#Tien is honestly the one that i find myself caring for the most
unstable-sons · 4 years
No Hope
The sunlight that shined over the horizon gave way to a planet that stood as a shell of its former self. Planet Earth, I swore I would protect it no matter what and for years I managed to stand by my word, until a little over a year ago when everything changed. Everything that I knew, everything that I loved was turned upside down and destroyed. But, I guess I should fill you in on the day that everything changed…
I was a bit more fatigued than normal from my training. I remember taking Gohan through the motions, showing him a few more techniques I hadn’t had a chance to show him yet. He listened and learned very quickly, man was he something else. He was far above what I was at his age and he never quit, not even for a moment. I remember how tough Piccolo was with him and even though he was still a kid, man could he keep up. Something I’ll never forget was the smile on his face when he asked if I could show him Super Saiyan. The feeling I got when I transformed, the raw emotion, it was still new to me and I was still learning to control it, but I couldn’t help it, I just wanted to make him smile, so I showed him. I let my take over and in no time that familiar feeling, that emotion, it consumed me. Standing before my son as a Super Saiyan with him smiling the brightest I ever saw him, nothing could beat that moment for me. I wasn’t a God by any means, but the way my son looked at me that day, boy I felt like I could do anything. I stood tall and he looked up at me, father and son to a setting sun in the sky.
Bulma tells me that’s what accelerated the virus and made it attack. That night I remember giving Gohan a big hug and telling him how proud I was of him. This was the same kid that a couple of years ago cried when an insect got too close. The same kid that just recently went to Namek and helped me defeat the most terrifying threat we’ve ever known. He’s a son any father would be proud to have. I looked to my wife, a beautiful woman who stood by me every step of the way. All the times I’ve been away training and still she looks at me with love in her eyes and in her heart. I have to be the luckiest guy in the world to have someone so devoted and so caring to me. I gave her a hug, I gave her a kiss, and I held her close that night. It would be the last night I saw them.
I didn’t wake up the next day. I guess the heart virus that attacked me was strong enough to stop my body from moving or even reacting. Bulma developed a cure but it was too late, she says the virus put my body into a coma which kept me asleep, at least that was the simplest way she could put it. From there things are a blur, but the nightmares I had were all too real. Three Androids created by Dr. Gero were set loose and killed everyone we loved. Krillin, Tien, Chaiotzu, Yamcha, Piccolo, Yajirobe, Master Roshi, all stood against the Androids first but never made it. The next on their list was Dr. Briefs and Bulmas mom who also had Bulma’s son Trunks. She tells me with Vegetas last breath he locked Bulma into the underground facility they had and made sure to lure the Androids away so she would live. That’s where I was during the attacks. I guess they were holding out for me to wake up…
The last place they went…was my home. They didn’t waste any time with Chi Chi and Gohan. Everyday I hear their screams in my dreams. I hate myself for not being there to protect them, how…how could I let them down? I couldn’t stop it. The three Androids destroyed my home soon after and made way for the rest of the planet. They’re objective was to find and kill me, but that wasn’t the only thing they wanted Bulma tells me. They want nothing but chaos and destruction. Android 17 and 18 look more like teenagers. Maybe six or seven years older than Gohan. As strong as they are, it’s Android 16 who’s the worst. An ice cold stare and emotionless, Android 16 is clearly the one who leads the group. I’ve tried to fight them since I woke up, truthfully I’m lucky to still be alive. I’ve grown stronger but no matter how strong I get, Super Saiyan just isn’t enough to take them down. Every time I fail it eats up at me more and more because each time I fail I let down all of our friends and family that sacrificed their lives for us.
There are times Bulma loses hope and asks why she can’t just die to be with Vegeta and Trunks again. The bond she had with those two, I hate that I missed it grow. But I try to stay as positive as I can and tell her we’ll get through this and we’ll find a way to stop those Androids and avenge our friends, but it’s getting tougher to do that. Honestly, I’m beginning to lose hope too. I’m starting to wonder if there was any hope for us at all or if our lives were destined to end here. After everything we’ve been through, was this the plan all along? Was I meant to lose my wife and son to a threat I wasn’t even around to protect them from? Is this really what we fought so hard for? King Kai hasn’t answered me in ages and King Yemma has since locked off the check in station. We’re truly all alone.
I don’t know how much longer I can go on. I feel my body break faster and faster everyday and while I might be getting stronger, I don’t know if it’ll be strong enough to stop this threat before my body finally gives up. Bulma and I are the only ones left, but we don’t know for how long. I need a miracle…
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slothcritic · 5 years
Dragon Ball Z Abridged - Episode 8 Review
Consistent yet lackluster, this is a good episode that doesn’t really stand out.
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The title sequence for Nappa's Best Day Ever should've started after Cadaverrific! which I think is a wonderful bit of black humor. But the following scene just felt like another "ha ha bulma is a loose woman" joke. This scene might've been funnier with better voice acting. I wouldn't say the scene did nothing for me, but it did very little.
Also “Mr Kent” - Is that a Superman reference or am I taking crazy pills?
[Title Sequence]
With Yamcha gone, the mantle of series buttmonkey falls to Krillin. He has his big damn hero moment, when he Limit Breaks the stuffing out of three Saibamen, but it's frankly disregarded in favor of Piccolo using a god damned mouth-laser to annihilate the last one.
With no more Saibamen left to toy with, it falls upon the two Saiyans to get their hands dirty. Or rather, for Nappa to get his hands dirty while Vegeta sits back and watches. Nappa is no less full of whipshot non-sequiturs in this episode than he was in the previous. After some banter about teaching the Z Fighters a lesson, he gives new meaning to the word "punchline" and amputates Tien's arm.
Compared to a lot of other voice actors, Ganxingba (Tien) actually does a decent scream here. Most of the other screams so far have either been laid on too thick, or done way too close so it peaks their potato microphones, or it’s just super disingenuous. But right here, Tien’s scream is actually really convincing and doesn’t make me feel like someone is stabbing knives into my ears.
The quiet breeze after Vegeta makes a corny pun (Looks like he's been... disarmed!) sells the joke. Nappa’s follow-up seems more like an in-character necessity for him than it seems like a part of the joke.
Ever apparent that fighting Nappa would be completely beyond their capabilities, Chiaotzu decides to blow himself up and take Nappa with him.
"You can just wish me back with the Dragon Balls!" "We already wished you back with the Dragon Balls! We can't do it twice!" "...Wait, wha--?"
KABOOM. Okay, that got a chuckle out of me. This is also the first time the respawn limit of the Dragon Balls has been mentioned. Simply put, everybody gets one.
Krillin's comment on Chiaotzu's death is really bland and lazily written, but prompts a little more character insight to Tien.
"I loved him." "As a memorial to Yamcha... Gay."
I didn't like it when Yamcha first said it, but being referenced in this macabre fashion does something for me. I won't claim it's clever or witty but I personally find it funny.
Nappa then reveals that Chiaotzu's sacrifice had absolutely no effect on him, which naturally enrages Tien. He goes on to get the stuffing knocked out of him, and Gohan ponders if they should help him instead of just standing around.
Piccolo explains that Tien is in a battle to honor his friend’s death, and he wouldn’t dare besmirch the man’s pride by interrupting his heroic last stand. 
This immediately cuts to Tien screaming for help.
I can't tell if the smirk when Piccolo says "Like a hero" is a visual edit or actually existed in the source material, but it's use here is amazing. The look on his face makes him seem like a sadist who's enjoying this, and that's honestly not too far off from how Piccolo has been depicted so far. He's the Demon King who wants to take over the world and couldn't care less about these humans.
After being reprimanded by Gohan, Piccolo and Krillin finally get the lead out and agree to team up against Nappa. They get some surprise slaps on him, and Piccolo yells for Gohan to shoot him with everything he's got before he has time to DODGE.
This triggers a Pavlovian response and Gohan immediately runs for cover, which means Piccolo and Krillin are just going to have to fight Nappa the old fashioned way: By using the Kagebunshin no Jutsu.
"I can't... believe it."
The Naruto skit is creative and risable in its own right but not exactly gut-busting. What's a whole lot funnier is the notion that Nappa's incredible mental discipline is derived entirely from him playing "Patty Cake, Patty Cake" in his head.
Each of Krillin's shadow clones gets their own notch on the owned counter, bringing the score up to 7.
Nappa then commends their effort and tells them, hey at least you didn't kill yourself using a single useless attack, like Chiaotzu did. Tien then proceeds to do that exact same thing: He fires a Kikoho at Nappa and then dies.
It's given a bit more cause for worry in the original show, where Vegeta states that it very well could have killed Nappa if he didn't guard against it at the last second, but in this series he's given no such credit. Nappa just laughs and says "Pointless."
Just before he goes in for the kill on Krillin, he's stopped mid-air by a stunning realization. He can fly. Vegeta is too flabbergasted to argue this and simply agrees.
After pitching a fit about wanting Goku to watch him murder the Z Fighters, Vegeta obliges Nappa and agrees to wait three hours for Goku to arrive.
I half-expected, half-wanted them to make a fake girlfriend reference with Goku here.
Vegeta - "So this friend of yours, that you SAY is coming, is somehow stronger than all of you combined, yet didn't show up here to fight us, and you're only just now telling us this after two of your friends have died?"
Krillin - "You wouldn't know him, he goes to a different school."
Thirty seconds into their three hour wait time, Nappa starts up the "Is he here yet?" bit. Vegeta shoos him off and tells him to go have fun and occupy himself in any way he sees fit.
This begins a well-timed, well-edited musical number of Nappa systematically dismantling the naval and air forces of what I assume is the World Government.
And this whole time while Nappa is enjoying himself to the sounds of musical splendor, crashing metal, and explosions, Piccolo, Krillin, and Gohan are just standing still in a morosely quiet semi-circle. For the entire three hours I'm guessing. Vegeta's scouter alarm goes off, which means time is up and they're all going to die. Nappa suddenly returns without his shirt and elbows Piccolo in the head so hard it changes the color of the sky from blue to pink.
Not the most clean or graceful cutaway scene, but it sells itself regardless. The stinger is a stronger finish than it had any right to be, as a callback and apparent closure to the most esoteric joke in this series. RIP Whales.
This was a plateau of an episode. Whereas the last episode had constant peaks and kept your interest, this one was steady and consistent throughout in a less remarkable way. Most of the factors that go into making or breaking an episode seemed to have hit a comfortable resting point. That or I've just finally become numb to the questionable microphone quality.
I feel like this episode almost lands in the twilight zone of "It's bad, so let me reach to say something positive about it" and "It's good, so let me reach to say something negative about it." that just coalesces into me not having much of anything to say about it. I’m uncertain whether or not this constitutes a failure on my part as a critic, or if this episode really is just that comparatively monotonous.
The word mediocre is often used to mean bad or poor, which I don't feel fits this episode, but it certainly isn't a stand out. I really couldn't find much worthy of discussion here beyond face value.
The few jokes that struck me personally stop me from calling this episode boring, but I found myself repeatedly checking the time to see how much I still had left to watch. It had jokes that were definitely funny, but nothing here really kept my attention. Other lackluster episodes, even if they were not worth a rewatch, kept my interest because I'd latch onto things that were obvious and apparent as being poorly done. This one offered very little variance between the lowest it went and the peak its comedy or production.
If anything, this episode is saved from a lower score by its tail end. Nappa's patty cake joke and the eponymous "best day ever" scene really make up the majority of this episodes hard-hitting humor for me.
But it is important to note that this is still a good episode. It’s not a laugh riot episode and it’s probably not in anyone’s Top 5, but it’s a very comfortable middle ground between the worst this season has to offer and the very peaks.
As an important side note, I feel like we're just now encroaching upon what might be Nappa fatigue. I maintain my position that Nappa has yet to have a “do nothing” joke - all of his humor has been in a hit in some capacity - but it feels almost par for the course at this point. Nappa is definitely not overdone in this episode and he in fact caries it, but I feel like another episode of this style would tread tightly upon the expiration date of how much zaniness you can come to expect before it starts to feel samey. Nappa is in danger here of simply becoming too saturated within the show’s focus and would lose his simplistic, unique appeal that's the driving force behind his characterization. Which is well-timed because we all know what happens next episode...
While I don’t think this episode stands out as a whole, it definitely has some strongly quotable moments. Yeah, yeah, most of what Nappa said. But a series of hilariously derailing one-liners does not make for something remarkable on the whole, which to me just feels expected, stagnant and safe. The peaks are not enough to pull this episode further up, but I must say I’m still not fully confident in my assessment. This was definitely a weird episode to judge.
Score: 67
Passing Thoughts
“What the hell could someone like you possibly major in?” “Child psychology.” “Wow, that sounds really interesting.” “WITH A MINOR IN PAIN!”
"Nappa here is worth 5 Raditz, and I am worth 15 Raditz!" - Vegeta Accurate to the canon power levels!
Oolong saying "Get back to the fight!" sounds absolutely nothing like Oolong. In fact, Episode 1 Oolong sounds more like Oolong than this short cameo did.
"Dick move, guys."
"Good effort, but I'm the patty cake champion."
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the-ash0 · 5 years
surviving paradise 21 -want
She's down in her den; a lab in the lower catacombs of Capsule Corp. Hiding, I suppose.Though she should know I can sniff her out by her ki —puny though it is. The door is open, and I can hear her tinkering away. Slow wafts of smoke claw their way out from the entrance and into the hallway like some hungry beast.
I’ve never been down here before and given a choice, I think I’ll never return again. The place is dark, oppressive, and in severe need of a better ventilation system. What possesses a woman of means to seclude herself in such a deprived little hell? Small wonder she’s so weird.  
Before I can come up with a decent plan of attack, the vixen beats me to the punch.  Something hits the tabletop with a clunk; and I hear her sigh as she announces, "come on in, Vegeta. I know you are out there."
Well damn. Guess she's not hiding. With a grunt I enter her lair, and regret it instantly; the air inside is as thick and solid as a curtain. A brown, filthy one. Although the chamber itself is spacious enough, the hallway has more room to manoeuvre. Bookshelves line all the walls, filled with a large assortment of items; everything except for actual books, which are placed  in large stacks on the floor. It’s a labyrinth of contraptions, running in every direction. The only clear path is to her desk, half-way in. The desk itself has only enough space cleared for her hands and her current project.
I quickly realise how she found me out. Monitors are suspended over the desk and while one shows a zoom-in of her work, the two others are clearly surveillance cameras. The left shows an obvious and familiar place: the Gravity Room. I tell myself I should not be surprised, shouldn't bother worrying about such things like being watched. Raditz told me I’d drive myself mad worrying about shit like this, and he was the expert. No; it’s actually a good thing she likes to spy. It’s exactly what I need her for.  "I thought I told you I had a job for you?"
Bulma turns in her revolving chair to face me, and lights up another cigarette to take a deep drag, then breathes out the stench like she’s Shenron’s spawn. Once again, she’s all smiles and familiarity when she was screaming at me less than an hour ago. "Oh, Vegeta. How nice to see you’ve finally heeded my warning and dragged yourself away from my invention. Amazing though it is, I really think it’s time for a break, don't you? So ask away. What is it that you require of the world's greatest genius?"  
I just broke several bones, not to mention five ribs, why would I need any more breaks? The woman seems in a good enough mood, reclining in her chair, so perhaps I am better off leaving her with her silly misconceptions.
"Right." I turn and run my hand along a contraption that reminds me of a mechanical winged beast. Its head is at my eye level, and my finger leaves a near-white streak on the brown surface. Ugh. I wipe the grime off on my shorts quickly, suddenly missing my gloves. "Well there is one little thing you could help me with. Just a little thing." I clear my throat again. It must be the smoke.
This gets her attention. She leans forward and brings the long cigarette to her mouth halfway before thinking better of it, then extinguishes the little smokestick in an ashtray by her side. There is a soft smile on her lips as she states, "well, I'm always happy to help out, Vegeta." She blinks and that weird look crosses her face.  "Is your room comfortable?  Are you getting enough to eat?"
I nearly bark out a laugh, but quickly disguise it as a cough. Yes, she is always happy to help... too happy. What is this game? Is she rubbing my nose in the help I’ve already received? "Oh yeah. It's... fine. Enough food. Everything's been... adequate?" Yes, I'm playing it down, but as far as I’m concerned the negotiations have already started. I look back at her, crossing my arms as I lean back against the doorframe.
"Good! I was worried about you for a bit there, Vegeta." The woman puts her elbows on her knees, hands twitchy with vacancy.  "So, you said you wanted help with a project. Would you like another upgrade to the GR? Or perhaps something else for your training? If you just take a few days off, I bet I can whip you up something special."
A weird laugh bubbles out of my gut at that, and I disguise it as another cough. Is she going to make me state the obvious? Fine. “That would be pointless.”
She freezes and sits back. Her face goes through a myriad of expressions from surprise to confusion to an odd frown, like I just said something very scary. Kami, but I hope she’s faking it. Yet if she is, she is the best actor in the universe and that might be worse. Her voice is sad when she responds. "Pointless? I'm surprised to hear you of all people say that."
This isn’t getting us anywhere. I shake my head, angry that I have to explain. "I’m as powerful as Kakarot was when he challenged Frieza, maybe even more so. But it's not working. There has to be some sort of... trick to it. Some kind of..." I gesture wildly, unwilling to say it out loud. It's not about skill. It’s not. "Technique? I don't know how, woman. I need to know how Kakarot did it."
Bulma taps a finger to her chin as she thinks for a moment.  "Why, that shouldn’t be a problem. Would you like me to give Goku a call?  I'm sure he'd be happy to help too. I bet he’d come right over."  
I almost tell her that nobody would be stupid enough to reveal his greatest secret to an enemy... but who am I kidding.  Kakarot is definitely that stupid. Regardless, there are some levels I don’t want to sink to if I have even one other option left. "You think I have no pride left? You would have me run to that third-class simpleton and be taught like I’m— that idiot’s disciple?"
Oh, I think I'm going to be ill.
"Okay, sorry." She holds up her hands. "I wish you’d give Goku some credit; I know he can be a bit airheaded. I wasn't trying to offend you. So, what do you expect me to do? Unless you believe that basking in my scintillating company will make you magically turn Super Saiyan.” Bulma stops then smoothes her hair with one hand as she flutters her eyelashes. “Which, honestly, does seem like a viable theory."
I refuse to by side tracked by whatever that's supposed to mean. "Well he's your..." What’s the word, "friend, right? I mean, he'd tell you." Hell, the woman could even say she was doing research. For science. Not that it matters. Kakarot would never suspect his ahh... odd-found knowledge ... would be used for evil. Oh, the idea calms me down well. I nearly smile.
"So you’d like me to talk to Kakarot for you about how to become a Super Saiyan?"  She gives me a look like that’s the oddest thing she’s ever heard. Though, really, what gives her the right to judge me? She’s the one on a weird planet with this entire fantasy freak-parade. "Oh Vegeta, I wouldn't even know what to ask about..." She trails off and gets that far away look in her eyes. I think she gets it now. Yes, she is a scientist. A clever one at that. And apparently she enjoys spying, so this is right up her alley. Oh, I knew she would not acquiesce easily. That is fine.
"Okay." Good. Finally I’ll have her demands clear; she’ll tell me what she wants of me, and we can trade. No more surprises. No more guessing at her motives. "Yeah, ok. I get it. You want something in return to compensate you for your time." Hell, the thing that worried me most was she’d leave it open. Put me in debt to her. Little minx, not this time. "So what would you want?" I just hope it’s either someone dead or stress testing an invention.
I seem to have broken her trail of thought, and she fixes me with that sad look again. "What do I want," Bulma repeats, like it’s a weird thing to ask. Foot tapping, she takes way too long to answer, frowning worriedly. Finally she reaches for her coat pocket, then catches herself, a slow smile spreads across her face. "Well, for starters, I'd like to make sure that my people are safe. Those androids are coming in a few years, but to be honest right now I’m more worried about you. And if I help you become a Super Saiyan, then I want you to use those skills to defeat them. Fair enough?" I shouldn't care about her acknowledgement, but it’s so nice to be seen as a threat once again. Because it’s been too long, and it's rightly my due. That’s right! I’m the real danger. Me! Feheheh. Also, it seems the job she wants me to do is... not doing any work? It’s a good deal, but there's one little hitch. "I still want to fight Kakarot. But I suppose I could hold out till after the androids are dead."
She smiles in earnest now; I realise the previous grin was more of a stage move, and this is real, carefree happiness on her face. “Right, I don't think I could stop you two. Besides, Goku would be so disappointed if he didn't get to fight you as well! So, here's the deal. I'll start doing some research— I'll talk with Goku, Krillin, Tien... and I’ll see if I can find a common thread. In the meantime, don't kill anyone. Just relax and maybe get to know people. When was the last time you took a vacation?" Vacate what? She’s talking in riddles. I tisk at her in annoyance. Worse still, so much for me being seen as a threat. She is not even one bit afraid of what will happen after I’ve defeated Kakarot. I guess when Earth’s hero comes into play, the woman’s faith is absolute. But she talks over any objections. “I bet if you got to know our crew, you’d find you have more in common with them than you realise. Yamcha used to be a desert bandit, oh, and Tien. Not to mention Piccolo...” She trails off again and gets a dreamy look in her eyes.
This woman really is weird. I have absolutely no interest in getting to know any of these creatures, yet I can see the advantage of gathering some intel. Besides, I know just where to start, so I bare my teeth at her. "Deal."
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quillovesdbz · 6 years
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Week 3 Submission for @tpthvegebulmayhem Clandestine Downfall
Chapters: 1/2/3/4/5/6/7
Chapter 4: The Weeping Wounds
Rating: T
Genre: Cloak and Dagger, Fantasy, Fairytale AU, Horror, Dark Fiction, Mystery
TW: Violence, conspiracy for murder, assassination, injury description, poisoning, vomiting, death, graphic depiction of an autopsy, light smut, homophobic ideology
Summary: Death! Who has poisoned the general? Is the same person after the prince? The kingdom has been compromised! And just who is the regent? Find out all that and more, in this installment of: Clandestine Downfall!
From the slight crack in the cellar door Bulma and Tien saw 3 men forcefully enter the cottage. The two smaller men seemed to be carrying a much larger, nearly unconscious one. The concealed two instantly recognized Yamcha. And Bulma recognized the other to be the prince. Her mind was suddenly flying, trying to piece together the situation, and then…
“Who is trip trapping on my bridge, and trespassing in my home?!” yelled a familiar  prepubescent voice. The unsurprisingly agile young boy swung down from the rafters like an exotic eastern monkey. His feet landed in perfect sync as he immediately stabled himself. In his two hands he held a long staff, a memento from Bulma’s father. Though her father had only used it as a walking stick in his later years, Goku seemed to favor it a weapon.
Though she feared for the boy's safety she knew very well he could hold his own in one on one combat. And with the larger man seemingly incapacitated, Goku and Yamcha could defend themselves if need be. She frantically looked around for the other missing two, Oolong would be easy to spot, but Lazuli was a master at hide and seek. Neither were in plain sight, which comforted her to some extent.
“Well speak up mister!” the monkey boy bellowed, pointing the slender red rod towards the prince.
Vegeta scanned the boy, from messy black head to dirty bare toes. Something about him seemed familiar. The hair, his striking dark and determined eyes, even the way he held himself, ready to lunge. He was so familiar yet so foreign and strange. Even the way he spoke, authoritative and calculated. Yes, Vegeta had seen this boy somewhere before, though he couldn't tell where.
“Who are you boy? And do you know who you are talking to?!” he retorted, with a disgusted look on his face.
“I am Goku, and no I don't know who you are, I've never met you before.” the boy replied rather matter of factly.
Feeling the slight tension between Vegeta and Goku, Yamcha cut in to calm the situation.
“Goku, he’s fine, he won't hurt us… for now. We need Bulma though! Where is she?”
The ominous mention of “for now" horrified Bulma, but she trusted Yamcha and decided to reveal herself. She whispered lightly to Tien to keep the girls hidden while she figured the situation out.
Goku completely let down his guard at Yamcha’s reassurance. He grinned a playful and mischievous grin, announcing “Alright I'll go get her from her hiding spot!”
Oh come on! She silently uttered, raising her open palm to her clammy forehead. Disgruntled as she was, she climbed out of the cellar door as quiet as a mouse. Luckily the prince wasn't looking in her direction, rather he focused on Goku with a very odd concentration.
Bulma extended her legs, pushing herself to a mostly standing position. She brushed the dust and dirt from the cellar off of her flaxen colored shift and bloomers. Her hair was tied loosely behind her head, but a large portion of her bangs fell softly in front of her eyes. Some strands from that portion had begun to soak the sweat from her forehead, and stuck to her face.
She stepped from the hallway connecting the kitchen and entryway, fist to her brow in preparation to bow. But she immediately caught herself, a man bows, a woman minds her modesty with a curtsey. Her fingertips traced the lace bottom of her shift and her hands pulled in each direction spreading the cloth for a proper bend. She swept her right leg behind the left and slowly dipped into a low, respectful greeting.
“Your Highness,” she breathed.
Yamcha nearly cried out, your highness?! But was cut off by the prince.
“Disgraceful! Your immodesty is only forgivable because this is an unexpected… visit… but you should be ashamed to even present yourself to me in such a state. Begone! Cover your nakedness!” Vegeta spewed after taking in the shocking visual of her.
Her face spontaneously combusted into flames the second she realized what she was wearing. And the Prince called her out so… elegantly. He could not have worded his disgust in such a way to make her feel any worse. Damn that's embarrassing… She shrieked internally. Without hesitation she fled to her chambers for a heavier, more company appropriate smock.
Yamcha turned to Vegeta when Bulma was out of earshot.
“Listen, I don't know what kind of crime warrants a visit of the prince himself, but please know she's done nothing wrong. Let her pay by healing your friend, and let her go.” The scar faced bandit pled.
“Don’t speak so plainly to your Prince! And I'll see to it she is punished of her crime regardless of what happens to Nappa, mark my word.”
Soon, the physician's daughter had Nappa situated.
“I've given him quite a large dose of opium, taking his size into account. He will be comfortable for now, but I'll need to know what the ailment is to properly treat him.”
She stood with authority and intelligence in her posture. She sported a white smock, tied in the waist that fell loosely to her ankles. She had a cloth covering most of her face and gloves on in case Nappa vomited again. She'd given Goku instructions to gather the rest of the children and wait in the cellar until this was all over. I'll come get you as soon as they leave. She half heartedly promised. Honestly, she had no idea what would happen to her in the next few minutes or hours. But what did happen was very far from anyone's expectations.
“He said he'd been poisoned. However he's been sick for the last few days, maybe he is just delirious.” the prince explained.
“That would explain the vomiting and the pale complexion, but those would be symptomatic of most illnesses. I need more time to observe him... Your grace.”
Vegeta sneered at the girl. Tch. He wanted to say he didn't really care whether Nappa lived or died. But he needed backup, and if anyone would kill the Great General, it would be the most powerful man in the kingdom, the prince himself. There's no way the prince would let him be beaten by a coward who poisoned him.
“Do what you must.” he replied, grasping his long navy cloak. Before leaving the room he glared at Yamcha, the way an alpha wolf would intimidate another male during meal time.
“Let's let him rest, Yamcha. Thank you, for doing this and I am so sorry to have dragged you into my mess…” Bulma nearly choked out. She felt her eyes becoming hot and wet, feeling responsible for his predicament. Yamcha instinctively leaned in for an embrace or a kiss, but Bulma pulled back. Silently she swept past him to meet the prince in the kitchen. Yamcha stayed a while thinking about his decisions.
“I'll fix you some food, your highness. And you're welcome to stay as long as it takes for Nappa to heal.” she offered.
With a grunt he accepted the food, the sliced apple that was meant for Tien and Goku, along with cheeses, cured meat, and a glass of wine. She secretly hoped the wine would loosen him up because his sober state was nearly unbearable.
Bulma and Goku fixed a room for the prince, with the softest of the hospital's twenty mattresses and a pea blossom bouquet for fragrance. I don't even treat myself to such luxury. She lamented.
She decided to conceal the children longer, in case anything happened to her, they would be able to escape.
It was early the next morning when Nappa said his final words.
Goku had wandered into his hospital room early in the morning to observe the giant. Goku had never seen such a big man in all his life. It was both daunting and exciting. He wanted to challenge the man to a spar when he awoke, like he, Krillin and Tien did with the old martial arts master in town. Master Roshi had challenged Goku to find bigger and stronger opponents. Goku delighted in the idea of becoming stronger to protect his family… and for fun of course.
Nappa dreamt of one thing for the entirety of his sleep. He replayed a peculiar conversation he had with the Regent a fortnight ago.
“Your grace,” Nappa greeted, head low and fist to brow.  He had been called into a meeting in the King’s counsel, though he had no idea what it was about. He was generally not invited to such discussions unless they involved war or battle, both of which had not occurred recently. To say the call for him was odd may have been an understatement.
“General Nappa. Please stand. Join us at the table, our guest.”
Nappa lifted himself from the wooden floor. At the table sat several confidantes, and an ambassador. There was the Regent himself at the head of the table. He was cloaked in black and crimson, which suited him well. There were small golden chains latched from his cloak to his lapels. His collar was a frilly black satin that crawled like a lizard up his thick neck. His skin was dark, and scarred. He too had seen battles, many of the same Nappa had, though they once fought on opposite sides. As handsome as the Regent was, Nappa wasn't jealous. He was thankful that his own face hadn't  been scarred in such a way, or else the castle maids wouldn't favor him!
To the left of the Regent was Piccolo, the highest ranking monk in the kingdom who attended the meetings as a spiritual guide. He was draped in loose white linens, no doubt an inexpensive thread. He was a very serious man and rarely spoke. He was very tall and muscular, but he wasn't intimidating. Nappa respected him.
To the right of the Regent was another confidante, Mistress Baba. She was the master of coin, a mousey broad with a large body and witch-like face. She was a voluntary spinster, though it's not certain she would have married if she wanted to. She was ugly, with an ugly personality to match, but no man could match her expertise in kingdom finance. She too, was clad in black nearly an identical outfit to the regent but in female form. Of all the people in the room, Nappa feared her the most.
Finally, next to the mistress was a man that Nappa recognized as a French ambassador, due to his French Crest proudly displayed on his right breast. His long grassy blonde hair was fastened in a tight braid, flowing gently down his chest and ending in his lap. His uniform was of high military rank, though Nappa could not identify what rank exactly. The deep navy, crimson and white threads in his uniform beautifully highlighted the cool undertones of his skin and bright green eyes.
Nappa took his seat next to Piccolo, so as to not to look highly underdressed next to the ambassador.
“This is Ambassador Zarbon, hand selected by the French Emperor to discuss a treaty with us today. I trust you know the rest of us here?” the Regent inquired.
“Of course,” Nappa replied, trying piece together why exactly the emperor would send an ambassador for treaty talks.
Nappa was restless in his comatose state. His body fought violently to subdue the arsenic, but unfortunately it was too late for the general. He had soaked the hospital mattress with his perspiration. This was his greatest and final battle.
The meeting was more of a declaration than a discussion. There was to be an assimilation with France, a merging of the armies and joint power to the emperor and the regent, followed by the king when he came of age.
Though Nappa vehemently opposed the idea, there was no arguing as all four other people agreed to the treaty. Nappa could envision a future where the emperor would get his sticky lizard hands on the prince and control him to do anything he wanted. The empire of France would get so large it seemed world domination may even be possible. And that's if the emperor kept his treaty promise. There was nothing him stopping from gaining the kingdom’s army and viciously turning it against itself like he'd done with so many others.
Baba claimed war would be too expensive. This is the only way.
Piccolo claimed that the treaty would bring the least bloodshed. This is the only way.
The ambassador claimed anything less than assimilation would displease the emperor. This is the only way.
And the Regent claimed this was the way to protect the kingdom, themselves, and the prince.
“This is the only way, General. Please order your soldiers at every station to stand down as the French make their way in. They will not be harmed.”
Nappa could not bring himself to agree, his pride being trampled on as it was. Instead, he stormed out of the room, his thunderous footsteps were audible for some time even after his exit.
After the dream replayed, several sickening times, a new event unfolded itself in Nappa’s mind.
The Regent stood from his chair. With a growl he followed Nappa. The regent was smaller, quicker, and caught up to Nappa without even breaking a walk. Nappa felt his legs grow heavy, his lungs filled with heavy unbreathable oxygen. He opened his mouth to give the Regent a piece of his mind when suddenly…
The regent lifted his fist and clenched the space between he and Nappa tightly. His own blood made ribbons on his wrist from his fingernails. His face was suddenly demonic, twisting into an evil scowl. As he tightened his fist, Nappa felt his lungs grow tighter and heavier as well. He couldn't breathe, or speak.
“I will kill you!” the regent threatened, further tightening his grasp.
The general's vision blurred, his pulse weakening in dream state and out.
He opened his eyes for the last time, and beheld a child with wild black hair. The spitting image of the regent. Though he couldn't tell if he was dreaming anymore, his eyes widened.
“Hi! I'm Goku!” the boy said.
The prince stood on the opposite side of the room, leaned against the wall, silently watching his general. When Nappa saw the prince he was relieved to be in at least half friendly company. But as his last breath drew near, so did the prince. In Vegeta’s left hand was a dagger.
“B-bardock! He is going to…”
Vegeta took one look at Nappa and knew this was the end. His face was ashen, purple even, with lack of oxygen. His black eyes were glazed over, veiny and red. Blood vessels all over his face and neck had ruptured forming an almost web like blanket on his face. He looked just like his father had looked so many years ago…
“I won’t let you die weakly, Nappa.”
“Vegeta-" Nappa choked, acid snaking its way from his empty stomach to his esophagus.
“The regent,” he whispered as Vegeta slid the cold smooth dagger into the General's heart.
In that moment Nappa thought nothing and said nothing as his eyes inevitably faded into nothing.
“Hey!! Why'd you do that?! Bulma was trying to save him! I was going to ask him to fight me!! He was your friend!!” Goku valiantly pled.
The prince said one thing and one thing only, not even noticing the boy's tantrum.
Nappa wasn't the only one to be plagued by dark dreams that night. Bulma also had a restless and nightmarish sleep.
She was walking barefoot on moist ground. The almost mud felt soft on her toes, not an unpleasant experience. It was dark where she was, but she felt like she knew the way. She pressed on, wondering what was next. She could not see much of her surroundings, just black ground and black rock walls. It was a cave of sorts. In the distance she heard a river, an indication of an end to the dark tunnel. She smiled in relief that the trek would soon be over. The smell of the cave began to shift from musty, saturated dirt to a more floral essence. She recognized the distinct scents of lavender and sweet pea blossom. It was an intoxicating mixture, and the promise of a fresh cool drink of water made her press on.
It seemed like ages that she was trapped in the cave, alone but not fearful.  Finally she could see the end. The misty rays of morning sunshine leaked into the entrance of the cave. Outside she could see long blades of green grass, dotted with bunches of pink and purple flowers. Tall pines, junipers and a few silver birch trees lined the entrance of the cave and the river.
“Peasant,” an abrupt, deep voice called.
Curious in nature, Bulma twisted toward the voice, coming from behind her, inside the cave.
“You can never leave me.” the voice was rigid and almost predatory.  The voice began to take the form of a man. He was the same height as herself, and muscular though not overly so. His face was hidden in shadows. Bulma could only just see his chest was bare, but he had dark navy trousers on. She tried to speak but the words dissipated in her mouth before she could form them.
The figure grasped her wrist with his own coarse calloused hand. The hand of a swordsman. He reeked of lavender, a scent she now knew originated with him, and not the outside of the cave. She wanted to recoil at his touch but felt powerless in his grasp. His skin felt much colder than hers, almost stinging when he touched her. When she decided to stop resisting she was electrified. The forbidden feeling of letting go excited her. He pulled her in, wrapping his other arm around her waist and locking her there. Her chest was pressed to his, which she could now see was scarred with snow white lines. She now knew this was the prince, but he had captured her. It felt so wrong to betray her beliefs and ideals in favor of his tantalizing body, but she did so anyway.
“But I hate you,” she was finally able to say. His head moved ever closer to hers as if he hadn't even heard her. When he was so close she could feel his warm breath on her own face, she stopped breathing. Anticipating. Suffering. Craving.
And then she awoke.
Bulma wore the same medical smock from the day before as she prepared to check on her patient. Yamcha had spent the night with her, though not in her bed. He was still asleep in her large reading chair when she glanced his way. She felt a small pang of guilt for her heated fantasy about the prince, even though it was just a dream. His features were soft and boyish when he slept. She frowned though, when she remembered that he had left her. He had no intention of being with her and she had to accept that. And the feeling was surprisingly mutual.
Out of the blue she heard her small brother yelling incoherently. Goku! Her mind raced.
Without gloves, boots or mask she sprinted to where she heard the voice, the patient's room. When she reached the doorway she was stopped by the broad figure of the prince. Her heart fluttered with visions of her steamy dream. Involuntarily, her face began to redden at the thought of how close they were. “Eep!” she yelped, at the sudden shock.
Vegeta was in his own head trying to work things out when the doctor's daughter appeared. She seemed flustered, red and messy. She hadn't her shoes, gloves or mask, likely due to hearing the child and rushing here. Her skin was dewy and fresh, her hair tangled but soft looking. And her deep blue eyes were wide and easy to look at. She was slender with pale skin and shoulder length hair. If she weren't a criminal peasant, the prince may have even favored her. But those matters were far from his mind when she stopped him in that doorway.
“He is dead. We must discuss some matters urgently, over breakfast,” he ultimately decided to say.
Bulma had to replay what he said before realizing what he meant. She stepped to the side of the prince and forced her way in to see the patient.
“What?” She vocalized. Dead? He was stable last night! She questioned herself.  And then she saw the bloody mess of sheets draped over the patient's heart. And Goku, standing over and studying the corpse.
“What happened?!” Bulma yelled, exasperated. She was so infinitely confused, did Goku do this? The prince? Yamcha or an intruder? She pressed her bare fingers to Nappa’s throat for a pulse. Nothing. Her fingers made contact with some blood from his chest wound, making her regret not wearing her gloves.
“He killed him! I wanted to spar with him when he got better, but he killed his friend!” Goku answered back to her.
Bulma was shocked and even more confused than before. Was she housing a psychotic murderous prince? Was this all part of the nightmare?
Yamcha had risen just slightly after Bulma, though he was awake long before her. She was restless in her sleep, tossing, turning and moaning the entire night. All he wanted to do was get away but she kept reeling him back in. Her hooks were deep and jagged in his heart. He cared for her and her family so much, and even though he could have escaped in the night and let her make her own bed, he stayed. At some point he was curious about the other children. He assumed she had them tucked away in the cellar but he decided to test that hypothesis. When he found them down there, he brought them food. Six bowls of porridge of varying sizes and temperatures. They were grateful, having not eaten the entire day. Yamcha patted Tien on his fuzzy head. He said something along the lines of Keep everyone safe in case anything happens. And Tien accepted the command with a nod.
And now Yamcha was awake and he noticed the bed in shambles. He lifted the blanket and began to smooth out the sheets. He tucked the corners neatly and fluffed the pillows, when suddenly he heard a commotion. The scar faced boy immediately pursued the noise.
Leaving the room, Yamcha passed right by the kitchen where he only barely noticed the prince sitting at the dining table… In fact the prince was sitting in his own usual spot at the dining table which really seemed to burn Yamcha.
Yamcha didn't exactly grow up learning proper gentleman's etiquette. In fact he was an orphan from the time he was young and he had to beg and steal to survive. It wasn't until recently that Bulma had begun correcting his grammar and social appropriateness. He learned not to call every woman he met a broad because it was impolite. He'd never learned what polite was, but he figured it meant saying the right words at the right time. And it was not a simple feat.
“Hey, ya sod! Make yourself comfortable in my chair why don't ya?” he spat at the prince. Vegeta stared at the young bandit, who had just committed three crimes against the crown in one sentence.
Tch what am I even doing here? He questioned himself sincerely. He came to arrest the peasant woman and maybe publicly humiliate her, but he didn't expect Nappa to die and… I can't go back there… What if the murderer comes after me?
Vegeta now recognized the smaller black haired boy as very similar to the Regent, but he couldn't be sure if there was any relation. Maybe this plot went a lot deeper than he originally anticipated. Just then Bulma entered the kitchen with a scowl directed towards the scar faced delinquent.
“Watch your mouth, Yamcha!” You'll get us all killed! She thought.
“Would you kindly mind explaining exactly what happened in there?!” she screeched at the comfortable looking prince. He shifted silently contemplating whether to tell her or not.
“Your grace?” she added as an afterthought.
“I killed him because he wouldn't have wanted to die in disgrace covered in his own vomit and feces.” he said smoothly.
“He may not have died! He seemed to have a very developed constitution, and-"
“He was choking to death as I watched him! And you have no right to instigate me, the prince and most powerful man in this kingdom! I should be asking you if you accelerated his deterioration?!” Not only did he cut her off but he insulted her medical skill and intelligence and accused her of murder! Almost nothing could stop her from raising her furious fist to his face, almost.
Goku grabbed Bulma's outstretched fist.
“What's a Bardock, Bulma?” he asked innocently and sincerely.
All three adults were silent and waited for what would be said next.
Vegeta decided to break the silence first. “You've tread on very thin ice here, woman. As I see it you have very few options. First you answer every question I have for you honestly and without hesitation. Secondly, you help me clean up this mess and get to the bottom of the poisoning fiasco. Thirdly, you submit to your arrest and face trial and punishment when this is all over. Do this, and I may spare you and these two clowns’ worthless lives.”
With her hand in Goku’s she focused on what the prince said. He doesn't know about the other children yet. She sighed, relieved. But that doesn't mean he can't find out. And Bulma had sworn to protect them no matter what. So she grimaced and bowed low to the prince, who seemingly had her in a corner.
“You may be a vulgar woman, but it takes a lot of guts to raise your fist to a prince,” he said, almost grinning respect for her.
Though arguments were had, Bulma, Goku, Vegeta and Yamcha settled on a quick breakfast before the autopsy of Nappa.
“Someone's been eating my porridge,” Bulma rummaged frantically through her barren kitchen cabinets. Her voice was hushed, her hands searching. Her fingertips grazed the dust inside, and she frowned at the thought of her siblings going without. Giving up on the idea of porridge, she placed her hands on her hips and sighed. Faintly, the children in the cellar could be heard rustling.
Munching eagerly on a bright red apple, the prince hadn't heard the children at first. Bulma stamped her foot loudly on the solid wood floor, a warning to quiet down for the moment. Though he had been deep in thought, mostly pondering the significance of the boy Goku, the stomp shook the prince to attention. Dirt fell on the children like rain. Tiny Lazuli breathed in, filling her lungs with powdered air.
The moment was short but lasted a lifetime in Bulma’s mind. The little girl’s cough was heard by every ear in the kitchen.
The Prince's first reaction to the small cough was suspicion. Why would this woman be hiding a child? He stood from his chair, and traced the sound with his eyes.
“No,” Bulma breathed.
“What are you hiding from me, woman?”
Like a hunted doe she froze, she waited, she tried to figure out what to say but it was almost too overwhelming.
Tien decided he was done playing hiding seek now. He wasn’t afraid of this stranger. With Goku and Yamcha, they could take him down if need be. The boy grabbed his sisters by their hands and motioned for his two brothers to follow behind.  The six short orphans crawled up from the cellar door near the back of the kitchen, Lazuli still hacking away at the dirt.
Revealed and vulnerable, Bulma had no choice but to resort to her feminine wiles in hopes the prince would agree to leave them alone.
“Um, oh, they're just sick children I'm caring for. They aren't related to me at all in fact, run along home little ones,” she gestured to the back door, and then turned to face the prince once again, “so that the adults can get down to business…” her voice and eyes dropped low and sultry, towards Vegeta.
Yamcha flushed as he realized what she was doing. In his limited wisdom he could not see this ending well so he broke his silence.
“Uh look, this has gone on long enough! We all know you're here to arrest Bulma. This is her family and without her they will die. In order to take care of them she had to make a living, and if it's a crime to love and care for your family then this kingdom is doomed.” Yamcha hadn't planned to insult the kingdom or its laws, it just came out that way. He always said what he felt.
“Look, I don't care what is going on here, because the kingdom is compromised. I need your help to figure out what exactly happened to Nappa. Then I can handle that situation and then arrest the woman!”
“Arrest me and let her go!” Yamcha yelled valiantly.
“No! Oh my God stop trying to save me!” Bulma yelled at the bandit.
Yamcha was visibly confused.
“I'll help you,” she stated, a promise. “But you have to promise no harm comes to my siblings… or Yamcha.”
“So far my only interest is punishing those who've committed crimes. The children have not, and you have my word no harm will come to them.” he promised back.
There was no promise to Yamcha, but Bulma had to agree to the terms to protect the children.
With knowing eyes she told Yamcha to take the children to pick apples, silently. And silently he agreed.
To hasten the process of congealing Nappa's blood, Bulma mixed a fine powder of yarrow and myrrh sap. The mixture was a sticky sweet smelling syrup that she applied to each incision.  The result was thick, molasses like blood that did not spill all over the floor. Nappa was far too large to let his blood in the tub, so this was a necessary process.
While the woman worked her magic on his general's corpse, Vegeta wandered close by in the connecting library. There had to have been a hundred books on medicine, poison, gynaecology, pediatrics and more. Most of the books looked well worn, likely years of reading and rereading. The prince slid his right hand fingers on an odd book, seemingly out of place with all the medical texts; Richard III by William Shakespeare.  A play… how oddly refined for a peasant woman…
His calloused fingers admired the worn leather of its binding. He shook the book open to a page and read an excerpt:
“Foul devil, for God’s sake hence, and trouble us not; For thou hast made the happy earth thy hell, Fill’d it with cursing cries and deep exclaims. If thou delight to view thy heinous deeds, Behold this pattern of thy butcheries. O! gentlemen; see, see! dead Henry’s wounds Open their congeal’d mouths and bleed afresh. Blush, blush, thou lump of foul deformity, For ’tis thy presence that exhales this blood From cold and empty veins, where no blood dwells: Thy deed, inhuman and unnatural, Provokes this deluge most unnatural. O God! which this blood mad’st, revenge his death; O earth! which this blood drink’st, revenge his death; Either heaven with lightning strike the murderer dead, Or earth, gape open wide, and eat him quick, As thou dost swallow up this good king’s blood, Which his hell-govern’d arm hath butchered!”
Vegeta mourned the act of killing his friend. As if precautionary, he checked to see if Nappa was bleeding again in his presence, even though he knew it a superstitious and outdated practice.
The physician's daughter cut away, a long Y shaped incision into the general's chest. She was unphased by the sight of blood, organs and the smell. The smell was most horrible, a fleshy and iron smell that turned sour the closer she got to his stomach. Even Vegeta, who had seen some battle in his young life, almost turned away in disgust. But not Bulma.
“Eureka!” the blue haired surgeon shrieked after some time spent digging in the general's stomach. Her blood-soaked and gloved hand pulled out a small amount of what looked like mud to the untrained eye.
“What is it?” he demanded as he got closer, eyes wide as if it could help him understand better.
“Food.” She proudly proclaimed, as if it truly answered his question. She knew it didn't but it was fun to dangle her superior intellect in front of him, teasingly. She turned away from the prince, and towards a table with many dishes and vials. And, next to them was a machine the prince hadn't seen before, even in the castle's infirmary and laboratory. It was a cylindrical device mounted on a small stand which held a glass plate. Curious and disgusted Vegeta watched her work. She placed the bloody mud she identified as food on the small glass plate. Then she ungloved her right hand and grasped the cylinder in it. She delicately placed her eye over the cylinder, where the prince now noticed there was a circular glass piece.
“A magnifier?” the prince guessed, moderately educated in his own right.
“Sort of,” the genius girl teased.
But quickly his mind wandered from what she was doing at the moment, to what she was doing with her life.
“Why do you harbor these orphans and that street rat?” He asked, bluntly.
For a moment Bulma was quiet. Through a quick look she determined the sample was of an apple. Though, the stomach and mouth of the corpse smelled distinctly of garlic. An odd combination that is rarely seen in traditional cooking.
Something inside her told her to answer him truthfully. So she did.
“I see. My father also passed when I was young… He appointed the Regent, Bardock, to fulfill his duties until a time when I decided to take over. I promised my father I would follow in his footsteps and become the most powerful man in the kingdom. But here I am chasing a silly criminal getting my most valuable general killed.”
The prince had opened up to her, albeit not without calling her silly, but he had really left himself vulnerable to whatever she could say next. His insecurities and fears of not meeting expectations seemed to weigh heavy on his shoulders. Ignoring the “silly" comment, she opted for a sympathetic response.
“You are doing a fine job, Nappa's death was not your fault. But you can make it better. Avenge him, and prove to your father and the regent that your time to rule is now.” She raised her gloved hand in a fist of rebellion.
“And fulfill your promise to be the most powerful by eliminating the French threat and protecting your kingdom!”
Oops. She had gone off on a tangent and revealed her true political ideals.
“I… what do you know about France?!” Vegeta demanded, cross browed and inquisitive.
“I um, sorry, I just have strong opinions and I let myself get carried away… your grace.” She stated, much quieter than before.
He just stared at her and let the sight of her fill him. That passion…
“Well since you will rot in a cell for the rest of your miserable life, you should know we are in the middle of a treaty with the emperor of France. We will assimilate and become one.”
Bulma was most shocked about the declaration of a treaty with France. It was almost as if she hadn't heard the rotting in a cell part. Almost.
“You fool,” she breathed, involuntarily. “he’ll kill us all before he even thinks of peace with this kingdom. What your father did was unforgivable and Emperor Frieza will make our kingdom pay… this ‘treaty’ is only a ploy and I can't believe you don't see it…”
It hadn't occurred to him that it was a trick, but she had made a fascinating point. If Frieza still harbored any ill will, he could flawlessly execute a coup d'état with the appearance of peace. It left the prince speechless, this woman’s intelligence.
“In fact, the plot may have already begun with the poisoning of your general. Arsenic.” and with that she removed her remaining bloody glove and began to cover the body with sheets.
They had made a makeshift wooden cart to carry Nappa behind their horses. His body was beginning to stiffen, but Vegeta and Yamcha were able to place him without too much effort.
Bulma mounted the fallen general's stallion with grace. Yamcha grabbed its reins to lead, but she insisted he join her on the horse. When he did Vegeta felt a small jealousy ignite in his chest. Alone on his own dark horse, Vegeta thought about one thing; the unexpected infatuation he'd developed with this vulgar cross-dressing harlot over the last three days.
God, how she glows. She is like a sinful fire and my body is freezing and my mind naive. She is not only beautiful, with porcelain skin, rivers of blue hair and deep twilight eyes, but she is intelligent and strong willed. She's got guts. The mousey maids in the castle are nothing like her. The dutchess suitors I'm accustomed to are so timid and withdrawn. None would even think to accomplish the feats this woman has in her eighteen years of life. I can never have her, and that makes me want her so much more.
Her beauty is nothing if not underrated by those around her. How she even managed to dress as a man for so long looking like that is beyond me. Her facial structure is angular and soft all at the same time. Her skin dewy and perfectly delicious. I don't know if I want to kiss her or eat her. I definitely want to touch every part of her, hair and skin, lips and neck even… Yes, she is certainly the most gorgeous woman I've ever seen.
Her intelligence is by far her most hidden trait. She has knowledge that could rival even the most skilled castle physicians. The graceful way she cut into Nappa, spilling the least blood and quickly identifying the poison. The exact food the poison was in even! She was taught well by her father. And to her credit he probably didn't teach her everything. Not a single book in her library was dusty nor pristine. All were well used, and well absorbed. Even the entertaining reads of plays and poetry showed her deep and critical knowledge. And she squandered her intellect, by working as a stable hand in my stables.
Her will power rivals even that of my own. In my life I have been dedicated to nothing but becoming a powerful warrior and king, to fulfill my father's wish. I can relate to her trials, she too promised her father, and kept it all these years. Here I am hiding away from the man who wishes to usurp me, or worse. And she is burying the friend of her enemy to ensure safety for her family. She has done all I have asked, albeit not without argument, for the prosperity of her family. She is passionate not only about them but the entire kingdom as well. It reminds me… well it reminds me of my mother. She was so strong even at her weakest. And Bulma is no different.
In fact, I respect her for all of this. How different and similar we are isn't so odd. In another world I'd scoop her up and steal her away, and she'd be my princess or I would be her peasant husband. Unfortunately...
Vegeta day dreamed silently as the trio rode further into the forest.
He made a decision then, and although he didn't know it yet, it would ultimately be the death of Bulma.
The group arrived at a clearing near a river shortly before sunset. Yamcha still wasn't sure why he needed to come, besides being secondary muscle to transport the hulking abomination.  
“Here will do.” The prince called out, halting his horse and dismounting. Bulma and Yamcha also dismounted and looked around. It was a far stretching meadow, mostly grassy with some large patches of sand and rock appearing closer to the river. Surrounding the clearing was a plethora of aspen trees and a few juniper and birch. In the distance the Jura mountain range could be seen, the citrus and peony sunset settled quietly behind it. No one said a word.
Once Nappa was buried, and as if on queue, hundreds of fireflies made their appearance in the dim and fleeting light of day. The floating flames danced around the trio, a spiritual sight to behold. Bulma smiled and reached out to touch one, her other arm rested safely on Yamcha’s shoulder. The prince took notice of the bugs, but to him they were far from wonderful. They stung him like bees, reminding him that his friend and mentor would never see the light of day again. Nor his father. Nor his mother. Nor his infant brother. His entire family, everyone who had ever meant anything to him was completely, utterly gone.
Darkly, the prince demanded “Get out of here.”
Taken aback by the demand, and not quite knowing the exact meaning, Bulma responded, “W-why, are you sending us home? Will you arrest me?”
“I will be back for you tonight. Make the final preparations for your family and leave them in his care,” he gestured to Yamcha. “You will be tried, and if found guilty you will be subject to punishment. There is a chance you may never return, so please make preparations for such a case. NOW GO!!” He roared, a lion towering above two mice. He grasped his cloak and turned to face the fresh grave, his back to the boy and girl.
“But you!” Bulma fought back tears. How could he? I've done so much! This isn't fair!
Yamcha threw his arm around Bulma, who was now a slobbering, whimpering mess, whose words felt like a different language altogether.  He took the reins, poorly leading the horse back home. Bulma sobbed and held her one time beau tightly as they headed back, slowly.
The prince stood in the clearing for what seemed an eternity. His chin was high, but eyes low examining the final resting place of the great general. The fireflies did not tire, even as the sun finally disappeared, they danced on. Slowly, a salty stream manifested in the prince’s eyes. Though he fought it, his thoughts had finally overwhelmed him. The annoying flying flames had finally bursted his last nerve. Withdrawing his sabre with finesse, he swung hard at the air, at the bugs. Frustrated from missing them, he turned his anger to the trees. He hacked and sliced for a while, until sweat had drenched his shirt and cloak. He discarded them without thought and returned to sparring the tree. He hadn't noticed but he was shouting with each swing. Only once he was hoarse and parched did he realize what strain he had put on his vocals.
He collapsed on the grassy, sandy earth in a huff. It was time.
Though Yamcha had plead for her to take her chance at escape, she declined. He had devised a quick and fairly executable plan to pack the children and run as far from the kingdom as possible. But Bulma was nothing if not brave and honorable. “This is my fault. I need to pay for my actions,” she told him.
They agreed not to tell the children, most of whom were sleeping. The rambunctious Goku was still awake and raiding what little stores of fresh food they still had.
Bulma and Yamcha spent most of the time they had left in silence, scrubbing the death soaked room that once housed Nappa. There was no arguing with Bulma, and there was certainly no arguing with the prince.
“Bulma,” Goku had made his way into the room where they were, seemingly without a sound.  
Bulma's face was colored deep red from hours of sobbing, her eyes swollen. She looked up from her position on the floor, to see him standing in the doorway.
Without words, the three of them just embraced. Each one felt it deep in their hearts, it would be the last time. But it wasn't in Goku's nature to give up like that.
“I will become strong! I will rescue you!” his eyes began to glaze and fill with tears.
“Shh, no, please don't. That would only get you killed and put our siblings in danger. Promise me you will take care of them, Goku,” she pled, a lump in her throat.
He just grasped her tighter, his arms around her neck, fingers digging into her skin. He never wanted to let her go, his sister, his rock, he loved her. She squeezed him back with all she had, her hand on the back of his wild head, fingers braided between his hair.
They couldn't let go. That is until they heard him coming.
Bulma grabbed a small bag packed with essentials. But the prince motioned for her to leave it. “You won't need a change of clothes when all you'll be wearing is a prison shift. Leave the unnecessary things and let's go. I tire of waiting.”
She was voluntarily silent for the entire ride to the castle. She was understandably furious with Vegeta, though he never lied to her. He always knew she would be punished, and he never said otherwise. But his reason for bringing her was not punishment, yet, it was for her help in determining the assassin. Once she helped him to clear out the bad apple or apples, he would release her. Though he hoped she would stay with him, he would never ask it of her. And he knew she would never want to anyway.
Vegeta tugged the reins and dug his heel into the side of the stallion, forcing it to gallop at almost full speed. Having nearly fallen from the abrupt change in acceleration, Bulma threw her arms around the prince’s waist to anchor herself. She grasped tightly, trying hard not to admire the feel of his firm abs against her arms. As though he knew exactly what she was thinking, he leaned forward and tightened his muscles. She'd teased him earlier with her superior mind, now it was his turn to tease her with his superior body.
She both despised and delighted the entire ride.
In the twilight Bulma could barely see the outline of the stables. Vegeta had slowed the horse drastically, and motioned for her to be silent. She wasn't entirely sure why he required her to be quiet, but she complied all the same.
When they were in walking distance the prince dismounted, and placed a hand on her thigh as a command to stay. She slid forward in the saddle and grasped  the horn. Vegeta soothingly patted the horse, an effort to keep it silent as well. The smell of hay and manure filled the air, a familiar scent to the whole company. Vegeta led the horse into its stall and moved to its side to help the girl down. Not wanting his help, Bulma kicked his hand away and growled like a feral cat. Then she dismounted most ungracefully, her shift sliding well above her thigh revealing her short bloomers. The prince tried to pretend not to see, but his face flushed at the audacity of this wild girl.
“Why are we sneaking?” Bulma asked.
The prince looked around the barn, that had been closed up for hours.  With no one in sight he moved toward the tack closet. “I can't explain you away in your current state of undress,” he explained, which made sense to him but not to Bulma.
“Just take me to my holding cell so that I don't have to be in your royal presence anymore.” she attacked.
“That's not why you are here,” he said, ignoring the insult, and pulling what looked like folded linens out of the tack closet. Becoming frustrated by his lack of explanation for anything, Bulma raised her voice.
“Oh? Then just why am I here, your majesty?!”
Horrified by her rash action the prince used his free hand to cup the woman’s mouth while simultaneously forcing her back to the stable wall.
He placed his head nearly parallel with hers, his lips less than inches from her ear. Her heart began to pound, in fear and in lust. His hand smelt of lavender, his breath like sweet honey.  
“I said you will assist me in my investigation. Until then you will present yourself as my apprentice, hand chosen by the late general. Do I make myself clear, Bull?” he whispered threateningly while shoving the stack of male clothing at her stomach.
She nodded her head and grabbed the clothing from him. He released his grasp on her face and turned the other way, allowing her a small privacy to change.
After removing her shift and boots, she pulled the off white trousers over each leg. She tightened the strings of the waist, this pair was just slightly large on her slender frame. She buttoned up the white dress shirt, more frilly than she was accustomed to, and tucked it neatly in the trousers. The overcoat was navy and gold, but not fancy enough to indicate royalty or similar. She looked the part of a wealthy young man, and not a bit overdressed. Her worn leather boots helped to tone down the prestige in her outfit as well. No one would have reason to question their story as long as she went unrecognized.
Bulma fastened the navy ribbon at the base of her head. That being the final touch on her costume, she turned to the prince and nodded a signal of her readiness.
It fascinated to prince just how beautiful she could be even in such form fitting clothing. It felt awkward admiring her masculine form, but his mind couldn't differentiate between this uniform and her tattered shift dress. All he saw was her beauty, inside and out. He wanted to touch her, so with authority in his movement, he grabbed her wrist. She followed without complaint.
Without a word he pulled her towards two large doors that she assumed connected to the castle. To her slight surprise the room behind the doors was filled with more hay, and what looked like training dummies. On the right wall, many different swords of different shapes and sizes were hung. The prince grabbed a smaller looking saber from the wall, and lifted it above Bulma's head and onto her shoulders. The sword was protected by a worn leather sheath and held to her chest by a belt of the same color. It was ordinary, just like her disguise. She was completely ordinary.
From the training room they made their way into the palace kitchens, no doubt a place the prince rarely entered. The kitchens were vast and empty of life. The walls were bare red brick and the floors hardwood. Several ovens lined the walls, butcher’s block on all the countertops, and dozens of pots and pans hanging from the ceiling. There were more knives than swords in the other room, a fact which excited the aspiring chef in Bulma. To the north of the large open room were several narrow wooden doors. “Servant quarters,” he whispered when he saw her notice the doors.
Discreetly, he grabbed her hand in his and tugged her along. He seemed to know the exact route to avoid people, though most were asleep at this hour anyway.
Finally they arrived at a long hallway lined with several doors on both sides. There was a red carpet with an intricate design down the middle, but it was well worn and faded where it had the most traffic. The hall itself smelled dusty and old, and several spiders had woven their webs in the corners. It gave Bulma a small sense of sadness and emptiness to be present in this hallway, as though only ghosts were permitted here.
“This is my chambers,” the prince stated, pointing to the door closest to them. “You will not enter under any circumstance, you are forbidden.”  Bulma nodded in acknowledgment and watched the prince as he walked further into the hall. The very next door, roughly fifteen feet from the first, was another chamber. The prince grabbed the knob and twisted as he pushed the door open.
“This will be yours for the time being…” he lingered on what to say afterward, contemplating whether to be rude or hospitable. “You may knock on my chamber if you need anything. Do not break disguise, I will fetch you in the morning.” he whispered the last part before returning to a normal tone, “understand Ser Bull?”
“Yes, your majesty,” she responded meekly but masculine. She stepped inside the chambers and absorbed her surroundings. It was dark, save for the sliver of moonlight that peeked in the drapeless window. In the center of the room was a large bed, dressed with red and indigo sheets and quilts. The bed had a canopy frame, though the canopy was seemingly missing. At the foot of the bed there was a large chest, which she assumed held clothing. On either side of the bed were hand carved oak nightstands, on top of each a single unlit candle. Adjacent from the bed was an older looking desk and chair, somewhat out of style for the year, yet not quite antique. On the desk was a quill and an inkwell, though the ink had long since dried. She determined from the dusty state of the room that it hadn't been used in quite some time. But it was more comfortable than the stone cold floor of a jail cell, so she rejoiced.
She kicked her boots off near the door and decided to sleep in her costume, in case any soul dare visit her during her sleep, she would be fully concealed. The mattress was like heaven to her aching bones, and she drifted off in a matter of minutes.
The prince, did not have such luck.
He dreamt of a deep azure lake with placid waves. He was sailing on the lake, at twilight. Though it was dark the full moon and blanket of stars lit up his surroundings. It was peaceful, for a time. His mother was aboard the tiny schooner, clad in her yellow Sunday gown. Underneath the gown her white lace petticoat peeked through. Her outfit was embroidered at the edges with lavender blossoms, her favorite flower. Her hair was long, nearly reaching the seat she rested on. It was lighter than his own, he inherited his raven hair from his father, hers was a hazelnut colored waterfall of curls. She smiled tenderly at him, as he rowed, steady.  
From the middle of the lake he heard a cry for help. Shooting a glance toward the noise, the prince began to row faster.
As they neared the source of the cry, Vegeta was able to make out the figure of a girl with blue hair. She struggled to stay afloat, gasping as her head bobbed above and below the water. In an instant the weather turned violent. Dark clouds shrouded the once bright stars and moon, as heavy rain began to fall. The small boat began to rock as the waves gained speed and height. The prince bent his torso over the edge of the boat, stretching his right arm toward the maiden.
She flailed about, trying in vain to grasp his hand. As the environment became more intense, his mother stood from her seat. She laid her hand on his shoulder, and lowered her face to his ear. He struggled to reach the drowning girl, each second ticking by she got further away.
“You’ve doomed her,” his mother whispered lightly. The girl’s head sank below the surface as her arm seemed to go limp.
Suddenly, a deafening roar of thunder and lightning crashed in the sky.
And the prince awoke with a jolt, sitting upright in his bed.
Bardock sat alone at a small tea table in his personal chambers. It was early, still dark outside. Several candles lit the room dimly, just so he could see at about arm’s length. He pulled a small dusting cloth from a drawer in the table and began to wipe his porcelain set of tea cups. They were a gift from a long lost friend, she had purchased them from a ceramic artist in the orient. Of his numerous regrets in life, the one that pained him the most was not marrying her. The mistake had cost him too many years of unrelenting loneliness.
Her image had all but faded from his mind. The last time he saw her was over ten years ago, before the king had died. Each day, as he took his tea, he tried to recount her features. She had blunt black hair, and big brown doe eyes. She was thin, a product of malnourishment due to her chosen profession.  When he first met her she was covered in bruises, her eyes and cheeks sunken in her face. He’d wandered into the amoral establishment by accident when he was looking for the tavern his fellow soldiers where at. She was used, like a scribbled piece of paper,  wasting away in a dirty bin. But she had so many invisible words printed on her skinny face, he could never read them all, not if he had known her his entire lifetime.
She offered him services, to which he blushingly declined, at first. She gave him directions to the tavern he was looking for, but asked him to return to her if he thought of her. He promised he would. And he never stopped thinking about her. So when he did return he stole her away, taking her to his quarters at the castle. There were no women allowed in the soldiers barracks but he defied the rule for her. They laid together every night for four weeks until she was found out. After which, she was permanently exiled from the kingdom, and he was given a stiff slap on the wrist. And he never saw her after that. Their affair was the first and last time he had loved anyone. But he should have known better than to fall in love with a whore.
Slowly, he poured the tea that had brewed into the delicate looking cup. He knew not what became of her, but he assumed she had died at some point. The lifestyle she chose was not sustainable, especially outside of the safety of the kingdom. So to honor her, in his own private way, he drank tea dedicated to her. Gine.
After drinking his tea he made his way to the mirror. He removed the red drape from it, and began the ominous chant. “Mirror, mirror,” he uttered coldly. Inside the figure of a face took form. It was nearly impossible to tell whether the form was male or female, its skin pale blue and long white hair.
“Milord,” it answered predictably.
“I wish to know what has become of Nappa, and where is the Prince?” Bardock inquired.
“The general breathes no longer,” the mirror reported. “The Prince is returned home last night, from a quiet journey where he laid the great general to rest.”  
“And what of the blue haired girl?”
“She is very intelligent. She will help him discover that you were the source of the general’s demise. Should she be allowed to live, she will lead the kingdom in rebellion against the french, as his queen.”
Content with the answers Bardock dismissed the mirror, concealing it once again with the long red drapes.
It was before sunrise, and his chambers were still dark. The prince rose to light a candle, his body fully awake from the terrifying dream he’d just had. His hands still shook with adrenaline, his breath still hard and cold. He was dressed only in trousers, the rest of him bare. For a split second he worried about Bulma, and decided to check on her.
Quietly he pushed the heavy wooden door open. The hinges made a slight squeak, though no one was around to hear. Barefoot, he crept silently toward her chambers. Her door made a much louder squeak, due to many years of unuse, but she did not stir. He made his way to her bedside and concluded that she was in fact safe and sound. He decided to check her breathing, in case anything had happened in her sleep. As he got closer to her face he heard her gentle breaths. Relieved, he rested his bottom on the wooden floor. He admired her soft features for a long time, entirely too long in fact, as she began to wake up while he was still there.
He rose to his feet immediately, as she began to stretch her arms out. She hadn't opened her eyes or noticed him yet. His heart leapt from his chest as he scurried to get to the door. Safely on the other side, he let a large breath out of his lungs with an audible sigh.  
As Bulma stretched out her well rested muscles she turned to see a lit candle on her nightstand. Alarmed, she looked around the room for an intruder. Seeing nothing she slowly got up and walked to the door where she heard heavy breathing. Expecting to find a creep on the other side she grabbed the sword she had lent against the wall the previous night. Slowly, she unsheathed it and readied herself for war.
She gradually opened the door, where to her surprise the prince was waiting on the other side.
“Oh jeez, it's just you,” she sighed, relieved. And then she remembered the candle. “Oh my God, were you watching me sleep?!” she ordered the prince to answer, her face close to his, an intimidation tactic she'd been using most of her life.
“I! No! I was just!” the prince struggled to defend himself, his face reddening. Narrowing her eyes, she felt a slight smile begin to form on her lips.
“Oh, I see,” she purred, finally aware of his crush. She lifted her extended index finger to his bare chest. “You fancy me,” she accused as she turned her body around, the tip of her finger grazing his nose. She folded her arms with her back to him.
“What?! Of course not!” he growled, his face twisting to a scowl, his fist raising as a threat.
While the prince stumbled over what words to use to articulate his feelings, Bulma tied her hair in a navy ribbon. When she finished the bouncy bow, she turned back around to face the prince. He was frozen as she gracefully moved toward him, stopping inches from his face. Without saying a word she quickly pressed her lips to his, an action which seemed to stop his heart beating. It was just a peck, over in an instant. The feeling of his blood boiling over led him to believe he would surely die. And as if nothing even happened she strolled past him, through the open door and into the hallway.
“Well make yourself useful and show me to breakfast,” she demanded, disguising her voice to sound more masculine.
He found it physically impossible to say anything at all, his jaw clenched so tightly it would take more than will power to pry open.
In the kitchens several maids scurried about, preparing breakfast for the court.
Near the kitchen entrance the prince sat in his usual chair at the head of the table. It was his usual chair, that is when he didn't take meals in his chambers, which was a rare sight. Bulma sat in the chair to his right, and when she did so she received several wide eyed glances from the servants. No one else in the court had arrived for breakfast so every other seat was empty. It must have been an important seat, but the prince did not protest so she stayed put.
He did everything he could to avoid looking at her. His elbow was propped on the table, his head in it's hand, and pointed away from her. He was red as an apple, and the servants took notice. The most odd thing they noticed though, was that the two, the prince and his new friend, said nothing at all to each other.
“Who-" Fasha began to say to her servant counterpart, Maron, who interrupted her.
“No idea, but he's bloody cute I tell ya what.”
“I've never seen him around before, but he looks awful familiar,” Fasha replied, searching her brain for some indication of the blue haired boy’s identity. The two servant girls whispered away in the kitchens, as Fasha stirred the wild boar stew she was making for that night's dinner banquet. Maron had several baskets of rolls to deliver to the tables, but was neglecting that duty for an opportunity to gossip with her friend.
“Yes but… something is off about him. And the way the prince is blushing… Do you reckon…?” Maron suggested, heavily implying that Bulma may be a homosexual man.
“Gee I hope not,” Fasha aspired, wanting to make the new boy her own.
Just then another maid entered, in a rush to have the rolls served.
“The lords and ladies are arriving, please get these out!” She demanded, pointing to Maron and the baskets.
“On it, Miss Mai,” Maron apologized as she hopped to work.
Mai was taller and older than both Fasha and Marron but had yet to marry. Though it wasn't for lack of beauty. She had long black locks that she kept braided at all times, and lips like ripe plums. Recently she had become a sort of forewoman of the kitchen, since the head chef had disappeared. It wasn't unlike Hit to disappear every once in a while, so she was appointed to a supervisory position in his absence.
“Miss Mai,” Fasha started, still stirring away. “Did you notice the new boy who is sat directly next to the prince? How bold.”
“How bold indeed,” Mai said with suspicion in her voice and narrowed eyes.
Unknown to Fasha and the rest of the castle, Mai had witnessed a very immoral act that morning, of which she was very conflicted. She saw the new boy kiss the prince as she walked past his chambers. She struggled to define her role in the act, and wondered if it was her duty inform anyone. Afterall, sodomy was a sin, punishable by death. But would she risk an accusation on the prince, of all people?
Several of the high class knights and a few of their ladies joined the breakfast table. These were all high born men and women, who achieved their rank through birthright. Many of them were scarred from enduring many battles with the French. Bulma felt nearly sick wondering how they must feel about the treaty. She wondered if any had protested, or if they feared to do so. Most of the ladies wore a somber look on their faces and in their dresses. Maybe they had heard of the death of the general, though the only people who knew were herself and the prince. Finally, filling the very last chair at the opposite end of the table was a tall and handsome man, with a ruggedly scarred face and black hair. He looked familiar, but Bulma couldn't quite put her finger on who he was. His position seemed to indicate royalty or very close to it. He must be the appointed regent. She decided silently.
Bulma and the prince had nearly had their fill of bread and pastries, and she was beginning to feel apprehensive about being in the presence of so many people. She tapped Vegeta’s leg with her riding boot, and motioned her head toward the exit when he looked at her. He gave a light nod and looked away from her quickly. Just looking at her made his heart race, and he didn't want to risk anyone noticing. He grabbed his fourth Danish, and shoved it in his mouth.
“Prince Vegeta, so nice of you to join everyone,” the regent announced from the other end of the table.
“Not because I want to,” the prince began. “I have news. General Nappa has been slain.” There were some hushed gasps and whispers among the guests, but not a single reaction from the regent. He didn't even blink at the news, it was as if he already knew.
Bulma had a terrible feeling about this man, though it was hard for her to understand why. She swallowed hard on the dry muffin she was eating.
“Unfortunate news. How did this come to pass?” the regent inquired.
“We were dueling, and I mortally wounded him. We didn't believe it to be life threatening. I bandaged him and we rested for the night. In the morning he had passed.” Bulma studied every second of the regent's reaction, scanning him for abnormalities. He twitched slightly at the explanation, almost as if he knew it to be a lie.
“I see. And what of this... “ he motioned a hand to Bulma as if indicating whatever he believed her to be was a dirty word.
“My squire. Appointed by the general himself three days ago. I will train him under my wing until a time when he can join the militia. My apologies if he does not know proper court etiquette, he is of very low birth.” he made it sound like she was a child or at least not even fifteen yet, the age when it is mandatory for men to join the militia.  She pondered for a moment just how old she looked to everyone else in her male regalia. Her sort of short stature, slender figure, and smooth face probably made her look much younger as a boy. She decided she wouldn't be insulted at the implication afterall.
“Excellent…” the regent replied, losing interest in the topic as he turned to one of the other guests to ignite a new discussion.
Out of the limelight, Vegeta threw his hand on Bulma's and pulled her to her feet with him. Realizing that he had actually touched her, he dropped her just as quickly. Bulma felt a grin in her heart, though it didn't make its appearance on her face. I'm disgusting. She lamented, partially enjoying her newfound infatuation, partially hating herself for it.
Later in the evening, Bulma found herself in a slight dilemma. She'd been assigned a chambermaid, who wished to draw her a bath. In these instances, a normal person would undress and allow the servant to bathe them. This was not in Bulma’s best interest for she was concealing her gender.
“Ser… Bull was it?” the red haired maiden called.
Bulma panicked as she turned to face the servant. “I won’t won’t be needing a bath today, dear.” She claimed in her most baritone voice.
“As you wish,” the maiden said, rolling her eyes and turning up her nose. The gesture reminded Bulma that the last time she had bathed was three days ago, and her body odor did her no favors.
“Can help you dress down for bed, sir?” The maiden offered, with a slightly disgusted tone of voice.
“N-no,” Bulma answered, flustered by the prospect. Persistent broad. She sighed silently. Finally, the redhead left, taking her harsh judgments with her.
Bulma sat at her desk and pondered the events of the day. An awkward breakfast followed by hours upon hours of being alone in her chambers. The prince had several duties to attend to since he had been absent the past few days. He didn't trust her wandering about on her own so he ordered her to stay put. So she did, and the only human interaction save for breakfast; was the annoying chambermaid she had finally gotten rid of.
She pulled a piece of parchment from a leather bound notebook she had found within the desk. In these uncertain times she felt like penning a letter, an activity that usually brought her peace. As she pulled the quill and inkwell from the desk, her chamber door wailed open.
Vegeta had quite the day. He had run from one end of the castle to the other appointing high ranking officers to new positions within the army. Like a cascading waterfall, when he replaced Nappa with Toma the tall, he needed someone to replace him, and so on and so on. Bardock appointed him these responsibilities to prepare him for when he would become king. The day was so soon in fact, he would be turning eighteen in just one month. He always knew it was coming but deep inside his unconscious mind he felt apprehensive about the title. He had always been the prince. And now he had very big shoes to fill.
His heart told him to seek out Bulma in his uncertain mood, though it did not tell him why or what to say. So he stood in her doorway, staring at her intensely, saying nothing.
“Can I help you, your highness?” she asked as she twisted in her seat.
“Rise,” he said, ignoring that she may not know the context of his command. “Er, rise when your prince enters your presence. That is proper court etiquette,” he explained.
Wow, she thought, he isn't demanding me and demeaning me as he does so. She was nearly floored at his unusually kind demeanor. So she rose and bowed formally to him.
“Again, how can I help you?”
He stood for a moment gathering the vocabulary to express what he wanted. He needed her to investigate the safety breach that had occurred, resulting in the poisoning of his general.
“I was wondering if you had any leads,” he whispered, slowly closing the rusty hinged door behind him.
“Ah,” she spoke, bringing her hand to her chin and looking down at her boots. She did have suspicions, but no concrete evidence, of anything. And what's more, she had been ordered to stay in her chambers all day, how was she supposed to have learned anything?
“The typical smell of arsenic is very close to garlic. Although, it has been at least several days since the poisoning, and so anyone who may have had it on their hands would have definitely been washed by now.”
The prince shifted his stance to one side, pulling his hand to his opposite hip. The shift made a floorboard creak slightly, bringing her attention to him. Just the simple act of looking up at him made his heart skip, her eyelashes perfectly framing her large doe eyes.
His face flushed, an action he could no longer control. His treacherous body’s ridiculous crush was absolutely maddening to the prince. His mind involuntary shoved the picture of her soft lips against his to his eyes. His heart betrayed him again as it leapt. Just being in her presence is driving me… He lamented silently.
Bulma took notice of the odd behavior the prince was exhibiting but she chose to ignore it. Instead she focused her brain on the mystery at hand.
“We should investigate the kitchens and the servants who work there.” she suggested.
“Yes,” he agreed, still fighting a great battle with his hormones. “But should we wait until after dinner?”
Bulma nodded, agreeing that he had a good idea.
Again she noted his odd behavior, flushed skin and awkward, stiff stance. The evil prince had fallen so hard for her; she was resisting the urge to gloat. Maybe the key to her freedom was making the prince fall in love with her. He wasn't terrible looking, in fact his body was godly, but she wasn't keen on his personality or political policies.  And God forbid, what if he wanted to keep her because he had fallen in love? What if he never let her go and she was stuck here the rest of her life to be his mistress or else rot in a cell? Bulma mourned not having the answer, like she might have if he were a horse or a sick patient. Still…
She moved on him, fast and hungry like a predator. Without thought, she grabbed his face, and pushed her lips to his, again. Her hand ran through his shock of wild black hair, holding him in place. Her other hand cupped his cheek and square jaw.
He was stunned, his heart had stopped. He did nothing, she had complete and utter control of him.
Her lust enveloped her, controlled her every move. She could not think, she only felt and acted, a slave to her emotions.
Losing all sense of morality and pride he lifted her from the ground and pressed deeper into her kiss. In response she wrapped her legs around him, a surprisingly easy task when equipped with male trousers. She pulled back from his kiss and looked into his eyes, sending a message that she wasn't completely sure of. She wasn't exactly a maiden anymore, the sentiments of which she didn't find too important to her lifestyle. She still valued most virtues, and as a girl she wanted to save herself for marriage. But her carnal desires had soiled that dream not too long ago. Her eyes dared him to take her, she didn't care to debate the morality of the act any longer.
For the prince it was so very much the opposite. He had never laid with anyone, and his hesitation to accept her dare very dangerously showed it. She had been his first kiss even, and he wasn't sure if he was ready to take her bounty just yet. His grip on the underside of her thighs loosened slightly, his courage faltering. He pressed some of her weight against the wall, anchoring himself to a more sturdy position.
As her body was lowered slightly, she felt the eager tightening of his pants, pressing into her. It was exhilarating, a dangerous situation on the horizon.
“Bulma,” he breathed, creasing his brow and questioning himself.
He was brave. He'd been in several battles. He had seen men die, some on his own blade. Some close friends to the enemy's blade. But for this, as with most firsts, he was nervous. And he also believed he would take her womanhood, an act he fervently believed should be saved for marriage. He waited for her verbal reply.
She did not give it. Instead she leaned her head to his and tugged his hair, lifting his face to hers. She again pressed her lips to his, but this time she took his lip in her mouth, and bit down lightly. His pained moans excited her, she felt powerful despite being pinned by him.
He couldn't take it any longer, he tightened his grip once again, lifting her off the wall. He swiveled around to face the bed and began to walk toward it. Not wanting to hurt her, he set her down on the bed gently, lips still tightly locked. When he pulled away from her she rose her hands to the base of her head. She untied the ribbon that held her hair, letting it fall heavy onto her shoulders. Her hands then reached for her shirt, and she began to unbutton it.
And then there was a knock at the door. Both of their hearts stopped, and resumed with an impossible speed. All Vegeta could hear was his heart pounding in his head.
Bulma had no clue what to do, she would be found out. Their sin would have them both killed, or at the very least just her. She looked to the prince for answers. His eyes wide and brow scrunched, he said nothing. She mouthed the words: What do I do? He shrugged in the same moment as he had an idea. Answer it, he replied while lowering himself to the ground, preparing to conceal himself beneath the bed.
She nodded, a determined look on her soft face. She cleared her throat, which she thought would conceal the noise of him sliding along the floor. It was successful. She made her way to the door and opened it, but only slightly.
It was a servant from the kitchen, Bulma did not know her name, but recognized her from breakfast. Her hair was long and dark as a moonless night. She had naturally dark lips that glistened likely due to regular treatment with animal fat. Bulma had heard of the fad of women using animal fat on their lips, but she refrained to maintain a manly appearance on her lips. The servant looked down on her, as she was much taller.
“Dinner, will begin shortly. Have you seen the prince? He did not answer my call at his door…” she remarked, a dark suspicion in her voice that Bulma immediately picked up on.
“No mam, thank you mam.” Bulma replied, wanting to close the door as soon as possible, and never open it again until she died of starvation.
“Please mind your seating at the table, boy.” the servant woman hissed, as she turned to walk away. Bulma noted the harsh remark, and said nothing, only closed the door. She pressed her back to the door, and her knees gave out underneath her. She slid down to the floor, landing quite hard. Ow. She groaned silently.
“She's gone,” Bulma beckoned the prince from his hiding spot. He crawled out, placing himself in front of her, also sitting on the floor.
“Close one,” he said with a mischievous grin.
Bulma however, had an entirely different attitude.
“What is this?” she demanded of the prince, not finding this kind of confrontation very funny in the least.
His grin vanished as he received the demand; though he had no idea how to respond. “I don't know,” he admitted truthfully.
Every ounce that was once lust and energy had completely changed to fear and depression in Bulma. Her eyes became dark and she stared at the ground. “I want to go home,” she said as her eyes shifted up at him. They began to fill with heavy, hot tears. She felt powerless now, playing with fire in a grease filled room. It was only a matter of time until someone realized she was a woman, even if she didn't pursue this perilous affair. Even if she would turn the prince to her side, he was unpredictable and until he was king he had no real power to pardon her.
He just stared at her. She couldn't leave him, he needed her. He wasn't safe until he knew his life was not in danger of the same assassin who poisoned Nappa. And he could only trust her. And now he wanted her, her body and her hand. He wanted to marry her, though the rational part of his brain told him that was just the lust talking. So he grabbed the ribbon on the floor and pressed it to her cheek, where her whale sized tears had fallen. She grabbed it from him and thanked him with her eyes.
He couldn't look at her when she was like this. He blushed and turned his head away with a scowl. The sickness that came with unsatisfied sexual desire began to hit him, along with the pains of hunger. He stood to his feet, smoothing his dishevelled hair to its original shape. Then he dusted off the floor dirt from his shirt and trousers. How unbecoming of him to literally stoop so low.
He reached out his hand, beckoning her to her feet.
She declined, symbolically using her hands to push herself to her feet. As she did so she averted her gaze from him, to the floor. She was embarrassed of her promiscuous behavior, and ashamed of her willingness to fall instantly in love with her enemy. She was utterly disgusted with herself, and she swore to never let it happen again. Then she opened the door and began to make her way to the dining hall.
Her rejection of his help to bring her to her feet felt harsh. Not two minutes ago he had her in his arms, inches from committing carnal sin. And suddenly, with the prospect of being found out on the horizon she froze to him. Her face had looked so hopelessly repulsed by himself, before she turned her back to him and ran off. What a pain it was to lose something he never even had. One thing was sure to him; he would never let that happen again.
Bulma had done well to place herself at a table very, very far from the prince. He should have told her the first time that she was disgracing herself by sitting in the late general's own chair. But no, he enjoyed seeing her embarrassed by the regent himself. Now she sat with low ranking, bachelor soldiers of no more than fifteen years.  They stunk, like overly ripe gourds and unwashed toilets. It sickened her so badly, on top of the night’s heart pounding events; she found herself unable to eat. So she pushed her stew around in her bowl and listened halfheartedly to the conversation the soldier boys were having. It mostly consisted of nailing the farmer’s daughters, and how many men each had killed already. The number of maidenhoods and French lives the lot of boys had claimed was numerous, and the most flamboyant fish tale Bulma had ever heard. She struggled not to roll her eyes at their exuberant lies.
Finally, after what had seemed hours, someone began tapping their silverware to their glass. A toast was in order, and Bulma was glad to hear anything other than fornication and murder. Her eyes followed the noise and determined it to be coming from the regent. She found herself suddenly very interested in him, a strange acting fellow indeed, whom she was certain played a role in the general's downfall.
Bardock stood, confidence in his posture and a laid back smile on his face. He was dressed very nicely for the occasion, he even had a long red cape attached to his lapels with golden chains. He certainly looked the part of royalty. After gaining most everyone's attention, he began to speak.
“I have an announcement to make to the court,” he began in a low and rich voice. “Very soon our kingdom will have cause for a wonderful celebration. In a few short days we will know peace with France for the first time since the late King Vegeta ruled!”
His voice rang through the halls, and pierced Bulma in the heart. No. She felt part of herself suddenly sadden, the prospect of a treaty with France could very possibly mean death for many people. She had no doubt this treaty was Emperor Frieza’s trojan horse. She scanned the table where Bardock was for the prince, but she did not see him. In fact she did not see him anywhere in the great hall. Whatever. She scolded herself for even caring. At this point she'd rather be locked away because she knew after helping him he'd never let her go anyway. Then the regent continued to talk.
“In one month our kingdom’s young prince will be a prince no longer. He will come of age, and it is time to honor him with a most wonderful coronation! It will be the biggest celebration in the history of our kingdom, we will have ambassadors from all over the continent attend as he is sworn in as the rightful King Vegeta!” this triggered a roar from every single guest in the dining hall; save for one. In the loud commotion Bulma could very nearly not hear herself think. But she wondered; if Bardock would willingly hand over control to the prince, and name him king, what motive did he have to assassinate Nappa? It just didn't fit. Either this was a farce, and Bardock planned to hurt Vegeta in some way, or he had absolutely nothing to do with Nappa at all. Bulma just wished she had no part in any of this. She missed the stables and the manure. Mostly she missed her siblings. But he snuck back into her mind too, as she pictured things that she loved.
Just then Prince Vegeta entered the room from the northern doors. He was dressed from head to toe in a most fabulous uniform. His doublet and trousers were a black velvet, with stripes of yellow, white and blue. He, too, had a long red cloak that attached to his lapels with golden hooks; though his cloak had what seemed to be a fluffy lynx fur around his shoulders. On his head was a small crown, what Bulma assumed was not the king's crown but a lesser version of it. Still it sparkled gold with specks of ruby and sapphire gems encrusted all over. He had on white gloves and white riding boots. He was the stunning image of a most regal prince. And Bulma hated him for his indulgences.  She decided to forego the meal all together, and return to her chambers for the rest of the night.
It had been two weeks since the announcement of the Prince’s coronation.  The annoying blue haired soldier had been hanging around the kitchen, fraternizing with the younger girls there. Mai had no doubt the deviant was planning to deflower them. She waited for more proof of his sodomy, but he had shifted his interest to her girls. He no longer visited the prince, nor did the prince visit him. Mai had garnered a sort of hatred for the boy, who favored any sex. He would probably fornicate with animals too, the poor sick bastard. She feared for the kitchen maids, this irregular sinner may have diseases of the flesh, and she could not bare him transferring it to them. Something had to be done.
She decided to come clean to the regent about the event she had witnessed two weeks ago.
Very soon Bulma would know the cold hard feel of the stone floor of a cell. She would know the piss and rat dropping smell that infiltrated every bit of oxygen in the castle's prison. She would know the feel of lice in her hair and cockroaches in her cot. She would know the hunger of slowly starving to death. She would wish for that death as mercy. And she would receive it.
To be continued…
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Why you should take days off language learning
Are you overdoing it? We hear over and over again how repetition is key, how we must be consistent, how if we stop learning we will forget it, etc.... and actually I agree, all of this is true! But we must know our limits. It is really important that you take days off and relax as well, and this applies to everything in your life. And I get that it can be hard, trust me, I know what being a workaholic feels like. I could need at least five more hours each day to complete my to-do list. But with the years and practice I’ve learned to chill and enjoy my free my time. I am going to tell you why and when you should take a break without feeling guilty about it. 1.To avoid a burnout. Take the time you need before you burn out and quit. One of the reasons why I learn multiple languages at the same time is because I need constant change in my life, I always need to learn something new. Studying the same language over and over again doesn’t have a great effect on me. So, I rather take breaks from an specific languages while I study others, and I realize that when I spend time apart a language, I start missing it. So, when I pick it up again I am more motivated and efficient. I tell myself all the time: I learn for fun and if it isn’t fun then I don’t do it, and what I mean by that is that I make my own rules, and if it stresses me, then I change the rules. 2. You don’t feel well emotionally. It is so incredibly normal to feel anxious or depressed, and there are times in your life where this feelings are too much to handle. If you don’t feel well, I wouldn’t recommend putting more pressure on yourself. When I feel sad or anxious I don’t like to be too hard on myself. My priority is to relax and feel comfortable in my emotions. I take deep breaths, I talk it out or I write down my feelings. But I will never force myself to study a language if I know it won’t make me happy at that specific moment.
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Photo by Lacie Slezak on Unsplash
3. You are too tired. Life is busy. School, work, family, relationships, Netflix's new hit tv show… you name it. Being alive takes time and energy. Having a healthy balance isn’t easy but it is really important. For example, I’m really tired on Mondays, normally, because I work every Sunday on my YouTube channel. I know that on that day I have more difficulties than on others, so I plan a very light day; and instead of a deep study I do fun stuff in my target language like watching shows, listening to music or reading magazines. If i’m too tired I won’t be able to think straight, so I give myself a day off, and I don’t feel guilty because I know that I need to rest. Also If I don’t sleep enough I get moody and I will wrinkle over time, and I really don’t want that. 4. You aren’t spending quality time with family and friends. Very often I will find myself avoiding a social event because honestly I’d so much rather stay at home learning vocabulary and practicing pronunciation. Which is ok. But, my family and friends are also important and just by spending time with them I let them know how much I care about them. So I might say no once and stay at home, but not all of the time. It is important to be present with the people you love. The subjunctive can honestly wait, your sweet grandma telling you her stories is so much more relevant. Get out of your room, give everything a break and be with the people that you love the most. 5. You are working harder, not smarter. If you are studying everyday for one hour but you haven’t got pass the very basics in a month, I would recommend you to review your learning process. A little story… Once, I started going to the gym - it was so long ago - and I had an instructor that told me: “If you train everyday for a month and you don’t see results, you’re doing it wrong”. At the beginning I thought, well that is BS, must things take more than a month. But then I really analized it and put it in practice in other aspects of my life, and I realized that it was true. It doesn’t matter how much you do it but how good you are at it, and after a month you should definitely see some improvement. I see it always with language learning: people who went to school and had 5 years of English lessons and couldn’t say “Hello, how are you?”, people who’s lived for years in a foreign country and never learned the language, people who study every day and after a month aren’t comfortable nor moving forward with the language. If you find your yourself working harder and not smarter, then take a break and review your process. Analize what is working and what isn’t, otherwise, it might give you stress, frustration, anxiety and eventually you will give up because it will appear to be “too difficult”. I have to say, I’m very guilty of doing this, but I’m trying to have quality study in shorts periods of time. It really makes the difference. Taking breaks doesn’t makes you a bad learner, it is healthy to find balance. I know I always say this, but language learning has to be fun to be effective. So make it an enjoyable process, not one filled with guilt and frustration and remember to take off a day or two, every now and then. You are human being not a machine. You can’t be perfect at all times, and that is totally fine. Just chill and enjoy. Mari
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¡Tómate un descanso de los idiomas!
¿Estás estudiando demasiado? Todo el mundo nos dice que la repetición es la clave, que hay que tener constancia, que si dejamos de estudiar lo vamos a olvidar todo, etc… Y bueno la verdad tienen razón, pero lo que no te dicen es que debes conocer tus límites. Tomar días libres es tan importante como todo lo que mencione anteriormente, descansar te ayuda a mantener un equilibrio saludable en tu vida. Entiendo que a veces pueda ser difícil, a muchos de nosotros nos encanta estar ocupados todo el tiempo, yo soy una de las que cree que los días no les alcanza. Pero con el pasar de los años y mucha práctica, aprendí a relajarme y a disfrutar de mi tiempo libre. Así que este post es para decirte porqué y cuándo deberías tomarte un descanso y no sentirte culpable al respecto. 1. Antes de que pierdas la cabeza. Toma el tiempo que necesites antes que te sobresatures de información y te rindas. Una de las razones por las cuales estudio varios idiomas al mismo tiempo es porque necesito cambios constantes en mi vida, necesito estar siempre aprendiendo algo nuevo. Cuando paso mucho tiempo estudiando el mismo idioma, me aburro. Así que prefiero tomarme descansos de ciertos idiomas mientras estudio otros. He descubierto que cuando paso tiempo alejada de un idioma específico, lo empiezo a extrañar y cuando lo retomo estoy más motivada y soy mucho más eficiente. Siempre me digo a mi misma: Yo aprendo por diversión y si no es divertido no tiene sentido. Lo que quiero decir con esto es que yo pongo mis propias reglas y si dichas reglas me estresan, simplemente las cambio. 2. Si no te sientes bien emocionalmente. Es mucho más normal de lo que crees, el sentirte ansioso o deprimido, y es probable que en algunos momentos en tu vida estos sentimientos sean difíciles de manejar. Si no te sientes bien, yo no te recomendaría ponerte más presión de la que ya tienes. Cuando me siento triste o ansiosa, en lo personal, no me gusta forzarme demasiado. Mi prioridad es relajarme y sentirme cómoda con mis emociones. Respiro profundamente, hablo con alguien o escribo mis sentimientos. Pero nunca me presiono para estudiar un idioma si se que en ese momento no me hará feliz.
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Photo by Lacie Slezak on Unsplash
3. Si estás muy cansado. La vida está llena de cosas; los estudios, el trabajo, la familia, la nueva serie de Netflix… Todo aquello que consume nuestro tiempo y energía. Tener un balance de todas estas cosas no es fácil pero es sumamente importante. Por ejemplo; los lunes normalmente estoy agotada, porque los domingos en vez de descansar le dedico tiempo a mi canal de youtube. Por lo tanto, sé que los lunes tengo más dificultades para concentrarme que cualquier otro día y por eso intento planear un día más ligero y en lugar de estudiar algo pesado, escucho música, veo una serie o leo revistas. Si estoy muy cansada no voy a poder concentrarme, prefiero tomarme un tiempo libre. No me siento culpable de hacerlo porque sé que tengo que descansar. Además si no duermo lo suficiente me pongo de mal humor y con el tiempo me saldrán arrugas y realmente no quiero que eso suceda. 4. Si no estás pasando tiempo de calidad con tu familia y amigos. En muchas ocasiones he evitado ir a eventos sociales porque honestamente he preferido quedarme en casa aprendiendo vocabulario y practicando pronunciación. Lo cual está bien. Pero mis familiares y amigos también son importantes y sé que con tan solo pasar tiempo con ellos, los hago felices. Así que, de vez en cuando me quedaré en casa estudiando idiomas porque me gusta, pero no lo haré siempre. Es importante pasar tiempo de calidad con las personas que amas. Honestamente, el subjuntivo y el resto de tiempos gramaticales pueden esperar, las historias de tu abuelita son seguramente mucho más interesantes. Sal de tu cuarto, descansa de todo y pasa tiempo con tus seres queridos. 5. Si estudias mucho pero no avanzas. Si estudias todos los días por una hora y no has pasado de lo más básico en un mes, te recomiendo que revises tu proceso de aprendizaje... Te contaré una pequeña historia… Alguna vez en mi vida fuí al gimnasio -hace mucho tiempo- y tenía un instructor que me dijo: “Si entrenas todos los dias y despues de un mes no has visto resultados, es porque estás haciendo algo mal.” Al principio pensé que no era cierto porque muchas cosas te llevan más tiempo. Pero luego lo analice y lo puse en práctica en otros aspectos de mi vida. Me dí cuenta que es verdad, no importa qué tan seguido lo hagas sino que tan bueno seas, y definitivamente después de un mes de hacer algo tienes que ver algún tipo de resultado. En el aprendizaje de idiomas lo vemos todo el tiempo: gente que estudió inglés por cinco años en el colegio y no pueden decir “Hello, how are you?” , personas que han vivido años en un país y no han aprendido el idioma, personas que han estudiado un idioma todos los días por un mes y no se sienten cómodos con el idioma, ni están avanzando. Si te das cuenta que estás trabajando mucho pero no ves resultados, te recomiendo que te tomes un descanso y hagas un análisis. ¿Qué está funcionando? ¿Qué no está funcionado? Si continúas estudiando de la misma manera y sin avanzar, solo te vas a sentir más estresado, más ansioso, más frustrado y eventualmente te vas a rendir porque lo verás como algo “muy difícil” de lograr. Debo admitir que este es el área que más debo trabajar, siempre estudio mucho sin aprender. Pero ya lo reconocí y ahora estoy intentando tener mejor calidad de estudio en periodos cortos de tiempo. Realmente hace la diferencia. Tomar un descanso no es signo de que estés fallando, es signo de que estás buscando un equilibrio saludable en tu vida. Sé que siempre lo digo, pero recuerda que aprender un idioma tiene que ser un proceso divertido para que sea efectivo. Así que disfrútalo y no lo conviertas en una actividad llena de culpa y frustración. Recuerda tomarte uno o dos días cada vez que sea necesario. Eres humano/a, no una máquina y no vas a lograr hacer todo a la perfección y eso está bien. Relájate y disfruta. Mari
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Warum man sich ein paar Tage vom Sprachenlernen frei nehmen sollte
Machst du zu viel? Wir hören immer wieder, dass Wiederholung das A und O ist. Dass wir konsequent sein müssen, dass wir es vergessen werden, wenn wir aufhören, etc … und ich stimme dem tatsächlich zu, all dies ist wahr! Aber wir sollten unsere Grenzen kennen. Es ist sehr wichtig, dass du dir ein paar Tage frei nimmst und dich auch entspannst, und dies gilt auch für alles andere in deinem Leben. Und ich verstehe, dass es hart sein kann, glaube mir, ich weiß wie es ist ein Workaholic zu sein. Ich bräuchte mindestens 5 Stunden mehr jeden Tag, um meine To-Do Liste zu beenden. Aber mit den Jahren und mit Übung habe ich gelernt zu entspannen und meine Freizeit zu genießen. Ich werde dir nun erzählen, warum und wann du eine Pause machen solltest ohne dich dabei schuldig zu fühlen. 1. Um ein Burnout zu verhindern. Nimm dir die Zeit, die du brauchst bevor du dich kaputt machst und aufgibst. Einer der Gründe wieso ich mehrere Sprachen gleichzeitig lernen, ist der, dass ich dauernd Veränderung in meinem Leben brauche, denn ich muss immer was neues lernen. Immer wieder die gleiche Sprache zu lernen, hat keine große Auswirkung auf mich. Also mache ich lieber Pausen von bestimmten Sprachen während ich andere lernen, und dann realisiere ich, dass, wenn ich eine Auszeit von einer Sprache nehme, ich sie vermisse. Wenn ich sie dann wieder aufgreife, bin ich motivierter und effizienter. Ich sage mir die ganze Zeit: Ich lerne für den Spaß und wenn es keinen Spaß mehr macht, dann sollte ich es nicht tun. Was ich damit meine ist, dass ich meine eigenen Regel mache und wenn es mich stresst, dann ändere ich die Regeln. 2. Du fühlst dich emotional nicht gut. Es ist so unglaublich normal sich ängstlich oder depressiv zu fühlen und es gibt Zeiten in deinem Leben, wenn diese Gefühle einfach zu viel für dich sind. Wenn es dir nicht gut geht, würde ich dir nicht raten, noch mehr Druck auf dich selbst auszuüben. Wenn ich mich traurig oder ängstlich fühle, bin ich nicht gerne hart gegenüber mir selber. Meine Priorität ist es zu entspannen und mich mit meinen Gefühlen wohlzufühlen. Ich nehme tiefe Atemzüge, ich rede darüber oder ich schreibe meine Gefühle auf. Aber ich werde mich nie dazu zwingen, eine Sprache zu lernen, wenn ich weiß, dass es mich nicht glücklich macht in diesem bestimmten Moment.
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Photo by Lacie Slezak on Unsplash
3. Du bist zu müde. Das Leben ist ausgelastet. Schule, Arbeit, Familie, Beziehungen, die neue Netflix Hit Show … du benennst es. Um zu leben braucht es Zeit und Energie. Eine gesunde Balance zu haben, ist nicht einfach, aber sehr wichtig. Zum Beispiel, ich bin sehr müde an Montagen, normalerweise, weil ich sonntags an meinem YouTube Kanal arbeite. Ich weiß, dass ich an diesem Tag mehr Schwierigkeiten habe als an anderen, also plane ich einen “leichten” Tag; und statt viel zu lernen, mache ich spaßige Sachen in meiner Zielsprache, wie zB. Serien anschauen, Musik hören oder Zeitschriften lesen. Wenn ich zu müde bin, kann ich nicht klar denken, also gebe ich mir einen Tag frei und fühle mich deswegen auch nicht schuldig, denn ich weiß, dass ich mich ausruhen muss. Zudem, wenn ich nicht genügend schlafe, werde ich launisch und dadurch werde ich schneller Falten bekommen, und das möchte ich wirklich nicht. 4. Du verbringst keine wertvolle Zeit mit deiner Familie und deinen Freunden. Sehr oft erwische ich mich dabei ein soziales Event zu vermeiden, weil ich, um ehrlich zu sein, viel lieber zuhause bleiben würde, um Vokabeln zu lernen und meine Aussprache zu verbessern. Was OK ist. Aber, meine Familie und meine Freunde sind auch wichtig und wenn ich mit ihnen Zeit verbringe, kann ich ihnen zeigen, wie viel sie mir bedeuten. Also sage ich ab und zu nein und bleibe zuhause, doch nicht jedes Mal. Es ist wichtig bei den Menschen zu sein, die man liebt. Der Subjunktiv kann wirklich warten, denn deine süße Großmutter, die dir ihre Geschichten erzählt, ist viel wichtiger. Geh aus deinem Zimmer, pausiere alles und verbringe Zeit mit den Menschen, die du am meisten liebst. 5. Du arbeitest härter, nicht schlauer. Wenn du jeden Tage eine Stunde lernst , aber noch nicht über die Grundlagen hinaus gekommen bist in einem Monat, würde ich dir raten deinen Lernprozess zu überdenken. Eine kleine Geschichte … Einst, habe ich begonnen ins Fitnessstudio zu gehen - es ist noch gar nicht so lange her - und ich hatte einen Trainer, der mir gesagt hat: “Wenn du einen Monat lang jeden Tag trainierst und keine Resultate siehst, dann machst du es falsch”. Am Anfang dachte ich, nun ja das ist Schwachsinn, solche Sachen müssen länger als ein Monat dauern. Aber dann analysierte ich es wirklich und wand es auf andere Aspekte meines Lebens an, und realisierte, dass es wahr ist. Es hat nichts damit zu tun, wie oft du es machst, aber wie gut du bei etwas bist, und nach einem Monat solltest du definitiv etwas Verbesserung sehen. Ich sehe dies immer beim Sprachenlernen: Leute, die zur Schule gingen und 5 Jahre Englisch gelernt haben und nicht einmal “Hello, how are you?” sagen konnten; Leute, die für 5 Jahre in einem fremden Land gelebt haben und nie die Sprache gelernt haben; Leute, die jeden Tag lernen und sich nach einem Monat weder wohlfühlen noch vorwärts kommen in der Sprache. Wenn du dich dabei erwischst, härter zu arbeiten, aber nicht schlauer, dann mache eine Pause und überdenke deinen Prozess. Analysiere was gut funktioniert und was nicht, ansonsten könnte es dir Stress, Frustration oder Angst bereiten und letztendlich gibst du auf, weil es dir “zu schwer” vorkommt. Ich muss sagen, ich mache das selbst, aber ich versuche in kurzen Zeitspannen qualitativ zu lernen. Es macht wirklich einen Unterschied. Sich Pausen zu gönnen, macht dich zu keinem schlechten Lerner, denn es ist gesund eine Balance zu finden. Ich weiß, ich sage das immer, aber Sprachen lernen muss Spaß machen, um effektiv zu sein. Also schaffe dir einen angenehmen Prozess, nicht einen, der voller Schuld und Frustration ist, und vergiss nicht ab und zu einen oder auch zwei Tage frei zu nehmen. Du bist ein Mensch und keine Maschine. Du kannst nicht immer perfekt sein und das ist gut so. Entspann dich einfach und genieße es. Mari
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tpthvegebulevents · 6 years
Title: Clandestine Downfall
Rating: T
Genre: Cloak and Dagger, Fantasy, Fairytale AU, Horror, Dark Fiction, Mystery
TW: Violence, conspiracy for murder, assassination, injury description, poisoning, vomiting, death, graphic depiction of an autopsy, light smut, homophobic ideology
Summary: Death! Who has poisoned the general? Is the same person after the prince? The kingdom has been compromised! And just who is the regent? Find out all that and more, in this installment of: Clandestine Downfall!
Reference: Excerpt from Richard III by William Shakespeare
Additional Requirements fulfilled: 1 and 2
Chapter 4: The Weeping Wounds
(Chapters 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7)
From the slight crack in the cellar door Bulma and Tien saw 3 men forcefully enter the cottage. The two smaller men seemed to be carrying a much larger, nearly unconscious one. The concealed two instantly recognized Yamcha. And Bulma recognized the other to be the prince. Her mind was suddenly flying, trying to piece together the situation, and then…
“Who is trip trapping on my bridge, and trespassing in my home?!” yelled a familiar  prepubescent voice. The unsurprisingly agile young boy swung down from the rafters like an exotic eastern monkey. His feet landed in perfect sync as he immediately stabled himself. In his two hands he held a long staff, a memento from Bulma’s father. Though her father had only used it as a walking stick in his later years, Goku seemed to favor it a weapon.
Though she feared for the boy's safety she knew very well he could hold his own in one on one combat. And with the larger man seemingly incapacitated, Goku and Yamcha could defend themselves if need be. She frantically looked around for the other missing two, Oolong would be easy to spot, but Lazuli was a master at hide and seek. Neither were in plain sight, which comforted her to some extent.
“Well speak up mister!” the monkey boy bellowed, pointing the slender red rod towards the prince.
Vegeta scanned the boy, from messy black head to dirty bare toes. Something about him seemed familiar. The hair, his striking dark and determined eyes, even the way he held himself, ready to lunge. He was so familiar yet so foreign and strange. Even the way he spoke, authoritative and calculated. Yes, Vegeta had seen this boy somewhere before, though he couldn't tell where.
“Who are you boy? And do you know who you are talking to?!” he retorted, with a disgusted look on his face.
“I am Goku, and no I don't know who you are, I've never met you before.” the boy replied rather matter of factly.
Feeling the slight tension between Vegeta and Goku, Yamcha cut in to calm the situation.
“Goku, he’s fine, he won't hurt us… for now. We need Bulma though! Where is she?”
The ominous mention of “for now" horrified Bulma, but she trusted Yamcha and decided to reveal herself. She whispered lightly to Tien to keep the girls hidden while she figured the situation out.
Goku completely let down his guard at Yamcha’s reassurance. He grinned a playful and mischievous grin, announcing “Alright I'll go get her from her hiding spot!”
Oh come on! She silently uttered, raising her open palm to her clammy forehead. Disgruntled as she was, she climbed out of the cellar door as quiet as a mouse. Luckily the prince wasn't looking in her direction, rather he focused on Goku with a very odd concentration.
Bulma extended her legs, pushing herself to a mostly standing position. She brushed the dust and dirt from the cellar off of her flaxen colored shift and bloomers. Her hair was tied loosely behind her head, but a large portion of her bangs fell softly in front of her eyes. Some strands from that portion had begun to soak the sweat from her forehead, and stuck to her face.
She stepped from the hallway connecting the kitchen and entryway, fist to her brow in preparation to bow. But she immediately caught herself, a man bows, a woman minds her modesty with a curtsey. Her fingertips traced the lace bottom of her shift and her hands pulled in each direction spreading the cloth for a proper bend. She swept her right leg behind the left and slowly dipped into a low, respectful greeting.
“Your Highness,” she breathed.
Yamcha nearly cried out, your highness?! But was cut off by the prince.
“Disgraceful! Your immodesty is only forgivable because this is an unexpected… visit… but you should be ashamed to even present yourself to me in such a state. Begone! Cover your nakedness!” Vegeta spewed after taking in the shocking visual of her.
Her face spontaneously combusted into flames the second she realized what she was wearing. And the Prince called her out so… elegantly. He could not have worded his disgust in such a way to make her feel any worse. Damn that's embarrassing… She shrieked internally. Without hesitation she fled to her chambers for a heavier, more company appropriate smock.
Yamcha turned to Vegeta when Bulma was out of earshot.
“Listen, I don't know what kind of crime warrants a visit of the prince himself, but please know she's done nothing wrong. Let her pay by healing your friend, and let her go.” The scar faced bandit pled.
“Don’t speak so plainly to your Prince! And I'll see to it she is punished of her crime regardless of what happens to Nappa, mark my word.”
 Soon, the physician's daughter had Nappa situated.
“I've given him quite a large dose of opium, taking his size into account. He will be comfortable for now, but I'll need to know what the ailment is to properly treat him.”
She stood with authority and intelligence in her posture. She sported a white smock, tied in the waist that fell loosely to her ankles. She had a cloth covering most of her face and gloves on in case Nappa vomited again. She'd given Goku instructions to gather the rest of the children and wait in the cellar until this was all over. I'll come get you as soon as they leave. She half heartedly promised. Honestly, she had no idea what would happen to her in the next few minutes or hours. But what did happen was very far from anyone's expectations.
“He said he'd been poisoned. However he's been sick for the last few days, maybe he is just delirious.” the prince explained.
“That would explain the vomiting and the pale complexion, but those would be symptomatic of most illnesses. I need more time to observe him... Your grace.”
Vegeta sneered at the girl. Tch. He wanted to say he didn't really care whether Nappa lived or died. But he needed backup, and if anyone would kill the Great General, it would be the most powerful man in the kingdom, the prince himself. There's no way the prince would let him be beaten by a coward who poisoned him.
“Do what you must.” he replied, grasping his long navy cloak. Before leaving the room he glared at Yamcha, the way an alpha wolf would intimidate another male during meal time.
“Let's let him rest, Yamcha. Thank you, for doing this and I am so sorry to have dragged you into my mess…” Bulma nearly choked out. She felt her eyes becoming hot and wet, feeling responsible for his predicament. Yamcha instinctively leaned in for an embrace or a kiss, but Bulma pulled back. Silently she swept past him to meet the prince in the kitchen. Yamcha stayed a while thinking about his decisions.
“I'll fix you some food, your highness. And you're welcome to stay as long as it takes for Nappa to heal.” she offered.
With a grunt he accepted the food, the sliced apple that was meant for Tien and Goku, along with cheeses, cured meat, and a glass of wine. She secretly hoped the wine would loosen him up because his sober state was nearly unbearable.
Bulma and Goku fixed a room for the prince, with the softest of the hospital's twenty mattresses and a pea blossom bouquet for fragrance. I don't even treat myself to such luxury. She lamented.
She decided to conceal the children longer, in case anything happened to her, they would be able to escape.
 It was early the next morning when Nappa said his final words.
Goku had wandered into his hospital room early in the morning to observe the giant. Goku had never seen such a big man in all his life. It was both daunting and exciting. He wanted to challenge the man to a spar when he awoke, like he, Krillin and Tien did with the old martial arts master in town. Master Roshi had challenged Goku to find bigger and stronger opponents. Goku delighted in the idea of becoming stronger to protect his family… and for fun of course.
 Nappa dreamt of one thing for the entirety of his sleep. He replayed a peculiar conversation he had with the Regent a fortnight ago.
“Your grace,” Nappa greeted, head low and fist to brow.  He had been called into a meeting in the King’s counsel, though he had no idea what it was about. He was generally not invited to such discussions unless they involved war or battle, both of which had not occurred recently. To say the call for him was odd may have been an understatement.
“General Nappa. Please stand. Join us at the table, our guest.”
Nappa lifted himself from the wooden floor. At the table sat several confidantes, and an ambassador. There was the Regent himself at the head of the table. He was cloaked in black and crimson, which suited him well. There were small golden chains latched from his cloak to his lapels. His collar was a frilly black satin that crawled like a lizard up his thick neck. His skin was dark, and scarred. He too had seen battles, many of the same Nappa had, though they once fought on opposite sides. As handsome as the Regent was, Nappa wasn't jealous. He was thankful that his own face hadn't  been scarred in such a way, or else the castle maids wouldn't favor him!
To the left of the Regent was Piccolo, the highest ranking monk in the kingdom who attended the meetings as a spiritual guide. He was draped in loose white linens, no doubt an inexpensive thread. He was a very serious man and rarely spoke. He was very tall and muscular, but he wasn't intimidating. Nappa respected him.
To the right of the Regent was another confidante, Mistress Baba. She was the master of coin, a mousey broad with a large body and witch-like face. She was a voluntary spinster, though it's not certain she would have married if she wanted to. She was ugly, with an ugly personality to match, but no man could match her expertise in kingdom finance. She too, was clad in black nearly an identical outfit to the regent but in female form. Of all the people in the room, Nappa feared her the most.
Finally, next to the mistress was a man that Nappa recognized as a French ambassador, due to his French Crest proudly displayed on his right breast. His long grassy blonde hair was fastened in a tight braid, flowing gently down his chest and ending in his lap. His uniform was of high military rank, though Nappa could not identify what rank exactly. The deep navy, crimson and white threads in his uniform beautifully highlighted the cool undertones of his skin and bright green eyes.
Nappa took his seat next to Piccolo, so as to not to look highly underdressed next to the ambassador.
“This is Ambassador Zarbon, hand selected by the French Emperor to discuss a treaty with us today. I trust you know the rest of us here?” the Regent inquired.
“Of course,” Nappa replied, trying piece together why exactly the emperor would send an ambassador for treaty talks.
 Nappa was restless in his comatose state. His body fought violently to subdue the arsenic, but unfortunately it was too late for the general. He had soaked the hospital mattress with his perspiration. This was his greatest and final battle.
 The meeting was more of a declaration than a discussion. There was to be an assimilation with France, a merging of the armies and joint power to the emperor and the regent, followed by the king when he came of age.
Though Nappa vehemently opposed the idea, there was no arguing as all four other people agreed to the treaty. Nappa could envision a future where the emperor would get his sticky lizard hands on the prince and control him to do anything he wanted. The empire of France would get so large it seemed world domination may even be possible. And that's if the emperor kept his treaty promise. There was nothing him stopping from gaining the kingdom’s army and viciously turning it against itself like he'd done with so many others.
Baba claimed war would be too expensive. This is the only way.
Piccolo claimed that the treaty would bring the least bloodshed. This is the only way.
The ambassador claimed anything less than assimilation would displease the emperor. This is the only way.
And the Regent claimed this was the way to protect the kingdom, themselves, and the prince.
“This is the only way, General. Please order your soldiers at every station to stand down as the French make their way in. They will not be harmed.”
Nappa could not bring himself to agree, his pride being trampled on as it was. Instead, he stormed out of the room, his thunderous footsteps were audible for some time even after his exit.
After the dream replayed, several sickening times, a new event unfolded itself in Nappa’s mind.
The Regent stood from his chair. With a growl he followed Nappa. The regent was smaller, quicker, and caught up to Nappa without even breaking a walk. Nappa felt his legs grow heavy, his lungs filled with heavy unbreathable oxygen. He opened his mouth to give the Regent a piece of his mind when suddenly…
The regent lifted his fist and clenched the space between he and Nappa tightly. His own blood made ribbons on his wrist from his fingernails. His face was suddenly demonic, twisting into an evil scowl. As he tightened his fist, Nappa felt his lungs grow tighter and heavier as well. He couldn't breathe, or speak.
“I will kill you!” the regent threatened, further tightening his grasp.
The general's vision blurred, his pulse weakening in dream state and out.
He opened his eyes for the last time, and beheld a child with wild black hair. The spitting image of the regent. Though he couldn't tell if he was dreaming anymore, his eyes widened.
“Hi! I'm Goku!” the boy said.
The prince stood on the opposite side of the room, leaned against the wall, silently watching his general. When Nappa saw the prince he was relieved to be in at least half friendly company. But as his last breath drew near, so did the prince. In Vegeta’s left hand was a dagger.
“B-bardock! He is going to…”
Vegeta took one look at Nappa and knew this was the end. His face was ashen, purple even, with lack of oxygen. His black eyes were glazed over, veiny and red. Blood vessels all over his face and neck had ruptured forming an almost web like blanket on his face. He looked just like his father had looked so many years ago…
“I won’t let you die weakly, Nappa.”
“Vegeta-" Nappa choked, acid snaking its way from his empty stomach to his esophagus.
“The regent,” he whispered as Vegeta slid the cold smooth dagger into the General's heart.
In that moment Nappa thought nothing and said nothing as his eyes inevitably faded into nothing.
“Hey!! Why'd you do that?! Bulma was trying to save him! I was going to ask him to fight me!! He was your friend!!” Goku valiantly pled.
The prince said one thing and one thing only, not even noticing the boy's tantrum.
 Nappa wasn't the only one to be plagued by dark dreams that night. Bulma also had a restless and nightmarish sleep.
 She was walking barefoot on moist ground. The almost mud felt soft on her toes, not an unpleasant experience. It was dark where she was, but she felt like she knew the way. She pressed on, wondering what was next. She could not see much of her surroundings, just black ground and black rock walls. It was a cave of sorts. In the distance she heard a river, an indication of an end to the dark tunnel. She smiled in relief that the trek would soon be over. The smell of the cave began to shift from musty, saturated dirt to a more floral essence. She recognized the distinct scents of lavender and sweet pea blossom. It was an intoxicating mixture, and the promise of a fresh cool drink of water made her press on.
It seemed like ages that she was trapped in the cave, alone but not fearful.  Finally she could see the end. The misty rays of morning sunshine leaked into the entrance of the cave. Outside she could see long blades of green grass, dotted with bunches of pink and purple flowers. Tall pines, junipers and a few silver birch trees lined the entrance of the cave and the river.
“Peasant,” an abrupt, deep voice called.
Curious in nature, Bulma twisted toward the voice, coming from behind her, inside the cave.
“You can never leave me.” the voice was rigid and almost predatory.  The voice began to take the form of a man. He was the same height as herself, and muscular though not overly so. His face was hidden in shadows. Bulma could only just see his chest was bare, but he had dark navy trousers on. She tried to speak but the words dissipated in her mouth before she could form them.
The figure grasped her wrist with his own coarse calloused hand. The hand of a swordsman. He reeked of lavender, a scent she now knew originated with him, and not the outside of the cave. She wanted to recoil at his touch but felt powerless in his grasp. His skin felt much colder than hers, almost stinging when he touched her. When she decided to stop resisting she was electrified. The forbidden feeling of letting go excited her. He pulled her in, wrapping his other arm around her waist and locking her there. Her chest was pressed to his, which she could now see was scarred with snow white lines. She now knew this was the prince, but he had captured her. It felt so wrong to betray her beliefs and ideals in favor of his tantalizing body, but she did so anyway.
“But I hate you,” she was finally able to say. His head moved ever closer to hers as if he hadn't even heard her. When he was so close she could feel his warm breath on her own face, she stopped breathing. Anticipating. Suffering. Craving.
And then she awoke.
 Bulma wore the same medical smock from the day before as she prepared to check on her patient. Yamcha had spent the night with her, though not in her bed. He was still asleep in her large reading chair when she glanced his way. She felt a small pang of guilt for her heated fantasy about the prince, even though it was just a dream. His features were soft and boyish when he slept. She frowned though, when she remembered that he had left her. He had no intention of being with her and she had to accept that. And the feeling was surprisingly mutual.
Out of the blue she heard her small brother yelling incoherently. Goku! Her mind raced.
Without gloves, boots or mask she sprinted to where she heard the voice, the patient's room. When she reached the doorway she was stopped by the broad figure of the prince. Her heart fluttered with visions of her steamy dream. Involuntarily, her face began to redden at the thought of how close they were. “Eep!” she yelped, at the sudden shock.
Vegeta was in his own head trying to work things out when the doctor's daughter appeared. She seemed flustered, red and messy. She hadn't her shoes, gloves or mask, likely due to hearing the child and rushing here. Her skin was dewy and fresh, her hair tangled but soft looking. And her deep blue eyes were wide and easy to look at. She was slender with pale skin and shoulder length hair. If she weren't a criminal peasant, the prince may have even favored her. But those matters were far from his mind when she stopped him in that doorway.
“He is dead. We must discuss some matters urgently, over breakfast,” he ultimately decided to say.
Bulma had to replay what he said before realizing what he meant. She stepped to the side of the prince and forced her way in to see the patient.
“What?” She vocalized. Dead? He was stable last night! She questioned herself.  And then she saw the bloody mess of sheets draped over the patient's heart. And Goku, standing over and studying the corpse.
“What happened?!” Bulma yelled, exasperated. She was so infinitely confused, did Goku do this? The prince? Yamcha or an intruder? She pressed her bare fingers to Nappa’s throat for a pulse. Nothing. Her fingers made contact with some blood from his chest wound, making her regret not wearing her gloves.
“He killed him! I wanted to spar with him when he got better, but he killed his friend!” Goku answered back to her.
Bulma was shocked and even more confused than before. Was she housing a psychotic murderous prince? Was this all part of the nightmare?
 Yamcha had risen just slightly after Bulma, though he was awake long before her. She was restless in her sleep, tossing, turning and moaning the entire night. All he wanted to do was get away but she kept reeling him back in. Her hooks were deep and jagged in his heart. He cared for her and her family so much, and even though he could have escaped in the night and let her make her own bed, he stayed. At some point he was curious about the other children. He assumed she had them tucked away in the cellar but he decided to test that hypothesis. When he found them down there, he brought them food. Six bowls of porridge of varying sizes and temperatures. They were grateful, having not eaten the entire day. Yamcha patted Tien on his fuzzy head. He said something along the lines of Keep everyone safe in case anything happens. And Tien accepted the command with a nod.
And now Yamcha was awake and he noticed the bed in shambles. He lifted the blanket and began to smooth out the sheets. He tucked the corners neatly and fluffed the pillows, when suddenly he heard a commotion. The scar faced boy immediately pursued the noise.
Leaving the room, Yamcha passed right by the kitchen where he only barely noticed the prince sitting at the dining table… In fact the prince was sitting in his own usual spot at the dining table which really seemed to burn Yamcha.
Yamcha didn't exactly grow up learning proper gentleman's etiquette. In fact he was an orphan from the time he was young and he had to beg and steal to survive. It wasn't until recently that Bulma had begun correcting his grammar and social appropriateness. He learned not to call every woman he met a broad because it was impolite. He'd never learned what polite was, but he figured it meant saying the right words at the right time. And it was not a simple feat.
“Hey, ya sod! Make yourself comfortable in my chair why don't ya?” he spat at the prince. Vegeta stared at the young bandit, who had just committed three crimes against the crown in one sentence.
Tch what am I even doing here? He questioned himself sincerely. He came to arrest the peasant woman and maybe publicly humiliate her, but he didn't expect Nappa to die and… I can't go back there… What if the murderer comes after me?
Vegeta now recognized the smaller black haired boy as very similar to the Regent, but he couldn't be sure if there was any relation. Maybe this plot went a lot deeper than he originally anticipated. Just then Bulma entered the kitchen with a scowl directed towards the scar faced delinquent.
“Watch your mouth, Yamcha!” You'll get us all killed! She thought.
“Would you kindly mind explaining exactly what happened in there?!” she screeched at the comfortable looking prince. He shifted silently contemplating whether to tell her or not.
“Your grace?” she added as an afterthought.
“I killed him because he wouldn't have wanted to die in disgrace covered in his own vomit and feces.” he said smoothly.
“He may not have died! He seemed to have a very developed constitution, and-"
“He was choking to death as I watched him! And you have no right to instigate me, the prince and most powerful man in this kingdom! I should be asking you if you accelerated his deterioration?!” Not only did he cut her off but he insulted her medical skill and intelligence and accused her of murder! Almost nothing could stop her from raising her furious fist to his face, almost.
Goku grabbed Bulma's outstretched fist.
“What's a Bardock, Bulma?” he asked innocently and sincerely.
All three adults were silent and waited for what would be said next.
Vegeta decided to break the silence first. “You've tread on very thin ice here, woman. As I see it you have very few options. First you answer every question I have for you honestly and without hesitation. Secondly, you help me clean up this mess and get to the bottom of the poisoning fiasco. Thirdly, you submit to your arrest and face trial and punishment when this is all over. Do this, and I may spare you and these two clowns’ worthless lives.”
With her hand in Goku’s she focused on what the prince said. He doesn't know about the other children yet. She sighed, relieved. But that doesn't mean he can't find out. And Bulma had sworn to protect them no matter what. So she grimaced and bowed low to the prince, who seemingly had her in a corner.
“You may be a vulgar woman, but it takes a lot of guts to raise your fist to a prince,” he said, almost grinning respect for her.
Though arguments were had, Bulma, Goku, Vegeta and Yamcha settled on a quick breakfast before the autopsy of Nappa.
 “Someone's been eating my porridge,” Bulma rummaged frantically through her barren kitchen cabinets. Her voice was hushed, her hands searching. Her fingertips grazed the dust inside, and she frowned at the thought of her siblings going without. Giving up on the idea of porridge, she placed her hands on her hips and sighed. Faintly, the children in the cellar could be heard rustling.
Munching eagerly on a bright red apple, the prince hadn't heard the children at first. Bulma stamped her foot loudly on the solid wood floor, a warning to quiet down for the moment. Though he had been deep in thought, mostly pondering the significance of the boy Goku, the stomp shook the prince to attention. Dirt fell on the children like rain. Tiny Lazuli breathed in, filling her lungs with powdered air.
The moment was short but lasted a lifetime in Bulma’s mind. The little girl’s cough was heard by every ear in the kitchen.
The Prince's first reaction to the small cough was suspicion. Why would this woman be hiding a child? He stood from his chair, and traced the sound with his eyes.
“No,” Bulma breathed.
“What are you hiding from me, woman?”
Like a hunted doe she froze, she waited, she tried to figure out what to say but it was almost too overwhelming.
Tien decided he was done playing hiding seek now. He wasn’t afraid of this stranger. With Goku and Yamcha, they could take him down if need be. The boy grabbed his sisters by their hands and motioned for his two brothers to follow behind. The six short orphans crawled up from the cellar door near the back of the kitchen, Lazuli still hacking away at the dirt.
Revealed and vulnerable, Bulma had no choice but to resort to her feminine wiles in hopes the prince would agree to leave them alone.
“Um, oh, they're just sick children I'm caring for. They aren't related to me at all in fact, run along home little ones,” she gestured to the back door, and then turned to face the prince once again, “so that the adults can get down to business…” her voice and eyes dropped low and sultry, towards Vegeta.
Yamcha flushed as he realized what she was doing. In his limited wisdom he could not see this ending well so he broke his silence.
“Uh look, this has gone on long enough! We all know you're here to arrest Bulma. This is her family and without her they will die. In order to take care of them she had to make a living, and if it's a crime to love and care for your family then this kingdom is doomed.” Yamcha hadn't planned to insult the kingdom or its laws, it just came out that way. He always said what he felt.
“Look, I don't care what is going on here, because the kingdom is compromised. I need your help to figure out what exactly happened to Nappa. Then I can handle that situation and then arrest the woman!”
“Arrest me and let her go!” Yamcha yelled valiantly.
“No! Oh my God stop trying to save me!” Bulma yelled at the bandit.
Yamcha was visibly confused.
“I'll help you,” she stated, a promise. “But you have to promise no harm comes to my siblings… or Yamcha.”
“So far my only interest is punishing those who've committed crimes. The children have not, and you have my word no harm will come to them.” he promised back.
There was no promise to Yamcha, but Bulma had to agree to the terms to protect the children.
With knowing eyes she told Yamcha to take the children to pick apples, silently. And silently he agreed.
 To hasten the process of congealing Nappa's blood, Bulma mixed a fine powder of yarrow and myrrh sap. The mixture was a sticky sweet smelling syrup that she applied to each incision.  The result was thick, molasses like blood that did not spill all over the floor. Nappa was far too large to let his blood in the tub, so this was a necessary process.
While the woman worked her magic on his general's corpse, Vegeta wandered close by in the connecting library. There had to have been a hundred books on medicine, poison, gynaecology, pediatrics and more. Most of the books looked well worn, likely years of reading and rereading. The prince slid his right hand fingers on an odd book, seemingly out of place with all the medical texts; Richard III by William Shakespeare.  A play… how oddly refined for a peasant woman…
His calloused fingers admired the worn leather of its binding. He shook the book open to a page and read an excerpt:
 “Foul devil, for God’s sake hence, and trouble us not; For thou hast made the happy earth thy hell, Fill’d it with cursing cries and deep exclaims. If thou delight to view thy heinous deeds, Behold this pattern of thy butcheries. O! gentlemen; see, see! dead Henry’s wounds Open their congeal’d mouths and bleed afresh. Blush, blush, thou lump of foul deformity, For ’tis thy presence that exhales this blood From cold and empty veins, where no blood dwells: Thy deed, inhuman and unnatural, Provokes this deluge most unnatural. O God! which this blood mad’st, revenge his death; O earth! which this blood drink’st, revenge his death; Either heaven with lightning strike the murderer dead, Or earth, gape open wide, and eat him quick, As thou dost swallow up this good king’s blood, Which his hell-govern’d arm hath butchered!”
 Vegeta mourned the act of killing his friend. As if precautionary, he checked to see if Nappa was bleeding again in his presence, even though he knew it a superstitious and outdated practice.
The physician's daughter cut away, a long Y shaped incision into the general's chest. She was unphased by the sight of blood, organs and the smell. The smell was most horrible, a fleshy and iron smell that turned sour the closer she got to his stomach. Even Vegeta, who had seen some battle in his young life, almost turned away in disgust. But not Bulma.
“Eureka!” the blue haired surgeon shrieked after some time spent digging in the general's stomach. Her blood-soaked and gloved hand pulled out a small amount of what looked like mud to the untrained eye.
“What is it?” he demanded as he got closer, eyes wide as if it could help him understand better.
“Food.” She proudly proclaimed, as if it truly answered his question. She knew it didn't but it was fun to dangle her superior intellect in front of him, teasingly. She turned away from the prince, and towards a table with many dishes and vials. And, next to them was a machine the prince hadn't seen before, even in the castle's infirmary and laboratory. It was a cylindrical device mounted on a small stand which held a glass plate. Curious and disgusted Vegeta watched her work. She placed the bloody mud she identified as food on the small glass plate. Then she ungloved her right hand and grasped the cylinder in it. She delicately placed her eye over the cylinder, where the prince now noticed there was a circular glass piece.
“A magnifier?” the prince guessed, moderately educated in his own right.
“Sort of,” the genius girl teased.
But quickly his mind wandered from what she was doing at the moment, to what she was doing with her life.
“Why do you harbor these orphans and that street rat?” He asked, bluntly.
For a moment Bulma was quiet. Through a quick look she determined the sample was of an apple. Though, the stomach and mouth of the corpse smelled distinctly of garlic. An odd combination that is rarely seen in traditional cooking.
Something inside her told her to answer him truthfully. So she did.
 “I see. My father also passed when I was young… He appointed the Regent, Bardock, to fulfill his duties until a time when I decided to take over. I promised my father I would follow in his footsteps and become the most powerful man in the kingdom. But here I am chasing a silly criminal getting my most valuable general killed.”
The prince had opened up to her, albeit not without calling her silly, but he had really left himself vulnerable to whatever she could say next. His insecurities and fears of not meeting expectations seemed to weigh heavy on his shoulders. Ignoring the “silly" comment, she opted for a sympathetic response.
“You are doing a fine job, Nappa's death was not your fault. But you can make it better. Avenge him, and prove to your father and the regent that your time to rule is now.” She raised her gloved hand in a fist of rebellion.
“And fulfill your promise to be the most powerful by eliminating the French threat and protecting your kingdom!”
Oops. She had gone off on a tangent and revealed her true political ideals.
“I… what do you know about France?!” Vegeta demanded, cross browed and inquisitive.
“I um, sorry, I just have strong opinions and I let myself get carried away… your grace.” She stated, much quieter than before.
He just stared at her and let the sight of her fill him. That passion…
“Well since you will rot in a cell for the rest of your miserable life, you should know we are in the middle of a treaty with the emperor of France. We will assimilate and become one.”
Bulma was most shocked about the declaration of a treaty with France. It was almost as if she hadn't heard the rotting in a cell part. Almost.
“You fool,” she breathed, involuntarily. “he’ll kill us all before he even thinks of peace with this kingdom. What your father did was unforgivable and Emperor Frieza will make our kingdom pay… this ‘treaty’ is only a ploy and I can't believe you don't see it…”
It hadn't occurred to him that it was a trick, but she had made a fascinating point. If Frieza still harbored any ill will, he could flawlessly execute a coup d'état with the appearance of peace. It left the prince speechless, this woman’s intelligence.
“In fact, the plot may have already begun with the poisoning of your general. Arsenic.” and with that she removed her remaining bloody glove and began to cover the body with sheets.
 They had made a makeshift wooden cart to carry Nappa behind their horses. His body was beginning to stiffen, but Vegeta and Yamcha were able to place him without too much effort.
Bulma mounted the fallen general's stallion with grace. Yamcha grabbed its reins to lead, but she insisted he join her on the horse. When he did Vegeta felt a small jealousy ignite in his chest. Alone on his own dark horse, Vegeta thought about one thing; the unexpected infatuation he'd developed with this vulgar cross-dressing harlot over the last three days.
God, how she glows. She is like a sinful fire and my body is freezing and my mind naive. She is not only beautiful, with porcelain skin, rivers of blue hair and deep twilight eyes, but she is intelligent and strong willed. She's got guts. The mousey maids in the castle are nothing like her. The dutchess suitors I'm accustomed to are so timid and withdrawn. None would even think to accomplish the feats this woman has in her eighteen years of life. I can never have her, and that makes me want her so much more.
Her beauty is nothing if not underrated by those around her. How she even managed to dress as a man for so long looking like that is beyond me. Her facial structure is angular and soft all at the same time. Her skin dewy and perfectly delicious. I don't know if I want to kiss her or eat her. I definitely want to touch every part of her, hair and skin, lips and neck even… Yes, she is certainly the most gorgeous woman I've ever seen.
Her intelligence is by far her most hidden trait. She has knowledge that could rival even the most skilled castle physicians. The graceful way she cut into Nappa, spilling the least blood and quickly identifying the poison. The exact food the poison was in even! She was taught well by her father. And to her credit he probably didn't teach her everything. Not a single book in her library was dusty nor pristine. All were well used, and well absorbed. Even the entertaining reads of plays and poetry showed her deep and critical knowledge. And she squandered her intellect, by working as a stable hand in my stables.
Her will power rivals even that of my own. In my life I have been dedicated to nothing but becoming a powerful warrior and king, to fulfill my father's wish. I can relate to her trials, she too promised her father, and kept it all these years. Here I am hiding away from the man who wishes to usurp me, or worse. And she is burying the friend of her enemy to ensure safety for her family. She has done all I have asked, albeit not without argument, for the prosperity of her family. She is passionate not only about them but the entire kingdom as well. It reminds me… well it reminds me of my mother. She was so strong even at her weakest. And Bulma is no different.
In fact, I respect her for all of this. How different and similar we are isn't so odd. In another world I'd scoop her up and steal her away, and she'd be my princess or I would be her peasant husband. Unfortunately...
Vegeta day dreamed silently as the trio rode further into the forest.
He made a decision then, and although he didn't know it yet, it would ultimately be the death of Bulma.
 The group arrived at a clearing near a river shortly before sunset. Yamcha still wasn't sure why he needed to come, besides being secondary muscle to transport the hulking abomination.  
“Here will do.” The prince called out, halting his horse and dismounting. Bulma and Yamcha also dismounted and looked around. It was a far stretching meadow, mostly grassy with some large patches of sand and rock appearing closer to the river. Surrounding the clearing was a plethora of aspen trees and a few juniper and birch. In the distance the Jura mountain range could be seen, the citrus and peony sunset settled quietly behind it. No one said a word.
Once Nappa was buried, and as if on queue, hundreds of fireflies made their appearance in the dim and fleeting light of day. The floating flames danced around the trio, a spiritual sight to behold. Bulma smiled and reached out to touch one, her other arm rested safely on Yamcha’s shoulder. The prince took notice of the bugs, but to him they were far from wonderful. They stung him like bees, reminding him that his friend and mentor would never see the light of day again. Nor his father. Nor his mother. Nor his infant brother. His entire family, everyone who had ever meant anything to him was completely, utterly gone.
Darkly, the prince demanded “Get out of here.”
Taken aback by the demand, and not quite knowing the exact meaning, Bulma responded, “W-why, are you sending us home? Will you arrest me?”
“I will be back for you tonight. Make the final preparations for your family and leave them in his care,” he gestured to Yamcha. “You will be tried, and if found guilty you will be subject to punishment. There is a chance you may never return, so please make preparations for such a case. NOW GO!!” He roared, a lion towering above two mice. He grasped his cloak and turned to face the fresh grave, his back to the boy and girl.
“But you!” Bulma fought back tears. How could he? I've done so much! This isn't fair!
Yamcha threw his arm around Bulma, who was now a slobbering, whimpering mess, whose words felt like a different language altogether.  He took the reins, poorly leading the horse back home. Bulma sobbed and held her one time beau tightly as they headed back, slowly.
The prince stood in the clearing for what seemed an eternity. His chin was high, but eyes low examining the final resting place of the great general. The fireflies did not tire, even as the sun finally disappeared, they danced on. Slowly, a salty stream manifested in the prince’s eyes. Though he fought it, his thoughts had finally overwhelmed him. The annoying flying flames had finally bursted his last nerve. Withdrawing his sabre with finesse, he swung hard at the air, at the bugs. Frustrated from missing them, he turned his anger to the trees. He hacked and sliced for a while, until sweat had drenched his shirt and cloak. He discarded them without thought and returned to sparring the tree. He hadn't noticed but he was shouting with each swing. Only once he was hoarse and parched did he realize what strain he had put on his vocals.
He collapsed on the grassy, sandy earth in a huff. It was time.
 Though Yamcha had plead for her to take her chance at escape, she declined. He had devised a quick and fairly executable plan to pack the children and run as far from the kingdom as possible. But Bulma was nothing if not brave and honorable. “This is my fault. I need to pay for my actions,” she told him.
They agreed not to tell the children, most of whom were sleeping. The rambunctious Goku was still awake and raiding what little stores of fresh food they still had.
Bulma and Yamcha spent most of the time they had left in silence, scrubbing the death soaked room that once housed Nappa. There was no arguing with Bulma, and there was certainly no arguing with the prince.
“Bulma,” Goku had made his way into the room where they were, seemingly without a sound.
Bulma's face was colored deep red from hours of sobbing, her eyes swollen. She looked up from her position on the floor, to see him standing in the doorway.
Without words, the three of them just embraced. Each one felt it deep in their hearts, it would be the last time. But it wasn't in Goku's nature to give up like that.
“I will become strong! I will rescue you!” his eyes began to glaze and fill with tears.
“Shh, no, please don't. That would only get you killed and put our siblings in danger. Promise me you will take care of them, Goku,” she pled, a lump in her throat.
He just grasped her tighter, his arms around her neck, fingers digging into her skin. He never wanted to let her go, his sister, his rock, he loved her. She squeezed him back with all she had, her hand on the back of his wild head, fingers braided between his hair.
They couldn't let go. That is until they heard him coming.
Bulma grabbed a small bag packed with essentials. But the prince motioned for her to leave it. “You won't need a change of clothes when all you'll be wearing is a prison shift. Leave the unnecessary things and let's go. I tire of waiting.”
 She was voluntarily silent for the entire ride to the castle. She was understandably furious with Vegeta, though he never lied to her. He always knew she would be punished, and he never said otherwise. But his reason for bringing her was not punishment, yet, it was for her help in determining the assassin. Once she helped him to clear out the bad apple or apples, he would release her. Though he hoped she would stay with him, he would never ask it of her. And he knew she would never want to anyway.
Vegeta tugged the reins and dug his heel into the side of the stallion, forcing it to gallop at almost full speed. Having nearly fallen from the abrupt change in acceleration, Bulma threw her arms around the prince’s waist to anchor herself. She grasped tightly, trying hard not to admire the feel of his firm abs against her arms. As though he knew exactly what she was thinking, he leaned forward and tightened his muscles. She'd teased him earlier with her superior mind, now it was his turn to tease her with his superior body.
She both despised and delighted the entire ride.
 In the twilight Bulma could barely see the outline of the stables. Vegeta had slowed the horse drastically, and motioned for her to be silent. She wasn't entirely sure why he required her to be quiet, but she complied all the same.
When they were in walking distance the prince dismounted, and placed a hand on her thigh as a command to stay. She slid forward in the saddle and grasped  the horn. Vegeta soothingly patted the horse, an effort to keep it silent as well. The smell of hay and manure filled the air, a familiar scent to the whole company. Vegeta led the horse into its stall and moved to its side to help the girl down. Not wanting his help, Bulma kicked his hand away and growled like a feral cat. Then she dismounted most ungracefully, her shift sliding well above her thigh revealing her short bloomers. The prince tried to pretend not to see, but his face flushed at the audacity of this wild girl.
“Why are we sneaking?” Bulma asked.
The prince looked around the barn, that had been closed up for hours.  With no one in sight he moved toward the tack closet. “I can't explain you away in your current state of undress,” he explained, which made sense to him but not to Bulma.
“Just take me to my holding cell so that I don't have to be in your royal presence anymore.” she attacked.
“That's not why you are here,” he said, ignoring the insult, and pulling what looked like folded linens out of the tack closet. Becoming frustrated by his lack of explanation for anything, Bulma raised her voice.
“Oh? Then just why am I here, your majesty?!”
Horrified by her rash action the prince used his free hand to cup the woman’s mouth while simultaneously forcing her back to the stable wall.
He placed his head nearly parallel with hers, his lips less than inches from her ear. Her heart began to pound, in fear and in lust. His hand smelt of lavender, his breath like sweet honey.  
“I said you will assist me in my investigation. Until then you will present yourself as my apprentice, hand chosen by the late general. Do I make myself clear, Bull?” he whispered threateningly while shoving the stack of male clothing at her stomach.
She nodded her head and grabbed the clothing from him. He released his grasp on her face and turned the other way, allowing her a small privacy to change.
After removing her shift and boots, she pulled the off white trousers over each leg. She tightened the strings of the waist, this pair was just slightly large on her slender frame. She buttoned up the white dress shirt, more frilly than she was accustomed to, and tucked it neatly in the trousers. The overcoat was navy and gold, but not fancy enough to indicate royalty or similar. She looked the part of a wealthy young man, and not a bit overdressed. Her worn leather boots helped to tone down the prestige in her outfit as well. No one would have reason to question their story as long as she went unrecognized.
Bulma fastened the navy ribbon at the base of her head. That being the final touch on her costume, she turned to the prince and nodded a signal of her readiness.
It fascinated to prince just how beautiful she could be even in such form fitting clothing. It felt awkward admiring her masculine form, but his mind couldn't differentiate between this uniform and her tattered shift dress. All he saw was her beauty, inside and out. He wanted to touch her, so with authority in his movement, he grabbed her wrist. She followed without complaint.
Without a word he pulled her towards two large doors that she assumed connected to the castle. To her slight surprise the room behind the doors was filled with more hay, and what looked like training dummies. On the right wall, many different swords of different shapes and sizes were hung. The prince grabbed a smaller looking saber from the wall, and lifted it above Bulma's head and onto her shoulders. The sword was protected by a worn leather sheath and held to her chest by a belt of the same color. It was ordinary, just like her disguise. She was completely ordinary.
From the training room they made their way into the palace kitchens, no doubt a place the prince rarely entered. The kitchens were vast and empty of life. The walls were bare red brick and the floors hardwood. Several ovens lined the walls, butcher’s block on all the countertops, and dozens of pots and pans hanging from the ceiling. There were more knives than swords in the other room, a fact which excited the aspiring chef in Bulma. To the north of the large open room were several narrow wooden doors. “Servant quarters,” he whispered when he saw her notice the doors.
Discreetly, he grabbed her hand in his and tugged her along. He seemed to know the exact route to avoid people, though most were asleep at this hour anyway.
Finally they arrived at a long hallway lined with several doors on both sides. There was a red carpet with an intricate design down the middle, but it was well worn and faded where it had the most traffic. The hall itself smelled dusty and old, and several spiders had woven their webs in the corners. It gave Bulma a small sense of sadness and emptiness to be present in this hallway, as though only ghosts were permitted here.
“This is my chambers,” the prince stated, pointing to the door closest to them. “You will not enter under any circumstance, you are forbidden.”  Bulma nodded in acknowledgment and watched the prince as he walked further into the hall. The very next door, roughly fifteen feet from the first, was another chamber. The prince grabbed the knob and twisted as he pushed the door open.
“This will be yours for the time being…” he lingered on what to say afterward, contemplating whether to be rude or hospitable. “You may knock on my chamber if you need anything. Do not break disguise, I will fetch you in the morning.” he whispered the last part before returning to a normal tone, “understand Ser Bull?”
“Yes, your majesty,” she responded meekly but masculine. She stepped inside the chambers and absorbed her surroundings. It was dark, save for the sliver of moonlight that peeked in the drapeless window. In the center of the room was a large bed, dressed with red and indigo sheets and quilts. The bed had a canopy frame, though the canopy was seemingly missing. At the foot of the bed there was a large chest, which she assumed held clothing. On either side of the bed were hand carved oak nightstands, on top of each a single unlit candle. Adjacent from the bed was an older looking desk and chair, somewhat out of style for the year, yet not quite antique. On the desk was a quill and an inkwell, though the ink had long since dried. She determined from the dusty state of the room that it hadn't been used in quite some time. But it was more comfortable than the stone cold floor of a jail cell, so she rejoiced.
She kicked her boots off near the door and decided to sleep in her costume, in case any soul dare visit her during her sleep, she would be fully concealed. The mattress was like heaven to her aching bones, and she drifted off in a matter of minutes.
The prince, did not have such luck.
 He dreamt of a deep azure lake with placid waves. He was sailing on the lake, at twilight. Though it was dark the full moon and blanket of stars lit up his surroundings. It was peaceful, for a time. His mother was aboard the tiny schooner, clad in her yellow Sunday gown. Underneath the gown her white lace petticoat peeked through. Her outfit was embroidered at the edges with lavender blossoms, her favorite flower. Her hair was long, nearly reaching the seat she rested on. It was lighter than his own, he inherited his raven hair from his father, hers was a hazelnut colored waterfall of curls. She smiled tenderly at him, as he rowed, steady.  
From the middle of the lake he heard a cry for help. Shooting a glance toward the noise, the prince began to row faster.
As they neared the source of the cry, Vegeta was able to make out the figure of a girl with blue hair. She struggled to stay afloat, gasping as her head bobbed above and below the water. In an instant the weather turned violent. Dark clouds shrouded the once bright stars and moon, as heavy rain began to fall. The small boat began to rock as the waves gained speed and height. The prince bent his torso over the edge of the boat, stretching his right arm toward the maiden.
She flailed about, trying in vain to grasp his hand. As the environment became more intense, his mother stood from her seat. She laid her hand on his shoulder, and lowered her face to his ear. He struggled to reach the drowning girl, each second ticking by she got further away.
“You’ve doomed her,” his mother whispered lightly. The girl’s head sank below the surface as her arm seemed to go limp.
Suddenly, a deafening roar of thunder and lightning crashed in the sky.
And the prince awoke with a jolt, sitting upright in his bed.
 Bardock sat alone at a small tea table in his personal chambers. It was early, still dark outside. Several candles lit the room dimly, just so he could see at about arm’s length. He pulled a small dusting cloth from a drawer in the table and began to wipe his porcelain set of tea cups. They were a gift from a long lost friend, she had purchased them from a ceramic artist in the orient. Of his numerous regrets in life, the one that pained him the most was not marrying her. The mistake had cost him too many years of unrelenting loneliness.
Her image had all but faded from his mind. The last time he saw her was over ten years ago, before the king had died. Each day, as he took his tea, he tried to recount her features. She had blunt black hair, and big brown doe eyes. She was thin, a product of malnourishment due to her chosen profession.  When he first met her she was covered in bruises, her eyes and cheeks sunken in her face. He’d wandered into the amoral establishment by accident when he was looking for the tavern his fellow soldiers where at. She was used, like a scribbled piece of paper,  wasting away in a dirty bin. But she had so many invisible words printed on her skinny face, he could never read them all, not if he had known her his entire lifetime.
She offered him services, to which he blushingly declined, at first. She gave him directions to the tavern he was looking for, but asked him to return to her if he thought of her. He promised he would. And he never stopped thinking about her. So when he did return he stole her away, taking her to his quarters at the castle. There were no women allowed in the soldiers barracks but he defied the rule for her. They laid together every night for four weeks until she was found out. After which, she was permanently exiled from the kingdom, and he was given a stiff slap on the wrist. And he never saw her after that. Their affair was the first and last time he had loved anyone. But he should have known better than to fall in love with a whore.
Slowly, he poured the tea that had brewed into the delicate looking cup. He knew not what became of her, but he assumed she had died at some point. The lifestyle she chose was not sustainable, especially outside of the safety of the kingdom. So to honor her, in his own private way, he drank tea dedicated to her. Gine.
After drinking his tea he made his way to the mirror. He removed the red drape from it, and began the ominous chant. “Mirror, mirror,” he uttered coldly. Inside the figure of a face took form. It was nearly impossible to tell whether the form was male or female, its skin pale blue and long white hair.
“Milord,” it answered predictably.
“I wish to know what has become of Nappa, and where is the Prince?” Bardock inquired.
“The general breathes no longer,” the mirror reported. “The Prince is returned home last night, from a quiet journey where he laid the great general to rest.”  
“And what of the blue haired girl?”
“She is very intelligent. She will help him discover that you were the source of the general’s demise. Should she be allowed to live, she will lead the kingdom in rebellion against the french, as his queen.”
Content with the answers Bardock dismissed the mirror, concealing it once again with the long red drapes.
 It was before sunrise, and his chambers were still dark. The prince rose to light a candle, his body fully awake from the terrifying dream he’d just had. His hands still shook with adrenaline, his breath still hard and cold. He was dressed only in trousers, the rest of him bare. For a split second he worried about Bulma, and decided to check on her.
Quietly he pushed the heavy wooden door open. The hinges made a slight squeak, though no one was around to hear. Barefoot, he crept silently toward her chambers. Her door made a much louder squeak, due to many years of unuse, but she did not stir. He made his way to her bedside and concluded that she was in fact safe and sound. He decided to check her breathing, in case anything had happened in her sleep. As he got closer to her face he heard her gentle breaths. Relieved, he rested his bottom on the wooden floor. He admired her soft features for a long time, entirely too long in fact, as she began to wake up while he was still there.
He rose to his feet immediately, as she began to stretch her arms out. She hadn't opened her eyes or noticed him yet. His heart leapt from his chest as he scurried to get to the door. Safely on the other side, he let a large breath out of his lungs with an audible sigh.  
As Bulma stretched out her well rested muscles she turned to see a lit candle on her nightstand. Alarmed, she looked around the room for an intruder. Seeing nothing she slowly got up and walked to the door where she heard heavy breathing. Expecting to find a creep on the other side she grabbed the sword she had lent against the wall the previous night. Slowly, she unsheathed it and readied herself for war.
She gradually opened the door, where to her surprise the prince was waiting on the other side.
“Oh jeez, it's just you,” she sighed, relieved. And then she remembered the candle. “Oh my God, were you watching me sleep?!” she ordered the prince to answer, her face close to his, an intimidation tactic she'd been using most of her life.
“I! No! I was just!” the prince struggled to defend himself, his face reddening. Narrowing her eyes, she felt a slight smile begin to form on her lips.
“Oh, I see,” she purred, finally aware of his crush. She lifted her extended index finger to his bare chest. “You fancy me,” she accused as she turned her body around, the tip of her finger grazing his nose. She folded her arms with her back to him.
“What?! Of course not!” he growled, his face twisting to a scowl, his fist raising as a threat.
While the prince stumbled over what words to use to articulate his feelings, Bulma tied her hair in a navy ribbon. When she finished the bouncy bow, she turned back around to face the prince. He was frozen as she gracefully moved toward him, stopping inches from his face. Without saying a word she quickly pressed her lips to his, an action which seemed to stop his heart beating. It was just a peck, over in an instant. The feeling of his blood boiling over led him to believe he would surely die. And as if nothing even happened she strolled past him, through the open door and into the hallway.
“Well make yourself useful and show me to breakfast,” she demanded, disguising her voice to sound more masculine.
He found it physically impossible to say anything at all, his jaw clenched so tightly it would take more than will power to pry open.
 In the kitchens several maids scurried about, preparing breakfast for the court.
Near the kitchen entrance the prince sat in his usual chair at the head of the table. It was his usual chair, that is when he didn't take meals in his chambers, which was a rare sight. Bulma sat in the chair to his right, and when she did so she received several wide eyed glances from the servants. No one else in the court had arrived for breakfast so every other seat was empty. It must have been an important seat, but the prince did not protest so she stayed put.
He did everything he could to avoid looking at her. His elbow was propped on the table, his head in it's hand, and pointed away from her. He was red as an apple, and the servants took notice. The most odd thing they noticed though, was that the two, the prince and his new friend, said nothing at all to each other.
“Who-" Fasha began to say to her servant counterpart, Maron, who interrupted her.
“No idea, but he's bloody cute I tell ya what.”
“I've never seen him around before, but he looks awful familiar,” Fasha replied, searching her brain for some indication of the blue haired boy’s identity. The two servant girls whispered away in the kitchens, as Fasha stirred the wild boar stew she was making for that night's dinner banquet. Maron had several baskets of rolls to deliver to the tables, but was neglecting that duty for an opportunity to gossip with her friend.
“Yes but… something is off about him. And the way the prince is blushing… Do you reckon…?” Maron suggested, heavily implying that Bulma may be a homosexual man.
“Gee I hope not,” Fasha aspired, wanting to make the new boy her own.
Just then another maid entered, in a rush to have the rolls served.
“The lords and ladies are arriving, please get these out!” She demanded, pointing to Maron and the baskets.
“On it, Miss Mai,” Maron apologized as she hopped to work.
Mai was taller and older than both Fasha and Marron but had yet to marry. Though it wasn't for lack of beauty. She had long black locks that she kept braided at all times, and lips like ripe plums. Recently she had become a sort of forewoman of the kitchen, since the head chef had disappeared. It wasn't unlike Hit to disappear every once in a while, so she was appointed to a supervisory position in his absence.
“Miss Mai,” Fasha started, still stirring away. “Did you notice the new boy who is sat directly next to the prince? How bold.”
“How bold indeed,” Mai said with suspicion in her voice and narrowed eyes.
Unknown to Fasha and the rest of the castle, Mai had witnessed a very immoral act that morning, of which she was very conflicted. She saw the new boy kiss the prince as she walked past his chambers. She struggled to define her role in the act, and wondered if it was her duty inform anyone. Afterall, sodomy was a sin, punishable by death. But would she risk an accusation on the prince, of all people?
 Several of the high class knights and a few of their ladies joined the breakfast table. These were all high born men and women, who achieved their rank through birthright. Many of them were scarred from enduring many battles with the French. Bulma felt nearly sick wondering how they must feel about the treaty. She wondered if any had protested, or if they feared to do so. Most of the ladies wore a somber look on their faces and in their dresses. Maybe they had heard of the death of the general, though the only people who knew were herself and the prince. Finally, filling the very last chair at the opposite end of the table was a tall and handsome man, with a ruggedly scarred face and black hair. He looked familiar, but Bulma couldn't quite put her finger on who he was. His position seemed to indicate royalty or very close to it. He must be the appointed regent. She decided silently.
Bulma and the prince had nearly had their fill of bread and pastries, and she was beginning to feel apprehensive about being in the presence of so many people. She tapped Vegeta’s leg with her riding boot, and motioned her head toward the exit when he looked at her. He gave a light nod and looked away from her quickly. Just looking at her made his heart race, and he didn't want to risk anyone noticing. He grabbed his fourth Danish, and shoved it in his mouth.
“Prince Vegeta, so nice of you to join everyone,” the regent announced from the other end of the table.
“Not because I want to,” the prince began. “I have news. General Nappa has been slain.” There were some hushed gasps and whispers among the guests, but not a single reaction from the regent. He didn't even blink at the news, it was as if he already knew.
Bulma had a terrible feeling about this man, though it was hard for her to understand why. She swallowed hard on the dry muffin she was eating.
“Unfortunate news. How did this come to pass?” the regent inquired.
“We were dueling, and I mortally wounded him. We didn't believe it to be life threatening. I bandaged him and we rested for the night. In the morning he had passed.” Bulma studied every second of the regent's reaction, scanning him for abnormalities. He twitched slightly at the explanation, almost as if he knew it to be a lie.
“I see. And what of this... “ he motioned a hand to Bulma as if indicating whatever he believed her to be was a dirty word.
“My squire. Appointed by the general himself three days ago. I will train him under my wing until a time when he can join the militia. My apologies if he does not know proper court etiquette, he is of very low birth.” he made it sound like she was a child or at least not even fifteen yet, the age when it is mandatory for men to join the militia.  She pondered for a moment just how old she looked to everyone else in her male regalia. Her sort of short stature, slender figure, and smooth face probably made her look much younger as a boy. She decided she wouldn't be insulted at the implication afterall.
“Excellent…” the regent replied, losing interest in the topic as he turned to one of the other guests to ignite a new discussion.
Out of the limelight, Vegeta threw his hand on Bulma's and pulled her to her feet with him. Realizing that he had actually touched her, he dropped her just as quickly. Bulma felt a grin in her heart, though it didn't make its appearance on her face. I'm disgusting. She lamented, partially enjoying her newfound infatuation, partially hating herself for it.
 Later in the evening, Bulma found herself in a slight dilemma. She'd been assigned a chambermaid, who wished to draw her a bath. In these instances, a normal person would undress and allow the servant to bathe them. This was not in Bulma’s best interest for she was concealing her gender.
“Ser… Bull was it?” the red haired maiden called.
Bulma panicked as she turned to face the servant. “I won’t won’t be needing a bath today, dear.” She claimed in her most baritone voice.
“As you wish,” the maiden said, rolling her eyes and turning up her nose. The gesture reminded Bulma that the last time she had bathed was three days ago, and her body odor did her no favors.
“Can help you dress down for bed, sir?” The maiden offered, with a slightly disgusted tone of voice.
“N-no,” Bulma answered, flustered by the prospect. Persistent broad. She sighed silently. Finally, the redhead left, taking her harsh judgments with her.
Bulma sat at her desk and pondered the events of the day. An awkward breakfast followed by hours upon hours of being alone in her chambers. The prince had several duties to attend to since he had been absent the past few days. He didn't trust her wandering about on her own so he ordered her to stay put. So she did, and the only human interaction save for breakfast; was the annoying chambermaid she had finally gotten rid of.
She pulled a piece of parchment from a leather bound notebook she had found within the desk. In these uncertain times she felt like penning a letter, an activity that usually brought her peace. As she pulled the quill and inkwell from the desk, her chamber door wailed open.
Vegeta had quite the day. He had run from one end of the castle to the other appointing high ranking officers to new positions within the army. Like a cascading waterfall, when he replaced Nappa with Toma the tall, he needed someone to replace him, and so on and so on. Bardock appointed him these responsibilities to prepare him for when he would become king. The day was so soon in fact, he would be turning eighteen in just one month. He always knew it was coming but deep inside his unconscious mind he felt apprehensive about the title. He had always been the prince. And now he had very big shoes to fill.
His heart told him to seek out Bulma in his uncertain mood, though it did not tell him why or what to say. So he stood in her doorway, staring at her intensely, saying nothing.
“Can I help you, your highness?” she asked as she twisted in her seat.
“Rise,” he said, ignoring that she may not know the context of his command. “Er, rise when your prince enters your presence. That is proper court etiquette,” he explained.
Wow, she thought, he isn't demanding me and demeaning me as he does so. She was nearly floored at his unusually kind demeanor. So she rose and bowed formally to him.
“Again, how can I help you?”
He stood for a moment gathering the vocabulary to express what he wanted. He needed her to investigate the safety breach that had occurred, resulting in the poisoning of his general.
“I was wondering if you had any leads,” he whispered, slowly closing the rusty hinged door behind him.
“Ah,” she spoke, bringing her hand to her chin and looking down at her boots. She did have suspicions, but no concrete evidence, of anything. And what's more, she had been ordered to stay in her chambers all day, how was she supposed to have learned anything?
“The typical smell of arsenic is very close to garlic. Although, it has been at least several days since the poisoning, and so anyone who may have had it on their hands would have definitely been washed by now.”
The prince shifted his stance to one side, pulling his hand to his opposite hip. The shift made a floorboard creak slightly, bringing her attention to him. Just the simple act of looking up at him made his heart skip, her eyelashes perfectly framing her large doe eyes.
His face flushed, an action he could no longer control. His treacherous body’s ridiculous crush was absolutely maddening to the prince. His mind involuntary shoved the picture of her soft lips against his to his eyes. His heart betrayed him again as it leapt. Just being in her presence is driving me… He lamented silently.
Bulma took notice of the odd behavior the prince was exhibiting but she chose to ignore it. Instead she focused her brain on the mystery at hand.
“We should investigate the kitchens and the servants who work there.” she suggested.
“Yes,” he agreed, still fighting a great battle with his hormones. “But should we wait until after dinner?”
Bulma nodded, agreeing that he had a good idea.
Again she noted his odd behavior, flushed skin and awkward, stiff stance. The evil prince had fallen so hard for her; she was resisting the urge to gloat. Maybe the key to her freedom was making the prince fall in love with her. He wasn't terrible looking, in fact his body was godly, but she wasn't keen on his personality or political policies.  And God forbid, what if he wanted to keep her because he had fallen in love? What if he never let her go and she was stuck here the rest of her life to be his mistress or else rot in a cell? Bulma mourned not having the answer, like she might have if he were a horse or a sick patient. Still…
She moved on him, fast and hungry like a predator. Without thought, she grabbed his face, and pushed her lips to his, again. Her hand ran through his shock of wild black hair, holding him in place. Her other hand cupped his cheek and square jaw.
He was stunned, his heart had stopped. He did nothing, she had complete and utter control of him.
Her lust enveloped her, controlled her every move. She could not think, she only felt and acted, a slave to her emotions.
Losing all sense of morality and pride he lifted her from the ground and pressed deeper into her kiss. In response she wrapped her legs around him, a surprisingly easy task when equipped with male trousers. She pulled back from his kiss and looked into his eyes, sending a message that she wasn't completely sure of. She wasn't exactly a maiden anymore, the sentiments of which she didn't find too important to her lifestyle. She still valued most virtues, and as a girl she wanted to save herself for marriage. But her carnal desires had soiled that dream not too long ago. Her eyes dared him to take her, she didn't care to debate the morality of the act any longer.
For the prince it was so very much the opposite. He had never laid with anyone, and his hesitation to accept her dare very dangerously showed it. She had been his first kiss even, and he wasn't sure if he was ready to take her bounty just yet. His grip on the underside of her thighs loosened slightly, his courage faltering. He pressed some of her weight against the wall, anchoring himself to a more sturdy position.
As her body was lowered slightly, she felt the eager tightening of his pants, pressing into her. It was exhilarating, a dangerous situation on the horizon.
“Bulma,” he breathed, creasing his brow and questioning himself.
He was brave. He'd been in several battles. He had seen men die, some on his own blade. Some close friends to the enemy's blade. But for this, as with most firsts, he was nervous. And he also believed he would take her womanhood, an act he fervently believed should be saved for marriage. He waited for her verbal reply.
She did not give it. Instead she leaned her head to his and tugged his hair, lifting his face to hers. She again pressed her lips to his, but this time she took his lip in her mouth, and bit down lightly. His pained moans excited her, she felt powerful despite being pinned by him.
He couldn't take it any longer, he tightened his grip once again, lifting her off the wall. He swiveled around to face the bed and began to walk toward it. Not wanting to hurt her, he set her down on the bed gently, lips still tightly locked. When he pulled away from her she rose her hands to the base of her head. She untied the ribbon that held her hair, letting it fall heavy onto her shoulders. Her hands then reached for her shirt, and she began to unbutton it.
And then there was a knock at the door. Both of their hearts stopped, and resumed with an impossible speed. All Vegeta could hear was his heart pounding in his head.
Bulma had no clue what to do, she would be found out. Their sin would have them both killed, or at the very least just her. She looked to the prince for answers. His eyes wide and brow scrunched, he said nothing. She mouthed the words: What do I do? He shrugged in the same moment as he had an idea. Answer it, he replied while lowering himself to the ground, preparing to conceal himself beneath the bed.
She nodded, a determined look on her soft face. She cleared her throat, which she thought would conceal the noise of him sliding along the floor. It was successful. She made her way to the door and opened it, but only slightly.
It was a servant from the kitchen, Bulma did not know her name, but recognized her from breakfast. Her hair was long and dark as a moonless night. She had naturally dark lips that glistened likely due to regular treatment with animal fat. Bulma had heard of the fad of women using animal fat on their lips, but she refrained to maintain a manly appearance on her lips. The servant looked down on her, as she was much taller.
“Dinner, will begin shortly. Have you seen the prince? He did not answer my call at his door…” she remarked, a dark suspicion in her voice that Bulma immediately picked up on.
“No mam, thank you mam.” Bulma replied, wanting to close the door as soon as possible, and never open it again until she died of starvation.
“Please mind your seating at the table, boy.” the servant woman hissed, as she turned to walk away. Bulma noted the harsh remark, and said nothing, only closed the door. She pressed her back to the door, and her knees gave out underneath her. She slid down to the floor, landing quite hard. Ow. She groaned silently.
“She's gone,” Bulma beckoned the prince from his hiding spot. He crawled out, placing himself in front of her, also sitting on the floor.
“Close one,” he said with a mischievous grin.
Bulma however, had an entirely different attitude.
“What is this?” she demanded of the prince, not finding this kind of confrontation very funny in the least.
His grin vanished as he received the demand; though he had no idea how to respond. “I don't know,” he admitted truthfully.
Every ounce that was once lust and energy had completely changed to fear and depression in Bulma. Her eyes became dark and she stared at the ground. “I want to go home,” she said as her eyes shifted up at him. They began to fill with heavy, hot tears. She felt powerless now, playing with fire in a grease filled room. It was only a matter of time until someone realized she was a woman, even if she didn't pursue this perilous affair. Even if she would turn the prince to her side, he was unpredictable and until he was king he had no real power to pardon her.
He just stared at her. She couldn't leave him, he needed her. He wasn't safe until he knew his life was not in danger of the same assassin who poisoned Nappa. And he could only trust her. And now he wanted her, her body and her hand. He wanted to marry her, though the rational part of his brain told him that was just the lust talking. So he grabbed the ribbon on the floor and pressed it to her cheek, where her whale sized tears had fallen. She grabbed it from him and thanked him with her eyes.
He couldn't look at her when she was like this. He blushed and turned his head away with a scowl. The sickness that came with unsatisfied sexual desire began to hit him, along with the pains of hunger. He stood to his feet, smoothing his dishevelled hair to its original shape. Then he dusted off the floor dirt from his shirt and trousers. How unbecoming of him to literally stoop so low.
He reached out his hand, beckoning her to her feet.
She declined, symbolically using her hands to push herself to her feet. As she did so she averted her gaze from him, to the floor. She was embarrassed of her promiscuous behavior, and ashamed of her willingness to fall instantly in love with her enemy. She was utterly disgusted with herself, and she swore to never let it happen again. Then she opened the door and began to make her way to the dining hall.
Her rejection of his help to bring her to her feet felt harsh. Not two minutes ago he had her in his arms, inches from committing carnal sin. And suddenly, with the prospect of being found out on the horizon she froze to him. Her face had looked so hopelessly repulsed by himself, before she turned her back to him and ran off. What a pain it was to lose something he never even had. One thing was sure to him; he would never let that happen again.
 Bulma had done well to place herself at a table very, very far from the prince. He should have told her the first time that she was disgracing herself by sitting in the late general's own chair. But no, he enjoyed seeing her embarrassed by the regent himself. Now she sat with low ranking, bachelor soldiers of no more than fifteen years.  They stunk, like overly ripe gourds and unwashed toilets. It sickened her so badly, on top of the night’s heart pounding events; she found herself unable to eat. So she pushed her stew around in her bowl and listened halfheartedly to the conversation the soldier boys were having. It mostly consisted of nailing the farmer’s daughters, and how many men each had killed already. The number of maidenhoods and French lives the lot of boys had claimed was numerous, and the most flamboyant fish tale Bulma had ever heard. She struggled not to roll her eyes at their exuberant lies.
Finally, after what had seemed hours, someone began tapping their silverware to their glass. A toast was in order, and Bulma was glad to hear anything other than fornication and murder. Her eyes followed the noise and determined it to be coming from the regent. She found herself suddenly very interested in him, a strange acting fellow indeed, whom she was certain played a role in the general's downfall.
Bardock stood, confidence in his posture and a laid back smile on his face. He was dressed very nicely for the occasion, he even had a long red cape attached to his lapels with golden chains. He certainly looked the part of royalty. After gaining most everyone's attention, he began to speak.
“I have an announcement to make to the court,” he began in a low and rich voice. “Very soon our kingdom will have cause for a wonderful celebration. In a few short days we will know peace with France for the first time since the late King Vegeta ruled!”
His voice rang through the halls, and pierced Bulma in the heart. No. She felt part of herself suddenly sadden, the prospect of a treaty with France could very possibly mean death for many people. She had no doubt this treaty was Emperor Frieza’s trojan horse. She scanned the table where Bardock was for the prince, but she did not see him. In fact she did not see him anywhere in the great hall. Whatever. She scolded herself for even caring. At this point she'd rather be locked away because she knew after helping him he'd never let her go anyway. Then the regent continued to talk.
“In one month our kingdom’s young prince will be a prince no longer. He will come of age, and it is time to honor him with a most wonderful coronation! It will be the biggest celebration in the history of our kingdom, we will have ambassadors from all over the continent attend as he is sworn in as the rightful King Vegeta!” this triggered a roar from every single guest in the dining hall; save for one. In the loud commotion Bulma could very nearly not hear herself think. But she wondered; if Bardock would willingly hand over control to the prince, and name him king, what motive did he have to assassinate Nappa? It just didn't fit. Either this was a farce, and Bardock planned to hurt Vegeta in some way, or he had absolutely nothing to do with Nappa at all. Bulma just wished she had no part in any of this. She missed the stables and the manure. Mostly she missed her siblings. But he snuck back into her mind too, as she pictured things that she loved.
Just then Prince Vegeta entered the room from the northern doors. He was dressed from head to toe in a most fabulous uniform. His doublet and trousers were a black velvet, with stripes of yellow, white and blue. He, too, had a long red cloak that attached to his lapels with golden hooks; though his cloak had what seemed to be a fluffy lynx fur around his shoulders. On his head was a small crown, what Bulma assumed was not the king's crown but a lesser version of it. Still it sparkled gold with specks of ruby and sapphire gems encrusted all over. He had on white gloves and white riding boots. He was the stunning image of a most regal prince. And Bulma hated him for his indulgences.  She decided to forego the meal all together, and return to her chambers for the rest of the night.
 It had been two weeks since the announcement of the Prince’s coronation.  The annoying blue haired soldier had been hanging around the kitchen, fraternizing with the younger girls there. Mai had no doubt the deviant was planning to deflower them. She waited for more proof of his sodomy, but he had shifted his interest to her girls. He no longer visited the prince, nor did the prince visit him. Mai had garnered a sort of hatred for the boy, who favored any sex. He would probably fornicate with animals too, the poor sick bastard. She feared for the kitchen maids, this irregular sinner may have diseases of the flesh, and she could not bare him transferring it to them. Something had to be done.
She decided to come clean to the regent about the event she had witnessed two weeks ago.
Very soon Bulma would know the cold hard feel of the stone floor of a cell. She would know the piss and rat dropping smell that infiltrated every bit of oxygen in the castle's prison. She would know the feel of lice in her hair and cockroaches in her cot. She would know the hunger of slowly starving to death. She would wish for that death as mercy. And she would receive it.
To be continued…
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kidrat · 6 years
Kaladin and relationships: AKA why I read Kaladin as on the asexual and aromantic spectrum
So first off, personally I read Kaladin as asexual and arospec. Initially my reasoning was that as an aromantic asexual myself I get certain vibes off him, and there are a few scenes in the first two stormlight books which back my interpretation up. And then Oathbringer came along, in which Kaladin was even more relatable than ever, and previous assumptions about him were sent packing. Honestly at this point there is an awful lot of evidence for Kal being aspec, especially when compared to Shallan and Adolin, two characters his own age whose thoughts about relationships really don’t match up with Kal’s.
I’d like to explain my thinking:
(I’m going to assume anybody reading this will understand the vocabulary I’m using, but if not there’ll be a short explanation of some terms under a readmore at the end of this post.)
I’ll begin with Kaladin’s sexual orientation, as I think that’s simpler to explain. Kaladin contrasts a lot with Shallan, whose crushes are very physical. Shallan spends a lot of time being overjoyed with how hot people are, and while I’m not saying she doesn’t also respect her crushes for other reasons, her first impression of Jasnah is how ‘beautiful’ she is, and she goes on to think about her chest a lot. She clearly finds people sexy, whereas Kaladin... doesn’t. Adolin gets less page time than Shallan, but is still shown glancing at women’s bodies every now and again.
In Oathbringer, after prompting from Syl, Kaladin finally thinks about sex. In a humorous context. And is then immediately asked ‘Are you well?’, to which he replies he was thinking of a ‘painful memory’. Meaning that the one time Kal thinks about sleeping with someone, he makes a face. Same, Kaladin. (This is in OB, chapter 10)
Onto Kaladin’s romantic orientation. I’ll be analysing a few aspects of his attitudes towards romance. 
-          Missing romantic cues (ie. Not being On That Wavelength):
In Words of Radiance, Kaladin and his men enter a tavern. A ‘pretty’ woman who works at the bar smiles ‘brightly’ at Peet, right after Rock declares that Peet is their way of getting seats in the tavern. Kaladin does not appear to recognise this woman’s crush on Peet until Sigzil, who like Rock had obviously recognised this, brings up marriage. He then admits he hasn’t thought about his friends marrying, although he ‘should have’. (WoR, chapter 46).
In Oathbringer, an ardent repeatedly stares and sighs at Kal, and he doesn’t appear to think anything of this until Syl (a spren who in most situations isn’t as aware of human norms as Kal) points out that the ardent thinks Kal is ‘pretty’. (OB, chapter 10). Not noticing other people’s crushes, feeling embarrassed about this, and not regularly thinking about romantic concepts like marriage are all common arospec experiences.
-          Having fewer crushes than other people:
In total, during Kal’s entire life, he’s had two ‘crushes’ (quotation marks because you can make a strong case for them all being squishes). Personally, I’m counting Laral and Tarah for now but not Shallan, which I’ll explain later, and Kaladin cites Tarah as his first ‘real romance’ (OB, chapter 99), so it’s unlikely he himself even counts Laral.
It’s impossible to know how many crushes Shallan and Adolin have had in their whole lives, but it’s definitely a higher figure than Kaladin for both of them. Shallan has had feelings for four people in the series so far (Kabsal, Jasnah, Adolin and Kaladin), while Adolin has courted... pretty much everyone. At least six of the girls he’s had feelings for are named.
The extremely small number of crushes Kaladin has had compared to similarly aged peers is honestly enough in itself for Kal to self identify as grey-aromantic, since that’s a common reason for people to use that label.
-          Confusing platonic and romantic feelings:
This could just be as a result of asexuality, but Kaladin’s crushes come across as much less intense that other people’s. The chapter in which Tarah finally appears (OB, chapter 112) is a good example of this. He implies his feelings for her grew over time, and eventually picks his job over the biggest romance he’s ever had.
Kaladin also manages to mistake his squish on Shallan for a crush for a long time, basically interpreting ‘I admire this person’s strength, like their smile, and enjoyed cuddling with them’ as ‘I have romantic feelings for this person’, which a) is adorable and b) ...Kal honey no that’s a squish. In Oathbringer he has this conversation with Syl after Shallan ‘picks’ Adolin:
‘I don’t think I loved her, Syl. I felt... Something. A lightening of my burdens when I was near her. She reminds me of someone.’
He opened his palm, and she landed on it, forming into the shape of a young woman with flowing hair and dress. She bent down, inspecting the rock in his palm, cooing over it. Syl could still be shockingly innocent-wide eyed and excited about the world.
‘That’s a nice rock’, she said.
The implication here is clear; Shallan’s positivity reminded Kaladin of how his brother used to help him through his depression, and he mistook this for romantic feelings. In the above passage he indicates his realisation to Syl (who honestly acts like the embodiment of amatonormativity in this book.) by showing her a rock, something Tien used to love.
The confusion Kaladin feels about whether he feelings are romantic or platonic is a common experience for some grey-romantics, but could also be interpreted as him having not realised he is aromantic yet.
-          Being romance repulsed:
There are several examples of Kaladin being uncomfortable around PDA throughout the series, but the most obvious is in Oathbringer when Shallan and Adolin’s affection is described from Kal’s PoV as ‘nauseating’. The passage then goes on ‘He liked them both... just not together.’ (OB, chapter 77). The implication of not liking them together seems to be that he wishes to spend time with his friends without having to deal with romance, and the detail that he feels nauseous when faced with it explains why.
It’s possible to read this passage as Kaladin feeling jealousy either because he has feelings for Shallan or because he is single, but due to his own realisation later on that he doesn’t have feelings for Shallan, and since he never expresses interest in a relationship with anyone else, that can’t be the case. ‘Nauseating’ would also be a pretty weird way to describe jealousy, and Kaladin honestly seems like he’s just made uncomfortable by the romantic affection itself, which is again a common arospec experience.
-          Caring deeply about his friends:
Although its obviously not a uniquely arospec experience, the importance Kaladin places on his friends and his relationships with them is very relatable to me as an aromantic. At one point he expresses sadness over the fact his men will begin to have lives again, since if he doesn’t ‘know where they are’, how can he make sure they’re safe? (WoR, chapter 41)
It seems Kaladin has a very aromantic attitude towards friendships, wanting them to come first and for his group of friends to remain each other’s first priorities even after marriage. It feels as though, due to lack of or differing attraction, Kaladin never switched to what society sees as an ‘adult’ view of relationships, still viewing friendships rather than romances as the relationships to plan his life around and focus on.
To clarify, all of this is my own opinion, formed by being aspec myself and reading Kaladin as a person like me. If one or two of these examples seem wrong or like a reach to you it’s probably because it’s the combination of them that make me interpret Kal as I do, and this post was meant to explain how they all fit in to that interpretation.
Vocabulary under the cut:
Alloromantic: not aromantic or on the aromantic spectrum
Amatonormativity: the harmful assumption that romantic relationships are central to every person’s life and that everyone’s goal is to have one.
Aro: slang for aromantic.
Arospec: on the aromantic spectrum, could be aromantic or grey-aromantic.
Aspec: on the aromantic and/or asexual spectrum
Romance repulsion: A feeling of extreme discomfort some aros get around things like PDA/getting asked out/romance in the media etc.
Squish: someone you want to develop a friendship with/a friendship crush. Important to a lot of aros.
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RULES. repost; do not reblog! tag 10! good luck!
TAGGED BY: @luck-crowned
FULL NAME: Kaladin “Stormblessed”
NICKNAME/S: ‘Stormblessed’ (for his ‘luck’), ‘Kal’ (A nickname he used when he was younger, mostly by Tien, because his full name sounded like the name of a lighteyes and it set him apart from the other children even more.), ‘Bridgeboy’ (Adolin only)
AGE: 20 (Rosharan years)/approximately 22 (Earth equivalent) [as of the end of WoR]
BIRTHDAY: sometime in the year 1154
ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: Same as above. Trust is extremely important in both of these situations. Trust is everything when dealing with Kaladin in any situation, but especially in romantic/ sexual ones.
RELATIONSHIP STATUS: [verse dependent] He’s single in most verses, but there is a lovely, wonderful verse in which he and Adolin are a thing.
CLASS: 2nd nahn by birth (2nd highest darkeyed rank), sas nahn after being branded a slave, 4th dahn militarily (a rank, usually for lighteyes, for those who command a battalion and/or those who are shardbearers. Granted to him from his rank as captain and officially after becoming a shardbearer.
HOMETOWN / AREA: Raised in the town of Hearthstone, within Sadeas’ Princedom in Alethkar.
CURRENT HOME: Verse dependant, but mostly, The Shattered Plains, in Dalinar Kholin’s warcamp after being made captain. 
PROFESSION: A soldier, a captain, a radiant, a bridgeman, a surgeon, it really depends on who you ask, but if you ask him, he’ll maintain that he is all of these things and he always will be. Those pieces make up who he has become. He’s never just one of them without the others.
HAIR: long, thick curls of deep Alethi black. Soft to the touch but easily tangled or otherwise disheviled. usually pulled back into a tail and tied in place with a black chord. His bangs are long enough to almost completely cover the slave brands on his forehead. Looks lovely when washed and brushed properly. (would also look very nice with sapphires in it. *Side-eyes Jay*)
EYES: Originally a dark, warm brown with flecks of hazel throughout the iris. Unnoticable from a distance but clear to see up close. When accessing his Radiant abilities, his eyes blaze a bright, piercing azure and remain that color until some time after his stormlight has been exhausted. They then begin to fade back to their natural color unless fed more stormlight. Almond-shaped eyes with an epicanthic fold, thick dark eyelashes, and lines from years of exhaustion and grief that tend to offset how young he really is. His eyes are often lined in kohl, like many Alethi soldiers stationed on the Plains.
NOSE: A rather straight nose with a pointed tip. The bridge is more of a slope than a bump and most of his facial freckles are concentrated across it, spreading from cheek to cheek in a dense constellation of dark flecks on his skin.
FACE: An angular, square face-shape with a strong chin and jaw. has been referred to as a ‘leader’s face’. Absolutely covered in freckles, as is the rest of his body. Usually all hard lines and sharp angles but can sometimes soften when looking upon someone he cares about. His eyes are his most expressive feature.
LIPS: Full, somewhere between rough and soft, warm to the touch, and coated with a light sprinkling of his freckles. They aren’t as dark on the thinner skin, but they are still there.
COMPLEXION: A dark brown Alethi tan. Darker than most Alethi, due to all his time spent in the sun. Freckles everywhere. Everywhere.
BLEMISHES: Many scars, most notably some very large ones on his chest and shoulders from his time running bridges. Also, plenty on his back from his time as a slave. Then, of course, there are the brands on his forehead.
HEIGHT: 6’9″
WEIGHT: I’m so terrible at these??? How much does a muscular yet kinda beanpolish 6′9″ man weight???
BUILD: Veeeery tall. Long powerful legs leading up to pronounced hipbones. Solid abdominal muscles set into a flat stomach. A strong chest attatched to broad shoulders. All in all, he’s lean muscle and hard lines, like he’s been carved from the stone itself.
ALLERGIES: Nothing native to Roshar, but most likely MANY things from other worlds. Since they don’t exist on Roshar, his body hasn’t been designed to handle them.
USUAL HAIRSTYLE: As Guard Captain, he keeps his long hair tied into a high ponytail and keeps his face clean-shaven. As a bridgman, he kept it in a low ponytail and eventually shaved the beard he’d grown as a slave. 
USUAL EXPRESSION: Usually stern and serious. Often with a mouth set into a grim frown or a hard-edged look of determination in his eyes. Regardless, he usually sports a stoic expression or one of gloom. Occassionally, on a magically slim chance, he’ll smile and it is truly radiant.
USUAL CLOTHING: His Cobalt Guard Captain’s uniform.
FEAR/S: failure; powerlessness; watching those he loves die while he’s too weak to help
ASPIRATION/S: To protect everyone that he possibly can. To live the kind of life that Tien would have been proud of.
POSITIVE TRAITS: Protective; Dedicated; Willing to give his all for someone; A natural leader; Caring, loving; Driven to do what is right
NEGATIVE TRAITS: Reckless, does not value his own life, unable to accept that he can’t save everyone, prone to deep despair, fAR TOO GENTLE-HEARTED FOR WAR WHY IS HE A SOLDIER SANDERSON WHY DID YOU DO THIS TO HIM
MBTI: INFJ - The Advocate
ENNEAGRAM: Type 6 - The Loyalist
ZODIAC: Scorpio (sun) - Cancer (moon)
TAROT: Strength. Absolutely Strength.
TEMPERAMENT: Melancholic
SOUL TYPE/S: On the quiz it’s Caregiver, almost tied with Leader. Off the quiz, I’d say Warrior 
ANIMAL: He got Wild Dog on the test
VICE/S: Despair, apathy, and a tendency to believe himself to be cursed, all of which make up a mindset he refers to as ‘The Wretch’. This mindset has driven him to nearly attempt suicide. He also gets attached to people far too easily.
FAITH: Agnostic. Though raised in a Vorin society, he, himself, is uninterested.
GHOSTS?: He doesn’t believe in them, per say, but at times, he’s considered the possibility.
AFTERLIFE?: He wonders sometimes, hoping that if his loved ones are in some kind of life after death, that they’re happy. 
ALIENS?: He’d merely shrug. “Anything is possible, for all I know,” He’d say.
POLITICAL ALIGNMENT: As it stands, the Kholins have his loyalty. He stands with them, so long as it is right.
ECONOMIC PREFERENCE: He’s very good at budgeting himself, knowing how much to spend on the supplies he needs and how much to keep on hand. Frivilous buying does not exist for Kaladin. He’s never been in the financial position where that would be appropriate, and now, he uses spheres more for Stormlight than for money.
SOCIOPOLITICAL POSITION: Having suffered at the hands of the lighteyes for all his life, ( his family torn apart; his loved ones murdered; being enslaved; his trust broken again and again, ) he finds it difficult to see beyond his experience. He has a deep distrust of the lighteyes, including the Kholin’s, before Dalinar bought his freedom with his shardblade. Now, he’s fiercely loyal to them; though he knows they aren’t all innocent, he still sees the good in them and chooses to protect them.
EDUCATION LEVEL: Somewhat high for a darkeyes, having learned from his father for the most part. It was mostly medical education, not necessarily academic in general. But, as an apprentice surgeon, he learned his trade well.
FATHER: Lirin - (A surgeon who risked it all to try and give me a better life...which I threw away any chance of. His words still reach me, even now)
MOTHER: Hesina - ( The best mother I could have asked for. She gave me my stubborness...and my hair. I’ll never forgive myself for failing her. )
EXTENDED FAMILY: Tien ( Where can I even begin? My brother...my dearest friend. The only one who could ever lift my mood as easily as smiling. You were smiling then, the last time I saw you. I told you that I would protect you for those four years and then bring you home...I couldn’t even do it for four months. I’m so sorry...I miss you every day. Every day that passes, something happens that I wish I could tell you about. I’ve seen so many rocks out here, Tien...I think you would have liked them. Without you here, they all just look the same to me. )
SIGNIFICANT OTHER(S): None, currently.
NAME MEANING/S: “Kaladin” means “born unto eternity”.
HISTORICAL CONNECTION: I mean, he’s a Radient? That’s a pretty big historical connection.
BOOK: He doesn’t read and doesn’t hold much interest in being read to.
MOVIE: Honestly, in his modern verse, he doesn’t even own a tv? The only movies he’d ever see would be at someone else’s house or if someone took him to the movies. He’d enjoy action movies with well coreographed fight scenes and the occassional Drama if it’s good.
DEITY: He got Poseidon. Since he’s called the ‘Stormbringer’, I can see why. Qualities listed are:  Pride, loyalty, devotion, reason, leadership, humor, unpredictability, rage
MONTH: No preference. 
SEASON: Spring or Autumn
PLACE: Oh. Umm....he really hasn’t...got one? Not a specific place anyway. If he had to choose. He’d say his favorite place is around the fire with Bridge 4.
WEATHER: not overwhelmingly sunny, but also not storming? Kind of overcast and chilly, though he hates the constant drizzle of the Weeping. He likes windy days the best.
SOUND: He likes the sound of the wind, whether it’s blustering hard or it’s just a faint breeze. Everything it does makes a different sound. He likes the sound it makes when it whistles through the trees or when it rustles his hair.
SCENT/S: He didn’t have one for a very long time, but now, he’s grown attached to the smell of the stew that Rock cooks for dinner.
TASTE/S: He’ll eat pretty much anything he can get, because he hasn’t kicked the mentality of ‘this might be my only meal today’ yet. He doesn’t think he ever really will. But anything eaten with his loved ones tastes much better than if he eats it alone.
FEEL/S: the weight of a spear in his hands; that surging, freeing energy that whirls and rages within him when he inhales stormlight; The feeling of having a clean-shaven face; the heavy fabric of his uniform; the Kholin cloak that was given to him after that final bridgerun.
ANIMAL/S: He enjoys skyeels, from a distance, and thinks that axehounds are...alright. He doesn’t trust horses at all. All in all, he isn’t very good with animals.
NUMBER: I have noooo idea...
COLOR: He likes blues and other cooler colors the best. Officially can’t stand the color brown, thanks to his time running bridges. Everything was brown.
TALENTS: He’s excellent with a spear and is also an inspiring leader. He is able to command attention and respect by leading through example. He’s quite graceful as well, and could possibly be a good dancer if he wanted to learn. However, without any knowledge of how to dance, he just sticks to spear kata.
BAD AT: Knowing when to care and when to accept that nothing can be done. ( HE CARES TOO MUCH. ) Taking care of himself, expressing his feelings, letting go of his past.
TURN-ONS: Trust, understanding, respect, passion, confidence (Also arrogance? for some reason?), being valued
TURN-OFFS: Degradation, being told he’s ‘not worth it’, classist Alethi bullshit, selfishness
HOBBIES: Training (Himself and his men), spending time with Syl and his bridge crew. He’s really not much for hobbies but he does enjoy climbing up to high places.
TROPES: Broken Ace, The Captain, Chronic Hero Syndrome, Combat Medic, Driven to Suicide (almost), Failure Knight, Guardian Angel, Honor Before Reason, Survivor Guilt, Gravity Master, Handicapped Badass (Mentally rather than physically, since he suffers from severe clinical depression, even before developing his survivor’s guilt.)
4 notes · View notes
jeonclouds · 6 years
2018 books / February
2018 Brooks / February.
February books. January 20, 2018 | Tessa MM. (08/48)
Keeping track of my 4 books of the month…
1. Alice’s adventures in wonderland
2. The stranger - Albert Camus
3. Los 4 Acuerdos.
4. Chicken soup for the teenage soul.
Alice’s adventures in wonderland (005):
 “Down, down, down, how far have i fallen now?”
 “Oh, why did i cry so much?”
 “Never get angry” ((thats a bad advice caterpillar)).
 The Stranger (006):
 “I may not have been sure about what really did interest me, but I was absolutely sure about what didn’t.”
“I opened myself to the gentle indifference of the world.”
“Since we’re all going to die, it’s obvious that when and how don’t matter.”
“Have you no hope at all? And do you really live with the thought that when you die, you die, and nothing remains?“ "Yes,” I said.”
“And it was like knocking four quick times on the door of unhappiness.”
PS: i remember i hated this book because i saw myself within Mersault, he is really, uh how you say it in english? Huraño, distant? aloof? he is portrayed as someone detached and emotionless, just the same way as i portray myself to the world and ppl around me. He is very impassive and he doesn’t really think about events or consequences and i was like ‘okay same!’, i think thats bad, he feels content with his indifference over the world, maybe bc he is protecting himself from pain (like me). He is so casual and indifferent over life events, i was pissed when Marie (his gf) asked if he wanted to marry her and he said he didnt cared lmao, that he would do it if she wanted to, and i was like bitch tf!!?? but at the same time i was like 'okay…me’ It made me reflect on myself and how i react when he killed the arab and he didnt showed any signs of guilt or remorse, there i was like 'okay thats not me’. His behavior is so distant and unresponsive, and he literally sees life and the people around him with despair, he appears to be so apathetic, its, its fucking annoying and amazing and it honestly makes me think about myself and how i make the world see me, its, ugh. It was a good book but i did not liked the fact that i could see so much of myself in the main character, a few moments ago when i was pondering about this i started to really think that…i, don’t want to be seen like that, and its scary to know that people could actually see me being that way, behaving that way, responding that way, because i know that i have done it, and now i dont like it anymore, as much as i want people to see me as someone 'mysterious’ i dont want them to see me as someone who doesnt care about her surroundings damn this book, it was a good book though, annoying as fuck, and it bored me and pissed me off, but its still a good book, i will carry with me the lesson i have learned from it, so, thanks joonie for the recommendation.  
 Los 4 Acuerdos (007):
“Estoy hecho de luz, estoy hecho de estrellas”
“Lo que realmente somos es puro amor, pura luz”
“Tu no escogiste tu lengua, ni tu religion, ni tus valores morales: ya estaban ahi antes de que nacieras. Nunca tuvimos la oportunidad de elegir que creer y que no creer. Nunca escogimos ni el mas insignificante de estos acuerdos. Nisiquiera elegimos nuestro propio nombre.”
'El 95% de las creencias que almacenamos en nuestra mente, no son mas que mentiras, y si sufrimos es porque creemos en todas ellas’
'En el sueño del planeta, a los seres humanos les resulta normal sufrir, vivir con miedo y crear dramas emocionales. El sueño externo no es un sueño placentero; es un sueño lleno de violencia, de miedo, de guerra, de injusticia.’
'El sueño personal de los seres humanos varía, pero en conjunto es una pesadilla. Si observamos la sociedad humana, comprobamos que es un lugar en el que resulta muy difícil vivir, porque está gobernado por el miedo.’
’ En el mundo entero, vemos sufrimiento, cólera, venganza, adicciones, violencia en las calles y una tremenda injusticia. Esto existe en diferentes niveles en los distintos países del mundo, pero el miedo controla el sueño externo.’
'No es la muerte; nuestro mayor miedo es arriesgarnos a vivir: correr el riesgo de estar vivos y de expresar lo que realmente somos.’
 'Los seres humanos nos castigamos a nosotros mismos sin cesar por no ser como creemos que deberíamos ser. Nos maltratamos a nosotros mismos y utilizamos a otras personas para que nos maltraten.’
 “Acuerdo 1 - Se impecable con tus palabras: Las palabras captan nuestra atención, entran en nuestra mente y cambian por entero, para bien o para mal, nuestras creencias. ”
 “El mayor pecado que cometes es rechazarte a ti mismo.”
 “La cantidad de amor que sientes por ti es directamente proporcional a la calidad e integridad de tus palabras. Cuando eres impecable con tus palabras, te sientes bien, eres feliz y estás en paz.”
 “Sé impecable con tus palabras. Este es el primer acuerdo al que debes llegar si quieres ser libre, ser feliz y trascender el nivel de existencia del infierno. Es muy poderoso. Utiliza tus palabras apropiadamente. Empléalas para compartir tu amor”
 'Usa la magia blanca empezando por ti. Dite a ti mismo que eres una persona maravillosa, fantástica. Dite cuánto te amas. Utiliza las palabras para romper todos esos pequeños acuerdos que te hacen sufrir.’
 Acuerdo 2 - No te tomes nada personalmente: Cuando nos tomamos personalmente lo que alguien nos dice, suponemos que sabe lo que hay en nuestro mundo e intentamos imponérselo por encima del suyo.
 'Si eres veraz contigo mismo, te ahorrarás mucho dolor emocional.
 Acuerdo 3 - No hacer suposiciones. La manera de evitar suposiciones es preguntar.
 Acuerdo 4 - Haz siempre lo maximo que puedas. Si haces lo maximo que puedas viviras con gran intensidad. Vivir con plenitud. No necesitamos saber ni probar nada. Ser, arriesgarnos a vivir y disfrutar de nuestra vida, es lo unico que importa.
 'Si eres impecable con tus palabras, no te tomas nada personalmente, no haces suposiciones y siempre haces lo maximo que puedas tu vida sera maravillosa y la controlaras al 100x100’
 'Si te caes no te juzgues’
 'El perdon es la unica manera de sanarnos’
 'Quiero que utilices tu imaginacion y la percepcion de tus nuevos ojos para verte a ti mismo viviendo un nuevo sueño, una vida en la que no sea necesario que justifiques tu existencia y en la que seas libre para ser quien realmente eres. Imagina que tienes permiso para ser feliz y para disfrutar de verdad tu vida. Imaginate que vives libre de conflictos contigo mismo y con los demas. Imaginate que no tienes miedo de expresar tus sueños. Sabes que quieres, cuando lo quieres y porque no quieres. Tienes libertad de cambiar tu vida y hacer lo que sea como tu quieras. No temes pedir lo que necesitas, decir que si o que no a quien sea o a lo que sea. Imagina que vives sin miedo a ser juzgado por los demas, Ya no te dejas llevar por lo que otras personas puedan pensar de ti. Ya no eres responsable de la opinión de nadie. No sientes la necesidad de controlar a nadie y nadie te controla a ti. Imagínate que vives sin juzgar a los demás, que los perdonas con facilidad y te desprendes de todos los juicios que sueles hacer. No sientes la necesidad de tener razón ni de decirle a nadie que está equivocado. Te respetas a ti mismo y a los demás, y ellos te respetan a ti. Imagínate que vives sin el miedo de amar y no ser correspondido. Ya no temes que te rechacen y no sientes la necesidad de que te acepten. Puedes decir: “Te quiero”, sin sentir vergüenza y sin justificarte. Imagínate que te amas a ti mismo tal como eres. Que amas tu cuerpo y tus emociones tal como son. Sabes que eres perfecto tal como eres.’
 'Puedes andar por el mundo con el corazón completamente abierto y sin el temor de que te puedan herir. Imagínate que vives sin miedo a arriesgarte y a explorar la vida. No temes perder nada. No tienes miedo de estar vivo en el mundo y tampoco de morir. ’
  Chicken soup for teenage the soul (008):  
The love we give and recieve is all that matters, and all that is remembered, suffering dissapears, love remains. “Have i told you yet today that i love you?”
 “We need four hugs a day for survival. We need eight hugs a day for maintenance. We need 12 hugs a day for growth. - Virginia Satir.
 Think of the people in your life, ate there any words you’d like to say? Are there any hugs you want to share? Are you waiting and hoping someone else will ask first? Please dont wait! Initiate! - Charles Faraone.
 I have learned never to underestimate the healing power we all have. It is always there to be uded for the highest good. We just have to remember to use it.
 "What i am is good enough if i would only be it openly” - Carl Rogers.
 “I own me and therefore i can engineer me. I am me, and i am okay.” - Virginia Satir.
 “Don’t worry about failures, worry about the chances you miss when you don’t even try.”  
 “Most everything that you want is just outside your comfort zone.”  
 “Everything you want is out there waiting for you to ask. Everything you want also wants you. But you have to take action to get it.”
 “Keep in mind that part of growing up is dealing with difficult issues, and the benefits can be great if you have the courage to ask for help. Human beings are not designed to go through life alone. No one has to bear the burden of tough times all by themselves.”
 “Sometimes you dance with a partner, and sometimes you dance alone. But the important thing is to keep dancing.”  
 “As you take a few minutes each day to quiet your mind, you will discover a nice benefit: your everyday, “ordinary” life will begin to seem far more extraordinary. Little things that
previously went unnoticed will begin to please you. You’ll be more easily satisfied, and happier all around. Rather than focusing on what’s wrong with your life, you’ll find yourself thinking about and more fully enjoying what’s right with your life. The world won’t change, but your perception of it will. You’ll start to notice the
little acts of kindness and caring from other people rather than the negativity and anger.”  
 “You only have control over three things in your life—the thoughts you think, the images you visualize, and the actions you take (your behavior).”  
0 notes
Who can give me the best rates for car insurance rates in palm bay florida?
"Who can give me the best rates for car insurance rates in palm bay florida?
Who can give me the best rates for car insurance rates in palm bay florida?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://saleinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
I rear ended a car on the freeway and damage was minor. How much will it cost me through insurance?
So I rear ended a car on the freeway and we pulled on to the side and got each others info. Damage to both cars are both big and small scratches. I was wondering how much it might cost when I file it through my insurance company. I have liability coverage.
Insurance Cost?
what is the monthly insurance cost for a new cadillac escalade for a 32 year old driver with a perfect record
""Hit and Run, no witnesses, lying to insurance?""
So, I was with my girlfriend and we parallel parked in a space which we soon realized was restricted. So she pulls out of the space, too close to the delivery truck in front of her, and side swipes it on the way out. We pull off to the side, see no damage to the truck, but a huge gash in the side of her car. We decide to leave, since the only damage is hers. The next morning, she goes to the body shop to get the damage assessed. They tell her it is going to be over $4000 to repair. She decides to file it with insurance, saying that she had left her car parked on the street, and found it this way, assuming it was a hit and run in the opposite direction. Had she asked me before doing this, I probably would have advised against lying about it, but she has. So, the insurance inspector is coming to assess the damage in the next few days. My question is, how rigorous are these inspections? Will these guys be able to look at a gash in the side of her car, and tell that it was inflicted by her sideswiping a truck, not the other way around?""
Anyone own more than one car and buy comprehensive insurance for all?
does anyone own more than one car and buy them all comprehensive insurance by yourself? I found it's so expensive and considering to buy third party insurance only. anyone advise pls
Where can I find cheap car insurance for Manhattan?
I recently moved to Manhattan and had to bring my car. I had plan on selling it, but with no luck. So now I have to keep it and now I have no insurance. The car is in storage right now. Can anyone suggest a cheap insurance company to me. I have gotten quotes from Geico, Progressive, All State, State Farm, Nationwide, who all either denied me for a lapse I have had or they cost twice as much as my car payment. I know that I am reaching for the stars.""
Gta v online mors mutual insurance. Problemas.?
Tengo un problema con mors mutual Insurance. Me han destruido mi vehculo personal y al llamar al seguro me dicen que tiene. Todos sus agentes ocupados y que lo intente mas tarde. ...mostrar ms
Insurance coverage with DUI involved?
My father recently crashed his car into a van after consuming over the legal limit of alcohol (well over knowing him), and is concerned whether Progressive insurance will cover vehicle damages for him and the other driver. Also notable is that his car is pretty much totaled, I think, and he does have some previous blemishes on his driving record and the car is leased. If someone with some knowledge on these matters would help and give me an idea of what insurance will and will not cover could help it would be much appreciated.""
How much motorcycle insurance
I'm 16 and i live in new york but i don't know how much insurance is
""Can Doctors offices charge you, when they lost your medical insurance card?""
I got my appendix removed in California and used the state insurance at the time (since I was low income and never had insurance). All the hospital bills are payed for; however, the surgeon has charged me an additional 1,445.00. I never even saw the surgeon after the hospital. I went in for follow-ups to his office but would always miss him. I gave my insurance card to front desk girl and she told me she didn't need it but just in case she made a copy. Now two years later I come to find out that there is this bill. What can I do?""
What does convertible term insurance mean?
I have two questions: 1. What does convertible term insurance mean? 2. Is there a term insurance that allows you to pay the same premium forever? Example: My age is 25, my premium at this age is $80/year. Can I still pay the $80/year even if I already 65 years old and older?""
Auto Insurance Question/Teen Driver?
Our teen is about to get his learner's permit. At what point am I obligated to notify my auto insurance company that our son is now a driver.....when he gets his learner's permit or when he gets his actual driver's license? I'm wondering at what point my rates will increase as a result of needing to insure my son. The state is Vermont. Thanks!
Audi Q5 2014 car insurance cost houston?
i just moved to Us , Houston and i am 32 year old male so i would like to buy a new Audi Q5 2.0T any idea how much the full insurance ? and is it good car Q5 2.0 T ? Thanks a lot""
What is a 2005 Mazda RX-8 insurance rated at?
is it a 10 or something?
Insurance companies taking advantage?
is there a chance that insurance companies are taking advantage of obama-care and increasing costs more than they really needed? looks like a % of insured are getting hit but what is the % of uninsured or insurance denials that are now covered? any good stories?
Auto Insurance in Indiana?
I have had Progressive for many years and no claims.We do deserve cheaper rates because of our age and driving record and low mileage. I recieved a much lower quote from Indiana Farmers Mutal Insurance. I have a 2000 Tahoe that is like right off the show room floor and I understand most companies are allowed to relace parts from a junk yard or for much lower than would it would cost unless it is under 2 years old. Has anyone placed a claim with either of these companies and what was your satisfaction? Because of the condition of our Tahoe, which is perfect and just over 30 thousand miles and a limited edition, who has ideas on the best auto insurance out here in Indiana?""
What to do about Young Driver's car insurance?
I'm 17 and currently looking at buying my first car with insurance sometime during next year. I've been looking around on a lot of price comparison sites and the cheapest I could honestly find was 3,000 a year. I even tried putting myself on my dad's insurance through them and it was still in the 3000's. I have tried with a number of cars, mainly from group 4 insurance as anything below that tends to be really new cars that boost up your premium. Ideally, I'd like to buy my friends Peugeot 306 off him which is a 1.9 diesel that is usually really cheap to insure compared to most other first cars . However since this huge insurance increase I'm finding it impossible to get prices below 3000. Does anyone know of anyone specialist insurance sites for young drivers that offer cheaper prices or does anyone have any tips for filling out the forms to lower the price? I've tried everything I possibly can but I may have missed some important thing. I just know I don't want to pay 3000 a year for a car that I'm buying for 400. I see no logic there, what so ever. I'd rather crash my car and then buy another 6 of them.""
I have recently ordered a wind turbine. Any recommendations for insurance?
I ordered a use wind turbine from Germany. I was wondering if anyone had any experience doing this and where is a good place to get insurance. I found these guys through Google thoughts? http://www.northernalliance.co.uk/wind-turbine-insurance/
How much more would insurance cost if I bought a coupe car instead of a sedan?
I'm 17 years old, had my license for 9 months. I want to buy a coupe car but my mom said the insurance will be really high. Around how much higher would it be if i bought a car like a honda civic 2001-2004 coupe then a honda civic 2001-2004 sedan?""
What are the top 5 cars that cost the most for auto insurance??
What are the top 5 cars that cost the most for auto insurance??
Where to get cheap cars in the UK?
I'm talking 500 maximum spend here, just something that will have very cheap insurance.""
What is the best student health insurance plan in Florida?
What is the best student health insurance plan in Florida?
""Car insurance, cant find less then 3200?""
Hey how are you, ive just passed recently and am looking to cover my peugeot 206 1.4 3 door hatchback, i cant find any quotes lower then 3200 on gocompare or confused, with a maximum excess of 250 pounds, do you have any advice that could help me? im 22 years old also not a teenager, i guess that should help with the prices, and ive done the pass plus scheme too, if i rang some of these companys up, how low do you think i could get them?""
Combine medicare with private insurance?
I have Anthem Blue Cross and expect to keep it after age 65. I believe Medicare has 4 parts, A thru D. Which parts should I get through existing private insurance and which parts thru Medicare? If I delay getting Medicare, later the costs will go up . How much up and which parts?""
Truck hits curb due to icy road..Damage is extensive. Will insurance pay? ?
I was heading down a hill; the road was icy. The truck wasn't stopping properly. It slid into a curb; damaged the wheel (rim). Now, the truck swirves to the left when I drive. I thought I needed an alignment. Went to an auto shop; turns out I need to replace a control arm ($569 just in parts) and some frame pulling is needed....AND an alignment. Total cost: $1750 (with labor) I do have comprehensive coverage with a $500 deductible. I just called my insurance and am waiting to hear back from a claims rep. (they said within 24 hrs); can they deny this for any reason? I really need the truck fixed soon.... Also, will my premiums increase? By a lot???""
Need inexpensive motorcycle insurance...?
I recently bought a Honda CBR600F4I and am looking for inexpensive insurance. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Who can give me the best rates for car insurance rates in palm bay florida?
Who can give me the best rates for car insurance rates in palm bay florida?
Can I add my son's girlfriends car to my auto insurance policy?
My son's girlfriend is 18 and she is purchasing a new car. She is financing part of it. The insurance for her is very expensive so I though maybe I could add her to my policy. I figure if the car was in my name it wouldn't be a problem, but since it is going to be in her name and since she's not actually related to me I may not be able to do it.""
Purchasing car insurance in Vancouver BC?
I bought a vehicle the other day, and went to insure it and realized my ID and License had both been scratched up somehow. ICBC wouldn't accept my ID until I got a new one. So I went to replace my ID and realized my birth certificate had been threw the wash one to many times to be used. So I have to order a new birth certificate from out of province. Anyways it will take at least a month until I have the cards replaced and in the mean time I need to register the vehicle and insure it. Can my sister register and insure it in her name? she is 18 and has no license. How much would it cost ROUGHLY? I live in Vancouver BC, Canada""
Can I Switch my Auto Insurance to Full Coverage Just To Get It Fixed????????????????
Currently I have liability auto insurance and i hit a deer. I have a really nice car but can't afford to get it repaired at the moment.(THE DAMAGES COSTS SOOOO MUCH!!!!!!!!!) Is there anyway that i can switch my car insurance to FULL COVERAGE JUST to get it fixed????? I heard that some people get full coverage and are able to fool the insurance company into paying for there damages, BUT HOW. IS THAT REALLY POSSIBLE WITHOUT GETTING CAUGHT. IF SO , PLEASE EXPLAIN TO ME HOW. I REALLY LOVE MY CAR, BUT CAN AFFORD TO GET IT FIXED. I REALLY NEED SOME HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!""
How much is motorcycle insurance?
Everyone always says it depends on where you're located, and blah blah blah. But seriously, can i please have a straight answer? How much would insurance cost (on average) for a 16-17 year old male driving a small sport bike or cruiser, or any bike at all for that matter....""
Insurance for honda civic?
Does anyone no how much insurance is for a Honda civic, I am 17. Do i have any hope of getting any?""
What does it mean for insurance to be underwritten?
I have a quote submitted to Hagerty Collector Car insurance and they told me that it is being underwritten, what does that mean?""
My mums with the AA car insurance what are the likely implications for canceling her insurance mid way?
my mum has paid annually (141 quid) lucky sod. and she is considering canceling it to add me to a cheaper car insurer as adding me on the AA insurance is MIND BLOWINGLY EXPENSIVE, (talking 5grand plus per annum) and with aviva its less than half that... but before she cancel she wants to make sure the AA have no hidden cost as all they state is a refund will be paid if insurance has been paid in full and a cancelation fee of 50 must be paid. thats all the information she could find but she wants to know if there are any hidden tricks insurers pull off if your try and cancel.... please help i know its a bit wordy.""
Help me with a car tax/insurance question please?
I just bought a used car that isn't taxed I am trying to swap my insurance over to the new car but the problem is I heard you can't insure a car without it having car tax but whilst trying to tax it I read on the dvla website will this vehicle have valid insurance by the time the tax begins so what do i do first?
Can I drive my mom's car without having insurance?
So I am 16 and don't have a learner's permit. My friend who is 19 has his license and has been using his mom's car for years. He keeps telling me to get my permit. My mom says it will double her insurance bill but he says his mom doesn't pay anything extra. Or he doesn't even have insurance. I don't know anything about this and legalities of everything so...lamest terms please.
Will affordable health act help or hurt people who want to retire early?
Say you are in your late 50's or early 60's and wants and have enough money to retire, but was waiting because of health insurance issues and was going to wait till 65. With the affordable care act most likely going to proceed, will this help those people who probably have pre-existing conditions and of course old get a better deal on health insurance if affordable care act was not passed? To my simple mind, I would have to say yes. And I imagine a lot of people are going to take advantage of this and retire early.""
State Farm Full coverage Auto Insurance?
Ive been with mu current insurance company for about 5 years now. My policy will be ending soon. I have a good driving record except for one speeding ticket back in 2009. Im proud to ...show more
Does anyone know what the average insurance rates are for OTR owner operators?
Just a rough estimate....I'm doing some research.
Monthly motorcycle insurance in Ontario?
Hello there, I'm 16 and live in Ontario, currently have my m2, what would be my monthly or annual insurance rate for a 600cc sport bike or a vespa scooter? Is there an average rate? An approximate would really help, thanks.""
Do you need insurence to perform a play at a senior center/hospital?
A small group of actors (10) are preforming a play for Charity at retirement homes and hospitals. Would we need insurance to perform there? Someone was concerned that we might accidentally fall over and break our arm or fall over and break someone else's. Would we need to pay insurance or could we just write a well thought out contract (if so give example in answer) to perform there?
Does anyone know an insurance plan for health and dental?
I am in need of health insurance and dental and i a in between jobs does anyone out there know a decent affordable insurance company that offers help to people like me thank you in advance
How much is insurance for a crotch rocket (600cc)?
I'm a teenager looking to purchase a crotch rocket (by definition) in the next 6 months, and after googling it and coming up with incredibly high prices, I thought there had to be cheaper insurance. Can anybody provide me with information on how much liability insurance would be for a teenager for a crotch rocket 600cc (not a new one; probably anywhere from '95 - '05). I have no tickets, or wrecks, etc, etc. I would be willing to take a drivers school, etc, etc, whatever I had to do, to lower the insurance. Thanks.""
""Looking for health insurance, not a discount plan?
I have MS and have not been able to find real health insurance. My state health pool will cover me but at $1300/mo. I've heard from a lot of discount plans and indemnity providers but am afraid of these. Any one out there have any ideas? Thanks!
Where can I get cheap bike insurance?
I'm having trouble getting a decent quote for my ZX7R, due to my no claims being void becase I haven't ridden for 4 years. Can you help?""
Will affordable health act help or hurt people who want to retire early?
Say you are in your late 50's or early 60's and wants and have enough money to retire, but was waiting because of health insurance issues and was going to wait till 65. With the affordable care act most likely going to proceed, will this help those people who probably have pre-existing conditions and of course old get a better deal on health insurance if affordable care act was not passed? To my simple mind, I would have to say yes. And I imagine a lot of people are going to take advantage of this and retire early.""
Help with Car insurance cost?
ok so im 17 1/2 year old male and ive been driving since i was 15 1/2. As of right now im covered under my parents insurance with Mercury auto insurance and i pay $500 for 6 months of coverage ($1000 a year). I am currently covered for the three cars that my family owns 1996 Acura 2.5 TL (my crappy car) 2008 MBenz C300 (moms) 2011 Mazda 3 (Dads) So heres my question.. My car (the TL) is starting to break down and the cost of service is outmatching the value of the car. So ive been saving up to try to get another car and i am going to put down 40-50% of the money and my parents are gonna pay for the rest. The cost of the car is not the issue i was wondering more about my cost of insurance for the cars that i am interested in. I know that my most accurate response would be from the Insurance companies themselves, but i dont have time right now. I just wanted to know what you guys thought about how much i should pay per month for these cars. So the cars im interested in ( theres alot lol) are: 90's Toyota MR2 (preferably turbo, but i could live without it) Subaru WRX (Non-STI) Nissan 350Z Honda S2000 BMW 330i (coupe only) 00'-04' Ford Mustang GT There are others but i cant remember them right off the top of my head.. I know its gonna be WAY more expensive then what i pay now and that most of these cars are 2 door and 2 seat which will just make it worse. But im really willing to work for it and like i said i pay my own insurance bill. So how much do you think each of these cars cost for monthly insurance? And of the cars listed which would you most recommend?""
How is my motorcycle insurance so CHEAP?
Okay so im looking into buying a motorcycle this summer. Ill be turning 18, and have always wanted a bike. So i was looking at how much insurance would cost me for it because i hear that its expensive and im a full time student and work minimum wage job, so its not like i have money just to shoot out my *** for fun. I was looking at progressive, because they show instant online quotes so i dont have to actually call in and give my real name and social security # and stuff like that. So i go onto progressive's, and enter all my real info like age and stuff(but lie about my actual address and name and email cause i dont want constant ads and spam). And i got cheaper than expected quotes.....So i put in, 2009 Kawasaki Ninja 250r. Male. Turning 18 in july. Put in that i have motorcycle endorsement and taken safety course(i havent yet, but i will by the time i actually own a bike and have to buy insurance for real). No accidents or tickets. 0 years riding experience(although i ran multiple quotes and noticed price drops by $29 for a 12month policy if youve had even 1 year of riding experience, which is nice). And i got a quote for $285 12month policy. For Bodily Injury & Property Damage 50/100/25. Underinsured Motorist Bodily Injury 25/50. $100 deductible on comprehensive for bike(again i ran multiple quotes, and changing the deductible amount on comprehensive only saves a few bucks). $500 deductible for collision(this deductible amount changes your rate incredibly). No other coverage. Got quoted $285...seems kinda cheap to me considering im so young? Not complaining that i save money....just wondering if this sounds normal? Random insurance question, lets say im riding my bike and going at a good speed, say 45+mph. Then fall and completely eat ****. I injure and damage only myself and my bike. Lets say my bike needs some repairs or maybe even replacing, and my leg is broken or something like that. Will any insurance cover any costs since it was my fault to my own personal injury? Is this when health insurance kicks in for medical bills? And would motorcycle insurance pay for any of this? If so, which kind? Like comprehensive, collision, liability, under-insured motorist? Because i have no idea. This next part might be a little hard to understand, so ill try my best. But i ran multiple quotes and changed the age i said i was, for instance, i put in my real birthday on one July 1996, than i put July 1995 on another just to see how much the rate goes for a 18yr old, because once i actually get the bike i will be 18. The quote where i put my real birthday and said i was 17, got quoted $285, the quote where i said i was already 18, got quoted $319.....how is that possible that i get a $34 cheaper quote for being younger??? I feel like someone at progressive online site is trolling me and getting my hopes up now, just to see me go ape **** when i actually go get a real quote. Thanks!""
Whats the average cost of insurance for a young driver?
If i only have liabililiy on gieco insurance . I am 16 and want to know if i get my permit how much the cost of insurance will go up .
What happens when the insurance company totals your car?
What happens when the insurance company totals your car?
""Looking in to new Auto Insurance, with country insurnace and financial services?""
My boyfriend and I live togeather and have three vehicles, a Mazda Car, Dodge Truck and Yahama Street Bike we both have insurance policys with State Farm and we both are very happy all our insurance policys are seperate The car in my name with my agent the truck in his name with his agent and the st. bike also in his name and then i have a renters insurance policy just in my name. when his work started a 401K with Country Insurance they met with us and went over alot of services they offer and they did up a quote for our auto insurances and renters insurance which put the Mazda and Dodge togeather and both our names on the street bike and renters insurance it was much cheaper then what we pay state farm and we were both very happy with the agent and felt we'd have a good relationship with her... I'm just curiose if anyone has had or has Country insurance for the auto insurance and if they are happy with them?""
What can a car finance company do if you no longer have insurance?
I bought a 2004 vehicle (from CarMax) about 3 months ago. The finance company (Capital One Auto Finance) would only approve me if I started an insurance policy before I left the dealership. I did, but have since let that policy go, for different reasons. The finance company is now sending me letters to give them updated insurance info, or they may take appropriate action to protect its interest . What exactly does that mean??? All my payments have been on time, actually 2 weeks or more early. So, what can they do if I continue not to have insurance, since my payments on the vehicle are all in order? Since guessing or assuming won't help me, sources for your answers would be helpful. Thanks.""
Who can give me the best rates for car insurance rates in palm bay florida?
Who can give me the best rates for car insurance rates in palm bay florida?
I'm 17 years old- how much will it cost me to get my own car insurance?
i have a 1992 chrysler lebaron im 17 years old what the cheapest i can get car insurance
""Best health insurance, help ?""
I know nothing about insurance, share your experience with your search for health insurance. In your opinion, what's the best one ? Thanks in advance, Daniel :)""
Does bike insurance go up?
Was just wondering if motorcycle insurance Companies put their prices up In summer/at beginning of summer. I got a quote about a month ago for 400 on a bike, just got another qoute on the same bike for over 1000!! Is this because it's basically summer and more bikers will be out? So they whacked there prices up?""
What is Insurance sales like?
Since I put my resume on sites like Careerbuilder and Monster I have gotten a lot of emails about insurance sales.I have been reluctant to reply to them because I am fairly young and always heard about insurance sales being boring and miserable. So I would just like to know what being an agent is like? Can you make a decent living? Is it interesting? Is it boring? What do you or a friend enjoy about it? What do you dislike about it?
How much would motorcycle insurance for 600cc roughly cost for a 24 year old?
just need the rough estimate for 600cc sportsbikes. fireblade, gsxr, r6. please state the type of insurance too. thanks.""
Which is best life insurance company?
I want to buy a policy oc life insurance Pl. gude me.
If the law didn't require you to buy car insurance...?
how many people would buy car insurance?
How much is insurance rate on 97 camaro?
How much is insurance rate on 97 camaro?
How to make health insurance more affordable/cheaper?
can someone give me some sites to provide me with information? i have to do a problem-solution speech on economic change. sites with statistics are definitely desired.
How much would insurance cost on a 700 dollar rent appartment?? roughly.. for a calm project.
Wat is a website that helps to find the cheapest auto insurance possible?
Wat is a website that helps to find the cheapest auto insurance possible?
Life insurance: Which would you pick?
Scenario: 30 year old purchasing a $250,000 policy. Would you buy: A) Whole life insurance that cost $3100/year. By age 65, you will have $60,000 in the cash value. B) 35 year term that cost $1500/year. If you invest the difference of $133.33/month with a rate of return of 12%, you can have $866,000. Or even at a conservative rate of 10%, you can have $510,000. A or B? I wish I learned about term and investing the difference a long time ago.""
Any car insurance which insurances foreign cars?
Hi! I live in Italy and I am italian. I heard that there are some english insurance which insurance cars and people in foreign country. Is it real? do you know anything about that? Could you give me some advice about that? I am waiting your answers! Bye!
Cheapest car insurance for 17 year olds in the Uk?
Hi, 17 in a week and was wondering what the cheapest insurers would be for 17 year olds, I know there won't be no cheap cheap ones because, well I'm 17 lol but anyone have any ideas? is it worth looking on go compare etc?""
Roughly how much would it cost to insure a 17 year old male on a renault clio 1.2?
Its silver and just a standard model (not sport or anything extra etc..) And is from 2002 (51 reg) any help appriecated thanks :)
What is the insurance on a 01 Celica gt?
like the cheapest quote? per month
Does any1 know what the cheapest insurance is for someone aged 17-19?
Does any1 know what the cheapest insurance is for someone aged 17-19?
Is there a life insurance that can be purchased for a 90 year old lady?
Is there a life insurance that can be purchased for a 90 year old lady?
What is the Average cost for health insurance for newlyweds?
Me and my GF are going to be getting married soon we are both 18 and have a house we are renting with steady jobs. What would our monthly average be for Health insurance?
17 UK Good insurance car... Please Help...?
Hello, I am 17 and live in the UK. I am learning to drive and hope to pass my test soon. I am looking to get a car when I pass my test. I do like larger cars like SUV's and pickups and compact crossovers but that is not to say that I do not like smaller cars. The problem is the fact that insurance cost a hell of a lot, ridiculous costs. There are many cars that I like but I would like a car that does not look to bad and that has good insurance for teens. I understand that SUV's/trucks will have higher MPG and higher insurance. So far my lowest and best insurance price is for a corsa from youngmarmalade (4.5k insurance but only pay 1.5k as I get cash back on car to put to insurance). Please can you help me with advise on cars pref suv/trucks that would be good for me and good on insurance. Thanks""
Why have all the cheap car insurance companies disappeared from go compare?
I've finally got a car sorted and logged back into go compare for a quote and all the cheap insurers like elephant and admiral aren't there. The quotes are horrendous, any idea why?""
How much will i pay for health insurance?
im a 46 year old man
Does anyone now what the insurance rates would be for a 2002 eclipse GT?
Not the exact insurance rates, obviously that varies from person to person situation to situation but would it be cheap? Expensive if you could compare it to another cars insurance rates?? Any insight is welcome thank you""
Who decided that health insurance would be offered by employers?
My car insurance, life insurance, and house insurance is not offered through my employer. Why is my health insurance?""
Possible to have such cheap car insurance at 20 years old?
Hello all, i'm looking for car insurance on gocompare.com site and if i'm taking the insurance on my own name, the price comes up at 1,200 for a 1995 Ford Fiesta LX 1.2. I am 20 years old, male and held the licence for 1 year (1 year and 6 months to be exact) and have 0 NCB. Now, here is where the 'cheap' part comes in. The 1,200 was ON me as a prosper and owner of the car. If i put my step dad as first driver (main) and me as an additional driver (second) it comes up as 1,500 for insurance. How is that possible? He has 6 years no claims and held the licence for over 20 years. Never made a claim or had accident. Now if i put my self as FIRST driver and him as SECOND driver, meaning that everything goes on me and i would be getting no claims bonus every year, i get the price at :- 750! Now basically my question is - Is that possible? The companies that are at 750 are Diamond, Elephant, and Admiral. Then the prices goes up to 1,500+""
Who can give me the best rates for car insurance rates in palm bay florida?
Who can give me the best rates for car insurance rates in palm bay florida?
2003 Hyundai tiburon 2dr coupe. Insurance price?
So I'm a 17 year old girl.I'm getting my first car. Idk if where I'm from makes a difference, I'm from texas. Would a 2003 Hyundai tiburon 2dr coupe be considered a sports car on the insurance? If so, how much more would it be vs. a normal car? Please help me!!!!""
Car insurance for an 18 year old?
I was thinking about buying something like this: http://www4.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201136414321909/sort/priceasc/usedcars/price-to/1000/model/corsa/make/vauxhall/postcode/hp100bg/page/1/radius/10?logcode=p (it's a 1996 1.2 Corsa LS), would I be able to get cheap(er) insurance if I asked to go on my dad's insurance (with Direct Line)?""
How much would I pay for the Insurance Renewal?
I recently had a car accident with my brand new 4WD vehicle. The front part were badly damaged and is now in the manufacturer's garage. Good thing I didn't get any physical injury as the vehicle's air bag went off just on time and my comprehensive insurance will cover for the agency repairs. My question is, assuming that I'll never encounter another major accident for the next 11 months, how much(more or less) would I pay for the vehicle's insurance renewal next year after it has been assessed by a qualified individual. As early as now, I want to have an idea how the insurance company will compute for my insurance renewal and what are other factors do they consider say I paid them around $1,300 for this year's fee. I hope someone could give me an idea re insurance renewal and other pertinent info re this matter.""
What are some Big name Insurance companies?
Admitted Carriers I believe is the Term for Big name/Most Legitimate. I am in California. Please give me a list, of all the ones u can think of, all the commercials u can remember, what ever. I need to contact every single big name company, I am shopping for Commercial Insurance, & Need to find The Best price & Best policy thank you very much! & May god bless you!""
How can i get car insurance restore?
This what happen i went away from vac and i left my family member money to pay for my car insurance and they didnt do that. Is there a way for me to get my car insurance restore back on. Dont care if i have play plenty or anything but just want back on.
Motorcycle insurance quote?
can you get a quote without entering a social security number? i dont want to give it out
Long Term Disability - Life Insurance?
If you were no longer able to work and went on short and then long term disability from your job and then you die, is your family still eligible for life insurance that you had through your employer?""
Good but cheap car insurance?
Im 17 and just got first car, it's a 2004 Mini Cooper 1.6 and now im looking for insurance, but not sure on what one to go as there is so many out there. I want some cheap and good (and easy to join) but i haven't got a clue about what to go on as i know nothink about insurance so i need a bit of help....... What would be a good and cheap company to join to? and also how much would it cost?""
Would my car be covered under house insurance?
I am taking 3 months off, and going abroad. Could I cancel my car insurance, and put it in the garage? Would it be covered?""
How much will my insurance go up after dui in ny?
OK so i recently was caught for a DUI in NY state , i am under my sister's insurance (geico) and the car is in my name....i want to know how much will the insurance go up even though my sister never had a claim and i am under her...""
""Looking for a good first car, one with low insurance rates preferably?""
I just turned 16 and am currently in the market to buy a car. I am looking for something in the price range of around $2,000, possibly a small four cylinder pick up, or a japanese sedan. Does anyone have any sugestions for a good first car, and if any one has expeiriance with insurance can you tell me a price range of what I would be looking at for isurance, I have good grades and looking for a minnimum policy in Florida. Thanks if anyone can help me although I know I probably wont get much help with the insurance part.""
Can I Sue My Car Insurance Company For Fraud?
I bought insurance for my truck. after 3 months of paying my agent i noticed that my financing bank had added 1300 dollars to my loan as a collateral insurance because they did not have proof of my insurance. I went back to my agent and they explained that they forgot to send the payment for 3 months to the main insurance company and that is why it appeared to my bank that I did not have insurance. My insurance agent told me they were gonna do a re-installment and that they were going to give me proof that i had insurance for those 3 months so i could take it to my bank so they could remove the 1300 from the loan. It's been about 10 months and my insurance agent has not given me any proof of my policy so the bank is still charging me for those 3 months. (about 400 per month since im 20). my agent does not want to refund the money for those 3 months, and they do not want to give me a proof of policy. I do have proof of paying them for those 3 months since I payed with a check that they cashed. I want them to give me proof of insurance for those 3 months or to pay 1300 to my loan because they are charging it due to their fault since they forgot to send my payment. Can I do a civil law suit for those 1300. I have proof of my payment for those 3 months. I also have my policy number but it says it's cancelled due to non payment so bank will not accept that as insurance. right after those 3 months I opened a new policy with them and ive had it for 8 months and ive always payed on time. I recently noticed that when they opened the new policy they inputed my date of birth as if i was 40 years old instead of 20. I do not know if they did a mistake or if they did that on purpose to give me a better price. The thing is that all these 8 months I've been paying i was actually never covered since my date of birth was way wrong. Only my name was correct but I talked directly to the insurance and not my agent and they explained to me that if i would have crashed it wouldnt have covered me since they do not have the correct date of birth. I just fixed that directly with the agent and now they have the correct date of birth so the insurance price went up since im only 20. I dont mind about that. I just think it's unfair that i paid for almost a year and that i was actually never covered because they did a mistake on my information. Plus they caused the bank to charge me.. So i just feel like if all this has been a big scam since i paid so much and did not have insurance. Can I sue them to get my money back or at least pay the bank what the bank is charging me for not having insurance.. like i said i have all the recepits of all payments ive done and i also have a copy of the policy where my information is not accurate and how i was paying without being covered. They could not have made a mistake because I do not look like if im 40 years old. besides they obtained a copy of my drivers license where it clearly says my date of birth. I live in El Paso Texas so does any one know what i can do and if it's possible to get my money back if i sue my agent?""
Help looking for health insurance for college student in California?
I'm a 20 year old living in California and I'm trying to get health insurance. My previous one in PCIP is dissolved and I'm trying to get enrolled into Covered California, but I got locked out and can't reach anyone there due to high call volumes. I'm looking for an alternative but I have no idea where else to search. I'm looking into Kaiser, Blue Cross etc. but I'm not sure what to do.. Can someone please help me?""
I was woundering what do you think is the cheapest auto insurance for first time liscence holders.?
I was woundering what do you think is the cheapest auto insurance for first time liscence holders.?
Is your insurance affected by a traffic misdemeanor in california?
So I got a ticket today and got in trouble for two things 1) Expired registration sticker (I had a 2010 registration sticker, I was just lazy and forgot to put it on) 2) I don't have my year yet, but I still had two other passengers in my car. Apparently you can only take passengers under 21 years old in your car after you've had your license for a year. Anyways, my dad is really pissed about insurance rates or something. Do they go up for the ticket I just described? On the ticket, it said the only non-correctable traffic violation was the two underage passengers in the car.""
""What is the lowest, best Liability auto Insurance in Dallas?""
btw anyone tried Geico and are they really cheap? I know that billionaire guy owns the company, but is it any good?""
Did you know 62 percent of American bankruptcies are linked to medical bills. 78% of which had insurance?
http://www.nytimes.com/2009/08/30/opinion/30kristof.html?em Found the stat in this article and was shocked. Let me know what your opinion on the stat and article. And as always, please be respectful whether you agree or disagree. Thanks!""
Car insurance (Nissan)?
am 17 and getting a 2004 Nissan Altima Soon? About how much will the insurance be? oh and its my [first] car.
Insurance polices at work?
a friend of mine works for a local mall where i'm from. the company he worked for varsity he took out a 10,000 insurance policy left me as heir should anything happen to him. when varsity left the mall and another company took over. he and his co/workers are told the insurance policies they took out and left another as heir were only good providing varsity remained in the mall. how is it legal to charge someone for such a policy. once the varsity left the mall they were told they get nothing""
I need info about maternity Insurance?
I currently have insurance through assurant health and I am looking to add maternity insurance. I was contacted by an agent asking me what deductable I wanted a 10 thousand or 5 thousand deductable. The thing is I heard that I may be eligible for medicaide. My husband only makes about 30,000 a year and I am a full time sudent. I am unsure what to do as I am completley in the dark about the situation. Please someone give me some insight thank you""
Best Health Insurance???
My husband and are getting health insurance...who's the best to go with?? We are looking at united health care right now...r they any good?
Car insurance for 19 year old....?
whats the best car insurance how much would it be for me being a 19 year old, just got passed my driving test first time driver lives in L.A. what are the best car insurance companies out there for me""
Im taking my drivers test on Tuesday..?
Ok so yesterday, Friday, my dad made an appt for my drivers test in the afternoon, and im taking it tuesday after school. Heres my problem, I need a Certificate of Attendance present with me but it takes like 2-3 days for it to be ready, and if I order it Monday then it will most likely be ready like on wednesday or thursday so what should I do? Reschedule my appt or just talk to the school office about it? Thanks in advance. God Bless.""
Car insurance?
i can't make the decision , i just got the car about 9 months ago , and i was paying the car insurance in full and full overage with my credit card, which my mom helped. because i was at school, rightnow i graduated, and i don;t have a job, i couldnot afford the full coverage on my car, i was thinking to go to third party. what do you guys think. i understand i will not be covered many things such as bad weather , flood , hurricane, and so on , if anything happened on the road, at no one's fault, i will lose my car, i was thinking that the odds of that. do you guys think i should go with the third party insurance?""
What is the best life insurance for someone in their early twenties?
I want to ensure my mom & husband will have some money if I were to die early in life.
Who can give me the best rates for car insurance rates in palm bay florida?
Who can give me the best rates for car insurance rates in palm bay florida?
0 notes
tanksfrthmmrs · 7 years
Los objetivos del 2017
Now we finally come to my objectives for the year! A sort of New Year’s Resolutions which I had formulated at end-December 2016, but am only crystallising now, almost halfway through February of the new year.
Give me a break hahaha. I’m lazy about blog posts.
But I think I need to do this to give me a sense of direction for the year. Not that I’ve been drifting aimlessly for the past month and a bit – I’ve been quite busy with my schedule (which I draw up every week) but there hasn’t been an overarching aim to my activities.
Right, so, I’ve got a bunch of things lined up for this year. The first is, of course, to go to university (Cambridge!!!), and before that, find some way to (at least partially) fund the massive expenses of the course. The course fees alone are 40 000+ pounds per year, not to mention cost of living and college expenses.
Okay, so I need to find a scholarship, bursary, or something to ease the financial burden. I’ve been looking around and found a few, now just have to apply and hope for the best!
(By that I mean apply and slay the interviews)
Next up, get a job. I have 2 offers, both in retail. Mum and Dad recommended I try retail because it’s not something I’ll probably ever do again (going to become a high-flying doctor lewl), and I agree. It’ll also improve my people skills and teach me how to be a salesman – the ability to sell things is always good to have in one’s bag of tricks. I’m more interested in one particular job which involves selling an air purifier, and I’m aiming to work part time so I can still do all the other things I want to. Let’s hope they take me! I’m not too worried about the money. I’m hoping to get like $1000 per month – I only want to work 3 days a week. Anyway, I’m not spending much at all – just last month my cash expenditure was $46 for the whole month. There’s not much for me to spend on, so I think $1000 per month is okay.
I’m also going to start volunteering again! I’ve already started with the Amriteswari Society at Bo Tien Temple. It felt good to go back to the food drive and help out. The people there are the same – just as friendly as before. I’m also trying to secure a spot in a nursing home right beside my own home. The volunteer co-ordinator lady said I could help out with Occupation Therapy and Physical Therapy (OTPT) of the residents (!!!!!). Quite an opportunity, really, I hope I can capture it!
Of course alongside those I have my guitar and driving exams. Guitar seems to be going okay. I’m not practicing right now as I’m in Kolkata lol. But I’ll have like a month after I get back, and I’ve memorised most of the scales. Mr Lim said my songs are pretty okay too. I hope I do well! There’s still aural to consider, though, which is a bitch. As for driving, BTT done, FTT almost done, secured PTIs but they’re not supposed to be that good. Honestly I tried so hard to find a PTI, but like every single one of them has some major issue. Like most reviews just said ‘DON’T LEARN UNDER HIM/HER’ for like ALL PTIs. Wtf why aren’t there any good, straightforward people teaching driving? No wonder Singaporeans sometimes get a bad rep as drivers. Anyway, I think I found some good PTIs, let’s see how it goes with them. I was hoping to do 2 lessons a week and fast game it so I could get my license by end March. That’s still the aim, but I don’t know if my instructor will let me go at my own pace like that. I will try my best to convince them though – I really want to get my license quickly.
And last but not least, sports! I’ve started playing tennis again, which is fun, and I want to get a lot better! I’ve figured out a bit of what’s my problem (match game not as developed as my rally game due to confidence, I believe), so I’m just going to try my best to focus on improving my game and not winning games. Losing isn’t okay but it’s acceptable if it’s a short-term result of trying to play harder and better. I’m also going to do Sailing starting March! I’m going to go for a course which will give me a license, then just sail for leisure. Quite looking forward to that. And MMA. I’m supposed to go twice a week. Now I haven’t paid yet so I’m not wasting money but I am wasting time. I’ve developed an inertia to going.
Every time I’m supposed to go, it ends up with ‘Myeaaaaaaahhhh….I’ve got some stuff do to, maybe when I’m back from Kolkata’
Okay, to be fair this has only happened twice, and I did have things to do in preparation for the trip, but it’s no excuse. I’m going to start going when I’m back. Seriously.
MMA is a good way for me to get fit and learn self-defence. The training is rigorous and will definitely make me much stronger, so I should go for it. It’s not too expensive either, considering I’m planning on going twice a week. Definitely worth it.
And of course, there’s the Europe trip! Well, planning seems on track. We’ve got a finalised itinerary, I’ve booked the plane tickets, Nic’s found out about transport between and within cities and Ben’s got some ideas on accommodation. We’ll meet up soon to thresh everything out properly, but it seems like the trip will be a success! It’ll definitely be fun though.
Right, so these are like the ‘hard objectives’ for the year – Scholarships and Funding, Employment, Guitar and Driving, Sports and the Europe Trip. Now for some ‘soft developmental goals’
The name sounds a bit dumb but basically the idea is that I want to improve myself as a person over the course of the year. At least till the time I’m in university. Now the tough things about these goals is that there is almost no tangible way to measure them, which makes achieving them and even tracking progress highly difficult. But I will endeavour to set and achieve them just the same.
So, first off, we know I’m a very disciplined person who can follow a schedule well. Too well sometimes – I can be quite inflexible and unwilling to deviate from a schedule. Hell, I get downright upset and cranky when people throw activities my way last minute. Like seriously, I had a good plan, and I could have easily worked in what you wanted me to do if you had told me earlier, but no. You had to tell me on the day itself when I’d already made a plan for a week. You’re going to throw my whole week out of wack.
See, that’s exactly the thought process I want to stifle. Life isn’t structured and scheduled like I want it to be. Sure, it is good (extremely good) to have a plan and a schedule, but, like Dad always says, the plan is there to help me. I shouldn’t become a slave to the plan, which is what happens nowadays. To some extent. Okay, to a large extent.
So basically, I want to be more flexible – retain my ability to plan and execute my plans, but also be able to handle the curveballs and exigencies others throw my way. I want to be able to change my plan to accommodate others while still being able to accomplish all I need and want to, without getting upset about it.
So, first SDG – be more flexible in terms of time. I’m not sure how I can measure this, but I think I’m making progress. After the stress of university applications was lifted, I find that I’m more…relaxed? And able to accommodate. I still get flashes of annoyance when people tell me to do things last minute, and do experience some resistance inside, but I definitely feel I’m getting better. I guess every time somebody throws something my way, I should try to soothe myself, not flare up, and instead look at the purpose behind the activity and how best to achieve it.
Next SDG – learn to respond, not react. Mum and Dad always tell me that there is a difference between a reaction and a response. A reaction is what I feel immediately after getting input. It’s unrefined, thoughtless and often downright visceral. It is usually a strong emotion which, if let out inappropriately, can hurt others and damage relations. A response is achieved after careful consideration of all factors, both external and internal, and the subsequent output. It’s always better to respond. A response can be emotional like a reaction, if the situation calls for it. The difference between the two is, that, in a response, you’re in control. In a reaction, you’re not. So, when younger and more impulsive, my main method of dealing with input was a reaction. I’m trying to change that to a response – a careful, measured output after considering all input. I’m not there fully, but I have, once again, made progress. I still react sometimes but often I do respond. I just need to increase the percentage of responses to 100%.
The thing is, I still often have a pseudo-reaction in the run-up to a response. Like, if I get some input, I will start processing it and considering all circumstances before arriving at a final plan of action – a response. But in the midst of processing, I will often vocalise, or make facial expressions which come off as a reaction and honestly do have the ability to hurt and damage. Hell, I’ve seen this with my parents – they tell me something, and then we get into an argument because of these micro-expressions and phrases. At the end, when I explain my full response, they are perfectly okay with it and agree completely, but were put off initially by what I said and expressed in the process of coming up with a response. So I need to control these micro-expressions, and ensure that I don’t allow these to surface, lest the world views me as somebody who reacts and doesn’t respond.
2nd SDG – learn to respond, not react, and exert control over what leaves my being in the process of generating a response.
I find that this applies to interviews as well. After I messed up Jardine, I told myself to listen, think and answer. Listen to the input, go through my mental library of things I’ve done and formulate an answer, then put it forth in a deliberate, measured manner. I think it helped for Imperial and UCL (although UCL aren’t getting back to me). It’s basically the same thing – respond to the question asked in an interview. In the Jardine interview, I think what went right was my preparation – I didn’t feel over- or under-prepared. What could have been improved as my execution – listen, think, answer. This little mantra only developed after my Jardine interview, in which I felt I didn’t answer all their questions as well as I should have. So, in future interviews, I will focus on intently listening to the question, thinking of how I can use my skills and experiences to support my answer for the question (and sell myself to an appropriate level simultaneously) and then answer in a measured, deliberate, controlled and confident manner. I may have messed up Jardine (and thereby lost the chance to reduce my university bill my half *cries*), but at least I now have something important which, I feel, will help me greatly in future interviews.
3rd SDG – learn to sell myself, but not over-sell. Dad always says my problem is I think what I’m doing is average. My academic results, ability in sports, music and community service are supposedly very impressive, but for me, they’re…normal. I’ve always been like this lol, so I don’t find anything spectacular about what I do. So the point is now to make people aware of what all I can do, but not too much – over-selling gives you the reputation of being a bad salesman at best, and a cheap prostitute at worst. Moderation is key! But I need to learn to let people know who I am and what I can do. I’m starting by leaking bits and pieces of my achievements and accomplishments into my conversations with people I just met, or people I want to impress. Not to my friends of course, I don’t need to sell myself to them haha. But I hope to be able to master this skill!
4th SDG – improve my memory. My parents always say that my memory is something extraordinary. I can remember things – even the smallest details of long gone events. It is true that my memory is quite a bit better than average – no doubt this helped me perform in school. But in the run-up to exams, I changed the way I approached knowledge – I focused on keeping a database and remembering how to access it. Dad’s point is that everybody can do that, and that’s not where my competitive advantage is. He understood why I did it – to perform well in exams and get into Cambridge. But now that that’s achieved, he thinks I can go back to how I was before; remembering for the sake of remembering, and relying on my strong memory. I’m definitely going to try to do this. To achieve it, I’ve stopped writing down what I learn. I’m trying to absorb and remember as much as I can from simply reading. For now I don’t remember as much as if I write it down, but I’m sure I’ll get better and be able to remember more and strengthen my memory even further.
So, quite a few goals for this 20-21 year old to accomplish this year. Get funding for Cambridge, pass my guitar and driving exams, get a good retail job, volunteer, take part and improve in a variety of sports (particularly tennis) and carry out a fantastic Europe trip. For my SDGs, I’m focusing on learning to be more flexible, controlling my responses and reactions to stimuli, learning how to sell myself appropriately and improving my memory. I hope I can achieve all these throughout this year – they will definitely help me grow as a person. But of course, over and above all these goals and objectives is to spend time with the fambam. I’m embarking on a new phase in life soon, and I will be the furthest away from my family for the longest time yet. It’s scary, but also exciting and I look forward to it. But before I go, I need to spend as much time as I can with my family – Mum, Dad and Scooby. I’m really going to miss them when I go…but c’est la vie. The young eagle must leave the nest to find his own hunting grounds.
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