#This is ugly TT_TT
lunamikk69 · 1 year
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"Thank you; I'm sorry" I wonder what I could have done for you Who was always by my side and changed me for better Until the day we meet again You'll always live on in my heart I want to tell you that I love you
You don't know how frustrating is trying to make designs without having literally no images to use... and I really still have to get used to using photoshop with my laptop screen... I still do what I can, but almost I feel that ugly things are coming out of me... Honestly, I was about to discard this design, but since the year is ending I wanted to be able to do something and, on top of that, the text is more depressing than I expected too... Aghhhhgghghghh... I feel frustrated, and I don't like it... Happy holidays.
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crashed-keys · 1 year
wasnt sure if aot was popular here too but i guess the notes r saying it was so i will just say that is probably one of the only shows i will just outright refuse to ever watch/watch again
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caylinjukai · 2 years
I just saw the JJK 0 Movie... THAT sound effect was just fucking unessesary i needed a 15 minute break and now im gonna cry all over again just thinking about it
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diezmil10000 · 7 months
The "A girl like you" comic made me ugly cry thank you so much it's really good. TT_TT
awwww 🥺🥺 thank you for your sweet words and for coming here to tell me, it means a lot that it resonated with you!! i hope you have a nice day ~
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Ok ok, NOW i'm ready to scream about Book 3. Can I just say that out of all the Curse!Geto variations I absolutely adore yours the most?? I love how you kept the monk motifs and blended it with that of a demon. And the death mask! Chef's kiss. Also the hair. The hair is GORGEOUS.
There's so much I love about the third book, the way we get to look in at their bond through other people's lenses. Especially love that we got Shoko!! Having her words close out the story just felt particularly intimate and insightful. It felt like closure, even though it was so bittersweet. And the way you interspersed all of it with Geto and Gojo touching hands? That was so, so tender.
Speaking of hands! The parallel frames between Yuuta's last hand gesture and Gojo's!! Just genius.
100/10 I love the way you tied up Book 3. Now i'm going to go re-read everything and ugly cry all over again. (Also still living for the butt slap. Lmao Kenjaku really said "worth it")
I just got the JJK fanbooks and I. AM. SOBBING. One, they are so beautiful. Two, the STORIES?? The first one already made me ugly cry and I was in pieces by the third. Thank you for the amazing art and the stories and most of all for all the little alternates of what could have been. It's always so bitter when they don't end up together, or they do so too late, but I think it just draws more attention to how strong their feelings are for each other. It takes a lot of devotion to try again and again, especially when a happy ending is never guaranteed.
Sorry for the ramble. Had to come ugly cry in your inbox. I love the books so so much and you're amazing 😭
Same anon! I need to scream about Book 2 now. I love love LOVE the paneling for High Cost Of Living! The way the words were turning on their sides??! CHEF'S KISS(once i stopped crying).
The assortment of your artwork in between?? So precious. And why is your chibi Geto so cute??!
ALSO THE KENJAKU BUTT SLAP IN THE "WISH YOU WERE THERE TO CHEER ME ON" SCENE. The whiplash from ugly crying to screaming with laughter was so real lmao.
Hi, sorry for getting to this so late but i just really love your massages, so i keep going back to them again and again without knowing how to formulate a proper reply... TT_TT
Limits of the World will forever be special to me cuz it's the first time i did such a big project and it turned out amazing (the reason i got my current studio job is because the book caught the attention of my boss lol), so it's always a joy to hear ppl enjoy it !
High Cost and Alea, on the other hand, mark my growth when it comes to paneling and storytelling because i did them when i've been working in a professional environment for a while, so it brings a smile to my face when those two got compliments for the page and design arrangement ! My curse Geto design will always be one of the best things i could contribute to the JJK fandom, srl i'll visit him again eventually hehe. thank you for your support and kind words !!!
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malscare · 3 months
actually if I knew platform docs were built like this & aren't as heavy as they look I would have gotten a pair so long ago just for the stability TT_TT the platform itself is bigger than the sole of the shoe so my ankle physically cannot roll which used to be a huge problem w the boots I had before (reg docs + the platform demonias that I broke my ankle in lol). and the detailing is perfect and all I've ever wanted & matches the purse I use every day from a brand that got discontinued in like the mid 2000s. which like sounds shallow or whatever but it's nice to have pieces that look intentionally connected/planned out esp if they're from completely different decades... i usually try to buy most of my stuff second hand (esp shoes) + ik the quality of docs have drastically declined but it was so nice to be able to get something I will use day to day that isn't cheap fake leather that will get ugly and unusable in like 2 years time
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mimikoflamemaker · 5 months
Why elven larp swords are so damn ugly???
There is a chance that i will finally be able to play an elf if the game I signed up for will go through and I'm starting to think about outfit and stuff.
I can sew, I can do leatherwork, I can partly at least do sufficient make up, hell I will learn to hand embrodier should I need to... but I draw the line at weapon making....
Why they have to bu so ugly though TT_TT. Or way to expensive for one-off character (and just slightly less ugly)
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Find the Word Tag
Thank you @ceph-the-ghost-writer for the tag! I was looking for an excuse to post some WIP snips in the New Year.
@awordchemist @space-cadead @dogmomwrites @leave-her-a-tome some words for you are:
new, bright, promise, ugly, please
The Sorceress and the Incubus, Echoes of the Void Book 1 (look for this book by the end of the month!)
"Yes, I'm here," I told him, trying to be gentle. "I live here, and you're my familiar." I reached over and stroked his cheek with the backs of my fingers. "This is our home, Saker," I said. "Where else would I be?" "Our…" he started. His jaw tensed for a moment before he blew out a breath through his nose. He turned his face and kissed my fingers, then shifted so he could rest his head on his forearm. "You got me flowers," the demon said instead. "Seemed apropos, given this morning," I said with a shrug, embarrassed about the impulse now that it had been pointed out, and falling back onto the sort of distance that existed between two people when they'd had a one-night stand and woken up in the same bed. "You gave me one hell of an orgasm."
In the Claws of the Raven Prince, Monsters of Faery Book 2 (Eyyy a prequel to Captured by the Fae Beast. Look for it in April maybe???)
“But… why?” I asked. The words sounded lost, like a child, wavering in the night. “Because Crown Prince Sundamar is more dangerous even than the Chimera,” Captain Ulahana said in her lilting voice. “Woods, you may return to the main camp. Brouwer, you’re with me.” “Yes, ma’am,” Woods said, giving Ulahana a bow. She turned to me, looking me over once, then said, “It’s gonna be fine, Lilly. Keep your chin up.” She waited until I nodded, then gave me a sharp nod in return, turned on one heel, and strode back towards camp. I turned towards Ulahana slowly, feeling as if I was about to walk to my own execution. The faery woman waited for me with what seemed like ageless patience, her indigo eyes black in the moonlight.
I... have apparently never used this word. I looked through everything, crossing my fingers for an "enhanced her pleasure" and was unsuccessful TT_TT
The Serpent's Bride, The Blue Kingdom Duology Book 1
"And will I be your enemy?" he persisted. "Are you going to wake up one day and decide a viper is too dangerous a creature to have in your palace, let alone your bed?" That made me look up at him again. For a moment I thought I could see fear in the tension around his eyes, before his brows drew closer together and his lip lifted in a sneer. I only sighed. "Unless you're intending on spitting venom at emissaries or otherwise making yourself a lethal nuisance, you're no enemy of mine," I answered. I flicked the side of one claw where he had it lodged in the table. "Rulers have dealt with far worse than a spouse who's hard on the furniture for the sake of dynastic stability. I'd rather do this without bloodshed, so as long as I'll spill less by having you alive than dead, you can trust I'm no danger to you." Talazen made a thoughtful sound, then wrenched his claws out of the table. "You're very mercenary, aren't you?"
The Changeling and the Dragon, Echoes of the Void Book 2
I squeezed my eyes closed and shuddered, clenching my hands into fists. But the spells wouldn't go away by pretending that they weren't there. Breathing slowly through my nose, I tried to change the sensitivity of my clarity, narrowing the range between a hedgewitch's spell and a sorcerer's. I was used to wanting to discern between the weakest kinds of magic-users, those not strong enough to be considered mages, but that sensitivity was useless in this situation. When I tentatively squinted out into the room again, though, I'd managed to shift the scale of my clarity so that at least the monstrous spells on the curving wall of the room didn't blind me. I wouldn't be able to tell the strength of spells so easily now, but at least I could see. I scanned the room for danger, breathing hard. Nobody else sat in the room, and I didn't see any baneful magic, but there were spells everywhere. Spells for cleaning, for temperature control, for preventing wear, for keeping out pests, for keeping hinges smooth and for protecting the reddish sandstone walls. I shuddered again. This had to be a… a palace. Something owned by someone of awesome wealth, who could command the service of the strongest mages in the world. Someone for whom this room was nothing, just a place where one could tuck a strange, injured woman for the night.
And that's all! Thanks for reading, and see you in the New Year!
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themountainsays · 2 years
Also this means Isamira pregnancy fluff which is one of my favorite kinds of fluff. Like all the traditional things Isabela with morning sickness and Mirabel holding back her hair, mood swings Mirabel has to deal with, cravings she needs to get her, Isabela unable to move herself she can use vines but she likes Mirabel helping her and the standard thinking she's fat and ugly while Mirabel comforts and reassures her.
Ayy Mirabel feels just a little bit guilty at times because, okay she was the one to bring up the baby part and - shouldn't she be the one carrying it?? Her poor sister, doing all the hard parts herself... TT_TT
ON THE OTHER HAND her sister looks so pretty pregnant omg and they're gonna be moms she's so happy, baby is like an overexcited puppy, running to Isabela's side whenever she calls her - just say a word and she'll do it, whatever Isabela asks. She takes such good care of her. When she goes into labor she holds her hand during the whole process.
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arolover · 2 years
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nohoney · 1 year
Holy cannoliiiiii I can't believe Us is over!! TT_TT What a raw and beautiful series that I s2g, as someone that's been around a lot of drugs and addicts, hit me so fucking hard. Your writing is so freaking amazing and I just want to thank you so much for sharing so much of yourself with this fic - the love and authenticity was so apparent.
Also, what an intriguing twist at the end with the secret bond with Shigaraki there!! Of course as a Shigaraki simp I'm a TAD biased, but I also thought it was, again, really authentic to the Reader character and their journey with addiction. So just, all the kudos.
This is a very long-winded way of saying well-done my dude and I hope you're doing well :)
hi lovey!! honestly i’m still processing the end myself when i sat down at my laptop earlier (ノ_<、) being exposed to the ugly side of drugs/addiction isn’t an easy experience to have whether you’ve been a witness to it or you’ve been through it yourself. but i’m grateful that you enjoyed it so much and all the raw love & hurt i put into it was seen.
writing the ending was actually one of my favorite parts to go over! i was looking forward for a good while to introduce shigaraki’s impact on the reader but also how ultimately he’s just another means to fuel her addiction though there is some slight genuineness between them
thank you so much again for being a lovely supporter of us ( ´ ∀ `)ノ~ ♡ i wish i had more words to express my gratefulness
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suckd0g · 1 year
even my friend’s think i’m ugly TT_TT
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spaceyspaceygirl · 1 year
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Birthdays & Long-time Crushes
What do you call a situation where you think you had gotten over your highschool crush but you were slightly (okay not slightly) hurt when he posted a girl on his socials? All these years, I thought, for sure, I had moved on— but NOPE! (So annoying! GRRR!)
Was it because I unblocked him and followed him back? Was it because he wished me “happy birthday” last year and I was hoping for another this year? — It was ridiculously pathetic and sad that after four years of no contact, a simple birthday wish from this person made my heart race. As far as I know him, this person rarely update his socials. He keeps his life very lowkey, no one knows what he is or was doing except his closes friends (which I am not one T-T). He rarely talks to girls as far as I can remember but I guess that had changed. Imagine my surprise when I saw his highlight cover was a picture of a girl with a “:3” emoticon under it. No Insta update. Nothing. Zero. Nil. AND HIS HIGHLIGHT COVER WAS A GIRL! (Guess it could consider a “soft launched” erk) I so badly wanted to ask but well….it would be hella awkward and he’ll know that I am secretly not over him (UGHHH SLAPP ME PLEASE). Anyway, to this person, whether or not you are in a relationship, all the best and i’m praying for you and your girl happiness in this world. Treat that girl right..God knows we need more un-dumb male species in this generation.
And for me? Well, I just turned twenty-one. I have plans and goals that I want to achieve. Searching for a life partner is the last thing that I want this year. Perhaps, when I am ready and finished fixing the broken and ugly part of me, God would send me one! For now, I am just content to be as I am ><
Happiest 21st Birthday dear self, here’s to changes for a better, stronger version of myself! >3
PS: Oh!, and HI! I’m new here! And this would be my very first blog! (Such a heavy Topic for a “hello” blog TT_TT)
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sasorikigai · 4 years
@sonxflight continued from here (x) 
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💥 || The luminous kindness of Ryou Sakai would drench Hanzo Hasashi in a ceaseless tides of love. No longer, his vision would be vandalized by cold-hearted predators of his demons and macabre grievances, and no longer, he would bleed out of non-stopping hurt and drowning in a pool of dejection and despondency. While it may not be in his sagacity to comprehend all those vile, unthinkable actions of the past. all that remains appreciable is knowing his beloved in depth; by the shift in his posture, by the color of his eyes, by the slope of his shoulders. Hanzo would collect the glimpses he sees of Ryou’s world, the portraits that he quickly paints and remembers like intaglio lines, etched in the heartstrings, forever and ever. And maybe Ryou’s the same; looking at him and watching, knowing him by his knock at their door alone. What a wonder it is, to be known and completely seen, but never fearing for such grave repercussions from stabbing his back. 
On the worst day of his life, Hanzo thought he was going to die - it is not as dramatic, or romantic as it sounds. No, this was ugly. This was shuddering in his bed to quiet his sobs. This was clenching his jaw to stop himself from screaming. This was hating himself so much that he was positive that everybody involved in his life would be better off and happier without him. That day, he had grasped the emotions to do something horrible, but he didn’t. He couldn’t. Since then, he would begin his strenuous journey, a tireless search to recapture the vigor he once had in life. The future awaited with its novel arms, as Commander Hasashi’s invigorated fervor and passion carried him towards and beyond what was expected. Having such undying faith in time had long been paid off, as the yellow gold wedding band became their simplified manifestation of new beginnings. The mortal coil had been re-solidified, and their shared struggles, traumas, and despondent sorrows would slowly heal, through their reciprocated smiles and devoted love, as Hanzo’s own hard, roughened gray edges would erode and smooth. 
Temporarily, Hanzo echoes the dark and twisted nature of his proverbial being; for he couldn’t ever bring Ryou pretty flowers, or dance with him under the stars. He is not a romantic soul, he’s a realist down to the bone - that’s what he vehemently believes. The only thing that he could promise is to be with his beloved when he needs him. And to love Ryou with all of his passion; so brutally honest and raw, piercing him to the core. Perhaps he will possess Ryou Sakai in this way, that he will never want to break away. “Those words only impugn the true nature of my love, but nonetheless, it’s the fucking unbidden truth,” he rumbles, as the onslaught of his emotions bombards, enough for him to feel a sensation akin to a throbbing heart, close to having all of his being half in petrification. “For you have seen all the facets of me, and never judged me, lest you have suffered with me in heart and soul. And now, more than ever - I want to see the last vestige of my darkness transform into light, I want to watch our shared sunrise engulf the world, and at the end of that day, I want to lay together with you and watch the sunset as we claim one another.”
They may be all just skin and bone, waiting to be turned to dust at a given time, for he had gone through near-exsanguination where every orifice of his would be clogged as not a sound escaped through him, and his sanguine spectacle became the toxic oil spilling endlessly into the abyss of irreversible darkness. For now, Hanzo will use every remnant of his being to encase Ryou in an untouchable warmth, like a cherry sunset, unyielding against the approaching onyx darkness. 
The comfortable heat would enwrap them individually, but now, how they merge together as the gossamer caress melts without distinguishable outlines, as appendages clump together like melted clay, as the dripping honey of his gaze lingers towards their entwined fingers, the gleaming surface reflecting the embedded celestial light, as the charming glint of his smile resonates the same vivacious warmth and joyful exuberance.
“いつも嵐の後の私の虹でいてくれてありがとう. 私が人生において正しいことをしたならば、それは私のハートをあなたにあげた時です.  Thanks for saving me from the eternal thunder and storm, Ryou Sakai.” 💥 || 
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mittentroll · 5 years
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so Im crazy and I love painting reeeeeaaally small stuff, here’s a killer tiny pendant @the-royal-oiler commissioned me to make because shes a fucking straight up boss and supports the absolute SHIT out of other artists!!
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koi---kun · 7 years
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cute Karma-kun ☆ for the lovely Djalila ♡(*´³ ` *)
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