#Tomorrow the final date: Jake!
kimmiessimmies · 3 months
Winter 08: Dateless - Pt.2 (42/64)
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When we sat down with a drink, I thought I'd ask him about his cat, Simon. That got him talking for a little while, which was good.
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Unfortunately, after that, we went back to the silent zone... I felt a bit awkward. Like I needed to break it, but I didn't know how...
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We stepped outside the bakery and smiled at each other for a bit more...
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I then thanked him for the boat ride and the coffee and said goodbye.
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I think Craig is probably a very nice guy. But somehow, we just didn't match...
Gameplay notes: I had high hopes for Craig and Rachel. On paper, they seemed a good match. But there was just a lot of silence between them. I've said before that I left them mostly to their own devices. On all dates, if they wouldn't initiate conversation themselves, I would give them a nudge and then see if they kept it going themselves. Both Craig and Rachel didn't... There wasn't any negativity either; they smiled at each other a lot. But they just didn't seem to have anything to talk about... Attraction score: 4
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Craig created by @echoweaver
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youremyboy · 2 years
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favourite jake & amir characters: neko
Neko the devil! God hates swag and she's here to meet her maker.
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icysab · 8 months
more niki boyfie hcs — falling for you edition!
requested here!
wc: <350 i think
a/n: this is a little different than my standard boyfie hcs but i wanted to try something new, so let me know your opinion in comments, reblogs, asks, etc. of this format !!
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- bro was CAPTIVATED by your smile
- that was literally the first thing he noticed about you— how your smile lit up the room he was in
- you were one of jungwon’s friends and so he introduced you to all the members
- and when i tell you niki’s heart STOPPED when he saw you
- but niki is loyal to his bros!! so he swallowed the lump in his throat so jungwon didn’t kill him
- (jungwon, in fact, introduced you to the members because you mentioned that niki was cute. he would not have cared one bit.)
- only realizes he’s staring after sunoo nudges him with his elbow
- literally stuttering trying to introduce himself
- “i, uh, my name is- uh- riki”
- (failed) attempts at acting aloof fly out the window when you repeat his name back and smile
- the second you leave jake and sunghoon RELENTLESSLY tease the poor guy
- and he gets so defensive too, like he wasn’t acting like a lost puppy dog
- before jakehoon can strip niki of too much of his pride though, won tells them to knock it off
- after scolding the two goofballs (scary leader) won decides to tell niki
- “you know, i don’t care if you go for her”
- poor riki is not following
- “??”
- “she thinks you’re cute too, and besides, you’d make a good match”
- he malfunctions
- “no nono why would you think that!! HAHA- wait. she thinks i’m cute??”
- he’s all red and blushy
- at this point jakehoon are CACKLING at poor riki
- won explains that you thought riki was cute too and that’s why he introduced you two, but he didn’t expect him to be such a nervous wreck around you
- riki is shocked 😮
- after MUCH coaxing from the members, won finally gets riki to text your number
- riki’s leg won’t stop bouncing with nerves as he types out a message
- “hey, this is riki from earlier. i just wanted to say that your shirt was cool”
- all the members facepalm at his attempts at playing it cool
- you respond almost instantly, to riki’s surprise
- “hi riki!! thank you, + i thought your outfit was cool too :D”
- before he can breathe a sigh of relief that your text was super nice and simple, he sees the typing bubble pop up again
- “did you ask won for my number? hah you must have wanted an excuse to talk to me again ”
- he freezes again
- he’s about to deny, deny, deny, but won stops him
- “dude, just tell her the truth. did you already forget that she thinks you’re cute too?”
- riki’s brows furrow in thought at that, but before he can even begin to construe a cool, smooth response, jake rips the phone out of his hands
- RIKI SCREAMS SO LOUD THE ENTIRE DORM REVERBERATES while jake books it to the bathroom to lock himself in
- after a minute, he walks out with riki’s phone and the most devilish smirk on his lips
- before jake can do anything else, riki snatches the phone back and apprehensively starts to read the damage jake had done
- “lol you caught me. if you want, we could get to know each other better over some ice cream tmr? it’ll be my treat”
- “woah, that was smoother than i expected. ill see you tmr riki :)”
- riki is dumbfounded. did jake actually just score him a date with YOU?? there’s no way this worked
- “thank me later,” jake teases
- he is so in shock that he doesn’t even have the capacity to kill jake. tomorrow, a date (???) with you? he can die a happy man.
- to be continued…. ?
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tongue-like-a-razor · 7 months
Brother's Best Friend - Part 9
Jake Seresin x F!Reader
A/N: I just wanted to let y'all know how much your enthusiasm and encouragement means to me. Your support, whether it's in the form of comments, reblogs, or asks, literally inspires me to keep writing and I just wanted to say thank you for your kind words! You guys seriously rock!
Summary: The trials and tribulations of falling for your brother's best friend.
CW: Uhh.. you're gonna love it
WC: ~2500
Part 1 | Masterlist
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“What’re you up to tonight?” Jake asks casually, about five minutes after you’ve entered the kitchen.
You glance up from your still steeping tea hesitantly; you haven’t spoken to Jake since the pervious night at the club and you’ve all but resolved never to make eye contact with him again. “Uh,” you begin shakily, the stress of the situation resulting in a minor mental shutdown.
You watch as your brother tries on a third Hawaiian shirt and walks over to the mirror in the front hall to check himself out.
You gulp uneasily, your eyes meeting Jake’s as Bradley leaves the kitchen. “Just studying,” you finish, finally remembering your plans for the evening.
“Studying, huh?” Bradley calls from the foyer. A second later, he reemerges with a smirk on his face. “I know what that means.” He wiggles his eyebrows at you and then shoots Jake a knowing grin.
Jake appears, at the very least, unimpressed with Bradley’s insinuation and, quite possibly, even critical of it. He gives him an irked look and proceeds to flip more aggressively through an old National Geographic magazine, one from the stack currently sitting on the living room coffee table. “You look like a douche in that shirt,” Jake grumbles.
Bradley’s eyebrows converge as he stares at his friend with a mixture of shock and disappointment. “Is that true?” he asks, turning to you for support as if you’re there to mediate.
You shrug. “I don’t think the shirt has anything to do with it,” you say.
Jake snorts out a laugh while Bradley’s mouth falls open in outrage. He looks between you and Jake and shakes his head. “That’s how it’s gonna be?”
“Maybe wear a t-shirt,” you suggest. “Borrow one of Jake’s.”
Jake gives you an amused look. “You think I’m just handing out band tees?”
Bradley narrows his eyes. “I feel like I’m missing something.”
“I just finished a load of laundry and I’ve got a Pantera shirt you can wear,” you continue, already smiling in anticipation of Jake’s reaction.
Jake lifts his eyebrows with a grin. “I thought that wasn’t appropriate dating attire. Too many skulls or some shit?”
Bradley places his hands on his hips and tilts his head suspiciously. “I…” he begins. “I have questions,” he concludes, still glancing between you and Jake. His knotted eyebrows indeed confirm just how perplexed he is. “But I’m already late. So, I guess douche shirt’s gonna have to do.” He grabs his jacket off the back of a kitchen chair and heads back out into the hall.
“Have fun!” Jake calls, leaning into the table so that his voice carries through to the front door.
“You sure you don’t want to come?” Bradley calls back. “We’ll be meeting up with her friends later tonight. They’re female.”
You roll your eyes, removing the tea bag from your mug. You look up to see that Jake’s gaze is trained on you.
“I’m good,” Jake calls back, finally breaking eye contact with you. He reverts his attention to the article before him detailing the mating rituals of various species of primates.
“See you tomorrow, then!” Bradley calls, and then the door shuts behind him.
A predictable, but still awkward, silence follows Bradley's departure. You finish preparing your tea while your heart batters relentlessly against your ribcage, daring you to say something – anything­ – about the previous night’s affairs. Naturally, you ignore this sensible impulse, starting for the staircase mutely after shooting Jake a quick, rigid smile.
Jake’s eyes follow you as you cross the room. “You got a date with ‘study group’ guy?” he asks pointedly, using air quotes to emphasize study group as though your evening is sure to consist of anything but that.
You pause, holding your mug close to your chest. “It’s not a date,” you say, although, at this point, you kind of wish that it were.
Jake raises his eyebrows like your response has only served to reinforce his skepticism. “Why do you even need to study?” he says with a cringe. “You’re already smart.”
You purse your lips to suppress a grin. “Funny,” you comment, continuing toward the stairs.
“I could help,” Jake offers.
You glance at him over your shoulder in surprise. “What?”
Jake closes the magazine and straightens his back. “I could help you study.”
You stare at him, trying to imagine how that might go down. “What do you know about psychology?” you ask, having already decided that, despite his noblest intentions, Jake’s assistance would be absolutely useless.
Jake scoffs. “I don’t need to know anything about it to help you cram for a test. You got flash cards?”
You give him a flat look. “It’s an oral exam.”
The corner of his mouth twitches. “Say what, now?”
You close your eyes and massage your temple irritably. “It’s worth fifty percent of my grade.”
Jake grimaces. “How good are you at oral?”
You let out an indignant cry, wishing you had something in your hands to throw at him other than a ceramic mug full of scalding liquid. “And this is why I’m studying with ‘study group’ guy,” you retort, stomping up the stairs.
“I’m joking!” Jake laughs, getting to his feet. “Come back!”
But you’re already on the second floor and you shut your bedroom door before he can say anything else.
Twenty minutes later, you return with your book bag, your empty mug, and a disparaging look on your face as Jake approaches the bottom of the stairs to greet you with a sheepish grin.
“Come on, Baby B,” he says as you set your bag down and glide by him with an eyeroll, heading for the sink. “It was a joke.” He follows you through the kitchen and leans into the counter as you start to wash your mug.
You bite into the inside of your cheek to keep a straight face. It’s not every day that Jake takes responsibility for his actions, and you’re sort of enjoying the groveling. “I’m not mad, I just think you’re an idiot.”
“See? I told you you’re smart,” Jake says.
You sigh, glancing up at him wearily. “Unfortunately, my extensive knowledge of Jake Seresin isn’t going to help me pass my midterm.”
“Shame,” he responds with a slight grin. “’Cause you’d ace that.”
You chuckle. “You think?”
Jake’s smile falters and he leans his back into the refrigerator. His eyes scan your face like he’s searching for something. You wonder if he’s finally going to address the elephant in the room, but he just exhales moodily and drops his gaze. “Well, have fun,” he mumbles to the floor.
You narrow your eyes and let out a somewhat resentful scoff. It’s just like Jake to lead a girl on, and you should have known that – after all, you’re apparently the leading expert on Jake Seresin. “Oh yes,” you say. “Studying’s a blast.”
Jake lifts his eyes solemnly. “Come on, you’re not that naïve.”
“What are you talking about?” you ask, picking your book bag back up.
Jake’s gaze slips briefly to your bare abdomen, framed by the hem of your crop top and the band of your baggy joggers. “This dude only wants one thing,” he says. “And it’s not to help you prepare for midterms.”
You let out a cackle and head out of the kitchen. “Seresin, please!” you exclaim. “Not every guy in the world is a total pig.”
“How many people are you meeting tonight?” he asks, trailing behind you.
You pause at the door before putting on your shoes. “He couldn’t get a hold of anyone else,” you respond innocently, trying not to cringe at the – now that you think about it – ridiculous excuse ‘study group’ guy has given you.
“Right,” Jake mutters, taking the bag off your shoulder when you bend down to put on your sneakers.
You stand back up and your eyes meet his for a moment. He looks like he’s got more to say but you have a feeling he isn’t going to say it. “I can handle myself,” you reassure him.
Jake watches you with a dubious expression. “As long as you know what you’re walking into,” he says.
You laugh, taking a step back to ease some of the tension that’s got your back muscles seizing up. “And even if he does have an ulterior motive – which I seriously doubt – would it really be so terrible?”
Jake doesn’t seem as amused at this prospect as you. “It would be manipulative,” he responds levelly.
You shrug nonchalantly. “I don’t think it’s a big deal.”
He squints slightly and you feel like he’s judging your answer. “I thought you needed to study.”
“I do!” you respond defensively. “And I’m not going with the intention of engaging in any…” you pause, thinking of a way to put what you’re about to say more delicately. “… other activities,” you finish with a minor wince. “But, if an opportunity happens to present itself –”
Jake raises his eyebrows. “An opportunity,” he echoes in the same disapproving tone.
“What, like you’ve never taken advantage of an opportunity.”
Jake juts out his jaw in a sulking manner, pondering over your allegation without disputing it. He looks a fair bit guilty but that may very well be your personal interpretation. Finally, he reaches for the door and opens it resignedly. “Call me if you need me,” he says.
You sigh, standing in front of the open door. “You don’t have any plans?” you ask, almost cautiously because you probably don’t want to know the answer.
Jake purses his lips and shakes his head.
This gives you pause, but you try not to let the defeated look on his face sway you. You aren’t sure what he stands to gain from this particular transaction, but you doubt his motive for offering to help is entirely altruistic.
Perhaps he’s gunning for a clean slate. Trying to be a friend. Trying to eclipse recent, reprehensible behavior with an act of goodwill. Maybe he’s worried that you’re mad, or that he might lose you.
The fact of the matter is, you could speculate till the cows come home, but you won’t know unless you ask. So, in a move not even you could have predicted, you do just that. “Why would you even want to waste your evening studying?” you probe.
Jake tilts his head to the side and squints his eyes at you in confusion. “Just tryin’ to help,” he responds.
You look down at your feet uncomfortably and shrug, but continue prodding, nonetheless. “I mean, you could be out with my brother.” What you really want to say is that he could be hooking up with a new chick within the hour if he feels like it; it wouldn’t even be a challenge.
“Didn’t wanna crash his date.”
You glance up at him sharply, wondering if that is, indeed, the only reason he chose to stay behind. His eyes slide slowly over your face as though he’s trying to guess what you’re going to say next. You gulp uneasily; being scrutinized by the guy of your dreams is hardly an enjoyable pastime. At the same time, it’s wildly thrilling to have his undivided attention. “No other reason?” you ask with a slight break in your voice, your throat decidedly too dry to pose any further questions.
Jake glances pointedly at the open door he's still holding and then back at you. He doesn’t respond, nor does he inquire why you’ve still not left. Instead, he starts to slowly close the door, his eyes boring into yours so intently you think the weight of his gaze might vaporize you.
You feel a warmth wash over you – no; a heat. It’s a distressingly abrupt sensation, like you’ve been shoved into an oven set to broil. But it’s nothing new. You’ve experienced this kind of nauseating high before and you’re just as unamused with this bodily reaction now as you’ve been in the past.
Jake stands very still, his back to the door he’s just shut, stalling. And despite the very persistent voice in the back of your head telling you he can’t possibly be interested in pursuing anything remotely romantic with his best friend’s little sister, the hesitation on his face is telling quite a different tale. Jake is torn.
You can relate. You’ve been simultaneously longing for and avoiding direct contact with him for ages. “You, uh” – you take a shallow breath and nervously lick your lips. “You think I’ll get more studying done if I stay?” you ask faintly.
Jake watches you carefully, as though he’s giving himself a minute to consider your question. He takes a step toward you, lowering his face to maintain eye contact. And, while his expression remains mostly impassive, you swear that you notice a brief flicker of exhilaration pass over his features right before he says, “I can’t promise that.”
You stare at him, frozen in place as he takes your chin in his hand and lifts it ever so slightly, as if he knows that you’re in no condition to elevate it on your own. Then, just as you’re about to say something completely irrelevant to fill the silence, Jake’s lips pass softly over yours.
And that’s when you come entirely apart. Your book bag crashes to the floor as your arm drops limply at your side. Your legs vibrate feebly, fighting to keep you standing. But you ignore the – indeed concerning – widespread weakness sweeping through your body. Because the only matter worth attending to is Jake’s hand as it slides purposely down to your throat, his thumb curling around as though he means to choke you.
Admittedly, you’d let him.
But his fingers don’t commit to a firm grasp by any means, instead, they glide up and down, intermittently applying a gentle pressure to your neck as his tongue curves boldly into your open mouth.
Jake Seresin is kissing you.
In a way that no one’s ever kissed you before. In a way that rattles you. Because it’s hungry and unreserved. Because it’s dangerously intimate. Because it’s Jake Seresin.
He’s kissing you like he already knows just how you like to be kissed. Or… the way you like to be kissed just happens to be the way he kisses. He’s had plenty of practice, after all.
Whatever the case may be, there’s a fire at the tip of every one of his fingers, and it follows the length of your collarbone in their wake. There’s a spark in the friction of every touch, at every point of contact.
It’s in the sweet burn of your bottom lip when he catches it between his teeth. It’s in the way he nudges your face with the tip of his nose in between kisses. It’s in his eyes when he finally releases your lips and meets your gaze; it’s in the silence.
You swallow, looking up at him anxiously, unsure how it’s even possible that you’re still standing. Jake is watching you with an unsettling blend of affection and alarm. He sighs finally and tugs on your elbow, pulling you in to rest his forehead over yours. “Fuck,” he mutters, closing his eyes and releasing a heavy – and noticeably unsteady – breath. “Your brother’s gonna kill me.”
Read Part 10
Hangman Tag List:
A/N: I've condensed my Hangman list to make room for new people by removing accounts that have been on the list the longest and haven't interacted in a while. If I've removed you but you still want to be on the list, please let me know!
The rest of the list will be in the comments. Let me know if you don't want to be tagged anymore.
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sjyuns · 9 months
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BREAKING NEWS! the friendly neighbourhood superhero spider-man has been caught trying to swing into a girl’s heart — but why is he failing miserably?! is this the spider-man we all know and love? or has our hero lost his spark?
or in which sim jaeyun asks you, his best friend out, forgetting that he was still in his spider-man suit.
GENRE! best friends to lovers, mutual pining, extremely groundbreaking embarrassing pick up lines, my missed hit at being a comdeian, jaeyun being jaeyun ( ie a hot loser ),
CAUTION! idiots in love, two timing ( but they’re the same person ), kissing, love, mentions of weapons and fighting crime, bad pickup lines, embarrassment for sim jaeyun, both reader and jaeyun are nineteen in this fic
MIKAELA’S! hey everyone, this is the first ever oneshot i’m posting on my shiny new blog! please feel free to leave feedback through reblogs or asks! hope you enjoy jake embarrassing the soul out of himself🫶 i love sim jaeyun so much ( too much it’s embarrassing tbh ) this is the last of my old drafts, sorry for the spam!
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playlist ⟡ way back home — shaun ⟡ forever only — jaehyun ⟡ pov — ariana grande ⟡ daylight — taylor swift
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i. with great power comes a platter of hot embarrassment
“With great power comes great responsibility,” is what Spider-Man once said in an interview with The Daily Times, the most widely read newspaper company in all of Seoul.
It’s so out of character of Sim Jaeyun that he himself wonders what exactly went through his mind at that given time to blurt out such a philosophical quote — especially when he was having the bad urge to take a piss at that very moment.
But whatever it was: he needs it to return now, because he’s standing in front of you, his best friend, and he thinks that now's the chance; to finally ask you out after saving you.
Unfortunately Sim Jaeyun is out of luck, like he always is with you, because nothing but five utterly embarrassing words come out of his mouth.
“You tingle my spidey senses.”
You choke back a laugh as you stare at the masked superhero, amused at his sudden pick-me-up. “Are you rizzing me up, mister friendly neighbourhood hero?”
It seems like too much thinking has altered the already broken thought process in Sim Jaeyun’s brain, because it is only now that he registers that he’s still in his Spider-Man suit, and you don’t have a single clue that he’s Spider-Man.
“Uh, I mean-” but he’s cut off by the roaring cheer of the gathered public, who have their phones out and recording.
“Don’t back down, Spider-Man,” a citizen calls out, and Jaeyun thinks it’s far too late to back out now, because not only will it crush his ego, you might think Spider-Man isn’t as cool as he seemed to be.
“Would you let me swing into your heart- I mean, could we” he pauses, “could we hang out sometime?”
You smile, and it makes Jaeyun frown slightly under his mask, because he knows that smile — it’s the polite one, the one you use in a slightly uncomfortable situation, as if you didn’t want to embarrass the popular superhero standing in front of you at the moment.
“Sure,” you grin, pearly whites on display, “could I bring my best friend Jaeyun though? He’s a big fan.” It’s him, he thinks, he’s the Jaeyun you’re talking about. And his heart skips a beat at your thoughtful action.
“Okay! Tomorrow, here, five in the evening,” he says in excitement without a second thought. You’ve just agreed to go out on a date with him, and he’s too drunk in love to think about how he’s going to meet you as Spider-Man without telling you his identity.
He shoots a web up and swings after shouting an elated “see you, yn,” in the air. All too caught up in you to realise the three critical mistakes he’d made.
ONE. He never asked for your name as Spider-Man
TWO. There’s no way he could ever go on a date with his suit on in public
THREE. How in the fucking world is he going to a date with you as both Spider-Man and Sim Jaeyun?
Sim Jaeyun spends the whole night twisting and turning in his bed, mind in a flurry as he tries to think of the smartest way to solve these problems.
And it doesn’t help him when his phone pings with a new message from you.
Guess who just bagged us a hang out with Spider-Man tomorrow!
Don’t wear that Spider-Man suit or I swear to god I will not bring you to see him.
He sighs as he presses hard on the power button of his phone, staring blanking at the black screen. Fuck power or responsibility, he thinks, all he wants is his best friend’s heart, is that too much to ask for?
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ii. man up, spidey-boy!
“BREAKING NEWS! Spider-Man spotted trying to swing into a girl’s — who supposedly goes by the name yn, heart. And after failing miserably at the first try, he succeeded on the second. Spidey may be a hero who saves lives, but it seems like he might have to take up what youngster’s call ‘rizz’ classes.”
The wide billboard screen casts a video taken by a bystander as the announcer's voice blared into the main junction of the city.
Jaeyun groans as he hangs his head low, adjusting the baseball cap perched on top of his head to cover his face. Not like anyone knew he was Spider-Man, no, but it was just far too embarrassing for him.
He hears you before he sees you, your voice is illegally sweet as it causes a smile to appear on his face amidst all of the stress. “Jaeyun!” You call, “you’re unusually late,” and Jaeyun groans, blaming it on the lack of sleep he had gotten last night, “Spider-Man isn’t here yet.”
Right, Spider-Man. Jaeyun still hasn’t found a solution to that.
His suit is tucked safely in the bottom of his bag, just in case. But for now, Jaeyun thinks it’s a better decision to disappoint you as Spider-Man instead of as your best friend. Besides, he hasn’t missed a single hang out session with you, and he isn’t ever planning to.
“Do you think he’s actually going to come?” You ask, head tilting in question and eyes soft, and Jaeyun wonders if he actually underestimated how much you liked Spider-Man, misunderstood that seemingly polite smile you gave him yesterday — should he have came as Spider-Man instead?
“Uhm,” he pauses, hesitant to squash your expectations, “how about we go first? I’m sure Spider-Man will swing by, it seems like he likes you a lot.” And even though he was talking about himself, he couldn’t help but feel a tinge of jealousy bubbling in him at the thought of another boy liking you.
“Right,” you say, giving him a smile that makes his heart melt, “I guess it’s just us, like it always is.” Your fingers wrap around his, “I like it like this.” You mutter softly, yet in the buzz of the city square, Jaeyun catches the whisper of your voice, a goofy grin plastered on his face.
“Plus, if I ever need, you can be my Spider-Man — whip out that fake suit of yours. You have his physique anyway, and your pick up lines are just as idiotic as his. Maybe even more idiotic.”
Jaeyun lets out a loud laugh, one that’s of melodious dreams, and it causes a few pedestrians to stare but he doesn’t care, not when you’re next to him, asking him to be your very own Spider-Man. And he agrees immediately, all too ready to put on the ‘fake’ red and blue suit just for you.
He’s a little amused that you still believe that he’s a hardcore fan of Spider-Man, because the only time you’ve caught him wearing that very suit was two years ago, when you coincidentally entered his room to see him in a Spider-Man suit without a mask.
And he still remembers your accusations of him being a fanboy, asking him if dressing up as his idol was what he did in his free time. Jaeyun was way too flustered to even explain himself, and letting you know that he was the real Spider-Man never even crossed his mind as he bashfully nodded to your words.
But it wasn’t like you ever laughed at him about it, though you did tease him. You would still buy him different types of Spider-Man merchandise, ranging from Spider-Man socks to a custom Spider-Man mug with the words ‘Spider-Man loves Jaeyun’ in bold red.
With every gift given, came an opportunity to reveal his identity. Yet Sim Jaeyun never seizes it, he refuses to, because he finds it so endearing — the way you have the proudest smile on your face as you give him merchandise of himself that he has never seen before, the way you send him a picture of every single Spider-Man related thing you see on the streets.
“Right,” he nods as he gazes adoringly at you, “forget the real Spider-Man, I’ll swing into your heart.” And the giggle you let out once again makes his knees weak — he thinks the smile plastered on your face is much more genuine than the one he saw yesterday.
And he wants to kiss you so bad, tell you exactly how much he likes you, loves you. This familiar feeling that has settled comfortably at the bottom of his heart and back of his mind for the past four years, has only grown and never dwindled. It was times like this, where he didn’t feel the burden of having to be alert about ongoing crime.
Only with you can he feel like Sim Jaeyun — a lovesick nineteen year old and not Spider-Man, the hero of Seoul.
“Jaeyun, what do you want to do first?” You ask, pulling him through the blaring fun of the amusement park. He hums, following behind your excited figure, letting you choose what you wanted to do. “Oh my god, look it’s a Spider-Man toy.”
You halt in your step and immediately turn towards him, eyes sparkling. “Do you want it Jaeyun? I’ll get it for you. Just so you aren’t too sad that Spider-Man ghosted us today.”
He scoffs, as he examines the booth. It’s a shooting game, and he knows that you suck at shooting. “You sure, love? From what I remember, you aren’t too good at shooting games,” he brings up and you shoot him a sharp glare before pestering him to pay the vendor.
You end up blaming your best friend for jinxing you, “Yun, if you never said that, I could have shot them all down,” you complain, eyes morphing into slits as you pinpoint the blame on him. Jaeyun raises his two hands in innocence, face displaying an expression of shock, “I didn’t even say anything wrong, plus you barely hit one out of five balloons.”
You groan, shushing him in embarrassment, “If you’re such a professional, win it for me then,” you challenge him. Jaeyun shrugs, it’ll be easy — all those years of shooting webs has made him extremely sharp, so he manages to shoot all the five balloons without any effort, snagging the coveted Spider-Man doll.
“You sure you don’t want it, Yun?” you question, “add it to your collection as a fanboy.” He shakes his head, handing you the plush toy, “I won it for you. Plus, I like the ones you gave me more.”
It overwhelms you, the stark sincerity in his voice. And you feel the sudden need to kiss him, not like you’ve never thought of it before (more like you’ve thought about it too much), because Sim Jaeyun with his bright personality and handsome face is far too good to be real.
But you can’t bring yourself to be that direct, so you settle for a kiss on the cheek. A quick movement and a short peck before you let out a loud giggle, walking over to the next booth with a stupid smile plastered on your face, leaving Jaeyun in shock and awe — eyes wide and mouth agape before he bites back a smile.
He thinks it’s too hard to conceal his feelings any longer; that he has to tell you soon, next week, tomorrow, or maybe even now. And he feels the three words, eight letters, at the tip of his tongue.
As always, though, he swallows them back down, throat dry as he stares at you. The fear of rejection far too intense for him to handle.
How ironic, that Sim Jaeyun could fight criminals with equipped daggers that could kill him in one swift motion, yet he could not say three simple words to a girl who has pierced his heart and filled his stomach with butterflies.
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iii. in a sticky predicament
“Now on to our very own Spider-Man’s upcoming love story that seems to be wilting by the looks of it — Spidey, in fact, did not show up to his date with yn, who was seen with another boy at the amusement park. Our very own hero is facing multiple accusations that he may be, like his representative colour, a red flag. However, a minority of fans have brought up a speculation; that the boy we call Spider-Man, might be the very boy accompanying yn yesterday unmasked. That’s all for Spider-Man, here on The Daily News.”
“Don’t you think that’s insane Jaeyun?” you laugh, throwing your head back into the soft pillow on his bed, “they think you’re Spider-Man.”
“Right,” he trails on, arms crossed as he leans on the doorframe, “that’s so impossible.”
His laugh awkward as his fingers find themselves combing through his hair for the nth time. And you turn your head, looking at him with suspicion. Right, that’d be crazy, insane maybe, you think, because Sim Jaeyun was well — him. He’s slightly awkward, likes physics, and hell he’s scared of bugs, so it’ll be mind blowing if he ever was the real Spider-Man.
But impossible, you think, might not be true. And you sit up on the edge of the bed, eyes trained on him. Same physique, similar height, he’s athletic, and he shoots well. Plus, from your ever so short encounter with Spider-Man saving you from getting your wallet stolen, Spider-Man is just as awkward as your best friend.
Could he really be Spider-Man? But he’s a fan of Spider-Man, wouldn’t it be weird if he was such a big fan of himself. Still, you couldn’t rule out the possibility.
“Jump,” you instruct, “hang upside down on the walls.” Jake is shocked, as his heart accelerates in nervousness at the thought of being found out.
“Don’t be weird,” he groans, trying to keep calm, “that’s literally humanly impossible.” His mind racing, finding a way to get out of this sticky situation, because as much as he wants to tell you his identity, the last way he wanted you to find out was through the internet. Also, maybe because you looked slightly angry, with your eyebrows furrowed and hands on your head, and Jaeyun didn’t want you to be mad at him.
You were deep in thought, was that why Spider-Man didn’t show up yesterday — because he is actually Sim Jaeyun, and he couldn’t be there as two different people.
That might be a stretch, but it isn’t an impossible scenario. You tilt your head, quickly grabbing the pillow you were just lying on, throwing it at him, “catch.”
He catches it easily, with one hand even, as his face contorts into an expression of surprise. “Don’t scare me like that, love,” he says. But you’re too flabbergasted at the fast reflexes of your best friend to even comprehend his complaint.
“You could really give Spider-Man a run for his money, you know?” you chuckle, as you tell yourself that no matter how much it might fit, it’s probably just a coincidence, “put on that suit of yours and fight crime.” It was all a coincidence, right?
“What if I’m scared of getting hurt,” he pouts, and you snort. With Sim Jaeyun’s level of cowardice, there’s no way he could ever be out there fighting.
“Then I’ll protect you,” you say, “I’ll be your sidekick, all you have to do is stand there and look pretty.”
He grins, walking over to stand in front of you; hands moving to ruffle your hair. “Okay love, you lead, I’ll follow.”
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iv. tell him to grow a pair
Your newfound popularity brings you more drawbacks than benefits — by that you mean the sudden fury of boys approaching you to ask for your number. It annoys Jaeyun more than it does you, as your best friend flaunts a new irritated look that you’ve rarely seen.
“That’s the sixth fucking boy,” he grumbles, eyes rolling before he glares at the fleeting figure of Lee Heeseung, the boy who just asked you for your number, the boy who Jaeyun lashed out at.
“Be kind, Yun,” you chuckle, amused at your best friend’s sudden grumpiness, “I mean, I’ve never lashed out at any of the girl’s who ask you out.”
“No one has asked me out.” he groans, “are you flaunting right now?”
“Yes I am,” you reply, “don’t worry Jaeyun, you’ll always be my loser.”
He lets out a loud exaggerated sigh as he rolls his eyes, leaning against the locker as he grits his teeth in exasperation.
You wonder why no girl has ever hit Sim Jaeyun up. Granted, he wasn’t the best looking guy back in middle school with his choice of brightly coloured clothes that blinded eyes, but you think that was part of the appeal — how awkwardly adorable he was. Now, with his upgraded fashion style and bubbly personality, it’s a miracle no one has tried their shot at bagging him. Not that you wanted anyone to.
Sim Jaeyun is yours, just as much as you are his.
And he thinks the exact same. Despite what you think, he has had a girl approach him, professing his love only to get turned down by his puppy-like smile and his confession that he liked you.
Though his body exudes jealousy, there's a slight bit of relief at the fact that you turned all six of the boys down, telling them that you had a crush on someone else. He hopes, prays, begs that the person you think about is him. He furiously looks for a sign, because he’s tired of all this, and he needs a sign from you before he can courageously make the first move.
After school, the both of you walk down the buzzing streets with carts of street food lined up along the roadside. Your fingers bunching the fabric of Jaeyun’s shirt as he navigates the both of you through the crowded streets, making a beeline for his favourite churros shop.
“I told you the queue would be long, it’s Friday night,” you whine, mentally counting the number of people in front of you. Fifteen, that’ll take a while. “We should have just ordered in pizza and binge on Netflix shows.”
“Fine, we can eat churros another day,” Jaeyun pouts and you curse yourself for saying that even when you knew he wanted to eat churros.
“It’s fine, we can stay, since we’re already here.” You stop him, pulling him back beside you in the queue, “but you can’t leave to do something else like last time, you have to wait with me.”
The glow on his face coupled with the adorable smile on his lips makes you stare in awe. And you think Sim Jaeyun is so pretty and handsome all at once it’s a crime to look as good as him. His lips, god, they look so kissable and soft, you wish you could kiss them at any given time — now, tomorrow, forever.
But the moment doesn’t last long, as faint screams and shouts travel from a small corner shop down the road. “Thief, there’s a thief on the run.”
You watch as Jaeyun’s eyes widen, body in a sudden scramble, “uhm, I’m gonna go to the toilet for a moment,” he says amidst the whispers of the crowd, “stomach ache, you know.” Running off before you can give him a reply, brushing past people hurriedly into a random narrow street.
You shrug it off again because it isn’t the first time Jaeyun has acted out of character. However, you can’t help but realise it was always when there was crime.
The questions and suspicions floating around your head for the past week resurface as you focus on the narrow street your best friend had disappeared into.
Oh my god.
You blink profusely, pinch yourself, and rub your eyes because this is mind blowing information. You can’t seem to believe an ounce of what your eyes have just seen. Was that Spider-Man who just swung out of the very same alleyway?
Sim Jaeyun is Spider-Man. And your conclusion only seems to solidify as you hear the muffled voice coming out of his masked persona.
“Oops, sorry,” and a careless swing as he tries his best to manoeuvre through the crowd, accidentally knocking over a little girl’s ice cream cone, “I'm sorry, please don’t cry.”
Yup, that’s Jaeyun. His voice now so familiar you hit yourself in the head for not realising sooner. And his utterly helpless tone as he tries to soothe the little girl — you could recognise it from a mile away.
“I’ll get you a new one, I’m sorry,” he shouts as he spins his web and shoots again, lamppost to windows to signboards before effortlessly catching up with the thief; who was now bound to the wall by web.
“Sorry,” he groans for the fourth time in a matter of minutes, “it’s my job — i mean, not that you deserve to get away no, i just-” he rambles and you giggle at his comment. Seems like Sim Jaeyun will never change, even as a superhero or as your best friend.
“I meant to say, justice has been served,” he nods, seemingly proud of his awkward catchphrase that you were sure he stole from the superhero movie you watched with him a few weeks back. “I have to get back now, someone awaits me you know - i mean, no- I’m not supposed to give details of my personal life. I’ll just- stop talking… yeah.”
And you watch again as he swings back down the street. With his identity revealed, you can’t help but look up to Jaeyun even more now — a top student and a superhero? How unfair the world is. How lucky you were to have him as your best friend.
“Hey! Aren’t you yn? Spider-Man, is that your girl?” You shrink, head down as you fix your gaze on the floor immediately, cheeks a rosy red. God, you think, this is a little embarrassing.
You feel his presence before you see his shadow morphing with yours on the floor, “hey yn,” and you look up to see the superhero, who’s panting ever so slightly, stand in front of you in his glory. “Sorry about last week, I was well busy, and I know it isn’t any-”
“It’s fine,” you stop him from blabbering, a toothy grin plastered on your face. And Jaeyun feels proud, maybe him saving someone has put Spider-Man back into your good graces, maybe he has a chance with you as Spider-Man.
“I had fun with my crush at the amusement park. Actually, thank you for the opportunity, I kissed his cheek for the first time and it felt like heaven.”
He pauses, and Jaeyun wants to rip off his mask at the very moment to kiss you. You liked him back, fuck, you actually liked him back.
“Ah,” he says after a while of tense silence, his hands rubbing the nape of his neck, “that’s amazing. So- do you… I mean- so you’re like, in love with him? Wait love might be a little uhm-”
“Yeah, I’m in love with him.”
Time stops as your eyes pierce into his, and he can swear at this moment that you knew exactly who he was. He thinks it’s over, and he can finally ask you to be his — because he’s hellbent on loving you, for the past four years he has been.
“Seems like this crush of yours needs to step up his game, or I might just steal you away,” he remarks lightheartedly, uncaring of the sea of cameras pointing towards the both of you.
“Yeah, it seems like he does. Maybe you should visit him one day, tell him that it’s about time to man up, or I’ll be the one asking for his hand.” You shoot a knowing glance at him, a confident smirk on your face.
Jaeyun chuckles, “right, I’ll be sure to tell him that, wouldn’t want him to lose such a special girl.”
“Thanks Spidey, I wonder what I’d ever do without you,” you laugh, patting his suited shoulder before he once again swings away into the narrow alleyway, only to appear minutes later donned in his usual faded ripped jeans and white shirt, hair tousled and smile wide as he runs back to you.
And he’s before you all again, this time as your best friend and you swoon as his adoring eyes and elated smile. “You okay?” You ask, hand raising to fix his hair.
“I couldn’t be better.”
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v. Batman vs Spider-Man, a battle of the mans
“Spider-Man should now change his name into wing man as he is spotted once again, engaging in conversation with the very same yn from last week. Spider-Man was not only ruthlessly dumped by her, but was also asked to quote on quote visit her crush to ask him to grow a pair. Seems like she is off the market for our poor lonely superhero, who can’t seem to catch anyone except for criminals. That’s all for Spider-Man, here on The Daily News.”
“Seems like you can’t catch a break, huh Yun?” You point out as you switch the television off, “not only defamed into a wing man but also asked to grow a pair.”
And it seems like he really can’t because ever since you confronted him about being Spider-Man, his days have been filled with even more ruthless teasing, and weird questions.
“How do you even piss as Spider-Man?”
“Can I swing from building to building?”
“Can you hang upside down for ten minutes?”
“How do you think you would fare against Batman in a fight?”
But there’s one unasked question still hanging in the air. And Jaeyun really wants to address it, but it seems like you’ve lost your confidence by the way the flesh of your cheeks heats an angry red at any slight hint of him being your crush — or as Jaeyun would like to call himself; your soon to be boyfriend.
“I’ve grown a pair,” he says, shifting towards you, eyes trained on yours, “seems like someone has lost a pair.”
“Have not” you argue, lies — you could barely look at Jaeyun now without a lovesick smile on your face. Neither could you muster up the courage to ask him to be your boyfriend. “And if you ever grew a pair, you would have asked.”
“Ask what?” He teases, face moving closer to yours. He looks too good, godly almost, with his black rimmed glasses perched at the bridge of his nose.
You pout, furrowing your eyebrows as you place a light slap on the middle of his chest. And he lets out a low chuckle, the vibrant sun rays flush through the sheer day curtains of Jaeyun’s room, a natural spotlight glowing on the both of you.
“Fine,” he whispers, and you can feel his breath on your lips, it’s warm and inviting and you feel yourself leaning into him. “Will you be my girlfriend, love?”
You barely nod your head before he attaches his lips on yours. And you think you’re going to be obsessed with Sim Jaeyun — your fingers find their way through his hair and he sighs. It’s like he’s imprinted in your heart and you want to kiss him again and again and again.
Sim Jaeyun with pretty eyes, pretty lips, a pretty face, a pretty being, breaks the kiss only to kiss you again and again as you wish.
“Did I swing into your heart, love?” He smirks as you playfully roll your eyes at his antics. “Are we not going to bring up the time when you fell after showing me your web skills?”
He tackles you down and you giggle, “I can fall from the sky, I can fall from a tree, but the best way to fall is to fall in love with you.” He grins idiotically before racing out the door as you cringe at yet another bad pick up line from him.
“Sim Jaeyun, are you kidding me? I wonder how you even make up quotes like ‘with great power comes great responsibility’ with that mind of yours.”
“What mind? You mean my mind — the place where you always are?”
You groan in fake disgust as you watch your boyfriend (boyfriend!) smile proudly at his idiotic pick up lines. The both of you drinking sunlight as if it’s love — where he’s all yours and you’re all his.
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uncut. confessions i can’t make ( a crumpled confession letter written by a sixteen year old sim jaeyun )
hi dear yn,
i like you. it’s been a while since you took my breath away we first met. this is my first time ever writing a confession so i don’t really know what to say write… i guess it’s like writing physics notes so maybe it wouldn’t be too hard i hope
chapter one part one : what i like about you
i like the way you smile laugh, how your eyes turn into the tiniest of crescents, it makes me proud of the jokes i crack (that physics joke was good was it not). i like the feeling i have around you — it’s warm and fuzzy, natural — talking everyday without any forceful conversation, laughs or attention.
part two : why you should like me
i think you should like me because i like you. i think you should like me because i’m smart! i can help you with physics and maths. i don’t really know what else i can give you but i’ll try my best to make you smile everyday.
will you be my girlfriend? Oh god, this is so weird i actually like you a lot and
(a bunch of scribbling)
forget it. you’ll never like me back.
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dear mister sim jaeyun,
after three hours of fighting for my life, i have finally gotten my hands on the most treasured item of the year, a sixteen year old you’s crumpled confession letter to me. and since you wrote it in a physics notes style like a loser, as your girlfriend i have no choice but to follow you (so that you don’t feel lonely)
one. what i like about you
everything. i like your hair, i like your face. I like the way you say sorry to every single person in the neighbourhood while courageously saving them. i like your pick up lines on some days and how you have the guts to challenge Batman to a fight when i proclaim him as my favourite hero. i like the way you laugh and i like the way you smile. i am especially enchanted by your kicked puppy ways and easily manipulated demeanour where i can always get what i want without question.
two. why you should like me
i’m your girlfriend and you’re my girlfriend. (you are my girlfriend) you should stop staring at me with those eyes, it gives me the ick (i meant that in a ‘whatever you say pretty boy’ kind of way) you should like me because i am the person who likes you the most. (i love you so much)
will i be your girlfriend? obviously i will, i mean who can say no to you.
love you babe,
spider-man’s (your) hot sidekick
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2K notes · View notes
leaderwon · 2 months
hi! could you please do a part 2 to enha forgets ur birthday? pls part 1 was so good🫵🏼🫶🏻 i just wanna see them grovel lol
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non!idol enhypen x non!idol reader
forgetting your birthday pt. 2 !
pt. 1
warnings : she/her pronouns used, cursing, crying, mentions of grief.
luna's diary : this one kinda sucks ugh. HELLA RUSHED because I went to a trip (Singapore + Malaysia) AND THE CELL SERVICE WAS terrible I'm so so so sorry anons this is very dissapointing but I felt bad making yall wait for so long. Promise to edit this as soon as I reach home!
After the realisation that your boyfriend, had indeed forgotten your birthday, the birthday spirits you had in the starting of the day had blown away. As promised he appeared to your door step with flowers in his hands as he murmured a set of apologies for forgetting your special day. Saying you were mad at your boyfriend would be a huge understatement. You were furious with a hint of disappointment. "baby I'm sorry please" he said as you closed your eyes felt a few tears threatening to fall. Noticing this heeseung hugged you tight and ran his hands in your head wondering how he could make it up to you. He knew he messed up and this couldn't be mended easily. Like a broken dam, your tears started flowing uncontrollably. "How could you forget hee?" you questioned him finally using your voice for the first time since he arrived. "I know pretty girl im so sorry" he said as his voice hitched and eyes swelling up with tears, his mind running on a marathon trying to find ways to make it up to you. Like a bulb lighting above his head, he left you on the spot and rushed to the living room.
A few minutes later he rushed back ushering you to follow him. Upon reaching the living room you saw a beautifully decorated living room with fairy lights, your favourite blankets with your snacks and your favorite movie ready to play. A smiled adorned your features as you heard him say "i know what I did was terrible but let me try to make it up to you".
He was at a party with the boys when you made him realised that he had messed up the date. He couldn't believe it. This man was shocked, mind blank wtf type shock. By the time he reached home he was already in tears. But when he saw how dark your house was with sadness evident on your face as you slept in your bed he broke down right in front of your sleeping figure.
How could he mess up the date that marks your creation? He was more dissapointed in him than you were tbh. You were soon awaken by the sounds of your boyfriend's cries. "Baby what's wrong?" You questioned him cradling his face. "I'm sorry princess I'm so sorry i can't believe I forgot your birthday"
He was more heartbroken than you were, his emotions all over the place. "Baby it's okay i promise" Cuddles and kisses you the whole night and clears his schedule for the next day.
The whole day you patiently waited for Jake to show his existence to you. It was your birthday and you were excited to spend the day with him. But to no avail, he didn't show up. Deciding to occupy yourself with your phone, you saw a notification indicating that Jake had uploaded a story. The light in your eyes faded away as you took in Jake with Iseul, a junior, on your birthday.
Having done with this, you decided to finally text him. Upon realising what he had done, he rushed home to see you on the couch with a dark cloud above your head. "Hey baby" Jake started slowly. "I'm really sorr-" "Save it Jake I don't want to hear it" You responded cutting him off. "But baby you know Iseul is like a younger sister to me" He started again. He was walking on eggshells right now knowing that if he said anything wrong you would crack. "I get that she's a younger sister to you, but Jake it's my birthday, you could have comforted her tomorrow, but my birthday wont be tomorrow" You replied. "I waited for you so long, try and look at this in my point of view Jake" as you said that his eyes softened. "I'm so sorry, i get why you're mad at me baby please let me try and make it up to you" He said trying to mend things. "Just give me time Jake, i don't think I'll get over this easily" You said as you left the house.
You were back 3 hours later, with jake in the same spot you left him. He expression blanked as he looked at you. You were spooked out by him as you stared back at him for a moment. "Are you just gonna stand there for the rest of your life?" You asked giggling. Hearing your precious laughter he looked at you with a slight smile on his face. "Baby, I'm sorry i really am. I don't know how it managed to slip out of my mind. I swear i remembered it I'm so sorry" He said starting to ramble as you looked at him. His words barely registered in your mind due to how fast he was speaking. "Jake it's okay" "and i get it if you're still mad at me and don- wait what?" He asked confused. "You accept my apology?" He continued as you nodded. Finally moving after hours he engulfed you in a hug. "Thank you Thank you, I'll make sure this never happens again" he said gratefully. "You better not do this shit again" You said.
"Now tell me the Iseul tea"
When you asked him if he checked his calendar out of the blue he was confused. Why would you suddenly want him to check his calendar?
Upon actually checking his calendar he went pale realising he forgot your birthday, an occasion that shouldn't be remembered through a calendar. This guy was going through five stages of grief.
"no way i forgot my princess' birthday"
"how the fuck did I manage to forget her birthday?"
"God please let this be a dream"
"i forgot her birthday"
"okay i forgot her birthday, let's make it up to her" He said finally reaching the last stage of grief, acceptance. He rushed to your house to see you not there. He called your name multiple times hoping to get an answer from you finally seeing you sitting in the balcony.
"Hey baby, whatcha doin'?" your boyfriend asked you slowly walking towards you. "Nothing just sitting" You replied slowly, sadness evident in your voice. "Baby" Sunghoon starts again sitting next to you this time. He passed you a chocolate eyeing you to open it.
Upon opening it you noticed a small peice of paper with "I love you" and "I'm sorry" written on it. "I don't know how it slipped my mind, princess. But I will make it up to you, I promise". You understood his point of view, it was common to forget stuff. Though you were still hurt by this, you laid your head on his shoulder and the both of you silently enjoyed the scenery your balcony offered in silence.
The day had ended by the time your boyfriend had finally remembered your existence and decided to text you. You had held a party to celebrate your special day with your friends and family hoping to see a sign of sunoo. When sunoo had first texted you, you were shocked to find out that he had absolutely no idea what party or what special occasion you were talking about. You were devastated to find out that not only did he not know what day it was, but he expected you to tell him.
What kind of boyfriend doesn't remember his girlfriend's birthday and then expect her to tell him? You were mad at him with alot of hurt lingering inside you.
The clock read 1:30 am the moment he stepped inside the house. Looking around he saw leftover confetti, balloons and alocholic beverages yet to be picked up. All of this indicating that there was infact a party held. Sunoo knew that what he had done would not take a good turn and that it would take alot of fighting and apologizing to make it up to you. Spotting you with tears in your eyes, he made his way to you slowly pulling you into a hug and started apologizing.
He was sorry and guilty, you knew he was. But him expecting you to tell him that it was your birthday was where you drew the line.
You were unsure on whether you could forgive him at all. He promised to take you out tomorrow and attempt to make it up to you. You knew that wouldn't heal the hurt this had caused you, but you appreciated his efforts and agreed as you hugged him back.
Out of all the people you liked in your life, you never expected Yang Jungwon to forget your birthday. If someone told you he would, you would laugh your ass off. But now, you were in tears as you held your phone finally deciding to text him.
You were in disbelief as you found out that he thought your birthday was next weekend. Thoughts like "How can someone mess up their lover's birthday?" "does he care less to not know which day" were running through your head.
He rushed into your home apologizing immediately mentioning how much he had planned and got a date wrong. He was on the verge of tears as you looked up at him rambling.
"Baby i promise i remembered, look I even had some gifts prepared" He said as he sped walk towards your shared dresser in the bedroom opening up a random compartment you had no idea existed. "What the fuck? Since when was that there?" You asked him in utter shock.
"It's always been there baby, you never noticed it" Jungwon said taking out a huge amount of gifts for you. "You weren't kidding when you said you were prepared huh?" You spoke as you scanned the bags. "Since last month" He winked at you as he led you to your living room.
"I'm so sorry, i can't believe I forgot your birthday I'm such a bad boyfriend" Jungwon apologized to you as guilt and shamed swirled in his orbs ( is this even right wtf - leaderwon ).l
"Won it's fine, don't worry" You said as a smile finally made its way on your face. "Now let's see what you got me I'm so excited" you said again as you smiled wider in happiness.
You were raging as you watched him play his video games for the entire day. You weren't an anti of games for you were also into playing. But it was your birthday today, a day he was supposed to spend with you instead of the ps5 Jay had gotten him on his birthday last year.
You were heartbroken as you tried to knock some sense into your boyfriend. Unfortunately, it didn't work. Finally giving up, you took your wallet and coat and left the house to get fresh air.
You could feel your phone vibrate as Ni-ki spammed your phone asking where you were. You decided against on replying and just walked ahead. Soon, you heard your boyfriend call your name from behind as he ran towards you. You tried walking faster since you didn't want to be with him at the moment. But your luck was unfortunate as he had legs long asf and caught up to you within moments.
"baby stop, come back home it's late" he begged. "Go back to your game, it's never too late for that" You said in a monotonous tone. "I'm sorry" "Sorry won't fix the day I lost waiting for you to fucking realise and rejecting all my friends who cared enough to want to spend the day with me" You said almost tearing up and walking again.
"I'm sorry" You heard him say as he stopped following you. You never heard his voice be so gentle in the 2 years you have been dating him. His voice sounded like he was on the brink of having a mental breakdown. "I really am" He said again and your heart dropped. You wondered if you were being too harsh on him.
Frozen in place, you could feel the tension in the air as the cool air blew through your hair. You were trying really hard to stay strong and hard but when you turned back to look at him, you could feel your heart drop to your stomach. You knew you were soft for this man, but the moment you looked at him you could feel emotions that you weren't aware yu could feel.
"Please" You heard him say. His eyes were pitiful with a tear threatening to fall. "I know i fucked up but please please let me try and make it up to you". You couldn't bare to see him like this anymore. "Fine" You sighed and walked towards him again.
You were hurt he missed your birthday, yes. But seeing him like that hurt you more. You knew you were deep as you held his hand and walked to the house the both of you resided in.
© @leaderwon 2024. Do not copy, translate, alter, repost or plagarize in any platform
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jaylver · 1 year
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SYNOPSIS: one summer. two idiots. what could possibly go wrong? you swore this was finally going to be a memorable summer, one where it'll be filled with adventures just like coming of age movies. but then jake sim just had to ruin it. how so? by taking over your head.
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PAIRINGS: childhood bestfriend!jake x afab!reader
GENRE: childhood bestfriends to lovers, angst, romance, pining
WARNING(S): miscommunications, parties, alcohol, profanities
WC: 4.7k
A/N: this has been rotting in my docs for AGES before i even created this account 😭 i wanted to free it so here we are 👹 apologies in advance if it's tacky/lacky writing since this short fic was written when i was starting to get out of my burn out >.< lmk your feedbacks as always! <3
masterlist | © jaylver 2023 all rights reserved
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Summer is the best thing to ever happen to mankind. 
Trips to the beach, ice cream dates, late night drives, house parties, the list goes on and on. And who else to spend it with? Of course, your one and only best friend and neighbour since you were four years old, Jake Sim.
Every summer was practically filled with him and him only. Ever since you were kids, you did everything together. Writing up lists and going on adventures, spending nights watching movies et cetera. But this summer, it seemed … different.
Maybe it was the problem of being seventeen. Seventeen is an awkward age. Period. But other than that, you couldn't understand the way he was acting.
Summer always started and ended with him. Always. But this summer, he wasn't anywhere near you. Occasionally popping by and disappearing after nightfall, declining late night movies together or beach trips. Rude!
It just felt weird without him. So, you found yourself turning up in front of his house one day, tapping your foot against the hard floor as you knocked impatiently on the door. 
"Y/N?" Jake appeared in front of you, his eyebrows scrunched with confusion.
“Jake,” you smiled innocently at him, which only made him look at you with more confusion. 
“Y/N it’s 10 pm?” 
“I just wanted to see you,” you admitted, to which you cursed at yourself for letting those words escape your lips so shamelessly because it was something you couldn’t deny. 
You could see the way his gaze softened, then proceeded to let out a sigh. “Is it … because I barely hang out with you these days?”
“So, you’re self aware this whole time?” you couldn’t help shooting back, wrapping your arms around yourself as the cold wind brushed past. But even without the wind, you felt your body freezing up from the sudden burst of nerves.
“I’m sorry. I’ve been busy,” Jake frowned, guilt evident on his face. “Wanna come in, we can hang?”
Just as he finished his sentence, his phone buzzed, a notification popped up. Your eyes averted to the screen of his phone, catching a slight glimpse. “1 new message from Grace”
Your heart dropped. You knew Grace. Hell, everyone knew her, she was the cheerleader of your school after all. Miss Popular, Miss Crowned Queen. And Jake was texting her? Your Jake?
“So, Grace, huh?” Was this what he was caught up with all along? You mentally scolded yourself, wondering why you were even thinking about this when it wasn’t even your business to care about in the first place. This unreadable feeling was brewing in your stomach and you didn’t like it at all.
“It’s nothing, really. She texted me lately, that’s all,” he shoved his phone into his back pocket, giving you a reassuring smile. “Still up to hang?”
“Nah, it’s fine. It’s getting late anyway. Tomorrow?” You didn’t know why you said this. It was never too late when it came to Jake. 
“Sure. I–uhm–heard there’s a party hosted by this guy called Ethan? Wanna come along?” 
You considered for a moment, then nodded. “I’m down.”
“Sweet,” he flashed you that goddamned smile, the one that charmed you until you felt light headed. “I’ll pick you up tomorrow,”
“Cool,” you smiled a little, feeling the air turning still for a second once you locked eyes with him. Your heartbeat quickened, it was as though air was sucked out from your lungs and all you wanted was him. 
“W-Wanna come over watch a movie with me tomorrow before the party? I’m home alone all day and we haven’t hung out properly for a while now,” Jake offered, stumbling over his words as he fidgeted his fingers, ears turning slightly pink.
You grinned. “How about the new Spiderman movie?”
He let out a small laugh, returning a big grin back. “You know me too well, huh? Deal.”
“See you tomorrow then, Jakey,” you reached over to ruffle his hair, but before you could fully pull away, he took hold of your wrist. 
“I’ve missed you, can’t you stay a little longer?” he whined, swinging your arm gently. 
You cursed at him, at his words and the amount of butterflies they’ve caused. “You can’t just say things like that,” you murmured under your breath.
“Hm?” he hummed and you looked up at him. 
You dismissed your previous words, hoping he didn’t catch on to them. “Tomorrow we’re hanging out the whole day anyway. By then you wouldn’t be missing me anymore,” 
“I miss you every day, though. Stick to my side like the old days?”
“How could I say no, Jakey?” you sighed, your heart thumping louder and louder as seconds passed. “Now, go sleep dumbass, we need to wake up early.” 
“Alright, alright,” he threw his hands up in defeat. “Goodnight, Y/N. Don’t stay up too late too, or else you’ll get premature wrinkles.” 
“I’ll beat you up.”
“I’d like to see you try.”
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It felt natural.
You were resting on Jake's chest, his arms around you, a bowl balanced on your stomach, a movie blaring in the background, the lights dimmed. It was natural.
"Peter's pretty dumb sometimes, isn't he?" You spoke up, hand reaching into the bowl of popcorn, feeling Jake's hand brush against yours to get some as well.
You tried to excuse the fact that you were about to choke at the slight contact, playing it cool as you chewed on your popcorn.
"Totally. Why would he even do that?" Jake huffed.
You looked up at him from his chest, admiring his face slightly, not even caring about what misdemeanours Peter Parker was committing. 
Jake could feel you staring, and he decided to look down at you, your gazes meeting. This was what you two always do whenever you're watching movies, it should be normal by now, but why in hell were you suddenly nervous?
"Mum wants you to come over for dinner," you whispered to him, reaching up to brush a strand of hair away from his eyes.
"I'm more than glad to do so," Jake pursed his lips, watching your movements closely.
The tension seemed to grow thicker and the movie started to fade into the background as the two of you stayed in this close proximity. You unconsciously glanced at his lips, swallowing thickly once you noticed him reciprocating the same action.
You almost let out a groan, but instead you looked away, clearing your throat and removing yourself from Jake's body. You were absolutely flushed, thinking of the endless possibilities that could've happened. But in the end, nothing did anyway. And that was why you were about to strangle Park Jong Seong for interrupting. 
"Jay?" Jake fumbled to sit up, his eyes turning to you before refocusing on Jay. "Is it time to leave already?"
"Duh," Jay rolled his eyes, casually dropping onto the couch beside you. "How are you, Y/N? Been enjoying summer?"
"Quite," you simply shrugged. "Someone over here left me alone after he promised a summer full of adventures," you nudged Jake and he smiled apologetically.
"I got caught up with some things!" He defended but Jay raised an eyebrow at his words.
"Some things or some one?"
"What?" You turned to Jake, trying to mask your disappointment with sheer interest. "Is it Grace?"
"So … you knew?" Jay's eyebrows only raised higher.
"I only found out yesterday, indirectly as well." you said, clearly unimpressed.
Jake rolled his eyes, sighing deeply. "Come on, guys. She only texted me once or twice. I was busy cramming my work, okay?"
"That's true too," Jay nodded in understanding. "You practically procrastinated everything and now it's a pile,"
"Must you remind me of it?" Jake groaned, his attention to you, taking notice of your sudden silence. "You alright there?"
You blinked at him, humming in response. How could you tell him that your stomach churned with jealousy whenever Grace was mentioned? How could you even admit that you're currently harbouring some god forbidding liking towards him? Your childhood best friend? The one who once spilled chocolate milk all over his shirt? The one who cried when he was forced to go back home after a whole day together with you? Jake Sim? 
You were fucked. You liked Sim Jaeyun. And you had zero idea what to do about it.
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The house party was basically like every other one you've been to. Passed out drunks here and there, the dance floor crammed to the max, the music booming loudly in your ears. Overall, you felt regretful coming here.
What made things worse was Jake abandoning you to talk to Grace. Yup, Grace. Even after all the denial he fed to you and Jay, he's still laughing and talking merrily to her, leaving you stuck in the middle of an unfamiliar house.
What a great Friday night!
It was almost midnight, so you decided to storm out of the house for some fresh air before declaring your leave, but Jake somehow caught you sneaking out.
"Leaving so soon?" He was leaning against the wall, watching your tired figure semi-passed out on the chair.
"God, Jake, you reek of alcohol," you pointed out, scrunching your nose at the stench. "Also, I'm not that inconsiderate. I won't leave you behind … unlike someone over here," you grumbled.
"Look, Grace dragged me away the moment I entered. Plus, I think I got to start avoiding her now," Jake groaned, sitting down next to you.
"Broke her heart?" You assumed. It wasn't uncommon to see Jake reject girls and break their heart growing up. Well, look at him, it was a fact that he got girls lining up for him. But you found it weird how he's never had a long term relationship before, which only made you more wary about your feelings for him.
"I wasn't being a douche about it!" He threw up his hands in defence. "I kindly rejected her, that's all. She seemed cool about it though," he shrugged and you felt his shoulder brush against your arm, his thigh making contact with yours.
"Look at you, all grown up and no longer breaking girls' hearts!" You smiled sarcastically at him. 
"Hey! I literally rejected all of them in a nice way. I'm a kind man, you know?" Jake huffed, stretching his body, then proceeded to slyly place his arms around you.
You were genuinely trying your hardest to remain the best poker face you could even manage. Yet, you knew the facade would eventually fade. "Sure, sure, Jakey boy."
He turned his body to face yours, a challenging expression written all over his face. "Do you remember the time when we were five and I gave you my legos? I still remember how many hugs you gave me every day after that. So yes, I am kind." Jake insisted.
"You remembered?" You grinned at him, feeling your heart rate increasing once you saw the fondness in his eyes.
"Of course I remembered," he said softly. "You give good hugs anyway."
"Want a hug?" You chuckled, not expecting Jake to actually dive into your arms and hold onto you tightly.
"You smell like strawberries," he murmured against your skin. 
You swallowed thickly and started breathing heavily. "A–are you drunk?"
"Just a bit," he pulled away from your body, his brown eyes meeting yours, his hands slowly travelling up to your face.
"Have I ever told you how pretty you are?" He whispered.
"Don't do this," you mumbled, your hand reaching for his wrist.
"What?" He breathed, his warm breath fanning your cheeks. 
"Don't make me fall in love with you completely," you stared into his eyes, slight hurt and regret painted your expressions.
"Fuck, why did I say that?" you laughed pitifully at yourself, removing yourself from his arms and stood up. "It's getting late, let's go," you said, ignoring Jake's lingering gaze.
"Y/N," he held onto your wrist and you stood rooted to the ground, not knowing what you could even say or do. You felt like an idiot. "W–what did you mean by that?" 
"It's nothing," you dismissed his question, feeling yourself sinking into a deeper hole. Jake furrowed his eyebrows, clearly frustrated. The moment he got up, he stumbled slightly and his words slurred. The alcohol has finally seeped in.
"Y/N, come on," he urged, desperation in his eyes. All you could do was sigh. 
"I'm sorry, Jake." 
So you did what you always do every summer. You ran from your problems and hid from the fact you had lingering feelings for your "best friend".
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You found yourself avoiding Jake after that night.
It was ironic how you complained about him disappearing in and out of your life during the start of summer, but here you were, doing the same.
He came over to your house a couple of times, but you chose the cowardly choice of hiding away. All of his texts and calls were half answered. 
You hated doing this, you knew it was hurting both you and him. But what could you do? Confess? Well, it was the most obvious way to solve the problem, but you were unwilling to risk a life long friendship with him. Pathetic you were indeed.
The weekend rolled around the corner and you just had to face one demise after another. Jake and his family were coming over for dinner and there's zero chances for you to dodge him this time. Thank you, Universe, you thought sarcastically.
Your palms felt clammy and sweaty as you set up the table. Before this, your mother had specifically requested you to present yourself more formally instead of wearing your typical sweats, so now you were stuck in a black skin tight dress, just appropriate enough to not be deemed as slutty.
"They're here!" your mother announced, clapping her hands in excitement. You, on the other hand, were only filled with nothing but dread.
The door flew open and hugs were exchanged. Your mother squealed happily when she saw Jake and for a moment, you were about to do the same.
His hair was slicked back, only a strand was left hanging in front of his face. He was wearing a formal black suit paired alongside a simple black tie. He was about to be the death of you. 
"Y/N." He nodded at you, lips pressed in a straight line.
"Jake." You replied back, hands kept behind your back, trying to conceal the fact that you were actually fidgeting.
"You kids are matching!" Mrs Sim pointed out, laughing delightfully.
You felt Jake's eyes on your body for a tense moment, sensing them scanning you from top to bottom. You met his gaze once he finished checking you out so blatantly, and all he did was smile at you innocently. Jerk. He knew exactly what he was doing.
"Why don't you kids go hang out yourselves?" Your mother patted your arm. 
"Sure," Jake shrugged, smoothing out the fronts of his blazer.
"Great!" Your mother beamed, then leaned down to whisper to you. "Don't do anything weird, okay?"
You grimaced. "Ew." Must your own mother put the mental image of you doing something 'weird' with Jake into your mind?
You turned around, practically dashing up the stairs towards your room. And as always, Jake followed you like a lost puppy. Once he shut the door to your room, he faced you with a blank expression, devoid of any signs of what he's about to say.
"So? Are you going to explain why you were ignoring me?" Jake leaned against the door, his hands in his pockets as he stared at you, unimpressed.
"What if I don't?" you replied, sitting on the edge of your bed.
"I'll force it out of you somehow, you know I always get my way," he replied nonchalantly and you only rolled your eyes at him, knowing how he wasn't completely wrong.
Jake seemed to have noticed your silence and decided to break the ice first. "I remembered that night, Y/N. You can't hide away from me forever just because of what you said."
You groaned, burying your face into your hands, completely flushed with embarrassment. "Must you remind me?"
"How can I forget about it when my best friend literally told me she loves me?" He kneeled in front of you, taking your hands in his. "Can't you just tell me how you feel? It's been days and nights since I felt at peace after what you'd said to me. What's worse is that I couldn't even remember it precisely. So please, just make it clear."
"Fine. Jake, I–"
You wished you could blow up right this instance. Out of every second, every minute, your mother just had to call you when you were about to come clean about your feelings. If you could, you would've liked to reach for the nearest pillow and scream into it.
"Well … next time, Jakey boy. Dinner calls!"
Before Jake could respond, you exited your room quickly, ignoring your thumping heart as you replayed everything in your mind. 
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Dinner was awkward.
Parents asking about each other's kids' situations and having deep conversations about life while Jake and you, on the other hand, were avoiding each other's gazes. Not ready to face whatever that had just happened.
You thought your torment was finally over when dinner ended and you found yourself dipping your legs by the pool when Jake silently joined your side, following your actions.
"You okay?"
You turned to look at him, kicking your legs slightly, you felt your shoulder brushing against his, thighs touching. "I'm fine. Just a little tired. Why?"
"Nothing. It was just that you were barely speaking all dinner and I got concerned," Jake pointed out and you shrugged nonchalantly.
"Everything's … complicated these days," you said. 
At your words, Jake shifted a little. He knew what your "complicated" meant, it was about you and him. 
"What even are we?" Jake spluttered out and you froze beside him, the water temperature suddenly dropping to 0 degrees. 
"You really want to talk about that now?" You mumbled, frowning.
"Then when can we even face it? I'm tired of you running away and me being in the dark," Jake argued, turning his body to face you.
"Jake …" you were rendered speechless, your body still, guilt clawing its way into your system. "I just don't think I'm ready yet, okay?"
Jake seemed frustrated at your comment. "Y/N–"
It was his mother calling out for him and you heard him swearing under his breath. "Next time, Y/N. I'll wait for you."
With that, he left, leaving you completely dazed. He'll wait? 
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"Can you please come? They literally have a pool!"
Thursday night you found yourself at peace knowing nothing will ruin your weekend, until Jay's phone call. Being the party goer he was, he's now trying to convince you to tag along to some guy's party.
"What if I said no?" 
"I don't take 'no' as an answer,"
"Tough luck, champ," 
"Come on, Y/N," Jay whined. "Everyone is going. I mean, Jake is, and that cute guy you mentioned from school — Heeseung — was it? He's there too. You can shoot your shot!"
You thought about it for a moment as you cursed Jay for being way too convincing. "Fine. Since you asked so nicely."
"I know I could always count on you."
Safe to say the party was going considerably well and you weren't about to leave just after arriving for only a solid 15 minutes. Jay remained by yourself for the whole time, conversing with his own circle of friends while your eyes searched for a specific somebody among the sea of people. 
“I’ll go for a dance,” you nudged Jay, trying to get his attention.
“Be safe.” he simply said, but his words were filled with genuinity.
A couple cups of drinks definitely boosted your confidence as you shamelessly swayed your hips to the music playing in the background. The blinking lights blinded your sight, alcohol clouded your thoughts, unknowing to someone sliding close to you. Thankfully, your sixth sense never failed and you turned to meet the gaze of Lee Heeseung.
“Hey,” he casually greeted.
“Hi,” you breathed out, sudden shyness taking over.
“Wanna dance?” he offered and you nodded meekly. “Follow my lead,” he held onto your arms, circling them over his shoulder. 
“Is this okay?” Heeseung whispered and you nodded once more. 
You couldn’t believe this was happening. The cute guy from school was in fact dancing with you. You let yourself let go as you closed your eyes and swayed along to the beat of the music. This was heaven. 
No matter how you tried to shake off that weird feeling, it never went away. You knew someone was staring at you, burning little holes into the back of your head intensely. You opened your eyes, letting them adjust to the startling lights and almost immediately, you locked gazes with him.
Lo and behold, Jake Sim, sitting across the room, his jaw clenched, eyebrows furrowed. He was clearly unhappy about whatever you were doing, and you loved the effect you had on him. 
You smiled innocently, leaning close to Heeseung's ear. "I'm going to take a break. See you at school?"
Heeseung grinned at you. "Sure thing. I had fun dancing with you."
Thankfully, you managed to waddle your way through the crowd alive and made your way out of the house for some fresh air. The atmosphere inside of the house was too heavy and the smell of sweat and cheap alcohol stuck in the air.
"Running away from me again?" 
A voice came from behind you and you knew who it was immediately.
"Not everything is about you, okay?" You grumbled, hugging your arms around your body for warmth as you sat down on the front steps.
Jake joined your side, placing his hands on his knees, glancing at you from time to time. “Care to explain why you’re actively avoiding me?”
“I’m not,”
You remained silent, not knowing what to say next. 
“You were dancing real close to Heeseung tonight,” he pointed out.
“Great observation, Sherlock,” you finally dared to turn to look at him. “Can we head back in? I’m craving for a drink,”
Jake only nodded soundlessly, following your movements as you stood up to head back in. You felt bad, guilty even, at the way you’re acting towards your lifelong best friend, but you couldn’t help it, your emotions were basically choking you hard. You tugged on Jake’s shirt, ready to say something.
“Jake—” Just when you two entered, Jake was pulled away, not even sparing a second for you to process, so now you were alone.
 “Great,” you mumbled unhappily under your breath, making your way to the drinks in the kitchen. Maybe they’ll console you instead. You genuinely wondered who’d cursed you countlessly whenever you were trying to confront Jake. 
To your dismay, the kitchen was filled with drunk teenagers who were all busy mixing their new anecdote for the night. Plan B, not the kitchen. 
You left for the living room instead, grumbling in annoyance since you couldn't get a drink. As you were about to turn a corner, you heard voices, very familiar ones and immediately halted your steps.
“You ditched Grace?” Park Sunghoon, the notorious figure skater who everyone was pining for, hissed.
Jake hummed.
“Is it because of Y/N?” Sunghoon asked, an undertone of suspicion laced in his voice.
"I don't like her like that," Jake murmured under his breath.
You froze. This couldn't be happening now, right? Out of any day, any place, it just had to be in a house, in the middle of an ongoing party. To be frank, you've already prepared yourself to face rejection every time you imagined confessing to Jake. But overhearing Jake's negative confession was surely not in your list.
"You're serious?" Sunghoon poked on.
"I don't know, man." Jake sighed in defeat. "Can we not talk about this now?"
You blinked away the confusing feelings you were currently having. Was it anger? Was it sadness? Was it hope? You couldn't tell. All you wanted was to be home, in your cosy bed.
There were many things you were afraid to do in life, such as talking to boys your age, socialising, confronting your crush and so on, but today, right now, you had zero regrets as you continued your steps, walking past Jake.
It was all white noises in your ears and blissful ignorance. Jake was calling after you, trying to reach you, but the crowd only ended up swallowing him whole. 
Once you were out of the house, you found yourself finally breathing again, suddenly thankful for the fresh air. But there's a rather unfortunate problem for you, Jake caught up with you.
"Y/N," he breathed.
"Fuck off," you snapped, an overwhelming wave of emotions clawing in your body.
"Listen to me, I didn't mean that," Jake's voice rose unintentionally.
"Yeah? So you're expecting me to be totally fine as if nothing happened?" You frowned. "Well, hi Jake, how was the party? Not good? Why-"
"Stop! Why are you even acting like this?" Jake grabbed ahold of your shoulders, making you stare directly at him as he could tell you were about to flee at any minute.
"Because–" You shrugged his hold away. "I like you, Jake! Ever since we were fifteen. But you were always so clueless to tell. And this summer, you were basically too hung up over Grace to spend time with me, then that night when you said those things to me, do you expect me to act oblivious after that? And today, you said those words … how am I supposed to know how you feel?"
You couldn't tell what Jake was thinking. He practically had a poker face on, seemingly trying to take in everything you've just said. "Y/N …"
"What do you want from me, Jake?"
Jake took a deep breath, his features ridden with frustration as he burst out.
"I want you. Okay? Happy now?"
To say you were stunned was clearly an understatement. You didn't know what to say or act, staring at him with your mouth ajar. 
"I–I have liked you since we were kids and I don't think I realised until this summer," Jake went on, clearly rambling in distress. "That's why I avoided you, Y/N. I was scared. I didn't know why I felt like that or what I should do. In the end, I figured it was you. It was always you, no matter what."
"Then have me, Jake."
It was one of those moments where it felt entirely out of a movie. Jake could only stare at you wordlessly while you breathed heavily, a million thoughts running through your head and you’ve finally accepted it. 
Oh no, you’ve fallen in love.
“Just shut up and kiss me,” you grumbled under your breath, taking his face into your hands and pulling him in for a kiss. 
When your lips touched, it felt as if countless emotions and unspoken words from over the years passed through like a connection. It felt right. Jake slid his hand around your neck, pulling you deeper into the kiss. This was absolute bliss. 
You put your hand on his wrist, pulling away gently, eyes not leaving one another for even a second. The two of you pant softly, trying to catch a breath from the kiss and you started to shy away, in disbelief that this actually happened. Jake noticed, smiling a little, leaning down to press a gentle peck against the side of your mouth.
“Wanna stay over at mine tonight? I can drive,”
“You already know the answer to that.”
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Laying in his bed with the lights off accompanied by the whirring of the A/C played in the background, his arms wrapped around you, the beating of his heart against your back, feeling the steady rise and fall of his chest, it was something familiar yet so new. 
You turned around to face him, watching as he rubbed his eyes, stirring awake slightly. It was still dark outside, but Jake couldn’t fall asleep, finding himself treasuring your presence instead. You were brushing loose strands of hair away from his face when a strange look appeared and he spoke, voice sluggish.
"You're my best friend."
Somehow, you understood what he meant and you knew what it was. He is in love.
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jaywonjuice · 9 months
hiii! i saw your requests were open! i was wondering if you could write a jake drabble/scenario where the reader and him get into an argument and instead of making him sleep on the couch, the reader voluntarily does so instead and the aftermath (apologies) afterwards? hopefully that makes sense ☺️ thank you so much in advance and i’m looking forward to it!!
~ 🩵
aaa my first ever request !! :3 tysm for this, i thought it was a rly sweet idea and i rly rly hope you like how the piece turned out !<3
timeless. ~ s.jy
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pairing bf!jake x gn reader
genre angst, fluff, oneshot
warnings verbal fight, physical contact, kissing, mention of drowning
wc 1.27k
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[00:00] you watched as the alarm clock on your nightstand ticked over midnight and beeped into the darkness. you hugged your knees to your chest, feeling as if you were glued to this spot, huddled up in the middle of the bed. a lump began to form in your throat.
he forgot.
you and jake had been dating for a year now, and to be truthful, it was the happiest you had been in a long time. through all the low points he’d been there, from staying up to cuddle with you on the sofa after the long hard days at your stressful job, to wiping away your tears with his gentle touch, refusing to leave your side until he saw you smile again. you honestly had to pinch yourself sometimes to check you weren’t dreaming, that he was really yours - your gorgeous, sweet, golden retriever boyfriend.
but he forgot. he’d forgotten your one-year anniversary. and you knew that it shouldn’t matter to you so much but it did. you’d waited hopefully all day for him to text or call, and when your phone finally buzzed you’d rushed to read the message excitedly.
should still make tn but schedule’s running late, prob won’t get there til like half 12 xxxxxxx
your heart had sunk. you’d really thought he might have something special planned in secret, a surprise date at a fancy restaurant maybe, so you hadn’t brought it up just in case. but now you felt like a fool, hopes crushed. he clearly wasn’t thinking about you. maybe he just didn’t love you anymore.
your spiralling thoughts were cut off abruptly by the sound of the apartment door opening and then latching shut softly. shortly afterwards a shadowy shape appeared standing in the doorway of the bedroom.
‘hey baby,’ said jake with a broad smile. entering the room he flicked the lights on, casually running his fingers through his hair and letting out a contented sigh, as if he hadn’t just crushed your heart. ‘i thought you might’ve been asleep. why are you just sitting here in the dark?’
his smile faltered as he took in your expression. you were staring at him dully with tired eyes. he thought you looked smaller than usual, sat hunched there, blanket wrapped around your shoulders in the middle of the bed. concern flickered across his features. ‘baby, has something happened?’
you scoffed, turning away from him. ‘“has something happened?” no, actually, as a matter of fact absolutely nothing happened all day.’
he regarded you, puzzled. ‘baby i don’t understand,’
‘today was our anniversary, jake,’ you answered him cooly. ‘we’ve been together for an entire year and you didn’t even remember.’
you watched as the realisation crept over his face.
‘oh gosh, yeah, it totally slipped my mind!’ he furrowed his brow, thinking. ‘let’s go to the movies tomorrow, hmm? a proper date, to celebrate,’ he offered with a smile.
‘no,’ you shot back without a moment’s pause. ‘it’s not the same. we can’t just do it tomorrow. it won’t be special, we’ve missed our chance.’
‘what do you mean it won’t be special?’ he scratched his head, clearly growing frustrated with the conversation. ‘we’d be doing the exact same thing just on a different day, it doesn’t make any difference.’
‘jake, this was important to me!’ you were shouting now, unable to remain calm with how easily he seemed to dismiss your feelings.
‘hey don’t yell at me!’ he put his hands up. ‘we can just go tomorrow can’t we?! seriously what is the issue here, all i want is to just be with you-’
‘well i don’t want to be with you!’ you spat.
his jaw worked. something about his gaze shifted, and his eyes hardened. you knew then that you’d hurt him.
‘just forget it,’ you huffed, pushing yourself up off the bed and making to storm out of room. jake stuck his arm out to block the door. ‘look, if you’d just listen-’
‘forget it, i said,’ you repeated yourself, pushing his arm out of the way before adding, ‘you’re good at that.’ with that you left the room, your blanket trailing behind you.
[11:44] when you awoke on the sofa the following morning, it was to a sore back and a throbbing head. it had taken you hours to fall asleep and you felt anything but rested. your cheeks felt tight with the stains of dried tears, and as you sat up straight the events of the previous evening flooded your mind.
jake. as you remembered the wounded look on his face at your hurtful words, your heart ached, adding to your long list of pains. ‘such an idiot,’ you groaned, head in your hands.
berating yourself did little to relieve your discomfort however, so you dragged yourself up off the sofa and made your way blearily to the kitchen.
as you reached for the medicine cabinet, something stuck to the fridge caught your eye. a little envelope was tucked under one of your little puppy fridge magnets. removing it carefully, you turned it over in your hands to find your name scrawled on the back.
you opened it up and read:
morning angel,
you know i’m not good with words, but i need you to know how much i love you, and how sorry i am that i hurt you.
i should never have said the things i said. i know now how important this was for you and i should’ve been more understanding from the start.
it’s not that i don’t care, honestly it’s quite the opposite. i just want to celebrate every day that i get to spend loving you. you see, i think we’re timeless baby, no matter how long i’m with you i’m always going to be crazily in love with you, until we’re old and grey. no matter when someone asks me, now or fifty years from now, i’m gonna be telling them that you’re my baby, forever and always.
p.s. i’m really sorry this is all in writing and not in person, but i had things scheduled all morning that i couldn’t get out of :( i promise i’m gonna make it up to you
p.p.s. i’m also sorry for my atrocious handwriting (you’re right, it does kinda look like a drunk spider slipped in ink and danced across the page)
the sheet of paper trembled in your hands.
you looked up with a jolt to see jake stood watching you by the door, his face fraught with concern. your eyes filled with tears as they met his, and he dropped his bags to the floor and rushed over to you. he pulled you into his arms, wrapping them tightly around you.
‘jake,’ you were sobbing into his chest now. ‘jake i’m so sorry. i’m so so sorry.’
‘shhh, i know baby, i know,’ he stroked the back of your head gently. ‘i’m sorry too.’
still a sniffling mess, you continued ‘i do want to be with you, i want to be with you forever and.. i want to be timeless with you.’
you tilted your head up to face him, eyes shining. ‘please,’
he held your face in his hands as he leant in to kiss you, his thumb brushing against your cheek gently. the way he kissed you made you feel like you were both alive and burning all at once, like he was a breath of fresh air, like you were drowning. when he finally pulled away, he smiled, running his thumb along your puffy bottom lip, before replying softly ‘yeah, timeless sounds good to me.’
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pls don’t hesitate to send me requests ! i love writing these sm ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
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©jaywonjuice | do not copy or re-upload my work on any platform
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thezombieprostitute · 2 months
Imagine this:
accountant!reader x IT tech!Jensen x manager!Andy x CEO!Lloyd
The intent was to write something short and sweet but smutty. The result is approximately 2200 words with a ton of smut! I blame Lloyd.
Warnings: Power dynamics; Creepy boss; Smut, smut, SMUT! Minors DNI!!!!
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“Thank you, Jake,” you half whisper, half moan into his ear. “I really needed this.” You’re not normally one for hookups in the supply closets but you’d had such a stressful day you really needed to let off some steam. Thankfully Jake was always happy to help you out. And he was very good at helping you feel good. 
The two of you had a friends-with-benefits situation that had been carefully negotiated and navigated. Sometimes you got the sense that Jake wanted more and that’s why he was so eager to please. But you were both quick to talk if either of you felt things were getting too serious. It definitely made office parties a lot more fun. Everyone else was enjoying the cheap food and you and Jake got to go to a private office and actually take your time together.
You both do try to be careful at the office but your manager, Andy, has been really ramping up the sad sack shtick with all the women in your department, desperate for a date or some feminine attention and pity. You could only take so much, especially when your coworkers pointed out to him that you’re single. Traitors. 
Every day he would ask you about your plans. You tried being polite and got nowhere. You finally told him, directly, that you weren’t interested in him last Friday. Today you were called into a meeting with HR about “appropriate workplace behavior”. They told you they’d received complaints from your manager about flirting with him despite him telling you “no”. You smiled tightly and nodded, staying quiet and signing the documents saying you’d been talked to. 
You texted Jake on your phone to meet you in the hall closet. One of the things you appreciated? He didn’t ask questions, he just showed up and gave you what you needed. He really seemed to like it when you would repeatedly whisper “thank you’s” into his ear. It’s only a quickie but it definitely helps. You kiss Jake’s cheek and thank him as he blushes. You leave at different times and head back to your respective desks.
 You check your email and find yourself looking at an appointment with Lloyd Hansen, the company’s CEO. Thinking it must’ve been in error you hit the “Decline” button and add the most polite note that you can think of. Just a few minutes after you get yet another appointment notice with Mr. Hansen. No explanatory note. You’re extra grateful to Jake because your brain immediately jumps to Andy complaining about you to Mr. Hansen because your HR visit wasn’t enough of a punishment. 
The appointment is for tomorrow so you silently stew for the rest of the workday. At home you treat yourself to your favorite meal and shows. Your sleep is full of stressful dreams and you wake up more exhausted than when you went to bed. Not wanting to look like a mess in front of Mr. Hansen, you make sure to take extra care of your makeup and clothing choices. Working as hard as your caffeine deprived can to balance “I’m okay” with “I’m not trying to flirt with anyone”. It’s never an easy task.
As you log on to your computer you smell Andy’s cologne and internally wince. You turn to face him, “yes, Mr. Barber?”
“Easy there, tiger,” he chastised. “I just want to make sure that you’re doing okay after that HR meeting.”
Gritting your teeth you reply, “why wouldn’t I be?”
“Well I know a lot of people can have a kind of whiplash when they realize their behavior isn’t acceptable,” he explains in an obviously condescending tone. “I’ll understand if you want to take some vacation time.”
“Mr. Barber,” you seethe, “I think what would help me the most is keeping some distance between us at all times in the office.”
“Okay,” he scoffs. “Just remember who it is that HR listens to.” He walks away and you find yourself trying to not throw or break something. 
As soon as you can you head straight to Mr. Hansen’s office. His secretary lets you in, though he is not yet in. You should probably be upset that he’s late for the meeting he insisted on having with you but it’s better than sitting in your cubicle waiting for Andy to strike. 
The quiet is broken by Mr. Hansen storming into the office, yelling at someone on the phone. You recognize him immediately if only because of the mustache. “And I told you to handle it, Six! Get your head out of your ass and fix it!” He lets out a small huff as he listens to the person on the phone. “I don’t give a shit. It should’ve been handled weeks ago. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a meeting.” He hangs up without waiting for a response and turns to you with a smile that makes you feel like prey caught in a trap.
“So you’re the girl Barber was complaining out,” he starts. You’re unable to hold back your grimace and he laughs. “Don’t worry, sweetheart, I don’t give a shit about that cuck.” You tilt your head in confusion. “See, he tried to play up the whole “women don’t know how to take a compliment” thing but I was able to see through him. He’s pathetic and you weren’t having it. Even flat out told him, “no”. That’s something I respect. Not everyone would do that to their boss.”
He sits down in his chair and continues, “so I started looking into you and imagine my surprise when I find out you and Jensen are hooking up!” Your eyes widen in shock and you start stammering before he holds out a hand, gesturing for you to stop. “You’re not in trouble for that. Hell if I could get laid instead of attending those lame work parties I absolutely would. Which is why I brought you here.” 
He leans his elbows on the desk, “I want in on whatever fuck-buddy deal you and Jensen got going on.”
“S..sir, I,” you’re at a loss for words. 
“Tell you what,” he slaps the desk and stands up, “I’ll make it easy for you. Either you agree to be my own fuck-buddy, occasionally still get some good stuff from Jensen, or I’ll make you Barber’s personal secretary.”
“What if I quit instead?”
“Then I’ll go ahead and fire Jensen,” he quips. “It would be a damn shame, though. Jakey is one of the best IT guys we got. Likely up for a promotion that would get him a private office.”
“Can I talk to Jake first,” you plead. “It is part of our arrangement that we communicate changes before they’re implemented.”
“You know what, sure. I can respect that a deal is a deal.” He goes to the phone on his desk and tells his secretary to send Jake up.
When Jake does arrive he’s shocked to see you. At Lloyd’s gesture he closes the door behind him. Lloyd doesn’t let you speak and lays everything out for him like he did you. 
Jake looks at you, “it’s…umm…I appreciate you looking out for me and my job,” he starts. “But it’s also your body and I would never want you to accept something like this just for me.”
“You know, Jakey here has a point,” Lloyd interjects. “You really don’t know what you’re in for with me. How about a demonstration? I’ll even let Jake join in to help keep you comfortable.”
Knowing that you were being watched shouldn’t excite you so much. The fact that both of these men wanted you was making you wet. You straddle Jake in his chair and start making out with him while taking off your clothes and grinding your hips against his crotch. 
Jake moans as he takes off your bra with practiced ease, “you’re sure about this?” 
“Feel how wet I am, Jake.” He obliges and sticks his fingers inside your panties. He rubs your clit and you arch your breasts into his face as his eyes widen at the wetness he finds there. 
“Holy shit,” he breathes. He gets a dark glint in his eye that you don’t entirely recognize. He removes his hand and starts to unbutton your pants. “You gotta taste her, Mr. Hansen. Sweetest pussy and it’s already drenched.”
You hadn’t realized Lloyd was standing behind you until he grabbed your breasts, lifting you a little as he nibbled your neck. He pulls you off of Jake and the two of them finish undressing you before setting you on Lloyd’s desk. You’re on your back, your head hanging over one side, your legs spread wide for the both of them. 
Lloyd doesn’t hesitate and dives tongue first into your pussy. Your reaction is immediate as he uses his mustache to tickle your clit. You throw your head back and moan before you’re able to stifle it. 
He pulls away from you, “don’t worry about noise, sweetheart. My secretary is gone for the afternoon and no one else would dare be on this floor.” He turns to Jake, “you were right! This is a damn tasty snack.” He gets back to it and you don’t hold back your sounds. It was such a relief to get to be as loud as you wanted. 
“Fuck, I love those sounds,” Jake groans.
You reach out to him, “your cock, Jake? Please, can I stroke your cock?”
“Love those sounds, too,” he grins as he undoes his belt. You look to Lloyd to see if he has any objections but he’s too focused on licking up all of your juices. Jake is already half hard and your hands know just how to get him fully erect. His hands start playing with your tits, gently pinching, pulling and fondling. 
The two of them quickly bring you to the brink of orgasm, then Lloyd sticks two of his fingers inside you and it pushes you over the edge. You cum loudly and Lloyd keeps scissoring his fingers while sucking on your clit, enjoying the show. When the aftershocks fade, he removes his hand and backs away just a little.
“Jensen, you take her mouth,” he orders. “I’m gonna make a mess of this pussy and I want to hear her choking on your cock while I do.”
You let go of Jake’s erection and he starts pushing himself into your mouth, grunting and moaning as he does so. He’s careful with you, like always, and places your hand on his thigh so you can signal if it gets too much.
Lloyd, however, lines himself up with your opening and quickly thrusts himself fully inside. If your mouth wasn’t so full of Jake’s cock, you’d likely have screamed. They fucked both of your holes with abandon and you were loving every second of it. Occasionally Jake would ask for a status and you’d tap his thigh twice for “all good”. 
“Not gonna last much longer,” Lloyd admitted. “This pussy is so fucking tight. I see why you risked your job for her.” He started rubbing your clit and you careened towards another orgasm. As soon as Jake came in your mouth you were done for. You tightened your legs around Lloyd as you came hard and swallowed all of Jake’s spend. You heard Lloyd mumbling, “fuck, fuck, fuck,” before he came with a yell. 
You’re still in a daze as both men pull out of you. Lloyd whistles, “now that’s a pretty picture. What say we get you cleaned up?”
“What the fuck?!” A voice from the office door crashes your post-orgasm euphoria. You look up and see Andy, standing in the doorway.
“Ah, Barber,” Lloyd says as he zips his pants back up. “Right on time.”
“What?!” Jake exclaims as you look, wide-eyed, at Lloyd. 
“You see, Andy,” he walks over to your manager and claps him on the shoulder. “You’re a complete cuck and we both know it.” Andy tries to protest but Lloyd cuts him off. “This is the closest you’re ever going to get to some pussy. Now be a good boy and clean up the mess I made.” He throws Andy to his knees in front of your spread pussy. 
Andy groans at the sight and you feel a stir of courage. “Well,” you scold. “Are you going to be a good boy and do as you're told or am I going to have to clean myself up?” His eyes darken but you don’t back down. He dives into your cum filled pussy and starts cleaning you up.
“Good boy,” Lloyd smirks. “Probably the only way you can actually please a woman.” He looks at Jake, “whenever you’re done with her, call her cuck over to clean up. Sound good?”
Jake looks to you and sees you writhing with pleasure, “I think so.”
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Tagging @alicedopey because I promised I would.
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withahappyrefrain · 1 year
Ready & Eager
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Summary: Jake finally has the honor of making out with you. He's excited. A little too excited. Part of the Parking Spots Universe but can be read alone!
Warnings: dry humping, Jake being a simp for mean women, Faceless OC so y'all can imagine yourself as her, some light smut. If you don't know what Polly Pockets are, GTFO.
This is dedicated to @dissonannce, who put this thot in my head many moons ago and it has not left my mind since! <3
Jake Seresin knows a thing or two about luck.
Like how it only plays a small part in most things. Personally, Jake believes luck accounts for maybe ten percent of it. The rest is all skill and effort. That's how he became the only pilot in his generation with two confirmed air kills. 
And yet, Jake can't help but feel pretty damn lucky that the woman of his dreams is currently in his lap, kissing him.
Tonight had already been perfect. They had gone on a date. It wasn't the first time he had gone on a date with her, but it was the first time Venus had acknowledged it as one. Not a parking lesson, a date.
It was a big deal, huge. To say Jake was nervous was an understatement.
To say he was excited? Even moreso.
Her touch was electric, sending sparks throughout his body.  The scent of cocoa that lingered on her soft skin was intoxicating, now all consuming. What had begun as soft, feathery kisses had developed into something more heated. 
It was sweet, downright adorable how she rocked back and forth on the balls of her feet, barely able to look at Jake when he walked her to her door. 
"I shouldn't be nervous," the goddess chuckled, "Considering you have no issue barging into my apartment." 
The chuckle Jake had let out was supposed to be smooth. Supposed to be. 
Instead, it was nervous, shakey. He was thankful that he hadn't yet fallen to his knees in front of his beloved Venus. 
"You were sick," He smiled, his face burning up. 
"So does that mean you'll at least wait until I invite you in this time?" A sly smile adorn her gorgeous features, a gleam of mischievousness illuminating her eyes. 
"I can wait as long as you need me to, V." If she was blushing, Jake couldn't tell due to her sun kissed skin. 
A giggle slipped past her lips as she stepped inside the door, "Well? You coming or not, Lieutenant?" 
Jake could only choke out a strained yes, too caught up in how her voice was sweeter than honey when she said his title correctly for the first time since that fateful meeting in that parking lot. 
The two had all but stumbled to the couch, too caught up in discovering how exhilarating, how downright euphoric it was to kiss one another. 
He lost track of how long they had spent on the couch, tomorrow morning's briefing meeting be damned. Jake was positive, no- he knew he would be content staying here, his body melding with hers. 
She lowered her hips ever so slightly. Such a subtle movement and yet it nearly sent Jake over the edge.
God knows how many times he thought about this-his lips capturing hers in a bruising kiss, his hands exploring her soft curves.
Jake had lost track of how many times he came while imagining this-how her breasts would feel pushed against his chest, his hands finally having the privilege to grip the soft flesh of her ass, her lips nipping along his neck, her hands gripping his hair- 
Fuck, he was hard. Painfully so. 
In the back of Jake's mind, a voice was screaming to slow down. But his hips continued to jerk up, desperate to meet hers, desperate to feel more of her. 
So instead of slowing down, he continued, his lips trying to find hers amidst the fainting light of the sunset. His whole body was buzzing from the sensation of her touch. 
A honeyed laugh, low yet sweet, dripped from her mouth, "Someone's impatient." 
"Been wanting to do this ever since I met ya in that parking lot V," a southern drawl laced his low voice, sending a shiver up her spine. 
"I like when you call me that," her lips were now pressed against his neck, leaving gentle pecks in between her words. 
"Yeah?" Jake smirked upon hearing her soft gasp when his hands gripped the soft flesh of her ass. 
"Yeah," her confidence was returning. They had a give and take with one another. Each able to finally feel safe, feel vulnerable, knowing the other would be there, ready to reassure them. 
Her fingers reached towards his collarbone, fisting the dog tags he wore. With a single tug, she was able to direct his lips back to hers. 
It was the hottest thing Jake had experienced. 
With her free hand, she grabbed one of Jake's, bringing it to one of her breasts. Even just feeling it through the fabric of her dress was enough to send Jake's head spinning. 
He could feel his cock straining against his jeans. The pleasure wasn't building up, instead it felt like a volcano, ready to erupt at any time. 
The sudden jerk of his hips had thrown her off, albeit briefly. She was fully ready to write it off as twitch and continue making out with the Adonis that was underneath her (not that she'd ever say that to his face, he didn't need another ego boost). 
But then his hips kept jerking upwards, almost uncontrollably. And then she heard him moan, low and strained. 
"Fuck, Venus." 
It wasn't her first time. Venus knew when a guy had come, and she should have recognized the tall tale signs that Jake was close. 
But how could she focus on anything other than his stupid dog tags, or his stupidly soft hair that was so easy to just grab, or the scent of his cologne that she knew he spent way too much money on? 
So instead the two just sat there, seemingly frozen. Quite frankly, Venus was racking her brain as to how to not ask what had happened so bluntly, whereas Jake was trying to will the floor to open up and swallow him whole. 
"Did…did you um-" 
"I am so sorry. I swear that hasn't happened since like, eighth grade." 
Jake continues to ramble, oblivious to the fact that she stopped listening after he confirmed that she made him cum in his pants just from kissing him. 
"Again, I'm really sorry, this has never happened before. You're just really pretty and kissing you felt really fucking good, I can go home if you-" 
"Why are you apologizing, that was fucking hot." 
Jake's teeth sunk into his bottom lip, fighting back a strained groan, his sensitive cock twitching from her words. 
She grinned, shifting her hips towards his again, "Yes really. And unless you're a 'one and done' kind of man, I'd like to continue." 
Jake scoffed, "Sweetheart, 'one and done' ain't my style." 
Venus simply smirked, "Oh yeah? Then what is your style? And does it have anything to do with that callsign of yours?"
Being egged on by her was more fun now that they were dating. Jake smirked at the shriek she let out when he picked her up, placing her on the couch. 
"Seresin, what are you-" Her sentence was cut off by Jake's teeth sinking into the soft flesh of her thighs. His hands made quick work of finding the waistband of her panties and pulling them down her legs. 
"My style is 'I can go all night' with a side of 'I like to keep my mouth busy'," the wink he gave her was beyond cheesy. Her eye roll confirmed it, though it didn’t deter Jake. Not when he could see the corners of her mouth forming a small smile. 
"Anyone ever told you that you're super corny Seresin?" Despite her words. adoration shined in her eyes. 
"Just you," Jake simply shrugged as he made himself comfortable in between her legs. 
"Really? Whatshisface hasn't ever told you th-fuck!" She threw her head back the second Jake's tongue found her soaked folds. 
"What was that darling?" Jake asked with a grin that could only be described as devilish. 
"Get back here you little shit," her hands gripped his blonde locks, tugging them in her desired direction.
Jake chuckled before pressing a kiss to the inside of her thighs, "Don't have to tell me twice Venus."
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pandorxxx · 9 months
An Unexpected Visitor: Parallels
(Chapter 2)
Lo’ak x Omatikayan fem reader (All aged up)
Warnings: cursing, dom-Lo’ak, p in v, oral (M receiving), multiple orgasms, BREEDING KINK, daddy kink, praise kink, degrading kink (kinda), lo’ak being all romantic
Chapter 1
Synopsis: You were promised to Neteyam. Him being next in line for olo’eyktan and you training to be the next tsahik, it only made sense. However, you had lo’ak on your mind. What happens when lo’ak gets tired of sneaking around, and asks you to be his mate? Will your father approve of this?
“No.” Your father sterned. Sharpening his knife infront of your shared family hut. No? What did he mean….no?
You had built the courage to ask your father if lo’ak could come to dinner tomorrow night. And trust, it was hard to just come out and say it. So for him to just shut you down immediately, it hurt your feelings.
“But daaadddd!” You whined, arms crossed around your chest. “No buts! You are promised to Neteyam. It took me long enough to get over THAT. Now you’re In-love with his younger brother? Do you see how this makes you look?” He asked, haulting the attack on his knife to glance at you with a confused look.
“Ok. I’m not IN-LOVE with him. I just like him…a lot. And those were rules YOU and Mr.SULLY set into place. Neteyam and I have no romantic connection at all.” You clapped back, respectfully.
“I get that, trust me. And if you wish to not be mated with neteyam, we can come to a common decision. But you will NOT mate with lo’ak. He is a trouble maker. My daughter does not need to be seen with the likes of someone like that.” He explained, giving you a quick look that signaled for you to leave this situation alone for now. However, you had to explain yourself, and get your father to see things your way.
“Father. He’s not as bad as you think he is. He is learning to be good, and gentle. He’s sweet to me, and he treats me right. He’s actually the one who requested that I set this meeting up between you two. He didn’t want to take me out on a date without your blessing.” You spoke softly, fiddling with your thumbs while you swayed back and forth.
Your fathers ears flicked in the cool night breeze, and his eye contact shot to you in surprise. This didn’t sound like the lo’ak that HE knew. Not the hothead, the fighter, the trouble maker that Jake had told him about. This sounded like a gentleman. Someone who might actually love his daughter. And then he thought about how he met your mother. It was a similar story to you and lo’ak. He was TOO a trouble maker, but when he met your mother, something inside of him changed for the better. Maybe this was some kind of weird parallel.
He sighed, clenching his jaw as he looked out into the distance…thinking about what he was going to say next….
“Dinner is just before sunset. No earlier, no later.” Your father said, standing to his full height. His expression was still, but you could tell that he was opened to meeting lo’ak, properly.
“Oh, Thank you Father! Thank you so much!” You rejoiced, giving your father the biggest hug your little arms could. You could hear the faint chuckle rumbling in his chest as he hugged you back.
- - -
You were over the moon. It was all you could think about as you sat in your room. There was actually a possibility that this could work out. But then it hit you…the anxiety.
This is such an awkward meeting, really. Your father isn’t a fan of lo’ak, and lo’ak knows that. Yet, you have the 2 most important men in your life finally coming face to face. And eywa, they were one and the same. That’s why you liked lo’ak so much, he reminded you of your father. All of the good, and not so good qualities. Two bold personalities in one room? This was going to be an interesting night…
- - -
The next day, you drowned yourself in your daily chores. Just so you could get everything off of your mind. Your nerves were coursing through your entire body so heavily that it was hard to think of anything else BUT tonight. You were also very antsy and “jumpy” today. So when you felt a hand wrap around your arm and pull you behind the nearby tree, you let out a high pitched shriek.
“Woah, woah HEY! Chillll out. It’s just me.” Lo’ak chuckled, holding a finger over his lips to signal for you to be quiet. You let out a huge sigh of relief, backing into the tree behind you.
“You fucking scared me! Are you crazy?” You hissed lowly, punching him in the stomach, yet it didn’t faze him whatsoever.
“Damn, im sorry. We do this everyday, and you’ve never reacted like this. You good?” He asked with his lighthearted smirk that made you melt. You realized that you may have over reacted alittle bit.
“I-Im sorry, lo’ak. I’m just alittle on edge about tonight. That’s all.” You shook your head, clearing your throat.
“Didnt your father say it was ok for me to come over?” He asked, his hand now resting on the bark behind you. “Well, yes! Yes…he did.” You spat. Lo’ak gave you a look as if he wanted you to continue your thought.
“Buuuuttt?” He asked, signaling for you to keep talking. “But, I’m nervous. What if it doesn’t go well?” You whined, pouting up at him as tears began to flood your vision. He stepped alittle closer, caressing your cheek gently.
“It WILL go well, ok? Your fathers gonna love me. I’ll make sure of it. You don’t need to worry your pretty little head. Don’t cry, please? I’ve got this, I SWEAR to you. You trust me?” His tone more serious than you’ve ever heard it before.
“Mhm.” You whined, nodding your head.
“Good girl.” He smiled, shifting his large hand to your neck before pecking your soft lips.
“And plus…you look too good to be crying right now. You got all dressed up for me, huh?” He asked, that playful tone making an appearance again. He took a step back just to admire you. And eywa, you were beautiful.
You were wearing his favorite color, purple. The cloths were alittle more revealing than usual, but he liked that. It just meant that he’d have to work twice as hard to keep the other men away from you. You had the glitter that you liked to wear, all over your body. Not too much, just enough to hit the sun just right. He loved it on you. He didn’t care that his mother would give him dirty looks when he walked into his family hut shining like a fucking disco ball. And your hair…eywa he couldn’t forget about your hair.
It always smelled so good. You wore it in different styles everyday, which was different from the other girls he’d seen. But his favorite style was the 2 Dutch braids. You looked great with them, but he had…other reasons for why he liked them. He would use them as leverage when he fucked you senseless from behind. And ofcourse, you were sporting that same style today.
“Fuuuck.” He whispered, eyeing you up and down. You giggled alittle bit, you loved getting him flustered. He took a few steps closer, now placing both of his hands on the bark behind you.
“You sure know how to take me there, don’t you?” He asked, leaving wet kisses on your neck. Your head flew back against the bark, lip between your teeth as you basked in the pleasure.
“I just wanna eat your sexy ass up.” He groaned, one of his hands sliding down to the small of you back, pulling you flush into him harshly. He had a grip on you so tight that you could really see the muscle definition in his arm.
“Mmm, L-Lo’ak, I’ve gotta go back.” You moaned, haulting his attack on your neck to kiss his lips sloppily. He groaned into the kiss, now sliding his hand down to the plush of your ass, gripping it firmly. You moaned into his mouth, pulling him closer to you if that was even possible.
Maybe you were getting alittle side tracked…but you couldn’t fucking help it. Not with lo’ak all over you, making you feel good. But if this was going to work, you two had to get over this little hurdle first. It was about the bigger picture at the end of the day.
You pulled away quickly, giving him no time to grab you. You wiped your lips and adjusted your loincloth. He growled in frustration, jaw clenching as he wiped his lips with his thumb, eyeing your small frame. You loved seeing him aggravated, it was so damn hot.
“You’re such a fucking tease.” He chuckled angrily. “Well, I have to GO.” You smirked, eyeing him up and down before turning to walk away. You didn’t really get too far, he pulled you flush into his chest by your braids.
“Yeah, ok. Soon I’ll have you…and I mean REALLY have you. And once I get you….I’m not letting up…I’ll see you later.” He whispered in your ear, placing a small peck on the lobe before letting you go and walking off. Leaving you completely disoriented…..and horny.
- - -
The day went on as usual. Still alittle nervous but excited for the possibility that lo’ak could finally be yours.
It was almost time, and your mother was getting dinner ready while your father was setting the table. You…on the hand, were pacing back and forth outside of your families hut, anxiously waiting for lo’aks arrival.
Your palms were sweaty and your heart was racing. The worst possible scenario’s continued to play in your head. You just wished that you could skip all of this, and get to the good part…if there even was one.
“You’re gonna burn a whole in the ground, kid.” Your father spoke, a tinge of playfulness in his tone. You turned quickly, meeting your fathers gaze.
“I-I’m just alittle nervous is all.” You confessed, constantly looking back to see if lo’ak was coming or not.
“If I wasn’t going to give him a FAIR chance, then he wouldn’t have been invited. I’m not going to be biased, or rude. So stop pacing.” He chuckled, arms crossed around his broad chest.
You sighed, feeling alittle bit better about the situation now. You nodded, turning back around to look out for lo’ak. It was silence for a few seconds before your father began to speak again.
“You know…lo’ak was a lot like me when I was his age.” He said, leaning against the foundation of the hut. Your ears perked, turning to look at your father.
“Really? How so?” You asked.
“Well, your uncle was the golden child. He really did everything in his power to live up to our fathers expectations. He listened, pulled his weight and mines most of the time. He stayed out of trouble. Kinda like Neteyam.” He started.
“And you?” You asked. He sighed, looking off into the distance.
“I was a hot head, always in fights. I liked to do my own thing, and couldn’t care less about my father’s expectations for me. I caused a lot of trouble back then, babygirl.” He finished, a look of defeat plastering his face.
“Well what happened? You’re definitely not like that anymore.” You asked curiously. Your father chuckled to himself, smiling ear to ear as his tail began to sway behind him quickly.
“Your mother happened.” He said with pride. A look of hope began to paint your face. You wanted to know more.
“Well go onnn!” You spat, waiting for the rest of this familiar love story. Your father chuckled before continuing.
“Your uncle was supposed to mate with her. But I was the one who LIKED her. And just my luck, she liked me too. We started hanging out, and we fell in love. Her father didn’t approve of this because of my reputation, so we would sneak around. But I don’t know I just…..I wanted something MORE with your mother. So I promised her that I would be good. Be the man that she deserved. And that I did. I would’ve done anything to make her mine.” He confessed. If you weren’t mistaken, you could see tears prickling at your fathers eyes.
“That’s so sweet, dad. Did grandfather ever approve of you?” You asked, curiously.
“It took time but…he did eventually.” Your father nodded. “But I want to give lo’ak a chance because I know what it’s like…to be one big disappointment.” He muttered, ears folded to his skull. This all seemed too familiar, it was almost scary for you. It’s funny how history repeats itself, you thought.
“And speaking of lo’ak…” your father smiled, nudging his head in your direction. You turned around swiftly, and there he was… walking towards your hut with flowers in hand. Your heart began to flutter, and you just couldn’t help the smile that was creeping up on your face. You were so excited to see him, especially after the story that your father had shared with you.
“LO’AK!” You shouted in an excited tone, running towards him. He smiled at you, holding his arms out for your embrace.
“Hey, babygirl.” He chuckled , catching you in one of his arms. He hugged you tightly, his arm wrapped around your middle. He just gave you a small peck on your cheek out of respect for your father before he placed you back on the ground, gracefully.
“These are for you, yawne.” He smiled, placing the flowers in your hand. You giggled, admiring how pretty the bioluminescence flora was.
“They’re gorgeous. Thank you, my love.” You smiled, grabbing his hand. You pulled him towards your hut, where your father was trying his best to hide his smile. He cleared his throat, putting on a serious face when you both reached him.
With your hand in his, lo’ak stretched out his free hand, signing a greeting to your father. Lo’ak took a deep breath before speaking.
“Oel Ngati Kameie, keivìo Te Lepeä Hiìweron’itan.” He spoke confidently, now extending his hand for a hand shake. You waited in anticipation. Watching your father glance at lo’aks hand and then back up at him….it felt like minutes went by. Until a welcoming smile creeped across your fathers face, extending his arms for a hug.
“Oel Ngati Kameie, lo’ak te suli Tsyeyk’itan.” Your father spoke with a small nod. Lo’ak became visibly happy, smiling ear to ear as he embraced your father with a genuine hug. You watched in awe, almost in tears at the scene infront of you.
“How you doin’, kid?” Your father asked, patting lo’ak on the back. “Im doing well, sir. Thank you for asking.” Lo’ak nodded. He was honestly relieved that your father was willing to give him a fair judgment.“That’s great, lo’ak. Im happy to hear that.” He started.
“We’ve gotta talk, ok? Man to man. Just you and I. Deal?” Your father asked. “Ofcourse sir, I completely understand.” Lo’ak gave him a firm nod.
“Y/n, how about you go check on dinner. I’m gonna talk to your little boyfriend here about a few things.” Your father joked, causing you and lo’ak to laugh. “Yes, father.” You nodded before walking into the hut.
“Let’s sit down.” Your father spoke, gesturing at the chairs Infront of him. They both took a seat, staring off into the night sky.
“What are your intentions, lo’ak?” Your father asked calmly. Lo’ak had been waiting to confess his love for you, and this was the perfect time.
“Well, I know I have a bit of a reputation. So, I can see why you would ask that question.” He chuckled before continuing. “But I love, y/n. And I’m trying to change for her, to be the man that she deserves. Because the truth is….I want her to be my mate. But I know I have some work to do if I want to gain your blessing, sir.” Lo’ak finished, feeling proud that he was able to express his feelings the correct way.
“Hmm.” Your father nodded, a smile creeping across his lips. “I have no doubt in my mind that you’ll protect her, and keep her safe as well. I’ve seen you in action before. So I’ll skip that question.” Your father joked, insinuating that lo’aks numerous fights were enough to seal that deal. Lo’ak chuckled at the comment before speaking.
“I’m glad you know that. But I’ll only be fighting if I need to protect HER from now on. No other reasons sir, I swear.” Lo’ak spoke affirmatively.
“Good, Good. And so I’m assuming that you already have a personal hut picked out for you two, right?” Your father asked. It was normal to move in with your mate expeditiously. That’s how it happened with your mother and father, and that’s how it was supposed to happen for you and lo’ak.
“I do, sir. It was a surprise that I’d been working on for some time. I built it myself, just for her.” Lo’ak explained.
“Oh, so you just knew you were going to mate with my daughter?” Your father chuckled, and lo’ak along with him. “Well, I was hoping that I would. And it’s better to be prepared for moments like this.” Lo’ak smiled.
“Hey, I get it! Trust me. When were you planning on moving in?” Your father asked. Lo’ak gulped loudly, hoping that his next answer wouldn’t jeopardize the rapport he had just built with this man.
“Well….with your blessing, ofcourse. I was hoping to move her in tomorrow.” Lo’ak finished his statement more like a question, looking over to your father.
“Hmm.” Your father nodded, staring into the night sky. It was silence for a minute or two while your father took time to think.
“You have my blessing to mate with my daughter. She speaks so highly of you, it’s kinda hard not to say yes. And if she’s happy, then I’m happy.” Your father confessed. Lo’ak mentally cheered, he was so damn happy that everything was going as planned. “Thank you. Thank you so much sir!” Lo’ak smiled.
“I want you to remember this conversation when you’re sitting where I am…talking to YOUR daughters future mate.” Your father laughed, him and lo’ak both standing in unison. Lo’ak chuckled, extending his hand out for another handshake. Your father obliged with a bright smile.
“Take care of my little girl, please. She’s my only daughter. And if ,later down the line, you find out that this just isn’t for you…I just ask that you don’t hurt her….just bring her back to me.” Your father explained with a firm nod.
“Oh, sir. I would never hurt her. I want this forever. I will do anything to keep her happy. And you know I’ll protect her with my life, that’s a promise.” Lo’ak spoke in a serious tone, because he meant every fucking word.
“Thank you, lo’ak.” Your father nodded.
“Let’s eat, then!” You father cheered, guiding lo’ak into the hut for dinner.
The night went better than you expected. It was filled with joy, and laughter. You couldn’t have asked for a better way to end your day. And once it was over, your father and mother said their goodbyes to lo’ak.
“Hey, how about you two go out or something? No need to sneak around anymore.” Your father joked, winking at lo’ak. Lo’ak understood immediately. It was time to show you the home that he built for his future family.
“Ah! You’re absolutely right, sir.” Lo’ak agreed, taking you by the hand. You were alittle confused. Now all of the sudden your father and lo’ak were in cahoots on something that you had no knowledge of.
“Where are we going this late?” You chuckled, looking back at your father. He sighed loudly.
“I finally give you to the man, and now you want to ask all these questions. Just go with him.” You father laughed, causing an uproar of laughter from everyone.
“You trust me?” He asked, eyebrow cocked as he awaited an answer. “Ofcourse I do.” You smiled. Lo’ak kissed you on the forehead before pulling you towards the hut door.
“Uhh, what time should I have her back?” Lo’ak asked. You both looking back at your father.
“I think we’re way past that now. She’s all yours. You two have fun tonight, and be safe…..NO BABIES YET PLEASE!” Your father spoke, shoving you both out of the hut and closing the door. You and lo’ak both glanced at eachother before laughing in unison, and you were off to your secret location….
You two had been walking for about 10 minutes before you came across this great big hut. It was the biggest one you’d ever seen. It was nicely built as well. You could tell that whoever worked on this, had some kind of personal connection to it.
“Lo’ak? What’s going on?” You asked curiously. He smiled at you before opening the door and guiding you in.
“Welcome home, yawne.” He spoke softly, closing the door behind him. You gasped, looking around the beautiful hut. Nicely woven rugs covered the floor. There was a huge sitting area in the middle of the hut. There were steps that lead up to an opened loft area, where a huge sized cot laid. It was gorgeous…and all yours?
“Home? Like…you and I?” You asked, turning around to face him. He nodded at you, walking alittle closer.
“I spent months making this for us, because I knew that I’d make you mine one day. I’ve been making plans for us, baby. I want this to be real. I want you to be my mate…” he confessed, a heartwarming, proud smile plastering across his face. You never thought a guy like lo’ak could be so romantic. It really took you by surprise. He deserved the world for the way he’s been treating you.
“Lo’ak, I love you so much. I wanna mate with you too.” You explained, a hint of lust in your voice that he didn’t quite pick up on yet.
“Oh, I love you more baby. Im glad we’re on the same page.” He nodded, smiling at you innocently.
“Hmm. I wanna mate with you…right now.” You confessed, head tilted slightly as you walked over to him. Caressing his chest.
“Oh?” He spoke, eyebrow cocked as he watched your hands roam his body. His muscles began to tense at your soft touch.
“Yeah. I wanna start that family we’ve been talking about. Remember?” You asked, backing him into the couch until he plopped down on the plush surface. He looked visibly flustered, guess he wasn’t really expecting this from you tonight.
“I-I remember.” He nodded, adjusting his hips as he watched you intently. You began to take off your items, piece by piece.
“Damn. You’re coming outta that shit pretty quickly, don’t you think?” He asked with a lustful tone as he watched each item hit the floor until you were completely naked before him. You smirked, dropping to your knees infront of him.
“Not quick enough. I need you right now.” You confessed, palming his huge bulge. His head dipped back into the couch as he hissed loudly.
“Fuck, you know I hate when you tease. Just take it, baby. It’s all yours.” He moaned, his head shooting back down to where you were. That was all you needed to hear. Damn the strings of his loincloth, you began to rip it off of his hips until his aching cock was visible. It was jumping with every heartbeat as precum oozed from the tip.
You immediately began to stroke his cock, nice and slow how he liked it. He was quickly becoming a mess under you, and you haven’t even done anything yet. Maybe he was still horny from earlier in the day, but he seemed alittle more sensitive than usual.
You began kitty licking the tip before sucking on it, swirling your wet tongue around it until he was squirming under you. Then without warning, you engulfed his entire length. Immediately bobbing your head up and down his large shaft nice and slow.
“Ohhh that’s it. Juuust like that, goddamn.” He moaned, thrusting his hips into your mouth gently. Your amber eyes shot up at him, watching him bask in the pleasure. He was so hot. His eyebrows were furrowed as a thin layer of sweat began to form on his skin. He would let out a small whimper with every roll of your tongue. You were driving that man crazy.
“You’re k-killing me, baby. Gonna make me cum in that pretty mouth.” He muttered through a clench jaw. He grabbed the back of your head, steadying it to fuck your throat.
You opened your mouth wide and let him use you as his own personal little fuck toy. You began to gag, tears falling down your cheeks as your eyes crossed.
“Yesss, look at that. Only time I like watching your sexy ass cry.” He groaned, muscles contracting as his peak was nearing quickly.
“Shit baby, I-I’m boutta nut.” He moaned, eyes rolling to the back of his head as his mouth fell agape. He used his free hand to grip the plush of the couch while his head dipped back in pure bliss.
“Mhmmm, that’s ittttt.” He growled, releasing his load into your mouth. Ropes and ropes of cum finding refuge on your tongue. He slid you off of his cock carefully, a loud gasp parting your lips as his seed flowed down your chin. Your were all teary eyed and flustered, it was so hot.
“Are you gonna fuck me now?” You asked, slurping the access seed off of his balls. He finally caught his breath, watching you intently.
“Hmm. You want this dick, don’t you? You need it right?” He asked in a soft yet lustful tone. You simply nodded.
“I want your babies in me. I wanna be pregnant with your children, lo’ak. Give it to me, please.” You begged, playing with your breasts sensually.
“Oh, now you want my babies huh? Want me to make you a mom, right? Like the little slut you are. You just need to be filled up reaaaal nice, yes?” He asked, standing to his full height infront of your kneeling figure.
“Yes, daddy.” You nodded, waiting for him to have his way with you. He clenched his jaw with a low growl. Without warning, he picked you up, walking you over to the wooden table.
He plopped you down and began attacking your neck while simultaneously scenting you. You were his and ONLY his now. It was time that everyone knew.
His strong arm was wrapped around your middle, bringing you closer to him as he stood between your legs. You could feel the slick pooling onto the wood beneath you, smearing your thighs and making a mess. You were so ready for him.
He pulled away, grabbing his cock to line up with your entrance. Before you knew it, he was buried deep inside of you. You both moaning loudly as he began to thrust into you nice and deep. His strokes were rhythmic, rolling his hips into yours with a fucking purpose.
He placed his hands on either sides of your thighs firmly while he teased your lips with his. Ghosting them as he moaned from the intense pleasure.
“This pussy is driving me crazy, baby. It’s so fucking good.” He smirked, against your lips creating a great amount of tension between you two.
“Think you can make me a father, hmm? Wanna carry my babies for me like a good girl?” He asked, tilting his head to get a better angle of your pleasure filled face. His thrusts began to get harder, rocking the entire hut with his force.
“Y-Yessss!” You whined, tears blurring your vision. You and lo’ak have had sex numerous times. But this time was overwhelming, and oh so fucking good.
“Want me to fill this pussy up? Until you’re leaking my seed? Hmm? You need this shit, don’t you?” He teased, his lips still ghosting yours as he fed you deep strokes. You couldn’t even think straight, you were a fucked out mess. Blabbering complete nonsense, going dumb for the pleasure.
“I-I need it. Need it s-s-oooo bad, daddy.” You whimpered, arching your back and dipping your head to the ceiling. He used that as the perfect opportunity to nip at your neck with his sharp fangs. Still simultaneously playing in your guts like his life depended on it.
Your walls began to flutter around his cock, signaling that you were close…very close. “I-I’m gonna cum. D-Daddy, you’re gonna make me cummm!” You cried, your pretty face balling up in pleasure. You felt him smirk against your neck, speeding up his pace to get you there quicker.
“Mhm, cum for daddy. Let it all out, you deserve it pretty girl.” He praised, placing a few more kisses on your neck before his lips were inches away from yours again. You were in complete euphoria, nothing like you had ever experienced before. And you knew this orgasm was going to ruin you in the best way possible.
“Wait, I think I-I’m gonna squirt, lo’ak.” You whispered, panting heavily as you began to push on his stomach lazily.
“Yeah? It feels so good that you wanna squirt for me, huh?” He teased, his thumb finding its way to your clit, rubbing it gently to stimulate you further.
Your mouth flew opened, silent screams escaping while he kissed your bottom lip. “That’s it, squirt for me then baby.” He nodded, working your pussy in every way possible. Your whole body started to seize, eyes rolling to the back of your head as you began to come undone. Your squirt painting lo’aks abdomen.
“Ohhhh shit.” Lo’ak moaned. Your orgasm was triggering his. The constant fluttering of your walls was desperately trying to milk him dry.
“Y/n, im cumming…o-ohhh fuuck im cumming!” He groaned, eyes rolling in pleasure as he finally released inside of you. Ropes and ropes of endless seed dumping into your empty womb. It felt so good, that it had you cumming again.
“Yesss daddy, that’s itttt!” You screamed, legs completely numb at this point. He fucked you both through your orgasms. You two becoming an overstimulated mess for eachother.
“I gotta fill you up again. I-I need it.” He growled, pulling out of you to flip you over aggressively. He pinned your wrists behind your back with just one of his giant hands. The other one guiding his cock back into you. You both moaning at the feeling again.
He set a merciless rhythm from the start, fucking his seed deep into you so there’s no excuse why you’re not pregnant in the weeks to come. The heavy smacks caused by his deep thrusts were ringing through the hut. He was fucking the daylights out of you, using you as his personal toy that he could do with whatever he so pleased.
“I told you that I wouldn’t let up when I finally got you, remember? HMM?” He asked, jaw clenched and eyes focused on the recoil of your ass.
“Yes! I-I remember, daddy…I remember!” You cried, your voice rippling from his forceful thrusts that were single handedly shaking the entire fucking room.
“I’m gonna breed you as many times as I feel like it tonight. WHERE EVER I feel like it! I’m gonna breed this pussy on the couch, on the floor, on that fucking cot I built! On this goddamn table! I don’t give a fuck, got it?!” He growled, pulling your 2 Dutch braids for leverage.
“Mhmm! I understand, I-I swearrr!” You screamed, your orgasm creeping up on you once more. He shifted his hands to your ass, holding your cheek open to watch his creamy cock sliding in and out of your tight cunt.
“Ohh…yeah” he groaned, his bottom lip in between his teeth. He was close again. So ready to fill you up for a second time.
“I-im gonna nut in this pussy again, fuuuuck.” He moaned, smacking your ass a few times until his huge handprints were visible on you. He continued to expertly smash into your sweetspot with every hard thrust.
“Ohhh great mother, please! I-I’m cumming again, I’m cumming again lo’ak!” You screamed to the top of your lungs, your voice becoming horse and strained. You began to seize again, screaming loudly as you released for a third time.
“The great mother cannot save you from ME. You’ve gotta take this dick, tonight.” He teased, smacking your ass again as he fucked you through your orgasm. And just like last time, the fluttering of your sweet walls triggered yet another orgasm from lo’ak.
“Ah..hah Fuuuck!” He moaned, dumping another huge load into your womb, fucking it into you harshly. You were a whimpering mess, the feeling of his warm seed seeping into your womb made your head spin.
“That’s right, take all of it like a good girl.” He grunted, finally thrusting into you gently. Your eyes crossed in pleasure once more as he pulled out slowly.
He held your hips in place, so that you wouldn’t fall. Your legs were shaking badly, his seed dripping down your thighs slowly.
“Shit. That tight little pussy can’t hold all of daddy’s cum, I guess.” He teased. He flipped you over to face him. Sliding into you again, He shifted your trembling legs over his arms so that the bend of your knee’s were resting gently over the bend of his arms. He picked you up off of the table and began fucking you slow and deep.
“I-I can’t cum again. I-I can’t.” Your voice was gone, so it came out as a strained whisper. He engaged in a sloppy kiss with you as he continued to fuck into you expertly.
“I’ll make you cum again, don’t worry. I told you, I’m not letting up. I’m gonna keep cumming in this pussy.” He whispered against your quivering lips, maintaining a dangerous amount of eye contact.
He began to speed up his pace, squelching sounds filling the hut as you screamed with the little bit of voice you had left. He was hitting all the right spots yet again. “I love you.” He smirked, eyeing your lips before licking his.
“I-I love you too, daddy.” You whined, and as promised, you felt that familiar feeling in your lower abdomen. You couldn’t believe that you were about to cum again. It was like he knew your body better than YOU did.
“Someone’s about to cum again, I can feel it.” He groaned, smiling against your lips before pecking them gently.
“Fuck, I-I can’t stop!” You screamed, head going limp as you let loose for the 4th time tonight. He let out a dark laugh at your pathetic little whining.
“Yeah? I can’t stop either. I’m right behind you.” He teased, fucking you hard and deep. “Mhmm, here it comes again baby. J-Just for you.” He groaned, looking you in your eyes while he came inside of you again, emptying his balls in your womb for a third time.
“Shittt! No more, daddy. P-Please, I can’t take it.” You pleaded, wrapping your trembling arms around his neck. He laughed at you, walking up the steps with you in his hands.
“You must take me for a fucking joke.” He whispered in your ear before laying you down on the cot gently. You knew that meant that he wasn’t done with you. You turned over lazily, trying to crawl away from him. That didn’t work out well for you at all.
He flipped you back over, pulling you down to him. “Need some energy? I think it’s about that time baby.” He titled his head grabbing his queue from behind his back. You looked up at him with hooded eyes, sitting up on your elbows.
You nodded frantically, grabbing your queue as well, giving it to him. You were too tired to do it yourself.
He wasted no time. He had been waiting for this moment for so long, and it was finally here. Your trendils collided with his and your pupils blew. You could feel everything. It was like nothing you’d ever experienced before.
“Damnnn.” He moaned, separating your trembling legs. Sliding into you this time felt different, for both of you. It was so intense that it was hard to describe.
“Ohhh that’s so much better.” He moaned, gripping your waist to bring you down on his cock like a fuck toy. You were a mess yet again, so loud that he was sure that someone heard you at this point.
He rolled his hips into yours, fucking into you nice and slow. Taking his time with you, he didn’t want this feeling to end so quickly. He had to savor it.
“Fuck me deeper…harder. Please.” You cried, spreading your legs wider for him. He clenched his jaw, your pleads making his head spin. He took your legs, and placed them over his shoulder before bending down until you two were sharing the same breath. You were practically folded in half while he fucked into you harder and deeper, just like you asked.
His hands were placed on either sides of your head while his sticky pelvis collided with yours repeatedly. He thought you were loud before…you were hitting high notes for him now.
“That’s it, let it out baby. Give it to me.” He nodded before engaging in yet another sloppy kiss. One that could shut you up completely as he continued his attack on your worn out cunt.
“I love you. I love you so much, y/n.” He spoke against your lips. “I-I love you too!” You moaned, eyes rolling to the back of your head. Your walls began to flutter around him again.
“Mmm cum for me, then. One last time, and I’ll stop beating this pussy up, yeah?” He smiled, fucking into your sweetspot quickly. And you let go for the fifth time, squirting on lo’ak again.
“You’ve been such a good girl, tonight.” He moaned, his orgasm just seconds away. “H-Have I?” You asked deliriously.
“Mhmm, and I’ve got a special surprise for good girls like you. Ready?” He groaned, lip between his teeth as he watched your face contorted continuously.
“Yess!” You screamed. His eyebrows scrunched, letting out a guttural moan before emptying his final load into your womb. His eyes rolled back, fucking you through both of your orgasms.
Full was an understatement. You were STUFFED to the fucking brim. So much so that you felt queasy. But a good kind of queasy.
“Now THAT was amazing.” He panted, pulling out of you lazily. Strings of his seed sticking you two together. Once he unhanded you, you curled up into a ball, trembling badly. He gently disconnected his queue from yours before tending to you. Cleaning you up, getting you water, and putting you down for bed. You were knocked out, so sleepy that you were snoring. It was cute honestly.
He was so happy that he finally had you. And that your father allowed him to take care of you from now on.
Your father…. Lo’ak thought.
“NO BABIES YET PLEASE.” Rang through his head, and his eyes widened when he realized….
There was no doubt in his mind that you would be pregnant in a couple of weeks. Even the blind could see that. As many times as he bred you…shit, you might have twins.
He had fucked up…big time….
Taglist: @number1gal @loak-bae @tiredmamaissy @neytirishottie @terrorthewolf @lethargicluv @reyzzsostellar @m0nst3rfk3r @agelsully @jakescumdump @wekiamo @cleardonutangelwagon @tsireqas @satanlovedays @afro-hispwriter @urfavgirlmakenna @fanboyluvr @iameatingmyhair @secretflowerobservation @violet-19999 @xreadersstuff @sweetllamaparadise @lia-nath @sullymenrhot @dotheyevenknowmars @xdbluesky @domino-x3-blog @ladylovegood-69 @itssomeonereading @sweetirilly @j-jinxee @im-in-a-pansexual-panik @cumikering @pxndorasdream @itsaleidasworld @atxxokirina @yeletta @eywascall @valeriearriana37484 @avatarsslut @bee782916 @atxxokirina @taylormarieee @sweethoneycn
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bradshawssugarbaby · 6 months
Home For Christmas - Jake Seresin x OC
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A/N: This is my entry for @bellaireland1981's Winter RomCom Writing Challenge, with the trope childhood friends. I was watching a lot of romcoms last night and felt inspired, it's definitely heavily influenced by 13 Going on 30, Just Friends + Sweet Home Alabama. (I realize only one of those is set in the winter, but I digress). I'm debating a part two/epilogue as well, if anyone is interested! Also super proud of this one, because it's the longest fic I've ever written.
pairing: Jake Seresin x OC
warnings/content: none, lots of fluff and pining. Jake's been promoted to Captain. Probably a lot of inaccuracies.
word count: 7.7k (literally my longest one yet, I'm sorry)
tagging anyone who might be interested: @littleenglishfangirl, @floydsmuse, @sailor-aviator, @mamachasesmayhem 🤍
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December, 1999
“Jake! Jake, wait up!” 
“Run faster then, I gotta get home before the street lights come on or my mama’s gonna be so mad she won’t let you come over tomorrow!” 
“Jake, your mama’s not gonna say no to me comin’ over and you know it.”
“Jenna, how you ever gonna keep up with me when I join the navy and start having to run a few miles every day?”
Jake turned around to face you for a moment, running backwards with a grin plastered on his face, his baby-faced cheeks red from the cold, his green eyes full of mischief as he watched you try and keep up with him. His sandy blonde hair stuck out slightly from underneath his Dallas Cowboys baseball cap, a handmedown from his older brother that he rarely left home without since Matt had given it to him. He stopped running, placing his hands on his knees as he tried to catch his breath, the cold air stinging his throat as he panted. You finally managed to close the distance between the two of you, raising an eyebrow as you panted, your own cheeks ruddy from the combination of cold winter air and physical activity. 
You and Jake had been best friends as long as you could remember. In eleven years, you couldn’t name a single time where the two of you had as much as had a disagreement, or went more than a few hours without talking to one another. Your mothers had been best friends in high school, and you two were destined to be best friends since birth - born four days apart in the same hospital, living on the same street and having your first play date at 10 and 7 days old. Jake was four days older than you, and he never let you forget it when it came to matters where age or maturity played a role. However, where Jake had four days more experience in the world, you had multitudes more experience in dealing with hardship than any eleven-year-old child should have. 
Where Jake had the picture-perfect family - a mom, a dad, an older sister, an older brother and him, all living in perfect harmonious happiness, never as much as a doubt as to whether or not there was love in his household, you had the opposite. An absent father, an only child, and a mother who worked two jobs to try and make life better for the two of you, you spent almost every waking minute with Jake and his family, not only as an escape to experience the happy, blissfully carefree life he lived, but also, as a favour to your mother, with Mrs. Seresin often volunteering to care for you when your mother had to work late or work on weekends. 
You were at the Seresin home almost every night, with Jake’s mother fussing over her best friend’s daughter, helping her lifelong friend however she could in guiding her little girl, you acting as the surrogate daughter that part of her had always wanted. Jake’s father trying to fill in the blanks where your father had lacked - offering to coach sports teams and including you in games of catch with Jake and his brother, taking you and the boys to get new baseball gloves or soccer cleats when needed, taking the three of you for ice cream after a big achievement in life. Jake’s 16 year old sister, Bethany, would take time to do your hair in the mornings before school whenever she had a chance, offering to do it in all the fun styles she and her friends wore, the kind you were often envious of, passing you old tubes of lip gloss she had lingering around in her backpack on your way to school, encouraging you to use them to your hearts content.  Even Matt, who at 14, thought his brother and his brother’s friends were the most irritating beings in existence, had offered you old sports jerseys of his that no longer fit, teasing you the same way he’d tease Jake, treating you like the little sister he never had. 
Until this past summer, you found yourself wishing most days that Jake’s family would just adopt you, let your mother move in with them and the two of you could just officially be a part of their fun, bustling family that served as your cheerful escape from life. However, when elementary school ended in June with middle school looming around the corner, Bethany had pulled you aside to talk to you about the transition between schools. 
“You know, middle school is…different. It’s not bad. It’s just…things change sometimes. You and Jake might start going on dates with people from school, and it might change your relationship. It happens,” She’d said matter of factly, not mincing words as she shrugged her shoulders, fixing her frosted eyeshadow in the mirror before turning to face you again.
“You might even develop feelings for each other.”
At the time, her words didn’t hold meaning for you. You and Jake had been best friends since Jake was four days old. Your moms were best friends. You practically lived in their home. There was no way things could change between you. You could never have a crush on Jake. He was Jake, the boy who would hide under his mama’s kitchen table with you and a flashlight, swapping baseball cards with one another, the boy who, when you were six-years-old, you’d witnessed eat an entire package of Oreos, then laughed at as he proceeded to throw up an hour later from the sheer volume of chocolate-vanilla sandwich cookies he’d consumed that day. Jake could never be someone you’d have a crush on. He was your best friend. That would never change.
It was two weeks later when Jake had been on the baseball diamond, pitching an inning of Little League with you in the stands watching on. His baseball cap had been flipped backwards to mimic one of his favourite major league players, his green eyes narrowing in concentration with every pitch he threw out. His golden blonde hair poked out the front of his baseball cap, much like it was doing today, on this cold January evening. His focus was on nothing but baseball, while yours was on everything but when it came to him. When he happened to look your way during the game, you felt a weird feeling in your stomach - a bubbling sensation, like nerves that couldn’t be settled. Your cheeks flushed, turning a pale pink as they became warm to the touch, reddening slightly as you felt Bethany’s gaze fall on you, a grin forming on her face as you proved her right about how your feelings were evolving for Jake. 
Since that day, you’d found yourself continuing to crush on him, each day your feelings grew deeper and more intense than the day before. At this point, you almost swore you could see yourself marrying him one day. You had to admit, you knew everything there was to know about him, you always had fun with him, and he was always happy to see you - you were convinced you two could be as happy and as in love as his parents were someday when you and Jake got older. You’d never tell Jake, you just hoped and prayed that he’d realize one day that he felt the same way about you as you felt about him. You knew there was always the chance that it might not happen, but you didn’t want to think about that.  In fact, as far as you were concerned, you hoped that there was never a day where Jake didn’t love you as wholeheartedly as your little eleven year old self loved him.
❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ 
Present Day
“Jake, please, come back. I miss you,”
“I miss you too, Jenna, I’m coming home to you. It’s always been you.”
The ear-piercing screech of your phone’s alarm blared from your nightstand, interrupting your dream as it screamed at you. You rolled over in bed, groaning as you clumsily stuck your hand out, feeling around on the wooden side table for your phone to silence it and allow yourself a few more moments of peace and quiet before you had to start your day. The last think you wanted right now was to let this dream slip away on you - it was the closest you’d ever find yourself to Jake professing his love for you after all these years, and you clung to it whenever it cropped up in your mind as you slept. 
Jake had always been the one-who-got-away for you. You spent your entire middle school years trying to hide your feelings for him, refusing to break until he said how he felt first. You were 13 when he got his first girlfriend, Tiffany Donaldson, a girl in your class. Tiffany was pretty and popular, something that you couldn’t claim for yourself in either case - growing up with Jake, you were seen as more of a teammate or a sister-figure than anything else, despite his sister’s best efforts to help you shake that connection somewhat. After Tiffany, you two had begun high school, and Jake made the football team, and the baseball team. As the school’s star runningback and starting pitcher for the varsity team, Jake was popular beyond words. No one could hold a candle to him, and as his popularity soared because of his athletic prowess in school, you faded further and further back into obscurity, the limelight falling from you and onto someone new each time Jake began dating another girl. Eventually, by the time graduation rolled around, you and Jake had all but fallen out of touch with each other outside of family get-togethers shared between your mothers. 
You had just worked up the courage to tell him your feelings at the graduation party Jake’s parents had thrown for you both, convincing yourself that it was perfect timing - Jake had accepted an offer at the University of Texas at Austin, keeping close to home as he planned to study finance, his secret talent having always been math. You’d accepted an offer to study communications at the same school, and with both of you remaining local, it would be the perfect time to tell him how you felt and attempt a relationship with him, or so you thought.
Before the words could even leave your mouth, Jake was excitedly pulling you aside at the party, stopping outside of his childhood bedroom, the place where the two of you had often played as kids. His green eyes were full of excitement as he looked at you, causing your heart to race as butterflies fluttered in your stomach, making it hard to concentrate on his words. You almost didn’t hear him when he spoke, you were so transfixed on him. If the news had been anything else, you probably wouldn’t have even registered what he’d said the first time. You could still hear the excitement in his voice as he told you his news, and still feel the ache in the pit of your stomach as his words fell on your ears.
“I got accepted! I’m going to the Naval Academy, Jenna, can you believe it? I’m going to serve in the Navy, just like I always wanted. I’m going to be the best aviator they’ve ever seen. Just you watch.” 
Jake’s voice was practically buzzing with excitement as he’d told you his news, and it took everything you had in you to not fall apart as he spoke. While you knew he’d always dreamed of being a naval aviator, as long as you could remember, the news hit you like a ton of bricks, unexpected and hard as it rendered you speechless, leaving you nodding your head and smiling like an idiot while inside you wanted nothing more than to scream out how you felt. You knew this could never work out between you now. Your chance was gone, moving away to Maryland and joining the Navy before you’d even had a second to realize what was happening when he spoke. 
That was 17 years ago, and the moment still haunted you from time to time, more than you’d like to admit to anyone. At first, you’d kept in touch with Jake and his family, seeing Jake when he came home for holidays and such at first, but then, as you and Jake began entering your first romantic relationships as adults, you found yourselves including each other less and less in your lives. With each boyfriend you had, you realized more and more that you could never love them the way you loved Jake -he’d always be your first love, regardless of how he felt in return. When Jake graduated, he’d been stationed at NAS Lemoore, swapping Maryland for California. You’d still hear the odd update from your mother, who remained in touch with Jake’s parents, but otherwise, you didn’t ask much about Jake’s adult life. You knew he’d never married, that he’d become a Top Gun graduate, and held true to his word about becoming one of the greatest fighter pilots in the United States Navy, but other than that, you knew little about his life now. Last you had heard, last Christmas, he’d been stationed in San Diego. 
You sat up in bed, yawning and stretching your body out before heaving a heavy sigh and shaking your head to rid yourself of thoughts of Jake. You were preparing for a trip back home to Texas for the holidays, spending three weeks back with your mother, part of you wishing and longing for Jake to be visiting his family at the same time, while the other part of you prayed he was staying in California or serving a tour so he wouldn’t be able to be there while you were. It had been close to 15 years since you’d seen him, and the last thing you needed was to be reminded of how you strongly you felt. You didn’t need the help from seeing him. The memories of him were more than enough to keep you clinging on. 
Your phone rang and with bleary eyes, you picked it up, pressing the green button to answer the call.
“Good morning, sweetheart!” Your mother practically sang out in a voice that was far too cheerful for anyone to have at this hour. 
“Hi mama, what’s up? My flight doesn’t land until this evening.” 
“Well, I was talking to Mrs. Seresin about Jake, Matt and Bethany…” Your mother’s voice trailed off as she spoke, and you felt your breath hitch in your throat at the mention of Jake.
“Mhmm?” You responded as you stood up, balancing the phone to your ear with your shoulder as you folded a sweatshirt and set it down neatly on the bed, waiting to be packed.
“It turns out both of us are having our kids home for Christmas! Bethany’s coming down from Dallas with her husband and their little ones, and Matt’s coming from Oklahoma City with his fiancee, and Jake’s flying in on leave from California. He’s made his way up to Captain now, you know, Jenna. He’s made quite the career for himself.”
“Mama, I don’t need a sales pitch on why Jake Seresin is the perfect man for me, ok? He hasn’t seen me in years. He probably wouldn’t even recognize me if he saw me.”
“You never know. But I expect you to dress nicely for their Christmas party. You and I have been invited to join them, and I already said you would gladly be attending.”
“Of course you did. So Jake will be there, then?”
“I think his flight lands just before yours does today, actually. His mama and I were actually discussing if we should just carpool together to pick you both up like back when you two were in school together. Remember that? We used to take turns carting you kids back and forth from home to school.”
“I remember, mama. Don’t worry.”
“Anyway…we were talking and it turns out, Jake happens to be single.”
“Mama, why would I care that Jake’s single?” You replied, trying to sound as level-headed as possible. 
“Please, Jenna. You really think I don’t know about this crush of yours you’ve been harbourin’ for years?” You could hear the laughter in your mother’s tone as she spoke, and it stung, almost as though your feelings had betrayed you.
“Mama! I haven’t had a crush on Jake in years. Not since he left for the Navy.”
“Of course not…just, do me a favour? Wear something nice for that Christmas party, ok?”
“Sure, Mama, whatever you say.”
You finished the conversation with your mother and let out an exasperated sigh as you tossed your phone onto your bed beside you. You had to be at the airport in three hours, leaving you little time to completely reconfigure your wardrobe for the next few weeks at home in Austin. Peering into your closet, scanning the items as they sat on wire hangers in the tiny space, you frowned, realizing that nothing was worthy of a reunion with Jake after all these years. At the back of the closet, you found a black, form-fitting sweater dress that you hadn’t worn in years, but, as you held it up to yourself in the mirror, you figured it could work. Part of you hoped this reunion could be the thing that’d remind Jake of what he was missing out on for the last 17 years. 
As you finished packing your suitcase, you zipped it closed with a sigh, shaking your head as you tried to calm your nerves before getting yourself ready for your flight. There was a chance you could see Jake at the airport, and you knew you had to look your best, just in case. 
❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ 
The flight from Chicago to Austin was the most painful three hours of your life. You tried to focus your attention on anything but Jake, but every movie saved on your phone, every book on your tablet, and every thought that crossed your mind was filled with him. You tried reminding yourself that he could be a totally different person from who he was when you were 18. That he could look completely different, act completely different - that he may not even know who you are anymore. The thought of Jake forgetting you was suffocating, closing in on you a little bit more every time it creeped into your mind. You took a deep breath as you departed the plane, your eyes scanning the crowd for your mother as you gripped your carry-on. Your face went white as a sheet as you saw her standing with Mrs. Serensin, both of whom waved frantically with excitement as they saw you.
“Jenna! It’s been so long, darlin’, how have you been? Your mama’s told me lots, but I feel like it’s no substitute for getting to see you in person!” 
“Hi, Mrs. Serensin! I’ve been ok, how have you guys been? Haven’t seen you in about, 15 years? I think I saw y’all the one visit after Jake shipped out, but I haven’t been home much for the holidays, Mama’s usually up in Chicago visiting me.”
“We’ve been good, Bethany has two boys now, Easton and Dylan, and Matt’s met this girl, Alexis, she’s wonderful, a real sweetheart. He’s gettin’ married next summer. “
“Oh, that’s great news!” You replied cheerfully, fighting the instinct to bite your lip as she failed to mention where Jake was at in life. 
“We better get going, Julie, Jake’s plane’s about to land,” Your mother said as she grabbed Mrs. Seresin’s arm excitedly, nodding her head.
“Oh, I thought Jake landed earlier?” 
“He was meant to, but his flight got delayed, he’s landing in a few minutes now, I think.”
You nodded your head slowly, reluctantly following behind as your mom and Mrs. Serensin led the way to Jake’s terminal, biting the inside of your cheek as your eyes followed the signage as you walked past. You tried your best to focus on something, anything, but your nerves but so far, your nerves were winning. You were terrified. What if Jake hated you for not staying in touch? What if he forgot all about you? What if you were the last person he wanted to see? What he if came through those doors with a surprise girlfriend on his arm?
“Ma!” You heard a voice call out. You looked up to see a tall, handsome man with neatly combed blonde hair, piercing green eyes and sunkissed skin. His naval uniform was still perfectly pressed without a crease on it somehow after his flight, and he looked perfect. You knew in an instant that it was him.
“Ms. T?” He chuckled as he shook his head, pulling back from his mother’s embrace as he gave your mother a heartfelt hug, before pausing as he looked at you, a warm smile on his lips as he nodded his head, his blonde eyebrow cocked upwards in surprise. 
“The one and only,” You shrugged with a smile as you tried your best to play it cool, forgetting for a moment that at 35 years old, you shouldn’t be getting tongue-tied and start giggling like a schoolgirl over a crush. The mere fact that you still had a crush on Jake was enough to make you feel like a fool.
“It’s nice to see ya, Jenna,” Jake nodded as he wrapped his arms around you, enveloping you into his embrace. You breathed in the scent of his cologne, notes of whiskey and cedarwood encircling you as his grip remained tight, yet comfortable around you, as if he was hugging his long lost friend, which, he was in a sense. 
“Nice to see you too, Jake,” You nodded once as he pulled away, a soft smile on your lips as you looked at him, trying to commit this moment to memory before it drifted away on you. 
You swore out of the corner of your eye, you saw your mothers exchange a look with one another, a secret signal to one another, as if a master plan of theirs was underway, and everything was beginning to come together before their eyes.  
As the four of you headed out to the car together, you caught yourself repeatedly stealing glances at Jake. He hadn’t changed hardly at all since you saw him last, apart from gaining some muscle, and his cheekbones and jawline becoming a bit more defined as he’d aged. He looked incredible for 35, if you didn’t know him, you likely would have guessed he was barely 30, and you couldn’t help but feel yourself fall deeper with each stolen look at him. 
“So, you’re Captain Seresin now then?” You raised an eyebrow as you looked at him, hoping to break the silence brewing between the two of you.
“Yeah, this past April! I didn’t expect to get it, to be honest.”
Jake’s cheeks reddened as he smiled at you, trying to appear modest as he spoke of his accomplishments in the Navy since you’d last seen him. He had always used to have an ego so big that it’d rival some of the aircraft around in size, especially as a teenager - he was good and he knew he was good when it came to sports. It was part of what drove the two of you apart, but around you? He was modest like he always had been before, acting embarrassed by the achievements he’d otherwise never shut up about. If you didn’t know any better, you’d almost think Jake was nervous around you. Jake Seresin, the only service member on active duty with multiple confirmed kills, the US Naval Air Force Captain who’s served for the last 17 years without as much as a scratch on him, the man who graduated top of his class from the Top Gun program, where only the best of the best are selected to participate. Jake Seresin had no need to be nervous about impressing you. He could have impressed you by simply looking your way - but for some reason, he was nervous around you, reduced to a blushing, modest mess.
❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ 
“Jake’s such a lovely boy,” Your mother said as she sipped her morning coffee, eyes fixated on the news program on her television set. 
“He’s 35, mama, he’s hardly a boy now.”
“Fine, Jake’s a lovely man, he’s still just as sweet as I remember him being when he was young. He comes back to visit whenever he gets a leave and stays for a few days, and he always stops by to say hello - he even asks about you sometimes.”
“He asks about me?”
“He sure does, he asked Julie about you the other day, in fact. He was asking if you’d be home this time at Christmas. Seems you two always come back to visit on opposite schedules and never run into each other. He was saying he’d like to see you again, Jenna.”
Your mother’s words hung in the air for a moment. You took a sip from your coffee mug and furrowed your brow as you thought it over. You dismissed your mother’s words as nothing more than an attempt to set you and Jake up on a date, one that you figured Jake wasn’t going to be a willing participant of. 
“Oh Mama, hush, he probably just said that to be polite because he figured I’d be coming home for the holidays anyway.”
“Jenna, why are you always so stubborn?” Your mother frowned, shaking her head as she let out an exasperated sigh.
“I’m not stubborn, I’m just…practical. I’m the only one who seems to realize the fact that Jake and I haven’t seen each other in 17 years, Mama. We’re not the same people we were when we were 18. He could be a serial womanizer with a series of broken hearts left behind waiting for him in California for all I know. He could have 17 kids by different women, or be a serial killer, Mama. I literally know nothing about him anymore.”
“Jenna Elizabeth Taylor, you’re just being ridiculous now,” Your mother frowned as she shook her head, sighing, “I think Julie would have mentioned it if Jake was a father, and do you really think he’s the type to go around breaking hearts for fun? Besides, how could he be a serial killer if he’s busy flying around on missions all the time?”
“You’re missing my point, Ma.”
“No, Jenna, I think you’re missing mine,” She sighed, setting her mug down on the table as she pursed her lips, “My point is, I know you’ve been holding out for him for years. He’s asked his mama about you, he’s been asking if you were coming home, he stops in to see me whenever he comes home - do you really think he’d do all that if he didn’t still feel something for you?”
“Mama, I’m not going to make a fool of myself and throw myself at him, contrary to what you think would work.”
You heard the sound of someone clearing their throat, and when you turned on your heel, you stood face to face with Jake, now sporting a fitted pair of acid-washed light denim jeans and a burnt orange Texas Longhorns football jersey and a brown corduroy bomber jacket shrugged on over top. His blonde hair peaked out from behind his beloved baseball cap, you’d swear it was the same one he’d been wearing since he was 15 if you didn’t know any better, this hat looked like it had been through hell and back.
He’d let himself in through the unlocked front door, almost certainly at your mother’s previous insistence or invitation. His cheeks were blushing again, his green eyes darting between the two of you, a blonde eyebrow cocked upwards as his gaze landed on you.
“Throw yourself at who?” He chuckled, flashing a set of perfect white teeth your way as gave you that same grin that he always did when you were kids. It was the kind of smile that always got him out of trouble, and sometimes, into trouble, depending on the situation. 
“No one,” You said quickly, shooting your mother a warning glance as you shook your head, a few strands of light brown hair falling free from your half-assed ponytail that you’d thrown it up into the night before for bed. You realized that Jake was now standing in your mother’s living room while you were sporting an oversized old Texas Longhorns tee and a pair of sweatpants - not ideal attire for seeing a man you were attracted to in, regardless of your protests about your feelings to your mother. 
“Right,” Jake nodded his head, but the tone in his voice told you he didn’t quite believe a word you were saying, “I know this isn’t a great time, but Ma wanted me to check and see if you and Ms. T were still able to make it tonight, she wanted me to ask in person, and she wanted me to see if you needed my help bringing anything over, she said you were bringing your famous taco dip, Ms. T? I can bring the dish over now for you if you’d like, Ma’s cleared out the fridge of anything that isn’t a necessity for the party so there’s tons of room.”
“Sure, Jake, honey, it’s in the fridge, Jenna can show you where, I just have to run upstairs and grab something to send to your mama’s with you,” Your mother said as she stood up, heading off up the stairs quicker than you could say a word, leaving you and Jake alone in an awkward stance, nothing but the sound of the morning news to fill the silent void between you, until Jake cleared his throat again before pointing his index finger towards the kitchen.
“In here? I’m sure I can find it if you need to go upstairs and get changed.” 
“I’m fine, not like you haven’t seen me in pajamas before, Jake.”
“Well, in my defense, last time we were like, 12.”
“I’m sure you’ve seen a woman in an oversized tee and sweatpants before,” You shrugged nonchalantly, pretending to be completely unbothered by the fact you felt like you were dressed like an absolute slob right now. 
“Alright, lead the way then,” Jake nodded as he followed behind you. 
You felt his eyes make their way down your body, and you swore you could hear him muttering something under his breath as he sauntered into the kitchen after you. You couldn’t make out what he had said, but it sounded almost like a “Jesus Christ” before he coughed and averted his gaze as you turned to face him. You opened the fridge and grabbed the dish containing your mom’s taco dip before setting it on the counter for Jake to take home. You raised an eyebrow at Jake as you caught him staring in your direction, a look of bewilderment on his face. 
“You good, Hangman?”
“Hmm?” Jake said as he shook his head, an awkward laugh escaping his lips as he raised an eyebrow at you, “How did you know my callsign?”
“Because it’s on the back of your jersey, genius.”
Jake raised an eyebrow as he looked down, as if he’d forgotten what shirt he was wearing today. He nodded his head and laughed as he ran a hand through the back of his hair, scratching the back of his neck as he looked back up at you. 
“Yeah, yeah I’m good. Just, uh, jet-lagged, I think.”
“Jet-lagged? Isn’t only two hours behind us in San Diego?”
“You can still feel jet-lag with a two hour difference, Jenna.”
“I’m not stupid, Jake, I know that, but you seem…distracted? Not tired.”
“I’m fine, honest,” He nodded as he shoved his hands into his front pockets, looking around the kitchen as you checked the fridge for the extra shredded cheese and green onions your mother had prepared the night before to top the dip she’d made. 
“Suit yourself, Jake,” You laughed as you set everything out on the counter for him and nodded, “If you give me five minutes to get dressed, I’ll help you bring it over.”
“Five minutes? God, I remember you taking 30 minutes to get ready when we were kids.”
“I was 12, it was 2000, I needed more time to perfect my lip gloss routine. Now I just have to put something warmer and nicer on than a t-shirt and sweatpants.”
“Fair enough, I can wait here. Your mama said she’d back down in a minute with something for Ma anyways.”
“Right, I’ll be back down in five.” 
You turned around and headed back up the stairs, sighing softly to yourself as you entered your childhood bedroom, opening your suitcase as you grabbed out a pair of jeans and a vintage crewneck sweatshirt. You tidied your hair up into a neat ponytail before heading back down the stairs to meet Jake, who was currently talking to your mother in the kitchen, his body leaning against the counter as he spoke. Jake looked up at you, straightening his posture as he saw you. He picked the taco dip up from the counter, along with the reusable shopping bag your mother had packed up of the extra ingredients. Sitting on the counter next to the food was a gift, perfectly wrapped with a gold bow and a tag written out in your mother’s sleek handwriting. Jake’s mother and yours had always exchanged gifts with one another, and it warmed your heart in a sense to see the tradition still carrying on for them. 
“So, you enjoy living in Chicago?” Jake asked, watching you as the two of you headed back from your childhood home, Jake having insisted on walking you back so you could spend some time catching up, even if just for a few minutes. .
“Yeah, it’s a change of scenery. It’s different from Austin for sure. How’s San Diego treating you?”
“It’s pretty good, I like being on the beach. I do miss home sometimes though,” He laughed softly, giving his shoulders a gentle shrug as he looked around at the street you grew up on, just a couple of blocks away from his own childhood home.
“I mean, yeah, I miss my mom sometimes when I’m in Chicago, but, I know it’s easier for me to come home and see her than for you to come home and see your family.”
“Jenna? Can I ask you something?”
“Do you…do you regret leaving for Chicago?”
“No, I wouldn’t be where I’m at now if I hadn’t left. I have a really good career in public relations, and I’m happy with where I’m at professionally. I wouldn’t have gotten that if I stayed in Austin, just like you wouldn’t have gotten as far in the Navy if you hadn’t gone to Annapolis.”
Jake stayed silent for a minute, his eyes looking everywhere but at you, avoiding your gaze. You could sense tension between the two of you. The Jake you knew growing up was never awkward, and never stopped talking - had he really changed that much since he’d left? You couldn’t see the Navy taming him to the point where he became reserved, Jake had always been so outgoing, so full of self-pride that it often came off as cocksure arrogance, but most of the time, it was out of sheer disbelief that he’d made it that far. You looked to him, his hands firmly in his pockets as he let out a huff, his breath turning to vapor in the cool December air. 
“I should really get going,” Jake nodded slowly, checking his watch as he looked back towards the street, “I promised Ma I’d help her set up.”
“Right, right, I’ll see you in a couple hours? Mama and I’ll be there.”
“Perfect, I’ll see you then,” Jake nodded, a warm smile on his features as he turned to start heading back.
You let out a heavy sigh, mentally kicking yourself as you realized you’d just let another opportunity to tell Jake how you felt slip away from you. As you headed up to your bedroom to get ready, moving quickly to dodge any questions from your mother, who was probably desperate to hear how your alone time with Jake had gone. 
You shut the door behind you, sighing again as you sat at your old vanity table, brushing through your hair and sectioning it with a claw clip as you began straightening it, trying your best to calm your nerves and make a decision on how you were going to approach Jake. You wanted to tell him, desperately, how you felt, but, part of you couldn’t help but cling to the fact you might regret it. That you might be disappointed and find out that Jake never felt the same about you, and that he never would. Or that he’d be in a relationship with someone else back in San Diego, someone prettier, younger, smarter, better. 
On the other hand, did you really want to commit yourself to never telling him how you felt? Letting the door shut on the one man you’d loved the longest, the most, and the hardest in your lifetime? Could you really be happy with anyone else? What if something happened to Jake while he was serving and you never got the chance to share how you felt? What if, somehow, there was the off chance he felt the same way about you?
As you finished your makeup, taking a deep breath as you looked yourself over in the mirror, you nodded your head. You had to tell him. There was no way you could let him go back to San Diego without knowing. You couldn’t let this go unsaid any longer, if for no other reason than to give yourself closure. If he rejected you, you could move on - or at least, try to. You could finally let go of your feelings and meet someone, and try your hardest to love them with the same enthusiastic, all-consuming love you felt for Jake. If he felt the same way, you’d apply for a job transfer to Los Angeles as soon as possible, because a three-hour drive was much more manageable of a commute to see him than a flight from Chicago to San Diego. 
This was it, you were going to finally do it. You just needed to get Jake alone.
❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ ❆ 
“Oh, Jenna! It’s been so long, how are you?” 
Bethany’s voice was sweet as honey as she spoke, wrapping her arms around you in a warm embrace, as if she’d been missing you for years and the sight of you reminded her of just how much.
“I’m great thanks, Beth, how are you? Your mama said you have two boys now? Easton and Dylan?” 
“Yeah, they’re 6 and 4, they’re little handfuls like their uncles, but I guess that’s to be expected when you’ve got Jake and Matt as influences for you. My husband’s not much better.” 
Bethany laughed as she gestured towards Jake playing with Easton? Or was it Dylan? Jake’s unmistakeable toothy grin plastered on his face, his green eyes alight with joy as he lifted his young nephew up, tickling him, the young boy’s laughter filling the air as Jake continued to make him laugh. Jake looked up to see you with his sister, smiling as he set the boy down on the floor, ruffling his hair with his fingers before making his way over to you. 
“Jenna! Hey, I’m glad you came.”
“Told you I would, didn’t I?” You laughed, shrugging your shoulders as effortlessly as possible as you tried to play it cool, praying no one saw through the front you were putting up.
“Hey, Jenna, can I…can I talk to you for a sec?” Jake asked sheepishly.
You couldn’t mistake the look on Bethany’s face, biting her lip to hold back a grin. You caught Jake giving her a stare that could make any person stop dead in their tracks, his green eyes practically piercing through his older sister as she tried not to laugh. As you nodded your head, raising your eyebrow at the scene unfolding before you. You followed behind Jake as he led you upstairs to his old childhood bedroom. When he opened the door, you were confronted with an overwhelming sense of nostalgia. Old pictures adorned the wall, some including you and Jake as children, with ice cream covered smiles and skinned knees, baseball uniforms and halloween costumes, missing teeth and messy curls. 
“Ma hasn’t changed anything since I left home, I don’t even think she’s bought new bedding for this room.” He chuckled as he looked around the room, his large hands placed firmly on his hips as he stood in the doorway. 
“Still sleeping with those baseball player sheets you had as a kid?” You teased, eyeing the comforter on the bed, neatly made and pulled together, a sign of Jake’s time in the navy.
“You know it, I’m still a big kid, really,” He laughed, nodding his head as he pointed to a picture on the wall before looking over at you, “Remember this one? Your 7th birthday party, I think I snuck an extra little bit of frosting off your birthday cake and my mama almost killed me. She told me I had the table manners of a barn animal.” 
“You did, you used to chew with your mouth full too.”
“I grew out of it at least. I’m a little more civilized now.” Jake replied with a smirk, shrugging his shoulders as he turned to face you, his chest rising and falling as he took a deep breath before exhaling sharply. You could see Jake chewing at the inside of his cheek, nodding his head as his eyes met yours.
“I have to tell you something, ok?” He finally said, sighing heavily.
“I’m listening, Jake.”
“I should have told you this a long time ago, but…I love you.”
You sputtered for a moment, eyes wide in shock as he spoke. He frowned, clearly expecting a better reaction than what you’d given him. Jake shook his head and took your hand in his, stroking the back of your hand gently with his fingers, which were almost surprisingly soft and smooth to the touch.
“I don’t care if you don’t feel the same way. I don’t care if you just wanna be friends after hearing this, because even though the truth is, I'm scared to be your friend, I would rather have you in my life as a friend than not have you in my life at all. The last 17 years have been spent missing you and wishing I’d said something before I left. That I’d kissed you or held you, or said something, anything to you.” He frowned, nodding his head as he looked to the ground before continuing to speak, his voice beginning to tremble with emotion.
“I was stupid to just go and leave things there, but I’ve been paying for it ever since. No other woman has ever compared to you.”
Without another word, you gripped the front of Jake’s football jersey, using it to give you leverage to pull him in closer, your lips crashing into his just as he looked up at you to see what you were doing. Any initial hesitation either of you felt melted away into the kiss, your lips moving together passionately, Jake’s hands trailing their way down your sides to rest on your hips, pulling your body in closer to his. When he finally pulled away to catch his breath, he maintained a small distance between the two of you, speaking in a low whisper as he watched you bite your now puffy, kiss-bitten bottom lip.
“Is that your way of telling me you feel the same way? Because if you do, I want to take you on a date. And I don't care if it's in the day, or at night, or whenever, as long as it's a real date. And I wanna sit there and tell you how beautiful I think you are, Inside and out. How you’ve always been the most beautiful girl in the world to me, without a doubt. And I wanna have babies with you, and I wanna marry you, and I wanna tell you every day that I love you and I always have." Jake nodded, his cheeks blushing as he scratched the back of his neck again, waiting for your response to his rambling feelings.
“Jake, I’ve spent the last 17 years of my life waiting to hear you say that.”
“I know, I’m sorry, Jenna. I’m so sorry I made you wait.”
“Promise me something, Jake?”
“Anything you want, pretty girl.”
“Promise me you won’t make me wait that long again? I’m not sure I can wait another 17 years for you to ask me to marry you.” 
“Jenna, I swear to you, I’m not making you wait for anything ever again. I’d marry you tomorrow if I didn’t think my mama would have me committed for running off to get married three days after our reunion.”
“You’d marry me tomorrow?”
“With bells on, babe. With bells on. I’d marry you right here, right now, in my beat up Longhorns jersey, and drive off into the sunset with you in my truck if you wanted.”
“I don’t know about that, Captain Seresin,” You smirked, raising an eyebrow at him as you felt his hands caress your sides, “As tempting as that sounds, we do have 17 years of lost time to make up for.”
“And I intend to make up for every single second of that with you, Jenna. Here, Chicago, San Diego, I don’t care. I just want you. All of you, completely and totally.”
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hoonvrs · 11 months
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req for 1k event!
PROMPT [ one, 19 ] picking up your partner and spinning them around in a hug to show them how much you missed them [ one, 20 ] aggressively cuddling your partner so they can't get out of bed
PAIRING jake x gnr
GENRE est. relationship, fluff
WARNINGS swearing
W. COUNT 0.6k
S. NOTE writing these aren’t helping my delusions
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you hadn’t seen jake for almost two weeks now. your schedules just didn’t seem to make enough time for either of you recently, him with his idol duties and you with your university obligations.
its simple to say you both missed each other. a lot.
once the stars aligned perfectly, the second you both found a break in-between your hectic lives you both made plans.
what better is there to do with the man you love that you hadn’t seen for too long than a date at home where you can both be openly clingy, or more you. jake has never been shy to show affection towards you no matter where or who he is with. 
it was easy to decide to have the date at your apartment, you didn’t want to share your boyfriend with six other men for a single second, they’ve already seen him enough. 
when you heard the doorbell ring, you sped to the door opening to find the blonde puppy you’d been missing dearly. you ran into his hold, wrapping your arms around his neck before feeling your feet lifted off the ground, “jake!”
the giggly boy continued to spin you both in circles, “i missed you so, so much baby!” 
“i missed you too!” you finally feel him put you back down, quickly pulling on his collar to give him a peck, quietly laughing as he tried to chase after your lips. “come in, we have the whole day.”
“if im being honest, i don’t want to do anything today except cuddle.” he smiled, grabbing your waist to sway you two together.
“you read my mind,” you grabbed his arm, pushing him onto the couch where you had already prepared snacks and blankets with a list of movies you were planning to ‘watch’ ( or where you and jake talk using the tv as background noise. )
being able to finally talk to each other face to face and be able to feel each other was different to the phone calls you squeezed in every now and then.
this felt better, closer. 
catching each other up on new things in your respective lives, telling him about the new gossip from your uni group even though jake has never met them a day in his life without caring for the time.
“oh shit, it's almost midnight.” he whispered under his breath, looking at the missed calls and messages on his phone, “i need to go, love.”
you tightened your hold around him rendering him unable to get up, “no, stay here with me,” you whined, you weren’t ready to be away from him again for a long time, “and you said you don’t have anything important tomorrow either.”
huffing, he still tried to pry your arms from around him, “babe come on, i promise i'll come see you when i have another free day.”
not feeling your hold loosen any time soon, jake slowly stopped trying to fight against it even though he was barely putting in any effort before. “if you really loved me you’d stay here.”
“you’re manipulating me!” he exclaimed, pointing a finger at your face whilst you tried to hide in the nook of his neck.
“be a man and make a decision!”
you could see him from the little slip past his collarbone opening his phone and sending a message to a contact that looked awfully a lot like a cat. “you’re a horrible woman.”
“and you’re a horrible man, that’s why were perfect for each other,” you laughed, pulling him in for a kiss knowing you won, “so what’s you’re decision?”
“don’t act like you don’t already know!” he grabbed you, surprisingly pulling you closer than you were before. “now get back to cuddling me or watch me leave right now.”
“okay, you big baby.”
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perm taglist @mesopret @tnyhees ​@haknom @shinsou-rii @redm4ri @lacimolela @llama-lyna @chiyuv @lazysmushi @flwoie @kocokookie @kyexvly @seongclb @dammit-jjk @flwrshee @produmads ​@teddywonss @aleiouvre
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siredtosturniolos · 1 month
I just read this and omg it’s so fucking good like ????
way you’re wording it 😩😩 I’ve an idea for part 2 (if u make one) since the age gap is 18 and 23 u should make it a „forbidden“ love like I mean that reader and Chris are scared to tell Matt and nick (or anyone) about their relationship because of the age gap and they keep teasing each other in front of their friends and siblings maybe have sex and almost get caught. Something similar to that yk. For part 2 u should definitely let the relationship be a secret. Love uuuu
Paring: Chris Sturniolo x Reader
Part 1: enemies
Summary: part 2 (part 1 is enemies!) A few months later, you and Chris had finally put a label on what the two of you were. Nick and Matt had made several comments about the age gap being weird, so Chris wanted to hide the fact you guys were dating. So you also had to keep it off social media. You both stick to teasing each other, gentle touches when no one is paying attention, but Chris has had enough. He want's to come clean, but do you?
Warnings: Brief smut, almost getting caught, lots of teasing 🤭
Authors note: thank you for the idea for part 2! Hope you enjoy it <3 (also going to start part 3 tomorrow! ;)
───✱*.。:。✱*.:。✧*.。✰*.:。✧*.。:。*.。✱ ───
My eyes meet Chris’ in the slightly crowded room, and I suck in a deep breath when he lowers one of his eyes into a wink. He looked so good tonight, wearing a new zip up hoodie with grey, blue, and red graphic designs I hadn’t seen before. He paired it with dark grey jeans and had a black shirt underneath, his silver chain catching the lighting just right.
I’m shaken from my thoughts as Sam and Colby approach me, Sam holding a drink out towards me. “Thank you!” I smile up at him, giving them each a quick side hug.
I could feel Chris’ eyes burning into the side of my face as I listen to Colby’s newest paranormal experience, and I can’t help but smirk slightly. I knew Chris was jealous Colby had my attention, even if there wasn’t anything more to it than two friends talking.
“Hey guys.” I’m startled as Chris suddenly appeared next to me, throwing his arm over my shoulders.
“Hey man! Good to see you.” Sam grinned at Chris, dapping him up. Colby followed suit, “Whatcha’ talking ‘bout?” Chris asked, turning to look down at me.
I suppress a knowing smile as Colby restarts his story. Half way through I manage to sneak my arm around Chris’ waist, and I almost laugh feeling him tense up.
“That must’ve been so scary.” I tell Colby, letting him know I was still present in the conversation as Chris had went radio silent. Colby nods in agreement, and Sam chimes in with what he had also witnessed that night.
I let my fingers slip underneath the fabric of his sweater, then under his shirt and I can feel the goosebumps rise on his skin. I lean my head on his shoulder, ignoring Chris' eyes as he whips his head in my direction.
Sam gets interrupted by Jake calling him over, as Corey had just shown up and they both excuse themselves. The second their backs are turned to us, Chris immediately pulls my hand from his waist.
"The fuck do you think you're doing?" He asks me darkly, staring down at me in the way I've come to love.
I shrug, looking up at him innocently, "Nothing." I manage to see past him and find Nick and Matt staring at us, questioning looks on their faces, and I take that as my cue. "Nick and Matt are looking, we should probably split up for a bit." I sigh, knowing I'd much rather follow Chris around all night.
Chris lets out a groan, "Damn. I wish we could just tell them so we could actually spend some decent time together." He rolls his eyes before squeezing my shoulder gently, and walking away to talk to Tara and Larray.
I walk over to the fridge and grab a can of lemonade, just having it cracked open when someone clears their throat behind me. I turn around mid sip to find Matt, crossing his arms over his chest with a disappointed look on his face.
"You look like a dad right now." I tease him, and I can tell he was fighting for his life to not crack a smile.
He shakes his head, "I may as well be. What's going on with you and Chris?" He asks me, lowering his arms as he maneuvers around me to also get a lemonade.
I put on my best poker face, "Nothing? We're just friends." I reply, shrugging my shoulders slightly.
Matt raises an eyebrow in reply, "Then why were you two just holding each other like that?" He asks, taking a sip of his drink.
"Our love langue is touch, Matt. You know how Chris is, you've only known him for all of your life but 2 minutes." I joke, making his face settle back into it's natural resting position.
"Well, then how 'bout we stand like that? Since you guys are just friends he won't mind." He grins at me, acting like he just caught me in a lie. He underestimates how far I would go to prove something, even if I am lying.
I set my can down and open my arms for him, "Lets do this." He's clearly surprised, but shuffles towards me anyways. He wraps an arm around my shoulder, and mine goes around his waist. I tickle him slightly and he nearly folds in half, causing me to laugh.
We stand like this for a minute, before Johnnie walks over to get a drink. He starts talking to Matt about some band Johnnie had put him on, and I decide to look around and see what Chris is up to.
I find him still standing with Larray and Tara, but he’s looking at me. His face is scrunched up in anger, and I instantly begin to worry. He notices I’m looking back, and lets his eyes trail to Matt with a “What the fuck?” look on his face.
I glance at Matt, who’s still talking to Johnnie, “Hey, I’ll be right back.” I tell him, making him barely nod before he resumes his conversation with Johnnie. I walk towards the bathroom, hoping Chris would follow me.
I close the door and rest against the sink, biting my lip nervously. I hope Chris isn’t mad. There’s a soft knock on the door before it opens, revealing Chris. I take a step back so he can enter.
“The fuck was going on out there?” He impatiently asks.
“Matt was suspicious of us so I told him we’re just friends and friends stand like that together.” I tell him, grabbing both of his hands and giving them a reassuring squeeze, “You know you’re it for me.”
“Damn straight.” He grins at me, before lifting a hand to my jaw and tilting it upwards so he could kiss me. I let go of his other hand so I could wrap them around the back of his neck, tugging him closer to me.
The kiss gross sloppy, teeth clashing and Chris’ hands slipping down to my waist. He lifts me on top of the sink with no warning, making me gasp into his mouth. His tongue makes its way past mine, exploring my mouth. I left out a soft moan, and Chris groans in response.
“We should just tell them.” Chris whines as he pulls away, placing kisses down my neck.
“They’re gonna be mad.” I reply, tilting my head back so he has easier access. "Clearly they think the age gap is weird or something." I sigh as Chris leans away from me.
"At this point, they're going to be mad we've been hiding it from them for over a month." Chris points out, making me frown, "All that matters is that we're good with it."
I nod, "And we are. We can tell them soon but tonight with everyone here probably isn't the best idea." I reply, watching as Chris begins to smirk at me.
"We'll tell them tomorrow," He mutters, lifting his hand to toy with the band of my skirt, "But we can have some fun right now." With that, his hands guide my skirt down my legs and I can feel my heart pounding.
"Chris, your brothers are like 5 feet away from us!" I gasp, making him roll his eyes.
He lowers himself onto his knees, "Yet you aren't stopping me, angel." He begins to plant kisses up my thighs, making my legs spread for him on instinct. I can't ever say no to Chris when he wants to go down on me.
"Chris." I whine out as he presses a harsh kiss against my clit through my underwear. He meets my eyes and lowers one in a wink, making my center throb with need.
"Please touch me." I beg quietly, threading my fingers through his hair.
He hummed against my inner thigh, "Since you asked nicely like a good girl." He teases me, swiftly removing my underwear and stuffing them into his pocket. He gives me no time to protest as he quickly runs his tongue through my folds, letting it circle my clit.
I let out a breathy moan, instantly lifting my hand to my mouth to silence myself. I can't be loud considering there's a whole ass party on the other side of the door. Chris lifts my legs so they're resting against his back, and pulls me closer to him.
"Fuck!" I whine, rolling my hips into his face to which he lets out a moan, sending pleasurable vibrations up my spine. His large hands grip and squeeze at the sensitive skin of my thighs, almost distracting me from the fact he had just sucked my clit into his mouth.
I feel the coil begin to form and I squirm slightly, "Fuck Chris," I quietly groan, "Feels so good." Chris hums a reply, making my back arch and the coil gets even tighter, "So close." I whine, looking down at him.
I hold eye contact with Chris, "Please can I come?" I ask, knowing if I'm not looking at him when I ask he'll deny me. Kinky fucker has a thing for eye contact, which I've grown to love.
He nods against me, letting his tongue flick circles on my clit, and I finally feel the coil within me start to snap. My mouth is dropped open in a silent moan when suddenly there's knocking at the door.
"Y/N? You good?" Matt calls through the door, making my heart drop. I try to shove Chris off me so I could answer but he won't budge.
"Y-Yeah, be out in a s-sec!" I yell back, praying he didn't pick up on anything weird as I finally release all over Chris' tongue. My legs begin to shake as I'm over stimulated from Chris' tongue lapping up my release, pressing a gentle kiss to my clit before he pulls away.
Chris shakes his head in disappointment, "Was gonna ask you to return the favor but I guess I'll wait." He huffs out playfully, sliding my skirt back on.
"How the fuck are we gonna leave the bathroom without getting caught?"
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leeknowlover99 · 7 months
Hello, may I ask how Enhypen would react to an "I’m breaking up with you” prank?
hi there! sure, hope you like it ;)
warnings: angst, fluff
Heesung - wouldn’t take it seriously
“Heesung we need to talk” you entered his room where he was sitting in front of his computer.
he knew that you calling him by his full name meant trouble but he was just about to start the game.
“can we talk later?” he asked aggressively typing something on his key board.
“not really. it is important.” no answer “okay i’m just going to say it now. i’be been thinking about our relationship and decided that i’m breaking up with you.” in your opinion your tone sounded pretty convincing.
you heard Heesung sigh. “babe whatever i did wrong this time can we please talk about it after the game?” he didn’t even turn towards you still staring at the screen.
“but i’m being serious.” you started to get annoyed at his lack of response.
finally he faced you staring with his doe eyes looking a bit annoyed as well.
“babe i’m sorry, i will make it up to you after i finish my game.” he whined. “we’ll order your favorite burgers and watch harry potter later okay?” he was trying to bribe you. you looked at him again and he must’ve see that you were not pleased with his answer. “we’ll go shopping tomorrow too” he added with a pleading expression.
looked like your prank failed but you could still get something out of it you though. so you decided not to admit what you were up to and accept all his sweet promises.
“okay” you responded smiling and left the room as Heesung thanked you and immediately went back to his game.
Jay - would see right through you and would play along
“so what did you want to talk about?” Jay asked you sitting on the coach. he came to your house after you sent him that text. you thought it will make the prank more believable. Jay was sensing something was off about you, you were a bit tense and avoided contact with him.
“i’ve been thinking about us. there’s been a lot on my mind lately. and i believe it is the best if we break up.” you looked at him with a serious expression.
Jay was puzzled. at first his heart almost stopped when you said words “break up”. but at the second thought he knew something was off about this. he decided to play along and see what you were up to.
“if that’s what you think would be the best we should do that. gotta admit i’ve been thinking about it too.” he responded after a while, his expression calm.
you were so caught off guard by his words you let yourself slip and looked at him wide eyes “what?”
you immediately saw his expression shift and smile creep on his lips.
“doesn’t feel nice huh? to get a taste of your own medicine Y/N?” he asked visible smug that he managed to see through your prank.
Jake - would try to talk to you about it
“Jake i think this is getting too hard for me. i just don’t see us together anymore.” you said to him after he drove you home after your date.
“Y/N what are you talking about?” he asked visibly hurt. you were already starting to feel bad about this prank.
“i’m saying that i’m breaking up with you Jake.” you responded.
“are you being serious right now?” you could hear the confusion and stress in his voice.
“ yes i am” you could not stand to look at him anymore.
he grabbed your hand. “but why? i don’t understand. did i do something wrong today? please let’s just talk about it.” your heart almost shattered, he was so sweet. you decided it is time to stop this nonsense.
“Jakey i was just joking, it is a prank. i would never break up with you.” you quickly explained and grabbed his hand tightly.
you could see immediate relief on his face. you scared the shit out of him but he could not even be mad at you.
“ Y/N i swear to god don’t ever do that again”
“i won’t, i’m sorry” you kissed him gently.
“i forgive you but i’m staying at yours for the night after that” he pointed at you and pulled you for another kiss.
Sunghoon - would be terrified and get mad at you after
Sunghoon sat at the kitchen table in front you. you were eating ice cream when you decided to start the prank.
“i need to tell you something” you said with a serious expression.
“mm” Sunghoon nodded at you to continue as he was stuffing his face with another spoon of ice cream.
“i don’t think our relationship is working out anymore. i want to break up.” you continued.
you watched his eyes widen and mouth part a bit in shock of what he just heard but just a moment after his expression became serious and tense.
“why?” he gulped and asked.
“i just don’t like being apart for so much time, it’s hard for me to keep our relationship private and not be able to go out somewhere together.” you were improvising but the things you said were actually true. it really made Sunghoon believe you as he was already stressing out about them.
his face was unreadable, his eyes looked empty, gaze was on you but hazy. “ are you sure?” he asked. he was scaring you a bit.
“ yes” you nodded.
he stared at you for the longest time and when you could not take it anymore and got nervous you exclaimed: “got you! it was a prank”.
he stood up immediately and pushed his chair to the floor where it fell with a loud sound. you jumped at it. Sunghoon looked very angry.
“Sunghoon i’m sorry!” you pleaded now worried.
“just give a moment for myself Y/N or else i’ll be the one breaking up with you.” he said through his teeth and left the kitchen.
Jungwon - the one who would cry
when Jungwon heard you say “i want to break up” he didn’t even ask for explanation or question it. he was trying to maintain a poker face but you could see his eyes become red and him blinking aggressively to stop the tears.
“okay. i’m sorry.” he just said looking down.
you felt so bad you could not continue this joke anymore. you immediately went to hug him tightly, at what he looked at you confused and sad.
“ i’m so sorry Wonie, it was just a prank i swear.” you explained kissing his cheeks softly.
he burried his head in your neck and hugged you tightly. “please don’t leave me ever” he whispered. “i was so scared”
“i know i’m sorry. i love you.”
he let go of you and looked at you gently.
“i love you. i know it might be hard for you sometimes that’s why i’m so insecure and worried for our relationship” he explained. you knew he didn’t talk about it often so you must’ve really move him with your joke.
“i know but we will work it out together. always” you reassured him.
Sunoo - confused af
“ i think we’ll be better on our own. we should break up” you said to Sunoo as you were taking a walk.
“what are you talking about?” he asked confused.
“our relationship. we should end it.”
“ whaaa. what kind of nonsense is that!” he playfully smacked your arm.
“ i’m not joking Sunoo. i mean it.” you continued,
“but why?? we are perfect together.” he stopped walking and looked at you wide eyes. he looked puzzled.
“i’m not sure about that.” it was hard talking to him like that.
“but we made soulmate bracelets yesterday!” he grabbed your wrists to show you cute pieces you made together yesterday.
you were so surprised and taken a back by him that you just stared in response.
“Y/N are you okay? do you have a fever?” he gently touched your forehead with the back of his hand.
there it was, he was just too cute and pure. you accepted you cannot prank this boy.
“ yeah i’m fine, tried to prank you” you stuck your tongue at him.
“you really have a weird sense of humor” he said and continued your walk like nothing happened.
Niki - terrified and hurt one
Niki and you were at the cafe when you said that you think you should break up. Niki stared at you trying to understand what is going on and finally asked you “do you want to talk about it or are you sure already?”
you were a bit surprised by his serious expression and question. “i am sure” you responded.
after hearing that he looked like a deer caught in headlights. you could see that he was processing it quietly so you gave him a minute more.
however before you could reveal the prank he stood up and run away outside. “Niki?” your voice reached his ears when he was at the door but he left anyway. you left everything behind you and run after him. now you were terrified.
you found him sitting on the curb, his head resting in his hands. “Niki it was a joke, i’m so sorry” you crouched down to hug him. he shivered beneath your touch. “ i’m sorry” you repeated waiting for him to calm down.
after a minute he looked at you. “i thought you really mean it. it was scary.”
“i feel so bad Niki, you know i love you” your heart was physically aching at him. you were so stupid to do that prank.
“let’s go back inside and pretend it never happened okay?” he asked standing up and smiling at you gently however you could see he was still hurt.
“let’s go.” now you will have to make it up to him.
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srjlvr · 7 months
“once upon a time, two runaway royals found their peace and comfort in each other” — sim jake
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sim jake x fem!reader genre: strangers to lovers , fake relationship , he fell first but she fell harder , runaway royals , fluff , angst ! warnings: mentions of pregnancy(nothing serious i promise trust me) , mentions of food (not specifically, just meals). | NOT FULLY PROOFREAD!!
WORD-COUNT ; 6.9k+
NOTE. i admit, it took me a while to finish it and gosh im so disappointed in this one too omfg- its kinda awful at first but it gets a bit better towards the end(?) just hope y’all won’t be disappointed ! hints of sunghoon’s story are here as well<3
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“did someone ever told you how pretty you are?”
“yes, numerous times actually”
“we’d make a pretty couple together”
you rolled your eyes for the nth time this week. it’s your fifth date for this week so far, you’ve honestly had enough of your parents setting you up with disgusting princes who search for nothing but your beauty to show off.
“no, not with you sorry” you replied and quickly left the place back to your palace.
“i can’t believe you keep setting me up with some creeps!” you disturbed your parents’ dinner and barged into the dining room.
“sweetie you already know why we’re doing this,” your mother spoke, “you need to find someone to marry already! your older sister already did that”
“i don’t care about my older sister nor marriage, those filthy princes care nothing but my face”
“well that’s a good thing then! you’re very popular amongst the princes you know”
you groaned. your parents will never get you, will they?
every person you’ve met, every prince that you went on a date with, each one of them kept complimenting you and your beauty.
all princes are the same, you’re sure of that.
you’ve heard dozens of times the same sentences again and again.
“we’d make a pretty couple together” , “my future kingdom will be happy to have such a pretty queen like you” , “if i’ll marry you i won’t need to worry about having beautiful children” — yuck.
all you want is someone to notice you and care for you not because of your beauty, you want someone to love you because of your personality, not because of how pretty you look in their eyes.
what’s so special about you and your beauty anyway?
ever since you were born your parents showed off your beauty. even your older sister didn’t get much attention.
your beauty is clearly beyond compare and because of that you got pretty popular amongst the royals. every kingdom knows you as the most beautiful princess out there.
they made you some kind of trophy, that whoever gets you is a winner. it’s disgusting.
objecting you is disgusting and considering you as a trophy is sickening.
you can’t lie, you’d definitely date yourself if you could, but you believe that there’s a lot more beyond than your beauty only.
“the date didn’t work out?” your father asked you.
“obviously,” you rolled your eyes, “you should stop trying to set me up with princes”
“not going to happen until you find someone to marry” your mother glared at you, “we’ve set you a new date tomorrow, you should go sleep early today”
you sighed and went back to your room.
you have to stop this, until when are you going to suffer?
this is your only chance. run away now or never.
at night, you packed your stuff. you hate the fact that your closet is full with dresses. stupid princess’ dress code.
you packed only small amount of dresses, and a lot of money. tons of money.
you waited for the right time and when it was late enough, you sneaked out slowly and surely.
when the cold breeze hit your skin you shivered but smiled, you were finally free.
you ran away, far away from your palace and hometown.
you ran until you saw a tall building, probably a hostel where you could stay for the night.
“welcom— are you princess y/n or am i just blind” the one who sat behind the counter greeted you.
“um i think you got mistaken” you chuckled nervously.
“oh, okay. it must be late and i’m just tired” he said, “how can i help you?”
you ended up spending the night in the small hostel. it’s not something you’re used for, but luckily, you could easily adjust that kind of life.
you left early in the morning, not wanting to get noticed by anyone as you were still a bit close to you hometown and the citizens might still recognize you. you couldn’t take that risk of being caught.
a few hours passed and hybe’s kingdom was a chaos yet again.
this time, the queen was a bit angry since someone ditched her son.
“how can that princess just not show up!” she shout angrily.
“jake, i promise i’ll talk with her mother and sort this whole thing out” she added.
jake sighed. it was supposed to be his fifth date for this week and he’s been more than tired of his mother’s endless nagging about marriage.
out of all the seven brothers, she chose to bother jake the most, setting him up for loads and countless dates.
today, he was supposed to have a date with a princess named l/n y/n or something. he honestly couldn’t care less at this point.
he had never heard about that princess, but his mother couldn’t stop praising her for her beauty.
she can’t be that pretty, right?
it was later that day when your kingdom announced you as missing.
your parents woke up to nothing but anxious feeling around the palace as you were supposed to be awaken up earlier than usual but were nowhere to be found.
your mother cursed under her breath, not only that her daughter is missing, now she has to deal with the queen of hybe’s kingdom and her son.
how is she going to face them now?
she paid a visit in hybe’s kingdom a few hours later, speaking with the queen and trying to calm her down.
“she’s missing, nowhere to be found around the kingdom” your mother told the other queen.
“i understand, we’ll do our best to help you find her. it’s unbelievable that a princess is running away just like that”
jake, who heard the whole conversation grew some curiosity about you.
how dare a royal blood run away like that? is it that easy? how are you doing right now and how did you even manage to run away?
he jumped from his bed and walked to his older brother heeseung.
“hey!” he called heeseung who was busy daydreaming about something.
“hm? oh hey”
“what are you doing?” he sat next to his brother that laid on his bed.
“just thinking about something”
“something or someone?” jake teased.
“does that matter?” heeseung groaned and sat up next to jake, “what did you want to talk about?”
“have you ever thought about running away from this palace?”
after hours of walking from one city to the other, you arrived to a small village.
it looked too welcoming and warm outside, it definitely had you drawn to it.
as you entered you’ve met with some fellow villagers who worked on their beautiful green, full with flowers, fresh fruits and so much more garden.
it looked really disconnected to the royal life you know. life in this village seems so peaceful and quiet.
you asked the fellow villagers to meet the head of the village and maybe convince him into letting you get a house.
“we have a free house down this road, it’s a bit far from the center of this village but i’m sure you’ll get to meet everyone in this village as fast as possible” he said warmly and you gladly accepted the idea.
“are you sure i’ve never seen you before? you look very familiar” he added and you quickly shook your head, “you’re probably mistaken, a lot of people told me i look like the princess in the other kingdom there but it’s not the case at all”
“i see, let’s go! i’ll show you around” he smiled and lead the way.
“your house is free to live in, no need to pay for rent or buy this house, this house belongs to the village” he explained as soon as you entered your new house.
it’s small, but it looks so comfortable. your palace is huge, this little house is definitely not something you’re used to. but something about this house feels different, different than anything else you know.
“in return, you need to work for the village” he added, “every morning we wake up and each one of us volunteers, whether it’s in the garden, or the local stores around, you just need to sign in and start working!”
you nodded and your tour kept on going.
“running away? are you insane? do you even hear what you’re saying right now?” heeseung angrily remarked.
“i’m not saying i’ll do that, i was just asking if you ever thought about that” jake sighed.
“no, i haven’t,” heeseung shook his head, “royal life is not so bad, why would i even think about running away?”
“you’re falling in love with a commoner and now i’m the insane one” jake mumbled under his breath, “okay good talk! i was just asking”
jake left his older brother’s room and sighed.
is it that wrong to run away? then why did you, l/n y/n decided to leave your royal life and run away?
jake then knocked on his other brother’s room sunghoon.
sunghoon is quite literally jake’s best friend. they know everything about each other and always talk to each other when life gets too hard.
whenever jake wants to cheer up, he goes to sunghoon. whenever sunghoon needs a shoulder to lean on, jake gives him his.
“sunghoon” jake called his brother.
“hm? is everything okay?” sunghoon asked right away.
“what about you?”
“i honestly don’t know man, the girl i want doesn’t want me so i don’t really know what to do” sunghoon sighed, “but you haven’t answered my question and i asked first”
“everything is fine i just….” jake froze for a second.
how would sunghoon react? just like his older brother heeseung? no, no. sunghoon is definitely different than heeseung.
but should he ask him? what could possibly happen?
“just…?” sunghoon asked curiously.
“i was just wondering if you ever thought about running away” he finally let out.
sunghoon was quite for a few seconds, trying to process what he just heard.
it made jake nervous and anxious, will he get angry? no, he has no reason to. is there a possibility that sunghoon will go snitch on him to their parents? no, sunghoon’s not that kind of person.
or maybe yes? god, it’s making him go crazy.
“what made you think about running away?”
“huh?” jake was left confused. how did he know?
it’s as if sunghoon can read his brother’s mind because a second after he giggled, “you wouldn’t ask me that question if you yourself never thought about it”
jake chuckled, “answer me first i’ll answer you then”
“yes” sunghoon quiet down his giggles, “i thought about it, also thought about giving up on my crown multiple times”
“i was supposed to have a meeting with another princess today” jake finally spoke.
“mom just can’t rest about that, can she?” sunghoon rolled his eyes and jake shook his head.
“her name is l/n y/n—“ “no way! the most beautiful princess?”
sunghoon cut him mid-way through his sentence and jake shrugged.
“how come i’ve never heard about her?”
sunghoon then put his hand on jake’s shoulder and laughed, “jake” he sighed, “only pretty people know other pretty people”
jake rolled his eyes and shoved sunghoon playfully, “whatever you say”
“what about her though?”
“i was supposed to go on a date with her, but she didn’t show up”
“oooooh she ditched you”
“shut up”
“sorry man, it happens to the best of us”
“you can’t be saying all those stuff when the woman you want to marry doesn’t even love you”
“hey, we’re not talking about that” sunghoon pointed at jake seriously and jake could only sigh.
“sorry, i was about to say that she’s now missing, she ran away from her palace”
“no way!”
“yes way! her mother came here to explain the whole situation”
“this is serious” sunghoon gasped and jake nodded.
“that made me think about the possibilities of running away” he fiercely looked into sunghoon.
sunghoon nodded and laid his hand over jake’s shoulders, “if it thrills you and interests you, do it”
jake looked surprised into sunghoon’s eyes, “really? you don’t think it’s insane or crazy?”
“hey, you know what’s crazy?”
“yes i already know the woman you love doesn’t love you back! just go and apologize or something!”
“what makes you think i didn’t do that already?” sunghoon groaned.
“should i just run away now?”
“go for it”
“wait not really, you’re still not ready, take a few days and think about it throughly” sunghoon stopped his brother before he was going to do anything stupid.
“you’re right” jake nodded, “i’ll take a few days”
your first day volunteering in the local convenience store just started. you were greeted by most of the villagers with a wide smile and a lot of compliments.
“oh you’re so pretty! would you like to meet my son? he’s really really handsome i think you’d make a cute couple” one of them said with a smile.
you just shrugged her off, thanking her and laughing it away.
“are you sure i haven’t seen you before? you look like the—“ “princess from the other kingdom, i know” you smiled, “i heard that a lot”
“i have to meet your parents one day! how come they have such a pretty daughter and you’re still single?” she asked innocently.
the reminder of your parents made you stop everything you did.
what are they up to right now? do they even care about you being gone? are they going to search for you?
“are you okay y/n?” she waved her hand in front of your face, “yes, my parents are just really far away from here and i haven’t seen them in a while, we don’t talk a lot” you continued helping her and sent her off.
you like your work and new home. you can definitely see yourself spending the rest of your life in this peaceful place.
“boys, as you already know, princess y/n is missing,” the queen told her seven sons, “if any of you get to hear about her, please let us know”
the boys nodded. sunghoon glanced at his brother jake, who was busy thinking and daydreaming about something.
“jake,” sunghoon called, “is everything okay?”
all the eyes in the room looked at him now. “hm?” he asked, “oh yes don’t worry”
“are you sure jake? i know it’s not fun to be stood up” the queen pat his shoulder and his siblings all tried to hide their laughs.
“yes i’m fine”
sunghoon then dragged his brother into his room and forced him to sit on his bed.
“something is wrong” he said.
“guilty” jake sighed, he was trying his best to hide his feelings today, “i just haven’t slept, i’m tired, that’s all”
“okay” sunghoon nodded, “go sleep then”
“that didn’t work as well as i planned it to work” sunghoon mumbled under his breath.
“get up” he ordered.
“why?” jake tilt his head in confusion.
“we’re going to search for the princess”
“are you planning to sneak out right now? are you crazy?” jake’s eyes widened.
“no jake, we’ll just have a walk around the town”
they did end up having a walk with a few guards by their side.
sunghoon is was busy looking around while jake spent his time asking about the runaway princess. needless to say he doesn’t even know how she looks.
“have you seen princess y/n?” jake asked one of the civilians, “who?” the civilian asked back.
“princess y/n” jake repeated, “the most beautiful princess…” he hoped your nickname would be familiar to the civilian but it was no use.
“you’re not helping me here” jake rolled his eyes and shoved his brother.
“sorry, was just thinking about something”
“something as ways to get into your enemy’s heart?”
“she’s not my enemy”
“i’m pretty sure she’d tell me otherwise”
sunghoon groaned and pushed his brother playfully, “let’s just go back, we’re not getting closer to something anyway”
a few weeks passed and sunghoon managed to keep his brother and stop him from running away through manipulating him into doing other things to make him forget about the whole idea.
a few weeks passed ever since you were announced as the runaway princess.
a few weeks passed ever since the village you moved in, became your home.
life in the village was the best thing ever happened to you.
all the villagers welcomed you with open arms and also fell in love with your beauty.
they called you the village’s princess. ironic isn’t it?
you almost completely forgot about your royal life. you got used to their modern uniforms, apparently not only dresses were in fashion!
your own kingdom was almost long forgotten and so are your parents. everything you grew up to suddenly vanished from your new life in the village, you became one of them already.
a few weeks passed since jake asked his brothers about the whole running away idea, and he’s still thinking about it up until this day.
he hasn’t been sleeping well ever since he first thought about it. which is probably the reason to why he looks like a zombie walking around the palace.
his mother also stopped bothering him about dates. she thought he was too broken from being ditched. ouch.
another day full of adventures and sunghoon’s endless distractions passed, and after dozens of sleepless nights he decided to make his run away plan.
before he does that, he went to talk with the most responsible brother in his opinion, jungwon.
it was midnight already but jake couldn’t wait until sunrise, he has to let it all out.
luckily for him, jungwon was wide awake in his bed.
“jake? is everything okay? what makes you come here at midnight?”
“i have to tell you something” jake bit his lips, “it’s important, really”
“can’t it wait for the morning?” although jungwon was wide awake, he couldn’t really process anything as his mind was occupied by something else.
“i just wanted to say that i’ll be gone for a while. i don’t know for how long” jake sighed, “could be days, weeks, months or never”
“jake what are you talking about?”
“just please, don’t search for me and help me out on this one”
“do you even hear what you’re saying?”
“i’ll be fine, i promise” jake licked his lower lips out of anxiety, “i just really need a break from all of this life for a while”
jungwon tilt his head. he couldn’t understand his older brother at all.
“everything is just stressing me out, i just need some quiet” he continued.
as much as jake tried to hide it, his brothers could’ve seen he wasn’t being his best lately.
jake would usually be the first one to wake up in the morning and then would jump on each one’s bed to wake them up with a hug after then of course, but lately something has changed in jake.
he suddenly stopped hugging or jumping around, even started to wake up the last without even calling good morning.
it was obvious he needed some help.
“do you think it’d help you?” jungwon asked.
“do you think running away would help you find peace?” he repeated and jake nodded.
“so you do you” jungwon smiled, “i’ll miss you though”
jake smiled even wider than jungwon and hugged him, “thank you”
“i’ll just tell mom and dad you’ve went to pay a visit in your friends’ kingdom for a few months and explain the situation” jungwon blinked a few times, “please don’t disappear forever”
“i won’t, i promise” he held out his pinky and jungwon interlocked his pinky.
“i’ll kill you if you won’t come to my future wedding”
“i’ll probably marry before you and you’d be able to see my wedding in this palace” he chuckled, that was a sign for jungwon that jake is not going to be gone forever, and it made him smile to know that his brother won’t be a runaway prince for long.
a few hours later jake finally made his way out of the palace, leaving a note beside sunghoon’s bed telling him that he’ll be gone for a while.
he’s going to miss his brothers for sure.
the next morning you woke up earlier than usual, feeling a bit uneasy and something was bothering you.
you slowly got ready for the day and went out of your house to have a little walk alone around the village.
you were taking your time to take in the beauty of the village you’ve been living in for a few weeks already, closing your eyes and breathing slowly as you held your hands together.
you finally opened your eyes just to notice a small figure slowly making it’s way into the village.
that person looks so tired and overworked.
the person was wearing a big sweater with black pants, he also has a quite big bag on his bag as he takes slow steps.
you moved a bit closer to the person in hurry. calling the person so you’ll get noticed by him.
“hey! hello! do you perhaps need help?”
the person slowly looked at you and his eyes formed into a soft gaze, as if he was thankful that he finally saw another person.
you noticed he started to walk closer to you in hurry, and somehow you didn’t feel threatened or scared at all.
you finally reached to him with a smile and he looked at you.
“who are you?” you suspiciously asked. “i’m sorry madam, let me introduce myself, i’m sim jake, hybe’s-“
“hybe’s prince” you gasped, you heard about hybe kingdom a few times and you heard about sim jake, and to be honest, you can’t think of anyone who didn’t hear about them.
the kingdom is one of the famous kingdom out of all, you never would’ve imagine they have such a handsome son amongst the seven of them.
“and you are?” he shrugged off the fact that you just cut him in the middle of the sentence.
“i’m l/n y/n—“ “the runaway princess?”
“huh?” you tilt your head in confusion.
“are you l/n y/n the runaway princess?”
“was that a question?”
“no! i’m not the runaway princess”
“are you lying?” he raised a brow, clearly not believing you.
“was that a question again?”
“fine! here, you can take me away” you said, holding your hands together for him to handcuff you.
“i’m not really a runaway but whatever, let me take my clothes and things before i—“ “no wait wait—“ “i understand that my parents sent me but look, i’m having fun here i enjoy my time and—“
“y/n stop” he raised his tone a bit and put his hands on your shoulders to keep you in place, giving you a chance to take a look at his face.
both of you froze for a few seconds.
gosh he’s so pretty.
so the rumors about her beauty were so true.
you realized you were holding your breath for a long time now and finally pulled away.
he coughed, “i’m sorry, you kept panicking and i had to stop you”
“n-no it’s okay”
were you just stuttering?
you couldn’t help it, his voice is so soft, and his gaze just makes you lose your mind.
you usually hate looking at people’s visuals first time you see them but he’s so breathtaking.
“i just wanted to say i have no intention of taking you back to your parents, i’m a runaway too”
“i’m not a— you know what? you’re probably tired, let’s get you home” you took his hand and dragged him back to your house.
your house in the village is small, but enough to hold two people.
you have one bed, for two people. you’d have to share your bed with him or else one of you would have to sleep on the floor.
“this is my house, feel free to do whatever”
you don’t know why you trust this person so much, he could’ve lied to you about him being a prince, especially a hybe prince.
but you somehow found yourself putting a lot of trust in him.
“thank you y/n” he smiled at you.
you smiled softly at him back and poured him a glass of water, “rest for a bit, i have to work today so i’ll come back later, we’ll talk it out when i’ll be back”
you saw him setting his things away and giggling a bit when he noticed your bed, “are we going to share that bed?” he asked.
you chuckled, “go sleep for now, we’ll talk everything out”
you left your house and went to your workplace.
jake took his time to look around your house.
it’s a small house, not something that he’s used to, but he knows for sure that he feels so comfortable in this house.
anyone who called you astonishing was right. your beauty really is beyond compare.
he noticed a photo hanged on the wall besides your bed. you were in the middle, surrounded by a lot of people who held a big smile on their face.
the background looked like the village, could they be the villagers? why do you have a picture with the villagers instead of your family?
and why is your smile so heart stopping?
he shrugged off his thoughts and went to sleep after he wasn’t able to sleep the whole night.
the day passed by slowly, every minute felt like a year. you kept looking at the clock every five minutes and your coworkers noticed your weird behavior.
“y/n, you’re distracted today” the head of the village teased you.
you love the villagers, and they love you. they take care of you so well and make you feel at home. they know you too well to notice how you feel, and as of now, they know that you’re more than distracted.
“i just have some on my mind” you chuckled, “don’t worry about that”
“ay, are you having some boy problems?” another one said with a smile.
“you can say that” you giggled as they all gasped.
“y/n has a new guy?”
“no! i was counting on you and my son!”
you laughed at their cute comments and shook your head.
just a few more hours and you’ll be able to see him again.
you entered your house, expecting to see a sleeping jake on the bed, but he was actually searching for something to eat.
“uhm” you coughed and he jumped, “oh! hi”
“hey” you smiled and put your things away, “we got a lot to talk about, are you hungry? let me make some food”
he nodded shyly and you chuckled. he’s so cute.
“so,” you settled your food on the table and stared at him, “how and when did you run away?”
“straight to the point i see”
“you gotta be straightforward sometimes” you shrugged.
“i ran away yesterday night, i felt too suffocated in the palace and i had to take a break, i just sneaked out, like you did” he sighed, “we were supposed to have a date you know, on the day you ran away”
“yeah, then your mom came to our kingdom and announced you as missing,” he took a bite from the food, “you were some kind of my role model of running away”
“what do you mean?”
“i started thinking about the running away situation because of you, i’m so glad i finally met you”
he raised his head and shared an eye contact with you.
you stopped for a second to take another look on his face. how will you be able to stand him now?
“yeah,” you nodded, “i’m happy i finally met you too”
“it��s my turn now,” he smiled, “why did you run away?”
“same as you, royal life can be suffocating and annoying” you shrugged, “numerous of dates with disgusting princes, i hated that”
he nodded, understanding the way you feel. “i’m sorry to hear that” he put his hand on your shoulder and showed you a little and comforting smile.
you leaned in and hugged him, “thank you”
he was a bit taken aback, but hugged you back within five seconds.
you needed to feel some kind of affection so you hugged him, ignoring the fact that you met him less than 24 hours ago.
“you have to teach me the way of living here, my plan is to stay here for a long time, you know” he said, his chin on your shoulder and his hands holding you tightly, “is there another free house around? i can get out and search if you—“
you pulled away from the hug and shook your head, “we’d have to live together and sleep on the same bed, i believe we’d get used to it”
both of you giggled and continued eating.
you spent the rest of the night talking and updating each other.
you told him everything he needs to know about the life in this village, and told him you’ll take him to your workplace tomorrow, so you can work together.
he updated you about whatever happened after you ran away, and without even noticing it, it was already past midnight.
“we should go sleep,” you suddenly said, “we have a lot to do later today”
he nodded and got up from his seat, “you’d also have to teach me how to cook” you giggled and nodded.
the morning came and it was already time for you to go to work.
“y/n! you brought a man today!” one of your coworkers who, noticed jake that was standing next to you cheered.
“yeah, meet jake, he’s my—“ “boyfriend!” all of the villagers who were in the store cheered.
“no i—“ “y/nie we don’t need to hide it anymore” jake cut you off and held your hand.
your eyes widened and you froze, “huh?”
“oh y/n! i’m so happy for you!” the elders said and hugged you.
“i brought jake today because i thought he could join our work here, please accept him to this village” you asked the head of the village.
“of course! our princess’ village finally has a prince now!” jake’s soft eyes glanced at you as you smiled.
“thank you”
the day passed as fast as the light, you taught jake everything he needs to know and got hundreds of compliments about your new relationship.
“my boyfriend? really?” you asked as soon as you arrived back home together.
“what was i supposed to say?”
“cousin? childhood friend? family’s friend? i can list more”
“fine fine i’m sorry, i thought it’d be more easy to play in a relationship” he giggled and you sighed.
“i’ll make some food now you should go shower” you smiled and he nodded.
“please teach me how to make some food” he begged while you put your plates on the table.
“i learnt everything from the villagers” you giggled.
“do you have any plans of coming back to your palace?” he suddenly asked.
you were a bit taken aback, “i don’t know” you shook your head, “this village became my house, i love everyone here, they’re like my family and home i’ve never had”
jake nodded and listened carefully.
“i love my parents, but they were making me so anxious around them and here i suddenly forgot how does it feel to be anxious around someone. i must say i really do miss my royal life, who knows? i might come back in a few weeks”
jake moved closer to you and cupped your cheeks, “take your time, i’m staying here with you until you decide to go back”
it felt like time stopped. when he cupped your cheeks and looked at you with his soft eyes, you suddenly felt anxious, but not in any bad way.
butterflies went crazy in your stomach and your cheeks turned slight red, you could melt from his touch.
you were too focused on feeling anxious that you didn’t even notice how red jake’s face turned. he didn’t even realize what he was doing until half a minute after. he was awfully close to you and you somehow managed to make him go crazy inside his mind.
both of you pulled back and cleared your throat.
“we should—“ “yeah, let’s go sleep”
ever since that dinner, months passed by.
you and jake became super close to each other, you were so into the fake relationship that you got used to calling jake your boyfriend.
you and jake cuddled up in your bed, awfully close to each other and playing with each other’s fingers.
it became a usual thing for you two, every night you’d get ready to go to bed together and cuddle until you fall asleep in each other’s hands.
“y/n” jake suddenly called, “hm?” you hummed in response.
“how many dates have you been forced to go to?”
you giggled, “what kind of question is that?”
“did you fall in love with someone you went on a date with?” he asked.
“did you ever date someone?” he sounded serious, and asking those questions didn’t help either.
“no, i haven’t” you replied.
but i fell in love with you, you wanted to add.
you felt bad, you were slowly falling in love with jake. it was supposed to be a fake relationship and nothing more than that.
“good morning” jake got up and noticed you were cooking something for breakfast. he back-hugged you and kissed your cheek, “good morning” you replied.
“i thought about going on a walk today around the village! i also promised the head of the village to help him with some things” jake updated you about his plans for the day.
damn, it really feels like you’re in a relationship with him. how can you not fall in love with someone as sweet as him?
you nodded and sent him off.
you must do something about your stupid heart that fell in love with that perfect human being.
jake took the day off, so you were working alone today.
his absence was really present in work today, not only you missed him in work.
“hey y/n! where’s your boyfriend?” one of the customers asked and you chuckled, “he has a name you know”
“but he took the day off, he’s a bit unwell today”
on the other hand, jake was busy with the head of the village, going around with him and helping him with whatever.
“are you sure about that?” jake asked the head of the village.
“i’m more than sure! you can do it jake!” he pat his shoulder and jake grinned.
“you’ll see the results tomorrow,” he smiled, “don’t tell anyone until you do!”
jake ran back home and got ready to cook some dinner for you.
“jake! i’m home!” you called and he showed up, hugging you tightly and planting a kiss on your cheek.
“i missed you” he pout.
you’re still not used to feeling that much of affection, especially from him.
what’s wrong with your heart? why can’t it stop beating so fast around him?
you giggled and kissed his cheek back, “i’ve been away for only a few hours”
“that still doesn’t change the fact that i missed you, plus a few hours is like an eternity for me”
he guided you to the table that was full with food you guessed he made.
“you made all of that for me?” you asked and he nodded, “thank you!” you hugged him and he returned the hug.
“i have another surprise for you,” he pulled away from the hug and you looked at him confused.
he went down on one knee and took out a box while holding your hand with his free hand.
“y/n,” he called out, “it’s been a while since we’ve first met, and at first i thought you were some snobbish who threw everything away just like that. but soon you became my inspiration to run away from my boring and annoying life, and i think it was the best decision i’ve ever made.” he giggled,
“when i saw you i was shocked, mostly by your impossible-to-beat beauty, but also by your kindness. you took care of me as soon as you saw me, and taught me everything i need to know here, you made me forget about the fact that we’re in fact, royals”
“i felt alive around you, with each day that comes by i fall more and more deep in love with you and i can’t help but want to spend the rest of my life with you” he looked generous, as he really meant every word that just came out of his mouth.
“so l/n y/n” he cleared his throat and opened the box to show a beautiful yet small and shining ring, “will you make me the happiest person alive and marry me?”
“yes! a million times yes!” you helped him get up and hugged him tightly as the tears finally fell down from your eyes.
he pulled away a bit to look at you and wiped your tears, “i love you” he suddenly said and his lips crushed into yours.
you kissed his soft lips and put your hands around his neck to get closer to him.
as you pulled away due lack of air, you played with his hair and stared at his beautiful eyes, “i love you too jake”
“thank you! for making me feel like a part of your family, for accepting me no matter what and for always caring about me,” you cried out, “i’ll always be thankful for each and one of you”
you and jake decided to leave the village and return to your kingdoms. you have to get marry and get your own kingdom of course.
but that also meant that you need to leave the villagers, who became your second home in no time.
“we’re going to miss you too,” one of them said, “don’t come back unless you’re pregnant!”
all of you laughed and you kept hugging each of them.
all the villagers got so excited about you and jake, and even prepared their own presents for your marriage.
“they’ll definitely be invited to our wedding” you told jake and he instantly agreed.
finally, you arrived to your kingdom. you took some deep breaths and jake stood next to you, holding your hand and playing with the ring he put on your finger a few days ago.
“you’ll be fine, they missed you a lot” he reassured you and you smiled, “thank you”
both of you entered the palace and saw the queen and the king sitting in front of the door, as if they have been waiting for you to enter.
“y/n” your mother whispered, her eyes widened and her hands started to shake. “y/n!” your father shout and ran up to you to cage you in his arms.
the queen followed right after her husband and the three of you hugged until you felt like you couldn’t breath anymore.
“y/n our daughter! i missed you so much” your mother cupped your cheeks and looked at your glossy eyes who were filled with tears.
“i missed you too mom,” you dad coughed, “and i missed you too dad”
your mom then noticed jake who was standing next to you.
“jake! how did you—“
“i ask your permission to marry your daughter” jake bowed in front of your parents.
“i love her, more than anything else in this world, and i’m willing to do everything to protect her and keep her safe” he added.
your parents looked at you confused and you showed them your ring on your finger.
“yes, of course!” they cheered, “and you young lady, we have a lot to talk about” your parents pointed at you, “after the marriage of course!”
jake picked you up and spun you around, “we can finally rule our own kingdom and visit our favorite village” he whispered.
you nodded as he leaned his forehead against yours, “thank you, jake” you pecked his lips, “i love you”
he then put his hands around your waist and kissed you deeper and desperately, “i love you too, more than you could ever imagine”
“you still have your parents you need to inform about the marriage, you know that right?” your mother, who was a witness to everything that just happened, said.
you and jake nodded awkwardly and updated your parents that you’ll be back in a few together with jake.
a week later, the wedding was held in hybe’s ballroom.
“i think your mother hates to wait” you told jake as soon as you were informed about your wedding date and he giggled, “it’s not like i could wait any longer to finally marry you”
at the celebration, jungwon and sunghoon came up to you and jake.
“see? i told you i’ll marry before you!” jake ruffled the younger’s hair and giggled. “thank you for bringing jake back” sunghoon smiled at you and you giggled.
“he’s actually the one who brought me back”
“yeah it’s really hard to believe that” jungwon grinned and jake threatened to hit him.
“we’re really happy for the both of you” they said and the both of you thanked them.
“hey jake?” you called him and he turned to his side to share an eye contact with you, “yes, my dear wife?”
him calling you his wife made your whole body flutter.
“i’m more than happy to be able to spend the rest of my life with you” you held his hand and he smiled.
“and i’m more than lucky to have you by my side for the rest of my life y/n”
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TAG-LIST ; @jaeneohee @hsgwrld @enhastolemyheart @enhacatalog @kaykay11sworld @ipoststuffandyeah @beomsbeanie @queestionmark @ineedsomezzz @yenqa @nshmrarki @asteriaskingdom @ikayyyyyy @mrchweeee @artiiistyxoo @6yulight
PERM TAG-LIST ; @sungwhoonz @ohdudehesflirting @unlikelysublimekryptonite @deobiis @manooffline @miumiuoi @in-somnias-world @lovelovelovebts
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