#Vespa Starlin
blazedrawsstuff · 11 months
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Vespa Starlin, daughter of the Wasp Woman!
Vespa Starlin Daughter of The Wasp Woman
Janice Starlin aka The Wasp Woman
Killer Style
Fashion trends may come and go, but you cannot separate me from that classic fifties style. And no self-respecting wasp is complete without her stripes.
Freaky Flaw
Appearance means a lot to me. I guess you can say I judge books by their covers more often than reading into them.
Susette, sweet as she is, she can be so high-maintenance. Make sure her soil, water, and daily dose of sunshine are to her liking, or prepare for an earful.
Favorite Activity
I find something fascinating about my own makeup from scratch. It may be amateur work for now, but once I get my business wings, my products will be flying off the shelves!
Pet Peeve
Criticizing others' appearances for things they cannot control. As much as I hate to admit it, makeup cannot fix everything…
Favorite Subject
For my field of expertise, there are no classes better than Mad Science, Fierce Fashion 101, and Drama.
Least Favorite Subject
Swimming, it ruins my make-up, and I have to wait for my wings to dry afterward.
Favorite Colors
Yellow and Black
Favorite Food
As uncouth as it sounds, I enjoy diner foods. Club sandwiches, milkshakes, french fries, the works. And I can’t forget a nice slice of honey pie.
Selene Wicked (OC, Girlfriend) Cleo de Nile Jinafire Long Clawdeen Wolf Wydowna Spider
Flight As a wasp humanoid, Vespa can fly thanks to the wings on her back.
Cosmetics Vespa has great skill with make-up, and even makes her own. Fashion While her expertise is focused mostly on cosmetics, she also has a good amount of knowledge in the world of fashion.
Vespa cares a lot about physical appearances, both of her own and of others. She also tends to be an attention seeker and can become dependent on the opinions of others, to the point where it can become an obsession. It’s likely this stems from her mother, who, as a worker for a cosmetic company, was focused and criticized a lot on physical looks That’s not to say Vespa doesn’t have her good points. She is generous and willing to help others should the need arise (especially if it’s makeup or fashion related) and cares a lot for her girlfriend Selene. And as superficial as she can be, she has standards, as she dislikes the criticism of others' appearances based on things they cannot control. She is also ambitious and passionate, planning to one day create her own cosmetics company.
Trivia/Additional Information
Vespa’s first name comes from the Italian word for Wasp. Vespa is a lesbian and is secretly dating Selene Wicked. She’s afraid to make it public because she doesn’t want her mother to know (because 1950’s), thankfully her mother is accepting once it does come out. Vespa’s headcanon voice is Ashley Tisdale, who voiced Candace Flynn on Phineas and Ferb. Her birthday is November 2nd, which is when the film “The Wasp Woman” came out. This makes her a Scorpio.
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dropdeadgxrgeous · 5 months
Vespa Starlin (🐝)
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General Bio
Name: Vespa Starlin
Nicknames/Aliases: None, currently
Gender: Female (She/Her)
Age: 16
Birthday: November 2nd (Scorpio)
Species: Wasp Girl (Arthropodian)
Parent: Janice Starlin (Mother)
Siblings: None
Pet: Suzette (Black-Eyed Susan)
Nationality: Scaremerican (American)
Occupation: Student at Monster High, Amateur makeup maker
Eye Color: Black
Hair Color: Black
Voice Claim: Candace Flynn (Ashley Tisdale)
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Killer Style: "Fashion trends may come and go, but you cannot separate me from that classic fifties style. And no self-respecting wasp is complete without her stripes."
Favorite Activity: "I find something fascinating about my own makeup from scratch. It may be amateur work for now, but once I get my business wings, my products will be flying off the shelves!"
Pet Peeve: "Criticizing others' appearances for things they cannot control. As much as I hate to admit it, makeup cannot fix everything…"
Favorite Subject: "For my field of expertise, there are no classes better than Mad Science, Fierce Fashion 101, and Drama."
Least Favorite Subject: "Swimming, it ruins my make-up, and I have to wait for my wings to dry afterward."
Favorite Color: "Yellow and Black"
Favorite Food: "As uncouth as it sounds, I enjoy diner foods. Club sandwiches, milkshakes, french fries, the works. And I can’t forget a nice slice of honey pie."
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Vespa cares a lot about physical appearances, both of her own and of others. She also tends to be an attention seeker and can become dependent on the opinions of others, to the point where it can become an obsession. It’s likely this stems from her mother, who, as a worker for a cosmetic company, was focused and criticized a lot on physical looks.
That’s not to say Vespa doesn’t have her good points. She is generous and willing to help others should the need arise (especially if it’s makeup or fashion related) and cares a lot for her girlfriend Selene. And as superficial as she can be, she has standards, as she dislikes the criticism of others' appearances based on things they cannot control. She is also ambitious and passionate, planning to one day create her own cosmetics company.
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As a wasp humanoid, Vespa can fly thanks to the wings on her back.
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Vespa has great skill with make-up, and even makes her own.
While her expertise is focused mostly on cosmetics, she also has a good amount of knowledge in the world of fashion.
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Fun Facts
Vespa is a lesbian and is dating Selene Wicked (OC). She was afraid to make it public because she doesn’t want her mother to know (because 1950’s), thankfully her mother is accepting once it does come out.
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shannanisim · 4 years
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Well... I’m finally moved into my new place in the Great Pacific NorthWest! I’m not quite up to CC making “settled” yet... but I do have a new Sim Lookbook to share!
This is Vespa Starlin... another Monster High character design that never happened turned into a Sim for my Grims Grove setting. She was inspired by the Bee Girl from the “Create-a-Monster” line. I decided not to give her wings because I couldn’t find any that didn’t interfere with other accessories I wanted her to wear. So maybe shes an alien that just looks similar to a bee. :D Eventually I’ll release all of these Sims but I need to make Custom Content lists first (so time consuming!!). But if there is anything you are curious about in the meantime send me a message and I’ll try to figure it out where it came from. :) Thanks to @thecactus for the Lookbook template!
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claquetevirtual · 6 years
[Crítica] Vingadores: Guerra Infinita, sem spoilers!
Vingadores: Guerra Infinita comemora os 10 anos de MCU com um filme evento que transporta com perfeição aquela sensação que temos lendo os “grandes eventos” nas HQs, reunindo um cast invejável e o maior número de super-heróis já vistos em um único longa até o momento. E o momento é mesmo de celebração, a Marvel se consolidou como uma das marcas mais fortes do cinema pavimentando um caminho cheio de sucessos seguidos e que agora desaguam no clímax que o terceiro e posteriormente o quarto Vingadores representam. Uma década de histórias e personagens se juntam (de forma inédita nessa escala), por causa da chegada de Thanos, apresentado na cena pós-crédito lá do primeiro “The Avengers” de 2012. E o vilão não decepciona. 
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Sua ameaçadora e poderosa figura (vivida pelo ótimo Josh Brolin) é marcada também por uma complexidade que sabe aproveitar muito bem a cria de Jim Starlin dos gibis. E ele não está sozinho. Pelo contrário, os irmãos Russo, diretores do longa, já haviam mostrado em Guerra Civil o quanto eram capazes de dividir o sempre limitado tempo de tela entre inúmeros protagonistas sem que eles percam a importância individual, com eles repetindo o feito aqui e em um tamanho ainda maior. Lógico que alguns nomes se destacam mais do que outros, mas ninguém fica sem o seu instante ou ter o que fazer em meio a ação épica e frenética. Mesmo sendo uma fita tecnicamente do grupo título, os realizadores sabiamente não relegam os Guardiões da Galáxia a uma posição secundária, por exemplo, decisão que fortalece a trama e se aproveita da forte conexão entre eles e a ameaça eminente do pai ditador alienígena da dupla Nebulosa e Gamora.
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Aumentado assim o escopo e endereçando diversas narrativas que foram sendo entrelaçadas ao longo de boa parte dos 18 longas-metragens que precederam Guerra Infinita. E esse talvez seja o “defeito” mais perceptível do ambicioso projeto.  Mesmo mantendo a história no básico, Thanos atrás das joias do infinito, como é a fórmula nos quadrinhos, garantindo o espaço e minutos de pura interação entre os heróis (algo que os fãs adoram!), a quantidade de informações e conhecimentos prévios requeridos podem afastar o expectador casual ou deixá-lo bastante confuso durante a projeção, se perguntando coisas como “quem que é esse ?” e outras dúvidas de quem é pouco familiar com o material. A questão sequer é somente não entender direto certas partes, mas não carregar um ingrediente primordial para aproveitar essa sessão ao máximo: se importar de verdade com essas figuras saídas das páginas para as salas escuras. Infinity War é uma montanha russa de emoções/surpresas que deixarão o mais aficionado exausto ao seu final. 
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Recompensando dessa forma tamanho investimento pessoal em uma jornada que começou lá trás com Homem de Ferro (estrelado por Robert Downey Jr.) de 2008. Somam-se a isso alguns easter eggs e diversas participações especiais. Umas, até inesperadas. Sim, Guerra Infinita recheia as telonas não somente com dezenas de protagonistas de uma só vez, mas também com diversos coadjuvantes importantes do universo Marvel nos cinemas. Enriquecendo esse universo e a própria experiência de assistir a uma peça que interage sem medo com o microcosmo dos heróis envolvidos (desenvolvidos em seus respectivos filmes solo), aumentando a sensação de que eles - de fato - habitam o mesmo "planeta” e portando podem topar um com o outro, de vez em quando. 
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Numa tapeçaria tão envolvente que chega a amarrar certas pontas soltas e responder a algumas dúvidas de longa data (graças principalmente ao produtor e presidente da casa, Kevin Feige, que tem costurado a saga desde o princípio e comandado o barco desde então). O resultante desse trabalho bem moldado é o interesse imediato de saber o que vai se desenrolar daqui pra frente. E a espera será grande, já que os dois filmes que nos separam de Vingadores 4 devem se situar anteriormente ao terceiro, com Capitã Marvel se passando nos anos 90 e Homem-Formiga e Vespa sendo uma “sequência” das decisões tomadas em Civil War e suas consequências para esse núcleo de personagens. Menos mal que, ao menos, servirão invariavelmente de aperitivos para esperarmos o tempo passar enquanto aproveitamos igualmente para seguir visitando o fantástico mundo da Marvel na sétima arte, sempre com o bom humor e a diversão dos originais e sua carga dramática que nos mantêm conectados a essas personas incríveis há 10 anos (& contando)!
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blazedrawsstuff · 6 months
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Been a long while since I draw a Monster High OC, let's fix that! Meet Mori Caine, the daughter of Albert Caine, aka The Caretaker!
Mori Caine Daughter of The Caretaker
Dr. Albert Caine aka "The Caretaker"
Killer Style
Victorian gothic, it runs in the family.
Freaky Flaw
I have been told that I cannot “read the room”, as they say.
I’m sure you’re familiar with “ant farms”, correct? Well for me, I have a worm farm! The worms crawl in, the worms crawl out, how adorable~.
Favorite Activity
When the school day is done, you can find me in my family’s funeral home. Tending the graveyard and preparing the bodies for burial. But I shan't forget to mention my little…side projects, my experiments if you will.
Pet Peeve
I advise you to NEVER interrupt me while I work. Whatever you need me for, it can wait.
Favorite Subject
Mad Science and Biteology. Experiments and dissection, there’s truly nothing better than that for me.
Least Favorite Subject
Eekonomics, all that comes to mind for me is how expensive caskets are. Besides, money means very little once you're six feet under.
Favorite Color
Black, White, and Greyish-Blue
Favorite Food
I fancy marrow toast with either blackberry jam or whipped cream. Whichever I’m in the mood for.
Cindy Caine (Younger Sister)
Peepa Beatngu
Vespa Starlin
Selene Wicked
River Styxx
Immortality As a member of the undead, she is immortal
Funerary Practices Naturally, as the daughter of a funeral caretaker, Mori has extensive knowledge and expertise in embalming and preparing bodies. Dissection Similar to the above, Mori knows a lot about how to cut up a body and studying its parts
Mori acts very much like your usual Victorian-era lady; Polite, gentle, and sophisticated. But if there’s one thing that sets her apart from them, it’s her fascination (or should we say, obsession) with death. No doubt stemming from her pallbearer father. She also has a dark sense of humor. Like her dad, this passion for death makes her rather apathetic towards the well-being of those she experiments on. She also tends to state things that most would be sensitive and disgusted by as if they were lighthearted facts.
Trivia/Additional Information
Her first name comes from the term “memento mori”, which is an artistic element that serves as a reminder of the inevitably of death. As “mori” in English means “to die”.
Mori’s voiceclaim is Della Saba, who voiced Aquamarine in Steven Universe.
Mori’s birthday is October 4th. Both stemming from the day that HHN: Islands of Fear (the event that introduced The Caretaker) began, and also that 4 is a number connected to death in Japanese culture. This makes her Libra. Her pet and favorite food are references to lyrics of “The Hearse Song” and its various versions. Mori’s favorite flowers are daisies, which references the term “pushing up daisies”, which means to be dead.
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dropdeadgxrgeous · 5 months
All muses are listed in alphabetical (also I have way more OC's than this but these are the ones I having musing for at the moment)
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Kristal Yuletide Daughter of Krampus
Minerva Greymatter Daughter of the Brain-Eating Meteor
Qi Yewan Daughter of a Jiangshi
Riley Innsmouth Daughter of an Eldritch Horror
Vespa Starlin Daughter of The Wasp Woman
Viris Wideweb Daughter of a Spyder
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