#Toxic Ao’nung
milequaritchsslut · 1 year
Aged Up Toxic Ao’nung Part 2
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A/N: this has been sitting in my drafts, I kinda rushed it sorry 😢.
Warnings: kisses, tension, Ao’nung actually being sweet
Part 1
Laying on your bed, you were crept under the sheets. Hands laying in front ofyou, laid on your side. The tension between the both of you engulfed the room while you waited. You couldn’t help but let your mind race. Why’d you let him do that to you? Were you dumb or something? But soon your thoughts were stopped, as a hand snaked around your waist and pulled you into them. His breathe caught onto your neck, causing your body to tense. As he situated himself next to you, you waited for something to happen. “You know I love you right?” whispering into your ear, causing your ears to lower from his hot breathe. You didn’t answer, too scared to open that mouth he hated so much. The mouth that just minutes ago was harshly quieted down by none other then your relentless mate. He wasn’t a man who liked being ignored, he was the next Olo'eyktan, he didn’t have to wait for anyone. Growing tired of your silence he spoke again “I said, you know I love you right?” his grip tightening around your waist. “Yes I know” finally responding to him, your gaze lowered to where your body connected, the warmth of you both was too much. It was becoming balmy being so close, you could feel the sweat starting to form in the inside of your palms.
Your breathe was heavy, hoping he would leave you alone with your thoughts. Was this really how the rest of your life was going to go? Letting him treat you however he saw fit and never questioning it again? That seemed like a reality you prayed would never happen, a reality that seemed so close, that you hoped would never come. But he could be so sweet sometimes right? So honorable, so handsome, so funny. Before you had mated with each-other you two didn’t spend one second apart, always trailing behind the other. You used to get along so well, always side by side, never getting any time apart from one another. He would make you laugh till you couldn’t breathe, he used to be so funny, so charming. But where was that man now? Where did your mate go? He seemed like a far away dream now, a figment of your imagination, a delusion you had to wake up from.
“Y/n?” He asked, tracing circles down the length of your thigh. He was infatuated with you, you were so intriguing to him. Though he treated you like just another woman, he truly still loved you, he could still be the man he used to be.
“I have not been treating you like I should have—I am sorry, you deserve better” his words sounded like a symphony to your ears. Never would you have thought this cold man would be apologizing to you. This couldn’t be true, he would never, he’s too stuck in his ways.
“I want to be the man I used to be—the man that you fell in love with. I can do better yawne. I promise” nuzzling into your embrace to feel you for the first time in so long, he needed you by his side. Your his mate, and nothing can ever change that. Your eyes became wide, in shock by his honesty, he hadn’t been so true to you in months.
“Do you mean it?” Testing the waters, you sat your hand upon his, rubbing it softly as he held you close to him.
“Yes yawne, I meant every word” placing soft kisses down the back of your neck, relishing in every word you spoke to him. He hadn’t realized until tonight how awful he’s really been to you. You were the only woman that really mattered to him, and he let unimportant things get in the way of that. He quietly thanked Ewya that you didn’t leave, that tonight wasn’t the last time he saw your beautiful face, until it was a distant memory.
His words warmed you, he gave you butterflies, almost like you were kids again who were sharing innocent glances at one another. You felt seen for the first time in so long.
“I’ve missed you ‘nung” caressing his hands, running the pad of your thumb up and down his own.
“I love you”
Taglist: @misscaller06 @myh3artttt
228 notes · View notes
pandoraslxna · 7 months
Too close to the sun
adult Ao’nung x female metkayina reader x adult Neteyam
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Words: 10.6k
Summary: Ao’nung loved you as Icarus loved the sun- too close, too much.
Warnings: explicit smut, mmf threesome, ooc Neteyam, biting, p in v, oral, toxic behavior, jealousy, possessive behavior, best friends with benefits, fake dating, angst, one sided love, double penetration, anal
Adult Neteyam / Ao‘nung art by the amazing @cinetrix 🩵
Notes: I was aiming for porn and it got emotional my bad
Tsawke = sun
Sevin = pretty
Paskalin = honey
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"Everyone knows the story of Icarus, who Daedalus warned not to fly too near to the sea, nor too close to the sun.
Have caution, they are saying, because when they tell you this story they are Daedalus.
Have caution, I am saying, because when I tell you this story, you are Ikarus and I am the sun."
— ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆ —
Ao’nung wasn’t always in love with you. And there’s nothing he wishes more, than for the time to come back where he wasn’t. That time, before that dumb arrangement.
It was a double edged sword.
It wasn't so much a friends with benefits arrangement as it was a assured destruction. Because Ao’nung hadn’t known what he was agreeing to.
“Nungy, would you do me a favour?”

You see, spending every possible second with you has taught Ao’nung to be cautious, to pick up on those minuscule changes in your voice, in your eyes. And the way you called him by this silly little nickname made goosebumps break out over his skin, because whenever you blinked up at him with those big doe eyes and that innocent little smile and then called him nungy, he knew that there was something that you wanted and he also knew that there was no way he could ever deny you.

“I’ll do you one too,” you promised, tilting your head, a mischievous smile tugging on the corner of your lips. Oh, you little…

“…alright. What do you want now, hm?”

Looking back, Ao’nung realizes that this was his first mistake. His next mistake was not getting up and running when you grinned at him like he was some prey that just walked into your trap. His biggest mistake, however, was not saying no when you proposed this strange arrangement.
"Please pretend that you… that you want me. That there’s something between us. Just for a while nungy, please. Maybe that would make him jealous, would make him realize that he wants me too."

Or maybe he made the first mistake long before that. Maybe his biggest mistake was to befriend that little girl he made fun of, twenty years ago. Or maybe it was making fun of you in the first place. Maybe he should’ve never picked on you, should’ve never made you cry, maybe he should’ve never went to you and apologize, because he has never apologized to anyone else ever before. Maybe he shouldn’t have blushed like an idiot when you accepted his apology, swung your little arms around his neck and pulled him into a hug, told him it was okay. Maybe, just maybe, he should’ve never made the girl cry that then accepted his apology so unconditionally that Ao’nung swore he would never let anything bad happen to you ever again, because you were the first person to accept him as he is, that could see through his façade and saw something good. Something worth to be loved.
He hadn’t known that he was agreeing to losing himself and becoming inseparable from you. Or maybe he had, he’d already known he needed you like his lungs needed air to breathe when it was just friendship between the two of you. He just hadn’t counted on how much his own helplessness to the whole situation would drive him crazy. How it would only be a matter of time before you sunk beneath his bones and nurtured this deep seated familiarity into a love so fierce that he would question if he had ever truly been in love before you came along.
But your love was directed to someone else.
Every single nerve-ending burned with the desire to haul a fist over and slam it into his face. It was on the verge of painful just to hold his muscles tightly still whenever he was around. If he did anything to this piece of shit, Ao’nung knew he would be the one to get punished for it.
Neteyam. He’s the one his tsawke was so head over heels for. The omatikaya prince that grew roots on his island a couple of years ago when his family sought otulu within his clan.
Ao’nung knew you had your eyes on him ever since you took part in training him for his second iknimaya with the metkayina. But he didn’t deserve your kindness. Neteyam didn’t deserve any of the things you did for him, the things you still do. Not with the way he had that filthy grin on his face when his eyes roamed your body. Not with the way he acted all innocent and kind in front of others, but his true nature made Ao’nung scrunch his nose in disgust.
Neteyam just wasn’t a good guy. Sure, he had this special talent in making others believe that he was, but he certainly wasn’t.
You’ve spent years trying to get his attention with courting gifts, fleeting touches and seductive words. But while Neteyam seemingly tried to leave his filthy fingertips on every women in the village, he barely paid you any mind. Just enough though, once in a while, to keep you wanting him, keep you on edge. Like this was all just a fun little game to him.
But what shocked Ao’nung most was, that you knew. You knew that he was a flirt, knew that he slept around, knew that he was playing with you, kept your hopes up for years on end but never returned any of these feelings or kind gestures to you and yet you still couldn’t peel your eyes away from him. It made his blood boil, because how could a smart little thing like you be so blind, so dumb to fall for him, of all people?
Truth be told, Ao’nung wasn’t even sure if part of the reason he agreed to any of this was that he was hoping it would work. Ao’nung was hoping this would get Neteyam jealous, he was hoping this would hurt him as much as it hurt you to find him flirting with another woman yet again, to find him wearing the bracelet you made while his hand was buried between another woman’s thighs. Yes, Ao’nung hoped it would hurt him. Even if he was hurting himself on the way.
But by eywa, could hurting himself feel any better?
The first time he gave in to you was intense. It left you with a noticeable, unplaceable stiffness in your walk the next morning, but aching to have him again. Ao’nung found himself unable to lean his weight fully against anything for three days, his muscles sore, feeling thicker than usual. There were gouges from your nails in his back, bruises from his hands on your body, marks from his teeth everywhere they could possibly cover. Marks that were normally meant for no one to see, yet you displayed them like they were art, meant to be noticed, to be seen.
"Louder, tsawke. Let him hear you."
He doesn’t know what drives him more insane. The feeling of your walls clamping down around his cock, squeezing him so painfully tight it felt like he might come undone at any second. Or the knowledge that you were doing this only now that he had mentioned him. Not that it actually mattered.
A wet rhythmic smack of flesh against flesh filled the air in your marui. Ao’nungs hands were at your hips in a tight grasp, your cheek shoved against the ground, ass high in the air as he pounded into you.
"Let him hear how good I’m making you feel", he whispered against the shell of your ear. "Moan my name."
Selfish, yes.
But you just sound so sweet when you gasp his name like that, with that whiny tone in your voice that’s halfway muffled into the sheets, little punched out moans garnishing the whole thing before his cock started throbbing inside you.
He made sure Neteyam heard every little noise you made, every moan, every whimper and every filthy squelch of his cock drilling into your wet heat. Ao’nung made sure he heard all of it. You were his, he let himself believe. Even if it was just for now, just for this.
"Ao’nung!" The name rolled off your tongue as a whimper, a gasp, followed by a choked-off moan as he gripped your hips and pressed himself closer against you, buried his face into the crook of your neck and lapped at the bite marks that he only recently put there.
Anyone could claim their mate with a courting gift, he thought proudly, sucking yet another hickey into your throat as he simultaneously trusted into you. But these bites and hickeys, they were an art that required precise observation from their presenter and the complete trust from their acceptor.
These weren’t cold, lifeless symbols of affection, no. You couldn’t just take them off. But they had short lifespans, often only a few days, a week if he was lucky. And this gave him the opportunity to continue to give you new ones over and over, of different sizes, shapes and colors; and if he didn't feel like putting them on your throat, then he could put them on your breasts, your hips, on your wrists, your shoulders or your thighs.
Your entire body was an available canvas for these markings and he took great advantage of this.
Ao’nung liked having the ability to move them and create new ones as the old faded and disappeared. He liked having the opportunity to accept and receive his own markings when your old ones had once again retreated from sight.
They were profoundly intimate, a powerful symbol that was physically felt each and every time it was given to an extent that any other courting gift never would be.
— ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆ —
Yesterday night’s memories were still pretty much livid in front of his minds eye as Ao’nung not so subtle failed to listen to his so called friends about whatever they were talking about.
Nothing they weren’t used to. It’s not like he had ever actively participated in a conversation that wasn’t about him, anyways. And it’s not like he cares much about what that says about him. Ao’nung knows these guys aren’t really his friends. At least not like you are. They’re more like his goons, brainless little minions that have been following him around and would listen to every one of his orders since the day they found out he will be the next olo’eyktan. He’s almost certain that they wouldn’t stick to him if it weren’t for this fact.
Gentle waves rock him back and forth on his tsurak, the morning sun casting a warm glow over the vast ocean, his spear-gun strapped to his back as they wait for the rest of the hunting party to join them.
Ao’nung doesn’t need a mirror to know that he must’ve looked like he was ready to commit a crime when some of the younger hunters were accompanied by the Sully brothers, and he wonders which of these skxawngs had invited them so he knew which of them to exile from any hunts for the next month or so.
Neteyam greets the others first as he approches, polite as ever, but there’s a knowing, dirty little grin reserved just for him as he turns in his direction to reach a hand out for him to shake, like they’re friends. Ao’nung fights the urge to scoff and roll his eyes at that.
Reaching their chosen spot, he then signals the other hunters to prepare their fishing spears and nets. Each of them take their position, their eyes keenly scanning the water's surface for any sign of movement, while some others submerge into the deeper water.
However, Ao’nungs own eyes are unfocused. He has a hard time concentrating on anything other than that insufferable forest boy swimming only mere inches away from him. Like letting his five fingered freak of a brother participate wasn’t already enough of an insult to his warriors pride. No, now there were two of these demon spawns here with him. He knew Neteyam wasn’t even doing anything particular annoying, yet it felt like he was taunting him with every breath he took.
It was as if he could sense his thoughts, because a shadow suddenly casts over the spot Ao’nung had aimed his spear to, making it impossible for him to see through the waters surface. Looking up, Ao‘nung is then met with a pair of golden eyes and sharp teeth grinning back at him.
Any complain about Neteyam blocking out the sun so the man would hopefully move and bother someone else dies on his tongue, the moment his gaze lands on the shiny pearl that’s dangling over his shoulder, tidily braided into a strand of ink-black hair.
Ao’nung would probably recognize this white pearl everywhere. He was with you the day you had found the shell, had watched you crave and polish it for hours. He had wordlessly sat besides you, pondering if you even realized that a similar pearl garnished his songcord as a reminder of the day he had met you. That he had once sat where you sat, spent hours working in concentration to crave the pearl from such a filigree shell that his hands were hurting for days, hoping you would return the gesture to him one day.
"Neat, huh?" The omatikaya smiles, but it’s not a genuine one, before he brushes through his braids and twirls the pearl between his fingertips. It makes Ao’nung snap out of his thoughts, and he’s quick to advert his gaze to the sun, secretly hoping it will burn his eyes so he would never have to look at it on him again.
He just hums, barely a coherent response. While he wants to agree, simply for the fact that you had made it, he would also rather die than compliment the demons son. And he knows Neteyam just want to force a reaction out of him, so he chose to end the conversation right here and wordlessly swims a little further, where he then aims his spear to the waters surface, targeting a fish with precision and—
"Almost as pretty as the little thing that made it for me." Neteyam squints his eyes at him as he chuckles, and this time his amusement is sincere. Aimed to hit a nerve.
With a swift motion, Ao'nung hurles his spear into the water, but it completely misses the shimmery fish that had caught his eyes.
He turns to glare at the man that’s practically begging to be the next target. His Tsurak growls, making the water around him vibrate as it feels the anger radiating off his rider through the bond.
"I didn’t mean to insult you", Neteyam laughs and shakes his head, holding his hands up in surrender. "You two are awfully close, no?"
With a sigh, he regains his composure, takes a deep breath and, afraid that whatever might come out of his mouth would only start something that wouldn’t do him good, simply choose to nod instead, his eyebrows still drawn together tightly. Neteyams grin still hasn’t vanished, yet he seems to mimic the way Ao’nungs spine had straightened, which in return made him feel like he was under interrogation.
"How come I still haven’t seen any courting gifts on her then? Whatever it is called that you have with her, is that some kind of arrangement or…?"
"Nothing that should concern you, forest boy", he cuts him off.
"Hmh, right." Neteyam nods and Ao’nung can’t help but pray to eywa that this would finally be the end of this uncomfortable conversation. Unfortunately, it is not, as the forest boy then swims a little closer, his voice low as he says, "Well, by the sound of the moans you knock out of her", a look comes over Neteyams face, and it sickens him to realize it was arousal. "I may have to try my hand at her sometime too, just to see what all the fuss is about. Seems like she loves to spread her thighs for just anyone."
Ao’nung balled his fists, and ground his teeth together so hard, he was almost certain he could hear a crack. It took every last ounce of energy not to lunge at him.
Neteyams words whispered over and over and over in his head, a rolling loop that he thought might actually drive him insane.
— ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆ —
Never had left him a hunting trip so tense before, Ao’nung realized, sighing as he lowered himself into the water. It was warm and relaxing, soothing his tense muscles and the ache he felt.
He seemed to get like this a lot lately, feeling stressed and tense and trying harder than ever to will himself to sleep, to concentrate and to stop thinking about this. But it was impossible. Ao’nung found his mind going back to the same problem over and over again and he found worry and jealousy rising in the pit of his gut more and more.
It had been some time since his last visit to the hot springs in the center of the island, and at least the waters were soothing on his overworked body. Not to mention the way your hands were gently running over his shoulders, as you positioned yourself to straddle his lap.
The hot spring was large, a natural pool that sat surrounded by smooth stones, leaving the air here steamy and considerably warmer than the rest of the forest. A popular spot to bath for the metkayina, but tonight it was calm and empty.
Long, ropy vines hung low and mingled with purple leafy plants above him. Bountiful beds of marigold, azure, blazing red, and creamy orange blossoms lined the space that the pool inhabited. Small particles of pollen danced in the steam that rose to the sky. Blue-green moss coated the rocks where their surface was wet and slick from the humidity.
You had both stripped out of your clothes, long past being uncomfortable with each other's nudity. Your warm, soft breasts now pressed against his chest, thighs framing his waist and his body finally relaxes as he deeply inhales the swirling aromas of both, the hot spring, filled with oils and herbs, and also your sweet natural scent.
Ao’nung rests his back against a rock that had been weathered smooth, his hands gliding over the soft skin of your back, up and down, as you continue to knead the tight muscles of his shoulders and neck. Through the upper canopy of the trees he could see night draw in and a soft rumble filled his chest as he pulled you closer.
"Still not going to talk to me about what happened today?"
Your playful voice is what makes him pry his eyes open and unfortunately return his mind to the moment and todays memories.
"Nothing happened today, tsawke. I already told you", he grumbles.
"You know I can tell when you’re lying", you push and Ao‘nung wants to roll his eyes, but he misses the strength to do so. Instead, he just buries his face into the crock of neck and makes a sound of annoyance. "And you’re never like this after a hunt. Normally, I can’t even get you to shut up about how you made the biggest catch and how you’re oh so much better than everyone else, how they’re all just a bunch of skxawngs and– ", you begin to mock him, but can’t finish the sentence as a teasing little giggle bursts out of you.
"That does not sound like me at all", he protests, yet can’t hide the lazy grin forming on his lips.
It’s moments like these that Ao’nung values most about your friendship. It feels so intimate and natural, the way you so playfully interact with him. How close you are, physically and mentally. You take care of each other, even if the ways in which you do, go beyond any normal friendship. It just feels so good to be in your presence, it makes him forget about the world around him for a while. Makes him forget why he was even so tense, what exactly had plagued his mind in the first place. There was just you now.
Ao’nung doesn’t even try to wipe the woozy smile from his face as he listens to your soft giggles and the joy it brings you to tease him, to know that you’re the only one allowed to do this and continue unharmed. Oh, how you loved to take advantage of the soft spot he had for you.
Your chest was still pressed firmly against his own, droplets of water running down your collarbone and collecting in a small puddle where your breasts are squished together. You wear your hair up in a bun, a few messy strands sticking to the sweaty skin of neck and forehead and Ao’nung thinks you’re the most beautiful woman he has ever laid his eyes upon.
Between soft laughs as you mimic his cocky way of presenting himself, he catches you off guard as he suddenly presses his lips against yours.
He knows there’s no reason to do this. You’re all alone out here, so there’s no point in trying to make someone jealous that wasn’t even there to witness it. But from time to time, both of you had sought the other out just to get some sort of relief, so this wasn’t really something new to either of you. This agreement had long become more than a means to make Neteyam jealous. Besides, if he had to pick something he would get out of this agreement, it was this. After all, you promised him a favor if he would agree.
Your lips are soft and your tongue tastes warm and sweet as he deepens the kiss, tilting his head and cradling the back of your head to get better access. It doesn’t even take a heartbeat for you to relax into the kiss, exhaling a soft sigh as your arms encircle his neck and pull him closer.
The gentle sway of the water fuses you tighter together, and soon you’re rubbing and grinding against each others wet bodies. His hands are everywhere on you, pushing and pulling and kneading every inch of skin until your cheeks are flushed red and you’re panting against his lips.
"Please", you whisper softly, and he feels your thighs squeeze around his middle. Your hands roam over the muscles of his chest, then down over his abs, between your bodies, until they reach the base of his cock. "Please, can you…"
"Can I what?", Ao’nung breathes against your lips. He plants open mouthed kisses from the corner of your lips to your jaw, down to your throat. "Talk to me, tsawke. Tell me what you want."
"Touch me", you say, and it’s so whiny it almost sounds like a complain. Meanwhile your hands begin to stroke and squeeze up and down the length of his cock. It makes him chuckle as he licks a wet stripe from your collarbone down to your breast, "But I am touching you."
You make a frustrated sort of noise and Ao’nung smiles, softly, fondly, and then he carefully closes his teeth around a nipple and tugs.
"Fu– Fuck, c-come…on", you pant, "You know what I mean! Just— please!"
His tongue traces from your breast back up to your throat, where he buries his face into your skin to inhale more of that natural sweet scent you release. Ao’nung let’s out a deep groan once you stroke him a little faster and it almost makes him forget what he was supposed to do with his own hands.
"Please, Ao’nung", you whine again, but what snaps him out of his aroused trance isn’t your pleading voice. It’s the sound of someone else approaching the hot spring with a low chuckle.
"It’s not nice to make a woman beg like this."
You inhale a sharp gasp, pressing yourself tighter against Ao’nungs chest in an attempt to shield your naked front from any unwanted viewers. His tattooed arms hold you close, encircled around your back and covering your skin as much as possible. With his eyebrows knit together, he glances over the top of your head to see who was stupid enough to interrupt his alone time with you.
"Oh, please don’t stop on my account. I was enjoying the show."
Neteyam. Oh isn’t this just great, Ao’nung thinks to himself, grinding his teeth as he watches toruk maktos eldest step into his direct view.
There’s a sharp grin plastered on his entirely too perfect face. And this man dares to call himself a warrior? There’s not a hint of a scar on his skin, not one tattoo adorning his body that could tell of his victories, his hunts. He might as well be a nobody.
"What are you doing here?" The grip Ao’nung has on you is possessively tight and for a moments he thinks he’s the reason for your breath has stopped.
"Well, what do you think?", Neteyam chuckles and the golden color of his eyes seems to glint in the moonlight as they rake over your exposed back. "I came here to bath, just didn’t know this spot was already… occupied."
It’s a reasonable response. But not even close to a good enough reason for him to stay.
"You can leave then."
Neteyam did not seem to share the same thought.
"Hm, I don’t think I will. Besides, that gives us the chance to continue our nice conversation from earlier, don’t you think?"
Ao’nungs growl rumbles from deep within his chest as he watches him step closer to the hot spring. Briefly, he remembers that he had very clearly warned the brat to stay away from you this morning, even if it was through gritted teeth and words that were generally much nicer than the ones he would’ve preferred to use.
Neteyams hands were already working to untie the knot that held his loincloth together, before he paused for a moment. A quick glance to your face and Ao’nung was met with the sight of your widened eyes, lips slightly parted as you were obviously trying and failing to proceed what was even happening. Neteyam then pauses.
"Unless you…", with a tilt of his head his eyes meet yours, a sly smile pulling at the corner of his lips, "want me to leave?"
Taken aback, your breath hitches in your throat. There’s a look of uncertainty on your face, as if you were struggling to express what you wanted. If you even knew what you wanted, Ao’nung thought. Your eyes then skipped between both men for a moment, a blush spreading over your cheeks so deep, they were almost turning purple now.
Ao’nung feels his chest tighten as you glanced from Neteyam to him, and then back to Neteyam. For a moment he’s scared you would tell him to leave, now that what must’ve been a dream to you finally seemed to come true. But you don’t. You just say nothing.
"That’s what I thought. You don’t mind if I do, right?" A soft rumble filled the man’s chest, almost a purr, as he untied his loincloth and then stepped into the water.
Your breathing had picked up rapidly, Ao’nung realized, feeling the way your chest pushed against his own as you inhaled quick, shallow pants of air. There’s a moment of very uncomfortable silence, made worse only by the tension that filled the air as Neteyam let out a content sigh after making himself comfortable, sitting with his back against a rock, arms sprawled out over the edge of the hot spring like he owned the place.
His abs tense just above the waters surface as he stifles a laugh, and he brushes a loose braid behind his ear while his eyes seem to be glued to yours.
"By the look on her face I assume you haven’t told her about our conversation from this morning?" He asks, his gaze moving for just a split second to look at him. You seem to follow his example and crane your neck up to look at him questioningly, your brows raised high.
Ao’nung can't think about what he's supposed to say now. If he thinks too much about it, he'll end up punching him in the face and it probably won't end there. It’s like Neteyam can read his mind, or maybe he’s just good at reading facial expressions, because he’s quick to give an answer to the confused look on your face before Ao’nung even has the chance to open his mouth.
"Sevin", Neteyam says and Ao’nung wants to vomit, "why don’t you turn and face me, hm? It’s rude not to look at the person that is talking to you, don’t you think?"
Ao’nungs arms tighten around you, so hard it’s like he’s afraid you‘ll float away if he won’t hold you close enough.
But then you whisper a soft, "It’s okay", and uncontrolled jealousy punched right at his gut as you wriggled yourself free.
It’s almost like he had forgotten for a moment that this was kinda part of the deal. That he’s not the one that’s supposed to be jealous. That if he were a good friend, he would’ve gotten up and left ten minutes ago, give the two of you some space, help you achieve the goal you’ve been working so hard for the past year or so.
Usually, Ao’nung could camouflage all and any feelings from anyone very well behind angry glares and scornful smiles. He was an impenetrable wall for those around him. Except for you, of course, who could normally read him like an open book. But now that your attention was entirely directed to someone else, you couldn’t even see the way a flash of hurt and jealousy came over his face for just a heartbeat.
Your hands trembled as he helped maneuver you to sit on his lap, facing Neteyam that sat opposite of you.
"That’s much better, isn’t it?" He grins and you give him a sheepish little nod, blushing even deeper as he purrs a whispered praise. Ao’nungs arms encircle your waist, pulling you flush against him. He feels the soft of your bottom pressed against his crotch, and if it weren’t for the current situation, he would’ve loved nothing more than to slide into you and take you just like this. Unfortunately, the omatikaya sitting right in front him then continues to talk and sets every single nerve inside him on fire with the urge to get up and push his head under the waters surface until he stops mov—
"I meant what I said, by the way." He says and all of those murderous thoughts inside his head come to an halt. "There’s no need to stop doing what you’re doing just because I’m here."
He wants to laugh in the forest boy’s face, but decides to shove it back down and manages to keep his expression impassive.
"On the contrary. I‘m very content with watching." A seductive little wink is send your way and Ao’nungs whole body tenses. Neteyams gaze then lands on him and Ao’nung suddenly knows that he wants him to try something.
Ao’nung has a temper. He‘s always had a temper, everyone knows, and Neteyam is just trying to be provocative, Ao’nung tries to remind himself. But now his temper already flares, bright and white-hot, and he almost doesn't care about a response, doesn’t care about what he could answer to this as long as it hurts, so he bites his tongue hard enough to taste copper.
It’s unfortunate for both of them, that Neteyam can’t seem to shut up, despite the fact that neither him nor you had said anything yet. He‘s confident in every word that leaves his mouth, not even caring about what the two of you would think of him as he goes on, "Oh, right, I almost forgot. Since your dear friend hasn’t told you yet, I guess it’s my duty to enlighten you."
One of his hands curls into a fist and he can't seem to relax it, before he realizes it’s your hip that he’s squeezing. Not hard enough to hurt, but he lingers for a long moment before he can force himself to loosen up. He apologizes with a fleeting kiss to your shoulder, making sure to hold eye contact with the man in front of him, like it’s two Pxazang‘s battling for territory.
"Ao’nung and I had a very nice conversation this morning, and he actually made the proposal to…", his lip curls into a dangerous smile, "share you."
Ao’nungs mind goes blank. He wasn’t prepared for this.
Share you? But he did not…
His mouth opens to object, but all words seem to fail him, his brain struggling to keep up with what was happening, while he simultaneously tried to understand what Neteyam wanted to achieve with this lie.
"If that is something you would want, of course."
There it is again, that act of fake innocence, pretending to be oh, such a good and caring guy. It breaks his heart to see it working so well on you.
You glance up at him with those nantang puppy eyes full of hope and anticipation, "You… You did?"
But there’s silence and Ao’nung just looks at you. He listens once Neteyam opens his mouth again, he has to listen because his throat feels too dry to speak.
"Oh, yeah", he responds for him. A white lie, like everything else he had told you so far. "He told me how good of a friend you are and that this would be something you would truly enjoy. And I know for a fact that you really deserve this."
No. No, you don’t deserve this, don’t deserve him. And sharing you like this was never part of the deal, it wasn’t part of the agreement to take a part in any of this, to watch his filthy hands touch you. Ao’nung was never one to share his possessions– he never talked about his feelings, he just acted, knowing what he wanted and going for it. That was how he did everything; with quick deliberation leading to a fast resolve, quite the opposite of Neteyams tendency to manipulate.
"You’re such a sweet girl, aren’t you? Letting your friend arrange this for you", Neteyam chuckles and Ao’nung realizes just now, how much you’re squirming on his lap. "Why don’t you show me just how sweet your are, hm sevin?"
He’s only playing a role, Ao’nung has to remind himself. As much as he prayed for it to become reality, you weren’t his. He was just your friend. But if being a good friend meant to participate in whatever this was, so be it. At least he could be here for you, take care of you even when you were in another man’s arms.
It was comforting, in a way. Comforting like rays of sun soaking into his skin, so much so, that he‘ll forget what damage they can do if he stays to long under her comfortable shine. He‘ll burn, sooner or later, feel the pain when it’s already too late. But it feels good now, so he tries to stop worrying about everything else.
The feeling of your slick rubbing against his thighs reached a point where it was impossible for him to ignore, even though it hurt to know he wasn’t the main reason for this.
His gaze never leaves its target sitting across from him, not even as he dips his hands below the waters surface and hooks the back of your knees over his forearms. The surprised little squeak you emit was kind of cute, he thought, as he lifted you out of the hot spring.
Your soft hands cling to him as Ao’nung makes himself comfortable, sitting down onto the flat rocks that enclose the pool of water, while he holds yourself up and open for Neteyam to see. Your legs are spread as far as they can go, and said omatikaya can be seen swallowing the salvia that pools in his mouth at the sight.
You were a piece of art; gorgeous, pretty and wet, droplets of water running down your curves, mixing with arousal that ran down your thighs. But you were also pretentious, greedy, and entirely spoiled and that was entirely his fault. And he knew how to play that card all too well.
Ao’nung nuzzled his nose against your cheek, up to your ear where he whispered, "You want him? Then show him", before licking the shell of your ear, making you shudder in his hold.
Even he felt the flush of dark embarrassment tickle up your spine, before you wriggled a hand free and lowered it between your spread thighs. A fingertip slid between your folds, teasing your slippery entrance with a quiet whimper.
"Don’t be shy", Ao’nung murmured, nipping on your throat. "C‘mon, tsawke. Be a good girl and put a finger in."
Nodding, you pressed your index finger against your slippery entrance, slowly pushing in to the last knuckle. Then, you wriggle a second finger in beside the first one, and start to ease them out together, then back in; a slow, slick push.
The moans that tumble from your parted lips are like the sweetest most familiar melody to him. To Neteyam, they are the reason one of his hands has disappeared below the surface, casting ripples in the water.
You curve your finger a little more and pick up the pace, thrusting them faster. The squelching sounds they coax out from between your thighs filled his ears, growing louder by the second. It was only overturned by the sound of his own ragged breathing, his heart thumping against his chest in the same rhythm his cock throbbed heavily, yearning for friction, for your hands to touch him, your tight cunt to wrap around his length and swallow him whole.
"Just like that, you’re doing so good", Ao’nung coos softly against the shell of your ear, "Look how much he’s enjoying the show. See what you do to him?" He tips his chin up and your eyes flutter open to get a glance of Neteyam. His ears are pinned back, eyes half lidded, with lips slightly parted and chest heaving as he strokes himself under the water. Ao’nung has to swallow back his own pride in order to play this role, yet he enjoys being the one that can touch you so freely while all Neteyam can do is watch as it happens. "He wants to touch you so bad", he chuckles lowly into your ear and your body decides to respond for you, hips canting forward to push your own fingers in deeper. "I bet he wants to know what you feel like, warm and wet around him. How tight you are. Fuck, if only he knew how good it feels whenever you come around my cock, the way you squeeze me. See his eyes? He’s hungry for you, tsawke. He wants to know how you taste like, too."
A helpless little whimper escapes you from his words and Ao’nung grins, the tip of his fangs sparking with mischief. "Should we make him watch, hm? Or do you want to invite him?"
"Nung", you mewl, plead with your eyes as you glance over your shoulder to meet his.
"I won’t do it for you", he whispers, tilting his head towards the other man with a sigh, "Use your words if you want him."
Your eyes follow his line of sight. Neteyam groans, then closes his eyes for a brief second and throws his head back in bliss, before he looks back at you with a dirty smile.
"What is it, hm?", Neteyam asks, "What do you want, paskalin?"
Your toes curl at the sound of his voice, raspy and laced with a certain type of hunger that could only be satisfied by one thing alone. And that thing is you. Breath hitching, you make a whiny little noise that almost sounds like a plea for the forest boy’s name, but that seems to be all you manage.
"Can’t get the words out, huh?", he chuckles, "That’s okay. Fuck, just look at that pretty pussy, doing all the talking for you. Look how she’s dripping, so eager to be filled, but your hands aren’t enough, are they? You need my help, pretty girl?"
Ao’nungs own fingers itch to help you out, to show him just how perfectly he can fill you with them. That there’s no need for this demons spawn here, that he’s the only one you need to satisfy you.
You seem to think otherwise, because you’re nodding quick and desperate, and Neteyam groans at the sight of your clenching hole once you had pulled your fingers out. A wordless inventions for him to take their place. So Ao’nung continues to hold your legs open wide as Neteyam pushes himself off the rocks and approaches slowly, gracefully walking through the waist deep water to stand before you.
With the way Ao’nung had hoisted you up and held you spread open as he sat on the flat rocks surrounding the hot spring, Neteyam didn’t even had to kneel or crouch to be eye level with what he craved most and the realization made him lick his lips in anticipation.
His hands find the soft of your thighs, caressing your skin before he placed soft kisses here and there, making you shiver in Ao’nungs hold. With his eyes entirely fixed on yours, Neteyam then runs the tip of his tongue through your wet folds and groans at the taste.
"Eywa, woman", he curses under his breath, then attaches his lips to where your slick oozes out in a clear, honey-like stream. "You’re so sweet, paskalin", it’s muffled against your cunt, before he withdraws and glances up at Ao’nung. "Does she always get this wet?"
You let out an impatient whimper and Ao’nung places a soothing kiss to your shoulder.
"For me?", he chuckles, the sound low and dangerous and he feels the goosebumps rise on your body. "Every single time, yes."
Neteyam grins. "Must be my lucky day then. Look how she’s dripping for me."
He takes his sweet time returning to you then, kissing and stroking everywhere but where you need him, but when he finally does, you gasp and moan as he nibbles at your clit, arches when he cups your ass and, with the soft sucking noises he makes, it felt he was drinking you in.
You moaned again, breathlessly, bonelessly, and your back arched away from Ao’nungs chest, or at least you tried to. Feeling so good, so stupidly happy, Neteyam then ran his tongue up and down your slit again and your moans turned into a wail.
He returned to lick and suck at your clit, alternating with a smooth up-and-down stroke with two of his fingers, teasing and circling your clit, then gently prodding them at your entrance.
"Mnnh– Fuck, ah, please, please", you whimpered breathlessly, hips bucking helplessly to get his fingers to slip inside, your head falling fully back against Ao’nungs chest. "Neteyam, p-please!"
But Neteyam only sped up, his tongue wet and rough and steady against your clit, groaning into you at the sound of his name from your lips, and pressing his face against your pussy like you actually taste of nectar or honey or any of those tooth rotting sweet fruit the Sullys enjoyed to eat.
Meanwhile, Ao’nung placed several open mouthed kisses from your throat to your jaw, enough of an hint to make you turn your head and claim your lips in a deep, hungry kiss. It was wet and filthy, just tongues and teeth as he devoured you, as Neteyam devoured your other set of lips.
You were moaning into the kiss, wanton and desperate, before finally, a set of fingers were pushed past your entrance and curled just right, while Neteyam kissed and sucked on your clit so passionately, Ao’nung felt the way your whole body tensed.
And then, then you were coming, bucking, crying out weakly even though it seemed you had no breath left in you. Shuddering and shuddering all through your body, shuddering between two hot bodies who worshipped you, who were holding you, staring at you like prey- beautiful, delicious prey, both of them so very hungry for you.
"Good girl", was murmured lowly into your ear, "Keep coming for us, c’mon let it all out. Let him taste how delicious you are."
Neteyams tongue continued to lap at your flowing arousal, groaning against your folds between filthy slurping noises. "Hmm, fuck. Is that all for me? So good, paskalin, you taste so good."
You kept your eyes closed and let the little tremors and aftershocks go through you, just breathing in tiny happy hums, because, eywa bless them to whatever heaven existed, they were both still touching you, gently and slowly. Neteyam kissing you softly, Ao’nung nuzzling his face into the crock of your neck, sucking on your throat, until eventually your breathing slowed, and you swallowed, opening your eyes.
Immediately, you were met with two golden eyes, looking up at you from between your thighs.
"Neteyam", you pant, "m-more. I want more. Please."
"Oh, do you?", he chuckles as he rises to stand on his full height, towering over you. "You’re such a cute little thing, so needy." He tips your chin up with a finger, then tilts his head as he grins down at you. "Think you can take both of us?"
There’s the sound of an audible gulp and neither Neteyam nor Ao‘nung himself can stifle a chuckle at this. You squirm in his arms for that one, grinding down against his cock that’s been trapped between his stomach and your lower back, making him grunt.
"I‘ll take that as a yes", Neteyam smiles wickedly, exchanging a look with Ao‘nung. He then stepped just a little closer, truly sandwiching you between them both before he hooked an arm under your thigh so Ao’nung could trace his hand down your spine and dip it down lower. Goosebumps run up your neck as his hand kneads one of your ass cheeks and then slides between them. Ao’nung expertly locates your dripping entrance from behind, fingers swirling in your arousal, dipping inside for good measure and he hums lowly at the sound of your weak little moans.
You’re always wet, always wet for him, beautiful and perfect, eywa, the way you just fit, it's like you plug into everything, everything that makes him high, incoherent, hard.
"You want this?", Ao’nung whispers into your ear, his tongue teasing your lobe. You clench around his fingers and give him a quick, desperate nod, so eager to be filled. He grins at that. His fingers retreat, covered in arousal he lets them glide between your cheeks to feel for your puckered hole.
"You want me in here, hm?"
Your whiny whimper of "Yes, please!" is completely satisfying to his ears. Your lack of surprise makes Neteyam realize you’ve done this before, and that mental image is a delicious one. One finger then eases into your tight hole slowly, fluidly. Neteyam watches with hungry, half lidded eyes as Ao’nung spreads you open on one and then two of his thick fingers, watches how expertly you take him in as he spreads your legs a little further to give the other man more space to work with. More slick is running down your pretty cunt, like a silent plea for him to fill it.
It's not long, though, before you’re squirming, the position you’re in making it impossible to push back against his fingers but they both know you’re trying to. It’s also not long until your moans turn louder, back arching, and you make a sound of protest when Ao’nung finally pulls his fingers out and deems you as loose enough. His cock is so painfully hard, leaking more pre-cum than he thought was even possible. He had to get inside you now, had to have you because in the back of his mind there still lingered this thought that after this, it could’ve been the last time he would get to feel you, to hold you, to fuck you, ever again.
So he wraps an arm around you, the other hand securing your thigh, while both of Neteyams hands hold onto the underside of your knees to spread your legs for them.
"Together then", Neteyam grins and Ao’nung can’t help but glare at him over your shoulder. Not even this situation could change anything about the grudge he’s holding against that forest boy.
A quick glance down your front reveals the sight of Neteyam pushing the length of his cock between your slippery folds, lubing himself with your slick.
The tremor that passes through your body seems more intense than usual, once you feel Ao’nung get into position too.
"Breathe, tsawke", he says, the tip of his cock nudging against your backside. You nod, inhale, exhale, and then they both push into you slowly, spreading you apart. Another whimper tumbles from your lips, your eyes squeezing shut and Ao’nung places a tender kiss to your temple as he slides further in.
"Good girl, just relax for me", he coos, "you’re doing so good."
For a moment it's too much, you’re way too tight and he thinks your body just can't reach that far, but then Neteyam seems to be fully inside while he slowly pushes deeper with minimal resistance. Neteyam groans, his grip on your legs tightening as he feels Ao‘nung move into place alongside him. You’re stretching around them both like you were made for this, and then Ao’nung glances at the space between your legs where you’re all joined, and there isn't a slither of space.
"Fuuck, look at that", the forest boy pants, smiling almost proudly. He gives the first languid thrust that makes you mewl. "That feel good, hm? You like being stuffed full of us, don’t you sevin?"
A whiny "Y-Yes", comes as a response, followed by a string of incoherent pleas for them to finally move.
"You sound so pretty when you beg, paskalin", Ao’nung says, granting your wishes with slow thrusts, making you feel every inch of him as he slides himself into you. Better adjusted now, your body welcomes him with every snap of his hips. Neteyam sets up a quicker rhythm, pistoning in and out of your body roughly, the tip of his cock brushing against your g-spot at just the right angle.
You flex your inner walls, squeezing his cock, until you feel him throb inside you with the change, moaning, and his gaze entirely fixed on where you are joined.
"Eywa, that little pussy is gripping me so tight. No wonder you kept her all to yourself. I wouldn’t share her with anyone, not even if she begged me to."
Their eyes meet for a second and Ao’nung’s breath is hot on your neck as he whispers, "you’re mine, aren’t you? He’s just lucky I can’t deny you any of your filthy wishes." Reaching to cup one of your breasts in his hands, he tweaks a nipple and earns a dirty little moan in response, your soft, velvety-like walls pulsating around their cocks.
"Oh f-fuck, make her do that again!"
Ao’nung was rubbing your nipples more roughly now, and your voice goes hoarse when Neteyam simultaneously thumbs at your throbbing clit. "Yeah, good girl", he praises you, thrusting into you faster, "so good, sevin. Shit, you feel so fucking good around me."
You’re close, Ao’nung can tell by the way you’re writhing, by the way your breath hitches when the tip of Neteyams cock brushes against your cervix, by the way your face twists with ecstasy when he fucks you harder, deeper.
He removes his hand from your nipple and slips it between your bodies, fingertips fighting for their place to rub against that swollen bundle of nerves alongside Neteyams, until your whole body is arching and your jaw drops.
"Nung", you moan like a prayer, "you’re– so big. M‘so full, gonna come!" It’s like you’re trying to finish him just with your words, and fuck, you might manage it if you carry on. His head falls to your shoulder and he presses his lips against your skin, then up your neck until your mouths are crushed together, a desperate thrashing of tongues and lips.
Words were entirely washed out of your system, your mind completely overtaken by the fullness of two cock sliding in and in and then all the way out just to slip back in, harder, tight body gripping and squeezing them.
It was all heat and pleasure. All those sensations, thoughts and emotions. Everything so close, but you just couldn’t reach it. Not yet. You felt like a puppet on a string, waiting for any of them to pull the right thread and help you to your release.
You’re right on the edge, right there.
The moment he breaks the kiss, Neteyam catches your lips in another, his tongue swirling around yours and a bitter part of Ao’nung hopes you still taste like him. If that is the case, Neteyam doesn’t seem to mind. His hips continue to snap hard against yours as he exchanges moans and spit through the kiss. It’s a filthy rhythm the both of them had set, various body fluids smearing between three tangled bodies.
Every time one thrusts in they brush over your pleasure spot, leaving you sobbing and writhing on their cocks, clutching on their arms so hard it hurts, chanting their names in between moans, hardly able to catch your breath.
"Let go, c‘mon I know you need it so bad", Ao’nung groans lowly into your ear, thrusting in just as the other man pulls out, which leaves you in a constant state of fullness, never empty for even a second. "Be a good girl and come for us."
It's a buildup of tension that arches your back and curls your toes and just when you think you can't take it anymore, something snaps. Your entire body tightens as you cry out their names, nails sinking so deep he’d be surprised if they haven’t drawn blood.
"There it is, pretty girl. Great mother, look at you creaming around my cock, gonna make me cum too", Neteyam groans, throwing his head back in bliss. He was thrusting into you so hard now, it knocked the very air out of your lungs, leaving you gasping for breath.
The little breath left in you was then stolen by a deep kiss, Ao’nung sucking on your tongue as he continued to pound into you, unable to think of anything else besides the way your walls tighten around his throbbing cock.
"Gonna cum inside you", he groans into the kiss, "Can’t hold back, I just need to fill you up, gonna fuck my cum into you and— hngh– shit!" He plunges into you, one, two, three more times and then comes with a grunt of your name.
Your legs were already shaking with the aftershocks of your own orgasms, twitching from overstimulation while Neteyam gave one last thrust, hips pausing, and then you felt it flowing— hot shots of cum pumped into you, filling you up nice and warm as he lost himself inside you with a low moan.
Ao‘nung wasn’t entirely sure if you could even hear him at this point, but he still kept the reassurance up anyway as they both gently lowered you back into the hot spring.
"Can't say that was a bad time, fish lips," Neteyam grinned, glancing at your relaxed face resting against Ao’nungs shoulder. Your eyes had fluttered closed a few minutes ago, as the metkayina man was carefully cleaning the sweat and other body fluids from your skin, holding you tight against his chest.
"Don't get used to it." Ao’nung warns in a hushed whisper, "I doubt I'll share her again."
"Wouldn't expect it. Worried I'll steal her away?"
"No. But I keep close tabs on what's mine," he counters, blue eyes cold as he watches the other man rearrange his loincloth.
Neteyams grin widens at this, and he shoots him a playful wink, "We‘ll see about that", before he leaves off to the village.
— ⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆ —
Ao‘nungs hammock might as well be carved from stone.
He hadn’t been able to get much, if not any sleep at all these past couple of days. Shifting restlessly, he’s forcing his eyes to close once more every time they inevitably drift open, but it’s not working. So he’s staring at the ceiling of his marui, at the woven walls, and out into the dark blue sky. It only makes his frustration worse. Days have gone by and now half the night has already passed, by the time he finally comes to terms with the fact that jealousy truly is an ugly emotion. But it somehow always reveals the truth. And it’s not like he didn’t already know the truth before. No, he knew.
He could joke about it all he wanted, whenever Tsireya made her teasing little comments about it. Could laugh it off and roll his eyes at his younger sister, tell her she’s just imagining things and that this is all just a means to get another man jealous. He’s just being a good friend. He turned these comments into jokes, because he‘s afraid to take anything seriously. Because if he takes things seriously, they matter. But it does matter. It matters so much, that it hurts now. Truth is, Ao’nung held his love for you so horrible discreet, that it was as persistent and almost as silent as bleeding from an unstitched wound. And now he was bleeding out. Painful and slow and irreversible.
Sharing you was a bad idea. Probably the worst he’s ever had, there was no doubt in it.
Ao‘nung tosses and turns in his hammock, unable to rest for any moment longer as his thoughts dared to consume him whole. Willing his body to get up before the sun was even beginning to rise, he found solace in the rhythmic crashing of waves down at the beach.
Ao’nung wishes that he could just have some kind of treatment to fix this problem. If only the tsahìk could cut his chest open and take his heart out to make it stop. Maybe eywa would bless him with a new one, one that wasn’t stained and stabbed and torn apart. Maybe it would take away the sick, knife-twisting pain he felt in his chest whenever he did as much as look at you. But in its own way, it was a good kind of pain. Like a constant reminder of just how much he was in love with you. How good it felt to love you. It was good, except for how it made him feel sick whenever you laced your fingers up together and squeezed his hand as though Ao’nung was something precious, something to be loved, and once again he catches himself wishing that you might ever look at him in the ways that Ao’nung looks at you.
It pisses him off to be reminded that he's supposed to be good at keeping his head, at keeping his distance, at not letting his lies consume him, the way that they're doing now. The way that they've done since this whole thing started. That this is all just a game of play pretend and you’re not really his.
Besides everything else he's doing that's completely unhelpful to this dilemma, Ao’nung’s overlooking one crucial detail: how can he stop pretending, when this is probably the closest he'll ever get to actually being yours, to you being his? How can he stop pretending when he's already made you this stupid, shiny little bracelet, because it would scandalize Neteyam in the entire, to think that Ao’nung and you are so into each other that you’re trading what could be mistaken as a courting gifts. And because it's the closest thing that Ao’nung will ever get to actually giving you a courting gift. He just has to take what little gifts he can from the world, right? So he can’t end it. He can’t end this arrangement. Not yet.
"Become my mate."
A simple statement. A straightforward question with a straightforward answer. But he would never actually ask that, would never receive an answer to this that wouldn’t hurt him, so he might as well continue to live in this perfect world that he lets himself envision.
Ao’nung turns the bracelet in his hands, thumb swiping over the carefully polished pearls. One of them sort of looks like the color of your eyes, as much as a simple blue pearl can emulate the deep ocean blue of yours and the way they sparkle when you look at him. The whole thing doesn't really capture your essence, it just made him think about you, and that's why he picked it out. He would give it to you today, he thought. He knows you would wear it for him, and maybe the thought of you wearing this for him, wearing something that would always mark you as his would make it enough for a little while longer. Maybe one day he would get his ass up and just ask you, would ruin your friendship just for the teeny tiny chance of you not turning his offer down. Maybe you would be his, one day. Truly his.
It’s when the first rays of sun begin to shine over the ocean, that he’s greeted by the sight of his own, personal warm solace. Sometimes that shines brighter and warmer than the sun herself. His ears perk up at the sound of you calling his name, waving your arms at him and a smile tugs on his lips. Always up early, he thinks, rising to his feet.
"It worked!" You squeak happily, jumping into his arms and Ao’nung continues to smile at you, albeit a little confused. You break away from the hug first, jumping excitedly and pointing to a piece of jewelry dangling from your wrist. He stares at it blankly, each breath making his lungs feel like they were filled to the brim with shards of glass.
His palm closed tightly around the bracelet in his own hand, tight enough he could feel the little shells cutting into his palm.
He knew this would eventually happen.
He could feel it in the back of his mind, lingering like a muscle he's held tensed so long that he can no longer remember what it felt like to be otherwise.
What Ao’nung didn't expect was, that it would be this soon. He really thought he still had time. More time. More time with you, before he would loose you to another man. Time to change his fate, time to–
"It worked! Neteyam courted for me, look!"
Ao’nung felt something in him shatter, breaking to the point of no repair. Breaking so violently that he wondered if it was possible for no one to have heard it. He felt it burn his skin, his eyes, the inside of his chest. Felt it burn like the sun burns, like it would burn if he tried to touch it. Ao’nung felt himself melt away and burn, and that’s when he reminds himself of the reason for the nickname he had chosen for you.
Tsawke. Because you are his sun.
And nothing feels as good and hurts as much as loving the sun. Because as well as she can make you feel good, as fast she can burn you.
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fl3shm4id3n · 1 year
𝓕𝓲𝓼𝓱 𝓖𝓲𝓻𝓵
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𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: 𝐘𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐚𝐝𝐨𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐝𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐓𝐨𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐢 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐑𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥, 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐡𝐮𝐦𝐚𝐧, 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐚 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐩𝐞𝐨𝐩𝐥𝐞. 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐥𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐰𝐡𝐲 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐝𝐢𝐝𝐧'𝐭 𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝐨𝐫 𝐩𝐞𝐨𝐩𝐥𝐞 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐮𝐫𝐞𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐝𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬. 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐡𝐚𝐝 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐝 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐍𝐚'𝐯𝐢 𝐜𝐚𝐦𝐞 𝐚𝐬𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐞𝐟𝐮𝐠𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐨 𝐤𝐞𝐞𝐩 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐟𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝐬𝐚𝐟𝐞 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐰𝐚𝐫.
ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: ɴᴇᴛᴇʏᴀᴍ x ʜᴜᴍᴀɴ! ꜰᴇᴍ! ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
Tw:  SPOILERS (don’t come at me, I’ve warned you), experiments done to a baby in stomach, child birth, mentions of bruises, fluff, reader is a middle child, the reader has no description except mentioning she has dark hair and tattoos, death of a character, reader is able to breath without the mask, reader is 5′3 in height, Flashbacks
Author’s note: I had the courage to write something, I hope you like it. Idk why but I’d like to write avatar fics with a human reader since I don’t really see much of human reader. I’ll also write of Na’vi reader too, I hope you guys like it. Might do a part 2, I’d like some feed back too, don’t be shy and leave a comment :)
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A human woman had stumbled upon Awa’atlu, she was heavily pregnant, it was shown that she was about to give labor. She had begged for help, she wasn’t in the best state, she was in pain, sweating as blood began to trail down her legs. She had been practicing experiments on her baby while in her stomach. The experiments involved allowing the child to be able to breath the Toxic air. 
The people had taken her to Ronal, seeing the human woman she helped. Hours had passed helping the woman deliver her child. She screamed and cried, begging for the pain to be over soon. Finally the baby was born, the baby was smaller than a regular Na’vi baby.
The woman was exhausted, she knew she wasn’t going to make it, her last words she asked was if they could watch out for her baby before she passed. Ronal held onto the human baby close to her, she didn’t have the heart to leave a defenseless child on her own. She promised to take care of the human baby along with her mate Tonowari, they’ll teach her their ways and will learn to be like them. They had named Y/n.
Year had passed and you were thought everything, how to swim, how to hold your breath longer than you could, as well as hunt and fish. You had always questioned on why you didn’t have blue skin, fins, four fingers and tail. Your parents had told you that you are their daughter and that’s what mattered.
You loved being in the water, you were like a fish, you spent hours and hours swimming with the fish along with your spirit sister. Your mother was surprised that you had bonded with a tulkun like the rest of the people. Your father loved teaching you how to hunt with a spear along with him taking you to ride his skimwing.
You also rode on your oldest sister’s Ilu since you couldn’t bond with one, you and your sister were close, she was their when you were still a baby. She often wondered why you looked different but still loved you. Ao’nung defended you from anyone who made fun of you for being different, yes you may not look like the rest of them but you were still his sister.
That day you had been swimming in the water all morning, seeing different schools of fish along with other kinds of pants under water. Along with collecting sea shells and plants, you wish you had gills so that you could live underwater like a fish. When you swam back to the surface to breath, you saw a small crowd form on the near the shore. 
You swam closer and got out the water, placing your collection of shells down and you squeezed your hair to get rid off some water then approached the crowd. When others began to notice you they moved out of your way, you stood right behind your father’s fall figure but got a glance at the forest Na’vi.
They were seeking for refuge to get away from war, but then your mother was not happy with them being here. She had judged them for being to thin, along with them not belonging here due to being forest Na’vi. Then when she had said that they were not true na’vi and having demon blood on them, that’s when you decided to step out causing them to look at you.
The forest Na’vi eyed you, seeing a human that lived among them, how is it that they accepted you and they won’t accept them. “What of her? she is a dreamwalker and yet you let her live among you” Neytiri hissed at you. Ronal turned around and saw you, she walked over to her and pulled you close to her side. “She is our child, she was placed in our path by Eywa” she hissed at her, her mother instincts had kicked in when Neytiri had hissed and gave you a dirty look. 
Then you looked up at your mother with pleading eyes. “Mother, please give them a chance? We’ll teach them our ways, to be like our brothers and sisters, please” you begged. Ronal looked down at you, seeing your pleasing eyes, she could not say no to you, you were her precious child, her baby. She sighed and agreed. It was settled, your father allowed them to stay and become one of them. You along with Triyera and Ao’nung will teach their children their ways, your brother wanted you protest but he was shut by your father.
“We’ll show you our village” Tsireya said as she walked towards them to help them with their things. Ronal gave you a loving squeeze like hug before letting you go help your sister assist the family. You helped your sister carry their stuff along with helping them guide them to their new home. 
As you walked with your sister, Neteyam the oldest son had been looking at you. He saw how you dark hair was put up along with some baby hairs being displayed like small waves with beads along with shells and other small accessories. he also noticed how you had a tattoo on the upper left of your face, it fit you perfectly. You also had some necklaces around your neck, you looked beautiful. 
“This is your new home” your sister said as she set their things down. You stood next to her still holding their things, you saw how Jake tried to lighten the mood but you saw how Neytiri had dropped her rug in an angry manner. “We’ll let you settle in” your sister said as you both excused yourselves and left them.
Neteyam was watching you leave. “Hey! Bro!” Lo’ak spoke loudly causing him to look at his little brother “yes?” he said seeing a smirk on his face. “Did Y/n catch your eye?” he teased, making his older brother roll his eyes “shut up!” he groaned playfully pushing him.
You and your siblings were in the water, waiting for the Sully’s to arrive, you were thinking of thinking of the boy who was looking at you. He was handsome you thought to yourself as you kept yourself afloat between Ao’nung and Roxto. Then finally they got there, they jumped in the water causing you to get splashed along with the two Na’vis next to you. 
The lessons were going great, though they were struggling a but they were catching up. Ao’nung groaned frustrated that he was practically teaching babies. “Man, you’re all like babies” he complained as you then chimed in “It’s fine, just be patient Ao’nung” you said as your brother looked at you. Then the Sully children surfaced from the water to breath “you’re going to fast wait for us” Tuk wined as she rubbed her eyes. 
Your brother had made a comment on how they were good at swimming on trees, earning a smack from Tsireya, making you giggle. The lessons continued until it was time for them to bond with an Ilu, you had to set this one out since you had no Ilu to ride on. You walked back home where your mother had been creating some kind of lotion with sea weed and clams.
“Evening mother, would you want my help?” you said as she looked at you and smiled. “I’d love to have your help” she said as you got materials to make another kind of lotion. Your relationship with your mother is a good one, she treated you like a baby since you were smaller. She was very protective of you, ever since you were a baby. She was the one who taught you how to swim was a baby, she also thought you sign language and more. 
“How is my sibling?” you asked, as you looked at her baby bump, she took your small hand and placed it on the her stomach. You felt the baby in her moving, it made you smile at the feeling. “They’re strong” Ronal said making your mother smile wide. “I can’t wait” you said as you went back into working on the lotion.
After you had left, you came across Neteyam who was sitting crisscross but he had a split lip. You walked closer to him with a worried look at him “Neteyam? What happened?” You asked touching his face lightly with your smaller one, seeing his injury “nothing” he said locking eyes with you. You felt as if time had stopped, his yellow eyes had exchanged yours, you stayed looked that for a bit until you shook your head.
“Hold on” you said as you then reached inside your small pouch that you had took with you so that you could go collect some sea shells and took out the small lotion you worked on earlier in a small wooden tin. “This may hurt a bit” you said as you opened the tin and got a small scoop of the lotion. You lightly dabbed your fingers on his lip making him hiss. “This should help” you said as you put the wooden tin back in your pouch. 
“Thank you” he said with a smile, giving him a polite smile in return “your welcome, I was about to go for a swim and collect some shells, would you like to join me? I could also help you with your breathing exercises” you asked shyly at the boy who gave you an even brighter smile. “Yeah, I’d like that” Neteyam said getting up from the floor. You both walked down to the beach towards the ocean.
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persefolli · 10 months
HII!!, i just randomly thought of this, but have you watched the barbie movie? and yk the song with Billie eilish "what was I made for" like what if reader was in a toxic relationship before their relationship with this new character(could be neteyam or ao'nung, or your choice of character) where readers ex boyfriend didn't care for readers feelings, and is really toxic is all, so reader hides her emotions/trauma from her new lover, like with the lines in the song "im sad again, don't tell my boyfriend, it's not what his made for" and so readers new lover finds out about this and like reassures her that she can always share her feelings with them and ykyk, Anyways It's just a thought, you don't have to do it, oh but please do😭
𝐀/𝐧: 𝐈 𝐟𝐮𝐜𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐠. 𝐈 𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐚 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐞𝐝 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞… 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐞𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐛𝐞𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐝 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐥𝐲𝐫𝐢𝐜𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐟𝐢𝐜, 𝐞𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 "𝐈 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐡𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐨 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥." 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐞 "𝐖𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐝𝐢𝐝 𝐢𝐭 𝐞𝐧𝐝? 𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐨𝐲𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭. 𝐈'𝐦 𝐬𝐚𝐝 𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧, 𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐦𝐲 𝐛𝐨𝐲𝐟𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝." 𝐈 𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐮𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐟𝐢𝐜 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐢'𝐦 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐦𝐮𝐜𝐡 𝐨𝐟 𝐚𝐧 𝐀𝐨'𝐧𝐮𝐧𝐠 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐞. 𝐀 𝐍𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐲𝐚𝐦 𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐌𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐛𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬. 𝐁𝐮𝐭 𝐈 𝐡𝐨𝐩𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐠𝐮𝐲𝐬 𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐨𝐲.
𝐒𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐈 𝐖𝐚𝐢𝐭 𝐅𝐨𝐫
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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐀𝐨'𝐧𝐮𝐧𝐠 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 𝐝𝐞𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬, 𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐟𝐥𝐮𝐟𝐟, 𝐦𝐨𝐬𝐭𝐥𝐲 𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞
𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭: : @iwanttogohomeandtakeanap, @ms5m1th, @18lkpeters, @yukichan67, @laylasbunbunny, @jakesullyscocksleeve, @neteyamyawne , @fanboyluvr , @myheartfollower , @letsloveimagines , @xylianasblog , @papichulo120627
𝐡𝐨𝐦𝐞 | 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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You watched as Ao’nung soared through the water with his friends, riding their skimwigs as they passed a ball back and forth, playing a traditional game of water polo. You would’ve been playing, or at least in the line with the other girls who were bound to play the next round but a nauseating feeling has been bothering you for the past few days. 
It had been at least half a year since you and your family sought Uturu in Awa’atlu. Being raised in a forest and suddenly being stripped of your home in a matter of hours made it hard to adjust. Yes, you should’ve been used to it now, but even after all this time you just…couldn't connect. 
You connected well with Ao’nung, and you loved him, but not everyone supported the relationship. He was the Olo’eyktans son, and you were the demon's daughter. Safe to say it caught everyone, including you, off guard when he began to pursue you. It also caused a little drama between you and the other girls on the reef. You didn’t know much about his dating history, but allegedly there was a singular girl he was supposed to court. Especially since he would be Olo’eyktan in the future if not Tsireya. That girl hated you, and she didn’t try to hide it either.
You felt them staring, the girl and her clique staring as you sat alone in the sand watching your boyfriend. Their eyes made the sun beam harder, and the heat of it all made your head pound. You wanted Ao’nung to come over. To whisk you away or to tell them off, but you repressed yourself. 
After all, you were probably being emotional. Just like your last boyfriend said. It was normal for him to berate you after pulling him away from his “duties”. He dumped you after a year or so for being “too clingy” and “too emotional” and said that it was probably your fathers demon blood that made you "do that stuff" since the Sully family was full of “freaks”. 
This did not slide with your parents at all. You begged them to not escalate the situation but they just couldn't help it. Jake began putting the boy through more rigorous training and your mother became more vocal with her distaste of making him a warrior. In the moment, they might have thought they were helping, but in reality it only supported your exes claims. 
So when you got here to Awa’atlu and got labeled as ‘freaks’ and ‘demons’ it brought you back to what you already were back at home.
You stood and began walking away from the beach, feeling more self conscious than usual. You hated the feeling, and when you were left alone for too long your mind began to wander. The subconscious thought of you and Ao’nungs relationship not ending on good terms haunted you, and you were desperate to rid yourself of those thoughts. You found yourself lingering and strolling over to the tropical first of Awa’atlu, the closest to home you could get. Your fingertips brushed over the coiled flowers and brushes, giving you that sense of fulfillment. 
You and Kiri had a similar connection and love for nature, but lately she’s been getting her stimulation from the sea. 
Sitting on the ground, and laying against the damp grass, you looked at the sky that was bordered by palm trees and distant birds flying. You tried to manipulate your reality by imagining the thicker forestry and the sounds of animals hooting and hollering in the distance, but you couldn't. 
The trees felt like a dark hole. A circle of a place you could never call home. You sighed deeply, and tried to make most of what you had.
Not even an hour in, you heard the crunching of grass get louder. You internally groaned, knowing it was Ao’nung. 
Without a word, he laid next to you, staring up into the sky as you were. 
“You gotta stop running off on me like that.” He said silently.
“I didn’t mean to…I just…got distracted.”
Ao'nung felt a pit in his stomach himself. He knew you were lying. Even though he teased and joked around with you a lot. He knew it was time to sit and talk to you. 
“You’re lying.” He said bluntly. “You’re depressed.”
You said nothing, letting his words sink in. You’d come to that conclusion a while ago, but you avoided saying it out loud. 
“Is it because of me?”
“No.” You said immediately. 
“It's the reef. Isn't it? You miss your home.”
“I do miss my home.” You nodded.
The both of you fell silent again. Waiting for the other to say something. Neither one of you were good with stuff like this. 
“Why do you never talk to me?” He asked. “You never talk about your life in the forest.”
“It would be just as bad as talking about my experience here. I don’t fit in anywhere.”
Ao’nung let out a chuckle. “Without the angsty teen typical ‘I don’t fit in” bullshit.” He started, which caused you to let out a genuine laugh. Maybe it was corny. “I want you to tell me. Life before the reef. Life before me.”
“Are you sure you want to hear it?”
Ao'nung rolled over to turn to you and you did the same, looking over at him.
“Of course I want to hear Y/n.” He said with furrowed eyebrows. “I want to hear every little stupid idea and thought in your head. You need to let me in. I want you to let me in.”
You felt a pang of guilt surge through your body. This was the first time he…or anyone has said anything like that to you before. Here you were, treating him like your ex where you could share nothing personal, and this entire time he wanted you to. 
“Well now I feel bad.” You mumbled.
He whirled his fingers around a strand of your hair and smiled. “You don’t need to. I know how anxious you get.”
With a deep breath, you began rambling. Talking more than you had in the past year. You told him everything, from sleeping in bioluminescent gardens and very public fights with your ex. You talked about the events leading up to arriving at Awa'atlu, along with a sprinkle of your dad’s backstory. 
You told him about how you felt ashamed to be his girlfriend, especially with how the other people on the reef felt about your family. 
In all, you probably talked his ear off for an hour. But the craziest thing is that he sat and listened to every word. Nodding along, even interjecting a few times to validate your feelings and thoughts. 
With each word and look of affirmation you felt a large weight lifting off of your shoulders, even relieving pressure you didn’t even know was there. Your chest wasn't tight, and you didn’t feel nauseous.
“See? That didn’t kill you.” Ao’nung said with a soft smile. “We’re not all dicks you know.” He placed his hand on the dip of your waist. “You just got paired with a shitty first boyfriend…and it sucked.”
You bit your bottom lip to stop it from trembling, listening to Ao’nung give you the much needed reassurance. “I may not be able to save you or help you with every issue you come across on the reef, but I'll do my best to protect you from anything I can control.” He patted your waist. 
After talking, especially now. You felt pretty stupid that you had pre-judged your boyfriend and thought that he wouldn't care. This whole time, all you wanted was someone to understand you. He most likely noticed you were falling into a pit before you did yourself. 
“Hey,” He poked your forehead. “We build from here. We both have no idea what we’re doing.”
“You definitely don't.” You giggled. 
He flicked your nose before standing and pulling you upwards, pulling you to god knows where.
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teyums · 1 year
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need help finding your way around?
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- His Secret Admirer | part one | part two | part three | part four | bonus chapter |
- Figment (request)
- “Come with me.” (request)
- Love Realization #10 w/Neteyam (request)
- Drunk Flirty Prompts #4 w/Neteyam (request)
- "Happy Birthday!" (request)
- Infatuation (request)
- Neteyam’s Type (request)
- Toxic Neteyam (modern imagine)
- “I only want you.” (One shot)
- Until We Meet Again. (One shot)
- NSFW Neteyam Headcanons
- Softdom!Neteyam Drabble (NSFW request)
- Smut Prompt #11 w/Neteyam (NSFW request)
- Smut Prompt #25+#26 w/Neteyam (NSFW request)
- Smut Prompt #29 w/Neteyam (NSFW request)
- Our Little Secret (NSFW oneshot)
- F*ck Me to Sleep (NSFW request)
- Housecat!Neteyam | part one | part two |
- The Way He Loves You (headcanon)
- How They Would React to you Dressing Up For Them (Headcanon)
- How They Act When Jealous (Headcanon)
- texts with teyam | part one | part two | part three
- Neteyam Headcanons | part one | part two |
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- “Forgive me.” (request)
- Babyboy (request)
- More Than Friends (request)
- What’s a Period? (request)
- Human!Lo’ak x fem! reader (request)
- Contagious (oneshot)
- Smut Prompt #9 w/Lo’ak (NSFW request)
- Sweet Dreams (NSFW oneshot)
- Teach Me (NSFW oneshot)
- Bf Lo'ak with Human Reader (headcanon)
- How They Would React to You Dressing Up For Them (Headcanon)
- texts with lo’ak
- How They Act When Jealous (Headcanon)
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- “Everyone knows. Everyone knows she f*cks you.” | part one | part two |
- Twin Flames | part one | part two |
- Human!Ao’nung x fem!reader (request)
- Stargazing (oneshot)
- “I’m coming with you.” (request)
- Good boy. (request)
- Drunk Flirty Prompts #3 w/Ao’nung (request)
- Smut Prompt #17 w/Ao’nung (NSFW request)
- How They Act When Jealous (Headcanon)
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jake sully talking you through it
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- How They Would React to You Dressing Up for Them (Headcanon)
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the characters I write for belong to james cameron. this list is subject to change as I post more. my works are original to me, please do not duplicate or plagiarize them. ©teyums
updated: May 8th, 2023
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emoji anons - 🐺🍀💋🫧🫶
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normsdaughter · 9 months
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Saccharine [Pt. 1] 🐚
Ao’nung x fem!metkayina!reader
Summary - Ao’nung is your best friend, and a possessive, domineering, and strangely quiet asshole who tends to unintentionally terrify anyone and everyone he interacts with.
Warnings - toxic friendship (obsessive and controlling on Ao’nung’s part.), smut in future parts, angst in future parts, kinda fluffy?, pretty boring. Short chapter, the rest’ll be longer.
‘ Ao’ chuckles under his breath, the expression on his face condescendingly amused as he pulls out of the hug, his hands on your shoulders. “Yeah, do you now? want me to stay ‘nd sleep with you, huh, sweetie?” ’
You brush your ever so pretty seashell-adorned braids behind one ear, looking around at your fellow clan members gathered for dinner. When you set your eyes straight ahead, you’re met with Ao’nung’s piercing gaze. His eyes are hard, glaring through you. You don’t have the chance to wonder why, as your thoughts are interrupted by a hand on your shoulder.
You turn around, coming face to face with Nìhek, a fisherman a little bit older than you.
“Hello.” He murmurs, with a smirk that shows off his bright and sharp canines.
“Oh! Nìhek, hi! How are you?” you smile sweetly, tilting your head and sending your braids cascading across your skin.
“I’m doing well, hon.. oh, um..” His sentence trails off as his eyes trail away from you. At the same time, warm and rough hands land on your hips.
“Sweetheart.” A voice groans in your ear, warming your heart.
“Ao’!” You squeal childishly, whirling around and sending your braids whipping through the air as you throw your arms over your friend’s shoulders. Burying your face in his neck, you sigh comfortably, welcoming the safety of Ao’nung’s muscular, protective arms wrapped around your lower back.
“Nìhek.” Ao’nung impassively greets the man as you untangle yourself from his chest and turn back around. Once you do so, his arms don’t hesitate to wrap back around your waist, holding you against him as his chin rests gently on your shoulder.
“Are you two… mated..?” Nìhek questions, his words slow and stretched out.
“Mm-mm.” Ao’ hums, leaning his cheek against your jaw, and tightening his arms around your waist.
“He’s just my friend.” You explain, smiling innocently, oblivious to Ao’nung’s intimidating death stare looming over your shoulder and holding Nìhek’s attention.
“Yeah, um. I’m going to go, okay? see ya, kid.” The fisher says, pushing the words out quickly, walking away the second he finishes.
“Bye!” You call out, watching him leave, before turning to face Ao’nung once again. “You scared him off.” you whine and pout, drawing out the end of your sentence pathetically.
“I don’ care.” He scrunches up his nose, as if offended that you would imply he had any regard at all for your dating life. “My dad’s hosting a dinner party tomorrow for a bunch of his colleagues. He wants me to bring a guest.”
“Oh, I don’t think-” You begin attempting to politely excuse yourself from the event.
“I’m not asking you, I’m telling you. You’re going to go with me.” He says.
“Oh.” You utter, slightly put off by his demand. “Okay..”
“Good girl.” He smiles. “It’s getting late. You want me to walk you home?”
“I would love that Ao’nung.” you beam at him and slide your hand into his, as he begins to lead you through the crowds of people mingling amongst each other.
The further you get, the smaller the crowds become, until you eventually escape the gathering altogether. Ao’nung tries to pull his hand away from yours once the both of you are alone, only for you to pull it back to your side. He chuckles softly, warmly. It comforts you.
Still, you can’t stop his hand from leaving yours once you reach your marui.
“Goodnight.” He pulls you into a hug as he speaks, pressing your body to his. Your arms wrap around him, tugging him impossibly closer.
“Wan’ you to stay..” You murmur, your voice muffled by your cheek squished against his chest.
Ao’ chuckles under his breath, the expression on his face condescendingly amused as he pulls out of the hug, his hands on your shoulders. “Yeah, do you now? want me to stay ‘nd sleep with you, huh, sweetie?”
Your breath catches in your throat, surprised by his implications, but you simply roll your eyes and move on.
“Please?” You pout, grabbing his muscular forearms before drifting your hands into his much bigger ones. A begging look is painted on your face as you look up to meet his eyes with your wide, questioning ones.
Ao’nung groans, running his hand over his hair. Quickly, he twists his exasperated expression into a soft and much more pleasant one, and he looks down at you. “Of course I will.” He smiles, squeezing your hands as they gently rest in his.
“I never could resist you, could I?” He murmurs, chuckling as he trails after you into your marui and lays down behind you on your sleeping mat. You move back, pressing your body against him as you begin to rest, and his warm, strong arms snake around you protectively.
His arms around you grant you the most restful sleep of your life.
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neteyamsoare · 1 year
Kiss Me.
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༉‧₊˚. Featuring. Human! Neteyam Sully x Fem! Human! Reader | Past Ao’nung x Fem! Human! Reader.
༉‧₊˚. Anonymous Request. I CAME AS QUICK AS I COULD 17 FOR NETEYAM PLEASE + Oops! Sorry abt that!  I was hoping for #17 - "quick, kiss me"  in fluff if you don't mind 🙇‍♀️
༉‧₊˚. Summary. In order to get away from your ex, you make an impulsive decision that will change the course of your and Neteyam’s friendship.
༉‧₊˚. General Tags. Modern Au, fluff, and slight angst.
༉‧₊˚. Content Warnings. Aged up! Neteyam & Ao'nung, toxic ex (sorry Ao’nung you were just good for the job), anger, cursing, and mention of cheating.
༉‧₊˚. Word Count. 1,1k.
༉‧₊˚. Notes. I was not expecting this prompt to go so long. I thought it was going to be a drabble but it is now a one-shot but hey it’s the first prompt I’m posting for my sleepover! I hope y’all like it. | If you want to send to request another prompt, you always can — you can find the link to the sleepover event down below.
༉‧₊˚. Extra. Comments, likes, and reblogs are highly appreciated but not pressured. 🤍
༉‧₊˚. Starred Links. Navigation + Masterlist + Prompts + Taglist
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You stir in your sleep as you try to block out the annoying sound that was ruining the sleep that you rightfully earned after staying up late studying. Finally, the ringing stops letting you relax but as soon as you get used to the quiet, the ringing starts back up making you groan as you open your eyes slowly. 
You pick up your phone from the dresser that is close to your bed and see that Kiri, your best friend, is calling. You let out another sleepy groan as you accept the call and put it to your ears. “Hello?” You say with a soft voice fighting the sleep that threatens to bring you back to sleep. 
“Finally, you answer your fucking phone!” Kiri yelled into the phone making you jump up, you were woken now. “I’m sorry, I happen to love my sleep.” You sit up properly rubbing your eyes softly. You put her on speaker as you checked your notifications and saw 8 messages from Kiri and 2 from Neteyam. 
“What’s going on?” You asked as you went to read Neteyam’s message, remembering you had promised him that you were going to watch his practice. You get up off the bed and pick up your phone as you head to the bathroom to start getting ready. “Ao’nung is here on campus looking around for you,” you immediately stop what you’re doing and pick up the phone, taking it off speakerphone and putting it to your ear. “I know you fucking lying!” 
“Girl, why would I lie? I know his musty ass from anywhere,” Shit, why now? This is all you can think about as you get yourself ready. “What does he want from me? We broke up a month ago, I blocked him and haven’t spoken to him since so why is he tryna show up now?” You let out a breath as you roll your eyes. 
“He realized that he lost the best thing he could ever have in his life,” you sigh. “He just needs to leave me alone. Girl, I’ll see you on campus, I have to meet your brother at his practice.” You hear a laugh on her end. “You mean your other half,” she says while giggling as you roll your eyes and a smile appears on your face. “Shut up,” you laugh as you both say your goodbyes and you hang up. 
You put your phone down on the bed and take a deep breath. “Eywa, please don’t let me run into this asshole.” you silently prayed hoping the odds are in your favor. 
You finally arrive on the field that held Neteyam’s practice wearing some jeans, your favorite converse, and your favorite black hoodie which was originally Neteyams but he knew he wasn’t getting it back once he gave it to you. 
So far luck was on your side, Ao’nung was nowhere in sight, only hoping it’ll stay that way. He laid his bed that night he decided to get his dick wet with some girl he had just met. He threw away the chance of having you as his ‘forever’ as he used to tell you. It's crazy how a person you thought you would spend the rest of your life with can hurt you so much without even caring about how you would feel.
You were so far in your mind that you didn’t even hear your name being called til the person got a hold of your waist turning you around to face them. “You made it,” Neteyam smiled down at you and a smile appeared on your face as you quickly got your mind off Ao’nung. “Of course, I did promise you that I’d make an appearance.” you rest your hand on his bicep rubbing it softly as he looks down at the hoodie you’re wearing. 
“Oh so that’s where my favorite hoodie went,” he smirks as you let out a smirk of your own. “It’s my favorite hoodie now, you would have to cut it off me to have it back,” you let out a giggle as he just smiled. “It looks better on you than it ever did on me anyway,” he says as you make eye contact with him smiling so hard, Neteyam was always so nice to you ever since you met, especially after the breakup, he made sure that you took care of yourself, talked to you when you needed it, let you vent your frustrations, hell he even took a yoga class for you. 
You lost eye contact with him for a second when you saw Ao’nung glaring at the two of you, eyeing the way your hand was rubbing on Neteyam’s bicep. Your heart immediately starts racing, “Please eywa, let that not be him and I’m just seeing things,” you thought to yourself but when you looked back at him, he was for sure real because he was making his way over here sending you in a whole panic not wanting to deal with him at all. 
“Y/n, are you okay?” Neteyam asks worriedly as he takes in your panic state. You didn’t know what to do, looking back to where Ao’nung was, he was getting closer and closer and a rushed idea came up in your head. “Kiss me!” you blurt out as Neteyam goes into shock not expecting that to come out of your mouth. “Wha-” he starts to ask but you cut him off by placing your lips onto his, moving your hands to his waist as you pull him closer to you. 
Neteyam couldn’t believe this was happening, he thought that this could be a dream but as you squeezed his waist tighter, he smiled into the kiss bringing a hand to cup your cheek and his other hand placed on your waist. You honestly almost forgot the reason why you abruptly kissed him just on how good of a kisser Neteyam was, he easily took the lead from you and you wrapped your arms around his neck and as you do, you open an eye taking a glance at Ao’nung’s angry stance seeing if he’d still make his way to where both of you were standing but he turns around and storms off which makes you smile continuing the kiss.
You didn’t even know why you were still kissing Neteyam since the intention was to get rid of Ao’nung but you knew you couldn’t deny that you enjoyed it. Finally, you slowly pull away from each other still in each other’s embrace just staring into each other’s eyes, both knowing that this little kiss will change the course of your friendship. “When were you going to tell me that you were such a good kisser?” You ask as he laughs while bringing you closer to him as you lay your head on his chest hiding the big smile you couldn’t stop.
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🔖 @livelaughloak @jakesully-sbabygirl @kenzi-woycehoski @fanboyluvr @onlytays @amart-e @vxncxntt @blep24 @blackheart-stuff @almondmilk8 @azaleaniath @love-chx @uniltsatirey @23victoria @saeayanaa @aash3 @canaomfa @0littlelucy0 @dilftopia69 @itszmedawn
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© neteyamsoare 2023. | All rights reserved. Do not repost, reupload, translate, modify, or claim my work as your own.
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kurogxrix · 1 year
ATWOW characters as parents HEADCANONS ;
- neteyam, lo’ak, norm, kiri, ao’nung, rotxo, + tsu’tey
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[ All characters aged!up for plot purposes! ]
Where to even start.
Pray for that baby’s safety cause damn it’s boutta get wild.
He brings your children on his Ikran every time he gets the opportunity to.
Lo’ak loves to show off and showing off to your children is not an exception.
Does cartwheels in the air while your children are with him.
That earns him a good scolding and probably some ear pulling with it too.
Reassures his children that they’re enough. we love him 4 that.
Goes to Neytiri and Jake for advice sometimes.
Once he made you really upset and borderline doubting yourself as a mother after he had said something and he has never hated himself more in that moment.
He went to ask Neytiri how to make things better.
Asked your kids to help him do something to make you feel better.
You lowkey only forgave him cause your children were in the plan and you didn’t wanna disappoint them.
After that he made sure to hold you tightly at night and reminds you how much of an incredible mother you are everyday.
He’s so smitten for his family it’s insane.
The kind of dad that will put his children up on his shoulders and he spins them around.
It’s all happy and joyful until they’re both dizzy and he ends up with puke all over him. That’s what he gets for spinning a toddler over his head.
The type of dad to furrow his eyebrows at your kids when they don’t finish their food (your son literally told you to add more food to his bowl after you warned him that it was a lot).
The chill parent.
He will scold your children when they disobey but i dont see him as the yelling type.
When he gets really angry then he’s a real scary father. But other than that your children all adore him.
loves being his kid’s ‘hero’.
Like when they get their limbs stuck in the fabric of the tents and he goes to unlatch them.
A stressed and tired dad i can just tell.
Makes toys for his children himself because he wants them to be special.
He prolly makes dinner but the kids don’t like it (L for him)
You take up the cooking after his miserably failed attempts at making food. He’s slightly jealous when he watches your kid’s delighted faces at you cooking.
Stays so close to them when you all go swimming at the lake.
Like the water could be at waist level for them and he’d still accompany them.
Lets his children paint on his warrior body paint and he’s lowkey regretting afterwards.
You cant help but make fun of him and your children join in too.
Jokingly sulks after y’all laughed at him.
So now you all owe him a shit ton of kisses.
‘I’m doing this for your own good’ kind of dad, in the least toxic way possible.
Cutest thing would be you being a na’vi from the omaticaya falling in love with him despite being an avatar.
Lets say his avatar is still alive and well.
It’s kinda hard for him to maintain his family life and head of the avatar program life at the same time.
He pushes through for y’all though.
He cuddles with you and your children in your family tent at night while he wakes up in his human form to take care of himself and the program.
His kids and Jake and Neytiri’s kids are besties.
Takes his children to the lab with him to show them his research.
Loves the way they’re so enamored about his research until they start touching everything.
Has to restrict them at some point.
He can’t get himself to yell at them.
The type of dad to put his children on his shoulder when they can’t see something amongst the crowd.
He’s such a good dad.
He has the dad drip full on. We’re talking a large shirt with cargo shorts and sandals. In his avatar form or human form it doesn’t matter, he’s always rocking the dad drip.
Passes his awkwardness to his kids but you find it endearing.
You love how shy he was when he met you, and you love that you can see that in your children.
He would’ve never expected that he would’ve been here, mated with children but damn Eywa really has plans for everyone.
Brings your kids something back everytime he goes on an exploration.
He shows them the godly privilege of netflix. Doesn’t tell them that it’s on child mode because he fears rebellious teenagers help.
Doesn’t wanna taint them with some human internet bullshit so he never tells them about the web lmao.
She’s so cute honestly.
The both of you chose to adopt an metkayina baby that has lost her parents.
You want to teach your daughter in the future that it’s okay to be different, and even if the both of you are look different to her then you’ll always love her.
She amazes your child with her pandora jesus powers.
You’re badass cause I said so and you teach your daughter to stick up for herself.
You’d probably beef with your child’s bullies and Kiri will scold you for acting so brashly.
Will bring your daughter on a walk in the forest every evening.
Kiri relishes in your sweet daughter’s loud laughter when she attracts wild animals to her.
He’ll be the type of dad to pull lightly on his children’s tails and then look away as they wonder who did it.
you fear letting them too long with their dads cuz you’re scared that they’re gonna turn out as little bullies like he was.
but it’s their dad so you can’t really keep them away. should’ve just chosen a better mate bae🙁
The type of dad that will hold their baby upside down by the foot while they’re literally screeching in joy.
He’s kinda harsh on olo’eyktan training once your son gets older.
You however take your sweet time while teaching you daughter the ways of Tsahik.
sometimes you gotta remind Ao’nung to calm down lmao.
He doesn’t want his son to hate him or his duties so he eventually does and instead tries and make training sessions more like a fun bonding time between the both men.
He makes dad jokes you cant tell me otherwise.
Every teen in the clan is scared to approach your children (romantically) because of Ao’nung’s wrath.
When one boy finally got the guts to ask your daughter out and she said yes, he was finna flip his shit fr.
You had to PHYSICALLY hold him down as you watched your daughter leave on a date with the man.
He knows that he shouldn’t actually hold his children back from having a romantic life, so instead he chooses to tease them about it.
‘Saw that boy giving you googly eyes yesterday, heard from some rumors that he happens to be dating the olo’eyktan’s daughter?’
‘heard you sneaking out the marui last night son, you really should work on your sneakiness.”
The type of dad that WILL swear at your children but like fondly? like;
Your son and him are playing fight in your marui at night when he has the amazing idea to tickle his father.
‘Oh you little bitch, it’s on,”
Then he gets scolded by you and potentially his ear pulled as you do so but oh well it was worth it.
Brags to his spirit brother about his children.
doesn’t wanna admit but he secretly loves it when you all just cuddle up to him during cool nights. Then pretends to be annoyed by im later in the morning.
You all know he’s capping.
sweetest dad in all of awa’atlu.
The metkayina woman are probably jealous of your baby daddy I ain’t even gon’ lie to you.
He loves burping your child for some reason.
I headcanon him as someone that has grown up with only girls. Like full on just sisters and their mother so when his first child is born a son he can’t help but be ecstatic at the newborn male company.
He physically cannot scold your children so you have to do it yourself.
Makes you look like the bad cop.
He spoils your children a little too much.
Like they wanna try akula meat? damn just wait a min for him to call up his skimwing-
Your children have a fav parent and it’s clearly him.
They still love you though.
Rotxo’s always here to remind you how much he’s grateful for the family that you gave him.
Brings his children to meet his spirit brother as soon as they can enter the water with you.
bonus: Tsu’tey
He lowkey has beef with his baby.
will have staring battles with it.
They both fight to see who can get more affection from you but we all know the cute baby is gonna win.
Hes deadass gonna sulk i aint even lying.
He’s not the ‘awww ur so cute’ kind of father but the ‘you’re not ugly’ kinda dad but we all know he loves his baby.
When his children grow up he will be strict on them there’s no denying.
At this point he kind sounds like a bad father but he isn’t (at times).
He shows his love through words of affirmation.
Reminds his children that he’s proud of them when they achieve something, or sometimes just in general.
He wont go easy on their potential mates. Like he'll lowkey show them what hell is.
HE CANT KEEP IT IN HIS PANTS. after you both have had your first child together he’s just 100x more affiliated with you than he was before.
not to say that he didn’t love you before, on Eywa my man was a goner. There’s just something about motherhood that made you shine much more than before.
You’ll probs end up with like 5-6 children.
for a hoe that claims to dislike children i do be writing a shit ton of family things huh (it’s cuz i love dilfs 🫶🏽)
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blogwithlani · 1 year
Astray — pt.2
☁️ Ao’nung x Metkayina Reader x Neteyam
🧷 warnings: angst, jealousy, toxic!Aonung
a/n: Sorry for the longest delay ever. I’ll be honest with you I had the worst writers block with this one but anyways enough with the sob story. Hope this is okay :p
📑 Ao’nung starts to act weird and you have no idea why. You try to ignore him but he proves to make that a hard task when he starts to interfere with you and Neteyam.
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You push back against him until he finally takes his hand off of your mouth and gives you some space. You huff, adjusting yourself before standing up straight. Although you’d been avoiding Ao’nung, you were some what relieved it was just him and not a stranger. Still, you weren’t exactly thrilled to see him either.
“What’s wrong with you? Why would you grab me like that?” You seethe, still recovering from the fright he’d just given you. He doesn’t respond yet, just observing you as you mutter incoherently to yourself.
“You are not going back to your marui, you liar. Where are you headed?” He interrogates you, standing in your way to stop you from leaving.
“Getting some air. Go back home” You huff before you attempt to move past him yet again, he stops you— holding out his arm to block you, which causes you to bump into it. At this point, his intrusion is starting to annoy you and you can’t hide the way it spreads to your face.
“You’re seeing the Sully boy aren’t you?” Ao’nung says accusingly, giving you a look of disbelief before you can even say anything.
“And what if I am? Why do you care” You question him, watching as the look on his face falters at your tone. He drops his arm before he shrugs— going back to his usual nonchalant act.
“I don’t care. I just wanna know why you lied” He scoffs before he finally moves out of your way to let you pass. You take the opportunity to finally get past him enough so he can no longer block you.
“Please don’t tell anyone, Ao’nung” You plead and when he doesn’t respond, you repeat it yet again.
“I’ll keep your secret safe… for now” He tuts, you thank him quietly and although you don’t fully trust his word— you spare him one last glance before you continue on your way. It was strange, the way he was interrogating you was out of character for him to say the least. He didn’t care where you roamed before so why did he suddenly care now.
Ao’nung was wasting your time and energy yet again, you scold yourself internally as you make your way toward Neteyam who’s sitting on the sand. He stands when he sees you, a wide smile gracing his features when he sees you approaching him.
“I apologise for being late. I got held up”
“No need to apologise— I’d wait all night for you if I had to” Neteyam hums as he pulls you into a hug, you feel your face warm at his comment— grateful that it was too dark for it to be noticeable.
The two of you move to the forest line of the reef, making sure you’re well hidden away from the marui before you relax and talk. With Neteyam, you can talk about literally anything and everything and you would never run out of things to talk about. He always listens and has something thoughtful to say too— something you realised Ao’nung never did. Your conversations were always one sided, flat and consisted of him walking off most of the time.
“I want to give you something” Neteyam says softly before he pulls out the necklace that you used to wear daily— the same one that broke when Ao’nung pushed you.
You feel your eyes water, heart pounding in your chest as you stare at Neteyam with adoration in your eyes. He fixed it for you and it looked better than it had before.
“I think you must’ve forgotten some of the pieces in the sand so I collected new shells. I’m sorry it’s not as good as it was before” He apologises shyly as he avoids your eyes, his hands still holding out the necklace.
“I love it, thank you Nete” You throw your arms around him and pull him into you. He feels so warm, the heat emanating from his skin spreading onto your own. You pull away feeling an urge grow inside of you, one that was impulsive and made you do something you probably shouldn’t have.
You press your lips against his— the feeling of you causes him to jolt suddenly but he relaxes into the kiss almost immediately, his hands moving into place on your body.
“I see you” Neteyam almost whispers when you pull away from him, his words causing your heart to pound faster— a smile growing on your face.
“I see you”
You leave separately, Neteyam offers to hang back so you can get home sooner and he can watch you to make sure you make it safely. You can barely contain the smile that’s on your face as you make your way back to the marui, your fingers caressing the necklace that sits on your chest as Neteyam runs your thoughts.
Days pass and you grow even closer to Neteyam, barely hiding the fact the two of you are more than just friends. Ever since you kissed, you two have been more touchy-- constantly holding hands, stealing kisses and almost exposing your secret to the others. You are inseparable. It's a fact that you love and one that Ao'nung is growing to hate more as the days pass. You don't notice the way Tonowari's son scowls at the sight of your side brushing against Neteyam's, at the thought of you seeing him at night-- the thought of Neteyam stealing you away from him.
"Brother, frown any longer and you'll get a sore head" Tsireya teases her brother as she nudges his Ilu with hers. The sound of her voice causes him to pull away from the sight before him-- which is you and Neteyam sitting together on the sand.
"Funny" He huffs, voice monotone as he tries his hardest not to let you disturb his thoughts more than you already have. Ever since he rejected you all those weeks ago, you seemed to have had the opposite effect on him. You plagued his mind, to the point where he's starting to dream of you. Unfortunately, Tsierya found out about his dreams after she overheard him mumbling your name in his sleep.
"She deserves to be happy. You had your chance and you broke her with it. Neteyam is good for her" Tsireya hums, the humour in her tone completely faltered. Ao'nung doesn't respond, he just absentmindedly nods at her words-- a sight that worry's his sister.
Ao'nung decides to approach you both when Tsireya finally leaves to go help their mother. She wouldn't be there to stop him from doing something stupid. Which is exactly what he does.
"Neteyam. Y/N" Ao'nung greets you both, the sound of his voice causes you to exhale before you turn away from Neteyam to look up at him. You give him a questioning look, unaware of why he was approaching you.
"My father wants you to dive and hunt with me” Ao’nung’s statement causes you to frown in slight disbelief. The request sounded strange to say the least, Tonowari knows Ao’nung is more than capable to dive on his own and he usually hunts with Rotxo and the others.
“Where’s Rotxo and Tsireya? They can’t join you?” You try to weasel your way out of having to join him.
“My father asked for you specifically. You shouldn’t defy the chief’s orders” Ao’nung tuts, a sly smirk on his face as he watches a slightly irritated look grow on your face.
“Okay but Neteyam should join. He’s good at hunting” You say, offering a smile to Neteyam who gives you a knowing look. He knows what you’re trying to do and he gives you a slight shake of his head before he agrees.
“I’m free, I could use the extra lessons” Neteyam moves to stand but Ao’nung shakes his head.
“No, Tsireya wants you. She’s teaching Lo’ak a few things by the Marui— they’re important” Ao’nung finalises as he nods his head toward the marui. Neteyam looks as though he doesn’t fully believe him but he gives you an apologetic smile anyway before standing.
“I’ll see you later” He says to you before he walks off, giving you one last glance before he disappears into the far distance. You huff as you look back at Ao’nung who waits for you to stand.
It’s awkward. The silence that fills the space between you both as you swim is so heavy but you can’t help it. Swimming with the boy who rejected and embarrassed you was the last thing you expected to be doing today. He can’t blame you for feeling uncomfortable but you can tell he’s trying.
We should go in there
He signs to you beneath the water, motioning to the small cave with an air pocket. You give him a slight nod before following after him, finally heaving in a breath once you’ve entered the cave. He wades across from you as you both take a few breaths, the silence eating you alive but you try not to seem too bothered by it.
“Uh— how has your day been?” Ao’nung questions you, his tone slightly awkward. You let out a cough before you answer.
“Okay, I guess. Yours?”
“Could be better” He answers coolly, sounding more like himself than he has been recently.
It goes quiet again, the atmosphere almost suffocating as you as you avoid Ao’nung’s eyes. You feel his gaze burn on the side of your face— the feeling causing you to fiddle with your fingers beneath the water. You hear him hum before gently moving closer to you, his movement causing ripples in the water. He brushes a lock of your hair behind your ear, his fingers brushing against your skin.
“You should braid more of your hair. Your curls get in the way of your face” His eyes linger on your face longer than you want him to so you keep your head turned. You choose not to question his random act, he had never touched you so gently— at all in fact, besides the time he pushed you into the sand.
“We should go hunting. Your dad will scold us if we return with nothing” You change the subject before you swim out of the cave— you don’t wait for him before you swim out to the usual hunting area.
You notice Ao’nung a lot more. After your random diving trip, he seemed to be everywhere you turned. No matter what part of the village you found yourself in, Ao’nung was never far away. You’re swimming with Neteyam on your ilus, Ao’nung sits on his own behind you. You’re weaving on the shore and Ao’nung is somehow kicking around on the sand near you. Even during trainings with the Sully’s he’s been acting weird.
“Teyam. It’s this way” You gently guide Neteyam as he works on his signing. He’s been getting better at communicating under water, something you’ve been tutoring him on during your late night hang outs. Besides the fact it’s extra time you get to spend with him uninterrupted, you’ve been using it to teach him how to sign.
“Sorry, I need to keep practicing”
“It’s okay, you’re doing well” You giggle, the sight of you guiding his hands causes Ao’nung to tense up— jealousy surging through him as you smile at Neteyam. Rotxo nudges his side, barely pulling away Ao’nung’s attention.
“Y/N, can you braid my hair? It’s loose” Ao’nung huffs, cutting Rotxo off mid sentence as he gains your attention. You look away from Neteyam toward the chief’s son, his hair already waiting in front of him.
“Uh— okay” You say before reluctantly moving toward Ao’nung’s side of the circle and fixing his long braid for him. He likes the feeling of your fingers gently weaving through his hair. He savours the way you kneel behind him, your skin just grazing his as you quickly redo his braid for him.
“What was that about?” Kiri questions you lowly when you move back to your side of the circle. You shrug unsure of what that was either, Ao’nung usually gets Tsireya to redo his braid but she had to skip this lesson so that’s probably why.
“So shameless, brother” Rotxo scoffs, teasing Ao’nung as they both watch you walk back to the marui after training finished. His friend clearly refers to the stunt Ao’nung pulled earlier with the braid. Ao’nung just rolls his eyes, shoving him gently as they follow behind you.
“You’ll have to choose a mate soon. This would be a good time to pick” Tsireya mutters to her brother as they approach the bonfire surrounded by Na’vi their age. Ao’nung just sighs as he follows after her, mentally preparing for a long night.
Ao’nung is disinterested in all the girls that approach him. He can barely hold conversations with them and makes excuses to cut it short so he can walk off and get some time alone. He wonders where you are, he hasn’t seen you since training earlier in the morning and he expected you would be here. The village held bonfire gatherings every so often for the youth— Ao’nung usually enjoyed them but he barely wanted to be here now. Especially since you were nowhere to be seen.
“But she’s a good hunter” Rotxo tries to reason with Ao’nung as he lists yet another potential mate to his friend. Ao’nung couldn’t care less, he just shrugs— his gaze constantly scanning over the crowd around him, hoping your face would finally appear.
“She talked about finally having an important title the whole time— she’s not genuine” Ao’nung tuts, he doesn’t hide the fact he’s grown bored of the conversation of finding a mate— he just wants to see you.
He’s almost given up hope and prepares to ditch this whole gathering all together until he finally sees you walking in the far distance. His eyes light up at the sight of you, his interest finally peaking until it’s shattered by the sight of Neteyam following closely beside you. He grunts to himself, annoyed that you hadn’t arrived alone. Kiri and Lo’ak trailed behind you both, waving out to Tsireya and Rotxo when they move closer.
You had barely acknowledged him, you just sat down beside Neteyam in the sand with the circle— your attention glued onto him solely as you listen to him talk. Ao’nung chews the inside of his cheek as he feels envy rush through him, wishing it had been him you were staring at so intently.
Another girl approaches Ao’nung, a fisherman’s daughter— someone Ao’nung hadn’t talked to since he was a young boy. This time he doesn’t find ways to chase her away, instead he invites her to join him— patting the spot beside him to mimic exactly how you and Neteyam were positioned.
“You have pretty eyes” Ao’nung compliments her, his voice louder than usual. It was shameless and pathetic but he had hoped you’d overheard him. You proved his plan a success by accidently eavesdropping in on their conversation. You can’t help but feel something about the way he talks to her so sweetly. This was a side of Ao’nung you never got to see, you had more of a chance of being attacked by a Tulkun than getting a compliment from him. It hurt.
Ao’nung hopes you see the way the girl’s hands caress his shoulder gently as they talk, or the way his fingers entwine with hers as they hold hands. It was an impulsive act and a shallow one seeing as the fact he didn’t even want to hold hands with her— he just hoped you would feel jealous the same way he had. You notice, of course you manage to play it off especially since you have Neteyam right beside you.
“Let’s go for a walk” You say to Neteyam before you both get up and walk away from the bonfire to find a more secluded spot. Ao’nung feels his mood drop the moment he sees you stand to leave. He pulls away from the girl— still pretending to listen to her talk but showing signs he was losing interest in her. You weren’t there so he didn’t care anymore.
Ao’nung doesn’t see you again, you didn’t return to the bonfire and even though he looked for you in the crowd as it was finishing— he still didn’t find you. He returned to his marui feeling worse than he did when he left. He went to sleep that night with you on his mind— knowing he would yet again dream of you.
He wakes randomly due to the ocean breeze that tickles at his skin. Ao’nung shivers slightly as he sits up, stretching as he looks over at his sleeping family before he stands. He’s not sure what time of the night it is but it’s still dark out. He decides to take a breather and gently moves to stand in the entry of their marui pod.
He narrows his eyes when he sees you in the far distance, hand in hand with Neteyam as you both walk away from your marui pods. Ao’nung feels his jaw tense, hands ball into fists as he watches you both run off. He remembered he promised you he wouldn’t tell anyone of your secret meetups with Neteyam— he respected that promise for weeks, but right now— Ao’nung doesn’t care about broken promises, he couldn’t stand watching you with Neteyam any longer. Ao’nung huffs before he leaves his marui and makes his way toward yours.
Taglist :
@mmounty19 @nicole-011 @purplepursepaint @1-800anklebully @akiyamazumi @littlethingsinlife @ripneteyam @lollife1617 @findingourtreasure @spicycloudsalad @yeosxxx @mcdonalds-playground @69cocktimusprime @zatarias-pandora @nao-cchi @philiasoul @anityata
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sxxythingz · 1 year
Metkayina reader (21) x Ao’nung (21) x Neteyam (21)
Part 2 is now up!
Taglist: @pandorxxx @neytirishottie @riatesullironalite 💕
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Warnings: smut, tad bit of toxic relationship, p in v, fluff, cursing, creampie, aged up characters, some sadness at the end, angst, cheating, fighting, arranged relationship
Summary: You and Ao’nung are in an arranged relationship, but he doesn’t seem to give you what you truly need as you feel like something is missing. That is until the Sully’s come along and the oldest son shows you exactly what is it that you were looking for in a future mate this entire time, making you aware that he was what you needed this entire time, but you went about things in the wrong way…
WC: 4.6k (whew! I know it’s a lot guys I’m sorry ok? I kind of got carried away 🥲)
“Look at them! Their tails are too thin and their arms have no strength. They cannot swim with us, they wouldn’t survive.” You hear Ao’nung shout to the new guys from far away as you are swimming towards the shore. Neteyam and Lo’ak, that’s what you heard their names were. You weren’t around when they arrived, but they’ve only been here for 3 days, so you have yet to learn anything about them.
“That is not true! Leave us alone!” You hear the girl shout and you must admit. They do look a bit different from what you are used to, they look… alien compared to the Metkayina people. “What is the problem?” You strut over to the crowd surrounding the three new people and stand next to Aounung. “Mother and father want us to train these freaks to learn our ways. That’s impossible, just look at them!” Ao’nung shouts while Koro backs him up. “Yeah, a bunch of freaks!” He repeats, making Ao’nung laugh.
“That is not very nice Ao’nung. They are not freaks, they’re just.. funny looking and different.” You earn a loud laugh from Ao’nung and his posse as he grabs you by your waist, you regretting the words that you just said as you see the girl look down while her ears retract. “That’s my girl. Come on, let us go somewhere else since the freaks have raided this area.” He pulls you towards him before he begins to walk off with you right by his side, you looking back glancing at the oldest one and to your surprise, he is looking back at you.
“How was your swim, my love?” Ao’nung places your face in his hands asking you once you arrive back in the hut that you guys share. “It was great until I arrived on shore to see you bullying the new clan.” You say as you snatch your face out of his grasp and walk away to sit on your cot. “Oh come on, Y/n.” He plops down next to you placing his hand on his knee as he faces you. “They’re just weird foreigners, they would never be able to be half as good as we would be. I wasn’t bullying them, I was stating the obvious.” He chuckles at his own statement while you roll your eyes and fold your arms over your chest. “It is still not ok Ao’nung. You don’t know what they are capable of doing, you should not doubt them.” You protest before he stands up to tower over you.
“I’m sorry, are you taking up for the strangers who just arrived rather than taking the side of your soon to be mate? I seen you look back at the oldest one. Are you trying to tell me something?” He mimics you, folding his arms over his chest as he flares down at you before you look down at the ground. “N-no, öeya yawne. I was not taking their side, I was simply saying that they can learn our ways as well. I apologize for the confusion.” You state before you look up to see him kneeling down in front of you with a smirk on his face.
“I don’t want to hear you taking up for them again, ok? I know that sometimes you don’t even understand what you’re trying to say, so I will let it go, but from now on just sit there and look beautiful just the way I like.” He brings his face to yours before kissing your lips softly then standing back up. “I have to help train the freaks before my father finds me. I will be back later, I love you.” He says as he walks towards the exit of your hut. “Love you.” You mumble as you watch him walk out, wishing your eyes were arrows that you could shoot out and hit him in his back.
Later that night, you trudge through the sand searching for your soon to be mate, wondering why he hasn’t returned to your hut yet. You don’t know why you even question it, he almost never comes back to your hut until the eclipse is almost over as he stays out late with his friends. You find him surrounded by his friends as usual and you walk over to ask him when he will be coming back.
“My love, when will you be returning back to our hut?” You ask as you approach the group, everyone clearing a path for you to step up to him. “Soon. You have been extra needy these past few days, go find something to do, beautiful.” He says as his friends laugh, your cheeks heating up from the embarrassment as you roll your eyes and walk away from the group, the gap closing back up around him as you make your exit.
You begin to make your way back to your hut as you walk back through the beach, but something catches your eye. You spot the oldest son sitting along the shore alone, his legs being washed over by the lit up ocean. Your mind tells you to keep going towards your hut, but your feet turn in his direction as you begin to walk towards him. As you approach him, he looks back to see you then he looks back at the ocean, not saying a word.
“How are you liking it here?” You ask him as you find your seat beside him. “It is beautiful and different from home, it would be better without you and your mate making fun of my family.” He says as he digs his fingers into the sand, not bothering to look at you. A tinge of sadness washing over you at his words as you think of what you said earlier, knowing that you didn’t mean it in a rude way at all. “I am sorry for what I said about you guys earlier. I didn’t mean it that way, I just meant that you guys are diff-" "It is alright, you don’t have to explain. I understand that we are different from what you guys are used to.” He stops you in the middle of your sentence and you look down into your lap.
“He is not my mate.” You interrupt the few seconds of silence to say and he finally looks over to you. His beautiful eyes looking from side to side as he looks into your eyes, making your heart flutter. “Not yet anyways.” You mumble lowly as you roll your eyes before looking into the water. “You don’t seem too happy about being with him.” He picks up on your tone of aggression and you look back at him. “I… I’m not the happiest with him. I'll say that.” You say before he chuckles a little bit. “I don’t understand. Then why be someone that you are not happy with?” You glance down at a rock sitting beside you, and you pick it up to fidget with it in order to calm your nerves.
“It was arranged. Trust me, I didn’t choose him on my own.” You feel a bit of comfort talking to him, it’s different from what you feel with Ao’nung. You’ve just met this stranger and you’re already telling him things that you wouldn’t even trust your own parents with. “I see. You seem different from him, not as arrogant and rude. I like you.” You blush at his words, you know that they are friendly words, but you wish they meant more. “I didn’t get any of your names.” You say to him and he smiles before speaking. “I am Neteyam, I’m the oldest of my three siblings. My little brothers’ name is Lo’ak, my sisters’ name is Kiri and then there’s Tuk, the youngest. My parents' names are Neytiri and Jake as you have probably heard. And you are?” He introduces himself and his family to you as you take note of every name.
“My name is Y/n. It is nice to meet you Neteyam and your family seems very amazing.” You extend your hand out to him before he takes it in his own, grasping it firmly but yet his hands are smooth and soft. Nothing like Ao’nung’s rough hands. You both stare into each other's eyes, a spark lighting in your stomach as his eyes drift to your lips then back up to your eyes. You finally let go of his hand before clearing your throat and speaking. “Well Neteyam. I must head back to my hut before it gets too late, but I want to properly welcome you to our home. Maybe I’ll see you guys tomorrow so that I can properly introduce myself to the rest of your family?” You ask him and he eagerly nods his head. “I will see you tomorrow Y/n. Sleep well.” He says as he watches you stand up and begin to head towards your hut, looking back at him one more time before he is out of your sight.
A month has gone by since the Sully family has arrived to the Metkiyena lands and you have found yourself closer to them than your own clan, spending every single day talking to them for hours and learning more about who they are, what they do. They have learned so quickly and adapted to the ways of your clan very quickly, that part you admire about them.
“Oh come on Kiri, teach me how you do that thing where the fish follow the direction of your hands! I know there’s a secret to it.” You walk beside her as you guys go to meet the rest of the group together. “I have no idea how I do that, Y/n. I guess maybe you just have to have magical powers like me.” She laughs as she waves her hands in the air, making you bump your shoulder with hers, making her stumble.
You both sit and join the group, Lo’ak and Tsireya sitting side by side as they’ve grown to like each other in the time that he’s been here, you and Kiri sitting together with Tuk in between you as you sit right across from Neteyam, leaving Roxto, Ao’nung and Koro standing.
“We go on our hunt in 4 days, we only need the toughest warriors hunting with us.” Ao’nung says as he side eyes Neteyam and Lo’ak with a smirk on his face. “Bro. Everybody knows that me and my brother are way better than you anyways. Did I not show you that when I beat you up?” Lo’ak snickers, making Neteyam roll his eyes as he tries to hold in his laughter and so do I. “I let you win that one, Sully. Don’t get cocky because we all know that I could beat you right here, right now.” Koro nods his head quickly, agreeing with his statement. Lo’ak’s chest quickly rises and falls as he frowns before beginning to step to Ao’nung, Neteyam stepping in between them and placing both of his hands on their chests. “Come on guys, there’s no need for this. We must focus on what is important and that is the hunt.” He looks from Lo’ak to Ao’nung as they eye each other intensely.
“I agree, this fighting is not necessary and it is absurd.” Your voice breaks the boys intense stares as they turn their heads towards you, who is smiling at Neteyam making his heart flutter. You seem to be in such a trance that you didn’t notice Ao’nung walking towards you until he firmly grasps your arm and pulls you away from the group to a private spot away from everyone for just the two of you.
“What the fuck is your problem, huh?” He spits at you, making you flinch at the aggression in his voice. “What are you talking about Ao’nung?” You ask as you roll your eyes. “You think I don’t see how you look at him? How you agree with everything that he says and how much time you’ve been spending with him and his family. It almost seems like you want him more than me if I’m not mistaken.” He says walking closer to you until he’s directly in your face.
“No you know what. Maybe I’m just tired of you! Maybe I’m tired of just being here, you don’t show me any attention, you never show me affection unless we are fucking and then you go right back to acting as if I’m not even here anymore! He shows me care, affection. He is a real man, unlike you. I haven’t been happy with you since the day I was put in this stupid arrangement and honestly…” You place three fingers on his chest, pushing him back. “I wish I could’ve met him before I even knew that you existed. I would have made him my mate as soon as possible.” You growl at him before beginning to walk off, leaving him to stand there with that stupid look on his face as if he didn’t know what just happened.
You stomp towards the shore of the ocean, eclipse lighting the water up as you get closer. You plop down on the sand, breaking down into tears. Why do I have to be the one stuck with him? He’s the worst person that I have ever met in my entire life and he doesn’t love me at all. I wish I could just disappear far away from him and anyone associated with him. You think to yourself as tears flood down your face. You hear someone coming closer to you and you dare not to turn around as you quickly try to dry your tears up.
“Y/n?” You hear Neteyam’s voice calling out for you as he comes and sits next to you, placing his hand on your shoulder. “What is wrong?” He notices your sad demeanor and you sniffle before looking at him. “I just, I’m going through some things right now Neteyam. I am fine, don’t worry.” You try to give a smile, but even he knows that it’s forced. “What happened? Tell me, I am here to comfort you.” He says as he rubs your back and you feel like bursting into tears again at the fact that he cares so much for you.
“I-I’m not happy Neteyam. I feel like I’m not good enough for anything, for anyone. I just sit here all day and do whatever it is that is demanded of me. I never do anything that makes me feel happy, only what others want and that’s still not enough, and I’m tired of it. I’m just very tired of not being good enough.” Tears begin to tread down your face again as you feel Neteyam’s warm hand wiping them away before you turn to look him in your eyes. “I see you, Y/n. I see what you do, I think that you are good enough and I see how brave you are. You are humble and very strong, that is something that I find admirable about you and I am very proud of you if no one else has told you.” He says as he smiles, your heart fluttering as your lips part, not being able to find the words to say back.
Your eyes trail from his eyes to his lips before you lean in, closing the gap between the two of you. Neteyam gasps in your mouth, stuck in one spot for a few seconds before he kisses you back with passion. You swing yourself on top of him, wrapping your arms around his neck as you deepen the kiss, sliding your tongue in his mouth and grinding yourself against him. He breaks the kiss, panting with his eyes closed. “Wait, this isn’t right. We can’t do this.” He struggles to speak as though he doesn’t actually want to say it. “W-what do you mean?” Your heart beats irregularly as you let go of his neck and stare at him.
“I-I mean… you can’t do this. You are still seeing Ao’nung and as much as I don’t like him, it’s just not fair to him to do this behind his back. It doesn’t feel right.” He says as he finally opens his eyes to look at you. Your thoughts are foggy, heart racing as you think of what to say back, knowing that there’s only one thing that you can say to convince him to keep going.
“W-we broke up Neteyam. We’re done, I left him earlier after he dragged me away from the group angry about me agreeing with you.” You lie, your tail swaying from side to side behind you. You knew it was wrong, but you only had one thought in your mind and that was having Neteyam. “Are you sure that you two are done? Y/n, I don’t want to impose on or ruin anything for the two of you.” You smile at his genuineness, wishing that you could have him as your own. “You aren’t ruining anything Neteyam. We are over.” You lie once again before you lean back in to kiss him.
Your kiss is hungrier, as if both of you have been waiting for this moment since the day you both laid your eyes on each other, and in all honesty, it’s the truth. He wraps his hands around your waist, sliding you back and forth on him as you feel how hard he is underneath his loincloth. He groans in your mouth as you begin to pant, the excitement bursting in your stomach. He stops your movement, wrapping his arm around your lower back before flipping you over so that he is on top of you.
He unties your loincloth, letting it fall in the sand, softly kissing a line down your stomach until he reaches your belly button. He looks into your eyes as you prop up on your elbows while he kisses over your pubic bone, slowly spreading your legs to kiss down each thigh. You groan in frustration as you feel yourself beginning to drip until you feel Neteyam’s tongue lick it up, making you squeal as you arch your back.
“You’re already so wet, Y/n. All for me.” He props up on the back of his feet, untying his own loincloth and letting it fall down, his tip already dripping with precum after just tasting you. He props himself up on his elbow over you as he stares into your eyes with a smile. You smile back at him as you reach up to touch his face before you feel him enter you, making you gasp loudly at the feeling as you dig your fingers into his back. He starts out slow, peppering your face with soft kisses as he strokes into you deeply, making sure that he’s pleasing you to the max.
“You feel so good inside of me Nete. I needed you so bad!” You moan out, your voice pitching as he hits the right spot. He leans his head down kissing you in order to keep you quiet. “You feel good too, baby. I want to mark you as mine so bad, I want to cover you in my scent and put marks all over you so that everyone knows that you belong to me now.” He growls in your ear as he kisses his way down to your neck, biting and sucking all over the sensitive skin, marking you in every single place that he kisses.
He plunges himself in and out of you in a quicker pace, hitting all of the right spots as he leaves you biting your lip in order to hold in your screams, even that isn’t enough to keep you quiet. “Fuck! This pussy is so good, baby. You’re the best that I’ve ever had. You’re going to make me cum deep inside of you and give you my baby.” He moans out as he grips your waist with one hand, pulling you down harder on him. “Do it Nete. Give me y-your babies please!” You didn’t know if you were just caught up in the moment or if you deep down really did want his children, but all you knew was that you didn’t want him to stop, regardless of the consequences that you will deal with later.
You feel yourself coming to the edge at his words, the tip of his dick hitting your cervix everytime he rams into you. “I’m cumming Neteyam! I’m cumming..” you roll your hips, matching his rhythm as you feel yourself cumming on him causing wet noises and moans to be the only sound surrounding you guys. “Oh fuck, fuck, fuck… I’m cumming too. I-I have to pull out.” He stutters out with his eyes closed, resisting from cumming inside of you right then and there. You quickly wrap your legs around his waist before looking into his eyes. “Do not pull out Neteyam. Cum inside of me please.” Those were the only words he needed to hear to make him slam his hips into you one more time before completely freezing up and mumbling curse words under his breath.
You both catch your breath while he lies on top of you, gently caressing your face and planting kisses on your lips every few seconds. You wished Ao’unung would’ve done this, you’re not used to such affection after because he just gets up and leaves you there all alone, not even bothering to provide any aftercare. “We just had sex on a beach.” Neteyam giggles with his words, breaking you out of your thoughts as you laugh with him. “We did and you were absolutely the best that I’ve ever had.” You confess to him in all honesty and smirks at your words. “Even better than your precious Ao’nung?” You hit him in his chest as you laugh. “Way better than Ao’nung.” You say as you grab his face and kiss him one more time.
He pulls himself out of you, him cum leaking back out as he watches you dip your finger in between your legs to collect some of it on your finger and bring it back up to your lips to have a taste. You slide your finger into your mouth, closing your eyes and moaning at the taste. “You taste really good.” You say as you watch his mouth drop open, mesmerized by what you just did. “You’re going to make me fuck you again. Is that what you want, hm?” He asks you and you smile innocently as you bat your eyes at him. “Maybe we can go back to your cot and continue?” You ask him and he gathers your loincloths, placing yours on in a quickness and then his before helping you stand up and grabbing your hands to intertwine your fingers together. “Let’s go back to my cot and finish what we started.” He says, letting go of your hand and picking you up bridal style making you laugh as you walk back to his hut.
“I bet you that I’m way faster than you are now! Let’s see who can swim the fastest to shore.” Neteyam challenges you while you two float in the ocean. “You’re on! On the count of 3… 1,2,3!” You both dive head first in the water, taking off as fast as you can to see who will win against each other. Your strong legs pushing you off as you look over to Neteyam to see that he is almost as fast as you, but not quite.
You’ve took the time to teach him how to swim like a good diver, and he’s listened to every word that you said. As you approach the shore, you notice that Neteyam is almost ahead of you and just to let him float, you slow yourself down to allow him to win and you poke your heads out of the water. “I win! I told you that I am way faster than you.” He brags, making you roll your eyes before smiling as you two stand up together to walk on the sand. Your laughter and fun is interrupted by Ao’nung popping up in front of you.
“Y/n! I have been looking for you all over, why did you not return to our cot last night?” He grabs your arm before you swiftly snatch it out of his grasp. “Do not touch me. I was out, just the same way that you always are.” You begin to walk away from him, but he snatches you again this time nearly yanking your arm out of place before you see a fist go across his face. Ao’nung falls to the ground before looking up to see Neteyam’s angry face, making him hiss before jumping back up to his feet and tackling Neteyam to the ground. “Stop it! Both of you quit right now!” You scream out as you watch a crowd surround the three of you, Koro and a few of Ao’nung’s other friends push through the crowd to pull Neteyam away from him.
Lo’ak rushes through the crowd, punching Koro in his face and pushing him down into the sand. Roxto pulls Ao’nung away from Neteyam, telling him to calm down and Lo’ak does the same to Neteyam. “Stay away from my mate!” Ao’nung shouts at Neteyam as he forces himself out of Roxto’s grip. “She’s no longer your mate, she’s mine! You should’ve taken care of her but instead you just broke her heart and now you’re mad that she broke up with you.” He yells back making your stomach drop as you remember the lie that you told him last night.
“Is that the lie that she told you? Y/n, did you break up with me? Is that what you called our fight?” Ao’nung laughs, gathering his composure enough to ask you a series of questions before he laughs again. You sit silent, frozen in your spot as you look between him and Neteyam. “She lied to you, that’s what she did. We are going to be mated and you’re crazy to think that she would actually leave me for you!” You watch Neteyam’s face turn to confusion at Ao’nung’s words, it hurts you to see it but you just can’t say anything back as the crowd waits for your next move.
“Is… is this true Y/n? Did you lie to me?” Neteyam looks at you, his eyes filled with betrayal and pain as you don’t respond, but just stare at him with sorrow filling your face. You didn’t intend for it to happen this way, you had made up your mind that you were going to leave Ao’nung, but you just needed time. You were serious about the way that you felt towards Neteyam, you just didn’t know how to handle the situation appropriately.
Neteyam shakes his head before storming through the crowd and far away from everyone with Lo’ak following behind him, you wanted more than anything to follow him too but your feet just wouldn’t move from that very spot. “Wow. So you tried to play me and the Sully boy. Everyone thought you were so innocent, but I knew this entire time. And now…” Ao’nung says as he comes closer to your ear. “They know as well.” He points to the crowd whispering amongst themselves while giving you a judging look before he snickers and walks away with his group following him. Everyone glances at you one more time before the crowd slowly thins out, leaving you still stuck in that one spot, tears flowing even though your face wouldn’t even move. You didn’t know what to do, but all you knew was that you had to find a way to make things right with Neteyam, no matter what it took…
A/N: omg guys, this took me 14 hours to write and this is the longest fic that I have ever written so I apologize for it being so long and for me taking so long to post, I just wanted to make sure that it came out right! I hope that you guys enjoy the story and I was thinking about making a part 2, so if you guys would like a part 2 then let me know!! Enjoy 💖
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blue-slxt · 1 year
*Request: one thing about me… i love toxic neteyam so maybe neteyam being your ex and not letting you dance on a guy at a party?*
Sorry it’s so short, but I hope you still like it 🤗
All characters are aged up.
🔞Minors Do Not Interact🔞
Slight smut under the cut.
All around you everyone was dancing and drinking and having fun, but you just felt out of place. You told Tsireya that you didn’t feel like coming out tonight, but she insisted that you needed to get out to take your mind off your recent break up with Neteyam. Pretty hard to forget about your ex when he’s just on the other side of the crowd watching you. You take one more swig of your drink before setting it down. You were ready to go home, but before you could stand, a figure appeared in front of you.
“Hey, you wanna dance?”
“Not really, Ateo.” You recognized him. He hung around Ao’nung and Roxto sometimes. He never really said much, though so you didn’t actually know him.
“Come on, it’s a party. And I want to dance with the prettiest girl here.” He smiles and holds his hand out to you.
You rolled your eyes at his cheesy attempt at flirting, but it still managed to make you smile. One dance couldn’t hurt.
“Fine. Just one.” You took his hand and followed him into the crowd. He held your hands as you let your hips sway back and forth with the music. Neteyam stared you down as you danced with Ateo. The veins in his arm were bulging from how tight he was gripping his drink. For whatever reason, that gave you this weird sense of satisfaction. You let Ateo guide your movements to the music. He spins you around and holds your hips against his while you dance.
Just when you feel like you’re starting to enjoy yourself, a rough grip on your arm yanks you from your spot in the crowd.
Neteyam holds your upper arm in his hand as he weaves you through the people behind him.
“Neteyam, what are you doing? Let go!”
He ignores your protests and attempts to pull yourself from his grasp. He leads you to a secluded area in the forest and holds you against the trunk of a tree.
“What the hell, Neteyam?!” you yell at him
“Me? I should be asking you that! What the hell were you doing with that guy?”
He could not be serious right now.
“Are you crazy? You broke up with me, remember?” you spat at him.
“You think I give a shit about that?” he brings his face closer to yours. “You and I both know that you’ll always belong to me.” Both of his hands are on either side of your head caging you in against the tree. You roll your eyes and look away from him. This was ridiculous. How dare he break your heart and then get jealous seeing you moving on?
“Come now, sevin. I know you miss this.” He says moving his hand between your legs and dragging his finger up the length of your pussy. You jump and glare back at him.
“Not a chance, Neteyam.”
“Oh yeah? Then why are you so wet right now?” he holds up his hand to show off his glistening finger and your face flushes. A sly grin crosses his face, “See? As much as you may not want to admit it, your body still knows who makes you feel the best.” His fingers dip back down to rub circles on your clit over your loincloth.
Your knees buckle and you hate the satisfied smirk on his face. Your chest rises and falls with your heavy breaths.
“Go on. Tell me to stop.” His voice was low as he inched closer to your face. He leaves kisses and hickies on your neck.
“I hate you.” Is all you manage to breathe out.
“I know…And I love that about you.” He says continuing his assault on your neck and speeding up his fingers.
You can feel how your muscles tense and relax with every new jolt of pleasure he shoots through your body.
“Haah….f-fuck you…” your voice is unsteady and you feel his canines graze your skin when he laughs in your neck. He puts more pressure on your clit and you can feel how close you are.
All of a sudden, Neteyam completely pulls himself off of you and takes your orgasm with him. Your eyes shoot open and look at him in confusion.
“Sorry, but I only make my girl cum.” He says before turning on his heels and walking back towards the party.
He leaves you alone in the forest dazed, confused, and frustrated beyond belief.
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milequaritchsslut · 1 year
toxic ao’nung🥹
Aged Up Toxic Ao’nung x fem reader
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Warnings: cheating, bullying, swearing, manhandling, yelling, crying.
Part 2
You didn’t remember when it started happening, but it came little by little. Whenever an important event was happening for you, he would simply just forget. It pained you that your mate was acting so childish. He knew it was your birthday today, but still he hadn’t come to see you. You were confused to say the least, why would he do this to you? It was your birthday for goodness sake. You hadn’t asked much of him, just to get a simple happy birthday from you mate was all you wanted. Just for him to recognize you for once.
It seemed that all he ever did was talk to other woman. You had caught him a few times getting touchy with the other women of the clan. But you let it slide, in hopes he would stop after your caught him so many times. But he never did, and it got worse each time. There was always another woman who was placed higher then you. His stupid one night stands were always more beautiful then you were, and you hated it. Why couldn’t he just pay attention to you? Just get you a nice flower for once. You poured your heart out to him. And what did you get in return? A cheating piece of shit, why did Ewya curse you. What had you done so wrong? You’ve never done a single thing that could’ve caused this.
You’ve never neglected him or anyone in general. He was the most important person in your life. Why couldn’t you be his? For even a second, you had prayed so many times for that day to come. But you knew deep down it would never show. You were in too deep with this lying cunt. You’ve started to pushing him away, and it seemed he had gotten happier the more you pushed. Almost like he never loved you in the first place.
You two had started out so nice. Always giving eachother thoughtful gifts, never leaving the other alone for too long. You fell in love with one another. Remembering the night he confessed to you, your heart fluttered in delight. His scruff hands came to intertwine with yours, an innocent smile plastered along your face. Leaning in for a kiss, you leaned into him. But now you had wished you had never met this man.
Was he even a man anymore? He seemed more like a beast in your eyes. A beast that would never stop tormenting you. You’ve started hating your mate, and his stupid little friends. You almost hated his friends more, always picking on you for being chosen with such a horrible man. They poke and prod at your weaknesses, your only weakness being him. “Are you really gonna let him treat you like that?” “You must be some kind of stupid!” “What a pussy, she can’t even stand up to him!”. They had caused so many tears to fall from your innocent eyes. The tears being able to fill up lakes and rivers, maybe even the an Ocean. Ao’nung had brought nothing but pain into your wonderful life.
You had gone to Kiri about it so many times, but her answer was always the same. “Just leave him y/n!” But it wasn’t that easy, she couldn’t understand. You were his mate, and a mated pair isn’t able to just unmate. It was impossible, the only thing you could do was separate from one another. So that’s exactly what you did. You had told him to talk with you tonight, you had planned on leaving and staying with Kiri for awhile.
“What do you want to talk about y/n” he asked, his voice signaling he didn’t have the time of day for you.
Saddened you replied “I am leaving you Ao’nung” you turned your gaze upwards to meet his.
Were you serious? Did you really think you could just leave him? He knew you were dumb, but not this dumb. He was the next Olo'eyktan, he wasn’t about to let you just leave him. You were going to be his Tshiak, you couldn’t leave him.
“No you are not y/n” already annoyed, he shot a sharp glare towards you. As if he wanted to shoot an arrow right through your heart.
“Do not tell me what to do Ao’nung, you are a horrible man! You do not deserve me!” You argued, he wasn’t able to control you anymore. You defyed him, in fact you were disgusted by him.
“Oh shut up Y/n!” He yelled back, grabbing your wrist. His cold breathe blew onto your face, as you stood in front of him. His demeanor quickly darkening as his anger rose.
“Let go of me!” Trying to rid of his grip, you hit and smacked trying to get his hand off of you.
“You are mine y/n, you cannot just leave me” gritting his teeth as he spoke. No matter how much he didn’t show his affection towards you. He still loved you, and saw you as his. No matter how much you hated him, he still cared for you. That’s why he wasn’t going to let you leave him.
He laughed at your pathetic attempt to get away from him. He was a strong and skilled warrior, and you were just a weak gatherer. Not in a million years would you ever be able to get away from him. That was one of the reasons he even wanted to stay, the sense of control he had over you. You had already completed Tsaheylu, so now you really were his. For only him to have, and no other man. Though his past actions said otherwise, he had never formed Tsaheylu with any other woman. He saved that for you, and only you. That was the least he could do, though he never desired to form it with any other woman. You would always hold an important place in this retched man’s heart.
“Ao’nung please let go!” You begged, tired from fighting him for so long. A tear had fallen onto your rosy cheeks. But he never led up, he needed you. Without you, he was nothing. You were always by his side, and he couldn’t let you slip past his grasp.
Finally giving up, you stood there. Letting him win, he grinned. Grinning at your defiance, and he finally let go. “Now go to bed y/n, I will join you soon” he demanded, pointing to the bed across the room. Were you really going to let him win this? He had caused so much pain, so much sorrow. But there was just something inside of those eyes you couldn’t let go of. You had pushed so much, it felt like you were pulling at this point. So you gave in, you let him win once again. As you walked back to bed, you looked back at him. Only to be met with his eyes burning into your scalp. You were his, and he was yours. Forever and always.
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inlovewithpandora · 4 months
“Keep up, forest boy!” ᝰ Ao’nung
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ᥫ᭡ — Tracklist ᝰ Genre Keys.!
✿ - fem!reader・❖ - gn!reader・♛ - black!reader
💙 - na’vi!reader・🧬 - avatar!reader・🪢 - hybrid!reader・🎧 - human!reader
💍 - mate!reader・🌸 - mom!reader・💞 - pregnant!reader・🧸 - child!reader
✲ - smut・※ - suggestive・❀ - fluff・♨︎ - angst・✂︎ - hurt・☂︎ - comfort
♥︎ - romance・★ - platonic・⌘ - modern au
📥 - request・🗓️ - most recent fic
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— His Precious Tawtute // ✿・🎧・❀・♥︎・📥・🗓 ᝰ Ao’nung wasn’t too fond of you when you first arrived with the Sullys’ especially since you were human but when he got to know you he was head over heels.
— new music pending.!
— Endless Cycle // ✿・🎧・♨︎・✂︎・♥︎ ᝰ Your relationship with Aonung was a toxic one. He’s cheated on you several times and you always let him sweet talk you into taking him back. What happens when you finally reach your breaking point? What happens when you’ve finally had enough?
— In the Shadows // ✿・💙・※・❀ (light)・♨︎・✂︎・☂︎・♥︎ ᝰ When you and Ao’nung first locked eyes it was like love at first sight. After both of you officially became a couple Ao’nung started to worry. He was scared that his reputation would falter if people knew he was with a ‘four-fingered freak’ so he decided to keep you hidden from the world, which mutilated your heart in the process.
— Drawn to You // ✿・💙・❀・♥︎・📥 ᝰ Ao’nung stumbles along the beach and discovers your true form.
— new music pending.!
— new music pending.!
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lo-aksgf · 1 year
love your fics 🥺 may i request a part 2 of the where you cry in an argument? 👌 this close to swinging on ao’nung fr tho
part 2 !
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warnings ; horrible writing, not proofread, wrote it in 20 minutes or less, tsireya being cute and neteyam too 🤷🏻‍♀️, ao’nung and reader lowkey toxic NGL!!
notes ; the necklace that i imagined neteyam made was one of those necklaces that have the shells around it? if you don’t know what i’m talking about just use your imagination! also the ao’nung part is not nsfw so please don’t think of it like that, please and thanks 🫶
it had been a good nights sleep since you and neteyam had your little argument, he laid in bed all night thinking of ways to cheer you up until he finally thought of the perfect idea
neteyam woke up earlier than usual, heading out towards the water. going on a hunt for enough shells to make you a necklace, he always noticed the bare of your neck where nothing sat, so he made it his mission to make the prettiest necklace for the prettiest person.
after he had found identical shells, he went back home to make it.
he searched around the island for you, finally spotting you and his sister, tuk in the water picking out the prettiest shells out of the handful you both had. neteyam admired that you hung out with his little sister and made time for her even when you were busy.
neteyam stood and watched you and tuk pick out the prettiest ones you liked, tuk had to go with neytiri for some reason. so neteyam finally had his time with just you without his siblings around
you were now both standing knee high in the water, “i said i would make it up to you, so i made you this” he said revealing the necklace he had hiding behind his back, you were stunned. the fact he actually made this for you had your jaw on the floor, “it’s so pretty!” you said smiling widely “like you,” he said smugly, you blushed and broke the eye contact “stop” you laughed, neteyam joining in. “turn around” he ordered, putting the necklace around your neck, twirling you around and placing a quick bit passionate kiss to your lips.
it had been a couple days since your argument, tsireya had been spending all her free time around you. being extra affectionate, you knew this was because of what had happened but you couldn’t help but love this side of her.
she had even been distant with lo’ak, he kind of understood why because neteyam had told him after you had broke down and told him (just pretend neteyams your best friend here lmao)
“look! this shell is beautiful” tsireya said reaching the surface of the water, you and tsireya had little ‘dates’ where you’d both search for the nicest shells in the reef.
“new one to the collection?” you asked, she nodded smiling, you and the girl were only a couple inches away from eachother.
“can i kiss you?” she asked, you nodded eagerly even though you and tsireya had shared atleast 10 kisses that day.
you both got over the argument extremely quick, tsireya isn’t the type to hold a grudge, especially on the person she loves most.
sorry it’s short, there’s not much to write of tsireya because she loves you so she forgave you with no doubts!
ao’nung had been doing everything to try and talk to you but you were just not having it, glaring at him everytime he made his way towards you, causing him to turn around and walk away knowing you don’t want to talk.
but a couple days later he finally got the courage to just talk to you, no matter how mad you were.
“y/n!” he spoke loudly, walking towards you at a quick pace. you turning around at the call of your name
“what do you want?” you spat, glaring up at him
“i want to say i’m sorry, i did not mean to hurt you” the confidence of telling you how it was, was gone. he was genuinely upset that you were mad at him
“well if you didn’t mean to hurt me you wouldn’t have said it!” you yelled angrily, turning on him again to walk away.
“y/n wait-” ao’nung said as he grabbed your arm, earning a slap in the face from you as you turned to him. “if you want to make it up to me, stop being such a bitch” you had learnt that word from lo’ak, apparently it meant something really offensive and you finally found a way to use it.
“you’re being a bitch” he laughed, you didn’t know why he was laughing and you were about to go off at him, “no i am not! why-” ao’nung cut you off as he pulled you by the throat into a kiss, you didn’t want to kiss him but you couldn’t help it since he is still your boyfriend after all.
pulling away you huffed in annoyance, grabbing your throat from where he had grabbed it “did i hurt you?” he said in slight concern “no, just felt weird” you laughed, you really didn’t want to forgive him either but you couldn’t help it.
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kirislovelygf · 5 months
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haunted, part 2 (ronal x fem! metkayina reader)
contents: you and ronal have been married for about 14 years and have lived with the metkayina happily ever since you left the forest. now imagine your surprise when your ex appears out of nowhere with the man she cheated on you with and the family they built together.
content also: flash backs to when you + neytiri were girlfriends, angst, neytiri being kinda toxic, jealous ronal, and y/n high key hating jake
wrd count: 3k
꒰ 🥥 ꒱ؘ ࿐ ࿔*:・゚
neytiri and i used to spend our days swinging through the forest like kids, racing through the trees.
“i bet i can find our lunch before you can.” i teased as i jumped on a branch. she lands on another above me and teased me.
“sure,” she answered sarcastically. “i have the bigger bow.” she chuckled.
“and i have the better aim.” i said with a hand on my hip.
“aw, is that what your mother told you?” she laughed. she swings into another branch before i can respond.
we kept going until we heard something yelling.
“what kind of animal screams like that?” i asked her as we landed on the forest floor.
she shrugged. “let’s go find out.”
“fine.. but if we die, it’s your fault.” i muttered to her as i walked past. she stared as i climbed up the tree.
she followed behind and we climbed high enough to see the floor.
when jake, who i didn’t know was jake at the time, came into view, i was scared and excited at the same time.
last time i saw a dreamwalker was when dr. grace was teaching me english when i was just a girl. and we hadn’t seen one since neytiri’s sister was killed.
i signaled for neytiri to come over. i jumped on a higher branch while she lay low, hiding behind leaves.
i kept watching him, a man. a man in clothes and holding a gun. a weapon that scared me more than the man himself.
watching him move, talk to himself, was entertaining. he wobbled around like an infant. i smiled and looked down to see neytiri’s reaction.
but she was fearful of the man. and cautious.
she began to sit up and pulled her bow and arrow ready to shoot.
“neytiri.” i muttered as quietly as i could. she looks up as i shook my head and mouthed “don’t.”
neytiri still had her arrow up and ready to shoot.
she glanced back down at the human and stared at his movements. i watched her curiously.
she was intrigued by him. in a way that made me uncomfortable
she sighed in reluctance and put her weapon away. she climbed up to where i was hidden.
“let my mother know there’s a human among us. i need to see what he is doing here.” she said in a hushed tone as she stood in front of me.
“okay.. what about you? will you be okay?” i asked.
she sighed and cupped my face with both of her hands.
“you always worry about me. i’ll be okay.” she smiled.
“i’m sorry, weren’t you the one who tripped over her own tail on the way here?” i whispered.
“i… ugh, you're wasting time. just go home and tell my mother.” she whispered quickly.
i chuckled softly and let her kiss me. her kisses always made me feel safe.
neytiri was always protective of me. one of her qualities i always appreciated.
she was also brave and loving and so intelligent. she learned english faster than i did and was able to learn more about the sky people.
i couldn’t stay focused. but she’d always be there to help me. well, until she wasn’t.
i replayed the moment she laid eyes on him. i must have missed something. she must have fallen in love with him the moment he appeared in the forest.
their love has always been a mystery to me. i let it go as long as i’ve been gone.
and when she came back, it felt like i was transported to the moment i found out she cheated.
i wondered and pondered about neytiri while cooking with my wife. i shouldn’t be this obsessed with her but i am.
ugh, i blame her.
i started to think about my day instead when ao’nung came home and told me he got into a fight.
with neytiri’s sons no less.
he told me ao’nung and his friends have been picking on her son and daughter. since she married a human, two of her kids ended up having four fingers.
and that led to ao’nung getting into a fight with neteyam and lo’ak.
he said they started it as lo’ak punched him, but i know ao’nung better than that. lo’ak didn’t start the fight by hitting him.
ao’nung started it when he decided to be a bully.
other than that, everything was.. manageable. ronal was here telling me about her training with neytiri and how they both hated every second of it.
“i expected her to be stubborn.” i chuckled as i stirred a pot over a fire in the middle of our home.
“i’m surprised she didn’t give up sooner. she waited until the ilu got tired of her falling off.” ronal chuckled as she chopped up fruits.
she puts them into a bowl and picks up a couple pieces.
“do you know how hard it is to fire out an ilu?” she laughed, putting a piece in my hand.
“leave it up to her to find a way.” i snickered.
she laughed beside me when tsireya and tonowari came in.
“hi, mama.” tsireya smiled.
“hi, my little flower. how was the day for you both? you’ve been gone since morning.” i said to her.
i stood up to look for bowls for us.
“it was nice. i spent time with my friends in the jungle. we must have lost track of time because we didn’t realize it was already eclipse.” she smiled as she sat down next to ronal.
“that’s okay. as long as your safe, i’m glad you had fun.” i chuckled.
“i heard something about a fight between ao’nung and lo’ak. what happened?” she asked.
“oh..” i chuckled.
“your brother was picking on the sully children. and earned a punch to the face.” ronal told her.
“ugh, i can’t believe him. he’s been messing with them since they got here.” she grumbled.
“your brother could learn from your kindness.” tonowari muttered.
i smiled and turned back, handing out bowls to everyone.
“or could learn how to fight.” i muttered back.
tonowari and ronal both glared at me as tsireya giggled.
“i’m sorry, but if he’s going to say stupid things all the time, he will need to know how to defend himself.” i said.
they glance at each other before rolling their eyes.
we ate together, not worrying much about where ao’nung was. once he was finished sulking, he’d come back home.
but when the night turned darker, and more na’vi started turning in, i started to grow concerned.
“maybe we should look for him.” tonowari whispered.
“he’s been out this late before. i’m sure he’s on his way back now.” i told him. he took another look outside, pulling the tarp aside.
he then pulled it aside completely when someone approached our home.
“jake sully.” my back was facing the entrance and my heart froze when i heard wari say that name.
i was able to avoid him these past weeks and he hadn’t come to our doorstep at all.
i glanced back and saw him and neytiri standing there. the moonlight poured into our hut as she stared inside.
i stood up and helped ronal up too before we walked over, reluctantly.
“my kids’ been missing all day. ao’nung said he took him to some place called three brothers rock.“ he said.
“oh no… he’s not safe there.” i said softly.
“what?” jake muttered.
“it’s home to akula. dangerous predators.” tonowari said warningly.
neytiri sighed in fear. “don’t worry. we will help you look for your son.” he said to her.
jake spared one more glance before tonowari walked between us to find his spear.
ronal and i went to do the same as jake and neytiri left.
soon, the entire village was searching the reefs for lo’ak. jake and neytiri were on their ikran and circling the island.
i and a couple other villagers were spread out looking for the boy.
“lo’ak?..” i called out.
my ilu began squealing nervously and thrashing. she was suddenly so nervous and started splashing the water.
“no, no, it’s okay.. relax..” i whispered to her. she wasn’t calming down.
something dimmed the light on the ocean floor. something enormous that also caused my ilu to swim away from it.
it’s a tulkun. it’s fin looked familiar though. i’ve seen them before i just couldn’t remember when. it dived into the water and swam away, causing heavy ripples before i could identify it.
suddenly, lo’ak appeared in the water. he looked like i had caught him doing something he shouldn’t be doing.
“mom?” he asked.
“what? no! no, i’m not your mother. it’s y/n.” i said nervously.
“are you okay? your parents are worried.” i held my hand out to him and helped him climb up to sit on the ilu.
“oh.. yeah, i’m okay. i got lost.” he said.
“okay.” i nodded.
we swam back to the village and i started to calling out for people to let them know lo’ak was safe.
we reached the edge of the pathways and i helped him step up.
“thank you.” he muttered.
“you’re welcome. stay safe, lo’ak.” his gaze fell behind me and he began glaring.
i looked and saw ao’nung with his black eye and pouting lip. he looked down as he stood beside his father.
jake stepped off the saddle of his skimwing, out of the water, and stopped his son before he could go over to ao’nung.
if he was my son, i would have let lo’ak at him.
jake looked at his arms and his back, searching his body for any injuries.
neytiri yelled out for her son and ran down to see him for herself.
she made sure he wasn’t hurt before hissing. “i pray for the strength that i will not pluck the eyeballs out of my youngest son.”
she swipes at his face, to which lo’ak just rolls his eyes like this happened every week.
“no, this isn’t lo’ak’s fault. ao’nung told him to go to three brothers rock. he knows better than to go there.” tonowari grabbed his son by the nape and made him kneel.
“the blame is his.” he said.
i looked to lo’ak and his parents. “thank you, tonowari, but-“
“no, it wasn’t ao’nung’s fault.” lo’ak spoke.
i grew confused.
“it was my idea. he tried to talk me out of it.” he continued.
i tilted my head slightly. i couldn’t understand why he was lying. but then i looked up to jake and neytiri, who were glaring daggers at his head.
that poor boy. i can feel the pressure from here.
“let’s go.” jake takes his son by the nap and walks away, neytiri following behind.
she slowed down as she was about to walk past me.
“thank you for helping him.” she said softly.
“it was nothing.” i shrugged. she nodded and walked away when ronal came up behind me and started glaring.
“you’re being friendly.” she muttered.
i sighed out and turned to face her. “ronal. please. be jealous tomorrow. i’m tired.”
she rolled her eyes but held my hand regardless as we walked back home together.
everyone was shaken up after lo’ak went missing for a whole day. parents were talking, saying the forest children were bad influences on their own children.
as i fell asleep, i reminded myself of the day everything went south.
the night jake became part of the clan, we celebrated. danced, drank, laughed, and had fun.
i wasn’t enjoying myself though. i noticed for the months that jake has been here that neytiri’s been paying much more attention to him than me.
especially tonight. trying to get him to dance and such.
but she’s been spending every single day with him under the excuse that she’s simply training him.
the day when he picked his ikran, she was touching his chest. for a reason i can’t understand.
what does ikran training have to do with touching his chest like that? and then she left to fly with him and i didn’t see her for the rest of the day.
and when i asked about what they did, she yelled at me.
“i don’t need to report to you! let me breathe!” she also slapped my hand off of her shoulder when i tried to be calm.
she tried to apologize that night, but i couldn’t get over how she slapped me like that.
i still had my doubts. maybe she was being friendly. maybe the problem was me and not with jake.
i disproved it all when i woke up and she wasn’t beside me like she was when she fell asleep.
i went to look for her but everyone was gathered at the trunk of hometree. everyone was confused. i tried to look for mo’at to ask her what was happening.
when i asked around me, no one could give me a straight answer. and up front were men and women ready to fight, holding their bows up in the air.
i finally reached the center of the circle everyone has formed.
i walked up behind mo’at and eytukan. tsu’tey was talking to them angrily. something about jake, i couldn’t understand, he was just rambling.
as if we spoke him into existence, him and neytiri walked into hometree. and holding hands.
jake called for tsu’tey, telling him not to do this. i wasn’t sure what “this” was.
i still had no idea what happened to get everyone so angry.
the next thing i know, tsu’tey pushed jake to the ground.
“tsu’tey! stop!” neytiri screamed at him, pushing him back. i watched in shock.
as he huffed resisting neytiri’s pushes, he asked him.
“you mated with this woman?”
and with that, it was like time stopped.
neytiri’s mouth was agape and she pushed tsu’tey back, this time he actually stepped away.
she looked at me as mo’at questioned if it were true or not. i kept glancing between her and jake.
“we..” she sighed out. “we are mated before eywa.”
“it is done.” even then she couldn’t look me in the eye when she actually needed to.
i could feel everyone’s stares on me.
i stomped toward the woman i thought loved me as much as i loved her and grabbed her wrist, dragging her away from everyone.
“y/n stop! listen for a moment.” she argued.
“all this time, you’ve been going behind my back. i knew you were in love with him. but i denied it so many times..”
“y/n, let me explain.”
“no! neytiri, listen to me. this entire time i have listened to your dumb excuses.” i yelled out.
she glared at me like i did something wrong.
“you are the worst woman in this entire planet. just last night, you told me you loved me. that nothing is between you and jake-“
“i know,-“
“and then I found out you.. you mated with him! the fucking human, you cannot be serious! right now, i believe i am crazy because what the fuck.” i screamed and screamed at the top of my lungs.
“what the fuck! neytiri!”
“you’re not crazy! y/n, i never meant for this to happen. i’m sorry. please.” she cried. “he isn’t as bad as you believe..”
“you’re incredible. his kind has done nothing but bring pain and suffering and you want me to believe he isn’t as bad as i think just because you slept together?” i reminded her.
she flinched at my yells.
“they killed sylwanin. they killed my father, they are destroying our home right now. you’re leaving me, and your home, and tsu’tey.. for him?” i asked her.
“i know how it sounds! i know what they did! but i didn’t want tsu’tey and i never wanted to be tsahik! the only thing i was ever sure about was you. until..” she cried.
“i was wrong.. i was wrong and i’m so sorry. i didn’t want it to happen like this..”
we paused. my chest was rising up and down. slowly now that i caught my breath.
“he will only hurt you.” i said, my voice raspy from the screams.
“he will only ever be a burden to you. you’ll never be able to forget who he is. what he is. what his kind has done to us.” i told her.
she glared at me, tears streaming down her face.
neither of us said a thing as we stared at each other painfully.
“you’ll always be reminded of me when you can’t escape his past.”
i heard footsteps behind me.
“y/n… y/n, it’s all my fault. i’m sorry.” his stupid voice rang.
“i’m sorry, but we have to go-“ he rambled but right as he appeared behind me, i struck him in the face, knocking him down.
“fuck you, jake!”
“stop! y/n!” she pulled my shoulder back and dropped to her knees to see how he was.
right then i knew who she really loved. it was me for a while. but it stopped, probably before she even met him.
it was worse because i thought jake and i were friends. i didn’t like him at first, no one did. but neytiri told me to give him a chance.
now i know why she said that.
that was the last time i saw neytiri. i didn’t hear about the war until years later when i joined the metkayina clan.
i lost any anger i felt for jake when i found out he was the new toruk makto. i decided i shouldn’t be angry at him because he fell in love with her. my love.
my problem wasnt even with neytiri for loving him.
but she still lied to me and manipulated me and mated with jake while we were still together.
i realize now i’ve been keeping anger for her ever since i left. i think her returning is a sign from eywa that i need to forgive her.
no, it definitely is.
꒰ 🥥 ꒱ؘ ࿐ ࿔*:・゚
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bonnibuckets · 1 year
pain | ao’nung
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just some hc of what its like to be with ao’nung
Definitely mean at first— bullying practically
He’s like a ball of anger
You’d make fun of him and he couldn’t take it because you’d embarrass him
He’s a pain in your ass
He’s annoying 100% but you love that about him— you never grew tired of his presence
Sometimes he’ll take the jokes too far— but will apologize for being an ass
Horrible at expressing himself but trys for you nonetheless
Just a little clueless not like to where it’s concerning but enough to be cute
Asks his mother for advice on what to get you as gifts
Asks his dad how he treated is mother when they were teens— takes notes
He trys to remember every little thing you like and get you it as a surprise
Surprisingly makes you necklaces and little things of that nature
He also likes to show off— mostly his diving/hunting skills (honestly just wants you to be proud of him)
Protective asf but not toxic
Always touching you— like his knee is always touching yours or y’all’s hands are always touching in some way
Likes playing with your hair and LOVES when you play with his
He loves it when you bring him gifts— he cherishes them deeply
Sometimes his friends make fun of his collection of the things you’ve gotten him but he just tells them “you don’t understand a woman’s love skxawngs!”
Proud of you and your accomplishments, and brags to his friends about how amazing you are
“Did you see what my girlfriend did last week?” “yes ao’nung you’ve told us this for the 3rd time already!”
After meeting you he softened up tremendously— your ideological had rubbed off on him
Started being kind to the sully’s and stopped bullying them
You were his safe relaxing place after rough days
He loved being able to melt into your arms after a long day and listen to you softly sing to him as you traced his skin
a/n: it’s currently 1:34 am (when i wrote this) and i can’t stop thinking about fluff of rotxo— i will be writing something for him soon 😈🙏
taglist: @d34ng3l @wekiamo @sapphicrhee @sully-stick-together @gloryy-vs @catgogrrr @kyber4crystal @kairreeee @winkingface @starfrier @lov3-bby @itsokilovemetoo @eywaheardyou @loverswiftsblog @owaowaowawa @durinsnowxii @loaksbitch
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