#Tyler Robinson
leah-jeffries · 2 years
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PARTNER TRACK (2022) dir. Georiga Lee, novel by Helen Wan [x]
She can't get Murphy out of her head. I don't think it's her head that's the problem.
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sharonccrter · 2 years
Final thoughts on Partner Track, good, but there is room for improvement if it gets green lit for a second season. 
Ingrid & Nick - never was going to work, he was nice and did not deserve to be cheated on but he rushed it, and there was just no spark for me; basically, it’s a he’s perfect, but his not perfect for her sort of situation. 
Ingrid not making partner - of fucking course not, someone who has to jump through that many hoops always gets taken for a fucking ride. They were just looking for an opportunity to not give it to her. 
Green Crop vs Green Tech - Lemme get this out of the way ‘Z’ was the best male character in the entire show hands fucking down and I look forward to seeing him in the second season. 
Rachel & Justin - I liked them, didn’t love them. Rachel was an okay character for me, but I didn’t connect to her as well as I thought I would.
Tyler (& Anthony) - Again I don’t condone cheating but THANK FUCK, Tyler choose to break up with Anthony I was livid during the NY Times scene, like LET THE MAN FUCKING SPEAK. Also good for Tyler for standing up for himself. Btw was I the only one who hoped Todd was secretly gonna be closeted gay cause him and Tyler had crazy chemistry.
Ingrid & Rachel & Tyler - love this friend group, where do I get a friend group like this? 
Ingrid & Lina - I would like to see Lina get her shit together next season and maybe finally find her own path? 
Ingrid & ‘Z’ - Um endgame anyone? Idk there is something there and I wouldn’t be surprised if it was explored either in the second season or the season’s afterwards.
Dan - Oh fucking Dan, seriously as true to life it was for him to get zero fucking consequences next season he needs to be taken down. 
Now the kicker, Murphy & Ingrid, god that ending was painful. I love Dominic Sherwood so throughout the entire show I keep giving Murphy chance after chance and I still think there is potential for him to be the good guy in the end, that final scene still broke my heart. Yes all the characters have done questionable things, I don’t personally think it’s unforgivable but I think Murphy is just too underdeveloped. 
I know they were trying to make him “mysterious” but I needed more than two very short conversations alluding to him having had a difficult life. If there is a second season I need them to really flesh him out whether Ingrid forgives him or not. I still stand by Murphy being the least developed character, which is a shame considering I watched the show in part for DS as well as Adren Cho. I also wish we’d gotten more than just a two second flashback two them having sex. All this “history” they have; show us the full flashback scene of how they meet. 
Rating 7/10.  
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trouble-clef · 2 years
Was Partner Track perfect? No. But I maintain that it doesn't have to be. I don't think they massively fumbled the ball with the racism issues. Nothing (imo as a black woman)(cannot comment on anything specifically about Asians, eastern Asians, or Korean culture) was insulting or offensive or egregious. That said, it shouldn't have to be perfect. I want to keep going with this trend (hopefully more than a trend) where people of color, especially women of color and queer people of color, are in imperfect media. We deserve to be in imperfect media too. Shouldn't have to be representative of everything. Shouldn't have to be all encompassing or perfectly tackle issues. It can just be there as a piece of media to enjoy like anything else.
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mondieuwordnerd · 2 years
I watched the Partner Track recently on Netix and it was a fun Friday evening watch so I thought I would read the book.
TLDR: the book is very different but still worth reading if you're prepared for essentially a different story
Netflix pretty much took the name Ingrid and that she's a lawyer.... and that's about it. I get that they're making a series (possibly mutiple) worth of content but the differences were jarring. Its still worth a read but fans of the show should be prepared for essentially a completely different book.
Murphy is not an exalted English soul mate, he's an existing colleague and actually more sexist/racist/destructive than Dan in the series. In fact content warning for some of the things he says. They're ugly.
And if one of your fave things in the series was the friendship between Rachel, Tyler and Ingrid than the book will disappoint. Theyre mostly footnotes.
Another difference is Ingrid is Chinese American in the books, whereas she is Korean American in the series so people looking to see themselves represented in the book after watching the show might be disappointed.
It still delves into worthwhile topics about racism and sexism in law and Ingrid is a 3D, well written character. Arden Cho does her justice. But a lot of the popular elements of the show (cough Z cough) are not in the book.
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onefinedayirise · 2 years
Alright y'all please go watch Partner Track on Netflix.
It stars Arden Cho as Ingrid Yun, a high powered lawyer at an elite New York firm. She and her two best friends, Tyler and Rachel, are in their sixth year and on the partner track so want to make sure the year is the best ever.
Ingrid is in the mergers and acquisitions division and she knows she has to outwork everyone if she wants to become the first Asian American, female partner at the firm. Honestly it's sad to see this trend in law as well. I work in tech and while firms do a lot of lip service to DEI while recruiting, they fail to understand issues in the org culture that prevent women/people of colour from progressing. Ingrid is great. Along with outworking everyone, she advocates for herself and makes herself a seat at the table. Unfortunately, she also tries really hard to fit in, even if it means she lets some behaviour slide.
Tyler is in Intellectual Property law and wants to work in the luxury space. He is really excited about getting a chance to work with a partner in the luxury space right before promotions. He knows he needs to bring his A game and unfortunately things...don't work exactly as he wanted. Also, it doesn't come up in conversations much, but he and Ingrid bond over both being twofers (as in two minorities for the price of one). Ingrid is Asian American and a woman, Tyler is a gay Black man.
Rachel, meanwhile, is cynical and a bit lazy. She doesn't work as hard as the other two. But she is a brilliant litigator. She has a new client that she pokes fun at but when she meets that client, her perspective on life changes.
Their friendship is the core of the show, even though all 3 of them have messy personal lives. They all struggle with being true to themselves vs trying to progress in a firm that believes they should behave contrary to their values.
It's just a good show and shot with female viewers in mind so please watch it.
PS: there are multiple white men who act in racist/sexist ways, so be mindful of that.
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Alright Netflix, you already canceled Fate without a second thought. Partner Track had been out longer and still no news. You better be renewing it😐
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storytime-reviews · 2 years
Partner Track Season 1 Review
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Ingrid Yun, an idealistic lawyer, struggles with her moral compass as she fights to climb the partner track at a New York City law firm.
There were elements of Partner Track that I really enjoyed, whilst other parts I found quite boring. I spent most of my time watching this series whilst doing other things, exercise and paperwork for example, however there were some quite fun and tense moments that had me sitting back and ignoring what else I was doing as the drama unfolded.
I found it difficult to be really invested in any of the main characters, although I did find Rachel to be the most interesting. Ingrid Yun (Arden Cho) was the most frustrating by far, from her naivety to the poor decisions she makes, thereby isolating herself from her friends, Rachel Friedman (Alexandra Turshen) and Tyler Robinson (Bradley Gibson). Much of the drama that occurs is due to Ingrid making similarly bad decisions from episode to episode, and you can’t help but wonder why it takes her so long to recognise her mistakes, especially when everyone else is pointing them out to her. Whilst I was always rooting for her to be on top in her work life, when it came to the personal and social aspects of her life it was genuinely hard to care every time she blew it up. In the end Ingrid realises what is important to her, and works towards fixing her mistakes. But Ingrid only selfishly realises what she’s done when others do it to her.
Rachel and Tyler also have similar arcs in which they begin to discover what they want in life. Rachel coasts by at work, and only by accident comes to have an interest in writing. It’s really only the first time we see her come to actually care about something, apart from maybe her budding relationship with a paralegal. I actually enjoyed Rachel’s journey from the cold, easily bored and apathetic woman she was in episode one, to actively caring about something and being willing to give up part of her comfortable life for it. Much of Tyler’s own journey stems from the racism he experiences at the firm, leading to him quitting his job. But it’s also influenced by the decisions he’s forced to make at work, and realising that’s not who he wants to be. Hopefully with his new job he’ll be able to do work he can be proud of.
It’s almost like by the end of the season the rose-tinted glasses these characters are wearing finally come off, and they begin to realise that there is more to life than the next big payday, or making partner. That focusing on their relationships and honesty and integrity is even more important, and something to prioritise. I enjoyed the scenes with the three of them together, and now that they are friends again I am looking forward to how this works out next season, and how their individual journeys continue to develop them as people.
The romance is far from the most engaging aspect of Partner Track. In fact, Ingrid’s new billionaire boyfriend Nick is bland and boring, and honestly moves way too fast. Meanwhile, her other option, Jeff, is more interesting for the will they won’t they aspect of the show, but the mystery is really the only thing that works for him. Ingrid has more chemistry and things in common with one of her clients, Zi, who is probably the nicest person on the show, and hopefully we’ll see more of him next season.
Personally, I found the legal aspects of the show to be the most entertaining. I enjoyed the tense, drama filled moments when the team was working a case, or when Ingrid was trying to one up her male colleagues. I loved the last minute hail marys and the surprise reveals. The best by far would have to be Ingrid’s plan to make up for some of the damage her decisions at work created in the final episode, and how it all came together. That final episode utilised tension and suspense perfectly, and I couldn’t be happier with the end result. So I am very interested in how next season will be impacted by it.
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don-lichterman · 2 years
Partner Track | Trailer ufficiale | Netflix
Partner Track | Trailer ufficiale | Netflix
Solo quando punti in alto scopri chi sei davvero. Ecco la tua concorrenza più spietata: Ingrid Yun. Dal bestesller di Helen Wan, Partner Track debutta il 26 agosto, solo su Netflix. Iscriviti: https://bit.ly/3989v8H Informazioni su Netflix: Netflix è il più grande servizio di intrattenimento in streaming del mondo, con 222 milioni di abbonati paganti in oltre 190 paesi che accedono a un ampio e…
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booasaur · 1 year
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Gotham Knights - 1x09
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harveyguillensource · 2 years
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More photos of the Shadows cast from FX and Vanity Fair’s pre-Emmys 2022 party!
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bylizhand · 1 year
one more for today bc this beautiful show has inspired me so much 😭
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rolloroberson · 19 days
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Steven Tyler, Chris Robinson, Jimmy Page and Rich Robinson after a recent Black Crowes concert in England.
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i-am-roadrunner · 8 months
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Katheryn Winnick attends Imagine Dragons' annual Tyler Robinson Foundation Rise Up Gala benefiting families affected by pediatric cancer at Resorts World Las Vegas on October 06, 2023 in Las Vegas, Nevada. [x]
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shedontlovehuhself · 1 year
Knowing that 90% of the creatives behind Gotham Knights are queer and wanted to create a Gotham universe that celebrated queerness, but got so much hate from "real DC fans" for being too 'woke' pisses me off. Also, the cw and it's new evangelical owners don't deserve GK. A small part of my brain is hoping some network realize the potential this show has and picks it up even though James said it's a done deal. Imagine what we would've gotten in season 2.
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kakarotcamp · 2 months
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little-red-devil · 4 days
Puli has a gf (confirmed ?), wes has a gf (definitely confirmed), gio is engaged, tyler and jedi have kids, matt and josh are married with kids!!!
My boys are growing up ❤️🥹🫶🏼
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