#This Giant Beast That is the Global Economy
mellasso · 6 months
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Jason Sudeikis and Corruption (part 2) This Giant Beast That Is the Global Economy S1E8: A Global Corruption Tour (2019)
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phoenixyfriend · 2 years
What is it that makes me enjoy financial documentaries so much help
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sophia957 · 11 months
The Mighty Machinery of the Seas: Discovering the Power Underneath Ships
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When we think of ships, we see majestic vessels flowing smoothly across the water. However, beneath their opulent exteriors is a complex and robust machinery that allows them to tackle the enormous seas. Each style of ship, from enormous cargo ships to luxury cruise liners, needs on certain components to work properly. This blog will delve into the intriguing world of ship engines, generators, and numerous ship types, shining a light on the unsung heroes who power these sea giants.
The Beast's Heart: Ship Engine and Generator
The engine is at the heart of a ship's power, an engineering marvel that converts fuel into immense push, propelling the ship forward through the water. Ship engines are quite powerful, capable of producing thousands of horsepower in order to overcome the resistance of the waves and winds.
Internal combustion engines powered by diesel or heavy fuel oil are commonly seen aboard modern cargo ships and container carriers. These engines work by burning fuel to generate high-pressure gases, which drive the pistons and crankshaft, transforming linear motion into rotating force to turn the ship's propeller. Technological advancements have resulted in more fuel-efficient and environmentally friendly engines, assisting in reducing the industry's environmental effect.
The ship generator, which supplies power to numerous onboard systems and equipment, is an essential companion to the ship engine. These generators, which frequently use the same fuel as the main engine, can power critical tasks such as lights, navigation systems, and communication equipment, ensuring the ship's seamless functioning during extended voyages.
Ship types include everything from cargo ships to lifeboats.
The ship world is very diverse, with vessels constructed to serve specialized functions. Let's look at some of the most well-known ship kinds and their distinct roles:
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Cargo Ships: These colossal sea monsters are expressly intended to move massive amounts of commodities and commerce across the world's oceans. Cargo ships, with their massive cargo holds, facilitate worldwide trade and supply lines, acting as the global economy's backbone.
Container Ships: Container ships, a subtype of cargo ships, revolutionized the transportation business by introducing standardized cargo containers. These vessels can load and unload cargo more effectively utilizing cranes, making the transportation operation more streamlined and time-efficient.
Carrier Ships: Carrier ships, which are frequently used interchangeably with cargo ships, typically transport bulk items such as grains, coal, or oil. Their design facilitates bulk cargo loading and unloading, making them indispensable for transporting essential supplies.
Tug Boats: While not as large as cargo ships, tug boats play an important role in port operations. They help larger vessels maneuver in narrow locations and provide towing services in an emergency.
Lifeboats: The unsung heroes of ship safety, lifeboats are vital for any vessel to protect the safety of passengers and crew in the event of an emergency. These small, tough life boats can resist extreme conditions and serve as a lifeline for individuals on board a sinking ship.
The Crown Jewel: The World's Biggest Cruise Ship
The cruise business has grown dramatically in recent years, resulting in the development of magnificent cruise ships. One such marvel is the world's largest cruise ship, a floating city on the high seas. These mega-cruise ships have numerous restaurants, theaters, swimming pools, retail centers, and even leisure activities like zip-lining and surfing.
The largest cruise ship can hold thousands of guests and crew members, ensuring a memorable trip. These ships have advanced stabilizers and navigation systems to provide a smooth and safe travel even in rough seas.
To summarize
Ships are a testimony to human ingenuity, with each vessel designed to serve a unique purpose. These majestic vehicles are the lifeblood of global trade and tourism, from the raw power of ship engines and generators to the variety of parts of a ship that cross the oceans. Take a moment to admire the complicated technology and engineering prowess that make these marine marvels possible the next time you see a cargo ship gliding on the horizon or embark on a sumptuous cruise.
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This Giant Beast That is the Global Economy - Official Trailer | Prime V...
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lapdropworldwide · 2 years
Big Tech’s Cars Could Help the Government Spy on Abortion Patients
Big Tech’s Cars Could Help the Government Spy on Abortion Patients
Photo Illustration by Luis G. Rendon/The Daily Beast/Getty It seems like there isn’t an industry left for the “Big Tech” giants (Google, Amazon, Apple, and Facebook) to swallow up. In their drive to entrench their monopoly power (century-old antitrust law be damned!), Big Tech has encroached on almost every sector of the global economy. In great part thanks to their capitalizing off of users’…
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hallpiner · 2 years
Dinghy walker last oasis
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#Dinghy walker last oasis portable#
Follow the tutorial quest in game, it grants massive exp early.They’ve just gotten their hands on some of the rarest and most sought-after resources – enough to make their entire crew rich and powerful.This is the fastest way to establish a base while being able to hide all of your resources off-map. If the hunters succeed, they’ll have a reason to tap a few barrels of fermented cacti. Entering its territory underprepared will mean certain death. In order to defeat the worm, experienced nomadic hunters must band together. Once the beast focuses on a walker, it loses sight of everything else. It’s all about your skill: some struggle to climb the smallest rocks, while others swing through forests outspeeding the fastest Walkers.ĭubbed " The Long Ones", these roaming creatures are the biggest threats nomads will face. Every Nomad owns a grappling hook it’s a tool that can be adapted to almost any playstyle. Enemy clans will challenge your control and threaten to take away everything you’ve built. Make alliances to protect your income, because war is always around the corner. Control a region and get rewarded with a supply of local resources gathered there by roaming nomads. Grow your clan into a political and economic power. While solo play will always be a viable playstyle, social features like voice chat make it easy to meet new friends and team up to kill some of the largest creatures. Clans might control territories and lead the economy, but cunning traders, skilled mercenaries, agile hunters and pirates will find niches that better suit solo play. Individuals and small groups of players have as many opportunities as clans to prosper. Stone walls offer superior defense, while lighter wooden structures are able to be packed on large walkers and relocated.
#Dinghy walker last oasis portable#
Specialize in one or become a more versatile fighter by trying to master them all.Ĭonstruct portable bases or more permanent fortifications to protect yourself from hostile nomads and wildlife. If you prefer ranged combat, you can customize your walker with weapons like ballistas, scattershot guns, repeaters, or even giant slingshots. Nomads can choose their weapon from a wide range of both one and two-handed swords, maces, axes, and quarterstaves. Last Oasis features dynamic, skill-based directional melee combat. It can be used to travel to adjacent oases, or as a place to hide your walker and safely log off with all your belongings. The Wasteland is a safe, open stretch of desert that sits between the last livable oases on Earth. Others will settle for some time, but ultimately everyone will pick up and voyage east to escape the encroaching sun. Some nomads may pitstop to refill their water. Explore them to reveal new and unique biomes while plundering their limited resources. Potentially thousands of oases exist simultaneously – the number automatically adjusts to accommodate the size of the playerbase. The large, open world is made up of many interconnected oases that are over 100km2 each. Threaten another clan’s operation, and you may become their next target. It’s always wise to consider potential competitors first, though. Other nomads may opt to produce or hunt down rare and highly localized resources. In this global, player-driven economy, smart and quick traders can take advantage of supply and demand to make huge profits. There are trade networks that stretch between the discovered oases. Claw your way from a ragged nomadic trader to the heights of a mercenary king, fleet commander, or a legendarily-rich merchant. Build autonomous machines to harness the power of the wind. Survive by exploiting what’s left of the world: find a source of water, hunt ferocious creatures, fend off pirates, brew mind-bending Vitamins, and uncover hidden walker technologies. In order to keep moving, the remnants of humanity have built nomadic machines, and a walking city called the Flotilla. This region moves as the planet orbits around the sun, and all living creatures must migrate with it to survive. Only a narrow region between the burning and freezing halves of the planet can support life. In order to stay ahead of the obliterating sun, nomads must explore new territories that slowly emerge on the eastern horizon, where the Earth has long been frozen in impenetrable ice.Īfter a cataclysmic event halted the Earth’s rotation, the planet was split into two extreme and deadly environments. The sun burns the land in the west, turning it to dust. Personalize your walker to fit your needs with a multitude of structures, attachments, and upgrades! Walkers are mobile bases that can be adapted for travel, transportation, harvesting, and combat. Traverse the world on your walker: a wooden, wind-powered machine inspired by Theo Jansen’s amazing strandbeests. Earth has stopped rotating, and the last human survivors need to outrun the scorching Sun in a massive Open World.
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gryphye · 5 years
OK, Leverage writers. I’m giving you homework.  First ep in this series deals with money laundering.
Second ep is about Rich assholes, aka Dick.
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wisdomrays · 3 years
TAFAKKUR: Part 406
Great advances have also been made in the field of agricultural genetics, with scientists trying to find answers to the problems of feeding a spiralling world population and of growing crops and raising cattle on poor soil or in adverse weather conditions. The Malthusian nightmare of populations being decimated by starvation has, to some extent, been averted in this century, although most of the benefits of these advances have been felt in the West where intensive farming of hardy crops and animal breeds have produced huge surpluses of food. For example, bovine growth hormone can be injected into dairy herds to give higher milk-yields and hybridization of crops has been used to produce strains which will grow in areas thought to have been useless for large-scale farming.
Genetic engineering in the field of producing vigorous or hardy varieties and breeds has signalled a new departure. Instead of the long, hit and miss processes of traditional hybridization, scientists are now able to isolate and transfer genetic material to improve the vigor of an organism or to increase its resistance to disease, insect damage or weed killers. Plants have been produced which fix their own nitrogen, as do natural legumes, and strains of bamboo have been reproduced which grow faster than the ‘natural’ varieties. All of this progress seems to suggest that yet another watershed has been reached in the realms of technology and productivity, which might offer benefits to all of mankind.
There is, however, another side to this coin. For example, hogs which have been treated with growth hormone are subject to gastric ulcers, arthritis, dermatitis and other diseases, making their already shortened lives a pain-ridden misery, and producing animals possibly unfit for human consumption. In Arable farming too, the production of herbicide-resistant crops encourages the indiscriminate spraying of chemicals on the land, increasing pollution of land and waterways. The agro-chemical companies are simply creating a ‘treadmill’ whereby new formulas are constantly needed to combat the new mutants of resistant pests.
Another environmental concern is that biotech agriculture will encourage the evasion of fundamental ecological reforms. If crop species can he easily bred to thrive in inhospitable conditions, farmers may fail to see the need to prevent environmental damage and simply wait for the scientists to engineer new crops or beasts to suit the new conditions. Would fish, genetically modified to flourish in acidified lakes, undercut the determination to clean up the air and water? Perhaps scientists should be concentrating more on the fundamental problems of the environment, rather than inventing palliatives to deal with the ravages of mankind. Surely it is better, for example, to find ways of conserving the rain forests than to invent ways of recreating their extinct flora and fauna?
Because of the limitless possibilities offered by the application of gene technology, DNA has become a corporate resource which can be patented and owned, designed in the laboratory and used to replace raw materials. This tendency may lead to the monopolization of genetic resources, placing control in the hands of multi-national giants whose main motive is profit, rather than with the people who need to use the technology to live.
Biotechnology will introduce a new era, greatly changing the way we live and the structure of our national economies. Food production in the laboratory will mean that traditional farming jobs will disappear–the EEC have already issued directives setting strict quotas for this type of production (EC Commission Directives 90/219 and 90/220). Consumers will also be directly affected and there is already a growing ‘grass-roots’ opposition to genetically engineered plants and animals. In the United States, for example, there have been moves to boycott such products and some restaurants have refused to serve genetically engineered foodstuffs. On 3rd October, l993, legislation came into force in Chicago obliging all food outlets to label genetically engineered food.
Studies in genetics are not confined to medicine and food production. In 1986, Professor Alec Jeffreys, of Leicester University in England, discovered that DNA is as individual as a finger-print and his research led to the genetic finger-printing techniques now established in forensic science. Samples of DNA taken from body fluids or tissues can provide an unmistakable ‘identity card’ and so assist in the conviction of offenders, particularly in cases of physical violence or sexual assault. DNA recovered from the victims of such crimes is now regarded by the British judicial system as highly reliable evidence and its use in the conviction of suspects is spreading, very rapidly, worldwide.
Even this seemingly overpoweringly beneficial use of genetic science has its dark side. The possibility of creating global genetic databases, with genetic information on all known criminals would appear to be an ideal solution in these times of escalating crime. However, there are issues of civil liberty to be tackled, and there is public resistance to such information being collated, using much the same arguments as have been used to resist the issuing of identity cards. There is also the problem of information held on these databases finding its way into the wrong hands. Again, mankind is faced with moral and ethical questions concerning the use and the abuse of technology.
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giftofshewbread · 3 years
Converging Signs
 By Daymond Duck     Published on: June 20, 2021
Many excellent Bible prophecy teachers believe there will be a convergence of the signs (all of them coming on the scene) at the end of the age.
Here are some reasons to believe that is happening now.
One, concerning the Battle of Gog and Magog: on June 7, 2021, U.S. Sec. of State Blinken said if Iran continues to violate its nuclear agreement, Iran could have enough enriched uranium for a nuclear weapon in a matter of weeks.
If Israel follows through on its threat to prevent this, Israel could be forced to act very soon.
(Note: On June 14, 2021, Amir Tsarfati said, “If nothing is done in the next month or so, Iran will be nuclear.”)
Two, more on the Battle of Gog and Magog: in recent years, Israel has launched hundreds of strikes against enemy targets in Syria, but on June 9, 2021, Israel launched one of its largest strikes ever.
In the early morning hours, Israel struck several major Iranian targets (some sources say at least 6) almost simultaneously all over Syria.
The attacks were followed by several hours of secondary explosions, indicating that out-of-control fires continued to destroy stored missiles, rockets, powder, etc.
The attacks will probably get more intense as Iran gets closer to developing nuclear weapons.
Three, concerning Israel: on June 13, 2021, the government of Prime Min. Netanyahu ended, and the government of Naftali Bennett and Yair Lapid began.
The Bennett-Lapid government contains 8 political parties (some leftist, some non-religious, a minority of conservatives, and a group of Arabs with ties to the terrorist group called the Muslim Brotherhood).
Some conservative religious Jews say:
Israel’s new government is evil, dangerous, and it will end Zionism (the Jewish character of Israel; freedom of religion in Israel, etc.).
Bennett has lied because he promised during his campaign for office that he would not form a government with some of the political parties that he has now joined forces with.
The Bennett-Lapid government will divide Israel because Arab leaders claim that Bennett and Lapid made concessions that will let them reclaim land in Israel, and Bennett and Lapid are not denying it.
Prophecy teacher Amir Tsarfati said:
The new government is the beginning of the end of Israel as Christians have known it.
God is changing Israel for the worse.
Israel is no longer a democracy, no longer conservative, no longer united.
He believes the stage is being set for the fulfillment of major prophecies (perhaps Gog and Magog, a covenant, the Tribulation Period, an agreement to rebuild the Temple, etc.).
Prophecy teacher J.D. Farag said:
Some suggest that the unprecedented four elections and now this new government may actually be the catalyst for the anti-Messiah to arrive on the scene under the banner of the vacuum of leadership.
Israel is ripe and ready for the Antichrist to come on the scene now like never before.
Prime Min. Netanyahu said:
His party “will not rest until we get rid of this dangerous government.”
Bennett “is not a man who upholds his word. Neither are he and his ministers capable of standing up the U.S. and world nations – nor are they even willing to do so.”
“They are not fit to represent this country for a single day.”
“They must be celebrating in Tehran” (Iran).
Israel needs the prayers and support of Christians as much as ever.
Four, concerning world government: many highly respected Bible prophecy teachers have long taught that U.S. power and influence must decline, and EU power and influence must increase.
Pres. Biden is traveling overseas for separate meetings with the G-7, NATO, the EU, and Russia.
Concerning Biden’s meeting with EU officials, it was reported that many EU officials believe it is time for the EU to start influencing U.S. policy instead of the U.S. influencing EU policy.
According to one report, EU leaders plan to be less submissive to the U.S. and more likely to carve out a bigger role for the EU on the world stage.
Five, also concerning the decline of America: on June 10, 2021, Rev. Michael Bresciani, editor of American Prophet, expressed his opinion about several issues that are well worth repeating.
Concerning whether black lives matter or not: Bresciani asked how can anyone say that black lives matter “when almost 4,000 black babies a day are aborted, and many thousands of black lives are lost yearly to black-on-black crime?”
Concerning worship of the Antichrist: Bresciani said, “Our children are being indoctrinated by liberalism, critical race theory, BLM, Antifa, communism and Godlessness – is it not all that hard to believe that they, our children, will be the ones who will soon worship this ‘beast’ scripture refers to as the antichrist? If you are thinking this is not possible – you are not thinking.”
Concerning the mixing of genes from humans with monkeys in China, the mixing of genes from humans with pigs in California, and the mixing of genes from humans with mice in Japan: Bresciani asked, “If God is displeased with the perverting of the sexes, what will his reaction be to the mixing of the species?”
Bresciani believes these things are coming from depraved minds, and they signify that America is sinking into depravity.
Six, Rev. Bresciani mentioned the world’s tallest moving statue called “The Giant.”
“The Giant” is a 10-story tall digital art gallery with millions of pixels in the shape of a human, its head and arms move, it speaks and sings, changes its appearance every hour to look like different famous people, and it will be displayed in 21 cities in 2021.
Concerning this statue: Bresciani quotes what the Bible says about the statue of Antichrist. “And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed” (Rev 13:15).
Bresciani is not saying “The Giant” is the statue of the Antichrist, but he is saying that the creation of a statue that looks like the Antichrist and speaks is no longer in doubt.
This writer believes that God is showing the world pictures or shadows of things in the Book of Revelation, and the coming fulfillment of those prophecies is not in doubt.
Seven, in case anyone doubts that world leaders are in the process of establishing a world government, here is this writer’s understanding of some of what G-7 members agreed to in writing on June 13, 2021.
Work with the G-20 to explore ways to strengthen accountability, increase the tracking and allocation of global health security financing, and establish a Global Health Threats Council (use Covid-19 vaccinations to track people’s health, etc.).
Reform the World Trade Organization (WTO) to make it more resilient and responsive to the needs of global citizens (citizens of the world, not citizens of nations).
Push a global tax system to improve the global economy, the prosperity and wellbeing of all people (wealth redistribution), to uphold the common good (world government) and our shared values (world religion).
Maintain its commitment to international cooperation, multilateralism and an open, resilient, rules-based world order (world government).
Tackle racism in all forms and violence and discrimination against LGBQTI+ populations (oppose those that hold Christian values).
Reaffirm its commitment to the Paris Climate Accords (an agreement that some say surrenders the sovereignty of nations) and strengthen and speed up its implementation (push nations to act faster and more aggressively; speed up world government; understand that the existing UN goal is to have it up and running by 2030 and the G-7 wants to speed things up). Vaccinate at least 60% of the global population by 2022 and recognize that extensive immunization is a global public good (make forced vaccination a global law for the benefit of world government).
Ensure that Iran will never build a nuclear weapon (force a nation to obey world law).
The Holy Spirit is the only One that can restrain the coming world government and world religion, but people need to know what is coming and truly accept Jesus as their Lord and Saviour before the globalists bring in their world government and world religion.
Eight, for whatever it is worth, on June 14, 2021, Populist Press reported, “The truth is coming out. I think we all expect this as Biden is going downhill fast!”
“Trudeau [Pres. of France] overheard telling staffers he expects Kamala Harris to be President by the end of 2022 per W.H. official attending G7.” (This comment was originally posted on Twitter on June 14, 2021, by political activist and news correspondent Jack Posobiec.)
Nine, concerning vaccinations for Covid-19:
On June 14, 2021, LifeSiteNews reported that “The vaccine advisory committee of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) will convene an emergency meeting this week to discuss heart-related side effects possibly linked to Covid-19 vaccines.”
The same report said, “Johnson & Johnson’s jab again was dragged into controversy last week when the FDA ordered the company to discard 60 million COVID-19 vaccine doses, citing contamination risks.”
Finally, are you Rapture Ready?
If you want to be rapture ready and go to heaven, you must be born again (John 3:3). God loves you, and if you have not done so, sincerely admit that you are a sinner; believe that Jesus is the virgin-born, sinless Son of God who died for the sins of the world, was buried, and raised from the dead; ask Him to forgive your sins, cleanse you, come into your heart and be your Saviour; then tell someone that you have done this.
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sciocchezza · 4 years
cosa guardare su prime
pulp fiction
fight club
kill bill
lady bird
il grande lebowsky
into the wild
quarto potere
una questione privata
serie tv:
the office
how i met your mother 
the man in the high castle
modern love
ted bundy
this giant beast that is the global economy
one child nation
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mellasso · 6 months
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Jason Sudeikis and Corruption (part 1) This Giant Beast That Is the Global Economy S1 E8: A Global Corruption Tour (2019)
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incarnateirony · 4 years
You know, I’m not Christian. Not remotely. Most people that follow me know that. But they also know my theology bears some intrinsic respect to Jewish and Christian concepts, or at least biblical Christian concepts as opposed to modern religious execution of them.
While I may joke that christians today would probably try to crucify any jewish carpenter dude trying to make them pay taxes and help the poor just like the pharisees, haha, bernie sanders, or whatever, I gotta say
The lack of education within the church about the original form of their manuscript pre-translation has stirred exactly the kind of ignorance the original manuscript actually worries about.
Evangelical America, in their current form, has pointed at anyone they didn’t like and called them the antichrist because of vagueries like their popularity. Meanwhile, not only is there a dude making enormous shows of fire out of taxpayer funds to display his own glory and make people marvel, his followers are walking around with a big red charagma on their head while being qanon nutbags thinking the Mark of the Beast is gonna be some microchip or your credit card or whatever and not you know, the fucking charagma it was in the original text.
Meanwhile Iran, Russia and China are all coming together on the most literal phrase of the world stage, after we’ve ostracized all our allies if not thrown them under busses ourselves, and just given them perfect global theater excuse to do whatever the fuck they want.
But sure. The audacity of a black dude to be well spoken as a president made him the antichrist. While some are out here going so far as to call Trump the second coming. And, wait for it, Trump even called himself that in slightly different words.
I can’t say I really *believe* in the idea of a singular antichrist, as it were. But in regards to the self blind irony driven by ignorance, America’s current shitshow is definitely taking the cake.
If one were to theoretically take Revelations as a prophetic warning as-best-translated-and-understood-by-some-ancient-dude, just handwaving away streets of gold or whatever but just looking at the actual earthen events in its *original textual format*, it’s one giant warning of “hey guys, keep your religious bullshit in check before you end up abandoning everything I actually taught you and following some lunatic with a shiny engraved badge of loyalty you put on your head and blowing us all to smithereens just cuz he made some really good visual entertainment on the moving picture box”, but I guess that’s none of my fucking business until it kills me.
And I ain't even had time to touch on how it literally tracks that the US is represented by the Eagle, Iran by the persian lion, russia and china both by the bear -- though Russia also has the eagle symbolism with its presidential seal since Trump/MAGA has the mark/voicebox of the antichrist-prophet part down all on its own; Not sure about the leopard, germany or tajikistan? Oh wait there’s that whole Tajikistan-Ukraine thing and the whole Russia-US-Iran-thing about their local power sources since it’s wedged in the middle of the body of most of this fighting. Because otherwise three of the four parts of the beast (or all 4?) are all bouncing around right now and I gotta say I need to get my hands on whatever fuckin peyote John the Elder had a dealer for because shit. I need the winning lotto numbers to build a rocket off this planet at this rate.
Should I bother making a smartass comment about the tariffs fucking up the global economy and the right to buy and sell under the MAGA of the beast or should I just leave that sitting here.
but sure freedom beast eagle cacaw or whatever. hopefully since Trump seems to think you can buy countries he doesn’t just pass over the metaphorical deed to america to Putin to pay off those Dutch bank loans from Russia at this rate. Then again he has in every other way so why not just make it painless.
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jkottke · 5 years
My Recent Media Diet, The "It's Not Life or Death, It's Just Tacos" Edition
I keep track of every media thing I "consume", so here are quick reviews of some things I've read, seen, heard, and experienced in the past two months. I never wrote a proper report on my trip to Mexico City, so I put some of the highlights in here. I'm in the middle of several things right now. On TV, I'm watching Our Planet, In Search of Greatness, Street Food, Chernobyl, The Clinton Affair, Reconstruction: America After the Civil War, and This Giant Beast That is the Global Economy. I don't normally watch 19 different things at one time, but life's felt a little scattered lately. For books, I'm listening to Guns, Germs, and Steel by Jared Diamond on audiobook and I'm making good progress on Robert Caro's Working (highly recommended).
The Silk Roads: A New History of the World by Peter Frankopan. Hard to summarize but there's certainly something interesting on almost every page. (A-)
Fleabag. Bitingly funny and poignant, a real gem. (A+)
Skyscraper. Die Hard + the Sherlock Holmes story A Scandal in Bohemia + #sponcon for Big Duct Tape. I love a good disaster movie. (B+)
Mexico City. Great food, vegetation everywhere, beautiful architecture, culturally fascinating, super walkable/bikeable/scooterable. I am definitely visiting here again as soon as I can. (A)
Puyol Taco Omakase. Delicious & fun & a great experience, but I'm not sure the food was obviously so much better than some of the best street food I had in Mexico City. I had this same experience in Bangkok years ago...street food is tough to beat when there's a thriving culture of markets, carts, and stalls. (B+)
The National Museum of Anthropology. One of my new favorite museums in the world. The only thing possibly more impressive than the collection is the architecture of the building. (A+)
Teotihuacán. I had high hopes for this archeological site and I was still blown away by it. (A+)
AirPods. This is my favorite gadget in years, the first real VR/AR device that feels seamless (and not like a Segway for your face). The freedom of wireless headphones feels similar to when I first used a laptop, wifi, and dockless bike share. (A+)
Homecoming. So many things to love about this, but one of my favorites is the shots of the audience watching Beyoncé and the rare moments when she watches them back: "I see you." And also the way they put a cohesive show together while showcasing individual talents and styles. (A-)
Homecoming: The Live Album. Come on, a marching band playing Beyoncé hits? That this works so well is a small miracle. (A-)
Avengers: Endgame. I liked but didn't love it. It was like the ST:TNG finale and the Six Feet Under finale mashed together and not done as well. It also seemed too predictable. (B)
Avengers: Age of Ultron. Now that the Thanos narrative arc is complete, this is an underrated installment. (B+)
Casa Luis Barragán. This was like being in someone's creative mind. The layering of the garden reminded me of Disney's use of the multiplane camera in the forest scene in Bambi. (B+)
Gelatin Sincronizada Gelitin (NSFW). I was skeptical of this art performance at first -- a bunch of half-naked people painting on a moving canvas using paintbrushes coming out of their butts -- but it ended up being a really cool thing to experience. (B+)
Game of Thrones. I'm not quite as critical of the final season as everyone else seems to be. Still, it seems like since the show left the cozy confines of George RR Martin's books, it has struggled at times. (B+)
Wandering Earth. Based on the short story by Liu Cixin (author of the Three Body Problem trilogy), this disaster movie is a little uneven at the start but finishes strong. (B)
Halt and Catch Fire Vol 2. The music was one of the many great things about this show. (A-)
Running from COPS. A podcast about how media and law enforcement in America intersect to great and terrible effect. (B+)
Eating bugs. I tasted crickets, grasshoppers, and grubs at the market: mostly just salty. I had beef tartare and guacamole with grasshoppers on it. They added a nice crunch to the guac. Wouldn't exactly go out of the way for them, but they weren't bad. (B)
Panaderia Rosetta. Did I have one of the best pain au chocolat I've ever had here? Yes. Yes, I did. Also extremely delicious: everything else I tried. (A-)
Against the Rules. A podcast from Michael Lewis about what's happening to the concept of fairness in America. The episode about Salvator Mundi, the supposed Leonardo masterpiece, is particularly interesting. (A-)
Tolkien: Maker of Middle-earth. I have a new appreciation of how much Tolkien did in creating his books: writing, map making, world building, art, constructing languages. (B+)
Frida Kahlo's Blue House. A striking house with a lush courtyard, but the highlight was seeing Kahlo's work area much the way she left it when she died. (B+)
Street Food Essentials by Club Tengo Hambre. Mexico City is a huge place with so much to do that I wanted to hit the ground running right away, so I booked this street food tour. Definitely a good idea. We sampled so many different kinds of tacos & gorditas & quesadillas that I lost count. Highlights: huitlacoche quesadillas, al pastor tacos, fresh Oaxaca cheese at the Mercado de San Juan, and the blue corn masa used to make tlacoyos at one of our last stops -- probably the best tortilla I've ever eaten. (A-)
The Matrix. This came out 20 years ago. I watched it with my 11-yo son the other day and he thought the special effects "held up pretty well". (A)
Electric scooters. I used the Lime dockless electric scooters for the first time when I was in Mexico City and I loved experience. Easier than a bike and a fun & fast way to get around the city. Cons: the combo of the speed & small wheels can be dangerous and cities generally don't have the infrastructure to accommodate them yet. (B+)
Paprika. Inventive and visually dazzling. Purportedly an influence on Christopher Nolan's Inception. (B+)
Oh and just because, here's a photo I took recently in my backyard that makes it seem like I live in Narnia or The Shire:
Past installments of my media diet are available here.
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alexismorrellcomedy · 5 years
An Amazon Studios docu-series for which I was the Archival and Clearance Producer. 
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laresearchette · 5 years
Friday, February 22, 2019 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)
CURLING (TSN/TSN4/TSN5) 1:30pm: Scotties Tournament of Hearts: Championship Round - Draw #3 (TSN2) 6:30pm: Scotties Tournament of Hearts: Championship Round - Draw #4
NHL HOCKEY (TSN5) 7:00pm: Blue Jackets at Sens (SN/SN1) 7:30pm: Avalanche at Blackhawks (SNWEST) 7:30pm: Ducks at Flames (TSN3) 10:00pm: Jets at Knights
NBA BASKETBALL (TSN/TSN3/TSN4) 7:00pm: Spurs at Raptors
marketplace (CBC) 8:00pm: Marketplace has obtained a secret list revealing the names and identities of almost 3000 Canadians targeted by a phone scam promising to lower your credit card interest rate. Their end game: stealing your identity so they can sell and trade it on the dark net and to other fraudsters.
COOL BLACK NORTH (City) 8:00pm: An exploration of Canada's black community and its role in the country's identity.
THE STATS OF LIFE (CBC) 8:30pm: A woman maintains her busy volunteering schedule despite her increasing fragility, a couple who carefully planned their retirement encounter the one thing they didn't plan for, and a group of five women move in together and form a co-op.
CBC DOCS POV (CBC) 9:00pm: Winston LaRose, an 80-year-old community activist, challenges the entrenched powers of Ward 7 when he runs for office for the first time.
PATIENT ZERO (Crave) 9:00pm: A supervirus has turned humankind into highly intelligent, streamlined killers, and an asymptomatic victim (Matt Smith) who can communicate with the infected must lead the last survivors on a hunt for Patient Zero and a cure.
OR1G1N UNKN0WN (Super Channel Fuse) 9:00pm: After a deadly crash, mission controller Mackenzie Wilson assists an artificial intelligence system, A.R.T.I., to uncover a mysterious object under the surface of Mars that could change the future of Earth.
THE WHOLE PACKAGE (Out TV) 9:30pm: The top nine models compete in a FAN-tastic photo shoot on Vancouver's Main Street.
CBC ARTS: EXHIBITIONISTS (CBC) 11:30pm: PEI's March of the Crows; extraordinarily intricate paper animals; an installation inspired by cougars in New Brunswick.
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roominthecastle · 5 years
@littlepichon replied to your photoset: This is corruption.
😂😂 what is this from?
It’s from ep 8 of Kal Penn’s docuseries “The Giant Beast That is the Global Economy”. I really enjoyed the whole thing but Ted’s solid gold cameo was the crown for me. ;)
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