#Visual Adaptations
scienceswitch · 9 months
What Animal Has the Best Eyesight? Exploring the Incredible Diversity of Animal Eyes
Animal eyes come in astounding varieties, each uniquely evolved for a creature’s visual needs. But which animal has the outright best eyesight? There’s no simple answer, as different species excel in various categories. Let’s dive deeper into some top contenders in key vision areas. For low-light vision, the colossal squid stands above the rest with its dinner plate-sized eyes. These massive…
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lily-s-world · 3 months
Me: Wow, the Netflix ATLA was better than what I expected. Indeed, it felt too rushed, probably because they were asked to do only 8 episodes like everything in the platform; but they were still able to capture the feeling of the original, and it was an enjoyable show. Not to mention the effects, those were so well done, especially Zuko fire kicks, I loved those.
Me: *checks internet opinions*
Me: Oh... I'm supposed to hate this adaptation.
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whiterosealchemy · 8 months
one of the greatest tragedies of none of the screen adaptations of Dracula being faithful to the book is that none of them include Arthur’s army of little terriers that he has to pick up and lift over the threshold one by one
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contact-guy · 1 month
lying awake in the middle of the night thinking about the adventure of charles augustus milverton ARTHUR CONAN DOYLE WHEN I CATCH YOU
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landwriter · 1 month
dead boy detectives is a show whose shortcomings and strengths make total sense when you think of it as a comic on tv, ie terribly goofy expository dialogue that sounds way better when you picture it in comic book font with every other word bolded, panel-paced conversation as our heroes figure out something very obvious, fun enormous monster set pieces that used up all the cgi budget which is why all the rooftop shots look Like That, incredible snap zooms and smash cuts in montages that hit exactly like comic panels, and side characters with bland or brilliant characterization that seems to hinge on the metric of ‘how much cunt did the actor put into their line readings’
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shantechni · 2 years
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wizard-legs · 7 months
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Yeah free to think about kissing men (just watched the green knight. mostly I liked the part where he ate shrooms and immediately vommed)
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xhanisai · 10 months
Anyways, I do hope that the Awakening film has encouraged more people to watch the show and fully see what the main characters are actually like and how fleshed out they are and how unique they are. Like a "oooh I really enjoyed this fanfic let me check out the source material" sort of thing.
I need more people to see how much Adrien adores Marinette's weird and silly goofy self whilst Ladybug adores Chat Noir's silly jokes and how she can always count on him. I need more people to see why Marinette fell for Adrien and why Chat Noir fell for Ladybug and why those feelings began to muddy themselves up because they were also simultaneously falling for each other's alter egos at the same time.
I need more people to see how amazing and wonderful Plagg is and I need them to see what happens when Chat Blanc pisses on the moon.
The film is enjoyable on its own if you treat it as its own thing but the show has EVERYTHING.
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perplexingly · 4 months
“England had been the scene of momentous struggles, during my early boyhood. In the year 2073, the last of its kings, the ancient friend of my father, had abdicated in compliance with the gentle force of the remonstrances of his subjects, and a republic was instituted.”
— The Last Man (1826), Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley
Only 49 years until British monarchy is abolished…
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bidokja · 8 days
i am once again committing to my stance that visual adaptions of orv can only truly hit if they commit to the act of hiding his face from the audience aside from/up until when the text itself reveals specific parts of him.
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asteriass · 6 months
”Land of the Lustrous” is seriously such a GORGEOUS anime 🤧❤️
It’s devastating that they didn’t make a 2nd season for the anime adaptation 😭😭
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jedaos · 1 year
all quiet on the western front is literally a movie discussing the futility of war, of how little boys sign up to march to their death because of propaganda fed to them by their teachers and mentors who prey on their idealistic view on life. it is a film that makes you watch death after death after death, without giving you a single cause or philosophy or ideal for you to soothe yourself with—because there is none. there are only boys and men, bleeding cold and alone on the dirt and mud. there is no worth. there is no reason. there is only death.
and you reduce it to a "war movie". it's based off a book brave enough to depict the realities of war in the charged political climate of 1929, and you call it "the war movie".
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swervesbar · 9 months
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vigilskeep · 8 months
one thing abt visibly chasind morrigan that’s super interesting is that it makes your ability to ask if flemeth is really her mother actually makes sense when it’s startling how fereldan flemeth looks and dresses when you’re brought there
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ennaih · 6 months
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Every Film I Watch In 2023:
259. Doctor Sleep (2019)
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dkettchen · 11 months
Watch Nimona, guys.
Watch Nimona and then go buy the comic and also read Nimona, cause as nicely streamlined as the movie is they did change the style quite drastically (proportions and stuff, I’m not on abt the 3D-ness or the adjustments to make characters visually fit their cast better) and Nate’s original art is GOOD, and they left out some things I really liked in the comic (where was big buff guy nimona you monsters ToT) and comic has slower pacing that lets you have some more time w the characters, yada yada
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