#craig connelly
kimmiessimmies · 3 months
Winter 08: Dateless - Pt.2 (42/64)
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When we sat down with a drink, I thought I'd ask him about his cat, Simon. That got him talking for a little while, which was good.
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Unfortunately, after that, we went back to the silent zone... I felt a bit awkward. Like I needed to break it, but I didn't know how...
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We stepped outside the bakery and smiled at each other for a bit more...
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I then thanked him for the boat ride and the coffee and said goodbye.
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I think Craig is probably a very nice guy. But somehow, we just didn't match...
Gameplay notes: I had high hopes for Craig and Rachel. On paper, they seemed a good match. But there was just a lot of silence between them. I've said before that I left them mostly to their own devices. On all dates, if they wouldn't initiate conversation themselves, I would give them a nudge and then see if they kept it going themselves. Both Craig and Rachel didn't... There wasn't any negativity either; they smiled at each other a lot. But they just didn't seem to have anything to talk about... Attraction score: 4
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Craig created by @echoweaver
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canadian-riddler · 1 year
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clubemotion · 11 months
[NEW MUSIC] Craig Connelly & HALIENE - Other Side Of The World
After a hot run of 2022 releases on his own Higher Ground imprint, Craig Connelly‘s been spreading the label love farther afield this year. Respectively, Kearnage and Subculture received ‘Spicy Broth’ and ‘Excelsior’, while – in its formidable Giuseppe Ottaviani remix form, Black Hole the label brought back ‘Black Hole’ the track.With summer’s starting pistol now well and truly fired, Black Hole…
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pedro6419 · 1 year
(Craig Connelly)
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voguefashion · 25 days
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Jennifer Connelly photographed by Craig McDean for American Vogue, November 2004.
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adamwatchesmovies · 2 years
Top Gun: Maverick (2022)
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Top Gun: Maverick is the rare sequel that surpasses its predecessor. Everything you loved about Top Gun is back: the terrific soundtrack, incredible aerial stunts, memorable scenes, iconic characters, the romance, and more. The difference is that set all these years later, many of these same elements take on a whole other, richer meaning.
It’s been over 30 years since Captain Pete “Maverick” Mitchell (Tom Cruise) enlisted in Top Gun. Still more than a little reckless, and with a penchant for breaking the rules, he is nonetheless called to serve as an instructor for an upcoming and urgent mission. Among his pupils are Lt. Jake “Hangman” Seresin (Glen Powell), Lt. Robert “Bob” Floyd (Lewis Pullman), Lt. Natasha “Phoenix” Trace (Monica Barbaro), and - most importantly - Lt. Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw (Miles Teller), son of Maverick's late RIO.
Top Gun: Maverick was repeatedly delayed by the pandemic and is only now arriving in theaters. The wait has been worth it. This film must absolutely be seen on the big screen. First, so you can properly appreciate the aerial stunts. They’re incredible. When we get to the big mission, we might as well be taken back in time to your first viewing of Star Wars when Luke and the rest of the Rebel Alliance were speeding through those endless canyons on the Death Star. You’re so invested in the mission it feels like the universe is at stake - plus the sequences have quite a bit in common. All you can do is feel the excitement, the adrenaline pumping through your veins at a nearly unbearable rate. This brings us to the second reason you’ve got to see this film with a crowd: the communal enthusiasm. This picture is such a crowd-pleaser it would break your heart to stand up and cheer only to see no one around you doing the same.
Despite the dynamite action scenes, it's the emotional content that makes Maverick even better than the original. Tom Cruise still looks like Maverick did all those years ago. His characters is still the endlessly talented hot shot bachelor whose smile melts hearts. Compare him to Iceman (Val Kilmer), who probably hasn’t flown a plane in decades and is an admiral. He was Maverick’s rival, now he’s his boss. We see these two men who started off on the same path now miles apart. It stops you dead in your tracks to see that Val Kilmer has changed so much since Top Gun. It’s doubly appropriate because Maverick is very much stuck in the past. His romantic interest Penny Benjamin (Jennifer Connelly, marvelous) is an old flame - no doubt part of an adventure that happened at least ten years ago. Then there's what happened to Nick “Goose” Bradshaw in 1986. For the mission to be a success, he must confront the past, and find a balance. He needs to be the pilot he is now, and learn to grow up.
In terms of flaws, the biggest is essentially the same as before. The plot concerns an unnamed enemy in an armed conflict that will not start a war despite plenty of bullets and missiles being shot. I suppose you could also say that some of the recruits in Maverick’s class barely get names, much less characterization. This is me looking for a way to prove I’m being fair. The truth is none of those matter in the moment. Top Gun 2 is too effective for you to think about anything outside of the frame.
The story by Peter Craig and Justin Marks makes you feel all of the stories of friendship, love, disappointment, and each victory that have made these people into who they are now. The chemistry between Cruise and Connelly is so good you want more than anything for them to get together, which makes the last act feel a million times more important than it was before. Under the direction of Joseph Kosinski, everything comes together so wonderfully you have no idea where the film will go, or when it will end. Top Gun: Maverick is exactly what I was hoping to see, and more. (Theatrical version on an extended screen, June 12, 2022)
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kermodefan94-blog · 2 years
Top Gun: Maverick Is What The Big Screen Was Built For.
It’s very rare that you see something reminding you just how powerful big screen entertainment can be at its absolute best. EEAAO already gave us one in 2022. I certainly did not expect a second. Much less for it to be a sequel to a 5/10 original.
The original Top Gun is a perfect example of a film that will go down to a certain established audience ( mostly dads) as an undeniable classic. Others will see it as a concentrated blast of 80s machismo. The hilariously obvious homoeroticism on display is the only thing that can ever be considered timeless. Yet 36 years after the original’s release Tom Cruise for all his shenanigans is one of…
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k1ngdomfa11 · 2 years
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eltiempoyloeterno · 2 years
“¿Qué es un rebelde?Un hombre que dice no.”—Albert Camus“Cuando deje de indignarme,habrá comenzado mi vejez.”—André Gide TOP GUN: MAVERICK se abre paso como un auténtico meteorito a más de 700 km/h rumbo a la temporada alta de premios y lo hace por derecho propio, con la calidad de una excelente película y lo más importante: con el favor de los críticos y la preferencia del gran público, ambas…
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Glass Onion (2022): Mixed company, mixed feelings
This movie is very Current Year, even though it finished shooting in 2021 and is set in May 2020. One minor joke early on; Blanc plays Among Us during lockdown, because he's so bored.
I am not making that up.
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I had the same issue with the first movie. I wasn't sure what all the Topical References™ added to the movie. And I know we love to say that great art is timeless.
But as someone who actually does read a lot of old, public-domain, popular books, many  had topical social issues in them. Heck, the first Doc Thorndyke book is about fingerprinting, which was cutting edge science at the time, and even makes a self-depreciating joke about it's inspiration, Sherlock Holmes.
I've enjoyed the odd Clancy or Connelly or Cussler or Cavanaugh or Patterson thriller. And those tend to be pretty topical. (obnoxiously so, in one case) Not to mention my love of the Vorkosigan Saga, which was so progressive in the 80s it's still progressive now.
I've also seen stories that had poorly integrated topical issues and much better-handled ones in the same show. The same episode, even.
So I don't know why the political stuff in the two movies rankled. I'd say my issue is "politics I disgree with", but I just mentioned enjoying a book series which is clearly waaay to my left.
Heck, both movies are blatantly inspired by Agatha Christie, and I distinctly recall topical stuff in my mum's old copy of *Third Girl*.
Like, literally the whole plot.
I read it a long time ago, but I think I'd still enjoy it.
Other, less important criticism. And spoilers.
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-Blanc intially felt like a caricature, which was very different from the way he appeared in the first movie. turns out that's deliberate. He later says he was playing up the folksy Southernness.
Even though he's an internationally famous detective who lives in a $10,000,000 Park Avenue penthouse.
Don't ask me about the high-waisted pants, the cute little scarf around his neck, or the 19th century bathing costume he wears to the pool. Apparently his style in this movie was partially Daniel Craig's idea.
Also, he's gay.
It's not made explicitly clear during the film, and the guy he's living with could be a roomie or friend or assistant, but Johnson confirmed it. I'm not sure what it adds to the film, except an explanation for the scarf.
And also some irony when Birdie flirts with him, even though he's famous and probably publicly known to be gay. Heck, just his visible discomfort in those scenes would be irony enough, whether or not he liked women.
Miles Bronn -possible shallow Elon musk parody --he’s fooling people w/ fake genius, when he's really just a charismatic idiot. And one who gets swindled, possibly. -There's one bit of irony. Early on, Miles guests on his private island get a COVID vaccine. It later turns out Miles is an idiot.
Since the movie takes place entirely in May 2020, the implication is that Miles should know it's basically impossible to develop a proper vaccine in just a few short months.
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The actual main protagonist isn't Blanc, it's Cassandra "Andi" Brand and Helen Brand. Andi is a tech genius who Miles ripped off. And also murdered. So her twin sister Helen, a teacher, steps in.
Anyone familiar with the Trojan War is probably going "hey, wait a minute..." Did I mention that this takes place on a Greek island in the Aegean Sea? Which has Troy on its borders?
And the first things we see in the film are tantalizing wooden boxes?
Helen poses as Andi with Blanc's help, so they can investigate the murder and figure out which of Miles friends, “the Disruptors”, killed Andi.
Both Brands are played by Janelle Monae. A famously left-wing singer and actress, whose biggest film role was in the movie Hidden Figures, where she played one of a team of black women in STEM forgotten by history.
And in this movie, Monae plays two hidden figures, eclipsed by white men. One maliciously, one charitably.
Birdie --Birdie is an idiotic middle-aged singer who keeps getting cancelled because she does dumb stuff. -She sexually harasses Blanc. This is possibly why Blanc's gay, to make it extra ironic. -She's introduced at a party during lockdowns. When she arrives at the island, she wears a completely decorative facemask.
-Birdie prides herself on her honesty. In this case, it means she's inconsiderate and narcissistic, with no filter. Which makes it kinda ironic (or something?) when the day is saved in the end by a combination of lies and truth.
Duke -Dave Bautista plays an alt-right mra. Supposedly.
-He supports a girlfriend and his mother, who abuses him. He's  three or four times mom's size. He goes "Mom, I told you not to interrupt when I'm recording!" and she physically slaps him. Not even any ramp-up, she just does it.
She also tries to disrupt his call with his friends by "helping" him solve Miles' puzzle box, right up until it's done, and she stops caring.
So the show decided to mock MRAs by...making one a male victim of domestic violence and emotional abuse from a woman.
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And from what I saw on Youtube, plenty of people didn't notice the irony. In fact, I found an official Netflix short of the scene, and the comments were glad he was getting "put in his place" because he politely asked him mom to let him do his job.
Also, remember when I mentioned how Birdie sexually harasses Blanc?
This movie includes two examples of the exact sort of issues MRAs talk about all the time.
-I know he's supposed to be a parody, but of who, exactly? jordan peterson? andrew tate? Pewdiepie? All of the above?
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I think they even got some alex jones in there when they mention how he sold pills. Specifically, "performance" pills for men, made from rhino horn.
-Duke carries a gun near his crotch at all times for most of the movie. Specifically, an underpowered Tokarev, I've read. On top of the abuse, he also self-cucks himself so his GF can try and pillow-talk Miles into supporting Duke's next endeavour.
And while I was looking up the gun, I found someone on /r/liberalGunOwners saying "well, maybe it's supposed to look Russian because he's pro-Putin like a lot of right-wingers?"
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That's possible, but it would be a really obtuse reference in a movie chock full of really blatant references.
-Also, there's something a tad ironic about a supposedly (alt-)right influencer being a large, muscular, tattoo'd Hispanic man. Unless that's supposed to be a tan.
Claire -Claire is a left-wing, environmentally friendly politician. She wears beige, and always looks terrible (to Katheryn Hahn's frustration). She's also a hypocrite.
Some TVTropes editor: it's about progressive politicans that gradually turn conservative.
No, the message here isn't "conservatives bad". It's "hypocritical left-wing politicians are bad". And I'm not sure about the "left-wing" part.
Duke is a hypocrite because he self-cucks for advantage, and is also physically abused by his tiny little mom. Claire is just a straight up liar, as politicians often are. There's a contrast between his performative peacocking in every aspect of the way he presents himself, and Claire's beige cold mess.
I'm not kidding. That was the stated intent of her costume and makeup.
-claire calls duke an MRA. I'm not sure if the writers were wrong, Claire's wrong, or Duke actually calls himself an MRA in-universe. He's certainly a traditionalist, which MRAs usually aren't. He also wants women to get back in the kitchen, which MRAs usually don't.
And finally, there's Miles’ No 2., tech wizard Lionel, who spins Miles' straw - or napkin ideas - into gold. In fact, he spends most of the movie with a gold wishbone pin on his lapel. GEDDIT?
Duke is a right wing tradcon MRA who cares about physical appearances even though he has a bad social rep, Claire is a left-wing progressive with a terrible physical appearance and a good social rep, Birdie is an idiot who keeps saying un-PC things, and Lionel is the smart guy, who is apparently more or less apolitical.
Also, the movie has obvious inspiration from Christie's "And Then There Were None". And maybe Clue. Or Among Us.
Or all three.
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1morey · 1 year
Every known Rainbow operator past and present (and NIGHTHAVEN operators)
Adriano “Maestro” Martello (2018-Present)
Antonio Maldini (1999-2012)
Aria “Alibi” de Luca (2018-Present)
Alain DuBarry (1999-2012)
Emmanuelle “Twitch” Pichon (2015-Present)
Gilles “Montagne” Touré (2015-Present)
Gustav “Doc” Kateb (2015-Present)
Julian “Rook” Nizan (2015-Present)
Olivier “Lion” Flament (2018-Present)
1º Batalhão de Forças Especiais
Alejandro Noronha (1999-2012)
Spetzgruppa “A”
Aleksandr “Tachanka” Senaviev (2015-Present)
Genedy Filatov (1999-2012)
Lera “Finka” Melnikova (2018-2022 (defected to NIGHTHAVEN), rejoined in or before 2025)
Maxim “Kapkan” Basuda (2015-Present)
Shuhrat “Fuze” Kessikbayev (2015-Present)
Timur “Glaz” Glazkov (2015-Present)
Ana “Solis” Valentina Díaz (2022-Present) 
Special Air Service
Andrew Burke (1999-2012)
Eddie Price (1999-2012)
Geoff Bates (1999-2012)
James “Smoke” Porter (2015-2022) (Defected to NIGHTHAVEN)
Mark R. “Mute” Chandar (2015-Present)
Michael Walter (2008-2012)
Mike “Thatcher” Baker (2015-Present)
Paddy Connelly (1999-2012)
Peter Covington (1999-2012)
Scotty McTyler (1999-2012)
Seamus “Sledge” Cowden (2015-Present)
Steve Lincoln (1999-2012)
National Task Force
Annika Lofquist (1999-2012) (Under ONI)
Anja Katarina “Osa” Janković (2021-2022)
Apha “Aruni” Tawanroong (2020-2022)
Charlie Tho Keng “Grim” Boon (2022-Present) (NIGHTHAVEN only)
Håvard “Ace” Haugland (2020-2022)
Jaimini Kalimohan “Kali” Shah (2019-2022)
Ngũgĩ Muchoki “Wamai” Furaha (2019-Present)
Belarusian Ground Forces
Arkadi Novikov (2001-2012)
Ayana Yacoby (1999-2012)
David Peled (1999-2012)
Sharon Judd (2010-2012)
Azucena Rocío “Amaru” Quispe (2019-Present)
United States Army Rangers
“Bishop” (Unknown-2012)
United States Navy SEALs
Brian Armstrong (Unknown-2012)
Craig “Blackbeard” Jensen (2016-Present)
Meghan J. “Valkyrie” Castellano (2016-Present)
Miguel “Mike” Chin (1999-2012)
Garda Emergency Response Unit
Brianna “Thorn” Skehan (2021-Present)
César Ruiz “Goyo” Hernández (2019-Present)
707th Special Mission Group
Choi Byoung-Ryang (2003-2012)
Choi Jae-Hoon (2003-2012)
Choi Youn-Suk (2003-2012)
Chul “Vigil” Kyung Hwa (2017-Present)
Grace “Dokkaebi” Nam (2017-Present)
Hong Min-Hyun (2003-2012)
Jung Park (2009-2012)
Jung Sang-Yub (2003-2012)
Kim Jae-Ho (2003-2012)
Kim Sung-Gun (2003-2012)
Kim Yu-Jin (2003-2012)
Lee Won-Ho (2003-2012)
Lee Youn-Jung (2003-2012)
Pak Suo-Won (2001-2012)
Seo Young-Lan (2003-2012)
United States Secret Service
Collinn “Warden” McKinley (2019-Present)
FBI Hostage Rescue Team
Daniel Bogart (1999-2012)
United States Marine Corps
Daniel "Bear" Malloy (1999-2012)
Dieter Weber (2001-2012)
Dominic “Bandit” Brunsmeier (2015-Present)
Elias “Blitz” Kötz (2015-Present)
Jorg Walther (1999-2012)
Marius “Jäger” Streicher (2015-Present)
Monika “IQ” Weiss (2015-2022) (Defected to NIGHTHAVEN)
Domingo “Ding” Chavez (1999-2012)
John Clark (1999-2000 (as operator))
Einar Petersen (2001-2012)
Elena María “Mira” Álvarez (2017-Present)
Ryad Ramírez “Jackal” Al-Hassar (2017-Present)
Eliza “Ash” Cohen (2015-Present)
Jack “Pulse” Estrada (2015-2022) (Defected to NIGHTHAVEN)
Jordan “Thermite” Trace (2015-Present)
Miles “Castle” Campbell (2015-Present)
Elżbieta "Ela" Bosak (2017-2022)  (Defected to NIGHTHAVEN)
Kazimiera Rakuzanka (1999-2012)
Zofia Bosak (2017-Present)
Delta Force
Erik “Maverick” Thorn (2018-Present)
George Tomlison (1999-2012)
Hank Patterson (1999-2012)
Homer Johnston (1999-2012)
Julio “Oso” Vega (1999-2012)
Logan Keller (2005-2012)
Mike Pierce (1999-2012)
Renee Raymond (1999-2012)
United States Army
Fred “Freddy” Franklin (1999-2012)
Mortimer “Sam” Houston (1999-2012)
Royal New Zealand Air Force
Gary Kenyon (2010-2012)
BATF International Response Team
Gerald Morris (1999-2012)
1st Special Operations Wing
Harrison (1999-2012)
Royal Air Force
Jack Nance (1999-2012)
Jalal “Kaid” El Fassi (2018-Present)
Sanaa “Nomad” El Maktoub (2018-Present)
Unit 777
Jamal Murad (2001-2012)
Joanna Torres (2010-2012)
Jaeger Corps
Karina “Nøkk” Gaarddhøje (2019-Present)
EKO Cobra
Karl Haider (1999-2012) (under GEK Cobra)
Kevin Sweeney (1999-2012)
Kure Galanos (2001-2012)
Pyrotechno GmbH
Lars Breckenbauer (1999-2012)
Special Duties Unit
Liu “Lesion” Tze Long (2017-Present)
Siu “Ying” Mei Ling (2017-Present)
Louis Loiselle (2001-2012)
Special Assault Team
Masaru “Echo” Enatsu (2016-Present)
Yumiko “Hibana” Imagawa (2016-Present)
STAR-NET Aviation
Mina “Thunderbird” Sky (2021-Present)
Metropolitan Police Service
Morowa “Clash” Evans (2018-Present)
Nayara “Brava” Cardoso (2023-Present)
Neinke Meijer (2020-Present)
Special Forces Group (Belgium)
Néon “Sens” Ngoma Mutombo (2022-Present)
Joint Task Force 2
Roger McAllen (1999-2012)
Sébastien “Buck” Côté (2016-Present)
Tina “Frost” Lin Tsang (2016-Present)
Sam Bennett (1999-2012)
Fourth Echelon
Samuel Leo “Sam” Fisher (2020-Present)
Santiago Arnavisca (1999-2012)
40 Commando
Shawn Rivers (2010) (KIA)
Taina “Caveira” Pereira (2016-Present)
Vicente “Capitão” Souza (2016-Present)
Inkaba Task Force
Thandiwe “Melusi” Ndlovu (2020-Present)
Tim Noonan (1999-2012)
Paul Bellow (1999-2012)
Max “Mozzie” Goose (2019-Present)
Timothy Hanley (1999-2012)
Tori Tallyo “Gridlock” Fairous (2019-Present)
Tracy Woo (1999-2012)
William “Billy” Tawney (1999-2012)
Kana “Azami” Fujiwara (2022-Present)
Saif “Oryx” Al Hadid (2020-Present)
Santiago Miguel “Flores” Lucero (2021-Present)
Brody Lukin (2010-2012)
“Deimos” (Unknown-On or Before 2012)
Emilio Narino (2001-2012)
Gabriel Nowak (2005-2010) (Defected/KIA)
Harry (1999-2012)
Kan Akahashi (2010) (KIA)
Monroe (2005) (KIA)
John Clark (1999-2010)
Domingo “Ding” Chavez (2010-2012)
Aurelia Arnot (2015-2019)
Harishva “Harry” Pandey (2019-2023) (KIA)
Unknown (2023-)
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kimmiessimmies · 3 months
Winter 08: Dateless - Pt. 2 (41/64)
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It was fun and the cold wasn't too bad today. However, Craig didn't say much and I didn't know if I should. That rowing looked like hard work and I didn't want to distract him...
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So I decided to try and ignore the awkward silence and enjoy the view, while Craig and I exchanged some smiles.
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Craig moored the boat close to the town centre, and we got out. He asked me if I had fun and if I wanted to get a drink to warm up. I agreed.
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Craig created by @echoweaver
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djag64 · 7 months
(DJ AG64) OVERTIME 262 ready in Podcast with all the best of Dance EDM Tracks released previous week. in ths appointment the new entries are: Sarah De Warren, Spencer Newell, KAAZE, Justin Prime, Nick Havsen, Craig Connelly, Chapter & Verse. Headphone on head and have good fun
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lesterplatt · 7 months
KIA from TOBY MORRIS on Vimeo.
Kia Seltos (Director's Cut)
Director: Toby Morris
Agency/Production Co: Elastic Studios CD: Simon Thomas EP: Briana Miller Producer: Avril Dunn DOP: Gregoire Liere, Ziga Zupancic Production Manager: Nicolanne Cox Production Coordinator: David Bedelis 1st AD: Darin Berlin 2nd AD: Davis Jensen, Frankie Noble-Shelton 1st AC: Steivan Hasler, Rhys Nicholson 2nd AC: Sam Connelly, Claudia Butters Steadicam: Jason Rodrigues Robot Arm Opp: Daniel Miller Gaffer: Jay MacNeill, Yoshi Kwon Best Boy: Felix Maude LX Assists: Balint Major, Aeasitya Sani, Craig Knight, Robert Gray Grip: Kris Wallis Grip Assist: Rob Birtles Production Design: Jamie Morris Art Assist: Pete Tslepi Wardrobe: Caitlin Murray feat. Paul McCann Wardrobe Assist: Libby Spring Hair Stylist: Daren Borthwick, Sophie Roberts Makeup Artist: Linda Jeffries, Jo Cotter Location Manager: Noel Mclaughlin Production Assist: Greer Lindsay Additional Photography: Matty Owers, Thomaz Labanca BTS: Andre Hoo
Edit: Cameron Drew 2D VFX: Tim Eddy, Josh Regoli 3D VFX: James Choe Grade: Matt Campbell
Audio: Sonar Music
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fantomcomics · 1 year
What’s Out This Week? 5/17
Happy MUTHAS day!
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A Spell Of Trouble TP -  Trini Tinture
Popular, rich and great at school, Carrie lives a charmed life - because, unbeknownst to her classmates, she's a witch! Hailing from a long line of witches and warlocks Carrie has never wanted for anything - that is until her bumbling, nonmagical and anti-magic cousin Angela shows up! And worst of all-if Carrie can't turn Angela into a legendary sorceress she'll lose all her powers! Worlds collide and sparks fly as these cousins have to learn to live together - or else! This comedy classic from British"girls" comic Jinty features a brand new cover by the original artist, Trini Tinturé, as well as another tale, the spooky, insect-infested Creepy Crawley, in a volume perfect for Halloween!
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Arcade Kings #1 (of 5) -  Dylan Burnett
Joe, a mysterious new face in Infinity City, has suddenly become the hottest new player at the Round House Arcade. Anyone can challenge him, but no one can win.   But Joe's secret past is about to catch up to him when his most formidable challenge yet rolls into town, forcing Joe to combo his powers with a joystick, his fists...and his fighting family legacy!
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Blink TP -  Christopher Sebela, Hayden Sherman & Nick Filardi  
Wren Booker was three when she was found alone and covered in blood on the streets of New York. Since that day, she's been haunted by the childhood she can't remember...until decades later when she finds a cryptic website streaming multiple CCT feeds from strange rooms in a ruined building. Something clicks, setting off hidden memories that lead her back to a place she's seen in lifelong nightmares. Hunting for answers, Wren breaks in and finds herself lost in the camera-filled dark mazes of a decayed social experiment known only as BLINK...which she quickly discovers is not abandoned at all. But what should be a foreign nightmare-scape feels all too familiar for Wren as she follows her obsession all the way down, piecing together the story of BLINK-as well as her own ties to it.
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Blood, Love, Ghosts & A Deadly Spell #1 -  Damian Connelly
Off of the huge successes of his previous comics, You Promised me Darkness and Follow me Into Darkness, here's a little gem Damian Connelly saved for last... "Blood, Love, Ghosts, and a Deadly Spell" is a dark, atmospheric 64 page volume filled with horrific tales from the inimitable mind of Damian Connelly, author of the best-selling hits "You Promised Me Darkness" and "Follow Me into Darkness". The book contains four never-seen-before self-contained horror short stories and an illustrated poem that will terrify, unsettle, and astonish.
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Centralia HC -  Miel Vandepitte
The earth in and around Centralia has warmed so much, it's impossible to stand on without melting. Those who survive long enough will be confronted with carnivorous birds, collapsing buildings, and the trigger-happy Simia Nasalis, armed with bazookas and stilts. Against their better judgement, a group of adventurers set out to discover the treasure of gold hidden away at the heart of the abandoned town.
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Chilling Adventures Presents: Jinx, A Cursed Life One-Shot -  Magdalene Visaggio & Craig Cermak
Jinx Holliday is a firecracker and a firestarter. Destruction always follows in her wake. And sometimes weirdos stop her and talk about her "destiny." It's all combined to create quite the aura of mystery around a 14-year-old girl who just wants some pizza rolls, and while her soul might belong to Satan, her heart belongs to the electric guitar. But one day, when Archie and company come looking for her help because Jughead is acting weird, Jinx and her BFF Danni embark on a mission to exorcize Jughead. It's the two BFFs vs. Satan for the good of humanity-or at very least, for Jinx to just be free to be a normal 14-year-old girl who just happens to dabble in necromancy and rock 'n' roll.
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Disney Villains: Maleficent #1 -  Soo Lee & Jae Lee
Disney and Dynamite proudly present Maleficent, Queen of the Forbidden Mountain! Her realm is shrouded in darkness, and evil, and full of all things that go bump in the night. Her soul is cold, hardened by a lifetime of small-minded wanderers seeking to steal her powers to satisfy their mortal greed. Her patience wears thin. Her mystical might grows. It is a matter only of time before she descends the mountain and unleashes her horrible magics upon the powerless people below. A stunning vision of villainy from writer and artist Soo Lee!  
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Doodles From The Boogie Down TP -  Stephanie Rodriguez
A young Dominican girl navigates middle school and her dream of being an artist in this debut coming-of-age graphic novel inspired by the author's tween years. Eighth grade in New York City means one thing: It's time to start applying to high schools! While her friends are looking at school catalogs and studying for entrance exams, Steph is doodling in her notebook and waiting for art class to begin. When her art teacher tells her about LaGuardia High School of Music & Art and Performing Arts, Steph desperately wants to apply. But she's in the Bronx, and LaGuardia is a public school in Manhattan-which her mom would not approve of. Steph comes up with a plan that includes lying to her mom, friends, and teachers. Keeping secrets isn't easy, and Steph must decide how far she'll go to get what she wants.
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Elvira In Monsterland #1 - David Avallone, Kewber Baal & Dave Acosta
What's scarier than Dracula? ALL THE DRACULAS! Vlad the Impaler is back, and he's raiding the Multiverse of Movies to build a monster army and conquer the world. And only one woman can stop him! Vampirella! But she's busy in her own books... so it's up to Elvira, the Mistress of the Dark, and bane of Vlad's existence, to stop his evil plan! It's monster movie madness horror from writer David Avallone (Elvira in Horrorland, Bettie Page: Unbound) and artist Kewber Bal (Vampirella, Red Rising, Red Sonja).
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Everything Is Fine GN Vol 1 -  Mike Birchall & J.J. Birch
We need to forget. You know as well as I do. Sam and Maggie are a normal couple, in a normal house, in a normal neighborhood. There is nothing strange about their heads, their neighbors, or their sweet little dog. Everything is fine. This is the story of a couple doing their best to get by in a world where things are absolutely, totally, and unquestionably fine. Collecting episodes 1-16 of the WEBTOON comic.
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Flawed TP Vol 1 - Chuck Brown & Prenzy
Gem Ezz is a psychiatrist in the Kafkaesque city of Setham, where corruption and brutality rule the streets. By day, she uses words to solve her patients' problems. By night, she takes a more direct-and sometimes deadly-approach. But when her practice puts her in the sights of an immortal serial killer, Gem finds herself embroiled in a power struggle that threatens everything she's ever known.
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Going Remote: A Teacher’s Journey GN -  Adam Bessie & Peter Glanting
With Peter Glanting's powerful illustrations, author Adam Bessie, an English professor and graphic essayist, uses the unique historical moment of the COVID-19 pandemic as a catalyst to explore the existing inequalities and student struggles that plague the public education system. This graphic memoir chronicles the reverberations from the onset of the pandemic in 2020 when students and educators left their physical classrooms for remote learning. As a professor at a community college, Bessie shows how despite these challenges, teachers work tirelessly to create a more equitable educational system by responding to mental health issues and student needs.
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Grand Slam Romance GN Vol 1 -  Ollie Hicks & Emma Oosterhous
In this queer graphic novel that's equal parts romance, softball, and magical girl drama, Mickey Monsoon is the hotshot pitcher for the Belle City Broads, and their team is poised to sweep the league this season. But Micky is thrown off their game when Astra Maxima shows up to catch for the Gaiety Gals, the Broads' fiercest rival. Years ago Mickey and Astra were best friends... and maybe more. That was, until Astra unceremoniously dumped Mickey to become a softball wunderkind at a private girl's school in Switzerland. Now, Astra is flirty, arrogant, and reckless on the field-everything the rule-abiding Mickey hates. Astra thinks Mickey's cute and wants to fool around, even despite their rocky history and the trail of jilted softballers that Astra leaves in her wake. Too bad the only thing Mickey wants is vengeance for their broken heart and wounded pride! Full of wet mitts, hard hits, and a bevy of softball-playing babes, Grand Slam Romance: Book 1 is a flawless home run that is sure to knock readers out of the park.
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Harley Quinn: Ravenous HC -  Rachael Allen
When Harleen Quinzel wakes up in a hospital bed with no recollection of the past few months, she scrambles to pick up the pieces of her life.  As she starts classes at Gotham University and an internship at Arkham Asylum, Harleen is determined to make her mark, getting paired with the most high-profile female inmate at Arkham-the notorious Talia al Ghul. Talia is brilliant and fascinating, and as they spend more time together, the lines between good and bad begin to blur for Harleen. When she starts to see Talia less as a patient and more as a mentor, all of Harleen's dark and dangerous pieces begin finding their way to the surface again. The only way to stop the terror that haunts the halls of Arkham Asylum may be to let her darkness out.
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Harley Quinn: Reckoning SC -  Rachael Allen
Experience the origin story of a Super-Villain in this Harley Quinn backstory that fans have been waiting for! When Harleen Quinzel scores an internship in a psych lab at Gotham University, she's desperate to make a Big Scientific Discovery that will land her a full-ride college scholarship and get her away from her abusive father. But when Harleen witnesses the way women are treated across STEM departments-and experiences harassment herself-she decides that revenge and justice are more important than her own dreams. Harleen finds her place in an intoxicating vigilante girl gang called the Reckoning, which creates chaos to inspire change. And when Harleen falls for another girl in the gang, it finally seems like she's found her true passions. But what starts off as pranks and mischief quickly turns deadly as one of the gang members is found murdered-and a terrifying conspiracy is uncovered, putting the life Harleen has worked so hard for at stake. Will she choose her future-or will she choose revenge?
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Hotel Rem HC -  Zack Keller & Gabriele Bagnoli
Rembrandt Somner is the happy-go-lucky new owner of Hotel REM, a place for all the fantastic people and creatures in our dreams to hang out when we wake up. Channeling his endless enthusiasm, Rem attempts to balance his unwieldy coworkers and wild guests in order to run a successful business that makes his parents proud. However, a demanding celebrity guest threatens to be the rude awakening that ruins everything!
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Last Game GN Vol 1 -  Shinobu Amano
In elementary school, the rich and spoiled Yanagi Naoto was known for excelling in both studies and sports. But then he suffered the first setback of his life when Kujou Mikoto, a girl from a poor family, transferred to his school and performed better than Naoto at every turn. Reeling from this unforgivable blow to his pride, Naoto decided that he had to make Mikoto lose at something... by making her lose her heart to him, which he could then break! Now that they're both in college, will Naoto finally be able to win Mikoto's affections-or will he lose this final game with her?
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Mech Cadets TP Book 1 -  Greg Pak & Takeshi Miyazawa
Every four years, giant sentient robots from outer space come to Earth and bond forever with a brand new crop of Sky Corps Academy cadets. But this time, instead of a cadet, one mech bonds with Stanford Yu, a young kid working with his mom as a janitor at Sky Corps. This is the opportunity of a lifetime for Stanford, but first he'll have to earn the trust of his classmates and survive an uncompromising enemy...the Sharg! Bestselling author Greg Pak (Ronin Island, Planet Hulk) and fan-favorite artist Takeshi Miyazawa (Runaways, Ms. Marvel) bring to life this underdog story as Stanford and the newest team of Cadets and Robos face relentless training, an alien invasion, and the threat of losing themselves and human existence. They'll realize the true sacrifice that comes with duty and service and what makes a hero in this full collection of Mech Cadets perfect as a jumping on point ahead of the animated series on Netflix!
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Ms. Truesdale & The Fall Of Hyperborea #1 (of 4) -  Mike Mignola & Jesse Lonergan
One of the last followers of a failing Heliopic Brotherhood of Ra, the unassuming Miss Truesdale, finds herself on the receiving end of Brotherhood leader Tefnut Trionus's final vision. Connecting her life in Victorian London to a young gladiator's in ancient Hyperborea, Truesdale discovers she now has the chance to change the future by altering the bygone past.
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Navigator HC -  John Bruno & Jordi Armengol
An alien navigator, captured in battle on Jupiter's fourth moon, Europa, seeks sanctuary. In return, the alien will provide his advanced technology to help defend mankind from the alien force that enslaved him and has come to destroy us. In this backdrop is a story of love and reconciliation between a young Marine officer-placed in command of Earth's forces-his estranged wife, and Amy . . . the daughter he's never met.
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Ogi’s Summer Break GN Vol 1 -  Koikawa
On the first day of summer vacation, Haruto Ogi fell in love with legally blind Shinya Tago. All though they connected immediately, Tago was at first utterly unaware that Ogi had fallen for him. For once, Ogi felt comfortable fully being himself; if his crush can't see him, then he's safe from being judged. A sweet love story about overcoming differences and accepting yourself for who you truly are.
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Red Room: Crypto Killaz #1 -  Ed Piskor
The media won't leave Brianna Fairfield alone since her father was arrested and identified as the Steel City Cannibal. But what more sinister forces are also following her? Mistress Pentagram and the Red Room Players return in this all-new, four-issue miniseries from Ed Piskor (X-Men: Grand Design)! Splatterpunk never looked so good! As seen on YouTube's Cartoonist Kayfabe!
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Self GN -  Christopher Sebela & Cara McGee
Postscript backs up everything about a person into a file ready to be loaded into a printed body that offers one final chance to wrap up loose ends after they've died. Nat Winters has finally achieved something like a perfect life. No more scraping or getting by. She has a home, a husband, and a job turning into a career. When Nat's Postscript gets hacked and her file is torrented, her life gets set on fire by these tweaked copies of her running around the world, chasing down their own versions of her deferred dreams. As more of them begin coming to town, looking for her, Nat will be forced to confront a dozen different sides of herself and try to fix the mess they've made. But as she tries to contain things, Nat finds out there's a contingent of Blanks out there who want to hurt her, even kill her, on the orders of a mysterious enemy who is looking to make this identity theft permanent.
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Squire & Knight GN Vol 1 -  Scott Chantler
Squire is brainy, bookish, and terribly under-appreciated by his boss, the brawny, inept knight, Sir Kelton, who somehow always gets all the glory. So, when the two mis-matched heroes find themselves in a cursed village, plagued by a demonic dragon, Kelton rides off to slay it, and Squire stays behind to catch up on some reading. But Squire starts to notice that something isn't quite right about this town... can he uncover its strange secrets? Scott Chantler's prolific pen has inked a fantastic world with a compelling mystery. With characters that are relatable and dynamic, Squire & Knight is an instant classic that will enthrall readers.
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Tig & Lily: Tiger Trouble GN Vol 1 - Dan Thompson
Lions, Tigers, and... a house cat?! Oh my! Life at the zoo gets complicated when a tiger finds out she as a new roommate. What makes a tiger, a tiger? Is it the stripes? The roar? This is something that Lily, the tiger at the local zoo, has never had to worry about - until she meets the fiercest animal of them all... her new roommate. Tig might look like a house cat, might sound like a house cat, but Tig knows he is a Tiger. The competition is on as these two cats figure out what it means to be a Tiger... and a friend. A purr-fect graphic chapter book series!
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Tsumasaki Ni Kourozu GN - Aki Aoi
One day, Iwai, an ordinary college student, is suddenly offered a part-time job to work as an assistant for the mycologist, Murota, a seemingly moody and unsociable man. Though things start off a bit rocky, Iwai soon finds that he not only enjoys spending time with Murota and learning about a world previously unknown to him, but he also likes taking care of the man when he neglects to take care of himself. However, joy is gradually replaced by unrest, as Iwai becomes increasingly aware that his feeling towards the man may be deeper than he originally thought.
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We Can’t Do Just Plain Love GN Vol 1 -  Mafuyu Fukita
She's Got a Fetish, Her Boss Has Low Self-Esteem. Sakura Yuino is beautiful, cool-headed, and good at her job, and when she's transferred to handsome, polite, but shy Itsuki Kiritani's department at her office she's determined to do a good job. Unfortunately for her, Kiritani is so nervous around women he can't help getting "excited" around her. And Yuino finds her personal fetish triggered around her new boss, whose smell is intoxicating to her. After a post-work drunken tryst, they realize that perhaps this arrangement isn't so bad after all... This book contains sexual content and is intended for an audience aged 18 years and up.
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Yakuza’s Bias GN Vol 1 -  Teki Yatsuda
A yakuza enforcer becomes the gang world's biggest K-pop stan in this cult comedy manga that went from webcomic to sleeper hit in Japan! Takeru is one of the top lieutenants in the feared yakuza outfit the Oshio-gumi. He lives his life by the code of the Japanese underworld, where nothing is more important than loyalty, and ties between soldiers and their aniki are sacred bonds. Takeru's never had time for hobbies... until the boss's only daughter Megumi drags him to a K-pop concert, and he sees the glittering, charismatic Jun for the first time. Smitten like a new recruit on his first job, Takeru plunges into fandom with the solemnity and passion only a true man who walks the way of the yakuza could muster.
Whatcha scooping up this week, Fantom Fam? 
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bushleaguereviews · 1 year
Top Movies of 2022
Solid year for movies, particularly with ensemble casts.
10.  It’s a three-way tie between three horror films: Smile, Barbarian, (pictured below,) and X.
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2022 was a great year for the horror genre fan.  Tons of great examples ranging from big budget, to micro budget, from a movie like Smile, which examines the anxieties of day-to-day life, to a classic “Don’t go in there!” movie like Barbarian, which also has a social commentary to make about the state of relationships between members of the opposite sex, or X, which on the surface is a sexy slasher, but in reality has a fair share of commentary as well, talking about society and individualism.  All movies are subversive, offering up much more than meets the eye.
9. Ambulance
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Never thought I’d see the day where a Michael Bay movie would top my list, but here we are.  This is arguably the most understated Michael Bay films of all time, and considering it’s less-than-impressive box office, arguably the most underrated.  That said, it has all of the flourishes that make Michael Bay films impressive, with flashy camerawork, and larger-than life explosions, and has a little bit of everything you’d want from a movie like this: it’s a heist film, it’s a car chase film, it’s a shoot out film, it’s a buddy comedy, it’s a drama about two brothers, and has more than the usual amount of emotional depth in a Michael Bay film, showcasing a star performance from Jake Gigglesandall.
8.  Confess, Fletch
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Jon Hamm, combining his effortless charm with a Chevy Chase sense of sarcasm, starring in a movie from the director of Superbad and Adventureland, that is an old fashioned sort of murder mystery comedy.  They don’t make ‘em like this anymore, but I wish they would.
7.  Mrs. Harris Goes to Paris
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Another old fashioned movie that they really don’t make anymore: a feel good movie.  Plain in simple.  The movie takes place in the 1950s and feels like a movie from the ‘50s, about a lower class Englishwoman who saves up her money and goes on an adventure to Paris to go a buy a Christian Dior dress.  It’s got hints of Cinderella, Sabrina, and a dash of Pretty Woman for good measure.  Just delightful.
6.  The Fablemans
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Steven Spielberg making you feel all the feels.  That’s all I feel I need to say about that.
5.  The Menu
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Rising star Anya Taylor-Joy is an outsider restaurant patron going toe-to-toe against Ralph Fiennes’ obsessed chef, in a social satire thriller taking place over the course of one epic dinner.
4.  Glass Onion
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Daniel Craig leading another great ensemble cast, (including Kate Hudson, honoring the legacy of all the bubbly characters her mom brought to life through the 70s, 80s, and 90s,) in a sequel whodunit that surpasses the original.
3.  Scream
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Another classic Scream movie with all the wit, suspenseful set pieces, and intelligence of the original.  The O.G. cast is still great, particularly David Arquette, and the new ensemble is great is well.  Props to Jenna Ortega who between this, X, and Wednesday, had a great year and became a new scream queen.
2.  The Batman
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It may not rise to the greatness of the Nolan trilogy and be a half hour too long, but after Zack Snyder’s tenure at the helm of the D.C. universe, this was a welcome addition to the Batman franchise.  Battison was great, (though his take as Bruce Wayne is probably my least favorite, as was the rest of the cast, most notably Zoe Kravitz, who easily joins the esteemed company of great Catwomen, Michelle Pfeiffer and Anne Hathaway.
1.  Top Gun: Maverick
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Yep, I went with the obvious, mainstream answer.  Don’t care.  This is everything you want from a movie: you’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll be thrilled, Tom Cruise being a movie star, Jennifer Connelly being everything you want in a love interest, the young cast is great, the visuals, sound design, the younger ensemble cast lead by Miles Teller, the older supporting cast lead by Jon Hamm, the soundtrack...a great, mainstream American popcorn movie that was one of the few long-awaited sequels that was well worth the wait.
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