulnerable with Jin and say the one thing you always secretly thought but never dared utter out loud. “I-I guess I always expected it to end like this. When we were younger, he was always the popular one and all the girls wanted him. We were only dating for three months when I got pregnant, and if it weren’t for our son he probably would’ve dumped me eventually and left for another girl. But, he stuck around for his kid because he’s a good father. And I’ve been nothing but a burden to him for a while now.”
Tears began to blur your vision, forcing you to quickly duck down and quietly sip at your drink so as to not embarrass yourself even more.
You heard a shuffle and suddenly Jin was holding you, using both of his lengthy arms to cage you in and rest you against his broad chest. It had been a long time since a man had held you like that, and you practically went boneless at the contact. You closed your eyes and tried to will away the incoming tears, even going so far as to solely focus on the scent of Jin’s cologne as he soothingly said, “Y/n, listen closely to what I’m about to say. You and Hugo were never a burden to Jungkook, and you two never will be. Your marriage was sudden, but it doesn’t make it less valid than any other marriage out there. Jungkook has been with you for so long, he just doesn’t realize when other women are interested in him because he’s been off the market forever. But I promise you, if I knew for even a second that he cheated, I would tell you right away.”
You didn’t say anything.
Although Jin’s words were comforting, they weren’t necessarily true. A marriage that started from a healthy courtship and true love instead of inconvenient circumstances was of course more valid than yours. And even though you were sure of Jin’s honesty and loyalty to you, Jungkook could’ve easily kept his affair secret from Jin as well.
However, you didn’t wish to concern Jin anymore. You already put him through too much awkwardness tonight and didn’t want to keep him by your side as some sort of emotional sponsor any longer than you already have. Jin always loved parties and was the life of any one he was invited to, even if it was just a lame annual office gathering. You then felt guilty for putting Jin in a situation where he would even have to console you when he should be out enjoying karaoke with the rest of his coworkers.
You promptly pulled away from Jin and wiped at your face. He released you and also took a step back, carefully studying you for any signs of further turmoil. Once sure that your face was acceptably dry, you gazed back up at him and offered a thankful smile. “Thanks Jin, I’m sorry I just dumped all of that on you. I really have to use the ladies' room though, can you point me to it?”
“It’s right by the conference room,” Jin informed, pointing out the general direction for you. You nodded and took a few steps toward it before he grasped your wrist to stop you and ask, “Do you want me to wait for you?”
“No, it’s okay. I’ll just find you and Jungkook when I’m out. Go and join the others for karaoke.”
Jin nodded but seemed unsure.
You didn’t look back to see if he actually went to follow the others, instead just advancing to the restrooms, secretly looking forward to some alone time even if it had to come from a public bathroom.
Once you entered the restroom you were relieved to find it completely empty, you weren’t sure if you could handle another run-in with Jungkook’s female colleagues. They all seemed to have a personal vendetta against you.
Instantly, you dashed to the mirror to inspect your makeup, assuming at least the mascara was ruined from your little cry. Thankfully, the damage was minimal and you were able to clean the smudges up with a damp napkin. You focused all your attention on the dreadfully small task, trying not to study your reflection too much given it would just conjure up more mental comparisons to all the other prettier women you encountered that night.
Yet the small task couldn’t last a lifetime, and you had to resort to looking at your phone in search of things to do. You weren’t emotionally ready to go out and search for your husband, so you wanted to prolong your time in the bathroom. Although it hasn’t been that long since you left the house, you decided to text the babysitter for any updates about your son.
To Emily: Hey, is everything okay with Hugo?
It only took about 40 seconds for the teenage neighbor girl to text back an answer, clearly on top of things and overly eager to provide any updates.
Emily: Yes! He ate his dinner, took his bath and we’re about to get ready for bed.
Your motherly instincts were satisfied with that response, but it didn’t do anything to subdue your desire to return back home. Your thumbs briefly hovered over the keypad, somewhat hesitant with the next text you were about to send.
To Emily: Great, thanks again for doing this. Listen, I think we might head back home sooner than we thought. Don’t worry tho, I’ll still give you the pay for the full four hours.
Before you could wait for a response from her, the sound of multiple incoming footsteps interrupted the steady silence in the restroom. Muffled female conversation could also be heard, the slight laughter and bickering amongst a group of women approaching the bathroom. Your fight or flight instinct was triggered, and to avoid any more awkward encounters you rushed to the nearest stall and shut the door- fully prepared to wait out the faceless group of female colleagues.
You heard the restroom door swish open before the women burst in, chatting and giggling with their heels clicking against the tile floor. One of the unknown females made way to the stall beside you, the others presumably hovering by the mirror if the sudden comments about their appearances were anything to go by. You quietly sighed and pulled out your phone again, ready to drown out their office politics talk.
Only for the conversation to somehow steer towards you.
“Did you see her?”
“Of course, I was very confused, to be honest.” One of them replied. “I mean….look at Jungkook and you just assume that whoever he’s with is drop-dead gorgeous, and she was just eh.”
“Yeah, she was pretty plain. What was her name again?”
“Y/n.” A third voice cut in, this one eerily familiar to you.
You glued a hand over your mouth to silence your gasp.
It was Sana.
“Did he ever mention her around you? You are the closest to him in the office Sana, and we didn’t even know he had a wife until tonight.”
“No, I didn’t know until tonight either.”
“What?! That’s insane. Literally all the time he spends with you: getting coffee, buying you lunch, driving you home after late nights, and he conveniently never mentions that he has a wife at home?”
“That’s suspicious. But I guess if I had a dog like that at home, I’d never mention her either.”
Cruel laughter from all of them.
The toilet from the stall next to you flushed, then opened as a new voice entered the discussion while she approached the sinks.
“It’s more than suspicious. He doesn’t even wear a wedding ring. And he’s so close to Sana but never mentioned that he’s married?” A pause as she washed her hands. “It’s obvious what he’s trying to do. Jungkook is trying to have an affair with Sana.”
Although this exchange was extremely hurtful to you, you felt somewhat relieved that you weren’t the only one to see what your husband was doing.
A pause hung in the air as none of the women spoke for a minute, they were willing to gossip but apparently outright declaring the obvious was a step too far for them.
Eventually, one of them chimed in with their own observation.
“Can you blame him? Sana you’re the most beautiful person in the office and you look so good next to him anyway. Much better than that cow Y/n.”
Another round of obnoxious laughter that broke your heart.
“C’mon guys. We gotta head back. Jungkook is gonna get anxious if Sana is away for too long.” Someone teased.
They all murmured in agreement, heading towards the exit as a group before one stopped them with a final question.
“Wait, Sana. If Jungkook does want to have an affair with you, what are you going to do?”
Although you couldn’t physically see Sana, you practically heard the smirk on her face as she said, “Who says we already aren’t having one?”
Needless to say, you ditched the Christmas party almost immediately after the bathroom incident.
You texted Jungkook a white lie about Emily struggling with Hugo, although a good father would’ve known something was up because your son had never given babysitters any trouble before. But luckily, your husband also wasn’t doing so hot in the dad department either.
You would’ve felt bad for not telling the truth if the truth wasn’t so fucking embarrassing.
“Hey, I’m gonna go home to cry like a little girl because I caught your coworkers talking shit about me. Oh, and also your little girlfriend accidentally let it slip that you’ve been fucking her this whole time. K talk to ya later!”
You grimaced at the thought of actually sending that text.
Sure it’s what that cheating bastard deserves, but you just weren’t emotionally ready for that fight yet. Especially after the night you endured, you needed some time to pick yourself up and figure out what to do next.
Divorce was the next logical step, but you were financially dependent on Jungkook. If you moved out and took Hugo with you, where would you two stay? How could you afford to be a single parent? And if Jungkook were to try to fight you for custody or the divorce in general, you would need a damn good lawyer. Unfortunately, lawyers weren’t cheap, especially one that stood a chance against Jungkook and all his wealth.
Your shoulders sagged with the imaginary weight of all these burdens.
When you entered the high-rise penthouse that you called home, you were surprised to see Emily anxiously pacing the foyer in waiting for your arrival.
“Hey, how was Hugo?” You greeted politely, already opening your clutch to pull out the agreed-upon salary.
“M-Mrs. Jeon, I swear I tried to have him in bed by eight like you said but he’s being stubborn and said he won’t go to sleep until you come back and read to him-” The teenager rushed out all at once, clearly nervous that you would scold her.
You held a hand out to stop her rambles, using your other hand to give her the money, and offered her what you hoped was a comforting smile, “It’s okay, Em. Thanks for doing this on such short notice. Why don’t you run home now and try to enjoy your Christmas Eve?”
Emily looked relieved that you weren’t mad, gratefully taking the cash before grabbing her jacket and shoes to make her exit. “Thanks so much for this Mrs. Jeon. Merry Christmas!”
“Merry Christmas.” You farewelled while walking the young girl out, locking the door behind her.
You turned around and proceeded down a long hallway that led to the bedrooms, stopping at the door beside the master room which belonged to your four-year-old son. You opened it to peer inside, the familiar deep blue walls with painted-on sea creatures greeting you back, swiftly reminding you once more of Hugo’s obsession with the ocean.
Your son was bundled up in a twin bed so big that it practically drowned him, his small frame barely being recognizable in the large fish-printed duvet wrapped around his tiny frame, only his small and adorable face peeking out to stare right back at you.
Hugo was essentially a carbon copy of Jungkook. At first you were somewhat resentful about this, how was it possible that you carried a baby for nine months and he came out with absolutely none of your features? But after a while of watching Hugo grow up and come into his own slowly but surely, you were pacified by the conclusion that while he may look exactly like his father, his personality and heart took after you.
“Dumpling, why did Emily say you were giving her a hard time and wouldn’t go to bed?” You asked gently, sitting by his side and petting his black hair.
‘Dumpling’ was a nickname you chose for Hugo since you first found out you were pregnant with him. It stemmed from your sudden pregnancy craving to eat dumplings and nothing else, you once even going two straight weeks surviving off the food. There were many times where Jungkook had to bribe you into eating other things, playing on your guilt for not providing your baby all the nutrition he needed. But even now ‘Dumpling’ still stuck, if Hugo’s chubby cheeks were anything to go by.
“Mommy, I-I’m sorry but-” His big doe eyes looked up at you in teary guilt, “I really needed you here. It was a nece-necess-”
“Necessity, bub.” You finished for him, grinning at his attempt at a big word.
Part of you wanted to scold the boy for being difficult, but you didn’t have the heart to. Lately, Hugo has been more clingy to you than ever before. Yet it was practically impossible to punish him because Hugo has always been a good kid and you knew deep down that he didn’t act out unless there was something else going on. You suspected that it had something to do with the lack of his father’s presence that forced him to hold onto you like his life depended on it.
“Well try not to do it again, okay? Emily is a nice girl and she’s just following my orders when she tells you to go to bed.” You said, ducking down to peck the crown of his head and continue running your fingers through his hair.
Hugo nodded in understanding but ultimately stayed silent, basking in your cuddles.
All was silent for a passing moment, and while Hugo enjoyed his mother’s touch, your mind gradually returned to the turmoil that was your marriage.
A sudden epiphany struck you and bit your lip as you debated an idea.
Should you expose your son to your future plan?
The victim of any divorce has always been the children who were left behind. And the last thing you wanted to do was blindside Hugo. Perhaps you should play the hypothetical game just to see where your son’s head was at? It went without saying that Hugo was closer to you than Jungkook and you were more of a parent than your husband. But still, every kid deserved to have a say in their parents’ divorce.
“Bub, how would you feel if….it was just me and you?” You hesitantly inquired.
“What do you mean mommy?” Hugo titled his head in bewilderment and craned his neck to look back up at you.
“What if me and you went away to live together?” You clarified.
“Like a va-vayca-”
“Vacation? And no. But forever. Just me, you and no one else.” You whispered, as if Jungkook himself would storm in and catch you planning your escape with the toddler.
“Oh.” A pause as you could practically hear the mechanisms in his four-year-old brain trying to work out the logistics of what you just proposed. “Okay.”
The nonchalance in his youthful voice had you taken aback.
“It’s a really big decision, Hugo. You wouldn’t mind...not living with daddy anymore, right? You would hardly ever see him, dumpling.”
The boy shifted to lean more of his body against you, essentially resting against you with his head on your chest as he said, “But it’s like that already, mommy.”
Your heart broke.
You wrapped your arms around him and pulled him closer to you, feeling a maternal instinct to comfort and protect.
“Okay Dumpling. I need you to promise me not to tell daddy what we talked about.”
“”Kay.” Hugo yawned and closed his eyes, inhaling deep breaths of your scent and beginning the process of falling asleep. “When do we leave?”
“It’ll take some time, bub. You start school in a few months, so mommy will try to find a job while you’re there.” You told him, not bothering to try to explain the concept of a lawyer or apartment deposits on top of that. “But we can do this. It has to be a secret but you're my partner in crime.”
“Like spies?”
You chuckled, “Yeah, like spies. Promise to work with mommy in utter secrecy?”
You held up a pinky, one that Hugo grasped with his own.
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Author’s Note:  So....A while ago before I took my long ass hiatus, I did a poll for which yandere story I should write next.  The Unsaid Vow won but that was around the same time that shit hit the fan in my life.  Recently was scrolling through my notes on my phone and found some of the plot points for this story and I needed a lil break from QQ.  Plus I know so many ppl were hyped for this concept so....Here ya go lol.  This is kinda short but it’s just a set up, Chapter one’s plot line will start a few months after this when Hugo will start kindergarten and Y/n will actually start looking in to jobs, lawyers and apartments.  Also I’m sorry but I’m really bad at writing for kids lol, and I absolutely refuse to write that gross ass baby talk so just pretend your son is a lil genius okay? Also srry Once but I needed really pretty girls to be villians in my story so yeah, Twice girls in here aren’t likable but aren’t reflective of how i actually feel about them lol.
Big thanks to @sushireads​ once again for creating the cover art for this fic.  They literally are becoming my go-to for fic art.
And my beta readers @bigbuffjoonie and @mustardpop​! They beta’d for QQ and I came to them really early about this fic.  They were with me since the beginning and have given me advice with creative choices to just simple grammar.  They easily could’ve leaked the first draft of this too but they didn’t and kept it secret for a while.  I was really insecure about getting out of my comfort zone with this plot but they really guided me.  
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