#This Is One Of The Most Creative Ship Names I Ever Heard Of And It's Fucking Beautiful
call-me-jmd · 4 months
I Discovered What LuciferxAdam's Ship Name(At Least One Version) Is Called, And I Love It.
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thewildwaffle · 2 years
A Capella
I'm hoping the writing block I've been slogging through the past two months is lightening up and I'll get to some more of the prompts I've been sent!
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"We’re on a time crunch people! I need everyone to step it up if we’re going to get this all together in time for the ceremony!” Sevahn marched stiffly through the bustle of his crew as they rolled in large boxes of decorations and gear, strung garlands of flowers across the banquet hall, and laid wires, cords, and ropes for the laser light shows and entertainment equipment.
He eyed their efforts scrutinously and made sure everything lined up with the charts in his claws. This was easily the biggest client he’d ever been hired by, and he would be flarged if tonight wasn’t absolutely perfect for them!
“Bexts, those merkel blossoms are not the right color! They totally clash with the color pallet I sent you.”
The tall silver kloxan in question stopped arranging the bouquets and stared blankly at him.
“Do your optics need to be reset?” Sevahn marched up to the robotic figure and pulled out a pallet card. “Look, these are far too light. Some of them are nearly white! I specifically asked for rich purples and reds. Swap them out, inject them with dye, or paint them if you must, just get me the right colors within the next 15 mentiks!”
Without another word, Sevahn spun on his heels and was off to inspect the stage setup. Several crew members and techs were darting between various marks and consoles. By the looks of things, the hanging microphones and lights were just about ready. Techs were also laying wires for a couple microphones sitting on stands at the front of the stage. They were a bit obsolete (technology and usage-wise) what with the hanging mics, but some of tonight's featured vocal performers had specifically requested them.
Speaking of which…
“Has anyone heard anything from the humans?”
A booka tech by the name of Nuree perked her whiskers, “Oh yeah, I’ve heard them before! Last cycle I set up for one of their concerts on Vituka 4. They didn't use any instruments, but you wouldn’t know that if you were only listening! They were amazing!”
A few other on the crew chuckled a bit, and the Nuree’s fur flickered and reddened a bit as she realized everyone was listening.
“I meant, has anyone heard from the humans’ whereabouts? They were supposed to be here already for rehearsals.”
“They’re in the back,” a toanoaktree mumbled out slowly as they reached up to adjust the high-hanging mics. “I believe they said they were going to arrange a ‘green room’ and unpack their gear.”
With a curt nod and a short “thank you,” Sevahn was on his way to search for the humans. He’d worked with other groups of human performers before. Several of his recent clients had been caught up in the human craze that seemed to be spreading through the galaxy. Everyone wanted to hire them- security companies, shipping unions, exploratory associations, art and science guilds, and on and on.
The entertainment industry was, by no means, any different. Humans, as it turns out, love to perform and have a wide array of interesting talents. Sevahn had planned parties where humans had been hired to do anything from singing, dancing, playing instruments, swinging from elevated platforms in various acrobatic fashions, throwing multiple projectiles into the air, and “juggling” to keep them aloft, etc.
Eight cycles ago, there’d been a group hired by the Magensi Syndicate to perform what they called, “magic” at their yearly Harvest Festival. Sevahn had been busy with keeping other parts of the celebration running smoothly, but he’d been able to catch a few snippets of the show. There’d been some creative sleight-of-hand tricks that even Sevahn had to admit were pretty impressive.
The grand finale was by far the most… memorable. How by all that is bright and shining did the human sneak a “school bus” into the act and get it on stage without Sevahn or his crew knowing about it?! And what’s more- where the flarg did it disappear to after he removed the tarp?! He still hadn’t recovered from that.
Tonight’s ensemble of humans, however, was a singing group. Simple enough. There shouldn’t be any buses, school or otherwise, involved in their act.
Sevahn quickly found where the humans had set up their “green room.” It was less of a room and more of a partially sectioned-off alcove. It looked like someone hung up some cloth partitions as curtains to add a bit of additional privacy. He could hear them talking and laughing as he approached. He rustled the makeshift curtains a bit to alert them of his presence before he entered.
“Come in,” one of the voices called out.
As Sevahn dipped through the curtains, he quickly took in the surroundings. The six humans were spread out and pulling equipment and packages from various bags and wheeled boxes.
“Hello, welcome,” Sevahn looked around to try to identify the manager, Marisol, whom he had spoken to earlier on a comm call. She had her back to him at first, handing out small wrapped packages to the others.
“Ah, Akeno Sevahn, a pleasure to meet you face to face,” Human Marisol turned and stood to greet him with a short bow of the head and hand on her chest. Sevahn paused for a bit. He was used to greeting humans in their various methods, but this was the first one had greeted him in Austral Akeno fashion.
He blinked in surprise for only a mentik before returning the gesture. “It’s a pleasure to have you here with us. My team and I are at your disposal. What can I help with first to get you all set up for tonight’s performance?”
“Where’s the nearest water dispenser?” One of the humans, a tall male with a deep voice asked.
Sevahn gestured behind himself. “Just around the corner next to the catering station.
The human nodded thanks and left in that direction carrying a large empty bottle. Sevahn looked expectantly at the others.
“What time do I need to have everyone ready for mic checks?” Human Marisol smiled.
Sevahn smiled back automatically then pulled back his shoulders to attention. “Any time you’re ready,” He needed to keep a professional stance and tone. “Our first guests aren’t set to arrive for another four moorts, so there’s no rush. Our sound techs just ask that you allow them to set levels for each instrument individually, and afterward, Biert, our stage manager will come by to schedule instrument trades or swaps if you need.”
“Oh,” Human Marisol’s eyes widened a bit as her head tilted slightly to the side. She looked to the other humans in the room who all kind of chuckled quickly under their breath. “I don’t think that will be necessary. We won’t be swapping instruments.”
“You… uh, you… what?” Sevahn frowned. He looked around for instrument cases he could point out.
There weren’t any. None that he could see or recognize at least. The humans watched him with varying levels of amusement slipping into their features before Marisol broke Sevahn’s confused silence. “I thought you knew… we discussed it on the comms? We’re an a capella group?” She gestured to the others in the room who were now all smiling very widely, a few had to cover their mouths to hide laughter.
A capella. Sevahn remembered her saying that. He remembered it being said by others. There are so many different kinds of music that humans perform, he just assumed it was just the name of a particular style among so many others. He glanced around the room once again. No instruments. Is that what a capella meant? Not completely unusual, he supposed, he’d seen performances where singers would carry on parts of or even entire songs without the use of instruments. But to have an entire performance on this scale with no accompaniment? Surely not.
“I apologize for the misunderstanding,” Sevahn could feel the scales in his face warm slightly as the humans continued to try to not laugh at him. “I must admit I am not entirely familiar with the concept. Do you, uh, do you have pre-recorded music to perform with? I can personally make sure that gets to the sound techs right away.”
The curtain rustled and the human from before returned with his bottle now full of water from the dispenser. “Woah, look out! Sorry!” He nearly lost his balance trying to avoid running into Sevahn.
With their attention no longer focused solely on Sevah, a few of the other humans pulled out equally large bottles. One held theirs out expectantly with a huge toothy grin. Sevahn nearly flinched at the display, but he remembered that humans sometimes bare their teeth like that when they’re happy.
“What?” the recently returned human mockingly scoffed at the proffered bottle. “Your legs broken? You heard the director, the dispensers just around the corner. Get off your lazy butt!”
The responding sound was one Sevahn was not used to hearing. It was some sort of long drawn-out whine, stretching down in pitch then curling back up with some sort of broken, growly note. The others laughed at it. Sevahn stared straight ahead, mouth slightly pursed. Humans made a wide, wide range of sounds, hence the hired group in front of him, but he hoped that sound was not part of their show.
Marisol shook her head as her band broke into teasings and joking negotiations for water. She pulled Sevahn aside and smiled at him. He couldn’t help but instantly smile back. His scales warmed a little bit again.
“We’ve got our music sorted,” she explained over the din of her band. “No instruments, just us. Biert’s got our song list. We have a few things to unpack in here and we’ll be ready for a mic check and run through in about five moortiks, if that’s alright?”
Sevahn blinked a bit, then nodded his head. “Alright,” he straightened his posture again and gave a nod before heading for the curtained exit, “I will inform Biert. She’ll get you sorted with that when you’re ready. Let her or myself know if there’s anything else you need.”
“We appreciate it, thanks,” Marisol nodded politely as he left. As soon as the curtain settled behind him, he could hear her voice change as she turned to her band and began giving orders and try to wrangle them back onto the task.
What an odd group. He wondered if it was actually the same group Booka Nuree claimed she saw perform on Vituka 4. In any case, they were the group that the client had hired tonight, so at least someone must like their instrument-less performance.
The rest of the setup ran perfectly. Not that Sevahn would accept any less. Soon enough, the banquet hall filled with quests, welcoming remarks, and slightly overly-long speeches were given, guests of honor were recognized, and culinary masterpieces were distributed. Roaming entertainers were applauded as they wove through tables, performing tricks and feats, telling jokes, or showing off artistic displays.
And finally, the lights dimmed. Someone was speaking on stage and the guests began cheering. Sevahn didn’t notice at first, at the moment, he'd been pulled away to sort out a misunderstanding between the venue manager and one of the catering assistants. Having avoided a minor waste disposal crisis in the kitchens, Sevahn returned to the main banquet hall with a small sigh.
As he stepped into the large room, he immediately noticed all eyes in the hall were glued to the main stage. He paused. According to his schedule, this should be the main entertainment. Marisol’s a capella singers. He looked. Sure enough, there were five humans on stage, with a smiling Marisol in the wings, just barely visible from this angle, nodding her head to the beat of the song.
But what really shocked him was the song itself. They had no instruments. He was watching them with his own eyes and he could tell they had nothing accompanying them. But that’s not what his ears heard!
There were notes that sounded like they should be beyond human vocal cord capability. They ranged from bone-shakingly deep to cloud-piercingly high. There were rhythms, beats, and harmonies that came together like the humans were weaving the very sound waves into a stunning tapestry.
Sevahn closed his eyes to listen. He’d directed countless events where human musicians had performed. He enjoyed them with few exceptions. In all honesty, he actually was often too wrapped up overseeing various tasks or enacting the backup plans for failed backup plans to really enjoy the shows. But whenever he could get a moment of peace like this, he always stopped to savor the performances. And this one was one that seemed to have also everyone frozen to listen.
He’d never heard this song before. It was likely a human song, so it's unfamiliarity was not surprising. There was something about it though. It made him feel like he should start singing along. The words themselves sounded simple and easy to follow. They carried through and floated between notes like they were soaring.
He opened his eyes again, and for a moment, his brain momentarily protested at the visual evidence of there being only humans on the stage. Something about that felt exhilarating. He could have sworn he could hear a kloxan flute, or maybe an orchestral barelt, but his eyes told him otherwise.
He knew he couldn’t stand here all night, as much as he wished he could. There was always something that would call for his immediate attention and pull him away. For now, though, not a soul seemed to be doing anything but listening and watching. After a while, Sevahn could start to make out which sounds were coming from which human. The tall male who had first gone to fill his water bottle earlier was the one creating the resonating bass notes. He couldn’t tell which of the two humans to his right were the ones carrying the main melody. It was mesmerizing to watch and hear.
As the humans finished the song, the effects of its spell over the audience slowly came undone. Sevahn joined in with all the applause. He felt silly now about being so apprehensive before, and yet at the time, it seemed so reasonable to question how humans could perform an entire show without a single instrument. As it turns out, humans can make themselves into their own instruments just fine. He wondered just how many sounds they could learn and mimic to incorporate into their music.
As the cheering died down, the humans began their next song. Sevahn forced himself to move on to make his rounds through the banquet hall, listening as he went. He recognized this song. It was a popular ballad throughout the central systems. This time, the humans were really laying it on thick how much their voices could imitate a multitude of instruments. He had to turn his head several times as he walked to make sure they hadn’t pulled out a set of strings or percussions. They of course hadn’t, but instead started moving around the stage with a well-choreographed routine.
He paused once again to watch. Maybe it would be fine to just take a break a while longer and enjoy this surprising show. After all, at this point, the entire banquet hall could burn down, but as long as the humans could finish their show, tonight would still be considered a success.
He hoped he directed more large events like this in the future where Marisol's group would be hired again.
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redheadspark · 1 year
Apologies if this is too detailed. I was thinking of something like you get Druig so worked up that he cums without you touching him between the legs. (Then maybe you get him hard again and continue on) You have full creative liberty, your sub series is amazing.
A/N - OOOOO!!! This is quite lovely to write and I had a great time writing it!
Summary - There's nothing like having the Mind Controller on his knees for you
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Warnings - This is a 18+ work, NO MINORS ARE ALLOWED FROM HERE ON OUT!
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“Oh…oh right there Druig….right there!”
You fell back against the top of the bed in a heap, Druig keeping his hands on your hips in almost a death grip as he was still between your legs, his tongue working vigorously against your cunt as you were feeling your legs shake and attempt to close in around his head.  But the pleasure was far too much for you to keep your legs open, your breath was so short on your lips it almost sounded painful maybe to someone pacing by your room.  Yet the Domo was cleared out for the day, and you had the whole ship to yourself as Druig was eating you out against your bed.
This was all Druig’s idea, of course. 
Druig loved having his way with you within private quarters or when you two were utterly alone, there was no doubt he was a passionate lover.  He loved you with everything inside of you, not leaving a once to be forgotten.  You both loved each other far beyond reason, which never bothered the pair of you since you’ve been together for centuries on end.  Ever since you came to Earth all that time ago, and Druig shook your hand for the first time and heard your name on your lips, you both were enraptured with one another.  Kindness turned to curiosity, which turned to friendship, and then a romance. Yet after being together for so long, knowing each other inside and out, Druig was still a mystery to you when it came to creating things and new discoveries.  
The most recent one was his thirst to love you, physically and emotionally love you such a passionate way.
The kisses were innocent enough, then it morphed into heavy petting and then making love to one another in such mind blowing ways.  You both trusted and loved each other to the point of pure devotion, yet it was still healthy and still laced with kindness and love that you had for other since you first met.  Every kiss with Druig gave you butterflies, every time he touched you made you sigh against his lips, and every time you fucked, it was glorious and Earth shattering 
Druig was more prone to giving you all the love and affection in bed compared to you giving him the love.  He craved making you moan, making you shake in his arms from a deep thrust he would give, or even make you scream when you would cum on his cock.  He thought of it as a high of sorts, making you come undone with his calloused fingers along your chest or his lips along your thighs.  Yet at the same time, without him realized it, he would get craved for it more and more, willing to be anything, do anything to give you love and pleasure.  
It took so long to find the proper term for it: Druig being your sub.
Technology nowadays was great for you to dive in and see what else there was to use with Druig when it came to being in bed.  You signs that you read online were there in Druig, and now you were willing to try new things on him and know that he would be willing to try it too.  Druig was not too adventurers in bed, and neither with you, but you also knew him far too well after being with him or centuries on end.  
Praise was a great trigger for him, along with calling him a certain pet name.
So now, you sprawled out on your bed with only a tank top on and Druig eating you out both sloppily and with some precision while he was on his knees at the foot of the bed, you were having another amazing moment of love and pleasure with the love of your life.
“Oh..oh G-G-ood.  Yes!  Yes there….right there, Druig!  D-don’t you d-dare stop…..don’t s-stop,” You ere mumbling at this moment as Druig was still working his tongue up and down your folds as his hands were working to stay on your thighs and ass. You had one arm across your face, the other near his hand on your thigh as he stretched out his legs more on the ground, sinking into your more and his lips finding your clit to suckle at as if it was your breast.  
The more you were vocal with him and the more you were praising him, the more it felt like Druig was slipping more and more into his own mind of giving and giving.  You knew once that he was going to get into that space, there was no way of getting him out instantly.  It was a ride that he loved to be on with it was all about you, his Mind Controlling was on the back burner and he was more than willing to let you take the reins and control him in a way.
You felt his hand that was on your thigh move from its death grip over to your hand that was clutching the sheets.  With a shaky hand he took yours, moving it with no signs of slowing down with his tongue against your clit, and made your finger sink along the back of his head, deep in his soft, raven locks.  As if on instinct, you rolled your hips into him, your fingers in a good grip along his hair as Druig let out a full on groan.  You almost felt the bed shift a bit from Druig’s direction, having you sit up a bit and see the site before you. 
Beyond heavenly.
Druig, on his knees with his face buried against your pussy and his hands holding your thighs like they were jewels.  But beyond that, beyond seeing his eyes glassy as a sure sign his mind was blank, it was his lower body that caught your eye.  HIs hips were pressed hard against the mattress, almost trying to relieve some pressure there.
It made you whimper.
“You..you okay?” You asked in a huff since it felt like your breath was lost.  Druig paused in his movement, released your folds from his lips as he looked at you.  The pure look of subspace on his face was evident, his lips being beyond plump and a deep read, the flush in his cheeks and the disheveled look in his hair.  Druig looked beyond amazing there at your mercy.
“I just…mph,” he groaned, leaning against your thigh and having you shiver from his breath dancing across your sensitive cunt, “I wanna make you cum so bad…..please….please let me make you cum…please?”
To hear the Mind Controlling Eternal  who could bite the head off of the others with his wicked tongue and devious smirk plead to bring you pleasure, to see him on his knees in front of you as if you were a God for him to worship, it was all so raw and inviting for you. How could you deny him?
“Fuck yeah,” You sighed, pushing his head with your hand back into your core.  Druig went willingly groaning in relief as he was lapping at your folds again and bringing you closer with a tug of your hips.  You knew his tolerance was high, and your hips were rolling without you realizing it as your core was getting tighter and tighter for release.  You kept your fingers in his hair, almost guiding him as he was licking you like a feast, that coil in your stomach was getting tighter and tighter as the minutes were going by.  That deep rooted sensation of coming undone was beyond close, so close you could taste it on your tongue and feel it on your fingers and toes. 
“Druig you’re so good….you’re s-s-so good I’m so close……please….please make me cum, baby.  Be a good….uuggh…” You had to pause when he licked deep within you.  That one trigger that you were about to say set him off, feeling another bump from the bed where he was.  You lost your breath for a moment, wanting to say it but it was barely there since you were so close to your orgasm.  The last sliver of energy you had left was right there, and if Druig kept it up, you were going to topple over soon enough.  But you wanted to say that one phrase, that once simple phrase that would make him go over too.
“You’re a good boy,” You wailed, and you felt him suck your clit hard. 
Your orgasm was blinding, almost hitting your sideways as you curled into Druig and screamed out into the room.  It was felt from the top of your head into your toes, and it felt like it was last forever.  Druig wrapped his arms around your hips to keep you in place, never letting you go as you shook and shivered on the bed during your mind bending orgasm.  But all you were thinking about was pure pleasure, pure pleasure and love from the very Eternal that brought you that pleasure and love.  
Finally, after what felt like ages, you were coming back down from that sensation of flying and you were limp on the bed.  The hands on your hips were loosening, and you finally felt Druig move away from you and gave you space.  Slowly, and with the last amounts of energy left tin you, you sat up on the bed and looked own at Druig.  Yet the site in front of you make you go into shock, since he was now almost hanging off your thighs that were off the bed.  His head in your lap, his eyes dozing and still glassy, and his arms limp on your thighs as his legs were sprawled out with his knees still on the floor.
The loose pants he wore had a damp spot right at the crotch.
“You….you came from…from making me cum?” You asked in shock and almost in fascination.  Druig has bene been that far gone before, not in a situation like this as he looked up at you with his doe-like eyes and his post orgasm look on his own face.  You loved that look, the look he got from pleasure taking over and seeing this beautiful and vulnerable side of him that no one else would ever be able to see in this life or on this planet. It was meant just for you.  
“Come here,” You hummed to him, pulling him up by his arms with ease as  he wrapped his arms around you and you kissed him softly.  The small taste of your release was still on his lips, you mewling against him as you rang your fingers along his arms and in his hair to keep him stimulated.  He was melting your arms again, his hands along your bare hips as you kissed him over and over like a mantra.  It was a mantra for you, and you moved his hands to be on your stomach, under your thin tanktop.  Druig hummed and groaned against your lips as his fingers moved along your skin, maybe getting stimulated again from the gentle touches and kisses you were giving him.  
“You did such a good job, Druig,” You murmured against his lips, Druig drinking in every word you said as if it was honey to taste.  You grinned slightly, making his fingers so higher under the tank top to touch the underside of your bare breasts.  Druig looked at you with a hint of alertness now, you merely grinning widely at him as his fingers were so close to your breasts as your hands were guiding him.
“Do it again,” you whispered, Druig kissing you hotly as he threw the tank top off.
The End
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Tagged: @a-lumos-in-the-nox @hottpinkpenguin @vinvantae @basicrese @botanicalbarnes @heartofwritiing @pemberlyy @virtueassassin
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teecupangel · 1 year
After the Solar Flare Desmond lives, gets sent into the past but he opens a restaurant because for some reason it's really popular in whatever time he's in so he just expands and before he knows it, he's written down in history as the most successful restaurant owner (could be whatever ship, could be harem)
Harem it is!
So, for this idea, let’s set up the restaurant first.
Let’s say that, after the Solar Flare, Desmond is in the Gray with Clay who got there because a digital copy of him was sorta encoded into Desmond (“What were you planning to do? Slowly hijack my body?” “I was thinking of transferring my copy into your sperm and getting reborn as your child.” “That’s… that sounds weird?” “Really? Ancient aliens created mankind, you’re the chosen one and messiah and martyr all in one by said ancient aliens, we have technology that can read genetic memories in our DNA so we can relive our ancestors’ lives AND my plan is what makes you go ‘sounds weird’? Come on, Seventeen.” “I didn’t say it was the only weird thing I’ve ever heard!”)
So Desmond and Clay are getting along swimmingly then there’s a pop and Layla’s there. Clay just go “Ah, another dead person ‘rewarded’ by the Isus, come, join us.” and Layla’s just “???” because last she remembered, she gave up her life to save the world and Desmond just goes “Oh, a fellow martyr! Welcome, welcome!”
So they’re just chilling in the endless void called the Gray (and I Spy has been banned since the only thing they can actually ‘spy’ is each other and they got creative with their questions which includes “Is it someone who has the hots for his ancestors?” “Yes.” “That doesn’t help. Both me and Clay have hots for our ancestors!” “I blame our untreated daddy issues.” “Oh my god.”) until Minerva appeared and tells Desmond that she was able to screw with the Calculations before she died. She gives Desmond some kind of ball (that looks like a stone version of the Apple) and tells him that it contains the power to create a pocket dimension, very small, perhaps just a one-story, maybe two-story building, but it should be enough to connect it to the Calculations itself for a brief moment to stabilize it.
Minerva’s idea is that Desmond could use the pocket dimension to exist in the world, at any point in time, and interact with people (but only in that pocket dimension… “Like a portable Gray?” “……… Yes… I supposed you would be correct in that, Innkeeper.” “Did you… did you just literally translate my last name???”)
Minerva tells Desmond to think of a building that the pocket dimension can take the form in and her calling Clay ‘innkeeper’ reminded Desmond of how he wanted to own a restaurant. How, before he landed a job in Bad Weather, he actually helped out in the kitchen of a few diners, sometimes just washing the dishes, other times, cutting ingredients up when things get too busy, and sometimes, a kind cook/owner would teach him an easy dish or two that he can cook if things get super hectic. Then he remembers how the warmest memories he had of his childhood were helping his mother cook when she had the time to do such ‘mundane’ things.
So everyone is surprised when the pocket dimension looks like a restaurant. Layla was expecting him to create a bureau or something similar. Clay expected him to recreate Bad Weather. Minerva just stares at him as she says, “So this is your choice. Very well.”
They checked the restaurant and there was a second floor with bedrooms (with separate bathrooms) that seemed to already been ‘furnished’ to their liking… even Minerva’s. It’s kinda creepy because Layla’s room looks like a fusion of her childhood bedroom and her apartment’s bedroom. Clay guessed that the pocket dimension heard Desmond’s idea of ‘everyone should have their own rooms’ and used their memories to create it.
Strangely enough… there are also a lot of locked rooms that they can’t open. Minerva guessed they are meant to house either ‘guests’ or future ‘employees’. The 2nd floor defies logic as it seemed to be bigger than the first floor but Minerva insists that it would look ‘normal’ on the outside. (“So what you’re saying is it’s bigger-” “No.” “What?” “No. We are not making that reference. Shush.” “Oh, come on!”)
Okay, so Minerva was taking a wild guess here because she didn’t test out the pocket dimension (“Why not?” “I died before I could.” “… yeah, okay, that sounds like a legit reason.”) but she believed that the pocket dimension took Desmond’s desires and rolled it all up into one thing which was this restaurant-in-the-first-floor/living-quarters-in-the-second-floor. This meant that they were meant to ‘get’ more people.
Clay and Desmond turned to stare at each other because, yeah, they already have an idea of who some of those people are.
When they check the restaurant, Desmond is super excited because the pantry is fully stocked with sooooo many things that he wanted to ‘play with’ and Minerva noticed that the perishables were placed in some kind of device that looked very similar to the Isus’ stasis pods. This meant that anything they put there would remain in the state they were when they put it in until they take it out then time will resume for them normally (no sudden aging though so if they plan to age meat, they gotta do it the old fashion way).
Layla is the one who noticed the ‘vending machine’ looking thing with an entire touchscreen just covering the front of it next to the pantry and she tried using it, eyes going wild when she realized what the touchscreen was showing.
It was some kind of online shopping app but the ‘price’ was showing something called “Points” instead. There was some kind of trashcan-like thing attached to it and Clay just dumped a bag of green peas from the pantry into it (“Clay!” “What? No one likes frozen green peas! It’s a stasis pod, WHY would it even have frozen green peas?!”) and the app gave them 3 points for the green peas. Out of curiosity, Layla dropped the 20 dollars she was hiding in her boot and it gave them “2000 points”. They would need to experiment some more but it seemed like actual currency gives them more points than items (or maybe the app just doesn’t like frozen green peas).
Then they saw another touchscreen in a room that looked to be some kind of meeting room and it looked like… a map? No. It was like one of those big screens in meeting rooms and… it was showing a list of years.
Each year was grayed out and next to it were points.
Desmond’s eyes widened as he saw the first year he recognized.
1191 was grayed out and it had “200,711,170,000 points” next to it. He tried to click it and it gives an error of “You have insufficient points to travel to this year. Please add more funds.”
And then Layla went “Oh, oh, oh! 431 BC! It’s not grayed out!” and Desmond clicked it instead.
It then gave them locations. All of the locations were grayed out with Athens needing “10,000 points” and Lakonia needing “30,000 points”. There was only one location that wasn’t grayed out: Megaris. When they clicked that, the only option it gave them was an unlocked “Magara”.
“It seems the pocket dimension is giving this to you as a ‘freebie’.” “Or a tutorial run.”
They tried giving more items from the pantry to the ‘trashcan’ but it only gives them measly ‘1~5 points’ so, yeah, Desmond wasn’t unlocking 1191 anytime soon. It was even the cheapest of the three years Desmond wanted to pick too!
Left with no choice (and 2 coins from Minerva did give them ‘20,000 points’ total), they decided to open a restaurant in the only place they can travel to and get enough money to unlock the other years.
(Oh god. I unintentionally created an isekai OP system for them…)
You know… I said first but, goddamn, that took a while.
Unorganized Note Related to the Restaurant:
Desmond is their main chef with Clay being his sous chef/kitchen lackey, mainly because Desmond did have a bit of experience with cooking (he has the most experience among the four of them anyway) and Clay used to part-time for diners too during his college years.
Layla’s specialty is college-approved cup noodles. She is only allowed to help cut stuff up and stir things until they’re sure she can handle more.
Minerva burned water. Her defense of “I never considered a need to cook” was not accepted (together with the implication that she had human slaves to do it for her) and she has been barred from the kitchen.
This means Minerva is their waitress and Layla tried to get her to smile but she just stares at her. Because of this, Layla has been conscripted to manage the front end and make sure Minerva doesn’t insult anyone by mistake.
The pantry needs to be restocked if they were going to use it, of course, so their points will also be used to make sure they have the food they can serve and sell.
The touchscreen in the kitchen gives a list of food that they can check (thankfully no greyed-out ones). Most of them have warnings of “Desmond Miles is not experienced enough to make this yet. There is a high chance of failure. Will you still risk it?” and “Necessary support not yet acquired. Please try again once necessary support is available.”. All those that give warnings have a red triangle for the ones that have a high chance of failure on the left side of the recipe name and a red x mark for those that need ‘support’ on the same left side. Some even have both x and triangle.
QOL for the kitchen touchscreen: it automatically takes items from the pantry and it appears on some kind of dumbwaiter-like hole below the touchscreen. It will also give messages of ingredients that need to be bought first and poking ‘buy’ also sends those newly bought ingredients to the hole. Very convenient. (like someone who had been so annoyed about having to go thru so many menus to find information on the ingredients necessary for their synthesizing had developed this feature)
They realized what support means when Clay clicked on “Pomidorówka” because he remembered making that with his grandmother. A message of “Support member: Clay Kaczmarek is necessary for this dish for now. Continue?” popped up and they poked ‘yes’ and Clay recognized the recipe as the exact recipe that his grandmother taught her. So… apparently, the necessary support is someone who would know the recipe more than Desmond.
Because there are a lot of recipes, they decide to have a revolving menu instead. If Desmond likes the customer enough, he might be willing to take off-the-menu requests.
Unorganized Notes for the timeline and stuff:
Technically, the restaurant can time-hop to any year they have unlocked at any time (unlocking is a one-time payment, I’m not that evil). It seems that the nearer they are to 2012, the more points they would need.
The restaurant would change the front-end design to fit what is ‘possible’ during that time period. The backend (kitchen + meeting room + 2nd floor) remains the same with the exception of cutleries and utensils that their customers would use.
Desmond is the only person who can leave the pocket dimension BUT all the touchscreens are unavailable if he’s not in the pocket dimension and shows a time limit of 1 hour (which can be ‘charged’ by expending points, 1,000 points = 1 minute). The second floor is also inaccessible when Desmond leaves and anyone on the second floor is teleported to the meeting room the moment Desmond steps out.
It seems that actual currency (regardless of the year) will always give x100 amount of points. (ex: 50 florins will give 5,000 points). Ingredients and other items from the online shopping app seemed to be forever 50% of its original real-life price (by their estimate). There’s also sales and flashsales. The app’s sales have weird titles like “Not Gonna Make A Racist Joke Sale” (no that’s really the name of the sale) for sales on ingredients not normally available in the US and “I Can’t Believe It’s Butter Sale” for all kinds of butter and products with butter or made from butter. Their favorite is “I Don’t Get Paid To Do This So I Wanna Play A Game” sale where everything has a 70%-90% discount but the caveat is that the sale only last for 15 minutes from the moment they tapped ‘Let’s Play!’ from the message.
Their restaurant would become ‘legendary’ because of the good food that might be strange or unfamiliar to a lot of people but the taste is definitely to die for (thank you, modern convenience).
Time flows as normal when they’re in a specific timeline but anyone in the pocket dimension doesn’t seem to age.
Minerva believes that there is some kind of Apple-like mind manipulation at play in the pocket dimension. It’s nothing big, just a simple “this is a normal restaurant with normal-looking employees” and maybe a bit of “you will not think anything is weird here.”.
Desmond would sometimes go to the front when it’s slow or Clay tells him to take a break and that Clay can handle things on his own for a while. That’s usually when he interacts with the customers.
While they can only ‘take’ a few as employees, their actions in the timeline do change things… a bit. Maybe some who were meant to die don’t, maybe they get a different ending… etc.
Unorganized Notes for the Layla Trilogy:
Kassandra does notice that something is weird about the restaurant but Layla seems friendly enough so she keeps coming back (maybe even starts to flirt with Layla?).
Kassandra finally sees that something is weird about the restaurant after she returns from Atlantis. This gives a message of “Kassandra’s room has been unlocked” in all the touchscreens. They bring Kassandra to the second floor and she opens the door. The room looks like a mix of her bedroom when she was a child, when she was in Kephallonia, and the home she had in Ionian Watch. On the bed was a box which she picked up. Inside is a note that says “If you drink this, you will become part of this dimension. A copy will be created to ensure that your remaining tasks as dictated by the Calculations will be fulfilled and keep the timeline stable. Warning: becoming a denizen of this dimension will mean you will be unable to leave.” and inside the box is a small bottle with an unknown liquid inside.
Considering Kassandra is effectively an immortal in canon so it's up to you if she drinks it or she's like the regular who pops in and out regardless of when the restaurant is at the moment.
The ‘cheapest’ year around Bayek’s time is 48 BCE (20,171,027,000) - Alexandria (20,000) - It is also the cheapest year in general.
Bayek becomes a regular because they buy the meat he takes from his kills for a good price, especially if it’s fresh, and also give him a discount on the food. (They don’t really need the meat but Layla insisted they try to find ways to help Bayek and this was their… ‘compromise’)
Eivor’s cheapest year is 873 (20,201,110,000) - Ravensthorpe (20,000). Strangely enough, all the people in Ravensthorpe seem to believe that they had just opened up shop. Randvi even tells Eivor that they were constructing the restaurant while Eivor was away building an alliance. Hytham vouched for them and tells Eivor they are allies of the Hidden Ones. (More mind-bending stuff from the restaurant apparently)
Minerva and Eivor… may have a thing? Minerva knows Eivor is Odin’s Sage and she remembers how Odin slept with her and used her but, at the same time, the attraction is there.
Any feasts and such are now done in the restaurant and Eivor and Randvi pay for ‘catering’.
Mandatory ‘employees’: Bayek and Eivor
Possible mandatory ‘employee’: Kassandra
Potential optional ‘employees’: Hytham - 890 (20,201,110,000), Aya - 30 BCE (20,171,027,000), Alexios (Deimos) - 422 BCE (20,181,002,000)
Unorganized Notes for the Desmond Saga:
Alright, here comes the main harem (I mean, you can totally add anyone to the harem but these are the big three that are mandatory XD)
The cheapest location in 1191 is Jerusalem for 100,000 points (“What the fuck.” “I think the pocket dimension knows what’s in ‘high demand’.”) and Desmond left to check things out (get a feel on when in 1191 they were in) and took around 1 hour and 20 minutes (costing them an additional 20,000 points).
He came back with a barely hanging in there Kadar and the touchscreens all pinged a “Kadar Al-Sayf’s room has been unlocked” and Desmond realized what the pocket dimension was trying to do. He gets Kadar to his room and opened the box, revealing a small bottle with a note attached to it that says “If Kadar Al-Sayf drinks this, he will become part of this dimension. As his part of the Calculations have already been completed, no replica will be made however, as a denizen of this dimension, Kadar Al-Sayf cannot leave this pocket dimension.”
Desmond asks Kadar if he wants to live no matter what and Kadar nods. Kadar is saved but he’s stuck in the restaurant now. He doesn’t seem to mind and admits that he became an Assassin because it’s what was expected of him. He likes cooking and helping Desmond. Kadar is a possible harem candidate but not mandatory.
Kadar also unlocks a few of the recipes and he’s the reason why Desmond realized that some of the ‘necessary supports’ have “????” in the recipe. One of them was noted as: “???? Kadar Al-Sayf ????” and Kadar mentioned how his brother could make that specific food better which makes Desmond believe that the “????” are other possible supports and it’s a hierarchy of who can make it best (from best to worst(?)/meh(?))
Kadar waits until an informant he trusts goes to the restaurant and asks the informant to tell Malik that he’s here but to not report it to anyone else and Malik visits. Kadar lies to Malik, saying that he is hiding in the kitchens so Al Mualim wouldn’t know he’s alive… because he doesn’t want to be an Assassin. This does drive a wedge between the brothers but Malik keeps quiet about Kadar’s survival and becomes a regular.
Altaïr visits the restaurant because Malik wasn’t in the bureau and he’s annoyed. Minerva and Altaïr starts glaring at each other because Altaïr is rude and Minerva is more rude so Desmond goes out to take care of Altaïr’s table while Malik is in the private tables (usually used for big party) so he can talk to Kadar and he wants Altaïr to wait… for a while.
Once it becomes clear that Malik was planning to make Altaïr for quite a while, Desmond just gives up and sits with Altaïr and talks to him (“Flirt with him.” “It’s not flirting.” “Uh-huh, Layla…” “Definitely flirting.” “Eivor.” “The stars in your eyes do not lie, Desmond.” “Minerva.” “Yes.” “Any objection from the peanut gallery? No? In conclusion: flirting!”)
After that, Altaïr becomes a regular, even going to Jerusalem on the way to his next mission even if it’s… not really on the way.
Altaïr is the first person to receive a takeout box (“I think they call that a bento box of love.” “No, it’s not.” “Desmond… you ordered the goddamn bento box from the app. It's even one of those expensive ones that keeps the food warm for hours.” “It was on sale.” “Uh-huh. You have anything to say, Kadar? You helped him make that bento box.” “It’s not a bent-” “I made the heart-shaped carrots!” “KADAR!” “I got your back, Desmond! ( ´ ▽ ` )b” “Oh my god.”)
Anyway, uuuhhh… Altaïr and Desmond start a relationship and Altaïr’s room is unlocked after Al Mualim’s death and he visits the restaurant on his way to Acre (it’s… it’s not the optimal route to take, Altaïr.) to talk to Desmond because the Apple showed him a vision of Desmond. Altaïr drinks it without hesitation and his copy is created in the room itself. It asks for Altaïr’s Apple and he gives it to the copy. They watch as the copy leaves the restaurant then… decide that the restaurant is closed for the day since their head chef was ‘busy’ celebrating.
Depending on which Ezio you’ll like to add to the restaurant/harem, the cheapest year would be AC2!Ezio: 1476 (200,911,170,000) - Monteriggioni for 100,000 points, ACB!Ezio: 1503 (201,011,160,000) - Rome (Tiber Island) for 100,000 points, ACR!Ezio: 1511 (201,111,150,000) - Constantinople (Galata District) for 100,000 points.
If you choose AC2!Ezio: he and Desmond start talking whenever he visits. Once he sees Minerva’s message, he recognized her as the quiet waitress Minerva and that’s when he’ll learn the truth from Desmond and the others. That’s also when he learned that the guy he had been flirting with was in a relationship with the legendary Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad.
If it wasn’t AC2!Ezio, Ezio would learn of Desmond early on because he recognized Minerva. Minerva likes to call him ‘prophet’ too so the jig is up before it could even begin. Ezio is a bit wary at first but he keeps coming back anyway because he has questions. Also… he just likes talking to Desmond. He’s a regular and knows about Altaïr but also knows that Altaïr seems okay with him flirting with Desmond. He and Desmond start a relationship around the midway point of ACB/ACR and is the first non-’employee’ to ever visit the second floor. (Not counting Kadar)
His room unlocks after (AC2) recovering the Apple and returning to Monteriggioni, (ACB) letting gravity take care of Cesare, and (ACR) visiting the library underneath Masyaf seeing the bones of Altaïr’s replica.
The cheapest year for Ratonhnhaké:ton is 1776 (201,210,300,000) - Davenport (100,000). Like Ravensthorpe, the people of the homestead seemed to believe that they helped build the restaurant.
Ratonhnhaké:ton becomes a regular and visits every time he returned to the homestead. As if to counter the lack of customers/regulars, the sales they get in this time period have a x1000 modifier instead. (“Where was this in Ravensthorpe, huh?!” “Stop shouting at the touchscreen. Randvi and Eivor kept us afloat and profiting, remember? Achilles can’t do that here.”)
Desmond tried to save Haytham but was unable to because of the limitations.
Ratonhnhaké:ton’s door unlocks when he gets the Apple from Washington and he joins the restaurant after trying to look for his village for three more years.
Ratonhnhaké:ton only starts a relationship with Desmond after he joins the restaurant.
Mandatory ‘employees’: Kadar, Altaïr (mandatory harem member), Ezio (mandatory harem member) and Ratonhnhaké:ton (mandatory harem member)
Potential optional ‘employees’: Adha - 1190 (200,802,050,000), Malik Al-Sayf - 1226 (200,711,170,000), Maria Thorpe - 1228 (200,711,170,000), Darim Ibn-La'Ahad - 1260 (201,111,150,000), Sef Ibn-La'Ahad - 1226 (201,111,150,000), Federico Auditore - 1476 (200,911,170,000), Yusuf Tazim - 1512 (201,111,150,000), Aveline de Grandpré - 1777 (201,210,300,000)
Hey, teecup, why are there a lot of AC1 characters??? Ah, it’s not that there are a lot of AC1 characters, it’s that there are a lot of Ibn-La'Ahad characters. I wonder why.
Unorganized Notes for the Unnamed MC Saga:
Alright, all mandatory employees here are possible harem candidates but not mandatory harem members. (actually, the same can be said for anyone that can become an employee of the time-hopping pocket dimension, especially Haytham and Edward)
Speaking of Edward Kenway! The cheapest is 1717 (201,310,290,000) - Nassau (100,000) and the restaurant sorta takes over the already established tavern there. Anne Bonny seemed to believe that she works there from 8 to 5 as a waitress and everyone just rolls with it. Especially since she calls Minerva ‘Minnie’.
Edward and the rest of his pirate ‘friends’ are regulars. Edward starts getting close to Ratonhnhaké:ton who keeps quiet about their blood relation.
They actually time-travel to 1725 (201,310,290,000) - London (100,000) and Edward is happy to see them and seemed to believe that they have opened shop in London so they stay for a while… saving up for their next time-hop. During that time, Edward and his family became regulars and young Haytham likes following Ratonhnhaké:ton around. Edward’s room finally opens on December 3, 1735 and Ratonhnhaké:ton tells him the importance of the date. If he returns home, he will die, Jennifer will be sold off and Haytham will become a Templar.
Edward refuses to drink the bottle and leaves the restaurant. Ratonhnhaké:ton knew he would pick that choice and he accepts it… then notice that the box was empty. Edward had taken the bottle.
Edward manages to get Jennifer to safety but he’s too wounded to do anything else. Desmond gets there in time to help Edward drink the bottle, hoping that it would do something. It didn’t and Edward dies in his arms instead.
When he returns to the restaurant, he learns that Edward appeared in his room and his last memory was Desmond helping him drink the bottle which meant that the Edward Desmond saw died was his replica.
They stayed to make sure Jennifer was safe (who gets taken in by the Brotherhood and smuggled out of London while Tessa and Haytham Kenway are taken by Birch to an unknown location) before Edward requests that they try to save Haytham.
Minerva warns that they cannot make any big waves. This pocket dimension wasn’t meant to change what will come to pass. It was always meant to give Desmond a reward that he desires. Desmond argues that what he desires most is to save as many people as he can so he agrees to Edward’s request.
The possible year they thought of is 1756 (201,411,111,000) - New York (100,000). One of their regulars is Shay Cormac and Ratonhnhaké:ton knows him although they seem to have to wait for a bit for Shay Cormac to meet Haytham Kenway. They asked Shay to give a message to Haytham.
So Shay kinda becomes… a tagalong to the entire Kenway drama and learns about the ‘magic’ of the restaurant after Edward shows up and Haytham recognized him as his long dead father.
I have no idea if Shay and Haytham should have rooms. It’ll be a bit awkward if they do. If they do get rooms, Haytham’s room will unlock the day he is about to meet Ratonhnhaké:ton for the first time while Shay’s door unlocks after Haytham’s death and he returns to New York because he assumed the restaurant was still there (it was… but that’s because they need more funds before they can time-hop again).
They time-hop to Paris (100,000) in 1789 (201,411,110,000) because… uuuhh… someone bought Les Mis in the app and now a few of them wants to know just how accurate Les Mis is? IDK, man, it’s getting late and I want to finish this before I go sleep. Future!me will think of a nicer reason. Or you know, keep that reason ‘cause my tired mind thinks it’s funny.
Okay, so… for this one, it would be fun if the restaurant takes over Café Théâtre and Arno’s headquarters is transferred next door. Technically, Arno would become their ‘landlord’ (“Oh god, we’re renting now???” “Capitalism.” “That is not a reason!”)
Ezio takes Arno as his ‘budding investor’ student. Clay gets roped in because Ezio believed that he and Clay should have family quality time. Arno thinks they’re cousins.
Arno’s room opens after he returns to Paris after the Dead Kings DLC (they can also time-hop to Saint-Denis in 1794 for 300,000 + 201,501,150,000 points. Their call.)
They go to London (100,000) in 1868 (201,510,230,000) because Edward wanted to check on what happened to the Kenway mansion, I guess? Anyway, because they saved Jennifer, her descendant is now the mentor of the London Assassins but the Kenway mansion has been abandoned because… well… Templars.
It doesn’t really change Syndicate’s plot all that much. Only that Jayadeep is reporting to the mentor who had specifically told him not to do anything because Starrick has dug his claws too deeply in London already. Trying to assassinate him now (and his allies) would only fuck them up later on if they don’t have a fallout plan in place.
The Frye twins don’t have a fallout plan in place but that’s really not all that important to the restaurant plot, I guess?
Anyway, the restaurant gets the Rooks as regular. If we’re not making Arno or/and Jacob harem members, Jacob flirts with Arno badly and you can spin this as FrenchFrye. If they are harem members, FrenchFrye is also possible and it’s a case of FrenchFrye + Desmond. Go wild.
God, I may be getting too sleepy, I think this block might be more ‘suggestions’ than actual plot points, sorry, nonny
Anyway, Evie’s room opens after Starrick is dealt with. (and she might have an extra bottle for a special someone, hhhmmm?) Jacob believes he’s not been ‘chosen’ but that’s fine with him.
They might have time-hop somewhere else for a while then returned to London (100,000) in 1888 (201,512,150,000) where they learn that Jacob is missing.
Desmond takes Evie’s place since she’s stuck in the pocket dimension and Jack the Ripper DLC happens. At the end, Jacob’s room opens and he joins the restaurant.
Mandatory ‘employees’: Arno, Evie, Jacob
Possible mandatory ‘employees’: Shay, Haytham, Jayadeep (for Evie)
Potential optional ‘employees’: Anne Bonny and Mary Read - 1721 (201,310,290,000), Adéwalé - 1758 (201,402,180,000), Élise de la Serre - 1794 (201,411,110,000), Lydia Frye - 1919 (201,510,230,000)
Modern Day Era and Other Unorganized Notes (Honestly I just cut the notes up because blocks have a character limit and an entire list is considered 1 block)
If you think the whole ‘can’t leave’ part is too much, it’s a lie. There’s an item in the shopping app that does let them ‘leave’ in the sense that they will have the same limitation as Desmond does. It’s a tacky-looking bracelet called “Break Time Pass” that can be purchased for “99,999,999,999,999” points. It’s one of the most expensive items in the app, it does not appear if searched or if they use the ‘highest price first’ sort in the ‘all items’ page, its ‘store’ can only be found by going thru a lot of pages and it will never go on sale BUT it can be purchased as many times as they want and anyone can use it.
I know there are too many people for a restaurant but… you know… shifts and stuff.
Potential optional ‘employees’: Basim Ibn Ishaq - 2024 (20,231,012,000,000), Shaun Hastings and Rebecca Crane - 2025 (20,091,117,000,000), Lucy Stillman - 2012 (20,071,117,000,000), Lucas Clarkson (possibly also Darcy) - 2029 (20,201,029,000,000) (Possible timeline anomaly, Minerva believes that this year is an offshoot of some kind and not the main timeline that they came from)
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forlorn-crows · 7 months
You can't just ask me this crow, I'm so bitchy bestie-
So I'm gonna give you two I'm most bitchy about :)!
Ghoul characterized wrong? It's Rain. Oh my god. It's rain all the way, people either make him a shy little thing uwu boy or he's a massive bitch. Not even a fun bitch, like genuinely I've seen some people write him as being so snarky and nasty for literally no reason and it drives me up the walls!!!!! Like yes he can be bitchy, he's a little sharp tongued at times, but he's not? Malicious? Or cold-hearted? Honestly it's more recent I've noticed the shift towards bitchy Rain than anything else, like end of last tour coming into this one but this one especially. It frustrates me to nooo end because like, stop it, I'm putting him up on a shelf you can have him back when you learn to be nice to my babygirl.
Ghoulette? Cumulus but especially Lus when she's shipped with other ghouls. By herself she's seemingly always the mom casted character (I'm pretty sure you've heard my feelings on this already so I won't bore you with that rant today) and just sooooo bland, but when she's shipped with any of the boys (90% of the time it's Mountain specifically) it feels like she literally doesn't care about them? Feels like she's written as just tolerating their affections, its rarely ever her being actively in love with someone else.....?? I think thats why I'm so fond of the way you write her and Mountain tbh, because it actually feels like she, yknow, likes him.
I have opinions man.
- Void
we're here to biiitch lets goooo (though i said it already, when it boils down to it, there is very little i seriously have a problem with when it comes to how we as a community write ghouls that technically dont even have fucking names lmao. its just interesting to see what irks people, and how true some of the patterns can be amongst fellow creatives)
malicious is def the word i was trying to find when speaking about dew being written as mean. look, i love mean rain as much as the next person. bc mean rain is hooot. but hes not 'mean for the sake of being mean' like i said. as a person. obviously kink and scenes are very different, i'll try to stick to speaking about character as a whole. but, i get what you mean, its like, im pretty sure he exists somewhere in the middle there?
and some others have some thoughts about the 'uwu boys' as well. and yeah, honestly? i want my ghouls to read as old as fuck hellbeasts. i dont want them reading like innocent children. and i dont want to get in a debate about agre either, bc thats a different boat, but thats part of the reason i dont read or write agre. rain is not a dainty shy innocent uwu little creature. he is strange and offputting and confident and reserved when he needs to be etc etc.
again, ive got specific stuff to go over about lus. but, i do think you bring up a good point about writing the ghoulettes in relation to the ghouls. which, as a bi woman, why dont we write different gender pairings moree????? hello????? again, different topic, not the task at hand. but i think it has to do with what you're saying here. its like there's a piece missing in their interactions. and sometimes it can get into objectification territory bc they arent fleshed out properly.
if were saying the ghouls are poly....then the GHOULS. ARE. POLY. you know what im saying?? its not just the group of 'boys' and the group of 'girls'. i want the in between too. and i'll always make a point to write more of it. thank you for being fond of my mountlus, bc i am very fond of them and their relationship.
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basilone · 4 months
I was tagged by @onehelluvamarine, ty! 💚
A band you don’t like that many others do:
Coldplay. I am absolutely mesmerized by how popular they are, because every single song of theirs I’ve ever heard gets on my last nerve.
A childhood memory that you remember vividly:
I used to do ballet and got to perform in a huge theatre once. I remember hanging out backstage, watching the older dancers, getting to see what the lighting crew was doing… It was a brilliant time, though the hassle to get hair and make-up done had a lot of people yelling and losing the plot. (I learned how to do stage make-up myself when I was a lil older, partially because that’s how you roll in drama classes but also because of that experience hahaha!)
Least favorite animal and why:
Listen. Listen to me. We do not need lightbulb fish. We do not need them. We do not require their presence in our waters.
Hot fandom take:
Do you know how many hot takes can fit in me? It’s a lot. I’m going to go with two hot takes because it’s my party and y’all have never ever seen me post one to this blog before.
Numero uno: readerfic is not OC fic, OC fic is not readerfic. If you name your character, it’s an OC. Even if you write them in first or second person POV. If you write Y/N, it’s readerfic no matter how much backstory you try to chuck at it. Learn to tag it properly. A fic cannot have both the canon character/OC and canon character/reader tags. Please do my last remaining pieces of sanity a favor and don’t make me read Y/N with my own two eyeballs just because you mistagged your fic.
Numero two: smut belongs under the cut. I don’t make the rules. If you start your fic with smut of any kind, put it under a readmore. Especially do this if that smut contains highly specific kinks. Aside from the fact that there are minors on this website who’ve got no business being subjected to that, people should be given the choice whether they want to see that level of smut on their daily newspaper dashboard scrollthrough first thing in the morning.
Do you wear any jewelry, if so, what’s your favorite piece:
I do, though not all the time. One of my fave pieces is a small ring with an eight-pointed star that I wear on my pinky finger.
A movie others liked but you didn’t:
Titanic. I know it’s got many many many fans, but I was cheering that iceberg on.
Three things you love about yourself:
My creativity, my ability to switch gears and learn on the fly, and my hair that does whatever I want it to do.
A place you hope to visit in the future and why:
Dude, have you seen the state of the world lately? I think I’m just gonna hope to visit my bed later on today, much safer.
An actor that gets on your nerves and why:
I have Tom Cruise blacklisted on this hellsite for good reason. The good reason being that I think he’s batshit and that people should stop entertaining his presence in anything. I’m not drinking that cult juice, thanks.
Things you’re excited for in the nearby future?
My birthday’s coming up on Feb 9!
Least favorite ship in a fandom you’re in:
At the risk of getting utterly disowned by a good number of folks that follow me: Webgott. I have gone for an outing or two in this ship, if memory serves me correctly, and I think I understand why people like it. I love banter in a ship as much as the next person, and the push-pull of opposites can be fun. But I also think Lieb deserves a lot more than someone who’s fundamentally at odds with his life and his POV. I think that the discussion they have in that final ep is indicative of something so major that it is a dealbreaker in that ship. (Plus, Web is just… not my fave character. Putting this mildly.)
What’s the most toxic fandom you’ve been in?
Vikings. Hands down, no contest. Absolute toxic cesspool of lies, backstabbing, and badmouthing. There are a few very good reasons why I’m no longer on speaking terms with people I used to call friends (at least one of whom was also in our lovely little war fandom back in the day) and why I’ve all but given up on doing any new gifsets or writing in that fandom for the foreseeable future.
List three things you find beautiful about life:
I’m gonna all caps this like a particularly obnoxious internet citizen because !! important !!
Any dreams for the future?
I just want to live a life that’s good. I don’t really do future plans or dreams, it’s all vibes. I will know the move I need to make in the moment it needs making. Everything else is confetti.
How are you really feeling today?
Tired! (She says while about to embark on a screencap-to-gif journey. You might note the tiredness by the fact that I have completely lost my filter somewhere down the line of answering these questions, lol.)
lmao I feel like half this fandom got tagged already and I’m very shit at remembering usernames and who likes tagging games sooooo. uhm. ain’t tagging anybody today.
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“What brings you here, anyway?” He tilts his head. “Who are you?”
“No one,” she says without thinking. Pulse spiking and palms going clammy, a moment later.
His eyebrows shoot up. “‘No one?’ Huh, your parents were certainly creative. I’m Gar.”
Flustered, she shakes her head. “Tara. My name is Tara. It’s just…” She folds her arms. “I’m not exactly supposed to be here.”
“But of course, the price of resources has skyrocketed. Our product, in turn, has been forced to…”
“How is your mother? Ever since I caught word of her illness…”
“I do relish the caviar. I believe our gracious hosts have opted for the Beluga sturgeon variety. It has a certain note of…”
It’s… It’s huge. Huge, and bathed in gold and silver, half-filled with whirling reds, and greens, and blues fanning out in full, elegant skirts. Spotted with crisply tailored tuxedos in shades of black and charcoal and white. Tables laden high and heavy with more kinds of food than she could imagine.
A shoulder hits her back.
Tara stumbles and flushes and catches her balance and turns around, but there’s no one there. Er– there’s lots of people there. People looking her way, wondering about the underdressed, unaccompanied, and awkward girl gaping like a waif off the street–
Tara forces one foot forward. The next. Step by step, and she’s ghosting across the edge of the echoing ballroom. Avoiding the tide. Struggling not to get pulled adrift into the sea of well-dressed, well-mannered bodies. But she can’t keep her eyes from wandering the room.
They’re all so tall, and confident, and dressed in silks and shades she’s never even heard of, talking about things strange enough to be another language, about owning companies, and kingdoms, and ships, and–
Tara freezes. Her heart lodges in her throat.
Gregor stands tall and proud, talking eloquently and energetically with a couple dripping with… diamonds. Those are diamonds. Gregor makes a point, tilting his head and lifting his eyebrows, and the red-handkerchiefed gentleman nods. An impressed smile graces his mustached lips. The lady next to him, color-coordinated with the handkerchief, looks ready to adopt Gregor. And Gregor, he… He isn’t looking this way.
Tara breathes out and shuffles a few steps back. She turns and ducks behind a pillar, careful to keep her movements casual and– and normal. This is normal. These things happen every day, she attends these things every day, she– she knows what she’s doing.
With long strides, she walks away from her brother. Ha, brother? Who? What brother? Don’t mind her, just keep talking, don’t look back…
Tara stops in the corner. A vantage point, where she can see– well, not everything, but most of it. But a lot of it. And…
She sags back against the cool, marble walls.
No sign of Brion. No sign of… of anyone else she knows.
Which is good, right? No one she knows, then no one who knows her. No one who can recognize and tell on her, no one who can get her into… trouble.
Seas, and seas drift by. Dress, after suit, after dress. Talking. Laughing. Back and forth, and all around, and no one– No one looks her way.
Why was she worried?
Tara curls her hand around the bruises on her wrist, squeezing her eyes shut as the pressure wells in her head. T–this was dumb. She’s risking Elodie’s wrath for this? Why did she even–
Rippling, care-free laughter rides the air. Above the clamor, above the static of nonsense. It rolls over her ears like a message, light and musical like a– like a river stream or something. Nothing like the false brass of forced belly laughs, or the broken glass chitter of a mouth-covered giggle…
It rings in her head. Bouncing off the walls of her skull long after it’s finished. Tara bites her lip and lifts her head. She pushes off the wall. She lifts onto her toes, peering over a hundred heads of perfectly coiffed hair…
There. A boy halfway across the room, dressed in a sea green tuxedo with his dark hair neatly slicked, his head tipped back.
Face still quirked in laughter to the amusement of the handful of adults stationed around him.
How old is he? About… could he be twelve? He… seems to be having fun. He seems to know how these things work.
He seems to belong here.
The boy opens his eyes. It’s too far to really see, but she thinks they might be green. And he… looks directly at her. And scrunches his nose in another smile.
Tara drops onto her flat feet. She checks over her shoulder.
No one in particular. No one looking his way. No one he could be… smiling at.
She looks back at the boy. He is looking at her, and he tips his head to the crowd around him, whose focuses have all shifted back to each other. And he rolls his eyes.
Tara’s heart thuds in her chest. A slow grin spreads over her face. She lets the tip of her tongue poke out, just for a second.
The boy crosses his eyes.
The sound of her own laugh under her breath startles her. Tara sets her finger on the skin beneath her eye and pulls it down, zombie style, and he…
Oh. He’s turning away. Nudging the shoulder of the man next to him, deep in conversation with a sharp-eyed, clean-shaven monolith. The boy says something. The man dismisses him with a gesture, never tearing his eyes or his attention from the conversation. The boy makes a face.
Tara glances around. She takes a step back, toward the balcony. It’s, um, it’s quieter out there, and less crowded, and there aren’t nearly as many people, or as much chance of getting spotted, and–
Surprise ties her in place as she takes one more glance. One more look over her shoulder that she shouldn’t. And sees the boy slip past the adults. And begin making his way across the floor to her.
Her drum of a heart takes up a pulsing rhythm again at the sight. At his hands in his pockets. At impossibly green, gold-flecked eyes gazing out beneath perfect dark hair, and perfect dark lashes. They are locked on… on her. And they sparkle.
He stops a few feet away. “Hey.” He rocks back on his heels. The smile never left his face. The best Tara’s ever seen, boyish and charming and shy, all wrapped up in a gap-toothed grin. “Where do cows go dancing?”
Something in Tara’s brain stutters. She blinks. “Excuse me?”
A sparkle. And a mischievous glint. “The meatball.”
There is the strangest, longest, briefest second, between his joke and her understanding, before the gold-inlaid floor fills her vision as she doubles over laughing.
When she straightens, it’s a new grin gracing his lips. Delighted. Relaxed.
“You came all the way over here to tell me that?” Tara shakes her head.
He shrugs, shoulders nearly touching his ears. “I–uh… Wanted to hear you laugh up close.”
Warmth floods her face and arms. Tucking her hair behind her ear, she lets out another laugh, this one nervous and not by choice.
She has never heard anyone say anything like that before.
“What brings you here, anyway?” He tilts his head. “Who are you?”
“No one,” she says without thinking. Pulse spiking and palms going clammy, a moment later.
His eyebrows shoot up. “‘No one?’ Huh, your parents were certainly creative. I’m Gar.”
Flustered, she shakes her head. “Tara. My name is Tara. It’s just…” She folds her arms. “I’m not exactly supposed to be here.”
Danger. Slipping from her lips. She checks over her shoulder, no one around, there’s no one around, right…?
Gar’s grin catches and pulls her attention back to him as it turns crooked, tugging on one side of his mouth. Revealing neat, white teeth. “A stowaway!” He holds out his hand, nodding to the doorway behind her shedding moonlight. “Let’s hide on the balcony.”
Tara stares at the offered palm. Her blood clamors in her veins, an uncertain marching band composed entirely of drums and cymbals.
“They’ve asked for my help upstairs. Just stay here.” Elodie had tied and untied the apron around her waist with a faraway look in her eyes. “Don’t go anywhere, and don’t talk to anyone. They’ll all be up there. Dukes, and earls, and countesses… And the last thing we need is you meeting the prime minister.” Her hand on the doorknob. Her mind on the dance floor. “Stay here.”
And she forgot to lock the door.
…But that doesn’t have anything to do with Gar. He won’t know unless she tells him, she won’t tell him, and everything will be fine. And the ‘don’t talk to anyone’… That wouldn’t even mean him, would it? Not Gar, with the beautiful eyes and the gentle smile. Not a boy her own age, just looking for some… Company? Fun? What is he looking for?
…It doesn’t matter. She’s knee deep as soon as they find out, anyway.
So Tara fits her fingers between Gar’s. And together, they escape into the crisp night.
The polite din of a party nearly two hundred strong fades into static. Tara hears her own breath, slow and shallow.
“Do you like constellations?”
She tears her gaze away from her hand, wrapped up in the secure, warm brown of his. He sees her looking and quickly lets go. Immediately, the North wind turns her hand cold.
Tara rubs it with her other hand and swallows. What was his question? “I– yeah. I love them.”
Gar looks at her like it’s a secret. Like the commonality is a shared shred of soul. “Me too. Show me your favorite.”
She folds her arms across the top of the banister, searching the skies for what she knows isn’t there any more. “Hydra. The sea serpent. But you can’t see it after May.”
“Funny.” Gar huffs a laugh. “We get that one in the southern hemisphere too.”
From the corner of her eye, Tara steals a glance. “The southern hemisphere?”
“I live in Africa. My parents are scientists.”
Her heart twinges painfully. “They’re here for the charity ball.”
He nods. “Why the sea serpent?”
Tara swallows. “I don’t know. I guess… Well, it’s the largest constellation in the sky.”
“Cool,” Gar says softly. Not good enough. He already knows that.
“It takes hours to rise at night,” Tara blurts out. “And…” She hesitates. His question ringing in her head. Why, why… “I like… how it does its own thing,” she finishes lamely.
“I like the Jewel Box cluster.” Gar hops up onto the railing. Like, actually sits on it, dangling his tuxedoed legs off the side and revealing rumpled black dress socks falling down his ankles. “It looks like four stars. Until you get a telescope and find out it’s hundreds.”
Tara bites into her lip. She steals a glance over her shoulder.
Half open doors, hesitantly admitting the night. It’s immediately drowned out by dozens of chandeliers and a ten piece instrumental band. There is no sign of her brothers.
Tara breathes out. And she turns back toward the stars, taking Gar’s hand and swinging herself up onto the bannister next to him. She pushes her hair out of her face. She asks, a little breathless, “What else do you like, Gar from Africa?”
His eyes shine stranger and deeper than the gaps in the galaxy. “Dude, so many things.”
“Tell me.”
Hours fall by, sand in an hourglass. The magnetism of his smile, his laugh, his casual attention draws her ever nearer. A black hole of infatuation. A night sky of potential.
It is worth every silent, locked-in hour that follows.
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tolkienpinupcalendar · 5 months
I really need to know whose favourite femslash pairing is Ecthelion and Dís because that has to be the most niche thing I've ever heard of and I'm really thinking one of the characters has to have been misnamed... (though I've also spent a fair bit of my morning thinking about how to get around the 5000 year gap between lifetimes and the pesky fact Ecthelion is dead... Dear reader, it's so very cracky but I might have to write it)
There is a Steward of Gondor named Ecthelion, Denethor's father (Thranduil mentions him briefly during BOTFA). Though I don't see why you couldn't insert Ecthelion of the Fountain into this ship! We're all for taking creative liberties. 😄
- Mod Mattie
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closingwaters · 8 months
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TIMING: A few days ago
PARTIES: @plunderwater @closingwaters
SUMMARY: Upon hearing that a nereid had her magic stolen, Teagan sets out to find the culprit, leading her to Aika (Shan). The two banter, threats are thrown around, but the two come to a mutually beneficial agreement.
For the longest time, Shan wondered why they called it the Drowned Ship Gardens. It looked more like a graveyard to the transformed selkie, not anything resembling a garden. Her first swim down there led to an…interesting encounter with its self-proclaimed guardian, one that Shan had never pursued again. Succeeding swims became much more creative, finding ways to get in and around the place without the annoying singer’s notice. Or maybe Cordelia has always seen her, just not cared enough to pick a fight with a “harmless” seal.
The last time Shan had been in the area, however, a young ocean nymph tried to upset her. She knew the nymph was young because the latter didn’t seem to know what Shan was. Or maybe she did, just not convinced she was something to be feared. Days after that interaction, the selkie turned the nymph into a willing accomplice, a ‘friend,’ so to speak. Until of course the selkie’s need to recharge her pelt outweighed the ‘friendship’ of the nymph. 
“There went my ticket to the Gardens,” Shan heaved a sigh as she took a sip of her tea on the balcony of the Codfather. Pays to be related to one of its owners. The sudden trip down recent memory lane made her feel sad, more than the fact that she had stolen an innocent nymph’s magic for her own selfish reasons. “Cordelia would most likely have my head if I showed it around those parts right now… Might need to lay low for a while. Shame.”
Teagan made a point to visit the ocean after meeting Marina. Even with the beautiful nereid gone, it was easy to slip onto the beach and appreciate the ocean’s beauty. She’d even hover her hand over the water just enough to feel a soft hum. Ever so faint due to the salt within it, or so she thought. For all Teagan knew, the sensation was in her head, knowing that the ocean was not her element. She could do nothing for it besides support her fellow nymphs. 
That was what she set out to do that day, really. Down the pipeline, what fae the nix knew spoke of a selkie that had stolen her cousin’s magic. It was a distasteful act, one that required swift justice to be dealt out, and Teagan was determined to ensure that happened. “I’m looking for a woman named Aika, have you seen her?” She smiled sweetly at the hostess, who looked incredibly perplexed and suspicious. “Oh my, sorry–a bit distracted by your hair. It’s gorgeous…” She looked at the badge, “Kathy!” The employee’s brows rose with bashful surprise, and she smiled back finally. “Thank you…” 
Perfect, Teagan was excited to see that it was so easy to get a small bind. “I’ll take that gratitude and would like appreciation shown by you taking me to Aika’s table. I heard she was here.” Kathy’s eyes went blank with obedience, and Teagan was quickly led the nix to a woman who matched the poor nereid's description. Except, she left out the fact that Aika was absolutely gorgeous. “Leave us,” She waved Kathy off and slipped into a seat at Aika’s table. Her stare was intense and ready, blue and brown searing into the selkie. 
“Hear ya like to steal magic?”
As someone who has to take magic from spellcasters and especially the fae, Shan has developed a contingency to ensure her real name wouldn’t be a vulnerability. Years of dealing with the delicious tricksters only strengthened her own personal belief that words have power, and a person’s name can be used as a weapon. That’s why she has taken great effort into developing alternate identities, using different names. These also help with the less interesting laws of boring humans — Lin Ye Shan may never be able to step foot in Macau again, but Aika Chan would have no problem swindling old rich men with terrible gambling habits and an even terrible string of bad luck.
“Hm?” With eyes narrowed in suspicion, Shan turned to face the stranger Katarina had brought to her. What a betrayal. Katarina, now Kathy, had sought Shan, then Zhenchen, for help escaping her very small and very weird village in Eastern Europe. If it wasn’t for Zhenchen, actually Shan, Kathyrina wouldn’t have made a less weird and definitely much safer life in Wicked’s Rest as a part-time hostess at Shan’s relative’s swanky restaurant, the Codfather. And now she does this? Kitty Kat may end up losing her job if she keeps this up, and even this life, considering she has no more useful secrets to share. “And who might you be?”
Shan had to give credit where credit was due, though. At least the stranger the hostess brought to her was beautiful. She wasn’t the first pretty face with heterochromia the selkie has ever met, and bedded, but she was definitely in her own category. “Is that a pick-up line?” she purred, leaning forward to take in the other woman’s scent and features, all while playfully smirking at her. “But since you’re easy on the eyes, I’ll bite — What do you mean by that, hm?”
Pretty and witty, a deadly combination for the nix who had a particular fondness for the type. It was one of the many reasons Arden was so easy to drink up, and now Teagan was greedy for every glass the woman offered. “Ah…” Her lips curled into a smile, gaze turning dark as she moved past the flirtations. She couldn’t get distracted. “Believe me, lass…” Teagan leaned in, intensely. “You’d know if I was flirting. We’d already be in my bed if I was.” 
Something shone in Teagan’s eyes, foreboding and twisted. Pretty as Aika was, she’d hurt a cousin. That’s not something she could stand for, her dedication to her kind deeply rooted. “I’m Teagan.” Her gaze remained strong, expression dead. “Hope that bite’s strong because if you’re the one who took a poor nereid’s magic, then we’re about to have a bit of an altercation.” Scrunching her nose platfully, Teagan shrugged and shivered with anger so strong that it spilled over into appearing like glee. “Do you get what I mean now?”
“Well,” Shan raised an eyebrow, just as intrigued as she was impressed. “Aren’t you confident?” The selkie would be lying if she didn’t admit to herself she was fond of confident people. That and she was a sight for sore eyes. Especially with those eyes. Quite a delicious combination. Dangerous. Dark. Two things that almost always drew her in. Like a hungry seal to some free fish. Although Shan wasn’t quite sure if she was that hungry, and if this fish was even free. 
“Teagan, hmm?” Shan tried to remember if she had anything on anyone named Teagan but nothing came to her at that moment in time. “I do like my tea, but I’m not sure what you’re talking about…” Discreetly, she looked around to see if there were any other eavesdroppers, using another sip of her drink as cover, before grinning when she realized there was none. Heaving an annoyed sigh, which was followed immediately by an unintentional yawn, she turned her attention to the view. “...so let me try to make sense of all this — someone took a…nereid’s magic, you think it’s me, and now you’re here to avenge your…sibling’s misfortune?”
Teagan’s smile curled wickedly while she watched Shan’s expression turn into one of surprise. “Of course. Every scar is a lesson, and let me tell you,” She steepled her fingers, tapping them together. “I’ve learned much. Too much. So yes, I’m confident.” People rarely expected someone who looked like her to have confidence in that particular manner. Flirting? Sure, she had the looks for it. But confidence in the ability to exact violence and hold her own in a fight? Hardly anyone expected that from Teagan, and it was one of her favorite pastimes to prove them wrong.
“Lying is such a human thing, Aika. It’s pathetic and weak. Not even my human resorts to such a thing.” Well, as far as she knew, at least. Teagan was confident though, fully believing Arden to use honesty with her, where it counted the most. When it comes to emotions or issues of the heart, Teagan was even confident there. Which was more than most could say. More than she could say, even. But that was different. She wasn’t hiding to preserve herself, she was doing it to protect Arden. 
“I’m here to avenge my cousin.” Teagan began, rubbing her temples while she relayed what she’d learned. “We fae are closely knit, so as soon as I heard that a nereid had lost her magic, I immediately thought…hunter.” She giggled, genuinely happy she didn’t have to deal with that flavor of rage. Keeping her composure was important, and had Aika been a hunter, blood would have surely already painted the area. “But no, she said a woman named Aika did that to her. And lo and behold, your name is Aika.” Releasing part of the illusion, Teagan presented her claws, flexing them and digging them into the table. “So quit dilly-dallying.”
Shan grimaced at the idea of getting scars anywhere on her perfect skin. If she could, she would always avoid them, and she usually did, but she wasn’t delusional. Sooner or later, one of her…adventures was going to give her a bad one, but that was what the spellcasters she spared were for. Glamorous and all that. Like the one on her teeth right now. “Wouldn’t it be so that if you get more than one scar, then that means you never learned the lesson from the first one?” Semantics. Nothing but. But Shan did enjoy the game of words more than the game of fists. 
“A human thing…” Shan purred, downplaying the gravity of the tense situation. She feigned wonder, confusion, as she heaved a sigh and leaned back on her chair, appearing way too comfortable for a woman who was being confronted by a vengeful fae. Then again, story of her life. What sin did she commit in her past life to have such a terrible pelt, she knew she’d never find out in this one. She wasn’t even sure she’d survive to the end, to see her pelt fixed and no longer in need of a desperate fix every so often, more times than she could relax, uninterrupted by vengeful sons and daughters, siblings, and now apparently cousins. 
“Humans barely craft the lie. In my experience, the fae are so much better at it than them,” she gestured toward Teagan’s claws, implying the use of illusions as a lie, a notion that Shan wholeheartedly agrees with, using a glamour herself to play with the boring mammals on land. “I doubt your…cousin would’ve survived to tell the tale if I was a hunter. Those folks are uninspired, killing for the sake of killing…” She heaved another sigh, lamenting the many lost fae lives that could’ve recharged her pelt with little to minimal death. “What a waste!”
“If you want the truth,” Shan prepared the lie. “...I am truly sorry that your cousin had to lose her…magic.” The selkie cared about no other lives than hers. If her pelt wasn’t such a malfunctioning piece of work, maybe she’d have the privilege to care about strangers. As it stood, she wouldn’t get any close to that if she died right then and there. “But we were deep in those cold waters, and if I didn’t…‘borrow’ her magic, I would’ve frozen to death. Worse? The panic would’ve ended her, too.” A truth, though any mention of her vulnerable pelt was omitted to ensure her own survival. “I would’ve apologized to her in person but…I feared I’d drown if I returned to her.”
“Never said what type of lesson.” Her eyes went dark, expression reflecting everything she’d seen, how the wars had marked her. “Learned how to handle pain, and inflict it tenfold. Make theirs worse. The kind they couldn’t heal because, you know, you can’t heal when you’re dead.” A smile, a big one, that didn’t quite reach Teagan’s eyes, spread across her lips, an expression far darker than it was before. Aika was good at words, but her skill was no match for the nix. She was nothing compared to the skill of a fae.
Taking a deep breath, the smile disappeared, catching Aika’s insinuation. A fair one, if Teagan were honest with herself. She seldom was, but this wasn’t a matter of the darkness in her heart. This was her nature, her very appearance. She wouldn’t stand for it. “Another form, dear. Both me. Both beautiful.” Her claws lengthened the marks on the table, and Teagan was about to throw the table aside and make her attack, but Aika’s explanation gave her pause. A creature of water herself, it seemed. Hunted as well. Teagan sighed, irked that she understood what Aika had to do. That didn’t mean she had to like it, though.
“I know you’re not sorry.” She began, her hands returning to flesh. “Survival of your nature is rarely met with guilt. I can accept that. But…” Teagan rose from her seat, kneeling next to Aika to show her she could be reasoned with. Maybe Aika wasn’t fae, but she was of the water. A deal could be made. “Perhaps we can have something arranged?” Searching the woman’s eyes, Teagan’s own began to have light once again, compassion blooming. “I’ll find you a caster and you give her back her magic. Take the caster’s instead, and everything will be forgiven. Maybe…” She paused, looking Aika up and down to return the looks she’d given Teagan. “Maybe even rewarded.”
Shan paused, frowning. There was nothing else she could do when her eyes met Teagan’s. The selkie was adept at bending words to suit her favor, more than happy to profit from her silver tongue, but there was much to be said for the fae’s expertise at the field. It was like comparing a werewolf to a kitsune or a vampire to a zombie. Either way, she realized as she stole a glimpse of the restaurant’s interior, she’d rather not risk losing a very useful tool in her machinations, present and future. “Dead can be final,” she muttered as she took another sip of her tea, eyes glued on the dangerous individual in front of her. “...for some of us.”
Shan watched Teagan’s claws violate the wood of the table. What was it again? Fall collection, IKEA? She felt the tension rise, as if the other woman was about to cause a very violent scene, but remained calm. Shan was quick. She was fast. Very agile, but only because she wasn’t physically strong, especially not in a fight, not in those close quarters. The selkie had already braced herself to move when Teagan relaxed, withdrawing her, well, weaponry. “Something?” She raised an eyebrow, curious at the proposition, more so at the propositioner. The edge of her lips slowly curled into a smile. She liked that idea. All of it. 
“Maybe… But what kind of reward?” The selkie bit her lower lip, already knowing the implication. Still, she would like it more if she heard the words from her mouth. There was no declining the offer on her side obviously. Shan would prefer not making an enemy of the nix. It would be a shame for all this to end in physicality, especially outside of bed.
Teagan enjoyed the way Aika began to falter, the fight in her recoiling as she realized she had met her match. It was a satisfying sight, but there were other matters to focus on. She smiled, a little warmer that go-around. “Something, yes.” Teagan nodded slowly, leaning in and slowly tracing Aika’s jawline with her index finger. 
She watched as the woman bit her lip, the action alone enough to be a sign of agreement. But, as deals go, Teagan figured she should at least elaborate on the final details before she took anything in finality. There was more fun to be had, and she didn’t need trickery to get there.
“The kind of reward that messes up the bed, Aika.” With a boop to Aika’s nose, Teagan giggled and scrunched her nose playfully. “Now, we’ve got a deal, eh?” To seal it, the nix closed the distance between their lips, kissing Aika firmly for a few beats before pulling away with a grin. “But don’t get any ideas and don’t fall in love with me. Someone’s already got me…what’s the saying?” She tapped her chin, clapping her hands together when she found the answer. “Ah yes. Wrapped around their beautiful finger.”
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I was tagged by @magic-ace in this post where they wanted me to answer all of them, so here it is:
🎱 ⇢ post your AO3 total stats
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🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction?
A classic tale of "my favorite character didn't get enough screen time" led to this.
🌵 ⇢ share the link to a playlist you love
🕯️ ⇢ on a scale from 1 to 10, how much do you enjoy editing? why is that?
Give it a 5. I don't mind it but it's difficult to focus on the proofreading side of it.
🛼 ⇢ describe your latest wip with five emojis
🥑 ⇢ you accidentally killed somebody, which mutual(s) do you text for help?
@magic-ace @mecha-milkers @i-am-an-omen
🥤 ⇢ recommend an author or fanfic you love
I haven't finished it, but Descent by Zakharie.
💌 ⇢ how many unread emails do you have right now?
🌻 ⇢ tag someone you appreciate but don't talk to on a regular basis
🐇 ⇢ do you prefer writing original characters, reader inserts, or a mix of both?
Original characters. Reader inserts aren't for me.
🧃 ⇢ share some personal lore you never posted about before
I will share one of my favorite taekwondo stories from many years ago because I think it is funny. Two different short dads I was sparring with managed to accidentally nail me in the face with the same kick on two different occasions, months apart. (You cannot hit the face in taekwondo but going for a headshot it happens a lot.) The first time miraculously didn't knock out any teeth but my upper lip got stuck in my braces and I had to rip it out while laughing maniacally. I looked like a corpse for weeks. The second time was straight in the nose, so my nose is still slightly crooked and makes a crunchy noise if I wiggle it to this day.
Both of the dads felt terrible but I was a teenage boy so I thought blood on my uniform was cool.
The "short dad curse" was real for a bit there and the only reason it hasn't continued is because I am now the short dad myself.
🎲 ⇢ what stops you from writing more in your free time?
I don't have this problem.
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
Knock Out and Breakdown roughhouse a lot.
🧸 ⇢ what's the fastest way to become your mutual?
Reblog my shit with silly tags.
🪐 ⇢ name three good things going on in your life right now
I'm learning to animate, which is cool.
I'm feeling a little more hopeful about finishing my degree.
My friends are wonderful.
📚 ⇢ what's the last thing you wrote down in your notes app?
I don't use the notes app.
🍬 ⇢ post an unpopular opinion about a popular fandom character
I know better than to share that on this hellsite.
🔪 ⇢ what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
Typical murder-related writing searches.
🦷 ⇢ share some personal wisdom or a life hack you swear on
I got a small notebook to write tasks in, things I've done, what and when I ate, etc. This has been very helpful for memory loss and blackouts.
❄️ ⇢ what's your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best?
Don't have one, but one of these days I want to write something more hopeful, something along the lines of a 2010s-era superhero cartoon but as a novel. Don't have a plot for that one yet. It's rotating in my head, though.
🌿 ⇢ give some advice on writer's block and low creativity
One of the best pieces of writing advice I ever heard was "give yourself permission to suck." When you sit down to write you can't be fixated on making it perfect the first time. All your first draft has to do is exist. Anything you write down you can change later, but you gotta get it down first.
🥐 ⇢ name one internet reference that will always make you laugh
My roommate and I keep saying "inch resting" and "ingredience" to each other.
🏜️ ⇢ what's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
🍦 ⇢ name three good things about a character you hate
He makes admittedly funny puns. That's it. That's all I'm giving Silas.
🥝 ⇢ do you lie a lot? what's the most recent lie you told?
I don't lie except for safety.
🦋 ⇢ share something that has been on your heart and mind lately
🦴 ⇢ is there a piece of media that inspires your writing?
A few.
🍅 ⇢ give yourself some constructive criticism on your own writing
Don't give my characters enough time to "rest"--it's one crisis after the other. That's the way I like it but someone get em therapy what the hell
🐚 ⇢ do you like or dislike surprises?
It depends what kind.
🪲 ⇢ add 50 words to your current wip and share the paragraph here
She barely made it halfway down to the gallows before something slammed into her, knocking her into the side of the building and shattering a line of windows. The crowd gasped and looked up, and then all Suncatcher could see was shadows and broken glass and the gun someone shoved into her face.
“If you can’t sit back and watch nicely,” Crossfire said, “then you can’t watch at all.”
“Go to hell,” Suncatcher said, and the blades on her forearms snapped out and stabbed into Crossfire’s midsection.
☁️ ⇢ what made you choose your username?
Thought ShortCircuit would be a good pen name for Transformers fanfic. It eventually became a new pen name overall, though I still use NobleRunaway in other spaces.
🐝 ⇢ tag your biggest supporter(s) and say one nice thing about them
@magic-ace @mecha-milkers @i-am-an-omen I love you guys so much. May your pancakes always be fresh.
🌸 ⇢ do you have any pets? if you do, post some pictures of them
So remember when I answered one of these with "grief"
🎨 ⇢ link your favourite piece of fanart and explain why you like it
This doodle of Knock Out because it speaks to me.
🧩 ⇢ what will make you click away from a fanfiction immediately?
I wrote an entire rant and deleted it because the internet can't read. But there is something and it falls under mischaracterization.
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30 Days of Echor!
So as a way of hyping NSP's season two crowdfunding I thought it could be fun to do a 30 day challenge ...
How It Works - Each week has a theme and fitting within that theme are suggested prompts for OC creation and wide prompts for any and all things creative. I tried to make the prompts so that you can cross pollenate and use creative prompts for your OCs and vice versa if you'd like. Once you've finished your creation (be it writing, painting, a playlist for the canon universe or for your OC) post it on here with the tag #30DaysOfEchor and/or #EchorOCs - I'll be following both <3 Have fun, Beans!
You can do as much or as little as you want! You can do a prompt a day or you can do all the prompts in on one day or you can do one piece sticking with the weeks theme ignoring the prompts or you hype up everyone and reblog their pieces - who am I to tell you how to live!
Week 1 (30Jan-5Feb) - People of Echor City
OC prompts - Basic info
Augmented/Veil touched/small magic/normie/other
Family? Siblings/Pets?
Where do they consider home?
Creative prompts - what makes a person?
Characters at home
Ships (these do not have to be canon!)
People and their pets
Week 2 (6Feb-12Feb) - Is everything in Echor as it appears?
OC prompts - Appearance
Distinctive markings
Everyday clothes/formal wear/PJs
Something that isn't quiet what it first appears to be
Creative prompts - Things are rarely as they appear
Makes you look twice
An art studio … Or is it?
Shadow of Echor
Night vs Day
Week 3 (13Feb-19Feb) - In the Background of Echor
OC prompts - Backstory
Where did they grow up? When did they move to Echor?
What's relationships do they have? Friends? Partner? Colleagues?
Character Flaws (dw we will all still love them!)
Average Day in the life of
Creative prompts - Backdrops
Last place to be seen
Background music heard across Echor (playlist maybe?)
Behind the scenes
Week 4 (20Feb-26Feb) - The Best Echor has to offer
OC prompts - Favourites
Where can they most often be found within the city
Favourite conspiracy theory
Best type of weather and best place to experience it
Favourites - food/smell/colour/act of self-care
Creative prompts - Highlights
Time of day to walk the streets
Best place to be when it rains
The perfect day
Fave moment from season 1
Days 29 and 30 - CELEBRATION!!!
OC and creative prompt for the last two days is the same - Celebration! (and hopefully us IRL Beans can celebrate NSP team reaching their crowdfunding goal!)
(as ever if anyone has a prompt idea they'd like to add I welcome suggestions!)
A huge thanks to @fuckthisshitimin for having the idea of having two strands!
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thecrowslullaby · 2 years
Intrulogical with 48, J, 12
Not proofread, but I wanna nap xd
Anon im so sorry I just realised u responded to the wrong ask. OTL
Ship: intulogical
Wordcount: 1230
Warnings: kissing, a few self deprecating thought (Remus)
“I can’t believe you dragged me into this.” Remus grinned as Logan kept running, pulling the shorter man behind him. The man made no indication at having heard him but Remus knew his boyfriend. And the way his ears were tinted red told the hufflepuff the man definitely heard him and was fighting with himself not to respond. Not that that was going to stop Remus from lovingly pestering the ravenclaw. “You know, usually I’m the one who gets us into trouble.”
“Can we try to focus, Remus?” Logan hissed, embarrassment seeping through, and oh if that wasn’t just adorable. Remus could grab him by the shoulders, pin him to the wall and kiss restlessly right here and there. And he would, if it weren’t for the professors hot on their tails. And if there was one thing Logan enjoyed less than messing up it was being caught doing so.
“Why don’t you just blame it on me?” Remus asked. The teachers were certainly more than happy to accept him as the sole cause for setting a few cursed toads loose in the corridors. He was an oddity from the beginning. A hufflepuff and a delinquent at once. Certainly not something most professors wanted on the school records. At least Headmaster Janus (and it was disrespectful to call him by his name, Logan’s voice echoed in his mind) was fond of him. He was certain that if that wasn’t the case he would be thrown out onto his ass long ago.
Point was, most students and staff were easy to write Remus off as nothing more than unnecessary trouble, but not Logan. At least not anymore, if the bewildered glance over his shoulder was anything to judge by.
“It wasn’t your fault.”
Not that it really mattered, most of the time. That’s why Remus kept insisting Logan shouldn’t announce their relationship to his friends just yet. He was sure he would wise up eventually. And there was no need to put Logan’s future at stake, especially not as the end of the 7th year approached and the teen was applying to jobs like a madman. He would be content with a few fleeting kisses Logan managed to spare over the first half of the semester, spending most of his time with his nose in some kind of obscure book.
Remus on the other hand had spent the time causing as much mischief as he could while still getting away with it. He promised Logan he would try. And for some reason that promise seemed more binding than anything he ever told his parents. Or Janus. Not that the professor needed to know. (Although Remus had a rising suspicion he did. Janus seemed to know an annoying number of things.)
But for some reason today seemed different, and Remus found himself being the one to help Logan out of trouble for once.
“So what do we do?” Remus asked.
“I don’t know.” Logan huffed as he pulled them behind another corner. “That’s why I need your help.”
“You’re the smart one.”
“You’re the more creative one.” Logan pointed out as if that was true. Sure, Remus was always quick to come up with some kind of trouble, but he certainly wasn’t all that good at fixing them. He was good at hiding them though.
He yanked Logan backwards. The taller teen gave a small yelp of surprise as he landed in Remus arms. The Hufflepuff was quick to drag them both into a nearby alcove, pulling slightly on the curtains, just enough to hide them from passing teachers, but not enough to raise suspicion.
“Quiet.” He whispered as he put a hand over Logan’s mouth, pressing the teen as close against his chest as he could. “They might hear us.” Logan seemed to be dazzled for a moment before he nodded slowly and Remus grinned back. 
They watched as the teachers passed by in a flurry of robes, missing the obvious hiding spot. 
He didn’t let go of Logan, not until the footsteps faded and all Remus could hear was two quickened breaths of students who barely avoided detention. Even then, he lingered, just a second longer before releasing Logan from the albeit compromising hug. Logan didn’t step away and Remus was once again tempted to wrap his hands back around him. Plead Logan to stay a little longer. But one thing Remus was not, was selfish.
“Thank you.” Logan whispers. His back still pressed against Remus chest as he tried to turn his head at a weird angle to stare back at him.
“You would have done the same.”
Logan chuckled.
“Not sure I can think so fast.” The teen finally stepped away and it took all of Remus' restraint not to chase the warm feeling of Logan’s back. The ravenclaw turned around, a smile creeping up on his face as he took Remus' hands in his own. He seemed to hesitate for just a moment before casting a glance behind the curtain, most likely making sure the teachers weren’t coming back, and letting go of Remus' hands in order to cup his face instead. “I love you.” He whispered, so sincerely Remus had trouble convincing himself not to let his heart flutter. He didn’t succeed, not when Logan leaned in, ever so slightly, their lips just inches apart. “May I kiss you?”
“Yes please.” He wasn’t sure why Logan still asked. Not like he ever said no before. But he supposed that was just another part of Logan. The teen never stopped asking questions, wanting answers for them all. It was a funny feeling. Being something Logan wanted to know more about.
Oblivious to his inner turmoil Logan leaned in, capturing Remus lips with his own. The hufflepuff melted as he felt Logan’s hand slowly travel up his cheek, to the back of his head, only for the ravenclaw to finally tangle his curls with his long slender fingers. Remus wasted no time to return the favor. Messing up Logan’s hair as he pulled the teen closer. The ravenclaw let out a small sound that was a mix of a laugh and a yelp and oh, Remus could just swallow him whole.
And after what felt like far too soon Logan pulled back. Hair messed up, morning light hitting it just right to cast a halo. Face delightfully red. His tie far too crooked, even for Remus’ standards, and the teen wanted nothing more than to grab Logan by it and pull him closer.
But the ravenclaw didn’t let him, stepping away as he did his best to comb the mop of tangled back hair into order using his fingers. Adjusting his tie, before flashing Remus a grin that was far too endearing.
“I need to go.” He whispered, trying to keep his voice serious, and failing miserably as Remus grinned up. “I should go check what the commotion is about.”
“You go help the teacher chase that delinquent who’s responsible for this.” Remus snorted. “I’ll be here in case you need someone to blame it on.”
“I won’t.” Logan said, leaning in to give Remus a quick peck on the cheek.  “Don’t get into trouble.”
“I could say the same to you.”
Logan huffed, his cheeks going red.
“It was one time.”
And with how delightful it turned out to be, Remus sure hoped it wasn’t the last.
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softasawhisper · 1 year
22 Questions
tagged by the ever sweet @pastafossa
no pressure tags: @amazing-spiderling @bonafidehero @callmejude @emeraldstorms @imwritesometimes @inkforhumanhands @kamillahn @tabbystardust @udekai
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Are you named after anyone: No I'm not… though I find it odd that my first name is an offshoot of my grandmothers and my middle is my aunts name but my parents told me I wasn't named after them so …??? When was the last time you cried?: probably over some fanfiction in the last 48 hours lol Do you have kids?: After spending a long time helping out in the early lives of my nephews I have no desire to have children. I adore them but I just get too depressed. Do you use sarcasm a lot: ehhh sometimes What’s the first thing you notice about people? their vibes. I'm EXCELLENT at figuring out the type of person I'm talking to within moments of meeting people irl. So much so I've been right about people who everyone else thought were complete sweethearts, but I've always said there was something about them I didn't like. And unfortunately I was correct and they were a piece of shit.
What’s your eye colour: hazel Scary movies or happy endings: not into scary for the sake of scary, it needs more layers than that…so happy endings. Any special talents: I sing and do silly things with my voice. What are your hobbies?: at this point most of my hobbies are fandom related. i read fanfics and make edits etc I don't really have a space or talent for much Have any pets?: I don't. What sports do you play/have played?: never did any outside of gym class or at a friends house. I was good at throwing footballs and basketballs I guess lol How tall are you?: 5ft Favourite subject in school?: I liked Drama and creative writing. but of required classes? science, I suppose. Dream job?: being a voice actor could be cool First ship: I've always had ships for media I've enjoyed since i was a tiny child but the first ship i actively participated in within a fandom space was frodoXsam Three ships: I mean if you follow em you already know my current ships rn are mattf0ggy and steddi3. then i just have a bunch of other ones i still love but are on the backburner. Last (or current) song: I heard Rhiannon by Fleetwood Mac on the radio earlier Last movie: I watched half of Turbo a Power Rangers Movie with my brother lol because I was talking about how afraid I was of Lerigot as a child. btw I'm still kinda afraid of him lol
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Currently reading: nothing rn I'm just Currently trying to figure out what to read. Currently watching: maybe I'll do a series rewatch of Stranger Things instead of rewatching bits and pieces of it Currently consuming: water Currently craving: baklava
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byakuwan · 1 year
writer interview as requested by @hopeswriting
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
10, with 12 more oldies in a private collection. ( i should probably make those public again... )
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
95 kudos: Setting up Senpai (Enstars)
83 kudos: Your Darling (Darlifra [E]
81 kudos: Summer Triangle (Enstars)
71 kudos: Cinnamon Spice (Darlifra)
67 kudos: Freedom within Dependence (Enstars) [E]
4. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
i used to not respond, but i don't think there was a reason? i do now though. i value all comments so so so much and have to express it somehow!!!
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
i'm pretty sure it's one of the twewy ones? i remember Paradise (TWEWY OCs) and/or No Last Words (TWEWY + DMMD) were really sad but i remember next to nothing about anything i wrote before i was in the enstars fandom in 2019 lmao. so no promises on those.
i am Horrible with writing sad endings these days, so i generally end up not writing them anymore RIP. i apologize bc it's hard to even read them without having the urge to make a happily-ever-after in my head OTL
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
oh hands-down Setting up Senpai -> Summer Triangle. those two together were a reimugi origin story that i have heard from multiple different people they based their understanding of the ship on. it's unfortunate bc i did not know how to write rei at all so i'm still hesitant to reread it.
however, that's where you can first find my habit of ship or character manifestos begin.
7. Do you write crossovers?
not really? i think about them a lot, though. like... a lot.
i'm more of an RPer at heart, so most of my crossovers are through RP. shout-out to the dreamwidth RP where i wrote byakuran having a deep conversation with an azula where they talked about being 'monsters.' it was Fascinating.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
i don't think so? it was definitely just on RP. i have heard so many tales of "mary sues" and fem OCs getting hate though.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
yes....... mostly ends up consensual stuff but with really wild kinks or situations. you can ask but no promises lmao
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
no, but i have had some of my OC art / lowkey designs stolen? which is honestly flattering to me idk. probably bc i thrive off of having my creative stuff seen and enjoyed. (i don't get all that many comments in general so idk.)
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
i think one of the darlifra ones was?
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
yes, an enstars one that i consistently forget about for some reason?
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
... :') i'll get back to you on this one. (what are decisions?)
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Lost at the Crossroad. another manifesto of why reikei is not always as light-hearted as i think it seems.
i can't bring myself to finish it for a ton of reasons... namely that it ended up my first NOTP in forever as i was writing it...
15. What are your writing strengths?
dialogue and flow according to others. plot according to me.
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
motivation. if i don't throw progress at cheerleaders and get encouragement i struggle to maintain interest in writing much of anything.
that's also why i did a lot of gift fic, but one of them... went over very poorly last year, so i'm not super sure if i want to go back to doing that.
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
i... don't have the opportunity to and i'm OK with that. formally knowing JP may or may not be very useful on ao3. i wouldn't know. maybe romaji?
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
hmmm. naruto OCs, i think? back in 2005 when i was a tiny beginner in fandom.
19. What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet but want to?
most of my all100 agenda LOL. tsuna and spanner come to mind but i have no faith i'd be able to write tsuna so. it also doesn't help that i usually like having my hand held when writing new characters i'm not familiar with.
20. What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
well. if On Cloud Nine existed anywhere but wattpad, i'm still passionate about that one. i literally have a whole almost 20 chapter plan for it and... i feel like continuing someday, but maybe after darlifra gets a new season lol.
Bonus facts for no reason!
i have to imagine my own validation for the most part and generally have no idea what anyone thinks, ever... i'm trying my best to combat the resulting social anxiety, but it's hard. think of it like being seen without knowing why people are looking in the first place. positive, neutral, negative? if i don't know anything, it scares me.
(having a queue helps a lot because i don't have to look at all and there are things being posted anyway.)
rest assured that every single reply, comment, tag, reblog and/or like means the world. if i am shown somehow that someone enjoys a thing i made, i will Thrive for like. a week. it's just weird if i send 'thank you for the like/reblog!' but i definitely think that.
in any case? y'all are so appreciated. thank u for following me and liking whatever brain rot i have on any given day. 🙏💝💖💞 please accept my love. YOU'RE THE BEST
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unikron-kitten-kat · 2 years
So, I have a different OC I wanna post here. I'm gonna anyway just because, but anywho-
Thought I'd give ya'll insight as to whom and what he is before I make anything to post here for visuals.
Info under the cut to limit post length
His name is Scales. He is part of a specie I made of my own, known solely as Silver-Back Serpents, a rare variant of Serpent. Now these guys are very, very powerful, couple that with the fact that Scales' family in particular are known for their seemingly endless power, physical or otherwise. All Silver-Backs have 3 forms, Serpent, Naga, and Humanoid form. They speak for themselves I believe. In Humanoid and Naga forms, they have 2 sets of arms at default, any extra or any less are considered deformities. They have hair in these two forms as well. In their Humanoid form, they have a tail, and their legs are digitigrade. In Humanoid and Naga forms, they also have large side fins. These will be better explained with an image, so I'm not even gonna try.
Most if not all Silver-Backs have a certain type of tentacle known as 'Sentient Tentacles'. Theirs usually end in snake heads. They also only have a few, the most any ever had was maybe seven. Now, while Silver-Backs can control them, most of the time their tentacles are doing their own thing. However, there is a limit to their sentient-ness. If the main body feels a certain way, the tentacle feel the same, often moving in ways pertaining to that feeling. For example, if a Silver-Back is falling in love, the tentacles might curl up into a heart shape, fixate on the one the main body is falling in love with (whether that be by 'staring' at the person, or just being touchy), or start 'whispering.'
Whispering is when the tentacles of the Silver-Back make noises imitating the feelings coursing through the main body, and therefore the tentacles.
Now, who Scales is is another story entirely. He is an OC I made because I was getting tired of making female aligning significant others for Offen- Asmodeus. I was tired of the sterotype of him being... That. I was tired of always seeing Dom Asmodeus when we were seeing Sub of the other Brothers, including Slenderman. Yes, Scales is Asmodeus' Pirate Daddy, and Asmodeus fucking loves it.
As said in the last Bullet, Scales is a Pirate. A Pirate Lord at that. My imagination, when it came to his ship, wasn't all that creative, basically opting for a Black Pearl carbon copy. Scales is infamous in some places, and famous in others. He is known for not only how massive his Fleet is, but also how many Republic (more on that at a later date) vessels, including Men-of-War he has absoluetly destoryed. Not including the fleets he has defeated, which all he fought and defeated were known for their prowess and many victories.
Scales' businesses are also rather popular, with an equal divide of Black Market trading, and legal stock marketing. Anything from contraband to local goods, he's got it on his ship, ready to make some coin. Now, he is a Pirate Lord, and that means he is up to a fair amount of no good most of the time. Sure, he may run a completely legal business, and one not so legal, but he has to have a way to get the goods to sell.
In the places he is infamous, Locals and Republicans alike will hesitantly tell you dark tales of the scurvy Silver-Mamba, who comes to raid them every so often. This is where the Pirate Lord is mainly heard of.
On the contrary, places that he is famous at will gladly tell you of heartwarming stories of the wonderful Scales, who rescued their lands of the Republic, and being accompanied by a small fleet of his Brethren, took over the Republic's bases with little to no trouble at all, establishing them as his own, and helped the Local Villages and Small Towns flourish. They'd happily yap away, exitedly sharing stories of when Scales would help them farm, help with the animals, help care for the children. They'd also gush over his hearty Brethren, who also helped with these tasks, always happy to help the Villagers and Townsfolk with any task, big or small. They'd all help the children smile, most of the Crew opting to tell them stories of their adventures, even going as far as allowing some Villagers, Townsfolk, and Children climb aboard a couple ships and sail around the Islands.
I will add more later, for now, this is the info dump! Hope ya enjoyed reading abt Scales! ^^*
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garethsgreat · 2 years
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[ nico hiraga | cis male | he/him | twenty-four] —— it’s just another typical week in hawkins i guess — isn’t that right, gareth sato? huh, guess they can’t hear me over round and round by ratt playing on their walkman, but it looks like they’re headed to work at chess king. did you know gareth the great has been in hawkins for his whole life? yeah, they’ve been described as a bit frivolous, but i suppose them also being staunch outweighs the negative. i’ve also heard people say they remind them of wearing flannels in the middle of summer, never knowing when to shut up, setting bonfires by the lake, a pocket full of jellybeans … however, that could just be this weeks newest rumor.
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full name: gareth henry sato
nickname(s):  gareth the great, freak jr.
age:  twenty-four
date of birth:  october 30th
star sign:  scorpio
place of birth: hawkins, indiana
current location: hawkins, indiana
gender: cismale
pronouns:  he/him
sexual orientation:  bisexual
occupation:  cashier/floor manager at chess king
family: sara sato (mccarthy) (mother), jun sato (father), peter sato (younger brother)
education level: community college (robotics)
financial status:  lower middle class
spoken languages:  english, basic japanese
tw: racism, implied parental neglect
Growing up, Gareth was nothing short of hyper. He was the typical rambunctious kid, full of energy and creativity. His parents doted on him, indulging him as best they could in all of his likes and interests. He did puzzles, played board games, built crazy gadgets, and made forts or rocket ships out of cardboard. The sky was the limit for Gareth and his dreams were just as expanse. It wasn’t the easiest home life though and while everything to Gareth seemed totally normal, just the nuclear family unit -- to some people, his family was the opposite of normal. 
Being half Japanese in a small town in Indiana didn’t really register with him until he got to middle school, until the kids called him names or made fun of the way his dad’s accent sometimes slipped through. He wasn’t just Gareth the weird kid with the taped up glasses or bad hair cut to them but an outcast for who he was born as, something he didn’t think was wrong at all. He didn’t let it stop him though and Gareth pushed through, sticking to what he loved -- books, D&D, and electronics. 
With all the creativity coursing through him, Gareth blossomed into a naturally good student. Not the best in the whole world but that was mostly because he cared more about making things than doing actual homework. This fact didn’t go unnoticed by his father, who pushed him to be better and do better. He wanted his songs to be top tier so that no one could ever drag them down but he did so with a heavy hand. He wasn’t the most nurturing man when Gareth was growing up and he grew to resent how cold his father acted toward him. His father would try to stop Gareth from seeing his friends, from joining clubs, from making stupid robots that would never amount to anything. All because grades and success were somehow more important than what made Gareth happy. 
But as always, Gareth kept a happy face on and kept going. He graduated high school with pretty great grades but he preferred to stay closer to home, much to the disapproval of his father. Their relationship only got more strained with everything with Eddie went down a year ago. Mr. Sato already didn’t approve of Gareth’s friends but for his son to stay in Hawkins to only be associated with a cultist group? That was unacceptable. So as Gareth stayed by his best friend’s side and supported him, his parents gathered up all his things and told their oldest son to move out. It was a long time coming and Gareth wasn’t as hurt by it as he should have been but there is the dull sting from it that still lingers. 
Gareth doesn’t blame anyone other than his parents for what happened. He knows his friends are good people, he knows what he wants from his life, and he’s going to get it however he can. Because if Gareth is moving up in this world, he’s bringing everyone he loves with him and Hawkins isn’t going to hold them back forever. No way. 
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