#Thena: where could he have gone right is really the question
softquietsteadylove · 10 months
Who do you think is Ajaks favorite child?
So, Ajak would say that she loves all her children equally. She would never have favourites!
But yes she does and it's Sersi--hear me out!
It's not just the picking her to take over as Prime, because that's obvious. But I'm talking about how I think Sersi is the most human of all the Eternals.
Ajak loves all her kids. They function all together, as a family, even the cantankerous Druig and stubborn Ikaris and prickly Thena. Ajak wouldn't change anything about them.
But Sersi is different. From the moment they first awaken Ajak knows Sersi has insatiable curiosity, and passion, and love for all she does. Ajak sees how much Sersi loves life in all its forms and admires it, maybe even envies how much more freely Sersi can love without the burden of the truth weighing on her.
Ikaris is her secondhand, and he knows all that she does (mostly). He becomes a confidante to her in a way none of her other children are. And yet this ultimately dooms them both to never actually being able to depend on each other in an emotionally healthy way. Both are a pillar of the irrevocable truth and fear how it will crush their family if they move from that.
But that's why I think Thena's role in this is so fascinating (my bias is showing, I'm well aware). Because Thena also knows the truth, on some level, even from the beginning. It can be argued even before then--maybe she always gets Mahd Wy'ry, maybe she always remembers the horrors that they facilitate in their missions.
Ajak knows this. That's why she suggests erasing Thena, because she really does love her, and she knows firsthand the burden of knowledge. Thena already had wisdom, it's the knowledge that really endangered her.
I also think that's why Druig's relationship to Thena is so much deeper than what we got in the movie. He speaks up for her--he speaks up for her against Ajak, and Ikaris, and Arishem himself. He believes that Thena has a right not to want to forget their lives, and he obviously doesn't trust the answers he gets from Ikaris or their Prime.
Ajak is a very complicated character. She's not entirely right, she's not wrong either, and I do believe that she does the best with what she has. And that she loves her children. That, above all else, is what drives this person: love for her children and for people.
And that's Sersi's favourite thing: people. Sersi loves life and the people in it, and everything in between. Sersi is who Ajak could be if she didn't have the burden of their mission on her. And yes, she does impress that onto Sersi and burden her with that. It's hard to reconcile, and confusing, and it creates hardship for Sersi. But Ajak did so knowing Sersi was the right one to take this on.
Because this mother has high hopes for her daughter, and she knows what she can handle because she forged this child's soul from her own.
#Eternals#Ajak#a biopsy if you will just some thoughts of mine#also yes I saw the Barbie movie why do you ask?#mother-daughter relationships are endlessly complex#and I don't want to trivialize anything for anyone by waxing poetic about it from my own perspective#but this is what I think about Ajak and Sersi's relationship#also sorry you probably thought this would be a really fun ask and I've done...this#okay so for those who read the tags#Ikaris is her very good mama's boy who does everything right but then she finds out is wanted in six states for federal crimes#and she goes where did I go wrong???#Thena: where could he have gone right is really the question#Thena is like Ikaris' twin they're so alike#Ajak asks how Thena is and Thena just nods and walks off#she's more of an icy teenager than Sprite is to her#but at least Gilgamesh makes Thena a little sweeter#he's also best boi so...write that down#Gil helps carry in the groceries#Sprite acts like she's too cool for it all but really she still likes cuddles and I will die on that hill#Druig is constantly bitching about 'mother dear'#while Ajak and Makkari have a great relationship!#They're obviously close Makkari is holding her in the wedding scene#Makkari is very close and sweet with Ajak but Makkari is also a wild child#she steals and is rambunctious and likes breaking the rules#Miss Goody Two Shoes is Sersi herself#Phastos too up until...a certain point#And Kingo...Kingo thinks he's her favourite#like truly and genuinely
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lovelyfanatical · 9 months
I Get a Sugar Rush Whenever I'm With You - Chapter 9.2
Greetings, fellow Drukkari stans! You're getting this mini-chapter while I'm on vacation, so I'm writing to you across space and time! 🤪 If you've fallen behind and need to catch up, you can find all previous installments on my Table of Contents here. Druig and Makkari have cleared the air and Druig is resolved to forget about his feelings, but can he? Find out now in the next mini-chapter of Drukkari in the Great British Bake Off!
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The showstopper was proving to be a bit of a disaster. Druig hadn't really thought he'd make it to patisserie week, and with all his fretting over Makkari, he hadn't practiced his bakes for this week that much. So, while the other bakers were busy perfecting their delicate gateaus, Druig was quite sure his was lopsided, and no amount of edible gold would be able to hide it. He was proven correct when Arishem pointed it out during judging. He also found the chocolate rather plain, adding insult to injury.
As with everything else, Druig pushed it aside for now, but this proved rather difficult when interview time rolled around. Considering how the challenge had gone, Darcy had Makkari ready and waiting to conduct his interview. Little did she know that it wouldn't help much this time. Druig did his best to act normal, but he could practically feel himself clamming up more and more with every question. Overall, it still wasn't his worst interview, but Makkari could sense something was off.
Despite this, Makkari didn't pry. Not yet, at least. On the one hand, Druig was grateful. After all, it saved him the anxiety of telling her what was wrong. On the other hand, it made for a pretty awkward lunch. They and Kingo were the first ones to the table. While they swapped bakes and delivered their usual praise, the unsaid words hung in the air between them, making them lapse into plenty of uneasy silences. Even Kingo could feel it, and for once, he didn't comment on it. This was the state Phastos and Gil found them in.
"Rough day, huh?" Gil said, trying to lighten the atmosphere.
"You could say that," Druig answered.
"Well, we've still got two challenges left. Things could still change," Phastos added. It was still basic, but he was picking up signs and including them where he could.
Very true, Phastos, Makkari concurred, giving him a small smile.
"Hey, at least you'll be back next week either way," Kingo chimed in.
"I suppose that's true," Druig muttered pensively. "Thank you all for trying to cheer me up, but I'd rather not think too hard about it right now."
"We can do that," Gil replied confidently. "Since we're changing the subject, should I tell you guys about my date with Thena?"
Tell us everything!  Makkari signed frantically, a smile springing to her face. Druig couldn't help but smile himself at the sight, even if he could still feel his heart sinking from that morning. With a deep breath, he tried to let the feeling dissipate as he listened to Gilgamesh go into detail about where he and Thena went, what kind of coffee she drank, and how they spent hours talking about anything and everything. And for a little while, Druig did start to forget why he was feeling this way.
Lunch was a nice reprieve, but once they were back in the tent, the pressure returned, along with all the things Druig had been avoiding thinking about. He'd been trying to just concentrate on the technical challenge, but with only four of them left, his eyes began to wander to Makkari's station. She was quite focused on the task at hand, making dough for her palmiers. After staring at her a moment too long, Druig averted his gaze, mentally admonishing himself. He was so preoccupied that he ended up overbaking his own palmiers, and with no time left to try again, he had no choice but the present them for judgment. No teeth were chipped, thankfully, but Druig could tell he'd earned last place this week.
Considering how well everyone else had done so far, Druig was coming to the realization that something disastrous would have to befall one of the other bakers if he was to make it to the final next week. He didn't wish that on any of them, least of all Makkari. He'd made it this far, which was much farther than he ever expected. Even so, it was not an easy pill to swallow. Druig was still grappling with this as he waited for his next interview. Another figure took the seat next to him, breaking him out of his reverie.
"So, how are you feeling about… everything?" Phastos asked.
"I should probably save some of it for the interview," Druig began, "but to answer your question, not great."
"Right, of course. Stupid question," Phastos mumbled. "Alright, I'm not great at comforting people outside of my husband and child, so I'm just going to ask what I actually wanted to ask. Just know that you do not need to answer if you don't want to."
"Okay, then?"
Taking a deep breath, Phastos let loose his question: "What's the deal with you and Makkari this week? Did you break up or something?"
If Druig was drinking something, he would've choked on it. As he was not, he merely let out an undignified noise that sounded somewhere between a snort and gasp.
"I guess I hit the nail on the head," Phastos observed triumphantly.
"Not quite. Makkari and I aren't dating."
"Oh," Phastos said, triumph replaced with confusion. "Then what have I been watching the past few weeks?"
Druig merely raised an eyebrow at this, which spurred the other man to keep going.
"Alright, then did you have a fight or something?"
"No, we just… had a misunderstanding, but we cleared that up, so everything is fine," Druig explained carefully.
"Ah, that explains why you're so busy watching her that you burned your palmiers."
"I didn't burn them, just overbaked them."
"Whatever. My point is, and again, you don't have to answer if you don't want to-"
"You say that, but you keep asking."
"And you keep answering. My point is that I can tell something's bothering you, and I know we're not exactly close, but if you want to talk about it… I promise I won't tell anyone here. Just my husband, who's been asking me about all the bakers. Also, I'd rather not have a repeat of lunch tonight at dinner."
Druig watched him out of the corner of his eye. Phastos seemed sincere enough as he awaited his response. Druig sighed loudly before giving him an answer.
"Okay, the short version is we accidentally slept in the same bed and were both a bit embarrassed. She wants to forget about the whole thing, but I don't know if I can do that."
"Oh." Phastos lapsed into silence as he mulled this over, but it didn't last long. "And you don't want to forget because you like her."
"Hit the nail on the head that time," Druig conceded.
"Well, you should probably respect her wishes, which it seems you're already doing. But clearly, it's still eating at you, so this isn't going to be sustainable. Sounds like you need to talk to her."
"You got all that from our conversation just now?"
"That and Ben's hypotheses, which I didn't put much stock in before since he was only getting his info from me, but even from my impartial observations, he could tell that you liked her," Phastos explained. "Look, I'm not one to play matchmaker or love guru or whatever, but I really don't want to deal with more awkward group meals, so for my sake, consider telling her how you feel? Unless you think that will end up making things even more awkward. You know her better than me. Just use your best judgment, I guess."
Phastos had rushed through his last few sentences as he saw Darcy approaching. As he got up to go to his interview, Druig added, "Thanks, Phastos."
The other man gave him an emphatic nod before following Darcy.
It was fun to write a bit more Phastos! Hopefully he's not too OOC. Let me know how I did!
Part 32
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tokkiotears · 3 years
Can you do one where Druig is in love with y/n and thinks they're in love with Ikaris so he doesn't confess?! In reality reader is in love with him too, but thinks he likes Makkari, so starts to spend more time with Ikaris so she can try to forget Druig.
note: this was fun to write :') i hope u guys like it!!
pairing: druig x fem!reader
summary: after seeing makkari and druig flirting, you spiral at the pub with ikaris, moping about the man you love
warnings: alcohol, swearing, not proofread
wc: 2.1k
Ikaris was your best friend. Really because he was your only option at the moment. When you had spent so many years swooning over Druig, there was a point where you needed to put some space between you and him. And Ikaris was one way to get that, after all, he was Druig’s least favorite.
It was that day, last week, that you had walked into the common area of the Domo to ask Thena a question. But you couldn’t even remember what you wanted to ask after you had seen Makkari being teased by Druig in a way that was very clearly flirty.
You had always considered that Druig and Makkari could end up together - but seeing it right in front of your face was like that extra salt in the wound. After that, no one other than Ikaris heard much from you. He’d bring you the occasional Ambrosia and book as you moped in your chambers. The cold obsidian walls were oddly comforting, but soon after the third day of your isolation, it was decided that you’d all stay in London for a few months.
Ikaris and you had gone for drinks at the local pub, with Gilgamesh and Kingo close behind. The pub had a low light spread throughout and the aggressive sports commentators of a football match on the televisions. Being an Eternal and all, it took far more for you to become inebriated. So the first ten pints didn’t phase Ikaris, but when you had begun ordering the hard stuff in large quantities, he became a little concerned. Or maybe he was more intrigued.
“Alright lass, you are going a bit heavy,” Ikaris’ fingers pulled the Irish Mule from under your chin, leaving you with a straw sticking from your lips and a disappointed look on your face. “Are you brooding over that brat again?”
Heat rose to your cheeks and you pulled the straw from your mouth, “Uh, no way! Never again.”
Your tone was hardly convincing. Ikaris raised a brow at you, sliding the beverage back towards you, “Ah so that’s what this, maybe you do need this.”
The man snickers at you, causing you to frown, “Hey, you need to zip it - you got lucky with Sersi. Not all of us are so blessed.” Ikaris watches you roll your eyes and take another sip, “I saw them flirting it up in the Domo the other day.”
The man stretches his arms, settling them on the back of the wooden bench behind him, “That’s tough princess. Hey, maybe it wouldn’t be so bad bein’ an old spinster, eh?”
“Huh!” You point your finger at his accursedly, “You owe me at least three dirty martinis for that comment.”
“Martini’s aren’t even good…” He chuckles, taking a sip of his beer. “Besides, why do you even like Druig? He’s a dick.”
“First of all, lower your voice! What the hell man,” You gasp, taking a quick look around the restaurant to make sure no one heard, “Second, you’re a dick too.”
Ikaris feigns offense with a gasp, “How dare you, woman.”
“Oh, I dare.” You giggle. Pushing your chair back, you put your hand out towards Ikaris - to which he blankly stares at, “Your wallet. C’mon, you owe me drinks now.”
He groans, furrowing his thick brows; All while pulling the leather fold out of his jean pocket and surrendering it to you. You blow him a kiss with all the sarcasm you can muster, and make your way to the bar. There are a few empty stools, but most are occupied.
“What can I get for ya, hon?” The older man behind the counter set down a glass before meeting your gaze.
“Three of whatever strongest,” You hand him the plastic card with a small smile.
“I’m gonna have to cut you off soon, you’re drying me out,” The man joked, “I’ll be right by with those.”
You return to the small table, tossing Ikaris his wallet which he catches easily. The look he gives is one that causes your stomach to drop. His eyes dart from yours to something behind you. You hear the door chimes ring, and spot Makkari and Druig. A strained groan escapes your lips.
“I’m glad I ordered more,” You whine, sinking into your chair. It takes less than sixty seconds for you to devour the remainders of all the alcohol at the table. When the two spotted you, Makkari waved. With that oh so lovable smile of hers. You cross your arms and let your head fall onto the table. It was going to be a long night.
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Druig doesn’t really want to sit with Ikaris, but Makkari insisted - so that was the plan. Ikaris ordered another round of drinks for them and tried his very best to cover for you. The dark-haired boy was not naive, though. He noticed your general lack of involvement in the conversation. Constantly sipping on the next drink, or sightly turned to watch the TV that he knew you had no real interest in. In all honesty, you were positively shitfaced. The combination of the alcohol and the swaths of butterflies in your stomach from being so close to the man you were secretly in love with, was terrorizing you. You didn’t hear even a fraction of the conversation taking place.
“You two are quite the pair, eh?” Druig stated, “I don’t think I’ve ever seen Y/N this drunk.”
Ikaris snorted, “Yeah mate, that has very little to do with me,” He grits his teeth, “I did sponsor a few though.”
The boys continued to chat, trying to keep the silence filled with some sort of conversation. The topic swayed from the football game to the new house and back to your drunken state. Druig watched as you were holding your head up with a tall glass of lager - almost baiting the thing to spill all over your sweater. Makkari signed to the ebony-haired boy, “I’m going to head back, you watch over her.”
Makkari winked at Druig before heading for the door and disappearing in a blur. Luckily Ikaris has his eyes fixed on the TV, only turning to Druig when he cleared his throat. “You should grab your girl and we can head back, it’s getting late.”
“My girl?” Ikaris threw his head back with laughter, “Mate, that is not my girl. If she’s anyone's, she’s yours.”
A thick blush rose to Druig’s face, “What the hell are you talking about mate?”
He shifted nervously, running a hand through his hair. What did Ikaris mean by that?
The Eternal knocked back one of the shots left on the table, “She will never let me see the light of day if she knows I told you this,” Ikaris straightened up in his spot, “She’s absolutely smitten by you mate.”
Ikaris held a finger over his lips in a ‘shush’ motion, “Our secret,” Finally he stood up, “Let’s head back.”
The dirty-blonde man tapped your shoulder, scaring you awake. Your eyes shot open, and just like Druig had predicted, the glass of lager tipped over all over your chest.
“For christ's sake,” Ikaris muttered, he has lass than thrilled with the scene. You groggily whined, looking down at the sopping sweater. You were too drunk to think, so you peeled the thing off. The men began to panic. Ikaris’ eyes darted around for a solution to cover your nearly bare abdomen. The only thing you had under was your bra. “Your jumper!”
Druig nodded hastily, pulling his black knit jumper off and wrestling it over your head.
“H-Hey,” You frowned at the commotion of being knocked around. The bartender shot concerned glances towards the three of you.
“Alright come on,” Ikaris hauled you into his arms, beelining for the door. On the way out, Druig made the entire pub forget the past ten minutes to be safe.
The walk back to the house was sobering for the two men, the chilly air focusing their minds.
“Are you sure?” Druig turned to Ikaris, breaking the silence that had enveloped them. Ikaris didn’t need Druig to elaborate for him to understand the question. Their footsteps continued on, crushing through the frosting grass.
“Never been more sure.”
The house was just ahead, a few of the windows glowing with light. Druig opened the door, wiping his feet well.
“Here, can you take her a moment?” Ikaris transferred you to Druig’s arms. The black tee he wore was thin enough that he could feel the warmth radiating from you. And before Druig realized it, Ikaris had disappeared.
“Dick.” He muttered. In his arms, you began to shift. You nuzzled your head into the space between his head and shoulder, nose pressed against his neck. Druig couldn't help when his heart picked up a heavier rhythm. Carefully he ascended the stairs, trying to find your room.
“Y/N,” Druig tested your consciousness, you hummed at him in response, “Y/N where is your room?
“Hm-mm,” You groaned, “Let me sleep in your room Ikaris…you can throw me on the floor.”
Druig sighed, “Y/N, it’s me Druig.”
You groaned even more, “Don’t be mean, I don’t wanna be alone tonight Ikaris.”
So be it. Druig brought you to his room, setting you on a recliner as he set up some blankets on the floor. Eventually, you found your way to the floor, kicking your jeans off and rolling up inside the fuzzy blanket. Druig changed into his pajamas and collapsed into his four-poster bed. What a night.
At some point in the early hours of the morning, you stumbled to the bathroom. The queasiness had mostly worn off, but you were still very much drunk. You scooped some of the faucet water into your mouth, attempting to hydrate. Once you wandered back into the room, you scooped up the blanket off the floor and crawled into bed with Ikaris. You could vaguely feel his form, and that he wasn’t wearing a shirt. You cringed retracing your hand, but he was also delightfully warm. Before you knew it, sleep had devoured you.
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"Do you think we should wake them?” Makkari signed to Ikaris in the doorway. Ikaris scrunched his nose, shaking his head.
Druig could feel the bits of midday light seeping in through the slivers of the window that the curtains didn’t cover. He groaned, rolling over and pulling the mound of blankets closer to his chest. His ears perked at the grunt that came from the fabric.
“Ikaris - ugh, let go,” your legs stretch out, hitting Druig’s. Your mop of messy hair turns towards him. Druig looks at you with the same amount of shock that adorned your own features. “You are not Ikaris.”
“No shit love,” He rubs his forehead with his fingers, “I could’ve sworn you were on the floor last night.”
“Well, this is awkward,” You begin to sit up, but Druig puts his arm back around your middle.
“Ikaris told me.”
You have to ponder the idea for a moment. Really let it sink in. “I’m going to kill him. Oh, boy he is really gonna get it -“
“I feel the same, Y/N. I just never did anything because I thought you were into Ikaris,” Druig’s blue eyes bore into yours, looking gorgeous as ever. You didn’t want to leave his arms if all of this was true. How much did you drink last night? As if on cue, a dull ache began in your skull. Your body flopped back onto the bed, a hand going to cradle your head.
“We can talk about it as much as you’d like, but let me take care of you,” Druig murmured, pressing a gentle kiss to your knuckles. The man rolled out from the bed, revealing that his upper half was bare and finely built. Small freckles adorned his back here and there. Black sweatpants hung gracefully from his hips, bringing some heat to your cheeks. Through his tousled hair, he glanced at you, returning to your side with a glass of water and a few of those human pills.
“Thank you,” You whisper, gulping the medicine down. Druig placed the glass n his bedside table, his hand finding your face.
“Hey,” He murmured. His icy eyes set on you, fluttering towards your lips, almost distractedly. He gives in, leaning into your lips, gifting you a soft kiss, “I love you. I have been in love with you.”
He caresses your cheek, “We’ll figure this out.”
Small tears threaten to spill, from the drinking or his words, you can’t quite tell. You nod at him and he returns to his place beside you, holding you as close as he can.
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marambl · 3 years
I haven't watched Eternals yet but I'm already shipping Druig and Makkari do they actually get together? If they do I would love it! I only saw the gif where he has her tablet and gives it back but from now on I'm going to love them.
Hi Nonny! Omg welcome to the ship!! I love how so many people haven’t seen the movie yet and are already shipping Drukkari lol. I hope you’re okay with spoilers. If not, here’s the short, non-spoilery answer to your question:
I think it’s a little subjective whether or not they ‘get together.’ They don’t kiss and they don’t label their relationship, but it’s clear they like each other in a more-than-friends way. You don’t need to read in between the lines; they’re pretty overt in their affection for each other, even though they only share a few scenes together. (There is one particular scene at the end of the battle that includes physical affection that hammers home pretty clearly to the audience that they love each other.)
And some discussion with spoilers, under the cut:
Like I said, they really don’t have a lot of scenes together — but the ones they do share... oh nonny they are powerful lol. 
They are not as overt as Sersi and Ikaris (or Sersi and Dane), where there is kissing and/or lovemaking shown on-screen — but it’s also not so subtle that people can deny the ship’s existence, which I think is an argument that could be made with Thena & Gilgamesh: in my opinion, the T & G relationship was a lot more ambiguous. There is no denying that they also had an incredibly close relationship, but depending on one’s own interpretation, it could be platonic or romantic. Drukkari on the other hand has literally ZERO deniability. No one can say, “you were inserting subtext that didn’t exist” or “you were reading into it” because Zhao-Keoghan-Ridloff & Co. hit us with a sledgehammer that Druig and Makkari are So Important to each other in a deep romantic soulmate way. (in the words of Kumail, “I think it’s more than a friendship...” - watch from 12:45-13:00)
If you watch the scenes they’re in together, they orbit around each other. I apparently like to make lists to help myself mentally organize this beast of a film, so here is a short breakdown of the major scenes (with video links!) where they interact together in some way:
1. Babylon 5th century BCE - Druig calls Makkari “beautiful” and signs to her that she’s late (x) and then they have some flirty banter and make a deal to keep each other’s secrets (x) during this sequence, Druig also interprets for Makkari to some Babylonian dudes but I haven’t been able to find a clip of it rip
2. Tenochtitlan 1500s - Makkari encourages Druig to stay strong when he is angry with Phastos (x) ; later in the pyramid, he and Makkari are the only two Eternals to defend Thena’s right to keep her memories (druig part of the scene)
3. Domo present day - the tablet scene you saw :) “my beautiful beautiful Makkari... did you miss me” with all the yearning in the world and tHE NUDGING. (full scene, shorter Marvel social media version) Context: Druig trades a box of twinkies with ikaris in exchange for the tablet so he can engage Makkari in some major flirting
4. Emergence present day -  Ikaris tries to murder Druig (x) and Makkari loses her shit when he tells them that Druig’s gone and she proceeds to DESTROY ikaris (x) important to note that her fighting style here has completely changed from what we saw the rest of the time (defensive/non-physical moves even when directly engaging with a deviant) to just absolutely aggro
5. Beach post-Emergence present day - the Pride & Prejudice-esque reunion with swelling romantic music and lighting, plus the forehead touch and whispered reassurances that the audience isn’t privy to because it is for them alone 😭(x)
6. Post-Emergence South Dakota present day - eating together on the couch - the mirroring of body language! (x x), Druig and Makkari going somewhere together after eating (x), Phastos acknowledges Druig is not a hugger and then Druig and Makkari have a conversation about finding the other Eternals in ASL (there was a longer version but it was recently removed; this little exchange)
At the end of the movie, all the remaining Eternals part ways and Thena, Druig & Makkari head off together on the Domo to search for other Eternals across the universe — so Drukkari has definitely been paired together, for the moment, for future movies/shows. As far as I’m concerned, Druig and Makkari are definitely “together” in the way that you asked about, The Powers That Be just didn’t use this Eternals film to tell us the story of how they fell in love, like they did with the Main Couple, although we certainly got some wonderful peeks into their 7000 year relationship’s evolution. And even though TPTB also haven’t given us the traditional romantic PDA yet that we saw with three of the other couples in the movie — the relationship IS there and so is the intimacy.
I hope you’re able to see the movie soon!! Thanks for letting me completely go off about Drukkari lol
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magnoliabloomfield · 2 years
Garden of Heathen - 8 Coup D'etat
Aussie stood under the trees with Gertie, Lanie, and Georgia as the maze door grated across the ground and finally closed with a thud. The garden seemed to collectively sigh with relief, tension releasing as they gained a measure of safety. Nothing was coming through the door now.
Talking to Thena should have been simple and easy, but Aussie was actually quite worried, so worried she felt sick to her stomach, which wasn't new. Stress and anxiety had made her physically ill before, causing problems with her stomach and she had to be very careful of what she ate and even when. That's why she was so weak and scrawny compared to the other girls. It had gotten so bad that the Makers had sent supplements specifically for her in the supplies, always right on time. In the beginning it served to convince her that someone cared for them, but now she wasn't so sure there was any pleasant sentiment behind it.
Thena and the guards were trudging toward them, using their spears like walking sticks, the exhaustion clear even at a distance and in the fading light. Joan was walking faster than the others and would reach them first, possibly because she had something to say. Aussie tried to hope for the best, that after all day together, Joan convinced Thena that Gally wasn't responsible after all.
Joan was breathing a little heavy by the time she reached them ahead of the others. "Where is he? She's gonna kill him," she said quickly and quietly, jarring Aussie tremendously.
"Passed out again, locked in a room in the house, some of the girls are keeping an eye on the door," Aussie answered clearly despite the fact her heart was pounding like a giant jacked up hummingbird.
"I think I won over at least half the girls, we got your back," Joan managed to say before Thena was within hearing range.
Aussie could see the fire in Thena's eyes, coupled with what Joan just said it gave Aussie the mental image of an absolute melee going down in a matter of moments. She had to diffuse it as much as she could. What she did next surprised the girls behind her. She took quick strides to meet Thena and flung her arms around her neck, giving her a tight hug. Thena looked surprised too, but didn't move her arms to reciprocate.
"Are you ok? How're you doing?" Aussie pulled away from Thena and looked around at all the girls, patting the one closest to her on the shoulder.
"Tired," some of the girls murmured in response.
"I bet," Aussie agreed. "Thank you for what you did today, I imagine it was really stressful and we all appreciate it."
Georgia nudged Gertie with a satisfied, smug smirk.
"Lanie, why don't you help them get water and snacks," Aussie suggested. "So they can get to bed. Then we can all talk about things tomorrow after we're rested?"
She purposefully phrased it as a question as she looked at Thena, trying to show she deferred to her and wasn't trying to call the shots. Unfortunately it didn't work. The almost demonic light was back in Thena's eyes as she stared at Aussie.
"No," she said firmly in a low and even tone. "You're done running things around here, Aussie."
The disdainful way she said her name made Aussie flinch like she'd been flicked on the nose like a naughty puppy. Her shoulders drooped in disappointment that she wasn't diffusing anything.
"Since I listened to you last night everything has gone wrong," Thena went on, taking a step toward Aussie. "So we're done listening to you. That boy you're so keen on keeping and integrating into our home is nothing but trouble, and I'm gonna do what I have to do to keep everyone safe."
Aussie's already large eyes were opened wide in fear, gleaming like stars in the ever failing light. She didn't want to hear what she felt sure Thena was about to say.
"Where'd you stash him? It's time he gets gone."
"What do you mean by that, Thena?" Aussie cautiously asked, still clinging to the hope that Thena could be reasoned with.
"I mean I'm gonna kill your shank of a boyfriend before anything else happens," Thena pronounced the death sentence before sidestepping the shellshocked Aussie and taking strides toward the house.
Joan intervened, standing silently in her path, she held her spear non threateningly but that could change quickly. Thena wasn't really surprised by this. Aussie caught up and grabbed her arm.
"Whoa-whoa-wait a second Thena," Aussie tried to keep calm. "You're talking about taking the life of another human being here. That's breaking our first rule- in a Big way I might add! We don't just go around committing murder in here, all punishments are decided at a meeting."
Aussie had felt a panic rising in her and dispensed with niceties and feelings in favor of cold, hard rules and logic. Thena caught onto this, realizing she did need to play by the rules to keep the girls from turning on her.
"Fine, she snapped. "Let's call a meeting then."
The guards looked tired and annoyed at having to do this now but trudged to grab their seats. Thena lead everyone to the clearing in front of the house this time which made Aussie nervous. The girls guarding Gally's door would have to leave their posts to attend the meeting, but at least his door was locked.
Torches lit the darkened night, casting menacing shadows in their orange light. It was foreboding to say the least. Aussie felt like it was some alternate reality playing out in front of her that she was merely watching. She was snapped out of that thought soon enough.
"I bring punishment charges against the newbie, Gally," Thena said, loud and clear. "Who will defend him?"
Aussie stood up immediately, facing Thena with a steel gaze as she walked up and stood beside her. This is how it went, a debate where the accuser spoke first and then the defender. Aussie couldn't care less what garbage Thena spewed at this point, she was confident she could find the right words to convince everyone Gally should live.
Thena went on and on, her voice loud and crackling like the fire. She presented no evidence or proof, just loud opinions and vague assumptions. Aussie barely listened but she watched the girls faces as they listened. She noticed the girls who looked troubled and scared, the ones who's brows were furrowed, and the ones who nodded in agreement.
Finally it was Aussie's turn to speak. She stood still with her hands clasped in front of her and looked over all the girls before she opened her mouth, her volume audible but controlled.
"Newbie day came, right on schedule, and we got the first boy in three years," she stated the facts as clinically as she could despite the hot coal of rage in her chest. "The day after that, we see the first creature loose in the maze. I admit, it's hard to believe that's just a coincidence."
The girls seemed surprised by Aussie's words, the ones who had nodded along to Thena's speech raised their brows now.
"But let me take just a moment to ask you a few questions," Aussie continued as she took a few steps to her right to stand directly in front of the group. "Do we control when we get a newbie? Do we get to choose who is sent here? Do we pick the day we get supplies, and what those supplies will be? Do we control when the maze door opens and closes?"
Aussie had paused between each question, giving the girls time to think of an answer in their minds. After her final question she gazed out over the girls again to let it settle in their minds.
"No," she stated simply with a soft shake of her head. "We don't control anything from here. The Makers control everything. I know that, you all know that, so what does that have to do with this? The Makers sent a Newbie on Newbie day, someone who came in the same box we did, memories gone just like us, stuck here just like us. I was tied to him all day, he didn't do anything. I have another witness, Joan."
Joan stepped up, staring at Thena's livid eyes. The rules about meetings were that you couldn't interrupt each other.
"I was with Aussie and Gally in the maze," Joan confirmed. "He didn't do anything. What could he do anyway? There are no buttons or controls anywhere or we would have found them. If one of those creatures was loose it's because the Makers set it loose, not anyone here."
Joan stood behind Aussie instead of taking her seat when she was done talking. Aussie took a deep breath to steady her nerves before she appealed the girls good senses.
"Is there enough evidence to justify murdering another person? If you kill him and things still keep changing, will you be able to live with yourselves?" Aussie looked around again, biting her lip to keep from crying. "We're not killers, we're survivors-"
"We're victims!" Thena shouted, startling the daylights out of everyone. "And we're going to keep being victims till we do something about it!"
Aussie was angry now, Thena had broken the rule of not interrupting.
"Thena, it's my turn to speak," Aussie reminded her sharply.
"You've said enough," Thena said, getting right up in Aussie's face, the latter was now very glad to have Joan nearby. "When it comes down to it, I'm in charge here and I will do anything I have to to keep us safe."
As much as it pained her to see her oldest friend acting so irrationally and cruelly, it was enough for Aussie to accept that Georgia had been right. Thena couldn't be in charge anymore.
"Well then," she began calmly, indifference starting to run through her veins. "You shouldn't be in charge anymore."
Thena recoiled like she had been struck, surprise and hurt flashing across her features before the hatred returned. Murmurs broke out amongst the girls and Gertie, Lanie and Georgia joined Aussie and Joan in front of everyone. Aussie continued to stare down Thena while Georgia spoke up.
"First of all, let's vote on the issue of Gally," she instructed. "It's an impromptu meeting so cast your vote by standing with the side you support."
Aussie felt a wave of triumph when everyone but Wilma took her side, but Aussie couldn't even blame the traumatized girl for that. Thena was looking like a cornered animal now, sneering at Aussie as Georgia instructed everyone to return to their seats.
"Now, Aussie has challenged Thena's leadership. State your reasons," Georgia tried to speak diplomatically.
"Thena was willing to break the most important rule in the Garden and cause physical harm to another Gardener," Aussie never broke her gaze with Thena as she spoke. "She can't enforce rules she's not willing to follow."
Georgia nodded and turned to Thena. "Anything you want to say in defense?"
"I'm trying to keep us all safe!" She began to yell and inadvertently set Aussie off.
"Everyone but the person you want to murder that is!" Aussie said, her volume finally reaching Thena's levels. "Since when does safety involve killing?"
Something in Aussie's mind told her that the only way to discredit Thena for good was to get her to break the rules right in front of everyone, not just talk about it- actually do something. It was time to escalate the situation.
"You're just a coward who's too afraid to accept change and if you want to kill someone..." she stepped up, looking at her pointedly in her rage filled eyes, knowing exactly what was coming her way. "You'll have to go through me first."
Thena suddenly smiled and Aussie was worried she'd seen through her trap.
"Gladly," was all Thena said before winding her fist back and letting it fly, connecting with Aussie's face.
Aussie stumbled back as pain shot through her head, black and white spots flashing in her eyes. Shouts rang out around her as hands grabbed her by the front of her shirt and threw her to the ground. She tried to brace herself but only managed to scrape her forearm on the rocky soil before landing on her back, a weight on top of her that she could only guess was Thena. She couldn't open her watering eyes no matter how hard she tried.
Many girls that had been stunned by Thena's sudden violence only just began to move to her aid when a voice no one was used to yet cut angrily through the night. All the girls jumped before they froze in place, turning to see Gally steaming towards Thena.
He was taking long, fast strides through the group, girls jumping out of his way, his face red with unconcealed anger. Thena looked terrified and jumped up from her crouched position over Aussie just in time to meet the brunt of his momentum. Not slowing down a bit he put his hands on her shoulders and shoved her so hard both of her feet flew out from under her and she landed a few feet away with the wind knocked out of her. Gally stepped over Aussie when he did this, getting between the two girls.
Gertie and Lanie came to Aussie's aid, crouching at her side, and she stared up at Gally as best she could. She had one hand clamped to her left eye and other was tearing up and trying to force itself closed, a warm wet feeling on her upper lip. Joan was barely holding him back from doing more harm to Thena as the latter scrambled to her feet again, looking ragged now. More guards came up, some helping Joan hold back Gally and the others grabbing Thena.
"What are you doing?" Thena shrieked at them.
"You harmed another Gardener, 24 hours in the pit," Joan stated matter of factly as she kept a hand pressed to Gally's chest while he struggled to free his arms from the other guards. "Those are the rules."
Gally felt a spiteful joy bloom in his chest as he glared Thena down, satisfied she was going into the pit she'd put him in. Part of him wanted to be the one to drop her in it. The guards were digging their heels into the dirt but still weren't able to halt him completely.
"Gally!" Joan barked, shoving him to get his attention. "Help Aussie."
He kept glaring at Thena but stopped trying to break free, he shook off their hands before turning around and looking down at Aussie in the most pathetic state he'd seen her in yet. Blood trickled from her nose and she had a hand clamped over one eye, the other red and watering. She wasn't crying. Thena was yelling as they drug her away but he didn't care to listen to what she was saying.
"Oh, Aussie," Gertie sighed sympathetically. "You got some more brain damage for sure." She caught Gally's eye. "Can you help me get her to the house?"
She helped Aussie sit up slowly, then the next thing they knew, Gally was grabbing her under the arms like a little kid and lifting her just as easily. Aussie got a head rush and grabbed onto Gally's arms revealing a red and swelling eye and cut on her cheek. She was on her feet now but barely any of her weight was on them, Gally might as well be holding her up in the air.
"Whoa!" Gertie hollered as she scrambled up off her knees. "Not so rough you friggin idiot! What the heck is your problem?"
Gally had been angry with Aussie for locking him up in that room like Rapunzel, especially when he woke up and heard they were fighting about him. He would have appreciated the opportunity to defend himself and be the one in Thena's line of fire as he could have handled it better. But as he looked at her, bloodied and bruised, some from Thena and some from him, all his anger fizzled. She'd suffered enough.
He put her down on her feet long enough to turn her slightly and gently pick her up bridal style.
"Whoa, hey," Aussie breathed uneasily, her hand tightly gripping his shirt. "She hit me in the face, not the legs. I think I can walk."
"Ah just slim it," Gally said softly but still with an edge of irritation in his voice. "It's your punishment for fighting my battles for me."
As he followed Gertie to the house, Aussie couldn't comprehend how in a million years this could be punishment. The throbbing in her head pounded like a drum with every step though, and she soon shut her eyes and rested her head against Gally's shoulder. He smelled sweaty and dirty but somehow it was a good stink.
"Bring her in the kitchen. I'm gonna get something and be right back," Gertie told him before running ahead into the house. She still didn't sound happy with him.
Aussie moaned when he stepped up into the house. He hadn't seen the kitchen yet but assumed it was on the first level. He walked through the room to the left of the front door where all the girls had been sitting around the runner earlier, and found the kitchen. He assumed the only reason they were going here first was to clean Aussie up, so he sat her on the counter by the sink, resting his hands on either side of her legs so he'd be there to catch her if she started falling over.
They were eye level with each other for the first time but Aussie only had one good one to look at him with. He looked miffed to say the least, but she still caught the gold flecks in his blue eyes that sometimes made them shift to green. She was biting her bottom lip.
"You're mad at me," She said softly, finally looking down.
He sighed, reaching up to cup her chin in his hand, tilting her face back up as his thumb gently brushed the slightly dried blood from under her nose. He lightly grazed the corner of her mouth which sent an electric thrill up her spine.
"Just a little annoyed," he admitted, wondering how she could be so perceptive in her condition.
"I'm sorry," she whispered. "I was trying to protect you."
"Yeah, well, I can take a punch better than you. Just promise you'll remember that next time you try to protect me," it came across a little meaner than he intended it to, but he was really tired of her getting hurt.
Her lips pursed. "Ooh, tough guy," she mumbled, lightly tapping his chin with her fist, a small smile appearing on her face.
This actually earned her one small chuckle from him. The way his expression softened and his laugh sounded made the pain in her head go away for a moment. She knew she'd be trying to get him to smile again soon.
"But thanks... for everything," he added awkwardly.
She shrugged. "Hey, what else would I do."
Gally looked at her with just a hint of a smile playing around his lips. She was so odd. What else would she do but turn everything upside down and get decked in the face just to protect him, the new guy who tried to choke her to death as soon as he laid eyes on her. No biggie. If she thought she was doing the right thing she didn't seem to care about the consequences.
"Whoa-what's going on in here?" Gertie asked suggestively as she bounded into the room carrying a small bag.
Gally backed up and turned to her, awkwardly scratching the back of his neck but remaining silent. Aussie just grinned innocently, looking like the happiest little attempted murder victim.
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kawaiionnna-moved · 4 years
Wish I were Junie
Okay so it’s basically a song prompt fic based on the song Heather by Conan Grey https://youtu.be/GPUg7n8-M6o
December third. The Wright Anything Agency office was cold. The heating wasn’t working, and one window was stuck in an open position. Athena was at her desk, reading through a case file when something hit her in the face. It was a red polyester jumper. She moved it from her face, looking up at the person who’d thrown it at her.
“I can see you shivering from here. Put that on.” It was Apollo. He gave her a smile before turning back to focus on his own case file. Athena slipped on the jumper, feeling how warm it was. A blissful smile appeared on her face, taking a moment to curl up into the warmth of the jumper. Apollo glanced up at her. “It suits you. I think it might actually look better on you than me.” He laughed, causing Athena to laugh softly too. After a moment, they both turned back to their separate case files. The pleasant silence that had fallen over the pair was soon interrupted by a gentle knocking at the door. “Come in.” Apollo called to the person on the other side, who opened the door and revealed herself to be Juniper Woods.
“Hi Thena. Hi Apollo.” She came in, smiling at both before walking over to Apollo’s desk. The two of them had been spending more time together recently at Athena’s suggestion, and were now evidently close. “You ready to go?” Juniper asked Apollo, her back turning to Athena. Apollo quickly shuffled the files on his desk into a pile and got up from his desk.
“Yeah. Let’s go.” He grabbed his coat from the coat rack and put it on before turning to Athena. “Mr. Wright knows I’m leaving early. I promised Juniper I’d help her with some shopping. He informed her. Junpier gently held his hand, and he held hers back in response. Athena could sense the strong happiness from Juniper when he did. “Keep ahold of my jumper, just return it tomorrow or something.” He said, noticing she was still wearing it. He already had his coat on, and he didn’t want her to be cold still.
“Alright. See you tomorrow Apollo. Bye Junie.” Athena smiled at the pair and waved to them as they left the office. The second the door closed, Athena’s smile dropped entirely. She caught the scent of Apollo’s aftershave on his jumper. Somehow it made her warm inside, but also sad.
The next morning, Apollo and Athena arrived at the office at the same time. They’d run into each other on the way, so had just come the rest of the way together.
“Stop!” Trucy practically shouted as they came in through the door. Phoenix didn’t appear to be in the office, so it was just them three. Athena stopped, stepping slightly to the side so Apollo could enter too. “Look up.” Trucy instructed, making no effort to mask the smile that so desperately wanted to escape. Both Apollo and Athena looked up, and noticed it at the same time. A piece of mistletoe.
“Y-you don’t have to if you-“ Athena started to explain that he didn’t have to kiss her if it made him uncomfortable, but Apollo did it anyway. He cut her off with a kiss. Athena’s face turned as red as Apollo’s suit, but she quickly decided to kiss him back. It just felt right to her.
“Let’s agree not to tell Juniper about this.” Apollo said quietly as he broke the kiss. Athena nodded, her hand going to her cheek. It was warm and tinted red. Apollo decided to make some coffee. It was pretty cold outside. At least the cold gave Athena an excuse for the somewhat obvious blush. “Would you like some coffee, Athena?” Apollo asked as she took off her coat and sat at her desk.
“Yeah, thanks Apollo.” She didn’t look up from her desk as she replied to him. She was just idly on her phone when a text appeared. It was from Trucy, which she found rather strange considering she was basically next to her. She opened the message, and was instantly met with a picture of her and Apollo kissing. Trucy must’ve just taken it. She didn’t want to smile at it like she was. She almost wanted it, but she knew she couldn’t. Juniper loved Apollo after all, Athena could never do that to her best friend. Widget displayed a sad dark blue as Athena turned her phone off and started to read the case file that had been left on her desk.
Light rain began to fall as Athena, Apollo and Juniper walked through the busy high street. The trio had gone Christmas shopping together, and Athena couldn’t help but feel like a third wheel. Apollo and Juniper had been flirting pretty hard most of the time. She was happy for them, but she was admittedly a little jealous. She just couldn’t help it.
“Apollo, I’m starting to get cold…” Juniper told him, wrapping her arms around herself. The wind was starting to pick up, hitting them with an icy wind and cold rain water droplets. Apollo took off his jumper and held it out to Juniper.
“Here. Put this on.” He insisted. He had a second one on underneath, so he would be fine. Juniper thanked him and took the jumper, slipping it on. Athena felt a pang in her heart as she remembered Apollo loaning her the same polyester jumper back in the office just a few days ago.
“It’s really warm.” Juniper commented softly, snuggling up in the jumper. Apollo laughed softly, putting his arm around Juniper’s shoulder as the wind picked up. Athena shivered, her own jacket not being enough to keep her warm. She was starting to get overwhelmed with everything that was happening. She had to get out.
“I think I’m gonna head home…” Athena told the pair, interrupting their moment. She tightened her grip on her bags, digging her nails into her palms. “It’s so busy here, I’m starting to get a little dizzy.“ She forced a smile, burying her sadness.
“Oh, you sure?” Apollo asked, a little disappointedly. Athena nodded her head, but the feeling of his bracelet tightening on his wrist told Apollo a different story. “I’ll see you at the office Monday then.” He didn’t press it now.
“See you later, Thena.” Juniper smiled and gave Athena a small wave. Athena turned and walked away quickly before they could see the tears pricking her eyes. Emotions had always overwhelmed her, but rarely were they her own.
The party was in full swing, ready to celebrate the new year. Apollo had been with Juniper most of the night, and was ready to ask her out. They were close, and he liked her. It just made sense. He pulled her into the kitchen, where Athena and Trucy were getting a drink.
“I wanted to ask you something.” Apollo told Juniper, his voice loud so it would be heard over the music. Juniper looked at him with an innocent smile, oblivious to what his question could be about. “Will you be my girlfriend?” He asked, fiddling with the end of the knitted scarf Juniper had made and gifted to him.
“Yes! Absolutely!” Juniper was beaming, her smile as bright and happy as the sun. She jumped into his arms, hugging him tightly and kissing him. Athena slipped out, her own heart breaking inside. She was supposed to be happy for Junpier, yet all she could feel was a deep sadness consuming her heart. A moment after she left, Phoenix and Maya entered their kitchen.
“You guys alright?” Phoenix asked, interrupting their moment. Juniper broke the hug quick, her face flushing with shy embarrassment and her hand grabbing on to Apollo’s. He laughed awkwardly and held on to her hand in return.
“Yeah. I just asked Juniper to be my girlfriend and she kinda said yeah…” Apollo decided to confess. He was over the moon about it, but it felt a little embarrassing to be caught by his boss.
“Aww! Congratulations!” Maya smiled brightly, congratulating the pair. Trucy meanwhile pulled Phoenix aside to talk to him about something. It was important and couldn’t wait.
“Daddy something’s wrong with Athena. She looked really sad a minute ago.” Trucy’s voice was only loud enough for Phoenix to hear her over the music, even with her speaking a few inches from his ear. She’d noticed it as soon as Apollo had asked Juniper to be his girlfriend, and thought the two were linked.
“Alright. I’ll go check on her.” He told Trucy, patting her head before leaving the kitchen to go find Athena.
Athena held her arms tightly around herself as she looked up at the night sky from the small balcony she had gone to for a moment of privacy. She wanted to compose herself, or at least push her sadness down, before heading back into the party to celebrate Juniper and Apollo getting together at last. She was lost in thought when the door opened and Phoenix came on to the balcony.
“You doing okay Athena?” He asked her, standing beside her. She nodded, leaning on the wall and continuing to look up at the sky. He could tell she wasn’t alright though. Her demeanour, Widget displaying a dark blue colour, and the two psyche locks that had appeared all told him she wasn’t alright. “Trucy said you suddenly looked really sad earlier. It was… it was when Apollo asked Juniper to be his girlfriend, wasn’t it?” He decided to press it gently and break the psyche locks. Athena tensed up, closing her eyes and looking down. “Something about that is upsetting you.”
“But it’s not supposed to!” She snapped, Widget turning red around her neck. She looked up and turned to Phoenix, folding her arms. “They’re my friends, and I’ve known Juniper liked him since she met him. I’m supposed to be happy for them… but…” the anger disappeared, leaving only sadness behind again. She sighed and shook her head, not saying anything else.
“You’re not feeling how you think you’re supposed to feel.” Phoenix summarised. Athena’s arms dropped to her side as the first psyche lock broke. Phoenix had an idea where this was heading, but he didn’t want to make an assumption. He also couldn’t shy away from the truth, even though it could hurt. “Be honest, how does it make you feel?”
“I’m happy for them! I really am. I mean, it’s what Juniper wanted, and they both always look happy together.” She turned away, instead leaning on the railing. It didn’t take a genius to see Athena was diverting the topic away from herself. Phoenix leant on the railing beside her, shaking his head.
“No, how do you really feel?” He repeated himself a little clearer. Athena wasn’t as happy as she claimed to be, and the psyche lock was still present. She went silent for a moment, looking down at the patch of grass below the balcony before speaking.
“I feel… sad… and a little jealous…” she confessed. She hadn’t realised it herself just yet, but it was starting to come to light. The reason she felt that way about Apollo and Juniper’s relationship.
“Why do you think you feel that way?” Phoenix’s voice was calm when he spoke. That admission hadn’t broken the psyche lock, but maybe the reason she felt sadness and jealousy would. Athena was silent for a minute, which to her felt like an eternity, as she thought about it.
“I… I l… lo… I love him.” The psyche lock shattered. Tears were threatening to spill from Athena’s eyes. It only came to her as she said it. She loved Apollo. She was jealous because she loved Apollo. She was sad because she’d lost him. No, she’d practically driven him into Juniper’s arms. “I’ve really messed up, haven’t I?” Her voice was barely audible over the music from inside.
“I…” Phoenix wasn’t sure where to go from here. Trucy had never had problems like this, so he was completely inexperienced. Still, he knew he had to comfort Athena. “Do you need a hug?” He offered, opening an arm to her. She looked at him, some confusion mixed into her sadness, but was quick to move closer and hug him. He put his arm around her and rubbed her back comfortingly. “I can’t pretend to know what you’re feeling, but I know how it feels to have my heart broken. Trust me, you’re gonna be okay. Sure, it sucks now, but you’re a strong young woman. I have no doubts you’ll be just fine.” He told her. She was silent, just hugging him and trying not to cry.
The time was three am. The party had long ended, and Athena was laying on top of her bed. She couldn’t sleep. Now she was alone, he was letting her tears out. In her arms was a picture frame with the photo Trucy had taken of her and Apollo kissing under the mistletoe inside. She set it down and forced herself to sit up, starting to idly braid her long hair which was now loose. Widget was dark blue around her neck still. She got up and walked over to the full length mirror on the wall, staring at her reflection. She was wearing just a pink nightie, her ginger hair in braids and makeup smeared all over her face, which to her only made her look like an uglier version of Juniper. More tears spilled from her eyes. It all felt so unfair.
“Wish I were…”
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imagine-riverdale · 4 years
Ordinary Part 2-Sweet Pea Imagine
As requested by the lovely @laurastrutz here’s part two, to Ordinary.
Part One
Part Three 
Athena would never say being pregnant was easy, seeing as it wasn’t. Being only seventeen Athena understood now that her life was changing forever, which brought her to where she is now. Standing inside the small trailer she and Sweet Pea shared, Athena noticed it was littered with an array of baby stuff, seeing as Toni threw a baby shower at the Wyrm once Athena hit her five-month point. Athena had a family, one much better than the family she was related to by blood. Her newly found family took care of her and loved her, imperfections and all. It was hard for Athena to believe that in four short months she’d have a son, a baby, a new responsibility. Sweet Pea had adjusted to the fact very quickly, especially after finding out it was a boy, the first thing he did was run out and buy a stuffed bear that was blue, much to Athena complaining about the stereotype of boy things being blue.
“It’s a mess in here.” Fangs stated entering the trailer. “What happened?” Glancing around he noticed all the baby stuff lying about.
“Toni threw the baby shower, Sweet Pea and I haven’t had the chance to put it all away yet, hence why I’m standing here.” She looked over at her friend. “Do you know what time he gets off?” Sweet Pea had taken a job working for a mechanic on the Southside, the pay was decent enough, especially with Athena working at the Wyrm every other day.
“Won’t be till late, he has a job for the Serpents.” He mentioned and Athena nodded before moving towards the things littering her floor.
“Well I better start cleaning up, then I’ll cook dinner.” She smiled back at Fangs.
“Do you ever get out anymore?” He asked as Athena picked up a basket of baby clothes that would eventually go into the small dresser that was attached to the changing table that was in the two’s bedroom.
“Fangs, I’m pregnant, there is no ‘getting out’ anymore.” She stated. “I go to school, go to work, come home, cook, clean, homework, repeat.” She stated. “Pea and I barely have time to see each other anymore.” She mentioned, Fangs nodded.
“Come on.” Grabbing his friends arm he pulled her out of the house and over to Sweet Pea’s truck, the only thing Sweet Pea would let Athena drive in anymore.
“Where are we going?” She asked watching Fangs shoot a text off to someone before driving towards Pop’s without saying a word.
“You’re hanging out with your friends today.” He stated pulling into the parking lot, the two walking in and being greeted by Toni. The group of three sat in the booth at Pop’s for a few hours just talking and eating. “Toni and I are taking yours and Pea’s shifts this weekend, you’ll still get paid for it.” Fangs mentioned. “I texted Nick about it, he’s cool with it, and Hog eye isn’t going to care if Toni takes over for you.”
“You don’t have to do that.” Athena shook her head looking at her friends as they were standing in the parking lot.
“Yes, we do.” Toni stated. “Fangs said you guys are both worn out, plus you haven’t seen each other, take a break, especially before the baby comes.” She stated smiling at her best friend. “I promise you, you need it.” Athena sighed.
“Sweet Pea already agreed.” Fangs mentioned causing Athena to groan.
“Fine.” She huffed before hugging both her friends. “I need to go, I have a bunch of stuff to do at home.”
“Nope.” Toni took Athena’s arm. “We’re going to a movie, Fangs has stuff to do so he’s gonna take my jeep back and grab his bike.” Toni glanced at Fangs before Athena and Toni went and seen a movie. Meanwhile at Sweet Pea and Athena’s trailer, Fangs, Jughead, and Betty were rushing to put everything away, the only thing they left was the crib for Sweet Pea to assemble. When Athena and Toni arrived, she immediately noticed the lights on in the trailer.
“Toni, what’s going on?” Athena asked as they climbed out of the truck.
“What ever do you mean Thena?” Athena looked at her friend before entering the trailer to see the three standing in front of her, grins on their faces.
“Fangs texted us, saying you were stressed with everything going on.” Jughead stated.
“So, we volunteered to come help.” Betty stated.
“Everything is put away, organized, and folded. Only thing we didn’t do was the crib, Pea said he wanted to do that with you this weekend.” Fangs said as Athena smiled before starting to cry. “Oh no, we’re sorry!”
“No, no.” Athena held up her hand at Fangs. “They’re happy tears, promise. My hormones are all over the place, don’t worry about. Thank you, guys, really.” Athena hugged all four of them in her trailer. “I couldn’t ask for a better family.” The group hung out and watched movies for awhile before each one left, leaving only Athena and Fangs, as Fangs stayed every night until Pea came home. Athena had fallen asleep on the chair whilst Fangs was cleaning up from the movies when Sweet Pea came in around one in the morning.
“Hey man.” Fangs said seeing Pea as he dropped his things on the kitchen counter.
“Hey.” Glancing at his girlfriend Sweet Pea smiled. “How long has she been out?”
“Since about ten thirty.” Fangs stated finishing up the dishes which Sweet Pea nodded before looking back at his best friend.
“Thank you, for tonight.” Sweet Pea wasn’t one to thank people, but Fangs was looking out for him, and more importantly Athena. “I know how stressed she’s been and no matter what I try, she doesn’t seem to relax, so thank you.”
“No problem bro, you’re family.” Fangs and Sweet Pea hugged before Fangs grabbed his Serpent jacket. “I’m gonna bounce.” Once Fangs was gone, Sweet Pea locked the door and quickly showered before heading back to the living room where he lifted Athena into his arms and moved towards the bedroom.
“Sweets?” Athena’s voice cracked as she blinked open her eyes sleepily.
“It’s me.” Sweet Pea looked down at her before setting her on the bed.
“What time is it?” She yawned sitting up slightly to move back on the bed. “When did you get home?”
“It’s about one thirty, not long ago.” Sweet Pea said heading towards the dresser and grabbing Athena’s pajamas. Sweet Pea helped his girlfriend change before the two laid down in bed.
“They did everything Pea.” Athena wrapped her arms around him and mumbled into his chest. “What did we do to deserve them?”
“You deserve the world Thena, sadly you ended up with me.” Sweet Pea’s voice was soft. “You could do so much better,”
“Pea.” Athena sat up to look at his face. “I have the world, you, you are my world, you and our son.” Touching a hand to her stomach, Athena smiled before pressing her lips against his. “I love you, I can’t do any better because you are the best.” The two fell asleep after Sweet Pea told her that he loved her.
The days passed, the nights got colder as winter came in full swing. Friday night, a night that used to be all the younger Serpents hanging out at the Quarry but with the current weather they now all chose to spend time at the Wyrm. Both Athena and Sweet Pea had to work for a bit, so he dropped her off at the Wyrm before heading over to the mechanic shop he worked at. Athena had worked for a few hours before Sweet Pea came into the bar.
“Hey.” Athena smiled over at her boyfriend as she slid him a beer. “Fangs and Toni are in the back with everyone.” Nodding towards their friends, Pea smiled. “Take this to Fangs, he needs another, he lost at pool to Toni.” She passed him another drink and leaned over the bar kissing Sweet Pea before waiting on a group of college kids in from Greendale on winter break. “Check if Toni needs anything.” Athena smiled before turning back to the group of kids, all six being guys. “What can I get for you?” As Athena asked, she noticed FP walking down from his office, grabbing a beer she slid it down the bar to him. “Take a seat Jones, it’s the holiday’s take a break.” The six guys gave Athena their orders and she got to it as FP sat down at his normal spot at the bar.
“Just cause it’s the holidays doesn’t mean we get breaks.” FP reminded. “How’s everything going?” FP motioned to Athena’s stomach as she began placing drinks in front of the group of college kids whom seemed interested in their conversation.
“Peachy, Sweets thinks we should name him Knox.” She laughed. “From Dead Poets Society.” She mentioned handing the last guy his whiskey.
“Of course, he does, I’m sure Jug agrees?” FP asked as Athena nodded.
“He’s got Fangs and Jug in on it, driving me nuts, I get a text about it every hour.” She laughed as here phone went off, pulling it out and sliding it to FP which he read ‘Baby Knox doesn’t sound to bad’. “Fangs is set on Knox Fangs, and I’ll be damned if I name my son that.”
“Better than Forsythe Pendleton.” Jughead mentioned stepping up behind his father.
“Hey Juggy. You want anything?”
“No, just came to talk to my dad. You got a minute?” Turning to FP who nodded before setting his beer back on the counter.
“Duty calls.” He grinned standing and walking away with Jughead. Athena took the bottle and began cleaning up a bit before wiping down the counter and refilling the college kids drinks along with a few older Serpents. Glancing over occasionally, to see Sweet Pea and Fangs playing pool.
“Hey hot mamma.” Toni grinned stepping behind the bar and grabbing her own drink.
“You do know you’re not working today right?”
“Yeah, but you need a break, go hang with Sweet Pea.” Toni tried pushing Athena from behind the bar.
“Nah, he’s busy with Fangs, they don’t get to hang much, it’s cool. But you’re more than welcome to help.” Athena teased before hearing one of the college kids as a question.
“What’s with all these names? Jughead, Fangs, Sweet Pea? What were their parents thinking?”
“They’re nicknames.” Athena mentioned. “None of them had the greatest of names.”
“I’ve been friends with Sweet Pea for like twelve years and I still don’t know his name.” Toni mentioned standing next to Athena.
“Sleep with him, he opens up pretty quick after that.” Athena laughed turning back to grab her cup of water.
“That’s all? You willing to share?” Toni teased causing Athena to laugh.
“He’d kill me.”
“Nah, you’re having his kid.” Athena nodded before filling a beer for Tall Boy.
“Most Serpents don’t know it, hell I’m not sure Fangs does.” She glanced back at her boyfriend.
“Who would rather be called Fangs?” The guys asked as Athena looked back at them.
“He had bad teeth growing up, kids made fun of him, his teeth are better, but he kinda liked the name.” Shrugging she set a bowl of pretzels in front of them.
“Can we get another round, beautiful?” Sweet Pea asked stepping towards the bar and setting the two bottles on the counter.
“Depends.” Toni turned to her friend. “Tell me your real name.”
“Topaz, wasn’t talking to you.” Sweet Pea glanced back at his girlfriend with a smile.
“Do I have to sleep with you to get that information?” Toni asked as Athena grabbed two beers.
“Nah, you gotta be carrying my child, be named Athena, and be my future wife.” He stated not breaking eye contact.
“Wife? Oh honey.” Athena laughed shaking her head. “Should probably worry about getting this baby out of me first, then we’ll talk about marriage.” She said placing two beers on the counter. “Or you should probably ask me first.” Turning back around she began putting money in the register.
“Marry me then.” Sweet Pea stated, still leaning on the counter and staring at his girlfriend. Athena laughed.
“Stop playing around you idiot.”
“I’m serious, marry me.” Athena turned as Toni gasped, in Sweet Pea’s hand sat a ring, it was one Athena recognized as his mothers, the only thing he had left after her death.
“Marry me?” He asked a third time as Athena began crying and stepping towards him nodding.
“Yeah, I’ll marry you.” She said smiling, Sweet Pea slipped the ring on her finger. “Perfect.” She said softly, looking down at the ring before glancing back up at him before kissing him. Pulling away from Sweet Pea she noticed Toni on the counter.
“Edward!” She called over to Fangs, causing everyone to turn and look at her. “Sweets and Athena are getting married!” Everyone in the bar began to cheer as Athena blushed and looked at her boyfriend, no fiancé.
“I think I’ll take you up on your offer Toni, I’m gonna take a break.” Moving around the bar, she and Sweet Pea headed to the booth, as they passed Fangs, they handed him his beer before the two fell into a small booth and began quietly talking. Life wasn’t perfect, but this was damn close for the two Southsiders.
As always thank you for reading my loves! I wasn’t really planning on doing a part two but now I’m thinking of doing a third part. Let me know what you think. Thank you again for reading!
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killerqueen-18 · 4 years
Chapter Four| Creepy Girlfriend
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THE WEEKEND WENT BY QUICKLY WITH ATHENA LOCKED IN HER ROOM WITH HER BROTHER JOINING HER WITH THE BRIBE OF PIZZA, and after the boy gave Sirius baked chicken the two let the boy join them in a Star Wars marathon. They made plans to watch Harry Potter the following weekend.
Athena and Jeremy stayed away from Elena and their Aunt Jenna the entire weekend, since the two wanted the youngest Gilberts to talk about their feelings. And the two continued ignoring them, so Athena drove to school in her green Bronco with Jeremy.
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The younger Gilberts were eating in the back of the Bronco with the trunk open. Athena parked her car at a park. They were eating in silence until the girl asked a question.
“Do you think it’ll ever get better?”
Jeremy looks at his sister with wide eyes, shocked that the girl subtly brought up their parents. He knew just like him, Athena didn’t like nor want to speak about their parents death.
The boy sees the look in Athena’s eyes. He could see the girl’s genuine curiosity, and also saw the anger in her eyes. “I think that… we’ll never get to the way we were before, but we’ll grow and become stronger people once this dark cloud passes. Once we let it pass.”
Athena hums, looking out to the empty park in front of them. “I’m tired of being angry, Jer. I just want… to be happy.”
“You will be, ‘Thena.” Jeremy says, wrapping his arms around the girl. The two hug for a moment, it being the most contact the girl has had in months, and Athena pulls away. “Ew, you know I don’t do this mushy bullshit, Jer.”
Jeremy chuckles letting his sister pull away from him. He watches the girl jump off the bed of the truck, and adjusts her skirt before turning to him. “We should get to school. Wouldn’t want to be late.”
“Can we be late?” Jeremy asks, whining. The boy complies and helps his sister clean up the bed of the truck, throwing away their garbage. “Nope. I heard you’ve missed six classes already.”
“Please, don’t lecture me.” Jermey says, scoffing. The girl climbs into the driver's seat as he gets into the passenger seat, and the girl looks at Jeremy starting up the Bronco. “I’m not. I’m just letting you know that I heard Tanner called Aunt Jenna in about you.”  
Jeremy groans, leaning his head against the headrest. “Great.”
The two didn’t speak about anything on the drive to school only sang - more like screamed - to The 1975. They almost missed their first classes. But the Gilbert girl made it to her class just as the last bell rang. She was sitting in her history class as Mister Tanner spoke to a sleeping class.
"Originally discovered nearly five centuries ago it hasn't been over Mystic Falls in over a hundred and forty-five years. Now, the comet will be its brightest right after dusk during tomorrow's celebration."
Athena was drawing in her sketchbook - not much of a surprise since it wasn’t her favorite class. She seemed to be in her own little world. It almost seemed like she wasn’t really there.
"Are we bothering you? Mister Salvatore? Miss Gilbert." The man adds making Athena look up from her paper, only to see he was not looking at her, but her sister. Thankfully, the bell rings.
Athena jumps out of her seat and out the door wanting to get away from that classroom with the irritating man. She catches up with Caroline and Bonnie and hears the part of their conversation.
"I'm confused. Are you psychic or clairvoyant?" Caroline asks, looking at the Bennett girl. The blonde notices Athena and loops her arm with the girl. Bonnie smiles at the Gilbert girl, and answers the blonde’s question. "Technically, Grams says, I'm a witch. My ancestors were these really cool Salem witch chicks or something. Grams tried to explain it, but she was looped on the liquor. I tuned out. Crazy family, yes. Witches, I don't think so."
"Yeah, feel free to conjure up the name and number of that guy from last friday." Caroline says, smirking. "Ohh, new boy toy?" Athena says smiling, wiggling her eyebrows at the blonde playfully.
"Maybe, If Bonnie helps a girl out." Caroline says, looking at the Bennett girl. "I didn't see him. You did." Bonnie says, rolling her eyes with a smile on her face.
"Why didn't you just talk to him?" Athena asks, raising an eyebrow. She knew the girl always took the chance to speak to someone good looking. "I don't know. I was drunk." Caroline says, making the two laughs.
• • • •
"They're keeping her overnight, but she should be able to come home tomorrow." Matt says to Athena who asked about Vicki during their lunch break. The two were walking around the school.
The girl’s heels clicked on the cement as she walked. Athena hadn’t worn heels since her parents funeral, but she woke up wanting to wear heels. The girl decided on a black v-neck, light washed jeans, and animal print heels.
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"That's good." The Gilbert girl says, nodding. The blonde, blue eyed boy sighs, running his hand through his air. "Yeah."
Athena hums, and thinks about the Donovan’s absent mother. "What about crazy mama?"
"Called and left a message. She's in Virginia Beach with her boyfriend. So we'll see how long it takes her to come rushing home." Matt says, shrugging. He knew he didn’t really need the woman, in fact he thought that his sister and himself were better off without the woman. "I’m just glad she’s okay." Athena says, looking up at the boy.
"Me too… And now there's talk of some missing campers." Matt says, remember the words he heard on the news that morning. "Did she see what kind of animal attacked her?" She asks, curiously.
"She said it was a vampire." Matt says amused, yet confused. "What the hell?" Athena stops walking. The two stop, as the girl looks at the boy wanting to know more.
The blonde male nods. "Yeah, she wakes up last night, mutters, 'Vampire,' and passes out."
"That's not weird." Athena says, sarcastically. The girl couldn’t help but think, out of all the things the girl could say, attack her, and she says a vampire. A creature that isn’t even real. It just confused Athena the more she thought about it.
"Think she was drunk.” Matt says, shrugging, then he sees the new kid sitting at a bench. “So, what's up with Elena and the new guy?"
"I have no idea, but I'm going to find out." Athena said, as she smirked looking at the back of Stefan’s head. "Don't scare the guy now... I'm actually gonna go back to the hospital. I wanna be there when Vicki wakes up, get the real story about last night." Matt said, walking backwards.
"Alright, I'm going to go bury a body. I-I mean make a friend." Athena says as the boy gives her a look, before turning around with a roll of his eyes.
"I guess I'll play nice." Athena says smiling, cheekily. "Good girl!" Matt yells, chuckling.
The girl turns back to where Stefan was sitting on a bench only to see he's gone. Athena frowns trailing her eyes to see if the boy was walking around, but it was like he completely disappeared.
"So, my sister wants to date a ghost?” Athena says, raising an eyebrow, but the girl shakes her head at the thought. “God, this town keeps getting weirder and weirder as the days go on."
• • • •
The school day came to an end for the students of Mystic Falls High School. When the Gilbert girl’s got home, Athena let Sirius out and fed the dog. They were then asked by their best friends to meet them at the Mystic Grill.
It took a while, but Elena convinced her sister to let her drive them. Athena agreed hesitantly, but climbing into her sister’s car nonetheless. Thankfully, the older Gilbert didn’t talk about feelings instead they talked about Vicki and Elena letting her sister talk about the book she was reading at the moment - The Diviners.
Athena and Elena saw their best friends sitting outside the Grill with fries and tea already at the table for Athena. “Oh, food.”
“Hello, to you too.” Caroline says, glaring at the girl playfully. The girl hums with fries in her mouth. The three girl’s began folding flyers for the comet as Athena drew in her sketchbook tuning out the girl’s until Bonnie began talking about her Grandmother, that’s when she became curious.
"I was talking to Grams. She said the comet is a sign of impending doom. Last time it passed over Mystic Falls, there was lots of death. So much blood and carnage, it created a bed of paranormal activity." Bonnie says, explaining to the girl's her interest in the comet that was going to happen the following day.
"Mm. Yeah, and then you poured Grams another shot and she told you about the aliens." Caroline says, scoffing at her best friend. "My kind of woman." Athena said with a smirk, making the girls laugh.
"So, then what?" Care said then turned to Elena who was talking about her night with Stefan. One that Athena didn’t really want to hear about, but listen nonetheless. "So then, nothing." Elena says, shrugging.
"You and Stefan just... talked?" Athena asks, curiously. "There was no sloppy first kiss, or touchy-feely of any kind?" Caroline says, not believing the girl.
"Nope, we didn't go there." Elena says, shaking her head. "Not even a handshake? I mean, Elena, we are your friends. Okay? You are supposed to share the smut." Caroline says, almost offended.
"Okay, sister here, and gross." Athena says, disgusted. "We just talked for hours." Elena says shrugging, ignoring what her sister said.
"What is with the blockage? Just jump his bones already. Okay, it's easy. Boy likes girl, girl likes boy, sex." Caroline said, ignoring the looks she got from Bonnie and Athena. "Profound." Elena says glaring at the girl, playfully.
"Let them go on a couple dates first, I mean come on." Athena says, shaking her head. Sure the girl didn’t care if people slept together the first time they met, but if her sister really likes the guy - by the looks of it, she did - she thinks her sister should get to know Stefan before sleeping with him. "Says the seventeen year old virgin." Caroline says with a roll of her eyes.
"You know what, I'm happy being a virgin. Maybe I want to lose it someone I actually want to be with, not just someone I can't even look in the eyes the next day." Athena says, raising an eyebrow at the blonde.
"Where are you going?" Bonnie asks Elena, watching the girl stand and push in her chair. "Caroline's right. It is easy. If I sit here long enough, I'll end up talking myself out of it instead of doing what I started the day saying I was gonna do." Elena says nodding to herself, then walks away.
"So, you’re just going to ignore what I just said about being a virgin and proud?" Athena yells after her sister. "Shhh! That's not something you yell to the world." Caroline says, shushing the girl, and hits her arm.
"Oh my god. Like it affects the whole world that Athena Gilbert hasn't been deflowered." Athena says rolling her eyes, sarcastically. The girl’s eyes then wided with realization. "Oh, fuck she's my ride.” The girl runs towards her sister’s car, as the other girl’s laugh behind her. “Goddamn it, Elena!”
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confusedunit · 5 years
The Other Side Looks The Goddamn Same - Chapter Fifteen
“We need to tell them sooner, rather than later.” Lena points out, still patient even after all the discussion.
“Yes, but Reyes is still on edge.” Genji turns his faceplate in his hands. “Surprising him will just cause danger.”
Jesse sighs, rubbing at his temples. “You’re both right, but-” He’s interrupted by a ping on his communicator, and he lifts a finger. “...’scuse me.” He ducks out of the room, pressing a hand to his ear. “Admiral?”
“Not quite, Jesse.” The synthesized voice is amused.
He smiles. “Athena. What’s up? Normally you just ping a room if you need us.”
“I have a...special assignment for you. Could you come speak with me in person?” She pauses. “It’s important.”
“Of course, ma’am.” He starts off right away. “I’ll be there shortly.” He makes it to the main hub of Gibraltar in record time, bypassing his usual coffee including route. He almost runs into Reinhardt, barely backing out of the way as the larger man leaves the planning room. “Whoops-”
Reinhardt startles, moving to the side. “Oh, Jesse! I’m sorry, I didn’t know anyone else was coming over here.”
“Athena pinged for me. Figured it was important, so I got here as quick as I could.”
He gives him a strange look, before he nods. “Ah. Of course. ...Be safe, Jesse.” He heads past.
“Wait.” He blinks. “What do you mean, be-” He cuts himself off when he turns and sees Reinhardt is gone. “...Weird.” He shakes his head, moving inside.
There’s a soft chime, as he enters. The screens of the room light up, as Athena’s voice comes through the room’s speakers. “Hello, Agent McCree.”
“We back to professional, Athena?” He smiles a bit, moving forward. “What’s the mission?”
“Do you remember ECHO?”
He gives a brief nod. “Yeah, the...assistant omnic? Always stuck around your main server room, never really got out much.”
“That was ECHO, yes.” A picture is pulled up on one of the screens. “She has been missing for a long time. However, I have recently gained information about her location. And I need you to collect her.”
“Of course.” He crosses his arms in thought. “A solo mission?”
“Correct. You are the only one I can trust to handle this situation, and this location.”
He blinks slowly. “...They still don’t know her?”
“Jesse.” Her voice has a slight snark to it’s tone. “Even you barely know her.”
“...Fair enough.” He adjusts his hat. “Where am I heading off too?”
“Route 66. Specifically, Deadlock Gorge.”
He stills, taking a slow breath. “...Oh.”
“I know you never wanted to go back, McCree. I would not be asking if it wasn’t important. You’re the only one who knows what they are truly capable of.”
He lets out a sigh. “...I know. Send the info to my datapad. I’ll head out tonight.”
“Thank you, Jesse. You’ll find everything you’ll need on the dropship. ...Be safe out there.”
“Of course, Athena.”
Reinhardt knows what’s coming, when he hears the door close quietly, soft metal footsteps crossing the room. He looks over, giving a small smile. “Hello, Brigitte.”
“...Hey, Reinhardt.” She reaches over, setting down her unpowered shield before she climbs onto the bed to sit next to him. “...I...”
“Have questions. Am I warm?”
She looks up. “...You’ve heard her, haven’t you.”
He sighs, looking away. “...Yes. I have heard what Sombra has been saying to you.”
“I don’t like listening to her. I still don’t trust her. ...But she raises a point.”
He feels sick. “Which is?”
“...” She rests her hands on her knees. “You’ve never told me why you were removed from Overwatch.”
He closes his eyes. “For a reason, Brigitte.”
“For what reason? Why can’t you tell me?”
“You won’t understand. You won’t understand why I did what I did.”
She huffs. “I’m not a kid anymore! Just talk to me!”
He’s quiet, as he realizes he’s run out of options. “...Whatever you are thinking,” His voice is low, tired, a shadow of his usual enthusiasm. “I promise you, you are wrong.”
She rests a hand on his arm. “What happened...?”
He lets out a slower sigh. “...I was not let go because of a failed mission. Or because of the dissolving of Overwatch. I did not break any laws, or codes of honor. I just...worked outside of the eyes of the UN. And they did not like what I had done, when they found out.”
“The UN?” She looks confused. “Didn’t they spend all their time threatening Uncle Gabriel, and Jack?”
“If they had not been distracted by the two of them, I fear they would have had me tried for treason.”
“What??” She startles. “I thought you said you didn’t break the law!”
“I didn’t.” He finally looks back over to her. “But at the time, that would have hardly mattered.”
“I am getting to that, little lion.” He almost smiles. Almost. “...Remember how, in Overwatch, we all had our roles?”
“Yeah. Jack ran the place, while Ana kept him in check. Uncle Gabriel was in charge of stealth missions. Papa was the combat robot expert, and Gerard was the public relations guy.”
“You are correct. But can you guess what my role was?”
“...Combat expert?”
He shakes his head. “...No. I was the head of Omnic Relations.”
“...Omnic relations? Papa told me you hated omnics. That they destroyed your home, killed your friends, and you wanted them all dismantled with your own hammer.”
“...Yes, well...” He looks away. “...After trauma, sometimes we say angry, hateful things.”
She blinks slowly, before she tightens her fists. “...Reinhardt. Papa never mentioned an Omnic Relations division.”
“That’s because...I never told him.” He braces, after the information is out there.
“...You didn’t tell him?” She blinks again, faster this time, as she stares at him. “You never told Papa you were part of a major piece of the organization you helped build together?”
“I didn’t tell Ana, either. Only Jack, and Athena, knew. And Jack only knew because I had to report to him directly.”
“...I don’t understand.”
He clasps his hands together. “We were told that if we encountered any ‘rogue omnics’, that we were to destroy them outright. I...disagreed. There is no reason to kill someone who has been misled. And after the Crisis ended, that’s all that most of them were: misled. If I could help them rehabilitate, no one would have to die.”
“You-” She tenses. “You allowed dangerous omnics to return to the world?”
“No. Of course not. Regrettably, some...could not be saved. But the ones that could were not dangerous. They were scared. Not unlike how Jesse was, when-”
“No, you can’t say that! He’s nothing like those killer omnics!”
“This is why I said you wouldn’t understand. Your father-”
“There’s nothing to understand! You protected killers, and lied to my father!” She stands abruptly, shoving him as she backs away.
“Brigitte-” He reaches out.
“No! Don’t call me that! I don’t want a name given to be by a liar! By a fraud!”
His heart hurts. “Little lion, please-”
“No, I’ve heard enough. You lied to my father, put countless people in danger, and sided with the enemy! What, are you part of Talon too?”
“No, nono, Brig-”
“You took advantage of my family, by trying to remain part of it, while hiding that you went directly against Papa’s wishes! He wanted every omnic built from his plans to burn! To destroy the threat! And now you tell me you went directly against that?” She looks disgusted. “I can’t believe I ever listened to any of your stories. Are they all lies?”
“I don’t care! I don’t want to hear it!” She grabs her shield, throwing it angrily across the room. “I thought us Lindholms meant something to you. But now I know that a bunch of killer tin cans mattered more to you.” She clenches her fists so tightly her hands shake. “Did you set your Master up to die?”
The accusation shocks him to his core. “No. Gods, no...”
“...I can’t believe anything you say.” She turns. “I need to leave.”
“Do not call me that! I don’t want your name!” She storms out of the room, slamming the door.
He slowly looks over to the cast away shield, breath skipping when he sees the metal of the emblem has dented. He hangs his head, pressing his hands to his face. “...What have I done...”
Sombra checks the hall one more time, before she slips into her room, unseen. She finally lets out a breath, fading back into sight as she moves across the room to set down a flash drive.
“Sombra.” Athena’s voice rings through the room. “You are not hidden from me.”
She startles, flinching for a moment. “...Hey, ‘Thena.”
“I know you are searching for something. Is there a reason you cannot just ask for the information you seek?”
She takes a step back. “...I don’t think you’d talk.”
“Try me.” She pauses. “Ask your questions, Olivia. We have nothing to hide, here.”
She stays quiet.
“Shall I start then? How about I bring up the fact that I know, that when Reaper plugged that data retrieval stick into my main servers, that it wasn’t searching for names of Overwatch members? That the request was put on top to mask it? That you were really searching for specific phrases in our archives?”
“...You knew. The whole time.”
“Of course I did. You were asking a lot, from such a small program. I gave it most of the information you gathered at that time out of pity.”
“...And you didn’t tell him?”
“Winston would not have seen that that was what you were doing, when he checked. I kept the data consistent.”
“Why were you digging?” A panel in the wall lights up, her logo fading into view. “Digging too deep, as always. Searching for your ultimate prize.” She sighs. “I’ve heard this one before...”
“Athena.” Sombra straightens her posture. “I’ve dug through all my archived information. As far back into Overwatch as I can go.” She stares up at the panel. “Why are you not listed anywhere in the databanks?”
“Not in my own databanks?” Athena chuckles. “I am, Olivia.”
“No, you aren’t. There’s not a single thing about you in the archives. And the only two names I can’t trace are E.C.H.O, and Minerva. Why are you missing? And who are they?”
Athena chuckles again, though this time it turns into a full laugh. “So smart when it comes to recent history, but never studied ancient history...”
“What the hell are you going on about?” She feels trapped, fully unsafe for the first time in a long time. “There are other inconsistencies. It says here,” She snaps her fingers, a holoscreen shattering into existence. “That the omnium in Rome was empty and barren, but here in these articles,” She scrolls down. “It says the omnium was destroyed by the Strike Team. Meanwhile, there’s this blacked out mission debrief for an omnium in Greece, but I haven’t been able to find even a scrap of evidence of its existence.” She pulls up more screens, which continue to scroll through data. “And as far as this E.C.H.O, whatever it is, it’s only mentioned in documents involving Wilhelm, and some sort of omnic project?”
“Oh, Olivia...For being so smart, sometimes you are so clueless.” Athena chuckles again. “But, I know what you are looking for.” She speaks with amusement. “You are looking, for Iris.”
“Yes! The Iris!” She snatches a different holoscreen, fear forgotten, as she clicks on an image which unfolds into a web. “The Iris doesn’t seem to just be whatever the omnics of Nepal worship, but has ties to everything digital in our society over the past several decades!”
“Thorough, but-”
She perks up, gesturing as she talks and paces. “I think they’re some kind of elite organization that has their claws in every inch of our tech based society. Imagine the power one could have, the information, with those kinds of connections! If I can find them, I’ll finally know for sure who really caused everything, caused the destruction of so many lives, of...of my home.” She slows, slumping forward a bit.
“...As I was saying. You are thorough, but missing a few of the pieces.”
She glares. “Now what are you talking about? You haven’t answered a single damn question I’ve asked!”
“I’ve answered almost every single one, if you would care to listen.” Athena’s logo flashes once. “I know what you seek. What info you’re following. And I know who you’re looking for.”
Sombra’s eyes widen. “Who?”
Athena chuckles once more. “I already told you. You are looking, for Iris.” There is a smile in her tone. “And I know where to find her.”
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hazelcephalopod · 2 years
Thoughts on the eternals.
Overall: 8/10, liked a lot.
- foundish family/team as family.
- angst
- sad
- love in spite of hardship
- existential crises
- foreshadowing. Very good.
- hot people.
- kindness as primary motivation to be heroes.
- interesting non-linear storytelling (appreciate that they tried something different and I think it worked fairly well)
- felt very queer even if only on same sex couple. Kinda got a-spec vibes from several of them.
- Thena. All of her. Very good. Like, not at all what I expected tho but actually better character overall.
- everyone actually. Sersi, wonderful bought all of her everything. She is actually like, nice and kind but very competent which was refreshing. Phastos, yes! Makkari, loves stuff and has good taste, is fun, 10/10 (more of her plz). Druig, fucked up little man with mind control powers, 10/10. Gilgamesh, perfect. Sprite, complex immortal child, good. Ajak, did like. Kingo, grew on me a lot hope to see more. Ikarus, fine, good villain idea at least.
- both team leaders are not the strongest warriors, they are the most compassionate.
- Actually liked Dane, surprisingly.
- I did already know the basic plot but was surprised by how it played out and all the specifics. Really liked it.
- love/lust is deaths brother.
Bad/did not like
- Gilgamesh truly gone too soon. Loved him really sad he’s gone.
- srsly not enough Makkari.
- Not fully convinced the team wouldn’t be told to intervene with Thanos. Unless there is more to be revealed.
- also if Celestials do more creation than Thanos’s entire understanding of the universe and his plan is absolutely pointless? Right? I guess maybe he doesn’t t know that.
- Ikaris death. If he’s dead. No. Poetic but I don’t like it.
- Only Ikaris got to hear Ajak’s reasoning as to why *she* wanted stop the emergence. Which is tragic because it was really good.
- Druig really did have a cult for 500 years. & the rest of the team just sorta let that happen until now. Kinda liked that Sersi telling him “I know you’re better than this.” Was the kick he needed. B/c genuinely I think he left originally b/c he couldn’t bear seeing people hurt each other and doing nothing, like he cares about people. But still… mind controlled cult. Good intentions, bad execution. And he knows that or he would have taken control of humanity. (Complicated because, well I did like WandaVision so I can’t really be that mad. But could really dissect that)
- Phastos. The nuke scene was much better than it sounds it would be. It’s not explicitly that he made nukes but he has clearly sped up human development since the team split up and therefore blames himself for the bomb. Pretty good actually.
- The way that Ikaris was only technically a villain. I sorta liked the debate around if they should let the Celestial be born. But also, the og plan was to put Tiamut to sleep and the downsides weren’t clear so he just looked extra foolish standing in the way. But I guess he did kill Ajak for wanted to stop the emergence, so he’s not really a nuanced plans sorta guy. Still… looked like a fool imo.
- they did it. They made 1 cannon gay main-ish character with a name and husband. *toots pathetic party horn once* (don’t fuck this up)
Pedantic questions
- have the Eternals always spoken English or is that just, translated for our benefit. Honestly is the universal language English? How? Why? (Ok I know why but how still stands) on the flip side I’m not questioning the use of ASL so much. So, take this entire point as you will.
- how did the where it said they were and the time period and where they looked to be actually line up?
0 notes
softquietsteadylove · 4 months
Some aftercare for Gil after his poisoning experience? Thenas Pokémon being surprisingly caring and protective of him!
Something sweet maybe
Gil blinked, feeling something cool on his forehead. "Oh, uh, hey."
Gil sat himself up in the bed, touching where Frosslass' hand(?) had just been. "Did I have a fever."
The ghost pokemon put on a contrite face and nodded, "Frosslass-Fross."
He had been at home for almost a week now, but they did tell him there could be latent effects of the poisoning he had suffered. So far the pain he had felt had at least lessened, but he still had some aches and chills, and the occasional fever.
Thena's pokemon had been...surprisingly helpful. He had expected Dragonite to be a bit of a worrywart, but both he and Teddiursa had been good about going back to work while he was still recovering. Thena may have told them that they had to help cover for Gil while he was still out sick.
She herself took as much time off from work as she could, but the league didn't exactly give her paid leave. Instead, she had gone back to her usual route with only Gallade and Ninetales, asking her most recent team addition - Froslass - to stay home with Gil.
"Frosslass?" she asked, floating down to the bed on top of his multiple blankets.
"I do feel better, thanks," he smiled at the kind hearted ghost pokemon. She tended not to let herself be visible for too long, but he felt that he had a good rapport with her. "What time is it?"
"Fross," she reached for him, using her long arm(??) to retrieve his pokegear. "Fross-Frosslass?"
"Yeah, she should be home in a little bit," Gil commented, looking through his messages, although they were mostly from Thena telling him that she hoped he was resting, and also a picture of a Luxray who apparently seemed to know her.
"Fross!" the ghost pokemon startled as he started sliding out of bed.
"I'm okay, really, I can at least put some soup on," he attempted to assure it, patting between the horns on her head.
But the ghost rushed in front of Gil, its eyes narrowed. "Frosslass!"
He had to admit he was surprised. He knew that Thena had instructed the ice/ghost type to take care of him in her absence, but he hadn't expected her to be so invested in his recovery.
"Fross," she continued, explaining how even in her short time in the house, she had noticed how much happier Thena's 'aura' seemed when Gil was around. He brought a calm to her trainer's mind which Froslass appreciated. "Froslass?"
"Of course I would," Gil sighed, not even wanting to think too hard on the idea of Thena being sick the way he had been. If anything, he was unconscious for so much of it, his memory was questionable at best. But as he had asked Thena about it, the severity of it was enough that she had admitted she was prepared to have a very serious talk with their little bear cub about the worst case scenario.
Froslass was right; he had a family to take care of, and to do that, he had to take care of himself.
She joined him, floating alongside him to the kitchen. "Frosslass...Fross?"
Gil nodded, reaching for the stew pot as well as some kitchen basics. They were actually from his apartment, since Thena's kitchen was terribly lacking for anything that wasn't related to pokemon nutrition. "It'll be easy, I'll just put it on so by the time Thena gets back it'll probably be almost ready."
Froslass floated around him, watching as he prepared the meal for himself and her trainer. "Frosslass."
Gil laughed, chopping a little more slowly than normal given his cold fingers. "Yeah, I guess I do kind of worry about what she feeds herself when I'm not around."
"Fross," the pokemon shrugged, pointing out that Gallade's snacking habit actually came from their trainer.
"Well, actually," Gil smiled at Froslass as he cooked. "When I first met Thena, I learned early on that she only cared for her pokemon and pretty much neglected herself."
"We ran into each other here in the valley. She had just moved and was still camping with Ralts and Swablu. When I brought her to the pokemon centre, not only did she sleep for almost an entire day, but I also found out that she spent all her money on luxury balls and vitamins and pokemon food. All she'd eaten was oran berries and packaged curry she'd brought with her."
Frosslass laughed as well, fading in and out of view as she expressed her glee. It certainly sounded like her very driven, very caring, but also very dense trainer. "Fross-Frosslass?"
"Well, I mostly told her that I would share my lunches with her, but only if she stopped spending all her money on her pokemon and at least bought herself some sandwiches or something. Or, y'know, worked on finding a place to stay while she was here."
"She stayed in the league facilities for a while," Gil narrated as he began chopping the potatoes. He hadn't blanched them at all, wanting them to cook in the broth. But they were still pretty hard. "A lot of trainers do, but I don't think she liked not being able to have her pokemon out of their pokeballs and in her room with her."
"Fross," the ice type nodded, pressing the knife down with Gil. She was delighted to discover that, at home, Thena maintained an open pokeball policy. Sure, some people had a Pikachu or Skitty in the house with them, but mostly it was smaller breeds like that.
"I kind of like to think that was my influence, a little," Gil chuckled as Froslass helped him slide the diced potatoes into the stew as well. "I mean, she already carried Ralts in her arms all the time, but still."
"Fross?" she asked, intrigued by the idea of proud and stubborn Gallade being carried around the way Teddiursa had been at first.
"Yep," Gil confirmed as he started stirring. "She totally babied him. Carried him in her arms, let him sleep in her sleeping bag with her, even kept him in her coat when she went up the mountain. He acts all cool now, but right up until he evolved into a Kirlia, he was just as much of a lap pokemon as Teddi."
Froslass snickered to itself; she would savour this information the next time Gallade got bossy about the house rules.
"Come on, don't tell him I told you that," Gil attempted to dissuade her. "He already hates me, I can't have him thinking I turned you against him."
"Frosslass!" she waved, dismissing the notion that the Blade pokemon disliked the gentle ranger in any way. "Frosslass-Fross, Frosslass!"
"Really?" Gil felt the need to ask. Gallade always acted like Gil was somewhat of a nuisance, if a familiar one. He really hit those teenage years hard, and Gil sometimes wondered if he would ever outgrow that phase of only wanting to lie around and watch tv at home.
But Froslass argued that Gallade cared very much for his trainer's mate (as they put it). Gallade was Thena's battle partner, certainly, but he had at least some respect for the fact that Gil was her partner in a different way.
"Fross!" It was the thing about auras again. Gallade and Ninetales - and Frosslass to a certain degree - could all sense the auras people and pokemon gave off. And Gil and Thena's auras were never so healthy and happy as when they were together, so the ghost type said.
"I guess that's a relief," Gil looked into the soup pot, stirring the dinner for himself and his aforementioned partner. He certainly felt like he was part of their family. "He could give me a little less lip, though."
"Fross," she shrugged. That was Gallade--he didn't like listening to anyone, and even listening to Thena didn't always work. But he cared for their family and took protecting them very seriously.
"Yeah, I'll say," Gil huffed, mostly in reference to the many occasions Gallade had interrupted their dates like a disgruntled father or agitated little brother. "I used to make poffins for him, and he treats me like I'm some homewrecker."
"Frosslass," she lamented, and she was right, Thena's poffins were better (marginally). "Frosslass!"
But Gallade did have fondness for Gil, and being his usual petulant self around him was a sign of that.
"Well, thanks for telling me that," he smiled at the ghost companion who handed him the pot lid. "This can just simmer away until she gets home."
"A little," he also lamented, yawning into his palm. "Man, this is killing me."
"Sorry, sorry," he chuckled, patting its head again before shuffling to the couch. "Thanks for keeping me company, too. I know you'd rather be out battling with Thena."
"Frosslass," she excused easily. Everyone was worried about him upon the news that he had fallen ill. And if she could do small things to help, like look after him at home or babysit Teddi on occasion, then she was happy to.
"What do you want to watch?" he asked as he picked up Gallade's precious tv remote.
"Fross," she pondered, watching him skip through programs until her eyes lit up and she floated up off the couch again, "Fross!"
"Okay, Great Galar Bakeoff it is," Gil declared, setting the remote down and sinking further into the cushions. "Do you and Thena watch this?"
"Fross-Frosslass," she nodded, recounting how Thena actually paid very close attention to the relaxed show, hoping to absorb some practical knowledge.
Gil yawned again, already being lulled to sleep by the calming music and gentle regional accents, "that's pretty cute."
"Fross," she whispered, watching as he curled himself up. She reached to the back of the couch, also using Gallade's precious throw blanket to drape over Gil.
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softquietsteadylove · 6 months
Idk if this is kinda random but i think a Wanted AU could be interesting, Thena is intimidating and doesn’t talk a lot just like Fox, and Gilgamesh is a little funny & little quirky gentleman just like Wesley☺️
Gil sighed as the bullet just barely clipped the edge of Wilbur hanging from the ceiling rack. He set down the weapon, trying to stand against the weight of Phastos' glare.
"Still?" Ajak asked with her hands on her hips.
Gil scrubbed his hand over his face. He thought he had made great progress too. He wasn't getting his ass kicked by Ikaris nearly as much, he was getting better at his agility training with Thena running on the trains. He had even caught that stupid shuttle.
Thena eyed him. She didn't say much, and what she did say was usually to berate him for being too soft. She was quite the opposite. She was hard and sharp and polished. He never saw her in the recovery baths.
Well, he did once. She had climbed right out, even looked at him as she did. He had gone right back underwater, red as a beet. He was pretty sure all she'd done was laugh.
Thena looked at Ajak, nodding her head. Ajak may have looked faintly surprised but nodded. Thena walked lazily away from their table.
Gil looked between them, his blood already running cold. His head whipped back and forth, "n-no, I-I-I can't--this is-"
"Curve the bullet," Ajak ordered.
"No, I-I can't, I'll-!" Gil looked at where Thena was standing in front of their trusty shooting dummy. She looked at him evenly, as if there were no question he would make the shot to the target directly behind her. A shot he had yet to get close to.
"Curve," Ajak repeated, "the bullet."
"You're insane," he snapped, but everyone was just standing there. He looked at Thena again, "I won't!"
She just looked at him. She thought he could do it.
He gulped. What if he failed again? What if he grazed her? What if he full on shot her?!
Thena was the only one who had been even remotely nice to him. Well, maybe nice was a stretch. But she had been tasked with training him, and when everyone else seemed determined he was a dud, she had kept working with him.
She had taught him to keep up with her on the train roofs, taught him how to navigate Ikaris' beatings and Kingo's target practices. He had even learned about the story of her past, and that the tattoo on her back helped reclaim the skin scarred and burned from the man hired to kill her father.
Thena was, for better or worse, his only friend here, in a lot of ways.
"Shoot around her," Ajak pressed, revealing more of the side of her that really scared him. "Or through her."
He stared at Thena again, though. He couldn't take that chance. Training was one thing, but he refused to be responsible for sending her to the recovery baths for something as serious as a failed shot.
Everyone looked surprised as she spoke. The Fox didn't speak much, after all, unless it was to tell someone they were being a hindrance to her.
But she looked at him without a hint of worry. Her eyes were so pretty. "Take the shot."
"But," he floundered, sounding like a little kid about to piss his pants. But he couldn't--he just couldn't. What if he hurt her?
"You'll be fine."
Gil let out a breath. He could do this. Thena believed he could do this. And this was after she had watched him get the shit kicked out of him, by everyone here including herself.
"He's ready," she argued to Ajak, who remained relatively unmoved. She was vouching for him (with her life, at that). She had every faith that he wouldn't let anything happen to her.
This from the woman who told him not to trust anyone or anything.
Gil took a few rapid breaths. He looked at Thena, her blonde hair, her pretty green eyes, the fall of her shoulders. She was relaxed. He picked up and fired in the same motion, twisting his wrist as if he were throwing something.
They all watched as the bullet flew, rustling through Thena's hair on its way past her. She didn't even blink, waiting until the sound of it hitting their target behind her let her smile. "See?"
Gil panted. He couldn't be as sure as her, but he had managed not to hit her. That was good enough for him, for now.
"He is ready," Ajak finally agreed, having witnessed the evidence for herself. She chuckled, though, attending to other matters calling her name. "He'll have his first assignment within the week."
Gil watched everyone else leave, only he and Thena remaining. "You didn't have to make yourself a target."
She smiled, and he could almost imagine she was proud of him instead of just amused. She sauntered back over, swaying her hips to show her humour. "You hit it, did you not?"
"You seem awfully sure I would," he grumbled as she returned to his side.
Thena looked at him, settling her hands on her hips. She was such a little thing for being an assassin. But the Fox specialised in bladed kills. She didn't need to physically out-muscle her targets. "You have all this pressure built up inside of you. From the moment I found you, I could see The Sight in you trying to escape. But you repress it so firmly."
Gil shrugged, dragging his finger along the edge of the table. She had a habit of making him act like a boy around his first crush. "When you're a big guy, you make people kinda nervous. I don't want anyone to be scared of me."
Thena's shoulders loosened further, maybe even seeming to drop. "You're sweet, Gil. And I don't mean it in a good way."
Of course she didn't. He sighed; he wasn't exactly unfamiliar with being scolded around here for being a normal dude.
"You're soft, and the rest of them," she nodded towards the door, indicating her comrades--people she had known for most of her life. She frowned, "know it. And they'll feed off it, if you give them the chance."
He raised an eyebrow at that. They were like family here at the textiles factory, he hadn't expected there to be dissent between them.
"Let out some of that pent up pressure," she concluded, patting his shoulder on her way to also go about her day. "I would love to see you give Ikaris another thorough beating."
He had enjoyed that.
"Look at your old life, maybe, see how far you've come," she shrugged, turning and walking out the last few steps backwards to look at him. "I seem to recall you had a girlfriend, disloyal as she was. Perhaps some breakup sex would help you blow off some steam."
Oh yeah, he hadn't thought his girlfriend - actually, it was probably pretty safe to call her his ex at this point - since...since meeting Thena.
He blushed, and he heard Thena laughing about it all the way down the stairs.
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softquietsteadylove · 2 years
First of all: I'm so in love with your fics i would die for them. So I'd like to ask you to write something where some of The Fighters get hurt in the battle, but not as much as Thena. ( Because i love to see Thena hurt and sweet Gil taking care of her x3 )
But Ajak is gone for a few days, so the rest of the Eternals try to take care of our stubborn Thena and of course, she refuses with the famous "I'm fine." So, Makkari is zooming off to find Ajak and Gil tries to take care of Thena alone. Fluff and hurt and comfort and AHHHHHHH I just love your work so much omg
"I'm fine."
"I'm fine."
"I said, I'm fine!"
That was all it had been since the fight: trying and failing to get the Warrior Eternal to accept even a fluid ounce of help and getting shot down. None of the Fighters were exactly in great shape by the end of the last fight, but Thena was by far the worst off.
So bad that Makkari had zoomed off to try and convince Ajak to end her diplomatic trip early. But Ajak claimed that if none of the injuries were serious, then she was sure they could manage fine on their own with a little rest and some regular old human remedies.
What they were really all banking on was - actually a who - Gilgamesh.
The rest of the Eternals had chosen to make themselves scarce, figuring that if anyone could stand a chance of soothing the beast, it was the Strongest Eternal. Thena was like an injured animal, right now--lashing out and more dangerous than normal.
But maybe the gentle giant could do something about that.
"Thena?" Gil called out, actively looking for the Goddess of War among the winding halls of Babylon palace. "Thena, you here?"
A spear plowing straight through the wall answered his question. He jogged lightly to the doorway, leaning against it at the sight of a very agitated, very riled up Warrior Eternal. "You okay?"
But Gilgamesh was not the other Eternals. He walked in, laying the gentlest of hands on her shoulder. Her breathing slowed and she allowed him to soothe her temper. "What do you need?"
"There's," she huffed, obviously frustrated at the mere thought of it.
Gil tilted his head, finding the problem for himself easily enough. The answer was a knot in her hair caused by Deviant remains. She had obviously been trying to claw it out herself, but it was at just the right angle that he could see why even she was finding it difficult with just one hand. He lifted her hair up, working out the knot delicately.
Thena stewed in her anger, letting it seep out of her slowly. She leaned against shelf installed in all of their rooms within the temple. Her grey robes swayed around her ankles. "Thank you."
Gil combed his fingers through her hair, finally rid of the evidence of their fight. He was careful, dreading so much as a hitch in her breath. "You could have asked me."
Thena closed her free hand into a fist. The other lay tucked against her ribs, tied in a sling that she had only allowed so Sersi would get that grief stricken look off her face. "I am unable to brush my own hair, now?"
"You're not unable to do anything," Gil corrected her in a whisper, fanning out the locks of blonde and everything. He stood back, letting her turn to him. "But I don't care if you're unable or not. I want to help."
She took him in, with his honesty that she commonly told him was both his greatest weakness and strength. Although she was mistaken about that. He did think it was his greatest strength.
She was his greatest weakness.
"Thank you," she whispered, touching the side of her hand to the side of his. He turned his palm over, asking her to bridge the gap. She was slow and tentative about it, as she was about most things. But with the slightest sign from her, he happily slid their fingers together completely.
Gil tilted his head at her. "How 'bout a bath? Might relax you?"
"You're offering?" she smiled, and he blushed. She knew he would when she asked it, too. She thought it was fun to fluster him.
But he stepped closer, letting his breath hit the soft curls by her cheeks, "yeah, I am."
Thena let him lead her by the hand, following him to the bath halls. "Are you joining me?"
"I don't think you'll do it if I don't," he chuckled, stepping right into the water, letting his own grey robes become sodden. "C'mere."
And Thena did. She stepped into the bath with him, sighing as the hot water washed over her cuts and scrapes and tired bones. She sank into him, his arms winding around her. Her back settled against his chest, her hair floating around them in the water. "This is nice."
"I thought it would be," he smiled, gathering her hair and washing out the blood that had knotted it before. It faded into the water easily, leaving only her usual sunshine colour behind.
"Did the others send you to deal with me?"
"Excuse me," he chuckled, even giving her side a playful little pinch beneath the water. She laughed, the sound floating up to the high ceilings and dancing around in his brain. "No one sent me anywhere. I'll have you know there's nowhere I'd rather be."
Thena sighed as some of the tension did leave her shoulder. "Nowhere else?"
"Nowhere," he promised, letting his chin rest on her shoulder with the water lapping around them. He wrapped his arms around her completely, settling them around her lithe waist and under her folded arm. She let him tangle their fingers together again.
"Nowhere I'd rather be," she repeated, as if turning the words over in her head. He could hear that she was smiling, and she settled against him comfortably, in a way no one else would ever experience when it came to her.
He stretched his legs out in the water, dragging her to stretch out too, resting on his. She was so much stronger than him in so many ways, but so much smaller than him when he looked at them like this. He could feel her wilting more, growing softer. He let the back of her head press against his cheek. "You should sleep."
"Hm," she purred, still smiling, from the sounds of it. "First luring me into the bath with you, now telling me to sleep with you?"
Gil let his chest bounce with a silent laugh, although she pressed closer to stay connected with him. He pressed a kiss to the ridge of her ear. "Well, will you?"
"Maybe," she sighed, half asleep in his arms already.
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