#Vote NDP
cryptid-called-ash · 2 months
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aprilflowers2040 · 11 days
As a Canadian, I apologize for my PM’s dumbassery. No Justin, treating both Israel’s government and Hamas as equally shitty isn’t “false equivalency” they just suck in different (but equal) ways. For now, I’m just going to drag Netanyhu and the current Israeli gov, because they’re more relevant for here.
On the “democracy” argument, the only reason Netanyahu got back in was he made an unholy alliance with Israel’s far-right parties and since then has not only tried to cut back on queer rights in Israel, but also is trying to completely handicap Israel’s supreme court.
For even added scumminess, this was before the events of Oct.7 onwards, so while he didn’t fire the first shot of this stage of the conflict between Israel and Palestine, he’s more then happy to exploit it to keep his new “friends” happy. They get to wipe out innocent people, while he gets attention drawn away from his other tomfuckery.
Oh, and if you wanna know how morally flaccid this man is, he took Mariah Carey concert tickets as a political bribe.
I believe in having a state where Jewish people can live, but I sure as Hell don’t want it at the expense of innocent people. I may do a second post about my experiences on a Birthright trip in 2019 and my evolving thoughts since then,but for now I leave it here.
Thanks for listening to my Ted Talk.
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markliebrecht · 11 months
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This just showed up in my feed as a Tumblr ad.
It would be great if it wasn’t absolute fiction.
The program for tracking convicts was scrapped in 2017.
I guess recycling ads is cheaper than actual change in this province. That being said, don’t forget we have an election coming up on October 3rd.
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adhdserial-hobbyist · 2 years
Not my $400 filling falling out after less than 5 months 🙃 Anyone with teeth better vote NDP because they're the only party pushing for comprehensive healthcare.
Is that a threat? Idk do you want all your teeth or not, Robert.
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auressea · 2 years
this ^report is from 2020. However- much news has since been reported about the staggering increase of wealth 'at the top' since COVID began.
"...Canadian capitalism is exposed in the study as an oligarchic social order.
According to the PBO, the share of wealth held by the top one percent of Canadians is 25.6 percent. This is almost double the estimate of 13.7 percent given by Statistics Canada."
@allthecanadianpolitics good resource article here.
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communistkenobi · 7 months
the NDP ousting the one pro-palestinian mpp is the line for me lol. not voting for you cunts ever again
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Albertans will be hitting the polls on Monday to decide which party will form the provincial government for the next four years.
Candidates spent the last few weeks campaigning for your vote. With just two days left to earn votes, here is a last-minute voter guide for those who are still undecided.
The United Conservative Party, led by Danielle Smith, and the Alberta NDP, led by Rachel Notley, made key promises to improve health care, affordability and public safety in different ways.
Here’s a breakdown of what each party is promising Albertans:
Full article
Tagging: @politicsofcanada
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chaoticintellectual · 3 months
Good news! I just received this newsletter from the national council of canadian muslims:
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The NDP really showed up for this, and had some amazing commitment to passing this motion. They also tried to get canada to recognize the statehood of palestine, but the liberals took it off the motion. Nevertheless, this feels like a really big political win. 😭😭😭 I tried my best to advocate for palestine in the last few months, and I'll continue to do so but yeah.
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fireladybuckley · 1 year
I don’t usually get too political on this blog, but…
If you’re from Alberta, for the love of all that is good in humanity, please go and VOTE.
Danielle Smith wants to privatize healthcare, remove funding from programs that actively help people, blames late stage cancer diagnosis patients for not noticing their condition sooner, among numerous other terrible things. And true to the usual UCP bull, she cares more about money and oil and trades more than the actual people of the province.
She is a huge admirer of Ron DeSantis and thinks he’s doing a great job, which I’m sure anyone from the US and especially Florida can tell you is NOT a good thing!!
Please… if you want a premier that at least cares about people and not just money, vote NDP.
Rachel Notley is far from perfect, but she is a hell of a lot better than the alternative. She at least actually cares about people, and cares about the marginalized in our society. She may not balance the budget, but she will fund education, healthcare and other important things, rather than funnelling everything into a dying economy and ignoring the citizens struggling.
If you don’t want hate and cold disregard to rule our province for the next 4 years, vote NDP. Liberal, Green and any other party don’t stand a chance. This is UCP vs NDP, period.
Vote orange if you care about the people around you.
Thanks for listening. Let’s all cross our fingers that tonight’s vote isn’t the start of rights being taken away. 🤞🏻🤞🏻
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intersectionalpraxis · 5 months
I don't know exactly how elections work in Canada so I'm sorry if this is a dumb question but would you vote for Trudeau after all his genocide support? I'm asking because I can't bribg myself to vote for Biden and Trump is out of the question. A third party will never win here. ☹️ In good conscience, I can't vote for a man who allowed thousands of kids to be murdered.
When there is a federal election in Canada (in order to elect a Prime Minister), we vote for the political party running in our 'riding.' To compare a riding to the American Electoral College system, it's similar to how you vote for candidates to represent you depending on the system (since I know it varies across states) -in Canada, those in 'ridings' represent the people in their specific area. If they win, they have a 'seat' in Parliament (which is located in Ottawa on unceded and unsurrendered Algonquin territory).
Canada functions under a first past the post system [FFTP] (as this is the most common method in the US, if I'm not mistaken?), which means that even it's a 48% to 50% vote between Conservatives and Liberals then the later would 'win' (I believe in Australia, due to their system, citizens would have to re-vote again if it's that close). I digress, but that's how it 'works' here.
Also, due to the parliamentary system, whether a voted-in party has a majority or minority of votes, will determine their position (and degree of power) in the House of Commons (which is like your Congress). Right now we are yes, currently run by a Liberal minority government -back in 2019 Trudeau was I believe shy of a dozen votes from being a majority government. The next federal election date in in 2025, usually it's in the fall.
So, complex parliamentary system aside -who you vote for in Canada is a Member of Parliament (an MP) from the 'riding'/area you are in, who represents you in the House of Commons, and they function under the leadership of 'X' party that is elected.
I have voted Liberal in the past because I loved the MP in my riding. She's done a lot of amazing work in the community. Over time, however, I have voted NDP (New Democratic Party), which is led by Jagmeet Singh right now. Of the over 300 seats in Parliament, they have 25 seats. I align with them on a lot of their ideologies, namely because they are more left-leaning than Liberals, but due to what happened recently - I can't look at them the same way, in the same respect I can't for Liberals either.
What they did to MPP Sara Jama (a disability and housing activist), by expelling her from the Caucus (which is just a collective term for those sitting in Parliament), because she openly supported Palestine. The 'Progressive' Conservatives voted to censure her and they successfully did. And over what, you might ask? She said she wanted an "end to all occupation of Palestinian land" and called for a ceasefire. You can follow her on X here, for folks interested in learning more about her work; she also has the video (that I believe went viral on tiktok about her demanding a ceasefire)- @/ SarahJama_)
So, for me, there will be some time to think about what I would like to do, but I will most definitely not be voting for a Liberal MP, that's for sure. As for the US, I have spoke about the socialist party running right now -Claudia De La Cruz and Karina Garcia (for President and VP, respectively) -they have supported Palestine and do a TON of advocacy work. If I could, I would vote for them.
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If you guys keep voting blue every single time because it's safe then you're going to be voting blue for the rest of your life. People are still going to die, whether that's on American soil or overseas. Why is the second more acceptable to you than the first? Why is it better to make no progress so long as you as an individual are safe instead of rocking the boat hard enough that maybe, just maybe, another party other than the Democrats and Republicans threaten the status quo and might even one day change the country for the better?
You are not going to change the world by playing it safe. And if you're too much of a coward to try and change things don't shame others for using their Human Fucking Right to vote the way they want to vote.
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gh-0-stcup · 4 months
One thing that's so massively frustrating is people's refusal to even consider voting for a third party. Oh, I don't like the Liberals but realistically there's only two parties to vote for so *shrug*.
Or worse - I really don't like the Liberals because they aren't left wing enough so I'm just going to vote Conservative hoping they won't do anything too bad and might be better on economics.
The reason third parties aren't viable here is because nobody votes for them. And why do people not vote third party? Because they aren't viable.
If a third party best shares your vision for the future - fucking vote for them. Get your friends to vote for them. Spread the word on social media.
The defeatist attitude towards third parties has only served to further erode our democratic process. There's no real threat to their leadership - no matter how bad or ineffectual their policies are, one will be voted in solely to get the other out. On and on it goes, while our economy, heathcare system, and hopes for a better future get chipped away at year by year.
The only people this "third parties are not viable" talk actually serves is those with a vested interest in keeping the two party shit going.
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soldier-poet-king · 1 year
Why the fuck am I getting texts from Doug Ford's office. Fuck off. I hate u sm.
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supersoftly · 1 month
Can you explain the NDP? I read they're supposed to be more left-wing than the Liberals, like being better on the environment, the rights of workers/unions and minorities. But there's also tons of stories about them working with oil / logging / mining companies to help them get around environmental regulations. What's the deal?
Imho, they were able to capture the working class' votes with their former upstanding representative and leader, Jack Layton, before he passed away from cancer. After that, it's struggled to maintain any identity outside of "the other Liberal choice". I'm sure this was evident prior to Jagmeet Singh's ascension, but at this point in time, they're basically the Liberal party's lapdogs to keep the minority government in power, switching from 'we will not let Trudeau's government get away with their egregious over-expansion of power' to 'lol yeah we shook on it, Trudeau's cool, trust me guys, let's keep working with him' when convenient. NDP have been flip flopping their principles ever since Jack Layton died and when the party had a real chance to make a difference under his leadership qualities, however that opportunity has passed and I'm sorry to say, but it just doesn't have the same values it started with that really captured people from its conception. Like most parties in Canada, it's built on a hollowed out ideal that lost its purpose somewhere along the way.
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hellofeanor · 1 year
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It's DOT DAY, Alberta! Remember to put ORANGE DOTS on things you love, and BLUE DOTS on things you want to see go away forever!
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muirneach · 5 months
the green party is so funny cause like. ehh i wouldn’t vote for them but whenever i see they won a riding i cheer a bit the way you might cheer for a 6 year olds softball team. like awww the little guys got a seat
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