#Viva Las Vengeance
gaymcr · 2 years
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tumblr user weaver-z, 2021 / brendon urie, 2022
reblogs disabled because terfs started reblogging.
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nosferslotu · 1 year
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Fallout boy dropping a second single the DAY after panic “disbanded” is a divine act of comedy
Heartbreak really does feel so good
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vengeancevixen · 8 months
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Happy 18th Birthday, Fever!! 🔥
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Is anyone else sad that panic! is ending on such a sour note? I realize what a freaking prick Brendon has become and how the latest album sucks except for literally one song, but like this band was my life at one point in time. It’s so sad to see what panic! Has become overtime. Especially to it’s fans who were so loyal to this band And to see that it’s disbanding is kind of gut wrenching to me.
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weaver-z · 1 year
I think that the worst thing about Viva las Vengeance is that it's a godawful song that would actually be pretty good if all of the lyrics were different and Brendon wasn't allowed within a hundred miles of it. The progression of the chorus is fun but instantly ruined by Nightmare Vocal Fry Urie's voice. Anyway happy "Panic at the Disco exploded into a billion pieces" day
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fischyplier · 2 years
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Don't wanna live if the thought of loving you is dead
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t-a-l-i-a18 · 2 months
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I know not many are fond of Beebo/VLV but I just wanted to say I was listening to it on vinyl the other day and my grandmother walked in while All By Yourself was playing. She liked the song and she saw the cover of the vinyl and said Brendon Urie was cute. It made me smile.
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patiencesinners · 28 days
For musicians out there you notice I like the Flat 5, I like that a lot [...] but now I use it in this next song (Local God). The original chords didn't have that and when I put it in there it was just Brendon and I laughing and the song just unrolled as we went, which is some of the most fun I've ever had co-writing in my life [...] So this is a song I wrote with Brendon Urie and Jake Sinclair who taught me how to clean my clothes in the sink. We wrote it about a fictitious character that I knew and a fictitious character that he knew, like a paradigm. Someone in my home town, but then slowly it sort of became about me and him in different roles, sort of you know, but I'm related to this song deeply.
Mike Viola talking about how Local God was written 
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spignerd · 10 days
the life i live.. panic at the disco at full volume Randomly in the house .. Haha
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mareike-poepsel · 2 months
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Study I did of a Viva Las Vengeance still (YES I LIKED IT PLEASE DON'T CRUCIFY ME)
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the reason pete wentz keeps writing about not making it to heaven is because he knows he's to blame for brendon urie
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skrrtscree · 2 years
Viva Las Vengeance is out so I decided to waste 43 minutes of my life and here's my thoughts.
Note: any song after Local God is my first time listening to it, so all these reactions were written as the song was playing.
Also I'm using the tumblr app so idk how to cut text sorry.
Viva Las Vengeance:
This song has already been shat on to death for good reason
The verse and the chorus don't fit at all with each other
And the slow part near the end is not it😬
Middle of A Breakup:
Just saying this now the lyrics on these songs are VERY on the nose AND unoriginal
'Keep your disco, give me T-Rex' tf is that suppose to mean???
It's meh. Not as painful as the first one for sure.
Don't Let the Light Go Out:
Said it before and I'll say it again: Ed Sheeran knock-off.
Shows that Brendon doesn't need uplifting beats and screehing to make a good song
Well 'good' is subjective but this is one fo the better ones.
Local God:
This song should be in JAIL.
Doesn't flow together AT ALL
It's 2022 Brendon why did you make an ENTIRE 3 MINUTE SONG about a guy you haven't talked to in YEARS???
Star Spangled Banger:
the title is a obvious lie, this shit ain't banging at ALL
Why is brendon sing-talking some parts in the verse?? Could he not fit all the lyrics in??
Good to know that the verse and the chorus not fitting together is gonna be a running theme throughout this album
God Killed Rock and Roll:
I swear the beginning of with the piano this sounds like a cheap knockoff of bohemian rhapsody
The musical flow of this song SUCKS so much its kinda funny. It starts with piano with an accompany of a chorus which is the only decent part of the entire song, then the pre-chorus has a quicker beat and the switch feels so abrupt.
I don't like that it sounds like brendon is trying to chase the lyrics in the chorus
Say it Louder:
Ngl the beat actually sounds good???
'For the people in the back(back,back,back) bros trying to create his own echo💀
None of it sounds out of place so far.. his voice does kind of sound a bit werid though its kind of expected of him at this point
OK nvm, it got slow again around the middle
Sugar Soaker:
The come on come ons do not fit the beat of the chorus. They fit the verses just fine though.
He's definitely making the choruses sound 'fulfilling' when it's just the verse but upped an octave. It just comes off as lifeless..
Wtf were those come ons at the end, its like hes creating dramatic tension through audio
Something About Maggie:
HELP NOT THAT HIGH NOTE FOLLOWED BY ALL THE LOW ONES, yeah that made me actually laugh
'Let him GOOO🤩' 'people say people say run away run away😈'
Sorry but the only ones who wrote a good line about slitting wrists were MCR and that was in 2004 🙄
Also Panic hasn't really been 'emo' since Fever (maybe Vices but that's pushing it) so not only is this line just yeesh it doesnt fit at all.😬
So glad Brendon decided to embrace his snake persona with how he's saying his s' at the end of sentences
'oh yeah'😚
Brendon PLEASE stop messing up the track by switching beats halfway through it
a a a a a a a a
Friendship ended with Sarah, now Maggie is my bestie
Sad Clown:
Title is kinda self-aware, ain't it?
Alright Brendon we know you were on Broadway but that doesn't mean you have to force yourself to sing like that on your songs
Only dogs can hear it I stg
Great he got slow AGAIN out of no where, cause that went so well the last time he did it (viva las vengeance)
All By Yourself:
Another self-aware title damn, he's on a kick with these.
He likes mentioning those posters on my wall. Ironically I have two IDKHOW and FØB posters and none of him lol.
Even with a slow song like this, it still feels like he's forcing himself to sing higher than he has to.
He was right about changing everything all by himself though.
This actually sounds pretty nice, I will admit.
Do it To Death:
What else is there left to say? It sounds the exact same as the other songs..
It keeps teasing me thinking he's gonna say something else-OH SCREW OFF NOW THIS 'shut up and go to bed' SHIT AGAIN
I sat through 40 minutes of your mediocre music just to get jumpscared with a viva las vengeance callback END ME
In short: im disappointed but not surprised. This doesn't even feel like Panic anymore. The lyrics are bland and repetitive, Brendons vocals are truely fighting on their last legs and the songs can't commit to a single beat. It's like he had too many ideas and thought he could execute them all but he couldn't. I can't believe this album is actually real, I refuse to listen to this ever again.
If the studio versions of these songs sound so dogshit, I canNOT wait to hear about the tour versions.
Bonus note: the song spotify decided to auto play right after finishing the album was Famous Last Words which idk whether to laugh or cry.
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vengeancevixen · 1 month
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i’m genuinely celebrating this as i hope you all (and ryan and dallon and every last person who’s been wronged by brendon) are too
it’s over
oh my god its finally fucking over
this is what ryan wanted all those years ago and i’m literally so happy for him right now
it can just finally die now
the first three albums are no longer something you feel guilty listening to
we’re no longer haunted by the name of a band that was stolen
ding dong the witch (panic at the disco) is finally bloody dead!!!!!
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Anyone who doesn’t like viva las vengeance has obviously never been manic and unable to listen to their normal music
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